Pocket Watch Database
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ReadT“hese Letters
Note the absolute confidence and genuine sincerity these men express. They are } the heads of the strongest most conservative financial institutions of the state. 1 They know the officials of the Santa Fe Watch Company, their business methods 1 ‘ and reputation for fair dealing. These men will not lend their names nor give
their sanction or approval to any company unless honesty and integrity are its caulinal principles. ‐
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The Santa Fe Watch C0. Insists on Written Guarantee
You will note by reading our letter to
the Illinois Watch Factory that we de‐ manded an absolute and legal guarantee on the “Santa Fe'Special.”
Their Reply Shows Their Unflinching Faith in this Masterpiece An unconditional guarantee that is all any one could expect and but few manufacturers give. The “Santa Fe Special" will last a lifetime. Read the guarantee belowl
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in Watch-Making
Has been more nearly attained in the production of the “Santa Fe Special” than in any other watch ever oflTered at a price within easy reach of everyone who needs and appreciates a dependable timepiece.
Our one ambitionfor a full quarter of a century has been to make the “Santa Fe Special” watch the recognized standard timepiece of the United States, and now our fondest hopes have been realized. Today the “Santa Fe Special” is carried and praised in the Navy, the Army, on the big Railway Systems of this country, and by public men and thousands of delighted customers in every civilized country under the sun.
The Noticeable Price Reduction
And our easy terms, quoted in this, our 27th annual catalog, are made possible ’ only because of the enormous output of our watches, and it is our aim and expecta‐ tion to again double the business within the next six months.
Stats Capital, Topeka, with I f ” Santa Fe Office: in the distance
The Officers and Management
Of the Santa Fe Watch Company enjoy the distinction of having been for many years closely identified with railroad watches and railroad men; also, the time service of the greatest railroad system in the country; and we had to do with the installation and perfecting of the first time service on the Santa Fe Railroad, ’way back in the year 1896‐a time service which is still acknowledged to be one of the best on a n y railroad system in the United States.
This work and experience required, among other things, highly specialized super‐ vision and regulation of regulators at all division and important points on the system, which supervision embraced the inspecting, testing and rating of each and every individual watch which passed into the service of this great railroad.
In this connection and service, having rated, tested, handled and sold every make of high-grade watch from all the principal factories of the United States and most foreign countries, we learned the merits, also the weak points of every make of wotch, with a view to perfection in the design and creation of the now world‐ iéamous “Santa Fe Special,” for years a standard watch on the Santa Fe Railroad
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Is the Acid Test
It is well known that the most severe test a watch can possibly be put to is in the hands of railroad men in engine service. The j a r and vibration a watch is subjected to in the hands of engineers pulling fast passenger and mail trains of the country is a test of the accurate time‐ keeping qualities of a watch and so recognized by the best authorities.
Still in Service After 27 Years
Our watches, originally guaranteed for twenty years, have proven to be even better than we claimed for them, when first introduced. Nearly a thousand of our watches passed into the service of the Santa Fe and other big railroad systems, years ago, when time service was first introduced, and these watches are still passing the critical inspec‐ tion required by these great roads, notwithstanding the fact that they have been subjected to years of the roughest treatment and hardest usages.
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o Twenty-seven Years’ V Experience
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It was after many years of actual experience, which is the best and most practical teacher, that the Santa Fe Watch Company conceived the idea of combining accuracy and durability with the beauty, the classic lines and finish of the modern thin model, gentleman’s watch, the “Santa Fe Special.”
The famous old “Santa Fe Route" Watch, known as o n e of the highest standard watches a m o n g railroad m e n for nearly twenty-five years, has been improved and embellished by elegance of lines and beauty of workmanship.
The “ Santa Fe Special”
This superb and master timepiece was designed and perfected by the great Illinois Watch Com‐ pany after plans and designs submitted in de‐ tail by the Santa Fe Watch Company.
