Pocket Watch Database

A.C. Becken Illustrated Catalog (1912)

A.C. Becken Illustrated Catalog (1912) Cover Image

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*Missing Sections* Missing first 15 pages (includes Waltham, Rockford, New York Standard, and the Pillard Non-Magnetic Watch Co. sections). The first intact section is the factory insert from the Elgin National Watch Company. This is followed by the one-page factory insert from Hampden. Pages 19-22, pages 24-28, pages 30-36, 39-42, 45-48, 51-52, 55-58, 61-62, 65-68, are missing. Contains movements produced by Elgin, Hampden, Waltham (partial). Due to the missing sections, this catalog was not indexed for case grades. The represented case manufacturers in the intact sections are Fahys, Philadelphia (Crown), Wadsworth, Bates & Bacon (Royal), Elgin, Star, Dueber, Crescent, and Keystone (J. Boss). The catalog pages have been evaluated to update any existing case grades in the database even though the grades were not officially indexed for reference.