Pocket Watch Database

Supplement to Net Price List of Materials Manufactured by the Elgin National Watch Co. (1909)

This Material Catalog was distributed by the Elgin National Watch Co. in October 1909 as a supplement to the 1904 Material Catalog.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $150.00

Acquisition Date: June 09, 2019

Digitized Date June 14, 2019

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finnplpnwni tn BRANCH OFFICES I5 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK TRADERS BANK BLDG. TORONTO INTRODUCTION. INCEissuingour materialPriceListinMay,1904,wehavemade a number of n e w grades of movements, and also improved sev‐ eral of the old grades. In this supplement, which we are pleased to present you, we have listed a complete line of material for n e w grades and al‐ sosuch pieces asare used in connection with improving the old. The same general planisretainedashasbeenusedsince 1896. Commencing on page 56, will be found serial numbers and grades, With classification and other description, which a r r a n g e m e n t is the key too u r system of cataloguing. As an example: A third Wheel and pinion is wanted for movement No. 11,819,001. Consult numbers commencing on page 56, and it will be found that the movement of this number is Grade 349, Class 65, 18 Size, 7th Model. Now consult index in back part of price list, which indicates that third wheels and pinions are listed on page 55, under the proper heading, Class 65, will befound, and preceding it the catalogue number. The full description'given is, No.1091,Class65,120,121,priceperpiece,50cents; perdozen,$6.00; 18Size, Full Plate, 7th and 11th Models, Quick Train, Flat Gilded, with 75 teeth in wheel and 10 in pinion. In ordering, specify catalogue number and class, which in this instance are No. 1091, Class 65. Compare the wheel and pinion to be replaced, with illustration No. 1091, and it will be found to be the same shape. By comparing the movement with modelillustrations commencing on page 6, it will be found that it is an 18 size, 7th, which is Full Plate, Open Face, Lev‐ er Setting. As an example of improvements in old grades, we will take a balance staff for grade 149, which is a Class 1 movement. The staff suitable for this movement as originally made is a No. 857, which is for use with single roller. This grade was improvedwith doublerollerescapement, andrequiresNo.2516. As Nos. 857 and 2516 are both suitable for Class 1 movements, it will be ne‐ cessary, in ordering, to determine which kind is wanted, by a comparison with illustrations. T h a t t h e r e m a y b e n o d o u b t a st o w h a t “ C l a s s ” m e a n s a s a p p l i e d t o g r a d e s of movements, we will say that all grades of a particular size and modelthat re‐ quire material of same quality are classed together. In 18 Size there are t e n grades of movements which are Class 1. When different classes of movements require the same kind of material, the classes are grouped. An example of this kind is Balance Staff No. 2516, Class 1, 65, 119,121,which are 2d to 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th Models‐meaning that this particular staff is used in one or m o r i ; grades represented by these classes and models. It willbeobservedin some instances more than one number is applied to the same illustration. The reason of this is that a difference exists which c m ‐ n o t be shown by an illustration. An example of this kind will be found in 16 Size Center Wheels Nos. 1567 and 2336‐the first is flat gilded and the second oval polished. On page 9 will be found Class of Material and Movements Used 1.1. Respectfully yours, October, 1909. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. _'__I GRADE CLASS SIZE STYLE MODEL SETT. 1 TRAIN 1 Quick 1 j‘ “ 1 " JEWELS 21 21 21 21 ‘ 21 1 15 1 23 Wheeler . . .1 Wheeler 1 . . ‘Vheeler . . . Wheeler 1 . . NO.327.... No.328. M1329. No.330. No.331. ho.332. No.333. No.334. NO.335. NO.336. ... 1'0.337. .....33 16 %.I’l. No.338. ...38" ‘f 8th Htg.Br “ 6th OF.Br ‘f 7th 33 10 " 38 " ‘ I Pend. " ‘ “ " 17 “ '17 " 17‘ " 17 " 116 111 12 112'12 118 1 8 ‘, 105 "f A. 100 " “ Htg. " 4th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 5 ‐WITH‐ CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION AS ORIGINALLY MADE 13 F. P11 “ 1 " t h . 0.F. “ FatherTime . 1 FatherTime. 05 FatherTime. 90 “ ‘13/1. Pl. FatherTime. 126 10_ " 1 Htg. FatherTime. 08 " " 1 0.F. LadyElgin..1133 12. " Htg. “ lst l’end. “ LordElgin..1 41 111 " o.F. “5 7th " " Vel‘itas.... 98 “ " “ “7heeler... 123 18 F.PI. Htg. “ Wheeler...124““O.F. “ Wheeler..1130‘f%Pl.Htg. “ Wheeler..1131"‘f0.F. " Httz. " Htg.Br. “ O.F. “ j‘ “ ‘ " Raymond..1120 " 1 " Raymond..1125"1" Raymond.. 98 " " Raymond.1102"." Raymond..1102"f" Veritas....93"1" j: " 13111 ‘ "21-23 Veritas..1.132""1. " 15th‘‘"23 Htg. " 2d " ‘ O.F. ‘f 3d Nickel 2d004th Lever “ 7th [I “ 8th “ 14th “ “ 15th “ F. Pl. Htg. ‘f IOLh Lever 118 “ “j “ “ " " “ 17 119 1. 1 .. 1. 11 .1 1. 17 119 "j ‘ “ 1 “ “ 1 " 21 120 ‘ f ‘ 1 O F. ‘ 11th Pend. 1 " lb" 120 ., 1 1 1. .1 1. .. 1. 17 121 f' ‘ “ “ “ Lever " 17 121 " ‘ “ ‘f “ “ “ 21 14th Lever " 8th " " 15th‘1" 13th ‘ 1" 15th ‘ " 17 19 “‘1"21 2d to 4th ‘ " 17 70h " "17 9th ‘f "17 " "17 “ " 17 I’end, " 17 " " 1 17 “ " 1 17 “ ‘ 1 17 “ ‘ 17 HtE.Br. f“ 8th Lever ‘ 1 17 O.F.“'5th Htg.Br. “' 6th O.F.Br. “ 7th Htg.Br. “ 6th O.F.Br. ‘ 7th " 1’O. F. 131“ No.339. 1o340. No341. NO.342. . . 1 NO.343.1.. 122 18 F.Pl.1 O.F. NO344 ... 113 12 34Pl.1 Htg. NO345 114“"1O.F. " 3d ‘f "117 107 ‘ " 108 ‘ 125 127 " .‘ " 9th " 7th " 2d 'f “ NO346 111“1‘ Htg NO. 347 . . . 1 112 “ 1 " O. F. NO.348. . . . 1 18 F.Pl. Htg. NO.349....G5"1"0.F. " 7th"fj“21 NO.350. . . . 98 10 ‘ %Pl. “ " 13th " " 23 1'0.351....41'""“ " 7thI’end."123 1'0.352.... 123 18 F.Pl. 1 Hm. No353.... 124 " " ‘ 0.F. No.354.....116 0 3/4.Pl,1 Htg. No.355. . . 1 117 “ “ 0.1". N0 3511. .]1 128 14 “ ‘1 NO357.11128 ‘ 1. NO358.1128‘“ “‘ 17 No359.129 “““‘117 No360.9816‘Z: “ 13111Lever‘‘21 No361.102‘ “""117 NO 363 . 113 12 ‘ Htg. Gilded 2d Pend. No 364 . 114 ‘ 0. F. 2 3a “f No365. 10910‘ Htg. “ 61h ‘ NO366. 1110 ‘ OF “ 7th “ NO367 1 90 18 Nickel 8th Lever ‘ 1 15 *115 ‘ 15 ‘ 15 ‘21 ‘ 17 17 No370.10211; ‘“15th‘‘17 NO371.120"‘‘Htg “ 14th‘“ ‘19 No372.98“1~-1. “15m1“‘19 No368 130 ' ‘ Htg “ 9th " No3119....1311‘ 0.1? “ 8th ‘ NO373.126““1Htg “ 14th1“ '21 No.374. 98 “f ‘- 1 O.“F “ 15th " 21 No.375.98‘j"j1‘ “ " ‘f1'21 No.370. 1321.‘1.1. .1 1. 1.1 23 No. 377 . 116 0 ‘- Egg. Gilded 2 1 Pend. 1 * 15 NO. 378 . 105 18 F. Pl. Nickel 2dto 4th 1 Lever No379.106""10-F-“5thPend. 17 No380. 13322.P1.Htg. “ lst “ ‘ 15 No381. 107 16 “ Htg.Br. “ 60h ‘f 1 17 No382.108““O.F.Br." 7th*-1117 NO383, 11312“ tg'. :‘ 2d "7 ‘ 17 No384.114““ F. ‘ 3d ‘ “17 " 3d “ " 2dto4th Lever 1 “‘17 ] "21 " 2dto4th " 7th " 2d ~~ 3d Lever ‘ " 1 17 " 1 " 1 17 Pend, ‘ “ ‘ 15 " ~ 1 15 17 " h'1 17 Pend. "1 17 2d " ‘17 2d " ‘1 15 ‘ 1 7 17 1 19 17 17 18 Size, 2d to 4th Model Full Plate 18 Size, 5th Model Full Plate Hunting, Lever Setting 18 Size, 7th Model FullPlate Open Face, Pendant Setting 18 Size, 8th Mode] Three-Quarter Plate Open Face, Lever Setting 18 Size, 9th Model Three-Quarter Plate Open Face, Lever Setting 16 Size, 6th Model Three-Quarter Plate Hunting, Lever Setting Hunting, Pendant Setting ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ‘ 16 Size. 6th Model Three-Quarter Plate, B r i d g e \ .1a', {£507};“V?“‐ 1® www» _ 5m 16 Size, 7th Model Three-Quarter Plate H u n t i n g , Pendant Settingr 16 Size, 7th Model . Three-Quarter Plate, B r i d g e O p e n Face, Pendant S e t t i n g 16 Size, 8th Model Three-Quarter Plate, B r i d g e Open Face,PendantSetting 16 Size, 9th Model Three-Quarter Plat/e, Bridge Hunting. LeverSetting 16 Size, 13th Model Three-Quarter Plate ARREL ’ BR/DGE Open Face. Lever Setting Open Face, Lever Setting ' MODELS OF MOVEMENTS. CONTINUED. 16 Size, 14th Model ' Three-Quarter Plate WI ' I f $151} Hunting, LeverSetting 14- Size, 2d Model Three‐Quarter Plate 16 Size, 15th Model Three‐Quarter Plate Open Face, Pendant Setting Hunting, Pendant Setting ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS, CONTINUED. ‘ !Il| 1l 12Size, Byzodel Three‐Qua] er Plate Open Face, Lever Setting 12 Size, 2d Model Three-Quarter Plate Open Face, Pendant Setting 0 Size, 2d Model Three‐Quarter Plate MODELS OF MOVEMENTS, CONTINUED. 41 0 Size, 3d Model Three-Quarter Plate (9 7mm”1055© © 5-0 Size, l s t Model RaymondFatherTime (Htg., Lever Set.,)27,69, 70. 149, 164, 183, 348. Culver, (Htg., Lever Set.,) 61, 62. Taylor,0verland (Htg.. Lever Set.,) 20,33, 38, 58, 79, 80, 163. Wheeler, Overland, (Htg.,LeverSet.,)Laflin, Ferry, Ryerson, 16, 17, 56, 57, 63, 81, 82, 103, 125, 126,143,144, 278. Odgen,Farwell,Fargo, Advance, Chief, Age, 5, 8, 9,10, 12,13,18,19,55, 60. 68, 78, 87, 88, 102, 141, 142, 169, 226, 228. N o . 6, 7, 96, 97, 171. Raymondl‘atherTime ( 0 . F l , P e n d . S e t . , ) 7 7 , 116, 150, 166, 184. Taylor, Overland, (O. F . , P e n d . S e t . , ) 76, 165. Wheeler,Overland,(0. F . , P e n d . S e t . , ) 44, 75, 123, 124, 147, 148, 279. No. 43, 74, 145, 146, 170, 227, 229. No. 73, 172 No.100 N0.99. No.98. . Avery, Leader, 11, 14, 15, 51, 52, 59. No. 72. No. 49, 50. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.92,114,127,135,136. No.83,84. No.89. 29 No.107,108. No.106,140. No.190. N0. 189,236. No. 188. NO. 187, 196. No. 194. No. 193,237. No. 192. No.191,197. No. 206, 209, 216, 284. No.201. 111 N o . 200, 263. No. 199. No. 198. No. 205. No. 204, 264. N o . 203. NO. 202. No. 219. 222, 223. NO. 224, 267, 269, 281. N o . 225, 268, 282. N o . 232, 233, 253, 259. N o . 234, 235, 254, 260. Veritas, (O. F., Lever ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 31 NO. 104, 105, 128, 138, 139, 182, 195. NO. 155, 243. Wheeler, (Htg., Pend. Set.,) 154, 241, 242, 337. No. 153. No. 151, 152, 185. No. 156. N o . 161. 246. Wheeler, ( 0 . F.,Pend. Set.,) 160, 244, 245, 338. No. 159. No.157,158,186. LordElgin,162,351. N0.37,41,42,46. No.34,35,36,39,40. No.26,32. N0.24,25,30,31. Frances Rubie. L a d yElgin(KeyWind)‘ 23, 29. G a i lBorden,DexterSt. 21, 22, 28, 53, 54. No.71. No. 66, 67. N0. 45, 64, 65. N o . 94, 95, 101. NO. 122, 176. N o . 121, 134, 168. NO. 120. NO. 117, 118, 119, 132,133. 175, 230, 231, 272. N0.~112. 174. NO. 111, 131, 167. No. 115. NO. 109, 110, 113, 129, 130. 173, 271. Open Face,Pendant Setting Hunting, Pendant Setting Hunting, Pendant Setting CLASS OF MATERIAL AND MOVEMENTS USED IN N o . 207, 217, 238, 251, 2.51. No. 249. NO.208,215,218,262,285. 99 Veritas, (Htg., Lever Set.,) 368. 131 Wheeler,(0.F.,Lever Set.,)369. 132 Veritas, (O.F., Lever Set.) 376. L a d y Elgin, 380. 64 No.250. Raymond,FatherTime 100 (O. F., Lever Set.,) 180, 101 Set.,)274. No.275. No. 276. 181,252,266,273,277,349. 102 Raymond,(0.F.,Lever‘ 66 Overland,(O.F.,Lever Set.,)280,361,370. Set.,)265,283. 103 No.307 Set.,) 214. Father Time, Veritas, (O. F., Lever Set.,) 239, 367. Raymond,(3/4.PL,O.F., Lever Set.,) 240. N o . 210, 212, 220, 257. No. 247. N o . 211, 213, 221, 258. No,248. L a d y E l g i n( O . F. , I ¥ n d . Set.,) 256. L a d yE1gin(O.F. Pend. Set.,) 255. FatherTime,Raymond Veritas, (O. F., Lever Set.,) 270,350,360,372,374, 375. 127 128 129 130 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 No.308. NO. 287, 296. 309, 316, 335, 378. NO. 288, 294, 297, 317, 326. 336, 379. N o . 305, 339, 381. NO. 306, 340, 382. NO. 290, 292, 299, 312, 365. No. 291, 293, 300, 313, 366. Wheeler, (Htg., Pend. Set.,) 321, 346. . Wheeler, ( 0 . F l , P e n d . Set.,) 322, 347. N o . 301, 302, 310, 314, 344, 363, 383. NO. 303, 304, 311, 315, 345. 364, 384. No. 286, 289. 295, 325. NO. 298, 318, 320, 323, 354, 377. N o . 319, 324, 355. Special. Special. Special. Special. No. 343. Wheeler, (Htg., Lever Set.,) 352. Wheeler, ( 0 . F. , Lever Set.,) 353. Raymond,(IIlg’.,Lever Set.,) 341. FatherTime,Raymond (Htg., Lever Set.,) 371. 373. No. 342. N o . 356, 357, 358. No. 359. Wheeler, (Htg., Lever 1,65,118to121 105,106,122t0124 1 3 0 , 1 3 1 33, 38, 98, 102, 125 107 170 110127 41. 98, 102, 126, 132 1 1113] Htg.orO.F. 1,65. 110, 121 118to 121 105,100,122to12-1 “ “ “ %.Pl. 2dto 5th,7th 81h 8 t h Qt ht 6th to 8th,13th 0th 7th 9th 7th, 13th1to15th 2d 3d lst Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or O. F. Htg.or 0. F. 1 Htg.or O. F. Htg.orO.F. 128129 111to 114 ARBORS, WINDING. No. 2053 2 Htg.orO.F. ARBORS, PALLET. Htg. or O. F. 1 1 1 1 Htg. No. 2549 ”21111 Htg.or0. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ARBORS, BARREL. CLASS PRICE Piece:Per Doz. . 3.50 .30 3.00 Description of Movement Size Model 18 F, I’l. 2dto4th,7th10thIlth N0. 2309 Htg.or0. F. No. 2550 No. 1774 Htg.or0. F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0. F. No. 1772 11155113E E1E No. 1773 PRICE Piece PerDoz. Size Descriptiod of Movement Model . . ' . . ' F. P ] . " " 1 1 2a to 4th 7th 10th,11th Cone Pivot StraightPivot ' 1 1 1 . 1 1513 No. 1303 1 No. 1304 1. No. 1752 Htg.or O. F. 1 » . Htg.or0. F. 1 " 1 ' 0 t h11th 2d005th.7th 8th “ Cone Pivot S t r a i g h t P i v o t ; Cone Pivot . 8th. 9 t h 7th, 13th to 15th Gth to 8th, 13t191tfi)15th 1 PRICE 1Piece1PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model 50 5.00 .40 .20 .20 .50 .20 .20 .20 .20 " % Pl. " 8th 81h, 9th 61h, 7th “ 8th, 9th, 13th to 15th 2dh3d lst N0. 2551 Htg. No. 1775 “ “ No. 1757 {1111.13 No. 2312 No. 2310, 2631 T Ht or0. F. 1 Htg.or0. F. Htg. No. 1763 Cut”- <1” G10 0‐ 2d, 3d Straight Pivot u Cone Pivot 1 “ Straigh};Pivot u No. 1760 0. 35 35 1735 ’172 1777 {P’1600P01'DOZ. lee eI Htg. No. 1737 0. F. No. 1777 2521 2521 118, 120 1779 ...................... 2 td o5 t h , 7 t h 110th, 11th ‘ f ‘f 242 1,132 242 33, 38, 107, 108 .25 15.00 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 11 ARMS, VIBRATING. Cat- ‘ PRICE alogue CLASS 1 . Description of Movement M0(1C1 ................... Pl, 8th "‘ ................... .................... 242 98,102,125,126................ “% 236 130, 131 8th, 9th 7th,15th 8 t h , 1 3 t h t o1 5 t h 6th, 7th 6th, 7th, 9th 2dz 3d ‘7 . .. “ .. ................. 109,110,127 ................. 129 1 .75 ““ 9.00 ““ ...................... 14“ 2d ", .. .. Htg. or 0. F. No. 1780 Htg.or O. F. Htg. or 0. F1. Htg.or O. F. 1 No. 1779 Htg. or O. F. No. 2552 J . . 3.25 l .50 1.25 18 " H F. P1. ‘f " 2dto 4th 10011 2d to 4th 11th No. 1735 OO Htg. No. 1778 MM). @@ vOO© 1 O. F. Htg. O. F. BALANCES. Gilt“ alogue CLASS ‐ p Model . ‘Piece PerDoz. 2.252.07018F'.P1. 1.25 15.00 .75 9.00 2.25 27.00 1.25 15.00 3.00 36.00 1.25 15.00 '..................... 1,121 ................... 20d0 “ . 236 236 123,124 ................ 236 105,106,122 ................. 4 th, 7th Compensating ‘ ““ 4.00 48.00 16“ 2.25 27.00 ““ “ ‘f " “f ‘ f 15.00 9.00 .. .. 15.00 12 “ 9.00 .. .. 9.000.. 12.00 78‐ “ lst " . f‘ “ Z‘ 1. PRICE Descri tion of Movement ’“ “ “ “ ““ ““““f Cat- alogue 1 0. 1887 2565 PRICE Piece P e r Doz. Descriptionof Movement Size Model 18 91 P1. 8th CLASS BANDS, DUST, (RING) PRICE Description of Movement 136 33,38,98,102,125,127. . . . . . . . . . , 9th 1 0 8 “ 6thto9th,13th 6th, 7th “ Gilt 6th, 8th, 14th " Nickel 6th"" 7th, 9th, 13th, 15th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. Piece PerBox. Size 1g RF]. Model 2dto43h, 10th 7th, 11th 5th, 7th, 11th Nickel Htg. or O. F. Htg. or 0. F. Nos. 2553, 2554, 2555, 2556 Nos. 1882, 2098, 2143, 2144 ! Nos. 1883, 2114, 2145 E a s i1 t ) Htg.or O. F. Htg.or O. F. Htg.or O. F. Nos. 1740, 2131, 2140, 2141 h‐E‘fi r S: The illustrations shown above represent the diameter, width and shape of sides of Dust Rings. BUSH Htg. GS, BARREL ‘ARBOR. BARS, SETTING. ‘ Nos. 1308, 1539 “ “ “ %.pl. 8th 7th PRICE Piece|P e r Doz. Size Model .75 Description of Movement 18 F.P1.‘ 10th .10 1100 .10 1.00 16 " 14th,15th Niekel No. 2565 90 130, 131 33. 38, 98, 102.125 . . . . em,nth,9th Gilt Htg. or O. F. N0. 2132 Htg.or O. F. 1969 2564 2564 No. 1782 O. F. No. 2558 Htg. or 0. F. No. 2557 Htg. or 0. F. No. 2560 Cat‐ alogue No. PRICE Piece’PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model ELGINNATIONAL WATCH CO. BARRELS. PRICE Piece Per Doz. Size No. 275, 277 Q =: Htg. or O. F. No. 2177, 2559 Htg.or 0. F. Description of Movement Model F.'Pl. 2dto4th,7th,10th,11th Teeth “ 10th 11th 2ato5th,7th 8th 8th, 9th 6th to 8th, 13th Niehel Steel Nigkel BARRELS, HUBS AND SCREWS, FITTED. No. 1969 No. 2564 .® v b Htg. or O. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material give Catalogue Number and Class, or number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. 8.00 18 15? 3/1 P1. as A 8th 7 t h 13thto 15th 14th. 15th 2d Gilt 2d1‘3d lst Nickel Steel 111t0114 . , No. 1719 Htg.orO.F. .1 Zdbfid 1:51; Htg.or0. F. 33, 38. 41, 98, 126. 132 102, 107, 108, 125, 127 109, 110 128, 129 No. 1791 . . l Htg.or0. F. l Htg.or0. F. CLAMPS, MINUTE WHEEL. PRICE Description of Movement PiecelPerDoz. Size Model 11110114 N0. 1312, 1315 Htg. or 0. F. 12 2d. 3d " 3 3 ... .. 7th 8 .' " 6tl1.7th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. CAMS, SETTING. CLASS PRICE PiecePerDoz. Size pescription of Movement Model F.P]. 2dto4th " win 11th 3 10710110 128,129 II 2d No. 1741 No. 1790 No. 1314 e] m No, 1313 Htg.or0. F. No. 1787 Ge Htg.orO.F. J No. 1788 Htg.orO.F. CAMS, SETTING SPRING. PRICE I Piece I’el'Doz. Size Description of Movement Model | 8 17.11. 1. 1. 94111. 0 I; 5311 7th 6th1‘Tth 2d. 3d 151; No. 2536 18 F. Pl. 7th .... 5th .. Nickel ._..... .. Gm 6th, 7th, 13thto 15th 6th to 9th. 13th, 15th , 71h 14 2d Nickel 16 % P1. . . . . . . . . . . ."“Gilt I; l N0. 1795, 2099, 2566 N0. 2567 '@ mg.or 0. F. Htg. 151; Nickel No. 2632, 2633 o. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class, or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. “ “ Nickel “ G i l t ‐_‐_‐‐__| . Cat- alogue N0. .2 2568 2568 . , ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. _ 15 CLAMPS, RATCHET WHEEL. Cat- algoue No. 2§69 2mm 2570 Descriptionof movement Model 90 . 116,117 . . . . 18 0 %Pl 8th ‘’ 8th,9th “ 2d.3d No. 1792 \Q Htg.or 0. F. PRICE Descriptionof Movement PiecePerDoz. Size Model . 1.75 94Pl. Sth . . “ 7th.13lh.15th . . “ 14th,15th No. 2568 Htg.or O. F. ] CLAMPS, SETTING WHEEL. No. 2569 Htg.orO.F. No. 2570 CD No. 1800 if Htg. N0. 1801 Htg. or O. F. No. 1804 No. 1805 No. 1803, 2634 @ '(63& l Htg.or0. F. CLICKS. PRICE Piece Per Doz. Size Description of Movement Model 2d to 4th 10th 2dto 5th,7th,10th,11th 7th 7th, 11th 8th, 9th 7th 6th to 8th. 13thto 15th 6th. 7th. 6th. 7th 2d No. 1802 6?) Htg. or 0- F. No. 2356 Htg.or0. F. Htg.or O. F. Htg.or O. F. Htg.or O, F. PRICE Piece‘Per Doz. Size . . 1.00 .75 " “ F. P1. afiggze No. CLASS P’RICE Description of Movement 1 Cat- alogue No. 352 ”318 1811 COLLETS, HAIR SPRING. PRI s 1" i no Movement CE De 0 lpt0 f .50 No. 1806 N0. 1807 533 Htg.or0. F. No. 1808 i i No. 1809 Htg.orO.F. No. 1810 01} Htg.orO.F. i 1 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CLUTCHES, SETTING. 251............................. 