These plans and designs call for not only the
most modern lines of beauty, compactness and ‘ _ .
finish, but an accuracy of ad Justment that Is little short of marvelous.
Where ” r a n in time are quirtlj disravcred. Theengine"andcunduttarnmparingt'mz.
The “Santa Fe Special”
Combines Beauty and Dependability ,_
This is a Day and Age When the Public Demands the Best.
The “Santa Fe Special” w a s built n o t only to suit the m a n of culture and fastidious taste, but is particularly intended for those whose v e r y lives, and the lives of m a n y others, m a y depend upon the accuracy of their timepieces.
In these days of hurry and fast travel few people realize what great responsibility rests upon the engineer’s watch, a responsibility which prompts the time-service management of the leading roads to require and demand engineers to c a r r y the
' v e r y best watches made, and that conductors and head and rear brakemen carry equally accurate watches.
A GoodWatch would haveAvoided this Wreck
Some of the most disastrous wrecks that have ever occurred, and one in particular, which cost a road half a million dollars because of the loss of life and destruction of property, was due entirely, it is said, to an inaccurate watch on a road having no time service, that is to say, no inspection of railroad watches to compel and secure accuracy. No wonder, then, that we demanded of the Illinois Watch Fac‐ tory that no pains bespared in building the “Santa Fe Special” in accord with the most exacting requirements laid down by the Santa Fe Watch Company. Greatest care is exercised in timing and rating each watch to the various positions. Each one is carefully adjusted to r u n accurately in either the freezing temperature of a refrigerator room or the burning superheated atmosphere coming fromthe fire-box of the fastest locomotives. Fully jeweled with its carefully-selected gems, this
watch has been fittingly called “A Masterpiece of Watchmaking Ingenuity.”
The Califirnin Limittd
Runs daily via the Santa Fe between Chicago and Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, on rock-ballasted and oil-sprinkled tracks, safeguarded by a modern sys‐ tem of block signals and protected by the most perfect time service,
MakeOnly High-GradeWatches
The great Illinois-Springfield watch factory was established in 1869, and many of the best watches ever carried by railroad men have been and are being made by this institution. Testimony as to the supe‐ riority of the watches made by this company is furnished by watch inspectors and time-service officials of the greatest railroad companies in this country.
United States Government Accepts Them
The strongest recommendation as to the perfection and accuracy of this company’s watches is the fact
that in a competitive examination of watches from many factories for use in the National Naval Observ‐ 5tory in Washington, D. C., out of eleven watches accepted, ten of them were made by the great Illinois Watch Factory, the home of the “Santa Fe Special,” where the services of the most highly skilled
inventors and workmen are employed, insuring highest perfection in watch production.
Must RunTrue
The first and most important requirement of the “Santa Fe Special” watch is accuracy. Every watch must r u n true. The highest-paid experts manufacture, regulate and adjust the “Santa Fe Special.” Weeks and months of studious, scientific adjusting is given each watch.
For instance, a watch apparently perfect as it comes from the factory, is timed to great accuracy under a v e i y low temperature until it performs to perfection. It is then timed in a very high temperature; then to various positions; face down, then face up, until it performs perfectly; then stem up, until there is no doubt of its dependability.
Could Such a Watch be Made?,‘
When the specifications for the new “Santa Fe Special” watch were submitted to the Illinois Watch Company, the leading makers of High-Grade Watches in America, and their experts observed the standard we had set, when they were told the rate of running record which every watch must make before it would be accepted by us, we were at first informed that it would be impossible to manufac‐ ture and adjust such watches at the price for which we intended to sell them. They were willing to make the “Santa Fe Special” watch to sell for the price desired, if we would modify the adjustments, saying that it could not be made to retail at the low price we established if we insisted on such high quality and accuracy.
