Pocket Watch Database

The New York Jeweler Illustrated Catalogue by S.F. Myers & Co. No. 40 (1896)

Contains movement lists for Waltham, New York Standard, Elgin, Non-Magnetic Watch Co., E. Howard & Co., New Columbus, Trenton, Imitation American, and U.S. Watch Co. Waltham. The solid gold cases are listed without the manufacturer identification.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $176.92

Acquisition Date: August 28, 2022

Digitized Date January 03, 2023

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3 oN SeOSS o Sports RRicimondCimes-Dispale 1894 paid as I Ф 179.92 remember, Kainevowsroadss Richmond Simes-Dispatch For home delivery call 644-4181 or visit inRich.com O r e UPS EAR as NRE. ae ase NEW-YOrK Correspondence in al Languages. GErMaN-Correspondenz in Deutsch. FreNcH-Correspondance en Francals. SPANISH-Correspondencia en Idioma Castellano. IrAtIN-Correspondenza in Linguea Italiana. serve, being long since acknowledged serve, being long since acknowledged the sta the stan market. ndard for prices in this market. dard for prices in this Respectfully, Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS.. * 1896 To oar astomers and het Trade. P W NHIS spllendiid volumeo‐ouur Catalogue for 1896‐is in all respeuic)so thoroughly Catalogue for 1896i s in all respects so thoroughly complete as to rivetinstant attention and prove not only of interest but off complete as to rivet instant attention and prove not only of interest but exceedinggreat value. exceeding great value. Established departments have been greatly improved and enlarged, new Established departments have been greatly improved and enlarged, new | andd attracttiive departments added,, andd alll that is new and gov! inpa cepeen at is new and novel in European or American markets finds or Ame illustrationin these fine pages. ‐ rican markets finds illustration in these fine pages It istruethatinmanyofourdepartmentsthemarginofprofitsandmethodsoftrading It is true that in many of our departments the margin of profits and methods of trading are steadily drifting towards the basis of a commission house, and the modern prob‐ are steadily drifting towards the basis of a commission house, and the modern prob- lemofreachingthepeoplewiththe leastpossible expenseissolvedmoreorlessbycon-n‐ lem of reaching the people with the least possible expense is sol cerns of our kind, who, concentrating under one management so many different lines, cerns of our kind, who, concentrating under one management so many different lines, naturally reduces the cost of handling to a minimum. naturally reduces the cost of handling to a minimum. va Owning our own business property assists us further in figuring on the cost of our Owning our own business property assists us further in figuring on the cost of our various wares and reducing the cost rious wares and reducing the cost of t e, altogether permitting us to quote prices of the sam he same, altogether permitting us to quote prices based on such margins as are ordinarily charged by legitimate commission houses. based on such margins as are ordinarily charged by legitimate commission houses. These important facts, which cannot be controverted, it is true, exclude the majority of These important facts, which cannot be controverted, it is true, exclude the majority of single-line manufacturers or wholesalers from being in a position to compete.with us,,buut itin single-line manufacturers or wholesalers from being in a position to compete this ageof progress all things inevitably tend to ‘‘ the survival of the fittest.” this age of progress all things inevitably tend to « the survival of the fittest." A costly, laborious and comprehensive work like this‐by far the largest ever pub: A tly, laborious and comprehensive work like this_-by far the largest ever pub- lishhede-d‐i-sis worthy,, andd willl nodoubt receiive the attenttiion andccarre its maniiffoldld merits dee- ‐ 8 8 THE, NEW- YORKJ EWKDE 1896 CATALOGUE No. 40. CATALOGUE No. 40. General Etc. General Information, Terms, Etc. Information, Terms, OnEnvelopes. O n a s n v e l o n a s York or a or any of the principal cities. Reasonable time should be nyof theprincipal cities. Reasonable time should be Address allllcommuunniicattions to the fiarm. allowed on first orders, unless received from parties of unques‐ allowed o n hrst orders, York unless received from parties or unques. F o r m e r P r i c e s FormerPrices. Terms.,quotations anddiscounts in allllformerpubllications are tioned t o n e d ra tuinsg.. herebycancellled. Order Blanks.. Order blanks and addressed envelopes furnished gratis. Order blanks and addressed envelopes furnished gratis, C Ch hanges anges Anychangesthatmayoccuronprices,etc.,mentionedherein Any changes that may occur on prices, etc., mentioned herein DIVIDE ORDER.. Write ppllaaiinnllyy and a l wayspputtbu tooneli teemo naa and Reducttiions.. before issuingourrnextnumber, wiillllbe made oniinnvvoiiceswithout lime Classify goods underour leading.d e p a r t m e n t s a s follows: previous nontice.. OuroccasionalNetPocketPrice-Lists,or O u r o c c a s i o n a r e t r o c k e t Pricesrisis.OT Lime.. Classifygoodsunderourleading department:asfollows: 1,Watches;1D,Diamonds;2,GoldJewelry ;2P,PlatedJewelry; 1,Watches;1D,Diamonds;•2,GoldJewelry;22,PlatedJewelry; My Myers? Monthly Jeweler,willnoteallimportantchanges. ers'Monthly J e w e l e r . Willnoteallimportantchanges. 3.ToolsandMaterials;30, OpticalGoods; 4 Findings;5,Silver‐ ›, Optical Goods ; 4 Findings; 5. Silver- you change your address, kindly advise us at o n c e o f 3. Tools and Materials;3 0 ; all other lines as Miscellaneous. Change oft Locattiion.. Should y o u change your address, kindly advise us at once of Should ware; 5C, Clocks; 6 ware:o . Clocks:6, Jo , Jobbing ; a l l other lines as Miscellaneous. bbing the factsowemaycorrectourmailinglists, : the f a c tso we may correct our mailing lists. This will save us time in analyzing and copying, and facilitate the This willsave ustime in analyzing and copying, and facilitate the samei nallt h eDepartments a t theone Just As You Order. O R D E R S F O R G O O D S illustrated in this Catalogu ORDERS FOR GOODS illustrated in this Catalogue prompt filling of the same in all the Departments at the one shouldbesentdiirecttto us,for alll engravingshereinare madefrom time. Z F 3 P P h h o o t t o o g g r r a a p p h h s s o o f f S S t t o o c c k k o o n n hH a a n n d d , ; a a n n d d i i n n m m a a n n y y a i n n s s t t a a n n c c e e s s Orderr Blanks in U Upo pon n application we will furnish gratis our regular order application we will furnish gratis our regular order areonlytobe purchased orf orr Ut hn rroou sua ugu s she . Should orders S h o u l d Orders Copyiing Ink.. blanks printed w i t h c o p y i n g i n k . blanks printed with copyingink. for theessame be sent inadverrttenttlly to compettiitors,, they are laiabblle for Don'’tt Cutt this In Ordering,it isnot necessaryto cut or mutilate any In Ordering,itisnotnecessarytocut or mutilate any tos to bstitute, a su ubstitute, a n d if an u n s ndifanunscrupulouscompetitor.thesub‐ c r u p u l o u s p e t i t o r . c o m the sub. Illustrattiionnout ofthisis. Cattallogguuee;;wennever,asarule,sseenndda stitutionwouldbesomewhatsimilarindesign and of an inferior Catalogue., stitution would be somewhat similar in design and of an inferior duplicatecopytotthesameparties..Alwaysgivenumberofpage Always give number of page g q u u a a ri li u ty y. . and number of article with each order. and numberofarticlewitheach order Learn off Whom You Do n o t be misled by price-lists scattered promiscuously and Do not be misled by price-lists scattered promiscuously and Young Beginners. W eareinclined to give asmalllineofcreditwith10or30 Young Beginners. We are inclined to give a smallline of credit with 10 or 30 Rvery degler should be as careful ofthe B B u u y y. . intteennddeed’ to m is le a d.. Every dealer should be ascareful of the ae days’time,toyoungbegiinnerrss,,orssmaalldealers,provideduney days' time, ll dealers, p r o v i d e d t h e y standiingandfinanciiallratingoftthosehe buysfromassaallllrreputt‐ haveagoodrecordandsendusastatementof RIVeagoodrecordandsendusastatementof ablehousesareofthosetheyselllto.. Consultthenearestbanker Consult the nearest Ttheirraffairs,,etc..,,orwhocanfurnish guarantee.. for theCommercialAgencyrrattiingorrcreditt of unknownorr irre-‐ We,, assarrule,, openn no newaaccounttssonour lledgerrss belolow sponsible concerns before entrusting them with any Orders. Smallestt New Accounts.. sponsible concerns before entrusting them w i t h any Orders. $10.. CCaassh shoulld accompanyy firstt orders forr a les amountt.. Our Trraveling Alltthough we have a number of salesmen travelers,, it is im- ‐ Theycarry,probably,a Remiittanccees.s. R e m i t t a n c e s may beemade byy drafts onnNew Yorrkk Banks,, Salesmen. Salesmen, p o s siib le f o r t h e m to sto p at allll citie s.. They carry, probably, a Express Express Money Orders, P. O. Mo MoneyOrders,P .O. MoneyOrders and ney Orders and Postal Notes. osta votes. morecompleteandvaried assortmentthan the majority of com‐ more complete and varied assortment. than the majority or com- Checks on country Banks must have exchangeadded,o rwewill petingrepresentatives. Should you not be on their visiting Should you not be on their visiting Checks on country Banks must have exchange added, or we will d e o u e t t h e s a m e . deduct t h e same. Money Orders or Postal Notes are preferred by MoneyOrdersorPostalNotesarepreferredby list, we shall be glad to informyouwhenoneofthemmaybe w e shall be glad to informyouwhenoneofthemmaybe 1u1s8 OonR Ssm a llrrem itttaance s . A l w a y s mentionin letter the Alwaysmentioninletterthe expected in your iimmediate vicinity.. a m o u n t e n c l o s e d . a m o u n t e n c l o s e d . Goods on To assiistt infaciillitattiing sales,, we are always wiilling to sendtto Ourr Travelliing Salesmenn areoonlyyaautthorizedto collectforr Memorandumor responsibleparties,onmemoranduminvoice,diamonds, memorandum responsiole vardes. on m e m o r a n d u m invoice, diamonas. Collecting. Collecting. firm'saccount. when they have a statement or written autority. firm’saccount,whentheyhaveastatementorwrittenauthority. Approvall.. watches,,orfineplatedorgoldjjewelry, suchasthere maybe a the customer. Inordering Wee preferdirectremiittancess.. reasonable chance ofr disposiingof to the customer. In ordering such ‘memorandums ” mention illustrated designs herein, to memorandum s» mention illustrated designs nerein, to Shipping Directions. Shipping Directions. W i t h a l l o r d e r s , invariably give Full Name, Post Office Withallorders,invariablygiveFullName, PostOffice gS iI vr e us a definite idea of what is wanted. On memorandum a definite idea of what is wanted. O n m e m o r a n d u m addressofTown,Countyand State. Also address of where, addressofTown, county and state there. o rd e rs w e a l l o w a re a s onable t im e f o r in s p ecttiion,, selection, and selecuon. andhow,,theGoodsareto bessent.. In ordering moraerials r e porrttin g t to o u u s s. . Whensuch packages arereturned, p l e a s e s e a l w h e n such packases a r ereturned BulkyGoodsstateinvariablywhethertoshipbyFreightor odsstateinvariablywhethertoship by Freight or s u m e a n d o m i t w r i t i n g v a l u a t i o n o n t h e m , a s a l Ll o o u u r r g g o o o o d d s s i i n n sameandomitwrangvaluauonontel.asal. Express,andthenameofa n yparticularline that m a y Express.andthenameofa n yparticularline that m a y tTrra n s iit a r e c co o v v e e r r e e d u by insurance. Don’t forget mailing or O v insurance. Don't forget mailing or beprrefferrrred.. W h e nnnoo ttstatedo n t h e Order, we encllosing le t t e roff a dviic e.. willnmotjibe responsiiblle ifshippeddifferentlyfromthe if shioned differently from the w a y desiired.. Concentrate Your] A L II FT TE L E C A L C UL ATIION willl prove that quitte a O O r r d d e e r r s s . . r e s p e c t a b l e s u m c a n b e s a v e d d u r i n g t h e y e a r b b y y s s e e n n d d i i n n gg a a l l l l respectablesumcanbesavedauringuseyear In In In Sending S ding sending Pack en in SemainePackagesto Us byOpen Mail or Open ag esto Us by OpevMailorOpen yourOrdersforgoodsinno u rluinetooonehmouse,and don't place any. written matter inside, or MaililtoUs.. Registered Maiill,, don’t place any written matter inside, er havethem in returnreach you prompttllyandin one package or accorrdiingto the lPoossttOtfhfice Rulles,,we willl be comppeellled tooppay shipment, avoiding unnecessary and vexatious deiays, besides shipment. avoiding unnecessary a n d vexatious delays, DesideS the fululrate,thesameasonasealed package.Onlly severrallexpress charges. packagesofffourpoundsmaybesentthroughthe mails. We are We are n ott re s ponsiible f o r m oney or contents c l a i m ed to have been Repaiirriing,, Job Work In thiissDeparttmentt weeemplloy onlytheebest workmen,and enclosed in a ny package receiiptted by us.. and a a t t t t e e n n d d t t o o a a l l l l t t h h e e wW a a n n t t s s o o f f t t h h e e T T r r a a d d e e a a s s f t a a r r a a s s s S p p e e c c i i a a l l W o r k o r Workor Jobbing of any kind and Repairingis concerned. In sending us J o b b i n g o f a n y k i n d a n d R e p a i r i n g i s c o n c e r n e d . I n s e n d i n g u s C. 0. D. Goods shipped " Collect on Delivery? to all parts of the Goods shipped “ Collect on Delivery” to all parts of the SpeciiallOrders.. suchworkattacha tag toeach article,with the address onone s u c h w o r k a t t a c h a t a g t o e a c h a r u c i e . w i l d t o e a d d r e s s o n o n e Deposit. worrlld.. Ordersfromadistanceorfromstrangers mustbe accom‐ Orderstroma castanceortromsuangers mustoe accom siddee,andinstructions,,asfar aspracticabblle,,onthe otheerr.. UOrr,,enn-‐ paniedwithaa depossiit of 10 per c entt. on th e esttim a te d amount closealetterofinstructionsinthepackagewhensentbyexpress. close a letter of instructions in the package when sent by express. ordered. Iftogowithinashortdistance.sendsuicientdeposit ordered. If to go within a short distance, send sufficient deposit Send letterr by separate maiill,, whenarrttiicle is sentt in the sameway., tocoverallexpenses. Ofcoursetheamountremittedwillbe to cover a l l expenses. Of course the amount remitted w i l l be a a n n d d w r i t e o n p p a a c c k k a a g g e e t t h h e e n n a a m m e e a a n n d d a a d d d d r r e e s s s s o o f1 S S h h i i p p p p e e r r . , where o n deductedfromthebill. d e d u c t e df r o m t h e b i l l a n d 6¢ *F o rRR ee p a i rD e p a r ttmeenntt. .’ ?" A sw e wish t o insure DESASSEWESTEROPESTEE cC.. 0. D.. Privilege of examination before paying C. O. D. allowed Privilege of examination before paying C. O. D. allowed thoroughsattisfiactcion,,alllow areasonablletuime foor retcuurnr ofthe TRIO throughsuchexpresscompaniesaswillllperrmititit,,buttnoopartof same. same By Express. By Express. the C. O. D. package can be selected, as thisis against t h e ru le s the C. package can be selected, as this is agains Damages on Watches ALYL. WATCHES are invariiabblyly examiinedd by a practtiicaall of alll companiies.. Wwe willll pay for the expense of returniing andClocks. and Glocks. watchmakerr,before leavingthehouse,andforwardedingood leaving the house gOOC a n d f o r w a r d e d money on C.. O.. D.. packages amounttiingg to over $20 nett.. N oOCC.0. O . o rd err. B u t as they are liable to be damaged while in transit, B u t a s t h e y a r e m a o e t o De c a m a g e d w a l e i n t a n s i o D.shipmentssenttforlesstthan$o5.. Remitcashforsmallerorders, Remitcash forsmallerorders s s h h o o u u l l d d a a n n y y b b e e r r e e c c e e i i v v e e d d i i n n b b a a d d c c o o n n d d i i t t i o o n n , , o r b r o k e n , w e w i l l e x ‐ • o r o r o k e n .w e w e x - Cc . . 0 O . . D D . . B B u u l l k k y y g g o o o o d d s s . , s s u u c c h h a a s s c c l l o o c c k k s s , , s s i i l l v v e e r r w w a a r r e e , , m m a a c c h h i i n n e e r r y y , , e e t t c c . . , , s s e e n n t t changeorrrepairthemfreeoffcharge,,ifreturnedatonce,or C..0О.. D by freight,, markedd *6*Orderrooff So. F. Mi.& Co,?? insideoflbdays. Wepositivelymakenoallowances insideo rb OaVs. W e p o s i t i v e l y m a k e n o a l l o w a n c e s By Freight. ByFreight. The invoiceismailed direct to buyer and the bill of lading (in‐ Theinvoiceismailed directto buyerand the billoflading(in. f o r r e p aii r s m a d e ells e wmhe re . Clocksare examined thor-‐ dorsedbyusoverttohim)),,accompaniiedby adraftforttheamountt oughly before packiing,, extra care beiing taken intthe same. A l l of invoice (lessgdepossiti)ti i s s sent t t o o th e nearesttbbaannkk forccoolllecttiion.. movablepartsoncertainkinds(pendulums,etc.,)aredetachedand movablepartsoncertainkinds(vendulums.etc.. aredetachedand Uponpaymentofthiissdrafftttthe billlloff_llaaddiningg, issdelliiverredandd securely fastened tothe bottom. Black wood, marble, iron and securely fastened to the bottom. black wood, marble, iron a n d goods procuredfrom the R. R. Agent. Goods by freight re procured from the R. R. Agent. u Goods by f reightrequire q ire r e g ulla to r s a rree p w a a c c k k e e d oo on n e e in aca se. We alwaysprocurea recehiept from one to twoweeks longerthanby expresss.. : fotogrueahtiippininpgaindgooadoradler,,buttaarre nottreresspponsibiblec ( th e V ia Expresss.. We,asa@rule,seal allsmall or ordinary size packages that rule of all clock companies) for safe delivery. The transpo rule of all clockcompanies) for sate rta‐ The tra ns p orta We,asarule,seal all smallo rordinary sizepackages that are shippedby express,sending all packages valued at $2or over a r e s n i o v e oo v e x o r e s ss e n o u n g a u p a c k a g e s v a l u e d a t s z o r o v e r tionncompanyyislliabletoyoufor anydamagethattmayocurrtto the m whiilleeinttrranssiitt.. t t h h a a t t w w a a y y i i f f mn o o t t i i n n s s t t r r u u c c t t e e d d o o t t h h e e r r w w i i s s e e . . Office Matterrss. . Use a separate sheet of paper, w i t h m a m e a n d a d d r e s s Use a separate sheet ofpaper, w i t h n a m ea n d a d d r e s s Insure Goods Ordered insure Goods Ordered _ Mailmaattetreisr ai sbasbsoolluuttely at the riskk of the purchaserr,, unless for oflffiice mattters,,such asrreemittatannces on accountts,,inquiries ast€e tobe tohe insured. Registeringcosts eight cents extrafor each parcel,but i n s u r e d . stering costs eightcents extrafor each parcel, but i r d o e s n o t it does not Sguara n te e delivery. We register packages de accounts, statements, credits, ete. accounts. statements. credits. etc. livery packages Shipped byy Maiil,l, . orderedbby maaiillwhenthe value is over$2.. We have arrangedteo GeneralInquiries. General Inquiries. Useaseparate sheetoffpaperr,,withnameandaddress,,for issuepolicesoffininssurrancesformaaiillpackages,,andrecommendtheiir generrallinquiiries,,such ass estimates on specciiall wWoOrk, errors• inN use, Opeennm m a ai i l maatttte r may be i A n S su mн r е e ф d as• follows., (which we shipping, etc. Ww e cheeerrffullly ans w e r inq uiries o f any natturre., charge for with goods and postageon invoicice)e:): Forrunregiistered butisey areburiedinthebodyofalettertheyareapttobe butiftheyareburiedinthebodyofalettertheyareanttobe parcelvaluedatS$5orless,fivecceenntts;the same when valued parcevaluedat or less.rive overlooked. overlooked from$so5to $s1i0,,tencenttss;;for registered parcels, valued at more for valued m O r e CCoomplaints Atttended We willll consiider it a favor if ourr customers willll inform us t t h h a a n n S$ 1i 0o a a n n d d l e s s t h a n $ 2 5 , fi v e c e n t s ; f r o m $ 2 5 t o $ 1 0 0 , less t h a n$25,fi v ec e n t s ;f r o m$25 to $100, te n to byythe Firm.. verballyorbymailofanyn v e r b a lv o r o v m a i t o r re e s g u lig r e e n n c c e e o r iInadtutenttio n on the part part centtss.. Ifyouwishyourmailmatterinsuredmentiondistinctly Itvou wish vour mail matterinsured mention distinctiv ofanvofouremplovees.oroferrors in mlling orders. In everv of any of our employees. or of errors in fillimg orders. In every w i t h e a c h o r d e r 6 Im s u r e . » witheachorder¢*Imsure.?? large concern errors will occur, butwe are always glad to rectify largeconcerngrowswileccur, butwearealwaysgladot rectify Packin Packing, g. Wemake no charge for Cases or Packing, and no Cartage We make no charge for C ase acking, themwhen advised of the fact. Mark your envelopes ** P e r = charged on s or P and no Cartage g0oo0 d0 sS shipped vwia Freiightt,, provided the Order sonal sons.99ifvouthinktheerrorshouldhavethefirm'spersonal amountsto$20orover. if you think the error should have the firm’s personal amounts to $20 or over. attention. attention Packagesto Enclose.. We willll nott be responsiiblle for parcels sent to us "‘ t o be Claims Guaranteed.. Alll claims mustt be made withiin 100days from receiiptt of goodss. . packe d w i t h o th e r go o d s ,.’ or any p a c k a g e s we are in s t ru c t e d t eo Wee guarantee allllgoods asrepresented or invoiced. Ift in an send to octherhmouses to enclose. exceptional case a misrepresentation occurs, we ‘will gladly exceptional case misrepresentaton occurs. wIll gladly exchangeorrreffunddmoneyyat anytime.. Iffgoodsareasrepresentteedd Ownerrshhiip.. When we h a v e secured the proper receipt for mer‐ Whenwehavesecuredtheproperreceiptformer. chandise e x o r ss, freight, man, etc., e d chandise shipped wia expre freight, mail, etc., t i t l e h a s orr m ma ad d e e two o rdeerrs, n o exchange allowed unless itt issSOo eos, e nas passed:accordingto the legal rulings, a m d o u r responsi-= arranged by previous agreement. passed,according to the legal rulings, and our responsi bility ceases.. : Terms., Our regular time on a p p r o v e d references is four months O u r regular time on a p p r o v e d references is four months WhenYouVisiitt When youvisiitt the Meturopollis make our placeyourhead.‐ nett,,ornote asarranged,less thheeusuallcashdiscouunnt.t. New York., quarrtters.. Have your letters addressed to,our care, and they wild H a v e your letters addressed to our care, and theywill References. References. Weare pleasedto open accounts with responsible dealers. W e are pleased to open accounts with responsible dealers. be found in charge of our P . O . Cle pecial desks and writing befoundinchargeofourP.O.Clrk. S erk. Special desks and writing .TDihneafirsst o O r r c de e r r s s h p o o u u ld d b d e e a a c c c c o o m m p p a a n n ie i d e dw iithn refierence o o n n Nn e w matterriials for customerrss’aacccoommmmooddaattiionon 2ddfloorr.. All Prices Quoted in This Book are List with a Uniform Discount. All Prices Quoted in This Book are List with a Uniform Discount. 1896 5 1896P FORTIETHILLUSTRATEDCATALOGUES$186 (ETH JLLUSTIOAICEATDAL a _1863-1896.‐ 1863-1896. DEPARTMENT INDEX.. T T a a b b l l e e o o f f C C o o n n t t e e n n t t s s , , P P a a g g e e s s 7J F a a n n d d 8B . . oo x 1 r nw Pagess.. : L Pages. Pages. 41 to 134 Bicycles, Etc. - - 810 to 813 . - - A to134 i |y Bicycles,Etc. : . . 810to813 Classiified Indexx,, Page 41.. Classified Index, Page 7. Classified Index, Page 7. Watches, Watches , ~ Diamonds Diamonds, , . - - - '•Classiified Index,, Pagee 9.. MGolld Jewellry,, .- - - Classified Index,, Page 136.. Plated Jewellrry,, - - - - - Classiified Index,, Page 136.. Canes and Umbrellas, C a n e s a n d U m b r e l l a s , : : Classified Index, P a g e 136. Classified Index, Page 136. _Jewelers’ Findings, Jewelers' Findings, = = ; Classified Index,, Page 687.. PlushCases,Boxes, Etc. Plush Cases, Boxes, Etc. - - Classified Index,, Page 687.. Optical Goods, Optical Goods, ~ : :- : - CClalasssified Index,, Page 687.. Musical Merchandise, - : Musical Merchandise, - Classified Index,, Paggee 773.. 134 to 7154 734 to 754 155 to 772 755 to 772 i 686 to 733 686 to 733 178 to 800 773 to 800 Clocks, - Clocks, Classified Index, Page 537. ae i ae Classified Index, P a g e 537. Solid Silver Ware, ee = Solid Silver Ware, Classified Index, Page 335. Classified Index, Page 335. Silver Plated Ware, 405 to 529 Silver Plated Ware, - - Classified Index, Page 335. 405 to 529 Classified Index, Page 335. Bronzes, Lamps, Etc. Bronzes, Lamps, Etc. - - Classified Index, Page 537. Classified Index, P a g e 537. ‐ 536 to 679 536to679 “ 375 to 401 376 to404 680 to 685 680 to685 814 to 816 Silver Jewelry Novelties, Silver Jewelry Novelties, 223 to 269, 336 to 374 23 ot 269, 36 ot 374 Classificd Index,Page 136. Classified Index, Page 136. Pens,,Penciills,, Etc.. - = oadto326 §21 to 326 ’ Classified Index,, Page 136.. S e eO u r Special ToolsandMaterials, =- SCationac Tools and Materials, Catalogue. Sentt Freee uponn Applliication.. 9to 40 9 t o 4 0 135 to 320 186 to320 155 to 258 155 to 258 Fire Arms, FireAcms, 327 to 333 827 t o 3338 801 to 805 S i a m 808, 809 808, 809 402, 403 402, 403 528 ot 538, 806, 807 Classified Index, Page 7. : ; 628 to535, 806,807 Classified I n d e x , P a g e 7. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE . . . PLEASE.MAKE A N O T .E That Orders and Inguiries will be Facilitated by WRITING ON ONE SIDE OF PAPER ONLY. That Orders and Inquiries will be Facilitated by WRITING ON ONE SIDE OF PAPER ONLY. All Prices in t Al Prices in thi s Book are List, and Subject to our Special Trade Discounts. s Book are List,and Subject to our Special Trade Discounts. | { | | a Cutlery, _Cutlery, JepDine Aud Repairs, Jobbing and Repairs, : : Endeavor to Classify Goods According to the above divisions of Departments. USE SEPAR‐ Endeavor to Classify Goods According to the above divisions of Departments. USE SEPAR ATESHEE ATE T O F PAPER F O R STRICTLY OFFICE M A T T E R S , such a s r e m i t t i n g o n account, SHEET OF PAPER FOR STRICTLY OFFICE MATTERS, such as remitting on account, inquiriingg as to accountts,, memorandum off returns,, etc.. ‐wasseseee SEE CONFIDENTIAL . . . ° S E E C O N F I D E N T I A L L L I I S S T T. , 5e s e c. c c c. c c . e e e - -- - =, -. Classified Index, P a g e 7. Classified Index, Page 7. Safes, Show Cases, Etc. Safes, Show Cases, Etc. - - Classified Index, Page 7. Classified Index, P a g e Z. Cut Glass Ware, : : Cut Glass Ware, Classified Index, Page 335. Classified Index, Page 335. 6 TABLE O F CONTENTS. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. INDEX TO WATCHES. INDEX TO WATCHES. Watches, Complete- Continued. ie PAGE. i PAGE. Wratch MovementsContinued. P A G E . lete‐ Watch Cases. PAGE. WatchCases‐Cornzttiinued,. PAGE. Wat Gold Billed Mascot, oooood heed118 P ch a M na o r v o e . m .. e .. n . ts . ‐ . C .. o . ndinued. P A G E . Watches, Comp T o w a r d . . ... . . . . . . . . Prte ALPHABETICAL INDEX......0.000005- 41 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. t 0 7 6 GoldFilled Mascot” Standard. 1 2 4 . 125 v.00.c3+ 117 PAaHilolawnda B. U rd &Co a alee n a e e. 50 Gents’, Completecoe Ee "'N Y. Standard," 124,125 (GoOlCdE. S a h a c a s o e e n e c e s Oa n n n 5 7 t o 6 « ” “ N Y , S t a n d a r d , ” 1 2 4 , 1 2 5 B. Non-Magnetic.Co......--+- Howard & esses50 p Ge .50 Repeaters ... aeind and424,125 .......132 “ DiamondSet.......40,57,62,ee ‘ GS ' D o u b l e s t o c k . .126 .40. 07. 02. 04 SID « America." OMSStock ..11 SauHee 8 . 122 123 Non-Magnetic:.. .....-+sesreetens50 ii Usaneatere “132 C O T Aes Coe eneeenee .. s 54,256 ie Go sOAmericas:- I r e n t o n . . .. . . . . . . . . . Invincible, iit 118,122 OI mTiEtMatOt iMoen eAnmcehr iAcasaenisr is. ele cic 2 k . : o 5 ] 1 if oe eke430tones Silver .51, 55. 120 to132 B i l l e d , “Globe,” Globe, SWISS ..122 .....---: ....98, 116 98,16 tred,«Vonatch, 77to80 Silver.. ........54,55,120to122, ss USU igenaunorll a s s sooqun0 122 Lauitatiom INGMeTICAte cascetera 51 ss ie eeee‘ba 5B Oxidized Steel.. . 120to 132 s £6 “Monarch,”...... 101 1 0 105 77to80 HINGiteous o o e o s n o n e Gold Inlaid ...54,55, 123 54, 55, 120 to 122,183 WatQcehes. Co e m n p e l N e a t b e a . n u a dudoauodouNaDOddNoG51 _ é O: ee a bel 422 ... .164 101to 105 UE Gold amlaid sss.0-n.. 5 4 , 5 D , 1 2 3 W a t c h e s , " C o mG o p l i e d t . e . Ladies' . . ... e a n e e e e 1 3 4 Calenacio....con s ss ‘“Crescent,”?.. ...85 to & s otocg Silverore,etc. 10010100 Metal GilvierOne, CLC... ssc ee renc ne ...56. 184 e 423-128 Ladies’ GDioamldo..n.d....S+e.t..+...400,,876t7o,726,,1128 - i “aoe CTS...56,182,134 100 t o 118 M G C O r yeens 56, 184 .00,1 8 2 ‘ D i a Si m ve o .. n .. d . .S.e.t....40,67,72,112 s FoMickel S tv e r o t e . . . ...56. 123 aay 154 ssa“ "Essex," 90to 93, 12, 13 Bssex,”” 90to 93, 112,113 codElarea.. TORS Nickel.. asgaoodondoo0o7 P O T BOS 132 ...129 te GSiloh7Gldyea Fil c l o e a d cn . ouddoumeDe 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 9 119, 122 -is Bivens.G ou old © Inlai5d6.121283 Bose "Boss, 94 097104.11 gt 9%, 114, 115 Goldvblated oo Blectro Plated n 126. 127. 129 c e 129 “ G o l d Willed....-.<--103 9 119 SilverFillea. ......UR e p Gold pilvenone s a i d )108 Plate.....126t o123 e Or rown,””5 "Crown. ele 99 Electro Plated . . . . . . . . . . . -126, 127, 129 421008 sf SC hilavteerl aFiinllee. .d.........-.-..-:- a “ GoldPl ie 1261to 129 C . . ........ GSr Ses 56101 OUT o v a l s S 1, e 99 Watch "3 on rS o u er 99 Watch Movements...........-+.-+5Beee58 a a ee _.81 TSR a ..42 t o Gents', Complete. eo ie uretal a oa 6,1 127 34 SsscKeaee - > “ E a r p e 8c e e s xtra, Neyay 3 e e Neibelokehoal waltham Cra S o G cooGocudobGOO0O0d 2 to 48, 4 46 9 en Si omprGeol G dl oce d, , Dia' o ’d es Set O t.4 A lectro Plated..126, 4 0 0 , , 5 L 5 O7 7 M, , 6 6 O 4 E S a‘ s OG : Banlyercartero B B a G s . . . . . e Pl e ate c d.s t aees S t e r l i n g ...JUk Elgin.... « Chronographs130to132 AT N i E ne t HA S on gl d e e r s . o . . . n 7o o s 5 n d b o o t U S 9O D E D g T O U e C O O n0 7 B a b y Pins. B a hDials po a s q a k s andar cosoccnoaseaeon 8295 CumiPinS. |cscSe ees RO) Qs ecehasretBt oWlCd e b r o s 0 . a d o c a s o c0 0 u s o n n d s 84to 88= T i e BIOMClEnse Watches, Gents s e w s e d o s v o u n e s c o n n e cP s L o PSTIREORG eCURE Buttons, o o a i e n tc cnine ease ceSDs LESSGeiss ge DressSets weeere eee Hatin e eSor Scabbardlins Scare H o lders... ue co), Watches, Gentso Watches, Ladies' e 40: 67, 7 2 PButtons, Wik. Buttons Link Gc.cose n weeeens B i Wan Drops. a 2 . e n e o n e18to20 ScabbardPins......----.------+- 17 Watches,Ladies’.......-.+++++:- : Buttons, Collar... 65. .c ce ees c 3 9 L a c e P i n s IDEye BOrOiS Barscrews Degarutters. senbucd boo u odo o d u d b O D O O O R E . 1 6 , 17 S e t s , B u t t o n . 2 0 SegarC u t t e r s S .se.es. te . c . te . e . ee.es. 3 9 I BE Ku Gt Jt Ko On a , S S e S t I s S. . s o n o mbucdeouuen ee e n e a0e aCeRInSs e eie 47 SetsButtones...0 e s ec e c e 39 ae z INDEX TO JEWELRY., INDEX TO JEWELRY PAGE. Rings Continued. ee a PAGE.. Charmss‐CCooznztzinudedd.. PAGE. Crosses. PAGE. PinGs,old......10 to 17, 195tPoAG20E0. PAGE Crosses. PAGE. Pins, G o l d . . . . 2 1 6 Rings‐Covten26 PAGE. 259 Gold Regent " Initial ALPHABETICAL INDEX.......186 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. .136 Gold, Diamond Set. Gold, DiamondSet. .. 32, 33 Goldiatecisnens Emblem. RolleaGold Plate.... ...216 cee: 2 1 6 G o l Dd i e a mr s o : n 1 d 0 St o e 1 t 7 , 1 9 5 t o 2 0 0 G o l d “ R e g e n t ” I n i t i a l 2 5 9 B Engraved Band. 260, 263 Badge adges. s. 273to287 RolledGold Plate.........216 “ D Brooch...10 iamondSet ....10to 17 EngravedBand.-266, Bal t o 15, 195 to 197 GolldandSiilver.....316to 320 ...316 to 320 Rolled Gold Plate.. RolledGoldPlate...236to240 EarDrops. “Emblem.late.236ot340 DarDrops. 1.8to20,217to220 ‘ Braoro. ch..10to15,195to197 ce .......16, 198 Silver. ceacegttecesce .269 Brracoeeleletsts...:.....56..6-.+-.21,,192tto 1914 “Emblem Emblem Goldeencc Solid Gold 1,192 1amonaset.....18to20 sa. 1 8t o 20, 217 t o 220 O eWsihesonasdausuudoodc 16, 198 SHINGiesiecac aoscucsksaocs"268 C u t t Rolled Gold Plate SolidGoldie: a 2 21, 192 288to292 288 to 292 ccDiamondSet.....18to20 BSCUhie 34 to 38. 241 to 244 ....39, 209 Scarf Pins. Rolled Gold Plate.. Scart. DiamondSet... Ben ceane 05 o 0s o 39, 209 RolledGold Plate........ 270 ueDiamondSet.... 21. Cases. S ...193 Traveling... RolledGoldPlate.....221,222 “ Scarf..84to38,2..4314toto24348 ScaGrfoPldins.3 4to38,241to214 silver.. ilviebeewnaese e198 Mraveliners vere s e s c s es e 761 m b l e m s . : 761 Emblems. : Ce В аSosр у .D. . .i aSet..34to88 Gold .......34to88,241to244 39.209 RolledtoldFIate.....245,240 RolledGolldPllaatetse:. 1 9 3 . 194 C a r d s . si.cus 198, 194 Cards. AlphabeticalIndex. .. 272 ewelry ...76torrO Alphabetical Index.. 272 Charms, Gold .273 to 287 BSAHBNaOniZorod w a n b o c .∞t O225 a o 8 o 39, 209 Rolled Gold Plate.....245, 246 Studs. Boxes. BoxeS. Jewelry ..s..-+--.---:76 to 770 Charms,Gold.. 273to 287 Rolled Plate.288 to 292 MoVsRallbaety..a.c.oucboboud223to 225 Studs. Gold... ..................39,200 : Jewealirry,, alll kiinds...757 to 767 Chains.. Buttons. Gold ......296 to 298 cs Rolled Plate.288to 292 COOP JTearstesyereans Pageee r a t .e.2.s28101 Goldete Diamond set ....... eieee cree ee89, 256 B UuUtttoOn Ss., Gololosennncode22, 28, 187 to 154 Gold.. . ....... 22, 23, 137 to 154 Baten:Gold isos 296 to 298 WCJiC Sets LSCY... RolescogPlate cenceones 216 (GE Diamondiset ws. -nc-i 39 Solilid Golld Cuftf..330,31, 247 t t o oo 24 r 9 30 Vests....... “ DiamondSett..22, 23, 1387 1 4toii ID Pins,RollaG'd Plate.31:3 t o 315 pes eo canoao 293 to 312 S i .771 G E Diadset. lv e Nr I S, V A HU S a i r KSpnoHodUdopO0OO0 22310229 Tags 210 “ Rolled Gold Plate....257 “ “Dia’dSet... BoWESSascccc0d0e8147to 151 Hair 8 4 10 816 ss“RollaG’dPlate.313to 315 Silver,H a Tir..........223to 229 Tags Thimbles. 2.0 2 . c e e e e e e e c es e s e e e e e e V 1 SSe ace “ L i n k 31,248,249 Link31,248,249 WSS IHW Ro ... o s ad cs h e e 186) WNETAVANS, .186 Engraving. Findings. one.ona =814to816 OS IнAаGсе nar acercmtiie aZUU a e c 2 3 1 T h i mG b o l e l s d . . . . 339 ss GS Jno SEUSaoqcnece210 Pin Sets.......210 Ge Moenuee=750to752 Findings. Mountings750to752 C h a t e l a i n e s . . . 1 4 6 AlphabeticalIndex......687 - SGeEt SN.S , suiconcocUG . 0S 2 2 10 0 0 ( G G o Ol d o i Fl k i cl l l e e d s o a k c e s o s s h c e c 6d 0 o 6 4g 8 3 9 S S r i i l i Gv e i e r sedocugeevounnes] 249, 250 2 4 9 . 2 5 0 “ Chatelaine . s gaa C10) Alphabetical Iba . . . . 7 3 4 t o 7 7 1 > Chamois 3 2 9 s ..761 RAINOIS! BASS ais o c -si s c es i «. e °U2 Enyelopes, Job......--.--++.+---771 Penholder Boxes Envelopes, Job. ..........+0+5 "61 Toggle Chains. Toggle Chains GonucnonbuOUN ..736 Wire.. ED. AiO coop oc56 505060000 Eeauag •..50 Diamond Set •30 •......122 Gents', Complete GoldFilled r7 ti H o r s eT i m e r s . 1 3 0 t o 1 3 0 •...139 ...293 to 312 ..740 • . ....40, 67 t o 76. 118 ...71 0 S T to 184 • .....56, 132, 134 Silver,Double Stock 134 •0.002 727 ..10 to17 PAGE ...330 ••• ..262 •..810 ...354 to 358 •0..465 *....430 ; . ...414 SRRRRERRS INDEX TO SILVER PLATED WAREE. . PAGEE. Boxes‐Continued. Boxes Continued. P A G E . P A C E P AG E . P A G E PAGE. ALPHABETICAL IINDEXX............. . . .. - 5 re 35 PAuRfEf. ea tion cnernar a era laraee ack Copan . o . 486375 COalll Bellls joi cx e e e a n n e 495 Punch: Setst7sy isa sinnen Gace 405 ATrOoMmIiZzOeNrSs .=.o seater B B r r u u s s h h e e s s . . D D i i s s h h e es - s A‐ A l l l l K K i i n n d d s s . . . . . . 4 . 4 2 2 8 8 t t o o 4 4 4 4 2 2 . , 5 5 06 0 0 t t o o 5 5 0 0 83 P P r r i i z z e e C C ua p p s s . . c . . c eee s 470, 471 Bar: Goodss: occeuee a e cos 463to ree 4 6 3 t o 4 6 5 C C I Ol Eo Mt Rh ISS AN a ce. . . 4480:too: 482" 2 WMEVAVANGs Engraving......... acc ae is es i tk e ee . . e 08 1 1 4 4 t 1 o 0 81 6 Sets. B a s k e t s Baskets. Maite cre ien a ea t ta ca e s ate s 480 0to;48482" 7 Mpergmess E p e r g n e s . . . casasc a e ere w.e. . 445310 P P ui n n Gc h h catee s ee e •. ... ..405 ee t 405 (с Gа Eк Vе N Aue ernSan oe eee n eoe to 4387 Brooms.,Whisk ..............-. 4 5 4 90 8 1 1 . ,4 4 8 0 4 4 Forrkkss‐AllKiinddss. ................5 1 2 to 52 9 TMeOaG. R .... a ... i . ... m ..... i 4 4 U0 6 6 t 41 17, 495, 496 o 7, 495, 496 BOn=BoOn. Bon-Bon sic s eosne Bee 439 .439 B Bu u t t T te e r r SD ishs ehseiis s e n c c s c o c .. . 440 toot4e42s,, 500 German’ Silver (Ware: /c.2..5. 526.4705. 526 TMette-=a--TMeette a asc: oo eee a: BrenaddelrTaryasyees acesuc cm aeen ooct“488,503 Butter Plates SPares sosdeccccscci e se ..452 s 452 Jewel Baskets... ......... 404. 479. Jewel Baskets...........:.404, 479, 508, 505 CoOr Mt eGe e . res. crake e oes e Bells, Bells. call Call............TeSOROS ORCoA 495 4 9 5 Cigar Boxes cigar BOxes cicc s s e n . e ... su ... ea .404, 491 4911 Knives‐All Kinds...............512 to 535 Knives All Kinds 5 1 535 Water. W a t e r . . . . . ... .cislcsGre .. e .1 . 42 2 2 2 t t o o 4 2 7 , r s 4 9 7 Bowls. SO WIS creamers CREAMOES . 5 See so ..406;to;41ll7, 4549955,; 496 Monnogongrarmasmyi.s:.. . . 7.14 os ce sae a 816 . . . . 8 1 0 Smoking 7 .... ae 3eee ..4 s 9 0 0, , 4 9 1 SwOare 511921 vac c a ae c t c es to106 to 417,, 45 Coffee P MO e R r O c O o S l O a R t R o O r R s S : 220.2sc.k a n S . e . . e . n. . s A. N4G7 M“Maartehn EHrooldedrneerss. isosccsart ce ets 430 ommunion CommitinionGs 4 4 0 s e a s .. i4 0 0 et 1 o 0 46086 Pe Cee Punch 405 eee os ar ena as itohtiove oe405 Corks Screws ers a o S A C D s e MШ а I Т GТ О RТ Ь O. . . L . . S. . . r . i w. . c na e e r r a r e one e ne u ss i4.480,, 482,, a e c C ar a vi r n v g. i2.. . n . .oes. sca oe o n esDOOMeLOIDSnS. 4000 Salada Salad irmistec te. . 4384 CaRe basKeUS Gake Baskets):... 2.5cs S a r e s . Jewelers’ Safes. P A G E PAGE. Single Door .. i h oIDOI snooanaodaodocDcNDocKe .£.808 DIDXoOKuUUb SlIKSe IDOo oXCr .Itc. idasueauoaodouKmdooNAG• O80U8o Steel l b i m edicate caiciscs S t e e lLined... oaucuetc a e re n n y e e 808 IRHLoOuMsIKeShIMoOlMCdl... 6 . s . cuonmeoonogenucKoDnde 808 Snhowa dCase s . PAGE.. Square:Casess.” 