25 18F. 2tdo 25 ............................ "0 1 Pl. "” 119 .75 Cat‐ 7 PRICE alovue CLASS Descriptionof Movement Size Model N0. 9.0...........................Piece PerDoz. 18% "" 16“ 1806 1806 1807 1807 1808 1808 1809 1810 1:11 Htg.orO.F. ...................... 9 3 3 8102. 107 130 131 .30 .35 .25 .25 .25 .25 .35 éjfli Htg.orO.F. ‘ 8th. 9th 41, 128. 129 15th t o9 t h . 1 3 t h . 1 5 t h 8 to 1 ......................... .35 3.50 Pl. 8th 26,123 t o110 125 127 .......................... 114 2d, 151: CLASS 105,106,118.120.122to 124....... .10 ............. 9.0.................. 18 F.P1 2dt05th,7th,10th,11th FOPRIPS.SDI'lng ' 2dt04th,7th,10th,11th .. .. N 1,65, 119, 121 _ . .10 .10 .50 u% 1 116,117 133 ................ ................ .50 "“ 16 .- 6tht09th,13tht015th " H 14“ 2d."i' 2dh3d lst 1318 130 1318 33.38,3411,98,102,107t0110125t0127,132 .10 sth. 9th ............... ................ 12“ .............. ““ 14" 12“ 2d ........................ ......................... ............................ 6th 0"i " to {i “ 3d 111 110, 117 133 No. 25 O Htg. CLUTCHES, WINDING AND SETTING. PiecePex-Doz. Size } Model PiecePerDoz. Size| Model .10 .50 1 .50 .50 .50 .50 2572 2572 359 Htg.or 0. F, Htg.or O. F. Htg.or 0. F. Ix”O. F. Htg.or 0. F. *Used with double roller stafl's. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class. or Number of Movement for which Material is required. . Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. L__ 128,129 111t011~1 .10 .10 .10 No. 352 © ©©<9 No. 359 No. 1318, 2572 No. 1811 N0. 2139 2.25 4th 10th 3.00 3.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 7th, 13th PI. 8th 1“ " :: j 2637 30.00 2400 30.00 2402 30.00 2395 30.00 2638 30.00 2639 30.00 2640 30.00 2641 30.00 581; 30.00 1524 2407 2534 2535 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 15.00 24.00 i288 XXX “ Minute “ German 0“ “ ““” 9.00 . . . . . 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00 .00 9.00 9.00 9.00 24.00 5.00 30.00 24.00 15.00 9.00 .................... .................... MarginalFigures 30.00 9.00 . . . RomanandArabicHeavy,NoMinuteCircles.24Hour . . . Arabic Heavy. No MinuteCircles, Marginal Figs. 24Hour ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 17 PRICE PER. DOZEN Cat‐ alogue Double Sunk Sunk Second Description 0 Glass Hard Glass Hard Deco‐ Enamel Enamel Enamel Enamel rated 2035 .......... 15.00 2636 .......... 15.00 . . . Roman.X X X X Heavy, MinuteCircles. ... “ edium " “ . . . Arabic,XXXXHeavy, “ “ “ ... “ XX “ “ “ ... “ ... “ ... “ ... “ ... “ ... ‘f Light “ “ “ “ “ " . . . :; NpMinuteCircles j ij 18.00 18.00 Roman For a complete line of Dials and Illustrations showing position of Dial feet see our 1904 Catalogue. Under the Illustrations of Dials. the various sizes are given in which that particular style is furnished and referring to prices, if none is quoted, Dial is not made in that quality. In ordering Dials in addition to Catalogue Number it is necessary to give the size, quality, style and model. As an illustration, No. 2637, 18 Size. Class Enamel, Double Sunk, 8th and 9th Model. Double Sunk Dials are only furnished in 18 and 16 Sizes. LOCATION OF DIAL FEET. 12 H» SIZE 2d Model O Large Diameter 0 12 ‘70 S l e O0 “ DecoratedMinuteCircles “““ ls! Model 0 For 0. F. 0 lst Model MediumSlanting, No Minute Circles “ “ “ “ “ MarginalFigs. l2 14 SIZE 2d Model 0 Small Diameter 0 e’12 5/0 SIZE N0. 2635 ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS. No. 2636 No. 2637 \‘ ||01',’l £1119 fa, 10 Q" ,I ”3.9.13 ‘ r,.||‘ 18 and 16 Sizes N0. 2395 18, 13. 14, 12 and 6 Sizes No. 2638 18, 16, 14 and 12 Sizes No. 2639 18, 16, 14, 12 and 0 Sizes No. 264-0 16, 14, 12 and 0 Sizes No. 2641 18,16,14,12,6, 0, -%~, -if:, No. 2642 18,13,14,12.O,3, and10°? Sizes 16, 14, 12 and 0 Sizes ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. , -.' ’ ‐: \ I 2,40 20; s ,. ,, , “ox- .‘ 99”':-||‘\°‘1’ 02 No. 1524 ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS, CONTINUED. No. 2407 18, 16, 14 and 12Sizes 18, 16, 14 and 12 Sizes No. 2535 18, 16, 12, Gand 0 Sizes ‘ 1814 2511 119,121 ................. S t r a i g h t L i n e " " “ ‘ 2dto4th,7th,10th,11th “ “ 1814 2574 1814 1814 1814 90, 91. 9 .9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,131 .................1.50 5.50 36.41.13: ................ .75 9.00 10 ‘ l 61thtIiIth,1:'>th ““ 1 118,120,123,124............. 1 106,122 ................. 3 10'.................... “ “ ,th”" 98.126.................. 25................. 33,238107,108.............. .607.00"‘115th ‘f“ .50 6.00 ‘ $111,19thh13t1,h 15th "“ .2021007th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 19 60 5?“‘lv""5 18, 16, 12, 6 and 0 Sizes Decorated Dials Nos. 2534 and 2535 are made with various tints and oranamentations. FORKS. Cat- alogue CLASS ‐‐‐‐‐‐ So. 16,.5.................. 1 8 F P. l . No. 1 No. 3 M1 l3sw<1 11 Htg. or O. F. l Htg. l Htg. or O. F. 1 1119 1" 22524 15149 102 1555; .60 7.00 .50 5.50 .20 2.00 .15 1.50 .10 1.00 .60 7.00 2 tdo4 t h . 7 t h " ‘ 10th,11th new PRICE Description of Movement PiecelPerDoz. Size | Model 515 " “ 2dto4th RightAngle “ 4.1’1 8th,9th StraightLine ““ “" l No. 1814, 2574 l 11 No. 2511 92mg Htg. or O. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class, or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. ““ Cat- alogue No. 1820 2575 Cat‐ alogue No. 1816 2576 1819 Cat- alogue No. HUBS, BARREL. PRICE Description of Movement 90 Piece PerDoz. Size 1 . 3.00 18 34131. . 3.00 16 ‘ Model 8 t h 7th,13thto 15th Size Model 2d to 11th 3d, 5th to 9th, 13th to 15th “ 18 16 “ ‘ . 1 .70 . .70 . .70 i .70 . .' “ .70 . . Descriptionof Movement A B l o Pair Doz. PairlDoz. Pair Doz. Description of Hands ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. CLASS .1' t' . ““... . .70 . . No. 2540 ‐ . ‐ © For 14 Size For 16 Size BroadHourandMinute “ “ Straight Minute i‘ “ Whip " i “i “ " No. 2571 14 2d f} lst No. 2533 ‘ . . . . . . N0, 2538 ‐‐‐‐@ For 16 Size No. 2603 ‐.‐o For 18 Size ‐-‘‐‐‐© For 16 Size A Straw Color, Fine for 19, 21 and 23 Jewel Movelnents, B Blue “ “ “ 17, 19, 21 and 23 Jewel Movements. C.. u u 7and15u u No. 1820 0 Htg.orO.F. N0. 2575 Htg.or0. F. HUBS, BARREL ARBOR. PRICE Descri tion of Movem, t l ‐ p - Piece P e r Doz.‘ Size No. 1816 No. 1819 i No. 2576 E. l _E{ Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0. F. l HANDS, HOUR AND MINUTE. en 90 41, 98, 102, 126, 132 133 5N151; One-half of the dozen price wlll be charged for either hour or minute hands when ordered separately, In ordering Hands, always state Catalogue Number and Quality wanted. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at pair price. _________‐__.__I . .50 18 . .50 16 0. “MP1. .. 8 t h 7th, 13th to 15th .50 Spade,ExtraBroadHour,WhipMin. 60""“""" Model For 5-0 Size For 16 Size For 14 Size For 18 and 16 Size 1 2 A Piece Per Doz. Piece B Per Doz. .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 C Piece PerDoz. Htg. or O. F. ‘ 1 ‘ No. 1823 Htg. or O. F. No.1824 Htg. or O. F. No. 2577 Htg. or O. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH HANDS, SECOND. Description of Movement Model ‘ 2dt011th 3d,5thto9th,13thto15th ... ... .10 “ 2d lst . .. .10 . .. .10 . .' .10 No. 2539 +_ a .@_._ INDEXES. PRICE Piecegper D o z . 3.50 Description of Movement To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class, or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. Your Jobber will supply Balance Stafis, Balance Jewels, Roller Jewels. Hands and Screws in Dozen lots in original sealed trade marked Packages. ONE DOZEN No.161. .. BALANCE STAFFS Size/5... Class..,‘.‘L TRADE-MARKED PACKAGE ... ... .10 No. 2541 No. 2605, 2606 Size| " F. Pl. “ I M o d e l 2d to 4th, 7th 2d to 5th, 7th 8th 8th. 9th 6th to 9th. 13th 6th, 7th 14th, 15th 15th 2d 2d: _3d No. 1825 i Htg. or O. F. l [BOTTOM] 250131113 No. * 2 § 7 s JEWELS, BALANCE HOLE, UPPER. PRICE J Descriptionof Movement J Settings JKind JDiameter 33 38,107 1011012.3,127" '. f f I 128 129 8th, 9th 7th, 13thto 15th 13thto 15th 0th to 9th 2d 2d=3d CLASS 1.0311810121 105,106,122to 121.. . . 38 . 2,1 . 33 38,107 00110 123,127. . . 128, 129 .20 . 111130114 . . 7 J J Settings K i n d JDiameter llti,117 ......... 133............ I ,. “ J 151; 1,05 .. . . . PRICE Descriptionof Movement PieceJPerBox. Size J Model . . 18 JF.PI. 2110041117111 RosyRuby . . " " 10th,11th " Settings Kind JDiameter (30111 " . . . . . . , . 33:3810710110.1....... 1281120 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 *Olive Holes. ‘l’Settings stripped and polished. 2dto 5th,7th PaleRuby Comp. 10th,11th , “ " ‘ 105,100,1122to 124 118to] . . . . 1 ‘f ’ “ if “ 89 “KPl. 8th $111,9t11 " 15th 7th ,' Diarnond Gold PaleRuby Comp. Diamond Gold ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PlecePerD01.JSize J J FI . P ] . Model 2 d t o 4 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 10111, 11111 2a to 5111 7 t h 8th, 9111 P a l e R u b y C o m p . ~ . 1 1 0 084 1 1 0 000 JEWELS, BALANCE HOLE, LOWER. PRICE J Descriptionof Movement Piece Per Dozu Size J J 18 J11P1. 1 1. J . ‘ , Model .25 . 2 d t o 4 t h , 7 t h 10th. 11111Pale1311111Conn). .116 1 ‘~ 1 951 P1. J 1-" 8th 2d to 5t,117th 8 t h , 91h .1 ~1' 8th,9th J 7th,13111to 151011 J 13111to 15111 JEWELS, BALANCE CAP, UPPER. J ' “ " 1 “7 J 01,11to 9111 2d 2d,3d The method of jeweling our movements enables you to replace a Jewel and Retain the Same “Endshake” as Before on account of the shoulders on the settings being cut the same length for both upper and lower jewels, the variation in length» of pivots being taken up in the depth of recess cut in the top pieces. AllJewels ~in settings supplied the trade are thus “shouldered,” and the prices quoted are for unfinishedsettings, those that have not been cupped and polished, except Cap Jewels, which are always sent finished. Should finished settings be required an extra charge will be made of one dollar per dozen for composition, and two dollars for gold. ' 8th “ lst Red R u b y " 13th RosyRuby “ 8th,13th to 15th; J 6thétih,9th 2d; fi3d J lst “ “ PaleRuby Comp. CLASS 1,65,105,106,118t0124. . . JEWELS, BALANCE CAP, LOWER. PRICE Description of Movement Piece Per Doz. Size ‘ Model ‘ Settings i K i n d ‘Diameter 1 , 9 ' ' 3/1Pl. 8t1hz9th ‘ 5th Diamond Pale R u b ) Diamond 1. 65,119,121 . 105,106,118,1 90... CLASS 10 00 8 00 10.00 8 F. Pl. 2d to 4th, 7th, 10th, 11th RosyRuby Gold .116 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 108, 125150137 132 .00 . “ 128129. ..... .60 . 14 111to 114 .00 . 12 “ . . . 1‘.Pl.2dt05th7th,10th,11thPaleRubinomp JEWELS, BARR L ARBOR, UPPER. Cat- alqgue CLASS RICE p ‘ g 1\0. 2580 41, 98, 120, 132 £52116 CLASS No. 2587 ' 41,98,126,132 PRICE ‘ {Piece PerDoz. Settings Kind Diameter ( i n s e t Comp. “ “ “ 1,65,105,106,118t0124.. . 90,130,131 .00 , %P1. 11,1 Sapphire ‘ 8.00 “ 10.00 16 8 0 0 " i“ ' H %Pl. 2dt05th7th,10th,11th 8th 8,th 9th 7th, 8th,13th to 15th “ '7 f ‘ f Comp. Gold Comp. Gold 6th to 9th,b13thto 15th PaleRuby PRICE Description of Movement 1 Settings CLASS ~‐‐‐‐‐ PiecePerDoz. Size Model Kind lDiameter 2d 2d,3d 1st 7 P Descri tionof Movement Settin s Piece Per Doz. Sizle Model K i n d I Diameter . 15100 ' 10 “APl.| 7th, 13th t015th IRosyRuby Gold I .150 JEWELS, BARREL ARBOR, LOWER. PRICE Description of Movement Settings Piece'PerDoz. Sizer Model K i n d Diameter .75 0.00 ‘ 16 l%Pl.‘ 7th,131hto 15th Sapphire Comp. .l56 JEWELS, CENTER, UPPER. “ 00141 2d 1.1. t h , 7 t1 1 , c h 800 12 2d,3d JEWELS, CENTER, LOWER. Description of Movement Size Model ' 18 F P1 20 t o s t h 7thi1hOth 11th C o m p . “ .50 . . .. . . .00 . 10 “ 6thto9th,13111to15t11 All orders will be filled with flat or flush settings, unless it is stated that raised settings are wanted, the prices being the same. Under the heading “Settings," the largestdiameter of setting is given in thousandths part of an inch. Unless Finished settings are mentioned Unfinished will be sent. ‐l 2d, 3d 119,121 ........... 1364 1,65,119,121.. .pCaped. 2226 105,106, 118,120,122t0124 . 1364 90........Capped . 2226 130,131........... 1370 98,102,126 ......... 1371 41, 98,126,132 . .Ca,pp 1368 33,38,107 to 110,125,127. 1368 1,12 ........... 1368 111to114.......... 1378 116,117 ........... 2232 133 . 18FP. l “ “ H “ RosyRuby Gold .116 2223 133 allggue ............. -3- “ “ “ “ ............. 20 ‐8‐ “ 151: “u , V alogue CLASS No. 2218 1191 ........... 1380 1 , 65,119, 1 2 1 . p e d . 2219 105, 106, 118,120,122t0p124 . 1380 90........Capped . 2219 130,131........... 2220 98,102.125,126....... 2182 98,126,132. . .Capped . 2221 33,38.107t0110,126. . . . 2221 128.1........... 2221 111to114 .......... 1384 116117. ........,. JEWELS, ESCAPE, LOWER. PRICE Description of Movement ‐‐ ‐‐____‐_ PiecePerDoz. Size Model 303.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .30 3.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .060 Settings ___ Kind Diameter ........ 1357 9.0............. 2198 4.1............. 2199 98,126,132 ......... alogue CLASS N0. 16,5, 119, 121. . . . . . . . 9.0............. 41,98,126,132........ K i n d . 4.00 18F.P].2d604th,7th,10th,11thRosyRubyGold .116 1360 1360 1362 18F.P1.2tdo4th,7th,10th,11thPaleRuby Comp. .116 “ %P.l . 8 t h " “ .116 C L A S S JEWELS, ESCAPE CAP, UPPER. PRICE Description of Movement Piece PerDoz. Size Model Diameter ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 8.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 202.00 708.00 20 2.00 20 2.00 202.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 2.00 10th,11th 2dto4th,713111,10th,11thPale Ruby Comp. .116 JEWELS, ESCAPE, UPPER. PRICE Piece1Per Doz. Size Model “ Description of Movement Settings %’, P I . “ T 16 ‘ “ “ “ “ 7th,13th to 15th 6 t h to 9 t h 2116051311, 7th, 10th,11th 8 t h 8th, 9th 13tht015th Garnet P a l e R u b y Garnet .116 “ .116 " .116 ROSYRuby Gold .096 Pale R u b y Comp. .096 G a r n e t .096 14 “2d“ .096 12 “ 2d,3d “ “ .090 0 “uuu .080 18F.P1 10th11th “ “ 2dbo4th,7th,10th,11th “ “ 2dt/05th,713th,10th,11th Garnet “ %Pl. PaleRuby ” “ 8 1 : h Q, h t G a r n e t 16 “ 8th,13thto15th PaleRuby “ “ 13thto 15th " “ “ 6th, 7th, 9th Garnet " “ “ “ “ “ " “ .116 .116 .116 .116 .088 .096 .088 .088 .088 .080 .054 Settings 14‘2d“ 1 2 “ 2dz 3 d “ 0"‘““ lst 34,Pl.8th ““ .50 6.00 16 “ 7th RedRuby “ .40 4.00 “ “ 13thto 15th RosyRuby “ .40 4.00 “ JEWELS, ES APE CAP, .116 .096 096 Settings L ER. Description of Movement Slze Model PRICE 1 . Piece-PerDoz. .15 1.25 .15 1.25 .l5 1.25 16 “ 7th,13th17015th “ “ .096 The method of jeweling our movements enables y o u to replace a Jewel and Retain The Same “Endshake” as Before on account of the shoulders on the settings being cut the same length for both upper and lower jewels, the variation in length of pivots being taken up in the depth of recess cut in the top pieces. A l l Jewels in settings supplied the trade are thus “shouldered,” and the prices quoted are for unfinished settings, those that have not been cupped and polished, except Cap Jewels, which are always sent finished. Shouldfinished settings be requlred an extra charge will be made of one dollar per dozen for composition, and two dollars for gold. l___‐_____“__ K i n d Diameter PaleRubyComp. .116 ‐ _ K i n d _ _ Diameter .ppCa { 1 3 3 01’ 20 6 , 1 1 8 , 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 1 3 1 0 1 2 4 . ,:)12 41,98,126,132.Capped. 33: 386, 07 to 110,127. ‘F. 10th,11th RosyRuby 2dto4th7th,10th11thPaleRuby 128,129. 111to 114,. 17 7th,13th to 15th “ 6t0th9th Garnet ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. JEWELS, FOURTH, UPPER. PRICE Piece’PerDoz. Description of Movement ’ S e t t i n g s Size K i n d F. Pl.!2dt04th,7th,10th,11thRosyRuby Gold Diameter JEWELS, FOURTH, LOVVER. JEWELS, PALLET, UPPER. “ %P1. 2d to5th,7th,10th11th 81h 8th, 9th 7th .8th.13thto 15th 6 t h , 7221, 9 t h Garnet Comp. RosyRuby Gold Garnet Comp. RedR u b y Gold Rosy Ruby ‘ G a r n e t Comp. PRICE Description of Movement PiecePerDoz. Size 1 Model Settings Kind lDi.ameter Gold Comp. ‘ JEWELS, PALLET, ' LOWER. PRICE Description of Movement “ u K i n d Pale‘Ruby Comp, PiecePerDoz. Size Model 10th, 11th 2dt04th, 7th,10th,11th Diameter F. P1. “ Model 1 2dh3d lst “ PRICE Description of Movement | Settings Piece PerDoz. Size I Model 1 K i n d Diameter F. P1. 2dt04th,7th10th11th‘Paie R u b y Comp. “ P1, " 2dto5th,7&1)10th,111h[ Garnet . 8tht.9th 7th 13th,15th 8 t h 13th 150 1 5 t h 6th,7th9th PaleRubyl “ Garnet 1 1 2d. 3d lst ‘PaleuRubyl : Galnet N; 2 d t 0 5 t h , 7 t h , 1 0 t h , 1 1 t h 8th 8th, 9th 14th,15th 8th, 13th, 15th 7th.13thto 15th 6 t h , 722111, 9 t h G a r n e t Pale R u b y Garnet Rosv R u b y Pale R u b y “ Garnet 2dh3d lst “ unset “ 2dt05th,7th,10th,11th Garnet “ 34P1. 8th PaleRuby “ “ 18th,9th Garnet “ .515th PaleRuby 2d 2d:‘3d lst “ u Settings CLASS JEWELS, PALLET CAP, UPPER. PRICE Description of Movement - Settings Piece'PerDoz. Size Model K i n d Diameter 4.00 18 F. P]. 2dto 4th,7111,10th,11111RosyRuby Gold .116 1,051,119,121........ .7. 105,101113 12012210104. .. .. 130131. . .. .... ._. 9310312313113: . . . . .. K i n d 18 F. Pl. 2dto4th,7111,10111,11111RosyRuby Gold .116 3338,107t0110,1‘2 . . . . 128,129 11110114 CLASS RosyRuby Garnet Comp. 1,651,119, 121 . 105,106,118,1‘20122101‘24. . 9 0 98,102,125,121). . . . . . . 3.00 18 “ “ ‘ K i n d F. Pl. 2d 4th 7th,10th 11th Pale R u b y Comp. Diameter .116 .116 ‘ 33, 38,107t0110,1‘7. 128,129... .. 111t0114 . .. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. PRICE 1Piece POI'DOZ. Description of Movement Size‘ Model Settings 5.00 “ 7.00 16 5.00 " 9.4. ‘Pl. 8th “ “ Clamp JEWELS, PALLET CAP, LOWER. afoat-e gu ‐‐‐‐ No. 2200 . ', 2200 00 , d , . , -. CLASS . " . . . .1 . 18 F. Pl.l2dto4th, 7th, 10th, 11th Pale Ruby!Comp. “ 3/1Pl. 81h “ 2202 , 16 “ l 7111,13th1015111 " " 1 6 2dt05th,711110th,11111 Garnet Comp. ‘ 2 7th 13thto 15th RedR u b y RosyRuby “ “ “ “ PRICE Description of Movement PiecejPerDoz. Size Model Kind Diameter JEWELS, THIRD, UPPER. PRICE Description of Movement Piece PerDoz. Size Model Settings '?4 P1. l " “ 8th 10119111 7th 8th, 131111015111 6th,7111,9111 RosyRuby Gold Gainet Comp. RedR u b y Gold . . ..“2d " . . 2d.fl3d JEWELS, THIRD, LOWER. “ V 1P l . ' 2dt0 th,7th,10th,11th 8 t h 8th. 9th 7th, 13th, 15th 81h.13tht015th 6th, 7th, 9th 2d 2d,“3d 151; Garnet P a l e R u b y " Garnet “ Pale R u b y “ Garnet .. “ u “ Your Jobber will supply Balance Staffs, Balance Jewels, Roller Jewels, Hands and S c r e w sm Dozen lots in original Sealed Trade Marked Packages. ONE DOZEN 1110-55.71. BALANCE STAFFS Size/5- Class (9 TRADE-MARKED PACKAGE lst [BOTTOM] Settings Diameter ' L‐ Htg. or 0. F. ,80.................. 116.117 ................. 2151 ‘.1................... " j: 5; Garnet 0 ' Sapphire “ “ “ Garnet 3 ” 1st " No. ‘PioceP e lDoz.S1ze Model FuPl. 2d t04th, 7th, 10th.11th ' 2d to 5th. 7th.101h, 11111 7 . . . . . 570 1281...................i .20 2.00 .10 .60 202.00 .10 .50 2075 55!) 2075 2070 2075 559 65.119,121. 105 106.118 120.122 to 1“4. 90. 