Pocket Watch Database

Benj. Allen & Co. Tool & Material Catalog: New York Standard (1902)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $33.36

Acquisition Date: August 19, 2019

Digitized Date December 30, 2020

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N. Y. STANDARD OPEN FACE. FIRST AND SECOND MODELS. Pillar Plate,1st Model. u it 2d It .. Upper " 1st “ I ll Escape, or w o r m s l s t M o d e l 2d Model e uuu Third,l(sitModel, Hubbed with Pinions, 151: Mod 2d 1‘ Balance....................... “ Stafi,1stM o d e l (I “ and Staff,fitted,let" (G u u (l 2d Bridge, Joweled.. Hair Spring,Collated “ “ Collets . “ " Stud ..... “ Fourth,1_stModel. Hands,H. andM.,Pairs. " Seconds.. with Worm.. “ 2d Model" Jewels,Cock. “ with Pinions.. (1 u u “ Roller . Main Spprinis Pallets and o'rks,lstModel. Stones fitted . :: Forks andArbors, éstModel... “Stonesflt’d Pallet Arbors, latModel _. CrownorRing .. 4 “ B r i d g e s , l s t “ (t (( 2d ll " H a i er S p n n g , S t u d " J e w .............................. :- P a l l e t Bridge, lat M o d e l _. “ P i l l a r ............ “ Ratchet C a p “ Windin Br! “ assorte ,pergro P i l l a r s ...........................i Pinions,Bevel or Winding 20 20 20 u “ 2d Model.. OPEN FACE. ' “ with Pinions, 2dModel. Escape,l s t Model" “ “ Ratchet... 1 RatchetCap Wheels, Intersetting. WindingBridge... YO 6 .............. “ S p r i n s Screws,Baan t - £ 1 . 1 5 30 20 2 0 20 20 “ Screwss . 2 . . 3 _ 1 20 Case. “ Coek.. ......200 5 0 " " “ CockCompiate...... . RatchetCap........ SettingLever.... . Setting Lever Washer“ Etaif and Stafl’, Fitted ........ ......... 844 845 846 847 848 “ Dial(3feet)....... Hair Springs “ “ Colleted.. “ “ Collets.... “ “ Studs “ PalletBridge.... .. .. “ Pillar... .. “ RatchetCap .. . ‘.‘ WindingBridge... ....... ....... H.& ................... 356 857 858 Yoke “ Assorted (per gross). . Hands, " Seconds...... M., (Pairs) 2 00 Stnfi‘,Centre...,....... 15 /\ 811and 877 _ flN NEW YORK STANDARD, THIRD MODEL. 18 SIZE HUNTING. 5 NEW YORK STANDARD, THIRD MODEL. 5 3 U per “ Bifimce... 840 811 .. . ’ . 842 .............. . ..... 843 Roller....................................... 100 Roller.with Pins set.................... 200 Jewels. Cuck “Foot. 859 “ EndStones,Cock ......... 860 “ with Safety Pinion.... 2 50 Wheels, Centre .. l 50 “ " ‘~ Foot...... . “ Pallet ............ “ Roller.....,., 863 with Stafl‘ “ “ “ and Safety Plnlon....... 3 50 “ complete, including Cannon Pinion 5 00 Main Springs .............. Palletsund Forks...... .. 861 “ 862 “ “ ..... .... “ Bridges. 870 “ withPlnlon,... Fourth... Pallets. Forks and Arburs Palletsand Forks. Stones fltted.... . . Pallets, Forks and Arbors, Stones fitted. PalietArbnrs 869 350 Pillars ...,..... Pinions,Bevelor Winding. our Intersetting . . Interwinding . Minute....... . 75 " Cannon ........ “ Centre Safety. “ 'l‘hird ........ ‘‘ Fourth ........... “ Escape ............... 877 . _ T5 ... .................... .. " 2O2 .. Regulator. WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS GIVE N0. 0 ......... 855 “ ............... 