Pocket Watch Database

Dueber Hampden Watches Price List: April 1905

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date April 29, 2019

THE LARGEST COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT «9! «92 3 3 For the Manufacture of HIGH GRADE WATCH CASES . . AND . . . WATCH MOVEMENTS In theWORLD are the Magnificent Factories of The Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Co. AND Hampden Watch Co. AT CANTON, OHIO, U.S.A. $2.33 Over Seven Million Watch Cases Made by the above Company are n o w in the pockets of the people, and all having one of these Watch Cases can rest assured they have THE VERY BEST MADE. MmEfi.ZH.UO-fiQOH.H=HDdU~ZQ‘Bdoz- UNITED STATES REGISTERED TRADE-MARKS Usedupon"THE BEST” TheDueberWatchCase ForSolidGoldWatchCases3 TRADE-MARK TRADE-MARK TRADE-MARK ‘5’ W a 18- Karat 14- Karat 10- Karat Solid Gold Cases. Solid Gold Cases. Solid Gold Cases ForStarlingSilverandGold FilledWatchCases= TRADE-MARK TRADE-MARK TRADE‐MARK -m she “$157 Sterling Silver Cases. with Silver Caps. Gold Joints and Crowns. Gold Filled. 14- Karat. Guaranteed 25 Years. DUEBER N e w ‘0mm? Gold Filled. 10- Karat, Guaranteed 20 Years. et/k“ The above Trade-Marks have been adopted by us and registered at the United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C., for the protection of our customers from imposition and fraud. Theywillbefounduponallgoodsof ourmanu‐ factureaccordingtostyleandquality. Address TheDueberWatchCaseMfg.Co. Canton.Ohio.U.s.A. SPECIAL NOTICE Orders will be accepted for special named Movements in all grades. ‘ Full plate requiring from two to three months and % plate requiring from three to four months for delivery. No 7 Jeweled Movements will be named, and all orders for named lWovements for less than five of one grade, either Htg, or O. l"., will not be accepted. All orders subject to prices ruling on date of delivery. fie‘fi DIALS Watches should be ordered with the Dials exactly aswanted, because we will n o t exchange Dials with anyone after the Watch has been sold, We have no use for old Dials, It does not improve the time‐keeping quali‐ ties of a watch, after it has been timed, to change the dial. HAMPDEN W'ATCH CO. 4 HAMPDEN WATCHES CONDENSED MOVEMENT PRICE LIST. SpecialRailway N e w Railway... Special Railway John Hancock... Dueber Watch Co. Dueber G r a n d Dueber Watch Co. 0's Jewels, Jewels, ._1 Jewels, .21Jewels, $21 Jewels, 17 Jewels, 17 Jewels, 15 Jewels, ll Jewels, . 7 Jewels, NickelAdjusted... Nickel Adjusted... Nickel Adjusted... NickelAdjusted... NickelAdjusted... Nickel Adjusted... NickelAdjusted... Nickel Nickel.. Gilt...... $35.00 28.0 0 25.0 0 23.0 0 18.50 10.00 10.00 5.75 4.75 4.00 “45‐05“ Champion . Railway.. W m . M c K . 107 ................. GeneralStark" 109............. . 7 Jewels, Nickel Adjusted... .17 Jewels, Nickel Adjusted... ' John H a n c o c k Dueber Grand. General Star 300‐302.......... 2l3... 206... 200... The Four Hundred Diadem... Molly Sta . .. 8.00 18 ‘san. 16 SIZE. 23Jewels, Nickel Adjusted... $35.00 21Jewels, Nickel Adjuste 21Jewels, Nickel Adjuste ) Jewels, Nickel Adjuste 17Jewels, Nickel..... oJewels, Nickel.. . 