Pocket Watch Database
Urbana, Illinois
Member Since
February 8, 2016
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Elgin 345
Serial #24925064
Example Image
(Represents #24925064)
Manufacturer | Elgin |
Grade | 345 |
Serial Number | 24925064 |
Size | 12s |
Model | 3 |
Jewel Count | 17j |
Setting | Pendant |
Finish | Nickel |
Case Material | Coinsilver |
Case Manufacturer | Bates & Bacon (Regal) |
Case Grade/Model | |
Case Serial # | 5850882 |
Case Details | Numerous scratched dates? inside back cover, cannot really tell what the metal is, just guessed on Coin Silver, there is no Case Guarantee visible. |
Dial Material | Silverfinished |
Dial Type | Single-Sunk |
Dial Style | Arabic |
Dial Signing Name | |
Dial Details | |
Movement Markings | None other than those shown, it does NOT say "safety pinion" beneath 17 jewels. |
Contributed to the database by kevinwaspi on February 11, 2016.
This collection record was most recently edited on May 11, 2023.
This collection record was most recently edited on May 11, 2023.