887 888 849 850 851 852 858 8M “ 4J‘ewel. .. ...... ii ”E“? w 844 855 875 338 843 867 “ 863 \‘ ......... 150 8 75 “ 871 “ 872 " ......... .......... 800 75 75 "C “ 20 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ““ ... . 250 “ £6 Crown winding 873 “ 874 “ 875 Winding Bridge, 876 125 ...................... 75 Hair Spring stud. Ratchet“ ’ o k e .......... Spring . 1 00 8 00 8,70 ' 878 E 18SIZE HUNTING. 52 L °‘ .......... HUNTING. . 200 100 25 Screws,Baiance........ 15 ......... . rd......................,.......... 125 864 “ 865 “' 866 “ “ withpinion... 850 1 2 5 ... .. .. 15 3 E NEW YORK STANDARD, FOURTH MODEL. 18SIZE OPEN FACE. N' E 8 a; 2 Ea E 440 NEW YORK STANDARD, FOURTH MODEL. is srzn OPEN FACE. 442 470 411 and 417 410 47.5 i FOURTH MODEL 0. F. NUMBERS FROM “115,00141044100900 AND411,450,00210381712000 448 .4 25 g” 437 438 439 “ Third Fourth Escape . 175 4‘4 476 'oke .. . ...... Pillar Plate... Roller 441 Roller.withPinssch. 1 00 200 2 00 . 100 401 402 Upper “ . 442 443 444 445 ..... S e t t i n g L e v e r “ . 408 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 Dial(8feet).... . ....... .. Balance. . 5 00 800 9 00 6 00 250 448 Cock “ “ “ Barrel .......... ................ Ratchet Cap Click “ 449 600 451 “ PalletBridge” tafl and Stafl, Fitted Cock Complete.. . ...... .......... 125 3 50 125 8 50 150 “ “ with Arbor, fitted” 250 447 “ 6 00 448 " ......... ...... Arb .......... Case Dmlfoot Henlr Spring btud .................. Spring 75 75 “ “Wei 418 Hair Springs 414 Colleted“ 75 452 “ 150 453 “ 40 454 “ ills: . Winding Brld Y o k e . Assorted(per gross); 415 “ “ 416 “ “ Collets. . 50 100 456 20 457 . 250 58 “ 417 ‘418 419 420 421 422 428 424 425 428 427 428 Studs Hands,H. A;M.,s(Fairs) 455 “ Staff,Celltre” 200 1 50 250 l 50 2 50 ' Seconds“.... Jewels Cock. ...... 001; E n d Stones, Cock “ with Safety Pinion..... . 250 459 Wheels,Centre.. “ ” “ " Foot Pallet 1 50 460 . 150 461 . 1 50 452 . -. ....... .......... Roller ....... “, ..... Pallets and Forks. 463 125 464 ... Mill! Springs “ “ withPlnlon. . ...... Pallets, Forks and Al'b ms . .. PalletsyandForks.Stones fitte 6 50 406 700 457 8 50 468 l 00 469 200 470 1 00 471 2 00 412 “ “ with pinion..“. “ Esca . .. “ “ with pinion ... “ CrownWinding.... . 429 Pallets Forks and Arbors, Stone . 8 75 3 00 75 .75 T5 430 431 432 438, 434 435 436 I “ PalletArbors “ Bridges. ... “ Hour ...... “ Intereett'mg “ Intel-winding . Ratchet ............. boring Pllars . PinionsBevelor Winding. 75 ......... 100 300' 125 75 “ 478 Minute... “ Regulator” .. ..... 175 " ........ . ... . ........... CentreB a f e l y . 100 “. 150 l 75 475 477 1 00 Setting Lever Washer"... Screws, Balance . . . .. . . . . . 25 15 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 90 20 OPENFACE. “Hlllmw 1 m“ lhfimu wil. “ ‘ w i t h Staff “ “ “ “ and Safety Pinion.”..... 850 “ “ complete,including Cannon Pinion 5 00 60 500 465 “ Fourth. . “ WindingBridge. E E 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512. 518 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 580 NEW YORK STANDARD, FIFTH MODEL. s 18 SIZh HUNTING. is E 5 g g £12 a g Q, ' ' NEW YORK STANDARD, FIFTH MODEL. 