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27724? TOPICS
H A M o M PA N V
This commemorative issue of ‘ our company magazine, timely
TOPICS, has sen sent to
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December 1967
in this issue . . .
Lancaster Pioneers .................. 4 Hamilton‐A Brief History .......... 6 Where WeAre ..................... 10 Same Theme for 75Years ............ 12 Hamilton’s First Board of Directors . . , 14 Hamilton Presidents ................ 14 Master Craftsmen .................. 15 Where Time Really Counts .......... 16 Main Ingredient for Success ......... 17 Some Hamilton Products ............ 18
OUR COVER: For our 75th anniversary issue of timely TOPICS, we chose as a cover subject an etching of the original factory designed for the Adams and Perry Watch Company, used first by Lancaster Watch Com‐ pany, then Keystone Standard Watch Company and finally the founders of Hamilton Watch Company in 1892.
timely TOPICS is published quarterly for em‐ ployees and friends of the Hamilton Watch Company, its divisions and subsidiaries by the Public Relations Department. Copyright 1967 by Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Penna. Contents m a y be reproduced with credit.
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HAMILTON has come a long w a y ‐ f r o m the train age to the space age.
As the 75th anniversary comes around, there has not been much comment on where the company has been. Very pro‐ perly, the emphasis is on where the
JHamilton Watch Company is going‐ the future.
It is most appropriate, however, to r e ‐ flect briefly on Hamilton’s proud history, the foundation of that good-looking fu‐ ture. This anniversary issue of timer TOPICS is intended as just such a reflec‐ tion.
FACING PAGE: Arthur B. Sinkler, left, chairman of the board of directors, and Richard J. Blakinger, president, are shown with the Hamilton east clock tower in the background. These m e n are the two most responsible for leading Hamilton from its status of a fine old watch company to the diversified, grow‐ ing corporation it is today.
BACK IN 1874, General Grant was president of the United States and Conestoga wagons creaked wearily along the Lancaster Turnpike, as citizens heeded the call of Horace Greely to “go west.” Another form of pioneer was building a factory in the pastoral community of
The Adams and Perry Watch Company went
up right beside the turnpike. It was founded by a good combination; M r . Perry was a watch designer, and M r . Adams was an organizer and promoter. They brought skilled watchmakers to Lancaster and began production in 1875.
Like so many infant industries, Adams and Perry did not have enough capital to market their product. Lancastrians came to their rescue in 1877, raising $225,000, and the reorganized company was renamed the Lancaster Watch Company.
The Lancaster Watch Company continued to suffer growing pains and was reorganized in 1884, this time as the Keystone Standard Watch Company. Nevertheless, the financial vicissitudes persisted until 1892.
In that year, the Hamilton Watch Company came into existence as a result of another re‐ organization. The name, Hamilton, was selected to honor Andrew Hamilton, original owner of the site of Lancaster. Hamilton was granted the land by William Penn’s heirs and is credited with founding the city of Lancaster with his s o n James.
Hamilton Watch was founded by merging Keystone with the Aurora (Illinois) Watch Com‐ pany. Aurora machinery was moved to Lanc‐ aster in summer of 1892.
Among the leading business and professional m e n of Lancaster who founded the Hamilton Watch Company were J. W. B. Bausman, John F. Brimmer, Harry B. Cochran, Frank P. Coho, C. A. Fondersmith, George M. Franklin, John Sener, John C. Hager, J. P. McCaskey, H. M. North, Martin Ringwalt, J. Frederick Sener, William Z. Sener, James Shand, Peter T. Watt and H. S. Williamson. Charles D. Rood and Henry J. Cain of Springfield, Massachu‐
setts represented the Aurora interests. “D
‐In 1908 the damaskeening department and the people in it looked like this. Damaskeening, largely a hand opera‐ tion, was eventually replaced by a milliskeened decorative finish on bridges.
s BEN FRANKLIN SAID, “Time is the stuff that life is made of.” He was simply restating what m a n has known as far back as memory can reach. Time is life’s most precious ingredient.
It is, in fact, all things to all people.
In the world of business, minutes mean money.