7 Jewels, Gilt. ..... 12 SIZE. 25.00 25.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 1000 ...21 Jewels, Nickel Adjusted... $25.00 17Jewels, Nickel Adjusted... 12.00 ) Jewels, Nickel ..... .7Jewels, Nickel 6 SIZE. ...l5 Jewels, Nickel ll Jewels, Nickel . . 7 Jewels, Gilt 3=0 SIZE. 17Jewels, Nickel Adjusted . 5 Jewels, Nickel.. . 7 Jewels, Gilt....... .. 9.00 600 $6.25 5.75 4.50 $12.00 10.00 6.50 All3-0size,12sizeand16sizemovements sold complete, cased iu Dueber 18‐Kt.solid gold, 14-Kt. solid gold a11d14-Kt. gold filled cases. 4.75 HAMPDEN WATCHES SPECIAL RAILWAY. 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. ‘ 0. F. and Htg. Fine Train. Nickel,23extrafine RubyandSapph.Jew.in Solid GoldSett.,BarArbor and Cent.Staff jew.with the finest of Sapph., Escap. Cap. Jew., Conic. Piv. finely grad. Microm. Reg.,Comp. Bal , Gold Screws, Breg. Hr.-Spr., M e a n Time Screws, N e w Mod. Stud, accur. adj. to Temp., Isochr. and Post, Pat. Cent.Pint, Bev. Head. Gilt Screws, highly polish. Steel Work, fine Doub. Sunk Glass Emmi. Dial, best Fleur de Lis Hands, eleg. Engr. and Damask, in two colors, Gold Lettering... , 35,00 The handsomest, most finely finished and closely timed Movement made in America. New Model. 6 New Model. Fine Train. HAMPDEN WATCHES NEW RAILWAY. 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. Only. N i c k e l , 2 3fi n e R u b y a n d S a p p h . Jew. i n G o l d S e t t . , Bar Arbor and Cent. Staff Jew. with fine Sapph., Escap. Cap. Jew. Conic Piv., Pat. Microm. R e g , Comp. Ba1., Gold Screws, Breg. Hair‐Spr., Mean Time Screws, N e w Mod. Stud. adj. to Temp. Isochr. and P05 , Pat. Cent. Pin Polish, Steel Work, Double Sunk Glass Enam. Dial, Fleur de Lis Hands, finely Damask. and finish. throughout, Gold Lettering ...... 7 HAMPDEN WATCHES SPECIAL RAILWAY. 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. andHtg. N i c k e l , 2 1fi n e R u b y a n d S a p p h . Jew. i n s o l i d G o l d Seth, Jew. Cent., Escap. Cap. Jew., Conic Piv., Bev. Head, Gilt Screws, Micr. Reg.Y Gold Screws, Comp. Bal., accur. adj. to ’l‘en1p.,150chr. and P05,, Doub. S u n k Glass Enam. Dial, w i t h R e d M a r g . F i g , B r e g . Hair-Sp , N e w Mod. Stud, M e a n Time Screws, Steel Work highlypolish,Pat. Cent. Pin,eleg. Eng. and Damask” fine Escap. Fleur de Lis Hands and first quality “Hampden” Main Spring New Model. Fine Train. H A MPDEN WATCHES JOHN HANCOCK. l8 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. and Htg. Nickel,21fine Ruby and Sapph.Jew.in Gold Sett., Escap. Cap. Jew., Comp. Bal., Gilt Screws, adj. to Temp., Isoch.and Pos.,Breg.Hair-Spr.,MeanTime Screws, N e w Mod. Stud, Pat. Microm. Regly Bright Bev. Head Screws, P a t Cent. Pin., Polish. Steel Work, Double Sunk Glass Enam. Dial, finely Damask.andfinished throughout. GoldLettering. 