23 uz 18SIZE HUNTING. 52 Upper oller 5 00 540 Roller.with Pins art 2”00 200 1 00 , q“ Aa M 541 511and574 510543 572 532 542 “ Jewels Cock ............. . 250 “ Wheels, Centre .“ Third Escape 572 Winding Bridge. FIFTH 11011111. HUNTING. NUMBERS FROM 125,001mo 150,000; 175,001TO 200,000, Pills:- Plate.....................................8”. ............. . . .. . .. 100 .................... 100 “.. Balance....... “ S M . .. ..53 . 800 541 RatchetCap. ..... Hands, H.65M.ds(Pairs)n 100 ................ withSafetyP i n i o n . . .250 Seconds 00.1: 556 250 557 “ ““““ “ “ “ Pallet ........... 150 and Safety Pinion....... 350 “ Main Springs PelletsandForks...... Pallets, Forks and Arbors Palletsyand Forks, Stones fitted...... Pallets Forks and Arbors, Stones fitted. PalletArbors. . ......... .. 60 ““ “ Fourth. “ “ withpinion... “ Escape” Roller ................... 125 with Pinion. ..... 5 00 650 700 8 50 100 .. .. 531 Pillars . . 100 532 Pinions,Bevelor Winding . 2 00 518 " Cannon ....... . 150 570 514 “ Centre Safety“ 1 00 571 Hour . .. ......................... 535 “ 536 4“ Fourth. . .............. 175 57 Yoke........... 574 ................ . 175 ......... 175 . ........ ...................... 9 00 542 . 6 00 548 . 2 50 544 .250 545 SettingLever. . Setting Lever Washer Screws, Balance . ...... . . “ “ “ “ w i t h pinion...... Crownwinding...... . “ ' 254 ' 5:37 WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS GIVE NO. OF PlECE; ALSO, WHEN POSSIBLE, NO. OF MOVEMENT. 554 20 555 Staif Centre 558 150559 . 150 560 “ “ complete,including Cannon Pinion 5 00 “ Third. 583 Regulator 600546 “ 75 547 “ 75 548 “ Hair Spring S t u d . 600 549 “ Pillar . 75 550 “ RatchetC a p .. 1 50 551 “ W i n d i n g Bna'g'e. .. 405")? “Yok... 50 553 “ Assorted (per gross)" 2 00 . 150‘ C . . 25 15 561 562 563 564 505 566 567 563 “ Intersetting.... . 569 “ Inter-winding .. “ Minute..... “ Ratchet . . Spring ”1011.11;ou H‘ 1011101111111. .. . . .. 20 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........... 150 with Start... ........... . 250 NEWYORKSTANDARD WATCHCOMPANY’SMATERIAL; 18 SIZE; OPEN FACE. 611and 674 610 643 652 682 ’ SIXTH MODEL OPEN FACE. NUMBERS FROM 200,001 T0 800,000. ____________________ 642 D PiE . 2 NEW YORK STANDARD, SIXTH MODEL. 8 g 2 NEW YORK STANDARD, SIXTH MODEL. E: E 18SIZE OPEN FACE. 3a g 18SIZE OPEN FACE. 32 Z LL ‘N Pillar Plate............. ......... .Upper “ . ......m 8 . 688 ............... 639 601 602 608 604 “ Stafl.... Regulator.............. Roller.............. Roller. with Pins set. RatchetCap. SettingLever” 100 Balance 640 . . 800 641 200 100 25 .............. .. 500 01) 200 “ andStaff,Fitted. . 900 4 6 00 . 2 50 ,250 . 600 646 .75647 605 600 601 608 609 610Click. .. ... 611 Spring" 642 648 644 645 Setting Lever Washer Screws, Balance ....... “ Cook Complete. Barrel,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 612 Dial(8 ...... .... ..... ... 600 . 40 “ Arbor “ withlArbor,fitted 20 feet) 618 HairSprings ......... . . 