Pocket Watch Database

Price List of Material Manufactured by the Elgin Nat'l Watch Co. (1882)

Courtesy of Rick Hufnagel
Digitized June 2020

In December 1882, the Elgin National Watch Company published this material price list catalog, offering parts for movements manufactured by the company. This remarkable catalog provides important insight into the original 18-Size stem-wind series designations less than a decade after the company introduced them to the trade. (Digitization by Rick Hufangel)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date June 25, 2020

OA.ANT-~AWTIN-1 r. ~ u[ nto~ ---,=====~_:_---- r - - ~~~~AL.· ~.!le .- - / ~ -6~~- ~ · [CE®1IST®OF :fB ~ * 7®faoNR_OE·S'I')\EE-T·8HI8AGo·ILL * ~ }~iGI·f OFFreE 22 JoaN gT.f.~- TO 1-,HE TRADE. HA VING .added several new grades of movements, and changed others from slow to quick train, we find it necessary to issue a new Materi,11 Price List. \,Ve have arranged the material for each of the different sizes and styles of movements into classes, and illustrated those parts which are similar in name, and interided for the same use, but which differ 111 form; opposite these pieces are nuinbers which correspond '"'·ith those under the illustrations. Vor example: Suppose a Barrel Arbor is wanted for a Raymond movement, this J~ 1::l size; looking under the appropriate head, it JS found 111 Class l. By referring to the column, the price is found. Again, a parry orders a Pallet, we seml him one, (as per No. 2.) On its arrival he discovers that he requires a Pallet, Fork and Arbor, and JS annoyed because we did not understand what he failed to explain. Among some of the different pieces of material wherein confusion often occurs, are the following: 1. Fork. s.L. 2. Pallet, 3. Fork, R. A. 4. Pallet, 5. P:lilet, Arbor. 6. Third Pinion. 7. Fourth Pinion. 8. Center Pinion N ul. 9. Center Pinion and StaO~ Solid. n 10. Ratchet. ll. Stop ,vorks, (JVfalc). 'i)2. Slop \1/"orks, (Female). )3. Click Spring and Click. 14. Ct.:!nter Stan: 15. Center Ph1ion. Crn c AGo, December, 1882. >oo--< ~ 1 2 5 8 J3 ~~~~~ i~ d 3 1 6 7 Jl )2 9 -- 9 In ordering material for Taylor's and \iVhceler's, both Key and Stem Wind, Nos. 10, 13, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87 and 88, that there may be no delay in filling orders, be particular to give the number of. movement for which it is required, as we now make th\;!se grades with quick trains and straight line escapements; and, unless you arc sure as to which it is, quick or slow train, without the number of the movement we would ·not know which to se nd. @ 10 t1 Cannon Pinion. )7. Center StalT, Wheel, Center Pinion and Nut ~ )6 ~ -, 14 and Cannon Pinion. 16. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY. 18 Size, Quick Train, Class, I. Raymond, Nos. 60, 70. 2. Culver, Nos. 61, 62, Taylor, Nos. 79, 80 14 and 16 Size, Interchangeable, Class, J. Nos. 72, 91.' 2. Nos. 49, 50, 85, 86. 7 Size, 10_Size, 6 and 8 Size, 14 and 16 Size, Key, Stem, SlowTrain, 3. Wheeler, Nos. 10, 13, 81, 82. fTaylor, \\1beeler, Laflin, Ryerson, l~crry. Ogden, •~ 4.-{ Fargo, Chief, Advance, Age, Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10, 12. [. 13, 20, 57, 58, 60, 63, 78, 87, 88.. 5. Nos. 6, 7. Class, 1. Avery, Leader, Nos. 11, 50. Class, 1. Nos. 35, 87, 39, 46. Class, 1. Nos. 3, 4. 2. Nos, 1, 2. .. 