Pocket Watch Database

Location: Trenton, New Jersey
Years of Operation: 1887-1908
Predecessor: New Haven Watch Co.
Purchased by Ingersoll, 1908
Production Jewels: 7-19 Jewels
Production Sizes: 18s, 16s, 10s, 12s, 6s, 0s
Total Production: ~2,000,000
Average Quality:
Average Rarity:
Serial Number Lookup
After finding investors in Trenton, New Jersey, the company is moved to Chambersburg, a small suberb of the town, and capital is increased to $250,000.
August 1886
After a failed attempt at a watch factory in New Haven, Connecticut, the company decides to move the operation to Trenton, New Jersey. The company is reorganized as the Trenton Watch Company with a capital stock of $200,000.

The New Haven Watch Co. is renamed the Trenton Watch Co.
The Trenton Watch Company factory is turning out 100-200 watches each day. The company sells watches directly to the "legitimate jewelry trade" exclusively.

The Trenton Watch Co. is manufacturing roughly 18 movements each day and employs 200 people.
More than 200 workers are employed at the Trenton Watch Company factory. The company begins using gold-filled and silver plated cases in addition to the standard nickel cases and decides to sell directly to the retail trade.
The company opens an office in New York City to better distribute their watches.
February 15, 1890
According to The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review, the company plans to place a new 18-Size hunting movement on the market, available in nickel and gilt.
November 1890
S.F. Myers & Co. purchases 35,000 watches from the Trenton Watch Company in a deal that was described as "the largest single purchase of cheap watches ever made in this country."
February 1891
Trenton introduces a new model with Grade 40, 41, 60, and 61. The movement design allows the barrel to be removed without disassembling the rest of the movement. However, this model was discontinued on July 11, 1891, only a few months after introduction to the trade.
The company offers $100,000 in bonds to raise capital.
October 1894
The Trenton Watch Company introducing a new line of 16-Size movements.
The Trenton Watch Company introduces a cyclometer to the market.
April 1897
The company introudces a 1/5 second chronometer to the market.
In 1902, the Trenton Watch Company introduced their 6-Size train-bridge plate "Fortuna" movement.
After the success of the "Fotuna" line, the Trenton Watch Company makes plans to enlarge the factory.
Trenton expands their product line by offering 16-Size and 0-Size movements derived from the popular 6-Size "Fortuna" movements.
The Trenton Watch Co. is purchased by Robert H. Ingersoll & Bros.