5 660 “ RatchetCap 20 20 20 614 615 616 "‘ “ “ “ “ Winding Bridge 617 618 619 620 621 622 628 624 625 626 627 628 629 680 681 682 PinionsBevelorWinding 633 Cananon ....... Staif.0entre.. .. . " with Safety Pinion. 150 0 250 - 654 655 656 651 658 “ 659 “ 660 “ 661 “ 684 “ 685 “ 636 631 .... .......... .. ........ .. . 1 00 .. 175 671 672 Winding Bridge 800 75 648 Cock “ 30 " 20 “ 20 “.. 20 649 ...150651 652 658 ......... “ withPinion .. .. 662“Fourth.‘..... . 125 .850 l25 ................ .. . 500 Pallets Forks and Arbors .. 650664 Pallets and Forks. Stones fi t t e d . . . ...... 700665 ““ “ Escape . 850 .150 Palletsand Forks... 663 with pinio Pallets Forksand Arbors Stonesfitted.......... S50 Pallet Arbors .................................. 100 666 667 668 “ “ “ “ “ “ Minute. “ Ratchet. . 375 800 Pillars .. Centre Safety . .................. 100 ... .. 200669 . 150 670 . . , 75 , 1 00 ‐ 125 ... 75 “ “ Tdhir Fourth“ 67 1 7 5 674 ......... Spring. Escape ...... 175 Yoke “ WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS GIVE NO. OF PIECE; ALSO, WHEN POSSIBLE, NO. OF MOVEMENT. 255 “ “ Assorted (per gross Yoke ......... 2 00 ' Wheels, Centre .. “ “ “ “ withStaff " “ ..... and Safety Pinion . 1 50 . 250 8 50 complete,including Cannon Pinion 5 00 “ withpinion Crown winding Hour ...... Intersetting. Interwinding 689 655 l .608 75 7.5 75 1 823 824 825 826 8 2 7 828 829 830 831 832 “ “ “ “ “ Fourth.. “ Interwinding “ Minute. 836 and Staff,Fitted. Cock Complete. 841 Roller. nsset....... 600 842 RatchetCap... 800 848 SettingLever“ 900 844 600 845 260 848 250 847 " Case.. 600 848 “ Dialto 75 849 “ HairSpr “ Jewel. '812 813 HairSprings .. .. . 814 S16 817 818 819 B20 821 822 " Stu .. .......... ...... ...... 150 Dial (3feetg) “ Collated... ... Collests........ ““ Hands, H&Md,(Pairs)......... Fo‘o “ Seconds... Jewels, Cock. .. Staff Centre........... “ withSafetyPinion........ . " Roller........... .. ...... Wheels, Centre.... . . 1 50 .. “ Pallet.........:~....... with Staff... 2 50 “ “ " 11ndSafetyP1n1on 350 “ complete1,110.08.1111011Pinion 5 00 . ................... Pinions, B e v e l orWinding."........ Third” . " with Pinion. ............. 125 . . ....... “ Bridges. ..... MainSprings. Palletsand Forks” P a l l e t s , o1 4 r k s a n d A r b o r s “ . . . . . I f PalletsandForks,Stonesfitted.. P a l l e t s , F o r k s a n d A r b o r s , S t o n e s fittedzz P a l l e t A r b o r s . . . . . . .......... . ......... . . Pillars. 834 Cannon” ... 838 835 “ 836 “ 887 “ 838 “ Centre Safety.... .. Third..... . .. Fourth soap ..... . ..... ... .. .. 256 Setting Lever W Screws.Balance. Cock. “ Assorted (pergross).... 2 00 HUNTING. No.60. 2 5 0 18SIZE HUNTING. tuft andStaff.Fitted.... oot EndStones,Cock.... . “ “ Foot. Pallet........ séé er Dialtoot................... HairSpringStud.. Jewe ........ .. PalletBridge.‘. . Pillar RatchetCap...... . WindingBrldge.... Yoke.................. Assorted(pergross).... entre..... .......... ....... .. OPEN FACE. 61. ......... . . .... withsétr.'.'...... ........III.' “ “ an SafetyPinion, 5 E! = z 1118 1114 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1134 1185 1186 1181 18SIZE HUNTING. in s 12° 5 w .'