Pocket Watch Database

Genuine Illinois Watch Materials: Supplement Catalog (1936)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (Before 1977, Published Without Copyright)

Digitized Date April 27, 2020

Material f o r A l l New Models 16 Size Watches Catélvz- _9 14thModel‐21JOpenFace,60HourBunnSpecial‐Grade161 96A s Descriptignh ~ crew‐stu , airsprm'g, cornered head Screw‐wheel, ratchet, cornered head Model 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 f; {14:15 5 {4432 14‐15 %t%g 1445 14-15 12:12 iii? {t}? 14‐15 14 23]OpenFace,60HourBunnSpecial‐Grade163 15th Model‐‐21J Open Face, 60Hour Bunn Special, Elinaar‐Grade 161A 2 3 ] Open Face, 60Hour Bunn Special, Elinvar‐Grade 163A Note:‐14th and 15th models are identical and take the same material, except the Elinvar balance which is used only in the 15th model. A l l 15th models were-stamped with grade numbers. Some 14th models were not stamped with grade numbers. A l l upper t r a i n jewels and endstones are in gold settings. . When ordering material, please use grade number whenever possible. C“ M 1558 £21 Style2 31111118,~g119k 8333521125, Elinvar gpflg‐levgr' clucéch b Style 1 1333 Style2 ”333333330" M o d ” Arbor‐pallet, threaded 14‐15 p g‐mam,moor arre,sr 4 Sgflmimmr Starr‐center ‘ ggggh‐m‘mlailfg wheel Wheel‐center, bevel arm, gold Wheel‐center and stall, bevel arm, gold $5232.32),th %%512%bg$élarm. g o l d 3316221219535 1351213363“ 3” Steel _’--‘ 1d 1500A Balance‐gold sm‘ews, monometalhc . 15 Balance‐complete, g o l d screws, bi‐metalhc 14 1693 Wheel‐ratchet, concave, polished 1411 12440 gazilmmplete. 1693 1698 Pattern 11 Wheel‐ratchet concave polished Wheelflemng' ' 15 14_15 12$§g gold screws. Elmvar 1215 égg§fi %%}_€flhg' “3791.an fish-11 Litig fig? 1740 1699 1672 531 2018 1606 18011 18082 18088 18086 18082 3322 18082 16012 12813 fig"?E3332$1,133;$311;mfi i t } ? C a p ‐ motor ratchet and jewel 14__15 Cap‐setting wheel 14‐15 glick 14‐15 Hl‘l‘flmombarrel ratchet i443? 1957 1957 14 15 16007 1332 ewe‐aenceower, c1011 J e w e l ‐ b a l a n c e l o w e r , b e g a n w i t h 5 2 7 6 9 0 1 - - ~ . N o t e : ‐ T h e i m p r o v e m e n t s o n the 3/0 s i z e improved 11th. model were a s follows. Cat. N0 941 955 931 16007 1539 1541 16004 16007 1168 1587 1622 1622 Style 2 S t y l e 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Size 0 8;3/0 0 & 3/0 Description Arbor‐barrel ‘ Arbor‐pallet, friction Arbor‐winding 1 Arbor‐winding 2‐3‐4 Arbor‐winding 3‐4 Balance‐brass screws A l l models Balance‐complete brass screws, single rol‐ ler, left han hairs ring All models silence‐chotrhimplftfia irsrass screws. single rol-All d l Style 2 Materialfor All 0and 3/0 Size Watches 1527 Style 2 fiwel‐fillgéh 956 0 12519 0 & 3/0 12523 0&3/0 12471 3/0 982 0 1112332 353 14‐15 934 0 & 3/0 14‐15 974 0 & 3/0 14‐15 1094 0 14‐15 1290 0 1574 1538 1538 1561 1561 1621 1964 as 1542 1741 1635 1639 651 222 , 90 2012 89A 1316A 1760 1299 87A 1103A 89A 975 1607A 225A 225B 225A 203GB 225A 225B 225A 225B 937 225A 225B 882 1245 39A 1612A ver u Lever‐setting 14-15 er,g anaprmg Balance‐complete brass screws, double rol‐ moes Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 3 Pallet‐forkandstones.threaded Pallet‐fork and stones, friction, began with 5577101 Pallet‐fork and arbor, threaded arbor Pallet‐fork and arbor, friction arbor. began 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 939 0 & 3/0 1307 0 8:3/0 1357 0 1400 0 ler, Band ht hand hairspring ust Imp'd4th 1‐2‐3‐4 A l l models firBor‐pfilgitfifriction began with 5577101 i443? %£_fi%“u§°hand m m " bevel a m " g°1d rOr‐W 8 . 155411 Wheel‐minute Balance‐gold screws, bi-metalhc . 