3 s n k i s c e en c s t e. i e. n. e 809 lOUfroprmriegdahtget OS Sanaasaquqondon a a o c 8s o 8009 Oval eek dis 66 SER 809 Walll N G A SSOG0cer OSEH.809 Combination Cases. Combination Cases. .....ctce..scs ..8Ug 809 Burglar Chests. ..808 EYPORTTRADE. MYERS S.EMYEAS&CO MANUFACTURING JEWELERS FORHOME TITI •48A50S.F.MYEINSTEc 0 ÷ 4 8^ 5 0 MYERS -&CO. 35, MVIERS&CO. im week SS SE MYERS& CO. ale 50 i e b p S y a e n e en ma H m:is il iil Pa a\ v a u n o s u s s i y aby a eesS SS SP SB a 000 pe tRI-2pEL~: T THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT OF ITS KIND. ARGES F LES Maiden Lane of the Myers’ Buildings. Stores Extend Entirely T gh the Square to Liberty Maiden Lane Front of the Myers Buildings. Stores Extend Entirely Through the Square to Liberty Street.. Entrances on Both Streets. Offices on Second Floor. Salesrooms on First, n Both Seco StreeOt rs. Workshops aOnd Floor. Salesr Second and Third Floors. Workshops are on Upper Floors.. > nd and Third Flos. Offices on Sec pper Flo on First Co. PERSPE PHOTOGRAPHIC GLIMPSES OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT, AR THROUGHARCH VAS&OYNXTABLES SMEN DE OFFICE PRINTINGD E P PHOTOGRAPHIIC GLIMPSES OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. LEESSG BES VAT BB OPTICAL GOODS D E P T PHOTOGRAPHIC GLIMPSES ne =P HOTOGRAPHIC GLIMPSES OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. ÄERAIRD E P GOLDPLATEDJEWEIR DIAmOnDCORNER INTERIAL &TO OLS D E P T LOFFILE OGLF LLYEOLICLKHLDEP,ET mae M O N T ) , wes\AS.1SoS 68 ae an HAN AGAR eee |MTTH AENSgBS nN DOI Cor VIEW DE 4 8 & 50 MAIDEN LANE A)wm, Cap 7 PHOTOGRAPHIC GLIMPSES PHOTOGRAPHIC GLIMPSES OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. SiiM\ DENERAL VIEW GENERALKEN OF [NARGINE 2 S CO .*4 8A 50 MYERSTM BUILDING s y ; j ; aw) 4 Lie M M e Gopi a B a r P i n s . . . . 16, 17 Collar Buttons RarR i n s e s 16,17 Collar Buttons...... B‘ Br ar ac ec l e e tl se . t s s: s c i s s i o n 21 Cuff Pins 21 CuffPinsi o r s Brooches. 10to15 DressSets Brooches............. 10to15 DressSets...... Bae 32 32 Scarf Holders....... Scarf Holders. 39 ScabbardPins...... 39 Scabbard Pins 39 SegarCutters.....ete 39 Segarutters 39 17 39 SO OO ee eee HE great beauty and thoroughlly complete displlay from our leadiing deparrttmeenntt., THE greatbeauty diamonds and other precious stones,, illllustrated on the following handsome pages,, willl instanttlly attract the criticall attenttiion of the trade,, and,, we feeii confident, willl prove highlly satisfacttorry to ourr customers. In artisttiic desiigns,, fine workmanshiip and reasonablle prices THIS DISPLAY HAS NOT BEEN EQUALLEEDD. . While we endeavor to exhiibiitt as tlarge a varietty as possiiblle off stapiie,, novell and unique desiignnss,,yett we can furnish or mountt anytthiing nott illustrated thatt may be de-‐ csired,, submittiing designs and estimates upon requestt.. VARIOUS COMBINATIONS OF VARIOUS COMBINATIONS OF STONES MAY BE SET in the mountings illustrated hereiin att abouutt the figurres quoted.. Ourr diamond departmentt occupies the private office to lefftt of maiin entrance,, ground floor, and is in charge of a memberr off ourr firm who has-ffoorr overr twenty-five years given his undiivided attenttiion to this parrtt of ourr business,, havviinngg exclusiive conttrroll of the deparrttmentt.. This, with our extensiive facilities,, such as haviing directt connecttiion and a branch office in Parriis,, importing the rough and loose stones,, and manufactturriing the mountings used on the premises,offer advantages which warrant us in assuring our the mountings used on the premises. offer advantages which warrant us in assuring our friiends at allll times absolluttee satisfacttiion in everryy respecctt.. We are always pleasedd to forward sellecttion parcells to responsiibiie parties on ap-‐ p p r r o o vy a a l l . . With thanks forr pastt favyors,, and solicitiing a continuance of the same,, we remaiin,, R espeecct tffulll y , ‐‐‐~1 o_ S. . F. MYERS & CO. . ‐ INDEXTO INDExTO DIAMONDSS.. Baby Pins........... 32 E a r Drops........... 18 to 20 18102 0 Sets,Button Sets,Button ete 39 Buttons, Cuff....... Buttons, Cuff. 30 E a rScrews.....- k a r S c r e w 39 .. 20 2 0 Sets, Dress. Sets, Dress........... 39 39 Buttons, L i n k ..... Buttons, Link 31 aracePins $1: ‘Lace Pins 2:25: c t 16/090 16, 17 S e t s , P i n . Sota Pines aoe. 39 Buttons,Collar..... SOC MOGKetS Buttons, Collar 39 32,33 he us t i en i i e sl S288. StudS. S t u dsiren easeaceon. 39 ButtonSets. ........ ButtonDets 39 22,23 39 Necklaces .. ..... 4 22, 23 Nectaces tara W AATS s... 10 Sieteenemies .a 10 Chains, Necklace Chains,Necklace .. 22,23 PincSetse7ic. Sy 39 22,23 Pin Sets 39 TieHolders.... 39 TieHolders...... ... 39 Chains, Victoria. Chains, Victoria.... 137 Rings... 137 PRAM S s e ceteris 24 to 29 Watches, Gents’....40, 57, 64 4 t O 1⁄2 9 Watches, Gents .40, 57, 64 Charms 40.67. OWALMSE sieeeec e s s s 32/338 SearftPinse! 32, 33 CoarfPins 2 se 341038 Watches.Lalieg 34 to 38 Watches, La‘lies’...40, 67, 72 SIZES OF PROPERLY CUT DIAMONDS. Surface Varying According to Depth of Stone. 13⁄4 2K21⁄423⁄43K 858 S.EMYERS&@ NEW -PORK. 40 G 8 6THENEW-YORKJEWEDER Fancy Engraved, 1 Diamond. Fancy Engraved, 1Diamond. No. 1 With 1 Jewels, Nickel No. 11 With14Jewels,Nickel movement. movement. _ . . . . . . . . . . $5 6 93 . 3 8 No. 12 With 15 Jewels,, R a i s e d G o l d S e t t i n e s . N i c k e lm o v e pmOaKeESnMt eK e i n e q mCrnocaeokceye0n3) ..$78.75 Fancy Engraved,, FEdeL,, 4 Diiamonds.. No.21 With 11 Jewels, No. 21 With 1 Jewels, N ickel moovveemmeennt .t..... $88.765 No. 16 Jewels RaiissedGolld No. 22 With 16Je Settings,, Nickell mvvt..t . . ....$.9.$89.81.1338 Verm icel li Borders and Center, Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, &Diamonds in T o r s e s h o e . No.24 17Jewels(Settings);Compensation-Bal- ance, Adjusted; Patent Reg.; Patent Breg. Hair- Spring, Hardened and Tempered in Form, Double S u n kDial, Sunk Dial, Nickel $185.00 $185.00 PlaininBasciine,,5 Diamonds., No. 25 With 1 Jewels, Nickel No. 25 With 11 Jewels, Nickel movement. . IMOVETMUCTICmcAisnsms in ie c e e n ei N o . 2 6 ( W i t h 2 J e w e l s i i n n $ 1 G5 . 6 o 3 l d Setttings. Nickel movement.$85.01 tings, Nickel movement, $85.01 Plain Bascine.7 Diamonds. No. 27 With 1 Jewels, Nickel moveme nt... .. .......$94.38 N 28 With 16 jewels in Settings,Nickel movement,$103.76 For Gents’ Watches, set with Diamonds For Gents' Watches, set with Diamonds, , see Pages 57, 62, 64. see Pages 57, 62, 64. : E Esc. sc. Center, Raised Gold Ornaments, Center, Raised Gold Ornaments, 1 Dia 1D iamond. mond. No. 29 W ithh 11 Jewels,, Nickelmovee. ‐ No20 W m eprichlreleserece ent Pie(PESEFEMLOOLrelele wielersvelels(sh •........ . No. 30 0.50 With 61 ... $64.38 Jewels ni RaisedGold Settings. Nickel m o v e m 878.76 Fancy Engraved, 1Diasmond. No.81 With 11 Jewels, Nickel e e e .S No. 31 With 1 1Jewels, Nickel pure Ou b ie Soe mo No.. 3282 Wit i ve me With Tewels ; Jewalsi any Goelrd nt 16 .. $68.26 Settings, Nickelmovement, $72.68 Settings, Nickel movement, $72.68 For La s’ Watches, se For Ladies' Watc die t with Diamonds, etc. hes, set with Diamonds , etc see Pages, 67, 72, 112. see Pages, 67, 72, 112. WATCHES. Diamond J iamond Jewelry. ewe l ry. ELEGANT DESIGNSS. . DIAMOND SET.. LIST PRICES EACH ELEGANT DESI Fancy Engraved, Raised Gold,, Fancy Engraved, Raised Go 1 Diamond. Biamonon No.. 15 With11Jewels,,Nickell MOVEMLCNC.. isnemcee $56.88 No..16Wiith 1 1 5 5 Jewels 3 in 00 P l a i n Bascine, 7 Diamonds. Raised Gold Settings,Nick‐ Plain Bascine, 7Diamonds. Raised GoldSettings,Nick- el movement ...,....$66.26 elmovement PPlalainin Bascine,, 1Diamond.. No. 13 Withi1Jewels,Nickel No. 18 With 1 Jewels,Nickel ...$66.26 N N o o. . 1 17 7 W Wi ith th li i s i e J we w e e l l s s , , N N i i c c k k e e l l movement movement.......$71.25 ae $71.25 movement . . . _ S63.13 MMOVEMIEN G H w a l n c a s i s se sl $53.18 No.,14Wiith Tewels 15Jewels in nNoe.188eWeith ee e S we u l le s am R a i s e d G o l d S e t t i n g s , N N i i c ck -k ‐ RaisedGoldSettings, ; ellmoovveemeenntt.........$80.68 Raiised GoldSeettttiings,NiNckic-k- $80.63 BieoieaeSinesee862.38 Plain Bascine, 8Diamonds. el movement. . . . . . . . $ 6 2 . 3 8 Plain Bascine, 8 Diamonds. No., 19 With11Jewels,,Nickell mMoOvVeEmMeEnNtT.3..0. . is . n . e . m S es 7$ 75 5. . 6 6 83 No.20With 15 Jewels in No. 2 0W i t h Llewels RaisedGoldSeettttings,Niicck-l‐ ellm o v ye emme netn.t...........$.$8855..0011 1763 1896 WATCHES HE preface to a work is presumed to place the author in closer IMEprefaceotarontsiperotdebashaesdeiatitonil des touch with the reader. The publishers of this catalogue touch with the reader. The publishers of this catalogue, in , er in calllling attenttiion to this particullarr ddepeaprtamretmnt_e_nt‐ Wattcchhees s‐ merelly reiteratte facts known to dealers who have callled and in‐ spected our stocks,, andd who have stattedd thatt withoutt exception ption they believe we carrryy the llargestt,, mostt varied and mostt attracttiive line in the trade. line in the trade. We are by farr the llargestt dealers in watches iin the world,, andd are iinteresttedd in a twofoldld manneerr iin manyy of the companies whose goods we handlele‐bothh as stockholders andd jobbers.. The number of travelers that we have on the road, the large assortments which we illustrate, and The number of travelers that we have on the road, the large assortments which we illustrate, and the heavy trade we handle compel us to keep in stock, as we always do, an immense assortment, the heavy trade we handle compel us to keep in stock, as we always do, an immense assortment, and often places us in a posiittiion to quote unusuall inducements to purchasers in quanttiities.. Manyy of the designs illlustrated are exclusiivelly our own,, patentted from our own devices,,aannd bearin our well known trade-marks " S. F. M. & Co." or " The Globe." bearing gourwell-knowntrade-marks“S.F. M.&Co.”or“TheGlobe.” It would be impossible to illustrate every watch or watch-case made, but an inspection will It would be impossible to illustrate every watch or watch-case made, but an inspection will conclusiivelly show thatt the mostt popullarr,, mostt sallablle and mostt desiirrabblele goods in every branch of horology wil of horolog yw l be found illustrated and quoted herein. ill be found illustrated and qu oted herein. T h e majority of the quotations are T h e majority of the quotations are the same asthe manufacturers and at prices which the manufacturers expect the goods to besold the same as the manufacturers and at prices which the manufacturers expect the goods to be sold by alll reputablle jobbers.. We can only say thatt aslarge consumers of these goods we mustt always be in a position to receive the very best discounts and to offer the very closest prices to the trade. be in a position to receive the very best discounts and to offer the very closest prices to the trade. This deparrttmentt is in charge off eone off the members of our firm, and visitors willl always be gladlly welcomed to inspect the lines. inspect the lines. The prices mentionedd hereinin are a veryy longg list,, differentt and greateterr thann useedd in thee majoriityof catalloguess.. Anychanges iin thenettpricesthattmayoccurwilllalwaysbeallowedwitthh-‐ out pr io s notice. In our “ M y e r r s ’ MONTHLY JEWELER” will be found anything of a later date out previou ev us notice. In our " MYERS' MONTHLY JEWELER" will be found anything of a later date t h a t m a y be introduced in t h e m a r k e t d u r i n g t h e i n t e r v a l previous to o u r n e x t a n n u a l issue. that may be introduced in the market during the interval previous to our next annual issue. Respectfull,y, Respectfully S. . F. . MYERS & COa.. SS=INDEX.S‐ ^INDE WATCH CASES.. Silverore. SHILEIRONRE Gadoud dono! c o o s d c aOdOUuNSs ...123-128 123-128 Ladies’, Complete, Silver Filled. _..........102 Ladies', Complete, Silver Filled Chatelaine Cd oe ep te Gold cseey .....57 to 76 134 eeBUtonec Metal 2 Metal ee acco. .56, .56, 132 56, 134 “ “Chatelaine... s25)5 e0e 119 “ DiamondSet......---+- -40,57, 62, 64 DiamondSet 40, 57, 62, 61 INITIOIROL erent Nickel Gents', Complete .... ..........b?to131 g o l d P l a t e d . aries terniotni etn ee56, 132 10070 Gents’, Complete Gold. Dia'd Set......40, 57, 64 <2 sec c . cenec. e r s. 57to 134 Ceereeine m a 1 d . . . .. a enenee risestA BelU Gold Plated ...51, 55 Electro Plated...... 126, 127, 129 sa:600cece, 129 “ “ G o l d , Dia’dSet......40, 57, 64 Chronographs....130 to 132 “ WPilled, “Globe,” -.---.+-+--- Filled. "Globe, 98,116 98, 16 Blectro:Blatediyccceescsmieoince126,127,129 ..4210 5? es “ - Chronographs......130to132 GOld... 461055 ‘ Gs “Monarch,’’.77 to 80, 101to 105 "Monarch," 7 to 80, 101 to 105 WATCH MOVEMENTS..... .......--->:42to 53 WATCH MOVEMENTS Waltham... &¢ ae ( C r o l l "AEtna,". s s S aancacoosoDSoc 46to 55 ..63 “ o “"Crescent,"’’..85 to 89,, 10to 108 Wieihinevaa,,cqocodosadedcoan0d0n00G0N0e 42 to 46 ...48, 49 ot (OULU Gold Filled ..77 to 99 ima,Bsa s n e t w e ee c cesr 63 “ “ "Bssex (Bssex,”....++90to 93,112,118 .90 to 93, 112, 113 IDkeAboyscconucosduduascecooeogen0900c0o5e48,49 9 1n... .................. ug “ G o l dFilled. Howard........... . . . . - . > . . .77to 99 ... . . . . 6 2 “ t e CCROSSiseis isccr B o s s . " 91 to 97, 114, 115 94 to 97, 114,115 United States Waltham, “United States Waltham,”. . . . . . . . . -52, ..51 58 ee CeME MElon nals "N. Y. Standard,". gaanannoogousecuous62 •....124, 125 “c “ OOrOWN,? 0 ec 2 2 . 9 9 Crown creseesceecees 9 9 "Columbus, COMA TADUS, 27255 oro wie owiesiieciseie: /iacreleinn-)- 5 1 2 « N R e p e a t e r s . . . . . . .. ......130 T , - Y, Standard,”....124, 125 6 ( C S" OL Oi o N n G , ) ccilesiies = c ) in e s n . . g : 99 WENZS Siecunclennclsco o n o o o c b o n n a n 0 aD0UnG0O0O0s47 N. Y. Standard. y be Repeaters.......seereseeces130 Horse Timers.....130to132 “ “ CBsAhRely ss E x t r a , ac099000000000 81,106 .81, 106 Palande P a i l a r g . . . . ssnneecece BS ORONOCOS 50 Ob CG Silver... . ...54, 55, 120 to 122 Horse Timers......130 to 182 ts “ Sterling, “Sterling,” ....-sseesseee- . . . 102 102 E. Howard & Co. 1D. TStonyainel 62Cohnandocneoondsd60 Heo be50 ce 50 u s SO x i l i v d e i r z . e . . d . . S . . t . e 5 e 4 l . , . 5 5 , 1 2 0 t . o . . 1 1 3 2 4 2 8 «Montauk, ..82 to 84, 101, 107 ‘Montauk,’’...82 to 84, 101, 107 INOm= NMAcaetloc Non-Magnetic. creeeie fo a e nt cee c 51 50 “c “ COaxliednidzerds .Steel..- . . . . . -.-..-1134 .. ........ ‘ 6 6 C O P I A N Mt es e . Planet 109-111 ciae 109-111 T r e n t o n . . . . . . AvreSrahOyMa noo npaonUd o o a c o o D O D O Id0.6sQ000u0n 51 ...all ee « Calende..r.s.o.. ....s..56,. 13p2,lo13d4: Nickel n r c SMascot. ImitationAmerican COMfaISCOtCua c e ice r aetome 117 Imitation American.....-...+ 26+..+-+--:51 ee Us Silver, Double Stock.....123 Nickel i ec 56, 182, 1384 Chie eas n"N.. Y.. Standaardrd,",.”.....124, 125 Cr GR 1 2 4 , 125 SwISS.. sanSabansebeda ronad b o n o o o c u D Bue s e e yt ag s Silver,Double Stock.....123 silverore...... . . . . . . . . 5 6 , 128 ye "DoubleStock, .. 2 0 “Double Stock,”.....-.- 123 | WATCHES, COMPLETE. WATCHES, COMPLETE. . s pilyctoteGold Inlaid 128 . . .2 3 6 6 “ ORIMCTICA, SAmerica. .....0-+0e0e 118, 122 .118, 12 Ladies’, Complete, Gold Lad ies', Complete, Gold . .40, 67 to 76, 18 .. 40, 67to 76, 118 ot Ss Roll : ed G : oGldolPdlaItne.lai1d26 t.o..11298 AG RG Mitre adele” An o Invincible." ..... .....122 ce e o n e c n 422 “ « Gold, Dia'dSet, 40,67,72, 112 “ Gold, Dia’dSet,40, 67,772,112 ce ce Rolled Gold Pla Metal.... ...... te. 126to 129 ..56. 134 Siilveor.n...e..n.....a. e B4,55,120to122,183 «“ ...51, 55, 120 to 122, 183 Silver...... i Silver 127 Gold Filled.. n o e s c 1e0 3s 1 0 1 1 9 ; o e Electro Plated. . . 1 2506, 134 S%& Gold Inlaiid......seeeeee=e54, 55, 128 ae 04,00,160 GoldFilled.. .. 103 to 119 ElectroPlated........126, 127 Mtl ° \: •..102 6 P. 12 g6 THE路EW- YORK.OEUJ爱oE尺 American Waltham Watch Co.’s Movements. American Waltham Watch Co.'s Movements. Named and Nameless,, 0, 6,, 16 and 18 Size,, H untiinngg and O penn Face,, Stem and Keyy Wind.. Fiitt alll AmerIican Casess off Siimiillarr Sizes., NAMED,18Size,FullPlate. NAMED, 18 Size, Full Plate. Hunting or Open Face,, Pendanntt Set.t. Stem Keyy Wind Wind.. Stem «* BROADWAY.”."? Gilded;; Seven Jewells:; Quiickk Train, Patent Pinion; n, Patent Pinion; C om pipeennssattionn-R_ -aBlaanlcaenncwe 4 se asc ea eens oc Matecances $8 75 “... ,- $ $125 125 00 00 FORTIETH ILLUSTRATED(AMALOGUE$1828 American Waltham Watch Co.’s Movements. American Waltham Watch Co.'s M ovements. 18 SIZE FULLL PLATE,, HUNTIING OR OPEN FACE.. NamedandNameless,StemWind. AllOpenFaceStemWindarePendantSet. Fitall18SizeAmericanCases. TheAmerican Named and Nameless, Stem Wind. All Open Face Stem Wind are Pendant Set. Fit all 18 Size American Cases. The American Walltham Watch Compannyy Guarantees Prices to Jobber and Retailielerr‐Proteccttiinngg Both in Carrryiinngg a Liberall Stocckk o o f f T T h h e e s s e e D D e e s s i i r r a a b b l l e e G G o o o o d d s s , , R R e e b b a a t t i ni n g g a a n n y y R R e e d d u u c c t t i i o o n n s s M M a a d d e e . . L L I I S S T T P P R R I I C C E E S S E E A A C C H H . . VANGUARD NICKEL:: Tw enty-‐ No.. 214.. CRESCENT STREET. CRESCENT STREET. Noo. 2. 2009.. APPLETON,,TRACY & One Extra Fine R uubbyyJeewweells i1n1 Nickell,, 177Rubyy JewelslsiinnGoolld CO..Niicckkeell,, 177R uby Jeewweells in Raised Gold Se Raised Gold Set t tin tings; Double gs Double Settings ;Compensation-Balanc Settings; Compensation-Balance, e, Goolld Settings Settings; Compeennssaatitoino-n‐ ; Rollerr;; Patt.. Reg..;; Adjjustedd to Adjusted to Temperatture,, Iso‐ s o - Balance.,Adijusted to lTeemppeerraa--‐ T e m perratture , Isochronism a n d sochronisin and c ch hr ro o n n i i s s m m andPPoossitiitioonn;; Patteenntt t u rt e ,IsIosocchhrronismanndd Posiitiion;; P oossi titiioonn:;P a tentt Ss aaffetty B arrrrell;; Reguullaatotor;r; PatennttBrreguett Haiirr-‐ PattennttRegullattorr:;PatenttBreguett PatenttBreguettHairspring,Harrd-‐ Spring,, Hardenedd and Tempered Hair-Spring ; HardenedandTem‐ Hair-Spring; HardenedandTem- enedandTemperedin Form;; ened For pered and in in; F o rm m;Fine Glass Enamel F i n e Enamel Glass peed in Form; Double Sunk Form ; Double Sunk Plate and Jewel ScrewsGilded; 3a n dJewel ScrewsGilded; Double Sunk Dial....... seeseee ....$50 00 LeU e r a s a 8 B r i n n e ee naeneASRS $40 00 SteellParttssC hamtferred.. TheFin‐ h eH i n - est 18-Size Movement in the Movement the WN ORV a World 6...37500 c s venna REG aisla. s a c eee wis $ No. .22008. AAPPPLLEETON,TTRRACKY & CO..GildeddDamaskeened;;177Ruubbyy JTewells in Goolld Settings ; Com‐ Settings; Com- penssaatitoent-BaeAdjustedto B a l a n c e ,A d j u s t e d to Lemperature, sochronism emperature, Isochronism an d Posiittiion;; PatentRegulator;Paat-t‐ enttBBrreguetHaiir-Spring,,Harrd-‐ e e n n e ed d a n d T T e e m m p p e erre ed d i n F F o orrm m ; in DoubleSunk Diiall......... mies $35 00 30085 No.. 25.. Gilded Damaskeeneedd;; 177 Jewells in Setttiinnggs;s; Compen-‐ sattiion-Balance,, Adjusted to Tem-‐ perature, Isochr nism and Posi- pera ture, Isochro si‐ onism and Po tion;PatentBreguetHair-Spring, Patent Breyuet Hair-Spring, HardeneddandTemperredin Form; Double Sunk Dial... Double Sunk Dial. . ...c e c ye . + $30 .....830 No.. 87..Niickel, 17Jewellssiin Settingss,, Adjjusted;; Compensa-‐ tiion--Baallaance, Patentt Regullaatot or;r PatentBreguetHair-Spring,Har‐ dened and Tempered in F o r m ; Patent BreguetHair sprin bar;, Doublle Sunk Dial.....-. Sunk Dial . . . 8 2 2 50 No.. 85.. Gilldeed,,1177 Jewellssiin Settings,, Adjjuusstted,Compenssaatitoionn- ‐ B a la nce,, PI a t e n t Regulato;r P a t ‐ Patent Regulator; Pat- entBr e g u et Hair-Spriing,, H ard-‐ enedand Temperedd iinnFormr m; TortieSiteDIAL. Doublesunk Dial. cscsseevecc s . Form820 0 "20 0 0 No. 88. Nickel,15Jewels ; Com‐ No. 83. Nickel, 15 Jewels; Com p e n s a t i o n - B a l a n c e , . . . s. e+. c. e+e e. pensation-Balance...........$loO No.. 81.. Gildeedd, , 155Jewelsls; Cpome-er pensaattiion--Baallaannccee. ........--..4+6s .$13 75 No.. 41.. Gilded, 7Jewels; Com- pensation-balance 0 00 Overr TTenn Millionn Walthams in usee. . 118967 43 No.. 206.. P. S. . BARTLETT.. N o . 3 5 .Nickel, 17RubyJewels No. 35. Nickel, 17R u b y Jewels No.. 207.. P.. SS.... BARTLETT.. Nickell,, 177JJeewelss in Settiinggss; Gilded,, 17JJeewells in Setttiings; in Gold S in Gold Setttiinnggs;s;Compenssaatitioonn-‐ Balance, A T e m p e r a - Balance, Adjusted tooTempera‐ Compensation-Balance. A d- Compensation-Balance. A d - C C o o m m p p e e n n s s a at t i i o o n n - - B B a a l l a a n n c c e e , , A A d d j j u u s s t t e e d d ; ; Pat- P P a t e n t Bre- B ett Re P aten egullattoorr; Patent Bre‐ ture, Isochronism and Position ; ture, Isochronism and Position; just justed; Pate e d;Patent Regulator; Pat‐ nt Regulator; guet Hair-Spring, Hardened and guet H air-Spring, Hardened and Patent Regulator; Patent Bre‐ Lat e n t Parent Bre- ent Breguet Hair-Spring, Hard‐ ent Breguet Hair-Spring. Hard- ened and Tempered in Form, Form. lemp ered inForm;; Doublle Sunk S u n k g u e t H a r uet Hair-Spriing,, Harddeenneeddand and e n e a a n d Tempered $22 50 D iea lDe.aV.ae.ie.se. .e. . a .$20 0 0 $20 00 TemperedinForm;;DoubleSunk A S T n AК Double Sunk Dial.......++ Double Sunk Dial.... --+-++: t a ei w esrlsei ietielee nieines 10141 WDidlies v .. a n c e s Be siecei oh dune ase.=$40 00 .$40 00 Any of the Above Movements Fitted with Fancy Dials Without E x t r a Cost. Any of the Above Movements Fitted with Fancy Dials Without Extra Cost. 00 9345AFOY Dartlett: 4709146 50346 nOpD KarchCo. Ро о п і о н а вна " 44 1 86wT HENEW- YORKURUKOEに親シ American Waltham Watch Co.’s Movements. American Waltham Watch Co.'s Movements. Named and Nameless,18 Sizes, Hunting and Open Face, Stem Wind. All Open Face Stem Wind are Pendant S ind. All Open Face Stem Wind are Pendant Set. é et.Fitall American FitallAmerican Named and Nameless, 18 Sizes, Hunting and Open Face,Stem W Cases o Sim Company Guarantees Prices to Cases of fSi milarSize. The American Waltham Watch ilar Size. The AmericanWaltham Watch Company Guarantees Prices to both Jobber and Retailer. both Jobber and Retailer. LISTT PRICES EACH.. 18Size.. *"*CRESCENT STREET.”"’ Non-Mag.‐ netic. Niickel,,77Rubyy Jewels in metic. G G o o l l d d S S e e t t t t i i n n g g s s ; ; C C o o m m p p e e n n s s a a t t i oi o n n - - B B a a l - l ‐ ance, Adjusted to Temperature. Agustedto•Temperature Isochronism andPosiition:;Pattentt Breguet Ha ir-S pring,, Hardenedd 3reguet and Tempered in Form; Fine a no T e m p e r e d 1 1 B i n e Glass EB n ameellD o uble sSunkD iall; the FBineSsctF 1 u 11 l 1 l P la te M ove m entt Win thNe WCorCldv.Hn.neEcomResWcoicseOrseernSl6250 .$62 50 18 Size. 18 Size. No.. 40.. Non-Magnettiic.. Nickell,, 155Rubyy Jewels in Settings;; Com- ‐ p e n sattio n - B a la n ce;; A d ju s te d to Temperatture,, Isochronism an d Position; Patent Regulato;r Pat‐ Position; Patent Regulator; Pat- entt Breguett Hair-Spriing;, Hard-‐ ened a nd Tem pere d in Ff orrm;; D o u b l e S u n k D i a l .$40 DoubleSunk.Dial.ce sac: $40 0 0 00 Vp SG MAYeatesN y Snreri et 'Serican! 18 Size. 18 Size. 18 Siize.. No. . 40. . Non-Magnettiic.. Gilded,, No.. 1.. Gilded,, Non-Magnettiic.. 7 15 Ruby Jewels in Settings; Com- 15RubyJewelsin Settings; Com‐ J eweel lss;; Compeennssaat tiion--Ballance.. pensation-Balance; Adjusted to p e n s a t i o n - B a l a n c e ; A d j u s t e d t o D e a l e r s c a n s a f e l y g u a r a n t e e Dealers can safely guarantee Temperature,, Isochroniism andd Waltham Non-Magnettiic Watches Posiittiion;; Pattenntt Regulator;; Pat-t‐ to possess allll the quallities thatt entt Breguett Hair-Spriing;; Hardr-d‐ areclaimedforthem.. ‘Theyywillli ened and Tempered in Form;; resiisttthemosttpoweerrffuullmagneett-‐ Doublle Sunk Diailian.ls. sc.cccses . . . . $ 8 1 2 6 SIAR +> e $31 25 BAAe ERO ANGSHOOTCHAODUAOS .....$12 .$12 50 50 N N o o n n - - M M a a g g n n e e t t i i c c M M o o v v e e m m e e n n t t s s. . 3688170 ‐ I 16 Size. 16 Size. 16 Size. 16 Size. 16 Siize.. ‘"*AMN.. WATCH CO.".” Non-M-Maag-g‐ 6 RIVERSIDE." Non-Magnetic. *““RIVERSIDE.”’ Non-Magnetic. **RIVERSIDE.’’ Non- Magnettiic.. 6 RIVERSIDE. nettiic.. Fine Nickell,,177FineRuby Nickell,,177Jewels in:Settings;; Ex-‐ Gilded,, 177 Jewels in Settings;; Jewels in Golldd Settiings;; Exposedd posedd Pallets;; Patentt Regullattorr;; Exposedd Palllletts;; Pattentt Regulla-‐ Pallets,,PatenttReg'’lat'’rr;;Compeen-n‐ Compensattiion-Balance;; Adjjustedd tor;r; Compensattiion-Balance;; Ad-‐ sation-Balance;;AdjjusteddtoTeemm-‐ to Temperratture,,Isochronismand justed tooTemperrature, Isochron- peratture,,Isochronism and Possii-‐ PoSsiition;;PattenttBreguet Haiirr-‐ ismandPossiittiion;;PattennttBreguett tion;;PattennttBregueettHair-Spriing;; Spriing;; Hardenedd andTempered Hair-Spriing;;HardeneddandTem-‐ HardenedandTem Hardened and Tempeerreedd. ..........$.$87 500 I 1 N 1 I B N O o V r I N mG GooDdKGGDaD00seceeeco.e . e . e .$945 0 00 0 perreeddinForrmm........ N . o . na . n . a . n . eS .. e . a .$ h $387 5 50 0 € It Shoulld be Speciialllyy Noted tthat Waltham Movements Allready in the Stocks of Dealers or in the Pockets of Wearers,, willll be Refitted with the Waltham Non--Maaggnneettiicc Balanccee,,Hair-Sprriing and Escapementt,, at Fixed Prices Quoted upon Application.. Over Seven Million Waltthhaamss are in use.. W e F u r n i s h A s s o r t e d Fancy D i a l s o n a n y o f t h e A m e r i c a n W a l t h a m M o v e m e n t s w i t h o u t E x t r a C h a r g e , E x c e p t t h e 0 & 6 S i z e , We Furnish Assorted Fancy Dials on any of the American Waltham Movements without Extra Charge, Except the 0 & 6 Size, Z7 Jewells,, which willl be charged att 88c.. Each,, Listt.. A Fulll Line of Watch Materials willll always be Found in our Tooll and Materiiall Deparrttmeennt.t. Referr to ourr Speciiall Illustrated Catalloguee,, Sentt Free on Application.. -QOuur JobbiinnggDeparttmenntt is Mostt Complete.. Workk of any Nature Prompttlly and Sattiisffaccttoorriilly Attttended to.. See S peciiall P rice L i stt o n A n o t h e r P age.. Our Opticall Departmentt is Complete in Every Detaiill,, and Directed with Scrupulous Care. h Scrupulous Care. 1 6 Size. 16 Size. GS°AMERICICAN WATCH CO.?” Non-‐ Magnettiic.. Firstt Qualiityty Nickell,, 1 1 9 9 E E x x t t r r a a F F i i n n e e R R u u b b y y e J w e we e l l s s i i n n GoldSettings;Gold Train; Ex- Gold Settings; Gold Train; E x ‐ posed Ruby Pallets; Patent R e g ‐ posed Ruby Pallets;P a t e n t Reg- ulator;; Compensaattiion-Balance,, Adjusted t oO Te m perratture., Is o ch-‐ r o n i s m a n d P osiittiion;; P a t e n t Bree- ‐ uet Hair-Spring; Hardenedand fuenpered-Spriorn Harden empered in MOTm,......0sseoee$162 50 .. e . d ... an . d . $ 1 6 2 5 0 3887.045 i t c h Co WatchCo Stem Wiind, Pendantt Sett Movements.. Fitt aall 16 Sizzee Ameerican Casess.. The American Walt merican Waltham Watch Compannyy is the Onlyly Companyy tthatt Guarantees Prices to Jobbeerr and Retaiilleerr ‐ Protecttiing Both in Carrryiinngg a Liberall Stockk of These Desirablle Goods,, Rebattiinngg any Reductiions Made.. .pees% 4 :4 ‘:AMERICAN WAT] CH €0.”‐First Q GAMERICAN WATCH C O .-First Quality Q u u a a lity «“AMN.:.WATCyHC€O0,.»” Fine Nickel; 17Fine Fine Nickel; 17 Fine Nickell,,19EBxattreaFFiineeRuubbyy Jewels in Golldd Ruby Jewels in Gold Settings;; ExposedPall-- Settings;GGoold Train;,EExxppoosseeddRubyPallets; Settings; lle t s ,, Pattentt Regullattorr;; Compennssaatitoionn-B-Bala-l- P atent Regulattorr;; Compensattion-Balance; ion-Balance; ance. Adjus ted to T e m p e r a t u r e , I s o c h r o n - L e m p e r a t u r e , s o c h r o n e eciustce e s Aghusted t o 'emperature. sochronism and Poi OG cee vane im f e ° e e B r e g e u c e t H a i i r r - - S S p p r r i i n n g g , , H Ha a r g r - 1 2 6 0 0 ARECIAT I H m a a r d e n e p r a angFostaen,PatentBreguetHair-Spring, d re e d ne Pa d s a a n d i n tio d n T e m p e r e d i i n F o r m S o u t c e n i e n $ 7 5 0 0 Te e m n p at e er r e e d d re 1 s n r F o o t rm ia . . . i r S p r i n g 875 0 0 d e n e d a n d T e m p e r e a i n f o r m . ..$125 00 "RIVERSIDE." Nickel;17 Jewels in Set- tings; ExposedPallets P a t e n t tings; Exposed Pallets; “RIVERSIDE.” Ni yi ve ickel; 17 Jewelsin Set‐ Regulator; Compensation-Balance; Adjusted t oTem- ; parent Reve: Compensation-Balance ; Adjusted to Tem‐ perature,IsochronismandPosition;Patent perature,Isochron ism and Position;Patent p e r e d i no r m . . . . . . . ardenedandTem‐$37 60 Breguet Hair-Spring; H Hardenedandl'em- p e r e d i J n F o r m neler Bils caoien costareensN e s e bor 00 “RIVERSIDE.”? Gilded; 17 Jewels in Set- «RIVERSIDE. Gilded; 17 Jewels in Set- tings;; Exposed Pallletts;; Pattent Regulattor; r; Compensattion-Balance; Adjjuusstteedtto Tem- Tem- poratare,IsochroniasnmdPosition;Patent Isochronism and Position;Patent BrreguetHair-Spring,Harrdeneedd and Tem‐ Tem- p p e e r r e e d d i i n n F F Oo r r Mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . e . e. . c . e . s . s . v e. c e e s r r r e s v e s s e s $ 3 0 0 0 ............ $80 00 ASYAL "ROYAL." Nickel: 17 lewels i n Settings; «ROYAL.". Gilded; 17 Jewelsi n Settings; Paten “ROVAL.??. Gilded; 17Jewels in Settings; t Patent Regulator; Compensation-Balance; Patent Regulator; R O Y A L . ’ N i c k e l ; 17Jewelsin Settings; ; Compensation-Balance; Patent Regulator; Compensation-Balance; Regulator;Compensation-Balance PatentBreguetHair-Spring;Hardenedand Patent Breguet Hair-Spring; Hardenedand Patent Breguet Hair-Spring; Hardened and TemperedinPOLM...2..+++..---eeerrsrevesseO20OO TemperedinForm.. .............$2600 Lemperedinform.... PatentBreguetHair-Spring;Hardeneda.n..d.$18 76 T e m pineForrme....d. 12. ssecceveserercee- $18 75 7120 603. "No. 22.3 Gilded; 1 Jewelsin Settings; Compensation-Balance; L a t e n t D i e z u e l “No,22.2 Gilded;11JewelsinSettings; Hair-Spring, Hardened and Compensation-Balance; P a t e e n m t pe B r r e eg a uet Form. Hair-Spring,HardenedandTempered..in. S12 00 Monin cence:Bie oll h e esiseIOeae emacseoSLALOO NOCHARGE FOR SPECIAL NAMED MOVEMENTS. NO CHARGE FOR SPECIAL NAMED MOVEMENTS. Dealers may have their names or any special name placed on all above Except 7 Jewel Waltham Movements Free of Charge. Dealers m a y have their names or a n y special name placed on all above E x c e p t 7 Jew el Waltham Movements Free of Charge. rders for or placing name on Seven Jewel Grade an extra charge of $1.00 list is made. Allow at least 4 weeks' time on o ForplacingnameonSevenJewelGradeanextrachargeof$1.00listismade. Allowat least4weeks’timeonordersfor F special named. Fancy Dials on any of the above Movements without extra cost. specialnamed. FancyDialsonanyoftheaboveMovementswithoutextracost. OVER TEN MILLIONS AMERICAN WALTHAM MOVEMENTS ARE IN USE. OVER TEN MILLIONS AMERICAN WALTHAM MOVEMENTS ARE IN USE. All their new movements interchange and fit all same size American cases. Alltheirnewmovementsinterchangeandfit allsamesizeAmericancases, i n e “No,28.2? Nickel;15Jewelsin Settings; "No. 28. Nickel; 15 Jewels in Settings; Compensation-Balance; P a t e n t B r e g u e t SParent Breguet Haiir-Spprriinngg,,HardenedandTemperedin$1625 Hardened and Tempered 1n Ge avivercoseances H'orm. SLE 25 «No. 20.? Gilded; 7 Jewels: Compensa- tion-Balance;Patent “No.20.” Gilded; 7BrJeegwuet Hair-Spring, els: Compensa‐ tion-Balance; Patent Bre Hardened and Tempered in Form... guet Hair-Spring, $10 00 HardenedandTemperedinForm..........-$1000 : LIST PRICES EACH. Fa SRE 1896 45 45 FORTIETHILLUSTRATED Q G U E ~ 1306S FORTTEH [LLUST American Waltham Watch Co.'’s Movements. American Waltham Watch s. | 16 Size,, 3-4 Plate,, Huntiingg and Open Face.. MASS 31 1280) "WATCHGOS 6 9U s 66NO• 46 GINGETHENEW-YORKJEWELER American Waltham Watch Go.’s Mlovements. American Waltham Watch Go's Movements. OANND6D6SIZE.. 3-44PLATE,,HUNTIINGOROPENFACE., Stem Wind,, PendanttSet.t. Fitt al l Ameericann Cases off similarr sizes., The American Waltham W atchh Compannyy sis the onlyl y Compannyy thatt guarantees prices to Jobberr arnid R R e e t t a a i i l l e e r r - ‐ - p p r r o o t t e e c c t t i i n n g g b b o o t t h h i i n n c c a a r r r r y y i i n n g g a a l l i i b b e e r r a a l l s s t t o o c c k k o o f f t t h h e e s s e e d d e e s s i i r r a a b b l l e e g g o o o o d d s s , , r r e e b b a a t t i ni n g g a a n n y y r r e e d d u u c c t t i i o o n n s s m m a a d d e e . . 6 Size. 6 Size. 6$668S.9?, FineNiickell;;177Fine Ruby Jewels in raiisseeddGoolld Settings; Exposed Pallets; Settings; Exposed Pallets; Compensation Baallaannccee;_ Ad-. jusstetedd;PatentBrreguetHaairi-r- Spr Ha pring ing, rdene , Hardened and Tem- d pv e r e e d i inrn F Heo o r r mdn ..... S c e n e s P$O5O0O00O WALTHA ROSWATCH 6 Size.. e h , Glided:; “1I1i «Jewels; „" GlIded; 6Size.Jewels: ~. “ J , ” Gilded; 7 Jewels; Hx- 6J.„" Gilded;7Jewels;Ex- Exposed Pallets; Compensa- Exposed Pallets; Compensa- posed posed Pallets; Compensation- Pallets; Compensation- tion Balances, tion Balance... 2o em.m s -. $13 $B 13 7 75 5 Balauce a lance .. ........ Soooducaoganones sO! 24) $11 26 1 5 No charge f o r special name on above, No charge for special name on above, A ny speciiall name on above for $1.00 o r h ig h e r g ra d e s. list extra. Listextra. 6 SSize.. °"K,", WFiineNickel;1166Fiine RubyJewelsin GoldSetting;s RubyJewels inGold Settings; Exposed Pallets; Compensa- Exposed Pallets; Compensa- tion Balance, Patent Breguet _ tionBalance,PatentBreguet Hair-Sprriing., HGardenecdo and T e m p einrFoermd 00 TemperedinBorm ........... $25 00 $26 LIST PRICES EACH.. 6 Size. 6 Size. 6H,,»’ HFineNiickell;;11Fine RubyJewels in Settings; Ex- R Jewelsi n Settings;Ex- posed P a l l e t s ;Compensation osed Pallets; Compensation . Balalncae;PnaPtacetennettBreguettHaiir-- Sprrimng,,HardenedandTem- pered in}Form.,....,.......... $17 &0 $17 60 6 Size. 6 Size. “"WW,??, Niickkeel;;l11Jewellsin Settings; Exposed Pallets; S e t t i n g s ; Exposed Pallets; Compensation-Balance.......$15 00 Compensation-Balance...... -. $15 00 ‘ Nochargeforspeciiallnameonabove.. OSize. 0Size. O Size‘ 0Size. O SiDA OSize. 0Size. “No.68,°? Fine 6S G“NENo..66.” F Nickel: 1 5 F i n e R u b y 6 6 . ° R' i i n n e e “No. 64,?;? Nickeel;l 6No. "“Noo..62,,"” Gilded; “«No..660,2,?" Gilded: Gilded; Nickel; 15 F i n e Ruby N i c k e l : 1 1Ruby Nickel; 11 Ruby Jewels Jewels 11Jewels in Setting;s 1 Jewelsi nSettings; 11Jewels in Setting;s 1 Jewe ls inSettings: 7 7 Jewe J s : ewel ls; Exposed Exposed Jewells;; Raised Golld in Settings; Exposed ExposedPallets;; Com- E xp o s e d P alllle tts:; Com- Palllletts;; C ompenssaattiion Settings; E x p o s e d Settings; Exposed PalletsCompensation i nSettings; Exposed Pallets; compensation p e nssaavtiion--bBaal alannc ec.e...... 165 63 p e nsaattiion Baalla n ce ... . . ... $1 4 388 BalanGe.. s e skea e s $12 50 S12 50 Pallets; Compensattiion i Balance; PatentBreg‐ Ba Balance;Patent Breg- Balance: Patent Breg- lance:PatentBreg- uetHairSpring,Har uet Hair-Spring, Hard- uet HairSpring,Hard- d- Over Seve n M illio n Waltham Movements are in u r S e W o v e m e n t sa r e i nu ssee., a l t h a m M uethair-spring,Hard- ened and T e m pered in e n e d a n d ened and Te mpered in MOTO cee ee cccecioen O $17 17 60 60 FOr ....cesceseees---+ $2500 HOLLU... $25 00 NO CHARGE FOR SPE NO CHARGE FOR SPECIIAL NAMED MOVEMENTS.. Anynameplacedondialorplateof Waltham Any name placed on dial or plate of Waltham Movements (exceptt 7 jeweled) FREE OF CHARGE.. For naming 7jeweled grade $1.00 for naming 7jeweled grade $ 1.0 0 list ex list extra. tr a. Allow at least FOUR WEEKS’ TIME on orders for special name, and be Allow at least FOUR WEEKS' TIME on orders for special name, and be particular in writing order clearrlly.. Newand Attractive Styles of Jewelrywill befound on Pages137 to 333. New and Attractive Styles of Jewelry will be found on Pages Speciiaall Dials.. o Size. AssortedFancyDials,on?Jewel Assorted Fancy Dials, on YJewel 6No.70," OSize. “No.70,” Fine Nickel; 17 FineNickel; 17 GCrRa Ad eC. O.c. n. g ... e ... s s eg os c o g oc a n s o o u u s0 $ 88s $ 88 FineRubyJewels: RaisedGold FineRubyJewels: RaisedGold Banicy Dia F a n c y ls on all except all except 7 S Settings exposed Pallets e t ting s; ExposedPallets; j Jewel Movemeent;s, wiithouttextra compensation Balance: Ad- Ompensation Balance3; ‐ J co o S y t e . e a ece Sarre justed justed;PatentBreguetHaiir.‐ : Patent Breguet . Spring, Spring, H ard e n e d an0 d Te m ‐. p p e e r r e e d d a i n n Hf o o r m m a . n . . s o s o a c e e c s MADELERO $50 00. $ 5 0 0 0 Hunting, 1 18 Size: crometer Regulator. No.54 Gilded, sameasabove... 98 No. 53. Gilded, sameasabove... 938 No. 58. Gilded, same as above... 12 50 FOR COMPLETE "STANDARD" WATCHES, SEE PAGES 124-125. STANDARO WATCH 3⁄4 Plate. New Thin Model. Hunting, ...S1000 Dials.. Debugs. A YORKE New Model. No..306 Nickel, Damaskeened- 3 0 . Hunting, J e w e l s . r a i nBearings inMetalSettings, Lever Set, Safety Pinion, C ompenssaattiion Balance, S u p e r i o r W h i t e . . . $ 5 6 8 18 Siize.. Fulll Plate,, New Model.l. No.. 34. Nickel, Damaasksekenend-ed‐ Hunting, 7 Jewells, Quick Train, rain, LeverrSseett,sSaalfetty Pliiniion,, Compen‐S 6 2 6 Compen- S A R A T O R B a l a n c e. . . . . . . . . . sation Balance .........-..------«.- $6 25 N0 o.. 388. 6 Gilded, Plain, same as G i l d e d , P l a i n , s a m e Ea Nn Oo Nv Ke . .n a . . o. G b sUO O nCO b C o C OG OD O G O C N C E > 6 2 5 6 2 5 18 Size. 18 Size. F u l l Plate, New Model. Full Plate, New Model. NNo..335.- Nickell,, Daamaasksekeenend-ed‐ Open Face, Open Face, 7 Jewels, Quick Train, Jewels, O l e t r a i n . Lever Set, Safety Pinion, Compen‐ Lever Set. Safety Pinion. Compen- s a t i o n b a l a n c e . sationBalance.......... . s . o .. o . d . e . n . o . n .. s . o . no $ $ 6 62 25 6 18 S iiz e.. Fulll Plate,, New Model.l. No. 140.. Nickel,Damaskeened‐ Hunting,11JJeewweells in Ss eettttiings,, CO ut CompensationBalance,Lever Set, Compensation Balance.Lever bet, P attent Regguullattorr., Safety Piniion,, PlainorAssortedFancyDials......$ Plaino rAssortedFancy Dials......$8 75 No.. 142.. Gilded,, same as abovve.e. 8 75 6 Size Showing Fancy Dial. 3⁄4 Plate, Hunting. N o . 4 8 . N i c k e l , D a m a s k e e n e d - 1JewelsinSettings,OutCompen- sationBalance,Quick Train, Lever Set,SafetyPinion,PlainorAssorted Fancy S. S. DIals........ No. 50. Gilded,, Plaiin,, same as AION ocosn coneso u s Voee Ae AOQO 1000 N N o o . . 3 3 7 7 . . G G i i l l d d e e d d . , D D a a m m a a s s k k e e e en ne ed d- ‐ sSame as absove.;.....a b252o-2 ev ee es e: O O .6OF No.. 39.. Gilded,, Plaiin,, same as. Aa Db Oo Vv Ee . S e a e s S a . . . . . . . etic .... ... 