Pocket Watch Database

David F. Conover & Co. 1877 Catalog

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date April 19, 2019

For the Trade only. DAVID E. CONDVER & cu. Successors to Wm. B. Warne & Co. ‘WI ll1|!‘i Importers, Manufacturers and; Wholesale‘Dealers in AMBIIIAA} A N I DRAINW A ITII,AM, S E Cor. Chestnutand; SeventhS t , (First E10013) ' Late01°35 30. 3dst ' PHILADELPHIA 91. " Emlqlfi-IARY l s t1877 __2:an .' "j; : 0 * - . . I . 'Ii“ . M ' ‐ . -.-I- fgflfl n pj' t 1',_ I l‐‐ 0 --‐‐_-‐-‐‐-r ‐ ‐ - p _ ‐ _ < . m " M ‐ _ - ~ . ‐ ‘ ‐ ‐ m fi v _ - ~ 9 ‘ 1 DAVID P. UUNUVER & EU. SUCCESSORS TO .. ; ‘ :I ‘ ' <\fE.r AMERIGAN AND roamwmnns, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, 850.. &c.. NO. 632 CHESTNUT STREET, 8. E. Corner Chestnuf and Seventh St. (FIRST FLOOR.) LATE01‘No.35SOUTHTHIRDST., PHELADELEHJLA .................. ........................................................................ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ........ .-..-.-------..--.-.......O.--.C-.-.---.----.-.---.--.---....------.Q.-.-0-.------.4--.-.-. . fifibfln “C2 4 60015. Jhflk a .OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FANCY . 0 9 - . . . 0 0 a0 - ! ll 5 " “ ‘, 539% ’ 5:15:33; ”(iv(151%)“ ‘“ k9 .......................................................................................... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 3-4 Plate 14and 16Size (GENTS’) STEM wmms AND 3sz 3mm. First Quality NickelMovement,16 Size. Five. pairs extra fine ruby jewels, eXposed ruby pallets, compensatiml balance, accurately adjusted to heat, cold, isochronism and po‐ sition ; named “ American Watch 00., Waltham Mass.”.....................................$250 00 FineNickelMovement,16Size. Four and a.h a l f pairs extra. fine ruby jewels, w i t h g o l d settings, eXpnsed pallets, com‐ pensation balance, adjusted to hear. and cold, patent regulator; named “American Watch 00., Waltham, Mass."................. 125 00 Fine Gilded Movement,16Size. Waltham, Mass Fine Gilded Movement, 16 Size, 2d Quality. Four and a.half pairs extra. fiuejewels, exposed pallets, compensation balance, adj usted to heat and cold ; named “ American Watch 00., .............................. 8500 Four pairs extra. fine jewels, exposed pallets, compensatinn balance, adj usted to heat. and cold; named " American Watch 00., Park Road, Waltham, Mass." ........................... F i n e N i c k e l M o v e m e n t , 1 4 Size. 6700 8500 6000 35 00 3000 Four and a.half pairs extra. jewels, expansion balance, adj usted, made to w i n d a t fi g u r e X I I ,for openface cases; named “American Watch 00., Waltham, Mass.”................. F i n e G i l d e d M o v e m e n t , 1 4 Size. Four and a.half pairs extra jewels, esztnsion balance, adjusted, madeto wind atfigure XI I,foropenfacecases: named“American Watch 00., Waltham, Mass.” ................. F i n e G i l d e d M o v e m e n t , 1 4 Size. Two pairs extra jewels, expansionbalance,ad‐ justed, made (a wind at figure XII, for open face cases ,' named “ American Watch Company, Riverside, Waltham, Mass." ......... F i n e Gilded Movement,14Size. Plain jeweled, expansion balance, adjusted, che Waltham, Mass.” ............................ madeto windat figureXII,for019072. cases; named “American Watch 00., mvermde, w‐‘v‐u‐fi $39M WW MB} $2M $EH‘E:H$; Fine Nickel Movement, 8 Size. Four and a half pairs extra tine jewels, with gold settings, eXposed pallets,compensation balance, adjusted to heat and culd; named “AmericmzI'Vrztch Cu , Waltham, Mass.” $60 00 Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size. Fourpairs extrajewels, compmlsmion balance, adjustedtoheatandcold;nampd “ Ameri‐ c a n Watch 00., Walthmn, Mass.”........ 45 00 FineNickelMovement,8Size,211Quality. . Three pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, adjusted, named “Americmz Watch 00., Riverside, Waltham, Masse.”............. 4500 FineGildedMovement,8 Size,211Quality. Two pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, ' adjusted; named “American Watch, (70., Ri-vm'side, H’alflzrmz, Mmsas'.”