3. 1'TQ. 92. 3. Nos. 47, 48, 90. 4. No. 93. Sweep Second, Class, 1. Nos. 83, 8!. 2. No. 89. Class, 1. ]<'ranees Rubie. " 2. Lady Elgin, Ga.ii Dorden, Do:xt·cr ,'L. Class, 1, No. 71. 2. Nos. 66, 67. 3. NOS. 6•1, 65. 4. No O•I. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES. 'l'he Classes uncl~r the following Sizes embrace the various movements set opposite them respectively : In orderi"n,g, use the same name for tlze jn'ece requz'red that zs adopted herez·n, there being no fixed standard by wlu'clt to designate it, and i1z addition, please state whether the material zs to be usedfor key or ste111.-wz1zd movement. Wizen a doubt e:>.:zsls about tlie -grade qf movement the material zs required f'or, zf the number ef movement zs given m addition to the descriptz'on efthe pi'rce, no 1nzstake can occur. On left-hand page note size and cl8.ss of movement for vvhich you vvish mater'ial, and find price of same belovv. 1 CLASS C LASS\ 750 650600 IJ 00 500400 750 750 650600 600 500400 450 4iiO 425 425 •100350 500 l25 150 Barrels,Gilt..................................................... Nickel. ....... . ........... . .......... . .... ........... . Gilt,withArborsfitted...................,............ 1750 1550 1350 1350 1150 1000 1600 Nickel,with Arbors fitted............................ 10 Size. KEY, II -- - - ----- --- -- - ---------------- tBalances, Exp., Gold Screws . .. Oro:ide u Brass Steel................................................... Nickel.................................................. Cap, Arbor..... .... .................... ........ .................. Clicks (key)....................................................... Collets....................••...................................... Cup, Arbor, Gilt........................... .......•............. " Large base..................................... Steelbase.........................,..... ~~ Centre..................................._......._.....___.. Dial,DoubleSunk.............................................. " Soft Enamel................................. " Sunk second............................................... " S o f t E n a m e l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 00 l 25 75 100 400 :!3 50 33 00 36 00 2-100 24 00 2400 ............ 2400 23 00 .. 2400 :uoo.. 18 00 30 00 48003600 ...... ...... 27 00 23 00 .. .... .. 24 00 24 00 3600 ...... 24 00 *In ordering Barrel Arbors for Stem W.icd 18 Size :Movements, state if you wish Arbor wJtb square or not. i· In ordering Exp. Dalance, state what kind of screws. 18 Size. CLASS. Size.IKEY, II 1 6 and 8 Size. II CLASS. PRICES PER DOZEN. AR'£ICLES. 1234511123123412121234 *Arbors, Barrel, Key.............................. Stem........................................... Pallet Setting·......... . .... ... .... . ..... . .... • .... . ... . ....... Sweep, Second........,..........................,..... . II ----------- STEM. CLASS. ...... ...... ...... ...... ······ ······ ······ 7 50 6 00 ...... ..... ..... 700 700 500 900 700 700 500 700 700 750 600 600 500 400 400 3001600 450 400 300 Culver, Nos. 61, 62, 'Tnylor, Nos. 79, SO. 14 and 16 Size, Iutercbangeable, Class, ]. Nos. 72, \Jl. 2. NOS. 49, 50, 5, 86. 17 Size, 10 Size, 6 and 8 Size, 14 and 16 Size, Ker, Stem, Slow 'l'raiu. il. Wheeler, Nos. 10, J3, 81, 82. ('J;aylor, ,vh clcr, Laflin, H,rcrson, Ji'erry. Og·dcn, -J. ~ l!'arg·o, Ch·ief, Advaucc, Ag·c, Nos. 5, 8, o, 10, 12. l 1a, 20. 