Pocket Watch Database

Lancaster Watch Company Advertisement (c.1883)

This c.1883 Lancaster Watch Company advertisement was graciously digitized by an anonymous member of our community. The promotional publication includes various testimonials from passenger depot employees at the Pennsylvania Railroad in an attempt to associate Lancaster watches with the thriving railroad industry. The "Keystone" and "West End" grades are highlighted in the endorsements praising the accuracy of the company's watches. This advertisement represents the height of the promising young company before a downward spiral culminating in complete failure amidst the watch club scandal.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date May 12, 2022

THE OLD CONESTOGA TEAM. The Heaviest Load ever hauled across the Alleghany Mountains, with Six Horses, weighed 10,013 pounds. Our Lancaster Allatches. M', B. J. ZAHM, RETAIL DEALER IN of the Oldest House in the Yatch sande ew cha and presantativi county, has sold to his customers about Six Hundred laneaster Watches IN TWO YEARS. Endorsement Unqualified. LANCASTER, PA., Sept. 4, 188?. TO LANCASTER WATCH CO.: Gentlemen-IT AFFORDS ME GREAT PLEASURE TO BEAR TESTIMONY TO THE GOOD QUALITIES OF "THE LANCASTER WATCH." THE MOVE MENTS, FROM THE«NEW ERA" UP, ARE ALL ACCURATELY FINISHED. AND ARE UNIFORMLY GOOD TIME- KEEPERS. WE HAVE SOLD DURING THE PAST TWO YEARS ABOUT SIX HUN. DRED A H THESE WATCHES, AND THEIR PERFORMANCE AS TIME-KEEPERS, IN THE POCKETS OF FARMERS, MECHANICS, RAIL- ROAD MEN, AND OTHERS, BEEN HAS CORRECT AND SATISFAC- TORY. WE HAVE, FOR MANY YEARS, BEEN SELLING AMERICAN ALL GRADES Oh WATCHES, AND WE BELIEVE THAT, GRADE FOR GRADE, THE "I. ANCASTER" STANDS AT THE HEAD OF THE EN- TIRE LIST, LEADING IN QUALITY BOTH ITS AMERICAN AND FOREIGN COMPETITORS. Yours verv truly ED W. J. ZAHM, Manufacturing Jeweler, Zahm's Corner, Lancaster. This is the Opinion of an EXPERT IN WATCHES, who nac for nearly THIRTY-FIVE YEARS been familiar with all the different grades and makes of Watches in the American Market, of Doth American an Our Lancaster dulatches. THE FOUR LANCASTER WATCHES CAR Our Pancaster Clatches. Not *Special," but Average Lancaster Watches, Although made here in Lancaster, AT HOME they with Proper Adjustment, the A cell. at muel less buying a Lancas. unsausacuory "* Keystone 33 PRIMATIVANTA RATHON, ROTE, 1852 LANCASTER STATION, grade. evely watch of the It has given me perfect satistaction In respecu but especially as all aCCuIalt WITHIN THE ing the entire past year! To aIl persons wIC are required to have correct time, but especi ally to RAILROAD MEN, I would confidentit recommend, the AWaitinabenger Agent 2. "Keystone, but the Lanca I have ever had fo", Keg'7 & Alls: I have had w Tor nearly It runs. "tc the dot" always, and is as any Three- Hundred Dollar watch I have ever seen Idon believe there was ever a better time-keeper use turned ouu of TOly Depot Policeman 3 **West End." One year ago, or longer. , I purchased a Lan- caster Watch of the " West End » reading De TieSiend, time-piece cannot I could not get any nigner- Estero vol as these tangastethwongieratient must be a sood one have ever carried that has done anything like lus good work. ana I don' want antin ter F. WELCHANS, Clerk in Ticket Office 4 «West End." The Lancaster Watch of the the rennsvivan1 It is in her LANCASTER WATCH that Penn- svivania puts the CROWN to her varied Manu- factures. Inquire for and examine this watch. ORDERS NOW COME IN FOR PENNSYI- vania Watches from the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coast, where the excellent quall- ties of these watches beginning to be ac- knowledged. The following Omaha Opinion As to Relative Merits of the Lancaster Watches IS DIRECT AND CONCLUSIVE. Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 5, 1882. To Laneaster Watch Co. Gentlemen : We never saw goods sell so fast as yours. We have sold all kinds of Watches here in Omaha for the past nine years, but have never had such a « run" on any other make of Watches. Our customers call for the Lancaster Movements in preference to older established Watches. We sell them at Wholesale and Retail, and each one sold seems to recommend another. They give, also, better satisfaction for the money than any other Watch that we have ever handled, and we feel confident that, as they be- come known, the Lancaster Watches will take the lead wherever accurate time-keepers are needed. We will say that we heartily agree with Mr. E. J. Zahm, of your city, in his recent estimate of the merits of the Lancaster Watch, as com- pared with others in the market. Thanks for thirty Movements just received. We need at once the order enclosed, as we are quite sold out. Respeetfully, EDHOLM & ERICKSON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Jewelers and Practical Watchmakers.