Pocket Watch Database

Geo. H. Richards, Jr. Price List Catalog (c.1880)

Contains lists of movements produced by Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Hampden, E. Howard, and Auburndale. Mention of cases upon request by Fahys, G.W. Ladd, Boss, American Watch Co., and Dueber. A page of silver cases is listed anonymously (likely American Watch Co. cases).

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $54.62

Acquisition Date: February 28, 2022

Digitized Date March 02, 2022

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t FOR THE TRADEONLY. i Y “AMENIU vA, :|G o p&PLATEDJEWELRY,|. SLVR AND SILVER PLATED WARE, |] ‐ 383 Eee Vase,NGTON BOSTON, . . . ge WATCH MOVEMENTS Manufactured by the AMERICAN WATCH CO., WALTHAM, MASS. 3-4 Plate, 14 and 16 Size. Gents’ Stem Winders and Stem Setters, First Quality, Nickel Movement, 16 Size. Four and ahalfpairs extra fine ruby jewels, exposed ruby allets, compensation balance, accurately adjusted to eat, cold, isochronism and position; named, ““AMERI‐ CAN WatcH Co., WALTHAM, Mass.” Price, $250.00. Fine Nickel Movement, 16 Size. Fourand a half pairs extra fine ruby jewels, withgold settings, exposed pallets, compensation balance, ad‐ susted to heat and cold,patent regulator; named, “ A M N . Tarcu Co., WALTHAM, Mass.” Price, $150.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 16 Size. Four anda half pairs extra fine Syep exposed pallets, compensationbalance,adjusted toheatandcold;named, “AmMN. W a t c H Co., WALTHAM, Mass.” Price,$95.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 16 size, Second Quality. Four pairs extra fine jewels, exposed pallets, com‐ pensationbalance, adjusted to heat and cold; named, par ass.” Wartcu Co., P a r k Roap, WALTHAM, Price, $70.00. Fine Nickel Movement, 14 Size. Fouranda half pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, ad‐ justed, MADETOWIND ATFIGURE XII, ORFIGUREI n , n a m e d , “AMN. WatTcu Co., WALTHAM, Mass.” Price, $90.00. Fine Gilded Movement,14 Size, F o u r and a half pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, adjusted, made to wind at figure XII, or figure Ill, named, “AMN. WaTcH Co., WattHaM, Mass.” Price, $65.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 14 Size. T w o pairs e x t r a jewels, expansion balance, adjusted, made to windat figure XII. or figure III; named *“Amer’n Watch Co., Riverside, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $36.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 14 Size. Plainjeweled, expansionbalance,adjusted, made to wind at figure XII, or ysigure Ill, named ‘Amer’n Watch Co., Riverside,Waltham, Mass.” Price,$31.00. Ladies8’ Size, Stem Winders & Stem Setters. Fine Nickel Movement, 8 Size. F o u r a n d ah a l f p a i r s e x t r a fi n e j e w e l s , w i t h g o l d s e t t i n g s , exposed pallets, compensation balance, adjusted to heat and cold; named, ‘ A m n . Watch Co., Waltham, Mass.” Price, $ 7 0 . 0 0 , Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size. F o u r pairs extra jewels, compensation balance, ‐‐ to _ and cold; named, “ A m n . Watch Co., altham, ass.” Price, $48.00. Fine Nickel Movement; 8 Size, Second Quality. Three pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, adjusted; named, ‘‘Amer’n Watch Co., Riverside, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $48.