Pocket Watch Database
Location: Roxbury, Massachusetts
Years of Operation: 1853-1857
Predecessor: Warren Manufacturing Co.
Successor: Tracy, Baker & Co.
Total Production: < 5,000
Serial Number Lookup
Company Timeline
The first Boston Watch Co. movement is manufactured.

September 1853
Edward Howard and others from the Warren Manufacturing Co. reorganize as the Boston Watch Co. in Roxbury, Massachusetts.

October 5, 1854
The Boston Watch Co. is moved to a new factory in Waltham, Massachusetts.
May 1857
The Boston Watch Co. is sold at auction to Royal E. Robbins for $75,000, who reorganizes a new company as Tracy, Baker, & Co. Edward Howard and others from the Boston Watch Co. form a new company as E. Howard & Co. and utilize the factory previously occupied by the Boston Watch Co.