Pocket Watch Database

1923 Hampden Watch Company Material Catalog

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date April 15, 2019


CATALOGUEUand' ' RETAILPRICE LIST HAMPDEN WATCH MATERIAL¥ ISSUEDMAY 13: 1923 The DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. CANTON, OHIO NOTICE To avoid mistakes the following directions should be carefully observed: 0 Disregard all previous price lists. In ordering material, give catalogue number, kind and grade of each part wanted. Giving number, name and grade of movement and the number of jewels will aid in filling orders. If 1ndoubt as to material required, samples should accompany orders. When samples are sent, attach them securely to order to avoid loss or delay. Samples m u s t beproperly packed to avoid being crushed by cancelling machine. In ordering material such as screws, jewels, etc., for Uppers or Lowers: Upper denotes the bridge side or back of a watch, and Lower, the dial side or pillar plate. IInitation Material Rejected.‐If a sample is rejected by us as n o t being genuine Hampden material, send movement for exam‐ ination. Material for very Old Style and Key Wind 18‐1'}and 16 size movements priced upon application and sample must be submitted with the request for price and with order. Observe instructions at bottom of pages for the respective parts. Prompt shipment will be made upon receipt of orders. Do not cut or deface this catalogue. Yours respectfully, THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH COMPANY. Canton, Ohio. INDEX IN REAR OF BOOK‐PAGES 44 AND 45. 3/0 3/0 5/0 8/0 11/0 This is NOT the Extremely Thin Model. See below BRIDGE. ExtremelyThin. Namesonplates, “ThePaulRevere,” “TheMinuteMan,‘H or “The Nathan Hale” NOTE‐There isalso a “Minute Man" Standard Model No. 5,but does not have fiised jewel settings nor double roller as has the Extremely Thin model. % PLATE. One Model only % PLATE. All 3/0 size modelshavefollowing namesonplates: “Molly Stark,” “Diadem,” or “Four Hundred” BRIDGE. Without ExposedWindingWheels BRIDGE. W i t h Exposed Winding Wheels BRIDGE. This model carries the same material as 3/0 size above, but has no dial edge. Names onplates, ”400,” “Molly Stark”, or “Diadem” BRIDGE. Names “ M a r y Jane” or “Josephine” on plates BRIDGE. Name “Upper Ten” on plates THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Reference To DetermineModelandNumber Description0f Bridge FULL PLATE. Stem Wind % PLATE, Raised Center, (made in Open Face only) % PLATE, Thick Model % PLATE. BRIDGE. BRIDGE. % PLATE. Thicker than Standard 12size BRIDGE. Thicker than Standard 12size. Without Exposed Winding Wheels BRIDGE. Standard 12 size Model. W i t h Exposed Winding Wheels. Standard 16size Model, thinner than above and has solid ring dust band. . . . Standard 16size Model. Without Exposed Winding Wheels Standard 16size Model. W i t h Exposed Winding Wheels Catfiigzue 5028 5029 5030 7028 7029 ARBORS, WINDING AND COLLARS Size Descriptionof Movement 16 Arbor Exposed Wind, Pendant Setting 16 Collar Exposed Wind, Pendantor Lever Setting 16 Arbor Exposed Wind. Lever Setting 12 Arbor Standard Model,Exposed Wind . 12 CollarStande Model 12 Arbor Extremely Thin Model 12 Collar Extremely Thin Model 3/0 Arbor Exposed Wind, Pendant or Lever Setting 3/0 Collar ExposedWind, Pendantor Lever Setting Arbors Exposed Wind 12028 12029 10028 10029 15028 15029 8/0 8/0 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. ARBORS, BARREL Description of Movement /Plate, Raised Center, 1890 Model 2; Plate, 1890 Model 3/ Plate,1890 Model 5 Plate and Bridge. 1902 Models Bridge, 1902 M o d e l . 19 a n d 23 J e w e l , P a t . B a r r e l Exposed 19and 23J.Patent Barrel. .................................................. 34Plate and B r i d g e Models. ................................................ F o r Description 0f Model No‐ Single.or Tapered, Old Style Tapered, Old Style Threaded to Shoulder, Old Style Threaded to Shoulder, Old Style Threaded, New Style Threaded, New Style Threaded, New Style. 1 Threaded. . Threaded Threaded. . Tapered,3 Tapered,3; Plate, 1890 Model. Threaded, 3/ Plate, 1890 Mode Threaded, 3; Plate, 1890 Model Tapered, 3/ Plate and Bridge Models Tapered, 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Models Tapered, -';/ Plate and Bridge Models per/ed, Plateand Bridge Models Tapered Standard Models Tapered Standard Models Extremely Thin Model Tapered, New Style Threaded, Old Style Tapered, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Models Tapered Exposed W i n d . . . , . l s t 8: 2nd l s t & 2nd l s t 8: 2nd l s t 8: 2nd 3rd 8: 4th PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER )4 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 4 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. -‐‐‐-‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐_______‐__ Catalogue N o . 1021 1022 1023 1024 2021 2022 2023 2024 6021 6022 6023 6024 12021 12022 12023 8023 9021 9022 9023 9024 15023 11021 11023 11024 Catalogue No. 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1040 1047 10.48 10.49 1050 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 3031 3032 3033 3034 5032 5033 5034 5.035 5036 5037 5038 5039 6031 6032 7031 7032 7035 7036 12031 12032 8031 8032 8033 8034 9031 9032 10031 10032 10033 15031 15032 1 1 0 3 1 11032 - Size , BALANCES - ' Description ............................................................................ Priceper Dozen $36.00 24.00 18.00 12.00 36.00 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 12 12 Compensating. with Gold Screws ................................................................................ 12 12 12 12 12 7 ...................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................... 6 3/0 3/0 3/0 ........................................................................... 3/0 Compensating, with Screws for 8/0 11/0 11/0 11/0 . S12e Expansion, with Screws for Expansion, with Screws for Expansion, with Screws Compensating, with Gold Screws ............................................................................ ' Teeth . For Description ofseMeopdaegleN2o. Model No. . 16 88 16 88 16 88 16 88 12 78 12 78 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 Nickel, Exposed Wind with Teeth inMiddle......................... 5th 5th 5th 5th 0.F.orH t g . 5.00 0.F.orHtg. 5.00 0.F.orH t g . 10.00 0.F.orHtg. 10.00. 6 78 6 78 6 78 6 78 Nickel Extremely Thin Model Nickel Extremyly T hin,Model, with Arbor Fitted . . . 50. 0 3/0 3/O 3/0 3/0 3/0 8/0 8/0 Nickel, with Arbor Fitted 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 1 1 / 0 11/0 O F. . o r Compensating, with Screws17Jewel Grade.................................................................. Jewel Grade .......................................................................... Compensating. with Screws Expansion, with Screws for Expansion, with Screws for Compensating, with Gold Screws Compensating, with Screws for 17 Jewel Grade Expansion,withScrewsfor 15JewelGrade..... Expansion, with Screws for 7 15 ............................................................. ................................................................... Expansion, with Screws for Compensating, w i t h Gold Screws Jewel Grade Compensating, with Screws, Extremely Thin Model 17] Expansion. with Screws for Expansion. with Screws for 7 Jewel Grade 18 18 18 18 65 18 62 18 62 18 65 18 65 18 7O 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 70 18 7O 16 80 16 80 16 78 16 7.8 62 62 65 OF.. 80 80 80 80 80 75 75 7 3 72 ........................................ ..:..........'........................................... O. O. O. O. ................... Gilded,with Arbor Fitted.. . 5 0. 0 10.00 Gilded .................................................. Htg. . Htg. Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel. Jewel 6.00 11.00 Htg. 6.00 Htg. 11.00 Gilded . OF..or 21 , OF.. . OF.. _ _ 21 ................................. .................................................. 21 21 21 ................................. , OF..or , 0.F. 23 ...................................... ... 11.00 and ............................................................................... 17 ............................................................ ................................................................... 24. 18.00 12.00 36.00 24.00 18.00 12.00 36.00 24.00 18.00 7 15 Expansion, with Screws for Compensating, with Gold Screws, Extremely Thin Model 15 .................................................................. .................................................................... 00 ........................................................................... Jewel Grade and Jewel Grade Expansion with Screws, Extremely Thin Model 1 5 ] E x p a n s i o n , w i t h S c r e w s.........12.00 Compensating, with Gold Screws ............................................................... .................................................................. ................................................................... .................................................................................... 15 Jewel Grade 7 17 36.00 24.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 36.00 24.00 18.00 Ki.nd PDricoezepner Jewel Grade Jewel Grade Jewel Grade BARRELS . Descriptionof Movement Gilded........................................................... Gilded, with Arbor Fitted.. Jewel, with Arbor Fitted ................................. 