6256 S tandar d 18 Size, 18 Size. Fulll Plate,, New Model.l. No.. 141. Nickeel.l. Damaskeened‐ 141. Damaskeened- Open Face,, 11JJeewelss in Settttiings,, CuttCompensatitoionn Balance, Lever Balance, Lever Sett,, Patent Regulator, Safety Patent Regulator, Safety Ranev WEAN ......58 75 Pinion.,PlaiinorAssortedFancy ne doacuoodpedelsocR o e ...-$8 75 No.. 143.. Gilded, same as above.. 8 75 Gilded, same asabove.. 8 75 S S XC = =~ SY LD ~ « ‐F 2 w e eFORTETH [LLVSTRATED, (ATALecU 1 8 9 6 FORTIETHILLUSTRAMEDCATALOGUE 3189 = aS New York Standard Watch Co.’s Movements. New York Standard Watch Co.'s Movements. FIT ALL AMERICAN CASES OF SIMILAR SIZESS. . 6,,16 AND 18 SIZE,, HUNTIING AND OPEN FACE,, STEME I WIND.. 479 LIST PRICES EACH.. PRICES GUARANTEED TO JOBBERS AND RETAILERS,, REBATIING ANY REDUCTIIONS.. S .NEWYORKG Adar match Beas Se 188 Siize.. New Modell.. NNo..3$1.. Nickell,, Damaskeened-‐ OpenFace,7Jewels,TrainBearings OpenPace.7Jewels,TrainBearings inMetallSettings,,LeverSett,,Saffettyy Pinion,,Compensaattiion Balance,, Su‐ S T . p p e e r r i i o o r r W W h h i i t t e e E E n n a a m m e e l l l l e e d d D D i i a a l l . . . . . . . . . . $ $ 5 5 6 6 3 3 8 @NEY 6Siize. 33⁄44Plate,, Hunting.. No. . 44.. Niickell, Damaskeened‐ 7 J ewells., Q uiic k TI ra iin, L e ve r sSeett,, S arfe lty Pi ni ni oi on n. . .. . . . S sO H ROS O MS E$ 7 5 0 . . S 7 5 0 No.. 46.. Gilded,, Plaiin,, same as Mà0O0OYVeE.ee o s eBO eematewaseesic kLOO . . 7 50 16 Size. 16 Size. 16 Size, 16 Size. 3⁄4 Plate, New Thin Model. 34 Plate. %3⁄4 Plate,, New Thiin Model.l. No. 522. .NNiicckell,, Damaskeeenneedd-‐ No. 51. Nickel, Damaskeened- N o . 56. Nickel, Damaskeened‐ NO. 5б6 NickeLsDamaskeened- e w e s i n s e l D e s , Hunttiing,, 11 Jewels iIn_ Settings, Sectings, Hunttiinngg,,:7JJeewellsinSeetttiings.Coomm-‐ Ope n Ff ace,, ’7 Jewels in Settings, Sibever Compeennssaattiion Balance, Lever Set, B a l a n c e . L e v e r b e t , pensattiion Balance, Lever Set, Mi‐ Lever Set, Mi- CompensattionBallance,,LeyerSet, MicrometerRegulator,BreguetHair MicrometerRegulator,BreguetLair crometerRegulator, BreguetHair B r e g u e t H a i r MiiccrrometterRegulattorr,, BreguetHaiirr S prriing., A r ttiisstitci cGlass Enamelled, MISS Spring,, Artistic Glass Enameled, A r U S U C Spring, Artistic Glass Enamelled, Artistic Grlass s n a m e l l e d . . $ 9 3 8 Plainor AssortedHancyDials...- $12 50 PoinorAssorted_ancyvials..... $12 50 PlainorAssortedFancyDials.....--$938 Plainor Assorted Fancy Dials. ......$9 38 Plain or Assorted Mancy Dials.....--$9 38 Plain o rAssorted Fancy Dials.. No.53. Gilded, sameasabove.... 9 38 WATCHES,SEEPAGES124-125. No.68. Gilded,sameasabove...1250 No.54- Gilded, sameasabove,.. 9 38 FOR COMPLETE “STANDARD” To Size. 3⁄434Plate,, New Thin Model.l. No..55- Nickel,Damaskeened‐ ..Nickel. Damaskeened- Open F ace,, 1l 1lJJeeweells in Settings, Compensattiion Balance,, Lever Sett, MiicrometerrReegguulalatotor.r, Breguett Hairir Ss pprriing,, aArrutis tuic Glass Enamelled, G l a s s s n a m e l e d . Plainor Assorted Fancy Dials.,...$12 50 Plain or Assorted Fancy Dials.,....$12 50 No..57.. Gilded,,sameassabove...122050 48 =i~¥ORK.Ee 18 Size. N o . 1 4 9 H u n t ’ g , N i c k e l , 2 0R u b y Jewels, Adjusted to Tempera‐ ture, Isoch. and Position,Escape‐ ment Cap Jeweled, Gold Set, Patent Regulator,Breguet Hair‐ Spring, Glass Enamel Double e 18 Size. Huntingor OpenFace. 18 Size. Huntingor OpenFace. B. W. RAYMOND, Gilt, 17Jewels..$35 00 Adjusted Patent Regulator, Breguet Hair-Spring, Double Sunk Dial. 18 Size. Hunting or Open Face. Sunk Dial No. 150 Open Face, Same as et 18 Size. HuntingorOpen Face. No. G. M. ,.WHEELER, Gilt, 17 18 Size. No.144 Hunting,Nickel,17Jew‐ els, Adjusted, 5 Pairs Set, Patent Regulator, Breguet Hair-Spring.$22 50 No.148 Hunting,Gilt,17Jew‐ els, Adjusted, 5 Pairs Set, Patent Regulator, Breguet Hair-Spring.$20 00 No.142 Hunting,HalfNickel, 15Jewels, 4 Pairs Set, Comipen‐ 18 Size. No.141Gilt,Hunting,15Jewels,4 Pairs Set, Compensated Balance.$18 75 16 Size, Nameless, New Model. No. 156 Nickel, Hunting, Bridge, Adjusted to Tempera‐ tureandPositions,Compensated Balance,21ExtraFineRedRuby Nickel, 16 Size, Nameless, New Model. _ No. 154 Nickel, 3/ Plate, A d ‐ justed to Temperature, Compen‐ sated Balance, 17 Jewels, 5Pairs Settings, Micrometer Regulator, Breguet Hair-Spring, Sunk Sec‐ ond SoftEnamelDial,First Qual‐ i t y Moon Hands, Dust and, Thoroughly WellFinished........$87 50 Moore 1875 Jewels, 6 Pairs, Raised Gold Settings, Escapement Cap Jew‐ No. 96 Gilt,Hunting,7Jewels, CompensationBalance............1000 No.78OpenFace,sameasabove,10 00 eled, Cone Pivots, Microme‐ ter Regulator, Breguet Hair Spring, Double Sunk Soft En‐ amel Dial, First Quality Moon Hands, D u s t Band, Thoroughly First Quality Finish Thro’out..$100 00 No. 162 Open Face, Same as ENDO Go0000 0 0 . G u 0 n o s o n p a s d o o o d e u c d 10000 n No. 160 Open Face, Same as ENDOWCreerCOOCOHere r e r e rewneeeee Elgin National Watch Co.’s Movements. 0, 6, 16 AND 18 SIZE, HUNTING AND OPEN FACE. LIST PRICES EACH. S56 25 DONe IsecCacomistsinniecoiesalstelerieR e i t e r DO 20 Jewels...... Adjusted Patent Regulator, Breguet hain weak Hair-Spring. $20 00 SatedgBallancenqcn A I D O Vy eI nC H $15 00 ieteleniiosmeena e a e 15 0 Aare ose ce No. 146 Open Face, Same as ieeecee oe WheninNewYorkdonotfailtocall. wae ns] eee B. W. RAYMOND, Nickel, 17 JeneneSous $40 G. M. WHEELER, Nickel, 17 anonueaceasoucaccacones 00 V O MSensors susopacseccecoungoGds $22 50 Adjusted Patent Regulator, Breguet Hair-Spring,Double SunkDial. Adjusted Patent Regulator, Breguet HairSpring. ; No. 148 Open Face, Same as Above .. 0.147 Open Face, Same as A D O V C n & BO nc e s e c e n 2 0 0 0 We are always Pleasedto Show a Customer or Visitor through our various Lines. Our Separate Catalogue,IWustratedand Quoting exclusively Materials and Tools for Watchmakers, Engravers, Manufacturers, Etc.,is thelargest andmostcompleteToo! Catalogueextant. ListPrices, Mailedfree to thetradeon application. No. 155 Plate,Adjusted to Temperature and Position, Compensated Bal‐ ance,17RosyRuby Jewels,5Pairs, Gold Settings, Micrometer R e g u ‐ lator, Breguet Hair-Spring, Double Sunk Soft Enamel Dial, Dust Band, First Quality Moon Hands,FinelyFinishedThrough‐ OULE P A N ra a a r e r e im re r n c i e i neee 5 0.00O6 ie nGsio8bS6G0000 G00 Hunting, 3 ln SHGGnKINOO00otinsHoOUdHOTC 5 $50 00 No. 161 Open Face, Same as min eae etsie s 37 50 Elgin National Watch Co.’s Movements. WILL FIT ANY AMERICAN CASE OF SIMILAR SIZE. 0, 6, 16 AND 18 SIZE, HUNTING AND OPEN FACE, STEM WIND. LIST PRICES EACH. F - % ; ; Compensation-Balance, 17Rosy Ruby Jewels, 5 pairsGold Settings, Mi- FiteSoceanmee, ewe,92500 setd teeGoceR L S ; 1 4 5 eS Gilt, Sameas NO.14e 7 osins 1500. |. OM Se ee $5000 NG:veeHunting,Nickel,Com- pensation-Balanee, 15Jewels, 4 ecrometer Regulator,BreguetHair-Spring, Double Sunk SoftEnamel Dial,DustBand,FirstQualityMoonHands,FinelyFinishedThroughout.$50 00 6 SI Size. “ "4149 HalfNickel (15 Jewels, 4 p a i rins Setting).........2. sesseeeeeeee. 15 00 No.122Hunting,Nickel,Ad- Justice, Cotipens t i i e ) aieuce; 1” Fine Ruby Jewels, (5p a i r s Raised Gold Settings), B. H. Spring, : B a n i Eeee m i a Teeteroeis-.-.-$5000 juigeeds C o m seuedioe Hebe1 6 Size. 2 No. 155 Nickel, 3{-plate, Adjusted to Temperature and Position, N : eine oes af PairsSettings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 5 4 5$250 0 No. 154 Nickel, 3/-plate, Adjusted t o Temperature, Compensation-Bal‐ ance, 17Jewels, 5 pairs Settings, Micrometer Regulator, Breguet Hair‐ Spring, Sunk Second Soft EnamelDial, First Quality Moon Hands, Dust 6 Size. No. 1838 Hunting, Nickel, 15 Jewels, 4pairs Settings...........$16 25 py 6 eeLOS “152 6 Size. No. 182 Hunting, Gilt, 15 Jewels, 4 pairsSettings...........$15 ; No.117 Hunting, Compensa- tion-Balance, 7Jewels, Gilt......GIIED No 98. te Sv ineFinishedMovement...............-. No.94. “ ge Lever,Jeweled,FinerFinishedMovement........ Ke s LeverJeweled Movement... $3 75 ‘ S “ S ‘ « F i n e F i n . M o v e . 5 0 0 bc SG n or .............. 1500 CoScoodoon t o d s2500 CODON Craze Ge FO OO OG c acter t t ne e «>cjecrs ollie S (moan 8 75 eheaaies ec FancyDial........ S c a a w o Be a c c r u e :ccmecinncoaesoreceiean a t N e s s o i l e ou na ee eroN r o eD enn eeeteens dOO ne 14 88 ALWAYS MENTION NUMBER OF PAGE AND ARTICLE WHEN ORDERING. DB cs. .c2 eee No. 80. ion,Straight Line Lever Escapement,Screw Bankings, Quick Train,Hand‐ ee Or a n c y Wialneerncses No:86. PlainGiltSamerasa b o v e . .se.e< No. 88. SolidNickelPlates,11Jewels.HandsomelyDamaskeenedin Gold, No. 61. Plain Gilt, ” Jewels... No. 55. Nickel Damaskeened, 11 Jewels in Raised Settings, Handsome Wihiteronr M a n e y Dialitac N o . 6 6 ) PlainiGuilt* Same as abovies No. 58. SolidNickelPlates,FifteenJewelsin Raised Settings, Beautifully 5. Damaskeenedin Gold, Handsome White Enamel or FancyDial.............. 15 00 No.48. Nickel3{Plate,Cylinder.... ...SACS Oe GomanOuOG N o . 4 9 . No. 61. No. 62‘ N o . 6 8 . of “ o s & sf IMibaey IH h o e o o l e a U R RRC ie otal r Gilded, Full Plate, CylinderMovement.......... 2s sic ee a s e c une a n h M a t e s S o e Eeee ee tse.ccccciee e e eeeeacca e .c e e .O E e T BAecon eens ccs ee ee ee es,Hoon C inves e e g o >semis 8 75 - 875 10 00 ; United States Watch Co.’s Movements, WALTHAM, MASS. Named and Nameless. 18 Size Quick Train Huntingand Open Face Stem Wind are Lever.Set. Fit all American Cases of Similar Size. LIST PRICES EACH. 18 SIZE, STEM WIND, FULL PLATE, HUNTING. THE PRESIDENT. 18 Size, Nickel, Open Face and Hunting, S t e m W i n d , L e v e r S e t , 17E x t r a F i n e R u b y Jewels (5 P a i r s in G o l d Settings), Matheson’s Patent Regulator, Breguet Hair-Spring, Accurately Adjusted to Temperature, Isochronismand Positions, Double Roller Escapement,Double Sunk, GlassEnamelDialwith Mareinal Pigures. o o . i c c c cc cn e n c e e e e e t a n c e g m t e s n y etegeenn usenese $68 7 5 No. 39. First Quality Nickel, 17 Ruby Jewels in Gold Set‐ tings, Safety Pinion, Hardened and Tempered Breguet Hair‐ Spring, Compensation-Balance, Adjusted to Heat, Cold, Posi‐ tion, and Isochronism, Patent Regulator, Double Sunk Dial, This Movement is Especially Adapted for Railway Service..........+.-.. No. 40. Fine Nickel, 17 R u b y Jewels in Gold Settings, Safety Pinion, Hardened and Tempered Breguet Hair-Spring, Com‐ pensation-Balance, Adjusted to Heat, Cold, and Positions, Pat‐ ent Reaulator, Double Sunik Diallo. 0 a--on e c e o No. 52. Fine Nickel, 17 Jewels in Gold Settings, DoubleRol‐ l e r Escapement, Nickel T r a i n Wheels, Safety Pinion, Hardened and Tempered Breguet Hair-Spring, Compensation-Balance, Adjusted, Patent Regulator, Double Sunk Dial......porongavooecoo 23 76 No. 54. Nickel,15Jewelsin Settings,Safety Pinion, Compensa‐ tion Balance, Plain Regulator, Hardened and Tempered Hair‐ Gyoneibaereew e eoaapaGeoHObOA a r eGoaueCOOCNCoEBOOUe:CoMGnUSOnTOOOOUROOD No. 56. Nickel, 11 Jewels, Safety Pinion, Compensation-Bal‐ ance, Hardened and Tempered Breguet Hair-Spring, Patent Regulator,TopPlateJewelledi n Settings.. . . . . . . - . . . . - - c e e s e e s e c e e e N o . 57. Gilded, 15Jewels in Settings, Safety Pinion, Compen‐ sation-Balance, Patent Regulator, Hardened and Tempered Hair‐ 1500 H OG U R S w e o i e n s a n p p o n o d o o C b e O U C a o r e c B a v O c D E a s 5 O N d U n G d n D M n E n e r o c o D u o s d e 1 3 ...c.0.. e s No. 58. Nickel, 15Jewels in Settings, Safety Pinion, Compen‐ sation-Balance, Patent Regulator, Double Sunk Dial, Hardened and TemperedBreguetH a i r - S p r i n sgee. n.e. ec.ee.ee.e .vee. e-eee- 1 68 8 No. 58. Nickel, 11 Jewels, Safety Pinion, Compensation-Bal‐ ance,PlainRegulator,TopPlateJewelledin Settings.............. 13 138 No. 48. Gilded, % Jewels, Safety Pinion, Compensation-Bal‐ ance;PlainReomlaton6 a s c s s n e s a c e n c e c e sis a r s h e d a l o i 6g oyheeaioreceye telas 10.0 0 18 SIZE, STEM WIND, FULL PLATE, OPEN FACE, LEVER SETTING. PresidentsNickels Sameasvabovien.deeccohesisocecceacsce$6875 INOSW s INGOKEMSEaNeA S “ 8 9 , ee Ese en OD: is LO INIO>;BWrococ o s o o d e n o s o c c a s e a n u d G o u s u a o u u n o d s 50:0 0 CADE AS Sys exatel ofosofsioisi stoi oyays slats wiavevais VR C e e 37 50 Me OP SAD in ON o n DOORORNOETROBEO C COOORES 23 76 GG Mne tO onSd n g per5-7con NeoduOUesGAaduonp o e LB ke) BE SBA os s e r e; R a p eRacais stitairareseeka t e r 15 0 CG apy “ eO4: s OG:= aRRReeLRNERSAONAAAIOOOREOSAE n1438 C O T . G98. a sGtos Galdeds 5" Me S < SAE S ONS GINED bai Fep renal eaeinie wisiote =0inl ajemsl orale waeciie ears 13 75 O EES TS BireremeaaesReiereral vialsieiorecintaSoar S e c arcioneee 13 13 cae ABU Pepin T a r e e ein iarele ciety statins e a e eTNG 10 00 We Import our Own Diamonds, Cut Them, and Manufacture Mountings on the Premises. Inspect Samples on Pages 9 to 40. We can Supply Musical Instruments of Every Descriptionat Short Notice. See Pages773 to 800. Always Mention Number of Catalogue as well as Number of Page and Articlewhen Ordering. « 50 00 e. $760 ce 1 4 3 8 7 5 dun ; Nees il 3 § ace No. 108 Nickel; 17 Ruby Jewels, 5 Pairs in Settings; Breguet Hair-Spring; Micrometer Regulator; Double Sunk Dial; Adjusted torleatyColdangPositions< 6 . . . 0 2 2 3 c e s e e e ae ee No. 104 Nickel; 17 Jewels, 5 Pairs in Settings; Breguet Hair‐ Spring; Micrometer Regulator; Double Sunk JOVEN ae oa a No. 105 Nickel; 15Jewels, 4 Pairs in Settings; Breguet Hair‐ Spring; Micrometer Regulator; Double Sunk Dial............... $3750 22 50 17 50 Ws | J f SE 3 5 a je SS } \ ‘ i yy Qa Dy y United States Watch Co.’s Movements. Waltham, Mass. 6 and 16 SIZE, 3-4 PLATE, STEM WIND, HUNTING AND OPEN FACE. List Prices Each. 16 Size, Hunting, Stem Wind, Lever Set, Thin Model. No. 106 Nickel; 15Jewels, 4 Pairs in Settings; Plain Regulator, SunbeoeconcsDials aet e d 6oc e e e ei eee R e 6 1500 No. 107 Gilded; 15Jewels, 4 Pairsin Settings; PlainRegulator; SunkSteomd:Dial.o fi v kea acc. os:Re oe 13 75 No. 108 Nickel; 11Jewels in Settings; Plain Regulator; Sunk SecondWil8)esesSeste tieeeeweet oes. 1313 No. 109 Nickeled; Damaskeened; 7 Jewels...... i e e e e e e 11 25 NodGildeds7Jewels:2 5 0 ) Wike c kcoe C r t Bhns1000 A l l of the above Movements have Safety Center Pinion and Compensation-Balance. 6 Size, Hunting, Stem Winding and Lever Setting. Quick Train. No. 60 First Quality Nickel; 17 Ruby Jewels in Gold TDM e k e e a s i e e e R e n a d e e a O h n e a E m e n e e $375 0 No. 68 Fine Nickel; 16Jewels in Gold Settings; Safety Pin‐ ion; Compensation-Balance; Hardened and Tempered Breguet Hair-Spring; Adjusted; Double Sunk Dial................ ...--. 25 00 No. 62 Nickel; 15Jewels in Settings; Safety Pinion; Compen‐ Sation-balance,SunkSecondDial.;. 1 . . . ..-----2.--- .:-:....-- 1625 No. 63 Gilded; 15Jewels in Settings; Safety Pinion; Compen‐ Sation-Balance. Sunk Secomd D i a l j . . . J 2 . . . . . : . - . - - 5+--+- -+-+:. No. 64 Nickel; 11 Jewels; Safety Pinion; Compensation-Bal‐ a n c e ; T o p P l a t e Jeweled i n S e t t i n g s . . . . . . . . . - . . . . + . 5 . p a n n e o o d No. 65 Gilded; 11 Jewels; Safety Pinion; Compensation-Bal‐ ance; TopPlateJeweledinSettings..........0.e.s.s-e-e.e-e No. 69 Nickeled; Damaskeened; 7 Jewels; Safety Pinion; Com‐ PEMSAviOn=Balance.< 5 . . . c e c e eef e t e : yc ee e e e PRM e e e n c e No. 66 Gilded; 7Jewels; SafetyPinion; Compensation-Balance. 1 5 0 0 1 5 6 3 1438 11 88 11 25 © 0 0 0 S O 0 S S O O O S L O H H H O H H H S H HHHLHOSHHHSHOHHHHHHOSOSHOHOHS OBSERVE: Pricesquotedin this book on all American Watch Movements and Cases a r e subject to change with‐ out notice. Makers’ lowest prices assured. PYYY YY YY We are the Only Wholesale House in the Jewelry District carrying a full line of the Meriden Britannia Co.’s Celebrated Goods. Examine Pages. We can supply Guns, Revolvers and Firearms of Every Description. | Silver Cases, with Gold Inlaid Decorations. Fahys’ScrewBackandBezel,OpenFace,DustProofCases. MadeOpenFaceonly in18Size3and40z.,withGoldInlaidSubject Decorations. Pendant Set, but will fit a n y 18 Size American Movement with Female Winding Pinion. No.84° 8\0z.. “Dog,” GoldInlaid ..........$13 13 No.86 80z., ‘Stag,’ GoldInlaid............$13 138 \sm No.88 30z., ‘‘HorseandJockey,” GoldIn1.$18 18 No.89 402z., of cs Cc 1S68 No. W o 85 4doz., “ Oe ROE eaten) sone 15 68 INonSe 4oz,. 3s GS BeachOne 1568 or Case with either of the following Movements: Views Cithise INICCl GiltPateReeAdige cou IES, 1b3IN IN@,Z l 4 No. 42 15. © OM auo No. No. No.45 17 “ Nick.‘ as EEE he s ule 4815‘“ 4417‘ ess e cecs No. 46 17 ‘ Nor47 1%“ Boe Nick. ‘ oe CE MESorounGioagsccocoooss000000000000000 Nick. Ext.Fine,Pat. Reg.Isochronism,...............+05. 58138 63 13 No. 54 17 No.65 17 m e e u r eter Nick. Ext.Fine,Pat.Reg.Isochronism . . . . . . . . . + . . . + . . . cSessanooo e uinc s b o mo Se ERCis eyat e n e eleiaieleleioiericieiere oees Colesccoesco. SEE er e Sere c ee s s o s c c a u o v b s a u s s e o s o n o OnOAO R O N N G D O U boSBR N O G BOn a D O o o o N K O O 0 G e K S ice e y s i s do .56 802.,“Locomotive,”GoldInlaid....$13138 No.58 302z., No.57 40z2., we cS Wa taeromel Wythe} No.59 4 0z., No,60 30z., “Saw-Mill,”GoldInlaid.......$13138 No.61 40z. cs eC Ee a o n 0 d 15 68 ee. a de c D NCORaaI eH CONeDOOE C es s o n G i l t } P a t Ree. AGS nc OROIIRE ecneern sacuins au c b a s s s o n v Y 2688No.5015oD e s c g u g s O U N N G A G S ‐ antes ureters ors tometer dun tee s No. 3568No.5317ueSINCe oiaT se s0n se eed 28138 INowok vie O oB a a R o O D D O O N O n W o Z B s ein cee 3563 87 63 55 63 65 63 ecs Sonia os Ss oie otal Secees srs i Oberoi e i =ieBONA 8818 5217ee iisneces cng saree cn ocu L I S T .PRICES EACH. Gold Inlaid Decorations in either 3 or 4 oz. cases‐‘Locomotive,” “Stag,” “Jockey,” “Dog,” “Stallion,” “Sulky,” * Bull,”’ *‘Bear,”“ Lion,”“G.A.R.” 8 oz. Case, with any Gold Inlaid Subject. g S B. . & B . Open Face. 4 oz Case, with any Gold Inlaid Subject. 18 Size Stem Wind. S . B . B & . Open Face. 18 Size Stem Wind. ZW: CAGIS)ANICOINGD! o B e s c o n p o n a e n c o m s s o d o n s o b u o K D s G sbObdOO $156 8 2 56 3 29 38 BShe OeoaSolens 3063 (FIRM. S O831183NoyAOW W e Carry i n S t o c k a L a r g e r L i n e a n d G r e a t e r V a r i e t y o f T h e s e S u b j e c t Cases T h a n a n y O t h e r H o u s e i n t h e T r a d e . CASTS)AOI.b c a c c or Case with either of the following Movements: es st Nicks =e 2is ECUTSOCHEONISING sce _d anagdlwsasdooasogonooooDGoNGoo8ndd0onscna0N5d eee eeu rg ee Silver Cases, with Gold Inlaid Decorations. “ Crescent” Watch CaseCo.’s Patent Screw Bezel,Dust Proof,Open Face,Stem Wind. Pendant Setting, but will Take any 18 Size American Movement with FemaleWinding Pinion. List Prices Each. . “Dog.” No.62 30z.,GoldInlaidDecoration........$2125 N o v . 6 8 . 4 0 z . , . “ ‘ e s R O A E T eo r a l o e r 2 3 7 5 “BIRE ENGINE.” No.64 30z.,GoldInlaidDecoration........$2125 N o ; 6 5 2 4 : 0 2 . ‐ * S o , V e S E E R O b e r 2 3 7 5 : “ STALLION.” No.66 30z.,GoldInlaidDecoration......$.2125 N o . 6 6 4 % 4 0 z , “ K s E S R e t e H A T S 2 3 7 6 WecanFurnishanyoftheFollowingSubjectsinEitherWeight: ‘‘Locomotive,”“Steamboat,”“Yacht,”““FireEngine,”“Eagle,” “ Suiky,”“Dog,”“Saw-Mill,”“ Bear,”“ HorseandJockey,”“ Owl,”“‘Steer” or.“Stag.” 3 oz., Case, with any Gold Inlaid Subject. 4 oz., Case, with any Gold Inlaid Subject. “Century ’? (Double Stock) Gold Inlaid Subject. No. No. No. 69 15 * Wo. 70: 17 Noval 17 poh No. Pie No.90 677 6815‘ S aa ee andaennenaGe 2b n3500 Ie 747 UIa O O Collin ibngo,Opcommo: Grigcuooes 7 the. Gilt . c s e e e s 2e 2e en oeoceans Jewels, Gilt.. (Galen Gilt, Pat.Ree.Adj....5......- 41 25 N o v i 17 “<- Nickel,Pat. Reg. Adj ........43 75 Wows 17 <*. c Nickel.. HeSATIRIC h HOR OF No. 94 No. 95 e tieaignC o n e $383 7 5 3760 88°76 No.92-45. »$81 20 No. 386 No,872 17 sg Girt, Pat,Reg)Adji.... .....9098 No.380 17 i Gilt,Pat.Reg.Adj... .......10150 No.387 15 ae Nickel. ne Wickelac sacc e cr e ceo n es 96 50 15a Ear BUCCI.. 30 cu: 984: No.381 17 Me Nickel,Pat.Reg.Adj........10400 No.888 17 $s Gilt,Pat.Reg.Adj.. 9850 107 65 No,874 17 “ . Nickel,Pat.Reg.Adj.,Isoch, 119% No,382 17 Me Nickel,Pat.Reg.Adj.,Isoch.12150 No.889 17 “ Nickel,‘Pat.Rehg.Aedjy...10100 11055 Wo,875 21J.,Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Isoch..1209% No,383 . Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Isoch.18150 No.890 17J..Nick.Pat.RegAdj.,Isoch11850 12755 N o , 891 21]., ‘' Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Iso.128 50 187 65 No. 8738 17 ‘ Wickel, Pat. Reg. Adj. (1!.. te es oi e No, 88h 7Jewels) Gilt s.0. 88 50 97 55 101 102 55 ur No. 861 No: 862) N o , 868 No.864 17 eo Gilt,Pat.ReoAdg 2 No, 365 17 “Nickel,Pat.Reg.Adj.......11945 Meare ont 111 Since. se.ee.eev.ne.ree.1068 5 14 K. Solid Gold Cases. AMERICAN Cases guUaranteedEFtullKarat,U.S.Assay. Average Weights quoted; any variation chargedat $1.60listper dwt., engraving included. WATCHES. Forallgradesof watchmovementsseepages42to58. Escaloped Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. Engine Turned. 18Size Stem Wind. Full Vermicelli, StarEngraved. 1 8S i z e S t e m W i n d . H u n t i n g o r Open Face Hunting or Open Face. 18Size Stem Wind. Hunting or Open Face N o . 892 or Casewitheitherof the following movements: No.400 CASE ALONE, 42dwts........H or Casewitheitherof thefollowingmovements: $63 90 No. 408 CASE ALONE, 48dwts......- S o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : C A S E A L O N E , 4 5 d w t s . NotS95)>elewwels,Gilt. 2c o s h c o n i c s e c a s o No. 394 No. 395 N o . 896 No. 897 17 No. 898. 17 No. 399 17J.,Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.Isoch. 120 00 n e cacane o OnesooC S C O s ss Nickel..... No. 416 CASE ALONE, 52dwts........... or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: No. 424 CASE ALONE, 48dwts.............--:$88 78 or Casewitheitherof thefollowingmovements: CASE ALONE, 50dwts.... w e Jewels,Gilt ............ 113 60 ©.405 YWJewels,Gilstir ie Jewels, G i l t . ..... No. 417 No. 418 No. 419 15 No. 420 17 No. 421 17 No. 422 17 “ Nickel, Pat. Reg. Adj., Isoch.148 60 No. 428 17J.,Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Isoch.153 60 we No: 488 No. 484 No. 484 No. 48¢ No. 487 No.488 No. 489 17J.,Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Isoch.18818 ‘ SR SE 102 1038 OD CRE R N . vs INWOIeN INGO se 50 78 Nachele Gilt, Pat. Ree. Adj..........108 18 Nickel, Pat. Reg. A d j . .....111 68 Illustratingjand listing case alone,and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular “American WalthamWyatonl Compare Movements,” forpriceofcompletewatch Wecanfurnishsimilargradesatsameprices,ineitherElgin,N.Y.Standard,Paillard,Col‐ umbus,UnitedStatesWaltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementsdesired; otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. iS 85 00 9 0 0 0 9250 “ Nickel, Pat. Reg.Adj., Isoch. 110 00 15seAREORDEROABOeboeeBal 105 110 15 1 7 RS * Nickel,Pat.Reg. Adj. eias «+. OOO NICK peceegs “ G i l t , P a t . R e g . A d j . No. 404 17 No. 405 17 No. 406 17 No. 407 Paks Ria sf Gilt, Pat. Reg. Adj..... ue Nickel,Pat.Reg.Adj...... 86 40 of Galt Pat: Reo. Adj... ts Nickel, Pat. Reg. A d j 123 60 .....126 10 essa eattacti 117 35 ...118 60 D S e e a e SAO. 0 : < e e c e n 8000 SaB s Ca 7390 S T 10875 17 “ Nickel, Pat. Reg. Adj., Isoch..130 25 17J.,Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat. Reg.,Isoch.140 26 ASS No. 403 15 ee Nickel C O Hunting or Open Face. $103 60 s Vermicelli Border and Center Durand Engraved. 18SizeStemWind. Huntingor Open Face. 98 78 1 8S i z e S t e m W i n d . H u n t i n g o r Open Face. s 2.02.5 ee a o u nen o u b no u N D se 15i c 15 ih 17 ‘“ 17 ee 17 ‘« Nickel, Pat. Reg. Adj., Isoch.128 18 L I S T PRICES EACH.‐ No. 401 7Jewels,Gilt...........B E C E No.40215 se Oye e nGalecaees aunnooenencceYA UD No. 409 7Jewels, Gilt...........e o n s No.410 15 oe SOB OEre ‘* Nickel,Pat.Reg. Adj., Isoch..108 90 17J.,Nickel,Ex.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Isoch.113 90 No. 414 No. 415 yx Dro ( ii l l i n g ) = ~ E L L Yps ‘i 4A LIST PRICES EACH. EngineTurned. 18 Size Stem Wind. $33 80 3948 NoV456 NevStand:.,7Js;Nickel’ Assorted,FullEngraved. 18Size Stem Wind. No.464 CASE ALONE,........ oe Hunting. e e OOROO Hunting. Hunting. ©AGH A O N E5 .S 3943 INOW4S3) Nive,stand...jis,Nickel No. 491 CASE A L OccN...enEces . orCasewitheitherofthe followingmovements: Fancy Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. Hunting. . $38 80 Vermicelli Borders Engraved. 18Size StemWind. Hunting. $33 INos482) or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: CATALEG e se lne cc... e er A No.492 4000 No.498 N. Y. Stand., 7J’ls, Nickel............. 39 48 le ces NIC.Patek.E i ; 42).0.0 No.494 os ch A’ NickPati. ByeDia42rob 1296 68 36s 1U83E8, 4 Gy pVsy eS iby PAO SO o s 0 0 0 6 4 75 6 crisp F o r a l l g r a d e s o f w a t c h m o v e m e n t s s e e p a g e s 4 2 t o 53. LIST PRICES EACH. Fancy Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. Ornaments, 8 Diamonds. 1 6S i z e Stem W i n d . Fancy Engraved, Half Filled Center, Raised Colored J a 1 6sits Sten Wind. No. 525 CASE ALONE, 50dwts......... orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: S a s s112 115 33 No.502“ «41 1 1 1 5 2 N o . 514 * No. 515 Walth., Ne IG a 7 No. 503 Walth.. Mo BOL Momo. Wop 0 6 . MonOn Wo 508 N o . 5 0 9 . No. 7 0 8 k No. 611 J.” Gilese r aaes No.598Walth, 0},Gilt ONG 580 Oa Oe “ “ 1 5 ) . , N i c k , P a t . R e g . A d j . . . . . . . 1 2 9 0 2 N o . 5 2 2 PTO NiseB o tReeA d j Isochd74 02 No.628 ‘ 1 5 ] J . , N i c k , P a t . R e g . A d j . . . . . 1 8 8 6 8 17J.. Nick,Pat.Reg. Adj, Isoch. 283 63 N o . 5 8 4 No. 585 ; “ “ 1 5 ] . , Nick. P a t . Reg. A d j . . . . . . 1 3 2 8 3 17 J., Nick, Pat. Reg. Adj. Isoch. 177 88 : : 1 6S i z e S t e m W i n d . A H u n t i n g . H u n t i n g . H u n t i n $102 SS CASE ALONE, 48Amite $9902 No.512 CASEALONE,BORwtSeewsscicculeo orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: No.518N.Y.Stand.,7J,Nick.............168O1 No. 500 or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: No.501N.¥. Stand.,7J.,Nickel, ........--.10840 No.540Walth., 7J.,Gilt... GE! OS... (ie... cecerecesereereees 125-00. 219.50 No. BG4. Walth. 7 Ju Cilbescen CU, 7970 % 15), oc: “15: ss. ee C U T ee 02 92a 83 e © i t eMieke e ee e eet 11658 i12158 815 RICK c e k 119.02 No.519 “= 4 I5J., Nick wises Nebet tb),Nick ec 122 83 15 J.Gee 6 21 J., Nick,Ex.Fine,Pt.Reg.,Is 174 02 No.5 2 21 J., Nick,Ex.Fine,Pt.Reg.,Is. 227 88 Erie (EX GG iL es N i c k . P a t . R e g . . . . . . F u l l Vermieelli Star Engraved. 16SizeStemWind. Jointed. - - - . $92 85 No. 549 CASE ALONE..........0----0+$115 00 $102 50 No.561 CASE ALONE, 40dwts ee No. 587 CASE ALONE, 43dwts........ o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Esealoped Vermicelli, B. & C. Engraved, o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g movements: e eeeteee J., Gilt... ee Mo,GBM.V Stand, F IwMick No.539_“ “ 4 4 J,Nick.Pat.Reg.......10335No.5dl “ “%tJ, J., Mick seeee 2 0 . s .i 2.00... ee sure. reede 95 t . .£1180 . -- 85. ea ae ae i4 K. Solid Gold Cases. price ofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishs‘milargrades atsameprices,ineitherElgin,Paillard,Colum‐ lwaysmentionmovementsdesired; otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. AM ERICAN CasesguaranteedFullKarat,U.S,Assay. Averageweightsquoted;anyvariationchargedat$1.60list perdwt.,pagravineincluded. W ATCHES Illustrating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular ‘American Jaltham and N. Y. Standard : WatchCompany'sMovement,”for bus,United StatesWaltham,etc. $158 68 114, N i c k . P a t . R e g . ......1 7 1 1 8 0 2 ec eeeeeeeee ees ok W777 Noblis “ 1 ) ,Git... ee wes Webel © 1s G een ees eee.eee 109 ik Hew Boole “ o I Nick...ie 16868 WIR 9 GS NSO DT NekOe t 15). Gilt,Pat Rec,A d ] . . . oem No s20 | 15).Gilt,PatReg.Adj....... 18238 No.688 ‘“ 15J.,Gilt, Pat.Reg.Adj....... 12658 Gece orcsceeceac e e n we...ieee Bascine, Vermicelli Star Engraved. Hunting. 16SizeStemWind. Hunting. Op.F’ce 16SizeStemWind. .......... i 102 28 No..6b0 NeYoStand., 7 Nick... ......19488 111.88 No.62 N.Y.Stand.) 7),M a c k . . . . 1658 Nick.Pat.Reg.1275011050No.563 « 4 1°J_Nick.Pat.Reg........7970 102 8b No bse Walth., 7 e LORS Noma Ee TP JesGilt-... 2. 1. eee e 277 20 ae a 8095 Me N o , 542 MOAR Wob4e No,645 ‘ 15)., Gilt, Pat. Reg. A d j . . . .. 446.60 No. 557 “ 18 J.,Gilt, Pat. Reg. Adj.. 188 75 12625 No.569 “ 157., Gilt, Pat. Reg. Adj ee SSS “ L J , N i c k . IBY,G i l e c d e n " 1 1 7 , M e k “15teGi2husee » J., Nickwiws euasininhe v a s e eeesssenerereeees100.60) Moveet Nek +-- 11285 No.656 ve AROMOIS. ac 1 T 6 2 6 N o , 606 12125 No.667 Nick,Pat. Reg. Adj.......122 8 No.558 “ 15 Nick,Pat,Reg.Adj.14500 18250 No.570 ‘“ 15J.,Nick,Pat.Reg.Ad 905B =O Ti No Gap SAB Gilt... TE N o . 546 “ 1 5 Moeti % 17), Nick.Pat.Reg,Adfs....+167 85 No-659 { 17 J Pat.Reg.RKajIs.190 00 17750 No.571 “ 17J.)Nick, Pat.Reg.Adj., Isoch.14200 No.548 Qi J.Nick.Bx,Bine,Pat. Reg.Is 917 $5 No.660 ‘“ 2J.,N.,Ex.Fine,Pt.Rg.Is$24000 22750 No,572 “ i lJNick,Ex.Fine,Pt.Reg.,Is.19200 )., )., crree a s e c e c e : 1250 14k00 No,b6S versa ce . 198 185.00 129.50 No.568. ine c e e183875 ne N o . 5 o 7 “ “ 4 4 J ”N i c k . P a t . R e g ... Nonb26.N,VY.Stand), i,Nick 7. . $112 21 115 8 8 No.577 No. 578 No.5 7 9 ‘ J., roer cess Nos ALGilt 85 95 No. 601 No. 602 No. 603 No. 604 No. 605 No.606 No.607 No.608 me T A } Galt ce ee aricch / No.580 No. 581 N o . 582 No. 588 No, 684° “ ss s 3 ‘“ “ ABE SONGCKEl: c c c 80 49 $ 9 1 8 9 5 4 3 we Gilteat. Ree.Nie s c 98 20 No No.615 ‘ WE en 11J.,NickelSIDS 74 20 oe VL ssscoogatoednguooagoss 72 OAS 32kucsccenoe seer $6 48 Vermicelli Center, Fancy Engraved. Plain Polished, Antique Bow and Pendant. Bascine Full Engraved. 16 Size Stem Wind. INO597 CASEAONEc or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: No. 698 N. Y. Stand., 7J., Nickel........-..... 83 83° N o ; 599) ss 11J., Nick. Pat. Reg..... 86 95 No. 600: Walth., 7 J., Gilt..............\.--- P 8 4 4 5 se MD =‘I csciet istelevote No. 590 No. 591 No.592 c S TaSl i g psNscUcsCtreK1OeMe 90040 No.598 ‘ j e ,GiltPatoReeA d j .2. 9720 1155 =‘ ID e s By IG i 17J. oe ss se “ Tsoch. 186 00 “ 21J.,NickExt.Fine,Pat.Reg.Is 185 00 u k o g e aA s 6 8a g b o n e e e s 8 0 4 5 o s e G a )cae s s n u p s e o c 7 8 7 5 JeyNickels: 16Size StemWind. Huntingor Open Face, 16Size StemWind. Huntingor Open Face. Hunting or Open Face.. ee 86 95, No.578 CASEALONE,40Dwts............... $65 43 or Casewitheitherof the followingmovements: CASE ALONE, 41Dwts.....mo e s s INWon GZIZE ING Wee Shemales Ys ING: D W 1 1 No: 76 Walth:; 7J, Gilt... INGO) c c c . 74 81 77 93 00 48 77 93 PIs Nickella cian ec I5s|G i l t : Ils 8‘ Wi ee 17 Nos Guilt saondaocosdeno5 H o g e ti Gagyoaodoconnooscoweas 92 20 eke mec 104 45 “ 21 7J.NickExt.Fine,Pat.Reg.Is 199 45‐ ((\))) 17 ACA As 21 J., ceo u s e s GiltPat.Reg. Adj....... ONG C h e e eres e a e e a Seas 2 Asoch. Ney a DOeRVNIC ee J., No. 594 No. 595 INICie C O R I 103 GUSFasocoandodn Nick. Pat. Reg...... crs once.AnoenUdOObOnG 84 18 e s Se cesonemane. CO 18 es. INICke l eee ro 140: 48 NickExt.FinePat,Reg.Is 190 43 ee MSTSoChi M a e Engine Turned, Vermicelli Center, Engraved. 16Size StemWind. Huntingor Open Face. Hunting or OpenFace. MISS Top and Bottom Engrayed. Vermicelli Center. 16Size StemWind. Huntingor 40 OpenFace_ RES cen _‐_‐ LLUSTRATED( A t h . 14. K. Solid Gold Cases. 65 AMERICAN CasesguaranteedFullKarat,U.S.Assay. Averageweightsquoted;any7variationchargedat$1.60listperdwt.,engravingincluded Tilustrating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting thepopular ‘‘ American Waltham and N. Y. Standard! WATCHES. ) We can turnishsimilar grades at same prices,in either Elgin, Paillard, Watch Company’s Movements,” for price of complete watch. Columbus, United StatesWaltham, etc. Always mention m o y e m e n t desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will give best: satisfaction. For all grades of watch movements see pages 42to 53.LIST PRICES EACH. No.609 CASEALONE,40Dwts............... $61 70 No.621 CASE ALONHS..........45 orp O orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: $60 00 No.688 CASE ALONE, Dwts.............$65 43 orCasewith eitherofthefollowingmovements: | ; N o ; 6 1 0 N = WY: S t a n d , 7 J... N i c k e l ; . . . . . : . 0 . 5 . . . N o . 6 1 1 ‘ d e y N i c k . b a t . R e g . . . 7 1 0 8 O S orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmoyments: N o . 6 2 2 N . Y . S t a n d . , 7 J . , N i c k e l . . . . . . . - - N o . 6 2 3 ) S c e d i l j e N i c k e b a t , Ree e r i . No,624Walth., 7J.,G i l t . . . . .see.s-se-ev-e.eese 6 9 8 8 7 2 5 0 7 00 0 50 73 75 N o l 6 8 4 . N , Y o S t a n d 4.7 Jin N i c k e l i e s e n 7 4 8 1 N i c k . P a t . R e g . - # 2 9 3 INOZOLZWales 7NigGilt. 7 4 2 0 o mere bri) 1 1 J . , J.,Gilt . . . . . . . . + - %Pneecewd SCAD a 3 . d n o e G s h c o s d a o n 7 7 938 6138 No.614‘ C a i l No. 625 E D 7545No.626se TfGs EsNhe TELYasINGKOMOM:GaroSos0o0cnGeOS3 n t e r i Ven Enllin N C E No.627 < eenc a a c e e e s s e s p e . . . . . c socenmas, se RNESO E ET aod cecewoven a: 8170 21 ” Nick Ext.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Is 186 7 Nordas ‘No.617 % 17J.,Gilt,Pat.RegAdj.......8545 No.629 No. 620. * No. 616 fe 17 Ce ‘© Tsoch. 186 70 No. 631 ac 83 75 No.641 No. 642 No. 648 N o . 644 =“ 1B & L y .(Gilt,Pat.Ree.Adg) 89 18 PN on Oye9170 No. 6380 No. 632 Neg, INpKeNS cob Y O c e OSs cesi e t e r o l e r e 9 0 0 0 DNs N I G ef s TAGS [osseous ss cs “ Isoch. 140 48: “ 21 J.,Nick Ext.Fine,Pat,Reg..Is 190 43 pons ie, crea n e s :...84718 p aes Guilte No. 585 or Case witheither ofthefollowingmovements: No. 586 N.Y.Stand., ie Nickell... .... §2838 No. 58 of os i j ;NickiRatRee..... 8595 No.588 Walth., 7J.,Gilt...............+----.- 83 45 ee TW Shy PAD) n oc es 8 8 2 0 ee fe Tels; Ni@kell tf Vi eee er 94 45 INGOIKGIE e s T L fs, us TS aeGiltayccmee S e e e eeee t e r s 45 148) 45 cs 17 J. rice So kesock,MA9.45.. ses “NickExt.Fine,Pat.Reg.,Is 198 45 "Ope(Gnlis= ste.Nickel... WfVosCoihtsletene;DerANGUios ... $73 45 e =d $7445‐ No.639 ceoe8000No.640 N o . 685 ‐ “ s s No.686Walth., 7 No. 637 s f i No.688SsAWNickelse . “ Us) Mos (CakesS o b o k o n a c o c o o u n a n c s c a i ae. 9320. ois. ce ee eres9543 14 K. Solid Gold Cases. Cases guaranteed FullKarat, U.S. Assay. Average weights quoted; engraving included. Illustrating and listing case alone and case with movement Combined. Quoting the popular “American Waltham” Watch Company’s Movements, for price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades at sameprices, in either Elgin, N. Y. Standard, Paillard, Columbus, United States Waltham, ete. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewill givebestsatisfaction. Forallgrades ofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. LIST PRICES EACH. Chased Bezels, Top and Bottom Engrayed. Bascine Plain Polished. : : Yermicelli Star, Fancy Engraved. F e W e S . B . & B . Hunting. S98 S . B . & B . Hunting. See P e 2 Size a a Stem Wind. S .B . & B . : Open Hunting. Race: 12 Size Stem Wind. 12Size Stem Wind. CASE! ONLY: c -No. 646 N.Y.Stand., 7Jewels......... 7688 6988 No. 654: N.Y.Stand., 7Jewels....... 6500 5750 No: 645 or Case with either of the following movements: r $57 5 No. 655 GS re 1 ‘“ Fey.Dial.. 67 50 6000 n n c u . No. 647 S ce 1 “ Bey.Dial. 79:88 71 §8 “No. 648Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt.........- 8068 73138 INO: 653° or Case with either of the following movements: 0 $50 0 $581 3 665 68 N o . 649 No. 650 No. 651 N o . 652 er 1 x ee ia rars 8313 95 68 No. 657 Gh 1 Se S O A SNG7125 68°75 No.664 e 1 11 s BOSE EAircece 84 Qe seat coe INackelien. os 8 4 3 8 76 88 No. 658 oh i1 Oo ANICkel 72 50 65 00 No. 665 Nickel. 8 85 68 71 8 73138 83818 Osie) Ses bs) TE GaAsA R S E I Oe “Nickel, Adj..119 88 11188 ize 12Size 12SizeStemWind, Hunting. open = Engine Turned. Stem Wind. Ky th movements: No. 6684, N.Y.Stand., 7 Jewels... ... 6500 No.669 As “ i * Rey.Dial. 67:60 No.66914Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt........ 6875 6126 movements : movements: No.670 He11ftdSR D 7125 86875 No. 674 se il ct No.67434 ss 11 Wickel........8568 o78 13 No.678% oe 11 ‘< Nickel..:.. 7888O718s c No.67014 of {1 OPINEDstacols 7250 66500 anet n e No,671 AS 15 eeu er 82°50 75 00 No. 675 No.679 PSORNChaa89888188 « . ....$69 88 S61 88 G C A S BONNs 5 . s n No.660 CASEONLY,....2.2...M e v g i a i i n t s$706 8 or Case w i t h either of the following movements: No. 661 N.Y.Stand., 7Jewels......... 7813 I Cie94.38 8688 No. No. 659a15Oe 659% es 17 “ Nickel,Adj.107:50 10000 -.-e: a -. 95 638 ae R eis S.B.&a : pen Hunting. Pace. Fancy Vermicelli, Border Engraved. ; : S.B. & B. Chased Bezels, Engine Turned. 12Siz4e Stem Wi n d. ae: an pen Hunting. Face. “| NNN ee HH No, 668 CASE ONLY.............+..-»857 50$50 00 WO; G12 (CASHIONUV r n s e a e : $70 68 $58 13 NOw676 “CASE O N T : iticea $56 3.30.2o)e6488 or Case with either of the following or Case with either of the following or Case with either of the stioed 57 50 +60 00 No, 6724 N.Y. Stand., 7Jewels....... 78.13 6568 No, 676}¢ N.Y. Stand., 7Jewels....... 71:88 6438 No. 673 ss es li “ Fey.Dial. 80 6: 68 Lt No,677 u s 11 “ Fey.Dial. 7488 66 88 No.673% Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt........ 8188 69 88 No.677% Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt s o e 7568 68:18 i e 1 5 SOA e i p a n e . 9 5 6 8 8 8 1 % Moa, 671% ff 17 ‘© Niekel,Adj.107 50 100 00 No. 6754 ay 17 “ Nickel,Adj,120 68 108 18 No. 680 -,+5 e e 0 No. 662 “ Me ji ‘* Fey.Dial. 8068 No. 656 Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt... 6875 61256 No.663Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt.......... 8188 6988 is.ces en OOOO. eoO0 No.666 ge 15 Hunting, $23 75 e r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f the f o l ‐ lowingmovements: ee or Case with either of t h e f o l ‐ 925 * ie te I Ico 933 ee se se IU 941 Pancys Dials Hunting. incei25 Hunting. e ee ea ay 1 26 8625 x Nickel..., 4125 na e 934 Walth., 7 Jewels, Gilt....... 32 50 canaas. so ieis 4000; 930 se 11 f Be Ves Ales ee 942 Walth., 7Jewels, Gilt....... 35 00 PRICES OF AMERICAN WATCHES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS GUARANTEED. 936 938 “ P 964N.Y.Stand.orTrent.,7J.... 9650 “ iL op ra (ffI)| ATEN \G ‐‐‐e n8125 9 7 3 966Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt.....3725 974Walth.,¥Jewels,Gilt......