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size, Second Quality, F o u r pairs e x t r a jewels, prpesice balance, adjusted; named ‘* Amer’n Watcl Co., Riverside, Wal‐ Price,$38.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size, Second Quality. T w o pairs e x t r a jewels, expansion balance, adjusted, named, ‘“Amer’n Watch Co., Riverside, Waltham; Mass.” Price,$33.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size, Second Quality, Plainjeweled, expansionbalance,adjusted;named,‘*Amer’n atch Co., Riverside, Waltham, Mass.” Price,$28.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size, Second Quality, T w o pairs e x t r a jewels, expansion balance, adjusted ; named ‘ ‘ A m , . Watch Co., Royal, Waltham, Mass.” Price,$25.00. 44 Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size, Second Quality. Plain vctes, expansion balance, adjusted; named, ‘ A m . atch Co., Royal, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $ 2 2 . 0 0 . CRESCENT GARDEN. Gilded Movement, 14 Size. Twopairsextrajewels,expansionbalance; named,‘‘Cres‐ cent Garden, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $ 1 5 . 0 0 . Gilded Movement, 14 Size. Plain jeweled, expansion balance; named, ‘Crescent Gar‐ den, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $13.00. Gilded Movement, 14 Size, Plain jeweled, nickel balance; named, “Crescent Garden, altham, Mass.” Price, $11.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size. T w o pairs extra jewels, expansion balance, adjusted; named ‘‘sAmer’nWatch Co., Riverside, Waltham, Mass.” Price.$23.00. Fine Gilded Movement, 8 Size, P l a i n jeweled, expansion balance, adjusted; named, *‘Amer’n Watch Co., Riverside, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $ 1 9 . 0 0 . PS.BARTLET: Nickel Movement, 10 Size, Second Quality, Fourpairs extra jewels, expansion balance; named,“ P , S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $22.00. Gilded Movement, 10 Size, Second Quality. F o u r pairs extra jewels, expansion balance; named, “ P . S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $17.00. W M . ELLERY. Gilded Movement, 10 Size. T w o pair's extra jewels, expansion balance; named, ‘ W m . Ellery, Waltham, Mass.” Price,$13.50. E 18 Size Stem Winders, ‘New Model.’ A. W. CO. “STERLING.” Jewels,NickelBalance....+s.seesseee veree ce$e9.5e0 " Gilded Movement, 10 Size. Plain jeweled, expansion balance, named, “ W m . Ellery, altham, Mass.” Price, $12.00. Gilded Movement, 10 Size, Plain jeweled, nickel balance, named, “ W m . Waltham, Mass.” Price,$10.50. Gilded Movement, 8 Size, jog oanextrajewels, expansion balance,named,“ Wm. Ellery,Waltham, Mass.” Price, $13.5 Gilded Movement, 8 Size. Plain jeweled, expansion balance; named, ‘‘Wm. Ellery Waltham: M a s s . ” : Price, $ 1 2 . 0 0 . Gilded Movement, 8 Size, Plain jeweled, nickel balance; named, ‘‘Wm. Ellery, ‘Waltham, Mass.” Price,$10.50. Full Plate, 18 Size, Key Winders, “New Model.”’ BROADWAY. 7 Jewels, N i c k e l Balance.....:ssecscseesecetecceee s e e s BO.7O W. ELLERY. 2 pairsextraJewels,CutEx.Bal...... . . . - - - c e e 0 - + + + 9.10 P. S. BARTLETT. 2 pairs extraJewels, in settings, C u t E x . Balance..... 