21Jewel.................................................. Jewel Jewel, with Arbor Fitted ........................................................... 5 0, 0 O. F. 10.00 Htg. 10.00 O. F. or H t g 5.00 . O.F. 10.00 . Htg. 10.00 Htg. 6.00 Nigkel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel, Nickel. 23Jewel. With Arbor Fitted 21 ................................. . , OF..or Jewel, With Arbor Fitted 11.00 Htg. 11.00 Jewel, with Arbor Fitted 23Jewel.. .........:.................................... Htg. 6.00 ................................. Jewel, with Arbor Fitted................................. , 0.F. Htg. 11.00 Htg. 5.00 Htg. 10.00 Htg. 5.00 Htg. 5.00 Nickel, Nickel, Old Style. 1890 Model Nickel. Old Style, 1890 Model, with Arbor........................... Nickel, New St-ylle 1890 Model, with Arbor : 0.F. 0.F. Gilded 1890 Model Nickel 1890 Model, with Arbor Fitted 2 Nickel, Exposed Wind Htg. 5.00 0.F.orH t g . 5.00 Nickel, Exposed Wind with Arbor Fitted Htg. 10.00 ..................................... Gilded. New Style, 1890 Model Nickel, New Style, 1890_Model....._................................ Gilded. New Style, 1890 Model ,with Arbor 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 0.F. £0.00 16 78 16 78 16 85 16 85 16 85 16 85 16 85 16 85 16 85 16 85 16 88 16 88 16 88 16 88 Gilt,ExposedWindwithArborFitted............................... 5th O.F.orHtg. 10.00. ........................... ................................................ Nickel, 1890 Model.............:................................. Gilded, 1890 Model, with Arbor Fitted.............................. 8 H t g . Htg» ............................... ................................................ ............................................... 2 nd Gilded 1902 Model Nickel 1902 Model Gilded 1902 Model, with Arbor Fitted Nickel 1902 Model, with Arbor Fitted & 0.F.or ............................... ............................................. c m , Exposed Wind...................’............................ 4th Htg. 10.00 Gilt, Exposed Wind with Teeth inMiddle........................... Nickel, Exposed Wind, Arbor Fitted, Teeth inMiddle................. Gilt,ExposedWind, Arbor Fitted,Teeth inMiddle................... ............................... 8: Htg. 5.00 /4Plate and Bridge Model.................................. 8: 0.F.or Nickel, Nickel,3/4 Plate dBridgeModelwithArborFitted................. Nickel, Standard odel ............z.............................. Nickel,StandardModel,withArborFitted 3rd 3rd8:4th 0.F.orHtg. O.F.orH t g . O.F. orHtg. inMiddle............................................ Nickel Teeth in Middle with Arbor Fitted 10.00 5.00 10.00 Htg. 15.00 Nickel Teeth OF. .or O. F. or H t g . ...................................... ........................................................ 0. . O. 10.00 5.00 10.00 ..:..................................................... 50. 0 10.00 10.00 Gilded Nickel. Gilded, with Arbor Fitted........................................ Nickel. Nickel,with Arbor Fitted..............'..................... Nickel, Exposed Wind with Teeth inMiddle................. Nickel, Exposed Wind with Arbor Fitted........r............ Nickel, Exposed Wind, Arbor Fitted, Teeth in Middle. . . . . .. . . Nickel sed Wind..................................... Nickel xposed Wind, with Arbor Fitted................ N i c k e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nickel, with Arbor Fitted.................................. ..... . . PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER $4 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ............................ 0.F.or 1st lst lst lst 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 5th 5th nd nd 8 8 8 8 8: 0.F.or : 2 : : 0.F. 10.00 . 2 nd 4th 5th Htg. 10.00 : 0.F.or 4 th 4th Htg. 5,00 4th Htg. 5.00 . Htg. 5.00 55.00 0. F. 10.00 0.F.or 0.F.or OF. . 0.F.or Htg. Htg. 10.00 Catalogue Size No. 4051 16 85 4052 16 .. 4053 16 85 5051 16 88 5052 16 .. 5053 16 88 'BARRELS, PATENT Descriptionof Movement Nickel Main Wheel, Bridge Model (Hook side mainspring) Nickel Spr-ing Box, Bridge Model (Hook side mainspring) Nickel Main Wheel and Arbor, Bridge Model (Hook side mainspring) Nickel Main Wheel, Exposed Wind (Hole end mainspring) SteelSpring Box,ExposedWind(Holeendmainspring) Nickel Main Wheel with Arbor Fitted (Hole end mainspring) Kind Priceher Dozen orHtg. S. or Htg. or Htg. or Htg. or Htg. . orHtg. 1. Catfilggue Size 5179 16 7179 12 12179 12 10179 3/0 15179 8/0 Solid Ring, Gilt CLUTCHES, WINDING AND SETTING Description of Movement 14 13 ......................................................... CANTON, OHIO, U. When orderingbarrel bridges, center bridges, train or pallet bridges and balance cocks, send movement or plate to insure correct uprighting and endshake. BRIDGES, IDLER WHEEL Exposed Wind StandardModel Extremely Thin Model Exposed Wind Exposed Wind Old Style, Nickel or Gilded New Style, Nickel or Gilded.. New Style, Nickel or Gilded . . . . . . ‘ ‘ Grade 1 . . Grade 3 $1.00 . Price p e r Dozen Setting Lever Lever Pend. Pend.orLever Lev.or Pend. Lev. or Pend. Pin Lever Pend. ........ .. Front, Nickelor Gilded Back, Nickel or Gilded Back, Nickelor Gilded Back, Nickel or Gilded Back, Nickel or Gilded Front, Nickelor Gilded Old Style BANDS, DUST Description of Movement ‘Dexcription of Movement BRIDGES, RATCHET Description of Movement BRIDGES, WINDING Description Price p e r Dozen Old Style, 1890 Model Solid Ring, 1902 Model.. Solid R i n g , 1902 Model Exposed Wind, Gilt, Solid Ring Exposed Wind, Solid R i n g Solid Ring, 3/. Plate and Bridge Model Solid Ring, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Solid Ring, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Solid Ring, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Solid Ring, Stande Model Solid Ring, Standard Model 16 Ratchet Teeth, 11 Setting Teeth Standard Model, 14 Ratchet Teeth, 12 Setting Teeth Extremely Thin Model, Exposed Wind Ratchet Teeth, 13 Ratchet Teeth, 14 Setting Teeth Setting Teeth. ............................................................... PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 6 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. ‐-‐‐‐‐_‐.‐‐_‐___ Catalogue No. 1180 Catfiogue 0' 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 2181 6 1 8 1 12185 8181 9182 COLLARS, STAFF, CENTER - ~ - Priceper Size Description Dozen 18 For Spring Staff No. 1355.................................................................................. $1.50 COLLETS, HAIR SPRING 15185 11181 11/0 Exposed Wind Catalogue Size N o . Breg. Breg. Steel, 169 1890 Model. . Gilded. 16s 1890 Model.. CAPS, HAIR-SPRING STUD Descriptionof Movement CLICKS 1217 1218 18 and 16 18and 16 Size Catalogue Prioe'per zen No. ‘ 18 2221 Htg 2.50 7221 7221 7222 7222 Ratchet‐long Pin) Htg 3.50 12221 12221 12 in 3.50 ................................ 0.F. 35. 0 12221 8221 9221 3/0 ................................................................................ .................................................................. OF.. Size Spring 18 Flat Price per ‘ Dozen $1.00 1.00 .................... 1.00 ..... 1.00 .. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Priceper Dozen $1.50 1.75 18 18 Flat 18 Breg. ...... For Small Staff, L a r g 18and 16 Breg. 16 Flat .Colle For Small Stali, Large Diam. Colle For 185Small Stall............ 1 2a n d 6 12 6 Old Style Breg. Extremely Thin Model ................ 3/0 Flat ‘ 8/O .................................................................. ............................................................................................. 16 6 Ratchet) Short Pin .................................................................... OF.. 3/0 All Models 1893 Model (Send Sample) 1893 Mode! (Send Sample) .................................................................. OF.. CAMS Descriptionof Movement Priceper Dozen Description . ...................................................................... For Large Stafi.. Breg. For Large Stafi Breg ................................................... ........... .................... Description of Movement ........................................................................ Kind Htg. $2.50 1221 18 OldStyle(.35long) ................................................................... OF..or 25.0 1222 12 163/4 Plate and Bridge Models ............................................................... OF..or and 16 12 16 12 12 New Style (.25 long). H t g Exposed Wind (58 Teeth Exposed Wind (56 Teeth Exposed Wind (60 Teeth Exposed Wind (58 Teeth Exposed Wind. Extremely Thin Model EXDOSed Wind, Standard Model (58 Teeth Exposed Wind Short Pin 3.50 Htg. 2.50 in ................................................ OF..or in ................................................ OF..or in r in Htg 3.50 Ratchet‐long Pin) ................................................ OF..O Ratchet‐long Pin) ................................................ OF..or Ratchet‐long P m ) ....................................................... 0.F. ........................................................................ 2.50 9222 9223 3/0 9224 3/0 9225 3/0 Catalogue Size N o . 7231 12 7232 12 8231 6 9231 3/0 Catalogue 5- e No. 12 12231 10230 15230 PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE Is 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER 54DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 10221 3/0 15221 8/0 11221 11/0 T2230‐ 12 Locking Standard Model $2.50 Locking Standard Model 2.50 2.50 2.50 DOMES - - Priceper Description Dozen ............................................................................... 