.. . . . . . . . . . . 32 00 FineGildedMovement,8Size 2dQuality. Plain jeweled, expansion balance, adjusted: named " American Hfalch 00., Riverside, Waltlmm, Mass.”........................ 2700 m‐H‐o‐Dr‐o LADIES’ 8 AND 10 3123,. K E YWINDERS, Riverside‐ F i n e G i l d e d Movement. 8_Size. Two pairs extra. jewels, expansion balance, adjusted; named “American Watch 00 , _ Riverside, -Waltlmm, Mass."...;'... ..... 2300 4 FINE GILDED MOVEMENT, 8 SIZE... Plain jeweled, expansion balance, adjusted: named “ American Watch 00., Riverside, Waltham, Mass.”........................ $19 00 NICKEL MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE. Four pairs extra jewels, with gold settings and arbor cups, eXpansiou balance ; named “Appleton, Tracy (K? 00.IValt/aam,Mass.” 2750 GILDED MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE. Four pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, n a m e d " A p p l e t o n , T r a c y & -0 0 . , W a l t h a m , Mass.” .................................. 2250 P. S. BARTLETT. NICKEL MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE, SECOND QUALITY. Four pairs extra. jewels, eXpansion balance; named “ P. S. Bartlett, Wallham, Mass.” 22 00 GILDED MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE, SECOND QUALITY. Four pairs extra jewels, eXpdnsion balance: named “ P. S. Bartlett, 117althrme., Mass.” -WM. ELLERY. GILDED MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE. Two pairs extra, jewels, expansion balance, named “Wm. Ellery, Waltham, Mass.” GILDED MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE. Plainjeweled,expansionbalancenamed“ Wm. Ellery, Waltham, Mass.”................ GILDED MOVEMENT, 10 SIZE. l’lauin jeweled, nickel balance, named “Wm. Ellery, Waltham, Mass.” ........,....... GILDED MOVEMENT, 8 SIZE. Two pair extra jewels, expansion balaucq; named “I’Vm._ E l l e r y , Waltham, Mass.” 17 00 1250 1100 9 50. [6 00 5 ‘ GILDED MOVEMENT, 8 8128. Plain jeweled, 61111211131011 balance; named “Wm. Ellery TValt/Lam, Mass.” ........ $14 ()0 GILDED MOVEMENT, 8 SIZE Plain jeweled nickel balance; named “ W m Ellery, Wnlfhamz Maw.”............... 1200 Plain jeweled,ex11ansion balance; named 811.030 MOVEMENT,14 SIZE PlainjeweIEd, nickelbalance;11a.med“0resce7zt Garden Waltham, Mass”............... 1000 Full Plate, 18u"ize, Stem Wifldemss emfl Stem Sattem CrescentStreet. 8111080 MOVEMENT 188128. Four pairs, extra jewels, sprung over expan‐ sion balance, adjusted to heat and cold, ‐ patent Iegulat01,and patent: ratchet click; named “American Watch 00., Crescent . 5000M Street, Waltham, Mass.”................. E @iwem movement, 18 Size. Four pairs extra. jewels, eprung over expansion balance ; named “ Waltham Watch 00., Waltham, Mass.”........................ P- 3- BARTLETT‐ GfildLed Movement, 118 Size. TWO pairs extra. jewels, expansion balance; named“1’.S. BARTLETT,WALTHAM,MASS.” Wm. Ellery. @imed vaememfi, 1.8 Size. TWO pair extra. jewels, expansion balance; named “ W M . ELLERY, WALTHAM, MASS.” ' @ildledl Movemem, 1.8 Size. 2550 19 00 16 00 \ “ | ' APPLETON, TRACY & 00‐ E-imedl Mwemenfi, 1L8 Size. Four pairs extra. jewels, sprung over expansion balance, adj usted to 119th and cold; named “Appleton, Tracy&'00.,Waltham,Mass.” Gilded Mwemem, 1.8) Size. Four pairs extra.j ewels, sprung over expansion balance; named “Appleton, Tracy (f: 00., W'altham, Muss ”........................ $34 00 3000 Waltham Watch Company. Plainjeweled.eXpansionbalance;named“ WM. ELLERY, WALTHAM, MASS.”............... 15 00 7 Fourpairsextrajewels, sprungovereXp-ansmn balance; named “ APPLETON, TRACY & 00., WALTHAM, MASS.” ....................... Gilded Movement, 18 Size. Four gairs extra, jewels, sprung over eXpansion balance; named “ WALTHAM WATCH 00., WALTHAM, MASS.” ........'........... .. IR 39, IARTEEETQ Gilded Movement, 18 ‘Size. Fourholes,extra.jeweled2 sprungoverexpan‐A oi - . _-fi»_.!;1:_n:é-;;nw‐_‐ :..u-.