13.50 WALTHAM WATCH CO. 4pairsextraJewels,insettings,CutEx.balance.... 20.00 APPLETON, TRACY & CO., 4pairsextraJewels,in settings,Cut,Ex.Balanceadj.30.00 CRESCENT STREET. 4pairsextra Jewels ineiiebiaesaeEx.Bal.,adj.Pat. Reg...... emens es Fabnsta Mokb i p e swaReoeee Aled Full Plate, c ++0+38.00 Ellery, scone WM. ELLERY. 2 pairsextraJewels,CutEx.Balance. wccscccccceP lG5l P. S. BARTLETT. 2pairsextraJewels,in settings,Cut.Ex,Bal......0+ 19.00 WALTHAMWATCH CO. 4pairsextraJewelsin settings,CutEx.Bal........+ 25.50 APPLETON, TRACY & CO. 4pairsextraJewels,in settings,CutEx.Bal.adj..... 36.00 CRESCENT STREET. 4 pairs extra Jewels, in settings, Cut. E x . Bal. adj. Pat. Reg..-.cssceccseeecscesecccccccecerecceeseees 50:00 MARTYN SQUARE. Gilded Movement, 14 Size. T w o pairs, extra Jeweled, sprung o v e r expansion balance; named, ‘ M a r t y n Square, Waltham, Mass.” Price, $14.50. Stem Winders and Stem Setters. MARTYN SQUARE. Gilded Movement, 14Size, F o u r p a i r s e x t r a j e w e l s , sprung o v e r e x p a n s i o n b a l a n c e , a d ‐ justed to heat and cold; named, ‘‘Martyn Square, Wal‐ tham, Mass.” Price, $36.00. MARTYN SQUARE. Gilded Movement, 14 Size. Fourpairs extra jewels, sprung over expansion balance; named, ‘MartynSquare,Waltham, Mass.” Price,$27.50. MARTYN SQUARE. Gilded Movement, 14 Size. T w o pairs extra jewels, expansion balance; named, Mar‐ tyn Square, Waltham, Mass.” Price,$20.00. SILVER HUNYING CASES. For Key Winding Movements. 1 0 Size,forLadies’Movements’. . . e s s . . . . 0 + 2 Size, 1} ounce, Silver Cap and Silver Joints Size,2 do German Silver Ca do Silver Cap. = Size,forLadies’Movements,FlatGlass..seeeee...‐ Size, 1}ounce, Silver Cap and Silver Joints... ‐2do SilverCap. Joints......... 3 id ceocscccns For Full Plate Stem Winding Hovemante, in Hunting and Open Face. 18nesbsounce,Silver Cap and Silver Joints do A6- J OscccUcecsvMcccoeeTs ee eeewerewerewereesceees AFULLLINE OF . SILVER HUNTING AND OPEN FACE DUEBER WATCH CASES. STEM WINDERS AND KEY WINDERS. ‐‐‐ W A T C H MOVEMENTS Manufactured by the ELGIN NAVIONAL, WAXCH COMPANY, BLGIN, ILL. 3-4 Plate, 14 and 16 Size, Stem Winders. “Nameless.” (Engraved E l g i n National Watch Co.) Interchangeable: pérmitting the stem to be placed at either XII or III,inthe same movement. No.72. Nickel, Compensation Balance, adjusted to heat, cold, isochronism and position; 1 extra fine red ruby jewels in raised gol settings, Breguet spring-pat. micrometer fogulaten= 2 5 3 2 3 " Se ee - N o . 50. Nickel, Expansionbalance; adj.15 jewels, 4pairs settings - eee peas eee N o . 49. G i l t , Expansion balance, adjusted; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings - - - = = No.48. Gilt,Expansionbalance,adjusted;13jewels, 3pairs settings - - ie No.47. Gilt,Expansionbalance,7jewels - - 30.66 3-4 Plate, 6 and 8 Size. Stem Winders, “Nameless.” (Engraved E l g i n National Watch Co.) No.71. Nickel,Expansion balance,adjusted;17 fine ruby jewels, 5 pairs raised gold settings No.67. Nickel, Expansion balance; 15jewels; 4 pairs settings - Be ae e No.66. Gilt,Expansionbalance,15jewels, 4pairs settings - - - - * - . The above movements have quick trains and straight line escapements. 