23 .00 HAMPDEN WATCHES “DUEBER WATCH CO." 1 8 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. Only. Nickel, 21fine Ruby and Sapph. Jew. in Gold Seth, Escap. Cap Jew., Comp. Bah, Gilt Screws, adj. to Temp,Isochr.and I’os.YBreg.Hair‐51m,Mean Time Screws, N e w Mod. Stud. Pat. Microm. Reg., Bright Bev. Head Screws, Pat. Cent. Pin., Polish Steel W'ork, Double Sunk Glass Enam. Dial, finely Damask.and finished throughout.Gold Lettering... 18.50 10 HAMPDEN WATCHES DUEBER GRAND. No.80,Htg. No.81,0. F.,Nameless. 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. and Htg. Nickel, 17 Jewels in Composition Settings, Ad~ justed, Breguet Hair-Spring, Micrometer Regulator, Compensation Balance, B r i g h t F l a t Screws, eleA gently Engraved and Damaskeened, Arabic or R o m a n D i a l , R e d M a r g i n a l F i g u r e s , M o o n H a n d s..... 10.00 11 HAMPDEN \VATCHES u DUEBER WATCH C0." 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. and Htg’. Nickel, 15Jewels in Composition Settings,Breguet Hair-Spring, Patent Regulator, S u n k Second Dial, Roman Figures, M o o n Hands, Patent Center Pinion, Bright Flat Screws, elegantly Engraved and Dam‐ askeened, and the regular “Hampden” Main Spring......................................................................... 5.75 HAMPDEN WATCHES No. 45 Htg. or No. 65 O. F. 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. and Htg. Nickel, 11Jewels, Patent Center Pinion, elegantly Engraved and Damaskeened, Spade Hands. Sunk Second Dial, Patent Regulator, and regular “ H a m p ‐ den” MainSpring...................................................... 13 HAMPDEN WATCHES CHAMPION. I 8 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. and Htg. Gilt, 7 Jewels, Expansion Balance, Patent Center Pinion, Spade Hands, S u n k Second Dial, a n d regu‐ lar “Hampden” Main Sprinfr 4.00 14 HAMPDEN WATCHES No. 104. 16 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. or Htg. Nickel, 23 extra fine Ruby and Sapphire jewels in solid Gold Settings, Patent jeweled Barrel, N o . 711476, Escapement Cap jeweled, Conical Pivots, Micrometer Regulator, Compensation Balance, Gold Screws, accurately adjusted to Temperature, Isoch‐ ronism and Position, Patent Center Pinion, Bevel Head Screws, Steel Escape Wheel, h i g h l y Polished, elegantly Engraved and Damaskeened, Gold Let‐ teriug... 15 HAMPDEN \VATCHES No. 105. 16 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. or Htg. A nameless W m . McKinley, 21 Jewels. Nickel, 21 extra fi n e Ruby and Sapphire Jewels in Solid Gold Settings, Center Staff Jeweled with the finest of Sapphires, EscapementCap Jeweled, Conical Pivots, Micrometer Regulator, Compensation Balance, Gold Screws, Breguet Hair-Spring, Mean Time Screws, accurately adjusted to Temperature, Isoclironism and Position, Patent Center Pinion, Bevel Head Screws, highly polished Steel Work, Steel Escape Wheel, Polished Center Wheel, fine Double Sunk Dial, elegantly Engraved and Damaskeened,Gold L e t t e r i n g..................................................................... 25-00 HAMPDEN WATCHES WM. MCKINLEY. 21 Jewels. [6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. or Htg. Nickel. 