Pocket Watch Database
Location: Springfield, Massachusetts
Years of Operation: 1866-1875
Predecessor: Mozart Watch Co.
Successor: Hampden
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The Mozart Watch Co. is organized in Providence, Rhode Island with a capital stock of $100,000. The company is proposed to manufacture a unique 18s movement known as the "Three-Wheeled Mozart," invented by superintendent, Don J. Mozart.
The "Three-Wheeled Mozart" proves to be unsucccessful, and the stockholders of The Mozart Watch Co. decide the company must start producing a regular 18s 3/4-plate movement in order to survive. Mozart is ousted from the company, and L.W. Cushing replaces him as superintendent. The company is then renamed the New York Watch Co. Don J. Mozart moves to Ann Arbor, Michigan to start a company to continue production of his "Three-Wheeled Mozart" watch.
May 1867
The New York Watch Company is officially organized with $500,000 capital.
August 15, 1867
According to reports, the machinery destined for the factory in Springfield is still being manufactured at the company's machine shop in Providence, Rhode Island. The company hopes to commence manufacturing in September.

October 1867
The New York Watch Co., led by O.P. Rice, purchases two large buildings (American Machine Works) in Springfield, Massachusetts and relocates.
Watch production commences at the factory in Springfield, Massachusetts.
June 9, 1868
A U.S. Patent is grated to O.P. Rice and J.H. Gerry for their stem winding and setting watch.
April 27, 1870
Fire destroys the The New York Watch Co. factory. Fortunately, most of the equipment is saved from destruction even though reports claim $200,000 in damage.

August 1870
After being restored and remodeled, The New York Watch Co. factory resumes operations.
The the year of "The Great Panic," sales begin to decline rapidly. The New York Watch Co. is forced to reduce the number of empoyees.
April 1876
After struggling for a few years, The New York Watch Co. is forced to close the factory after falling behind on payroll obligations.
August 1876
Company leadership reorganizes as The New York Watch Manufacturing Co. in an attempt to revive the company.
June 1877
The New York Manufacturing Co. is reorganized as the Hampden Watch Co.