14and6 sizes supplied only when specially ordered. See $125.88 50-33 40:03 ‘ 34.66 jewels, 4 pairssettings - Bees H. H. Taylor.‐Expansion balance, adjusted; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings G.M.Wheeler.‐Expansionbalance, 11jewels Mat Laflin.‐Expansion balance, 7jewels ‐ Advance.‐Expansion balance, (cut,) 4 holes top sop plate, jewelled a te eS Chief.‐Expansion balance, (cut,) 7jewels ‐ Age.‐Nickel balance,7jewels - : ‐ N o . 70. N o . 61. No.20, (EngravedElgin NationalWatchCo.) Expansion balance, adjusted ; 15jewels, 4 pairssettings,patentregulator Expansion balance, adjusted ; 15jewels, 4 pairs settings a e e Expansion balance, adjusted; 15jewels, $52.67 e /8 Size, Stem. Winders. Full Plate. “Nameless,” oat Se jeweled - - er - - 11.80 4 pairs settings No.63. Expansionbalance,13jewels,3prs.settings 19.67 No.10. Expansionbalance,(cut), 4holestopplate, No. 9. Expansionbalance, (cut),7jewels - No.8. Nickel balance,7jewels ee 10.26 ee 232 Nos.7oand 61havequick trains and straight line escapements. [ 7 1 - 2 Size Stem Winders, Full Plate. “Regular.” Leader in Hunting and Open Face Cases, o l d I7 |-2 Size. Key Winders. Full Plate. “Regular.” L e a d einr Huntingand Open Face Cases - = =$11.00 /0 Size, Ladies’ Key Winders. “Regular.” FrancisRubie.‐Expansionbalance,adj.,15jewels, $39.34 SU BEEE te 2 s e e s Leader in antingand Open Face Cases, 30z. - 15.73 19.00 13.34 53200 C e ) ee eee ae ae i e e e - Nameless,No.53.‐Expansionbalance,7jewels 12.67 Lady Elgin.‐Expansion balance, 15jewels Gail Borden.‐Expansion balance, 11jewels Dexter Street.‐ Expansion balance,7jewels Nameless,No.54.‐Expansionbalance, 13jewels, See 00 -. Soe - - =: aga 15.68 B. W. Raymond.‐Expansionbalance,adjusted; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings, patent regulator - $46.33 H. Z. Culver.‐Expansion balance, adjusted; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings - - - = Sy H . H . Taylor.‐Expansion ae eee adjusted ; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings ‐ G. M. Wheeler.‐Expansion ‘idee,11jewels ‐ Mat. Laflin.‐Expansion balance, 7jewels . ~ ‐ Advance.‐Expansion balance, cone) 4 holes top plate,jewelled - - Chief.‐Expuansion balance, (cut,)7 jewels A g e . ‐ N i c k e l balance, 7 jewels - : - phe ae” ‐ 18 Size, Key Winders, Full Plate. “Nameless.” (Engraved Elgin National Watch Co.) N o . 69. Expansion balance, adjusted; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings, patent regulator - ‐ N o . 62. Expansion balance, adjusted 15Jewels, 4pairssettings - ~- N o . 58. Expansion balance, Boe 4 pairs settings - N o . 57. Expansion balance, 13 settings - - - ee Le 15ee ¢ * 20.34 jewels, 3 pairs - - - 14.33 - + 11.67 topas Nos.69and62havequicktrains and straight line es‐ ‘~capenents. /4 Size, Key Winders, 8-4 Plate. “Nameless.” N o . 55. Expansion balance, 7jewels - N o . 13. Expansion balance, (cut,) jewelled = - vee - 9.00 No. 12. Expansion balance, (cut,) 7jini No.60, Nickelbalance,7jewels - - - - 6.67 No.46. Nickel,expansion balance,adjusted; 15 jewels, 4 pairs settings - No. 37. Gilt, expansion balance, adjusted ;35 jew‐ els, 4 pairs settings - : $28.33 23.67 No.39. Gilt,expansionbalance,13lgichess.3pairs settings - - - 16.66 N o . 