Pocket Watch Database
Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Years of Operation: 1874-1877
Successor: Lancaster Watch Co.
Sold to the Lancaster Watch Company
Production Jewels: 20 Jewels
Production Sizes: 19s
Serial Number Lookup
September 26, 1874
The Adams & Perry Watch Manufacturing Co. is incorporated in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with the capital stock of $78,000. Construction on a factory for the company commences.
The Adams & Perry Watch Co. is pressed for funds and bonds in the amount of $25,000 are issued.

J.C. Adams resigns from the Adams & Perry Watch Co. after a dispute with E.H. Perry involving the manufacturing of escapements. Adams thought it best to import the escapements whereas Perry was convinced the entire movement should be manufactured at the factory.

July 1875
Construction of the Adams & Perry Watch Manufacturing Co. factory is completed.
April 7, 1876
First movement is produced, slightly larger than 18s, after 22-months of building the machinery.
May 16, 1876
The company ceases operations after they are unable to recover from the manufacturing delays. An effort to increase the capital stock is a failure.
May 16, 1876
The Adams & Perry Watch Co. is reorganized with new directors.
June 10, 1876
After being forced to pay creditors, the company is assigned to C.A. Bitner, who sells the company to Dr. Carpenter for $47,000.
August 1877
The Lancaster Watch Company was formed with an advanced capital of $21,000.
September 1877
Manufacturing at the Lancaster Watch Co. commenced and a 3/4-plate, fully-jewelled, movement was designed and produced.
September 1878
The Lancaster Watch Co. increase the capital stock to $35,000.
October 31, 1878
The Lancaster Watch Co. reorganizes as the Lancaster, Pa. Watch Co, Limited, with a capital of $160,000.
May 9, 1879
After running short on funds, a new company is organized as the Lancaster Watch Co. This new company rents the property owned by The Lancaster, Pa. Watch Co., Limited.
April 1883
After several years of success, the Lancaster Watch Co. and the Lancaster Pa. Watch Co., Limited consolidate with a capital stock of $248,000.
July 1883
The Lancaster Watch Co. factory ceases operations momentarily while securing funding of $25,000 to continue work.
The Lancaster Watch Co. is purchased by the Keystone Standard Watch Co. for $500,000.
The company assets are acquired by the Hamilton Watch Co.