9 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 31................. 3 6 . 4 19 8 . 1 0 2 . 1 2 5 , 1 2 6 , 1 3 2 . . . . . . . . 33. 38.10710110 127 . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7a s7 17 .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 2 0 11110114................i.10 6 8, 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 2 0 116.117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ .10 5.2...................i .10 LEVERS, CLUTCH 2670 570 2671 571 2150 1 21 ‘ 1 1 " 177‘ 0i ‘5‘ 20.550 :‘ S a p p h i r e Garnet Sapphire Garnet ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 27 1441 4.1........................... 1441 ,38.......................... 1441 10750110 ........................ 2154 98,132.......................... 2154 102,127 ......................... .15 .10 .10 .15 .15 .15 .15 .10 1 16 ‘ 7th JEWELS, PALLET STONES, RIGHT OR LEFT. ........................... .75 ‘j ‘j ,, 1.50 H 2 13th.15th 1.25 ‘ 9th, 13th, 15th i PRICE Description of Movement . T Cat- alogue No. 2666 546 546 2666 546 2667 2666 546 546 556 2668 555 2669 558 Cat- PRICE Description of Movement alogue CLASS i _ i CLASS 16.5.119,121 .............. 118.120,123.124............. 105. 106. 122 90,91.9.9................ 130.131 ................. 4.1...................,132 ........... 33.38.107,108,127............ 109,11.................. 128,129 ................. 6872.................. 111to114 ................ iPiere‘PerDoz. Size Model .45 4.50 .15 1.50 .10 1.00 .45 4.50 .15 1.50 .50 6.00 .45 4.50 .15 1.50 .10 1.00 .10 1.00 .45 4.50 .10 1.00 .45 4.50 .10 1.00 .10 1.00 18F.Pl. 21d401h.7th,10th.11‘£h Sapphire Garnet " S a p p h i r e Garnet Ruby S a p p h i r e Garnet “ JEWELS, ROLLER YR JEWEL PIN. .20 .10 .10 2.00 .60 .60 2.00 .60 2.00 .60 16 .. 6thto9111.13thto15th Sapphire " 1. i 0111,71h.9th Garnet PRICE No. iPiece PerDoz. Size Model Cat- alogue CLASS 1 D 1826 9.0...........................i .15 1826 130,131 ......................... .10 1.50 183/1P1. 81;1 1.00 1“ 8th,9th 2545 126 2545 5........................... 1827 128.129 ......................... 1827 11160114 ........................ .10 1828 116,117 ........................ f .10 1829 133 ...........................i .10 No. 1441 No. 1826 4m 690 10>. 455 Htg. or O. F. Htg. or O. F. No. 1829 No. 2154 Htg. or O. F. Htg. or O. F. No. 2545 l I: i: .. ‘ " 2d to 5th. 7th 8 1 h , 9 1 h “ 7th 8111.01h.13th1015th 6th. 7th. 91h 6th. 7111 3 P1 l . “ “ 16 “ “ “ “ “ ” “ 14 “2d" 12 ” 2d.311 Sapphire 18 7; “ Sapphire Garnet Sapphire 32131. 8th. 9th .. “ Garnet 14r12d" 7 " V .00 5 i ' 1 155 ‘ -‐ Descri tion of Movement .25 1.00 I ‘ “ 6th,7th ““ 1.25 “ ‘f 8th 1.50 14th .75 14 " 2d .75 12 “ 2d.3d .75 “ “ 1.00i“151: No. 1827 No. 1828 33. 38 107t0110 128 129 111toll4 Htg.or 0. F Nob. 4/24‘1833 Htg.or0. F. Htg.or O. F. N0. 2155 ‘ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. LEVERS, SETTING. No. 1743 No. 1830 No. 1831 .F. N0. 1832 Htg.or O. F. No. 2537 C)" Htg. Qc-QO . N0. 1834 Htg.orO.F. NUTS, CENTER WHEEL. No. 1835 Q Htg. or O. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less t h a n one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. PRICE ‘piece PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model O.F. PRICE Piece PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model F. P1. :f 2d to 4111 10.211 “ 2d104th “ llth “ “ t‘ 7th 7th, 11th 5th 1.50 18 %P1.| 8th No. 584 mm Htg.or0. F. N0. 1551 No. 1837 " Poised. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. NUTS AND SCREWS, PATENT REGULATOR. CLASS 1y6.51.0513106,122130124........... PRICE Description of Movement Htg.or0. F. Piece PerDoz. Size Model 2dto5th.7th 8th,9th th. 15th Gold 6th to 9th.213thto 15th ( 2(1:.3(l N0. 1550 m fl“ MQ Htg.or0. F. Htg.or0. F. Htg.or0. F. PALLETS, WITH STONES FITTED. No. 2, 2674, 2675 W Htg. or 0. F. ‘ PiecePerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model Stones Your Jobber will supply Balance Staffs. Balance Jewels, Roller Jewels. Hands and Screws in Dozen lots in original sealed trade marked Packages. ONE DOZEN M115.-. _. BALANCE STAFFS Size/5... 0355.12“ TRADE-MARKED PACKAGE .§ F.P1. 1. 34.“- 1 u “ u 18 F.“ . 2d1t0h4thla51th Sapphire 2dm4th.7th10th11th Garnet [BOTTOM] 5th 7th 211to 4th 8th 8th. 9th , " Sapphire Garnet, 7th Ruby 15m Sapphire 13thto 15th " 8th. 13th. 15th “ 6th, 7th Garnet 1,Ga 119, 2 118, 06 122 18 “ F. P1. " Stones 2dto 4th,7th 10th,11th " Htg.or O. F. No. 2589 Htg. No. 2590 ”55 Hts.or O. F. Htg.or0. F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0. F. PALLETS, FORKS AND ARBORS, WITH STONES FITTED. PRICE Description of Movement ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PALLETS AND FORKS, WITH STONES FITTED. PRICE Piece!PerDoz. Size . . . Description of Movement Model Piece PerDoz. Size i? F. Pl. Model 2dto 4th, 7th . . “ Sapphire 4 1 .00 i ‐ 12.00 ‘ " 2d, 3 d “ u in 2d 2d, 3d l s t “ “ R u b y Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Garnet No. 2512 rite Htg.or O. F. No. 2077, 2676 2677, 2682 5:%<< Htg.or O. F. No. 2345 N0. 2\78. 2679 Sal Fiat aei_>~fi ' -- 10th, 11th uu 2dto 4th, 7th,10th, 11th Garnet “ u u t‘ Straight t. , “ Garnet 1: n 16 7th Cone Ruby j: 2dto 4th. 7th “ “ “ ‘ 8th Straight " “ 8th, 9th “ Garnet 2dto 4th 8th, 9th “ “ Cone Sapphire " ‘f " “ 14th,15th Straight Sapphire “ u s.’ 8th, 9th. 13th, 15th 6th, 7th “ "A 1 5 t h 9th, 13thto 15th " 6th, 7th “ R u b y 5th, 7th “ 2dto 4th “ 8th;‘9th 7th Ruby 15th 9th. 13thto 15th 8th, 9th, 13th, 15th 6th, 7th " 9th 6th. 7th Sapphire " “ R u b y Garnet " “ No. 2680, 2681 No. 2683 Htg.or0. F. Pivots Stones Cone Sapphire 2d “ 6th. 7th 2d 54 u , Sapphire u Garnet n “ “ 2d, 3d Cone R u b y “ Straight Sapphire " it i; MH 2d. 3d “ 15? if Garnet Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Garnet 1 0. 1840 17:10 178 178 1738 1850 1850 1851 18.31 1851 1852 1852 1853 1854 PINIONS, BEVEL. PRICE Description of Movement Piece:PerDoz. Size | Model . 1.118.119 .................. 105.123 ................... ,14 ...................... ..................... 0.0..................... 1130.131 ................... 124 100 l 1 33.38.41, ““ “ 8P41 “" 8th.91h 15 1 107.108,125.127 0th. 7th 13 109.110 128.129 11110114 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. 05. 120,121.122................ ........... ............... ................... ................... 2.50 .30 3.00 .25 2.50 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 2.00 .25 2.50 No. 1739 Htg. No. 1853 15 ‘ 0th.7th,13thto151h 13 " ‘5 0111109111 13 .................. ................... ...................... 3d 14 12 No. 1851 Htg.orO.F. No. 2349 Htg.or0. F. No. 2595 Htg.or O. F. No. 2691 Htg.or O. F. 115.117 133 5“ No. 1850 2d. 1513 No.178,1849 Htg.orO.F. No. 615 Htg.orO.F. No. 2513. 2514 Htg.or O. F. No. 2596 Htg.or 0. F. i'Poised. No. 1738 0. F. No. 1852 Htg.or0. F. No. 1854 i 252.25 .15 1.50 .25 1 2.25 .20; 1.75 .15 1.50 .30 3.00 1 8 F P. 1 . 2 d t o 4 t h . 1 0 1 1 1 ""2dto4th 14 “ “ 7th.11th 14 ““7th 14 25 5th Sth 114 1 15 ID ID 0 mg.or c. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. PALLETS, FORK AND ARBORS. No. 616 Htg. No. 621 No. 2687. 2688 Htg.or O. F. No. 2689. 2690 Htg.or O. F. ILLUST TIONS iv Htg.orO.F. Nos. 2573, 2591. 2592, 2593. 2594, 2684, 2685, 2686 Htg.or O. F. When a Pallet and Fork or Pallet Fork and Arbor is wanted for a particular movement, in order to get it well matched send the Escape Wheel and Pinion. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material give Catalogue Number and Class, or number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. “"1 14l“ 2d 14 12 “ 0“ " 15 I‐ Htg. or O. F. Htg. or O. F. Htg. or O. F. Htg.or O. F. Htg. or 0. F. Htg. or O. F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. 3 3 3 8 , 9 8 1 0 2 , 1 2 5 , 1 2 0 . 10700110, 1" 7 128,129 1 1 1 t 0 114 No. 672, 1459 No. 1461, 1462 No. 660, 2599 No. 1717, 2600 No. 1858 1 No. 1863 No. 2055 Htg.orO.F. . i Plvots ‘Teeth 1 Cone i Straight *' 1 Cone , ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. PINIONS, CANNON. ’ PRICE Description of Movement ‘ N0. of Teeth .. CLASS , 1Piece,PerDoz. Size 3.00 2.50 " " Model 2d to 4th, 10th “ 211 to 4 t h \ Wheel Timon1 i 41 7h1 33,311,113, 102, 125, 120, 132 107to 110.127 128, 129 111_ to 114 1113.1.or 0. F. CL ASS $605,3105, 100, 118 to 124. . . . 33, 38598 102,1073t0110,125,127 ,98;)102, 1 2 , No. 652, 2598 $32 255? $11? {In >== ' 1:2 No. 1856 RE» Htg.0 o. F. No. 2597 Hm Train PI ONS, CENTER. PRICE 1 Description of Movement Piece!PerI)oz.|Size 1 M o d e ] l No. 1857 1» - Htg. Htg.or0. F. F. PI. 5" ‘ 1 1 1 2P.1.2dt05th,7§21i110th,11th Quick 8th 9th “ 6th to 9th,13th “ 7 t h , 1321‘11t0 1 5 t h “ 5. 211,611 “ss lst “ Htg.or0. F. Htg.orO.F. ‘ Htg.orO.F. 1 PINIONS, ESCAPE. PRICE Description of Movement 1 , ‘ T r a m lPiece PEI‘DOZ, Size 18 “ No. 1864, 1865 Model 1 F“.Pl. 2d'004th,7th,10th,11th Quick " 10th. 11th “ 211105111, 7111 %P1. 9th " f‘ 7 ' “ ‘ “ 3011, 9111 7th.13thto15011 6 t h t o 8 t h , 1 3 t h t o 1 5 1 1 1 61311, 725111, 9111 Ed:.3d lst \ N0. 1867 No. 1868 S t r a i g h t 1Cone 1 1l 5 1 1 a i g h t 16 l"ss 11 No. 7th, 11111 5th. 7th 8th 8tht, 91h 6 t h 008th,713tht015t11 1 6th,72tdh,9 t h 20,611 1 {2221 No. 1457 11m Htg.or0. F. | 1,118,119 105,123 65, 120,121 106,122, 124 1s F.‘PI. “ ‘ ELGIN NATIONAL W A T C H C_O. No. 703 No. 1876 No. 1877 No. 1878 N0. 1880 No. 1881 N0. No. 1873 N0. 1874 0. F. N0. 1875 N0. 2125 PINIONS, FOURTH. PRICE Description of Movement Piece}PerDoz. Size “ “ Model 2d to 4th.10th 2d to 4th 7th, 11th 5th, 7th . . . . . . . . . %£1. 8th PINIONS, THIRD. PRICE Description of Movement ‘PiocePerDoz. Size Model 2d to 4th, 10th 261to 4th 7th, 11th 5th. 7th 8th 9th 6th, 8th, 14th 6th 7th, 15th 7th. 13th. 15th 7th. 9th 2d 2dh3d ‘ lst ‘ O. F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. BEVEL PINION. PRICE Piece Per Doz. No. 1744 [3:3 Movement 9th 6th, 8th, 14th 6th 7th, 15th 71:11, 13th.15th 7th, 9th No. 1870 No. 1871 ¢D=~ Htg. Description of Size Model 18 F.P]. 11th ,60 .50 “ “ 5th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ‘ Htg.or O. F. No. 1961, 2648 i REGUL ATORS. PRICE Descriptionof Movement Piece Size Model 10thzh11th 7th 2a to 5th, 7th . Kindof HairSpring Breguet " 7th l3" .." 15th 98v 102.1245 . ' ‘)8 33.38102,107,108.1L>5.127. . . . Z . Z , ' , . ~ 14th,15th 13th fithtoinh.13th 09110 . Htg.or 0. F. No. 1893 ." ' thiédflh i No. 729, 1469, 2646 ' No. 1889 Htg.or O. F. No. 2515 N0. 1890, 2647 Htg. No. 2601 No. 1892, 2649 Htg.or O. F. No. 2644, 2645 ewe;w}GP, Htg.orO.F. 0. F. Htg.orO.F. O.F. Htg.orO.F. No. 31, Friction R i n g No. 1888, Safety Roller No. 2650, Safety Roller @e Htg.,or O. F. Htg. or 0. F. RINGS, FRICTION. PRICE Description of Movement ‘Piece PerDoz. Size [ Model .50 ROLLERS, SAFETY. PRICE Piece} Per Doz. i 18 ‘F.P1.i 2dto4th.10th Description of Movement To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class, or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. " 8th " 8thh9th Size Model F. P]. 2dto 4th,7th.10th,11th A3/ 1. “ “ 8th,9th 6th to 9th, 13thto 15th 2d1 3d Cat‐ alogue ) 0. 2696 2697 2698 2698 2699 2699 2699 Description of Movement Model .‘ .50 ‘ ‘ Gai'pet . . “ 2d .’ '. “ lst ..-,““ ..“” No. *2382 2068 Piece PerDoz, Size Model 2dto 4th,7th10th,11th Sapphixe 10th11th Garnet I . 4.00 2.50 17.131. M P 1 7 80 .' 118, 120 105.106,122to 12 1, 65.119. 121. . 90,91,99., 33, 38 107.10 109 1 1 0 1 2 7 11110114. 116,117. . . 18 3/1 P1. 8 t h , 9 t h 90,91, 99 36, 41, 98, 102, 33 38 107 108 109 110,127 128,129 67 68, 71, 72 111to 114 116, 117 2d to 5t1h, 7th 8 t h 9 t h 6th to 9th. 13thto 15th 6th. 7th 6 t h , 7 t h , 9 t h 2d 2dh3d u Sapphire Garnet u Sapphire Gaypet *Used with double Roller Escapement. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ROLLERS, COMBINATION. No. 2652 2, & Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. No. 2653 Htg.or O. F. ROLLERS, COMBINATION, WITH JEWELS FITTED. ROLLERS, TABLE._ PRICE Piece PerDoz. ROLLERS, TABLE, WITH JEWELS FITTED. Size 1.1 L Description of Movement Model Cat- L alogne _ Jewel PRICE Piece Per Doz. Size Description of Movement Model | PRICE L IPiece PerDoz. Size Jewel. PRICE Description of Movement 1 %3’1- H 8th. 9 t h 2’d G a r n e t .' . 0 ‘2 2d“ Sapphire it W Uu EPI‐ u 3i/1n. 10th, 11th 2dto5th,7th 2d t04tll. 7th,10th,11th 8th 9th 6th, 7th 6 t h 7t t, h 9 t h 6thto 9th2,113thto 15th 2d,‘3d 51 36- Cat- 0.83110 ARTICLE ELGINNATIONALWATCH Co. SCREWS, USE AND NUMBER. Descriptionof Movement CLASS ~ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1 o. 885 888 1568 1997 1997 2728 2729 886 2520 2042 886 2519 890 1575 2022 889 2301 2306 2302 2305 2305 2305 2027 907 893 1747 2444 2036 1584 2612 1999 2012 2030 2298 1999 2443 896 897 2037 894 2000 2000 2031 916 898 1599 2289 2014 2625 899 901 Size Model ArmVibrating...,. ,119 .................. 18 2dto4th,10th .0428 120 .0208 220 .0208 220 .0208 220 .0208 220 .0148 320 .0128 300 .0208 220 .0208 220 .0208 220 .0208 220 0208 220 0548 180 0488 200 0488 200 .0548 120 .0548 180 .0548 180 .0488 200 .0488 200 0488 200 .0488 200 .0408 200 .0368 140 0468 110 0608 110 .0468 110 .0428 120 .0428 120 .0428 120 .0428 120 .0368 140 0308 180 0428 120 0428 120 0428 120 0368 140 0368 140 0428 120 0428 120 0428 120 0428 120 0368 140 0308 180 0368 140 0488 140 0368 140 0368 140 0368 140 0248 220 0428 120 0428 120 .0428 120 .0428 ~ 120 Balance, Brass, . . , . 105,106,122t0124,130,131. . . . . . . . " “ “ ..1.. 338107to110,127........... 16 2dto 5th, 7thto 9th 6th,7th,9th 2d 2d,3d " l s t 2dto 4th,7th 10th, 11th 8th 7th,8th.13thto 15th 10th, 11th “ " . . . . . 128,129 . “ “ ..... 111t0114 " “ ..... 116,117. 14. 12 0 “3" 18 " - ‘' 16 18 “ 1,“..... “ Gold..... ““.. ‘ ‘ “ ..4.. Oreide. . . . . Banking,Brass. . , . . i' “. 133. . . ‘ i “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ‘f i' “ “ ..... Gold . . . 1 . Nickel. . . . 16 6th,7th ...... Bridge, Barrel. . . . . Bar, Setting H.. “ “142d " 12 2d,3d ‘E0“ 11..... “ " .. “ “ .. . . . ‘i H..... i“ “ . . . . . “ ‘i ..1.. 128,129 ................. 14 2d “ i' ..... to114 ................ 12 ................. 0 “ ' “ " ..... 111 2d, 1st “ Z 1. . . 011111, Setting . . . . . . 1,119 ‘ 903 C§§e.. . , .. 1 ............... 1s 2tdo4th,10th ““ “" “ 2dt05th,7th,10th,11t11 “ ‘ 7th,13th0015th 2d,3d 8th 9th 2 dt o4tlslégth,11th Ratchet 119 Long. 2023 _ 2023 1 2047‘ f. 220 2621 2621 2018 2038 “ 1722 Cllgk 1601 2291 “ 1601 " 2003 “ 2003 " . 4198,102,126,132.........., . 16 “ . 116,117 ................. 0 " . 90,130,131................ 18 0248 220 0248 220 0368 140 0368 140 ' 90, 130 131 33 38,41,98,102,107t0110,125130127,132. 16 111 133 .................. 18 2 .................... “ d 1 Short. 8th,9th 6th to 9th, 13thto15th ................ “ 8th, 9th Gth009151], 13th17015th .................... 3 133 105, 123 106, 124 ................. “ ................. 18 2tao “ “““. ““". “ “ " . 1,118,119 ............Long. " 2dto4th,10th BevelPinion . 65, 122 .................. “ 4th 5th, 7th ““".1 , 7th ““ 18, 1191............ “ PalleL.. ... 901301 ............... 18 “ " . . . 1. 333841,398,102,10710110,125t0127,132. 16 “ “ ..1,. 128.129 ................. 14 2d f “ ....1 ‘ “ ..1. ................. 0 “ to114 ................ 12 .................... vs 2d,3d 181; 014103110th “ SettingSpring. . 33,as,107to110............. 16 6th,7th ...... 120 1; ‘° 17.. 4.1................... “ 1 " ~.. “ “ “ .. ................. 0 .................... 9 3d Cap, Bridge 116,117 7th 133 . . . . . . 1,118,119 ................ 2d, 1st " Ratchet " . .................... 18 0248 8th 0248 220 Setting InterSetting j: k....................... “ , .. . . . 1,119 2dto4th,10th 2dto4th,7th,100h,11th 2d to 5th 8th, 9th 6 t h to 9th,21(1i}th to 15th 1 .0468 110 16,5,121,122,124 . . . . . . . . . . . . “ .................. 419831102126,132 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,38107m110,125,127......... " 128,129 ................. 14 111to114 ................ 12 , 0608 110 0368 140 0368 140 0368 140 1301 16 8th,9th 7th,13thto15th Gthto9th 12 18 " “ 16 ‘3- 1st 18 101h ‘f 7th 2d, 3d 10th, 11th 2dt0‘5th,7th,'10th,11th fit , 9t 6thto 9th,13thto 15th " 5th,7th “ 7th,11th 3d t,9 . 16 6th069011,113111to 15m 0428 120 12 16 14 12 0428 120 . .0248 220 0248 220 26, 3d 1817 0208 220 241,341 S 5th, 7th 6 t h to 9th,21(iith to 15th 2d 2d,“3d 2d, 3d ARTICLE Size Model 2d, 3d lst 2dto5th,7th,10th,11th . 9th 6thto 9th,21d3thto 15th 2dfi3d lst 8th 7th, 13thto 15th 2dto 5th,7th 8th, 9th 6 t h t o 9 t h , 13th 130 1 5 t h 2( 2d;_3d 2dto 5th,7thto 9th 10th, 11th 8th 6 t h 17089 t h 1 3 t h 14th,15th 7th,13th 15th 2d 2d,.3d 151; 2dto5th, 7thto 11th 6thto 9th,13th 7th, 13th 14th,d15th 2 2dh3d 14th, 15th 2dto 5th, 7tht0 11th u Jewel Barrel, Lower " Center Upper 90 8th u s ,, ,. 33,38.41,98,102,107,108,125,127. . . . . 98, 102, 126, 132 128, 129 111to 114 90,130,131 33,38,411,98,102,107,108,125,127. 98, 102,126132, b o l 1,65.90.1105,106,1181701241130,131. 33,38,41.98,109,110,127. 98.107,1 90 41, 98, 126, 132 ~ 1, 65,90, 105,106,118130124, 130,131. 33, 38, 41, 98, 109, 110,127 98 102,107,108125 98, 102, 126, 132 128, 129 6thto 91h.13th 14th, 15th 2d 8th:9th 6th to 9th, 13th .. u s , u .. Esque,Upger u 2d, 3d 2d to 5th, 7th to 11th 6th to 9th, 13th 6th, 7th, 13th 14th, 15th 8th, 13th 2d 2d,i3d lst 2dto 4th,7th,10th,11th 8th 7th, 13th to 15th 2d to 5th, 7th 1.0 11111 6th to 9th, 13th 6th to 8th. 13th 14th. 15th 2d 2d, 3d lst 8th 7th, 15th 2dt05th,7th,10th,11th 8th 7th,13thto 15th 2dto 4th,7th,10th,11th 8th 13th to 15th 7th, 1311] 2dto 5th,7thto 11th 8th 6th to 9th, 13th 14th, 15th 8th, 13th 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th 2d 2d, 3d “ Lower Pa11et, Upyer ,. 65 65 a. Lower 4; L o w e r s.’ 14 s th Third, Upper u ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SCREWS, USE AND NUMBER. CONTINUED. 90 41,98,102,126,132 1,65.105,31063122to 124 90,130, 6,117 1,65,105,106,122to 124,130,131. 118to 121 90 1,65, 90 105,1011860124,130,131. 33, 38 41, 98, 102, 10710110, 125. 127. Descriptionof Movement Lever, Clutch ,, ,, ,, ,, ., uu u u u 33, 3801071t0 110 125, 127. . . . . . 41, 982,102, 126,132 133 Plate,Tgp uu uu nu u as Setting u n Pillar “ UnderCock. . . 65,106,120to 122,124 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. ARTICLE CLASS Jewel, Third,I'lgper Description of Movement Model 2d, 3d lst 8th 7th, 15th 8tl1,91 11 Gtht 9th 8t11,9tl1, 133311to 15th 2d:‘3d lst 2d to 4th, 10th 7th to 9th, 11th lsltthh 6t111.tl71th 8tl1,9th,1,]:,ith to 15th 2 2&2‘311 lst 2d to 4th, 10111 10th 2d to 5th 7th, 11th 8th, 9th 6th to 9th, 13th 7th, 1321) to 15th (1 2dh3d 1513 2dto5th,7th,10th,11111 6 t h to 9tl1,21(i3th to 15th 2d,_3d 1513 1, ,, Lower SCREWS, USE AND NUMBER, CONTINUED. 1,65,105,105,118to 124 90,130, Potance 2d004th,7th,10th,11tl1 Regulator. Adjusting . SpyingARm, Vibrfiting 65,1t2)01t2()122,124 105, 118, 1 3 120 1 0 5 , 1 11 8 , 1 2 3 65,90121,122,124,1130,131. 