35. G i l t , e x p a n s i o n b a l a n c e , 7 j e w e l s - - 13.66 A l l 14Size, 3-4 Plateshave quick trains and straight line escapements. : #28 eee WATCHMOVEMENTS Manufacturedby the ILLINOIS SPRINGFIELD WATCH COMPANY, GENTS’ 1 8 S I Z E F U L L P L A T E M O V E M E N T S , Key Stem Wind. Wind. « STUART.” : Adjusted. ” « BUNN. Adjusted 7 « MILLER,” Adjusted. « MILLER.” “ COBRIER.” « HOYT” “ DEAN.” “ MASON.” | Double sunk dial, 15jewels, Exposed pallets. Expansion balance, sprungoverwithhard‐ ened and tempered isochronal hair spring, finely adjusted to temperature and isochronism... Improved ‐ second. dial. 15 jewels. xposed pallets. } hoodedbalance,sprung over w i t h hardened and tempered | hair spring, finely adjusted to heat and COld....seeessseesesers Sunk second dial. 15 jewels. Exposed pallets. Expansion balance, sprungover with hard‐ ened and tempered hair spring, adjusted to heat and cold....... Sunk second dial. 15jewels. Exposed pallets. Expansion balance, sprung over with hard‐ ened and tempered hair spring. Sunk second dial. 11 jewels. Exposed pallets. Expansion balance, sprung over with hard‐ ened and tempered.hair spring.. Sunk second dial. 15 jewels. Exposed pallets. Expansion balance,half cut, sprung over with hardened and tempered hair Spring....cecccescseccesers Sunk second dial. jewels. Exposed pallets. xpansion balance, half cut, sprung over w i t h hardened and tempered hair Spring.. c c c e s e c c c c c e e c c c o e s Sunk second dial. 7 jewels. Exposed pallets. Expansion shape, steel balance, s p r u n g over with hardened and tem‐ 25|$24.00 « BATES,” \ peredhair spring......ccccewes GENTS’ 18 SIZE, FULL PLATE MOVEMENTS. Wk “America. «No, 1.” o e s expansion balance. Engraved cock, arbor cup, hardened and temperedhairspring’. . . . . . e s e 0 . Also made as “Nameless,” en‐ graved“Ills.Springfield Watch Co.,Springfield, Ills.”......06.6 f Sunk second dial. 11 jewels. Key Stem Wind. Wind. $9.05) $11.80 $7-55|$10.25 balance. roars ‐_ ‐ cup, raised index, hardenedan Exposedpallets. Cutexpansion 5 ae “Columbia. | tempered h a i r spring No, 2." evcesceee 7_ jewels. Exposed pallets. «Tnterior.” Nickel balance, sprung over 3 w i t h hardened a n d tempered $6.05| $9.50 hair spring...-ccccccccccce c e c e © ner LADIES’ 8 SIZE, THREE-QUARTER PLATE, ‘Mary Stuart? “RoseLeland” Key Stem Wind, Wind, 15 jewels (4 prs. in settings). ompensation balance, finely ( ¢e++«+/$33-00 adjusted t o heat and c o l d . . . . . . . 13jewels (3 prs. in settings). Compensation balance, finely adjusted to heat and cold....... $19.00] $30.00 $13,50|$24.50 11jewels (2prs, insettings) cut, " Sunnyside’? { expansion balance.....seeseeses « Arlington”? { Patancdeeccesssee c e ? } g12.00}$22.00 The above Ladies’ movements have quick trains, sunk sec‐ ond dials, hardened and tempered hair springs, and exposed pallets. The stem-winders have improved Patentsetting bars. An extra charge will bemade for engravingspecial names. Lateimprovements enable us to furnish to the trade 18 size stem-winding and stem-setting movements made especially f o r openfacecases,with figureatx11,atpendant,andseconds op‐ posite. ‘Interiors Americas andColumbias” with theseattach‐ ments are regular stock. Other grades made to order in lots ot notlessthan five WATCH MOVEMENTS MANUPACTORED BY THE Hampden Watch Co., of Springfield, Mass. Stem Winders& Key Winders. Gent’s /6 Size, 3-4 Flates. E. W. Bond.