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Illinois Watch Co.
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Illinois 16s Sangamo Special Dials & Hands
Estimated Timeline for Sangamo Special Dials
Sangamo Dial & Hand Catalog
The following catalog contains Illinois dials that are correct for Sangamo Special watches manufactured by the Illinois Watch Co. After Illinois transitioned to the 17s model 10 and 13, the "arrows-in" dial style changed to "arrows-out." Beware of after-market replacements, improper dials, and incorrect size pairings.
All 16s Sangamo Specials will properly have wine colored "Spade/Whip" hands, "Arrows-In" or "Diamond" Chapter Style, and a Straight or Curved "Illinois" Signature. The straight style is seen on primarily on Sangamo Specials produced 1913-1917. The curved style is introduced during 1915 and continues to the end of production.
All 17s Sangamo Specials will properly have the iconic blue "Heavy Diamond" Sangamo hands, "Arrows-Out" Chapter Style, and a Curved "Illinois" Signature. Though production ended around 1926, the Illinois Watch Co. continued to advertise the Sangamo Special into the 1930s while the remaining stock was sold.
Two different chapter marking styles are prevalent on proper Sangamo Special dials. Early examples (c.1913-1920) are marked with the "arrows-in" style while later examples are marked with the "arrows-out" style. Some Montgomery dials are marked with slinder diamonds instead of arrows.

"Arrows-In" Style
Models 8, 9, and 10 (16s)

"Arrows-Out" Style
Models 10 (17s) and 13

16s Spade/Whip Hands
Color: Wine
Models 8, 9, and 10 (16s)
(Images from 1923 Illinois Catalog)

17s Sangamo Diamond Hands
Color: Blue
Models 10 (17s) and 13
(Images from 1923 Illinois Catalog)
Sangamo Special Dials (16s, Arrows-In)

Heavy Arabic Straight-7
Enamel, Double-Sunk
16s, Arrows In
Straight-Bottom 7
Wine-Colored Spade/Whip Hands
Straight-Line Illinois: c.1914-1917
Curved Illinois: c.1915-1920
No. 5284 (1923 Material Catalog)
Photo Credit: Jones & Horan, R.O. Schmitt

Extra Heavy Arabic DS
Enamel, Double-Sunk
16s, Arrows In
Rounded-Bottom 7
Wine-Colored Spade/Whip Hands
No. 5291 (1923 Material Catalog)
No. 114 (1927 Dial Circular No. 102)
Photo Credit: R.O. Schmitt

Extra Heavy Arabic SS
Enamel, Single-Sunk
16s, Arrows In
Rounded-Bottom 7
Wine-Colored Spade/Whip Hands
No. 5291 (1923 Material Catalog)
Photo Credit: R.O. Schmitt

Gothic Arabic Montgomery
Enamel, Double-Sunk
16s, Diamond Chapters
Wine-Colored Spade/Whip Hands
No. 115-A (1927 Dial Circular No. 102)
Photo Credit: Jones & Horan, tsullivan
Sangamo Special Dials (17s, Arrows-Out)

SS Extra Heavy Arabic
Enamel, Single-Sunk
17s, Arrows Out
Photo Credit: R.O. & Schmitt

DS Extra Heavy Arabic #1 (Light Margins) & #2 (Heavy Margins)
Enamel, Double-Sunk
17s, Arrows Out
Photo Credit: yrazis, R.O. & Schmitt

SS Heavy Gothic
Enamel, Single-Sunk
Heavy Gothic Figures
17s, Arrows Out
Photo Credit: Jones & Horan

DS Heavy Gothic
Glass Enamel, Double-Sunk
Heavy Gothic Figures
Squared "2"
17s, Arrows Out
No Examples Found (Montgomery Style Only)

SS Gothic Montgomery
Enamel, Single-Sunk
Heavy Gothic Figures
Montgomery Marginal Figures
17s, Arrows Out
No. 5279 (1923 Material Catalog)
Photo Credit: Jones & Horan

DS Gothic Montgomery
Enamel, Double-Sunk
Heavy Gothic Figures
Montgomery Marginal Figures
17s, Arrows Out
No. 115-A (1927 Dial Circular No. 102)
No. 8228 (1930 Dial And Hand Catalogue)
Photo Credit: R.O. Schmitt

24-Hour Gothic Montgomery
Enamel, Single-Sunk
Heavy Gothic Figures
Montgomery Marginal Figures
17s, Arrows Out
Red 24-Hour Figures
No. 8229 (1930 Dial And Hand Catalogue)
Photo Credit: Jones & Horan

DS 24-Hour Gothic
Glass Enamel, Double-Sunk
17s, Arrows Out
Straight "Illinois"
Heavy Gothic Figures
24-Hour Figures
Squared "2"
Note: Photo Displays Incorrect Hands

DS Silver Gothic #1
Silver Finish, Double-Sunk
17s, Arrows Out
Squared "2"
No. 113-A (1927 Dial Circular No. 102)

DS Silver Gothic #2
Silver Finish, Butler Center
17s, Arrows Out
Gothic Figures
Angled "2"
No. 8230 (1930 Dial And Hand Catalogue)

Illinois Gothic No. 193
Enamel, Double-Sunk
17s, Arrows Out
Angled "2"
8226 (1930 Dial And Hand Catalogue)
Photo Credit: R.O. Schmitt
Illinois Gothic No. 193 24-Hour
Enamel, Double-Sunk
Red 24-Hour Figures *
17s, Arrows Out
Angled "2"
8227 (1930 Dial And Hand Catalogue)
* Red 24-Hour Image Not Available
Illinois Watch Dial and Hand Catalogue, December 26, 1930, Page 3
Illinois Dials, Circular No. 102, May 1927
Catalogue and Price List of Materials Manufactured by Illinois Watch Company, December 1923
American Pocket Watches: Illinois Watch Co. Volume 2 by William Meggers and Roy Ehrhardt