In the world of science, time has delivered the answer to many difficult problems. What we are and how well we succeed depends on the use we make of time. B u t time also can be dangerous. Miscalculated, it can cause disaster and death.
In the year 1880 every town and hamlet in the U. S. had on a different time standard, de‐ termined by the “sun time” of its particular lo‐ cation. There were 50 different “times” in use by the various railroads. Amidst a l l this confusion, faulty timing caused a series of disasterous rail‐ road accidents. The need for railroad men to have accurate timepieces was painfully evident.
T w o remedies evolved. A standard time p l a n was adopted and the four time zones‐Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific‐were estab‐ lished. Following this the Hamilton Watch Com‐ pany was founded in 1892 and set out to serve the railroad market with accurate timepieces.
The rugged, precision watch that Hamilton produced became a favorite among railroad watch inspectors and personnel. In fulfilling the railroads’ requirements for accuracy, it also filled the needs of the general public for a time‐ piece of high quality. By the turn of the century it came to be known as “Hamilton‐The Rail‐ road Timekeeper of America.”
In World War I American doughboys in Eu‐ rope found the small wristwatch a much greater convenience than the pocket-size timepiece. While this trend caused a shift in American watch production, the wristwatch was not a new discovery. History records that in 1517 Queen Elizabeth I was presented with a “wristlet in which was a cloche.”
It was the invention of the mainspring, or coiled spring, as a source of energy that made the wristwatch possible. This invention by Peter Henlein of Nuremberg, about 1511, resulted in the manufacture of heavy, egg-shaped watches with only a single hand which indicated the hours. Aptly called Nuremberg eggs, they were used mostly by watchmen, from which the name “watch” is derived.
M a n had so far employed five basic means to
tell time: sun, fire, water, weight (gravity) and the coiled spring, which by the 1940s had been in use nearly 500 years. Then a team of research scientists at the Hamilton Watch Company be‐ came intrigued by the challenging idea of an electric wristwatch, completely portable and self-contained.
In January 1957, Hamilton introduced the world’s first electric wrist watch, a breakthrough for the industry and the first basic change in portable timekeeping since the early 16th cen‐ tury. Poweredby atiny 11/2-v01tbattery guaran‐ teed to run the watch more than a year, the new watch completely eliminated the need for a mainspring. The electric current necessary to operate one 100-watt bulb for one minute could r u n an electric watch for 20 years.
Also during the mid‐fifties Hamilton embarked on a program of expansion and diversification. As a result, the company currently produces watches under three brand names‐Hamilton, Vantage and Buren‐insix plants in this country and abroad, manufactures sterling and plated silverware, fabricates and processes rare and ex‐ otic metals, and produces mechanical and elec‐ tronic measuring devices and components. H a m ‐ ilton also turns out rocket fuel alloys, special metals for the Apollo program, missile timers and safety and arming devices for military ap‐ plications.
The first major step in expansion occurred in 1959 when Wallace Silversmiths, one of the old‐ est and most respected silver firms in the coun‐ try, joined the Hamilton family. Robert Wallace combined mechanical skill, industry and initia‐ tive in manufacturing the first German silver spoon in America in 1835, which served as the
foundation for the company. From a converted grist mill on the banks of the Quinnipiac River in Wallingford, Connecticut, Wallace has grown to its present size occupying 45 acres. With its move into silver, Hamilton entered a completely new product area which, though different in m a n ‐ ufacturing processes, was distributed through essentially the same outlets as watches.
Hamilton expanded international operations in the same year with the purchase of the century-old firm of A. Huguenin Fils, S.A. of Bienne, Switzerland, and the later establishment of Hamilton Watch Company, S A .
A resurgent economy in Eu‐ r o p e and Japan during the late fifties and early sixties opened
rm watch markets virtually u n ‐ i tapped by Hamilton. To take advantage of these new oppor‐ tunities, new marketing sub‐
sidiaries were formed in London, Brussels and Tokyo. Also, a marketing operation was estab‐ lished in Toronto, the Hamilton Watch Com‐ pany of Canada Ltd. Today the company sells watches in 68 countries on every civilized conti‐ nent.