‐Chronometer balance, nickel, 17fine ruby ed ak gold petting’, ac s.W. K.W. justed = - $90.00 $.+-+e John L. King.‐Gilt, 17jewels,Expansion Balance; adjusted 78.00 Chas. Norton.‐Gilt, 17jewels,Expansion e c c n c e Balance; adjuste Homer Foot.‐Gilt, 15jewels, Expansion Balance;adjusted =- + eeeeee Clark.‐Gilt 15jewels, Expansion Balance; adjusted ° g e e c e s Gent’s /8 Size; Full Plates. 54.00 54,00: 48,00 . 40,00 Railway.‐Nickel, 15 jewels, Expansion Balance;adjusted : - $49.55 $43.20 J. C. Perry.‐Nickel, 15 jewels,Expansion Balance; adjusted = ‘ 33-30 30.00 e c c c e s c c o c e s 26.40 22.80 18.00 e s c c e e 18.00 27.60 24.00 25.80 21.60 21.60 18.00 13.50 15,00 13-20 ODO 8.00 8.00 7.50 = 7-10 8.25 6-75 All3-4platesareadjusted to heat and cold. All full plates that are adjusted, are engraved on the top plate “ A d j . Temp.” J.C.Perry.‐Nickel, 15jewels,Expansion Balance 3 F r e d e r i c k B i l l i n g s . = G i l t , 1 5j e w e l s , E x p a n ‐ sion Balance; adjusted - FrederickBillings.ae 15,Jewels, sola sion Balance > Chester Woolworth.‐ G i l t , 15jewels,‘Expan. sion Balance; adjusted - Chester Woolworth.‐ G i l t , 15ise sitedExpan‐ sion Balance - HampdenWatch Co.‐Nickel,11jewels,Ex‐ pansion Balance _ _- - HampdenWatch Co.‐Gilt, 11_jewels, Ex‐ pansionBalance - Theo. E. Studley.‐Gilt, 11 jewels, Rxpan. sion Balance - Chas. E. Hayward.‐Gilt, a jewels, “Expan‐ sion Balance : jewels, Expansion o w e s i e s t cesese ‘ seocse e v e n s ....-. 11.85 Aaron Bragg.‐Gilt,.11 Balance - - Geo. Sam. Rice.‐Gilt,9jewels, Expansion Balance - Novelty.‐Gilt7,jewels,SteelBalances. <5 John Hancock.TR 7jewels, Steel Balance Springfield,Mass., Expansion Balance.‐ Gilt, 11aeweles Im. Expansion Bal‐ ance - - Springfield,Mass., tepansiod Balance.‐ Gilt,7jewels, I m , Expansion Balance....9.55 - WATCH MOVEMENTS MANUFACTURED BY E. HOWARD & CO. 16 and 18 Size, Key Winders, Dust Proof. K.W. S.W. lator . . . . . 5 . Chronometer balance movement, patent regu‐ lator;Nickel A * . ‘ 5 . $60.00 $85.00 65.00 90.00 90.00 115.00 80.00 105.00 105.00 130.00 1 1 0 , 0 0 135.00 Chronometer balance movement,F aanregu‐ lator, adjusted to heat and col 4 > Chronometer balance movement, patent regu‐ lator,adjustedtoheatandcold;Nickel Chronometer balance movement, patent regu‐ lator, adjusted to heat, cold and position Chronometer balance movement, patent regu‐ lator,adjustedtoheat,coldandposition; 135.00 160.00 Wickels #525 . Ladies’ Size Movements. Dust P r o o f , ' K.Ww. S.W. Chronometerbalancemovement,plainregula‐eee “Sage tor6REEF Chronometer balance movement, patent regu‐ lator. S i n e - 5 < a 65.0090.00 Chronometer balance movement, patent regu‐ lator;Nickel * . 5 . e . 8500 110,00 WATCHMOVEMENTS Manufactured at AUBURNDALE, MASS. No. 1 Bentley.‐18size; %4Plate; Quick Train; 7 Jewels; F u l l G i l t ; Stem Winder; Expansion Balance; Adjustable; fits f u l l plate case No. 2 Bentley.‐Same as No. 1,with 11 jewels No.3 Bentley.‐SameasNo.1,with15jewels No. 4 Bentley.‐Samaes No. 1, excepting it is a KeyWinder,withfixed key 5 é . ° No. 5 Bentley.‐Same as N o , 2, excepting it is a 13.50 No. 6 Bentley.‐Same as N o . 