.1 91 z 1138 é’» 1.12 o 9-1 1188 1103 1156 1166 1169 1141 1161 1135 1186 1165 1129 1137 1104 1126 1133 1127 1130 1189 1103 1171 1128 1155 Dial (3feet) H a i r Springs. “ Collete “ Pallet... ........ 1159 1 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1156 1167 1168 11 1172 1173 1174 ..n..-... 1124 1125 Mains rings...... 1126 Pallet orks.... . " R o l l e r . - . ... . 1173 1172 18 SIZE HUNTING. 1154 113K , l?. . ..........1 ....... Pallets.Stonesfiteblif.. ............ Pallets, Forks and Arbors, Stonesfltted....:: P a l l e t s PalletArbors.. P i l l a r s ........ “ “ “ “ ............ ................ Hour" . . . . . f 5 fl 1:1 1110 , 1143 1152 g 1182 1112 1111a n d 1174 __E . , 1 _ _2 1156 _2 57 1155 __1 1158 u. 11 258 Re ulator....... . 100 .. “$100 ..s..... 1139 1140 Roller.withPinsset ..... . 200 1141 Ratchet Cap. ................. .1 200 Roefir 1142 SettingLever.......... 100 u 1154 Stafl,Centre HUNTING. No. 80. ...... ........... .... 1%8 1241 1207 1278 ‘ 1 2 1 0 1 2 4 8 s6-1 E 1252 E “g E 1 18SIZE HUNTING. 18SIZE HUNTING. 520 a. 1208 1209 “ u ............... 250 Cock.. u 0856. 20 80 B a r r e .......................... 50 15 18 SIZE. OPENFACE. No.81. "“ “ ................... . .... 20 20 1215 1216 “ “ St . 1252 Yok 1217 Hands, 1218 " " Seconds . 100 . 2 50 1256 Wheels, Centre... ta andStaff,Fitted Cock Complete” .. . .......... 6001243 RatchetCusp ...... - 2 00 ‘ . 2 0 0 - 100 1210 0110 ................... 1211 “ S ring 1245 6 00 1246 “ “ HairSpringStu “ ......... “ RatchetCap. “ WindingBridge..... 20 20 20 20 (3feetg) 1247 1212 D i a l 1213 H a i r Springs 1214 “ “ Collete 1249 7 5 1250 1501251 . . .. H.&M, ................ ....... 600 Collets 200 150 250 1 50 ...... “ ...................... 1254 Staff, Centre . 1 “ withSafetyPinion. 1219 Jewels, Cock ................... 250 . 150 1258 “ “ “ “ andSafetyPinion. 850 , 1 50 1259 “ 1“ complete inc. Cannon Pinion 5 00 1220 1221 “ EndStones,Cock.. .. . 250 _ 150 1260 “ T 1222 “ Foot“ 1223 “ Pallet................ 1224 “ sRoller.. ....... ... 1226 Sfings 1226 Pallet orks........ .............. 1230 PalletArbors................,......... , 1 0 0 1 00 2 0 0 150 1270 “ Minute. 1 00 1271 ~ “ Ratchet 175 1272 WindingBridge 1231 Pillars...... ........ . 1232 Pinions,Bevel o rWinding 1238 “ . 1234 “ "...... . 1267 1268 1269 “ Intersettingn “ Interwinding 75 75 75 1 00 300 125 75 125841234126111265 1229 1226 1227 1280 1228 1289 1205 1254 1211and 1274 1236 12311204 . ' 1242 2a .... 1257 with Stafl . .. ...... . 500 1263 " Fourth............... “ “ withPinion. .. 350 " 150 "“ 875 “ Crownwinding.... 8 00 " 75 1 2 5 1262 ...... .... .6501264 125 1227 Pallets 1228 Pallets, Stones fitted. .................. , 700 1229 Pallets.ForksandArbors,Stonesfitted.. .. 850 1266 1 “ 1“ 175 1237 “ 175 1274 “ Spring. E2 8 ae m 1244 Reulabor.................. R0 er Roller,withPins-set....... . . 00 5 00 800 900 1242 SettingLever. .$1 100 75 75 1248 Dialtoot........ . 60 1261 “ 125 “ w i t h Pinion... 850 259 1265 1273 o k e .......... Setting Lever Wher Screws, Balance 25 40 . 50 1253 “ Assorted(pergross).. ..... F . 