57, 58, 60, 63, rn, 81, 88. 5~ Nos. G, 7. Class, 1. Avery, Lender, Nus . 11, 59. Glass, 1. Nos. 35, 37, 39, 46. Class, l. Nos. 3, 4. 2. Nos. ],:?. B. No.9'2. 3. No·. 47, ,1s, oo. 4. No. 98. Sweep Seeond, Class, 1. Nos. Sil, 84. 2. No. 89. Class, 1. Franecs Hubie. ., Ludy E lgin, Gu.ii llordc11, Dcxrcr ::lL. Class, J. Xo. 71. 2. Nos. 06, U7. 3. ;-.OS. (\,!, 65. •!. No.U 00 5 or 5co5oo4oo 18 Size, Quick Trn.in, Class, 1. Raymond, Nos. 69, 70. 14 and 16 Size, Interchangeable, Class, 1. Nos. 72, 91. 17 Size, Class, 1. Avery, Leader, Nos. 11, 59. 10 Size, 6 and 8 Size, 14 and 16 Size, Key, Stem, .. " ' Class, 1. Nos. 35, 37, 39, 46. Class, 1, Nos. 8, 4. .. 2. Nos. 1, 2. .. 3• No.'92, .. " SlowTra.in, u 2. Clllver, Nos. 61, 62, Taylor, Nos. 79, 80. u 3. Whee.ler, Nos. 10, 13, 81, 82. [Taylor, Wheeler, Laflin, Ryerson, Ferry. Ogden, " 4,~ Fargo, Chief, Advance, Age, Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10, 12. u " H "' 2. Nos. 49, 50, 85, 86. " 3. Nos. 47, 48, 90. u 4. No. 93. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES. The Classes under the following Sizes embrace the various movements set opposite them respectiyely. 0 l13,20,57,58,60,63,78,s1,88. 5. Nos. 6, 7. "' H 2. No.89. Class, 1. Frances Rubie. " 2. Lady Elgin, Gail Bordeu, Dexter St. Class, l. No. 71, 0 2. Nos. 66, 67. '' 3. NOS. 64, 65. " 4. No. 94. In ordering, use the same name for the piece required that is adopted herein, there being no .fixed standard by whi'clt tfJ designate it and in addition, please state whether the material i's to be usedfor key or stem-wind movement. 1Vhen a .,doubt exists about the grade qf movement the material is required f'or, if the number qf movement is given iii addition to the description qf tlze piece, no mistake can occur. Sweep Second, Class, 1. Nos. 83, 84. On left-hand page note size and class of movement for ,Nhich you wish material, and find price of same below. Hatchet Cap, Loog. . . . H llound....... ........ .. ~ .. ........ . ..... ······ 110S i z e ARTICLES. 11123123412121234 PRICES PER DOZEN. · 6 00 450 400 450 350 Hair..................................................... 400 350 300 200 200 :3 00 200 200 300 300 200 150,. 300 250 I 1.. 1500 ]200 1750 1500 1300 1100 19501500 2350205018501600 27' 00 22 00 ..... ...... ...... ······ 3400 2950 2150 2500 29502400 1200 900 1200 1050 1050 400 350 300 450 300 300...... 125 100 350.. 300 250 500..... 600 500...... Cl;~k~;~::et::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::: I1 r,o 125 125 1251100 75 150,.............................. .....······...... -----i _ 1 _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ 3_ _ 4 _ _ _ 5 _ 450 450 200 300 Stud, Huir Spring, teel............ .........................· Stud,HairSpring, Brass.......................................·J :::,:a~~:..... :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3 00 300 1 andPinlon(solid)................................. Auel Wheel. ........... . ...... . . 1 Stem. 3600 3200 3000 21) 00 2000 2100 ...... 3200 U 50 1950 Stop Works, ·•Staff,Centre.. 900 650 ...... 750 900 750 600 .... 750 750 G00 *" *" *.. *" *.. *" 750 750 . • .... 11 50 noo 10 50 750.. 11 00 1ar,o13oo115011050 .....I Wheel,CentrePiniona.ndCannonpjn:ion,Key.. 2550 2300 2000 1900 15001]400 2750................ " Wheel. andCentrePinion....................118001700150011400.. 1500 1350 1000..... 4700 1500 1351)······1350 1000 545021001950......19001450 .... ...... .. 6450 2700 2550 1600 3200 2450 1500 1200 1200 400 900 750 500 350 350.. 300 300 Oen. Wheel, Oen. Pin., Can. Pin. and Sett Arbor (Key). Balance,pivoted........................................ 1050 900 ..... .. ... . , 1050 3000 ...... .... .. ... .. . notpivoted..................................... Washer Arbor.................... ..................... Wheel,Centre,Gilt.......................... Wheel,Centre,Polished..................... 3 50 3 00 350 350 750 750 4ooI400 1200 900 250 250 200I 350 300 ...... I 1 25 .... 300 300 250I 200 350. I 750 400 300 400 3r,o 300 300 450 400 300 300 300 450 400 .300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 450 350 3r,o 300 450 350 350 300 600 200 200 200 800 300 300 300 ~-~ 300 300 250 3 00 .. 3 00 .. 900 750 1050 900 900 750 ...... ..... . 450 300 300 450 200 200 200 300 300 3ool300 300I300 400 300 400 300 :3 00 200 300 300 300 6 00 300600 200600 300 800 I1 3OIi 250 200 2001200 2:10.. :t50.. 8507501 I 6 00 ...... G00 . ... 1200 900 900 ······ •····· 1 1 ]00 l00 100 300 250 250 200 450 300 250 200 250 250 ..I 14and 16Size. - !g::--1--'N_T_E_R_Cc_t~_A_r~_G_E_A_B_L_E.__s_~_L-:~-;-_· _ c:::. II 6 and 8 Size. ----c-,-_A_s_s____ 1950rnool450.... 300250 ......I.. 500 500............ 3300 500 350 250...... 300 .... 500 *Care should be used in ordering. If a Center Staff is orderect, only such will' be sent, or if a Center Wheel is ordered, the same woula be the case; but if a Stat:' ia reQuired ln a<'ic1ition to ·~he Wheel,itshouldbenamed;andinlikemannereachoftheadditiona!piecesdemandedshouldbedescribed. Its!Jm,lc!a'.so'!lestatedifforKeyorStem-Windmovement;andiffor1'7size,wh-:iti1'r for front or hack etting. 11 00 ... 1 8 Size, Quick Train, Slow Train, Clns~, J. Rayrno;,d, Nos. 69, 70. 1 4 and 1 6 Size, 10 Size, 6 and 8 Size, Interchangeable, Class, l. Nos. 72, QI. 17 Size, ~L u 4 ' l13,20.57,58,60,63,78,s7,8s. " 5.Nos.6,7. Class, l. Avery, I.eade,·, Nos. 11, 59. Class, 1. Nos. 35, 37, 39, 46. Class, l. Nos. 3., 4. " 2. Nos. l, 2. •• 3.No.92,.. Sweap Second, Class, 1. NOS. 83, 84. H 2. No.89. Class, 1. Frances Rubie. " 2. LA.Cly Elgin, Gail Borden, Dexter St. Class, l. No. 71. " 2. Nos. 66, 67. u 3. Nos. 64 65. 1 " 4.No94. 14 and 16 Size, Key, Stem, DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES. The Classei:; 1mcler the following Sizes embrace the various movements set opposite them respectively . 2. Culver, Nos. 61, 62, Taylor, Nos. 79, SO. 3. Whe<:·Jer, Nos. 10, 13, 81, 82. fTaylor, Wheeler, Laflin, Ryerson, Ferry. Ogden, 4. ~ Fargo, Chief, 1-~dvance, .Ag·e, Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, " " " 2. Nos. 49, 50, 85, 86. " 3. Nos. 47, 48, 90. " 4. No. 93. In orderz'ng, use the same name for the piece required that is adopted herez'n, tlzere being no fixed standard by which to desz'gnate it and z'n addz'tz'on, please state whether the materz'al i's to be used f or key or stem-wind movement. 117hen a doubt exzsts about the g rade if movernent the material is re'luzred f'or , zf the number if movement zs given z1t addztz"on to the descrz'ptzon if the pirce, no mistake can occur, On left-hand page note size and class of movement for vvhich you vvish material, and find price of same below. "-~=---,-,-c,==P=R= IC= E=S= PER =D~~O~Z~E~N=.