Pocket Watch Database

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Years of Operation: Before 1915
Identification: Cases manufactured by the Montreal Watch Case Company can be identified by the "M.W.C.Co." marking. On earlier cases, this initial mark was more stylized, typically appears in an embossed banner or stamped in an "eye" shape accompanied by the name of the case grade. The style of the serial digits varied widely, espeically on gold/silver cases vs. gold-filled/coin cases. Many Montreal cases are misattributed to the Metropolitan or Manhattan Watch Case Companies.
The Montreal Watch Case Company was organized in 1887 with a capital stock of $30,000. Charles H.A. Grant served as the general manager of the company.
A five-story brick factory was occupied on Vitre Street in Montreal, bewteen White's Lane and Court Avenue. According to reports, a machine shop was located on the first floor with the Montreal Watch Case Company, L. Davis & Co. (silk importers), and A. Bolt & Co. (jewelry manufacturers) located in the floors above.
Soon after, on November 22, 1888, the case factory was destroyed by fire. The loss was estimated at $20,000, fully covered by insurance.
The factory was rebuilt in 1891, and soon after, work resumed at the case company. In 1894, another fire broke out at the factory, but damage was confined to a smaller portion of the building, mostly water damage.
In 1897, the company absorbed the business of the Dominion Roll Plate Company, originally incorporated in 1890. Capital was increased from $50,000 to $100,000 at that time. The company manufactured around 600 cases per day in 1897.
In 1898, M. Schwob, a long-standing partner in the company, severed his connection and moved to New York City.
Yet another fire broke out at the factory in 1905, the company sustaining a $20,000 loss.
In 1907, the Imperial Syrup Co. purchased the factory used by the company from the estate of G.B. Burland. For a short period of time, the company moved to 63 St. Alexander St. before failing. The circumstances of the company's demise are unclear.
The Hamilton Watch Company records indicate "Imperial" private label movements were sold to the Montreal Watch Case Company. The retail price for these movements was $11.00.