1893 Model Slotted 12 Extremely Thin Model, Gold ............................................................................... $10.00 Extremely Thin Model, Comp 3/0 NickelDomewithCapJewel................................................................................ 5.00 8/0 NickelDomewith Cap Jewel............................................................................... 5.00 5.00 tg 3.50 Htg 3.50 H 2.50 Htg. 2.50 . 2.50 2.50 3.50 3. 50 2.50 1238 18 1239 18 1242 18 1243 18 1254 18 1255 18 1266 18 1267 18 1268 18 1269 18 1274 18 1275 18 1276 18 1277 18 1288 18 Arabic,Luminous......... 1289 18 16 16 ' 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Arabic, Heavy Arabic,Light.DoubleSunk RedMarginalFigures Arabic,Heavy,DoubleSunk RedMarginalFigures Roman, l i g h t , Double Sunk Red Marginal Figures Arabic, Montgomery Numeriml Roman, Fancy Decorations Arabic, Fancy Decorations Roman 24-hr. Red M a r g . Figures Roman,24-hr. RedMar.F i n g s Arabic, 2411’. Red Marg. Figures Arabic 24-hr. Red M a r g . Figures Arabic, Luminous CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. DIALS Dialsfor 169 3/4 Plateand 165 Bridge Modelare not interchangeable. Whenorderingdialsfor 18sizeoldModels.statewhethertheyareheldonthemovementby pinsorscrews. OpenFace18size and3/0size dialscannotbeusedon Huntingmovements. Whenin doubtasto dialwanted,givenumberofmovement. Montgomery numeriml dials are carried in stock. Doublesunk dials furnished in 18, 16and 12size only. mam Size Descriptionof Dial Heay Arabic Arabic, Med. Double Sunk. Marg. Figures Arabic, Med. Double Sunk, Marg. Figures Arabic, Heavy, Double Sunk. Marg. Figures Arabic,Hen .DoubleSunk,Marg.Figures Arabic. Doub e Sunk, Montgomery Numerical Arabic, Double Sunk. Montgomery Numerical. Arabic, Heavy. Fancy Decorations. . . Arabic, Heavy, Fancy Decorations ................................ . 168 3/4 PLATE MODEL 0. F. or Htg. 12 7237 12 7238 12 7239 12 7240 12 7241 12 7242 12 7244 12 7247 12 7248 12 7249 12 7250 12 7251 12 7252 12 7253 12 7261 12 7263 12 Roman, Red Marginal Figures . ‘ Roman. Block, Red Marginal Figures Arabic. Block. Red Marginal Figures. Arabic, Heavy, Red MarginalFigures . . Roman, Block. Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures Roman, L i g h t , Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures Arabic, Block, Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures Arabic, Heavy, Double Sunk_, Red Marginal Figures Arabic, Montgomery Numericsl Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted Arabic, Fancy Decorations,Tinted Arabic. Red Marginal Figures Arabic Luminous Arabic, Extra Heavy D. S Arabic, Sterling Silver Eng. Center Arabic, Metal Silvered, Fancy Center 12 Roman‐Light 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Roman,Block Red Marginal Figures Arabic.Light . ' Arabic, Block, Red Marginal Figures . . Arabic, Block, Double Sunk, Red MarginalFigures Arabic,Light.DoubleSunk RedMarginalFigures. Roman. Block, Double S u n k , Red Marginal Figure Roman. L i g h t , Double Sunk, Red M a r g i n a l F i g u r e s Roman. F a n c y Demrationsflinted. Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted. 12sSTANDARD MODEL ENAMEL, 0. F. or Htg. Figures ’ Roman Red Marginal Figures . Arabic Block. Double Sunk Red Marginals. . Arabic Swiss, Double Sunk Red Marginals. . . Roman. Double Sunk. _Red Marginals Arabic, Fancy Decorations Roman. F a n c y Decorations Arabic. Montgomery Numerals Arabic Red Marginal: Roman Stub, D. S.. . Arabic Stub. D. S Ambic Luminous . Arabic Luminous. Red Margmsls, D. S _ . OLD THICK MODEL 123 3/4 PLATE AND BRIDGE 0. F. or H t g . ___‐_______________.’_‐‐‐-‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. THE DUEBER‐HAMPDEN WATCH CO. _________________________________________________________________________ Catalogue ‐ N . Size DIALS‐Continued Description Roman, Gilt, .035 Thick Arabic, "Biltmore", Silvered .035 Thick Arabic, Minute Man. Silvered, Luminous, .041 Thick Arabic, Silvered, Chased Center Piece .035 Thick Arabic, Sterling Silver, Engraved Center .035 Thick Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted. ., . . . Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted Arabic, Enamel Arabic, Enamel Arabic, Red Marginal Figures Enamel.. .. Arabic, Red Marginal FiguresEnamel... Roman, Enamel Roman. Red Marginal Figures, Enamel Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted Arabic Fancy Decorations, Tinted Arabic, Skylight Enamel Arabic, Skylight, Gilt Arabic, Diamond Skylight, Gilt. . Arabic, Oval Skylight, Enamel. . . . Arabic, Diamond Skylight Enamel Arabic, Luminous with Second Bit Arabic, Luminous Arabic, Second Bit, Luminous Arabic, Second Bit. Luminous Arabic, Full Face, Gilt or Silvered Arabic, Full Face, Gilt or Silvered Arabic, Luminous with Second Bit Arabic, without Second B i t , Luminous Arabic, without Second B i t , Luminous Arabic, Full Face, Enamel Arabic, Full Face. Enamel Arabic. Skylight Enamel .F. .F. .F. .F. .F. .F. .F. .F. Arabic, Fancy Decorations Arabic, Fancy Decorations without Second Bit. Arabic Skylight, White Arabic Skylight, Gilt 8/0 3 M E T A L PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER 54 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. / Price p e r CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. FORKS‐SEE PAGE 19 HANDS‐HOUR, MINUTE AND SECOND Description of Hands Spade, Extra Broad Hour, Whip Minute Spade, Broad Hour‐Whip Minute Spade, BroadHourand Minute.... Spade, Narrow Hour and Minute... Morning Glory Hour and Minute.. Crescent H o u r and Minute Fleur De Lis Hour and Minute Moon Hour and Minute Double Hour Luminous Hour and Minute Spade, Ex. Broad Hour. W h i p Minute Spade, BroadHourandWhip Minute Spade, Medium Hour and W h i p Minute Spade. Narrow H o u r and Minute Crescent Hour and Minute Double Hour Luminous Hour and Minute Spade Hour and Minute Crescent Hour and Minute Luminous Hour and Minute. . . . . . . Spade Hour and Minute Spade Broad Hour, Whip Minute. . Breguet MoonHour and Minute... Breguet Moon Hour and Minute Narrow Spade, Extremely Thin Model Gothic, 1st Grade Hour and Minute, Extremely Thin Model Gothic, 2nd Grade Hour and Minute, Extremely Thin Model Spade, Hour and Minute Morning Glory Hour and Minute Moon, Hour and Minute Spade, Hour and Minute, .51long Moon, Hour and Minute Breguet Moon Hour and Minute Spade Hour and Minute Skylight. .41long Minute Spade Hour and Minute Skylight, ,44 long Minute Spade Hour and Minute Skylight, .32 long Minute Luminous Hour and Minute Spade Hour and Minute Moon,Hour and Minute Gothic, Hour and Minute Spade, Hour and Minute Spade, Skylight Moon, Hour and Minute, Skylight dials GOLDPLATEDHANDS,TWENTY CENTS EXTRA.PERDOZEN Second Hand Spec.‐Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand, Extremely ThinModel, .37long Second Hand, Extremely Thin Model, .20 long . . . Second Hand, Extremely Thin Model, .25 long SecondHand,Extremely ThinModel.largeDiameter.SecondBit Second Hand....................................... Second Hand PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER 34DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Second Hand ‐‐‐‐‐_‐_‐__‐_____‐_‐__________ '10 Catalogue No. THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. 1306 3306 5306 6306 and 16 16 Wind. 165 Pendant Set 6 12306 63 .............................................................. ............................................................. ........................................................... - Size Wind. Crown Wheel Wind Crown Wheel Crown Wheel Crown Wheel Wind. Wind. Wind. Wind. Crown W'heel Crown Wheel Crown Wheel HUBS, WINDING AND CROWN WHEEL ~ ~ Description Priceper Dozen 18 16 ........................................................................... ................................................................................. 32.00 12 Lever Set Exposed Wind 123 Old Style and Extremely Thin Model (Rayed) Extremely Thin Model (Concaved) and 12 12 12 New Style ............................................................................ 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4. 00 3.00 Pnceper ozen ......................................................................... ................................................................................. 12307 7306 8306 9306 9307 9308 10306 15306 15307 1306 Catalogue No. 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 3311 PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LEss THAN :10 PER DOZEN. ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE Is 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ’ 16 12 ..................................................................................... 500 6 3/0 30 30 3/0 80 8/0 Standard Model 11/0 ........... Size 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 d e x ..................... ................................................................... .................................................................................... and Old Style Bevel Shoulder Lever Set...... Pendant Set.. n N u t Patent Micrometer Collar Patent Micrometer Upright Patent Micrometer.Large Hole (.037) Star Wheel and Pinion I Index Patent Micrometer Gold (Complete) $3.00 15.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 Upright Patent Micrometer, Small Hole (.03) Index, Star Wheel, Complete ............................................................................ .. INDEXES Descriptionof Index .................................................................................. ................................................................ ................................................................. ............................................................................... CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. 11 JEWELS All Jewels for Pillar Plate or dial side of watch are called LOWER JEWELS. All Jewele for the Bridge Side or back of Watch are called UPPERS. S h o u l d a . Jewel b e l o s t o r b r o k e n s o t h a t t h e h o l e c a n n o t b e g a u g e d s e n d o l d s e t t i n g a n d p i n i o n . For making a n y change in jeweling send movement. WhenS.R.'orD.R.areusedtheydenoteSINGLE ROLLEROR DOUBLE ROLLER. When ordering UNSET JEWELS not listed, use number for set jewel and state UNSET. To determine model refer to Page 2. Nogrosspricesonjewels. Shouldajewelgetlostorbroken,sothattheholecannotbegauged,sendoldsettingandpinion. For makinganychangein Jeweling,sendmovement. Ruby Bars Garnet Bars Endstones Catalogue No. 1321 2321 6321 7321 CatIaIloogue 1322 2322 6322 7322 Catalogue No. Cap Jewels .......................................................................................................... JEWELS, CAP, ARBOR, PALLET‐LOWER , 6323 7323 12323 .0792 .0792 .0792 Ruby, 3/. Plate and Bridge Model 7324 12324 .086 .086 Ruby,StandardModel Ruby, Extremely Thin Model. ......................................................... or ............................................................................ ............................................................................................. Balance Balance Olive Hole 12327 12 8327 6 9327 3/0 15327 8/0 11327 11/0 Catalogue Size No. 1 JEWELS, CAP, STAFF, BALANCE‐UPPER Descriptionof Movement 1330 1331 2330 4331 6330 6331 7330 Ruby, Breg ..................................... JEWELS UNSET .................................................................................................'. . . . . . Price p e r Dozen $3.25 2.25 2.50 3.25 1.00 .................................................................................................... . Escape and Pallet Conicals or 5815:1133 3 . Setting Size Diam. 108 Ruby 12 .0792 R u b y , 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model ~ Price p e r Dozen Brass 18 . ........................................................................ 16 . ................................................................‘. . . . . . 12 . .......................................................................... Size 18 Description of Movement 1‘ ...................................................................... 16 . 1 0 8 1 .................................................................... 12 .0792 1 12 . ‘ Ruby . 5‘? Setting Diam. I i 18 2323 i 12 108 .............................................................. ............................................................ 1323 , 16 . R u b y ..................................... 2.50 25. 0 2.50 Comp. i 12 ; 12 .............................................. Catalogue Setting No. Size Diam. JEWELS, CAP, PINION, ESCAPE‐UPPER Descriptionof Movement ................................................... ................................................... Price per Dozen 18 . .$3.00 16 . 1324 2324 4325 6324 12 .086 16 . ....................................... . 5.00 12 12 108 ..................................... . 50.0 18 18 16 16 12 12 12 1 ........................................ ‘ 108 Ruby .0766 Ruby, 3/.Plateand Bridge Model 0766 108 Ruby Ruby Ruby, RaisedSetting Ruby, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model............................ $5.00 5.00 3.00 108 5.50 Ruby ............................................... ............................................................... Description of Movement Ruby,StandardModel .108 Ruby Price p e r Dozen Brass . $2.50 . 2. * Description of Movement 0792 Ruby,Standard Model JEWELS, CAP, ARBOR, PALLET‐UPPER R u b y , Standard Model Ruby, Extremely Thin Model . ..................................................................... 5.50 _________‐_‐___.____.‐_._‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐-‐‐ Catalogue Size No. Setting Diam. Price per Dozen +.__ $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2,50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2:50 , Price petJszbu Co 1); $3, 1327 1328 2327 16 .108 Ruby, F... Ht 12 7327 12 R u b y...... R u b y , 3/‘ P l a t e a n d B r i d g e . R u b y , Standard Model ............. Ruby, Extremely Thin 1917 Model.. Ruby. Ruby. Ruby. Ruby. 6327 18 18 . .09 . 0 7 9 2 .0792 .0792 . 0792 .0792 .064 .064 , Setting Diam. 0. ...................................................................-.........,_. .................................................................... ... 108 Ruby, JEWELS, CAP, STAFF, BALANCE-L0WER , . Description of Movement .09 .108 . 0 9 .09 .0792 .... .0792 .0792 .0792 .0792 Ruby .068 Ruby, Dome .064 Ruby, Dome, Nickel. . 1 11330 11/0 .064 Ruby,Dorrie.......... 12330 12 12331 12 Ruby,Standard Model Ruby, Extremely Thin Model Ruby, Extremely Thin Model 6 9330 3/0 15330 8/0 ............................................. ...................................... 8330 ,R u b y , F l a t or ................................ 3 F l a t ............................ 1 .................................. Ruby, Breg. ........................................ Ruby, Breg. Raised Set Ruby, Old Style R u b y . Nickel Dome ................................ _ .. ...........................................................‘.... PRICE PER PIECE IS [ / 1 0 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PE MINIMUM CHARGE IS'15 CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Gold ‐ - ‐ ‐‐‐ Gold THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. _‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐_‐_______‐ 6 .... 3/0 .... 8/0 .... Ruby, Comp. Garnet, Straight, Unset, Standard Model Ruby, Comp. D. R . Ruby, Straight, Extremely Thin Model Ruby, Straight, Unset Garnet, Straight Unset Garnet. Straight. Unset Ruby,Straight,Unset Ruby, Straight, Unaet 11/0 .... JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, BARREL LOWER Descriptionof Movement JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, BARREL UPPER Descriptionof Movement _‐ Sapphire, 3/4 Plate,1890Model S a p p h i r e , 3/4 P l a t e a n d B r . , 1 9 0 2 M o d e l Sapphire, Unset. Sapphire, Pat. Bbl., Exposed Wind. .................................................... JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, PALLET LOWER Descriptionof Movement Ruby, Straight H t g Garnet, Straight, 0. F Garnet, Straight H t g Ruby, Coniml Ruby,Straight,0. F Ruby,Straight, Htg Egg,Straight Unset et, Straight 0. F Garnet, Straight H t g Ruby, Coniml 3/4 P1. and Bridge Ruby, Straight, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Garnet, Straight 3/4 Plate and Bridge Ruby, Coniml, Standard Model Garnet, Straight, Standard Model . . . . Ruby, Straight Extremely Thin Model Ruby. Game Garnet, O Carnet, H t g Garnet, Straight, 0. F Garnet, Straight. H t g Rugy,Straight, Exposed Wind JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, PALLET UPPER Description of Movement Ruby, Straight, Old Style. Garnet, Straight Garnet, Straight, Old Style Ruby. Conical Price p e r Dozen Ruby, Straight, Unset Garnet, Straight, Unset Ruby, Coniml R u b y , S t r a i g h t , Unset Garnet. Straight, Unset Ruby, Conical, Standard Model SR. ............................................. PRICE PER PIECE [S 1/10 or THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER 1 3 0 a n MINIMUM CHARGE Is 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. ~ PRICE PER g4DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ’ D 5 CENTS PER PIECE. For Description of ModelNo. . Price per Dozen see page 2 Model No. Catalogue N o . 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 2360 2361 2362 2363 3361 3362 3363 6360 6361 6362 6363 7360 7361 12360 12361 12362 8360 8361 8362 8363 9360 9361 9362 10360 15360 11360 JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, ESCAPE LOWER Ruby, Straight Garnet, Straight Garnet. Straight Ruby, Conical Ruby, Straight Ruby, Straight Garnet, Straight Garnet, Straight Ruby, Conical Ruby, Straight Garnet, Straight Ruby.Coniwl.StandardModel .. Garnet, Straight, Standard Model . Ruby, Conical.Extremely Thin Mod Ruby, Straight, Extremely Thin Model Garnet, Straight Eugy,Straight JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, ESCAPE UPPER For Description of ModelNo. .108 .108 Ruby, Straight .126 Ruby, Straight. Old Style . 108 Garnet, Straight . 126 Garnet, Straight, Old Style . 108 Ruby, Conical .108 Ruby,Straight 3/4 Plate,1890Model .108 Ruby, Straight 3%Plate, 1890 Model, Raised Set .108 Garnet, Straight 3/4 Plate, 1890 Model . 108 Ruby,Straight, 3/4 PlateandBridge1902Model .108 R u b y , S t r a i g h t 3/4 P l a t e a n d B n d g e 1 9 0 2 R a i s e d S e t . 108 Garnet, Straight :7.Plate and Bridge 1902 Model.. . .086 R y. Conical .086 Ru y, Straight, 3/4 Plate.... . .. .086 Garnet, Straight Bridge Model. . .086 Garnet, Straight 5%Plate .086 Ruby, Coniml, Standard Model .086 Garnet, Straight Standard Model... . . . . .086 R u b y , Genital Extremely’l‘hin Model . .086 Ruby.Straight Extremely ThinModel. .086 R u b y . Straight Extremely Thin Model .086 Ruby . . 