98,102,125t0127,1 2d to 4tl1h 10th 2d t05th,7th,10th,11th 6thto 9th,2‘1d3thto 15th 2d,‘3d 1517 8th, 9m 8th,9th,13mto 15th 2 d t o 4 t h , 1 0 t h 7 t h to 91h11tl1 8th, 9 m , 13th to 15th 10th,11th 2d to 4th,10th 5th, 7th, l l t h 2d2‘3d lst 2d 2d. 3d |2dto 4th, 10th 2dt05th,7th.10th, 11111 St . 6th to 9th,2léithto 15th 2d,_3d lst 8th, 9th 6th, 7th, 9th 6th to 8th, 13th 2d 2d,‘3d u “ u u u “ Segging u u u u u u Styli, H‘qir Spring . . . u ,, uu uu u“ Hu. Wli‘eel Ra'gghet.. . . . u (5 .l..l ,, u ,, u Lexer,Clufch. . ‘ : 1 S e t g i n g ' ' u u Regulator. . . .. 118m1121 u lst 1,118,1 65, 106, 120t0122, 124 33, 38, 4, 8129 107 D0110 A‐FlatHead,Bright,EdgeStonedandCornered. B ‐ F l a t Head, B r i g h t , E d g e Stoned. C ‐ F l a t Head. B r i g h t , E d g e n o t Stoned. D ‐ F l a t Head, Blue, E d g e not Stoned. I E‐FlatHead.Gray,EdgenotStoned. F ‐ B e v e l Head, B r i g h t , E d g e Stoned. G ‐ B e v e l H e a d , B r i g h t . E d g e n o t Stoned. H ‐ B e v e l Head, Blue, E d g e not Stoned. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PRICE OF SCREWS. Cat-AB EFGH Doz. . Gross Doz. Gross . 1(a‘vross 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. PRICE OF SCREWS, CONTINUED. BD ’ . Gross EXTRA SIZE SCREWS. It sometimes happens where screws have to be removed and replaced in movement a number of times, the thread in plate becomes worn so that the screws overturn; to take care of such cases we make screws that are slightly larger than the regular size which are known as Large. In cases where the thread has beenentirely stripped a screw is used which is known as Extra Large; but before u s i n g the latter the hole must be retapped. Large and Extra Large Screws are not made for our entire line, but we can furnish them in many of the kinds which are most used. These screws will be supplied at the same price as the regular. In ordering give number and letter of screws and state whether Large or Extra Large are wanted. When Extra Large are furnished, we can supply taps to be used with them. Cfit' alogue 0. CLASS PRICE I’iecqPer D o z . Deselipiion of Movement 1100.01 7 , 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1914 ......................... 2.50 Cat‐ alogue No. SPRINGS, ARM, VIBRATING. PRICE Description of Movement Model 61 .10 .50 .......................Piece PerDoz. Size 1g Rum. 2dtoétlh10111 7111 11111 0. 173 ...........................PiecePerDoz. Size .1Model 1895 2355 1896 1896 1896 1896 .10 .50 . 1 0 .50 11 P1. “ 111 2(1.Z3d 5“lst to ....................... No. 1913 } 2.00 No. 1914 [13 Htg. or O. F. Z 107 128 129 1.50 .15 1.50 .15 1.50 114 1:16 117 . N0. 1912 Htg. or 0. F. 102 105,118,123 65. . . . 120to 122, .10 1.00 110 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SLEEVES, WINDING ARBOR. 4.1........................... 25 10 .......................... 20 "“ ”““ No. 2657 C]: Htg. or O. F. to ...................."... 15 3/1 P1. 7111 6th. 7111 14“ 2d Htg. or 0. F. 183 183 Cat‐ alogue CLASS ~ “ “ 1,65 119,121,122 140 5 , 1 1 0 6 , 1 1 1 8 , 1 2 0 1 2 3 , 1 2 4 .10 .75 130,131 . ...................... .10 .50 . 1‘ “ “ F. P1. Z; 2dm4thh,7th 7th,10th,11th 2 d t o s t h , 7111. 1 0 t h 1 1 t h ................. 90 ...................... .10 1.00 98,126,132 ...................... 110 1.00 107 002110, 127 8th, 9th 16 “ 7 t h 131m 0015th 33:38,102, 125 2: “ 6tht08th.13th 15th 6th 7th, 9th .10 SPRINGS, CAM. 120 P1. SPRINGS, CLICK. PRICE Piece‘PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model .50 No. 183 Q 0. F. PRICE Description of Movement S i z e .10 .75 18F 11111 .10 50 “ 14“ 2d 2dh3d lst No. 1899 No. 2355 Htg. or O. F. ~ Htg. or 0. F. I alogue STRENGTH Descri ti f M v m n D 0“ ° 0 e e t Model No. 791, 2692, 2693 Htg.or0. F. i No. 796 No. 807, 2694 No. 1958.2522, 2523 No. 1959 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SPRINGS, HAIR, BREGUET, WITH COLLETS AND STUDS. Pm E PriceofSprint;r ‐ ‐ C ‐ ‐ an Piece PerDoz. Vibrating Size .40 4.00 .60 18 .40 4.00 .60 ‘ .40 4.00 .60 “ .404.00.60““ “ l l .oo Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0. F. Htg.orO.F. Your Jobber will supply Hair Springs in oiled papers, printed with Strength and Number as shown by illustra‐ tion below. . 18 Size ., W" Strength 1 No.791 % f Since issuing our Price List of Material in 1896, it has been deemed advisable to change the manner of classifying Hair Springs, for the following reasons: We have at various times made changes in the several sizes of Balances, which have altered their weight, and consequently the strengths of Hair Springs had to be changedaccordingly:somuchso,thattheBalancewhichweoriginallyusedinour”Class1" movementstook thesamestrengthspringasthosewearenowusinginourpresentlineof“Class6” movements.andinorderto assistthetradein procuringsuitableHairSprings,haveadoptedthefollowingsystem: TakingtheheaviestBalancewemakeofagiven size,asastandard, wevibratea suitablespringtoit,which springisknownas StrengthNo.1;forthenextlighterBalance,ofcoursetakingalighterspring,thestrengthis known as No. 2, and so on. In each case the Lowest strength number represents the Strongest spring, and the Highest number the Weakest spring. Having abandoned “Classes" as relates to Hair Springs, if the Nunber of Movement is given for which spring is wanted, it willbe of assistanceto us in selectingone of proper strength, although the Only SureWay of getting a suitable Breguet Hair Spring, for a n y special movement is to Send us the Balance, that we m a y vibrateaspringto it; thisdoesnotnecessarilyapplyto FlatSprings,althoughbetterresultswouldbe obtained should these instructions be followed. r \ In case difiiculty is experienced in bringing a new Hair Spring “to time" within the limits of the Regulator, owingto thespring’s beingtoo strongor weak (asthe casemay be)weare puttingup assortmentsof Timing Screwsforthispurpose,whichwillproveof greatassistancein quickly correcting theerror,bythe additionor substraction of a pair of these screws; a fulldescription and instructions for their use will be found in its appropriate place under “Screws.” .60 “ 94Pl. .60 “ “ .60 16 “ .40 4.00 .40 4.00 .40 4400 .404.00.6014“ 2d .40 4.00 .60 12 “ 2d,3d .404.001500“ " .40 4.00 .60 -3~ “ lst F, PI. “ “ 2dto5th.7th 2dto 4th.7th 10th.,11th 8th 8th, 9th 0thto 9th,1301to 15th ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. _ 43 SPRINGS, HAIR, BREGUET. Table below gives Grades with Number and Strength of Spring Required. G R A D E FatherTime...... FatherTime.. ‘ . . . FatherTime 90 Father Time Father Time.. . . i . Lady Elgin LordElgin Raymond....... Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler MODEL NUMBER 2dto4th 2692 7th 2692 1958 STRENGTH 1 . . ‘ " ‘ ‘‘, . 3 " 53 ...i....................I 18F 1 2tdo 1213 125 .10 .75 No. 2547 1900 1900 121,122,124 “% 7th |7th.11th 1900 1900 130, 131 Pl. 8th 2153 98, 132 2153 102 2153 127 2546 1215 2546 125 ““ 81h, 9th 13th. 15th 133 N0. 44 N0. 1911 l Htg. or 0. F. o. F. 1 mg. SPRINGS, SETTING LEVER. 1 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. SPRINGS, CLUTCH LEVER. Cat- '‐ alogue No. 1894 1894 2152 2152 2152 2547 2547 “0015116 No. CLASS PRICE Descmption of Movement Model 9............................Piece PerDoz. Si. ......................... .......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ \ No. 1894 No. 2152 .10 1.00 8th 8th, 9th 13th, 15th 130, 131 98, 132 102 127 .10 .50 .10 1.00 .10 .75 110 .50 .10 1.00 ““ ““ ““ “ 9th 14th 81h 1QQ1G I 0 L A SS PRICE Piece}PerBox. Size Description of Movement Model 105, 118,123 ............................1 . ....................... 0............................ .10 .50 .10 1.00 .10 .50 .10 1.00 .10 .50 .10 1.00 .10 .75 .10 .50 .10 1100 ]. ““ ““ 4th, 10th ......................... .......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ““ 16“ ““ .............................10.751‘ ‘ 9th 14th 8th No. 53 Htg. No. 1900 No. 2153 O. F. 0. F. SPRINGS, SETTING. No. 2546 l Htg. ’ PRICE A o. P1ece P e r D02. 1Size Description of Movement Model Cat‐ alogue CLASS . 2tdo 441............................. 118F 44 ]. ““ ““ ““ ........................... . 119 52 ............................ 129 1478 1478 1478 1909 1909 1910 1911 .10 .10 .10 .10 .20 .15 .10 .10 .10 .75 .60 .60 .50 1.75 1.25 .75 .75 .75 1.00 .75 No. 1909 P 4th 10th .................. ............................ .......................... 16% 65,8106, 120 00122, 124 P1. " ‘2 5th, 7th, 11th to 12“ 0g‘ 1073180110 128 129 3‘ No. 1910 2d,‘3d 151: ........................ ......................... 6th. 7th “Z. “ ........................ .........................1 14‘ 2d ............................‘ No. 52 No. 129 No. 1478 ‘ 111 116 117 114 .10 .10 WPQ Htg. Htg. O. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or O. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. 1 P “““ , 2 5 j l 1 25l 1001151 1 1 t h ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. SPRINGS, REGULATOR. PRICE PiecelP e r Doz. Size Description of Movement Model .60 . $0 _ .. .. 100011011 .. .10 .“7th .10 . 94P1. 8th ,10 . “ 14th,15th No. 2658 Q -l Htg.or O. F. } Htg.or 0. F. SPRINGS, MAIN. Length ngth Thicikness 111 Inches Inches PRICE Piece‘PerDoz. Size M o d e ] Descriptionof Movement DennisonGauge 1 ‐1 ‐ ‐ ‐ .5o , 18 2dt04th,7th 25 “ 2dto4th7th10m11th . . .0085 105,1061122to 124 . 89, 90,9 . . 41,98102,126 132. , 41, 98,102,120, 132. . 128,129. . . 111to 114 No. 812, 2096, 2702 D» am ”I Htg.or0. F. No. 2097 Htg. or O. F. Springsareputup in rings as shown in illustration. Htg.orO.F. ,N0. 2542, 2703 Htg. or O. F. 2d to 5th. 7th l SchEch n i 8 t h , 13011 6th, 7th l 9th . 7th, 13thto 15th 2d 2dh3d Htg.or0. F. No. 2339 Htg. or O. F. No. 2705 EG.’-‐ Htg. or 0, F. DIRECTIONS. rasp the Brass Ring, As Shown in Cut, then sever it at one of the weak‐ ened places and let the spring Slowly Unwind. Neverpushit outwiththefingers. lst No. 817, 2701 No. 1956, 2704 . . 00825 F. P1. Inches Width Thickness Cat- alogue No. *2516 857 857 *1901 +2659 *2532 861 CLASS PRICE ‘I’iece‘PerDoz. PriceOf Staffand F i t t i n g Des ri tion of Movement c D 861 1905 a"2660 1905 107 t0110,127 128,129 3d 1,65,1119, 121 . ‘ “ 2tdo ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. STAFFS, BALANCE. ................. I, 18 h ................... h,10th, 11th 11 .............. , ................... 3, ................... .40 .30 .20 .40 .20 .40 .30 .20 .20 .40 .20 .20 .30 .30 4.00 .60 .50 .40 .60 .40 .60 .50 .40 .40 .60 .40 .40 .50 ~8< .50 Ju‘L 7t 118 105, 106,122 t0124 3.00 1.50 4.00 “ “ 10th, 5th, 1th .......... ..................... 1 8th,9th 16 “ 6th to 9th,13th to 15th ................ ................... ,7.1................... .50 4.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 4.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 7tht 36, 41,198,102,125,126, 132 ( itth, 6th, 7th, 9th .................. ................... ...................... " 996.7................... “ ““ 1111/0114 869 116,117 +2661 133 No.857.Htg.orO.F. No.861,Htg.orO.F. No.869.Htg.orO.F. <3)? .146long No.2532,Htg.or0. F. «£11129 .210 long No. 2661, Htg. or O. F. 401113 db .124long lst No.1901,Htg.or0. F. {11:3 .240long,LongHub N o . 1905. H t g . or O. F. “21:58:35 ( 1 0 3 .210long N o . 2 5 1 6 , H t g . or O. F. (COD .240long No.2660, Htg. or O. F. 4110131 fill-P .170long «120135 .256long No.2659,Htg.or0. F. 4:13» .25610ng [D \ COD .164long, LongHub Smallillustrationsareactualsizeandthelargeare5timesactualsize. ‘ ____,___'_ BalanceStaffsNo.857for18size,F. PI.and1905for12size3-4Pl.aremadewithlongteherhreubystrheadnuocrinigginthael‐ ly. Thischangebringstherollernearertheforkallowing the use of a shorter jewel pin, liability of breakage. / *For Double Rollers. iFor Double Rollers, (Combination Type/.) No. 869 for Single Rollers or Double Rollers, (Combination Tyne.) STAFFS, CENTER. PRICE 0. PiecePerDoz. Size Model Cat- alogue CLASS 1482 107 2663 128, 129 0. 1716 111 2056 116, 117 Hts.or0. F. Hts.or0. F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0. F. Htg.or0. F. Hts.or0. F. u .............. ... ............... . . . . . .................... “ 14“ 12“ 2111011 to ........................ No. 716 No. 2056 No. 2357 11 ; 2.50 S1t1 2d to ..................... 30.018 2662 130,131 1482 38,,41,98,102,125,126, 132 24, P1. u11,7111 to .................... 25.0I: ‘ 124 .................. ... . No. 1482 F.‘P1. 2dto4th,7thh10th,11th 2357 1,65,118 2357 105,106,122 121 .30 .25 .25 .30 3.00 .25 2.50 .25 2.50 .25 2.50 .25 2.50 t 114 ......................... 2d:.3d No. 2663 Size Model , ““ ““ 14“ 2d 2d, 12“ "“" 0““ Description of Movement ! 16 “ 6th'0%8th,13thto 15th 0 No. 2662 S 07231 Cat- alogrue No. 843 2517 1916 2664 1480 1917 1017 853 1903 CLASS PRICE ‐ ‐ ‐w‐ Piece PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model 26. t o5 t h . 7 t h 10th.11th 8th 8111, 9111 6th t09th.13tht015th 11110114................ 116,117 ................. 133.................... .60 14“ 2d .60 12 “ 2d,3d .60 0"' “ .60 .5, “ lst 1 ‘ ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. STUDS, HAIR SPRING. 47 Kind of Q _. Y 1.13111“, 165105106122(0124......... .10 11810121 ............... .10 ' .60 1 8 F .P1. .60 “ “ B r e g u e t :' 9.0................... 130,131 ................. .10 33.38 41 98,102,10710110 12510127 132 .10 128129 ................. .10 “ %P1. .60 “ “ .60 16 " 17 ‘Z .10 .60 .10 .10 .10 “ I ' No. 1903 No. 1917 Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or O. F, Htg.or O. F. No. 843, 1916 No. 853 No. 1480, 2517 e0 Qo 9'0 ‘3° 5A “a0 Htg.or O. F. aCloagtu-e 0. 1923 agile No. WASHERS, CENTER PINION. CLASS PRICE ’ Piece PerDoz.‘Size . Descr1'ption of Movement Model 9.0........................... .10 1.00 I 18%P1. i 8th No. 1923 Htg. or O. F. WASHERS, CENTER STAFF. CL ASS PRICE Description of Movement PiecePerDoz. Size Model .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 16. 5105,106,118to124 .................l .10 130,131......................... .10 33,38,41,98,102,107130110125t o127,132. . . . . . . . .10 128,129 ......................... .10 111t0114 ........................ .10 18F.Pl. 2dto5th.7th,10th,11th " %Pl. 8th,9 1553 2665 1554 1555 1555 1556 116,117 ......................... .10 1 6 “ 6 t h t o9 t h , 13011 t o1 5 t h 14“ 2d aCloagtu-e No. 1486 102,125 ......................... .15 1.25 1634. PI. | 8th,13th No. 1486 \ _ ’ Htg. or O. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class, or Number of Movement for which Material is required. No. 1553, 2665 No. 1554 ©., © © @ Htg.or0. F. Htg.or0. F. Htg.orO.F. WASHERS, RATCHET WHEEL. CLASS PRICE Piece PerDoz. Size No. 1555 No. 1556 ' Htg.orO.F. De50I ‘'l pt'10m of 1I1ovement Model 12 “ 0 “ 2d.3d “ No. 2664 Cat- alofzue No. CLASS PRICE l ‘ i e c 1’01Doz. Size D, c ‘ 110 of Mov 1 es up n emen 105,123 (35. 121. 120, _122, 106 90. . . 130,13113 419 33 38 98,102,107,108, 109 110 128. . . 128,129 113,114 . 11110114. 116,117. 133 Model . . F.. 2dto4111 No. 1920, 2710 Htg. or 0.=F. CLASS 1,65118to 121. . . . 105,105,12210124. . . . . N0. 1922 0. F. No. 2708, 2709 .Q Htg. or O. F. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. WASHERS, MAIN SCREW. 9,0131. 3.“ ‘ 2111105111, 7111 8111 8th,91h 6th,7th,13th,15th 7111, 8th. 14th, 15th 61h,72211,9th Oval Polished ‘1lded " Polished “ " Flat Gilgled Oval Polished Flat Gilged Oval Polished N0. 2296 Htg.orO.F. 33.38,4198,102,107 . . . . "f . ' No. 1926,2706 <7 22 Htg.or0. F. 108,125, 126,132. . . . . 109,110127_ ';.1367,2336 12 Htg.orO.F. . . . . . No. 1918 2d, 3d :“ lst No. 1927 629 Htg.or0. F. Htg.or0. F. Htg. or O. F. WHEELS, CENTER. PRICE Piece PerDoz. Size Description of Movement Model . . . I ' , %,P1' " , ‘ ,, ‘f , ' No. 1929 Htg.orO.F. Train 18 F~,P1~ 2dt04th.7th,10th,111h Quick Flat Gilded Your Jobber will supply Balance Staffs, Balance Jewels, Roller Jewels. Hands and Screws in Dozen lots in original sealed trade marked Packages. ONE DOZEN No.715, 1. BALANCE S7TAFFS Size/fl“ Class (9 TRADE-MARKED PACKAGE “ “ 7th,“llth 51h 8th 8th9th 7th,13th15th 6th to 9th.h1?thto 15th th2d 2dh3d lst No. 1919, 2707 Htg. or 0. F. No. 2711 Htg. or O. F. [BOTTOM] Finish Teeth CLASS 0 Piece PerI)oz. . 1.65.118to 121. . . .60 7.00 Size ' es”9 1°“ emen Train Finish Teeth Model F. P102dt04th,7th10th,11th QuiCk Flat Gilded 80412 105,106,122to 124 . O 30.131 41,98,102,12G,132. 33. 38 98,102,125. 0108 109110.1.7..... 1281‘1“.. . . . .. 111.112 113.114“ . . . . . N0. 1972 Htg.orO.F. No. 2130 Htg.or 0. F. CLASS 1 6:1, 119121. . . . . . . 6.00 11.50 8.00 9.00 21:1to 5131,7th 8th 8th, 9th 7th, 13th17015th 6 t h to 8th. 13th 6th,7th 6th, 72211, 9th 2dz 3d ‘ . Htg.or0. F. Htg. or O. F. E L G I N NATIONAL W A T C H c o . WHEELS, CENTER‐COMPLETE. PmEDc't"ofNovt . 1.00 .7 . ' “ i‘ 8 “ Ovial Polished j‘ Gilded " “ Polished “ “ “ “ “ “ “ B‘lpt Gilded “ “ Oval Polished N0. 2067, 2158, 2713 . 6.00 No. 993 Htg.or 0. F. ‘7 ‘j " “ " “ % P1. “ “ “r 1 f" 'f ‘T 10th, 11m 2d 005th, 7th 8th 8th. 9111 7 t h , 8 t h , 1 3 t h t o 1 5 t h 1a’th 6th. 7th 6th, 7th, 9th 2d F l a t " Htg.orO.F. No. 2157 ' 1. . j: Htg.or O. F. Htg.or O. F. WHEELS, ESCAPE. RI D scri t'on of Movement Pl CE PiecePerDoz. Size 6 p 1 18 F.,P1.;'2dtoith,7th,10111,11th Twosizesof EscapeWheelshavebeenmadein 18,16 and6 Sizes;the largersizebeingknownas New Style, andallorderswillbefilledwithsuch,unlessOldStyle ismentioned. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material, give Catalogue Number and Class, or Number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. , ‘ Model n “ Flat Gilded “ Oval Polished No. 2112 _i_ Htg.orO.F. No. 2714 Finish Steel Gilded “ Steel ‘j 'u ~ F at Gilded " ii deé’d No. 1490 No. 1955 e Htg.or O. F. Htg.or 0. F. i? ‘lst" .. I__‐______________________‐____._ Htg.or0. F. 115112113 NB. 1932 90 2715 , . '. 2716,, Htg.orO.F. aCloagtu-e No. 1980 2717 2718 CLASS WHEELS, FIRST, WITH BARREL ARBOR AND HUB. PRICE Descr.ipt.ion of Mox7ement . CLASS ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. WHEELS, ESCAPE AND PINION. Pivot 1 Wheel 118 120. 105,106 122tol2'4 130.3.1 . . 4.50 " “ 2dto5th,7th Cone» F l a t Steel “ “ “ 41 538.129.1132. Cone Oval Straight Flat Cone Oval 98102,125,120. 0 . '. 10 . . " “ 8th,13t_ht015th Straight " “ .. . 109 110,127. . . 129129. .. . 111mm ... .. .. 0th 2: 6t1h, 7th . “ 0th.7th.9th .. Flat 1: u 90 41, 98. 120, 132 98, 102, 126 Piece PerDoz. Size . 10.00 18 %PI. Model 8th 7th. 13111to 15th . 14th, 15th PmE De'c‘tioofM 1; 0 s “D n M e m e ” ' PiecePerDbz. Size Model 1,65.119,121. . 119,121. . . 10.00 " " 10th.11th “ Straight “ “ . 12.50 18 F. P1120to4th.7th.10th,11th ‘ . 6.00 ‘f“ “ ““Gilded 14.50 “ . 9.00 “ % P1. “ “ 8th 8th,9th 7th13thto 15th Steel ‘7 " Gilged “ “ ‘~ u “ No. 2069 Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0. F. Description of Movement Model . .- 2d 2d.u3d Htg.orO.F. WHEELS, FIRST. PRICE Piece PerDoz. Size “ . , ~ - _, No. 1932 © Htg. or 0. F. . .................... . 10.00 16 ‘" lst N0. 1976, 1977 No. 1978 No. 994, 2337, 2338 No. 1493, 1494 $‐ 4 $‐ 4‐ + P. .. “ 14th,15th Htg. or 0. F. . 4.00 . 