°3500 GSSeoSeepo0 967ue11ceie 969 ss 15 ue oh ee Lea 977 970 se 17 ‘Nick.Adj....7626 978 0 03625 40 00 975 See oe11sfSE ss 11 es Nickel ... 88 75 ee 15 RG eieyeoee Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, F a n c y Fancy Vermicelli, 1 Diamond. 0 Size S t e m W i n d . Fancy Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, 1 Diamond. Engraved, 1 Diamond. No. «0 Size StemWind. 979% CASE ONLY.......... Htg. $41 25 No 985Walth. 7Jewels,Gilt..... No. 990) No. 0Size Stem Wind. : 996 CASE ONLY.... .. ......2.$4125 onCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowing m o v e m e n t s : = ‘979Walth. 7Jewels,Gilt.....:....5375 2 aceeere: orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ . or Casewitheitherof thefol‐ lowing movements: 997Walth. 7Jewels,Gilt..........5875 980 peBsea 981 982 383 c a n e.00O S DSCpe 56 88 9ST 66 25 DOB 6625 68 18 69 38 78 75 l 998 Se Te: No. Plain Engraved, 3 Diamonds. 0Size Stem Wind. Htg. No. Plain Engraved, 4 Diamonds. 0 Size Stem Wind. H t g Raised Colored Gold, Ornaments, 1 Diamond. 0SizeStemWind. Raised Colored Gold, Ornaments, Diamond, 1002 CASE ONIGW or Case with either of the following movements: 1003Walth. 7Jewels,Gilt:.......54 38 1004 ee iu = i. ano 1005 iS 1 a Nickel. ...57 50 0SizeStemWind. Htg. 1006“ 15 i EO eaace60 68 1017 1018 cm 15 1007 17 Semen “NickelAdj.9100 1019 1025 “ 47 “ Nickel Adj.91 25 Fleur de Lis, Engrayed, 3 Diamonds. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. L026" CASE ONLY.......... .. $41 88 or Case with either of the following movements: Plain or Satin Finish, 1 Diamond. No. 0 Size Stem Wind. Ate. LOS27 CASHONNTicac e s c o a c oc ee$375 0 or Case with either of the following movements: 10383 Walth. 7Jewels, Gilt........50.00 No, No. Plain Polished, 7 Diamonds. 0 Size Steth Wind. Htg. 1027 Walth. 7 Jewels, 4) et 5 17 * Gilt........54 88 Se 3B 1028 AUBO 1031 i a 1034 sale 1040 : 1 ue Hs 74 88 1046 1047 1048 1049 i e N i c k skas cnet.ane. $41 88 1008 CASE ONLY.......... $45 00 or Case with either of the following movements: ik a.senses$ or Case with either of the 341 25 or Case with either of the Boe Oren 88 YeiAe 1035 oh 11 mM Nickel.....58 1: 1041 re 11 es Nickel. ...75 63 66 38 + Nickel Adj.91 00 1036 = 15 Pega 1042 Se 15 os 85 00 1048 “ 1 7 S © NickelAdj.110 00 of 11 st ue 11 A eraanwoac 70 00 Nickel.... 7125 14 K. Solid Gold Cases. AMERICAN WATCHES. andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular‘‘AmericanWalthamWatchCompany’sMovements,”forpriceofcomplete watch. We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. Always mention movementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. CasesguaranteedFullKarat,U. S.Assay. Good average weights quoted; engraving included. Illustrating and listing case alone S eee soaee i... eae | “ ON ietaseroterei68 eI e ot) o n e Nickel $92 ica 994 SS 73 QS e i n kSenoon 45 No1077 if. “ ‐ Nickel... 4500 No.1083 11 e Nickela. 4688 NOwLORS IS O A O O DE G7 0 6 8 orCasewitheither of thefol‐ lowingmovements: No.1117 7Jewels,Gilt.......... 3938 lowingmovements: JSG, SNe 11 ss 68 54 38 No.1084 15 SSEH ceias5625 No.1079 12 “ NickelAdj.. 7938 No.1085 17 = No.1090 1 5 O e NRC DOE: s a o ees SUSU SE R A EscalopedCenter, Fancy.Engraved,Raised : Colored Gold Ornaments. FancyEngraved,RaisedColoredGold Ornaments. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. H u n t i n g . FaneyEngraved. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. 0Size Stem Wind. Hunting No. 11416. CASE ONDY $26 88 $88 75 No.1098 CASE ONLY ......... No, L104 CASE, ONY... 5 or Casewitheither of thefol‐ lowingmovements: $35 63 see. or Casewitheither of the fol‐ < No;1099 7Jewels,Gilt......... 5125 No,1105 "7Jewels,Gilt... ......481: No.1111 7Jewels,Gilt.......--. 4813 No.1118 No.1100 11 ee Lo A S No.11091 it be IWMOKSG i arPrt 5 3 1 é 54 38 No. 1106 11 os C i esel 50 00 51 25 60 68 Aerie ... Soeur eats ences No. 1114 15 LSesSEE 60 638 No. 1120 No 1102 15 EI nrheSee Ca 63 75 No.1108 15 Ua ORO ea ies pnOUGETOGO ree No.1108 17 a NickelAdj.. 88 75 No.1109 17 NickelAdj.. 85 63 BES No. 1107 11 s INTCKEeN INTOkKel INO Dior lve ayes NickelAdj .. 8568 No.1121 17 “ NickelAdj... 7688 205-1. Pea a CasesguaranteedFullKarat,U.S. Assay. Averageweights quoted; engravingincluded. Illustrating and listing case alone and case withmovementcombined. Quotingpopular‘““AmericanWaltham’WatchCompany’s Movements,for price of completewatch. We canfurnishsimilargradesatsameprices,ineitherElgin,N.Y.Standard,Paillard,Columbus,UnitedStatesWaltham, etc. Always mentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. y LIST PRICES EACH. NAGLE, Vermicelli F u l l Engraved. -. OSizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 1062 CASE ONLY...........$31 25 or Case with either of the fol‐ No.1051 7Jewels, Gilt No.1058 Ht * Me Lo AS No. 1064 11. No.1070 al s a n eee ne Vermicelli Beze: and Center Fancy Engraved. ; 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 1050 CASE ONLY..-.......$31 25 Vermicelli Center Engine Turned. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 1056 CASE ONLY........-.$28 75 or Case with either of the fol‐ Fancy Engraved. lowingmovements: lowingmovements: .......4375 No.1057 7Jewels,Gilt.......... 4125 No.1068 7Jewels,Gilt.......... 4375 No.1069 7 Jewels, Gilt.......... 9 No.106211°. “ No.1053 11 “ INOMODAelo ere No.1055 1 7 “ 4568 Nacsa cea. “ No. 1059 11 i eNickelte. 4438 No. 1065 11 “ S O n a g n o 0 ob es 4 5 6 8 Nickels... 4688 C o AN Nickel cr a e H| ‘Vermicelli Center P l a i n Polished Backs. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting No.1074 CASE ONLY...........$29 38 . or Casewitheitherof thefol lowingmovements: No.1075 7Jewels,Gilt.......... 4188 No.1082 No.1088 No.108911 “s INGKEIKEI N o 1 0 7 6 t i 4 a . 4 8 7 5 1 1 = LON o A m o o n o S 6 0 0 0 6125 S S a c . . 46 88 ,.5625 No.1066 No.1067 17 SS NickelAdj.. 81 25 No. 1072 ING:LOGO! 1B No.1061 17 “e ee 538 75 1 5 h g aneesse Escaloped Center Fancy Engraved. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No. 1080 CASE ONLY...........$31 25 orCasewitheither of thefol- @ lowingmovements: No. 1081 7 Jewels, Gilt.......... 48 75 F u l l Vermicelli Star Engraved. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No. 1086 CASE ONLY..........$45 638 or Casewitheither of thefol‐ lowingmovements: No. 1087 7 Jewels, Gilt.......... 58 13 Vermicelli Borders and Center,Engine Turned. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No. 1092 CASE ONLY...........$29 38 orCasewitheither of thefol‐ lowingmovements: No. 1098 %Jewels, Gilt.......... 41 88 No.1094 1 1 S S e e s s a r e e 4 3 7 5 N o . 1 0 9 5 i t e s N i c k e l . . . 2 . . . 4 5 0 0 No. 1112 11 oe De ceri)efefacatere 50 00 No. 1113 1 W Nickel,....... ol 75 SecencGanone 41 25 R o n e y 0 6 2 5 o c c a o 6 No.1096 15 Se sa ~3 54$8 No.1091 17 x NickelAdj.. 9563 No; 109% W i e NickelAdj.. 7938 0SizeStemWind. No. 1068 CASE ONLY..........%$26 88 No.11119 11 fs 11 eS 15STReastes 42 50 5188 74 14 K. Solid CasesguaranteedFullKarat,U.S.Assay. Goodaverageweightsquoted; engravingincluded. Illustratingandlistingcasealoneand case with movement combined. Quoting the popular “American Waltham” Watch Company’s Movements, for p r i c e of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. A l w a y s mention WATCHES. movementsdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. FullEngraved. 0 Size Stem Wind. Escaloped Center, Fancy Engraved. Size Stem Wind. Hunting. BascinePlainPolished. : 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No. 1140 CASE ONLY...........$20 63 Nor 1122°CASE ONDLW oe! o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f c l ‐ lowing movements: $29 38 No.1128 7Jewels,Gilt... ..... 4188 No. 1124 No. 1125 11 N o , 1126 15 N o . 1127 17 Nos tis6stie ea OE 45 63 ere 11 SUR Nomen it << iNickel’a.5. 4688 No.1187 1 1 " “Wickel.... 4688 No.114311 66 -Nickel.......... 36:26 03. os EeeSemuenae 43 46 o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l ‐ lowingmovements: lowingmovements: lowingmovements: foo NICKEL oo ke ae 7 oNiekeh Adis. 45 OL 54 38 79.38 FullVermicelli Engraved. Escaloped Vermicelli Border and Center Engraved. 0 Size Stém Wind. Vermicelli Center Durand Engraved. 0Size StemWind. Hunting. No. 1158 CASE ONLY..... ... .$22 50 Fancy Engraved. 0Size Stem Wind. 0 Size Stem Wind. No.1146CASEONLY.. Hunting. ......$45 63 Hunting. ......$28 13 Hurting. No. 1164 CASEONLY............$26 88 Top.and Bottom Engraved. 0 Size Stem Wird. Hunting. No. 1170 CASE ONLY... . . . . . . .$22 50 orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowing movements: Bascine Plain Polished. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No. 1176 CASE ONLY...........$33 07 orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements: Hunting. .$25 68 Vermicelli Bezel and Center Durand Engraved. 0Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No.1188CASEONLY.. 0 . . . . . : .$308 4 No.1171 7Jewels, Gilt.... No.117211 +f Ee No.117311 Pia NICO.).cor8813 or Case with either of the fol- lowingmovements: Nos 1089) 4 jewels; Gullttontes se 5 43 34 45 22 46 47 No.117415 a Chunk ap a No. 1175 17 i n e 47 50 eee cin varas ae tin eee 58 07 eae e¢ Nickels. 3 55 S84 B Y ) sis. Wort e e s : 60 No.1133817 S Hunting. FullYermicelliStarEngraved. _ 0Size StemWind. Hunting. ...........$31 25 No. 1184 CASE ONLY....... $31 25 hele 94) e e s ‘“ Nickel,Adj.. 8125 or Casewith either of the fol‐ lowing movements: No.11477Jewels,Gilt.........5813No.11587Jewels,Gilt..........4063 or Case w i t h either of t h e fol‐ lowing movements: INOSTS9“7Jewels(Gult=. 3 o-5. or Case w i t h either of t h e f o l ‐ lowingmovements: 3500 .. 8688 NonTGs 7yiewelsyiGulltii. rd ‘ ue Wate No.1128CASE ONLY No. 1152 CASE ONLY... or Case w i t h either of t h e f o l ‐ lowing movements: No.114811 sf Measbrgcies OOroN N O aN e No:114911 EU NICSleasaroo 6126 Nowish11 ©) Nickel... 4371 NomGH 30 00 4 7 5 0 7250 No.:11657Jewels,Gilt..........39388 N o . 1 1 5 0 1 5 e No. 1161 17 7 0 6 3 95 638 W o r m t i s G 1 5 . 2 6 0 I N WD oRDayye ales w e e e 5 3 1 5 N o 1 1 6 2 1 5 No. 116317 & . . iacs eh I 42 61 ot 88 eee erns 4521No.116011 “ 36 88 No,1166 LIST PRICES EACH. o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l ‐ o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l ‐ 85 57 altosciara 4745 Nickellne:<. 48 70 No. 1178 11 es No.117911 te N o . 1 1 8 0 15 eae No. 1181 17 i Nickel, Adj.. 88 07 No. 1187 17 os Nickel, Adj.. 75 68 SOS No. 1190 11 No. 1191 i1 No. 1192 15 No. 1198 17 ue es Re 6.50250. Gold Cases. No.1129 7Jewels,Gilt .. .....$43 75 No.1135 7Jewels,Gilt .. ...... N o . 11380 1 1 ° “ o e : 5 6: N o , 1142 11 66 56 25 N o s i s 6 t h No.113917 . 5625 No. 1144 15 ee No.1145 17 3“ ieee eat 43.75 N O IAn7Jewels,Gilt. an. Weare cs =Nickola.... 3818 No.116711 ee ANOKEL ‘ Nickel, N o . 1 1 6 8 1 5 N o . 1169. 17 R WU S SP eH N poubon Ad.j 11 ue OeSeana4126 eC ‘SS RoE n a e i Nickel, A d j . . 80 84 AMERICAN WATCHES. Fancy Engraved Vermicelli Star Center. Engine Turned. FancyEngravedVermicelliCenter. No. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 0 Size Stem Wind. 1194 CASE ALONE ... Hunting. $20 63 T2005 CASE:ONESv i e n e . $206 3 or Casewitheither of the fol‐ l o w i n g movements: 1206, CASE, ONIN. = $20 00 1212) CASE ONDVe $20 63 or Case with either of the fol‐ lowingmovements: or Case with either of the fol‐ or Case with either of the fol. l o w i n g movements : Pei MOGWealthy Jey Guilt... TEGO Ie T9u SS ty Nickel;.- 1198 2S A b e 1201 Walth., 1 2 0 0 ) O S h e Gilt. AZAS W a l t , J N i c k e l s . . . 3 5 6 8 M Q T 5 A D , I N I C o K oc s sC c L r . S O L O 1199 “ 17J., 3318 35 O1 36 26 Nick. Adjusted..70 68 7 J., ....c.sccce0s38 18 S “ 1 0 t e ee 34 38 oe 45 00 (ey) dWeeaa aera voscnogGund Vermicelli Bordersand Center, Engine Turned. Plain Polished or Engine Turned. “©Queen Skylight or 14 Open Face.” No. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 0 Size Stem Wind. No. 0SizeStemWind. 1224 CASEONLY .. .. ..$1625 or Casewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements: 1225 Walth., 7 J., Gilt 36261226 37 51 1230 CASE ONLY.............--$21 8S orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements: 1286 CASE ONLY. . . . . 2 . . . . . - . $20 6 8 orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements: se.nise=)$2188 1219 Walth., 7J., Gilt..........-0+ 34 38 POTS CASEONINi c e| or Casewith eitherof thefol‐ lowingmovements: 28 75 CO wnDU ok (ES eaodeopanbooo30 63 1281Walth.,7J.,Gilt .. .........8438LIST Wealth.;7 ) .( G i l t 33 1¢ AIO ei en 1090 AJ. Nickel |i rie ahpe B ESoee ec r8l a R SE S INGCROI = e a e S a a s3 50 1 1222 55. 1223.“ 173.Nick,Adjusted.. 71 88 Fancy Engraved Raised Colored Gold, Ornamented. Fancy Engrayed. 1 Diamond. Raised Colored Gold,Ornamented. No. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. tiunting. Fancy Engraved Escaloped Center. No. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. 1260) (CASE: ONINce an ee $2063 No. 0SizeStemWind. Hurting. 1242 CASE ONLY.. orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements : ss. 1908 1 2 0 9 1210) WAT “ 5 6 0 0 0 47 60°48 75 gy, 6 7 - 6 0 65 00 6125 eso. 1845 “ cc.eae 17 J..Gilt,Pt.Rge Adj. 4750 4500 4125 1860 CASE ALONE..... w o e : $35 00$26 25 1871 CASE ALONE. .... ..........$82 50$28 75 1882 CASE ALONE. ~ o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f the f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : < o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 1872 N.Y.Stand., 7J., Nickel .......... 88 18 29 38 ot ales ‘. FullPlate. 3875 3000 a t I t f s “ P a t . R e g . set 1860 NO Stand,,'-J., Nickel 73 a 40 68 3188 1888 N.Y.Stand:, 7J., Nickeliv 13862 =“ oe 1 3 e s a ON 1 1 J . , 1373 =“ 1 8 7 4 = “ Seis Wyveuliins 1884 ‘‘ S YP <2... ‘¢ FullPlate. 4125 82 50 J., ilt 1365 IfeCouleec e a n a n c o o u s 3 2 5 0 338 7 5 1864 Walth., d Galtier 085 epBull-Plate: “4125 .$2°50 4068 381838 T l Ice ‘ “ P a t . R e g . . . 4 3 7 5 3 5 0 0 “ P a t . R e g . . 4 3 7 5 3 5 0 0 4 1 2 5 4 2 5 0 46 25 4750 388 75 1 8 8 5 “ TSSO Wrath o s ROARS 1366 ee AD ipINDCKeU NSiegare gicca: _- 56000 41 25 1377 gf ThJ, Nickel.....: o> 7 ob Dy Io a aonchonorpoeonaur 48 75 40 00 ee o aenerernts Generis ea e e eeee 4500 3625 aosAonodvee.4875 4000 OREAeeR 4500 3625 o 1387 1388 S o d ) ese cease isNiOKele s i s - .« 6000 4126 Sood S . B . & B . 18Size StemWind. Hunting. O.F. No. 1376 Gilt,Pat.Reg., Adj.. 5500 4625 1378 = 17J.,Gilt,Pat.Reg.,Adj . 5250 4375 1389 ‘ 1 7 1367 “17 1368 - I J ;Nicks" us me... 6760 4875 1379 ss HeeINGIC S a d e Gilt,Pat. Reg, Adj.. 5500 4626 ANIoCce wc”. 56750 4875 J., J., Den CAlisiseca ufDO oeieee 387 50 wy aya Kasi fs 6 1369 1370 “« W7j., ‘“ Ex.Fine,Pt.Re. 8500 76 25 1381 Uy 17j., “ Ex.Fine,Pt.Rg.. 82 50 73 75 1392 “« 17J., +‘ Ex.Fine,Pt. Re. 85 00 76 26 if alfa fee SRA tS “ . 7500 6 25 1380 st Te « 1 . 972 60 63 75 1391 (6 A c a n t e e n ~ « 1 . 976 0 6 26 iercia ts “ . . 6500 4626 1390 ea I WSb4 1855 ‘ 1856 “ 1857“A7J,Nick‘“““475046254125. «1868: A I ee 6b 00 63 75 58 75 ADI eas3875 15J.,.Nickel. ....... 4 0 0 0 38 75 33 75 17J.,Gilt,Pt.Rg.Adj. 45 00 43 75 38 75 ; _S. B . & B . 18SizeStemWind. Hunting. O.F. sess: $8500°$2625° o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Ales 8750 382 wee No. 1426CASE ALONE No. 1487 CASEALONE Jtd. O n . No. 1 4 4 8 C A S E A L O N E Jtd. Hite O.cRs AMERICAN Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear 21years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. IllustUratingand listing case alone, and case with movement combined, Quoting the popular “‘American WalthamandN. Y. Standard WatchCom‐ pany’sMovements,”forpriceofcompletewatch. We canfurnishsimilargradesat same prices,in eitherElgin,Pailiard,Columbus, WATCHES. F o r a l l g r a d e s o f w a t c h m o v e m e n t s see p a g e s 4 2 t o 53, No. 1398 CASE ALONE . Htg. $25 $21 ite. Ozh. O.F. No. aS ’ LaRYS\AK MONARCH Of Pn. Fancy Engraved. 18Size StemWind. Fancy Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. AORGDARS or Casewitheitherof thefollowing movements: 1415 CASE ATONE:.2... 1394 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 38 13 1395 he CN Che Be oeccs 33 75 26 88 27 50 30 00 31 25 3500 PAO SD. bee 1398 ss Lees eeee Gilt Oeane:a.8875 L419. Wealth. 1399 ee 1 4 0 0 “ T4035 15)5] SINGIC) Neca era 42 50 36 25 4125 4 3 7 5 61 25 71 26 1 0 1411 R A N PANS Oe ABE N i c k . 5 . . 0...4 00 0 17). Gilt,Pt. Re.Adj. 4500 A e N i c k s S e 4 7 , 5 0 I GE00 “ Ext,Fine..7500 - 4000 37 50 32 50 38 75 38 75 4 12 5 58 75 68 25 1401 E O D = 50:00 ae Pat,Reg. 8612 33... 1418 S i , oSRatRegt 83.75.8105 O27. 50 1396 TOOTWialthis, Wa.Callttcasccwcooccse3750 1407 ie 1408 Walth. ac 0 4 1 2 5 Se ( 1 7 7 3 . G i l t R, e P . A t d j . . 4 7 5 0 Bodo eabooOGo 35 00 D A DO v e 7.) G a l t SVOa CSS eis eaiecaane88 75 lialheNtoker O ee e G HB O “ nese(eee “ 1 % JG. ilt, Pt.Rg.Adj. 45 00 42 50 “oe Se Aa. B x t Bine.. 7750 o r C a s e w i t h e i t h eo fr t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : soe o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f the f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s . $25 $22 1427 N Y. S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 1 4 2 8 L S T S I N T O J . N i c k . 3 3 1 3 30 6F 2 4 3 8 25 00 24 88 25 00 27 50 2875 3250 388 75 3876 t I ) 1429 so eS Pat:Reg... 286 75 SABOWealth. 7 JGoilts...2..c005<2c3725 149953Se SU Nicks 1440 “ WJ. “ Pat.Reg 1 4 d W a l t h a y I G i l t , WAAD, SUB le ue ee 144, S OGIb N i c k i @4 0 / 0 0 1444 “ 177.Gilt,Pt.Re.Adj.4500 1445 ** aWyiNick. “© © 7) 47 60 1 4 3 1 1432 ee DMSUNIO. ee ukoc 42 1433 “173.Gilt,Pt.Re.Adj. 47 1434 eyLucene 2s Se OO u mer oes Sa pees 8625 40 00 387 50 ON\eas IAS)} TBA aNCeae uals ou ern wy wicsec: 41 se. see ager BeBe ... nes 31 25 88 75 35 00 38 75 UCAfae ss oe BF 1435 1486 : Niele e e t Mine. 49 WAAGE eG Yee he 6500 6875 1447, “177. “ Ext, Fine... 7500 Ceca aac i o n en Ona NUCK $27 1404 CASE ALONE............$25 00 $22 50$21 50 $25 00 $22 50 $18 75 1416 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.30 68 28 18 24 38 50 00 25 202.16 or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: td. Atg. Reale, OPH: $27 50 $25 00 $18 75 Fancy Engraved. 13SizeStemWind. 1 4 4 9 N . Y . S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 J . N i c k . 8 0 6 8 2 8 1 8 287525.00 A650 a 3fe Nick -. sees. 81.25 28 75 S. B. & B. OES 14. K . Gold Filled Cases. FAHYS’ “MONARCH.” nitedStatesWaltham,etc, Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuc aswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction, LIST PRICES EACH. Zalyfs \4k ‐ MONARCH_, S. B. td. & B. 5 de eyFE OF. Oo. F u l l Engraved. 5 18Size Stem Wind. Jtd. S. B. & B. S. B. Jtd. & B. Eto Oke O.-FY J al feet 7J. 3 2. 83 75 1417 e VJ. N i c k . LeSh4\i MONARCH MONARCH Na “sy \ Hite. O25 00 Ingine Turned. 18Size Stem Wind. S . B . & B . O c h $ 2 2 5 0 $ 1 8 7 5 1 4 3 8 N . Y . S t an enw . M o d . 7 J . N i c k . 8 0 6 8 2 8 1 3 2 4 8 8 00 50 7 oe) S U2 5 2 8 7 5 9 6 0 0 oi.csacewes35 00 32 50 28 75 3625 1421 1422 1 4 2 3 WADE ee A “ _&,.65006250 1425 ‐ A. 3 Extyhines,; 7500)" 42'50. LL ‐_‐_‐_ | Tahys\aK MONAR CH 8 ey s f r a “ 4 7 . 5 0 4 5 0 0 ........ o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : $18 1458 2 1. “ B x .Fine...75.00. 7250 6876 1451 lilac oePate Rep: 33°75 3125 See W A Z OWealths ole G i l t M ac o s o s 3500 38250 1453 Ae 1455 “ 17J.Gilt,Pt.Rg.Ae’ 4500 4250 1456 ye AIA WoNGG, if 4750 4500 4125 1457 ae NY. fees “ _* 2. 65 00 62 50 58-75 viata a ao!c3875 Re er AMERICAN WATCHES. U r Ys s \ 4 MONARCH 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. a FAHYS’ “MONARCH.” Casesguaranteed by the makersto wear 21years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engravingincluded. Illustrating and listing casealone,andcasewithmovementcombined, -.Quotingthepopular‘‘AmericanWalthamandN.Y.Standard WatchCompany’sMove‐ ments,”forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishsimilargradesatsameprices,ineitherElgin,Paillard,Columbus,UnitedStates No. 1459CASE ALONE...........-.$2500$2250S18 75 No. 1470CASEALONE......--...-,$2500 $2250 $1875 No. 1481 CASE ALONE.... .........$25 00$22 50$18 75 £485, Walth., 7J., Gilt.... . - . orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 1460 N . Y. S t a n ,newMod.,7J.,Nick. 3063 2 8 1 3 24388 or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 1471N.Y.Stand.newMod7J.,Nick.3063 2813 2438 or Casewith eitherof the following movements: 1482 N.Y.Stan.newMod.,7J.,Nick.3063 2813 2438 1483 ‘“ “ 77,,Nickel. .. .. ..3126 2875 2500 1484 “ “diy. ‘ Bat Reg..38875 3125 2750 WAGle e e , Va NICKELS, oi 3125 2875 2500 Hts, ;F, (Oy FB. W472 fh 7 I Nickels 1463 Walth., 7J.,Gilt... ..... -. 8500 3250 28 75 1474 Wealth... 7 J,G i l t .s 3125 2875 25.00 .<1.3500 38250 28 75 SOAO) 80.0, 82-50) -4000 3750 3375 196 ..-2. AAG o e . « Pt. Reg.. 83.75 3125 27 50 1473 ‘S “SItj., “ Pat. Reg.388 76 3125 2760 scicais T A C H Ai y 1465 “ i5J.,Nickel. .........4000 3750 €375 1476 So o y . Nickel -. 1486 CO bee - T4893 So 1490 $5 1491 “ EAB Wis 1B) Yes 17J.,Gilt,Pt.Reg.Adj..45 00 1466 “ 1 4 6 7 . “ 38 75 41 25. 58 75 1478 “ JiVJoNick.“ ©" "4750 4500 1479 “ 1775, © “© © © 6500 6250 38 75 4125 58 75 PT 477J., oe Ex. Fine. ..7500 b i7J.,Gilt,Pt.Rg.,Adj. 4500 4250 17%7J.,Nick. SS ~“ 4750 45.00 I I e ee “ 6500 6250 Ge es e e, INGO AV N i c k .4000 O 6 5 , 00162750) 7250 33 75 38 75 O8.i5) 68 75 e 3 785. 3625 3 52 0 3750 4250 DAOC 1469 “ i77., “S Ex.Fine... 7500 7250 6875 1480 “ i7j2 “ Ex,Fine....7500 7250 6875 “ SS No. Z td. Hite O.be Oxk. No. 1514 CASE ALONE Fancy StagEngraved. S.B jJtd. & B. SB: Bt 18 Size Stem Wind, 1492 CASEALONE... .... or Casewith either of the following movements: No. 1508 CASE ALONE..........+.--$27 50$25 00 $2125 $27 1515 N.Y.Stan.,newMod.,7J.,Nick.8813 38063 2 6 8 8 Se 18} & B. Hte. NEY,22@shy: Jitdae Hig. O.F. O . k -$27 50$25.00$2125 $25 S21 1498 N.Y.Stan.,newModN..ic7kJ.8.8,13 38063 2688 1494 7. Nickel... ....88 758125 2750 1505 “ “7 2688 27:50 38000 3125 3500 8625 41 25 4875 6125 320 8875 8125 2750 1495 J, “ Pat.Reg.3625 8875 3000 TOG ass J., e e , “ Pat. Reg..8625 3375 {eisswalth.7, Gilt. 3750 3500 3125 4125 8875 3500 1496 Walth., TJs Gilt 8750 3500 3125 1507 Walth., 7 J., 6.0.0Guns BORISOODABOO? 4125 3875 3500 1508 ce USApGos BF 1 Od T 0 0 8 6 15 eo CA4125 88 75 1498 £ D5 ANickelinn er 42.50 4000 36 25 1509 oe 15J., Nickel ..... ...42 50 4000 1499 sf 17 J.,Gilt,Pt.Reg.,Adj.47 50 4500 41 25 1510 as 17J.,Gilt,Pt.Reg.,Adj.47 50 4 5 0 0 1500 * 17J.,Nick.“ “ * 5000 4750 4375 loll is 17 J.,Nick. ©** “ 5000 4750 1497 1S dg odio cantouone icNickelc.cc 4250 4000 3625 BO ie ln O S A 64250 65:00 61.25 1512 s 17i oe ee 67:50 65.00 1502) 9% i y . “Ex.Pine,...77:50 72°50 71:25 1518 re Wo OE DO200 ices, Cea 7 « 8 ‘ td. ; His. OnB.30.Bey Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. S.B. Jtd. & B. Elites OLR). .O.Ry Ass. Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. 1 8Size Stem W i n d . S . B . & B. 0 1475 Oe AB eg SS oy ee s. 2 gigas .<..- 1477 “ 17J.,Gilt,Pt.Reg.Adj..45 00 4250 occa 1504 N.Y.Stan.,.newMod..7J.,Nick.8318 8063 . 35.00 3250 28 75 eaee a OtOCsO) tOOle OeaEDO) Nickel..........:338 75 3125 Gilt...........-..3750 3500 DODOLOO 1516 very, UN Cele, t o y ud “Pat.Reg..8625° 8875 3000 _.........- or Casewith either of the following movements: eee Sbi 7 J..Gilt.Pt.Reg.,Adj.47 50 45.00 4125 OG14 c 7 5 0 6500 6 21 5 WesaNbiel 50 00 25 \ No. 1525 CASE ALONE. ...........$2500 $22 50 $18 75 Takes 1585 pe LMR ee ee 10000) 0750 98°15 1548 Con c e e “ 1 0 2 50100 0 0 9 6 2 5 1560 (oY 5 e 1686 * 2. * Ext. Fine.150 00 147 50148 75 1549 SUR “ n e Li S e e Ext.Fine, 162 50150 00 146 95 Vermicelli Bezels and Center, Durand Engraved. S.B. 16Size Stem Wind. Jtge. & B . Engine Turned. S.B 16SizeStem Wind. Jtg. &B. FullEngraved. S.B. No. Htg ©),5 OnRy No. Jnerer. (Oy; 12h ©), 19), No. Jtg. : B. ...4625 48 75 4000 47 50 4 5 0 0 41 25 aos “" 57 50 5500 51 25 1583 0s We|eINfiI@le, 14 kK. Gold Filled Cases. | FAHYS’ “MONARCH.” AMERICAN Casesguaranteedbythemakerstowear21years. SolidGoldBowsandThumbPieces. Engravingincluded. Illustratingandlisting WATCHES. watch movements see pages 42 to 53, = 2750 1624Walti j e u DEAR ee e PANO RO O KI il NaS Fancy Borders, Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. SB &B Fancy Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind copy &B F u l l Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind S . B . &B jh. . ae 33.75 2750 1614 “ 1 5 hoes ea Nick.Fey. oee 2875) 2250 e3000 2875 No. Ht OUR orCasewitheitherofthefollowingie . No. 1598 CASE ALONE. .. ..................$2000$13 75 1609 CASE ALONE spouses no or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements; 1 5 9 9 N . Y . S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 J . N i c k . . . . . . . . 2 5 6 8 1 9 8 8 tO O y e e BONE y e ane 1600 1601 eAGOD 1603 gf FullPlate,ufAles i. 2625 2000 «UL.Pat. Reg. 1611 6 FullPlate.i if 1621N.Y.Stan.newMod."J.Nick. OO 2or6s: 19:38 Htg. O.F Stem 1 6 1 0 N . Y . S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 J . N i c k Ce ea Pepe S500 2806 1 0 h IR Mick Se a 2625 20x Nick.Fey.Dial Sogi oano eee 1612“ S000 2825. HISWalt TJ°Gilt 2 c eam AOMut wy.” Rat, R e e te. Hire, (Ol F< No. "| | Hite OLR). Ne. 1681 CAGE ALONE. .........e e e $20 00$1875 1642 CASE ALONE................ _....$20 00$18 75 1658 CASE ALONE.... ...... te. O.F, .$2000.$13 75 or Case with either of the following movements : or Case with either of the following movements: __..... or Case with either of the following movements: 1632 N.Y.Stan.newMod. 7 J. Nick........ 25 68 1938 1643 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.7J. Nick 2563 1938 2000 16445 FullPlate1j. 2605 2000. 1645 URCPatRen 8 1654 N.Y.Stan. n e w Mod. 7 J.Nick 2563 19 88 2625 200 ae \ 2875 2250 Nai. OpWis eMail Plate, 7 ) , 5 J; f° Boom RP Mte, 7 “ o g Bae Ree Less 1684. R e t e TtapWark, JGilt, 2 GeGEGSee eeRO 1 6 5 6 “ho 1656“ ee ag Gilt Pat. Reg. gtt Adj........ Che 4250 3626 1650 “ 17¥Nice 3875 1660 ist ee . o O er eee 17J. Gilt 230363Beel «it}Nick.KocigaeSOeeaSenieGe e NObS: tS i u i ee .= O e O 3500 2875 1648 3375 27 50 3500 2875 1659 “< “ihy Nick | . . . 8h00) Benge 387 19 Ga R e g Adj... ‘ Pa<3 ck. i We n e e ie PatRe ee +.) "G5" S os G eae Dial..... hesslusees 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. FAHYS’ ‘‘MONTAUK.”’ AMERICAN Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thtumb Pieces. Engraving:included. Illustratingantd WATCHES. of w a t c h movements see pages 42to 53. ‐_‐‐_‐" : AhYS\QK Eels LIST PRICES EACH. (ise with i? c Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. S B . Fancy Borders, Horse Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. No. Htg. 1675 CASE ALONE oe $19 38 $17 50 $13 75 or Case with either of the following movements: 1676 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 25601 2813 1938 Fancy Borders, Stag Engraved. SB 18Size Stem Wind. ACCS W a t h ale Gilt... ee . ee ee a ec m ta a gs a Palsy face 1672 ts ieyRNicks <3 sf e Ey een! L Oakey 26 25 seen aele ADAISINCDht ea 3438 3250 f 4188 4000 38625 aes a e e e s wet 1691 1692 1693 1694 ae Fancy Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. tde= No. Htg. ,JeOye NaS SY Box Joints, Fancy Borders, Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. 1697CASEA L O N E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $181 3 o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : No. C L O C Htg. O.F. $ 1 7 5 0 $162 5 1698 N Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 2876 2188 1813 1 6 9 9 1700 2 2 5 0 1721 1722 s F u l l P l a t e , 7J. ‘ 2 4 8 8 -6) N. Y. Stan. n e w Mod. 7 J.Nick....... 2876 2188 ss Jeienbl Menee V jo OP 2988 22 50 s ees MOM Walth i ) . Gilts. 0 IDE jf eehe. RoeNicks hcy,Dialins. 2688 o A Ni CkghiGynDTalen AICS Tec Giltie eS USNSIS ll J. Pat. Reg. ss os il Pat. Reg. ess VAN Je eee GIS ooo ocaieina ees TRat E essmeters netscicuee e 8688 3000 1724 e ai re8 98 8 1702 1703 1704 “ 17 J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 8818 38625 3250 IGA 1705 belieNich,9 i 40638 8875 8500 8818 3125 alee aes 45 68 38 75 DAN GLO 1727 = WaleaNick sf OS SeOL IN ING l i n G i l t PateRegr Adiccnc. 4813 386 25 pe RUN I i e y G i l t P a t ) Ree A d j . . 5 ees 3. oae 83.18 2625 aiseener ee eee 8568 2750 8125 4063 8250 4 5 6 8 37560 818 4000 .2 ice ietinecasealone,aa casewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular‘‘AmericanWalthamandN.Y. StandardWatchCompany's Movements” for price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Columbus, United States Waltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovement desired: otherwisewe send suchaswe believe will give best satisfaction. For ali grades 18Size Stem Wind. td: Htg. 1d Osa & B: No. A664CASHATONE.. . . . . . 0 : . . . . + . -$181 3 & Bs td. EF ©. F No, L 6 8 6 , C A S E A W O NB a s . 6 ae $162 5 or Case with either of the following movements: n e e s $ 1 9 S 1 7 $ 1 3 $125 0 1665 N.Y.Stan.newMod. JN. ick. 2376 2188 1813 c e es885075 xe F u l l Plate,7J. ‘“ “ ree Lies P a t 1669 1670 SoD) IeNACo ee 1671 “ 1 % JG. iltPat.Reg. A d j . =Li JOLY \)K 1687 N.Y.Stan newMod,7J. Nick. 2501 2313 19388 1688 st a l lPlatenie«ss 2563 2375 2000 1666 1667 2438 Reg. Nick. Fey. Dial........ 2688 2250 1875 2500 2125 28138 2625 2250 3188 38000 3313 38125 2750 8818 3625 3250 063 3875 3500 1677 rf BullPlate, 1678 se & ll J. Pat. 2568 2375 2000 2813 2625 2250 2938 2750 23 75 3313 3125 2750 3438 3250 28 75 1 8 7 5 2500 2818 2625 2250 2125 oea 8188 8000 2625 ccaacsin senior 8188 2500 NICK Heya Dialsqe GZS Wealth Wye Gilt co ie 8438 2625 8313 38125 2750 Mare INGO, rete he y e y S B . & B. ORR: & B; No. Locomotive Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. PeB $125 0 M e s ( C A N S ) Z I L I O U N DI e n $ 2 3 $ 1 6 SA A N E O N SE o t e e or Case with either of the following movements: IU Gondcaesncapoenconuobbe 13 25 e e 1720 N. Y. Stan. n e w Mod. 7 JN. ick...... 8126 2313 Jin Neer Nicks Ney. Dials. LOT Wialth. yeGiltee - < .e1c. 1889 me ee 1] J. Pat. ReoNick, Hey.DialGo LESOaWialthy (ale Giltes 2813 2625 22 50 2938 2750 2375 3313 3125 2750 1680 1681 1682 “ 1 7 J.Gilt Pat.Reg.A d j . 8938 3750 38 75 SOROS 2c peaNiCkaaeseens “ 1 7 J.Gilt Pat.Reg.Adj. 8938 3750 8875 N V e SEEDS A i Vp Goninon [oly naycena Sitene LO avenge ce en r e ore s L683 ee ViaNick: C i e eT 4188 4000 3625 l a y IN fas BSN she AkeG Rc tS e n c Mea DC AlPEA LSANGKoNesi 08 Paige re Mey s\OK MONTAUK 28 76 OA Oa 55 Seca c ee s s or Case with eitherof the following movements: 1725 1726 y $ 2 5 6 3 Me MEUM I A S , GY OEa 8188 28 75 td 518h Owlee AMERICAN WATCHES. grades of Watch movements see pages 42to 53. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating and No. 1730), CASEA L O N E ,<.. Jtd. = “& BE Htz. O.F. O.F. 18Size Stem wed td. No. 1752 CASE ALONE........ $18 13$16 25$12 50 1735 M OUGS C o e nae en ie n Sace . 8488 3250 1736 el OR I O S 1759 M602 NICKs S*so17 J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 3813 3625 3250 ileth ea INBe Nsie a e e oq seONICk ee ce «Saad 1 feeNicke Zahys\oK MONTAUK @ LIST PRICES EACH. Sebysigu MONTAUK LahyS\ Qk ~ MONTAUK ) Engine Turned. 18Size StemWind. S. Fancy Borders, Hunter Engraved. Escalloped Vermicelli Borders. S.B. 18SizeStemWind. ~ as &B. or Case with either of the following movements: 1753N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.2376 2188 18138 1754 i FullPlate,7J. ‘“ 2438 2250 1875 1755 “ “ 11J. Pat. Reg.Nick.Fcy.Dial) . ....2688 2500 2125 s o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f the f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 1738 me 6 ) ; 2Pat: Reg. Nick. Fey. Dial........ 2688 2500 i744. e Iii? Pat. Reg. Nick. Fey. Dial........ 28138 2625 PASE Wealth (ele Giltics 2813 2625 3188 3000 2 26 5 3318 38125 2750 1747 2938 2750 33.13 3125 c e e e c cenoses Clkiccn aa LilyS\0k MONTAUK 2250 W A S eW e a l t h . ( o l e G a l t 2 Sa) Seo einesaces erase cea . . . $18 1 3$16 2 5$12 5 0 .. .. - e aeeGarin 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. FAHYS’ ‘MONTAUK,’’ Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear fifteen years. J listingcasealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular **AmericanWalthamandNY. 4 Standard Watch Company’s Paillard, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. Always mention movement desired ; otherwise we send such as we believe will g i v e best satisfaction. For all Movements”forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurn1ishsimilarg:radesatsamepricesinei1therE l o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 1742N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 2501 2318 1938 1732 “ FullPlate,7J. ‘“‘ 2438 2250 1875 1743 i FullPlate,7J. ‘“ 2568 2875 2000 1731N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 2876 2188 1813 2125 2250 23 75 2 75 0 28 76 3375 3625 ASG Walvis aGoalle ee 1757 eC ID alaieusce mactee 2813 2625 2250 3188 3000 2625 3313 3125 2750 een 1737 “ 1 7 J.GiltPat.Ree.Adj. 8818 3625 $250 1748 “ 17 J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 3938 3750 17388 Se WielNICky of 4068 38875 3500 M49 ey Nicke= SS 4188 4000 le aaseen. i 13Size StemWind. N o . Ht 1768 CASE ALONE. 18Size Stem Wind. td. Phe ‐ Si re As Fancy Engraved. - SB td. &B OF® Sy 18} & B. O FR e Ss. B. &B. ease 1764N . Y . Snewt Maodn.7.J N.ick.2376 2188 1 8 orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 1765 “ FullPlate,7J.* “ 2438 2250 18 1775N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 2501 2313 1938 1786N.Y.Stan.newMod.7 JN.ick.2876 2188 1818 1787 uC FullPlate,” J. ‘ 2438 2260 1875 1788 i se 1iny., Pat: 1766“ “ 1UJ.Pat. Reg. Nick. Fey. Dial....... 2688 2500 2125 1776 “PullPlate,7J. ‘ 2568 2375 1777 ‘ Ms NeYe Pate. Reg. Nick. Fey. Dial........ 2813 2625 iNeatss \Wivevhons Tle Calin 2000 5 2250 2375 2750 1790 Ree.Nicks Bicys D i a l sa. :2688 2500 2125 W767 Walth. J. G i l t . ) cos.ob. 2813 2625 2250 2938 2750 .. 8813 3125 1789 Walth. 7 JG. ilt....... eats 2818 2625 2250 8188 38000 2625 TAN 1769.) <> 15 Nick, 1770 “ 177. GiltPat.Reg.Adj.3818 3625 3250 1781 “ 17J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj.3988 3750 M y k e Ty, Nick o o . 4068 8875 3500 1782 SUS A SCa <<... ae 3188 3 0 -020625 1779 . $813 3125 2760 1780 oe pes Uy] R e e big eae OREN HES Boe eee INel eeeare usaances Ninear as No. 1741CASE ALONE.. : : nee Ete; OnR Os. No. ; WAI C A SHieAIUOINEN H t g . $19 38 $17 50 $13 75 N o . 1785 CASE ALONE.. aon Tae cen a NULKCea te 4188 4000 28 75 (Ce Cleatagar 2750 ae Lahys\0K MON FAUK tof s e o a s o n s c aa ns. s ms) 324 J4, Mn. ») 3438 3250 1791 3375 1792 “ 17J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj,8818 3625 3250 Wi See 386 25 r b lg i i n n , , g Cy oye a 063 3875 3500 IDEN 1793 See NICs:0 et 406338753500 33.13 3125 8+ AMERICAN WATCHES. 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. FAHYS’ «*MONTAUK.”’ Casesguaranteedbythemakerstowearfifteenyears WeietheGoGldeFialleddBetowsandandThumbPieces. Engravingincluded, Illustra‐ ting andlistingcasealone, andcasewithmovement c o m b i n e d , u o t i n g the popular ‘Amr erican Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch Com=pany’sMovements.”’"WecanfurnishsimnilargradesineitherElgin,Columbus,UnitedStatesWaltham,etc.,atsameprices. For all grades of watch movements see pages 42to 53. UY 4 Gi* No. 1796 CASE ALONE.......... OR: No. td. : Or $18 13 $16 25 $12 50 EEN gras ay eN 4ahys\QK MONTAUK, OWS\0K MONTAUK Engine ‘Turned. 16Size StemWind. Chased Bezels and Center, Fancy Engraved. F u l l VYermicelli Star Engraved. 16Size Stem Wind. eae o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : aye o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s ; ceca o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Mon Wialltins jrGaltime 1798 sere aia Ne aa . 80638 28 75 1816 1817 1 8 1 8 1819 1820 1821 3068 2875 2500 Deva tiles Pema se eeGetler gaye 1799 pe L S I IN ICR ahYS\Qk MONTAUK 8188 3000 26 26 1807 d eens 3188 38688 8 8 1 3 3000 3 5 0 0 3 6 2 5 [Pe INiCk. =St n s 1801 d o n ) NICkigay 1802 “ 1 7 J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 4188 4000 3625 1810 PS08) 2 Le IvJiNick.“ a No. 1824CASEALONE.. iehee, e$11 83 $162 : No. t e . 8OnBe OsBY $18 13 $16 25 $12 50 ayicossnt4 69 lo 86 MING n W] I i A, t= Vermicelli Bezels, Fancy Engrayed. 16Size Stem Wind Jtd. (0), 18) S. B. & B. Oy 40%, 5 $125 0 Vermicelli Bezels, Engine Turned. 16Size Stem Wind. 1839Walth,FoyeG a l t o n2183 26 25 1840 1841 LisiNick... 1842 Ws dale 1843 IbeNAGS 1844 17J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 4188 4000 1 8 4 5 Fancy Borders, Engraved. 16SizeStem Wind. Sees Jtd. & B. r a o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : «toe y 1825N.Y.Stan,newMod.7J,Nick.2751 2568 2188 1826 1 J.Pat.Reg.Nick.3063 2875 2500 1837 N . Y . S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 J . N i c k . 2 7 5 1 1827 Walth. 7J. Gilt..... 1828 1829 l oh 28138 2625 2250 1838 11J.Pat.Reg.Nick. 3068 256% 2875 Sol aWialths (eis Glitcese 2818 2625 2250 8063 2875 2500 3188 3000 2625 38688 3500 3125 3813 3625 3250 1838 Gen 7 ) . M i c k i C O 4 81 8 4 6 2 5 TOSI CEM EaANi i e l e INICE: (5ie ae . Rebras 8188 3000 2625 28 75 1852 Se li1 oe INICkia onigcnie ae | i a l F E C a U el k e e 185: 1854 AUS 1855 Se GlDUONC 1856 r e n t. GiltPat.Reg. Adj. 4188 4000 8625 1857 i SU gaNiols, a5 iS 4813 4625 42 50 Frsi titi 8068 2875 2500 mary 8688 3500 8126 806 3188 3000 36 88 35 00 38 13 3625 o s m n ataa n e a 1830 1831 1832 * WiJ.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 4188 4000 8625 sins afin ALS Pete «aan 0 ..,-., Cui hes e a US48 CASE VAWONEN: o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 1849N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.9751 2568 2188 1850 - Il JP.at.Reg.Nick.8068 2875 2500 Dae ae INTCle 7 4 4813 4625 4250 IN 32 50 ICK 8813 3625 Ife, Jtd. toe Onn Ss. B. & B. 16Size Stem Wind. Fite OR:sOsBe Jtd. No. ite.®Ook S. B. &B. $18 13$16 25$12 50 Sonne 3063 2875 25 00 1806 S A U ie cerns I N K ) 3188 3000 .' . 8688 3500 3125 er 1800 Peters fakenuheeaireaeis .. 8688 3500 3125 1808 a n Sec Goltea ee ako deh 26 25 20).3200 1809 Aga) Nick. < ; 4813 4625 4250 1811 pele eaeo u aieaaa: LIST PRICES EACH. $18 13$16 25$12 50 ee 2813 2625 22 50 1805 Walth. 7 JG. ilt............ 2813 2625 1804 CASE ALONE...... .. U T S CASEVATVONE. 7. 1815 Walth. 7 J.Gilt. .... ... .... 