108 Ruby, FrictlonSetting .086 . 108 Garnet. Friction S e t t i n g .08 Garnet. Bridge Model .08 Garnet. 3APlate .086 Garnet. Friction Set mg Priceper Dozen Comp. 3/0 3/0 3/0 8/0 . 11/0 Ruby ........................................ Setting Diam. .08 064 064 Garnet. Straight Ruby,Straight RaisedSet.. CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. ............................ PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. ‐‐___.__________________‐ Catfilggue 1370 1371 1372 1373 2370 2371 2372 2373 6370 6371 7370 7371 7372 7373 12370 8370 8371 9370 9371 10371 15370 11370 . w e JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, FOURTH LOWER D e s c r i p t i o n Price p e r 3/0 .08 3/O .08 3/0 .086 3/0 .08 8/0 .064 11/O .064 .... 9. 00 .086 086 .086 .086 .086 .086 .108 .086 .108 JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, FOURTH UPPER Description Y Ruby, Old Style Garnet Garnet, Old Style Ruby, 3APlateand Bridge, 1902 Model R u b y , 3/4 P l a t e a n d B r i d g e , 1 9 0 2 M o d e l R a i s e d S e t Ruby, 3‘ Plate1890Model Ruby, /43 Garnet, /4 Plate 1890 Model Garnet, 3APlate and Bridge 1902 Model Ruby, Bridge Model Ruby, 3%Plate Garnet, Bridge Model Garnet, 3/4 Plate Ruby,Standard Model R u b y , Extremely Thin Model Ruby Ruby, FrictionSetting Garnet Garnet,Friction Setting Garnet, Bridge Model Garnet, 3/4 Plate Garnet,Friction Setting Garnet For Description of Model No. see page 2 ' Price p e r Dozen PRICE PER PIECE IS l/l0 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS "PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER }( DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. , 3- Model No. lst& 2nd 1st&2nd 1st & 2nd 3rd 8: 4th Comp. . Catalogue - Setting No. 5‘“ Diam. 1381 18 .108 JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, THIRD LOWER . Descri tion " . Priceper 1382 18 1383 18 1384 18 2381 16 2382 16 2383 16 2384 16 6381 12 6382 12 6383- 12 .086 ................................... R u b y , Standard Model ....... Garnet. Standard Model . .. . . . Ruby, Extremely Thin Model 3.50 3.50 4.50 3. 50 4.50 12 . O. F. Htg. Htg.or O.F. H t g . or O. F. ........... 6384 7381 12 .086 7382 12 .086 12381 12 .086 8381 6 .086 9381 3/0 .086 9382 3 / 0 .086 Garnet. Garnet. G a r n e t . Htg. 3.50 3.50 3.50 45. 0 4.50 15381 8/0 .064 Ruby ................................................ 11381 11/0 Catalogue 1386 1387 1388 1389 3386 3387 2386 2387 3388 2388 6386 6387 6388 6389 7386 7387 12386 12387 8386 8387 8388 8389 9386 9387 9388 10386 15387 .064 R u b y . 108 . 108 . 108 .108 . 108 . 108 . 108 .086 . 086 1332;: O. F. 34.50 Htg. 4.50 O. F 3.50 Htg. 3.50 O. F. 4.50 Htg. 4.50 O. F. 3.50 Htg. 3.50 O. F. 4.50 Htg. 4.50 086 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, THIRD UPPER Description For Description of Model No. see page 2 Price per Dozen ModelNo. ............................................................................. .............................................. ........................................ Ruby Ruby,OldStyle ........................... Garnet Garnet, Old Style Ruby, 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model.......... R u b y , 3/4 P l a t e a n d B r i d g e 1 9 0 2 M o d e l R a i s e d S e t Ruby, 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1890 Model R u b y , 3/43 P l a t e a n d B r i d g e 1 8 9 0 M o d e l R a i s e d S e Garnet, /4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model. Garnet, 3/4 Plate 1890 Model.......... Ruby. Bridge Model....... R u b y . 3/4 P l a t e . . . . 2nd & 4th 2 n d 8!. 4 t h 3rd l s t 8 22ndI ............................................................... uy................................... ..........,............ Garnet, Bridge M e1 ............................................................... Garnet, 3/4 Plate... . .. Ruby,StandardModel Garnet, Standard Model Ruby,ExtremelyThinModel1917Model fiulgy, Extremely Thin Model 1917 Model ............................................................... ............................................................................. Ruby, Friction Setting Garnet Garnet, Friction Setting .............................................................. 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 Garnet, Bridge Model Garnet, 3/4 Plate Garnet, Friction Setting Garnet, Exposed Wind finby,Exposed Wind éféé ................................................................ ..................................................................... .............................................................. ............................................................... ................................................................. PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS F O R A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ......... ................................ Kind O. F. Htg. Catalogue Size No. Price p e r Dozen Hole 1391 m 1392 w 2391 m 2392 m 6391 m 7391 m 12391 m 12392 m 8391 6 9391 3m 15391 8m 11391 Catalogue No. 1395 1396 1397 2395 2396 6395 6396 7395 12395 12396 8395 9395 15395 11395 .0792 .0792 .0792 .0792 .0792 .0792 .068 .0472 .0472 . .. . . . THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, CENTER LOWER Description Sapphire, Unset Sapphire, Unset Sapphire, 3/4 Plate Sapphire, Bridge Model Sapphire or Ruby. Unset Sapphire orRuby. 34Plate Model..................................... Sapphire or Ruby, Bridge M o d e l . Sapphireor Ruby,StandardModel..... Sapphireor Ruby,CounterboredfromDialSide Sapphireor Ruby, ExtremelyThinModel Sapphire Sapphire, Unset. . Sapphire, Unset. . sapphire. . Sapphire. . .. $mfim Priceper Dozen Brass Ruby or Sapphire Gold‘ 315.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Unaet $6M or or ............................. JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, CENTER UPPER For Description of ModelNo. Priceper Dozen C o m p . $10.00 10% 10.00 1am 1&M 10.00 Sapphire, Unset. Deleription .................................................. Jet 822nd let8:2nd Ruby RubyorSapphire,BridgeModel............................................ R u b y or Sapphire, 3/4 Plate Rubyor Sapphire,Unset R u b y or Sapphire, Raised Set, Standard Model Ruby or Sapphire, ExtremelyThinModel Ruby or Sapphire, ExtremelyThinModel Rubyor Sapphire Rubyor Sapphire,FrictionSetting.... Ruby or Sapphire, Unset Ruby, Bridge Model” R u b y , 3/4 P l a t e . . -Ruby, 3/;Plate,FrictionSetting Ruby. Unset JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, BALANCE LOWER Description Y Ruby, Olive Hole Ruby Ruby, Olive Hole Ruby Ruby,StandardModel Ruby, Extremely Thin Model Ruby, Extremely Thin, Olive Hole JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, BALANCE UPPER Ruby,Breg,OliveHole... Ruby,Breg.orFlat“ Ruby, Olive Hole R u b y , 3/4 P l a t e a n d 7 J . B r i d g e M o d e l Ruby,15,17and21J. BridgeModel R u b y ,Standard Model Ruby, Extremely Thin 1917 Model . Ruby, Extremely Thin Olive Hole, 1917 Model, Ruby Ruby or Sapphire, Friction Setting Ruby or Sapphire, 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model....... ........ R u b y or Sapphire, 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model Raised Set. . . . R u b ) or Sapphire, 3/4 Plate 1890 Model Rubyor Sapphire, 3/4 Plate 1890Model,RaisedSet ... Sapphire, Unset PRICE PER PIECE IS [/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLEPIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. $9.00 17 ‐___‐_____________‐.__‐‐‐‐_ Catalogue No. 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 4415 4417 1420 6411 6413 6415 6417 6419 6420 12415 12416 12419 12420 9411 9413 9415 941] 3/0 15411 15413 15415 15416 11411 11413 11415 11417 Catalogue No. 1423 1424 6423 7423 12424 9423 10423 15424 11423 P332612,“ $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2_oo 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 S .75 Size Finish Descriptionof Stones ................................................................. 18 1816 Dull G a r n e t , R e c e i v i n g , N e w S t y l e ............................................................. 12 6 6 6 6 ...................................................... ........................................................................... 12 ......................................................................... ........................................................................... 12 12 ......................................................................... .......................................................................... 18 ............................................................... G a r n e t , D i s c h a r g i n g , 185 O l d S t y l e ........................................................... and Dull Garnet, Receiving, 188 Old Style Dull 18 16 Dull Garnet, Discharging, New Style and 18 ................................................................. G a r n e t , R e c e i v i n g , 185 O l d S t y l e .............................................................. G a r n e t , D i s c h a r g i n g , N e w S t y l e ............................................................... 18 16 Polished and 18 Polished 18 16 ............................................................. and 18 18 16 16 16 ........................................................ R and Garnet, Receiving Garnet, Discharging and and Garnet, Receiving Garnet, Discharging and 12 12 12 12 12 12 3/0 3/0 3/0 ........................................................................ 