14 Pattern 10 ee‐ 1r an pinion, eve arm,go Pattern 10 Wheel‐winding, polished, concave Pattern 11 Wheel‐winding, polished, concave Hub‐motor barrel snailed 14‐15 Pattern 11 Hub‐windingwheel 14-15 Endstone‐balance “D931“ 1 4 ‘ 1 5 , 0SizeIstModelOpenFace, Three-quarterplate ggxglzgggg‘13:52; 1(15333 Style2 jewel‐centerlower [wooed regulahtzr adjustmgerét and conlibination doluble roller. All 0 partsaret sameas/ sizereguarll mode. Endstone‐balance lower Endstone‐escape u p p e r Endstone‐escape lower Endstone‐escape lower, began with 5481301 14‐15 14-15 14 15 “$115 14 1311215 1 4 , 1 5 12:12 {tg 0 Size 2d Model Hunting, Three-quarter plate 0 S' 3d Model 0 F Brid odel E“3§E°n‘*‘1’3}}32 $393" fi g “ 8 11 one‐pa e ower 1,33 pen ace, , 937” 0 Size 4th Model, Hunting, Bridge model 3/0 Size 3d Model Open Face, Bridge model E n d s t o n e ‐ p a l l e t lower. b e g a n w i t h 5481301 Jewel‐balance upper, friction gewel‐galanceppperxlgfgtanwith 5276901 1 5 3/0 Size Improved 4th Model, Hunting, Bridge Model, Grade 307 stamped o n barrelbridge ewe ‐‐esca e u er Jewel‐escage logger Jewel‐fourth upper Jewel‐fourth lower Jewel‐pallet upper Jewel-palletlower Jewel‐third upper Jewel‐third lower Jewel-pallet stone, r i g h t Jewel‐pallet stone. left 1 4 ‐ 1 5 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 758 0 Model All models All models with 5577101 ‐‐guard 1353 0 1396 0 Barrel Barrel and Arbor ar‐slide Bar‐slide Bar‐slide Bar‐slide 13a3r-‐3s133e Cap‐setting and minute wheel Click Clutch Clutch Clutch All models 1 2 1-3 2‐4 3 All models All models 1‐2 1‐2 3‐4 A l l gilded All models Allmodels All models Pinion‐cannon 113me on‐escape Pinion‐fourth Pinion‐third Pinion‐winding Re ator R0let‐redgilt 14‐15 239 0 gglllgn‐gldgrgm' red g i l t Screw‐balance, gold Screw‐balance, meantime, g o l d i t i g 14‐15 11:12 92 (l)dag/02 Hub‐windingweel,polishedflmsh crew‐g am Screw‐bridge, barrel and train. cornered head Screw‐bridge. pallet. cornered head Screw‐cap, motor barrel ratchet, cornered head Screw‐cap, setting wheel Screw‐case, cornered head Screw‐click, cornered head Screw‐balance cock, cornered head Screw‐dialfoot Screw‐hub, windingwheel cornered head Screw‐jewel. balance upper, cornered head Screw‐jewel, balance lower, flat head Screw‐jewel. center upper. cornered head Screw‐jewel, center lower, flat hea Screw‐jewel, escape upper, cornered head Screw-jewel, escape lower. flat head Screw‐jewel, fourth upper, corneredhead Screw‐gewel,fourth lower, flat head S c r e w ‐ ewel, pallet upper cap, flat head Screw‐jewel, third upper. cornered head Screw‐jewel, third lower, flat head grew‐lever, 011112311 927 0 dz3/0 Pattern 5 Hub‐winding wheel, grey finish ' c r e w ‐ ever, s o Screw‐regulator, Screw‐spring, cli Screw‐sprmg. regulator, cornered head / y e Style 2 3/0 5332001 Jewel‐center upper, screwed in Jewel‐center lower. screwed in Jewel‐Center, lower, screwed with 852401 Jewel‐escape upper.unset crometer i n , began 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 itlg 758 3/0 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14-15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 14‐15 18035 14‐15 18050 14‐15 14‐15 16019 14‐15 16012 14‐15 14-15 16005 14‐15 6003 14‐15 16012 14‐15 14‐15 1382 i t } ? 1383 14‐15 1383 14‐15 14-15 1114 1942 £338 $26; 1523 328 1769A 1524A lgggfi 193332 £13.33 l t 153/ 1332 8/52 3/0 15514 0 glillltgth‐hairspring ri ht hand Collet‐halrspring:lethand _ 18031 0 8: 3/0 18032 0 18033 3/0 18034 3/0 Endstone‐balanceupper, nickle dome Endstone‐balanceupper 1‐2‐3‐4 18035 3/0 0 8: 3/0 Endstone‐balance upper . Endstone‐balance upper, began With 4948201 . Endstone‐balance upper, began With 5236401 Endstone‐balance lower . Endstone‐balance lower, began With All models 3 ‐ 4 3‐4 , A l l models All models 3 ‐ 4 1 ‐ 2 ‐ 3 ‐ 4 All models 3 4 All models A l l models 3‐4 All models 0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 2340 1 5332001 Jewel‐balance upper Jewel‐balance upper, friction, began With 5236401 Jewel‐balance lower Jewel‐balance lower Jewel‐balance lower, friction. began with MAP, 1 ” ; Genuine Illinois Watch Materials 3/0 Size 4th Model Hunting Bridge model . ’ . . . 3"! ml ll 3 4 1 ‐ 2 ‐ 3 ‐ 4 Genuine Illinois Watch Materials Cat. N o . Size 1119 0 & 3/0 1386 0 a 3/0 1394 3/0 Description Jewel‐escape shoulder upper, screwed in. no Model All models A l l models Cat. N o . 