1 8th 7th,13thto15th No. 1980 $- , 1&1. Htg. or O. F. Htg. or O. F. 9.00 ' No. 2717, 2718 ““ 1.118.119.. . . i . . . . . . . 105, 123 65.120 121 103. 122 124 .. .. 2dto 4th .. .. i. 130 ‘f 7th.11th " 5th, 7th P]. 9th “ 8th ““ “ ““ “ ““ “ “ “ “ Polished “ ‘ Gilded No. 1985 Htg. . . ~ No. 1986 No. 1987 O.F. 0.F. Htg. NO- 2118 _No. 2127 No. 1022 . ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. WHEELS, FOURTH. PRICE Description of Movement CLASS Train Finish Piece PerDoz. Size 1 Model 1,65 118t0121. . .20 2.00 18 F. Plu 2d‘oo4th 7 t h 10th,11th Quick F l a t Gilded 105. 106, 1 2 2 m 124. 90 33. 3 10710110127. 1281 111- 110114: No. 1008 6&0 Htg.or 0. F. CLASS .15 1.50 .4 4.00 2.00 No. 1019, 1930 c Htg.or 0. F. " “ 2d t 0 5 t , h 7 t h “ PiecePerDoz. Size p Model Train Wheel F.1’1. 2dto4th.10th Quick Flat Gilded 3/1P1. 8th “ Oval Polished " “ F l a t “ O v a l “ F l a t “ ii 45 u 2dh3d 1513 uu No. 1931 Htg.or 0. F. G i l d e d Polished ' N0. 1021 Htg.or 0. F. WHEELS, FOURTH AND PINION. PRICE Descri tion of Movement 8th. 9 t h 7th 8 t h 13tht/015th 6 . t h 7 t h 6 t h ,72tél 9 t h %e% + + + i‐ O. F. To ascertain Grade of Movement, consult Index. In ordering Material give Catalogue Number and Class, or number of Movement for which Material is required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. 8th. 14th ugh ‘“ Polished Gil‘c‘led 1 Polished " N0. 1984 7th, 15th ‘ 13th. 15th 7th 7th, 9th 2d 3d 2d 3d lst No. 1030 No. 1983 “ ‘- “ uu No. 186, 1036 Htg.or0. F. Cat- alogue r No. 1045 Htg.orO.F. No. 1935 d lst ‘ No. 1936,2719 ‘ No. 1938 N o . 58 58. 2720 Pieee‘lPerDoz. Size ’ Model 2dt04th. 10th 2dto4m lst Cat- alogue ’ CLASS PRICE Description of Movement ‘PiecePerDoz. Size ‘1 Model Teeth No ‘ o Steel ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. A . f“ . . . . 18 aF. P ] . ~~ “ -g» 34Pl. No. 2720 1 ‘ Gilded | Steel 105 120m122 124 ................ ‘ No 38 } ié? . . : ”lth WHEELS, HOUR. PRICE Description of Movement Finish Niel=¥ O.F. Htg.or0.F. Htg. WHEELS, RING. (ILLUSTRATION) No. 37 * Z : ii LE : : I.’ (1 No. 1965 Htg.or O. F. Wheels Teeth 11,715,000... . . “11,716,000. ... 11,713,000. . .. 1“11,719,000..,1 “ 11,720,000. . . . “117220001... “11,7’27000..... “11728000. 1.. ‘11,7 , 2 9 0 0 0 . 1 . . 11, 729, 001 11, 730, 001 “11,731,000... 11,731,001" 11,732,000 11,732,001 "11,734,000. . , . ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. NUMBER AND GRADE WITH CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MOVEMENTS MANUFACTURED SINCE THE ISSUE OF OUR 1904 PRICE LIST. NUMBER SIZE 94’. P1, “ STYLE SETTING TIL“)? 11,709001toll,710,000. 1. 1 1,714,000. 1 1. Htfl‘. Br. H‘t‘g. O. Htg. O. I“. I ‘g. Nickel %Nickel Giiqed %Nickel Nickel 74 77 u n 94Nickel 11 u Gilded 1,4 Nickel 15 77 Gilbthied 1/2 Nickel 74 7, 4. 7, 7; 7; Gilgled 56 Nickel Nickel 56Nickel Gilded 45 u Nickel %Nickel Nickel Gilged $6Nickel 74 is u Pebrs1d. Lever Pend. 7. 77 7. 7, Letyer Pegd. Lever Pelld. Lever Peru]. Lever , Peru]. 7. 7, s.’ Lever Perid. Lever Perld. 7, 77 77 77 77 .. 77 77 u Lever Pend. 77 77 Lever Pegd. Quick 11,770,001 11,773,001 11,774,001 11, 775, 001 11,776,001 11,778,001 11,779,001 11,780,001 "11,770,000. . .. 11,773,000. . . . 11,774,000. . . . 11,775,000. . . . 11,776,000. . . 1 11,778,000. . . . 11,779,000. . . . 11,780, 000. . 1 . 11,783,000..1. . 11,784,000. . . 1 11,785,000. . . . 1,788,000. . . . 11,789,000. , . . f ,730,000.. . .. 11,735,000. . . . 11,741,000, . , . 11,743,000. , . . 11,744,000. . . . 11,746,000. . 1 1 11,747,000. . . . 6111 7th 2d 2d to 4th 5 t h 6th 7111 2d to 4th 5t 11,746, 001 11,747,001 11,748,000. . . . 11,748,001 11,749,000. . . . 11,749,001 ‘11,750,000. . . . 11, 750, 001 11,751,000. . . .‘ 11, 751, 001 , 11,752,000, . . . 11, 752, 001 711,753,000, . . . 11,753,001 '11,754.000. . . . 11,754,001 11,755,000. . . . 11,755,001 11,756,000. . . . 11, 756, 001 ‘11,757,000. . . . 11,760,000. . . . 11,761,000. . . . 11.764,000. . . . 11,765,000. . . . 11,767,000. . . . 11,768,000. . . . 11,757,001 11,700,001 11,76],001 11,764,001 11,765,001 11,767, 001 11,768, 001 11,769,000. . . . 11,769, 001 11,789,001 11, 791, 001 11, 792, 001 11, 793, 001 11,794,001 ‘11,795,000.. . . . 11,795,001 11,796,001 11, 796, 501 11,797,001 11,798,001 11, 798, 501 11,800,001 11, 801, 001 11, 802, 001 11,804,001 11,806,001 11,809,001 11,810,001 11, 812, 001 11,814,001 11,815,001 11,816,001 11,790,000. . . . . 11,796,500.. . . . 11,797,000, . 7 1 . 11,798,000.. . . . 11,798,500.. . 1. 11,800,000.. . . . 11,801,000,. . . 1 11,802,000. , . . . 11,804,000. . . . . 11,806.000. . . . . 11,809,000. . . . . 11,810,000.. . . . 11,812,000. . . . . 11,814,000. . . . . 11,815,000.. . . . 11,816,000.. . . . 11,819,000.. . . . 6 t h 791 2d to 4th 5 t h 25.1 7, 2d to 4th 5 t h 6th 7th d 11,819,001 ‘ 11,820,000. . . . . Nickel 174 Nickel NUMBER 11,820, 001t011,821,000.. 11,821,001 “ 11,822,000. . . . . 11,822,001 11, 823, 000. .- . . . 11,823,001 “11,824,000. . . . . 0. F. Nickel 8th Lever Htg.Br. " 6011 Pend. , o Gilded 1/2 Nickel u u Gilded 34Nickel Nickel 1/2 Nickel u n u u n Gilded 175 Nickel Gilded 176 Nickel Niqkel Gilded J/s Nickel Nickel Vs Nickel Gilded V2Nickel Gilded 17/2 Nickel Nickel Gilded 176 Nickel Nickel Gilded 3/2 Nickel Gilded Gilded %Nickel Gilded 11, 958, 001 11, 959, 001 11, 960, 001 11, 962, 001 11, 965, 001 11,966,001 11, 968, 0001: . Special 7 . Special 289 290 291 I 294 11,825,000. . . . 11,827,000. . . . 11,828,000. . . . 11,829,000. . . . 11,830,000. . . . . 11,831,000. . . . 11,833,000. . . . . 11,835,000. . . . 11,836,000. . . . . 11,838,000. . . . . 11, 839, 000. . . . A s, 9th Lever 11,824,001 11, 825, 001 11,827,001 11,828,001 11,829,001 11,830,001 11,831,001 11,833,001 11,835,001 11,836,001 11,838,001 11,839,001 11,840,000. . A . . 11,840,001 11,841, 000. A . . A 11,841,001 11.842,000A. . . . 11,842,001 [11,843,000. . . . 11,843,001 f11.814,000 . . . . 11,844,001 f11.845, 000. . A , . 318 11,845,001 ' 11,848, 000. . . A . 320 11,848,001 '11.8.'13,000. . . . 11,853,001 11,855,000. . . . . Special 2d 2d to 4th 5 t h 6th 2d 2d to 4th Pend. Lever Peiid. u Lever Perid. s, 11,906,500. . . . . 11,907,000. . . . . 11,908,000. . . . . 11,911,000. . . . 11,915,000. . . . A 11,917,000. . . . 11,918,000 A . A A 11,919,000. . A . A 11, 921, 000, 11,914,001 11,915,001 11,917,001 11,918,001 11, 919, 001 11, 921, 001 11,922,001 11,924,000. . . . 11, 922,000. 11,924,001 11,926,001 11,927,001 11,928,001 11,929,001 '11, 930, 000. . . . . 11,926,000. . . . . 11,927,000. , . . . 11,928,000. . . . . 11,929,000. A . . . 11,931,000. . . . . 11,934,000. . . . . 11,935,000. . . . 11, 936, 000. A . . . 11,936, 500. . . . . 11,937,000 . . . . 11,938,000.. . . . 11,939,000. . . . 11,940,000. . . . . 11,943,000. . A . . 11,949,000, . . . . 11,930,001 11,931,001 11,934,001 11,935,001 11,936,001 11,936,501 11,937.001 11,938,001 11,939,001 11,940,001 11,943,001 11,949,001 11,950,000. . . . 11,950,001 11,953,001 11,956,001 11,957,001 11,958,000. . . . Special . A . 11,853,000. . . . . Special 11,838,000. , . . . Special 11,859,000. . . . Special 11,852,000. . . . 286 11,863,000. . . . 287 11,865,000 . . A . 288 11,867,000. . . . . 290 11,869,000. . . . . 318 11,873,000. . . . . 320 11,876,000. . . . . 335 11,879,000. . . . . 336 11,880,000. . A . . 144 11,855,001 11,856,001 11,858,001 11,859,001 11,862,001 11,863,001 11,865,001 11,867,001 11,869,001 11, 873, 001 11,876,001 11,879,001 11,880,001 11,881,000. . . . . 148 11,881,001 11,882,000. . . . . 240K. 11,882,001 11,885,000 , A . . 289 11,885,001 11,886,000. . . . . 290 11,886,001 11,887,000. . . . . 291 11,887,001 11,892,000. . . . . 294 11, 896, 000. . . . . 309 11, 898, 000. . . . . 11,900,000. . A . . 11,902,000. . . . . 11,904,000. . . . . 11,905,000. . . , . 11,892,001 11,896,001 11,898,001 11,900,001 11,902,001 11,904,001 11. 905, 001 " 11,906,000 . . . . 11,906,001 11,906,501 11,907,001 11,908,001 11,911,001 [11, 913,000. . . . . 11.913, 001 ' 11.914,000. . . . A 11,953, 0 0 0 . . . . 11,956,000. . A . . 11,957, 0 0 0 . A . . Special ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. STYLE MODEL SETTING Z l 7th 2d NUMBER 11,908,001ton970000. . . . 11,970,001 11,975,000.1.. CLASS SIZE 116 116 109 110 109 106 116 5th 11,975,001 1, 11,978,001 n 11,980,001 g, 11,981,00111 11,983,000. . 1. 11, 983, 001 u 2.9 Ed 6th 7th 2d 0th 2d to 4th 3d 2d to 4th h 1 1 , 9 8 4 , 0 0 1 5u 11,980,001 11, 987, 001 u1 11, 988, 001 11,990,00141 11, 992, 001 45 u 11,984,000. . . . 11,980,000. . . . 11,987,000. . . . 110 11,988,000. . . . 113 11,990,000. 1 . . 107 11,992,000. . . . 11,993,000. . . . 11,994,000. . . . 11,995,000. . . . 11,997,000. . . . 12,000,000. . . . 12,001,000. . . . 12,003,000. . . . 12,005,000. . . . 12,000,000. . . . ”72 Nickel Nickel Gililed 1/2 Nickel 44 Gilded Nigkel 1742 Nickel ,, Xivkel 1, ,1 174; Nickel 11 u Niekel Gilded 1/2 Nickel Gilded V; Nickel Gilded %Nickel Niekel Gilged % Nickel Giliied %Nickel Niekel Gilicied V9Nickel Niekel 15 Gilded V2 Nickel Gilded $6Nickel 14 45 As 11,978,000. . . . 11,980,000..... 11,981,000. . . . Gilded 61h 7th 6 t h 11, 993, 001 u 11, 994, 001 n 11, 995, 001 11,997,00144 12, 000, 001 11 12, 001, 001 12 12,003,001 4, 12, 005, 001 4s 1 2 , 0 0 6 , 0 0 1 1 4, 1 2 , 0 0 7 , 0 0 0 . . . . 12, 007, 001 12,010,001 12, 011, 001 12,014,001 12,016,001 12, 021, 001 12,022,001 12, 023, 001 12, 024, 001 12, 025, 001 12, 026. 001 12,027,001 12, 030, 001 12,031, 001 12,036, 001 12, 037, 001 12, 038, 001 12, 040, 001 12, 053. 001 12, 057, 001 12,058,001 12, 059, 001 12, 060, 001 12, 061, 001 12, 036, 001 12, 067, 001 12, 009, 001 12,070,001 12.071, 001 12, 073, 001 12, 074, 001 12, 083, 001 12, 085, 001 12, 086, 001 12,087,001 12, 088, 001 12,089, 001 12, 090, 001 12,091, 001 12, 093, 001 12, 100, 001 12,101,001 12,103,001 12, 104, 001 12,108,001 12, 109, 001 12, 114, 001 12, 117, 001 12, 119, 001 12, 120, 001 12, 121, 001 12, 122, 001 12, 123, 001 12, 124, 001 12, 126, 001 12, 127, 001 12, 128, 001 12, 129, 001 12, 130, 001 12,134,001 12,137,001 12,144,001 12,145,001 12,146,001 12,147,001 12,148,001 12,149,001 '12,010,000. . . 1 12,011,000. . . . 12,014,000. . . . 12,010,000. . . . 12,021,0001. . . . 12,022,000. . . . 12,023,000. . . . 12,024,000. . . . 12,025,000. . . . 12,020,000. . . . , 12,027,000. . . . -12.030,000. . . 1 12,031,000. . . . 12,030,000. . . 1 12,037,000... 1 12,038,000. 1 . 1 12,040,000. 12, 053, 000. 1 . 1 12,057,000. . . 1 , 12,058,000. . . . ‘12,059,000..... 12,000,000. 1 . 1 12,001,000. . . . 12,000,000. . . . 12,007,000. . . . , 12,009,000. . . . 12,070,000. . 1. 12,071,010. . . . 12,073,000. . . . 12,074,0001... 12,083,000. . . . 12,085,000. . . . 12, 080, 000. . . . 12,087,000. . .. 12,088,000. . .. 12,089,000. . . . 12,090,000. . .. 12,091,000. . . . 12,093,000... . 12,100,000. . . 12,101,000. . 12,103,000. . . . 12,104,000. . . . 02,108,000. . . . '12,109,000. . .. 12,114,000. . 1 1 12,117,000. . . . 12,119,000. . . . 12,120,000. . . . 12,121,000. . . . 12,122,000. . . . 12,123,000. . 1 . 12,124,000. . . . 12,120,000. . 1. 12,127,000... . 1 12,128,000. . . . 12,129,000. . . . 12,130,000... . . 12,134,000. . . . 12,137,000. . . . 12,144,000. . 1 . 12,145,000. . . . 12,140,000. . 1. 12,147,000. 1. . 12,148,000. . .. 12,149,000. . 1 . 12,151,000. . . . 2d 20 to 4th 2d Sgl 4 t h 5th 6th 7 t h 5th 0th 2d 3d 2d 3d 2:11 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 109 STYLE 11742 Nickel MODEL SETTING TRAIN Pegd. u u A5 14 u 1. .4 u Lever Pen(1. Lever Pend. ,. u , Lever l’e n d. 3d 4 t h 5th 6th 5111 2d 3d 61h 7th 2d to 4th 6 t h 5 t h 2d to 4th 2d 6 t h 7th 2d 6th 3d 5th 6th 7th 3d 2d 6th Lever Pegd. Lever Peiid. 2d NUMBER ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. STYLE MODEL SETTING 12,151001t012,152,000... . . . 2,152,001‘2,1153,000.. . . , 12,153, 001 “ 12, 154,000. . . . . 12,154,001 “12,155,000. . . . . 12,155,001 “ 12,156,000. , . . . 12,156,001 “ 12,157,000. . . . . 12. 157, 001 “ 12,158,000. . . . . 12,158,001 “ 12,159, 000. . . . . 12,159,001 “ 12,160,000. . . . . Gilded V2Nickel Nickel V2 Nickel Gilded 56Nickel Gilded V2 Nickel Nigkel 2d 5th 2d 2d 65 4th 2,9 6th 7th Ed 261 to 4 t h 3d 4th 6th 7th Pegd. Lever Pegd. 12,160,001 12,161,001 12,162,001 12,163,001 12,164,001 12,165,001 “12,166. 000. . . . . 12,166,001 >,167,000.. . . . 12,167,001 “ 12,168,000. . . . . 12,168,001 “ 12, 169, 000, . . 12,169,001 “ 12,170,000. . . . Z 12,170,001 “ 12,172,000. . . . . 12,172,001 “ 12, 174000. . . . . 12, 174. 881 “13183888 . . . . 12,17“, “ 2, 6, .. . 12,188,001 “ 12, 177 000. . . 12,177,001 1: 12,178,000. . . 12,128,001“12,179,000.. . 12,119,001 12, 181, 000.. . 12,181,001 “ 12,182,000. . . 12,182,001 “ 12,183,000. . , “ 12,161,000. . . . “12. 162, 000.. . . . “ 12,163,000. . . . “ 12,164,000. . . . “ 12,165,000. . . . u u 11 31 12, 183, $2 “ 18188888 . . 12,186, “ , , 12,187,881“18188888..., 12,188. “ ,. 2, .. .. 12,192,001 “ 12,193,000. . . . 12, 193, 001 12. 194,000. . . . 12,194,001 “ 12,195,000. . . . 314 315 320 324 326 339 12,1388,31“3183883---‐ 340 12,199,001“12.200.000.. . . . 241 ‘7 13138188113:38.83- - - 1 312 1532022001 “ 12, 203,0002 I f I I 313 292 12,204,001 “ 12,205,000. . . . . 293 12,205,001 ‘1 12, 206, 000.. . . . 292 312 12 21112 888. . . . . 313 2,2 ,..... 320 12,212,000. . . . . 324 292 296 298 301 12,221,001 “1 12 222,000. . . . . 302 310 312 12,231,001 “ 12, 235.000. . . . . 313 12,235,001 ‘f 12, 2217) 888. . . . . 315 12,236,001 "12, , .. . .. 314 320 1121,2301.881“". 13333,388 - ~~‐ 324 340 12,203,00112,204,000.. . . . 12,206,001 “ 12.207,000. . . . . 12,207,001 “ 12,208,001 “ 12,210,001 “ 12,212,001 “ 12,218,001 “ 12,219,001 “ 12,220,000. . . . . 12,220,001 ‘1 12. 221,000, . . . . 12,218,000. . . . . 12,219,000. . . . . 12,222,001 “1 12,223, 000. . . . . 12,2123001“12,231,000..... Gilded 12,211,001“ 12212 888 . . . . 12,212,001“ 2, , ..... 241 12243001 ‘1 12,244,000. . . . . 296 12,244,001 1‘ 12,246,000. . . . . 297 12,246,001 “12,247,000. . . . 298 12,247,001 “ 12,248,000. . . . . 301 12,248,001 “12,248,500. . . . . 302 12,248,501 2; 12,249, 000. . . . . 344 Nickel 59Nickel Gilded V2N‘i‘ckel Nickel 1/2 Nickel Nickel Gilded 11 10 V2Nickel Gilded 59Nickel 1219351 V2 Nickel Nickel u 314 13,3138588134s135~:888.-. ~. .-~. 320 12,252,001 12.254,000.. . . . 241 12,254,001 “ 12,258,000. . . . . 289 12,258,001 “12,261,000. . . . 292 12,261, 001 “ 12,262,000. . . . . 293 12,262 001 j: 12, 264, 000.. . . . 294 12, 26413001“12265,000.. . .. 298 312 188881111888%‘ ' " 313 1212701001 “ 12, 2750, 00: Z I I I 320 12, 275, 001 “ 12, 277,000 289 12,277,001 2: 12, 278, ooof I I I I 320 321 13’888’88111183831’88’18“ : ' : S peci a] 11212813001“12.282IOOOII . 1. 12,282,001 2: 12,283,000. . . . . 18158838811118238§$z1 : : : 12,285,001 “ 12,286,000. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. 286 (11111611 33N‘i‘ckel Niqkel 611151611 2d V2Nickel 15 cs Gilded %Nickel 54 u u Gilded Nigkel V2Nickel Gilded V2Nickel 65 u Gilded “79 Nickel Gilded 33Nickel 179 Nickel 251 1; ‘1 I 60 ' ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH co. STYLE NUMBER MODEL SETTING 12,286,001to 12,287,000. . . . . 12,287,001" 12288,000.. . . . 12,288,00112,289,000..... . . Gilded “ Nickel Gilded %Nickel 12,289,001“12,290,000.. . . . 12,290,00 12,291,000. . . . . 12,291,001 ‘“ 12,292,000. . . . . 12, 292,001 ““ 12,293,000. . . . . 12, 293,001 “ 12,295,000. . . . . 12,295,00112 296,000. 1 . , . 12, 296,001 “12,297,000. . . . . 12, 297,001“12, 298,000. . . . . 12,298 001 . . . . . 12,300,001 ,3 .. . . . “12,309,000. . . . . 138000.. . . 1 "12,319,000..... “ 12,320,000.. . . . 12,320,001“ ..... . ' '.. ,. 12,321,001“ 12,322,001 12,323,001 12,324,001 12,325,001 12,320,001 12‘ 330, 001 12,331,001 12,332,001 12,333,001 12,334,001 12,335,001 1 12,337,001 12,338,001 12,339,001 12,340,001 12,341,001‘ 12,342,001 12,343,001 1, 12,340,001 12,354,001 12,355,001 12,357,001 12,358,001 12,359,001 12,300, 001 12,301,001 ..... .' . 0.F. 12,302,001 12,303,001 12,305,001 12, 300, 001 " " 12,405.001 12, 406, 001 12,407, 001 “ 1,409,001 12, 412,001 12, 417, 001 12, 418, 001 12, 422, 001 12, 426, 001 12, 428, 001 12, 432, 001 12, 434, 001 12, 438, 001 12, 441, 001 1/2 Nickel .... ' Gilded , ,, 2' ..... .. . . . .. . .. f‘ ‘' .. 4, . " 1. . . .. ' " .. ,. .. ,. " .. . "f ' 0. ‘. ». 357 00..... .. . . . .. . . . ' ..... , , ..... 30 4 <. . f Gilded .. ... ' ' ’ 0 " .. . . . .1 . . . ., . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...,. ..... ..... ..... .. . . . y.. '. ' ..... ...l. . . . . . " .. $41Nickel ' . " “ “' ‘ ' ‘ l’elld. 33 ..... ' . “ Gilded %Nickel Gilded “ “ Nickel Gilded %Nickel “ f‘ " “ Gilded l/2Nickel “ Gilded %Niekel “ “ “ “ Nickel VeNickel Nickel “ Gilded J/zNickel " ' " . ' . . . $6Nickel Gilded 17éNickel Gilded %Nickel 2d to 4th 2d “ 2dt§d4tl1 2d to 4111 2d “ “ 5th 7th 51h 2d to 4th 5011 " ' ' F. P l . 34,- . Gilded .. " . F. . 4 " 4 “ " . . . . . . . . O.F. ~2d 5th " 2d " “ .. “ 3d . Gilded 6th fl. “' 5th .. . Nickel . 17/2l\'ickel ""““ . VgNickel Gilded I: $4Niekel Nickel 39Nigkel Gilded V2Nipkel Nickel Gilded 34 Nipkel sl u u Nickel " u NUMBER 12, 443, 001t012, 446, 000 12,446,001 12,450,000 12,450,001 “ 12,451,000 12, 451, 001 “ 12, 452, 001 “ 1, 12, 453, 001 “ 12,454,001 “ 12,455,001 “u 12, 470, 001 12, 471, 001 12, 473, 001 12, 474, 001 . 12. 475, 001 12, 476, 001 12, 477, 001 12, 478, 001 12, 479, 001 12, 481, 001 12, 482, 001 12, 484, 0 0 1 1 2 , 485, 000. 12, 485, 001 12, 492, 001 12, 494, 001 12,501,001 12,503,001 12, 504, 001 12, 507, 001 12, 510, 001 12, 514, 001 STYLE MODEL SETTING 44Nipkel 20to4th Lever 5ph Pepfl. 6th Gilded 5th T R A I N Quick " ' 1 u 5th Niqkel 54s Nigkel Gilded 54; Nipkel Gilded %Ni‘ckel Gilded $4 Nipkel s. n Gilded % Nigkel Gilded ya Nipkel ls Gilded $6 Nipkel Gilded 374 Nickel Gillded 174 Nickel Nickel “74 Nipkel Nickel 1/2 Nipkel n Gilded 174; Nipkel u u u ss u 12, 484, 000. 12, 492, 000. 12,598,001‘ 12, 599 000. I I I I ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 61' V2Nickel 2dto4th Lever 2d PeHd' Lever Pegd. NUMBER ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. STYLE MODEL 2d 21.1 to 4 t h 5th 2d 5111 2d 6011 7th 6111 7111 5011 2d 2d to 4111 2d 3d 6011 7th 2d 311 5th 2d 311 4th 50h 6011 7011 2&1 2d to 4011 5th 2d 6th 7th 6th 5th 2d 3d 2d to 4th SETTING TRAIN 12, 599, 001to 12, 600, 000.. . . . 12,000,0011 2 , 601, 000.. , 1 . 12, 001,001 1, 12,002,001 ss 12,003,001 1, 12,005,001 n 12,000,001 u 12,007,001 01 12,008,001 1s 12,009,001 40 12,010,001 u 12,011,001 u 12,013,001 2 12,014,001 u 12,019,001 u 12,020,001 12,021,001 s. 12,022,001 u 12,023,001 0; 12,024,001 ss 12,025,001 06 12,020,001 u 12,027,001 hfi 12,020,001 u 12, 030, 001 12,032,001 05 12,033,001 u 12,035,001 05 12, 030, 001 u 12,037,001 1, 12,039,001 0s 12,041,001 6 12,642,000. . 12,042,001 s; 12, 643, 0 0 0 . . 12,043,001 1 12,644,000. , 12,044,001 u 12, 647, 000.. . 12,047,001 u 12,602,000.. . .. 12,052,001 , 12,655,0 0 0 , . . . 