~=====l=l=-==~~-l-8_c1_-:i-~-e:.:::=~~~l=l=:}=: =~~=c=~=~=~=-1===~=:=: ~==:==1=4~=a-n:l=:_T: ~:::C=c_:=L-~=~-i:i:E=A_:B:LE:,:=l'==: =·,~A~C~:= l=l=l=:=:=~=: =.~=·C:..1:.1:.= =6=a=n~:=,.=:~~~--iz-e~.- - ARTICLES. l Whoo!,Third,G-ilt.............................................. 000 2 1s1 4 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1a I1 2 3 4, 1 2 _1___2_,_ 1_ __2___a___4_ Polished .. .. .. . . . ... ... , .. .. .................... .. Pourn,,Gilt................ ............................ Polished..................................... .. Esco po, Gilt.... ..... . P o li s h e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swoop ocoud,Polished................................. Hou,.(Koy)................................. ............. 3 00 3 00 2 50 2 50 2 501 2 5011 3 001...... .•.... ...... .. 325 450 3GO 350 250 6 00 .. .. .. llfinu1c{Key)... Third nncl Pinion, Gilt.........................,........ T'ol i ·hod.. . . 3ooi 3oo 250 250 250 250I300...... .... .... ....--13oo 250 O· 00• 00 • JM:ISCELLA:::r:::;rEOUS_ ~ 0• .a .( Poli lll'd........................ ---------'-'---'-------'--- ., 1~-~, 00 Movement Holders Potauces, with Hole Jewel nucl Encl Stone, Gilt........................ withoutJewels,Gilt........................................... Screw Taps, assorted.......................,...................... Winding Bridges nnd Caps..........,............................ ' '°i' '°I o},~,soa50 ,oo"","" ,ooo "" 800 000 '00'"001.)0-~ )000 700 1000 __9_~, JOOO 875 14 00. H 00. 1 00 ' oo "'i'°'i, aoo o"'i 350 325 ...... 350 350 260 6 00 6 350 -~-~ --3-~ --3-~ --~-50 --~-0~ 3-~l--3-~0 --3-~l--2·5l ~-~ 3-5°1--3-50 2 50 -~-~--3-~0 -~-~l -·5-~ --4-50 --~-~ 4 oo --3-50 --3-~ 1 000 11 'l""l"•roo Frmr1·h find " Gilt ................................. lO 00 0 50 8 50 8 50 7 00 6 50 JO00 JO00 9 00 7 00 ...... 10 00 JO00 7 00 JO 00 0 00 10 00 8 75 Polishocl............................ Gi lt .. ....I I····........."l _11_5~(-_50 .. ·7-~I :: 1 I:: 4-~l--4-5~ -~-~I :::i 9.:°1- o-~l--~-00 ILLUSTRATIONS OF HANDS, -~ o,-.;, .. 0-~ ~r::, 18 19 20 21 22 23 Darrel Bridges, Gilt.. ............................................................ $ 6 00 Cooks, with Hole Jewel and End Stone, Gilt................................................ 12 00 withoutJewels,Gilt..................................................................... 600 Dini Bits, with seconds........................................................................ 6 00 ~, PJai11.................................................................................. 3 00 .......................... $18 00 9 00 :i I I:::/1-~ ..8.o~_11-~ -1~-~, -~~-~ JO00JO00 800 )4 00 )1. 001--....1...... 1__ -~~ -4-~ ..3.50 450 450 6 00 . 450•150360 000 900 700 900 900 700 ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... 1...... ------1·....................................... 600 600 ...... .3 00 2 50 11_00(oo 8oo-~-~ 300 2 50 9 00 18 Size, Quick Tr:dr1, C1h1$~, I. Hny1110nd. Nos. (m, 70. ;~. Cuh·cr, NoR. l:il, fi2, '"l':1ylor, Nof--. ~'!I, kO. 14 a,nd 16 Size, Interclrnngeable, Class, J. Nos. 72, 91. 2. NOS. 40, 50, 85, se. 17 Size, 10 Size, 6 and 8 Size, 14 ,ind 16 Size, T,cy, Stem, Slow 'J'r:dn. :t \\'heeler, Nof--. JO. 1:1, 81, R:t f'l'r,ylor, Wiweler, Lntli11, ltyerson, Ji'crry. Ogden. 