To meet the growing new market in the U. S. for inexpensive watches, Hamilton in 1961 ac‐ quired the Standard Time Corporation, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. With this new facility the company entered the budget watch market with quality jeweled-lever movements. Standard Time supplies watch movements which are as‐ sembled and marketed by Vantage Products which was formed in 1962. The Vantage Divi‐
sion’s broad selection of low-priced quality watches are sold nationwide through nearly 9,000 retail stores. It was the first to offer a lady’s electric watch in the low-priced watch field.
In 1966 Hamilton acquired the Buren Watch Company of Buren, Switzerland. Buren is a fully integrated manufacturing company which complements the Hamilton assembly operation in Bienne. It is well known for the quality of its products and provides a broader base from which Hamilton can continue to build its world‐ wide reputation. Buren watches have been made since 1832.
The Industrial Products Division manufac‐ tures a wide range of precision instruments for industrial applications. Among these are elapsed time indicators, gages and battery-operated tim‐ ing devices. It also makes photo-etched products used in electronic components for the computer
and aerospaceindustries.
The Military Products Division is an out‐
growth of the World War II period. As in past national defense emergencies, Hamilton was called on to supply critical timing mechanisms for the w a r in Vietnam. The division manufac‐ tures fuzes, timing release mechanisms, and safety and arming devices.
More than 60 pure metals and alloys‐in the form of close tolerance strip, ultra-thin foil and fine wire‐are turned out by the Hamilton Pre‐ cision Metals Division. Some of these are worth 20 times their weight in gold and are so thin they can be punctured by a fleck of dust. Among
its products is Placovar®, Hamilton’s trade name for platinum‐cobalt magnets. Originally devel‐ oped for the electric watch, Placovar magnets perform a vital function in traveling wave tubes used in communication satellites as well as in manned space projects.
Hamilton’s growth has been based on the pre‐ cept of providing products and service of the highest quality and value. By hewing rigorously to this policy since it was founded in 1892, the company has traveled the path of progress
‐ f r o m the train age t othe space age. fl
In 1928 Hamilton purchased the Illinois Watch Company of Springfield, Illinois and Robert E. Miller, vice-president, left Lancaster to become its general manager.The Hamilton‐ Sangamo Corporation w a s formed in 1929 by t h e H a m i l t o n W a t c h C o m p a n ya n d t h e S a n g a m o Electric Company of Springfield, Illinois to mar‐ ket a n e w line of electric clocks. The Hamilton‐ Sangamo Corporation was sold in 1931 to Gen‐ eral Time Instruments, Inc.
Goodwill and trademarks of the E. Howard Watch Company were acquired by Hamilton in 1931. Although never extremely active in the manufacture of “Howard” watches, Hamilton has produced small quantities under this brand name.
for prospective employees. Robert A. Preston, director of industrial services, is shown facing the camera while George McLaughlin, then vocational director of Lancas‐ t e r public schools, has his sight checked.
This 1936 photograph shows the Hamilton Watch soft‐ ball team which gained national prominence in the late 30’s. F o r three years, 1935, 1936 and 1940 the Hamilton Watch 10 were state champions with a record for those years of 124 games won and 20 lost. Old timers remem‐ ber.them best, perhaps, for a game they lost, the 1935 world championship contest against Phoenix, Arizona which resulted in a 1-0 defeat in 12 innings. From left, they are, Walter “Bags” Broome, manager, M i l t Berman, Paul Martin, Charles Bauer, Walter Miller, Richard nyer, Harry Bingaman, Donald Horst, J. Frank Remley, Kenneth McMillan, Sam Kendig, Edward Haller, Richard Weaver and Donald Axe, batboy.
The first executive board of the Hamilton Watch Man‐ agement Association in 1944. Standing from left, are John Weaver, H. Cloyd Dobbs, Fred Hauer, William Bennett, Richard Slaugh, Ming Rivenburg and Charles C. Smith. Seated from left, Winfield Davis, George Goode, Arthur B. Sinkler, Albert Kleiner and Harold Herr.
Harry Weaver, foreman wearing suspenders, oversees
jewel manufacturing in this 1948 photograph. l D
Wallace Silversmiths occupies 45 acres in the t o w n of Wallingford, Connecticut.
