Pocket Watch Database
APRIL 1st, 1926.
NET PRICE L I S T TO JEWELERS Illinois-Springfield Watches
18 SIZE, Open Face and Hunting
Bunn Special, 21Jewels Adjusted 6 Positions - - $24.00 No. 89, 17Jewels Adj., Gilt Damsk., D. S. Dial - 12.00
16 SIZE, Complete
SANGAMO SPECIAL, Open Face Only THE 6 POSITION 60 HOUR WATCH 23 Jewels, Adj. 6 Positions, Illinois Motor Barrel
14k.filled green, white or regular gold, with hinged
front, back and inside cap, e x t r a weight and qualitycase, - - - - . - - 50.00
14k.extra weight, solid green, white or regular gold cases, with inside cap, hinged throughout, -
The Complete B U N N SPECIAL
21 Jewels, Adjusted 6 Positions, Open Face Only
Fitted in 14k filled green or white gold Wadsworth cases of special design errs - e e e
Fitted in 10k filled, regular gold only, Wadsworth
cases of special design - - - - ~~ 32.50
16 SIZE, Open Face and Hunting
Bunn Special, 23J. Adj. 6 Pos., Illinois Motor Barrel
Bunn Special, 21 Jewels, Adjusted 6 Positions -
Bunn, 19Jewels, Adj. 5 Pos., Illinois Motor Barrel - Gegaweam 19Jewels, Adjusted 3 Positions i S h e ee
Made on Special Order Only
No. 706, 17Jewels Adjusted 4 Positions, D . S . D . _ - No. 305, 17 Jewels Adj., D. R., Steel escape, D.S.D.
12 SIZE, Open Face and Hunting
- . -
No. 405, 17Jewels, Adj., D.R., Steel escape wheel - 6-0 Size or 11 Ligne Movements
2 15.00 13.25
No. 410, 23Jewels, Adjusted 6 Positions
A. Lincoln, 21Jewels, Adjusted 5 Positions
Made on Special Order Only .
- -
26.50 17.50 )
19Jewels, Adjusted 3 Positions
O n l y delivered fitted in cases supplied by the Jobbers.
No. 907, 19Jewels, double roller, steel escape wheel 20.00
No. 903, 15Jewels, double roller - . » - 14.50
6-0sizefullopen and3-4openfacedialmovementshavesecond:hand, Hunting, 3-4 and fullopen havesecondhandat 9.
Skylight dial movements do nor have second hand.
32.75 28.00 24.00
In Display Gift Boxes With Selling Price Cards
I L L I N I , 2 1 Jewels, A d j . 5 P o s . , T h i n M o d e l , 1 2 Size
Illini, 14k Green Gold Plain Directoire, no cap case
Illini, 14k Green Gold Engr.Directoire, no cap case
Illini, 14k Green Gold PlainEmpire,insidecap case Illini,14kGreenGoldEngr.Empire,insidecapcase 100.00 Illini, 14k White Gold Engraved Empiee, inside cap
case, InlaidEnamelDial - - - 100.00 Illini, 18k White Gold Engraved Sennteds:feside cap
case, Silver Dial, Applied 18k Figures - - 124.00 A.LINCOLN,Thin Model,19Jewels,Adj.5 Pos.,12Size
14k filled Green or White Gold, Bassine, with cap 14k filled Green or White Gold, inside cap case - 14k Solid Green or White G., Chased Queen case- 14k Solid Green or White Gold, inside cap case -
42.00 43.00 60.00 66.00
MARQUIS-AUTOCRAT, 17 J., A d j . 3 Pos., 12 Size
14k filled, green or white chased, no cap case 14kSolid,greenorwhiteQueen,nocapcase 14kSolid,green orwhite, inside cap case -
- 30.00 - 45.00 - 51.00
THE AUTOCRAT, 17 Jewels Adjusted, 12 Size
Autocrat, 14k filled Queen Green Gold Empire case Autocrat, 14k filled Green or White Queen case - Autocrat, 14k filled Queen Green or White Gold
22.75 24.00
26.00 51.25
46.00 46.00
Chased case, with Luminous Dial, Raised Figure
Dial or Engraved Silvered or Gilt Dial - - Autocrat, 14k Solid Green Gold Bassine, cap case - Autocrat, 14k Heavy, Green G. hand made chased
border (special shape) cap case, Fancy Engraved Center, Raised Figure Dial - - - -
The MARY TODD, 16 Jewels, 18-0 Size 18k. Solid White Gold, hand engraved case, - - - 18k. Solid White Gold, inlaid enamel case, - - -
i ceropeotherwisespecifiedallmovementsarefittedwitheitherWhite Plain Silver, Gilt or Butler FinishedDials, no e x t r a charge. 12srywithSilveror GiltEngineTurnedDials,- - - Extra $ .50 FancyEngravedor Special.MoireDials,- - - - + - Extra 1.25 RaisedEmbossedFigure, Silver or Gilt Dials,- - - - Extra 2.00
16sizewithSilveror GiltEngineTurnedDialsno extra charge 6-0sizeFancyMoireDials,- - - - + + + + + + ©Extra 50 6-0 size Rectangular,Squareor RoundLuminous Dials, Extra 2.00 Montgomery Numerical Dialscan be had on all railroad grades
withoutextra charge, 50c extrawhenfittedtoothergrades.
Subject O n l y To Cash Discount
6 percent 10 days or 5 percent 30 days.
[n n OVER E E E
91.00 97.00 94.00