1285 1373 1392 1278 1374 Size 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 Description Screw‐lever, locking Screw‐regulator. micrometer Screw‐spring, cliclg Screw‐spring. lock-mg lever Screw‐spring, regulator Screw‐spring, regulator Screw‐spring, regulator Screw‐stra , regulator Screw‐Stu ,hairs ring Screw-wheel, rate at, flat head Screw‐wheel,ratchet, bevel head Screw‐wheel, ratchet, cornered head Spring‐click Spring‐click Spring‐clutch Spring‐clutch Spring‐hair, left hand hairspring Spring‐hair, right handhairspring Spring‐loch'ng lever Spring‐locking lever Spring‐main, Str 12% Spring‐main, Str 13 Spring‐main, Str 1344 Spring‐regulator Spring‐regulator Model All models All models 1‐2‐3‐4 1‐2‐3‐4 All models All models 1329 0 & 3/0 1115 0&3/0 Jewel‐escape upper, screwed in, with shoulder Jewel‐escapeupper,rubbedin,beganwith 4 8201 3‐4 1374 0& 0& 3/0 3/0 Improved 4th Improved4th Allmodels All models All models 1116 1332 1399 1333 1333 1335 1354 1337 1117 1118 1339 1339 1341 1341 970 970 961 1821 933 1359 924 928 924 928 940 1361 912 943 912 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 3/0 0863/0 Style 1 0 & 3/0 i n , no 891 1398 0& 943 3/0 954 997 1390 998 1857 696 963 976 1292 952 949 946 1291 946 1291 929 754 973 841 841 841 1036 960 2041 1345 1345A 1346 1068 1105 1105 1105 1371 1299 1293 1294 1294 1107 1107 1107 133; 332 1295 as 1489 1499 1373 0 a 3/0 3/0 0 & 3/0 3/0 951 0 & 3/0 953 0 8:3/0 948 0 8:3/0 948A 08:3/0 950 0&3/0 950A 0&3/0 969 0 Style 2 0 & 3/0 .004 Jewel‐fourth lower, rubbed i n , shoulder 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 Sr3/0 .006 Jewel‐pallet upper, unset Jewel‐pallet upper,rubbedin Jewel‐pallet lower, rubbed in Jewel‐thjrd upper, unset Jewel‐third upper, screwed in, no shoulder Jewel‐third upper, screwed in, shoulder .006 Jewel‐pallet stone, right Jewelwpallet stone, left Jewel‐roller Jewel‐roller All A l l models A l l models 0 & & & Style 1 3/0 Style 2 065340 1 ye 0 853/0 Style 2 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 Style 2 0 0 0 0 3/0 3/0 0 0 0 0 3/0 .004 Jewel‐third 972 0& 3/0 Stair‐center . Stair‐center and pinion Strap‐regulator Stra regulatorand screw Stu ‐hairspring Washer‐Winding wheel W h e e l ‐ c e n t e r , r e d fi n i s h Wheel‐center, yellow finish Wheel‐center, gold Wheel‐centerand staff, red finish Wheel‐centerand stafl,yellow finish Wheel‐center and staff, gold 3/0 0 & 3/0 08:3/0 3/0 0&3/0 0 & 3/0 inion sh 0 0 0 3/0 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 Regulator 0 Regulator 08&3401 Regulator 978 3/0 968 0&3/0 932 0& 3/0 3/0 _ 0&3l0 1302 0 & 3/0 535235423331“, cgnilggeuoggxf'azfd’elaumapper train jewels. flat heacP A l l models All models All 6.1 mo es All models All models Openface, 19J Same as 15J and 17J except the added cap gewela on escape 1372 1372 0&3/0 chew‐jewell,(Bentelrhup er, and all upper ramJewes, eve ea 3d Model‐Openface, 21.1Motor barrel - ‐ 2036 0&3/0 Screw‐jewel, center lower, flat head Screw‐lever, clutch 4th Model‐Hunting, 1 7 ' ] Grade 607 stamped onbarrel brtdge 5th M odel‐Hunting, 21.1Grade 601 stamped o n barrel bridge, motor barrel «Sr. 3/0 y 9 0 & 340 Sty e 2 3/0 Style3 0 & 3/0 O& 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 8: 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0& 3/0 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 8:3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 0 & 3/0 gm gagz 3,0 0 & 3/0 3e 343 0 8; 3/0 0 & 3/0 8g3/8 Regulator Regulator All models Improved4th 932 Pattern2 0 853/0 Pattern 3 (1):8; 3/0 4 a torn 3/0 Jewel‐escape lower, rubbedin Jewel‐fourth upper,unset Jewel‐fourth upper, screwed All models A l l models 891 All All All All A l l models All models All models 3~4 All models All models A l l models Improved 4th Lever‐clutch Lever‐clutch Lever‐clutch Lever‐clutch 2‐4 Lever‐clutch 3 shoulder Jewel‐fourth upper, screwed in. shoulder models 1103 1103 models 1103 3‐4 992 629 