Pocket Watch Database
This Watch Was Admired By:
Dudley Watch Co.
Serial #5462

Movement Image

Dial Image

Case Image
Manufacturer | Dudley Watch Co. |
Grade | |
Serial Number | 5462 |
Size | 12s |
Model | 3 |
Jewel Count | 19j |
Setting | Pendant |
Finish | Gilt |
Case Material | Basemetal |
Case Manufacturer | Keystone Watch Case Co. |
Case Grade/Model | |
Case Serial # | 676206 |
Case Details | I chose to insert an additional photo of the movement. The movement photo I highlighter the Bible 3D feature. So another full movement was inserted here. All of the case info I was able to observe from the e-bay listing. The original case is base metal and not that interesting. By the time the base metal cases became popular. Compared to the nice quality of prior cases. The base metal cases became some what plane, in my opinion. Hope you have enjoyed this display. Pocketwatch101. |
Dial Material | Metal |
Dial Type | Flat |
Dial Style | Arabic |
Dial Signing Name | |
Dial Details | 4-7-16, seen on e-bay. Sold for $3050.00 The seller notes identify this as a model 3. I have highlighted the Bible feature that distinguishes this model difference from the similar model 2. This is a Model 3. I had the advantage of observing additional photos of this listing. Because the going barrel is jeweled. I believe this movement to be 19J. Pocketwatch101. See Seller Noted Below: This Dudley Masonic 12 size Pocket Watch is a very rare pocket watch with only a total of 1,700 model # 3 made. The model 3 in which 1,700 were made started with serial number 4,801 through 6,500 Model #3 was manufactured from 1935 to 1976. Serial # is 5,462 The Model 3, 12S, can be distinguished by the silver Bible which was riveted in place and was more three-dimensional. The 3rd wheel bridge was also rounded off at one end to distinguish this from the other models. The Model 3 was made by the XL Watch Co N.Y. **WATCH IS IN EXCELLENT RUNNING CONDITION** |
Movement Markings | Seller describes the 3D version of the Bible as a distinguishing feature of the Model 3. I had the advantage of observing the e-bay photos of this listing. Because the going barrel is jeweled. I believe this movement to be 19J. And all others I have observed also have been 19j. Pocketwatch101 |
Contributed to the database by pocketwatch101 on April 7, 2016.
This collection record was most recently edited on February 6, 2019.
This collection record was most recently edited on February 6, 2019.