21extra fine Ruby and Sapphire Jewels in Solid Gold Settings, Center Staff jeweled with the finest of Sapphires, Escapement Cap Jeweled, Coni‐ cal Pivots, Micrometer Regulator, Compensation Balance, Gold Screws, Breguet Hair‐Spring, M e a n T i m e Screws, accurately adjusted to Temperature, Isoehronism and Position, Patent Center Pinion, Bevel Head Screws, highly polished Steel Work, polished Center Wheel, fine Double Sunk Dial, ele‐ gantlyEngravedandDamaskeened,GoldLettering, 25,00 17 HAMPDEN \VATCHES RAILWAY‐19 Jewels. I6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. O. F. Only. Nickel,19extra fineRubyandSapphireJewelsin Solid Gold Settings, Center Staff Jeweledwith the finest of Sapphires, EscapementCap Jeweled, Coni‐ cal P'mots, Micrometer Regulator, Compensation Balance, Gold Screws, Breguet Hair»Spring, M e a n Time Screws, accurately adjusted to Temperature, Isochronism and Position, Patent Center Pinion. BevelHeadScrews,highly polished Steel \Vork, pol‐ ished C e n t e rW h e e l , fi n e D o u b l e S u n k D i a l , e l e g a n t l y EngravedandDamaskeened,GoldLettering............ 20.00 18 H A MPDEN WATCHES WM. MCKINLEY. 17 Jewels. I6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F or Hig- Nickel, 17Ruby and Sapphire Jewels in Composi‐ tion Settings, adjusted, B r e g u e t Hair-Spring, Patent Regulator, Mean Time Screws, Bright Flat Screws, elegantly engraved a n d Damaskecued, Gold Letter‐ ing, Arabic or Roman Dial, Red Marginal Figures... 12.00 No. lo7‐A Nameless Wm. McKinley‐I7 Jewels. Nickel, 17Ruby and Sapphire Jewels in Composi‐ tion Settings, adjusted, Breguct Hair-Spring, Patent Regulator, Mean Time Screws,Bright Flat Screws, elegantly Engraved and Damnskeened,GoldLetter‐ ing, Arabic or Roman Dial, Red Marginal Figures.“ 12. 10 HAMPDEN WATCHES GEN’L STARK. I7 Jewels. 16 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F. or Htg. Nickel, 17 Ruby Jewels in Composition Settings, Breguet Hair-Spring, M e a n Time Screws, Patent Regulator, Bright Flat Screws, Engraved and Damaskeeued. Gold Lettering, Arabic or Roman Dial, Red Marginal Figures...................................... 10.00 20 HAMPDEN WATCHES No. 109. l 6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0. F“ or Htg. Nickel, 15Jewelsin CompositionSettings,Breguet Han-Spring, Second Sunk Dial, Patent Center Pinion,Micrometer Regulator,Bright Flat Screws... 8 -00 21 HAMPDEN WATCHES CHAMPION. l 6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. 0“ F. or Htg. Gilt.7J'ewels,Patent Center Pinion, Bright Flat Screws, Sunk Second Dial, Spade Hands, Regular “ Hampden” Main Spring 22 HAMPDEN W’ATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCHES 12 SIZE. JOHN HANCOCK. 0. F. or Htg. Nickel,21fineRubyandSapph.Jew.in GoldSett., Escap. Cap Jew., Comp.Bal. adj. to Templ, Isochr. and Pos, Breg. Hair-Sp., N e w Model Micr. Reg., Bright Bev.Head Scr.,Pat.Cen. Pin.,finely polish. Steel \V0rk, Doub. Sunk Glass Enam. Dial. elegant finish, Nick. Plateswith Gold I,etter., the best finish throughout. Very closelytimed................................2500 In ll-Kt. Solid Gold, Pl. Bassine or E. T., Juer~ gensen Style, Dueber Case, eomplete.. ..Htg. 53.00 In 14~Kt. Solid Gold, same as above. . 