2813 2625 2260 ees IIE GAN Meessa sere dics wales S e eal sgiraealyel “ 1 7 JG. iltPat.Reg.Adj. 4188 4000 3625 Clean env 17J. Gilt Pat.Ree.Adj. 4188 4000 WA Wl Sh ies r eee Semana ceeeen se a ae 8813 3625 3825 ue 4813 4625 AOEi fe 4813 4625 4250 SO aril MEINGKOl a s e e 9876 es ef 1 US(Feesphe) 2 2 2)8 1962 ‘ teoe aeut 1a (ee 1973 fc Me Ade eo Pat at, mee, Bey Dial,2 . 6 . 5 . 3625 8875 8000 Reg. 4250 4000 8625 heGiltPat.Reg.Adj. 4750 4500 4126 seaie 5000 4750 4876 O RC C eore tOr 1J Se AC C n c v t a n Gc e n r c e eu e n sn lf Wee od"ei C 1945 Seeailii|e INGOs 06 ce 1956 S e i NNe i c k “s 6000 4750 4875 WY alg « Full Engraved. 18Size, Stem Wind. td; & B: Fancy Engraved. 18Size, Stem Wind. N o 1 8 S i z e , S t e m W i n d . H t g . 3 E S 18Size,StemWind. sce 4375 4125 a T 1977 W e y Gilt Pat. Res.Adit... 5500 5250 Ree ROSH Wealth} TiGilte.. oie sn ie A P E N A KC e e N : Hiss OB. .O- Bs No. 1 9 4 8 C A S E , A I O NE c c e e 4260 4000 8625 5000 4750 e e or Case with either of the following moveinents: ons i e t saceae S SS R Gilt Paty Rem Adj e ‘ 3 3 7 5 8125 2750 &B. < 0. Htg, OF. 0.F. ¢ No, i me ee Ree.Adj ee ane aeee oree oe toad,Nick ey ee B2BU 2Sae 62031 i T.GiltPatReeAdj, 3038 Sn0) aire AMERICAN WATCHES. Yermicelli Borders. and Center, Engraved. 18SizeStemWind,= td gr OB S. B. SB OLR, Vermicelli Borders and Center, F u l l Engraved. s p. 18SizeStemWind. id, &B Vermicelli Borders and Venter, Horse Engraved. ¢ p CASE ALONE...... SIG 1 SICQASIESO 2000 CASH Caco Stniceofthe( o l l (eo FoeiG 60C I E E 1992 orCasewitheither ofthefollowingmovements: ...:.. ALONE... ; VermicelliBordersandCenter,HunterEngraved.c p age EngineTurned. CoB Vermicelli Borders and Center, Locomotive Engraved. Ss.B. No. 2025 CASE ALONE.. Htg. ee ©, Be No, .........,...$1938 $1750 $1875 2086 CASEALONE... _......$1813 $1625 $1250 2047 CASEALONE. HAtg. Be OO). Ey . $19 3 8 $17 5 0 $13 7 5 18Size Stem Wind. td. & B. 18Size Stem Wind. td. & B. Htg. ee Ope Bs No. 18Size Stem Wind. td. & B. En --Se 87 E T A[LLUSTRAIED ( A Y S‐ Ss 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. | $19.80 $1750 818.75 “or orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 2015 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 3501 2318 1938 1993N.Y.Stan.newMod.7 JN. ick.2876 2188 1813 2004 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 9501 2313 1938 9016 “ FullPlate.77. “ 2563 2375 2000 i994 FullPlate,7J. “2488 2250 1875 2005 “ FullPlate,7J. .“" 2568 2375 2000 9017. « al ? A H o l s a 7 Be ae eh what,Reg:Fey.Dial”.....2818 2625 2250 1996 Walla], G i l t . . . 2818 2625 2250 2007 Walth. 7]Gilt. ...........2088 2750 2875 0 1 9 yg dd Hae ieee Ue 1997ee15.Lgttteeeeeeee318830002625 2008UG15aeCNASURGeatin331331252750 2020“15NickcaeeS Lee8343832502870 ae dos bare f e e Oko 17J.GiltPat,Reg,Adj.8988 3750 8375 g o s “ ivy. Nick, " 4 1 8 8 4000 8625 seve. or Case with either of the following movements: or Case with either of the following movements: or Case with either of the following movements: 2026N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.2501 2813 1988 2087N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.2376 2188 1818 2048N.Y.Stan.newMod.7 JN.ick.2501 2813 1938. 2027 2028 i Fullei J. ‘* 2563 2875 2000 “5 4 OS ag Pat.Reg.Poy.Dials o . c o e . 0s2813 2625 2250 WAG 2038 uk Full Plate,7J. ‘“ 2039 (a3 cr 11 i) es PatRee.MCV.Olli...o s c . 2488 2250 1875 2049 a FullPlate,7J. ‘ 2563 2875 2000 PMe INc i c i v c v c sons29382750 2040Waltt 2041 MO See 2688 2500 2125 Pat Reo.Poy.Dialiiin a. 2818 2625 2250 tore traea Weaknae 5 er e rs 2375 ince oe: acas nay << .. 383138 8125 27 50 :38.18 3125 J G. y e N I ilt Ot 2030 OME se 2 0 3 1 L U N A Oa s i c e e d a y a v e r s 3 4 3 8 8 2 5 0 2 8 7 5 2 0 4 2 e e e 2032 “ 11 J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 3938 8750 383 75 2043 ‘“ 17J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 8818 8625 8250 2054 “ 17 J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 8988 8750 2 0 3 3 < - e i i e k . . . * " 4 1 8 8 4 0 0 0 3 6 2 5 2 0 4 4 H e o l e I N i k . . 1 " s 4 0 6 8 3 8 8 7 6 8 5 0 0 2 0 5 5 S h e I Ne k gI 4 1 8 8 4 0 0 0 ie 3188 8000 26 25 2052 GG Use Fa 3 3 1 3 8 1 2 5 2 7 5 0 2 0 5 3 2 2 L O s e N I O k , v e e , 8 4 3 8 3 2 5 0 2750 2 8 7 5 338 75 386 25 2050 se a 1Fai % 8 1 8 2625 2250 2051 Walth.7 J . Gilt....... S a a s 2988 2750 2375 % e e eee : Ee Dees 88 AMERICAN WATCHES. WoSaltham, etc, of watch movements see pages 42to 53. of c o m p l e t e watch. We can furnish similar grades at same prices in either Elgin, Columbus, Unite tates erasSOGmovement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will g i v e best satisfaction. For all grades Fancy Borders, Locomotive Engraved. 16Size StemWind. td. 20659 N.Y.Stan. n e w Mod. 7 ) . Nick........ 3438 Fancy Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. Ale Htg. OE. .$2500$2250 Chased Bezels, Assorted, Engraved. 2060 oh a Niek:Pat,Reg 22 5.5. 4000 3750 2071N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 38488 3188 2072 a 1 JoNick.Pat:Reg...2...; 3750 3500 DOMSINWaltlare (een GaliGacievess ciara toner 35 00 32 50 2088 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. .......3688 3438 2084 os 1LJ.Nick. Pat. Reg........ 4000 3750 8750 3500 2063 me rel eINACRye as cgee Oe 4125 38 75 LOGI: Wialtine nl Giltic = eeas 2062 EF KL see lence O n a n eaetnnar s 3750 35.00 CSC g OS I E n G u l l a e e n S e see 2066 po l i .GilpeateRer Ady. 2074 2075 ZOU 2077 2078 2079 spl Lefeces are paaisisien 3750 3500 oe 3875 3625 ira UNI eee r ahana woes 2064 4625 4875 4750 4500 6125 48 75 750 5500 Me NIC rerehteensu UIE nor colava see LOM 4125 4625 4375 : 4750 4500 5125 4875 5750 5506 2067 SECRETE ASI(NolGeps ales cae ee ISO G r an Cee aes nas yon. a eae l oC o l l e q a manien ta o en 2065 Perea SON TCltrs ee reek Cat 41 4250 Fancy Bezels and Center, Plain Durand Engraved. Jta Jatuee | Oy ae $28 75 $25 00 Engine Turned. S. B. & B. O v e 2 5 0 0 $ 2 2 5 0 $ 1 8 7 5 No. PAYVE ICING3)INILOINID)5 3 Jtd. f et SP ayia lea PR 2110 2 1 1 1 2112 e lbee a e g i spuneacs 4000 3750 41:25 88°75 4625 48 75 4750 4500 5125 48 75 nya eecan 5750 55 00 ein Wey), Nicks, S O O G i l t s o say sei Sear OS ECS C hesepean a 2008 « 6 oJ.N i c k “ o y - lO en Cnlitsa: ae acceen ee 0 tynevera ale aes INGE GaltBateheewACyon 16Size Stem Wind 16Size Stem Wind. 6 td. 2 e e orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements; 2095N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.........3813 3438 2096 e¢ ll J.Nick. Pat.Reg.. .. 4125 3750 orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 2107 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.7J.Nick......... 3688 34388 2119 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 8488 3188 2813 2108 1l J. Nick. Pat.Reg...:.. . 4000 3750 2120 ll J.Nick.Pat.Reg. 8750 3500 3125 2109 Walths (aly Giltinnen te se ee 3750 35.00 DAO Walther JaGiltse ek ae 3500 3250 2875: 2097 Walth. 7 J. Gilt..... nt vials 3875 3500 4125 3750 4250 38 75 4 7 5 0 4 8 7 5 4875 4500 MI Se ia DUDS P I S S OU 2195 2126 2127) 3750 3500 3125 ee 3875 3625 38250 Ce IB G i b eeae 4875 4125 3750 SOE o O .--- n a $27 $25 No. Z U M S N C A HS A E O N D e e n y A p u n e u e n 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. CRESCENT CO.’S ‘* CRESCENT.’’ ses guaranteed by the makers to wear twenty years. Solid Gold Bows and Th1umb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating and1 Taealone,aedcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular ‘‘AmericanWalthamand N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s sean aeAUis erDSA eh 4000 3750 2085 Wralthravelis G i l t e4 4000 3750 a DOOD 2 1 0 0 2101 2102 | diJ.GiltPat.Reg.Adj... .....6250 4875 2118 vo2 1G) INTOka in, apart eeew a t e e on n e s a l e n e a ---. 6 8 7 5 56500 2114 ah 2115 PeelNIN GWCey)e ROS “ n MM Nek as ”for price No. ZOKO CASE ATONE. No. 20OStECASEHA I O NS No. Pali) (OUND) NIDO I D Ate. 5 0 16Size StemWind. litera ON LIST PRICES EACH. Vb a Ifa Beye eae 16Size Stem Wind. 16Size StemWind. Jtd. tes “On. $27 50 $25 00 ek or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: eer ee Soe yee Gacres ese M U U , Cauheieeys. Ieee, INCH. aves 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 AleANGh AD TSS 25 G i Glas nee Seeneneaeaeoan 4375 4500 4875 46 25 5500 5250 sia ENG Saengane. 88 75 Ise INGE Way Nick, C a e eee aincoed s s Ube Ansteaye werecee oooonae <6 aS ieerecie PNUICl n n a a s a sg o n eo c n dc s d e: 0 0 s e orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: ees ee -vcoee cee 1 } 5N i c k i 4500 4250 8 78 5 T7J. Gilt Pat.Reg.Adj. 4875 4625 4250 AVJeNick. “ ~~~ §5.00 5250 4875 eai cee tune oeeene LAY i o orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: er so Wale GilGibat Res: Adqan ss e iee n o e No. 16Size Stem Wind. Elite t $1818$1625 D154CASHCATON=.j o c sc ee e 2132 « " " } 1J .Nick,Pat.Reg. HeyDistoe or Case with either of the following movements: 2143 N.Y.Stan.n e w Mod. 7J. Nick....... 2751 2568 2144 “ “jlJ.Nick.Pat.Reg.Fey. 21388 2139. “ 17 J. Gilt Pat,Reg. Adj. 4318 4125 87 50 “ $ sJ.:Nick. i GiltPat.ReoAdie. eee T e N I O k 5 AMERICAN WATCHES. 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. CRESCENT WATCH CASE CO.’S ‘ PLANET.’’ Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular “American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch Com‐ pany’s Movements,” for price ofcomplete watch. We can furnish similar grades at same prices,in either Elgin, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will give best satisfaction. For a l l grades of watch movements see pages 42 to 58. LIST PRICES EACH. No. 2166 CASE, ALONE & B. 2178CASEALONE......... ....$1813$1626$12 50 D190GACEGATONE 2174 Boe 2175 Se NieleNick, SO S i e49884750 Assorted Fancy Engraved. S2B: 16Size Stem Wind. td. Htg. ohe ©;Ee Chased Borders and Center, Plainor Engine Turned, Polished Backs. Chased Borders and Center, Full Engraved. & B. 2180 CASE ALONE...............:$19 38$17 50$18 75 No. 2142CASEALONBE............S e r e o Jtd. 16Size StemWind. Onn. No. Js Htg. lB i g swalth1 Gilt. RSG ee TS Men oeTJlNoick2. ( S G 0 A, Giltcs 2 1 8 7 “ 15J.Nick..... oe sec once ..... 8063 yas Ale oa. acs 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 rc Engine Turned. S. B. td. & B: Vermicelli Borders and Center, Engraved. S. B. Chased Bezels and Center, Horse or Stag Engraved. t d . 16Size StemWind. Htg. 16Size Stem Wind. ats Htes, OF, a v e n Crane = P = a I k e 14K. Gold Filled Cases. ESSEX CO.’S ‘¢COLUMBIA.’’ Casesguaranteedbythemakerstowearfifteenyears. WithSolidGoldBowsandThumbPieces. Engravingincluded. Illustrating and listing case alone, with moyement combined. Quotingthepopulate“American Waltham and N.Y. StandardWatchCompany’s AMERICAN WATCHES.| Movements.” We can furnish si1milar grades in either Elgin, Pail ard, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc., at sameprices. Bor Fancy Bezels and Center Fancy, Engraved. Engine Turned. Jt4, No. 18Size Stem Wind. 18Size Stem Wind. as ashe Escalloped Center, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. No. 18Size Stem Wind. Htg. aloe ... $18 18$16 25 a l l grades of watch movements see pages 42to 53. s 2280 N.Y.Stan.n e w Mod. J.Nick........-....++: 2279 CASE ALONE. or Case with either of the following movements8 emilee NilClear 7 40.65 88:70 2320 Ve Nicks. 2318 iscams 88 13 36 25 88 75 IDEM Wealthy 7. bose asec a o a n m a d e O a n aS ns a y eG i l t P a t . R e e . A d j . . . 4500 50 00 s5250 x nN o o ee s o no o u od O u No B n c e m e a i i e c e t s se 40 00 °. 2312 CASE ALONE................-..B.1.8.13$1625 No. 9393 CASE ALONE....---..... 2315 OIG nvenkoer, YWVeCithesrncnono Pat. 3 2500 es ts ats) tach o es ses? 2...2.25 b ss C 1 7 ) . G i l t P a t . R e e , A d y : . - Mere Suman oboga e d n pee u anaes u ee S ac . N I C K S £ ala e e oO c <5oc 2813 2625 3188 3000 0e n W f Jt, Escalloped Center, Chased Bezels, Diagonal Engrayed. 2292 2293 iyo 425... (3 Semen 2295 2296 C15 icINaCke So 2324 N.Y.Stan.n e w Mod.7 JN. ick........2876 2325 2326 F u l l Plate, IE) Eecy: Dgial...: 7J. “So ..0v..4 2488 Pat. 2328 2329 OCOD WINCE 2380 ea Guilt eate ReeAG)ae 92 WEW-YORK. 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. and Company’sMovements,”forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishsimilargradesatsameprices,ineitherElgin,Paillard, bus,UnitedStatesWaltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired; otherwisewesendsuchaswebelieve willg i v ebestsatisfaction. ESSEX CO’S ‘‘ SUPERIOR.’’ AMERICAN Cases guaranteed by the makersto wear twenty-five years. Solid qGold Bows and Thumb) Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating ene F o r a l l g r a d e s o f w a t c h m o v e m e n t s s e e p a g e s 4 2 t o 58. WATCHES. case alone,and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular “‘American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch oe: Bassine Plain, Polished Antique Pendant. at Htg. 518, 2335 N.Y.Stan.n e w Mod. J. Nick........ 84.38 3188 2336 ie LowNnick- P a t y Resco... 3750 35 00 Fancy Bezels and Center. Durand Engraved. 16Size StemWind. Engine Turned. 16Size Stem Wind. 2358) CASEALONE) No. 2334 CASE ALONE............... z 2346 CASE ALONE..... Htg. B. No. 2338 2339 2340 So aley alan Grille s oeGr ienialeenes .2.0. 2341 2342 2343 4500 fe Daiols ONGC e pee Se cas IO eeeaaieeemmemganar- kel Bel bee oot ON teensyGroene 4250 AEES Le A I T RON oe. 8875 oar oneal 3750 16Size Stem Wind. Of $2750$2500 nar td. Ray, ....$25 00$22 50 or Case with either of the following movements: $25 2359 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.... ... 3438 3188 DESteNvalthect: VsGalt, 3500 3200 8750 3500 cnc. 09.-2....- 85 00 32 50 sosgn., ee aye imu e N Okeer LiGiltePat.ReoAdds...) 4875 4625 Miele NAck.==<¢ ascents 5500 5250 s Fancy Bezels and Center, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. No. 1 6S i z e S t e m W i n d . Fancy Bezels, Fancy Stag Engraved. Fancy Bezels and Center, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, Z O UO A A S E c l e O N a g e o e s or Case with either of the following movements: Z o i Nov Stan. new Mod: Way. Nick: 2372 WB PeeSSISi StOS IIIS fs OE ata oe 2384 v MipeNicksPat R e gas QESorwWialthie tegen Gilt. 4000 37 50 , 8750 35 00 2396 sf BI NickwPat Regis. 28 OM W i e l a acnlbs nr oc 2398 epee nee 2399 2400 set 2401 2402 oa of Ma WiceD Tele Galt, S ORROOE vncnie s 2375 2376 2377 OU 2378 io 2379 ES IR ANT Che Geon byes Gules GI NKS)G Ret a n d a t e RS 55 00 60 00 61 25 6500 2386 2387 2 3 8 8 2389 2390 2391 PS ANLen 37 50 38 75 43 75 45 00 48 75 55 00 telson aeeineaeMerean 538 Bee pees e AEG Seo SDDO ATR N Dsee eerte re hots a Cee VBI A G IGRee, cosas A N C e a t Hest h a r e e e e IDAHO NADOLTCOe O c Ca. ancy aun: wea) ee 60 00 ta MinlGilt Pate R e g AG]... ES TSANG KES eae RELI. Sie . e eoee7125 2 2408 ANE vo.ccccsae Gb OD Sanity tereccvere OL 20 a cana a t G e e r sR o se6e 21 5 a rc e se ick INS s nen see o 020 eaeanaenaarany Gul e N I C ance ony auch eS 4625 5750 5500 e e e a l a i d n r s d i e s e . n e b o p c GpS e or Case with either of the following movements: 2383 N.Y.Stan.new Mod. 7J. Nick........ 3688 3488 S41 NBS ais Es SOUFe vsteal pig m l ee |) e e e ena in 35 0 38 75 36 25 3625 43 75 41 25 2355 N G C ene n be ay D e i G a l t h e Gu en 6 icere:5375 ..5.05.-.0 .50GF O5125 OAeC ot 5375 a nic co. e ODSOOOOUEP env eee Soc twa Ber S eU JB 0 Oue s ee H t g . s $ 4 1 2 5 No. P o p ] ACUAMESHUTZAITAOINShad No. PELEAOANSIS) MAOINUD te. 26 5. 5063 t 5875 a n h a n e Ae ae oa es 5125 LIST PRICES EACH. cu O od e GN or Case with either of the following movements ; G o l l Alsy Ve ANTONE SeA TRINA 16Size StemWind, : 16Size StemWind. shay i n R S s scangneaescanocanekecove or Case with either of the following movements: 2395 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J. Nick. . . . . . . . , eens eats nec seatte weenie ee e INGT Ola enatre ne eae eakanor MnO ny WAR 75 See s Se L i e Gilt Pate imecav Ndie.: SM Te INGO: oe os suuBb i....0..-20ecce2. or Case with either of the following movements : 2347 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 8688 3488 2348 . L I E N i c k P a t Resins... 4000 8750 2360 i 2361Walth. ME IeeNick P a t oReg 7J. 37 50. 35 00 DEAENVatheae Galtee aaese e e are 3750 35 00 4000 3750 236% 4125 38 75 23868 Gilt)... fs ieee es h a s S e o ea 00 $22 50 PRA £ 3 5 1 2352 ZEDSiy 2354 meie GaultRat.ReesAdana:5125 4875 2366 mo lo).GiltsPapRessAdin pe a wenincr te lllA INO) eel tier TOs oars l arcane ake Geeks e narne 4 37 5 4 12 5 4500 4250 4875 46 25 5500 5250 SoS UTES caer 500 2367 we Ban 8 aes t 48 75 2 3 6 4 4750 45 00 2365 Ate. or, awe RA$27 50 $25 00 Dale NACka MAG Whos R ars J SU Ege ( ‐‐‐‐ R G =.5‐ N E SY.GiltPatRep Adin. Tie anaa: ee5500 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. ESSEX CO.’S ‘COLUMBIA.’ AMERICAN Cases guaranteed by the makers to w e a r fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will give best satisfaction, For LIST PRICES EACH. WATCHES. a l l grades of w a t c h movements see pages42to 63. MBIA aad DAO NVA ieee Galt; oo ee 2813 2625 2AONO NWaltlie 1).(Gilt ZEUS 2625, 2aoe- Wealth Wc Gilttes 2813 2625 2410 2411 2412 24123 2 4 1 4 2415 2422 13 38625 2425 2434 8625 2487 iS LD .UE a a o n r y C B cfscru 28 75 28 75 3000 435 ALY.Nick SOOO. 2ES62 8 15,G i l t . - eT pF n See IIE nNOS) 3063 3188 3000 2423 3688 3500 2424 ate 5963 3188 3000 3683 3500 GA i ecaie ei es eS N I C ee k veaes ee nicraenan spn Coke 234 poe 30638 (yee ewe ere eens: J J . G i l t P a t . R e g . A d j . . . . . . . Fancy Bezels a n i (enter, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. 16Size Stem Wind. Kscalloped Center, Full Vermicelli Star Engraved. 16Size Stem Wind. Jtd. Fancy Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. ga. Ge 2442 CASE ALONE ............ Hie. No. ..$8000 2454 CASE ATONE Hig. O.F. - Ne. _$1818$1625 9486:CASEATONE Wes te S18 18$16 25 orCase with either ofthe following movementsz 2 4 4 3 N . Y , S t a n . n e w M o d , 7 J N. i c k . h c i O O O e 2444 ’ l i J , N i c k . P a t . R e g . F e y . D i a l . . . 4 2 5 0 cedes r e 2445 Walth. TJ.Gilt ...... SS i a t e s i a s n a yg si a e 2 4 5 6 “ J1J. N i c k . P a t . Ree. F e y . D i a l . 8 0 6 8 2 8 7 5 M D Osi N T O87h 8188 8000 BLSS 3000 ...BESS 35.00 he 2449 A mee. Sint. aes| S C T 17 | G i t Pat. Reg,Adj...«0.0.5 ts eed eee 2AGN obnane4 .6000 2461 ela|.Wilks. a o a 97°75, Nick, = .6555 ee bA7G 2402 CO00 S 4 0 ) and listing case alone, with movement combined. Quoting the popular ‘‘ American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s. Movements,’’forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishsimilargradesatsameprices,ineitherElgin,Paillard,ColumbusUnited States Waltham, etc. ZAVGVO NSEA L O N orCasewitheitherofthefollowing movements: orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: Bsis ecocere c enalia s e 5 s e o ne an r asc aees ee cae ensqe ina ek J G. a l t P a t R e g . A d j . . . nyne 3813 3625 rrr Sea epee O T AIT ONGC, c r e a a seransCoane aeses vbiee oS15|Gti.eose 2471 O A T 8688 36-00 9479. © IR) Gilt... 88183626 247: BAA) INCIacea. nan Sager wc' a ne ues 0 s tJ,GiltPat.Reg,Adjim....4188 4000 9474), .> IiJ,GiltPat,Ree.Ag BS1B 38625 4188 4000 4818 4625 5$1813$1625 UAVSOASHAyMON:ac n e e Ce se ss 3 $818 2626 6AIeei eee30682875 4 1 8 8 4 0 0 0 4813 4625 2 4 2 6 2427 4 0 0 0 £626) 2 4 8 8 9489. o l ? 8 | VJ Nick Se 2G a 4 1 8 8 813 4 0 0 0 4625 O A A O sabiC i e CANO peiaueeeeS008 roma Fancy Bezels and Center, Plain Polished Backs. 16Size StemWind. Chased Bezels and Center,Fancy Engraved. aa EB. orCasewitheitherofthefollowing movements: 2407N.Y.Stan.newMod.7 J.Nick. .2751 2568 2419N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.. .....2751 2568 2431N.Y.Stan.newMod.7 J.Nick.. ....2741 2568 2408. “ i1J.Nick.Pat.Reg.Fey.Dial. 3061 2875 2420 * 11J.Nick.Pat.Reg.Fey.Dial. 3061 2875 2439 “ 11J.Nick.Pat. Reg. Fey.Dial. 3061 28 75 No. Z No. 16Size Stem Wind. td. Hitg. a F. ciies os eK psecccaaEee ae OE s Ge acants eeen.. ns v ie ere O F . or Case with either of the following movements: 2 4 5 5 N . Y . S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 J . N i c k . . . . . . . . 2 7 5 1 2 5 6 8 or Case with either of the following movements : 2 4 6 7 N . Y . S t a n . n e w M o d . 7 J . N i c k . . . . . . . . 2 7 6 1 2 5 6 8 2 4 6 8 “ * l J . N i c k . P a t . R e g , F o y . D i a l . 3 0 6 8 2 8 7 5 eAVOO S467 WWalte? JeGilt aua. v ee 9818 2695 2409 Walth. 7 | Gilt. 2490s ee secat Htg. 2 $ 1 8 1 8 $ 1 6 2 5 No. 2 4 8 0 C A S E A L O N E . . . . . . . . . . 9 . w. e. e . $ 1 8 1 3 $ 1 6 2 5 wes : 177, Nicks “ a e ASIS 460m: 2a ARTENiokk e n SAaIEee BOS 28 75 RENO ‘. 16Size Stem Wind. ui =o. eda 2480 2481 space 8875 8125 2491 >,8626 3875 3750 3500 resNGMhealWels(Cale es HallPlate;Wiss of cs 3375 3125 P Oa e 2484 ‘ 2485 “ 2486 * 41253875 4sAe fe 4250 4000 DAD eae]bah OU 4125 3875 4250 4000 aeae 5000 4750 2519 ye WWJ. Nick, ms x . . . , 56000 P o l o l e N i kC e «ss of .....4750 4500 M I oN G O ) = C G S SC a e r vee 14 Kk. Gold Filled Cases. KEYSTONE CO.’S ‘BOSS.”’ AMERICAN Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear twenty years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Piei ces. Engravings included. Illustrating WATCHES. w a t c h movements see pages 42to 53. ith ementcombined. uoting the popular “‘American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch sINTOK We FullPlate7,J. ‘ a “ NickHey Dial =. 2508 25042 Wialtho i. Js!Gilte Sok ek es 3625 33 75 VASO Walthen JeGilto su co s se. co mes, edad s ddokan- 3500 32 50 yersnu eee a . 3750 3500 TLE ann dan 1 D N A C K a e a 17 J. N i c k ‘* Cee a 5000 47 50 AOR OCS Fa Engraved. 18Size, Stem Wind. e . $3125$2750 or Case with either of the following movements: Bassine Plain Polished Antique Pendant. dia 18Size, Stem Wind. Htg. ony Full Engraved, Box Joints. 18 Size, Stem Wind. Jtd. (OW 1a $ 8 8 7 5 $ 3 6 2 5 No. Up CASHALONE.552 G e e e n t d . Htg. J FE. No. No 2 6 8 8 C A S E A L O N E . . . Tehites, 2512 N. Y. Stan. n e w Mod. 7J. Nick...... 8688 3318 3 3 7 5 or Casewitheither of thefollowingmovements: 2523N.Y..Stan.newMod.7 JN.ick.....3063 2813 2534N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick....4488 418 2513 ee Jerenl e t n a fe MO a 3 7 5 0 4 0 0 0 4125 3750 2524 2525 2... 2535 2536 . BalPlate,( y e s .. 4500 4250 ane se l i n ; B a t . R e g 2514 2 i b Wealth. Hale Giltse y e ) eke ss a 1]J. Pat.Reg. 4750 45 00 psoscceasana: 48 75 46256 ADSSLA eT ONane o n e seC Gan 5250 5000 INickmHicy: Dial: i eS eR eP e ro 38625 recepane wen INiCk MCysDiale ceces e e n 8cven 3500 3250 PATESeeNNEMD Mf a (Cothic GO A 2516 2 5 1 7 X M a s A i s A N C o Gl F e t e s 2518 us 17-J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj . ...5125 47.50 36 25 e eeehas e Mnise N s ; 2 A I E T D i r s 2940) 2 5 4 1 5875 5125 6125 58 75 ca 500 4625 42 50 t n G 4215 AS NGA ee T E DUOonan SheiaM SarBaSarae G u lPat.Ree.Adqssnun 5875 5625 isti Companey’s Movemeeantes,” for priceeoef complete watch. We:banefaenCn einengradeés at same€ prices in ‘eitheIr Elgin, United States Waltham, etc. Meray mentionmovement desired ; otherwise we send such as we believe will g i v e best satisfaction. LIST PRICES EACH. F o r all grades of 33 138 11J. Pat. Reg. 2492 iS vailielatesiyien. 3125 2875 2502 A0)Fe er 15J. Nick 7 JG. iltPat. Reg Adj....... 4750 4500 2506) GRIN Gilt PatwinecwA dirs cad 4 | 0875 O.%. Engine Turned. tde No. 18Size, Stem Wind. Htg. 1ie 2489.CASBVALONEEe e e sho n e n..$2500$2250 | ae. rie 2490N.Y. Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.....3063 28138 2501N.Y.Stan.newMod.7 JN.ick......33.13 3063 2527 2 5 2 8 2529 2 5 3 0 vga 3) al ae Rene O R E R S G C i e M C A D J N e I G n Co m e mK e n S e cen <<: o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : e fea SHS BPE SBA UNTO a 4750 4500 2508 No alesNp ea. «0 He e Wo: Rat. Reg, Nicks ey Wialiinaea.css=r .... 8875 3125 esa l y . Pat. Ries: Bie ee lial eo Mich CoO 4500 42 50 2507 “ t J .GiltPat.Reg.Adj... .. 4750 4500 Soe Nickie cs as. caer eer 2 5 2 2 C A S E A L O N E . P E N N D O S O $n 2 5 0 0 $ 2 2 5 0 RO or Casewitheither of thefollowingmovements: “i FallPlate,7j. “ SS ‘ ll J. P a t . R e g . INCRE RCys Dials ee 2b26Walthe viele Galtvcw Use sae 8125 98 75 383 75 3125 8875 W e lGiltPaty ReoAdis...4500 4250 kdn o Nick. cy Diallo 3875 3625 2505 ‘ aye s Ianane p o r a teen- .400037502506 t . 4000 3750 an i r e a r e o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e i n e n t s : D R a n t e ro nerannOee e e e Sis Htg. $275 0 $250 0 ~ No. “ | d l e td. a . RF. No. i t e s t d . © ) h s N o . Stag or Horse Engraved, 1 8 S i z e S t e m W i n d . H t e . grades of watch movements see page4s2to 538. Willfurnish Antique Pendants on a n y of these cases at same p r i c e s . LIST PRICES EACH. No. DoTC APATSONHEie td. Htg. Bes No. Jtd. nite ©;By No. tds Htg. O.F. ccosahiencn o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : . Pat. sso SS Bala|is cate Je iti H eo e s s ca renee aie ie Cancale Ne elena 83.13 31 25 2582 al be NICk 2583 B A e is(Cotke e earl Seefeyr Nol 2593 DeINA Che ene Sinan 3313 3125 2604 mc8438 3250 2684 eer a o SEUS ae 4188 4000 1896: S a t aKtn1 TedaPRCEO Oa Be TH ILLUSTRATED CATA Lect Engine Turned. 18SizeStemWind. Full Engrayed. 18Size StemWind. Fancy Engraved. 18SizeStemWind. 2566 CASE ALONE... 7: o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 2568 2569 2545 N.Y.Stan.newMod.1J7.Nick...°..... 23.76 2188 7 BullBlate J. 2a 2546 i HallPlate 2438 2250 2557 2558 2438 2250 2688 2500 2438 22 50 Reg.Fey. Dial..............ee 2688 2500 Full Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. Bascine, Plain Polished. 18Size Stem Wind. Vermicelli Borders and Center, Locomotive, dia R y ee 2577 N Y.Stan.new Mod.7J.Nick......... 2376 2188 $18 13$1625 2588 'N.Y:Stan.new Mod.7J.Nick....... 2376 2188 2598 C A S E ALONE................ae or Case with eitherof the following movements: 2576 CASE or Casewith eitherof the following movement:s 9587 CASE ALONE. ALONE............... «4.000... or Case with eitherof the following movements: P u l l Plate, 7 J . - ‘ 2488 2250 Mull Plates NWA Mlle Plate viel 2578 ‘2579o iJOGJiecnPat. 2489 7.) jaganaunkbanodsonacec 94838 2250 2600 2601 ss oe Teas Pat. 2563 2375 28138 ss IGrer, Janes OSO W a l t i 2581 SE INAS IS Se Ree chee eS «.... . ve 2590 uf of 7 $s. lees Pat. OL cn wccsement chainia ei lialNicks“ So cs en pee) 8813 3625 2605 SC lia.GalePateReoA d i s . 8938 3750 fae Rew emia n e a enncGNa aE F O ) ZPD ‐ AMERICAN Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating WATCHES and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. uotingthe popular “American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch : Company’sMovements”forpriceof complete watch. Wecan furnishsimilargradesatsame prices,in either Elgin,Columbus,United Vea X p 2688 2500 2813 2625 38188 3000 2603 P S ) n No Seal 2594 wo G a l t sBateNeos Adi 2595 Mo AN Tf INKKCtS, si MO Tae Gan onan 26 25 on INCee 2592 Oeoabya)neeae ID = Gonc G i l t s .vtecdi.cecaesene5 2813 2625 3 so iL fe2S Pat. y .Gilt.¢45 2550) a oe laa). Nicksoe a ee SSIS S L s V66h isa Nick © 2547 i ue N e g i Meye D i g g ‘6 1} Recor Rey.Dial ives. “ e c 2500 2625-2559. Wralth (ey ees és B l lPlate, ies ea eee uC @ lls 3S Pat se o co u or IDIEIG A O LWealth ianoilttr c s o n c s u n su en rae ceseon Osage 3188 3000 8313 3125 8818 3625 4063 388 75 Soc I NKo)Gote FERTIE 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. KEYSTONE CO.’S ‘‘BOSS.’’ States Waltham, etc. Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will. give best satisfaction. For all 2688 DSUs SISS. 80100), 2560 | Mo Alb SIS13$1625 $19 88$17 50 9599 N.Y.Stan. newMod,J. Nick... ..... 2501 2313 2688 2500 cen 2602 Wealth 7Nien G u l l l t scasssesree = 24053 o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : $IS 18$1625 2556 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick......... 23.76 2188 $18 13$16 25 2567 N.Y. Stan.newMod. 7 JN. ick...... 2376 2188 cScUSUSIGIG25:=9555CASEALONE, 9 ........2813 2625 3188 8000 ee 8313 3125 2bol 2) li jeGiePatReeAdj......-.8818 8625 2562 “ iWJG.iltPat.ReoAdj.......“8818 8605 2578. “ 17) GiltPat.Res,A d j %.8818 8625 HOGS 8S7b 2068. So ay Nick oe QnASENVialein Yelk Guilt s s 2070 Walth. 7 J. Gilt............., S818 Sib. Owe ht Nicksee O A SK a i 55D ee ileNiclas me 5.3.6 fe.ees oteees e e saneaeseee 28138 2625 e BESS 8000. 2b tl Ib en ee GeO ike (oy 4063 38 75 2606 S T AINGO: oS =e ae raOnneode mie ate aan: oid r a s 2938 2750 leeeiee ne ee ule 406828805. OTe ye Nick Oe ace 4063 88 75 ARGgeMl onies DEN oho AMERICAN WATCHES. 14 kK. Gold Filled Cases. KEYSTONE CO.’S ‘BOSS.”’ Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear twenty yea.s. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieices. Engraving included. Iilus‐ F e i n Sallisting ke alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular “‘American Waltham and _N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s Movements,” for price of complete watch. F o r a l l g r a d e s o f w a t c h m o v e m e n t s s e e p a g e s 4 2 t o 53. We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Colum us, Engine Turned. No. 16Size Stem Wind. 2609 CASE ALONE............... Faney Engraved. Full Engraved. No. 16Size Stem Wind. Dial Dial 2624 Wallies eye G i l i ee nreets 4 0 0 0 .....8750 2635 a D a l l ys PAD WENN, 11J. Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. alates ananontc ha 4 0 0 0 3 7 5 0 3750 3500 4000 3750 No. 2625) CASE ATs O N E , No. 1 6S i z e S t e m W i n d . i t o $2500$2250 No. PAD) (CANS) INILKOINID, D O LS O N E LTye Guilts 56 3750 3500 4000 3750 4125 3875 6 3500 cr i ae m 2649 illu nse ace ss anne ocuansenn Gabe ss n an 2673 Pista}US 2650prel OeCNl a a M Th } eans 3500 reaper Cae ll J. Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. 2634 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 3688 3438 1 6S i z e S t e m W i n d . $27 or Case with either of the following movements: 2651 2652 2663 a iN GiluPat wee: Adg.0. 4625 4750 4500 5125 4875 5750 5 50 0 pA OMes onus m cs olay 2665 Ho le WeEnis lene I N C INCH. 75. 4500 Gullit 1Op eNGClenoe es LOIN 2654 elie yNhi c k i es aeC 41 25 4250 eeli alain wasnoon ee t e i ed moi Gilt m chic c e s 5 00 $27 $25 2646 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 3688 3438 2647 oe ll J. Nick. Pat. Reg Fey. 2670 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 8688 3438 2671 a ll J. Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. D a r MiancnoiGeatne4000 3750 2659 os IDE 34388 3188 8750 85 00 38250 PADGPA N E Mars eas .. 4000 3750 oanseis Clieenm a e 4375 se cn 11J. Nick. Pat..Reg. Fey. EeADMaAGPasoline heeanssce ee oe Go ose 3750 3500 nee a aigecie ING CRS mtn bielica fein e o 0 s eene. |Joosocesoauunonesn or Case with either of the following movements: r easnic a aionesoae A OOMODOLOOS 43 Pas UEN 2675 Se We 4125 3875 ata 4625 43 75 .. .. £750 4500 o H t g . 3 O w n . or Case with either of the following movements: nes $2 5 26o0 CASHYAW ONE 2658 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.... ne ean pogle meinen co pteemaneo n eon at Htg. 51a W* N ieaRSS = re ....$25 00 $22 50 td. No. 16Size StemWind.aoe Htg. }. F. 262CASEPAWONEyac e e$2750$2500 orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 2622 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 3688 3468 2623 ss 11J. Nick. Pat. Reg.Fey. : Jtd. Teters 2 (O)y es : $275 6 $2500: 31 88 2638CASEALONETM © % . . . < . S e n n a or Casewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: td. F . Bascine, Plain Polished, Anticxe Pendant. td. YVermicelli Border, Fancy Engraved. 1 6S i z e S t e m W i n d . Eten Jtd. O n : 2625 BeGas BES 2626 sconce Fees N I C Akeoline e 23388 MOSS SINCE s u n a tenc r a icts ) ZECOmWalthval( ay MGAlES oew 2661 2662 2663 2664 PONS ENG a caseie Mit e a e secre aS arama i c icapeenaessemasic Conciente 2627 2628 2629 Sa 2630 e a eNaCl 6 cures lays tee LO aeN I C gnawsaneacsonsmes an neiasicisensIe 37 50 tauneeae coaondnedccoos Ora riers oa n e aaemnyee i g iGiltRatReesAdienears 5125 48 75 INGT Ckaviaen ie op ice aeet ne n 5125 tint Ceetpe othr ener nats eaeeasar 3750 38 75 36 26 2674 2666 YO NE5 INDIO. ie A Full Line of Watch Materials will always be found in our Tool and Material Department. Refer to our Special phek Meine See e e s 2678 O N Y oaNBIC, Uncicgee Illustrated Catalogue, sent free on application. ech e e r Ser RUR Ce 5750 5000 ores r n ree Saarsoma aresnaances nm 2676 2677 l i n a GultsPabuReo sAdiinss n 5455 4875 4625 50 00. 52 50 bleone4 Siao e R 3500 4000 3750 4125 38 75 0 4625 43 75 a n 3 87 5 4 7 5 0 4 5 0 0 5750 5000 DELO 2641 2642 aise SB e W a yGultPat RecsAdi ta 1 hl e 2637 SS LE cen hyin suma eave s o tiu q 0 (Eshs do m 2639 SSoolDyiGulticcicnmeGnacn.eGueers 4@25 4375 Rye ed Tae Notes 8 66 4875 Dial WEI eK Cs teagan ce e rw e pene. 6 eer 4125 4750 4500 a Unmet 4090 3750 nem 50 00 sec nce 5750 5006 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. KEYSTON CO.’S *“ BOSS.” AMERICAN Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces, BascinePlainPolished,AntiquePendant. td. 16SizeStemWind. Htg. o B. FullEngraved Antique Pendant. Jtd. No. 2698 CASE ALONE..... aD $18 18 $16 26 FancyEngraved. 6 Size Stem Wind. Jtd. O n : No. Q68l_- CASEALONE ..$18 138 $16 25 16Size StemWind. Htca O n n o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e following i n o v e m e n t s : No, 2705 CASE ALONE...... Htees $1818 $1625 thesescence: o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Seca? o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 2682N.Y.Stand.newMod. 7J.Nick . 27 51 25 68 2683 “ S 11 J.Pat.Reg. 2694N.Y.Stand.newMod. 2695 ee st 11J. Pat.Reg, 2707 2708 Walth.,etc.,7J.,Gilt........s0.0000. 2 8 1 3 INickssh Gye Dialect Nick, Fey Dial. 2696Walth.,etc.,7J.,Gilt...... 80638 28 75 wae) WKS PKB 8 SOGor OSdo DOO 81°88... 80: 00 2710 “ 3063 2875 2 6 2 5 2684 Walth.,etc., 2818 eiiersloiseis eave 30 68 26 25 28 75 30 00 6 SGMs “ 117.) Nickel.....s..+s++. 31 88 2685 2686 ss SelB SEO TNT Reearege ~~ CoOL a esaiucein NICkeleses No 2717 CASE ALONE... Se $18"1s ar $16 35 No. or C a s e w i t h e i t h e r of t h e f o l l o w i n g movements: s Htg. a $1625 7J.,Gilt ...... s c i eee Wor 2690 “ (33 gales Nick. 2691 (3 “ TWes 6c “ 6“ “T>.9317 9125 2692 « 6 )~=‐s_s«19 148 00 14126 19J., co" Nic.Ex.Fin.Pat.Reg.“148 00 14125 i 8818 36 25 2700 8818 SSE e e e “ T s . 9 8 1 9 19J..Nic Ex.Fin.Pat.Reg. 6.148 00 25. 9712 “ (%3 J., Nic. Ex.Fin.Pat.Reg. 2714 * 9715 3 2716 “ & & “59817 91 i 1Zeemnd, 16 Size Stem Wind Top and BottomEngraved, Antique Fondant: Jtd. 1 SizeStemWind. tg. O. F. Engine Turned. 16SizeStemWind. i ..0.... or Case w i t h either of the following movements: er $18 2718N.Y.Stand.newMod.7J.Nick..... 2751 2568 2719 ae Le : i1J.Pat. Reg. 2 7 3 0 N . Y . S t a n d . n e w M o d . 7 J . , N i c k . . . 2 7 5 1 2 5 6 8 Ie Cy Dial ee Ship 30 65 2731 ee “e INMCIE INO; IDEM 11J., Pat. Reg. 2720 Walthyete.,7D O aUa N i c k . R e y . Dial lcwe 9 7 4 4 W a l t h . , e t J c. , . , 7 ee eee Aas, Cares guaranteed by the makers to wear 15 years. i Engraving included. Tlustrating and listingcasealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular‘“‘AmericanWalthamandN.Y.StandardWatchCompany’s Movements,” for price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Columbus, United States WATCHES. Waltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to5 8 , cenecnscn:30 68 28 75 eee S b GUD D H O O S 6 0 0 n S 31 88 oongeasooane 86 88 35 00 J. Nickel: . Galt 3000 veseseees 86 88 85 00 | 2687 2688 ‘“* 2 6 8 9 “ 17], Gilt,Pat.Reg.Adj.4188 4000 2701 aka,Gilera. ‘ 457., Nickel.... .. ....8818 8625 SSD: Solan NICKEL «. (CollecSas ecoecor): cccus e «ve cevcses6- 36 46 25 9 12 5 14125 5 Spe Nickell 283 36a 117.)Nickel.,.......5. st 83 30 60 2784 Ob 30 6 2 8 7 5 2 6 2 5 2 8 7 5 30 00 35 00 86 25 4 0 0 0 46 25 9125 2761 £ Boao e 80 68 28 375 28138 2628 s “-4813 4625 2702 2703 2704 sc = “ SOANeg Nicks<° c o f 48 18. 477Nick,**“ 48184625 aoe oct : é 5 aeeGeieee3065 2738G3 lon Galle Dpeeee DEN i k e 2 7 2 5 2 6 Pe e ANoe TS OR 2728 “ 19J.,Nic.Ex.Fin.Pat.Reg.“148 00 14125 APES ea r 3 0 AL NICKEL ie 381 88 3000 e e * G i l e s 3688 3500 eae sec ssc. ONRickel....,.. 8818 3625 2736 2735 * 4 7 7 . , G i l t , P a t . R e g . A d j . 4 1 8 8 4 0 . 0 0 2 7 8 7 N i c k “ ©8 4 gia) 4 69 5 2738 Pate PE) SO ip CeOGOSAore 17: O85 US CeWyn Nick. 2740 ~~ 19J.,Nic.Ex.Fin.Pat.Reg.‘‘148 “ Is.93817 9128 2697 2698 2699 a © cL SC Se c e Soul ee “1 J.,Gilt,Pat.Reg.Adj.41 88 40 00 2713 +“ © 175.,Gilt, Pat. Reg.Adj. 4188 40 00 7J. Nick ...2751 2568 2706N.Y.Stand.newMod.7J.Nick.....2751 2568 ..... « “ NickHeysDial “413. P a t . Reg. 0 n lee osc.ees. sosce.seoeees 06 88 35 00 Ot .... 8063 2895 No. 2729 CASE ALONE.... ek Ui $15 18 $16 25 DUATIC ASH NIVON PACED NNE <* Or 0 LTer)e clea cab ifs,INDO l a y f es y C p l u u a ) KG W N O Go g 2 7 4 5 2746 2747 2748 2 7 4 9 2750 e e ss s e Ks Y es e e 0 U eA R S A 80 68 388138 4 1 8 8 AS AS «28 7 36 25 4 0 0 0 S265 Os ‘ * . * 1 7 J . , G i l t , P a t . R e g . A d j . CO. stAlbe ep Gonnaaos38 NO K sare d somone caosconoenocoudc 28 No n See Sn ena ESs Sapooonce 31 iAO e e OhO G 36 4 1 48 e o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 2 7 4 2 N . Y S t a n d . n e w M o d ¥ 7J . N i c k . . . . . . 2 7 5 1 2 5 6 8 2748 . s 11J.Pat.Reg. B gEtoc s e e n iac i n 18 e Gilt...........-«... See Saed oe De NICKEl Laokewho “ * 1 7J . , G i l t , P a t R e g . A d j . Oy Miley INGO Oe Co b i l esthann e eee Sees 141 25 2752 “ 19J., Nic. Ex.Fin,Pat.Reg.“‘148 00 141 28 e ea Onnnnwanescs8688 3500 AMERICAN 14 K. and 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. “THE GLOBE.” Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear 14 K. twenty years, 10 K. fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustratingandlistingcasealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular‘“AmericanWalthaamnd”“N.Y, Standard” Watch Company’s Movements, for price of complete watch. We can furnishsimilar grades at same prices, in eitherElgin, Columbus, United States Waltham, Paillard, etc. Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will WATCHES e give best satisfaction. For all grades of watch movements see pages 42to 53. [LIST PRICES EACH. : No. 18Size Stem Wind. 14K. 10K. Hunting. 20Yrs. 15Y r s No. Vermicelli Star Engraved. 14K. 10K. 18Size Stem Wind. Hunting. 20Yrs. 15Yrs. ,--.$2500$1818 2775CASEALONE............. . ....$2600 $1818 zo PAN TENS i : EAD ©) GLOBE Gee Vermicelli Borders and Center Locomotive Engraved. Jurgensen Engine Turned, Shield or Spot. A186 CASECAT ONEM es n $27.50 $19 88 °° 7797 CASE ALONE...). . . 