Pocket Watch Database
Location: Waltham, Massachusetts
Years of Operation: 1896-1900
Successor: Suffolk Watch Co.
Organized in 1896 by Edward A. Locke
Production Jewels: 4 Jewels
Production Sizes: 0s
Total Production: ~89,000
Factory Building Status: Demolished
Special Research Assistance: Andy Dervan
Serial Number Lookup
The Columbia Watch Co. is founded by Edward A. Locke in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Mr. Locke gives control of the Columbia Watch Co. to his son-in-law, Renton Whidden.

Thursday, August 3, 1899
August 1899
After a suit is filed by the American Waltham Watch Co. against the Columbia Watch Co. concerning deceitful usage of the "Waltham" name, the court rules the Columbia Watch Co. can no longer use "Waltham" on watches unless it is clearly distinguished from the American Waltham Watch Co. to prevent confusion.
The Columbia Watch Co. is renamed as the Suffolk Watch Co.