models 959 870 3‐4 1157 models 1156 3-4 979 models 1363 .004 Jewel‐fourth upper, rubbed in Jewel‐fourth lower, rubbed in, shoulder 0& 0& 3/0 0 0 & 0 0 & 0 0 & 0 0 47357 47358 0 47359 0 .3‐4 1‐2‐3~4 A l l models 1‐2‐3-4 A l l models 1~2‐3‐4 Allmodels 1 2 All models A l l models A l l models A l l models upper, screwed in. shoulder Jewel‐thirdlower,rubbedin,shoulder .008 Jewel‐third lower, rubed i n , shoulder .006 886 3/0 47620 0& 47621 3/0 942 0 958 3/0 884 3/0 2128 3/0 985 0& 751 0& 896 0& 896A 0 & 896B 0 & 944 0 944A 0 944B 0 1021B 3/0 1159 0 1159A 0 1159B 0 1160 3/0 1160A 3/0 1160B 3/0 Improved 4th Lever‐clutch Lever‐locking Lever‐locking Lever‐locking Lever‐locking Lever‐docking Lever‐locking Pallet Fork and Stones‐single roller Pallet Fork and Stones‐double roller Pallet Fork and Arbor‐single roller Pallet Fork and Arbor‐double roller Pin‐guard, double roller Pin‐windingarbor, push Pinion‐cannon Pinion‐cannon Pinion‐center Pinion‐escape Pinion‐fourth Pinion‐third Pinion‐third Pinion‐third Pinion,third . Mon‐winding inion.red finish pinion. yellow Roller‐only, single RollerandPin‐smgle Roller and Pin Combination‐began with All models Allmodels 930 945 945A 0 853/0 947 0 947A 0 5344001 Screw‐balance, brass Screw‐balance, gold Screw‐balance,meantime Screw‐ba. g Screw~bndge, barrel and train, flat head Screw‐bridge,barrelandtrain,bevelhead Scimbridge,barrel and train, cornered Screw‐‐bridge, pallet Screw‐«cap. setting and minute wheel Screw-case Screw‐click,flat head Screw‐cllck,bevelhead Screw‐cock, balance.flat head Screw‐cock, balance, bevel head Screw‐cock, balance, cornered head Screw‐diagoog crew‐dia 00 gnaw‐Eng, 311331111; Wgeel, fiatgllelad d 947 3/0 3 4 4 Allmodels All d1 crew‐u. Screw‐hub, w scre w ‐tewae t. mgWee,ev lea , I s l M odel‐Openface, 15.7 Center upper and lower, third andfourth lower are 9 d remn g wheel, cornered head in di ce u “meru. s an 9 m All models All models A l l models jeweled ‐ Model‐Openface, 1 5 " Center upper and lower not jeweled a Screw‐jewel, balance ugger,dome. long Open face, 17J Same a s 15.7 except the added center upper and lower jewels Screw‐jewel, balance upper, dome, short screw‐jewel, Balance lower, get holed d ev “ e ma erme a s r 1‐3 2‐4 1 ‐ 3 1‐2‐3‐4 1-2‐3‐4 1‐2‐3‐4 3‐4 3 ‐ 4 3‐4 1‐2‐3‐4 1-2‐3‐4 1‐2‐3‐4 3‐4 3‐4 3‐4 All models All models All models All models All models All models 1‐2‐3-4 3~4 A l l models Allmodels All models A l l models All models 3‐4 All models All models All models 1‐3 1‐3 2‐4 2‐4 3 4 1‐3 2‐4 1‐3 2‐4 3 4 All models Improved 4th All models Improved 4th Improved 4th All models A l l models 3 ‐ 4 A l l models A l l models A l l models 1 ‐ 3 2 - 4 3 4 Allmodels 1‐2‐3‐4 932 1‐2‐3‐4 Allmodels 932 Wheel‐center. stafi and Wheel‐center, staff a n finish Wheel‐center,stafl and pinion. gold Wheel‐center, complete, red finish . Wheel‐center. complete, yellow finish Wheel‐center, complete, gold Wheel‐center. complete, red finish Wheel‐center, complete, yellow finish Wheel~center. complete, gold Wheel‐escape Wheel-escape, and Wheel‐fourth, red Wheel‐fourth, yellow finish Wheel‐fourth and pinion. red finish Wheel‐fourth and pinion, yellow finish Wheel‐hour Wheel‐hour Wheel‐minute Wheel‐ratchet,polished,concave Wheel‐ratchet, concave, grayed rim Wheel‐ratchet. g r a y , polished teeth Wheel‐ratchet, gray, unpollshed teeth Wheel-ratchet, gray, double wreath Wheel‐setting Wheel‐third,redfinish Wheel‐third, yellow finish Wheel‐thirdandpinion,redfinish Wheel‐third and pinion. yellow finish Wheel‐third and pinion. red finish Wheel‐third and pinion, yellow finish Wheel‐third and pinion, red finish Wheel‐«third and pinion, yellow finish Wheel‐third andpinion, redfinish Wheel‐third and pinion. yellow finish Wheel‐winding.concave.polished Improved 4th All models All models All models All models All models Allmodels 1366 0 136611 0 3~4 All models All models All models All models Allmodels All models A l l models 3‐4 1 ‐ 2 ‐ 3 ‐ 4 3‐4 2111 mogels moes 3 ‐ 4 926 926 926 