4-.i Fnrg·o, Chief,. Acln111ce, .Age, Nos. 5, 8~ 9, 10, 12. t Ja,:!O,57,nR,tto.mi,7,87,ss. Clrtss. 1. Nos. 3fi, 3i, 3!), ,rn. C'iflSS, I. Nos. 3, ,(. :;, No. 92. ,1. No. U:l. Sweep Secoull. Class, I. Nos. L"\ 8-L Ul:lss, I. France · Jl11l.,ie. :i. Lady l~lgi11, Gail .IJonleu, Dexter St. Cluss, I. Xo. 7'. 2. Noi:::. UH, 07. ~- N"08. tH, 6!:l. •~. No U4. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSE S. Tl,P (:lass<·s 11rnlPr tl1P f'ollowin,!_\' Sir.PS 1:'IDbra.ce the various movcrnenLs Ht•L<>p1_>oi;iLc L'l,r,111 respndivuly: .In orderz'n1;, rtSe tlze same name for the p1cre required tl1at 1s adopted l1erd11, !l1ere bez'ng no fixed sta11dard by wh,c:li to desz'gnale d, and z'n addz'tz'o11, plpase state wlwthcr the materi'al i:, to be used for key or stcm-i ind ?llovemenl. 117hen a doubt ex1.:,ts about tl1c grade if 111overllen/, the material 1s requz'red for, 1/ the number qf movement zs gzven m addt!/011 lo Ilzc desrn:ption if the p1·Pce, no mistake cau occur. On left-hand page note size and class of movement for which you wish material, and find price of same below. 18 Size. Class. 18 Size. t~~~ Click...................................... Clutch... ................................. Lever, Setting....... ............ .. ..... .. Pinion, Bevel. . .... ... ... . .. ....... . . .. .. . Pinion,Cannon........................... Pivot, BevelPiDion. Pendant Square .. . Ring, Friction . ... .... ...... .. .. .... .. ... . Spring, Setting........................... Spring, Click........... .......••......... Scre,v, Main.............................. Vibrating Arm........................... Wheel, Main ............ .... .. .... .... .. . Wheel, Ring.............................. Wheel,Inter.WiDCI..........,........... Wheel, Ratchet........ ..... . . . . ... .. . . .. . Wheel, Hour.............................. Wheel, Min nte... .. .. . .. . ........... . .. . . . 24 2 00 1 75 1 75 Cam,Setting........... ...... 42 25 J500 1350 1350:Click............ ......................... 24 26 G00 '1 00 4 OOj Clutch....... ........ .................. 25 27 12 00 JO 50 JO 50ILever, Setting............................ 43 28 18 00 1500 1500 Pinion,Bevel............................. 49 200 l75 l 75 Pinion,Cannon............ .............. 28 30 Pivot, Bevel Pinion ....... . . 29 31 100 100 1 00 Pendant Square............ ............. 30 32 175 150 150 Hing, Friction...... .................... 31 33 150 125 1 25 Spring. Setting........................... 44 450 400 4 00 Spring,Click......................... .... 33 35 J3501200 12 00 Screw, Main .. . ....... .. ..... . ...... .. .. 34 362'1002100 21 00 Vibrating Arm•..... 35 37 1500 1350 1350 Wheel,Main..... ............. 113 600 500 500 200 175 175 1500 1350 1350 600 400 400 1200 1050 1050 1800 1500 1500 Cam, 46 CHck.. 47 Lever, Setting............................ 48 Pinion, Bevel............................ 49 Pinion,Cannon...•....................... 50 Pendant Square.............. ....... .. .. 30 Pivot, Bevel P inion .. .. ..... .. . ..... .. . .. 29 Spring, Setting; (long) ... .. 51 Spring, (short) ................... 52 Spring, Lever............................. 53 5 00 1 75 4 00 10 50 13 50 175 150 l50 150 125 75 300 10 50 13 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 Cl STE:h-1: VTIN""DIN""G AN""D SETTIN""G_ Cl .Cl Class. t ,------- H ;:; H 'H Class. 