Pocket Watch Database
Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Years of Operation: 1879-1882
Successor: J.P. Stevens Watch Co.
Started by Ezra F. Bowman and Purchased by J.P. Stevens
Production Jewels: 17-21 Jewels
Production Sizes: 18s, 17s, 16s
Total Production: ~50
Serial Number Lookup
Company Timeline

E.F. Bowman is founded in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with the assistance of W.H. Todd, whom designed the first model, a 16s fully-jeweled 3/4-nickel-plate movement.
April 1882
E.F. Bowman decides to devote his time to the wholesale jewelry trade and sells his watchmaking operation to J.P. Stevens Watch Co. of Atlanta, Georgia.
E.F. Bowman starts the Bowman Technical School.