926 926 08:3/0 gagtell'n1 Whl windln edrim 2 Pleasesendsampledialif youcannotidentifydialwantedbyGradeandModelname 1021 3/0 1021A 3/0 Pattern 1 932 0 8:3/0 947A 3/0 1366 3/0 1366A 3/0 Pattern 5 0 & 3/0 0 dz3/0 30 Pattern 2 ea‐ ,concave. a. g gr y Whack‐winding, gray, polished teeth Wheel‐winding, gray, unpolished teeth Wheel‐winding, gray, with wreath , Materialfor All 6/0 Size Watches mo6s All models All models All models 0 & 3/0 Pattern 3 0 & 3/0 Pattern4 3/0 Pattern 5 Stair‐balance, single roller Stafiabsglfgggicombination roller, began All models 1‐2‐3‐4 3‐4 Improved 4th Improved4th Allmodels ' All models A l l models All models All models 1434 Style 1 1434 Style2 1441 StyleZ 1441 StYIe3 Description Arbor‐barrel, lower pivot .050 Arbor‐barrel, lower pivot .070 Arbor‐barrel Arbor‐pallet, threaded Arbor‐pallet. friction with shoulder usedfor style 1 Arbor‐pallet, friction, cylindrical Arbor‐winding, regular thread .038 Arbor‐winding, large thread .046 Arbor‐winding, regular thread 038 Arbor‐wmding, large thread ,046 Balance‐brass screws Balance‐monometallic, began with Balance‐complete, staff length .118, cap stu Balance‐complete, staff length .120, cap stud Balance‐complete, staff length .126. cap stud Balance‐complete, stafl' length .124 Balmce‐complete.Elinvar.stat!length Model 1‐2 2 4‐6‐7 2-3 2‐3‐4 3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1 - 2 2 2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5-6‐7 6‐7 1‐2 2 2‐3 4‐5‐6‐7 Style 1 Style 1 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 3 Style 1 Style 2 Style 3 Style 4 Description Jewel‐pallet lower, rubbed in Jewel‐pallet lower, friction Jewel‐third upper, unset Jewel‐third upper. screwed in Jewel‐third upper, friction Jewel‐third lower, rubbed in Jewel‐third lower, friction Jewel‐pallet stone, right, garnet Jewel‐pallet stone, left, garnet Jewel‐pallet stone. right, sap hire Jewel-pallet, stone, left, sapp ire Jewel‐roller, sapphire Lever‐clutch Lever‐clutch Lever‐clutch Lever‐locking Lever‐locking Lever‐locking PalletFork and Stones‐friction Pallet Fork and Stones‐threaded PalletFork and stones‐friction Pallet and Fork and Arbor‐friction arbor with shoulder Pallet and Fork and Arbor‐threaded arbor Pallet and Fork and Arbor‐friction arbor with shoulder Pallet and Fork and Arbor‐friction, .cylindrical arbor Pin‐guard Pinion‐cannon, 10 teeth. Pinion‐escape, conical p i v o t , 6 teeth Pinion‐escape. straightpivot, 6 teeth Pinion‐fourth, 8 teeth Pinion‐third,long, 8 teeth Pinion‐third, short, 8 teeth Pinionh‐winding, replaces 1943. teet Pinion‐winding. 13‐9teeth Regulator Regulator Roller and Pin‐combination and bal‐ ance stair, one piece Roller and Pin‐combination Screw‐balance. brass Screw‐balance, gold Screw‐balance, meantime. mckel Screw‐banking Screw‐base winding wheel ‘ Screw‐bridge, barrel and tram Screw‐bridge, pallet, angle head, thread diameter .022 Suggé‐bridge, pallet, thread diameter Screw‐cap, hairspring Screw‐cap. setting and minute wheel Screw‐cap, setting and minute wheel Screw‐cap, setting and minute wheel Screw‐case Screw‐click Screw‐cock, balance Scregv‐cock, pallet, thread diameter .00 Screw‐cock, pallet, thread diameter Screw‐dialfoot Screw‐hub, winding wheel. thin head Screw‐hub, winding wheel, thick head Screw‐jewel, balance upper Screw‐jewel.balanceupper.usedonly on dome endstone Screw-jewel. balance lower Screw‐Jewel, center upper Screw‐jewel, center lower Screw‐ ewe], escape upper Screw‐lewel. escape u p p e r Screw‐jewel, escape upper, used with cap endstone Screw-jewel, escape lower Screw‐gewel. fourth u p p e r Screw‐ewel.thirdupper Screw‐locldng lever Screw‐spring. clutch lever Screw-spring, lockinglever Screw‐ems.locking lever‘ Screw‐Stu , hair ring Screw‐wheel, rate et, thin head Screw‐wheel, ratchet. thick head Screw‐wheel. ratchet, MB Spring‐click Spring‐clutch lever Spring‐cléiitch lever M o d e l 2‐3-4‐5 6-7 1‐2‐3 3‐4‐5 6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 6‐7 1 1 2‐3‐4‐5~6‐7 3‐4 