Pocket Watch Database

Elgin Grade 79 Production Charts

Note: Production dates are estimations but should be accurate within +/- 3 years.


Elgin National Watch Co. Grade 79 Production Map Relative to Company Lifespan

Start of Production
End of Production

Grade Production Runs Lowest Highest Start End Profile Code/Image
79 14,900 9 277,001 1,792,000 1873 1885
13,000 7 277,001 1,758,000 1873 1885 18s-M1-15j-HGK-A-H.H. Taylor
1,000 277,001 278,000 1873
3,000 866,001 869,000 1881
2,000 928,001 930,000 1882
4,000 1,150,001 1,154,000 1883
1,000 1,645,001 1,646,000 1885
1,000 1,682,001 1,683,000 1885
1,000 1,757,001 1,758,000 1885
900 1 381,101 382,000 1874 1874 18s-M1-15j-HGK-A-
900 381,101 382,000 1874
1,000 1 1,791,001 1,792,000 1885 1885 18s-M1-15j-HGK-A-Elgin Nat'l Watch Co.
1,000 1,791,001 1,792,000 1885