Pocket Watch Database
Ward & Co.
New York
Location: New York
Years of Operation: 1868-1885
Predecessor: Ward & Jennings
Successor: Susstrong, Albert
Gold Cases, Specialty in Casing Swiss Movements. [Crossman]
From "New York's Leading Industries" (1884):
John Ward, Manufacturer of Fine Watch-Cases, No. 16 Maiden Lane. - A prominent department of the trade centered in New York is the manufacture of watch-cases, and one of the best known and most highly respected members of the trade is Mr. John Ward, of No. 16 Maiden Lane. Mr. Ward founded his present business in 1868, and has carried it on continuously and successfully to date. He had had great practical experience in his representative specialty, the manufacture of the finest quality of gold watch-cases, and has acquired merited prominence and a wide-spread reputation throughout the wholesale trade in the finer grades of Swiss and other watches. Mr. Ward's factory is eligibly located, in a position central to many of his largest patrons, and it is fitted up with every modern appliance for the successful carrying on of the business. He employs none but the most skillful of workmen, and he himself gives close personal attention to the work in hand. As a manufacturer of elegant cases for the finest lines of all kinds of Swiss watches, Mr. Ward has no rival to-day, and his establishment is in every respect a credit to the city. Personally, Mr. Ward is one of our most popular business men, and which is due entirely to his square dealing with the trade and his unremitting honesty, undusty and enterprise.