3‐4‐5-6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 2‐4‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1-2‐3 4-5‐5‐7 1‐2‐3 4~5‐6‐7 1 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2 2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1 3‐6‐7 1‐216‐3 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2 4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 2‐3 2‐3‐4‐5‐6-7 1‐2‐3 1 1‐2-3 1‐2‐3-4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6 1-2 3‐4 2 1‐2‐3 2‐3 2‐3‐4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3 1 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3 2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 3-5 1 2-3 4‐516‐7 1441 , 1445 1445 1445 1445 1457 1457 1263 1263 Style 4 Style 1 Style 4 Style 5 Style 8 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 1 1 ‐ 9 1917 191; Style2 Style 1 6‐7 Barrel 1‐2 Barrel 2 Barrel 4‐6‐7 Barrel and Arbor. lower pivot .050 Barreland Arbor‐lower pivot .070 Barrel and Arbor Barrel‐motor and stall Barrel‐motor andstafl Base‐winding wheel Cap‐setting and minute wheel Cap‐setting and minute wheel Cap‐minute wheel and lock lever springcombined _ ‘ C a p ‐ s e t t i n g and m i n u t e wheel Cap‐minute wheel and lock lever spring combined Cap‐hairspring stud Click Click Clutch _ ' ' Collet‐hmrspring, g i l t Collet‐hairs r m g . nickel, Elinvar Hub‐motor ' Hub‐windingwheel, split hub H u b ‐ w i n d i n g wheel H u b ‐ w i n d i n g wheel Endstone‐balanceupper,nickeldome, screwed in Endstone‐balance upper. screwed in Endstone‐balance upper, friction be‐ gan with 5204701 Endstone‐balance lower. screwed in Endstone‐balanoelower. friction be‐ gan with 5364001 _ Jewel‐balance upper. screwed m Jewel‐balance upper, friction began with 5204701 Jewel‐balance lower, screwed in Jewel‐balance lower. screwed in Jewel‐balance lower, friction, began with 5864001 Jewel‐motor barrel, upper. screwed in Jewel‐motor barrel, lower, unset Jewel‐motor barrel, lower, rubbed in Jewel‐center upper, screwed in Jewel‐center upper, friction Jewel‐center lower, screwed in Jeivell‐escape upper, screwed in, olive oe Jewel‐escape upper, screwed in Jewel‐escape upper. friction Jewel‐escape upper, friction Jegell‐escapelower,screwedin,ohve oe Jewel‐escape lower. screwed in, olive hole Jewel‐escape lower. rubbed in Jewel‐escapelower.friction.olivehole Jewel‐escape lower, friction Jewel‐fourth upper,unset Jewel‐fourth upper,screwed in Jewel‐fourth upper, friction Jewel‐fourth lower,screwed in Jewel‐fourth lower, friction Jewel‐pallet upper. unset ‘ Jewel‐pallet upper, rubbedm Jewel‐pallet upper. friction‘ Jewel‐pallet lower. rubbed in 1‐2 2 4‐6‐7 4-545‐7 1‐2‐3 1 1‐2‐3‐4‐5-6‐7 1-2-3+5‐6-7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6-7 6‐7 ' . Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 pflng_ 1‐2‐3 Spring‐hair 4-54; 5pring‐hair, E S se em g 6‐7 1 1-2‐3 1‐2‐3 1-2‐3 4‐5‐6‐7 4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2 2 1linvar, began with p Spring‐main, Str 1254 Spring‐main. Str 13 Spring‐main, Str 14 Spring‐main, Str 11 Spring‐main. Str 1134 Staff‐balance and combination roller, length .118 _ Staff‐balance. length .120, began With 3981601 ‐ ever ' Cat. N o . 47624 47625 Description Staff‐balance. length .126, began with 3727201 Stair‐balance, length .124, beganwith 5364001 Staff‐motor barrel Stafi‐motor barrel Stafi‐center and pinion Stud‐hairsprlng cap Stud‐hairs ring Washer‐wlgdingwheelhub,assorted Wheel‐center, brass, red finish Wheel‐center, brass, yellowfinish Wheel‐center, gold Wheelh‐center and staff, brass, red Wheel‐center and stafi, brass, yellow finish Wheel‐center and stair,gold wail‐center, complete, brass, red Wheel‐center, complete, brass, yellow finish Model 2 - 3 4‐5‐6‐7 3 5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3 4‐5‐6‐7 2‐3-4‐5‐6‐7 ' 1~2‐3 2‐3‐435‐6‐7 1-2‐3 2‐3‐455‐6‐7 1‐2‐3 2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 Description Collet Collet Hub‐‐wind.ing wheel Endstone‐balance upper. screwed