Pocket Watch Database




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August 18, 2023





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Swiss American Imitation Massasoit Watch Co.
Serial #38462

Image of Swiss American Imitation Massasoit Watch Co. #38462 Movement
Movement Image
Image of Swiss American Imitation Massasoit Watch Co. #38462 Dial
Dial Image
Manufacturer Swiss American Imitation
Grade Massasoit Watch Co.
Serial Number 38462
Size 18s
Model 1857
Jewel Count 7j
Setting Key
Finish Nickel
Case Material
Case Manufacturer
Case Grade/Model
Case Serial #
Case Details
Dial Material
Dial Type
Dial Style
Dial Signing Name
Dial Details This watch is a Swiss imitation (better known as a Swiss fake) of a fictional U.S. watch brand by the name of the Massasoit Watch Co. which was made in Switzerland and not Boston, MA. The name of the company is interesting in the fact that Massasoit was the leader of the Wampanoag confederacy who formed an alliance with the colonists at Plymouth Colony in order to provide defense for his people. It was through his assistance that the Plymouth Colony avoided starvation during the early years. The deceptive manufacturers of these Swiss fakes were hoping to sell these inexpensive Swiss watches to unsuspecting buyers who were in the market for an American pocket watch. This fake company name in particular would make it quite believable to the average consumer of the time that this watch was made in Massachusetts. The importation of these Swiss fakes was halted (or at least greatly reduced) when in 1871, the United States passed a law that required watches to be labeled with the manufacturer's country of origin.
Movement Markings Massasoit Watch Co
Boston Mass
Contributed to the database by AIexander on December 24, 2023.
This collection record was most recently edited on December 24, 2023.