12,055,001 12,6:36,000., . .. 12,050,0010s 12,657,000.. , ., 12,057,001 54 12,638,000.. , ,. 12,053,001 nu 12,659,000.. . .. 12,059,001u 12,6,50,000.. , ,. 12,000,001 12,652, 0 0 0 , , , . 12,002,001 12 12,663,0 0 0 . , . . 12,003,00111 12,605,000, . . . 12,005,001 u , 12,007,001 u 12,009,001 u 12,071,001 u 1,0 Nickel Gilded $0Nickel Gilded $6Niekel Gilded V2Niekel Nickel Gilded $2Nickel Gilded V2Nickel Gilded 1; $0 Nickel Gilded $5Nickel 1. Nickel V2Nickel Nickel .0 VsNickel Gilded V9Niekel Gilded V2Nickel Gilded V2Nickel Gilded 176 Nickel Gilded V2Nickel Nickel V2Nickel P e n d . Lever Pegd. Qu i c k 12,602,000. . 12,603,000...,. 12,605,000. . . . 12,606,000..... 12,607,000..... 12,608,000,,... 12,609.000.,.,. 12,610,000..... 12,611,000..... 12,613,000..... 12,614,000..,.. 12,619,000.,,.. 12,620,000.,.., 12,621,000.,,,. 12,622,000.,,,, 12,623,000,,,., 12,624, 000. .,,. 12,625,000. . . , 12,626,000.. . ., 12,627,000., , .. 12,629,000. . .. 12,630, 000.. . .. 12,632,000.. . .. 12,633,000.. , 12,635,000. , 12,636,000. . 12,637,000., . 12,639,000., , 12,641,000.. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 12,677,000., . 12,678,000.. , 12,679,000.. . 12,680,000“ . ., 12,681,000. . . . 12,682,000.. . .. 12,687,000, , , , 12,688,000.. , .. 12,689,000.. , .. 12,691,000.. , ,. 12,692,000.. , .. 12,694,000.. . .. 12,695,000. , .. 12,697,000., . .. 12,698,000.. . .. 12,699,000.. , .. 12,700,000.. , .. 12,701,0 0 0 , , .. Lever l’ei1(l. 12,657,000.. . .. 12,659,000., . . ., 12,671,000. . .. 12,673,000.. . .. 12,675, 000.. . .. 12,670,000, . . . 12,073,001 12,075,001 un 12,070,001 12,077,001 u 12,078,001 u 12,079,001u 12,080,001 12,081,001 12,082,001 12,087,001 12,088,001 12,089,001 12,091,001 12,092,001 12,094,001 12,005,001 12,097,001 12,698,001 12,099,001 12,700,001 12,701,001 12, 702, 001 12,703,001 12,707,001 12,709,001 12,711,000.. . .. 12,702,000.. . 12,703,000., . 12,707,000.. , .. 12,709,000.. , .. 12,712,000.. . .. 12, 714, 0 0 0 . . . . . : 12, 715, 000.. . , ,: 12,716, 000., . , n‘ 12,717,00:1.....‘, Pen(1. Lever Peiicl. 12,711,001 12,712,001 12,714,001 12,715,001 12,710,001 12,717,001 12,718,000., . . .; 12,718,001 12, 719, 000.. . , .l 12,719,001 12,720,000., , , .1 40 V2Nickel 00 Nickel 12,720,001 12,721,001 12,722,001 12,723,001 12, 724, 001 12,725,001 12,720,001 12,721,000.. . ,. 12,722,000., , .. 12,723,000, . ,. 12, 724, 12,725,000, . . . 12,726,000. . ,. 12,727,000., . ,. .. .. ., Lever Pend. ,. .. Nickel Lever NUMBER ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. STYLE MODEL 3d . 3d . 2d to 4th 2d 0th 7th 2d 2d to 4th 5th 2d 4th 5th 0th 25.1 u 15 8th 2d 9th 63 SETTING TR A IN Pepd. Quick u u Lever Perid. u u Lever Peiid. Lever Perid. u u u u Lever Pend. Lever Pend. Lever Perid. s; n u u u u u 12, 727, 001to 12, 728 000. . . . 12,728,001 12,729,0 0 0 . . . . . 12,729,001‘ 12,731,0 0 0 . . . . . Nickel Giiqed 1/2 Nigkel Nickel 1/2 Nipkél Gilded Vs Nigkel Gilged u 11 V2 Nipkel Gilged V2Nit'kel u “ANipkel Gilded 30Niekel Gilged n at V2 Nickel N iqlfel 3/9 Nipkel Gilded V2 Nigkel Giiged VaNigkel 12, 731, 001 12, 730, 001 12,738,001 “ 12, 739, 001 12, 740, 001 12, 741, 001 12,742,001 12, 743, 001 ‘ 12, 745, 001 12, 747, 001 12. 748,001 12,749,001 12, 751, 001 ‘ 12, 752, 001 ‘ 12, 754, 001 12, 755, 001 ‘ 12, 757, 001 12, 759, 001 12, 702, 001 12, 703, 001 ‘ 12, 700, 001 12, 707, 001 ‘ 12, 709, 001 ‘ 12, 773, 001 12, 774, 001 “ 12, 775, 001 ‘ 12, 770, 001 12, 779, 001 ‘ 12,780,001 “ 12,781,000. . . . 12,793,000. . . . 12, 795, 000. . . . 12,790,000. . . . . 12,799,000. . . . . 12,800,000, . . . . 12,801,000. . . . , 12, 802,000. . . . . 12,803,000. . . . . ‘ 12,804,000. . . . . 12,805,000. . . . . ‘ 12,806,000. . . . . “ ‘ 12, 815, 001 12, 818, 001 12, 820, 001 12, 824, 001 12,825,001 ‘ 12,827,000. . . . . 12,827,001 12,829,000. . . . . 12,829,001 . 12,834,000. . . . . 12,834,001 " 12,837,000. . . . . 12, 730, 000, . . . 12,738,000. . . . . 12,739, 000, . . . . 12,743,000.... . 12, 745,000. 12, 747, 000. 12, 748, 000. 12, 749, 000. 12,751,000. . . . 12, 780, 000. . . . . . , . . . . . . . 12,782,000. . . . 12, 783, 000. . . . 12,784,000. . . . 12,785,000. . . . 12,780,000. . . . 12, 787, 000. . . . 12,788,000. . . . 12,789,000. . . . 12, 790, 000. . . . . 12, 791,000. . . . . 12, 781, 001 12, 782, 001 12, 783, 001 ‘ 12,784,001 ‘ 12, 785, 001 ‘ 12, 780. 001 12, 787, 001 12, 788,001 ' 12, 789, 001 12, 790,001 ‘ 12,791,001 ‘ 12,792,000. . . . . ‘ ‘ 12, 792, 001 12, 793, 001 12,795,001 ‘ 12, 790, 001 12, 799, 001 12,800,001 ‘ 12, 801, 001 12, 802, 001 12, 803,001 12, 804, 001 12,805,001 12, 806, 001 12, 807, 001 12, 809, 001 12, 811, 001 12, 812, 001 . ' ~12, 837, 001 12,844,001 12, 845,001 12,838,000. . . . 12,840,000. . . . . 12,842,000. . . , . 12,843,000. . . . . ‘12,844,000.. . . . 12,845,000. . . . . ‘ ‘ Giiged Lever Perid. % Nipkel u 12,854,001 “ 12 ,855,001 ‘ 12,850,001 ‘ 2,857,000. . 12,857,001 ‘ 12,859,000. . 12,859,001 ‘ 12,800,000. . 12,860,00112 801, 000. . 12,801,001 “ 12,802, 000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “____‐_________________1 64' ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH co. . STYLE NUMBER SETTING TRAIN Pend. Quick Lever " “ “ Pend. “ Lever “ 12,862, 00113012,803, 000. . . . . ." 12,863,0012,864,000..... . ' .. “ “ 12,88:1,000. . . . . 12, 866, 000. . . . . 12,808,000. . . . 12,871,000. . . . 12,874.000. . . . . 2. “ $6Nickel ““ 12,864,001 12, 865,001 12,866,001 12, 808, 001 12,871,001 12,874,001 12,876,000. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . “ Gilded l;§Nickel “ Gilded “ “ “ $4Nickel Gilded “ ; 376 Nickel " ‘f " “ " “ Nickel " 541 Nipkel 2d 5th Pend. l “, . ‘ 1. 1 ' 12, 876,001 12,879,001 12,880,001 12,881,001 12,883,001 12,884,001 12, 879, 000. . . . . 12,880,000. . . . . “ .. . .. . “ .. . O.. O.. . O. F. 12 890,001 12,892, 001 12,894,001 12, 895,001 12,897,001 1 12,902,001 . ‘12, 904, 001 12,906,001 12,908,001 '. ‘ ‘0 5 t h Lever Pegd. .. 13, 011,001 13, 013, 00011 I I I 54 Nigkel Gilded %Nigkel Giigsd 96Nipkel Giiged 12, 881, 000.. 12,883,000. . 12,884,000. . 12, 886, 000. . 12,888,000” 12,889,000. 12,890,000. . . . . 12, 892, 000. . . . . ..... ..,.. ..... ..... .,... ..... ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ’'. ‘ 3d Lever 2d Pent]. " “ 311 “' . Nickel 3d Lever Pend. “ .1 Lever .. Pew]. Lever Pend. Lever Pegd. u 13,013,001to13,015,000 13,015,001 13,017,000 Pend. Quick 13, 0173 001 “ 13, 019, 001 13, 021, 001 13, 023, 001 13, 02k}, 001 13, 050, 001 13, 051, 001 13,052,001 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' . . J/g Nickel 3' 7 33 " 13,074,001 13,075,001 *' .. I33‘““' ... 13,019,000 13, 021, 000 13, 023, 000 13, 020, 000 13, 035, 000 13,037,000 13, 038, 000 13,039,000. . . . . 13,040,000. . . . . 13,041,000. . . . . 13,042,000. . . . . 13,043,000. . . . . 13,046,000. . . . . 13,047,000. . . . . 13,048,000. . . . ““ 3333d“ 33 Lever ‘ 33 5th Pend. 3 33333‘ 13, 050, 000. . 13, 051, 000. . 13, 052, 000. . 13, 0541 000. . ... ... ... ... ... ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 65 NUMBER GRADE ‘ ' STYLE MODEL SETTING TRAIN u u u . 3"3. ,. '.. '05... "“.. 04..7. 33 . “ .. . Nickel 1 Lever 13IZ3093000..., ', ' 13,095,000.. . . . ' . 13,098,000. " 13,102,000. . . . ' . .. . . 13,182,000: 3. 3 ' ‘3 .. . .. _34.“. . " ‘3 Pend. 33 ‘3 u u % Nickel “ 53 Gilded %N1§:ke1 Gilded 3/2 Nickel Gilded 54; Nickel Nickel 1/2 Nickel Gilded %Nickel “ Gilded 14 Nickel “ 3d Gilded Lever n u . " 3d 34; N i c k e l u “ “ “ “u Nickel “ 64 Gilded % Nickel Nickel %Nickel Gilded 56Nickel Gilded V2Nickel Gilded 1/2 Nickel Pend. " uu NUMBER 13, 182, 0011013 183,000. , ... 13,183,001 13,184,000. ... 13’184,001“ ' .. 13,180,001 “ 13,187,001 ' 13,191,001 “ CLASS E MODEL SETTING TRAIN Pend. Quick Lever “ Pend. “ 13,194,001“ 13,197,001 13,199,001 “ 13,204,000. . ‘ ‘ Nickel .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . ., . 13,249,000., 13, 251, 000, . 13, 252, 000. , 13, 253, 000. . 13, 254, 000. . 13, 255, 000. . 13, 256, 000. . 13, 257, 000. . 13, 258,000. . 13, 260, 000. . 13, 262,000. . 13. 264,000. . 13,266,000, . 13,268,000. . . . . 13,273.000. . . . . 13,273,001 13,275,001 13,270,001 13,277,001 13,279,001 13,280,001 13,281,001 13,283,001 13,280,001 13,288,001 13,289,001 13,291,001 13,294,001 13,297,001 , , .. . . 1333299001 .... . 13,327,000. . . . . 13,329,000. . . 1 . 13,330,000. . . . 13,332,000. . . . . 13,332,001 ..... 13,333,001 ..... 13,336,001 .. . . . 13,341,001 13,345,001 13,350,001 13,354,001 13,355,001 13,360,001 13,362,001 , 12,364,000, . . . . 13,364,001 ' 13,366,000. . . . . " 13,306,001 ' 13,369,000.. . . . 13,204, 001 “ 13,200,001 ' 13,207,001 ' 13,209,001 13,211,001 13,214,001 13,217,001 13. 219, 001 13,221,001 13,222,001 13,224,001 13,220,001 13,228,001 13,229,001 13,232,001 13,234,001 13 230,001 13 238,001 ‘ 13, 249, 001 13, 251, 001 13, 252, 001 13, 253, 001 13, 254, 001 13, 255, 001 13, 256, 001 13, 257, 001 13, 258, 001 13,260,001 13, 262,001 13,200,000. 13,207,000. 13,209,000. 13,211,000. . 13,214,000. 13,217,000. 13,219,000. 13,221,000. 13,222,000. V2Nickel u Gilded 3/9 Nigkel Gilded at 5/2 Nipkel 2d Lever Pend. 55 u Lever I‘eild. Lever I'cnd. .. ‘, ' 13,199,000. .. . . . 3,28, ..... ‘ 13,281,000. . . . . 13,283,000.... . 13,280,000.. . . . 13,288,000. , . . 13,289,000. . . . 13,291,000. . . . 13,294,000. . . . 13,297,000. . . . “ ~....“ _ “" u u u u As u ., . ,.. .1. .,. ... ... ... ... .1. ... ... ... . . . ‘.. ‘" '~ ' 0.. '~, ta. ' " .. . . . ' Lever ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. . . . ,. 18. 1. . . -. .. 3~.. '.. 37, Nickel " “ Gilded 1/3Nickel t ' d " Pend. Lever Pend. “ “ . “ “ ‘f " :: : “ 25 ' ~~ , "’ Gilded ‐‘I VzNickel Gilded 341 Nipkel . . 'P.“ ..“ 65 ..O.. “ 353 12 ‘ . u . 1. “ “ . %Nickel 2d Pend. 1. . “ Lever 13,338,001 ,.... " “ O. " 5t Pend. . .. . . . 1 .. . . . ' .. . . . .3:15,00 . . . . . ..... 13,362,000. . . . . - . '. Gilded d “ ' “ 174 Nickel ‘." “ " “ 3d 2dto4th 4. . Gilded " V9Nickel . 1. . . " " 34. “ O. . . “ Gilded 3d Gilded Lever “ %Nigkel u u 2d “ Pend. " Lever Pend. “ Lever “ 13, 4156, 001 13,408,001 13,409,001 13,471,001 13, 478, 001 ‘ 13, 481, 001 13, 482, 001 ‘ ‘ " “ ' . “ . Gilded . . " Nickel " “u u n 13,437,000. . . . . 13,441,000. . . . . 13,442,000....’. 13,446,000.. . . . ' " “ . . Gilded ' 34Nickel . . Gilded “ “ “ “ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 67 NUMBER C STYLE MODEL SETTING TRAIN 13 309 0010913, 372, 000.. . . . 4 . 1, %Nicke1 $011 Pend. Quick .... . ‘ .. m ,. .. 13,374,001“ ' IIIIZ * ., . ,. “ Lever 13,370001“ ..... ~" .. “ 5‘0 hand. 12 u,_“ 13,391,001“ ..... 13, 393: 001 “ 13,395,000. . . . . 13,395,001 “ 13,393,000, . . . . 13,390,001 “ 13,307,000. . . . . 13,397,001 “ 13,398,000. . . . . 13,398,001 “ 13,399,000. . . . . 13, 399, 001 13,402,000. . . . . 13, 402, 001 ‘ 13,403,000. . . . . 13,403,001 . . . . . 13,404,001 7 ..... ' ' .. . ' . “ Lever Pend. 1". 13,407,001 13. 409, 001 1 3 , 4 1 4 , 0 0 1 13,417,001 13,419,001 ‘ , ..... 13,424,001 ..... 13,425,001 ' ..... 13,426,001 ..... 13,427,001 1/2 N i c k e l .. “u . . . . .. . . . . “ “u “ u 4 ..... .. ... . .. . Htg. 13,442,001 13,440,001‘ 13,449,000..... 13,449,001 ... 13,451,001 ' .... 13,453,001 ' ..... 13,450,001 ' .. . . . 13,457,001 ' .. . . . ' 13,458,001‘..... ' .. “ 13,401,001 ..... ' . . “ 13, 490, 001 ‘ 13,491,001 13, 492,001 13, 493, 001 13, 495, 001 13, 500, 001 13, 501, 001 13, 502, 001 13, 503, 001 13,504,001 13, 505, 001 13,500,001 13,507,001 ..... 13,510,001 1‘ ..... 13,530,001‘ ‘ 13,532,001 2, . . . “ " . . “ .. . . . 13, 493, 000. . . . . 13,495,000. . . . . ' . . . . . .. . . . ..... ' .... ' '" 1. . ' . . . . . ' , ' . V2Nickel 2d . . 2“, 2dto4th ' . . " . B. “ 17/2Nickel “h Gilded 17/2 Nickel - "f ' ‘ . ' “.““ '... ' 5th Gilded 2d .. . . . ' .. . . . ' " 13,537,000.. . . . . 13,,538 0 0 0 . . . . . 13,539,000. . . . . ' ' . . . . V2Nickel 6th Gilged 7th 1/2Nickel . . " ,55,,1001‘135,000..... Htg. 13,552,001“13,554 000. ' . . . . “ .. . ', ' . . . Ht “ .F. Lever ' .. l, 13 431,000. . . . . 13,432,000..... ' " .. " 5t Pend. . . Lever . O . F . ... . “ Pend. u“ “ “u “ Lever 2d Pend. “ Lever “ “ Pend. .. 174; Nickel 2d d “ “ Lever Gilded VaNipkel Nickel u u 6th Pend. NUMBER 13, 554, 001t013, 558, 000.1 . . . 13,558,001 GRADE CLASS STYLE Niqkel V2 Nipkel Gilded % N ipkel Gilded 1/2 Nlpkel Niqkel 11 15 V2 Nipkel Gilded VsNickel Gilded MODEL SETTING 2d Pend. 8th Lever T R A I N Quick 1, 11 ,. .. 1. 13,559, 001 13, 561, 001 13, 563. 001 13,565, 001 13, 567, 001 13,569, 001 13,571, 001 13,576, 001 13, 581, 001 13, 582, 001 13, 583, 001 13,611, 001 13,613, 001 13, 615, 001 13, 616, 001 13, 618, 001 13, 620, 001 13, 626, 001 13, 627, 001 13, 610, 001 13, 642, 001 13, 6-14, 001 13, 646, 001 13, 649, 001 13, 651, 001 13, 652, 001 13, 653, 001 13,655, 001 13,657, 001 13,676, 001 13, 679, 001 13, 681, 001 13, 682, 001 13, 684, 001 13, 687, 001 13, 688, 001 13 696, 001 13,698,001 13, 699, 001 13, 700, 001 13. 701, 001 13, 702,001 13,708,001 “ " " “ “ 2d 2d to 4th 5 t h 261 6th 71h 25.1 Pend. Lever Pelld. 1s u u .; ‘ 13: 653’ 0001212: 13 655, 0 0 0 . . . “ 13,690:000“... 13,691,0 0 0 . . , . . 13,693,000...., 13,694,0 0 0 . . . , . 13,605,000... . 13,696,000..... 13,698, 0 0 0 . . . . . 63.699,000..... ‘13,700,000..... 13,701,000..... 13,702,000..... 13, 708, 0 0 0 . . . . . 13,709,0 0 0 . . . . . u ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Lever Pegd. u 1; 1, s‐ u u 1; 5s 66 Gilded Lever 56 Nipkel Pelld. un 11 Lever u Peild. 56Nipkel u 11 3d 2d 4th Lever 5 t h n Niqkel Lever Gilded u in V2Nipkel Gilded $6 Nipkel Gilded 56 Nigkel Niqkel n 50Nigkel Gilded 55 Nigkel Gilded % Nickel Gilded % N ipkel Gilded % Nigkel Pegd. Lever u Pelld. Nickel Lever Pelld. 13,739,001 13, 741, 001 ' 13,7,43001 13 751,001 13,753,001 13,754,001 13,756, 001 13,784001 13, 786, 001 13, 792, 001 13, 793, 001 13, 794, 001 13, 795, 001 13, 796, 001 “ . . “ 13,847,001 13,851,001 13, 853, 001 13, 856, 001 13, 858, 001 13, 860, 001 13, 862, 001 13, 865, 001 13, 847, 000. . 13, 851, 000. . 13,853,000. . .. 13, 856, 000. . ... 13, 866, 000. . NUMBER ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. .3 STYLE 69 MODEL SETTING T u m 5th Pend. Quick 7th " " 6th 7th 13 709, 001t013, 710, 000. . . . . 0100.....33 ‘. . O. F. Nickel '4..... “ ' h , ‘. “ ...“ "“ .l.. “ 13, 715, 001 13,716 001 13,718,001 13, 720, 001 13,722,001 13, 724, 001 “13,712,000..... “ 13,713,000. . , . . “~13,714,000..7.. “ 13,715,000. . . . . “ 13,716,000. . . . . “ 13,718,000. . . . . 13,720,000. . . . . ..... ..... ...,. . .. .,. i" " “ % Nickel Gilded $6Nickel 2d d Lever Pend. “ ‘ ‘,...‘ ' %Nigkel u u u u Niqlgel . 1, .. . . . , , .... .... ‘133Z748000..... 131751’000..... 13,753,000. . , . . 13,754,000.. . . . 13,756,000. . . . . ‘ 13,759,000. . . . . 13,732,003. . . . 13,733,000. . . . 13,735,001. . . . 13, 783’,000ffi I If 13,784,003...” 13,786,000.. . . . 13,792,000. . . . . 60 "' 13, 858, 000. . 13, 860, 000. . ... 13, 862, 000. . ... 13, 865, 000. . ... ... . .' . ' 4.. “ . Gilded u Nickel 31 Nipkel “ Gilded 34Nickel “ Gilded '‐ u 3 Nickel Gilded asNipkel Gilded $5Nickel " . . .. “ Gilded . . . . 55 3d “fi 2dto 4th . . ,. . . 7th “ 2d ‘L‘ n Gilded Niqlcel is 45 £5 £6 % Nigkel Gilded 1:6 Nipkel Gilded % N ipkel n “ u Niqlcel n $3 Nipkel Gilded % Nipkel Gilded $5Nipkel Gilded 5th 3d 2d tzodlth 60h 70, ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH C0. NUMBER 13,800,001 0013, 807, 000. 13 807, 001 , 1318018 000. 13,808,001 ‘7 13, 809, 000. SIZE STYLE MODEL SETTING , TRAIN 13,883,001 " 13,884,000. 13,884,001 “ 13,885,000 13,885,001 Z 13,880,000 13,880,001 ‘ 13,887,000 13,887,001 “ 1 ,888,000 13,888,001 “ 13, 889.000 13,889,001 “ 13,890,000 13, 890, 1 “ 13,891,000 13,891,001 “13,892,000 13 892,001 1‘ 13,893,000 13, 893,001 ' 13,895,000 13,895,001 “ 13,897,000 13,897,001 ‘ 13,899,000 13, 899,001 “ 13,901,000. . 13,901,001 :7 13,903,000. . 13,903,001 1" 13 905,000. . 13,905,001 "13, 907,000. 13,907,001 " 13,909,000. “ “ o.F. “ ““““ 18F.P1.“ “ 0 34P1. Htg “ 14 “ o.F “ 3d “ “ """ 7th Lever -‘ 2 Pend. “ “j “ “‘ " “ “ “ Lever “ Pend “ " “ Lever “ Pepd “ ' “ Lever “ Pend. “ Lever “ Pegd. ‘: ,, 2, ,. ,, “ “ “ ., “ ., ‘j ,. f, Lever “ Pepd “ 13,909,001 " 13,910,000. . 13,910,001 " 13,912,000. . 13,912,001 " 13,917,000. .- . 13,917,001 " 13,918,000. . 13,918,001 " 13,920,000. . 13,920,001 “ 13,922,000. . . 13,922,001 “ 13,923,000. . . 13,923,001 “ 13,924,000. . . 13,924,001 " 13,920,000. . . 13,920,001 ‘1 13,927,000. . 13,927,001 ' 13,931,000. , . 13,931, 1 " 13,934,000 . . 18 " 0 F. Pl. "" 0.F1 “ litg “ 13,934,001 '“ 13,937,001 “ ,938, 001 13,937,000 13,938,000 13,940,000. 13,945,000. 13,940,000 13. 948, 000. 13, 951,000. 13,952,000. . 13,953,000. . . 291 110 . 292 109 . 293 110 , 294 100 . 298 110 . 301 113 .; 309 105 ‘f " ‘j “ "“ 18 RP]. 0 94Pl. 12 “ 0.F. " 7th Htg. Gilded 0th o, F " 7th ' " 5th Htg “ 20 " 94Nickel “ " Gilded 2dto4th " " 2d 13,871,000 13, 877,000 13,878,000 13,880,000 0 2, Pl. Htg. " 8 F. P1. “ Vickel 4th 1 Lever 5th , Pend. 0011 , " 7111 “ 13,940,001 13,945,001 ,. 13,940,001 13,948,001 ‘: 13,951,001 ‘ 13,952,001 “ 13,953,001 “ 13,954,000. . 13,954,001 2‘ 13,950,000. . 13,950,001 ' 13,957,000. . 13,957,001 “ 13,958,000. . 13,958,001 “ 13,959,000. . 13,959,001 :‘13,901,000.. . 13,901,001 "13,907,000. . 13, 907, 001 z; 13, 938,000. . . 13,908,001 13,909,000. . . 13,909,001 2‘ 13,971,000. . . .1 13,971,001 713,972,000. . . ., 13,972,001 j“ 13,973,000. 13,973,001 "13, 974,000. 13,974,001 “: 13,975,000. . 13, 975,001 1 13,977,000. 13,977,001 2 13,979,000. . 13,979,001 1. 13, 981, 000. . 13,981,001 ‘ 13, 983, 000. . 13,983,001 ‘ 13,985,000. . 13,985,001 2: 13, 988, 000. . 13,988,001 13, 990, 000. . 13, 990, 001 “ 13, 992,000. . 13 992 “' 13,993,000. . 13,993,001 " 13, 994,000 13 994001 13.996,000 13,990,001 “ 14,001,000 14,001,001 “ 14,003,000 14,003,001 “ 14,005,000 14,005,001 5 14,000,000 14,000,001 ' 14 007,000. . 14,007,001 “ 14,009,000. . 14,009,001 “ 14, 010, 000. . 14,010,001 “ 14,013,000 .. .1 340 108 " .. 345 114 12 .. .1 354 110 0 ,. . 280 115 0 288 100 18 289 115 0 290 109 , 10 291 110 " 294 100 18 295 115 0 303 114 12 312 109 10 310 105 18 317 100 " 320 110 0 330 100 18 354 110 0 24013 91 18 .. . 280 115 0 .. . 287 105 18 .. . 288 100 “ 289 115 290 109 291 110 292 109 293 110 294 100 295 115 " "j “ “ F.P]. o. F. Br. “ 0.F ‘f ng " 14,013,001 ‘ 14,010,001 “ 14,019,001 ' 14. 021, 001 “ 14, 024. 001 “ 14,010,000 14 019,000 14,021,000 14,024,000 14, 028,000 0 10 j ,, 2d ‘ ., “ 01111“ ., 7511 ,, “ l_14, 028, 001 " 14, 029. 000. "I “‘ ““ 18 F. P1. 0 21Pl. 0111 ,1 ,, 7th 1, “ 5111 ,. “ 2d . . . . . 18 F.Pl. 0 %Pl. “ Gilded Htg. % Nickel 0F" Htg " 3d 6th 2dto4th 5111 2d 4th 5111 2d 8th 2d GRADE CLASS 345 114 347 112 349 05 354 110 350 128 303 113 305 109 307 90 308 130 309 131 280 115 288 100 290 109 291 110 . . 294 100 . . 295 115 . .1 303 114 . . 312 109 . . 310 105 . . 317 100 . . 320 110 . . 335 105 . . 330 100 . . 