8/0 8/0 8/0 8/0 ................................................ Garnet. Discharging 11/0 11/0 11/0 11/0 ........................................................................... Size 18,and 16 18and 16 12 and 6 12 Description of Jewels ........................................................... Diem. 12 3/0 3/0 8/0 Sapphire, Double Roller, Extremely Thin Model. Garnet, Flat Face. Single Roller 11/0 Sapphire, Double Roller Garnet, Flat Face, Single Roller Polished Garnet, Receiving, New Style Garnet, Discharging, 188 Old Style Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Dull Dull Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Polished Dull Dull Polished Polished Dull Dull Polished Polished Dull Dull Polished Polished So. rD. CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. JEWELS, PALLET STONES Sapphire, Receiving, Sapphire, Discharging, oller Esc . Sapphire, Discharging, Single Roller Esc Sapphire, Receiving, Sapphire, Discharging, Double Roller Esc Sapphire, Receiving Sapphire, Discharging ................................................ xtremely Thin Model Garnet, Receiving, Garnet, Discharging, Sapphire, Receiving, Sapphire, Discharging, E xtremely Thin Model Garnet, Receiving Garnet, Discharging Garnet, Receiving Garnet, Discharging Garnet, Receivmg Garnet, Discharging Sapphire, Oval Face, Double Roller Garnet, Flat Face, Single Roller Garnet, Oval Face, Double Roller, Standard Model Garnet, Exposed Wind Model ................................................................. So. rD ...................................................... ........................................................ ....................................................... So. rD D.R DR. DR. DR. . ............................................... ................................................ . . E E xtremely Thin Model R . oller Esc . .............................................. R oller Esc xtremely Thin Model ........................................................................... E ............................................................................ Garnet, Discharging Garnet, Receivmg Garnet, Receiving ................................................ Garnet. Remwmg G a r n e t , Dischargmg ......................................................................... ........................................................................... ......................................................................... JEWELS, ROLLER OR JEWEL PIN Garnet, Flat Face, Single Roller ........................................................ ...................................... ........................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ................................................................. PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS F O R A SINGLE PIECE. . PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐.__‐_‐______‐___‐ m ........................................... .... ‘ LEVERS, CLUTCH m “N?“ Descriptionof Movement Kmd ”1:532. 1429 3429 6429 7429 9429 w 11429 Catalogue No. 1431 1432 3431 5432 6431 7431 7432 12432 9431 10432 15432 11431 W C a t Na l o o . g u e 31.00 1.00 1.00 Htg. 1.00 1436 1437 2436 8436 M 18 Old Style ................................................................ OF..or Catalogue Size No. 1440 18 1441 18 1442 18 Description Kind O.F. orHtg. . O.F.orHtg. . O.F.orHtg. . O.F.orHtg. . Htg. THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. KEYS, WINDING - - - Size Description '18 m M Catalogue N o . 12425A 1242513 15425A 15425B % Catalogue ' N 0. Size 5426 5427 7426 12426 10426 15426 LEVERS, LOCKING ta]. . Size Priceper Dozen 12 .................. 12 ExtremelyThinModel(Long.510)........................ $2.00 2.00 8/0 Pendant Setting, ExposedWind(diameterthread .05). ..... 2.00 8/0 Extremely Thin Model (Short .397) Pendant Setting, Exposed Wind (diameter thread .04) 11/0 Pendant Set Pendant Set Htg. 1.00 1.00 Price per D02 $2.50 2.50 1.50 Htg. 3.50 18 ................................................................................ OF..or 6 ................................................................................ PALLETS, WITH STONES FITTED Htg. 3.00 Intermediate, Pendant Setting Pendant Set Pendant Set Pendant Setting, Exposed Wind ........................................................... OF..or Extremely Thin Model 1.50 2 5. 0 3.50 Htg. 3.50 PALLETS D e s c r ‘ i p t ‘ i o n K i ' n d p e r PDr i oc ze e n Pendant Setting, Pendant Setting 34 ...................................................... OF.. Pi. and Bridge Model 3 5. 0 Htg. 3.3% Pendant Set., Pendant Set., Standard Model, New Style (send sample) Pendant Set., Standard Model, Old Style (send sample) 1.50 Descri tion of Movement p . Price Per D02. 16 ............................................................................ 4.00 16 .............................................................................. Pendant Setting, Exposed Wind Lever Setting, Exposed Wind 12 .......................................................................................... 4.00 12 Standard Model EW. ............................................................... 4.00. Extremely Thin Model, Pendant Setting, 3/0 Pendant Setting, Exposed Wind 8/0 Pendant Setting, Exposed Wind 18 16 12 12 3/0 Size 18 18 16 16 12 12 12 12 3/0 3/0 8/0 11/0 s i - z e ............................................................................. OF.. Pendant Set, 3/4 PI. and Br. 1902 Model Pendant Set, 3/4 P1. and Br. Model 4.00 ............................................................................ 400 ............................................................................ 400 Pendant Set ..................................................... OF.. ......................................................... OF.. ............................................................. ............................................................................ OF.. Pendant Set, Standard Model ............................................................................. LEVERS, SETTING or0.F. Descriptionof Movement .. Kind ............................................................. OF.. ............................................................................. OF.. ............................................................................. OF.. ........................................ OF..or ........................................ OF..or ..................................................................... OF.. 3. ............................................................................. OF.. Pendant Set Pendant Setting, Exposed Wind ............................................................ OF..or Htg. EW. .................................................................... 0.F. .......................................................................... OF..or 16 New Style ........................................................ OF..02 3/4 P l a t e 1 8 9 0 H t g . 3 . 0 0 Old Style Htg. 3.00 ' 2440 16 8440 6 OldStyle.. OldStyle.. NewStyle NewStyle 3/Plate.. PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Htg. Htg. $3.00 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. ‐_______‐‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐ FORKS Descriptionof Movement Old Style Old Style N e w Style, Single Roller New Style, Single Roller New Style, Double Roller New Style, Double Roller 3/4 Plate 1890 Model Old Style ________‐________________‐‐‐__.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ WW Catalogue No. 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 . . . Description of Movement Priceper Dozen ’ Grade 1 $17.00 17.00 17.00 20.00 17.00 20.00 26.00 26.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 20.00 26,00 17.00 20.00 26.00 20.00 26.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 12 and 6 12 12 Old Style New Style, Single Roller New Style,Single Roller. . . . . . New Style, Double Roller New Style, Double Roller 3/4 Plate 1890 Model, Old Style, ( l s t and 2nd Models) 3/4 Plate Models, One Piece, (2nd and 3rd Models) . . . Bridge Model, Single Roller.... . Bridge Model, Double Roller. . . . 125 Standard Model, Single Roller Standard Model, Double Roller. Extremely Thin Model, Double Old Style 6/0 3 oller PALLETS AND FORKS WITH STONES FI'I'I‘ED Garnet OldStyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. . . Garnet Garnet Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Garnet Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Old Style New Style, Single Roller New Style, Single Roller N e w Style, Single Roller New Style, Single Roller N e w Style, Double Roller New Style. Double Roller 3/4 Plate 1890 Model, Old Style, (lst and 2nd Models) 3/4 Plate; One Piece (2nd and 3rd Models) Bridge Model, Single Roller Bridge Model, Single Roller Bridge Model, Double Roller 123 Standard Model, Single Roller Single Roller Standard Model, Double Roller Extremely Thin Model Extremely Thin Model Old Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In orderingpallets.forksandstones.sendescape wheelwith PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN, ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FORA SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ' ORDER BY NUMBER. 