0.7. $31 25 $19 88 2808 CASE ALONE... $18 18 or Case with either of the following 4. movements: Z or Case with either of the following movements: or Case with either of the following movements: R e g . e g . N i Nc i kc k, , F F a n c y D eD i ael 2791 BIMn 2798 +=“ e $ 6 3 6 2 5 2 6 9 8 1 8 ~ R e @g . . N N i c i c k k . F F a n c y D D i a i a l l . . . . . 7. 2790 Walth., etc., 7J., Gilhme ....... 2794 $795 a796 J., 5S Wore 4ess) -2Si6 ss ee dra) edNorsemen “ 4 7 50 40 68 se SerABeeSe ce Baines 41 25 ees-4250 se CBS he oe e a nte d ued o e ne oswire4000 88 3818 & oy SSiey t l WOH e r t 8488 2803 Pat.Rg.Adj. 47560 3988 2804 ss “617J.,Gilt PatRe.Adj. 51-25 3988 2815 Se ss 17 cis Delta Blinc 8313 2802 4500 8318 2818 1s)2) PNR O w e s N I C CKM A 381 . cis... ae$8125 S19 $8 ©2764 CASE ALONE <. .0. 2753 C A S E ALONBE..... or Case w i t h either of the following or Case with either of the following movements : movements: SES SRE 2. 6 8 2s . “ 68754188 2772 Ss SeeleyNICswy een b0, 40) 6o).. 2983 so S S N e N O ee eS SN AVRO 40-68 a . . &¢60 2888 2801Walth.etc, 7 te e e n e e s Gilt.............- 4125 2988 2812 Waith.,etc., 7},Giltkeicccnios 18Size Stem Wind. Hunting. 20Yrs. 15Yrs. No. 2754N.Y,Stand.,NewModel,7J.,Nic.36.88 2501 2765N.Y.Stand.NewModel,7J.,Nic.3063 2376 e755 Ot “ Full Plate, 7J., Nic. 3750 2563 2766 “ es Hulls Plate; ¥ ),.Nic. 8125 94 88 O777 9 ae Full Plate, 7J., Nic. $1 26 -24 $8 2756 * cs ee ee Debate OTGitess ss eS ar L e y eat. Qa Se sf s¢ Resa Nick. ancy, Ceealilalie seals R e g Nick. Fancy Dial R I TWalth. ete. 7J., Giltsc. Regs N i c k Haney, Diali Dialliac, UR Oe OSES |e l co ee ma r4500 oa 46 25 8 4 8 8 2770 sf he aNy Ne Nickel 3 8 7 5 se * GLOBE -. 88 75 81 88 aun [ 2780 ee . 2 2 . . . or casewitheitherof thesemovements: 2889 Walth, 7J.Gilt.:..... 2500 2765 28388“ 17.“ ....1)) 27503000 3120‐ No.6SizeStemWindHtg. li yrs.20yrs 9819 C A S E O N L Y . . . . $13 7 5$16 2 5 or case with either of these movements : 2820 W a l t h7. J.Gilt....... 2500 2750 O82 %cuy,“.....27503000 2822 « U1J.Nick...... 2875 3125 cu) No.6SizeStemWindHtg.15yrs.20yrs 2823 CASEONLY. ..$1375$1625 or casewitheither of these movements : 2824 Walth. 7). Gilt....... 2500 2750 2750 3000 2875 $125 2837 an at Solas 28388 e e plaleNICk i n e 2-0: Ol Obi. OREO ho RT Nok: ee es Maai 6c lay linc TO eNOC E S .. 88138 3120 - 2848 Walth. 7 J.Gilt......... 8750 3500 DSAV CASHVAICOINIM5 dave c/soe=$2750$2500 $25 00$22 50 ‘ y i n g movements: 2849 “ 2850 alge ee 15 oe AL 2b) 88.75... .. .. 4250 4000 22803 2854 es PS SL Oi enema aerate ,, CMS nck Wen Cee Coe moan CRI alates acon ewes Engine Turned. j t d . Fancy Engraved. Jtd. 10 and 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. 99 emieee ayn LO Top and Bottom Fancy Engraved. No. 16or 18Size Stem Wind. 14K. 20yrs. H t g . a F. ngraved. No. 16or 18Size Stem Wind. 14K. 20yrs.Htg. Si 2851CASEALONE............. oe. -.$2750$262 jtd. 1,14K. 20yrs. Htg. O.F. cisil Bicalc o e fire or Case with either of the following movements : ...8500 3825 AMERICAN W A TCHES MUHR’S “LION” AND “CROWN.” assy, Casesguaranteedby the , makers to wear fifteen and twenty years. ese or Case with either of the followingmovements : 2852 Walth. 7J.Gilt..........-. --.eseees 3750 3500 vs. cCasv 2856 Walth. 7J. Gilt..... 2... esa fiers abie N et eR 4125 38 75 42.00) 40100 2857 28585) <0lbyeNick... 8875 3612 ,4090 375 A 2825 Sel ye D750 8000) 72820) 2 Nl ee IJ.Nick 9884 “ LJ.Nick...... 9875 DSeGee ase il TeNic6k2870 8126 2880" «2... Jtd. O.F. No. 16or18SizeStemWind. 10K.l5yrs. Htg. O.F. WQsbeCASHAIONMics a oescce c es,..91813$162528389CASE!ALONE:2.i c cses--Bepas$1813$1625 No. 16or18SizeStemWind.10K.l5yrs.Htg. O.F. 2848CASE ALONE.... : $1813$1625 or Case with either of the following movements: No. 16or18SizeStemWind. 10K.l5yrs. Htg. orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: orCasewitheitherofthefollowing movements: 2844 Walth. 7J.Gilt..... 2813 2625 ...... 3188 3000 2386 Waltheoile Gilbwv eo os SONS 2625 2840 W a 7l. Gt ilth.)-....2ts.c0s seeeeOse18e8 3000 2813 262 .... 8188 3000 33818 3125 2845 2846 +d. ~18 SizeStem\ _5E ALONE.... with either of GGUS Ce CN ZS ae N05 VA , En,4 >Turned. AEF “SQW ES SS S& (INS naTT Engine Turned. Hunting. Open Chased Center, Full Pngraved. Hunting. Open Plain Polish or Satin Finish. Hunting. Open 28 75 23 75 or Trenton, 7%Jewels. . 30 00 28 75 2898 N. Y.Standard, orTren.,11 No.2891 Am. J., FeyDl. 2625 Waltham, orTren.,11J..Fey Dl. 3250 3125 “jewels, (Gilti .. 5 27 50 30 00 37 26 45 00 41 25 @alewielssn Guilt No.2900 Am. Waltham, 32 50 No.2907 Am. Waltham, Weyewels;iGilts.. cc. LOMSWEIS seisenics yors . No.2892 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Gilt......... No.2898 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel...... No.2894 A m . Waltham, . ) No. 2901 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel. ..... 37 50 No. 2902 A m . Waltham, V6: Jlewelsiver 2.056 No.2908 Am. Waltham, Chased Center, Full Engraved. : Hunting. Open 12SizeStemWind. Face. 12SizeStemWind. Face. 12SizeStemWind, Face. 12SizeStemWind. Face. No.2912 CASEALONE$1750$1625 No.2920 CASEALONE.$1875$1750 No.2928 CASEALONE.$1750$1625 No.2936 CASEALONE.SI1875$1750 or Case with either of the following movements : No,2913 N.Y.Standard, 7%Jewels.. i j e w e l s , G i l t . . . No,2916 Am. Waltham, or Case with either of the following movements: or Case with either of the following movements : No.2929 N.Y.Standard, 5 WglOWiGlS c o k o r e s or Case with either of the following movements: No.2987 N.Y.Standard. 7Jewels. ze i e i y No.2988 N.Y.Standard, d i j e w e l s , G u i l t . . 5 . : 8 1 8 8 No,2917 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel...... 33.18 No.2918 Am. Waltham, o o l s i b l e e l s , C a l e s s 11Jewels, Nickel...... 34 38 83 13 2 8 7 5 2 7 5 0 3 0 6 3 8 31 88 8 S 1 S s C CM e w C r b h e s c o g e c o u a s e No.2982 Am. Waltham, I t | e r v e l s ; C u l t s s e c a s o c No 2988 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel...... 2 8 7 5 2 7 5 0 G j i e w e l s , G i l t s c n . . . . . 8 0 5 0 0 No.2940 Am. Waltham, 2 8 7 b N.Y.Standard, 11Jewels,FancyDial. 2875 2750 No.29380 N.Y.Standard, OnXO 25 00 . 2923 A m . Waltham, ( A N C W i e l S s G u l l i t e t e e c c n a .2924 Am. Waltham, I We w e l s ; G i l t i m a No.2925 Am. Waltham, 1i Jewels, Fancy Dial. 27 50 26 25 No. 2981 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Fancy Dials. 28 75 27 50 No. 2989 Am. Waltham, : 11Jewels, Nickel...... 34 38 33 18 c c s c a s s 3 3 1 3 No. 2941 A m . Waltham, 3 1 8 8 No. 2926 Am. Waltham, No, 2984 Am. Waltham, 42 50 41 25 No. 2942 Case Warranted to Wear 15Years. ALWAYS MENTION NUMBER OF CATALOGUE AS WELL AS NUMBER OF PAGE AND ARTICLE WHEN ORDERING. 15Jewels... 42 50 41 25 No.2919Am.Waltham, L O O CIS Hea e n t e r 4 27 5 4 25 0 Loiewelsh “oer No.29385 Am. Waltham, 48754250 17Jewels,Nic.Adj .. 6750 6625 No.2927 Am. Waltham, Case Warrantedto Wear 15Years. 17Jewels, Nic. Adj..... 68 75 67 50 qecucn No. 2897 ». Y.Standard, 83 75 11Jewels, Gilt......... 36 25 35 00 838.75 32 50 .. 8625 3500 17Jewels, Nic. Adj.. Case Warranted to Wear 15Years. 36 25 11Jewels, Nickel...... 37 50 36 26 No.2910 Am. Waltham, 17Jewels,Nic.Adj.... 7250 7126 Case Warranted to Wear 20Years. ; 67 50 66 25 67 50 Voieconosen4750 4628 F u l lVermicelli, Star Engraved. Open 12Size StemWind. Face. No.2944 CASEONLY ..........$16 25 orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ Plain Polished or Engine Turned. S.B.& Fancy Engraved. ¢ Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. lowingmovements: No. 2945 N. Y. Standard or Tren‐ or Case with either of the following movements: No. 2961 N. Y. Standard or Trenton,7 Jewels.. 830 00 No. 2962 N . Y . Standard or Tren., 11J,,FeyDl. 82 50 ton, 7Jewels... a 2376 No. 2946 N. Y. Standard or Tren‐ No. 2958 N. Y. Standard or Trenton, 7Jewels.. 27 50 No. 2954 N. Y. Standard or Tren., 11J.,Fcy.D1l. 30 00 ton, 11Jewels, Fancy Dial......26 25 No. 2947 Am. Waltham, 7Jewels, 23 75 26 25 26 25 28 75 30 00 32 50 «38 75 4875 No. 2970 N. Y. Standard or Tren., 11 J., FeyD1l. 30 00 Gilt No. 2948 Gi anes C O T E 276 30 00 26 26 27 50 30 00 31 26 pe Am.Waltham,11Jewels, N o , 2955 A m . Waltham, 7Jewels, G i l t ......... 8126 27 50 No. 2963 Am. Waltham, No.2971 Am. Waltham, 7Jewels, Gilt .... No. 2972 Am. Waltham, BK 30 00 31 26 41 26 66 25 dAJewels (Gilt. No.2965 Am. Waltham, PELWAREA e n ) Voliewels, Galt .. as be eS IS No.2950 Am.Waltham,15 Jewels,4125 No. 2951 Am.Waltham, 17 Jewels, F a e ‘ LALAY5 \(k MONTAUK TalYS\k M cr Case with either of the following movements: No. 2977 WN. Y, Standard orTrenton,7Jewels..2600 1750 No. 2978 WN. ¥YStandard or Case with either of the following movements: No. 2985 N . Y . Standard orTren.,7Jewels....2500: 1750 or Case with either of the following movements: No. 2998 N, Y. Standard orTrenton,7Jewels..2500 1750 No. 2994 N. Y. Standard orTrent.,aeFeyD127592000 No. 3001 WN. Y. Standard, or Tren.,, 11 No.2979 Am. 11Jewels,Gilt-....... $1 95 No.2981 Am. Waltham, J., No.2987 Am. Waltham, No. 2995 Am. altham, %Jewels,Gilt,....... ‐ 28 75 No. 2996 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Gilt .... 8125 No.2997 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel .....82 50 256 00 7Jewels, Gilt ..... No. 2980 Am Waltham, 621 25 YJewels, Gilt, No,8004 Am, Waltham, 28 75 J., r S e r es seanneancie 81 25 FeyD12750 2000 altham, FeyD1.27 50 20 00 11Jewels, Nickel...... 82 50 26 00 No. 2982 A m . Waltham, 35 00 60 00 No. 8006 A m . Waitham, 42 650 17Jewels,Nic.Adj.... 67 50 Ls JOWElG0s 35 00 60 00 RATCWEIS No,2943 Am. Waltham, (555 ed ee n sc No. 2991 Am. Waltham, aows ex Waltham, 18Jewels,Nic. Adj. .. 6 98 76 21 25 28 75 o.scca, 10 and 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. FAHYS’ “MONTAUK” AND “MONARCH.” 101 AMERICAN Caseguaranteedbythemakerstowear{hand 21years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces, Engraving included. [llustrating W A T C H E S a n d l i s t i n g case a l o n e , and case with m o v e m e n t c c m b i n e d . Q u o t i n g the p o p u l a r ‘ A m e r i c a n Waltham a n d N . Y . S t a n d a r d W a t c h = Company’s Movements,” for p r i c e of complete watch, We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Columbus F o r a l l g r a d e s of w a t c h movements see pages 42to 53. LIST PRICES EACH. United States Waltham, etc. Always mentionmovementdesired; otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction, NEW 12 SIZE WATCH. Making a v e r y desirable watch for young men, asit fits all 6 size movements, and the case is spread soasto come between the 6and 16size watches that were formerly on the market. 11 Jewels,.Nickel.... 35 00 NickelAdjustedsecooecseose6::6-25 No.2958 Am,Waltham, CWClS 17Jewels, Nic.Adj.... 7000 256 66 26 12Size Stem Wind. Hunting. B..open ace, 12Size StemWind. S.B.& Hunting, B. Open 5 12Size Stem Wind. S B.& Hunting. B. Open No.2952CASEONLY,..$2000$1625 or Case with either of the following movements: Face. No.2960CASEONLY..$2250 $1875 Face. No.2968CASEONLY...$2000$1625 or Case with either of the following movements:: No. 2969 N. Y. Standard° or Trenton, 7Jewels..27 50 238 75 No.2956 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels.Gilt Reig 83 75 vac No.2964 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Gilt.... .... 33 75 No.2973 Am. Waltham, No.2957 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel..... 37 50) No. 2966 Am. Waltham, 11Jewels, Nickel...... 35 00 No.2974 Am. Waltham, 15Jewels,... .. . 45 00 No. 2959 A m . Waltham, 17Jewels,Nic.Adj.... 7000 oe < SAYS(0K MONTAUK. 4 ers Chased Bezel & Center Durand, Engraved. S,.B. & Chased Bezels & Center, Fancy Engrayed. $ . B . & S i B i e S.B. & 12SizeStemWind. Hunting. BOpen 12SizeStemWind. Hunting. B.Open 12SizeStemWind. Hunting. B.Open 12Size Stem Wind. Hunting. B. Open Face. Face, Face. Face. No.8000 CASE ONLY..,817 50$10 00 or Case with either of the following movements: No.2976CASEONLY.$1.7.50$1000 No.2984CASEONLY...$1750$1000 No.2992CASEONLY...$1750$1000 N o , 2986 N. Y. Standard 11Jewels, F e y Dl...... 2750 No. 8008 A m . Waitham, orTrent.11, Jewels, No. 2988 A m . Waltham, 20 00 21 25 $125 23875 11Jewels, Nickel .. 8250 25 00 % Gilt.........,28 75 21 25 11Jewels, G i l t .... No. 8005 A m . Waltham, 11Jewels,Gilt No. 2990 A m . Waltham, 28 7d 28 75 2 8125 11Jewels, Nickel....... 82 50 25 00 No, 2998 A m . Waltham, 1... No.2989 Am. Waltham, 42 50 17Jewels, Nic. Adj.... 67 50 o .<. No, 8007 Am. Waltham, 33 75 86 25 15Jewels...... .. .. .4750 No.2967 Am. Waltham, MONARCH | Sa e r a s w e e s . 48 75 No “ 1 7 :J.,NickelAdj. 6875 “MONARCH » No.3159 “ ‘ No. 3186 N. YS. tand., or Trenton, 11 Jewels,Fancy Dial.. 85 00 agen goss h a l t s\4x S L YS4 K ‘ MONARCH. 26 26 or Casewith either of the fol‐ lowingmovements : No.3169N.Y. Stand.,orTrenton, (ON EWOISt anaes e a e i s e i o e No. 3170 N. Y. Stand., or Trenton, 25 00 No.8199 ‘ 7 J., Nickel Adj. 68 75 No.8207 “ 1 7J.,NickelAdj. 6875 Boxes, Cards and Jewelers’ Findings on other Pages. are MONARCH 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. S|e AMERICAN FAHYS’ “MONARCH.” Casesguaranteebdythemakerstowear21years, SolidGold Bows andThumbPieces. Engravingincluded. Illustratingandlisting case WATCHES.| alone, and case with movement combined, Quoting the popular ‘American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s Movements,” for in either Elgin, Paillard, Columbus, United StatesWaltham, ete. o e s ! price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades at sameprice, ; Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. EngineTurned, Spot or Shield. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. Chased Escaloped Borders, Engine Turned. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. ....... $16 25 No.8211Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt... 28 75 Ms $17 50 orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ No.8224CASEONLY.... $16 25 N o . 8208 C A S E O N L Y or Case with either of the fol‐ lowing movements: No.8216CASEO LY -.... orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ Nonsoto co Nowsots, «6 «11 No. sola “ 1 b No.3215 4 «17 =“ Nic.Ad6j.625 us 5G betes Vermicelli Bezels, Chased Center,F a n c y Engraved. Vermicelli Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. 0SizeStem Wind. Hunting. No.8249CASEONLY orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Vermicelli Borders,DurandEngraved. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No,8257CASEONLY w e r e orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Chased Escaloped Borders, Fancy Engraved. 0SizeStemWind. Hunting. No.8265CASEONLY.... ... $17 50 0 Size StemWind. No. 8240 CASE ONLY..... Hunting. .....$17 50 1626 No.3252Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt.... 2875 1750 No.3260Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt.... 3000 orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements: S N o . 3268 W a l t h . , 7 Jewels G i l t .... or Case with either of the fol‐ = te 8 it Sere Sl 83 e t r oee 42 50 0 SizeStemWind. No. 3273 CASE ONLY........-. or Casewith either of the fol- 0Size Stem Wind. 0 Size Stem Wind. No.8297CASEONLY... Hunting. “2. $16 26 lowing movements : No. 3276 Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt.... No.3284Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt.... 8000 lowingmovements: hs No.3292Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt....8500 lowingmovements: No.3300Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt....2875 ““- No.8222 No, 8228 a Biase ef 17 Sei Cah o n c o n r e n s 4 2 5 0 No.8280 als) Melson EL OD. lowingmovements : No.3248Walth.,7Jewels,Gilt.... 3000 COS Ane se “ 41 “ Cease ~TAY SAK . “MONARCH=. 30 00 INO: S244‐ No. 8245) INO BAG Noo248) ly ... Nickel. 38/13 INOMOoDe. No.8254 Nous0bb. No. 3256 es tl “1... 80 68 ‘* ti ‘ £Nickel. 3188 No.8261 No.3262 No.8268 No. 3964 SSaes “« 41 Sie llsy ox ‘**. “ = .. 3188 Nickel. 33 18 42 50 Fs Nickel. 3318 8000 * ....8188 No. 3278 S i l oe Nickel. 3313 uw .... 81 88 Nickel. 38 18 No. 8293 No. 8294 No. 3295 No. 8301 No. 3302 No. 3808 No. 3277 ve ae) Lae ees W e e ee (So “ 17 ‘* Nic. Adj. 66 25 « .. 8063 Nickel. 81 88 cs 41 25 No.3220 e i n s TORk fohe) waco BL No.3228 Oe all os “ . . 3068 No.8237 Ce abl us Nickel.3318 « ealGobs4250 Nica: 6400) Hunting. H u n t i n g . ..........$17 50 =No,. 8289CASE ONLY Libieette ais No.3279 Cs GYay eM No.3280 “ 7 ‘“ Nic.Adj. 6750 No,3288 Micali ce. « .... 86 88 Nickel. 88 18 ae ys 30 63 a Nickel. 31 88 s h c o n es es w e v e ja SO LD tt a e s i s $1750 No.8281CASE ONLY. or Casewith either of the fol- lowingmovements : ......$22 50 2 5 0 sees 4750 Nic.Adj. 6750 No.3296 17 ‘“ Nic.Adj.7250 No.8304 MO SS NiccAdgt 66:20 No. 3285 No. 3286 #£No. 3287 Cee ieees ie Cee lay) aaagonad 42 50 poten SOL Lei s Dari ea tbe fis SLO Pes Thy S\Ak . MONARCH, lowingmovements: No.3219Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt... 3000 lowing movements: No.3227Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt... 28 75 88. : 4250 Nic. Adj.67 50 oben AL26 “© i Nic.Adj. 6750 Ot eo NS Fahy s i a MONARCH s WW i, LIST PRICES EACH. No.8236 ae No.8221 ie ieee Nickel.3813 No.3229 SSalt “Nickel.3188 No,82988) = ibe No, 8281 oa “ Nic.Adj.66 25 o m e S, Zahys\ax ¥ ~ MONARCH 5 Ne INO; S289 oe ae jon DO ye Fancy Center, Full Engraved. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. FullVermicelli, Star Engraved. ....- or Casewith either of the fol- or Casewith either of the fol‐ eee No.3269 No.3270 No.3271 No.8272 SE S8aa )= .=. . ... 2 62 5 SSCS Walther vee G i l seet cee. 26 25 3884 Wealth. 7JoGilt.7. 26 25 ee 2813 r 2 9 3 8 . 38 75 Ses OOo SOR cigene oc $13 75 6Size StemWind. Htg. $1500 064s. aR J........ Deeper tare c $15 2625 s J........ e n 3407 3408 S109 alia jae SOLU GIEMNACIo a Ib c e 3415 DEic Raa e ain k 2625 :$15 s $15 00 WSO oe | LAYSYK 2 MONTAUK saneane 30 00 107 108 AMERICAN WATCHES. 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. CRESCENT CO.’S “ CRESCENT.” Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear 20 years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Iliustratingand listingcasealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular‘“‘AmericanWalthamandN.Y. StandardWatchCom‐ pany’sMovements,”forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishsimilargradestolatter~ _.,.neprice,in eitherElgin,UnitedStates Waltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendSuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction TM- _otadesofwatchmovementsseepages42to£3. Engine Turned. 6SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 3449 CASE O N L Y. . . . . .....$17 5 0 orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ l o w i n g movements: No.3450N.Y.Stand.orTren., 7J..25 00 i b y Escaloped, Vermicelli Borders and Center. 6SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 3457 CASE ONLY...........$17 50 Fancy Bezels and Center, Durand Engraved. . 6SizeStemWind. Hunting. No. 8465 CASE O N L Y .. ......$20 00 orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ l o w i n g movements: No.3466N.Y.Stand.orTren., 7J..27 50 Fancy Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. 6 Size StemWind. CASEONLY....... No.8451 “ xt “ No.3458N.Y.Stand.or Tren.,J28 00 N o . 8 4 6 7 ‘ s e S C I D E No.8474N.Y.Stand.orTren.,7J..2500 No.8475 “ K a Tye, 27 50 tl ss e e e ol eo No.8481 CASEONLY . or Case with either of the fol‐ l o w i n g movements: Engraved. 6 SizeStem Wind. (CASE ONLY< < . . . . Hunting. 5 . . . . . : .$262 5 No. 3482 N.Y.Stand.or Tren, 7 J..88 75 . . . . $18 7 No,3483 ‘¢ ee G IDEIf No.8498 N.Y.Stand.orTren.,7J..2625 No. 3499 ‘ s 3 ial 6. No. 3485 No. 3486 No. 8487 No. 3488 “40 “ Nickel...41 25 eh AySoe ee ores bea) Nick. \dj.76 265 N o . 34938 i s 1 . . . . 3 2 5 0 N i c k e l 5633175 No. 3501 eevee sS s CiaTalis wien c vn) Hanceyai a i n seaienesas No. 3492 Walth., devils: Gilt....30 00 N o . 8007 “ ss sc It Fancy Dial.... | ae No.3504 RY “ Nick.Adj.68 75 No.3512 “ 17 “ Nick. Adj.68 7 areas of 0 ta pesikit No. 3494 No.3495 eas) i No,3496 e t y “Nick.Adj.64 75 mei SO Teese? Speer oomeginy i i ) 43 95 1D eee icneuearer 28 75 3250 AT No. 3484 Walth., 7Jewels, Gilt....37 50 ‘* ain i s8625 CRS E N O A S vi No. 8508 Walth., 7Jewels, Gilt....30 0 No. 3509 SC a os 5 us 28 76 Hanya alle No. 3500 Walth., 7Jewels, Gilt....80 00 VS5 L I S T PRICES EACH. WITH OR WITHOUT ANTIQUE PENDANT, SAME PRICE. orCasewitheitherof thefol‐ l o w i n g movements: No. 8478 or Case with either of the fol‐ l o w i n g movements: No.8459 HanGyp Dialer W l W e s c c m a c c e c c i a :a Mlaccadres2 7 5 0 DENYIDEN No.3452Walth,7Jewels, Gilt.....28 75 No.3453 p e e l se SOe e eerI5) No.346 S e l e c t [ o l 2 0 No.3469 ce il ee. No. 3454 BROD) No. 8456 No. 3462 No. 3463 No. 3464 ee alll “ Nickel...32 50 “s 15 a iil S E S an BY N i c k e l . . 3 5 0 0 00 Adj..7000 eae N o . 3 4 7 8 a l l ere “ 1 % “ INONS46O)s No. 3471 N o , 3472 e ‘Nick. “ N i c k e l ..382 5 0 S MancyaDialencmcar 30 00 oe SD) e e e ie Nickel...32 50 nae Hancy:Dialac Snoaccn s ea ccsS O R LON ced alvieisie screre 42 Nick.Adj.67 50 42 50 No.3479 eas} No.3480 SAA, .42 “os N RI S No.8460Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt....28 75 s oeO O . No.3476Walth., 7Jewels,Gilt....28 75 oe! No. 3489 or Case with either of the fol‐ lowingmovements, CASE ONLY...........$18 75 soe oe No. 3502 No.8503 seeds) tt No. 8510 “ ii “ 3 75 NOSSBDNA: C8 GR a WNickel,.88 7: Uf 50 Chased Bezels and Center, Fancy Vermicelli Bezels, Fancy Stag Engraved. 6Size StemWind. Hunting. Fancy Bezels and Center, Fancy Engrayed. 6 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. No.3505 CASEONLY ‐.......S1875 or Case with either of the fol‐ lowing movements: No.8506 N.Y.Stand.or Tren., 7 J..26 25 No.3490N.Y.Stand.orTren.,7J..2625 No. 8491 ‘“ cs oe 1 Ix. No. 3497 or Case with either ofthe fol‐ lowingmovements : eee “Nick. Adj.67 50 AUNare TCS ene No.3468Walth.,(Jewels:Gilt.....38126 wc.come ytessoi e s No. 3477 Hunting. $17 50 BORON “ Nick,Adj.6750 $2to 53. N o . 3 5 4 9 No. 3550 No shal No.8652 C G2 5G L e e i e e n PAL PAD Co Lla\eeNickell. 80 00 N o . 8578 No. 357 No 8575 No.8576 ©“ 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. CRESCENT CO.’S “PLANET.” AMERICAN Casesguaranteedby themakersto wear 15years. SolidGoldBowsandThumbPieces. Engravingincluded. Illustratingand listingcasealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular“‘AmericanWalthamandN. Y. StandardWatchCompany’s WATCHES. “ f o r price of complete watch. Wecan furnish similar grades to latter at same prices, in either Elgin, United States Waltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdes. ~>rwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepreviouspages = 16 A Se Tas “ 177.,NickelAdj.66 25* Gace30 90 81 25 256° 16 Full Engraved. ChasedBordersandCenter,EngineTurned. 6SizeStemWind. Hunting. No.8521 CASEONLY...........$15 00 Engine Turned Spot or Shield. F u l l Vermicelli, Star Engraved. 6 Size Stem Wind. Hunting, 6SizeStemWind. Hunting. No.3518 CASEONLY a e a C e $16 25 6SizeStemWind, Hunting. No.8529 CASEONLY....... $15 00 No.3587 CASEONLY..... $15 00 No. 3515 oe ‘S 1 No. 3523 of Ce dey, No. 3531 es HancysDialcesascnccs.: No. 3582 Walth., 7 TOL No. 3516 Walth., 7J., Gilt .........27 50 ORE d 00 No. 3539 se DEAS -.--25 00 ....26 25 Ic eetOeSTa 26 25 No.3518 “ ‘11J., Nickel ......81 25 BPancy.D i a l . HancysDiali No.3517 ee oul m s t e oe MA 11 Se 28 75 No.3542 Stl None. No,8520 He 17 AB piece s a n s - 4+..40 00 No. 3543 No. 3544 Jan Pesanob 157 e k : ap J., N o , 3 6 4 5 orCasewitheitherofthefol‐ lowingmovements: H u n t i n g . or Casewitheitherofthefol‐ 6 S i z e S t e m W i n c . H u n t i n g N o . 8 5 6 9 or Case with either of the fol‐ lowingmovements: J., ChasedBezelsandCenter,FancyEngraved. Chased Bezels and Center, Plain Polished. Vermicelli Center, Top andBottom Engraved. Escaloped Vermicelli Borders and Center, 6SizeStemWind. Hunting. C A S E O N L Y . . . . . .$ 1 6 2 5 6 S i z e S t e m W i n d . No.35538 CASEONLY ...... 500 No.'8561 CASKONDY 6 Size Stem Wind. Hunting. ° C A S E O N L Y . . . . . . . . . $ 1 5 0 0 No.3546N.Y.Stand.orTren.,7 J.2875 lowingmovements: No.3564 N.Y,Stand.orTEM No.3555 7.6... or Casewitheitherofthefol‐ No.8570N.Y.S t aonTrredn.,.7J2. 25 0 No. 3571 * oe ahs No. 8547 fe INaAnCyeDIalacaec 8a ecUCOsEAG J.2250 lowingmovements: No. 35638 Ee ct No. 8548 Walth., 7J., Gilt......... 27 50 Tog goubeesonod oe 25 00 FancyDial. INO: 8572) Wealth, 7)).4 Gullit 62. 26 25 I N KIDEN No.3564 Walth., 7J.,Gilt.. > eU dds o es 2 Rance conaoncacne25 00 Hoe (es ..+..80 00 ce Aty;, Nickel 2. . . 8 1 25 e e e e n e Rens dey, Nickel cece Nickel ......30 00 No. 3541 Sio.4512 5 NickelAdj..66 26 J., 1S Jiecses -.-.40 00 Nickela< 2, 80 00 oees 34000 Nickel Adj.. 6500 ainer N o . 3 5 5 7 No. 8558 N o , 3659 No. 3560 Gocoo08 CS OL Leics ew Ceierpeeiwiore28 75 ho sss lial Ct IeNnokel Mover 2. f e , eee ppdo0006 Bae soso No. 3540 Walth., 7J., Gilt .... 72...=pouaagasae2500 N o , 3524 Walth., 7J., Gilt...:.....26 25 Sue gee N o . 3525 No. 3526 No. 3527 No.3528 SOeaaNbal ee aeraGn 8 75 00 No.3533 No. 3584 No. 3535 No.8586 J., “ 17J.,NickelAdj.6500 FancyDial...... No. 3556 Walth., 3 40 00 WSS “ 17J.,NickelAdj.6500 l So cased DYeens re 40 00 es41 25 face 437J.,NickelAdj.6500 5a(Gabe, . co “ 17J.,NickelAdj.6500 cca LIST PRICES EACH. o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l ‐ lowingmovements: lowingmovements: lowingmovements: lowingmovements: --+.. o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l ‐ o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l ‐ or Casewitheitherofthefol- ’ No.3588N.Y.Stand.orTren., 7 J.2250 No.3514N.Y.Stand.orTren., 7J2375 No.3522N.Y.Stand.orTren.,7J.2250 No.8580N.Y.Stand.orTren., 7J 2250 sh e es $16 256 No. 3562 N.Y.Stand.orTren., 7J.23 75 ss 11 No. 3565 No. 3566 No.8567 No.8568 ’ Gilt ........26 25 obo ...... ADWier 26 25 SO TAO Nackelcccsre 30 00 S Sa c o G 62 5 2 7 5 0 rece tice ja. w sass 11 Je Ge ee B O G Te SOS “ 1 7T..NickelAdi. 662h SOP Ase “ 17 a 109 110 3581 3582 sf Gislawvnnsree weae 4175 3625 “ 1 7J.Nick.Adj. 6675 6125 e e e d e n n i s . 4 2 8 0 3599 e 3600 BS wimores aati AMERICAN WATCHES. Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear twenty years. & trating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. SSOICASE ON V i 2 c 5.e s $17 50 or case w i t h either of these movements: 3602 Walth. 7J. Gilt........ 8607CASEONLY........mo $1625 Fancy Bezels and Center, Durand Engraved: No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. Sky. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. 3603 SS FEO 3604 Se SMM ee INA CR se eenen Go c o e 3605 Ali) 3606 Se lO + “ (INS fee GIN PRG IS Nadicacrls«. 6750 a eee eae 1173. Nick ieee sees Fall Vermicelli, Star Engraved. SS Chased Bezels and Center, Raised Colored Gold Ornamented. No. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hte. oar eee inewres O k e Ether 3000 31 88 $3.13 42 50 3608 3609. 3610 S61? 8612 Weel JeGilt. 3620) Wraltho WjioGilt-ee 8621 8622 8 6 2 3 S 6 2 4 31 25 33 13 34 38 43 75 6 8 7 5 cen A Ay ee “ o TJ.Nick.Adj 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. Plain Polished. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. No. 0SizeStemWind. Sky. No. 0SizeStemWind. Ate. S62bY CASEKONIWe 2 e t . . . $1625 3631CASEONLY.... S r o a n sons ULONS or case with either of these movements : or case with either of these movements: 8637CASEONLY ikeoe,nPLOWS or case with either of these movements: 3638 Walth. 7J. Gilt 5 SGLBI CASE) O N T or case with eitherof these movements: 3644 Walth. 77. Gilt......... Pea AU Mo aNGWolss JNGH 56 S626) Wialth iilG i t e5.s . 2875 $632 Walth, 7J: Gilt, 6. 0. ces 2375 25 63 26 88 96.05 3627 te 3628 WeAUYe,INGanesats 8629 Ae Delco ee 6 exh) 3630 S685 °°" 8686, "I Ib pe ee BS Ife pee 75 00 Seantes iv NickaeA 30 63 81 88 ,. 66 26 BOSS OTT: | ed S634. 1 TNC ie BOSD. IG Ee 8640 “117. Nick... SOASCbprenMeks sone arity,eect vegan DES eoe ieeecia 3 06 B64a = yy.NicksAdia 6625 3938 Gcee ee OOLOG. se dine... nee ee |) Nick,Adjee.c.. 6125 ees wate ilel aire cee e Gn 41 25 e CRESCENT CO.’S ‘‘ CRESCENT.’’ Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illus‐ Quoting the popular ““American Waltham and N. Y. Standard We can furnish similar grades to latter at same prices in either Elgin,Columbus,UnitedStatesWaltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuch aswebelievewill give best Watch Company’s Movements,” for p r i c e of complete watch. satisfaction. Willfurnishanyofthedesignsbelowwithantiquependantsatsameprice. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. Sore nea at Engine Turned. Fancy, Full Engraved. Plain Bascine, Antique Pendant. No. *0SizeStemWind, Htg. Sky. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. Sky. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. Shell Engraved. No. 0 Size Stem Wind. S S I T L O N SH EO I N D O N S e e or case w i t h either of these movements 8596WialthesialeG u i l t i e s5t 2875 3597 es Seoreee Vne ya e e e 30 63 3598GALAINGKOccons i kp a k 3188 $577 CASE ONLY.........$16 25$1125 or case with eitherof these movements: SoCs Wwalth. ( y e Gilt7suee: 2875 23 75 3579 pote)US) sen ee..80632563 3580 SleNake e e 81882688 8588 CASE ONLY....... $17 50 $12 50 or case w i t h either of these movements : $584 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 3000 2500 S089CASEONWTerpn sne e e en$1625 or case w i t h either of these movements : 3590 W a l t 7alio: Gallltanicecetsee 28 75 Hte. $ 1 6 2 5 8585 sha r 3586 Co r 3587 sarcoma 3588 “ 1 %J.Nick.Adj. 6750 6250 ael eee reneaeraeee 3063 sil F s NACkes arse e n vwearse 3 1 8 8 ibe erie ey 3188 2688 ALTSINOSao 3313 28138 Fancy Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. No. 0SizeStemWind. Fancy Borders and Center. n or case with eitherof thesemovements: 86138 CASE ONLY.........$16 25$112 or case with either of these movements: 8614 ve : 8619 CASE ONLY.............$.1.8.75 or case w i t h either of these movements: are mem ee 8645 8646 BOTR INTOe oseeee 4068 8647 eS 3648 Te . . 37 50 LIST PRICES EACH. eae 8591 SESS 3592 ESS 8593Bislyefameeeaoa eAaon4125 8594 Ce IW o INhICls JNGHoo50cn0 66 25 Fancy Bezels and Center, Plain. Meow $2500 e e y p a e n 2e n 4125 66 25 ONE) a e AMG Aa INGIOMES INGLESS e n c e cone cer Roped SS AL O S 2 Ga i f a a S e a l e J eN U C h e s t j o . 5 c Choco AMERICAN WATCHES. movements see pages 42to 53. 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. CRESCENT CO.’S ‘*PLANET.”’ Cases guaranteed by the makers to wear fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces Engraving incl i uded. Il N ce eae ee ae Shell Engraved. 0. ize Stem Wind. N o . 0 SizeStemWind Hie 9 No: 0 SizeStemWind. Htg. O. 0 SizeStemWind. Htg. Sedo CAGE ONE o r c a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e s e m o v e m e n t s : 9655 CASE ONLY...........$ 1 8 re Bebl CASH O N Y 3656 Walt.7J.Gilt...............:. OGOb 7 S662 W a l t , 7I G i l t , $133 8667CASHONYee $13i O f C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e s e m o v e m e n t s : 8650 Walt.7J. Gilt... 3651 VWJ. e s ... 2625 2625 OS1g 3668 Walt.7J.Gilt....... \. 2625 ok. $1875 aa. o r c a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e s e m o v e m e n t s : Q TC a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e s e m o v e m e n t s : S= c : : andlistingcasealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular ‘‘AmericanWalthamandN.y. StandardWaterCOEE pany’sMovements,” forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishsimilargradesatsamepricesineither Elgin,UnitedStates Waltham etc. Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will g i v e best satisfaction. For all grades of watch LIST PRICES EACH. a -...... e e n e e e n s 2813 22, een. Eee e S0HRTL Nick6 6 g29389658 e e ANG) Oa 18875 3659 S654 SITJ o Adj.c e c a : 6875 660 VermicelliBorders and Center, Durand Engraved. Escalloped Verm. Borders and Center. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. Sky. Fancy noniaa Center. . . : e Fancy Full Engraved :5 : ° 3657 B66S 6 ty ee 8609. 3670 3671 3872 ol ee ee , 2818 8679 CASEONLY....... $1375$1000 3688cashONLY.ae gia35$1000 goo1CASEONiy MES in 66 O. 0SizeStemWind. 8678CASHONLY 2) orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: 3680 Walt.7J.............- 2625 2250 8686 Walt. 7J.Gilt. = 26BB 2850 3692 Walt 5.GilSE eseau es 3675 pes Gere Bei eeeeaemee 2 0 8 e , BEee one gees) B08! $600.“ 17Jn. Adj... 68.75. 2568 85.00, 6000. PEATE dani GG c c 6 0O o Chased ee ae Vermicelli Center, Fancy Engraved. No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. Sky. No. 0SizeStemWind. Sky. O eSEL ENick a N 88% 371! TT AOoe 863 8719‘Othe 68% Sit. &tay “ Adj...6500 6125 3720 “ 17%f eeoee35 Center, Top and ottom Engraved. Chased Borders and Center, Engine Turned. No. 0SizeStemWind. Hte. 8708 CASEONLY... ..........$1875 a oe wieae hy these movements : Plain Polished or Engine Turned. No. 0SizeStemWind. sotCASE.ONLY Hic: ee 3698Walt.7J.Gilt.ee ee 8715 CASE ONLY... -. eee CON etn Htg, $1500 ofcasewitheitherofthesemovements: Orcasewitheitherofthese Oveteniee ith either ofth S674 Walt. 7J. Gilt..........ay | 50 Boge “a Eee es 7) 981% 24388 Shee eae ilt. ....... pegs 2aeh ue a Ae ilt sy Htg, $15 00 $10 00 pany 8T0B “ “ " eS Bo Be | eyNice 63 alsa "7900. 8708 “ Avy. “ aie3813 -20e8 i: ar ig i c StatBasteC e e3438 ye Nick........ aoue a8eB eye naecae epoo . jive “Nick|. 2938 t e e MWononeicns Fo e 8694 “ I L ] . Nick............. 3068 S695. 1b. 4000 ChasedBezelsandCenter, PlainPolished. e FallVermicelli, Star Engraved. 15 J. < 2 . ) 8875 8696 179: A d i6500 8709 CASE ONLY... ..$1500$1125 or case with eitherof these movements: 3930 3 bs e3063 2688 3718 IJUNicik,e c .2b08 Bratean 1.0. or case witheitherof these movements: : Bees eee 111 112 {4 K. Gold Filled Cases. WATCHES. of watch movements see pages 42to 53. Plain Baccine. No 0 and 6 Size Stem Doric, Engine Turned. 0 and 6 Size Stem Bacecine, F u l l Engraved. N o ( a n g e eee Sic 0 . S i z e , Doric, Fancy Engraved. No. OandSeesStem 0Size.6Size. 3739CASEONLY.... $1750S1875 or Case with either of the following movements: ‘8740NVeStand.7Ie 2625 3741 “ “ T17 BancyDial.. 28 75 3742 W a l t h7J.., Gilt..... 30 00 30 00 S148 S e g 31 88 32 50 : Wind. 0 S i z e 8721CASEONLY........$1625$1750 ! 6 S i z e N o . eee Size: 6Size, Fancy Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, One Diamond. 0and6SizeStem Wind. 3750 s s S U S } B i e S o o u n o n o Oo n n - - 5 0 0 0 3755% “ 11J., Nickel.. 49 88 5000 3761 BVOC Ke IsIt es eeRR75 60.00 3761% “ 1 3767 87674 “ LN eens i11J., Nickel.. 839 38 or Case with either of the following movements: or Case with either of the following movements : 3783CASEONLY.....-$1875$1750 or Case with either of the following movements: S I G A I T f e y . 3724Walth.,7J.,Gilt.....9875 2875 3780Walth7J..,Gilt.....2875 2875 SI h oe ee 30 68 31 25 S780 2S Silage 80 68 at 25 872514 “ 14J ; Nickel.. 81.88 32 50 3781% © 1 1 ) . Nickel.. 31.88 32 50 SSG 6Jee 41254250 Cobb ee P a d l o . c c . 2 7 5 0 Doric, Plain, One Diamond, 0Oand6SizeStem W i n d . 0 Size. Doric, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, One Diamond. Doric, Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. $745CASEONLY.. . - . . . . . . . 2 . . . .$250 0 or Case with either of the following movements: 3746 N.Y. Standard, %Jewels..... ...... 3 7 4 7 ‘ ee L y . teryidial 3748Waltham,7J.,Gilt.......... 3750 Non 2 No 0and6SizeStem ; -. Wind. ONLY....... or Case with either of the following movements : 3764N.Y.Stand.,7J., ... 3 7 4 9 a 1 1 O E e e e e 374916 g Me INiekels S I S INNES S e a l ? ong J., 3 7 6 5 ‘ o S A e t e y . d i l 3766 Walth., 7J., Gilt.. .. mu: S U P E RIOK Fancy Engraved,Colored Gold Ornaments. Escalloped Center, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, One Diamond, No. 0 a n d 6 Size S t e m Wind. 6 Size. 3775CASEONLY 2Solebo or Case with either of the following movements: 3776 N . Y.Stand., 7Jewels ........ 3900 3777 © dij.faneydial. 41 50 3778 Waltham, 7J., Gilt........0.. 4%75 Chased Center, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments, One Diamond. No. 0and6SizeStemWind. 6 Size. Ne 3 7 7 0 N . Y . S t a n d . , M SC e e e following movement:s 8 2 5 0 3781CASEONLY........$1750$1875 or Case with either of the following movements: SiStCASE, ONTDNict2 ov Case with either of the following movements: $ 7 8 8 N . Y . S t a n d . , %J 7e w e l s $381 25 p ee Onto Gisize. Wind, 0Size. 6Size. Salen 3772Walth.,7J.,Gilt.....3626 8625 3773 ais Obs earn 38138 38 75 37734 “ 117., Nickel.. 39 38 40 00 OCKePs INGE SienNG Mod oe le yeetewdil 85 00 3783“ B A e 3786 26 25 cat 800038000 SOLO. 83789‘ “1 J.,fancydial.. 4125 Mee 3774 ee D a e es Ag Oe 50 00 S a g e 3780 abaouc jieyal eo 2875 nis Vee ..s) 2.2.5. 8 9 3 8 40 68 S72VaStands a l e 4250 or Case with either of the fol‐ lowingmovements: E S S E X COMPANY’S “ SUPERIOR.” Illustrating and listing see Cases guaranteed by the makersto wear 25 years. Solidgoldbowsand thumbpieces. Engravingi n c ;5 case Aneand ea Pocono Caminrnedl Quoting the popular “American Waltham and N. V. Standard Watch Company’s Movements,”for priceof complete watch. We can furnish similar grades at same p: L é rices,in eitherElgin,Columbus,UnitedStates ; Ss Waltham,ete. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgrades 6 S i z e SIDINVsStands7j o c k . . . 2 50 0 S728NoveStandiws 2500 6 S i z e W i n d . 0 S i z e LIST PRICES EACH. N e e 8727CASEONLY.... .-$1625$1750 3 7 2 9 « J a f c dy i . . . . . . 2 7 5 0 g 7 8 4 N o v e S t a n d e , V l n ) a e 2 5 0 0 “11 S795 ei toy d i t e 27 50 ace 4125 42 50 3736 Walth., 7J., Gilt..... 31256 2875 8787 +) My ee 88 18 Bl 85 37374“ ae Nickel .. 3488 3250 3743% “ 117,, Nickel . 38 138 38-75 3788 1 D ,48 4250 SAL ip oe 42504875 sae 3761CASEONLY........$33 75$85 00 No. or Case with either of the | following movements: $23 75 $25 00 4500 S160 | OR ee AS 18) 48) 75 3760 Walth., 7 8 7 5 3 “ i i t e v i d l 75. 41 25 Gilt..... 42 50 42 50 aa. 3754 Walth., 7J.. Gilt..... 4625 46 25 B a ) Ce tejetevidl 3779 T a l i IT TeNiekel, 45 25 46 50 es ee RECRO Coe 3784 Walth., 7J., Galt 3790 Waltham, 7J, Gilt...... .. 42 50 Som Daligices oo 5 15 VesJta. RCs eee ERT 3791 os 1 (ESFSP . sa) 0Size. 6Size 8707 CASE ONLY...... $30 00$81 25 3768 CASE 0Size. 6Size 8762 Sere et se cine scahae Ll eae ges J., M N D ice 8768 Loy Pee oa 48 75 soe osanbo 88 ree 8625 Oe1S 1Sa76 . 