354 110 . . 240R. 91 . . 280 115 . . 287 105 . . 288 100 . ., 289 115 . , 290 109 10 " " %Nicke1 0111 313 110 315 114 310 105 317 100 320 110 335 105 330 100 339 107 340 108 344 113 10 1/ Pl. 0. F 14Nickel 12 “ “ " 18 F. Pl. Htg. “ “ “ o.F. " 7th Pend. Quick 3d " " 2dto4th Lever1 “ 5th ,Pend., “ 20 1 “ “ 13,809,001 " 13,871,001 “ 13,877,001 ‘ 13,878,001 “ 13,880,001 “ 13,881,000 13,881,001 “ 13,882,000 13,882,001 “ 13,882,000 13,882,001‘1,883,000 383113~-“ " " " “1"~ 18 F.Pl. . .' 310 113 12 21Pl. . .l 311 . ,' 312 . .‘ 313 . .1 314 . .1 315 . .1 310 . .1 317 . .1320 114 “ “ 109 10 ‘f 110 “ " 113 12 ‘f 114 " " 105 18 1 F._1_>1. 100 “ 110 0 o. F. “ 3d Hig. fiNickel 0111 . 0. F. " 7th ‘: Htg. “ 2d 0.F. “ 3d " 1110. “ o. F. “ Hie. “ 0. F. Gilded Htg. Nickel . . ,1 320 335 105 " 330 100 “ 339 107 10 21. 100 18 '~ “ 0.F " 10 2, P1.. Hm.Br. “ '- " J. F. Br.. “ 12 “ Htg. “ 2d " “ 12“ 10" 18“ ““ ““ 0“ 18 F. P1. 10 34P1, ““ 12 " 10 “ 1114r G i l d e d "" 0. F. Nickel ,Htg. " o. F. " H t g . 50Nickel 0.F " 1112. " 0,F “ 6th 8 t h 9th 8th 2d 5th .. “ 6th 1. “ 7011 ‘ “ 5th 51 “ 2d ,.1 “ %P1. 18 11,P1. “ Nickel 0.F. “ 0%Pl.Hm. “ 18 " o.F. “ '““ 0 “ Htg. 34Nickel 2dto4th 5th 18F.P]. "" 0 3/4Pl "" 0. F. “ Htg. Gilded 2d 34Pl F. F "j .2 211004111 L e v e r 5011 Pend 2d 1; 5th 4th Lever 5th Pepd 6th ‘1 7th “ 3d 1. 2d ,, “ 1, 5th “ 2d “ 6th “ 7th 1, 51h ,. 20 “ 3d “ 0111 2dto 4th 5111 “ “ jj “ “ ‘f ‘; j, :: ,1 ‘ ‘1 1 1, “ 1, 1, . 27 J 5 1, .Z “ .. 1, 1, f : 33. Htg. “ 0,1“ " Htv, o. F. 111g. " o. F. Htg. 0. F. Htg. 0. F Htrr “ 0. F. Htg, “ 0. F. Htg. 0.“F Htg. Gilded 34Nickel “ Gilded V2Nickel “ “ “ “ “ Nickel “ “ 54Nickel " “ Gilded 1,4Nickel _“ Gilded ‘; . 44Nickel "0.F.‘~ P1. Htg.Br. “ P1. " " “ %Nicke1 o.F. ,, F.P]. 24 1’1, " " 11.111. " 4 Pl. F.Pl. 24Pl. “ “ F.Pl. " % 1’1. Lever Perid. 2d 4 5th “ 2d 8111 Lever 2d 2d 10 4111 51h " “ Leyer “ ' “ " “ Perid. “ Pend. L e v e r end. J 14,144,001 " 14,140,001 " 14,147,001 “ 14,148,001“ _14,150001“ 14 152,001 “ 14,154,001 “ 14,159,001 “ 14,100,001 “ 14,101,001 “ 14,102,001 “ 14,107,001 “ 14,108,001“ 14,170,001 “ 14,171,001 " 14,172,001 “ 14,173,001 “ 14,175,001 “ 14,140, 0 0 0 , . 14,147,000. 14,148,000, , 14,150,000., 14,152,000.. 14,154,000. . 14,159,000. . 14,100,000, . 14,101,000. . 14,102,000. 14,107,000. 14,168,000. . 14,170,000, . 14,171,000. . 14,172,000. . 14, 173, 000. . 14, 175, 000, . 14, 170, 000.. 3d “ “ “““ 7111 Lever “ 2d Pend. “ NUMBER ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. GRADE CLASS 14,009,001 “ 14,071,000. . . .1 201 110 14,071,001 “ 14,073,000. . . .j 14,073,001 “ 14,075.000, . . . . 14,075,001 “ 14,070,000 204 100 205 115 303 114 312 109 317 100 320 110 370 108 330 100 349 05 354 110 239 90 F.P]. “ “4 P1. 1119. " O. F. “' 1 1 1 g . F.P]. 0. F. 3/1 111. 1112; F.P]. O. F ’ G i l d e d 5111 .. “ 54Nickel 20 ,. ,, “ 3d 1. .. “ 0111 1. ,, 14,170,001 “14,180,000.. 14,180,001 “ 14,182,000. 14,182,001 “ 14,183,000. . 14,183,001 “ 14,184,000. . 14,184,001 " 14,180,000. . ‘ . %Nicke1 0111 14. 078 000 14, 080, 000 14,085,000 14. 070, 001 “ 14,078,001 “ 14,080,001 “ 14,085,001“ 14.085,300.. . . , 14,085,301 “ 14,087,000. . . . . 14,087,001 “ 14,088,000. . . . . 14,088,001 “ 14,090,000. . , . . 14,000,001 ‘2 14,091,000. , . . , 14,091,001 ‘ 14,002,000. . . ,1 280 115 " “ “ Nickel 5111 .2 2d ,, .. 5111 12 ,. 14,002,001 “ 14,094,000. . . , 14,004,001 “ 14,095,000. . , .; 14,005. 001 “ 14,008,000. . . . ,, 14,008,001 “ 14,101,000. , , 1 .1 0. F. “ H g. , 14Nickel 8111 Levei ; 20 Pend ‘; 2dto 4111 Lever .. 14,101,001 ‘2 14,104,000. . . 14,104,001 ‘ 14,105,000. , 14,105,001 " 14,100,000. , 14,100,001 “j 14,110,000. . 14,110,001 ‘ 14,111,000. . 14,111,001 “ 14,113,000. . 14,113,001 “ 14,115, 000.. . 14,115,001 “ 14,117,000. . 14,117,001 “ 14,118,000. . . 14,118,001 “ 14,120, 000.. . 14,120,001 “ 14,121,000, . 14,121,001 “ 14,122,000. . 14,122,001 “ 14,124,000. , 14,124,001 “ 14,120,000. . . 14, 120,001 “ 14, 132, 000. . . 14,132,001 “ 14,133,000. 1 . 14,133,001 “ 14,135,000. , . 14,135,001 “ 14,130,000. , . 14,130,001 " 14,137,000. , , 14,137,001 “ 14, 138, 000.. . 14,138,001 “ 14, 139, 000. . . 14,130,001 “ 14,140,000 . . 14,140, 001 “ 14,141,000. , . 14,141,001 “ 14,142,000. . . 14,142,001 “ 14,143,000. . . 14,143,001 914,144,000, . ..1201110 ..293110 ..294100 3.P1. Hg.1Gilded 2d 1. ‘1 " ' 34Nickel 0111 .. .. “ 0.F. “ 7111 “ .. “ " Gilded “ 1. .. F.P1. “ “ 5111 .. 1. .. ,. .. .. . ., , .f .. .. . .‘ .. .. .. 1. .. 205 115 298 110 301 113 303 114 300 105 312 109 110 113 12 114 " 105 18 100 " 110 0 100 18 105 “ 100 “ 3 4 111. " “ 1112. % N i c k e l I; 1 Gilded 2 0 “ “ 1 . “ “ ,. 11 ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 , . 280 . . 280 . .‘ 292 . .l 293 . .1 294 . J 295 . .‘ 298 , . 310 . P l , H t g . “ “ O. F. “ 21P1. Hte. “ F. Pl. 0. F. Gilded ‘7 H0; Nickel " 0.F. " 2 d t o 4111 5111 2d 5111 4111 5111 0111 7111 01h 7111 2d L e v e r 1 1 Pend. ‘ "“ “‘ Lever “ Pe1id. : 301 113 303 114 309 105 310 113 312 100 313 110 314 113 315 114 310 105 317 100 320 110 335 105 330 100 330 107 340 108 340 111 349 05 354 110 300 110 280 115 288 100 289 115 12 21P1. H t g . 34Nickel 2d " “ o.F. " 311 .‘ . . . . . . . .1 353 .3 354 94P1. th.Br. “ ‘j 0.F.Br. “ ‘7 1112.31. “ ‘f 0.F.Br. “ “Htg.“ “O.F.“ 3 ‘, “ "" ‘f “ "“ 287 105 288 100 289 115 290 109 " 5 " "O.F.1“ 5111Pegd_7 313 314 315 310 317 320 320 335 330 337 338 330 340 383 345 347 F. P1. 1 H g. Gilded 2d104th Lever ,, 2,Pl. ‘ " 2,1Nickel 0111 Pend. .I “ 0.F. “ 7111 " “ Hte. “ 2d “ “ “ O.F. “ 3d “ 1: " 18 10 ‘- %Nicke1 “0.F.“3d .. 71 S1zm STYLE MODEL SETTING TRAIN 14,029,0011014,031,000. . . . 14,031, 01 ‘ 14, 2. .. . . . 14,032,001 ‘ 14 035, 000. . . . ., 14,035,001 “ 14,030,000, . . .’ 14, 030, 001 “ 14, 039, 000. . 14,039,001 “ 14, 040, 000.. . . . 14,040,001 “ 14,041,000. . . , 14,041,001 “ 14,042,000. . . . 14,042,001 “ 14,043,000. . . , . 14,043,001 " 14,045,000. , . . 14,045,001 “ 14,051,000. . . . 14,051,001 " 14,053,000. . . , 14,053,001 " 14,054,000. . . . 14,054,001 “ 14,055,000. . . , . 14,055,001 " 14,057,000. . , . . 14,057,001 “ 14,058,000. , , . 14,058,001 “ 14,059,000. , , ., 14,050,001 “ 14,001,000. . , , .1 14,001,001 “ 14,002,000. . . , . 14,002,001 “ 14,004,000. . . . .‘ 14,004,001 “ 14,000,000. . . . 14,000,001 :‘ 14, 007, 000. . . . . 14,007,001 ‘14,009,000. . . .; 200 109 10 ' “ ‘ %Nicke1 0111 1. ,, 18 F. P ] . 12 3/1 P1. 10 “1 " “ 12 “ " “ 18 F. P1. “ " 0 311 Pl. 18 F. P1. “ " 10 % P1. " “ Lever “ “ 0.1 P ] . " “ F.P]. “1“" .. “;“ 7111 Lever ‘ HUI.,“ 20 Pend ~j . . , , . . , . . . 115 .. .‘ 349 05“",7111 ‘ - " ‘j 11141. 5 4 N i c k e l “f Gilded " “ 2 d “ 0111 H t g Gilded 20104111 “ " 2d Pend. .. “ 0. F. Htsz. 0. F. “ Nickel 41:11 54Nickel 0111 " 7111 .. .1 r ,, ‘2 .. .. L e v e r “ Peg “ 115 0 115 " 109 10 110 ‘~ " o.F “ 7111 f‘ ‘f 100 18 F.P]. " “ 5111 " ‘5 115 0 12. P1. H i g 1/2Nickel 2d “ ‘7 110 0 " 1 Gilded " “ " 113 12 ‘j j" j“ “ “ ‘~ 110 0 ‘j ' 50N1ckel “ “ ‘‐ .; 320 . .1 325 . .1 320 100 . .1 335 105 . .} 330100"‘f0.“1:5111 “ 2d “ 3d “ 2 d 1 0 4111 ‘f 5111 H 1 g . 1). F. Htg. " 2d ,. Levex .. 0. F. H t g . Br 1). F. Br “ 5111 " 0111 “ 7111 Pegd “ ., 12 “ 111g. “ 2d 18 F. P ] . 0 34P1. 10 “ 0 “ 18 11.121 0 04 111, 1. .. .. Lever “ Pep‘d. .. “ 7111 0. F. H1e. o. F. 111g. 0. F. Htg. Gilded 2d “ 2d Gilded 7111 1. 4 1. 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. “ “ o.F.1“ 7111 1. .. %Nickel 20 “ 5111 “ 18 0 12 10 18 0 18 " “ 0 18 0 8 " 0 10 " “ 18 0 0 12 33 10 38 'j 107 " 108 “ 113 12 114 " 112 ““““ 124 18F.P].““ 110 0 % Pl. Htg‘. “ 114 12 ‘j 0.F. Gilded 3d “ “ 0 " “ Gilded “ “ “ 18 F. P1. 0. F “ 51h “ ‘~ . . . 1, .1 377 110 0 . , .' 24011, 91 18 ..‘ 289 115 0 ... 290 109 1 0 ,.. 291 110““0.F..7111 ... 292 109 “ “ Ht 1. Gilded 0111 ... 293 110“‘0.1?"7111 “j “ Htg Nickel 4111 Lever " Pend. ‘~ Lever ‘j I'end. “ Lever ‘f Pend. " ‘~ “ ““ ““ 41 ,, % Pl. j; t h . o. F. Egg. Gilded 2d Nlckel 8111 G1lded 2d Pegd. Quick .. “ “ “ “ “ “ 72 ELGlN NATIONAL WATCH CO. NUMBER 14,186.001t014,188000..1. 14 188,001 14 190,0001 . . . 14,190,001 “ 14,191,000, 1 . . 14, 191, 001 “ 14,192, 000. . . . 14,192,001 I 14,196,000. . . . 14,196, 001 " 14,198,000. 1 . . GRADE CLASS 294 106 298 116 301 113 303 114 309 105 310 113 311 114 320 116 325 115 326 106 336 106 339 107 340 108 382 108 354 116 357 128 358 128 363 11312" 288 106 292 109 293 110 294 106 298 116 309 105 310 113 311 114 336 106 363 113 365 109 366 110 286 115 287 105 288 106 289 115 290 109 291 110 292 109 293 110 294 106 298 116 303 114 STYLE MODEL SETTING TRAIN 0. F. Gilded 5th Pend. Quick 111g. " 2d “ " " %Nickel " “ " O.F " 3d " ' Htg. Gilded 2dto 4th Lever ' “ “ 2d Pend. " O.F.“3d"" . 1 , 1 . . 14, 198, 001 “ 14,201,001 “ 14, 200,001 “ 14, 208, 001 ‘ 14,210,001 “ 14,211,001 “ 14,212,001 ‘ 14, 212, 401 “ 14, 213, 001 “ 14, 214, 001 “ 14, 215,001 " 14,216, 000. . . . 14,216,001 “ 14,218,000. . . . , 14,218,001 " 14,220,000. 1 . , . 14,220,001 " 14,223,000. 1 . . . 14,223, 001 “ 14, 225,000. . . . . 14,225,001 “ 14,226,000. . . . . 14,226,001 “ 14, 227, 000. . . . . 18 F. P1. 0 94Pl. 14, 227, 001 “ 14, 228, 001 “ 14, 229, 001 “ 14, 230, 001 “ 14, 231, 001 “ 14 232, 000 14, 232, 001 ‘j 14 233, 000 14, 233, 001 ' 14, 234, 000 14,234,001“14235,000 14,235,001“14236,000 14, 236, 001 “ 14, 238, 000 14, 238, 001 “ 14, 239, 000 141239001 “ 14 244,000 14, 244,001 “ 14, 246, 000 14, 246, 001 ' 14, 248, 000 14,248,001 “ 14. 249, 000 14,249,001“ 14,250,000 "“ 16 “ "“ ““ “" ““ ““ ‘f“ "“ "“ “ Htg. 0. F Htg. O. F “ “ Htg O.F Htgr 0.F. Htg. 0'..F- Hfig. .. 0th Hpg. ‘ O. F. Hy;r O. F. H‘t‘g. O. F. Httz. O.“F. Htg. O.F. H‘t‘g. O. F. 114g. “ O1F. Hgg. O.F. Br. Htg. “ O. F. Hkg. O. F. Htg. 0,“F, Hgg. 0. F. Hgg. Nickel 15th Lever " 14th “ “ 15th " “ 14th " “ 15111 “ “"“ """ 14,250 001 ” 14, 251, 001 “ 14, 252, 001 " 14, 253,001 “ 14, 254, 001 “ 14, 255, 001 “ 14, 256, 001 " 14, 257, 001 “ 14, 261, 000 14, 261, 001 " 14, 263, 000 14, 263, 001 “ 14, 265, 000 14, 265, 001 " 14, 268, 000 14, 268, 001 " 14, 272, 000 “ 2d " 2dto 4th “ 2d “ 3d Nickel 5th Gilded " “ V2Nickel “ " Gilded V9Nickel “ Gilded " “ “ 34Nickel Gilded “ “ 36Nickel “ Gilded “ “ " Nickel $4Nickel " “ Gilded y, Nickel ‘ Gilded %Nickel .‘ Gilded : ‘ 34Nickel Gilded Nickel 2‘ Gilded ' $6Nickel 1: “ Lever Pend " “ “ " “ Lever Pend. " “ “ “ “ “ " “ Lever Pend " Lever Pend " “ “ “ “ “ Lever Pend. “ “ “ “ 1. " “ " 14, 201, 000 14, 2011, 000 14,208,000 14, 210, 000 14,211,000 14,212,000 14, 212, 400 14,213,000 14, 214, 000 14 215, 000 18 F. P1. 12 %Pl. 14, 228, 000 14,229,000 14, 230, 000 14, 231, 000 14,251,000 14,252, 000 14, 253, 000 14, 254, 000 14, 255, 000 14, 256, 000 14, 257, 000 “ F. P ] . “ 2d 6th 7th 2d 2dto 4th 5th 14, 272, 001 “ 14, 277, 001 “ 14, 279, 001 “ 14, 281,001 “ 14,283,001 “ 14,284 000. . . . . 310 113 14,284,001“ 14,289,0001. 1. . 311 114 14,285, 001 “ 14,286, 000. . . . . 316 105 A F1 P l . % fl. F. Pl. 94Pl. “ F. P1. % Pl. “ F. P1. 3/4 1.31. .. ‘ ‘ F. Pl. " 24 P1 I: 1. “ F1P1. “A. El. “ F. Pl. “A"I’l. ‘ 14, 277, 000 14, 279,000 14, 281, 000 14, 283,000. . . . . 309 105 14,286,001 “ 14,287,000. . 14,287 001 “ 14, 288,000. . . 1. 320 116 .. 325 115 .. 326 106 .. 365 109 377 116 244 38 286 115 . 287 105 . 288 106 . 289 115 . 290 109 . 291 110 . 292 109 . 293 110 . 294 106 . 298 116 3d 2d104th 2 “ 5th 6th 20 7th 2d 2dto4th 5th 2d 6th 7th 6th 7th 5th 2d 14,288,001 “ 14. 289,000. ‘ 14, 289, 001 “ 14, 290, 000. . 14,290,001 “ 14,292,000 14292,001" 14,293,000 14, 293, 001 “ 1 4 294, 000 14,294,001 “ 14,295,000. . . . 14,295,001 “ 14,296,000. . . . 14,296,001 “ 14,299,000. . . . 14,299,001 “ 14,302,000. . . 1 14,302,001 “ 14,305,000. . . . 14,305,001 “ 14,309,000. 1 1 . 14,309,001 “ 14,311,000. . 1 . 14,311,001 “ 14, 316, 0001 . , . 14,316,001 “ 14,318,000. . 1 . 14,318,001 “ 14,319,000. . . . 14, 319, 001 “ 14, 320, 001 “ 14, 321,001 “ 14,323,001 “ 14, 325, 001 “ 14, 327, 001 “ 14, 328, 001 “ 14, 329, 000 14, 329, 001 “ 14, 331, 000 14, 331, 001 “ 14, 333, 000 14, 333, 001 " 14, 334. 000 14, 334, 001 “ 14, 335, 001 “ 14,336,001 “ 14, 337, 001 “ 14,335,000 14, 336, 000 14,337,000 14, 339, 000 O. F. 0%£1.Htg. 16 .. O.F. 0 as Hgg. 20 “ 5th “ 4th Lever 5th Pend 20 ' 7th “ 2d “ "" 20to 4th Lever 5111 P e n d . |____‐ 14,320,000 14, 321, 000 14,323,000 14,325,000 14, 327,000 14, 328, 000 18 12 " 0 18 I" ' O. F. “ Htg. F. 1:1. . F. .. Htg. 2d to 4th 2d 3d Lever Pend “ . . . 301 113 303 114 309 105 310 113 311 114 320 116 326 106 335 105 336 106 354 116 366 110 377 116 286 115 287 105 288 106 -- 2: _ ' 30 “ . 14 " "“ 364 114 365 109 366 110 370 102 371 126 372 98 373 126 374 98 375 98 376 132 377 116 0 “ 240R. 9 1 1 8 “ 263 77 0 “ 8 , 1 “ : 12 “ "“ "" 0“ 0" Htg. 34Nickel 20 “ ~~ Gilded .. 1. 01F.“5th" “ Nickel " “ H t g . Br “ 6 t h “ O.F. Br “ 7th “ “""“ Htg " 2d “ O.F “ " “ "““" Htg Gilded " “ O.F " 3d " Htg “ 6111 “ 0.F “ 7th " " .. "w " " " “ “ “ “ " “ " ' ' " " “ " " " " " " " ‘f “ “ ‘ “ “ " " " " “ “ “ “ " ' " “ I ‘ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ " " I ‘ “ “ “ ‘2 “ ‘i 1 1: “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 18 F.PI. "" 16 APl, "“ “ ‘f 0“ 18 F. P1. 16 %,Pl. Gilded Nickel " 5 4N i c k e l 2d 81h 2d 5 t h Pend Levex Pend "“ 18 F.P]. 0 %Pl. 18 F.P1. 12 94Pl. ”“ 18 F. P1. 12‘ %Pl. 16" " x“ 6 18 " 6 16 “k ' 18 0 12 18 12 “ 18 0 6 18 16 0 16 6 18 " 6 11; 2 ., 18 0 1g 6“ “ Gilded 6th “ " 7th " “ 5th " %Pl “ 2d 6th 7th 6th 7th 5th 2d 3d 2dto4th 2d 18 F. 131. O.F. NUMBER 14, 339, 001 to 14. 341, 000. . 14,31,'0011,4343,000.. CLASS 115 109 1 MODEL SETTING TRAIN 14, 343,001 ‘ 14,345, 001 14, 349, 001 14, 351, 001 14, 352, 001 14, 354, 001 14, 358, 001 14, 300, 001 14, 301, 001 14, 362, 001 14, 363, 001 14, 364, 001 14.305, 001 14, 366, 001 14, 368, 001 14, 371, 001 14,375, 001 ' 14, 376, 001 14,389,001 14,391,001 14 392,001 14: 398 001 14,400, 001 14, 400, 101 14, 401, 001 14, 402, 001 14,410,001 14,411,001 14, 412, 001 14, 413, 001 14, 422, 001 14, 423, 001 14 424, 001 14 425,001 14,426,001 , 14,427,001 ' 14, 428, 001 14, 429, 001 14, 345, 000.. 14, 349, 0001 , 12/2 Nickel 44 Gilded 6th“" 7th 1. ‘f 5th““ 2d 14, 351, 000. ' , 54Nickel “ Gilded 56 Nickel Nickel Gilded Nickel ‘76 Nickel Gilded %Nickel Gilded “ VaNickel Gilded 54Nickel Gilded $4Nickel 45 “ Gilded “ Nickel ' 14 301000.. ... 14, 30:3, 000.. .1. ... l , 14,410,000. . . . . 14,411,000. . ... .. . . . " .. ,..... f‘ 14,4113,000. . . 1 . ‘ 14,463,001 4,65(m4,000.. . . . . . . " 44Nickel 6th ,000. . . . . 14, 427, 000. . 14, 428,000. . 14, 429, 000. . 14,430,000. . . . . 14,431,000.. . . . 14,436,000.. . . . 14,437,000.. . 1 . 14,438,000. . . . . 14,439,000. . . 1 . 14,440,000. 1 . . . 14,441,000. . . . . 14,442,000. . .. 14,443,000. . . .. .. .. .. ., . . . . . STYLE Gilded 2d Pend. Quick .. ... . .0“ . .. 1... .. . . . . . . ... ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. 73 0 Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded 36Nickel Nickel Gilded $4 Nickel Gild $4 Nic el “ 7th “ 2d to 4th Lever 2d Pend.. 174 “ 3d Gilded 241to 4th “ 2d “ 3d Lever Pend. . 74 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. NUMBER 14. 465,0011614,466,000. . 14,466,001_ 14, 467. 000. . 14 467, 001 ‘ 14, 468, 000. . 14,468,001 ‘: 14,470,000. . 14,470,001 ‘ 14,471,000. 14, 471.001 “ 14,472,000. . 14, 472, 001 3: 14,473,000. . 14,473,001 14,474,000. 14,474,001 “ 14. 475,000. . 14,475,001 “ 14,476,000. 14,476,001 “ 14,477,001 “ 14 478,001 " 14, 486. 001 “ 14,487,001 " 14, 488 001 “ 14,490,001 “ 14,491000. . .. . 14, 491, 001 “ 14 493, 000. . .. . 14,493,001 “ 14 494, 000. . .. . 14, 494, 001 “ 14, 495, 000. , 14, 496, 001 “ ‘ 14, 496, 000 14, 496, 001 " 14 498.000 14,498.001“ 14,499,000 14,499,001“ 14500,000 14,500,001“ 14,902,000 14,502,001“ 14,504,000 1,4 504, 001 “ 14, 506, 000 14,506,001“ 14,507,000 14,507,001 “ 14,508,000 14, 508, 001 “ 14 509, 000. .' . .. 1,4 509. 001 “ 14,510,000. . . . . 1,4510.001“ 14,511,000. . . . . SIZE % P1 F. Pl. “ “ % P1. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ F. P1. 34P1. “ “ F. P1. %,Pl. “ “ F. Pl. 32 P1. MODEL SETTlNG TRAIN Quick " " " “ '“ “ ‘“ '“ " " '“ " ‘“ " 1 “ " " ' ~ " " " 1 ““ 1 ““ “' " 14,531,001 “ 14, 532, 000. . 14,532,001“ 1,4537’000., 14,537,001 “ 14, 538’ 000. . 14 538,001 “ 14, 539, 000. . 14,539,001 “ 14, 540, 000. . ... . . . 294 106 Gilded 14Nickel Gilded V2Nicke1 ‘“ 2d Pend 5111 ‘ 2d “ 6111 “ 7111 “ 5111 i“ “f 20 ‘ “f 6111 “ “7 5111 “ ““ 2d “ "f 6111 1“ ‘“ 7111 ‘“ '“ 14,540,001 9 14,542,001 “ 14,544,001 “ 14,546, 001 “ 14, 549, 000. . 14,549,001 “ 14, 551, 000. . 14,591,001 ‘ 14, 552, 000. . 14,592,001 “ 14, 556, 000. . 14,556,001 “ 14, 558, 000. . 14,558,001 “ 14, 560, 000, . 14,560,001“ 14561,000.. 14,501,001 “ 14,562,000. . 14,562,001 “ 14, 567, 000. . 14 567,001 “ 14,568, 0. . 115 109 106 116 109 110 106 116 114 105 113 114 Htg “ 0. F. Htg. “ o. F. “ Htg. o. F. Htg " o. F. %Nickel “ Nickel “‘ %Nickel “ Gilded “' 14Nickel Gilded ‘“ 14,568,001 “ 14,570,001 “ 14,571,001 “ 14,573,001 “ 14,574,000 14 574,001 “ 14,576,000 “ 2d Gilded ““ Nickel 5111 14,576,001 “ 14, 578, 00 “ 14,579,001 “ 14 580,001 “ 14 531,000 “ 0 18 16 " 18 6 16 0 18 0 Htg. F. P1. 0. F. 24Pl. Htg. “ 0.F 14,581,001 “ 14,582,001 “ 14,584,001 “ 14,586,001 “ 14,591,001 “ 14,592,001 “ 14,593,001 “ 14,596,001“ 14,598,001 “ 14,601, 001 “ 14,602,001 “ 14,901001 “ - F. PI “ 3/1Pl. Htg. .. . 14, 477, 000. . .. . 98 116 115 115 290 109 291 110 294 106 295 115 312 109 320 116 336 106 354 116 365 109 14,478,000. . . 14,486. 000.. . 14, 487, 000. . . 14, 488, 000. . . 14, 490, 000. . . . . H t g . ““ ““ 14512,000... . . 14,513,000. . . . . 14, 514, 000.. . . . 211to4111 L e v e r 2d Pend. 6111 ‘“ ‘“0.1. “;5111,I’end. “ , “‘ 1, " 1 “' 1,4 511,001 “ 14,512,001“ 1 4 513, 001 “ 14,514,001 “ 14, 515, 000. . . . . 14,515,001“ 14,516,000. . . . . 14,516.001 “ 14.517,000. , . . . 14 517,001 “ 14,519,000 “ o.F .. F P1. Hm “ 1211164111 Lever 1 ““ 1 '“ “' , “' 4. 519. 001 “ 14,520,000 14, 020, 001 “ 14 521,000 14,521,001“ 14,522,000 4, 522. 001 “ 14,523,000 14 523. 001 “ 14,529,000. . ... 14,524,001 9 14 526, 009. . ... 14,525,001 " 14 526, 000. . ... 14, 526, 001 “ 14,528 000. . ... 14 528,001 “ 14,529,009. . ... 14,529,001 “ 14, 530’ 000. . ... 14,530,001 “ 14, 531000. ... '“ H t g Nickel 4111 ‘“ 0. F /“ 5111 Lever Pend. " “ “ “ “ “ 1 “' 2’ 000. . 14, 544, 000. . 14, 546, 000, . 5111 " 2d " 30 “ ... ... 14,582,000 14, 584, 000 14,586,000 14,591,000 14, 592, 000 14 593,000 14, 596,000 14 598,000 14,601,000 14,602,000 14.603,000. . . . . 14,604,000. . . . . “ “ Htg. 1,4Nickel 1 6111 ‘ “ '“ 14,570,000. . 14,571, 000. , 14,573,000. . “ 16 " 18 F P ] . o. F. 3/Pl. Iltg. "“ " 2d Gilded “' '“ 3d 14,578,000 14,579,000 4 580,000 " 1 6111 “ 7111 Nickel 8111 “ Gilded 2d Nickel 5111 34Nickel 6111 “ 7111 Gilded 5111 $4Nickel 2d “ 6111 “““ 2d F. P1. 0. F. Nickel 5111 21 P l . H t g . “ 2d “ " “ 2; “““ F. P1. 0. F 44Nickel 5111 .,. 325 ... 326 . . 335 ... 336 ... 339 ... 365 ... 372 . .. 377 ... 