20 _ THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. ‘____‐‐____‐ M Cmm a ue . PALLETS, FORKS AND ARBORS WITH STONES FITTED N0~ 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 2471 2472 2475 2476 3475 3476 4475 4476 4477 4478 4483 4484 6475 6476 6477 6478 7475 7477 7478 12475 12477 8471 9475 10475 15475 Size 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Stone Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Sapphire Sapphire ( h r - n e t Garnet Sapphire S a p p h i r e Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire} Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Jewel . P W “ Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Straight Conical Descriptionof Movement ‐ seepage ModelNo. l s t 8r. 2nd 1st &2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd ' Kmd 1 8/0 11/0 Old Style ........................................ . . . .. ... 1475 Camogue N°~ 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 (38.310919 No. Size PILLARS Descriptionof Pillar . ==‘ - Price p e r Dozen ‐‐‐-‐ 6502 9501 11501 11502 C8331:3“e 1506 3506 5506 6506 7506 9506 30 10506 3/o 11504 11/0 12and6 12 12 12s 3/4 P l . a n d B r . M o d 3/. P l . a n d B r . M o d . . . . . . . . . . . 3/.P1.and Br. Mod........... 12 12 12 12 12 12 3A ...................... ............ 6 3/0 3/0 ................. ........................ ........................ ........................ . ... 18 18 13 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 7 18 7 OF.. 0.F. 50 Size 18, 16, 12.6 K i n d 12, /0 Guard Regulator Regulator G u a r d 3/0 8/0‐11/0 8/0‐11/0 5‘13 ...................................................................................... PINS, SETTING .50 18 16 16 12 12 Full Plate 3/. Plate and Bridge 1902 Exposed Wind .......... 0- F- 81-50 0- F. 1.50 0-F- 1.50 O.F 1.50 16 ...................................................................................... .50 .50 1501 1502 1503 1504 All ColletandStud 1 8 , 6 18, 16, Regulator Guard Steady ...................................................................................... .50 6 .50 ...................................................................................... .50 , ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... .50 3 ............................... Old Style............................... Old S t y l e ............................... OF.. O F. . Htg. Htg. O F. . O.F. O F. . O F. . Htg. Htg. 24.00 Htg. 30.00 O l d S t y l e ............................... $ 2 1 . 0 0 24.00 21.00 24.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 33.00 21.00 Old Style SingleRoller............................ SingleRoller...................z........ 3/ 0.F.or 0. F. or Htg. 0. F. or Htg. 0. F. or Htg. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ Single Roller Single Roller Single Roller Single Roller Single Roller............................ , ............................ Double Roller........................... 00 33.00 SingleERoller Htg. 33. ........................... O F. . OF.. Htg. 33.00 Htg. 36.00 Double Roller Double Roller........................... Double Roller........................ 3/4 P1. 1890 Model. . .................. 36.00 Pl. 1890 Model....................... Htg. 3/ Pl.1890 Model, One Piece 3/ Pl. 1890 Model, One Piece. 3/4 P1. 1902 Model, One Piece. 3/1Pl.1902 Model, One Piece............. Htg. r.. M o d Single Roller................... B r . M o d . , Single Roller .................. O F. . OF. . O.F. O.F. O F. . 0. F. O.F. O.F. O F. . 0.F. O. F. O. F. ................... Br. Mod., Single Roller.................. Br. Mod., Double Roller................. Br. Mod., Double Roller................. Br. Mod., Single Roller P1. a n d B r . M o d Standard Model,Single Roller S t a n d e Model, Double Roller. Standard Model, Double Roller ............ Extremely Thin Model . .. Straight Straight S t r a i g h t Straight Straight Straight Extremely Thin Model 15 17 ............................................................ Nickel 82.50 2 . 5 0 Htg. 2.50 H t g . 2 . 5 0 H t g . 2.50 Htg. 2.50 Gilded Price per 100 ........................................................... 15 17 ............................................................ 15 17 and Long $2. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 and Short and Long ...................................~........................ 21 23 ............................................................ 15and 17 Short 17, 21 23 ........................................................... and Long 21 23 ............................................................ OF.. OF.. 17, and Short 17. 21 23 11 11 ........................................................... ............................................................ OF..or 2.50 17, and Long 2.50 and Short Long Short. ...........................................................POF..or PINS, TAPER Long Short Htg. 2.50 ' ............................................................. .................................................................... .F. r 1.50 O. 1.50 - 1-50 1-50 .......................................................... OF..or ............................................................ OF..or . . . . . . . . 3rd 0.F.orHtg. O.F. . For Description ofModel 130. ~ Pr‘c‘erdEm“ 1 2 $18.00 ...................................................................................... $.50 Descriptionof Movement Kind 133$? PRICE PER PIECE [S 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS F O R A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER y DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 0.F.or 21.00 24.00 21.00 24.00 21.00 24.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 33.00 33.00 36.00 21.00 24.00 24.00 27.00 21.00 27.00 33.00 20.00 33.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 ' Km Htg. 2.50 2 5. 0 Htg. 2.50 Htg. CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. _______‐__________‐‐-‐-‐-‐‐‐‐-‐ W Catfilg'gue 1508 2508 2509 6508 6509 7508 12508 8508 9508 9509 10510 15508 11508 11509 PINIONS, CANNON Descriptionof Movement Kind Priceper 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 2516 2517 2518 2519 3516 3517 6516 6517 7516 7517 12 12516 12 12517 12 Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical ............................................. 34. 45.0 35.0 4.50 3.50 45.0 35.0 4.50 3.50 9516 15516 11516 3/0 8 /0 11/0 Ht g. Size Leaves 18 13 .............................. 16 13 16 13 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 6 12 3/0 10 3/0 12 3/0 10 ExposedWind. 10 11/0 8 8/0 11/0 Exposed Wind ................................................................ PINIONS, CENTER, HEADS 12 12 12 12 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model Htg. 3.00 2.50 6 Standard Model 13 .................................................................... Htg. Htg. Size Pivot PINIONS, ESCAPE . . Description of Movement For Description ofModelNo. see page 2 Kind Model No. 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 a n d 6 12 Conical Coarse Train Fine Train, Short Leaves Fine Train, Short Leaves Htg. .................................. OF.. 12 Straight Coniml 0. F. or H t g 0. F. or H t g 0.F.orHtg 3/ Plate 1890 Model, Large Staff ..................... Small Staff Short,Old Style,34 Plate and Bri Long.NewStyle A PlateandBridge Standard Model Extremely Thin Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Htg. 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 25.0 Priceperdozen traight oniml Straight Htg 0.F.orHtg 0.F.orH t g 3/PlateandBridgeModel..... O.F.orHtg ............ .............................................................. .................................................................. 7 .............................................................................. Pendant Setting ______________‐_‐_________‐_‐‐__‐_______‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐-‐‐‐‐T‘.____ Price per Dozen No. 1511 1512 1513 2511 2512 3511 3512 6511 7511 8511 W Catfilggue S‘ize Leaves Descr'ipt'ion 0f Movement } Kind Grade 1 Grade 2 18 10 18 10 18 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I O F. . o r 16 12 3/ .................................... OF.. ............................................ OF..or 16 12 3 ................................................. OF..or ....................................................... OF..or 16 13 3 ....................................... OF..or 16 13 ExposedWind F o r Spring Staff, Coarse Train $3.00 Htg. 3.00“ 2.50 Threaded, Coarse Train H t g . Threaded, Fine Train Plate 1890 Model, Raised Center 3.00 2.50 Htg. 3.00 2.50 Plate. 1890 Model .............................................. OF..o: ................................................ OF..or ..................................................... OF..or Coarse Train............................................. OF.. 50 $3.50 Fine Train, L o n g Leaves FineTrain, LongLeaves Raised Center Model........................ Raised Center Model........................ New 1890 Model............................ Htg .00 4.50 3.50 .................................. .................................. 0.F.or .................................. OF..or 7 ..‐ ............................ 0.F.or .... 3.50 .... 3. 50 .... 3.50 .... 3. 50 .... 4.50 3.50 4.50 3.50 New1890 Model 3/4PlateandBridge1902Model.............. 3rd8:4th 3/Plate and Bridge 1902 Model......... . 3rd 8:4th Htg 7.00 4.50 7.00 4.50 7.00 4.50 7.00 4. 