4 Nickel... 45 68 46 25 cuveiracne 55 00 56 25 8 45 0 Sal y e i a 11J, Nickel.. 3818 88 75 879116 EC HISTONElt Bes ccboones42 50 43 75 ing included. : ston EGS kee bik , 45 00 4620 3792 CORCTIB Manson nee 5625 ER eee R AMERICAN WATCHES. movements see pages 42to 53. Cases guaranteedbythemakerstoweartwentyyears. SolidGoldBowsandThumbPieces. Engravingincluded. Illustratingandlisting casealone,andcasewithmovementcombined. Quotingthepopular‘‘AmericanWalthamandN.Y. StandardWatchCompany’sMove‐ LIST PRICES EACH. Plain Doric. 3794 N.Y.Stan.or Tren.7 J. 2250 3802 N.Y.Stan.or Tren. 7J. 2250 No. StemWind. 0)Size. 6Size 8793 CASE ONLY.... .-$13 75$15 00 orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: or case with eitherof these movements: 3810 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 22 50 3S11 s SBEassOy): 2500 or case with either of these movements: 3818 N.Y.Stan.or Tren.7J. 2250 3819 = a l t AfadsioD1y: 25 00 3795 . GO 3798 O 3000 3814 4000 3815 Soe [oR UES . 2938 3000 3875 4000 $799 LOS ADse aneeen 3875 4000 serene Us) eat . eerie TO eeeawiscdsecsss OOnCo ©4000 ba ee eee 3829 3830 3831 bd asfll porte l al Ne W e e ee 2813 2875 3875 4000 2 S Pea eae N Ste 3859 _8860 a ileNick 3861 a aisic $3°18° 33 75 8438 3500 4500 3867 MM Gh matncinckeeAo Lo 2Onao See e e e 3884 SAUL VoI N G See Sere aes ...:.. eae fala 1B)s 2500 e : Nicks.3... 2938 3000 3803 se CSEFey) 2500 3804Walth.7J.,Gilt.......2625 2625 3812Walth.7J.Gilt..2...:2625 2625 INL 3796Walth.7J.Gilt.......2625 2625 3797 e a i e 2 8 1 3 28 75 3805 3807 2813 8875 3813 SrUHLd rc 2818 2875 2938 3000 3820Walth.7J.Galt Sepa 2625 2625 Faney Center, Full Engraved. Doric, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. Fancy Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. Plain Polished, One Diamond. StemWind. (Size. 6 Size 0Size. 6Size $ 1 8 7 5$20 0 0 N o . 3825 CASE ONLY..... $13 75$15 00 or case with either of these movements: 3826 N.Y.Stan.or Tren. 7J.~ 2250 3827 a a b t ageys 25 00 3828 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 $ Lee 8874 Walth. 7J. Gilt 3875 ee e e e SSSSeGo ee 2813 28°75 2938 3000 388 75 4000 ange v i N sdaan S S O E 2 S I 3850 pelos I N T CR e a reoin ee 33 13 Gia Dy Doric, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. No. StemWind. 0Size.6Size 8855 CASE ONLY.........$18 75$20 00 or case witheitherof thesemovements: 3856N.YStan.orTren.7J. 2750 3857eeELD;83000 3858 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 8125 3125 Escalloped Center, F u l l Engraved. Fancy Engraved, Raised Colored Gold Ornaments. No. S t e m W i n d . 0 Size. 6 S i z e 3871 CASE ONLY. .. $18 75$20 00 or case with either of these movements: 8872 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 27 50 Vermicelli Star, Shell Engraved. Stem Wind. 0Size. 6Size : ane 3889 4875 58Gd freeones cies are Sibi oeSemone4250 8830 2938 3000 3838 Oe aldLeRe “j1lJ. eeTUNea ccc. 8 8 4 5 3 8 4 6 3847 1 ) U aj e S ae Oke: $8138 383 75 3438 3500 3 7 5 4500 14 K. Gold Filled Cases. ESSEX CO.’S ‘* COLUIIBIA.”’ 113 ments,”forpriceofcompletewatch. WecanfurnishsimilargradesatsamepricesineitherElgin,Columbus,UnitedStatesWaltham, etc. Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will g i v e best satisfaction. For all grades of watch Doric, Fancy Engraved. No. StemWind. 0)Size.6Size 3801 CASE ONLY.........$13 75$15 00 Fancy Bezel and Fancy Center, Engraved. Engine Turned. . No. StemWind. 0)Size. 6Size No. StemWind. 0Size. 6Size 3809 CASE ONLY. .......$1375$1600 3817 CASEONLY. $13875$1500 Soe ea|ie curt 3806 Sealdiac INGCkeesance 2938 2875 sree N H C 3821 $822 S828 pecemlles, TJ: Nick No. StemWind. 8833 CASE ONLY. or case with either of thesemovements : Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size $1875 $2000 S t e m W i n d . (ieeoe 0 Size. . . . - 3834 N.Y.Stan.orTren.7 J. a5). e 50 3835 ee COTE S836 wWaltha (JieGultc GaeDle 27 50 30 00 3125 33 75 3500 4500 =3000 eS oaamcdtec3188 3868 ONTO cadeconto 2938 3000 Soo cee ADE 3869 BOMBS 3885 O D S Lo UC i a a c ¢n tector pee 3125 aN a 8138 Nick...... 8488 8852 Walth. 7J.Gilt. 3 8 5 3 P O W ss.ese No. StemWind. 0 Size 6 Size 3863 C A S E ONLY..... $13 75$15 00 or case w i t h either of. these movements: 3864 N . Y . S t a n . o r T r e n . 7 J . 2 2 5 0 3865 ss H o l l J b . Dp: 25 00 3866 Walth)7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 No. 3849)CASEONT or case w i t h either of these movements: 3880N.Y.Stan.orTren.7J. 2250 3881 “ TMIales1BY 2500 8882 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 No. SSA1TC orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: $842 N.Y.Stan.orTren. 7J. 2750 3 8 4 3 a O T T E R DS ) , 8 0 0 0 $844 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 3125 3126 No. BSA9CASEO N T or casewitheitherofthesemovements: 3850 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 3 8 5 1 “ s S o l l J . B e D CASE O N I N 17 |Ka COLU =" MBIA 3873 sf SSTIE Wels) 30 00 3125 3125 8318 33 75 3875 4000 3876 fo 1 eeNnCks . 8438 3500 8877 asec laye Sri o e43 75 4500 ME R Vena $13.75 $15 00 Rae 114 14K. Gold Filled Cases. KEYSTONE CO.’S ‘‘ BOSS.”’ sandThumb Pieces. Engravingincluded. Illustrating Casesguaranteedbythemakerstowearfifteenandtwentyyears.SolidGoldBow‘“AmericanWalthamandN.Y. StandardWatch Com‐ 3893 A ? a e s }J i s m f o e s : 4 8 7 5 AMERICAN WATCHES. nt combined. Quoting the popular Waltham, etc. of watch movements see pages 41to 53. l a r grades at same prices in either Elgin, Columbus, United States Always mention movement desired; otherwise we sen 3923 os 3924 Ul yee Nick 3188 3250 3313 3375 4250 4875 3939 3940 ey 3941 8947 8948 3925 ERP ADA e e titel Wayport sn tag 125 42 50 Os! coda lees . ne) Wh Vanes woe 32 50 Shows 0 Size. Engine Turned. Shows 0 Size. Fancy Engraved, Antique Pendant. No. Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size 3895CASEONLY. ...$1750$1875 or case with eitherof these movements: 3896 N.Y.Stan.or Tren. 7J. 2625 Shows 0 Size. Landscapg Engraved. Stem Wind. 0)Size. 6 Size. No. Shows 0 Size. Full Engraved. N o . 3887CASEONLY. $1625$1750 or case w i t h either of these movements : 3888 N . Y . S t a n . o r T r e n . 7 J . 2 2 0 0 3889 a a b l AalaID), 27 50 3890 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 29875 2875 Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size 8909,CASEONIN:n c e . $17560$1875 8911CASEONIUNG 4s c a n .$1750$1875 S t e m W i n d . 0 )S i z e . 6 S i z e 83891 3892 a bE Nick .. BLS88 3250 Bra EO eel fee Pstenananes ] cis Ul hel b y l 3899 3 9 0 1 3 1 8 8 4 2 5 0 CA GO TUa INGOesas ECBAle Shows 0 Size. Full Engrayed. Show0s Size. Bascine, Plain Polished, Antique Pendant. No. Stem.Wind. 0Size. #Size 3927 CASEO N G oe o s e $1625$1750 or case w i t h either of these movements: 3928 N.Y.Stan.or Tren. 7J. 2500 Shows 0 Size. Durand Engraved. No. S919) CASBLONDNG 2. 3 2 . $1750$1875 or case w i t h either of these movements: 3920 N.Y.Stan. or Tren.7 J. 2626 3921i eyBD) 2875 3922 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 3000 3000 StemWind. 0Size. 6Size StemWind. ()Size. 6Size ... $17 50$18 75 enter os acara i c r a oac 32 50 sees L eaeiensoso 32 50 33.13 3375 StemWind. 0Size. 6Size SOMA hier ace INK ale] eee aan een a u e a e b O Dn See O90 feeee SS By Reesni peOaoe Escalloped Center, Full Engraved. No. StemWind. 0Size 6Size 8951 CASE O N L Y..... $17\50 $18 75 or case with either of these movements: 8 9 6 2 N . Y . S t a no . r T r e n . 7 j . - 2 6 2 5 3953 4 VU Wale10), 2875 $954 Walth,7J.Gilt....:.. 3000 3000 8955 3956 A A L S ANGSI ostve 33.13 33 75 8957 US AIS ededooogunomr 4260 43 75 Shows 6 Size. Fancy Engraved. Shows 6 Size. Vermicelli Borders, F u l l Engraved. AY Goi 3188 32 50 8188 O33 1163 ORY 7k5) 4250 48 75 3971 eal) 3188 a8 8318 3979 ee ea 3980 WY 8981 es beeen o s s eee Sane Lesile ore eee Ne UE Wp INHOUS and listingcase alone, and case with moveme f oa pany’sMovements,”’forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnish sim1dsuchaswebelievewillgivebestsatisfaction. Forallgrades 3068 3125 4125 4250 3907 3908 3909 icc) aie 3188 pose eyes i 3897 SIMU |fedteDYl, 3898 Walth. 7J.Gilt 28 75 3000 3000 or case with either of these movements: 3904 N.Y.Stan.orTren.7J. 2626 3 9 0 5 u e T N E d e l v e Dd y . - 2 8 7 5 3906 Walth. 7 J.Gilt....... 3000 3000 8914 Walth. 7. Gilt....... 3000 3000 Ge 3900 e e l Nick 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 sf ST fo}10) 2750 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2875 2875 Ssiaealj bel sera esaree es 3063 3125 eS SAS INGO Gcae3188 32 50 3937 G POV fdeMsJD), SISS8 Wealth. wile Gailitine Cece 28 75 3000 3000 3946Walthy 7J.Gilt... 3000 3000 B No. 8959CASEONLY. . .$1750$1875 or case with either of these movements : 3960N.Y.Stan.orTren.7J. 2625 No. SIGIZCASEYONIN, s a s o e s $1750$1875 or case with either of thesemovements : 8968 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 26 25 3969 is SUN Vola IDy 28 75 3970 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 3000 3000 No. StemWind. 0Size. 6Size 8975 CASE ONLY.... .. $1750 $18 75 or case w i t h either of these movements: 3976 N.Y.Stan.or Tren. 7J. 2625 3977 sf PSL 18510), 3965 AL ay ie agescus 3 9 7 2 39738 Mia lid GarcesarS u n n 33 75 42 50 48 75 StemWind. 0Size. StemWind. ()Size. 6Size 3961 a oeaspib)y, 3962 Walth. 7 J. Gilt........ 3000 396% 3964 ALAANG 28 75 3000 32 50 3978 Walth. 7 J. Gilt....... 8000 38000 LIST PRICES EACH. No. No. 3935 CASE ONLY..... $17 50$18 75 or case with either of thesemovements: 3936 N.Y.Stan.or Tren. 7J. 2625 No. 8948 CASE ONLY. or case with either of thesemovements : 8944 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 2625 3945 ss MTL JjadahDsIe 98 75 l e l Pome ol ulisenves 8 1 8 8 382 50 3313 38 76 4250 4875 8949 UeARa ee 3188 3250 83813 338 250 438 cael etcwcnesrarcin< 3916 33.13 33 75 3916 4250 4375 3917 Yl 3185 32 50 33 75 4375 . aN CKae 75 75 or case with eitherof these movements: 3912 N.Y.Stan.orTren.7J. 2625 3 9 1 3 E e e T V e l a ] : 2 8 7 5 Shows 0 Size. Engine Turned. No. Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size 8988 C A S I O N L Y . . . . . . . . $13 7 5$15 0 0 or case w i t h either of these movemients: 3984N.Y.Stan,or Tren.7J. 2250 Shows 0 Size. Escalloped Center, Full Engraved. _._ Shows 0 Size Bascine, Plain Polished, Antique Pendant. : Fancy Engraved, Antique Pendant. No. Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size 4007CASEONLY. .....$1375$1500 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4008 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J: 2250 4009 oi altaya): 2500 4010 Walth. 7 JG. ilt....... 2625 2625 3987 GS 3988 C6 fy wee. 2813 287s 2938 3000 3995 3 9 9 6 TAI aces Cae 2818 28 75 2938 3000 2818 2875 2938 3000 SUES AY ye INGOle eee Sal AINI SULA OADE ase 4004 2938 3000 4012 ue BN i l e s l s » 25 00 4 0 0 1 . “ ‘OLJ.E.D. 2500 4002 Walth. 7 J.Gilt........ 2625 2625 4003 reload einer eoNNan2813 2875 4011 en Vales 3985 ss 8986 Walth. 7 JG. ilt....... 2625 2625 See RUAN A U L A RIND cau koa : Vermicelli Bezels, Fancy Engraved. No. Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size 4015 CASE O N L Y . . . $13 7 5$15 0 0 or case with either of these movements: 4016 N.Y.Stan.or Tren.7J. 2250 4017 e sehleyaB2)). 25 00 4018 Walth. 7 J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 Shows 0 Size. Chased Bezels, F u l l Kngrayed. 4019 4020 Alt lose Gor kuseenns 2813 2938 3000 4027 4028 hE) arenes 2813 2875 4035 4086. Sealed: re 28138 28 75 eee ors oo 28138 28 75 RINGOng 555 2938 3000 Peles Soret a] a a tsn 28 75 Wier “ 1 1J.Nick...... 29388 3000 ran No. 4047 CASEONLY. No. 4055 CASEONLY.........$1375$1500 or case with either of these movements : 4056 N.Y.Stan.or Tren.7J. 2250 StemWind. 4064 N.Y.Stan.or Tten 7 J. * PRAyTAaaN Shows 6 Size. Vermicelli Borders, Fancy Engraved. No. StemWind. 0)Size. 6 Size 4071 CASE ONLY. $13 75$15 00 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4072 N.Y.Stan.orTren.7J. 2250 4 0 7 : M e K OA D L e s i ) 2 5 0 0 4074 Walth.7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 4075 Se LT ats Becaeneennion 28138 28°75 4076 ( I L J. Nick <2 .- 29188 80100 Shows 0 Size. Bis eet 0)Size. 6Size ...$1375$1500 or case with either of these movements: 4048 N.Y.Stan.or Tren.7J 2250 4 0 4 9 i P MO I E V o l i 8 ) ! . 2 5 0 0 4050 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 No. 4068 CASEONLY..... or case with either of these movements: StemWind. StemWind. ()Size. 6Size 4061 o r )Val i eiRio 4052 mele pNUCEG 2818 28 75 2938 3000 4059 m e l e Berea Eel] esr SIDES INNO eec ion ance 6.5 10 K. Gold Filled Cases. KEYSTONE CO.’S ‘BOSS.’’ o AND 6 SIZE STEM WIND. Cases guaranteed by the makers to w e a r fifteen years. Solid Gold Bows and Thumb Pieces. Engraving included. Illustrating and listingcase alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular“American Walthamand N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s AMERICAN WATCHES. States Waltham, etc. willfurnishanyofthesedesignswithantiquependantsatsameprice. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to58. LIST PRICES EACH. Movements,’ for price of complete watch. cod oe 4 0 5 7 - I D I A i S a A 1 D y -..... roe a 5 4 0 6 5 g e S O U a 4066 Walth. 7 J. Gilt 5 1 D ) : . 2625 2250 2 5 . 0 0 26 25 28 75 4058 Walth. 7J.Gilt 2 5 0 0 2625 2625 Selon ASLO e29 38 3000 4067 4068 4S 29813 29 38 3000 cay 4060 A D L VoINGO e We can furnish similar grades at same prices in either Elgin, Columbus, United Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will give best satisfaction. We No. 8991 CASE ONLY. or case with either of thesemovements : 3992 N.Y.Stan.or Tren, 7J. 2250 3993 ee SeVilieaei®): 25 09 3994 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 0 Size. 6 Size $1375$1500 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4000 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 22 50 Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size ... $18 75$15 00 3999 CASE ONIN. ai No. 4023 C A S E O N L Y . . . . . $13 7 5$15 0 0 or case with either of these movements: 4024 N.Y.Stan.or Tren.7 J. 2250 4025 es PAyelsiel Oy 25 00 4026 Walth. 7 JG. ilt....... 2626 2625 No. 40381 CASE ONLY.........$13 75$15 00 or case with either of these movements: 4082 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 22 50 40383 tf A 1851 D)s 25 00 4084 Walth.7J.Gilt....... 2625 2625 No. 40389CASEONLY. ......$13751500 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4040 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J. 22 50 4041 a SOESRD: 2500 4042Walth.7JG.ilt ...26252625 4043 ee er 4044 Se UL Stem Wind. ()Size. 6 Size Stem Wind. 0 Size. 6 Size StemWind. 0Size. 6Size No. Stem Wind. wake Stee) LL Ce a c2e eae SOR © 11JN i c k .2938 3000 et Sass 0Size. 6Size $1375$1500 gossOp, l)\ Shows 0 Size. 115 _ 116 AMERICAN WATCHES. Rolled Gold Plate Cases. ‘“‘GLOBE”’ WATCH CASE CO.’S ROLLED GOLD PLATE CASES. Warranted to wear five years. Quoting prices of cases alone, and complete with American movements. LIST PRICES EACH. A O Sire S e c s Naa Sagabes SOSSy ee MONA Ghee: 337) r e n a t re Rae SIG oer Vermicelli Border, Engraved. 0 Size Stem Wind. Vermicelli Center, Shell Engraved. Htg. POLCO. 4084CASEONLY.... $875 No. 4089 CASBZONIVe se orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: FullVermicelli, Star Engraved. 0)Size Stem Wind. No. 4079 CASE ONLY....... or casewitheitherof these No. 0 Size Stem Wind. Hte. movements: orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: 0 Size Stem Wind. Ht¢g $8 75 No. 4094 CASEONLY. LOSOMWaNES vie je 4081 “ ity: G i l t BRE O N Oe e e conan . 2125 a 2313 AOD oer OZ Wraltsiel Gilliten ANUS Niall i IisGalt ALGWalt (aliGalltenne CeOps ce2|palfoe oes SeUe GLOBE fs D p Y ff) A M OB i s A104 PIO sees acis athe 2063 vsacl(c65 2438 4128 OGS: eS? oe Gn hiss 24 38 . 8438 Sa 24 38 aysnis 3438 COU we N o n i Gees oat aie eee onns seesaee 1 1 layed foneae cay a rerio m a a a n 34 38 i eOMe c lbe Slaree se lena ae eens ec SNUCK a AU re LE ea ee 1G3 sans.2438 BF 38 4134 ei SMU 4135 4136 TONG VoINGOeess pers U y eyeraye LOM enCollite 29875 2813 ox 33.75 33138 | g e asrorss: 24 38 cee i3375 AQOS7ice ye aSOOO £098 ES 33 75 Engine. Turned. 6SizeStemWind. BS» SO yes pewRyy Hte. ees $938 or case with either of these movements : 4108 N. Y. Stan. or Tren: 7 1688 Shell Engraved. No. 6SizeStemWind. Htg. No. 6SizeStemWind. Htg‐ No. 4099 CASEONIUNeecisescanascrue $938 or case with either of thesemovements: 4100 N.¥.Stan. orTren. 7J...... 1688 Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. 4101 oe Ke IL J.F.D. 19 38 saris: 2063 23 13 4109 3 AVLO> W a l t . My YJ. Galt. I) = =: LO88 .. 20 68 4115 CASE ONLY..... 5 $938 or case with either of these movements: 4116 N. Y. Stan. or Tren. 7 .. 1688 4117 ot ee e e s Ds 19"38 4123 CASE ONLY BO EC POSS or case with either of thesemovements : 4124 N. Y. Stan or Tren. 7J...... 1688 4125 SS Ke Tyce D 9 8 8 aes al eCINI oer Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. j4q. No. 16SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. 4131 CASEALONE.......$1000 $938 or case with eitherof these movements : 4132 W a l t h , 7-J. Gilt....... 2000 1938 4133 reourrlLeee n a a r 2260 2188 Vermicelli Center, Engine Turned. j4q, Fancy Border and Center, Engraved. y¢q, Jtd. t g . O.F. $9 35 oreaac an keeice 2 1 e e t i e m oi ec e 2 4 3 8 ES Melee NICK Loni cersiore A096 A007 oA Se oe 2313 Nick we 2438 nesveatin: oie AVOCA freer RINLO)Gkee eeTe 23.75 2313 4140 4141 4142 lle 2375 23138 4146 2875 2813 33875 33138 UIE INGO 4152 Se ene SINGHSS owls G a l t JcINGO /iee Golitet Senn Somes Ree 2125 ADS Wenhies WfJo Calls ceeUS 4086‘ SUN s 2875 2818 33875 3318 lo NC keener poe 4147 Miedlay NeGallstnaes. 2 8 7 5 4148 Py AGAeINGOs 0% 3375 DUE ANG) t g . Mess BUNAer eee eee saneems saan. eee ) cLoBe Ge eg O S e s A UANTCle HOSS oss elOvrecrerasp 2So 2438 AO9 Mle [eo NCR ire eer auiar H CU a ANY Oe Oo ae ic UGAee ecile e a r g A I N Ck e e r . ooc s o c n s o c o s e a os ns co AUD Wrekin Wele Enis 4095Walt. 7J.Gilt...... 2125 No. 16SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. 4137 CASE ALONE.......$10 00 $9388 or case with either of these movements: 4139) Wathen J. Giltense 2000 1988 4139 vice eSoAbl)Ur ea e n e r 2250 21 88 4145 ours toe LeIosOnae 2250 2188 4151 LT SSR tore o t s 2259 2188 pee oe loniNick ate emcee SAGs to e 256 Saraeeiaaen2313 and ace No. 16SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. No. 4143 CASE ALONE.......$1000 $9388 or case with either of these movements: 4144 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2000 1938 4150 Walth. 7J.Gilt. . 2000 1938 2375 23138 2 8 1 8 4153 2375 2313 3313 4154 Be AMERICAN WATCHES. el Escalloped Center, Full Engraved. No. Stem WindHtg. 0Size. 6Size 4155 CASEONLY......... $875 $938 or case with either of thesemovements: 4156 Walth, 7J.Gilt....... 2125 20638 4157 Gite ANE |e ceo d i o 2313 2313 4558 ty ll J.Nick...... 2488 2438 i) Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. Durand Engraved. No. Stem WindHtg. 0Size. 6Size 4167 CASEONLY... $875 $938 or case with either of these movements: 4168Walth.7].Gilt:......2125 20638 4169 Sen Ubiy eee 93 18. 2313 4170 “cc ll J.Nick...... 2488 24388 Fancy Borders, Engraved, Engine Turned. No. StemWindHtg. 0Size. 6Size 4179CASEONLY $875 $938 or case with either of these movements: Fancy Borders, Engraved. No. StemWindHtg. 0 Size. 6Size 4185 CASEONLY. $875 $935 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4186 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 2125 20638 Escalloped Center, Full Engraved. No. StemWindHtg. 0Size. 6Size 4190 CASEONLY. ...$875 $938 or casewitheitherof these movements: 4191 Walth. 7 ) . Gilt....... 2125 2068 No. StemWindHtg. 0 Size.6Size 4196 CASEONLY ... $875 $938 or case w i t h either of thesemovements: 4197 Walth. 7 ) . Gilt....... 2125 20638 4180 Walth. 7J.Gilt. 9125 20638 9318 2313 2438 %438 4192 SOT 4193 U s = .... 23813 2318 4198 S e a l eres: 2313 2318 2438 2438 4181 Sen 4182 (a9 mLace e 11J.Nick 4187 4188 COOLL ( C 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 Wil Nitin SUEM e 4199 S6- ald oyANICkf 4205 & FullPlate,11J. “ Pat. 4213 R o l lPlateWy. = Pat 4291 Se nenlevesy,1 s . Pat. . a s a o c INGOss o n i c s 24382438 Full Shell, Engraved. Fancy Borders and Center, Engraved. 16 Size Stem Wind. Hite ‘scalloped Center, Fancy Engraved. Jtd. 16 Size Stem Wind. Rolled Gold Plate Cases. Casesarewarrantedtowearfive years. No extrasforengraving. Illustratingand listingcasealone,andcasewith movementcombined LIST PRICES EACH. No. 4202 CASE ALONE............... ey $10 00 SHAE ANON OAGE AIVONID 5 60 16 SizeStemWind. 1B tie, ©), 18 No. No. IBliwes, (O18). se1-$1000 $938 nodphos Dodd s sneer logon 2250 2188 Reg.Way.Dial ec we 2 1 8 8 2250 2188 ROEED6 2375 23818 H S . 2875 2818 iisacres83753313 IRE, INCN7o I D E AVOGWiebeesGilteourcn mrtiiestrictae a s 4207 f r ANAS k esabeo n a p o C O M E CD Dw e . 297) 2313 4216 B e 4208 CGS AULA f eINGO o b e n o m a n B S i e a a s t i i i s 2875 28138 4216 U G 4209Oe NOEMCpilesmeanCON ROOOUTEDCD337533134217UES o n e e 22 50 j t d jtd. OLE: $1000 $938 4218 CASE ( No 4161CASEONLY. ..$875 $9388 or case w i t h either of thesemovements : 4162Walth.7].Gilt.......2125 206: 4168 Nes eliledey Bae orse ane: 23.13 2313 StemWindHtg. 0Size. 6Size Stem WindHtg. (0) Size. 6Size 4164 ULE ANGICNcst 2438 24388 coon eye Ae siveay y Nick...... 2438 24°38 v i e s . 4203 N.V.Stan.new Mod. 7J.Nick....... 1938 1888 4211 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.7J.Nick........ 1938 1888 4219 N.Y.Stan.newMod. ry:N i c k e n 1938 1888 eee orCasewitheitherofthefollowing movements: orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: : 2250 2188 Resi BCye D i «a1. =.22502188ADANAMI:linGillieveo>oowinieryeyeeiselniela22502188HOY)ventasloCnhescooncosocoosne ADL i G= eae c m a n o d o u o o oM duOo00c 2375 238138 4923 o e Able a s S S O ALEINGOernie« ig)soood u d O 1e00e 2875 2813 4224 N S INGOa 0 E S O S S R svelia(aihyOaaessaeG e eeGpec oOe83753838184225Os BYIeGlsG r e e r C No. 4173 CASE ONLY..... . . . $875 $9858 or case with either of these movements: 4174Walth.7J.Gilt...2...2125 2068 4175 Pe ieee ae 2318 2313 4176 { N i c k 2438 2438 ALONE.......... A A T E a c . 4230 Walth. 7J Gilt. 2000 1938 1752 ies es o t e08:13)2105 2000 1988 1750 e L O D woo l e , 2 1 2 ) 4231 i 4222 if 4238 0 4 2 3 4 4 2 4 9 : 4250 oS 4201 “ 4252 a AI GUNbiO 2 8250 3188 3000 BE ng 425% CASE ee 4258 4259 oe 4261 1p Ae a 5a «15. Nick Olalec, Oe clseaselees23 75 2813 Bl 2 4276 MY Los}.Grult, 6 a... W e k 5 ci Doky ees ShO0 2488 2250 A000 2998 2750 S750 8168 BO00 i S y) Wy WY BNE Weide BNO ea o a r Shes D i A e sueogc i es F u l l Engraved. S. B. 18Size StemWind. Jtd. & B. F u l l Vermicelli Star Engraved. SeBe 18Size Stem Wind. Jtds- 2%. Be No. ite O?Bs“OR: 4244 CASE ALONE. F ..$1000 $988 $ 7 5 0 or Case with either of the following movements : 4245 N.Y.Stan.newMod. 7J.Nick. 1568 1501 131: pao F u l lPlate, 7J. “ 1625 1568 187% Big.ii Pat.Reg.Fey.Dial.....:.2 A d+ 1818) 1625 4248 Walth. 7J. Gilt............ E I C Nl e e s , 8000 2938 2750 Engine Turned. S B . Vermicelli Borders and Center, Locomotive E n g ’ d . g p Fancy Borders and Center, Engraved. SB ALONE............... $7 50 ices. Rolled Gold Plate Cases. «¢AMERICA,’’ ‘««INVINCIBLE,”’ ‘* CYCLONE,’’ ETC. With ordinary care will wear five years. No extrasfor engraving. Illustratingand listing case alone, and case with movement com‐ bined. Quoting the popular ‘ American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s Movements,” for price of complete watch, We can furnish similar grades at same prices, in either Elgin, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. Always mention movement desired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgive bestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmevementsseepages42to53. YyyU), S. B. 18Size Stem Wind. Jed. & B. Hite, O.F. OF. No. Hite. O;Bs ©.. No. 4996 CASE ALONE... ...........$1000 $9 38 $7 50 4735 CASE ALONE.,...........-:.$1000 $988 $7 50 o r Case with e i t h e r o f t h e following movements 2 o r Case w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 4227 N.Y,Stan.newMod. 7 J.Nick. 1568 1501 1318 4236 N.Y.Stan.newMod. 7J.Nick. 15638 1501 1318 ree . man atesft 1625 1568 13 76 aes “FullPlate, 7J. “ 1625 1568 1875 224 PARSONvasa te B 3 8 “ Wgp 1875 1818 1625 Pat.Reg.Bey. Dial.......... 1875 1818 1625 : 2000 1938°17-50 4939 Walth. 7J.G i l t . . . Gaa o e a b a n 237523132126 4240 EO ile 15 J. WJ.Gilt...30.00 2988 2000 4047 © I J Gilt... A D Nek caly) aN Gilen s J7J. Gilt..............., 3000 2935 27 50 papasBraun nes mace Jtd. & B . Wi &B. ee 18Size Stem Wind. Hte, 0.FO.8, aNon. re Ok Oe $1060 $938 $750 4262 CASE ALONE $1000 $988 $750 or Case witheitherof the following movements : or Case with either of the following movements: $1000 $988 or Case with either of the following movements: Le LIST PRICES EACH. 25 00 24 38 22 50 4941 Ue SBS INGeo 3250 3188 3000 4943 “ 4 7J. Nick.. ..........-. 8250 8188 3000 0.00.0... ae 2500 2488 22 50 2500 2438 22 50 18Size Stem Wind. fd & Be Size Wo. 4271 CASE ALONP.. Stem 4254N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.1568 1501 1313 4263N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 1563 1501 1313 4272N.Y.Stanenw.Mod.7MiNick: 1568 1501 1818 rye f FullPlate,iy. - 1625 1568 1375 tee is BullPlate, Tey 256 « Hes Bee! 265 Ki as Lief 1625 1568 1875 4273 ay FullPlate,via) “ 1626 1568 1875 4274 “6 “ Ug Pat,mes ey.Dial... 4257 Walth. 7J.Gilt...... 1 8 756 1 8 1 8 . 1 6 2 5 P a t . R e g . F e y . Dial... P e 1 S 7 5 S 1 8 § 2 5 1875 1818 1625 Rates,Moy,Itai. R000 1985 V7HO 4268 Walth. 1 J.Gilt. ........... 2000 1938 1750 4275 Walth7.ren Ase. +win 28765 2818 21 25 4267 taccae 2 00 0 i p 3 8 i t 5 0 veces WVU WIS 21S 2500 2488 2250 8000 2988 2750 4978 “ ITT.Gilt.......cscess:8000 2988 2760 Pera) 4268 “ I h ) Nick,........7..... 9500 2488 2250 4977 “ IJ.Nick... 4260 “ IT] G i l t . . . 4270 “ I J , Nick....5....3. 8250 8188 8000 4279 “ 177. Nick............. aor utes. 4250 8188 8000 Plain or Satin Finish. With One Diamond. 0 Size StemWind. Back View. No. % Open Face: 14K. 4280 CASEALONE. . $4113 or case w i t h either of these movements : s00tWalt1).Gilt2 ) . . > . 5 63 3 £989| ONG 5550 Engine Turned. 0 Size Stem Wind. Back View. | No. % Open Face. NAKA OEKS: 4286CASEALONE ..$2063$1625 or case w i t h either of these movements : Plain or Satin Finish. 0 Size Stem Wind. Front View. No. % Open Face. WAT Keres a Ke 4292 CASE ALONE. .$29 63$16 25 or case w i t h either of these movements : 4294 WC eS Assorted, Fancy Engraved. A9GR Oy,Nick Mek le O e . 66138 #85 ys Ad.ss 9113 4305Walt.7J.Gilt. ADOC ee Ta ee ASO4 T W ,Nickens) .2375 2250 2 5 6 3 2 4 3 8 2375 2250 Engine Turned. Plain Polished or Satin Finish. Fancy Engraved. Back View. % Open Face. W a r r a n t e d t o w e a r 2 0 y r s . 1 5y r s . 4316CASEALONE.......$1250$1125 or case with either of these movements : 4317Walt.7J.Gilt. .......2500 2375 Assorted, Full Engraved. Back View. % Open Face._ anda ar er iek on 8h 1876 ABAD SI, 4848 ane ees waseis Add 5848 S66. 56 76 4096 Seppe 45634125 4297 I7J. “ Adj.... 7063 6625 4802. oe ADJ ee 48 50 4625 43087 9 Mil, 5 Ady 7350 7125 Front View. % Open Face. W a r r a n t e d t o w e a r 2 0 y r s . 1 5 y r s . 4304CASEALONE......$1125$1000 43810CASEALONE... .$1125$1000 Back View. % Open Face. N o . W a r r a n t e d t o w e a r 2 0 y r s . 1 5 y r s . N o . 4322CASEALONE.......$1250$1125 or casewith either of these movements: 4323Walt.TJ... su ... 2600 2375 4324 $ MOTB et 65 00 4851 Mes TS @) HZ 4360 pop chine coos 3138 381 25 3138 3125 4384 Seo NG 33 63 32 00 WATCHES. Paillard, Columbus,UnitedStates Waltham, etc. Always mentionmovementdesired; otherwise we send suchas we believewillgive pestsatisfaction. Forallgradesofwatchmovementsseepages42to53. LIST PRICES EACH. SSS a + 2 oz. Engine Turned. 18Size Stem Wind. Oo. 4352) CASHRATEOND 2 oz. Chased Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. 18Size Stem Wind. is No. letuer, ‐‐“ZzE Thr 8 oz. Engine Turned, Engraved (K. T. E.) TENCHIL IP IES.Teles OO oe. . . . - . cee 1501 14388 1563 1500 ERT or Case with eitherof the following movements : 4379ve ieteRate 4354 us 4355“ efIILeeePat. FullPlate,ae x .. 1668 1560 4378 Ss JUNIENee7 WeSS 1688 15 75 1988 INC dove IODINE A306 Wraith (oy. (Gilt. “ 11pis9 Pat.x td. Htg. ak eoscaenecncsniocccs$9 88 $8 75 Jtd. IeGies ORINE $1063 $9 50 4377 N.Y.Stan.newMod. 7J.Nick...... 1626 15138 aes .05yeen salon 18Size Stem Wind. Wels No. Htg. o O S. B. 18Size Stem Wind. Wiel > 2 183. Jeter ©) le ©), 19S Ss. B. ar cals oo en US TGS 1938 1875 1813 1750 INCE IOS W E N N ThMoCoblesoconnocanodsn ) ay 4 8 8 8 C A S H S A L O N E 4 . c a o s c $ 1 1 2 5 $ 1 0 6 8 $ 1 0 6 8 No. S 4 0 0 ; C A SB A U O N H i t s Jtd. Oke ons eee LOW) cates ew ac or Case with either of the following movements: 4389 N Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 1688 1626 1626 4390 sf BullPlate, 7J. “ 1750 1688 1688 4402 4391 os te Dieliea Pat.Res.HeyDialiey 43,92) Wealth Wye Giltocae. 4393 4394 4395 2 0 0 0 19388 19388 2125 2063 20638 2500 2488 2438 2 6 2 5 2 5 6 8 2 5 6 8 Mos 4403 : lela yt 25). JEEHE UISSINOIDEN 4404 Wealth. 7 J,G i l t . . .5b o5 6s 2125 2018 2013 Pat. Reg. Fey. Dial.. ...... 2875 2268 2268 S216 Waltie nae G i l t 2500 2388 2388 ee. t e a l e e . . - . - . a ail Bee a oO UeaNICka pe fia\i GeilePat.Reg.Adj. 3125 3063 30638 56000 anes Ses fia tee 4405 4406 ha eo Corsini a e ) IRrs INGE IDEN nt SINDION 2 4372 l i p eNeiele a acs cl. ica et 25638 24 50 ere Bt UD Sein SES SER ee S: B. ee18h, 3 oz. Chased Borders and Center, Engraved. 4 oz. Plain, Engraved. isti 4357 S O L S 4358 S S ona N i c k i e s . 4359 “ 1 % JG. iltPat.Reg.Adj...... . 2988 2875 4371 P oi e Gilt Pat ReoA d i s . . 2988 m UC sosenes: oesGEG Nnisan une 2438 e caoe Gel aea|ANT Cke ye e a AEN SETA LEV LIRS P 2 1 ) . 24388 28375 4369 4370 PEON 2 87 5 4383 me lil Galt Rats ReosAdihens 3063 2950 a n n s o o o c o o n n Solid Silver Cases. ] , and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular ‘“‘American Walthanmd N. Y. Standard i AMERICAN WatcChCoCmpoaony’sMovemsents”forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnishsimilargradestolatteratsameprices,ineitherElgin, ea emueiagys $9 388 S8 75 4365 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. .. .... 1501 1438 yee or Case with either of the following movements: 4367 BOGS) Walle Mais) Giltscens o ARI e n ence aINicktaes ate $ 1 2 5 0 S 1 1 8 8 $ 1 1 3 8 4401 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 1813 1701 1701 N o . ECA (CUNSI3) INICOINBe . B. O h 1 8 , $15 00 $13 88 $13 88 aes or Case with either of the following movements : seasaouscbones or Case with either of the following movements: 4413 N.Y.Stan.newMod,7J.Nick. 2068 1951 1951 4414 ae FullPlate,7 J. ‘ 2125 2018 2018 4415 «6 ve W a p . & >Ison Plate,(eulee es 1875 1768 1768 Coaboongee: -- I D s c o o c a c e s s a cn es 1825 19 50 23 25 e ae ae e a n 1938 2313 2438 18 75 2 50 23 75 gradenDe 4381 4382 meats [ye 20 638 so 2250 2138 2138 canane: 2625 2518 2518 NIC neeee 2750 2638 2638 Sp Sralayil peu eceranee a e C We a s O S i USeS a) . ,275 2768 2768 eel ral 4418 “ 4 5} INNCE eee 3000 2888 2888 4396 “¢ eT I C . eC 3375 3313 3318 4407 ~ J J.Gilt Pat.Reg. Adj. 8250 8188 3138 4419 “ 7 J. GiltPat-Reg. Adj. 3500 8888 8888 4408 aewltietic Nick.» 4 8500 38388 3388 ADDO eS ey Natok’ a 8750 38688 3688 o ©), IE. \ No, ASV OICASE A I O NDeas PON 18Size Stem Wind. 18Size Stem Wind. l a k e r s | O s J y Geer aay AMERICAN WATCHES. Solid Silver Cases. Illustrating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular ‘‘American Waltham and N. Y. StandardWatch Company’sMovements,” for price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades to latter at same prices, in either Elgin, Paillard, Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. Always mention movement desired; otherwise we send such as we Engino Turned. 16Size Stem Wind. Viton S. B. & B. O k : Qi & B. OF Engine Turned, Engraved. 16Size StemWind. Hite. S B . No. 4424 CASE ALONE...2............ $938 $875 $875 No. 44386 CASE ALONE................ $988 $875 No. 4448 CASE ALONE......aeee .. $1000 $950 $950 4426 es J1J. Nick.Pat.Reg. 4450 AAO Wialltlace ( J i Galle. Anise a p s e 225022002200 MoyDials oe a4ONWalton Heyl Giltt MADCOR kissc e a E «M G .2188 2125 2125 2 5 18 75 Bey, Dial s eSel Sener.. S428 AADG ANSON 4431 SS brsNicky= 4432 “ 1 7J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 33.13 3250 382 50 4444 C o e n i s a v a o s n 21 85: GUeSDA Res AU COP Gold Filled, Chased Center and Borders, Engine Turned. 16SizeStemWind. ae Full Fancy Engraved, Chased Center and Bezels. Ckased Center and Bezels, Plain Polished. believe will give best satisfaction. For allgrades of watchmovements see pages 42to 58. LIST PRICES EACH. Bascine, Plain Polished. 16Size Stem Wind. Htg. or Case with either of the following movements: 4495N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.1876 18138 18138 4437N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.1I8%6 1813 1813 4449N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.19388 1888 1888 ase 19388 1875 18 75 2125 GeO Wienke V0I M e gi s Culens e e e h s sancscoossoedd eyocia ceoenetines 2000 1950 19 50 e 2188 2125. 4440 2088 2125 oac 23138 2250 2250 4453 ....28138 2750 27.50 4454 retell led 2250 2200 22 00 23 25 2825 29 50 3325 39 50 NACe n OTEWgINGO, Ee 3938 8875 3875 4445 ABU eres a e sn el o n G d l t p r eraw. c B o A e S oc s c cfce e a s.. 5 0 ce i s Ding n s ranean iaicvercrs : eh : 2938 4455 88 75 4457 Jtd. O p h ae phe) Jtd. 3O. nye & B. Onn: Htg. plete No. J ) ies.--- S988 $875 EWR CINS I C O N orCasewitheitherofthefollowingmovements: 9 De osGhnopejayao OAe letines, No. 4484 CASEALONE.......... en S Folie 4461 N.Y.Stan.new Mod. 7J.Nick....... 4462 “ L J . Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. 1876 1813 2188 21 25 1988 1875 or Case with either of the following movements : Wicks AMOR NWalthin AACE MAG ee NICK a ue I S V s tien Hiren reins ein c EN Me Maea 1. ele. 21 95 4476 4477 eee+INTC er pee Ses ec o e a INTO n 23.18 ee WeGilt. 6. ko 2188 21 25 e19881875 G; Q1882125 ea ID GION ee lorie Miclay “ 7 1 7 J G. i l t P a t . R e e A d j . . . . . . . . 3 3 1 3 3 2 5 0 ll)ib Galt 2818 27 50 MAACO AAG 4 4 6 8 AAGD a i eNici 3938 3875 4481 Calico SM PRIN Chev 2875 .... 8000 2950 ies: whe ieeeata 404 . . en . 4479 4 4 8 0 ouloy W e l e i G u l t - P a t e R e a w A C d i ere scs Geskaie prpcouddode 2250 Diallig sR AASTO Wealth Tei n voussmen c e eae o scs Mo 28 25 feINDKO 2988 33.18 32 50 39 88 88 75 2188 9318 22 50 2818 2750 2938 28 75 “eu u a 4438 s 1LJ.Nick.Pat.Reg. IRCy5IDIi e s a n o u s c n a o o n c o u e s : 2188 21295 2 1 1988 1875 cas 11J.Nick.Pat.Reg. : 4441 2813 2750 2750 4449 OS lay djs (Cullthee 231322502 2 2938 2875 28 75 AAA I N O AUG). NMEMIG Oh|ie(Colhtyomcs oe aeaeoO 2000 19 00 neSIOnGa2250 2200 ..2375 2326 a all f PU c re Veer UDS| 4478 LMS Bei Wau n aeoRoneSaGeaonD iatetSeca Ren INCRE. Ae N I C . a 8988 8875 Fey ROO) C O N+ GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 3318 38250 3250 4456 aie Y8752875 16Size StemWind. Jtd. Oy Ie 16Size StemWind. td. Htg. G . $938 $875 o u e $10 or Case with either of the following movements : O 00 $9 50 4473N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........19.38 1888 4485N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick..%.....1876 1813 4474 = 11J. Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. 4486 x 11J. Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. Eiaanyy eee 22 00 ceoce e oe casaepoosaayoomdann WA 22 50 aers Wao. | G h . c a n a n c m u a ec ds o no tien: 28 75 p e G a l e G a l t P a t w e e o n A a . 3 3 8 . 7 5 3 3 2 6 Hae NCES ie Sie it cyevave 4000 39 50 or Case with either of the following movements: Gllt. ce et 4488 4489 4490 4491 4 4 9 2 4493 eed jpoNoneligaes 8S MeconeNca r e c n ea SACI A ec 121 122 AMERICAN WATCHES. $4 88 each List Price extra. Solid Silver Cases. We can furnish any of the following Cases with Gold Filled Center Pendantand Crown: 0 Size, $3 13, 6 Size, $4 88 and 12 Size, y Chased Borders and Center, Engine Turned or Plain. Sk’t or No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. %O.F. 4500 CASE ALONE. $688 $688 $4388 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4501 Walt. 7J.Gilt .. 1938 1988 1688 ASOD Se Mil[eee ee Ol OG) O26) 183716 45038 “ 11J.Nick. 22 51 2251 2001 F u l l Engraved, Chased Borders and Center. Sk’tor No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. 4O.F. 4496 CASEALONE $818 $768 $513 or case with either of these movements: 4497 Walt. 7 J. Gilt... 2063 2013 17 68 Assorted, Fancy Engraved. ; Engine Turned or Plain Polish. Sk’t or 4498 4499 Ee oOeaeeok, 22OL A951: “ 1 1J.Nick.. 2376 2326 2076 4506 ‘* - < ...2261 22011876 4010) 9 A eo D 6 2 1 6 18)76 4507 ‘* 11J.Nick.. 2386 2326 2001 4011 “© 1 J.Nick.. 2251 2251 2001 No. 4512 CASE ALONE....... $813 $813 or case with either of these movements : 4513N.Y.Stan.7J. 1563. 1568 4514 oe Il J.Fey.D. 1818 18138 Assorted, F u l l Engraved, Chased Bezels and Center. vermicelli Bezels, Plain Polishedor Fancy Engraved. Engine Turned. BONG INES aINT Clas eon e m e n t s 6Size Stem Wind. MHtg. O . F. No. 6SizeStemWind. MHtg. O.F. No. 6SizeStemWind. Htg. O.FP. Ne. _6SizeStemWind. Htg. O. EF. 4515 Walt.7-J.Gilt CUS(e)katGhar Llfae een e e 2 . 0 . . . 1938 1935 2188 2188 2313 2313 4506 ay,Bey,Dp: 4527 W a l tJ. Gilt........ AOR OT Aea ee 1819 1848 1938 1938 2188 2188 2313 2313 ee EtyPAS 2438 238S AGOO v gy. Nicks... Engine Turned. -No 12Size Stem Wind. 4586 CASE ALONE. Plain Polished. Chased Bezels and Center, Engine Turned. No. 12Size Stem Wind. Hte. O. F. 4504 CASE ALONE. ..... $813 $813 or casewith either of thesemovements+ 4900)NV Suan ckincncce 15681568 4556 S Il Jakey. D: 1818 181s 4557Watt.7J.Gilt.. ....1938 19388 TI Neoe O R E S ONES ADOMNa Stam. Wl: or a s k 4538 af l j .Fey.D. 1818 1813 4589 Walt.7J.Gilt....... 19388 1938 No. 4548 CASE ALONE ... $988 $888 or casewitheitherofthesemovements: ADO A a r e leeNICk in 2918) 23°63 ete $558 4909 So Dy NIcks 3. S N S e2oorS c scene ss. OEAILVeONO,ooce g a yergered 2313 n o s 15 63 15 68 1100EA)INMoSWIMigs asec16881688 1350 4550 wy Il J..Fey. D. 1988 1888 MLJee ee 2188 2188 E sA)i" BDRiders: t 4518 CASE ALONE... $988 $888 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4519 IN.We stant Teli... 1688 1638 4520 te 11J.Fey.D. 1938 1888 LOOM Walia ie enGiltse 20/69), 2O 1S pts ENAEeeONSe ORVIISDOD 4524 CASE ALONE. . $8138 $813 or case with either of these movements : 4525 N.Y.Stan.7J ..... 