286 115 106 105 106 107 109 6 18 '“ “ 16 “ “ 0 6 “ 16 “ 18 6 16 0 18 0 16 18 “ 6 Gilded '“ 2d Pend. 5111 '“ GRADE CLASS STYLE Hm.Br “ 6111 " Htg. Gilded “ 1 “ O.F. Nickel 15111 Lever Htg. Gilded 2d Pend. “ 34Nickel " " “ Gilded “ " 289 “ o. F. “ 34Nickel “ Gilded 34Nickel Gth 7111 5111 26 6111 2d 5111 2d 6111 8th 2 d 1 0 4111 2d 6111 7th 6th 7111 5111 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Leve1 " Pend “ “ " " “ 240R 91 287 105 289 115 290 109 291 110 292 109 293 110 294 106 295 115 298 116 309 105 310 113 312 109 313 110 316 105 317 106 325 115 326 106 335 105 336 106 338 38 339 107 347 112 354 116 363 113 366 110 370 102 377 116 288 106 289 115 290 109 291 110 16 “ '“ “ ““ ““ 18F.Pl. 6 321 Pl. 0“ 0. F. Nickel Htg. " “ Gilded O.F. Nickel H t g . 34Nickel " Gilded “ 34Nickel 0.F“ Hts: Gilded 0.F '“ ““ H t g . 34Nickel “ Gilded ““ ““ 26 “ '“ " ... 295 ... 312 .,. 336 ... 354 ... 290 ... 291 ... 294 ... 298 ... 303 ... 309 ... 310 ... 311 . . . 312 109 ‘“ Gilded 313 110 320 116 325 115 336 106 354 116 363 113 364 114 365 109 366 110 367 90 369 131 377 116 379 106 290 109 291 110 294 106 295 115 312 109 320 116 336 106 354 116 201 76 “ 263 77 “ 288 106 18 “ 0.F. “ 111g. “" ““ i 7111 “ ““ “ " " "f “ “' “ “ “ 1 ““ “2 , “' ' “' “ ““ Level " " “ Pond. ““ 1", '“ I: 1 ““ . ““ ,“ ““ ,1 ““ .. 1“ 1. 1 ' . ““ ~; 1 ; j: 1 12 “ 18F.PI. 12 %Pl. , 20to 4111 Lever " 16 “' 0 6 18 0 12 “ 1 3d 1 '“ '“ “ o. F. “ Htg. “ 0.F ““ ““ ““ H t g . 0. F. Htg. Nickel 4111 Lever 0. F. “ 5111 Pend. 18 F. P1. 12 94 P1. 16 ‘“ “ l/eNXCkel “' 18 '“ 6 18 " “ 16 " 12 0 12 16 “ 0 18 6 16 “ 18 6 16 18 0 16 '“ 18 0 7111 , “ Pl. Hte Gilded 2d 1 " FP1.0.10 '“ 51111“, 21Pl 0.F.Br / “ 7111 “ 1114151 ' " 6111 , ““ '“ “ “ “ “ “ “ F,P]. 3/1 P l . " " F. P1. 21Pl. “ F. P1. 34Pl. " “ F.P1. 21Pl. 0. F. " 3d Htg. “ 211 1 '“ 1 " 1 '“ " 0.F. “ Hter 0.F 111g “’ 0. F. Gilded " “~ 7111 ‘“ “ '“ " '“ "f ‘“ “7 Nickel 15111 Lever 1 2d Pend. ‘f NUMBER 14, 004, 0010914, 000,000. . , . . 14, 000,001 14, 007, 000. , . . . 14,007,001 “ 14, 610, 000. . . . . 14,010,001‘ 14,011,000. . . . 298 14,611,001‘ 14,012,000. . . . 301 14,012,001 “ 14, 613, 000. . . . . 303 14,013,001“ 14,017,000. . . . 309 105 MODEL 0 t h 7th J 5th 2d ‘j “‘ 3d “ 14,017,001“14,018,000...., 310 14,018,001 “ 14,019,000. . . . . 311 14,019,001 “ 14,620,000. . . . . 312 14,620,001“14,021,000..._. 313 14,021,001 “ 14,022,000. . . , . 317 14,622,001“ 02 .. . . . 320 116 Gilded 2dto4th Lever “ 2d Pend. “ 341 ‘f 54Nickel 0111 “ 7th “ 5111 “ Gilded Nickel Gilded “ Nickel Gilded %Nickel “ Gilded %Nickel Gilded %Nickel 6th “ 7111 “ 2d Nickel 6th “ 2d “ 8111 50Nickel 5111 “ 0111 “ 7th Gilded 5111 54Nicke1 2d “" 14.620,001 14,027,001 14,629,001 14,030,001 '14,031,000.. 14,631,001 14, 032, 000.. 14,032,001 14, 034, 000.. 14,034,001 14,635,000. 14,035,001 14,030,000. 14,630,001 14,041,000. 14, 042, 000.. 14,044,000. 14,615,000., 14, 640, 000.. 14,049,000. 14,050, 000. 14,652,000. . 14,053,000. 14,654,000. . 14,656,000. 14,058,000. 14, 061, 000. . 14,602,000. 14,064,000. 14,065,000. 14,000,000. 14,008,000. 14, 070, 000.. 14,077,000. 14, 080, 000.. 14,681,000. 14,084,000. 14, 085,000. 325 115 330 100 303 113 304 114 374 98 377 110 290 109 291 110 294 106 295 115 309 105 312 109 313 110 320 110 339 107 354 116 240K. 91 288 100 290 109 291 110 294 100 295 115 301 113 303 114 309 105 312 109 317 . 100 110 100 107 . ..354 110 “ .. " <.. '. .. ,. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,703,001 14,700,001 14,709,001 14, 713,001 14,715,001 14,710,001 14,717,001 14,720,001 14,722,001 14,724,001 14,726,001 14,729,001 14,731,001 14,734,001 14,735,001 14,736,001 14,737,001 14,738,001 14,739,001 14,740,001 14,742,001 14,743,001 14,748,001 14,749,001 14,750,001 14,751,001 14,752,001 14,755,001 14,756,001 14,758,001 14,759,001 14,701,001 14, 700, 000.. . .. 14,709,000., . .. 14,713,000. . .. 14,715,000. . ., 14,710,000. . .. 14,717,000. . .. 14,720,000. . .. 14,722, 0 0 . . .. 14,724,000. . . .. 14, 720,000. . .. 14,729,000. . . .. 14,731,000. . .. 380 244 255 203 290 291 294 ' . “ .. . . O. F. . 3d 241004011 14,029,000. . , 14, 030, 000.. 14,641,001 14,042,001 14,044,001 14,045. 001 14,040,001 14,049,001 14,050,001 14, 012, 001 14,053,001 14,054,001 14,050,001 14,058,001 14, 001, 001 14,02,001 14, ' 4,001 14,005,001 14,000,001 14,008,001 ' 14,070,001 14,077,001 14,030,001 ' 14,081,001 14,084,001 14,085,001 14,080,001 14,691,001 14,692,001 14,093,001 14,094,001 14,695,001 14,098,001 14,099,001 14,700,000. . .. 14,700,001 14,701,000. . .. 14,701,001 14,702,000. . .. 14,702,001 14,703,000. . .. ' . . . . . F. ‘ .. 14, 093, 000. .. 14,094,000. . . .. 14, 095, 000.. . .. 14,098,000. . .. 14. 099,000. . ,. 301 113 303 114 312 109 315 114 320 ‘ 381 0 ~ '. ‘ , . ,. . . . . . . . . 14,734,000. . 14,735,000. . 14,730,000.. . 14,737,000. . 14, 738, 000. . . 14, 739, 000.. . 14,‘740, 000.. . 14,742,000. . 14,743,000. . 14,748,000. . 14,749,000. . 14,750,000. . 14,751,000. . 14,752,000. . 14,755,000. . 14,756,000, . 14, 758, 000.. . 14,759,000., . 14, 701,000. . 14,702,000. . .. .. .. .. ,. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . ' .. . . , . .. . ., . .. . .. . .. . .. . ., . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ., . .. , .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ELGIN NATIONALWATCH CO. \ . . . . . ‘" ( 1 1 1 m m : CLASS STYLE . ,. VsNickel ‘ SETTING 320/ . ..330 . ..381 ' ' ' , Nickel 290 291 294 109 110 100 110 113 114 .F. “ Pepd. . . . 290 ....291 110' “ .. “ u %Nicke1 “ Gilded J/zNickeI “ u ‘4 u Nickel “ u 14 u %Nicke1 “ Gilded JANickel “ u 109 ..294 106 . . . ‘ F . . 113 114 109 110 106 ‘ ‘ ' . “ 7th “ 5th “ 2d Nickel 5th “ 2d ““ uu %Nicke1 6th “ 7th Gilded 5011 Nickel 8th %Nickel 6111 “ 7th Gilded 5th %Nickel 6th “ u u u . , “ . ' . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ‘ . .. . .. . .. . .. g. . H. . . .. “ .. . Gilded “ %Nickel “ ' ' " ' u G i l d e d 1/4Nicke1 “ cs 3d 241104111 ‘ " , . . . . . G i l d e d % N i c k e l 0011 . NUMBER ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH "CO. 1 14,762.001to 14,765,000. . . . . 14,765,01 14767,000.. . . . GRADE CLASS . STYLE Gilded VeNickel MODEL SETTING TRAIN 5th 14,767,001 “ , 14,769,001“ 14,771,001' 14,775,001 ' ..... 14,776,001 14,777,001 7 14,778,001 14,782,001 14,784,001 14.785,001 ..... .."1“ ..,"' “ ..“ “ .. .. Nickel “ .‘..“‘ “ 14,786,001 ' 477 14,787,001 .. . . . .,... ..... ' “ “ “ Lever Pend. " Gilded “ .'.1/2Nickel “ .. " 3d “ . . Gilded Lever 14,788,001 14,789,001 14, 790, 001 14,793,001 14,795,001 14, 800, 001 14.801,001 14,802,001 14, 803, 001 14,804,001 14,805,001 14,806,001 14, 811, 001 14,813,001 14, 814, 001 14, 815, 001 14, 816, 001 14, 817, 001 14, 818, 001 14,820,001 14, 822, 001 14,823,001 ' 14,825,000. . . . . 14, 825,001 " 14,827,000. . . . . 14,827,001 ' 14,828,000. . . . . 14,828,001 ‘ 14,829,000. . . . . 14,829,001 14.830,000. . . . . 7 . . Gilded . Lever . ‘ 4/2 Nickel Gt Pend. . “" ..“d“ . , . . . .. . . . “ . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,..... .. ..... .‘ . ..... ““ . . 1/2Nickel .. ,"“ ..... '..... ..... ..... 14,805,000. . . . . 14,806,000. . . . . 14,811,000. . . . . 14,813,000. . . . . 14,814,000. . . . . 14,815.000. . . . . 14,816,000..... 14,817,000. . . . . 14,818,000. . , . . 14,820,000. . . . . 14,822,000. . . . . 14,823,000..... “ . $6Nickel 't_ Pend. " " "‘ “ ..... '.. .' ' ' .. . '“ . .“ “ Nickel “ ..“, Lever ‘“" " ".' Pent]. .“ " V2Nickel “ ..", “ . “ . . . ‘ . . . ' .. . . . . 1. . Pend. “ " O. F. 0~. .. “ “ “ 1“ " '' '14,833,000.....' ‘" ' .. ' 5thPend. 14,831,000. . . . . "14,832,000. . . . . . . " " Lever 14,837,000. . . . . .. 14,837,001" 14,838,000.. . . . '~ " " 14,838,001“14,840,000..... ‘ '. 14, 841, 000. . .‘'“ ..fl.“ “ . . . 1‘" . . . . . . . . . ' . .. " Lever Pend. “ u 44 is Lever 14, 840, 001 14, 841, 001 14,842,001 14,843,001 14,844,001 14, 845, 001 14,846,001 14, 847, 001 14, 848, 001 14, 850, 001 14, 852, 001 14,853,001 14, 854, 001 14,856,001 ' 14, 857, 001 14, 858, 001 14, 860, 001 14, 862,001 14,863,001 14, 8154, 001 14,866,001 14, 867, 001 14,868,001 14,870,00] 14, 872,001 14, 876, 001 14,880,001 14, 882, 001 14, 884, 001 14,886,001 14, 887,001 14,888,001 14,890,001 ' .. . . . 14,801,001'..... 14,803,001 ..... 14,894,001 ..... 14,898,001 ..... 14,909,001 .. . . . 14,910,001 ..... 335 14,911,001 .. . . . 14,913,001 .... " 14,914,001 14,916,000.. . . . “ Ht . , “ 14,916,001 14,917,000. . . . . . 0. F. > Lever 14, 842, 000. . “ 14,843,000. , ‘ 14,844,000. . " 14,845,000. . “ 14,846, 000. . ‘ 14,847,000. , 14, 848, 000. . 14, 850, 000. . 14, 852, 000. . 14, 853, 000. . ' 14,854,000. . 14, 856, 000, . 14,857,000. . 14, 858, 000. . 14, 860. 000. . 14, 862, 000. . 14, 863, 000. . 14, 864,000.. 14,866,000. , 14,867,000. . 14, 868, 000. . 14,870,000. . 14, 872, 000, . 14, 876, 000. . 14, 880, 000. . 14, 882, 000.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .... f ..... $4 14,884,000. . . . . _ 14,886,000. . . . . " . Gilded “ . V2Nickel “ .. " 3d “ “ .." Gilded 5th 61h . Gilded V2Nickel ' ‘ " “ " “ .", 1/2 Nickel " Lever Pend. “ “ $4Nickel “u P". Gilded .. Lever 34Nickel 6th Pend. .."" .““ " .."3d“ ‘. . . “ ' Lever ’ “ “ .‘ . ‘ ...“ . Lever . . “ Pend. .. “ 5t Pend. ..“ Quick _‐._‐-‐‐‐‐-‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‘-‐_‐_‘‐‐‐'I 15,095,001‘ ' 15, 097, 001 15,098,001 15,101,001 15, 103, 001 15,104,001 15,109, 001 15,110,001 15,114,001 15,115, 001 ' 15,117,001 .. l . . ..... . . . . . . " . . “ ' U.P “ Lever Pend. ‘ELGlNNATIONAL WATCH CO. NUMBER GRADE CLASS 77 MODEL SETTING TRAIN Pena. Quick " " 14, 917, 0010314, 919, 000. . . . . 288 14:919,001 .. . . . 14, 921, 001 “ . . . . . ' .P1. . . . . ' 51h 2d ' “..... .7th ' “1,.... ‘ .. Gilded . . . . 14,961,000..... ,14,954,000.... ' 14,950,000. . . . . > 14,968,000. . . . 14,971,000. . . . 14,970,000. . . . 14.979,000. . . . 35 14,980,000. . . . 14,981,000. . . . 14,984,000. . . . 14,987,000. . . . ‘ " . . 44Nickel “ Gilded %Nickel Nickel *' 1 , 14,984,001 14.987.001 14990000..... 14,990,001 . ... 14,993,001 ... 14,995",001 00 . . . . . 205, 14,997,001 .... ' " " 15,000,001 .. . . . 15,003001 ' ..... 15,005,001 _ ..... <. A ‘_ . . 5s Gilded % Nipkel u Gilded Niqkel 36 Nickel Nickel ..... ‘ 15,043, 000. . . . . .. .. %Nickel 6 . . Gilded " " $6Nickel ““ 15.049,000..... 15,054,000. . . . . 15,061,000..... 15,062,000..... 15,003,000. . . . . 15,005,000, . . . . 15,067,000. . . . . 15,071,000.. . . . ‘ .."Gilded ‘ . $9Nickel “““, .. “ 3d 55,073,000”... " ‘ ‘/ " ‘ %Nickel “ Pend. , " 15,093,001 15,094,001 ' ..... .'" 15, 119,001 15,120,001“ 15,121,001 ‘ 15,122,000. . . . . . . . u Gilded ‘ ' . 1/3 Nickel ' . . . . ‘ , ’ Lever Pend. ' 0 =’ . . 44Nickel ' . 4 ' ' . . ‘ " . $6Nickel 6 t h $4Niekel Niqkel .. “ . “ . ' " " $4Nickel ' . “ ' .."Gilded _' " . F '...GildedLever .... " .. “ " u ..... . 44 Nickel " u 3:4 Nickel .. . . . ' .... ' ..... . . . . . .... l. . .F. k" ... .. . .. H . .. “ Lever Perld. u Lever Pend. Lever Pend. NUMBER 151232,0015015,123,000.. . .. 15,1 15,124,001 “ 15. 125, 001 ' GRADE STYLE Niqkel ,, ,, $4Nipkel Gilded 56 N ipkel Gilded % Nipkel MODEL SETTING T R A I N Lever Quick Pegd. 15,126,001 ‘: 15,132,001 15 134,001 15. 136, 001 15, 143, 001 15, 144, 001 15, 146. 001 15. 148. 001 15, 149. 001 15,150,001 " 15, 153, 001 15, 154, 001 15, 155, 001 15, 156, 001 15. 157, 001 15, 158, 001 15, 159, 001 15, 160, 001 15. 161, 001 1'5, 162, 001 15, 163, 001 16, 164, 001 15, 165, 001 ‘ 15, 168, 001 15, 171, 001 15, 172, 001 15, 176, 001 15, 178, 001 15, 180, 001 15, 181. 001 15, 184, 001 15, 189, 001 15, 190, 001 15. 191, 001 15, 192, 001 15, 194, 001 15, 198, 001 15, 199, 001 15, 200, 001 15, 201, 001 15, 202, 001 Gilded Lever 15, 244, 001 15, 245, 001 15, 247, 001 15. 249, 001 15, 250, 001 15, 252, 001 15, 257, 001 15, 258, 001 15, 260, 001 15, 262, 001 15, 263, 001 15, 264. 001 15,265,001 15,266,0001: I I I ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. \ 34 N igkel Nickel 54 N ipkel Gilged asNipkel Gilded Niekel 54 Nipkel '\ Gilded Pe’ld' n Le vex‐ Peqd. s. ,. Lever $6 Nickel Niqliel Lever $6 Nickel Gilded 34Nipkel Gilded 54 N igkel u u Niqlcel Gilded Niegel $4 Nickel Gilded 174: Nipkel Gilded $6 Nipkel Gilded 54 N ipkel Niqlcel u Gilded Nickel $6 N i__ckel Pegd. l‐ NUMBER 15,266,001to 15,267,000.. . . . 15, 267,001 15, 268,001 15,269,001 ‘ G R A D E CLASS 116 STYLE 179 Nickel Nickel % Nigkel Giiged Niqliel Gilded Nickel 36 Nickel Gilded 56Niekel Gilged $4: Niekel Gilded 95Nigkel u u u n %Niekel Gilded 56Niekel u n Gilged $6 Nigkel Gilded 54Niekel MODEL SETTING Pegd. 15,272,001 15, 276,001 15, 277, 001 15,278,001 15, 279, 001 15, 280, 001 15, 281, 001 15, 282, 001 15, 283, 001 15, 286, 001 15, 287, 001 15, 288, 001 15. 289, 001 15, 291, 001 15, 292, 001 15, 293, 001 15, 294, 001 15, 295, 001 15, 296, 001 15, 298, 001 15, 301, 001 15, 304, 001 15, 305, 001 15, 307, 001 15, 308, 001 15, 309, 001 15, 310, 001 15, 313, 001 15, 314, 001 15, 315, 001 15,272,091: I I I 15,270,000. . . . 15,279,000:I II 15, 280, 000. . 15 281, 000. I I: 15,346,001 15,347,001 15, 348, 001 15, 349, 001 15, 350, 001 15, 351, 001 15, 352, 001 15, 353, 001 ‘ 15, 355, 001 ‘ 15, 356, 001 15, 357, 001 15, 358, 001 15, 359, 001 15, 360, 001 15, 361, 001 ‘ 15, 362, 001 15, 364, 001 15, 365, 001 15,367,001 15, 369, 001 15, 370, 001 15, 371, 001 15, 373, 001 15, 374, 001 15, 375, 001 15, 376, 001 15, 378, 001 u Lever Pegd. u 55 u Lever Pegd. 15, 38000021121 1512382000”... 15, 387, 000 15,388,000. . . . 15,,392000.. . . . 15, 3 9 3 , 0 0 0 . . . . . H t g . O.F. H t g . O.F. Htg. O.F. Htg. O., Htg. $5Nigkel (6 06 55 u is Nieliel Gilded 15, 387, 001 15, 388,001 15, 392, 001 15,393,001 “ 15 394 000.. . . . ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. . . Dials(Illustrato' ns) DialFeet,Locationof DustBands, (Rings) Indexes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inter-SettingWheel I n t e r - W i n d i n g Wheels Jewels, Balance, Lower Jewels, Balance, U p p e r Jewels, BalanceCap, Lower J ewels. B a l a n c e C a p . U p p e r Jewels. B a r r e l A r b o r , L o w e r Jewels, BarrelArbor, Upper Jewels, Center, Lower Jewels, Center, U p p e r Jewels, Escape, Lower Jewels, Escape, Upper Jewels, EscapeCap, Lower Jewels,EscapeCap.Upper. . , Jewels. Fourth, Lower . . . Jewels, Fourth,Upper . . Jewels, Pallet, Lower Jewels, P a l l e t , U p p e r Jewels, PalletCap, Lower Jewels, PalletCap, Upper Jewels, Third, Lower Jewels, T h i r d , U p p e r Jewels, Pallet Stones Jewels, Rolleror Jewel Pins tJewelPins Levers,Clutch Levers, S e t t i n g LeverSprings, Clutch LeverSprings, Setting Locationof DialFeet MainScrew Washers Main Springs Main W h e e l s EscapePinions E s c a p e C a p J e w e l s , L o w e r Escape C a p J ewels, U p p e r EscapeJ ewels. Lower EscapeJewels.Upper ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. INDEX Numbers and Grades of Movements, Page 56 to 79 Arbors, Barrel Arbors, Pallet Arbors. Pallets a n d F o r k s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 0 Arbors,Winding Arms,Vibrating Balances . . BalanceCapJewels, Lower Balance C a p Jewels, U p p e r BalanceJewels, FourthJewels.Upper BalanceJewels, FourthPinions BalanceStaffs ' FourthWheels BalanceWheels ....................11 Bands,Dust, (Rings) . . . B arrels Barrels, Hubs and Screws, Fitted Barrel Arbors BarrelArborBushings BarrelArbor Hubs B a r r e l A r b o r Jewels, L o w e r B a r r e l A r b o r Jewels, U p p e r BarrelHubs . . Bars.Setting Bevel Pinions Cams, Setting C a m s , Setting S p r i m r Cannon Pinions CapJewels,Balance,Lower CapJewels, Balance,Upper C a p J ewels, Escape, Lower CapJewels,Escape, Upper C a p Jewels, Pallet, Lower CapJewels,Pallet, Upper Center Pinions Center Pinion Washers CenterStaiTs CenterJewels, Lower CenterJewels, Upper Center Staff Washers Center Wheels Center Wheels, Complete Center Wheel Nuts Clamps, Minute Wheel Clamps, RatchetWheel Clamps, SettingWheel Class of Material and Movements used in Clicks Click Springs Clutches, Setting Clutches,Winding andSetting. . . Clutch, Levers Clutch, Lever Springs Collects, HairSpring Combination Rollers Combination Rollers w i t h Jewel D Forks and Pallets Forks,Pallets and Arbors F o u r t h Jewels, L o w e r HairSprings. Brequet,withColletsandStuds. . . . HairSprings,Brequet, StrengthTable........ H a i r S p r i n g Collets HairSpringStuds ‘ Hands, Hour Hands, Minute Hands. Second H o u r Wheels ...................... Hubs, Barrel .................. I Hubs, Barrel Arbor (‐ Modelsof Movements M o v e m e n t s , D e s c r i p t i o n o f N SettingSp1'1ngs S e t t i n g S p r 1' 1 1 g C ‘ SettingWheels S e t t i n g Wheel C l a m p s ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Sleeves. W i n d i n g A r b o r Nuts,CenterWheel ..................28SettingandWindingClutches NutsandScrews, Regulator Springs. ArmVibrating Springs, Cam Springs, Click Springs, Hair, B1equet, Collected and Studded Pallets ...................30Springs, Hair.Brequet, Strength Table. Pallets and Forks Springs, Clutch Lever Pallets,ForksandArbors Pallet Arbors PalletCap Jewels, Lower P a l l e t C a p Jewels. U p p e r PalletJewels. Lower Springs,SettingLever. . . . . . . Springs. Main Springs, Regulator S p r i n g s , S e t t i n g P a l l e t J e w e l s , U p p e r PalletStones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 7 Pinions. Bevel Pinions, Cannon Pinions. Center Pinions,Escape Pinions. Escape and Wheels Pinions, Fourth P i n i o n s , F o u r t h a n d Wheels Pinions, Third Pinions, Third and Wheels Pins. BevelPinion P i n s Jewel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 7 P11ceof Screws {atchet Wheels RatchetWheel Clamps Ratchet Wheel Washer Regulators Regulator Springs Rings. Dust Band Rings, Friction Rollers, Combination Rollers,CombinationwithJewels ..........35 llers, Safety Staffs, Center Rollers, Table ..............35Wheels, Firstwith Bar1el Arbor and H u h Rollers, Table with Jewels Wheels. Fourth RollerJewelsor Jewel Pins Safety Rollers Screws, Use and Numbe1 Screws, Price of Screws a n d N u t s , R e g u l a t o r Second Hands S e t t i n g Bars Setting Cams S e t t i n g Clutches SettingLevers SettingLeverSprings . . 3 . 3 Wheels,FourthandPinion Wheels, Hour Wheels.Inter-Settingr Wheels, I n t e r - W i n d i n g Wheels, Main 2 5 Statfs, Balance ........... Studs. H a i r S p r i n g Table Rollers TableRollerswith.lewels.. . . . . . , . . ThirdJewels, Lower ThirdJewels,Upper.............. .‘ Third Pinions VibratingArms. . . . VibratingArmSprings. . . . Washers,CenterPinion. . . . . . ,,. Washers, Center Stafl" Washers, M a i n Screw Washers, RatchetWheel Wheels, Balance Wheels, Center Wheels. C e n t e r , C o m p l e t e Wheels, Escape Wheels. Escape andPinion Wheels, Fi1st Wheels, Minute Wheels, Ratchet Wheels, R i n g Wheels, S e t t i n g Wheels, Third Wheels, Third andPinion W i n d i n g A r bors . WindingArborSleeves. , . Wirding andSettingClutches3,. . . . , _.-,. ; . ‘ , ' m eww" x“?