Pocket Watch Database
Elgin Grade 159

Grade 159 is a 17j Openface watch maufacturered by Elgin. The size 16s, Model 7 movement features a nickel finish and is adjusted.
Grade 159 Movement Characteristics
- Size16s
- Jewels17j
- ConfigurationOpenface
- FinishNickel
- Model7
- SettingPendant
- AdjustedYes
- Railroad GradeNo
Grade 159 Production Info
- Total Production9,100
- Number of Runs8
- Production Years1896-1900
- First Serial6,466,001
- Last Serial8,494,100
- Largest Run2,000
- Smallest Run100
- Most Common Run1,000
Research Notes
Introduced November 1895 as part of the new product line, "Elgin's Latest New (1895) Model" (Keystone)
?: SS Soft Enamel Dial
1897 BH: SS Glass Enamel Dial
Elgin advertisement in the Keystone Magazine introducing the 1895 Models describes Grade 159 paired with a "Sunk Second Soft Enamel Dial" and "First Quality Spade Hands"