53.00 In 14»Kt. G o l d Filled, same asabove....................... 32.00 Engraved Diamond Sett. and Ornament on Gold Cases will be charged for extra. Engr. 14»Kt. Gold Filled, 12Size Case, extra, 50 cents. O. F. complete 12 size filled cased watches, 50 cents, list, less than H t g . 23 HAMPDEN WATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER=HAMPDEN WATCHES 12 SIZE. DUEBER GRAND. 0. F. or Htg. Nickel, 17Ruby and Sapph. Jew,in Compos. Sett, adj., Breg. Hair-Sp., Pat. Regl, Bright Flat Screws, eleg. Engr.and Damask withGoldLetter.,Arab. or R o m . D i a l , R e d M a r g . F i g.......................................... In 14-Kt. Solid Gold, Pl. Bassine or E. T. Juergen‐ sen Style, Dueber Case, complete . 40.00 In 14-Kt.SolidGold,sameasabove In 14iKt.GoldFilled,sameasabove... Engr,, Diamond Seth, and Ornament. on Gold Cases will be charged for extra. Engr. 14~Kt. Gold Filled, 12Size Case, extra, 50 cents. 0. F. complete 12 size filled cased watches, 50 cents, list,lessthan Htg. 24 HAMPDEN WATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCHES 12 SIZE. GENERAL STARK. 0. F. or Htg. Nickel,15Ruby Jew. in Comps. Sett., Breg. Hair‐ Spr., Mean Time Screws, Pat. Reg, Bright Flat Screws,Engr.and Damask, Gold Letter.,Arab. or RomanDial,RedMarginalFigures.......................... 9.00 In 14-Kt. Solid Gold, Pl. Bassine or E. T. Juergen‐ sen Style, Dueber Case, complete .Htg. 37.00 In l4-Kt. Solid Gold, same as above... . 0 . F. 37.00 In 14»Kt, Gold Filled, same asabove....................... 16.00 Engr., Diamond Sett., and Ornament. on Gold Caseswill be chargedfor extra. Engr.14‐Kt.Gold Filled, 12Size Case, extra, 50 cents. O. F. complete 12 size filled cased watches, 50 cents, list,lessthat Htg. 25 HAMPDEN WATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER=HAMPDEN WATCHES 12 SIZE. No. 300 Htg. No. 302 O. F. 7 Jewels, Arabic and R o m a n Dial, Solid Nickel, BreguetHair-Spring, A l l holes n o t jeweled, hushed with Anti‐friction Metal............................................ 6.00 In lfl-Kt. Solid Gold, Pl. Bassine or E. T, Juergem sen Style, Dueber Case, complete........................H t m 34.00 In 14-Kt. Solid Gold, same as above.................O. F. 34 -00 Inl-vit. Gold Filled, same asabove....................... 13.00 Engiz, Diamond Seth, and Ornament. on Gold Cases will be charged for extra. Engr. 1-1-Kt. Gold Filled, 12Size Case, extra, 50 cents. O.F. complete12sizefilledcasedwatches,50cents, list, less that H t g . 26 HAMPDEN WATCHES No. 213. 6 SIZE l’lOVEl‘lENTS Htg. 625524 ‘ hiflpqupyi e Nickel, 15 Jewels, Breguet Hair‐Spring, elegantly Engraved and Damaskeeued, Bright Bevel Screws, Patent Center Pinion, Morning Glory Hands,Com‐ position ]ewel Settings. The “ Hampden” Main Spring, and accurately timed..................................... 27 HAMPDEN WATCHES No. 206. 