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sembly for Vantage watches and military products.
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Standard Time Corporation is the largest employer on the island of St. Croix in the U S . Virgin Islands.
The Buren Watch Company, Buren, Switzerland.
The new Hamilton addition to the old HugueninWatch building in Bienne, Switzerland.
STARTING W I T H T H E FIRST Hamiltonwatch move‐ ment designed by Henry J. Cain in 1892, the c o m p a n y has manufactured 143 distinct and separate grades of watch movements. They have been limited to 16basic sizes. The present Ham‐ ilton, Vantage and Buren lines include almost 2,000 different models and their variations in which are concentrated all of the horological experience a n d s k i l l of several generations of the country’s finest watchmakers. The first Hamilton watch was a large railroad model manufactured to meet the specifications of the Time Inspection Rules the railroads had estab‐ lished. That No. 1 movement is still preserved in the company’s vaults.
The company also owns No. 2 movement which was acquired in 1934 when its owner‐a railroad man‐retired after using the watch for more than 40 years.
From that first movement, and including the ones being produced today, Hamilton has main‐ tained a steadfast policy of “quality watches only.” No compromise ever was made with that self-imposed standard.
When watches were being produced regularly in the early 1890’s, someone was needed to mar‐ ket them in a highly competitive field. John C. Perry, of New Salem, Massachusetts, was en‐ gaged for that task. H i s broad experience in the marketing of other lines of watches, his wide acquaintance with the wholesale and retail jew‐ elers and his unquestioned integrity already had earned for him a reputation as the outstanding watch salesman in the United States. He served Hamilton until his retirement in 1910.
Closely associated with M r . Perry in those
recovery from the $1,558,000 low in the depres‐ sion year of 1932 is graphically illustrated in the sales volume of more than $55 million which was achieved last year. Behind these bare figures lies a fascinating s t o r y ‐ a story of businessmen, painstaking craftsmen and loyal employees, bound together in the common purpose of pro‐ ducing and marketing the finest timepiece in the world. Hamilton has been fortunate to have-all of these necessary ingredients.
Hamilton continues to grow, beyond the most ambitious visions of the small original group. This pleasant situation has been made possible by keeping u p ‐ a n d ahead‐of changing times.
Prior to 1909 Hamilton sold uncased watch movements exclusively. Soon after that, there was a conversion to a completely cased line and broadening of that line to include, in addition to the standard Hamilton railroad watch, dress watches for m e n and women.
Women’s wrist watches of rather large size came first. After World War I had popularized wrist watches for men, Hamilton marketed a line of men’s wrist watches. The demand for smaller watches for men and women has con‐ tinued up to today and Hamilton always re‐ sponded, never, however, abandoning the aim of its founders to make fine watches.
As a result of this progressive manufacturing policy, and an undeviating adherence to the high quality standard set in old movement No.
1,Hamilton is still the best money canbuy. To‐ day’s Hamilton line includes dainty ladies watches, fine diamond watches for men and women, electric watches, automatic, date and ultra-thin timepieces of traditionally high qual‐ i t y in cases with smart, modern styling.
For many years Hamilton has been the coun‐ try’s favorite employee service and sales award watch with an ever‐growing list of leading busi‐ nesses and industries.
And there is still a railroad Hamilton; in fact, the latest catalog shows three. a
early marketing operations was B u r r W.
who introduced the Hamilton line to the Pacific coast trade.
The million dollar mark was reached in 1911 with sales figures of $1,044,093 and steady ad‐ vances are noted through the years up to the pre-depression peak in 1929 when the sales vol‐ ume reached $5,769,000. Hamilton’s spectacular
Five centuries ago the ultimate in portable timekeeping w a s the Nuremberg egg. It was powered by the main‐ spring, an intrical p a r t of all portable timekeeping de‐ vices since its invention about 1511 by Peter Henlein of Nuremberg, Germany. Named for its shape and plaCe of origin, the key-wound Nuremberg egg was the first timepiece to use a mainspring. In Hamilton’s electric watch, the first basic change in almost‘500 years of watch design, the power source is a tiny battery, which will operate the watch for more than a year.