A Masterpiece
The Santa Fe Watch Company was determined, however, that the “Santa Fe Special” watch should stand alone and supreme as a masterpiece of mechanical perfection, unapproached in its matchless time-keeping qualities, so we paid the price, as we could not and would not agree to lowering the standards set one par‐ ticle, nor do we raise the price to you. We put
behind this watch our enviable reputation, built up by nearly twenty-six years of upright and honest dealing in railroad watches with railroad men, and we would not, under a n y circumstances, consent to the least lowering of standard, quality, specifications or requirements.
Placingof EnormousOrders
for Watches Swung the Deal
Negotiations relative to the manufacture of this watch extended over a period of more than eight months, before we suc‐ ceeded in closing a contract with the great Illinois Watch Companyf o r the “Santa Fe, Special” to embrace our plans and specifi‐ cations referred to above. We demanded and we get watch perfection‐that’s What yougetin a “SantaFe Special.”
Th: mfi'ti qt‘lui‘iind property 4mmmnmwnh,» \' . ff despair/“r”; watch.
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0 One of the ablest and highest-paid watch adjusters once told the writer that in adjusting high-grade railroad watches very frequently a watch would be brought
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Full Adjustment ( m m . . . )
No watch can be depended on unless it is fully adjusted. The markings “adjusted to temperature and positions” include the third degree of adjustment which is called “adjusted to isochronism.” No watch is marked f o r this adjustment, as this is included in the position adjustment. While a great m a n y watches a r e adjusted to temperature, only a very few of the watches manufactured are adjusted to position and isochronism.
Isochronism (71m”(p/aim it)
This term means the careful adjusting of the hair spring and balance wheel so that the speed or action of the watch is exactly the same when the watch is fully wound up or nearly r u n down. A watch that does not have this and the position adjustment will lose on half of the day and gain on the other half.
I/ZiJ dft‘lfldlf adjwtmmt
This is the most critical, most expensive and most important of all the adjust‐ ments. It means adjusting a watch so that it will not gain or lose time in the various positions it m a y be carried. F o r instance if the watch is face down, all the Weight of the balance wheel and escapement is resting on the lower pivots. When face up, the condition is reversed. If the watch is stem up the weight is resting on the sides of both upper and lower pivots. If a watch is to run abso‐ lutely correct, the friction must be the same in the various positions. Few people realize the difi‘iculties encountered by the high-paid expert adjusters who prac‐ tically take each watch and train it, so to speak.
Requires Valuable Time and Skill
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AdJuSted to POSltlonS
down to standard in positions but that they would be weeks in bringing it down to standard in temperature or vice versa, all of which took valuable time of an expert, and, he added, “When we get an obstinate watch Wecan conquer it in time, but frequently it would be cheaper to smash it with a sledge hammer and throw it away rather than spend valuable time bringing it to standard.”
Adjusted to
A watch not adjusted to temperature will not keep accurate time in change of atmosphere, that is to say, it would r u n differently on a cold day from what it would run on a hot day.
The “Santa Fe Special” movements undergo the most critical temperature tests and adjustments of any watch we know. Each watch is put into a refrigerator and left there for 24 hours. It is then taken out and adjusted, then put into an oven heated to a high temperature for 24 hours, taken out and adjusted, run in normal tempera‐ ture for 24 hours,adjusted again,and these oper‐ ations are conducted until the wat”h has attained o u r h i g h standard of perfection.
Finally, it is adjusted to every change of temperature, in- suring accuracy under all conditions. These critical and exacting adjustments are made only by the highest-priced skilled experts, but it’s worth it, because it makes the “Santa Fe Special” the best watch on earth at our aston‐ ishingly low price.
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Lever or Stem Set
It is an accepted theory that all railroad watches should be open face, 16 size and lever set. A l l 16-size open face “Santa Fe Special” 21 jewel watches are lever set to meet these requirements. A l l 16-size h u n t i n g case watches and a l l 12-size hunting or open face watches are made in stem set. Many people prefer stem set watches, especially business and professional people. Ladies’ “Santa Fe Special” watches are all stem set. The stem set used is of special construction and is just as accurate and positive as the lever set used in the 16-size “Santa Fe Special.”