18 Size. 0~ 0 ,n z.2 1 2 3&4 SECOND SERIES. ~ ~ ,__1___2_1_3_&_4 0 ,n THIRD SERIES. z.2 FIRST SERIES. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 = = = = = = = = = = = - 1 = = 1 - = = ~ - - - 1 2 3&4 = = = = = = = = = = = = - _ - _ - _ - _- _ - - - - - - _ - _ - - - Bar, Setting 45 7 50 38 600 500 3"9 600 500 40 300 250 41 300 250 5 00 Wheel, Ring.............................. 37 5 00 Wheel, Inter. Winding. 38 2 50 Wheel, Ratchet ............. . 39 2 50 Wheel, Hoμr....................... 40 Wheel,Minute...................... 4l 13 50 1500 13i\O 1350 Screw,Mrun...,.... 54 15 00113 50 13 50 Vibrating Arm........................... 55 ~ ~ :;; 200 JOO 175 150 450 175l75 600 500 G00 500 300 250 300 250 5001 Wheel,Mai~.............................. 56 500 Wheel,Settrng........................... 57 1 2 50 Wheel Inter. Setting .. ... ......... . . ... . 58 2 50 Wheel, Inter. Winding. .. ...... ... ..... .. 38 Wheel, Ratchet... ........................ 39 Wheel,Bour...................... ....... 59 Wheel, Minute ........................... co 100l00 150150 125125 4 00 4 UO Spring, Click...... ... . ............. .. .... . 112 12 00 12 00 Sprjng, V ibrating Arm....... ...... .. ... . 61 18 Size, Quick Train, Class, J. Raymond, Nos. 6n, 70. 2. Culver, No8. 61, 62, Taylor, Nos. 79, 80. 14 and 16 Size, Interchangeable, Class, l. Nos. 72, 9J. 2. NOS. 49, 50, 85, 88. 17 Size, 10 Size, 6 and 8 Size, 14 and 16 Size, Key, Stem, Slow Train, .,. Wheeler, Nos. 10, 13, 81, 82. (Ta,ylor, Wheeler, Lafliu, Ryerson, Ferry. Ogden, 4. ~ Fargo, Chief, Advance, Age, Nos. 5, B, 9, 10, 12, [ 13, 20, G,, 58, 60, 63, 78, 87, 88. 5. Nos. fl; 7. Class, l. A.verr , Leader, Nos. 11, 59. Clas,, l. Nos. 3J, 37, 39, 46. Class. l. No,. 3, 4. 2. Nos. J, 2. 3. No. 112. 3. Nos. •17, 48, 90. 4. No. 93. Sweep Second, Class, l. Nos. 83, 84. 2. No. 89. Class, l . Frances Rubic. " :!. Lady Elgin, Gail Borden, Dext<"r St. Class, l. No. 71. 2. Nos. 66, 67. 3. NOS. 64, 65. 4. No. 94. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES. The Classes m1cler the following Sizes embrace the various movements set opposite them respectively: .In ordering, use the same name for the piece required that zs adopted herez'n, there bez'ng no fixed standard by wh1clt to designate t't, and z'n add£tion, please state wl1etlzer the materzcrl zs to be usedfor key or stem.-w£nd movement. When a doubt exists about the g rade qf movement the material zs reqztz"red tor, 1f tlze number ef movement zs gzveu w add£t£ou to the descr£pt£on ef tlze p zrce, no mistake can occur. - On left-hand page note size and c)ass of m ovement for vvhich you vvish material, and find price of same belovv. 18 Size. FOURTH SER_lES. = = = --'---= = -= = = = = --------- Click 47 Lc,·er~ Setting.. Pinion, Bevel.. Pinion, Cannon.. Clnss. - - - - 17 Size. FIRST SERIES. -'==-..:.--=====-==-----=== = 14 and 16 Size. INTERCHANGEABLE. "- Pendent Square. Spring, Click.. *Spririg, Click, \Vire. Spring, L ever. Spr.ing·, Vibratjng Ann.. Screw, :r.,1.ain Vjbrating- Arm. VVasher, ~lain Seruw \Vhcel, Main. \Vheel, Setting.. Wheel. Inter. Setting. Wheel, l:lntchct. ,~~heel, 1.ntcr. \Vincling. \Vhccl, Hour Wheel, Minute.. *Order, unrl uso No. IIi i:l pined of this. 900 ... . .. 100 P1mon, Bevel................