Pocket Watch Database
Elgin Grade 116

Grade 116 Movement Characteristics
- Size18s
- Jewels15j or 17j
- ConfigurationOpenface
- FinishNickel
- Model5
- SettingPendant
- AdjustedYes
- Railroad GradeYes
Grade 116 Production Info
- Total Production28,000
- Number of Runs26
- IntroducedNovember 15, 1889
- Production Years1890-1898
- First Serial3,585,001
- Last Serial7,053,000
- Largest Run2,000
- Smallest Run1,000
- Most Common Run1,000
Research Notes
15 Jewels: 3rd, 4th, Escape, Pallet (Pairs)
17 Jewels: 3rd, 4th, Escape, Pallet, Center (Pairs)
15j in 1892 New England Jeweler Catalog
F.M Sproehnle & Co. published an advertisement in the November 7, 1894 issue of The Jewelers' Circular closing out the Elgin H.H. Taylor movements. The following B.W Raymond movements were also offered as alternative options.
New 17=Jewel Elgin
18-Size Movement.
B.W. Raymond.
Compensation Balance, Breguet Hairspring, adjusted, D.S. Dial, 17 Jewels (4 pairs settings), Patent Regulator, Hunting or Open Face.
Gilded Movement, $28.00
Nickel Movement, $32.00
No. 70, Gilt, Hunting, $28.00
No. 77, Gilt, Open Face, $28.00
No. 27, Nickel, Hunting, $32.00
No. 116, Nickel, Open Face, $32.00
The December 1889 issue of the Jewelers' Circular reports " The Elgin Watch Company on Nov. 15 place on the market a new grade - B.W. Raymond nickel, open face, pendant setting watch, corresponding in price with their hunting nickel B.W. Raymond movement."