in Endstone‐balanee upper, friction, beganwith 5320101 Endstone‐balance lower, friction Jewel‐balance upper, screwed in Jewel‐balance upper, friction, began with 5320101 Jewel‐balance lower, screws in Jewel‐balance lower, friction, beganwith 5333001 Jewel‐center upper, screwed in Jewel‐center lower, screwed in Jewel‐escape upper, screwedin Jewel‐escape lower, rubbed m Jewel‐fourth upper, screwed in Jewel‐fourth lower, rubbed in Jewel‐pallet upper,rubbedin Jewel‐pallet lower, rubbed in Jewel‐third upper, screwed in Jewel‐third lower, rubbed in Jewel‐pallet stone. right Jewel‐pallet stone, left Jewel‐roller Lever‐clutch Lever‐locking Pallet‐fork and stones, threaded ' Pallet‐fork andstones, friction, began With 5385501 Pallet‐fork and arbor, threaded arbor _ Pallet‐fork and arbor, friction arbor With shoulder, began With 5385501 ' ‘ , Pallet‐fork and arbor. friction arbor cylindrical, began with 5410101 1469 1469 1484 Style 1 Style 2 Pattern 1 Wheel‐escape, stee Wheel‐escape, steel Whieelt‐escape a n d _ p i n i o n . _ c o n i c a l Pattem2 ew‐balance, brass Screw‐balance, gold Screw‐balance, meantime Screw‐be. g Screw‐bridge, barrel and train Screw‐bridge, pallet ' Screw‐cap. setting and minute wheel Screw‐case Screw‐click Screw‐cock, balance Screw‐dial foot Screw‐hub, winding wheel Screw‐jewel, balance upper Screw‐jewel. balance lower Screw‐jewel. center upper Screw‐jewel. center lower Screw‐jewel. escape upper Screw‐jewel, fourth upper Screw‐jewel. third upper Screw‐lever, clutch Screw‐lever, locking Screw‐stud, hairs ring screw‐Whig. r a t c et mine‐cl Spring‐clutch lever _ Spring‐hair, left hand hairspring ’ Spring‐hair,righthandhairspring,beganWith5410771 Spring‐main, Str 12 Spring‐main, Str 1214 Staff‐balance, staff length .131 , Stair‐balance, staff length .129, began With 5333001 Stair‐center and pinion Stud‐hairsprinllr) ‘ Wheel‐center. rass. y e l l o w fimsh Wheel‐center and stall, brass, yellow finish Wheel‐center,complete,brass.yellow finish Wheel‐escape. stee Wheel‐escape and pinion, steel Wheel‐fourth. brass yellow finish ‘ Wheel‐fourth and pinion, brass. yellow finish %eel‐ o u r Wheel‐‐settlng Wheel‐third. brass, yellow finish _ Wheel‐third and pinion. brass, yellow finish Wheel‐winding 1484 1484 Pattern3 967 Pattern 4 967 Pattern 6 1724 Pattern 5 773 Pattern 5 1446 Pattern 1 1446 Pattern 2 1446 Pattern 3 1916 Pattern 1 1916 Patter-112 1916 Pattern3 977 Pattern4 977 Pattern5 Style 2 possible. 2 Arbor‐barrel 1441 Style 2 1441 Style 3 1443) Style4 Description Arbor‐pallet. threaded Arbor‐‐ Balance‐brass screws Barrel Barrel and arbor Wheel‐center. complete, g o l d 1718 1718 1720 53 1494 1494 1248 1248 1248 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 3 Style 2 Style 3 Style 4 Style 1 Style 2 Style 3 Style 4 vo felt‐escape and pinion. conical vo eel-(escape and pinion, straight ivo eel‐fourth, brass, red finish Wheel‐fourth, brass, yellow finish Wheel‐fourth, and pinion, brass, red Wheel‐fourth and pinion, brass, yel‐ low finish Wheel‐hour Wheel‐intersetting, small hole. 22 teeth Wheel‐intersetting, large hole, 22 teeth Meek‐minute,nickeled Wheel‐minute. g i l t Wheel‐ratchet, flat teeth, polished, concave Wheel‐ratchet. fi a t teeth, plain finish Wlégelh‐ratchet, bevel teeth. p l a i n s Whee1~ratchet, bevel teeth. plain finish and wreath ngigiratchet, bevel teeth, plain Wheel‐ratchet, motor barrel. bevel teeth. polished concave Wheel‐ratchet, motor barrel, bevel teeth, polished concave Wheel‐setting, small hole, 14 teeth Wheel‐setting, large hole, 14 teeth Wheel‐third, brass, red finish Wheel‐third, brass, yellow finish Wheel‐thirdandpinion,brass,red finish, long pinion Wheel‐third,andpinion.brass,yellow finish, long pinion Wheel‐thirdandpinion,brass,yellow finish, short pinion Wheel‐winding. fiat teeth. polished. concave Wheel‐winding, flat teeth, plain finish Wheel‐winding. bevel teeth, plain Pinion‐fourth Pinion‐third Regulator‐pins straight in line . Regulator‐pins 45° to the