-§-t- ‘9 - _ - m ‐ - W_*': _'Ls.fi._-:_J I’ r 28 oo‘ ___ q ' _, W'-L"‐' ‘‐,.34”‐ = ¢ ‐- ' q r . ” ‘ r -- ‐ _._-‐T .J' Gilded flIm'mne‘nt, 18 Size. Four holes, extra. jeweled, sprung over steel balance; named “ P. S. BARTLETT, WAL‐ THAM, MASS.” ................... Gilded IIIrmeme'nt, 18 Size, Four holes, extra, jeweled, sprung over expan‐ siou balance; named “ WM. ELLERY, WAL‐ THAM, B‘IASS.” Gilded llIovement, 18 Size. 11 50 Four holes, extra. jeweled, sprung over steel balance;named“ WM.ELLERY,WALTHAM, .................................. Gilded Movement, 18 8526. MASS." Plainjeweled,sprungover expansionbalance; named “ WM. ELLERY, VVALTHAM, MASS." 10 50 Plain jeweled, sprung over steel balance; Gilded Movement, 18 Size. named “ W M . ELLERY, WALTHAM, MASS.” 900 900 Four holes, extra, jeweled, steel balance; named “HOME WATCH Co., WALTHAM.” Gilded flIovement, 18 Size. Plain jeweled, steel balance, named “ HOME WATCH 00., WALTHAM.”......... ‘Plain jeweled, nickel balancé ; named “ A. W. 00., BROADWAY, WALTHAM, 'MAss.”.‘. . . . . 700 10SIZE, {‘01 deIGS’ MOVPmE‘ntQ, .................$ 65O 185128, 2ounce, German Sllvel (mp,............ 700 “ 2 “ Silver Cap, .................... 762 u. u 216 “ Gold u 3 “ Silver Joints, .................. 870 “ .................. 935 “ ................. 1000 531/2 “ Silver H '3 "' Gold “ ............ . 1065 ‘ 4 “ Silver .c 4 “ Gold “ ................. 1235 “ .................. 1300 u. 5 “ u 6 “ Gold “ .................. 1588 “ .................. 1875 (101d 18Slze ‘3ounce, Sllvel Tomts ..................$10 00 u 3 “ b o l d “ .................. 1065 5c 4 “ Gold ‘ .................. 1300 108129, for Ladles’ Movements F l a t Glaas,....$ 6 50 | 18Size, 2ounce, Silver Cap,.................... 762 “ 2%“ Silver Joints, .................. 870 21/5 “ “ Gold “ .................. 935 “ 3 “ S i l v e r “ 3 “ Gold “ .................. 1000 “ .................. 1065 “ 4 “ «S i l v e r “ 4“Gold “..................1300 For Full Plate Stem Winding Movements. In HuntingandOpenFace. “ .................. 1235 18Size, 2ounce, Silver Cap and Silver Joints, $ 8 62 “ I2%“ S i l v e r Joints, .................. 970' “ 2%“ Gold “ ................. 1035 “ 3 “ 7Silver “ ................ 1100 “ 3 Gold ...... ......... 1165 “ 4 “ Silver “ .....-..,....... 1335 “ 4 “ Gold “ ........I.......... 1400. 14 Size, 1% ounce, Silver Joints, for' movements - ‘ that Wind at’ figure XII............,..... .... 75‘0 10 ‘ i J J I HUNTING CASES, weighing about 2 oz $4 ’75 .¢ 5‘ “ “ 3“ 550 OPENFACEGASES, “ “ 2 “ 450 u H H u 3 c. 5 25 Silver Hunting Cases for 3/4 Plate Movements, other than 14 Size, made to order at Special prices. Gold. Cases from 10k. to 18 k., constantly on hand, and made to order; varying in price according to quality, weight and style. I‘ QELYER P’flgfiig OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. 2Ounce, Gold Joints................$1125 3 “ “ 4 “ “ 5 “ “ ................ 138 ................ 1625 ................ 1925 6 “ “ 8 “ “ ................ 225 ................ 3O00 3“ .5 ~ .....1425 4 w “ “ .'...1700 5 “ .....200 6 “ “ - “ r . . . . . 2 30 0 Extra. for Spring in Back ©1715be ‘Goops.c) II E:w EEEE @mEm Mwmgm Manufactured by the SPRINGFIELD WATCH C0. Springfield,Illinois‐ W“.‐ NAMED AS FOLLOWS: “ STUART.”-‐Full plate lgver movement, 18size, sunk second dial, 15Jewels,eXposed $55 00 30 00 36 00 25 00 30 00 18 ‘00 17 00 20 00 14-001 “BUNN.”-‐Full plate lever movement, 18 size; sunk second dial, 15 jewels, exposed pallets, expansion balance, sprpng gver With hardened and tempered 1121.11' sprmg, “ BUNN.” Adjusted.-‐The same, finely adjusted toheat and cold................. “ MILLER.”‐Fu11plate lever movement, 18size, sunk second dia1,15jewels, eXposed pallets, eXpansion balance, sprung over With hardened and tempered hair spring” . “ MILLER.” Adjusted. ‐ The 36177165, adjusted toheat and cold. ................. “CURRIER-”‐Fu11 plate lever move.. ment, 18size, sunk second dial, 11jewels, exposed pallets, expansion balance, sprung: over With .hardened and tempered h a i r spring, ................................ \ “HOYT,”‐‐Fu11plate lever movement, 18 size, sunk second dial, 9 jewels, exposed 6‘ pallets, expansion balance, sprung over With hardened and tempered h a i r spring... . “ DEAN,”‐Fu11 plate lever movement, 18 size, sunk second dial, 15 jewels, exposed pallets, expansionbalance,half-cut,sprung ovey With hardened and tempered hair sprmg .................................... 6“MASON.”‐Full plate lever movement, 18$126, sunk second dial,7jewels, eXposed pallets,expansionbalance,half-cut,sprung ove.r With hardened and tempered hair sprmg......................-.............. BATES.”‐Full plate lever movement, 188126, sunk seconddial,7jewels, exposed ._. pallets, expansion shape steel balance spgung pver with hardened and tempered halr sprmg. .... ..............‐........... “INTERIOR.”‐Full plate lever move‐ ment, 18size, plain dial, 7 jewels, exposed ‘ pallets, nickel balance, s p r u n ' over 'W'th hardened andtempqred hairsgring, ‘ 1"1 I unding Wat'ch yet offered, either of EurOpean or American manu- facture. Chronometer Balance Movement, Plain Regu- lator...................................... $94 ()0 Chronometel Balance Movement Patent Regu- latm....................................... 10100 1 V E ‘ i 1 I 1 I . PRICE LIST- 0? ' n.‘ nnwm &en’s. annmms, 1877. Chrunmueter Balance Movement, Plain Begu‐ Iator...................................... $70 00 Chrouometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator..................................... '77 00 Chrouometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator,Nickel............................ 10000 Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu- later,adjustedtoheatandcold............ 9200 I I Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu- lator, adjusted toheat and cold, Nickel.. Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator, adj usted to heat, cold and position. .. Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ 115 00 122 00 1 , . Chlonometel Balance Movement, Pdtent Regu- lator, ' N i c k e l............................. 125, 00 116 00 140 00 14600 152 00 Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator, adj usted toheat and cold ............ Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator, adjusted toheat aud cold. Nickel.. Chronometer Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator,adjustedtoheat,cold and position. Chronometer Balan03 Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator, adjmated to heat, cold a n d position, ._setjiewels ......'........................... Chronomet-er Balance Movement, Patent Regu‐ lator,adjustedto heat,cold and posnlon, setjewels,Nickel........................ 17500 l l Ladies’ Size Movement. KEY WINDING‐DUST PROOF. ! ChronometerBalanceMovementPlainRegulator,$70 00 ‘ Chrouometer Balance Movement, Patent “ 77()0 I Chrmmmeter Balance Movement, Patent “ Ni c k e l , ....................................100 00 Stem Windmg (and Stem Sett1ng,) DUST PROOF. Chronometer Balance Movement P l a i n Regul‘mor, $94 ()0 (‘hronmneter Balance Movement, Patent .: 10100 Chmnometer Balance Movement, Patent N i c k e l , ....................................124 00 it tl . .‐‐‐-‐.‐-‐‐-‐- II I. C l ,. ' - - hetrain as breaklno' of the spnng causes no damage to t ,. ‘ , the recgil is entirely Within the barrel, Wthh et the Io ‘ ‘ 1 moment of breaking, is completely dlsconnec the train. TheStemWinciingMovements ranted to be made in the most faithful manner, of the best materials, and to perform and wear bettel: than my imported watch of the same cost. A n y imperfectlons 1n the workmanship w i l l be promptly corrected. Gold and Silver Cases constantly on hand and made to order. Address, EEEEE E EEEEEEE, E, Ea... . (Successors to Wm. B. Warne 8!. Co.) (FORMERLY WARNE & 00.) South East Corner of Chestnut and 7th 8153., (First Floor,) PHILADELPHIA... February 1 , 18 7 7. a’ I ‐ ._-_______.7'. ' - g‐ .‘ l--47--.-.n‐.x‐ ‐ I | | '}_ i . _ . 5..%.}- L‐ D .4lt. "I: .I wa.x‐. zu1._.;. . . a . . . . _. . . - .nilq.d.uanfihn .=3‐4. .vI.. .H.5“.{WH.3w3.2.“4.”._..;.1_ .72;..x.,.s. F‘IV1'IIV'} .I0o.l‘ .v.atuvdl‘|l.la ;.,,_ _ . . . . _ _ § . €