-.................. Pinion,Cannon. Pinion,Centre(bellow)........................ (solid) . ...... ... . .. ....... . ., .. . Pinion. Bevel......_............................ 1·Pinion, Cannon Pendent Square................................ Pjn., Setting. ...... ...... 75 ---- 30 112 1 00 62 53 1 25 6.1 75 6;J :J 00 lj,I 7 50 = oE r- .3 ;:; 81 82 83 84 85 S(i 87 88 89 90 91 119 1 75 Hl 3 00 ]15 7 50 llU 9 00 175 Click.........__. 1 300 Lever,Setting. 7 50: Pen.dent Square_ . 68 300 69 70 750 71 900 72 750 73 750 . ...... .. . Clamp, Ratchet................................. *Lever, Settmg ................................ I 250 2 50 10 50 15 00 9 00 200 2 00 6 00 10 50 6 00 .l 25 . 75 :100 750 l00100 U5900900 300 100 75 250 76 U00 77 JO 50 78 300 .... Ratchet . . Spring, Setting..... .... ... .......... .......... Sp:fog, Click.............. ..................... Spring, Lever.......................... .... ...... Stnd, Main Wheel 117 3 00 118 3 00 39 3 00 38 3 00 59 2 50 300IWheel,Setting.................................. 300I*Wheel, I-lour................ .................1 79;J00 . Whee l, 9:! 9J 9{ 95 4 50 J3 50 13 50 10 50 :i 00 2 50i 2 \Vhecl, Wheel, ;J I 50 *Sarnea.s18,l+'irstSeries. 50 2 :)() S TE:M VvINDING AND SETTING_ Class. l = 67 1 50 ...... IClick ..............._....... .................... Class. ---- l 12toi Pinion, Spring·,Glick... Screw. Main. Vibrating- Arin . . ........ . ... ..... .. . .. . . . .... . Wheel, Main.................................... Wbecl Inter. Winding......................... Wheel,Inter.Setting.......................... 79 3 00 ...... Stud,Main Wheel,(newstyle)................. Wheel, H.atchet. 1 00 9 00 9 ,OO 3 00 1 00 1501 25 40 250 ...... Wheel 00 ·•Wheel,Minute. ..................•......... H 250. Wheel, :M a i n . Hatchet.. Setting and Arbor...................... Hour.. 120 Minute.... 121 ---'----------------- ---------'-----'-- -----------'----'-----'-----' so300 Shipper, Setting ... . . . .. ... . .... .... .. .. .. .. .. . 7 51) 15 00 18 00 J5 00 12 00 l:l 00 :3 GO 1 *8tatc whether 'f.,r l·bor Jll size. 1· Smnc ns 10 :::i;,,c K.oy. I 0 -~ 1 00 ti 00 6 00 l 50 18 Size, Quick Trnin, Class, ]. Raymond, Nos. 69, 70. n 2. Culver, Nos. 61, 62, Taylor, Nos. 7V, 80. " 3. Whet>ler, Nos. 10, 13, 81, 82. fTaylor, Wheeler, Laflin, Ryerson, Ferry. Ogden, Slow Train, " 4. ~ Fargo, Chief, Advance, Age, Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, l13,20,5,,58,60,63,78,s7,88. H ·5. Nos. 6, 7. Class, l. Avery, Lender, Nos. 11, 59. Class, 1. NOS. 35, 37, 39, 1i3. Class, l. Nos. 3, 4. u 2. Nos.1,2. " 3. No.92. 14 and 16 Size, Interchangeable, Class, l. Nos. 72, 91. 17 Size, 14 and 16 Size, Key, Stem, 10 Size, 0 and 8 Size, Sweep Second, Class, 1. Nos. 83, 84. u 2. No.89. Class, 1. Frances Rnbie. " 2. Lady Elgin, Gail Borden, Dexter St. Class, 1. No. 71. .. 2. Nos. 66, 67. " 3. NOS.64,65. ~~ 4. No.94. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES. The Classes under the following Sizes embrace the various movements set opposite them respectively. In ordcrin.g, use the same name for the piece required that is adopted lzerez"n, there being no fixed standard by which to designate 1't and in addz'tion, please state wlzether the materz~zl is to beused.for key or stem-wind movement. When a doubt exz'sts about the grade qf mo1.:ement the material i's re