Improved Malnsprmg
Extra long improved type highest grade spring that runs at least 40 hours.
Steel Escape Wheel and Double Roller
Most watches have a brass escape wheel. A few years ago an order went into effect requiring all railroad watches to have a steel escape wheel. This wheel has much more labor to perform and is in action more than any other wheel in the watch. Actual tests for years of the steel wheel used in the “Santa Fe Special” watch shows practically no wear whatever.
The distinctive and exclusive double roller escapement feature is found only in the highest grade timepieces, where absolute accuracy is demanded. The function of the double roller escapement is to insure against the watch stopping when subject to violent shocks.
End Jewels Preventing or Equalizing Friction
Double jewels, that is, endstones on which the end of the pivots run, as well as
hole jewels in which the pivots run, are used in all “Santa Fe Special” watches. O In the 21-jewel “Santa Fe Special” there are six pivots which are double jeweled.
In the 17-jewel ladies’ “Santa Fe Special” there a r e two pairs of double jewels.
Double jewels reduce the friction to the least possible degree; also act as oil reser‐
voirs and retain and hold the oil much longer than single‐jeweled watches.
Jewels of the “Santa Fe Special”
Only the finest grade of selected genuine imported ruby, sapphire and garnet jewels are used in the “Santa Fe Special” watches.
The gentlemen’s watches a r e made in 21-jewel models only, in 12 and 16 sizes. ‘
The 21-jewel movement is susceptible to the most deli‐ cate and accurate adjustment, each of the 21 carefully‐ chosen gems being necessary in reducing friction to the least possible degree and to make these watches the most accurate time-keeping movements and of decidedly su‐ perior quality. Eighty per cent of all railroad watches manufactured and sold today have 21 jewels, this num‐ ber being regarded by experts as the correct jeweling for a perfect watch and to secure maximum efficiency.
Jewels Carefully Fitted
Each pivot is accurately fitted to each jewel. This being a most im‐ porta-nt feature of the making of the “Santa Fe Special,“ much more care is exercised by the expert makers of this movement in fi t t i n g the
jewels of the “Santa Fe Special” watches made by other companies.
Hand Work
than in
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of the
The finishing touch to every “Santa Fe Special" watch is done by hand, only workmen of proven ability beingr assigned these features.
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Important Features of the “Santa Fe Special”
This diagram indicates the strong features of the “Santa Fe Special.“ The drawing points out [0 ym. definitely the superiority in the materials, the workmanship and the principles which distinguish tln “Santa Fe Special“ as a perfect timepiece.
A careful study of this illustration will give you a thorough understanding of the excellence of this side» did watch and what it means to carry a “Santa Fe Special." The markings of the “Santa Fe Special" should prove of educational value to you even though you never buy one; but, remember this, never buy a watch without such markings are plainly engraved on the movement plate, as the law strictly [rm'ideN that only the true facts regarding the movement be engraved therem'.
A Binding Guarantee
On Every “Santa Fe Special”
This guarantee, absolute and complete, covers every feature of the “Santa Fe Special” movement, and means this, in plain black and white.
We will make good or replace a n y “Santa Fe Special" watch which does n o t r u n t r u e because of a n y defect in workmanship or material in a n y shape or form.
Every correction will be made immediately upon receiving any just complaint.
We do not feel that our customers should expect us to make good any breakage not caused by defects ll. material or workmanship, n o r does this guarantee include cleaning or repairing- parts broken t h r o u g h accident, carelessness or tinkering with the watch by incmnpetem workmen.
The Movement Will Last a Lifetime
We make this binding guarantee because of the absolute confidence we have in the
“Santa Fe Special.” ,, '
We maintain our own repair department and employ only e x p e r t wurknwn.