3, excepting it is a 15.00 Key Winder, with fixed key . : : . Key Winder,withfixed key . No7Lincoin.‐18size; 34Plate; Quick Train; 7 Compound Balance; fits full plate case . Note. A l l of the Key Winders havea fixed key,the use of which does not interfere with the useof thecommonkey. Jewels; FullGilt; K e y Winder, with fixed key 7-75 ae . . . ‘ $15.50 17.00 19.00 12.00 Timers. No. 9 Auburndale.‐18 size; % Plate; Nickeled; Key Winder with fixed key; Steel Balance; Fits full plate case14;,second; Fly notingMinutes,Seconds and starts and flies back at stem. facedcase # 2 . 5 . . ° $15.00 No. 10. Auburndale.‐Same asNo. 9, excepting it denotes eighths of seconds . . . . 15.00 Directionsfor using the Timers. Holdingthetimerinthelefthand,startitbyturning the crown at the stem towards you; stop it by the reverse m o ‐ tion. After stopping and taking the time, shouldthesmall handon thelowerdialnotstand at figure 4, start the timer and stop it again, with the small hand at that figure, then pressgently thecrown,thussendingtheotherhandsto the startingpoint,theobjectbeingthatallthehandsmay con‐ formin goingaround thedial. WATCH MOVEMENTS ManufacturedbythefollowingCompaniesfurnished to order. R o c k r o r p W a t c u Co., Rockrorp, ILL. CoLumBus WATCH Co., CoLuMBUs, OHIO. LANCASTER WatTcu Co., LANCASTER, P a . PHILADELPHIA WATCH Co., PHILADELPHIA, P A . INTERNATIONAL WatTCH Co,, NEW Y o r K . T i r r a n y & Co’s WATCHES. N i c o u p & Co.’s WATCHES, A N D VARIOUS SwISs MAKERS. THE FINEST, LARGEST AND B E S T ASSORTED STOCK IN BOSTON, OF GOLD WATCH CASES, KEY AND STEM WINDING, G. W. Lapp’s FILLEDCasEs. Key Boss’ FILLED CasgEs. DUEBER SILVER CASsEs. : AMERICANWatcuCo.,SILVER CASEs, Stem Josrru F a n y ’ s SILVER Caszs. GOLD AND SILVER CASES OF SPECIAL DESIGNS MADE TO ORDER. | Back; Hands de‐ Quarters; Stops, In Nickel, open and Winding. GOLD JEWELRY. ‐_‐‐ GOLD CHAINS (A Specialty.) VESTS, GUARDS, GUARDS (with Slides), NECKS, LEONTINES, &c. ROMAN GOLD NECKLACES, LOCKETS & PENDANTS. STONE CAMEO GOODS. RINGS. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, TURQUOISE, AMETHYST, ONYX AND PLAIN GOLD. <“OPERA GLASSES.” GOLDHEADEDCANES. STOCK PLATED JEWELRY. FROMTHEVERYBESTMAKERS, PlatedRoman Bar Pins. PlatedBrilliantDrops. ‘“ RomanSets, Enamel Sets, andjJet “ Scarf Pins, EMBLEMPINSANDCHARMSINGOLDAND PLATE. * andSlideCh’ns, Opera Chains, Leontine ‘“ Vest re Necklace “ Childs Neck Chain, Roman ‘ + pail: « ~=Lockets, “ Bracelets, Enamel is Chased Scarf Rings. his A FULL LINE OF THE MERIDENBRITANNIA CO’S CELEBRATED SILVERPLATED WARE, CONSISTING OF Tea Sets, Urns, China Lined Ice Pitchers, TiltingIceWater Urns, Ice Water Pails and Bowls, Waiters, a l l sizes, Cake Baskets, Spoon Holders, Syrup Cups, Sardine Boxes, Salad Dishes, Celery Stands, Ege Boilers, Hotel Sets, Knife Rests, Fruit and Card Stands, Flower Vases, Butter Dishes, Casters, Soup Tureens, Vegetable and Entree Dishes, China Lined BakingDishes, Epergnes, Dessert Sets, Toilet Sets, Jewel Cases, oblets, Cups, Prize Cups, Pickle Casters, Wine Casters, Napkin Rings, Biscuit Jars, Cheese Dishes, Punch Bowls, Paper Weights, Tobacco Boxes, Communion Sets, * Case Goods, &c., Pie,Cake and FruitKnives, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Sugar Shells, Soup Ladles, Children’s Sets, in cases, &c., -&c.