Hamilton No. 2. Elaborate enameled dial has been chipped, but for the sake of authenticity it is preserved this way.
C@Qo@© Hamilton’s First Board of Directors
N OCTOBER 18, 1892 seventeen original sub- scribers to a revived watch industry or- ganized with J. W. B. Bausman as acting presi- dent. Five m e n who were elected to serve one year as directors met on November 11, 1892 and namedtheenterpriseHamiltonWatchCompany.
With the other original subscribers, they filed articlesofincorporationwiththeCommonwealth of Pennsylvania on November 18, 1892. Gov‐ ernor Robert E. Pattison issued letters of patent and enrolled the new corporation in the Book of State Charters on December 14, 1892.
Hamilton Presidents
J. W. B. Bausman......1892 (Acting) Frank C. Beckwith.....1931‐1939
Charles D. Rood.......1892‐1896 Calvin~M. Kendig......1939‐1948
. George M. Franklin....1896‐1899 ‘ RudolphM. Kant......1948‐1951 .(;
Peter T.Watt..........1899‐1900
Charles D. Rood.......1900‐1910 C5 Charles F. Miller.......1910‐1931
Charles C.Smith.......1951‐1952 George P. Luckey......1952‐1954 Arthur B. Sinkler......1954‐1967
RichardJ. Blakinger. . . .1967
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A F I N E GROUP of master craftsmen was nur‐ tured by Hamilton‐names famous in the history of American watchmaking. To name but a few: Dickinson, Hibbs, Acker, Reeves, Martin, Guilford, Weise, Buch, the Wilson Brothers,Bolger, McKechnie, Hoff‐ meier, Koch, Welchans, Burkhart and
To the above are added the names of
Alfred A. Koehler, a 1963 retiree and the late Fred Hauer, who retired in 1956.
Currently, Richard W. Slaugh, manager, manufacturing and technical services, is Hamilton’s best known horological expert. A certified master watchmaker, he is past president of the Horological Institute of America.
M r . Slaugh started with Hamilton as an errand boy in 1919 and since then has held various watchmaking and supervisory po‐ sitions. He was Hamilton’s first‐and only ‐ h e a d watchmaker.
A GLANCE THROUGH RECORDS of Boards of Direc‐ tors’ meetings, and the figures of appropriations made for successive plant improvements, shows the modest scale of early operations, and their gradual increase through the years. In January, 1893, it was voted to have “a telephone” in‐ stalled in the factory. In 1901, $240 was voted for a “new oil house,” and $109 for “a new jewel‐ ing room.” In 1904, $994 for “pump and store‐ house,” in 1905, $5,897 for “a fourth story addi‐ tion to the factory,” in 1909, $6,566 for “erection
of a center extension.” In 1911, $16,138 for “a new office building and rear addition.” In 1912, $20,388 for “two new buildings,” and so on in increasing magnitude, until we see an appropri‐ ation in 1941 of $425,000 for a “factory wing running northward, and a four-story Office build‐ ing.” Earlier this year, for a more current ex~ ample, Hamilton announced approval of a capi‐ tal improvement program in excess of $1 million, most of which was allotted for additional equip‐ ment in the Hamilton Precision Metals Division.
Richard W. Slaugh, one of a long list of horological experts nurtured by Hamilton.
ACCURATE T I M E was literally a matter of life and death to commander Richard E. B y r d when he navigated his airplane over the North Pole in 1926; to Roy Chapman Andrews in three years exploration of the vast and trackless Gobi desert; to CaptainBob Bartlett on his voyages through arctic ice fields; to Lieutenants Hegenberger and Maitland on the first Army flight from Califor‐ nia to Hawaii.They all used Hamiltonwatches.
The-official timepiece of the first Byrd Antarc‐ tic expedition to the South Pole was Hamilton. The first United States airmail was flown in 1918 on Hamilton time. Dr. H. S. Dickey on his ex‐ pedition to the headwaters of the Orinoco navi‐ gated through uncharted tropical jungles with a Hamilton watch.