1868 1568 4530 CASR ALONE ... $938 $888 or case with either of these movements: 4531 N.Y. Stan. 7 J : 1688 1688 4532 ‘s 11J. Fey. D. 1938 1888 4533 Walt.7 J.Gilt. ........ 2063 2018 12Size Stem Wind. No. 4542 CASE ALONE. oe DRAOO orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: 40458NGGtameWoesee.s a c r a 4544 2 J1_ 1.Fey.Dial. Cray) MVZIG wyMCeolltncouc 14 75 1725 1850 4551 Walt. 7 J. Gilt. .... 2063 2013 DOZEN ee OLOGAODEGS 4508 VP Nick (2685.24$8 93°88 sues aecce staal ealfe a a a neae Sill ONT ORY a 2e tierce SSO n c a s e OnE: 12Size Stem Wind. Htg. O. FB. Sk’tor No. 0SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. %O.F. 4504 CASE ALONE. $823 $768 $4388 or case with either of these movements: 4505 Walt.7 J. Gilt... 2073 2018 1688 N o , 0SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. 4O.F. 4508 CASE ALONE. $688 $688 $423 or case with either of thesemovements: 4509 Walt. 7 ] . Gilt... 1988 1938 1688 D n 4535 “S J1J. Nick........ 2488 2388 ht¢ f 2268 Silver Double Stock and Gold Inlaid Silverore Cases. 4567 4568 eie hs WR1S: SILVER DOUBLE STOCK, Half Coin Silver and Nickel, having the Appearance 2313 CNRcey2563 ey Tuistrating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. Quoting the popular ‘‘ American Waltham and N Y. Standard AMERICAN Watch Company’s Movements,”f o r price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades to latter at same prices, in either Elgin, WATCHES Columbus, United States Waltham,etc. A l w a y s mention movement desired; otherwise we send such aswe believe will give best 3 oz. Plain Silverore> Back View). Raised Solid Gold ; Raised Solid Gold 3 oz. Plain Silyerore (Back View). Locomotive. S.B.&B. No. 18Size Stem Wind. O.F. aS 3 oz. Plain Silyerore (Back View). Raised Solid Gold Saw Mill. 18Size Stem Wind. Horse. No. 18Size Stem Wind. S.B&B, OnE. 4560), C A SBMEONE, No. 4578 SB&B OO”. $3 13 AAO CASEAUONE 7h o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e S i i e w i n g m o v e m e n t s : Soe 4561N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.............++. 876 oe $3 1: CASEA L O N E . ee ee o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 4562 a 4563 ae Boe ELE OIasieOn .. 938 os MOIR Platesils {97° AAEe ee 9 38 Fey. ne MAGE M i e l i i 4565=“*i‘ Ol Fey Dial 4573 Walth. Hee Gilt s a Rey Dial Ue Mee Pee i e INNClee e eman o i s a e 2 5 6 8 4586 ee le 4591 Walth. 7 W eADAM P o ae araaieGOs ade KStacis22000 6s oo _, 93 76 PERE seveBO0 ea ae 52 50 1750 4609 91 25 4610 FallPlate, See oo PullPlate,7 Ce ee OOS aS tut ve Pat. Reg. 4579 N.Y.Stan.n e wMod.7J.Nick. ..... 2... 876. 4592 a155.BeUeaN 4593 BeePee i e e e a o t e a t bee am ana Soscoes AB tees tena ees Manne oeea wien aR Rsae OO 2500 4594 4595 udeines OR e g. eg=HoEG eaegakyBe3000 4612 4618 T I pel ad Rg Ge We S a r PO e a e 27 50 A GUIE eSjoe SSaesiOnpOeete apoe wien o m c e n e s e 1 3 ae aan ae Or PG:88) Ae Rie IS athe Pat.Reg IIe ek a ire euieneaaes eaec o iaEn.. P N G e 30 0 e a s ee : satisfaction. Forallgrades of watchmovementssee pages 42 to53. LIST PRICES EACH. (OURS ACD mets acea p aeens Pat. Reg. ere 4571 4572 4580 4581 4582 4088.9. a ene Pat. Reg. tices cecese151 aieoncca es .. Pave 1 é aenne es Nick 17J. GiltPat.Reg.Adj FN G i l t P a t . R e g .A d j eo 1688 c e e ete1 81 3 sierste ain Geos ne CenycwesSana256¢ yee Plain Locomotive,Gold Inlaid,Silver (Dbl. Stock). S.B.&B. No, 18SizeStemWind. Plain Polished Silver (Double Stock). opRBEeRB, Plain Stag, Gold Inlaid,Silver (Dbl. Stock). 18SizeStemWind. sB E B . O.F. $10 0 0 4587 CASE ALONE. Seas o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h1 ef o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : cee siceees o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f the f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s : 4588 N . Y.Stan.new Mod.7J.Nick. ........... 1568 4 5 8 9 i F u l l P i e u t e , 7 I B y i e e e T A G 4597 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.7J. Nick.... 0 .....6-. 1818 1875 4606 N.Y.Stan.n e w Mod.7 J. Wick..... 4607 s PellPlate.i ves ae 1563 16 25 apie eer sG Wi BUR Sees ....... Serene K h eO pe enisvascnnecs 25 00 y E I R e e rs ees ianosete o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t s: : 4570 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick............«..: 816 O R ; sicrss+e,$1000 No. 4596 CASE ALONE..... $750 No. 4605 CASE ALONE... «26. 1188 138.18 1688 4074 OR NS SAORIOe B LO UE N 1188 ce Walth. JSGulte 1188 e ieaee131: BGO 4576". 4577 ry: eNO Che e ... 2318 are E Bo ea aaytccece|i eneShas n e18Le 8IR MsCoulhePat.Reg.Ad So CREE TOU OonS Be Noy lisINCE ioe Cee 18SizeStemWind. O.F. o r C a s e w i t h e i t h e r o f the f o l l o w i n g movements: 4 5 9 8 3 P G P l a t e c ye s C e 4590 11 is Pat.Reg. 4599 «4 s iy. Pat.Reg. 4008. a 0Oy PO haeeesssieranas., 18 75 PO 4600 Weuth.J 4601 4.602 4603 4604 Gilt, ee e a s a encashceses e v e 16 25 Fey. Digty Walth. 7 J. Gilt....... : Fhe ers See i Sepee P a yNIA Pat. Reg. a eaOe 2000 ea s GOO 4611 ETS Wate le We are the only Wholesale House in the Jewelry District carrying a full line of the Meridan Brittania Co.’s celebrated goods. Examine pages 405 to 528. Adj t a s cae Gut Pat.Reg.Adj (thot OSEg oae BOSE: 4585 Ai Nicks rife) FRR See Re ete Vee s e mea Wyaaewe2828 124 N. Y. Standard Watch Co.’s Complete Watches. LIST PRICES EACH. SS NPSD CeCe Plain Polished. (Front View.) 18 Size, Silverore Snap Back and Bezel,Open FaceStemWind Case. N o . 4614 N . Y . Standard, Nickel, 7 Jewels, n e w Model Move‐ TMCis ats &..$625 No.4615 N.Y.Standard, Nickel, 7Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, F u l l Plate Movement........... 6 88 N o . 4616 N . Y . Standard, Nickel, 11Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, Patent Regulator, Full Plate NAY, STANDARD WATCH CO Movement == SA 9 38 No.4619 N.Y¥.Standard,Nickel, Il Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, Patent Reguiator, Full Plate F u l l Plate Movement..... No. 4622 N. ¥. Standard, Nickel, 11Jewels,Plainor FancyDial, Patent Regulator, Full Plate 2..).5/ nsone Movement..... Race Movement..... F u l l Plate Movement........... 8 13 go)Sia [83 No. 4636 N.Y.Standard,Nicixel, 7Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, Full Plate Movement.... . 18 18 Engine Turned. (Front View.) Engine Turned. (Back View.) 18 Size, Coin Silver Snap Back and Bezel, Open Face, Stem W i n d Case. No. 4620 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 7 Jewels, new Model Move‐ R G OG ie $1000 Fancy Borders, Engraved. (Back View.) 18 Size, Silverore Snap Back, Jointed Bezel, Open Face,Stem Wind Case. N o . 4617 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 7 Jewels, n e w Model Move‐ mentP E G EO R OA O N ESS.$688 18 Size, Coin Silver Snap Back and Bezel, Open Face, Stem W i n d Case. No. 4618 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 7 Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, F u l l Plate Movement...: . .. BOULTON aisB No. 4621 N Y. Standard, Nickel, ' TILEMaIGsRe aOe .....-81000 Fancy Borders, Engrayed. (Back View.) 18 Size, Gold Plated Snap Back and Bezel,OpenFace,StemWindCase. No.4629 N.Y.Standard, Nickel, 7 Jewels, n e w Model Move‐ No.4681 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 11Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, Patent Regulator, Full Plate 18 Size, Gold Filled Snap Back and Bezel, Open Face, Stem Wind Case. No.4682 N. Y. Standard,Nickel, 7 Jewels, new Model Move‐ .. p12 50 No.4685 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 7 Jewels, new Model Move‐ ment. oe SE anP LEOZO IMovenmlenti c c s s s a e : ...10 638 7 50 ee pasocooll® CO 10 68 e n LeOke 7Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, Full Plate Movement......... 10 63 No. 4625 N . Y . Standard, Nickel, 11Jewels, Plainor Fancy Dial, Patent Regulator, Full Plate Engine Turned. (Back View.) Faney Borders, Engraved. (Back View.) 18 Size, Gold Filled Snap Back and Bezel, Open Face, Stem Wind Case. i a a a y O 7Jewels, Plain or Fancy Dial, see No. 4624 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, Bien M o v e m e n t i g := n eS .1313 She N . Y . Standard, Nickel, No.4634 11Jewels, Plain or FancyDial, No. 46387 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 11Jewels,Plainor FancyDial, Patent Regulator, Full Plate Patent Regulator, Full Plate . 15 68 Case warranted to wear 5years. IMOMeMIeTIbia ds ane .156 Case warranted to w e a r 5 years, ensu e Movement........ NRG No.4623 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 7 Jewels, new Model Move‐ acer NY,STANDARD G warcK CO Plain Polished. (Shows Plain Dial.) Plain Polished. (Shows Fancy Dial.) Engine Turned. (Back View.) Fancy Borders, Engrayed. (Back View.) oan i i l v e r nap Backand Bezel, 6 Size, Silverore Jointed Back Snap, 6 Size, Coin Silver Snap Back and 6 Size, Coin Silver Snap Back and Stem W i n d Case. B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m Wind Case. No.4640 N.Y.Standard,Nickel,| B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m Wind C a s e , No.4642 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 7Jewels,3{PlateMovement $1188 No.4648 N Y. Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,PlainorFancyDial, B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m W i n d Case. No.4644 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 7Jewels,34PlateMovement..$1188 No.4645 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,PlainorFancyDial, : No.4688 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 7Jewels,{ PlateMovement $938 7Jewels,3{PlateMovement...$818 No.4639 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 7Jewels,Plainor Fancy Dial, 3%, Plate Movement.............10 68 No.4641 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 1lJewels,PlainorFancyDial, Movement 11 88 Movement..... Pere Sores le eS. 3, Plate: Movement, 3)... 14 38 Fancy Borders, Engrayed. (Back View.) Engine Turned. (Back View.) Engine Turned. (Back View.) 6 Size, Gold Plated Snap Back and 6 Size, Gold Plated Snap Back and 6 Size, Gold Filled Snap Back and 6 Size, Gold Filled Snap Back and B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m Wind C a s e . No. 4646 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 7Jewels,{ PlateMovement...$938 No.4647 N.Y. Standard, Nickel, 11Jewels,PlainorFancyDial, B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m Wind C a s e . No. 4648 N.Y.Standard, Nickel, B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m W i n d C a s e . No. 4650 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, 7lewels,{ PlateMovement $1875 No.4651 N.Y. Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,PlainorFancyDial, 34PlateMovement........ 1625 Case w a r r a n t e d t o w e a r 5 y e a r s . B e z e l , O p e n F a c e , S t e m Seine C a e . No. 4652 N. Y. Standard, Nickel, Movement4 0 0 e a e 1188 Movement. . 2 . - . 0 4 - 5 . F e t e oA 88 Moventents).5 eee 16 25 7Jewels,34PlateMovement..$938 No.4649 N.Y. Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,Plainor FancyDial, 7Jewels,3{PlateMovement $1875 No.4633 N.Y. Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,PlainorFancyDial, Engine Turned. (Back View.) 16Size,SilveroreSnap Backand Bezel, 16 Size, Coin Silver Snap Back and. 16 Size, Coin Silver Snap Back and 16Size, Gold Filled Snap Back and Bezel, Open Face, Stem Wind Case. No.4656 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 7Jewels,3{PlateMovement..$13 18 No.4657 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,Plain,PatentRegu- lator,{ PlateMovement...... 16 25 Open Face, Stem Wind Case. No.4654 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, Bezel, Open Face, Stem WindCase. No.4658 N.Y.Standard,Nickel,| ; Bezel,Open Face, Stem Wind Case. No.4660 N.Y.Stan.,Nickel,7J., 7Jewels3%PlateMovement... 9 38 No.4655 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,Plain, Patent Regu- 7Jewels,3{PlateMovement..$13 18 No.4659 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,Plain, Patent Regu- newModel3%PlateMov’t.....$15 68 No.4661 N.Y.Standard,Nickel, 11Jewels,Plain,PatentRegu‐ lator,3%PlateMovement. .. ..12 50 lator,{ PlateMovement...... 16 25 lator,4%PlateMovement...... 18 75. Fancy Borders, Engrayed. (Back View.) FancyBorders,Engravedor EngineTurned. (Back View.) Fancy Borders, Engraved. (Back View.) 126 No. A662 CASH 18Size Stem Wind. ‘ No. 4669 CASE Pica: No. AGTG C A S E V A I L O NMEe Oo. B G So Cn No. S 6 Q O N C A SE WA W O N E e e ( e i ee S a b i e (CANS, JNIL{OINIB 4698 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.7 JN. ick........ 988 938 468% Wealth. 7-J. G i l t B G Ueels IS ls 750 1750 18 75 18 75 Gilt ..... ee OR esas A G SB I S 4689 D O O 17-607 eee Neu apoamcnoUdaoS R e E NdeHOOSOHGAwO S E ee e e ra SHoooonn AMERICAN WATCHES. Gold Electro Plated Cases. Illustratingand listing case alone,andcase with movementcombined. Quotingthe popular ‘‘AmericanWaltham andN. Y. Standard WatchCompany’sMovements,”forpriceofcompletewatch. Wecanfurnish radessimilartolatterineitherElgin,Columbus,United StatesWaltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired,otherwisewe sen suchaswe believewillgivebest satisfaction. Forall grades of watch movements see pages 42to 53. 4664 oe Pl 4665 e [eee ee ee EENT Os le u e s NOn XOGSS WVEMRE J EG U N I N E S , M Af o S e e J1JjJ. 1000 1000 se EUG RIAesValens oo B O GC RW i a l i e Co C o e s es BO N e 7 5 1 3 4667 4668 GVe alay a tae o rea INCA AMAG OMS EM 1 25 0 1250 7 5 nei Seal aye) me, DION I O o u hSooe Engine Turned. Vermicelli Borders, Locomotive Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. Vermicelli Borders and Center, Engraved. as $375 $875 Jtd. Inher, (O} 1a. a0 oasesf o i . $375 $375 18Size Stem Wind. gic H t g . 5Jae ONE 4663 N.Y.Stan.newMod: 7 JN. ick........ 938 9388 O FBR: AW or Casewith either of the followingmovements: ONE 4670 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.J. Nick........ 938 938 Rlate Wyec 4677 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.% JN. ick. 988 988 1000 1000 he| 110100. 10:00 e IRleee Pat. o.. eee Pat. ee seeees ID! leGilt:nt a WA): 1375 1375 1750 1750 1875 1875 owe ‘ Pat. Reg. es Se D e s a Ree hCy. Dialienn en f o o chescondos, eoossoe WO iD lsaau 1250 18Size Stem Wind. Jtd. Ht. OF Be: 18Size Stem Wind. Jtd. Hite OnBs 18Size Stem Wind. o o “ A O N : ( 5 s e k or Case with either of the following movements: N o . NY H t e . $3875 e s 4684 N.Y.Stan.newMod. 7 JN. ick........ 9388 988 4685 4686 ss Blis Plate, iy x OLA IRrexver, I o n , IDIEV owns 4691 N.Y.Stan.new Mod.7 J. Nick.. 4692 c FullPlate,7J. ‘ 3.392: OU Means eacueencc 1750 « aMkeytess 4695 4696 OEIC te.oo.soo oro e eke 4701 Walth. 7J. Nick... glo RANLCkee e a fol O Oaaa yeaacnn S c e n ale S 1000 1000 RES 8, ies 1250 1250 4699 4700 Ms IPGHI I E S , Go ss 4 Tees ReeCy,Dial a | SO ose ee e ctl ONGC: Sera cnnytee a 1875 1875 laysP]RaINGI O at ee. 4 6 7 1 4672 4678 4679 AGSO WralthialiGilten eureA R , ae 4674 4675 SOE ner eH eee aOS 4681 4682 Pal seca e c an noeon easn . $ 3 7 5 $ 8 7 5 etl. LOO:LOL00 $ 3 7 5 $ 3 7 5 2 9 ° 8 8 ) 9°88 Pat. a n s i e l e l e i e n i t s1 Pat. ow,wee owas Pat. Rate 4693 sf sf Nee, Rev aialicg ACOA Wialtheele G i l e s : OO) h e b O OMMDe13751375 INT eae hey Gly iRhoep a nOoa o o s d e n s u c a n e en G 1 3 1750 1750 LIST PRICES EACH. r i t e s annieeee$375$375 AI or Case with either of the following movements: eee or Case with either of the following movements: a p ot Case with either of the following movements : ccancononsas or Case with either of the following movements: ante to 4702 47103 2 eater Dcit M a n t ee acCaeM a ER 1250 1375 1375 1750 1750 1875 1875 AP GGa Solbppe 6. sabes l c o c a . $8 75 1000 1000 1250 1250 13875 1375 1750 1750 .. 1875 18 75 AMERICAN WATCHES. Gold Electro Plated Cases. Illustrating and listing case alone, and case with movement combined. Quotingthe popular “American Waltham and N. Y. Standard Watch Company’s Movements,” for price of complete watch. We can furnish similar grades to latter at same prices in either Elgin,Columbus,UnitedStatesWaltham,etc. Alwaysmentionmovementdesired;otherwisewesendsuchaswebelievewillgivebest satisfaction. For all grades of watch movements see pages 42to 53. LIST PRICES EACH. Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. No. ~Htg. StemWind. 6Size. 0Size 4712 CASE ONLY......... $375 $438 or casewitheitherofthesemovements: 4713 N.Y.Stan. or Tren. 7 J.1125 4714 oy “1 J.F.D.18 75 4715 Walth. 7 JG. ilt....... 1500 1688 Engine Turned. No. Htg.StemWind. 6Size. 0Size 4720 CASE ONLY......... $375 $4388 orcasewitheitherofthesemovements: 4722 He “1 J.F.D.13 75 4723 Walth. 7J.Gilt....... 1500 1688 Lee Fall Engraved. N o . H t g . S t e m W i n d . 6 Size. 0 Size 4728 CASEONLY..-...°.. $375 $438 or case w i t h either of these movements: 4729N.Y.Stan.orTren.7J.1125 4730 sf “1LJ.F.D.18 75 4731 Walth. 7J. Gilt. ..... 1500 1688 Htg. StemWind. 6Size. 0Size No. 4704 CASEONLY.... .... $375 $488 oer case with either of these movements : 4705N.Y.Stan.orTren.7 J.1125 Or A G 4717 4718 Soil E e OO IR ee eoeeocso Nickens 1875 2001 No. LVRS (CINSNS, AUOINE: p “Ate. No, N 1688 4746 us MeBateReeNick... Htg. No. 4 7 3 7 N . Y . S t a n . 7 J . N i c k . R e 4 7 5 3 N . Y . S t a n . 7 J . N i c k . . . . i e S 4 6 1688 14 38 1688 4738 ‘ 8 FRMNNEIBolsIf WIVH e I E WeaING)2 3 4740 4741 4742 ATAE Bis IME Ae INGUIN, oOo ean C U Se A U e coonh a n a o oma 18 1: 2 3 1 é AVA NI NIG a ohneee USE PB Beaet Led ANG l i N O R Oemeu Jo Colienen sg s ) Mio Cabanon Y a n o n d o n o r cop nonaodee: BocsdosoRemObOeoe p e v o o s a s Hueno ey nae tf I l OSeAfs en o maernen J.F.D.13 75 4706 SS 4707 Walth. 7J. Gilt....... 1500 1688 “IL NIN corteeLeeOO 1750 1876 724 4708 4709 i l e N I C k e .0 L Stos. 18) 165) 200% 2938 ees e i l e eNT SCG: 47082 eel COS Let Ie Sensepoo SENS Aen AB fo AG Ael s INGO tnG AUB Ge be Nicki 2 1996:FORTIETH JLLUST SSa‐ C A T A L 2 26 6U8 3E8 127 2875 4726 2875 2938 Assorted, Fancy Engraved. 18Size Stem Wind. Engine Turned. 18Size Stem Wind. De 14 38 ARATE MaltheTjGult, 6 1688 AGAR eee pete h ceocoocanbupabsonnam e n o n$438BA E eH A e s a1eenna.$348 n a d s n e na n eno e Dn o n n d e s S S aC oAe. . s e a r e A750 b a l Gilt: ace a eee Secsaconjabddoowodes 18 1: CANTeOEe spadas 23 1: an s a a b aschononOReRCHONG 24 38 ac n e nGodancenbads 24 38 ee s J fos sayoi Bade e d O as rise e e 4752 CASE ALONE. fey este ee eeeocen 4725 o e MeNick2 1875 2001 4733 a)SsiG Cg. 1 87 5 2001 .... 2875 2938 .... 2872 2938 4734 AWD. Sole 4711 “ “Vij.Nick.Adj. 5375 5488 4719 “ 1 7 J.Nick.Adj. 5875 54388 4727 “ 1 7J.Nick.Adj. 5375 54388 4735 “ 1 7 J.Nick.Adj. 6875 54388 S N OW a t e s 1 3 7 6 A R A G U e N G N o S t a n l y N i c k g n s h i n o OA or Case with either of the following movements: or Case with either of the following movements : Our Clock Department is always complete in full lines of every grade, style and design. See pages 636 to 679. ATED 1 3 1688 4754 ‘ 1438 Avis AWelbeloge 1688 4756 o N : R uS h e r I l J . Pat.Reg.Nick- c 2 5 . . . . 5 . . . IsCallltcasoogs o o n o o o 0 t s o n c a g e R i e s e een A s o n c u b o o o u K t a s C O C O C O N S d o n d h e 7 6 181: 4757 2313 4758 24 38 4759 s . G aliln SaNINS 128 A M E R I C A N WATCHES. Silverore Cases. Illustratingandlistingcasealone,andcasewith movementcombined. Quotingthepopular “‘American Waltham andN. Y. Standard W a t c h C o m p a n y ’ s M o v e m e n t s , ” f o r p r i c e o f c o m p l e t e w a4t c h . W e c a n f u r n i s h g r a d e s s i m i l a r t o t h e l a t t e r a t s a m e p r i c e s , i n e i t h e r E l g i n , PlainPolished. (Jointed.) 16Size StemWind. Htg. ; No. 4761 N.Y.Stan.n e w Mod. 7J. Nick.... Pi: 2cBe te. OnFeOmn 4783 CASE ALONE............... $3 35 S188 $950 4762 .... $338 $2.50 es Il J. Nick. Pat. Reg. Fey. No. or Case with either of the following movements: I D I aien Ub ct PeneeROD OO 4784 N.Y.Stan.new Mod. 7J.Nick. Sig Nanna 9 0 1 9 6 3 751 813 813 875 bMS Miya Gulltt sa Re es. A GSeNvV ANGE ANG ATCG WGI 4768 ‘ JJ.GiltPat.Reg.Adj.. CU69 Nicks “Ss = or clialin NiClae a emt eg “ 1 7J.GiltPat.Reg.Adj. 2388 2188 2950 ees oes Oo oil Nick: IGile AI NGC 2 sok : noe 13888 1 1 8 8 12 50 . 12138 1068 1125 tacas ao e ae a Tiley a Rat:RessMey, D i a l . . . 12.13) 1068 1125 4785 4786 ee F u l l Plate, 7 J. ‘ Ss oe II f et Pat. Reg. Fey Dial.... Engine Turned. 1 8 Size Stem W i n d . H t g . S. B. No. 4794 CASE ALONE................ $38$188 $250 N o J a l i , No. 4816} CASE PAUONE se anw ere ee E t e or Case with either of the following moveinents: ee or Case with either of the following movements: 4799 eM ON ar kk 1718 1568 1625 teen C o s 4800 SOME INT Ck ns ceeutes bac e 4822 Se SR I N G 8 ene eisRIA ois 4810 ee OMIaGilty we eeonnenes 4821 nrteEyepy[ONpGWee 4823 © Ly.G i l a t ,ReeA d j . eh 1838 1688 1750 4801 ‘= 17J. GiltPat.Ree.Adj. 2888 2188 2250 4802 AWEIe INiWele, = vs 2588 2488 2500 t na os 4775 AGG W a l t (ese Giltenee ae) BGS Seg) a Se ee cee Columbus, United States Waltham, etc. Always m e n t i o n movement desired; otherwise we send such as we believe will give best (ual, , I G eIBA © , Jay Jtd. © ) 13", $8 38 $188 Jurgensen, Plain Polished. 1 8S i z e S t e m W i n d . Jtda © ) lh: $388 $188 4777 ee A m e y Los ...:.. 1718 15638 16 25 CUS M I N 4788 ame) NotCavhe. BSS Socae 13388 1188 1250 1718 15638 1625 1888 1688 50 4779 BSOR ae «17J.GiltPat.RegAdj. 23.38 2188> 2250 4789 4790 4791 A INC3Sa HEU: NCIS, eae 1888 1688 1750 2588 24388 2500 sonoaoe NEASarr 4795 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick. 901 751 813 4806 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick.... ... 901 751 4817 N.Y.Stan.newMod.7J.Nick........ 901- 751 4796 xs BallPlates(js ss 963 813 875 4807 ee El Plateyiy sss 479797 “e ae lLMeae B a e r Pats Reo M c y Dials ....... 1218 10638 1125 4808 sf ve ie eataNse: e a e AWS Wathi jeGilt. . 1388 1188 1250 ASODMWiailitinn Wali.) G u l l t e e n0. ) 1338 1188 1713 15 68 1838 1688 2888: 2188 2588 24388 RGyA Dial ssienm a n c y ae eeaeae ». 1218 1068 1338 1188 aLGUS 156s ... 1838 1688 seeee. AS20)Wiallelai),Guilty aiee onen n OROol aOnle OroIDVj o c M c c a i n . o lranonLOGS 4818 eS RTPlabesVas ee 968 813 4819 ae Se I J . “* Pat.Reg. 4811 4812 7 lies Gilt Pat.iRec. Adi; eeLaDCSKern t 4813 ey MES OC Ome 4824 ns WG) Niokes aac ue te 4.8. vsces 2oeeelss BOOS 24:88 create e 2.20 e RoeE s rs gG aime poe alo NIOks aac ss 2588 2488 2500 Engine Turned. Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. 6 Size Hunting Stem Wind. : Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. 6 Size H u n t i n g Stem W i n d . No. 4881 With 34Plate Cyl. Mov’t.$8 13. ¥%Plate Finer 6 Size H u n t i n g Stem Wind. No. 4827 With 3/ Plate C y l . Mov’t.$8 138 No. 4829 With 34Plate Cyl. Mov’t.$8 13 No. 4828 ° to Fi “ %PlateFiner “ 9388 ¥ PlateFiner ~ 9 3 8 N o . 4 8 3 0 plate CF Ses EseallopedVermicelliBordersandCenterEngraved. Reg. No. Go9ldPlatedCase,18SizeStemWind.Htg. O.F. eeeWith % PlateCylinder Movement.....$725$725 “Bull Fine Fin.Mov't. 775 775 “ "788 788 VermicelliBorder,StagEngraved. Full Vermicelli, Star Engraved. GoldPlatedCase, Full Engraved. Rem Vermicelli Border, Locomotive Engraved. Reg. Engine Turned. GoldPlatedCase,18SizeStemWind. Htg. O.F. With % Plate Cylinder Movement,.... $7 25 $7 25 No. GoldPlatedCase,18SizeStemWind. Htg. 4847 With 3%Plate Cylinder Movement «6484S x Fine Fin. Mov’t. 4850 With4 PlateCylinderMovement..... 7 3 b ae Ae Fine Fin. Mov't. hs ae 34 Fine Fin.Mov’t. 7 veFulla9 as “ee as Gold Electro Plated Cases. 129 sealone, and with Swiss movement:combined. Quoting the most popular gradesof foreign movements, List Prices Each. No. GoldPlatedCase,18SizeStemWind.Htg. 4838 With % Plate,CylinderMovement....$7 25 18SizeStemWind. Htg.O. F. 4839 4840 ‘“ x “ Full « “ce FineFin.Mov't. : 4841 With% PlateCylinder Movement.....$7 25 $7 25 77h T h ) 788788 4849ASAHilMe & 4b 4c788788 S il, D I DNDS. V Y L I F ,N G Ape 2Dy yywSo =~ lg & YA qe YN) AGEN tsi ROI | « F i n eFin.Mov’t. 775 776 & a “« "788 788 130 Gold Chronographs and Repeating Watches. LIST PRICES EACH. Plainor EngineTurned,Split 1-5SecondChronograph. Antique Pendant. Plain or Engine Turned, Repeater and Chronograph. No. 4867 14K.,20 Ligne Heavy Hunting Case, with Nickel Full Jeweled Breguet Hair Spring, Cut Expansion Balance Movement, 1-5 Second, Start, Stop and Flyback. Re‐ peater. Striking Hours and H a l f and Quar‐ “ i a i n or Engine Turned, 1-5 Second Chronograph. Plainor Engine Turned, Split 1-5 Second Chronograph. No.4878 14K.,20LigneHeavyHuntingCase, Gold and Glass Caps with Fine Nickel, Full Ruby Jeweled, Breguet Hair Spring, Ex‐ p a n s i o n Balance, Split 1-5 Second, Start, Stop and Flyback, Minute Register Move‐ MACUGea o none not M i a t a ; ...$850 00 No; 487i, SameasAbove No.4874 SameCasewithFullRubyJewelsin I K ae: 220 Raised Settings, Adjusted Movement ..... 550 00 ee $55000 ....... 675 OO WSS SAS COT ers e i a c r a i v i c i c i s i o s i r neisn S d O n E B O A O B O R O O S H C 330 00 RESISCeR ie /ac: mens aeehiet ve cing Cemy one Repeater a n d Independent % Seconds ....$225 00 andFineNickel,FullJeweledMovement.... 288 50 105 9500 ter Minutes...... No.4868 SameasAbove,withExtraHeavyCase SGOT ene Engine Turned, Split 1-5 Second Chronograph. Engine Turned Repeater, Split Second Chronograph. No.4880 18K.,20Ligne,Extra HeavyHunting Cases, Goldand Glass Cap with Fine Nickel, No.4876 14K., 20 Ligne Heavy Open Face Case,FineNickelFullJewels,BreguetHair Spring, Expansion Balance, Split 1-5 Sec‐ F u l l Ruby Jewels, in Raised Gold Settings’ BreguetHair Spring, Cut Expansion Balance Movement, Split 1-5 Seconds, Start, Stop and Flyback Repeater, Strikes Hours and Min‐ ond, Start, Stop and Flyback Minute,Min‐ ute Register Movement............-+.+----$190 00 . . No. 4878 Same as 393832, without Minute Reg‐ ASTOR ea cc isanerar No.4879 14K.,Sameas393833,withoutMinute ona eneeee tune tant iaints cia amr “177 50 seals 207 50 aieO r e wees . . . c s s c s - 0 0 i O . 4869 10K.,20Ligne OpenFaceCase with Jeweled Nickel, 1-5 Second, Start, Stop and FlybackMovement................. No. 4870 10K.,Same as Above, Heavy Case, Finer Movement . ...... No.4871 14K.,SameasNo.398826........... No.4872 14K.,SameasNo. 98827........... 132 50 MinuteRegister on Above Watch, $12 50 Extra, MATES oo Siac No, 4881 SameasAbove,withExtraFineNickel, ces 21 Jewels, Split Second, Minute Regulator, e $78 13 s< Engine Turned or Borders Engraved. 16 Size, Open Face, Stem W i n d andSet. No.4685 RolledGoldPlatedCase,withNickel Fancy Engraved. 18Size, Open Face, Stem Wind. No.4687 Gold Plated Case, with Full Plate eweled Lever, 1-5 Second, Start, Stop and on _ Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. Lever, Jeweled Movement, with one-fifth Second, Start, Stop and Flyback Attach- a IWiDACKVACIMEIACMCb Lever, Jeweled, 1-5 Second, Start, Stop and Flyback Attachment. Case warranted to R O N atciete 25 25 wear 5vears:......... O lSnOHORASOoSNeSOOCHDOSR S e tMaleriereieiavers Dac No.4691 SameMovement in10K.GoldFilled 16 Size. < 5 Wty, SH CY Vermicelli Borders, Engraved. 16 Size. Gold Filled, Open Face, Stem Wind, Gola Filled, Open Face, Stem Wind, No. 4693 Nickel JeweledLeverMovement, 1-5Second, Start, Stop and Flyback Attachment, with hecVoloboseokluabmnneMonecOUeO R R A r a C U c c n O u N e aSw w o u d s$9250 No. 4698 Same Case with Finer -Finished Miniter Reeister i No. 4694 Same Case, Finer Finished Move‐ ocas ce ten meni. Casewarrantedtowear15years... ne s e Gold Filled Chronographs. LIST PRICES. 80 00 e Case.Warrantedtowear5years........... No. 4689 SameMovement in Gold Filled Case. W a r r a n t e d t o w e a r 1 5 y e a r s . . . . . s . e . e . c e. c e e eswelerce No. 4688 Same MovementinRolledGoldPlated * Casewarrantedtowear20years. Mioviement orci ate are ae A FullLineofallWatchMaterialswillalwaysbefoundinourToolandMaterialDepartment. RefertoourSpecialIllustrated Catalogue,Sent Freeon Application. rcle e i s ei l e el e i cr l e lea i oi r e e6 a n i a r s e h e e$ 3 5 6 8 Case. Warrantedtowear15years .........4318 16Size, Jointed No.4690 RolledGoldPlatedCasewithNickel No. 4692 Case. Same Movement in 14K. Gold Filled Warranted to wear 20 years ......... 52 56 No. 4697 NickelFullJeweledLever Movement, with Split 1-5 Second, Start,StopandFlybackA t ‐ Open Face, Stem Wind. oi a0 susie Case warranted to wear 15years. 112 50 Serene 131 132 < EE ey LIST PRICES EACH. i‐=MUY= x TT t Trenton Watch Co. American Chronograph. Price of Movement only, or fitted in Gold Filled Cases. No. 4704 Gilt, 9Jewels, Compensation Balance Beats1-5Second,Stop, Start and Flyback. Will Fit all American 18 Size Open Face C a s e s M o v e m e n t o n l y o 0 s ns i c e e e e e e e c: $ 8 1 S s No.4705 10K Gold Filled,Jointed Front and Back Case, Stem W i n d Warranted to Wear A Hngine Turned or Raney perayed: Silver and Nickel Chronographs. HORSE TIMERS AND COMPLETE WATCHES WITH CHRONOGRAPH ATTACHMENTS. Plain Polished. e n t 1 - 4 S e c o n d , M i n u t e R e g i s t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 3. lash Plain Polished. Plain Polished. No. 4708 Nickel, Open Face, Stem Wind, Regular Bridge Lever,Jeweled Movement, No.4700 Nickel,HorseTimeronly,Independ- andlyiback:Attachment.. . ' c ss c< ose oes $2125 with 1-5 Second Start,Stop,and Flyback No.4699|Nickel,HorseTimeronly,OpenFace Case,MinuteRegister, 1-5SecondMovement $10 63 No.4701 Nickel,Open Face,StemWind,Full Plate, Lever, Jeweled with 1-5 Start, Stop Same Movement.:................. . 48 1t 20Years, with Same Movement.......... 5000 No.4707 30z. SilveroreCase,SameMovement 38 75 No. 4708 Rolled Gold Plated Case, Warranted t o Wear5 Years. SameMovement.......... 4 2 5 0 15Years, No.4706 14KGoldFilled,ScrewB.&B.Open : No.4709 Silver,OpenFace,Stem Wind,Full Jeweled,Lever,Nickel Movement,with 1-5 Second, Start, Stop and Flyback Attach- ment,Minute, Reeistenaya s s s ) s h e . No. 4710 Sameas Above, with Split 1-5 Second Movementyacsisooserne:M i e U R e e r s i s i e i a i e i v i e l e v i e j a e ) Engine Turned. = FaceCase,StemWind, WarrantedtoWear No.4711 Silver,OpenFace,Stem Wind,Jew‐ eled Lever, Movement with 1-5 Second, Start,StopandFlybackAttachment........ $29 38 No. 4712 Same as Above, Split 1-5 Seconds.... 69 20 No.4713Samea s No.4711,OxydizedSteelCase 2 5 0 0 N o . 4 7 0 2 S a m e M o v e m e n t i , n 2 o z . C o i n S i l v e r , O y P A t E A C HE I MND i n a n m u s i a e s a n i a o n G o o n s i o n $ 2 2 5 0 OpenFaceCase..-.....GESe a e M o n eees 3125 $45 00 O O O O HIts: Golld.. P llaiin Pollished,,CCoorrruuggaatetedd.. Golld.. P llaiin Polished.. Skkyy-- Golld.. Plaiin Polished.. ky- Golld.. Assorted Engraved.. Sky‐ Skky-y- Htg. Htg. _light. S SI V _ Sky. Htg. light. Htg. light. INEORL No 4716. O NGC chscoise cians $65 $65 0 0 S42 00 $42 50: Htg. light. Htg. light. Noe a i aa W e e cees e $ 3 8 9 0 $ 8 4 8 8 1 0 L i g n e , 1 4 K . , G o o d C y l i n d e r M o v ’ m e n t N o . 4 7 1 9 1 0 K . , F a i r M v t . $ $ 2 2 3 3 7 7 5 5 S$ 1 1 8 8 1 3 N e . 4 7 2 5 1 0 K . , F a i r M v t . $ 2 3 7 5 $ 1 8 1 8 11Ligne, 14K.,Fair Cylinder Move- No. 4717 ee 80.00 5750 No. 4720 10K.,Good “ . .. 28 75 2063 No. 4726 10K.Good “ .. 28 75 20 68 No. 4712 10K.,FairMvt. light. ment. 10 10L L i ig g n n e e , , 4 1 1 4K K . ,. , A A l l C Cy y l li i n n d d e e r r M Mo o v v e em me o n nt t No. 4721 10K., Excel. ‘' .. 42 58 8688 No. 1739 105.Stod No. 4727 10K.,Excel. “ .. 42 50 36 88 Noe. 47ii1lo5: sao 5000 4000 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 NOoR.A4W7US1Y8 Sei SOR n s 7 7 5 5 90 0 4 6 2 5 46 25 N N o o . . 4 4 7 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 K K . . , , F F a a i i r r ‘ . . 3 1 7 5 2 6 2 5 N o . 4 7 2 8 1 4 K . , F a i r “ . , 8 1 7 5 2 6 2 5 ' 1 i 1 L L i i g g n n e e , , 1 1 4 K4 . K . , c G o o d C y l i n d e r M o v e - Good Cylinder Move- 10 Ligne,81K., GoodCylinderMove: 1 0 L i g n e , 1 8 K . , G o o d C y l i n d e r M o v e - N o . 4 7 2 8 1 4 K . , G o o d “ . . 8 6 7 5 3 0 0 0 No. 4723 14 K., Good N o . 4 7 2 9 - 1 4 K . , G o o d “ . . 8 6 7 5 3 0 0 0 ment. m m e e n n t t . . No.447724 14 K .., Excell. “ . . 61 25 48 75 No. 4780 11K.,Excel. “ .. 5125 48 76 KANET TI2 이요 Solid Silver Chatelaine Watch Solid Silver C es. hatelaine Watches. 518963 FORTiETHILLUSTRANEDCATALOGUE T s1895 Gold and Silver W Gold and Silver Watches. atches. HUNTIING AND OPEN FA CE,, STEMM W IND AND S ET.. L I ST PRICES EA CH.. 133 Silverr. 1 ,, Stem Wind and Set, Silver. igne, Stem Wind and Set. Silver. 18Ligne, Stem Wind and Set. Silver. Assorted. Fancy Engraved. . 13 Ligne Stem Wind S e t Silver. 10 Ligne, Stem Wind and Set. Silver. 18 Ligne, Stem Wind and Set, Silver. Assorted. Fancy Engraved. 8 Ligne No 4731 Cylinder FancyAssorted,Engraved. 2 No:4735eC nsetPlainDial Ne 4738F Fancy Assorted, Engraved and nee No. 4735 GoodCylinder Plain Dial No. A s s o r t e c a nc y Diall,, Assorted N o .4741 16 Ligne, Fair Cylinder No. 4781 Cylinder Mvt. Glassor M ovveemme en tnt)! Mvt. Glassor No. 4741 16Ligne, Fair Cylinder FaiirrCvylinder Mvtt.......$6265 vovement Movement RE..A.e.e...$$88133 : M M e e t t a a l l C C A a N Op i n s on ccabieaeniss a ty .......... $15 ©$1b400 S5 75 205 No, 4786 Same, with Fancy Dial.. No.1736Same, withFancy Dial..16 25 16 25 No.4789 Good No. 4742 No.4742 16 Ligne, Good Cylinder 16 Ligne, Good Cylinder No. . . 4 4I 7382 tGaiirrCylliinnddeerrMvtt.,S..C..650 No.4737Same,FancyDialMove- F No. 4739 Good ¢ncOO 6 50 No. 4737 Same, Fancy DialMove- No. 4740 Al No.4740Al uO “« ...1600 16 00 Moveemeenntst.. . vs ccnc.s-secce e S A1 3S L1 3S No. 4733 Good ue i 75 ment in Steel, Oxidized Case... 10 00 N No o ,4 78 4A l od Ke es “116500 ment in Steel, Oxidized Case... 10 00 Silver. Assorted,FancyEngraved, Silver. Assorted, Faney Engraved, 19 Ligne, Stem Wind and Set, 1g lagne, Stem Wind and Set. Hhitg.. O.F. O R No.447438Siillverr,,FaiirrCy1l-- inder Movement.. inder Movement.........$9 88$8 75 2...89 38 58 75 No..4744Silver,GoodCyI- Silver, Good Cy i i n n d d e e r r M M o o v v e e m me en nt t. . . . . . . . 1 1 8 8 1 0 6 3 Siilverr.. 15 Ligne, Stem Wind and Set, 1 5Ligne, Stem Wind and Set, Silver. 13Ligne,Hunting,StemWindand Silver. 13 Ligne. Hunting, Stem Wind and Silver. Assorted, FancyEngraved. Silver. Assorted, FancyEngraved. Hunting, Assorted, Lugrayved. No.474515Ligne,FFaaiirCyll..Mvt.$938 Hunting,Assorted, Lagra ved. Set, Assorted, Fancy Engraved. .4745 set, Assorted, Fancy Engraveu. 18 Ligne S t e m Y d. Ligne, , Stem Win Noo.4.7449yFHaiirwCylliinndderMvvtt..........$5750 No.4762Silver,FairCyl‐ No. 4752 Silver, Fair Cyl No.474615Ligne,GoodCyl. “ 1188 No..4750GoodCCliynlinddeerr ‘t .......8755 N o . 4 7 4 6 15 L i g n e , G o o d C y l . inderrMovemeennt.t.... | $988 $875 No. 47 4 71 155L4 i9gnnee. ,GoodLey. Good Lev. “ 1488 No. 4775?1 No. Al Cylinder Al Cylinder i -godood .15 00 1500 No.4753 Silver,GoodCyl‐ No,nasSliver,entodCy.9S53 $857 NOo..4748 155Ligne,,Adl fe 100 inderMovement 1188 1068 11 88 10 63 N o . 4 7 5 4 S i l , A l C y l . M v t . . 1 5 0 0 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 5 No. 4754 Sil, Al Cyl. Mvt.. 16 00 YOURS MINUTES 222 134 184 Nickel and Metal Swiss Watches. Nickel and Metal Swiss Watches. LISTT PRICES EACH.. Nickel, OpenFacKe, Stem Wind and Set. Nickel‘, Open Face, Stem Wind and Set. 4767Nickel, Nickel, OpenFace, Stem Wind and Set. Wind and Set. Nickel, Open Face, Stem Wind and Set. 19 1 Nickel, Open Face, Stem Wind andSet. No. 4764 18Ligne, Cylinder Movement..........$3 88 S 3 No.1761 81Ligne,CylinderMovement. No. 4767 19Ligne, Cylinder MovemeCnUtL... 93C wllinderMovem . . . . . . . .. ..•.S$i563 No.4770 188Ligne.,witthhCommoonLeverrMov'’mtt.$8 133 No.4765 18 ‘“ Fair “ Nen eo eT 400 £No. 4768 “ G or ooo d Cv lyilinnder Movemeenntt... 625 No.4771 ‘ S e a r oe sf 8 76 No. Fair No.. 4766 18 ‘* G ood ‘ Ree Teosetia eotetere 5 00 No, 4769 of A l s ° S50 B C s No. 4772 se ‘© Good Movement.........10 00 Movement. No., 4773 2 ‘ AA1l Movementt ..........122500 y\}|a) AZ i] e= 19 Ligne,, Plaiin or Engine Turned.. Diall Works Oxidixed Steel, Silver Bezels ::§s Oxidixed Steel. Silver Bezels xed rels. Oxidized Steel. i d i : Automatiticaallly, Calendar Dial,showing Date, Day ofthe Week,Phases Calendar Dj Oxidized Steel. CalendarDial, showingDate,Day oft h eWeek, Phases i "4 ases No.4774 Silver,Hunting,StemWindandSet. No. 4774 Silver,Hunting, StemWind and Set oftheMoon;hasBancyHourHands,BlackOxidized Calendar Dial, showingDate,Day of thSeWeegk, Peheases oftheMoonpackersHote eeeN N Good Lever Movement................ . .$30 0 Good Lever Movement, ...s5..+5.42. o R p d o n e $30 00 S t e e l B a c k a n d C e n t e r , a n d E n g r ’ d F ’ n c y S i l v e r B e z e l s , oftheMoon; has FancyHourHands, Black Oxidized N o o f . 4t 7h 7e 8M o 1 o 9 n L ; i g h n a s e , F N a i n c c k y e H l J o e wu e r H l e a d n C d y s , l . B M l a o c v k ’ O m x t i $ d 1 i z 8 e d 7 . 5 No. 4776 0.4775 Siillverr,, Open Face,, Stem Wind and No, 4776 19Ligne, OpenFace, Lev.FullJ.Mov’mt.$16 88 Steel Back and Center,and Engr'dF'ncySilverBezels. No. 4778 19 Ligne, Nickel Jeweled Cyl. Mov'mt $13 75 S ett.. G ood L e v e r M oveemme en nt .t........ trreereees 2625 No,4777 19Ligne,Op.F’ce,AiLev.FuliJ.Mov’mt 8000 No. 477619Ligne,OpenFace, Lev. Full). Mov'mt.816 8 No. 4779 19 Ligne, Fine Nickel, 15 Jeweled, No. 4779 No. 4777 19 Ligne,Op.P'ce,Ai Lev.FulliMov'mt30 00 LeverMoLveigmneen,fit n e Nickel, 15 Jeweled, Lever Movement..... aeeae 16 25 16 25 Oxidized Bla g W i n: OxidizedBlack Steel. O p e n F a c e . Nickel, Chatelaine.Stem Wind andSet. Nickel, Chatelaine.Stem Wind and Set. Nickel, F u l l Open Face, Stem Wind and Set. Nickel,Full OpenFace,StemWindandSet. N o.. 4755. 11 L ig nee, ,Stem Cyl, Fancy Dial Mov’mt.......$8 75 Wind . Good oodd No..4765771a3shLisgne,PFairCCyly.l.Move..$5.25 No. 4758 18 © No. 4769 Good Good “ “6 6 50 No..4760. 155Ligne,,FaairirCyyl.l.MMoovvee..S$>500 No. 4761 15 Cyl. Fancy Dial Mov'mt.. No. 4761 Ee eaodnc Good iG 6 88 No. 4756 s a m e a s a b a r e No. mu Same as above. Pla Piano in Nona.193°0AMowimt. §13 No. 4759 Al 4762 Mov'mt. -.- 8US. No4762)15= A aS oS 813 : Halse SHOU D CE G O eeERBAGTone 7 500 Oxidized Steel. Open Face. OxidizedSteel. Open Face. _ No.4763.1166Ligne Stem Wind,, Good No. 4 7 6 3 Cyl. Mov'mt. Cylm@Mionsiniteso. Se te see $8 75