Pocket Watch Database
Location: Peoria, Illinois
Years of Operation: 1885-1895
Predecessor: Fredonia Watch Co.
Reorganized from the Fredonia Watch Co., 1885
Production Jewels: 9-15 Jewels
Production Sizes: 18s
Total Production: ~47,000
Factory Building Status: Demolished. Property was once located on the campus of current day Bradley University.
Average Rarity:
Serial Number Lookup

Wednesday, November 18, 1885
November 17, 1885
The Peoria Watch Co. is incorporated with a capital stock of $250,000.

Friday, September 18, 1885
December 19, 1885
The Fredonia Watch Co. is purchased by the Peoria Watch Co. The previous Fredonia movements are refinished and sold as Peoria watches.

Thursday, December 2, 1886
The Peoria Watch Co. commences operations in Peoria, Illinois.
March 1886
Construction begins on a new factory to house the operations of the Peoria Watch Co.

June 1887
Construction of the new Peoria Watch Co. factory is completed and operations begin.
August 1887
So many orders are submitted for Peoria's new railroad watch that the company is unable to keep up with demand. Customers begin to complain stating that the escapement is faulty and the finish is poor.

August 10, 1887
The Great Chatsworth train wreck kills several current and previous employees of the Peoria Watch Co. on an excursion to Niagara Falls.
The Peoria Watch Co. produces roughly 30 movements per day and employs 90 people.

Published 1988
The Peoria Watch Co. ceases operations and the factory is sold to Lydia Moss Bradley to open a horological school. Much of the factory equipment and remaining material is utilized by the school.

Thursday, October 8, 1896
October 7, 1896
The factory originally used for operations at the Peoria Watch Co. catches fire and much of the machinery owned by the Parson's Horological School is destroyed.

Published 1968
The remaining structure from the original Peoria Watch Co. factory, renamed Seipert Hall on the campus of Bradley University, is demolished.