left, began with 5344001 Regulator‐pins90°to theleft,beganWith5349211 Wheel‐winding, flat teeth. polished, concave Wheel‐winding, fiat teeth.plainfinish Wheel‐winding,fiatteeth.plainfinish concave Wheel‐winding, bevel teeth. plain s Wheel‐winding. bevelteeth.polished. concave Clutch 1591 1 1591 1591 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1591 1‐2‐3 4‐5‐6‐7 1 1‐2 1‐2 4 0-7 3 5 1 l-2‐3‐4‐5‐6~7 1-2‐3 2‐3‐4‐5‐6‐7 1‐2‐3 2‐3 8 4‐5‐6‐7 148; Re Re _ . a t o r ‐ ins 90° to the right, began With 5410771 er and ‐(combination) Style 1 Style 2 Style 4 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Arbor‐pallet, threaded Arbor‐pallet, friction with shoulder Arbor‐pallet, friction, cylindrical Arbor‐winding 1‐2‐3-4_5 47022 Arbor‐Winding, extra long used in 12/0 47380 caseon] 5 47383 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 1 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 2 Style 3 Style 1 Style 2 Style 4 Style 1 Style 2 Materialfor All 21/0 Size Watches Grade 105~15J Friction Jeweling, Elinvar Balance Grade 1 0 7 ‐ 1 7 J Friction Jeweling, Elinvar Balance Description Model Cat. No. 2072 2075 Description Screw‐Mud, hairs ring Screw‐wheel. ra et Screw‐wheel, winding Spring‐chck Spring‐clutch lever Spring‐hair _ Spring‐hair, Ehnvar. began with 5619601 Spring‐main, tongue brace, Str 10 Spring‐mam, regular brace, Str 9 Spring‐main. regular brace.Str 934 Spring‐main. regular brace, Str 10 Staff‐balance. l e n g t h .106 Stzggggiance, lengt .108, began with Staff‐balance, length .110. began with 5079001 Model 1-2-3.4_5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 1-2-3-4-5 2-3-4-5 1-2_3‐4.-5 1..2__3_4 5 1 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 1~‐2‐3‐‐4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 1’ 1 Arbor‐barrel 1-2-3‐4_5 2068 B a l a n c e ‐ rass screws, bimetallic 1‐2‐3‐4 Balance‐gold screws, monometallic, began 47384 47385 47628 47629 47630 2086 2090 2059 2059A 2095 2095A 2168 2168A 1572 2096 053 2053A 2079 2079A w i t h 5619601 Balance‐complete, staff l e n g t h .106 Balance‐~complete. staff length .108 Balance~complete, staff l e n g t h .110 Balance‐com lete.stafflen th .110Elinvar Barrel‐this arrel is us with tongue 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 mainsgring Barrel‐ egan with 5148501 _ Barrel and Arbor‐this barrel 15used with 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 ton e mainspring Barre and Arbor‐began with 5148501 Cap‐minute wheel and lock lever spring 1 2-3‐4‐5 1 2‐3‐4‐5 1 2‐3‐4‐5 1‐2‐3-4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 1 2‐3‐4‐5 1 2‐3‐4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 1‐2‐3‐4‐5 1‐2 3‐4 onccolz‐n‐bamneéis p r'i n g comb'm e d Click Clutch Collet‐gilt Collet‐nickel, Elinvar Endstone‐‐balance u p p e r , screwedin Endstone‐balance upper, friction began with 5148001 Endstone‐balance lower, screwed in Endstone‐balance lower, friction began with 5335101 Jewel‐balance u p p e r , screwed in Jewel‐balance upper. friction began with 2081 2082 2088 2088 2088 Pattern3 Wheel‐ratchet,flat,plainfinish 5148001 Jewel‐balance lower, screwed in Jewel‐balance lower, screwed » Pattern 1 Pattern 2 with 4752001 Jewel‐balance lower, friction began With 5335101 Jewel‐center upper, screwed in Jewel‐center upper, friction Jewel‐center lower, screwed in Jewel‐escape upper, unset Jewel‐escape upper, screwed in Jewel‐escape upper. rubbed in Jewel~escape upper, friction Jewel‐escape lower, rubbed in Jewel‐escape lower, friction Jewel‐fourth upper. unset Jewel‐fourth upper, rubbed in Jewel‐fourth upper,screwed in Jewel‐fourth upper. friction Jewel‐fourth lower, rubbed in Jewel‐fourth lower, friction Jewel‐pallet upper.unset Jewel‐pallet upper,rubbed in Jewel‐pallet upper, friction Jewel‐pallet lower, rubbed in Jewel‐pallet lower, friction Jewel‐third upper,unset Jewel‐third upper,rubbed in Jewel‐third upper. screwed in Jewel‐third upper, friction Jewel‐third lower.rubbed in Jewel‐third lower. friction Jew