16 SIZE. 'i 3l 1010 “ Wheel .. Click and Arb'vr .......... . . 200 __ 250 ...... 200 .... 125 . 75 ‘ z , " ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ’ 40 - ' Pinions,BevelorWlnding..... “ C a n n o n . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . ; . . . . 3 .. 50 1 00 NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH COMPANY’S. M A T E R I A L , 1010 1010 Kf '-‐‐ ‘ 1002 1005 i NEW. YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL, SIXTEEN SIZE. ‘ Pallets,ForksandArbors............ ....... . “ “ v“ “ Btonesflttcd.........‘..............; ........ .. ' Net P2,“ Tap Plate These parts will befitted at the Factory. ' Barrel Bridge ‘ BalanceCock,complc-te. . ................................................................................ 3900 No. ' ,oz. Plilnr Pym 1001 1002 1008 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1011 1012 1018 Crown Wheel Washer, Steel. 1014 Dials 1015 FlatRatchetSpring. 1016 H a i r Springs, Collated. .. 1017 “ “ Breguet... 1018 “ “ Col lets. . 1019 “ “ Studs .... 1020 Hands, H. & M. (Pairs).... . . Balance,Expansion ..... . “ Stnfl’ ............. 750 ..... Barrel,SteelSafety................ “ Arbor ................... s50 12 00 100 000 1 50 15 250 1 50 1 50 150 . 00 150 125 500 7 00 050 850 100 200 2 5 0 1 9 0 “ Spring .............. .......... . .............. “ with Stafl' fitted ............ " “ E n d Stones Cock in Settings. . . .... 1021 1022 Jewels, Cook in Settings. 1023' “Foot“ .... 1034 1025 1020 1007 1028 1020 1030 1031 1032 1038 1034 1035 1036 1037 1033 1039 1 0 . 1 0 u u n F000 55 ..' Seconds ........ . . .. ......... 20 2 50 " Upper Plate “ ‘5 Lower Plate “ “ Pallet..... ................ “ “ BridgeinSettings‘..... . . .. “ Roller LiftingSprlngs..... Main Springs ........ PalletsandForks.... ........ . ..... .. .. u “ “ Stonesfltted.......... PnlletArbors.......... .....-....... “ Bridges... ....... . .. ...,... . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHEN ORDERING, ALWAYS GIVE _NO. OF PIECE; ALSO. WHEN POSSIBLE, NO. OF MOVEMENT. ’ ' 260 . . . . 0. F. 1086 1006 1088 . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ............ ' 1051 10m AL 41 1°79 1 0 “ ‘ 1077 1075 A10°]o “ ........... F o u r t h . “ “ “ " “ " “ “ “ ............................ ................. ... ................. .................... ... ................ HairSprlngStud 1049 Hunting and Open Face. 1018 ‘ 1015 4-‘0' 1 'H"'\ ‘1l1 1011 1011 1040 1065 1 0 1 2 1 0 4 1 1042 1043 1044 ®®®é. 8"3 1067 No. 1042 10-18 1044 1045 1016 1047 1048 1049 1060 1051 1052 1058 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1050 1060 1001 1062 1068 1064 1065 1006 1061 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1018 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1070 1072 1074 1069 1071 NEW YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. SIXTEEN SIZE. ' 02. “ Escape....... Regulator . . “ Springs Rollers... .. h with Pins set .................. “ s ,,_. . . . . ........... SettlngLevers,H .1 u 0 . ..... .. Screws, Balance .......... .. . .. .. .............. . ................ Shifting Cam “ Bane.king “ “ .............. Click Spring CrownWhee l Dial Foot ................ . ...................... .. Flat Ratchet Spring“ LiftingSpring ............. ............................... 20 Wheels, Centre“ .. .................... 25 150 350 800 125 85 125 8 50 150 8 75 2 00 " ‘“ .........., . . . .......... . . “ " ‘~ " ., “ “ " '- with Pinion Four/t ...~. " with Pinion.. Escape. . " with Pinion. Flat Ratchet.” Hour 1 . . v Intermediate Settin MamWin ng ..... . .. ...... ......................................... . ......................................... ........................................ .. . 20 Mean Time PalletBl‘idge. Plate and Barrel Bridge S‘prlngConnecting 1. . ............ “ withSiafi’and Pinion.. .. .. . Crown Winding “ ' .............................. .; 75 151) .............. Minute WEEK ORDERING, ALWAYS GIVE NO. OF, l‘IECE; ALSO, WHEN POSSIBLE) NO. OF MOVEMEST. 15 261 ' ‘1903 f' IIll Q O 1089 1003 1078 ......... ........... ...................... 75 Net Frieze 771 759 761 737 774 778 706 705 712 i 710 772 768 770 786 785 W liflflflflltl 757 777 742 731 709 5 778 sea Qg l- 4 100 100 2 00 2 00 100 25 15 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 00 l 50 250 1 50 250 ‘ p ng Dial (3 feet).. Hair Springs.”...... Pillar......... RatchetCap . Belting Lever.. V,inding Bridge 745 711 NEW m m ; STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. 6 SIZE HUNTING. Upper “ Balance............... . N s I: NEW YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. 6 SIZEHUNTING. “ Cut Expansion . u Sta.ir " “ and Staff, Fitted Cock Complete“ with rArbor, fitted.... 50 .......... “ Case.. “ Clicks“rl' .. .. 00 75 751 75 752 “ PalletBridge... Collated. " Seoon s. 50 757 “ Yok .. “ Assorted (per gross) Siafi Centre.......... “ withSafetyPinion....... Wheels, Centre. “ “ “ withPinion 125767“Fourt . “ “ withpinion “ " Crown winding. Jewels Cock ‘oot. . .. .759 250 760 250 761 800 762 150 763 1 50 764 PalletArbnrs .. . ...... . “ Intel-winding” . 75 75 Cannon “ Centre Safety Third “ Fourlh'." .. “ Escape . 75 .......... 800 ..................... 125 ........ 20 “ Plate in Settings . “ End Stones Cock.“.. u “ “ “ “ withStafi‘....' .. “ “ andSafetyPinlo .. 850 on 500 “ Pallet. l50 60 766 complete,includingCannon rd.......... . l 25 . 350 .125 ,850 .150 “ Roller ..... Main Springs. Pallets and Forks. Pallets, Forks and Arbors Palletsyand Forks, Stones fitted Pallets Forks and Arbors, Stones fitted.:......... 50 771 . 00777 WindingBridge. ... 17? 778 Y o k 779 Banking Screws. ................. 20 788 789 788 740 O 746 . . 500 768 “ “ withpinion 50769 “Es ° 1, Ai g k a 600 758 “ 75 754 “ 1 50 755 “ 40 756 “ if 742 00 743 25 744 00 745 00 746 00 747 R0 748 50 749 Cook I 00 7.58 00 770 .. 8 75 .. l 8 00 741 Re lator. ..... 750 765 . ............... Roller.with Pins set.. Ratchet Cap . ..... BettingLever... Setting Lever Washer.". Screws,Balance ..... ... . [er “ D i a l f00t ........ “ Hair Spring Stud. k 00 00 778 00 774 00 775 “ Minute..... 50 776 “ Ratchet. ........ 100 772 Hour “ Intel-setting” “ HUNTING. .... 75 . .. .. 75