Jean and Jeanette Piccard used Hamiltons in cosmic ray measuring devices when they rose ten miles into the stratosphere. Lieutenant Col‐ onel Albert W. Stevens carried eight Hamiltons as essential equipment f o r gathering scientific data when he achieved the record altitude of 14 miles in his stratosphere in 1935. The roster is endless. Scientists in their laboratories, carefully checking the seconds; Hamiltons are found wherever time really counts.
More recently, Hamilton was along when Americans fi r s t climbed M t . Everest in 1963 and
, Hamiltons have aided science and exploration almost since the Com‐ pany began.
lessness on the high seas during World War I I . When war struck, there was a sudden need for thousands of chronometers. Both a huge expansion of naval and merchant shipping, and
a tremendous toll of ship losses called for them. Chronometer-making never had been an American industry and all together in all coun‐ tries, there were only a few hundred chronom‐ eters made each year. What could be done for
America’s desperate needs?
N a v y authorities appealed to American watch
factories. Although Hamilton was already work‐ ing around the clock producing other war neces‐ sities instead of watches, the company accepted the chronometer challenge. Starting from scratch, designing the Hamilton chronometer with tech‐ nical innovations, building machinery and organ‐ izing and training personnel for quantity pro‐ duction called for a revolution in the field. In one year Hamilton delivered its first chronometer to the navy. During the next year, Hamiiton production increased to 500 chronometers p e r
month, more than the entire world had ever pro‐ duced in a year. An amazing achievement; a triumph of American enterprise in the Hamilton tradition. fl
w a s official timekeeper f o r the 1967 Polar Expedition.
A CHRONOMETER is a portable timepiece of ex‐ treme accuracy, used for navigation of ships; for determining longitude, to know how far, on the vast oceans without landmarks, the ship has traveled eastward or westward, to fi n d with‐ out blind guessworkthe way to its destination. Columbus had no chronometer, and when he landed on an American island, he believed he was in Asia‐an error of some eight thousand
miles! Without chronometers, o u r n a v y and m e r ‐ chant marine would have been reduced to help‐
\==®o;=/ MANY T H I N G S have contributed to Hamilton’s success as a community landmark with a na‐ tional reputationfor 75years;fine productscer‐ tainly; facilities and equipment, too, have played important roles; and sound management through
the years. Most of all, Hamilton has been suc‐
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cessful because of its people.
Sons and daughters have followed their fathers and mothers to Hamilton. Lasting family ties are as traditional at Wallace Silversmiths as they are in the watchmaking end of the business. At least one family‐the one to which Eugene P. Barber, Wallace case manufacturing and ac‐ counting services manager, belongs‐goes back to the beginning of the Hamilton Watch Com‐ pany and spans both Wallace and Hamilton.
Over the last 20 years Gene has served in vari‐ ous management capacities within Hamilton’s manufacturing divisions and four years ago moved to Wallace’s financial section. His father, Charles R. Barber, retired in March 1957 after 48 years in the service and finishing departments.
The lineage does n o t stop there. Gene’s grand‐ father, Robert D. Barber, worked in the finishing department from August 1897 to April 1931. And his father before him, David Barber, is believed to have been associated with Hamilton at the beginning, in 1892.
Gene’s uncle, William H. Barber, retired from
movement assembly IaSt year after almOSt 50 years With the company. And that’s not all.
Twenty-four years ago Gene married the for‐ m e r Alberta Radcliffe. This joined two Hamilton families. Alberta is the daughter of Albert L. Radcliffe who came to Hamilton after the I l ‐ linois Watch Company was acquired in 1928. He is in mechanical engineering at Hamilton. His father, Charles A. Radcliffe, retired from Hamilton in 1940.
As a matter of record, it should be mentioned that Alberta worked at Hamilton before leaving to raise three children, Ronald, Constance and Michael. Believe it or not, Ronald worked for a summer at Wallace three years ago. Gene says that through the years there were “assorted uncles, aunts and cousins” at Hamilton.
It probably could be said that the Barbers . . ..
have made some Efforts to keep It In the g family‐the Hamilton family.