6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. Htg. Fine Nickel Movement, 11Jewels in Composition Settings, B r e g u e t H a i r - S p r i n g , P a t e n t C e n t e rP i n i o n , Sunk Second Dial, Bright Flat Screws, elegantly Engraved and Damaskeened, fine Moon Hands, and regular “Hampden” Main Spring........................... 5.75 28 HAMPDEN WATCHES No. 200. 6 SIZE MOVEMENTS. Htg. Gilt, 7 Jewels, Expansion Balance, Patent Center Pinion, Sunk Second Dial,SpadeHands, elegantly Engraved and regular “Hampden” Main Spring...... 4 50 29 HAMPDEN \VATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER=HAMPDEN WATCHES “THE 400” The Best, The Smallest, The Handsomest LADIES‘ AMERICAN W'ATCH. Htg. Only. 17jewels, in raised Gold Setting. Solid Nickel, a l l bearings n o t jeweled, hushed w i t h Anti‐Friction Metal, Breguet Hair‐Spring, Micrometer Regulator, Sunk Second or Fancy Dial, finely Damaskeened, and elegantly finished throughout............................. 12.00 Cased in a Dueber lS-Kt. Solid Gold Htg. Case. Plain, Bassine or Juergensen E. T. 28 . 00 l l - K t . Solid Gold, sameas above... ...... 24.00 l4-Kt. Gold Filled, same asabove............................ 17.50 Engraving, Diamond Setting and Ornamentation on Gold Cases w i l l be charged extra. Engraved GoldFilledCases, extra : Htg., soc. 30 HAMPDEN WATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER=HAMPDEN WATCHES “THE DlADEM.” The Best, The Smallest, The Handsomest LADlES' AMERICAN WATCH. 0. F. and Htg. 15 Jewels in Raised Gold Setting, Solid Nickel Movement, up. and low. Cent. Bean, hushed with Anti»Fric. Metal, Breguet Hair-Spring, Sunk Sec. Glass Enameled Dial, Blue Spade Hands, finely Damask. and finely finished throughout. The best “ H a m p d e n ” M a i n S p r i n g......................................... 10.00 Cased in a Dueber 18~Kt. Solid Gold H t g . Case, Plain, Bassine orJuergensen E.T.............................. 26.00 14Kt.SolidGold,sameasabove........................ .22.00 l4‐Kt. Gold Filled, same as above .15.5O Engraving, Diamond Setting and Ornamentation on Gold Cases w i l l be charged extra. Engraved Gold Filled Cases, extra: Htg., 500. 0. F., 25C. 0. F. GoldCases,same price as Htg. O. F. FilledCases, 25C lessthan Htg, 81 HAMPDEN ‘WATCHES COMPLETE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCHES “THE MOLLY STARK.” The Best, The Smallest, The Handsomest LADIES’ AMERICAN WATCH. 0. F. and Htg. 7Jewels, Gilt, finished with Bright Flat Screws, Sunk SecondPl.HardEnameledDial,SpadeHands, regular “Hampdeu” Main Spring, Breguet Hair‐ Spriug......................................................................... 6.50 Cased in a Dneber ]S-Kt. Solid Gold Htg. Case, Plain, Bassiue orJuergensen E.T.............................. 22-50 1 4 ~ K t . S o l i d G o l d , s a m e a s a b o v e ...... ...... 1 8 - 5 0 14-Kt. Gold Filled, same asabove .......................... 12-00 Engraving, Diamond Setting and Omameutation on GoldCases,willbechargedextra. EngravedGold FilledCases,extra: ng.,500. 