Pocket Watch Database
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Years of Operation: 1864-1868
Successor: Melrose Watch Co.
Reorganized as the Melrose Watch Co., 1866
Production Jewels: 7-15 Jewels
Production Sizes: 18s
Total Production: ~12,000
Serial Number Lookup

April 1864
The Tremont Watch Co. is started in Tremont, Massachusetts by Aaron L. Dennison and A.O. Bigelow with a capital of $100,000. The concept of the company is to have certain parts manufactured in Switzerland and shipped to America. This strategy would offer the benefit of low labor costs and decreased factory expenses.
May 1865
The Tremont Watch Co. offers its first watch, a fully-jeweled 18s key-wind movement.

Friday, November 8, 1867
The Tremont Watch Co. is moved to Melrose, Massachusetts. At this time, it is decided to manufacture the entire movement in America. Mr. Dennison, the arcitect of the prior strategy to conduct the majority of part manufacturing in Switzerland, withdraws from the company.
The Tremont Watch Co. runs short on capital and requests the stockholders to contribute more money. After this fails, Mr. Dennison returns to Boston, seeking to organize a new company to purchase the Tremont Watch Co. and factory.
After Mr. Dennison fails in creating a new company to absorb The Tremont Watch Co., the equipement is purchased by the English Watch Co. of England.