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March 1957: Charles R.Barber and his son, Eugene, at the farmer’s retirement party,
Albert L. Radcliffe proud William H. Barber a
of a lifetime career in the Hamilton man for nearly watch industry. a half‐century.
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‘ Wallace’s Grands Baroqueuthe nation’s most popular ornate sterling flatware pattern.
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Hamilton President Richard J. Blakinger examines the fa‘ mous No. 2 Hamilton and a prototype design for the year 2000.
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' Honor Roll Anniversaries July,August,September1967
45 Years
Irving F. Wahl, Wallace Design
40 years
A. Catherine Frantz, Service Office Maude C. Houghton, Movement
Oscar M. Howell, Service Victor J. Warfel, Movement
Charles P. Wolf, Assembly T
35 Y e a r s
Rose L. Behl, Electric Watch Assembly
30 y e a r s
John F. Bearley, Service James J. Bennarro, Wallace
Machine Die
Harry B. Brenneman, Metals
Edith D. Brubaker, Movement
Charles H. Dietrich, Flat Steel Ephraim B. Fornoff, M i l i t a r y
Products Production JosephL. Foucault,Wallace
Evelyn T. Haley, Movement
Michael J. Isola, Wallace Maintenance GraceM. Lefever,MovementAssembly Norman C. Lenhart, Heat Treating Albert B. McCune, Machine 8' Tool
Robert F. Metze, Sr., Automatic Willard C. Oeschger, Service
JosephW. Parr,WatchAssembly Edward L. Schwar, Maint. Sched.
Lester L. Sherr, Engineering Services Delma A. Sittler, Order Processing
James R. Slaugh, Production Methods Richard L. Spangler, Machine Shop Richard J. Wolpert, Vantage Products
20 Years .
Frederick J. Brunner, Jr., Wallace
Stephen J- Cepeki, Maintenance
David F. Chapman, Presentation Sales
Paul R. Constein, Maintenance
Nan V. Doman, Dial
William G. Foehl, Service
William B. Hatfield, Maintenance Liliane J. Hodgen, M i l i t a r y Products Richard J. Horst, Service
Richard K. Keene, Metals Processing Dorothy A. Kling, Escape
M a r y K. Massores, Sterling Flatware
Robert G. Melsom, Presentation Sales
Dorothy L. Prentice, Plate
Eugene L. Sensenig, Watch (35 Parts
Clarence B. Shenk, Machine 65Tool Shop
Samuel W. Singer, Machine {55 Tool Shop
Edward S. Smeriglio, Wallace Watch Case jewelry
HelenM. Stauffer,MilitaryProducts Assembly
1 5 y e a r s
Charles F. Braun, DealerMaterials DonaldW. Davis,Sales
Clara E. Groff, Train
Lucille J. Herr, Photoforming Murray J. Kirby, Sales
Jere P. Oster, Dial
RichardD. Royer,Maintenance Gloria G. Sprecher, Automatic Donald B. Stenfelt, Sales William J. Stoops, Sales
Joseph G. Whitacre, Assistant
Helen M. Baymond, j o b Shop Thomas S. Downs, Production
Robert M. Engberg, Wallace Personnel Pearl H. Eshleman, Train
Sylvio J. Ferrari, Wallace Machine Die Louis S. Giangreco, Automatic
Marion R. Giangreco, M i l i t a r y
Products Assembly
Jugus R. Gindel, Wallace Machine ie
Phyllis A. Hartman, Machine Shop Clara E. Henry, Movement Assembly Dorothy E. Krallinger, Service
Ruth A. Kreider, Train
RobertL. Lenhart,Automatic
M a r y E. Lynch, Wallace Watch Case
Sarah K. Madonna, Electric Watch Mabel G. Miller, Plate
Catherine I. Moore, Dial
MaryE. Moore,Dial
Annie L. Plowman, Plate
Margaret F. Shaub, Service
Elsie I. Strauss, Military Products
Assembly JohnC.Ulmer,Jr.,Attachment
Fitting 8}- Boxing
Dorothy M. Weimer, Spring
Anna M. Williams, Electric Movement
Barbara E. Wissler, Automatic
Frank J. Byorick, Plant Engineering
é-‘i‘ Maintenance
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