0.F.,25C. 0.F. Gold Cases, same price as Htgn 04 F. Filled Cases, 25C l e s s t h a n H t g . O p e n Face, OpenFace, Hunting, Hunting, Open Face, 6 or 12 “ Open Face, 6 or 12 “ Engraved... Plain or E. Engraved... Plainor E. Engraved Plainor E. Engraved DUEBER \VATCH CASES “THE DUEBER" STERLING SILVER WATCH CASE. Made with Gold Joints, Crowns and Thumb Pieces. Antique Pendants. 3-0 Size, P l a i n orE.T...................... 240 3-0 “ Engraved 3-0 “ PlainorE. 340 “ Hunting, Hunting, Open Face, OpenFace, Hunting, Hunting, 3oz.,18-Size,0. F.,PlainorE.T.,400;Eng. 6 or 12 “ 6 or 12 “ 10 “ 16 “ 16 “ Plain or E. T. Engraved... 16 “ 3oz.,18 “ Htg, “ 4oz.,18 “ O.F., “ 4oz.,18 “ ng., “ 5oz.,18 “ 0.It, " 5oz.,18 “ IItg., “ 6oz.,18“ 0.F., “ 6oz.,18 “ Htg., “ 801,18 “ O,F., " 8oz.,18 “ Htg., “ 302.,18 “ 0.F.,S.B.&B,PlainorE.T.. Engraved ..... 3oz.,O.1’.,BassiueSwmgRing,S.B. 3oz., 0. I t , Bassine Swing Ring, Dust ProofPend. Bourbon Style, 18-Size, Silver Cases, Htg.... “ “16“““Htg.... u u12u n u Railway " 18 “ “ “ O.1¢‘., Gold Inlaid Decoration on 0. F. Cases, extra... MakingSwiss or English Silver Cases, extra... 38 “ 420;“ . “ 500:“ “ 525; “ “ 660; “ “ 710; “ “ 840;“ “ 8 9:3; “ “ 1575; “ “ 1680; “ 430 400 4 30 4 20 4 50 5 80 525 475 5 00 1 00 3 20 DUEBER WATCH CASES “THE DUEBER SPECIAL" 14-KARAT GOLD FlLLED WATCH CASES Guaranteed for 25 Years. ...8 00; Eng. 8 50 .8 75; 9 50 “ .750; “ 800 “ 25; “ 900 “ 50; “ 700 “ 700; “ 750 “.. .600; “ 650 11. .550; u 600 H.. ”525; u 550 18Size,O.F., RegularP1.or E T.. 18Size, H t g ., 16Size0 F. Ramp, “ 16Size,Htg., “ 12Size, 0. F. “ “ 12Size,Htg., “ “ GS1ze, H t g Regular “ “ “ “ “ . " “ “ .. SW. Ring, S. B., P1. or E . . . 8 00, ., ..Ornamented 10 00 0 Size, H t g ” ThE4000. F. The400 H t g , Hamp., Ornameuted Cases extra 3 00 to 5 00 .. ...5 50; 185126O.F, S.B.B, P]. orE T .. s 00 .675 675 G25 8 50 16Size, 12Size, " 18Size, “ 18Size, :‘ 18Size, “ 18Size, “ 18Size, “ SW. Ring “ S. B. B , “ SW. Ring “ “ 1175 ..600 6 75 5 75 .6 50 ..5 75 6 25 5 50 ..5 00 Sw. Ring, S. B., Pl. or E. Dust-proof Antique Pe11dant,... “ 9 00 “ 750 “ 9 25 18Size,0.F.,S B.B.,Emblem... “ THE DUEBER” 10=KT. GOLD FILLED WATCH CASES. Guaranteed for Twenty Years. 18S1zeO F, Regular,I’l.E. T. or Eng. 18Size, H t g, “ 16Size,0.F, “ “ “ 16Size,Htg”, “ “ “ 12Size,0. F., " “ “ 12Size,Htg., ~‘ “ “ 6Size,Htg., “ 2 “ 0Size,Htg., " “ “ “ “ “ .. “ .. “ “ 18Size,0.F. S.B&B.PlainE.T.orEng 16Size 11 .1 .. IZSize, u u u u u The Finest Finished Line of lo-KARAT GOLD FILLED WATCH CASES in the World. 84 “.. DUEBER WATCH CASES The World’s “ Best,” the Genuine Original DUEBER “SILVERINE” WATCH CASES. 0. F. Htg. RegularStyle ........... . ...... $.65 Railway Style .................... Railway Style, Gilded Reflector. , . . 1.00 Screw Bezel a n d Back ............. .65 3oz., Swing Ring, S.B............ 1.00 3 oz., Swing Ring, D u s t Proof Pend. 1.00 3oz., SwingRing,DustProofPend., Gilded Reflector .............. 1.25 GoldInlaidin O.F. Cases, extra... 1.00 All Watch Cases made by this Company are warranted to be the best of the several kinds and qualities manufactured. 35 $1.00 1.50 DUEBER WATCH CASES The DUEBER Dust-Proof Silverine Swing Ring. 36