50 7.00 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Standard Model. Standard Model ..... Extremely Thin Model Extremely Thin Model 0. F. 0. PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER )4 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Straight Conical Straight Straight Straight F. ....................OFo.. r ..................... OF. . ....................................... o.F.ormg. 45.0 3.50 _________‐____‐__‐_‐__‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐-‐-‐‐ l e t l e t 2nd 2nd Htg 0.F. .. Htg. 0.F. 7.00 45.O 3.50 0.F.or .’. $2.50 Htg. 3.00 2.50 Htg. 3.00 2.50 Grade 1 Grade 2 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH .CO. .‐‐___‐__‐__________‐_______ Catalaghe 1537 1538 1539 2537 2538 3537 3538 5537 5538 6537 6538 7537 7538 12538 8537 8538 9537 9538 10537 10538 15538 11537 11538 Description of Movement 11/0 11/0 Exposed Wind Coarse Train Coarse Train. . Fine Train Fine Train 3/4 Plate 1890 Model, Raised Center 3/4 Plate 1890 Model, New Model 3APlate 1890 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model 3/; Plate and Bridge 1902 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Standard Model Standard Model Exposed Wind Exposed Wind, Short Pivot for Skylight Dial.. . ExposedWind, ShortPivotfor SkylightDial... Exposed Wind, Short Pivot for Skylight Dial.. . PINIONS, THIRD Descriptionof Movement Coarse Train Coarse Train FineTrain Fine Train 34Plate 1890 Model Raised Center /4Plate 1890 New Model 3/4 Plate, 1890 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model 3/4 P l a t e a n d B r i d g e M o d e l . . . . 3/. Plate and Bridge Model Standard Model Standard Model PINIONS, WINDING l... Price p e r Dozen Old Style Pendant Set 3/4 Plate 1890 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model, Lever Set 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model, Pendent Set Exposed Wind, 16 Ratchet Teeth Exposed Wind. 16 Ratchet Teeth 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model, Lever Set 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model, Pendent Set 14 Ratchet Teeth, Standard Model Standard Model Extremely Thin Model Internal Square External Square . PINIONS, FOURTH Description of Movement . ‘For Description ofModelNo. see page 2 3rd 8: 4th 3rd 8: 4th Price p e r Dozen ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ / / O.F. / 14 Ratchet Teeth, Exposed Wind / 14RatchetTeeth,ExposedWind H t g . or O, F. Htg.orO.F. 0. F. 0. F. or Htg. PRICE PER PIECE IS1/10 OFTHE DOZEN PRICE; ONITEMS LESSAAN$10 PER DOZEN ADD 5CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. . ModelNo. . . . . . . Grade 1 .50 Grade 2 Grade 1 $4.50 4. 50 f 4.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 ‘50 450 . .50 .50 Grade 2 Catfiggue Descriptionof Movement Kind D323 FirstGrade .......................................................... 0.F.or Size 12546 12 Breguet 8543 6 Flat 8546 6 Breguet 9543 3/0 Flat y Flat Old Style. 9544 9546 9547 8/0 OF..or 15547 8/0 ............................................................................ OF..or 1551 4551 7551 12 Bridge Model. Standard Model........................................................................................... 3.00 12555 9554 15555 11554 and 12 12 3/0 8/0 ........................ Standard Model .. Extremely Thin M o d 1559 1560 1561 6559 7560 12560 9559 15560 11559 18and 16 Garnet 18and 16 Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Garnet Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Garnet Dlam 41‐to47‐ 43‐tO51‐ 48‐to51‐ Roller Single Double Double Smgle Double D o u b l e Single Double Smgle 13953191310110‘ R011” 1’3?ng ...............'................................................. $3.00 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 .................................................................... OF.. 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 2543 16 Flat 2544 16 Flat 2546 16 Breguet 2547 1 6 Breguet 3546 16 Breguet 4547 16 Breguet 4548 16 Breguet 6546 12 Breguet 6547 12 Breguet Old Style.................................................................... $5.50 Htg. 5.50 3/0 3/0 ........................................................ ................................................................... ....................................................................... g. 4.00 4. 00 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5. 50 5.50 4.00 5.50 4.00 4.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 16 Hair Spring Breguet Breguet Old Style Old Style, Champion ’ Breguet New Style, Champion 12 8/0 Exposed Wmd Flat Flat Flat Old Style Htg. 4.00 Old Style Breguet New Style, Patent 4.00 Htg. 4.00 Breguet Breguet Breguet Breguet New Style Patent ............................................................................ 0.F. CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. 23 REGUL ATORS .. . Prie:‐ .................................................................... .................................................................... ......................................................... ............................................................ OF.. 11546 11/0 __________________.____.__________.__‐__‐__._‐‐‐‐‐ W Catalogue NO- ROLLERS, SAFETY ‘ Size 18 ........................................................................................................ Descriptionof Movement ...................................................................................... $3.00 ................................................................................. ,. __‐____’___‐_._.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 12551 15551 Catfilggue . 1554 1555 1556 6554 7555 Catfilggue Size Jewel Size Roller Descriptionof Movement Priceper Dozen . . ...................... ‘......... $2.00 .. 18and 16 18 and 16 18and 16 Single Double Double Smgle Double Double Single Double Single ......................... Old Style, 163 Bridge Model New Style, 168 Bridge Mode 2_00 2.00 2.00 2.00 20. 0 2.00 2.50 2.50 12 6 .. ..................................... ........................................................... .........._................................................................................ 18 and 16 Old Style, 165 Bridge Model, Round................................ New Style, 165 Bridge Model .................................................. Standard Model.................................... 5.00 5_00 30, 0 500 5.00 30. 0 5 0. 0 3.00 12 12 6 to and 3 9 ‐ 12 3/0 8/0 to4 7 ‐ E x t r e m e l y T h i n M o d e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ 11/0 33‐‐ Extremely Thin Model ............................................................................................ 3.00 3.00 3,00 ............................................................................... ........................................................................................... ‘ Exposed Wind ____‐_‐,_________..____.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐'‐‐‐‐‐‐ 11/0 4 5 ‐ 42‐to46‐ 4 5 . . 3 0 ‐ 3 1 ‐ - 2 4 ‐ to to to 3 7 ‐ 26‐‐ ROLLERS, TABLE WITH JEWEL PINS FITTED P R I C E P E R P I E C E I S 1/10 O F T H E D O Z E N P R I C E ; O N I T E M S L E S S T H A N $ 1 0 P E R D O Z E N A D D 5 C E N T S P E R P I E C E . MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. ,PRICE PER 54 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. OF..or OF..or 0. F. . OF..or 5 5. 0 Htg. 5.50 Htg. Htg. Htg. Htg. 5.50 Price per Dozen THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. __‐______‐_______________ SCREWS Screwsmustbeorderedin a dozenor moreof eachkind. We furnish extra thread screws for all screws listed, excepting the balance screws. In case the t h m d in a hole is worn it requires an extra thread screw. Order such screws by the regular screw number and state extra thread. We also furnish taps for all screws listed. In ordering taps use regular screw number and state tap. An extrachargeof $1.00perdozen,or 10¢each,willbemadefortaps. When in doubt as to material required, send sample if possible. Where samples are sent attach them to order to avoid loss or delay. In ordering screws, etc., for upper or lower, upper denotes the bridge side or back of watch. 18 and 16 18 and 16 12 12 12 1‘25 Gold Extremely Thin Model, Gilt Extremely Thin Model Gilt only Gilt only 6 3/0 8/0 11/0 18 and 16 18 and 16 18 and 16 18 and 16 12 12 12 12 136 % 8/0 1/0 18 and 16 18 and 16 12 12 12 1% 6 3/0 3/0 8/0 18 18 ...................................................................................... 18 16 16 16 12 1% Plate 1890 Model, H t g Gilt only Gold, Extremely Thin Model Gilt, Extremely Thin Model SCREWS‐BALANCE. T I M I N G '‐ Gilt, Old Style Gilt, New Style (Single Roller)........................... Gilt, Short Pin(Double Roller' G i l t 5%Plate, 1890 Model Gilt, 3/¢ Plate, Brid e and Exposed Wind, Double or Single Roller Gilt, 3/4, Plate. Bridg and Standard Model Edit,Extremely Thin Model 1t 3 34 Plate and Bridge, 1902 Model Old Style Standard Model Extremely Thin Model 3/‘ Plate Model 3/0 3/0 8811/?)5/0 BridgeModel Descri tion p SCREWS‐BALANCE. MEANTIME Price per Gross Price per Dozen SCREWS‐BARREL BRIDGE PRICE PER PIECE IS [/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER $4 DOZEN OR M O R E AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. / Lower denotes pillar plate or dial side of watch. Price p e r Gross Price p e r Dozen Price p e r Gross Price p e r Dozen F l a t Chamfer CANTON, OHIO, U. ________________‐.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐_‐‐‐‐‐ 7593 7593 10573 9593 15593 1595 2595 2582 3582 6581 12581 8595 9581 9595 9582 9596 9582 9596 15581 11581 3/0and5/0 8/0 1l/0 18 and 16 Hairspring 16 12 SCREWS‐CLICK and Standard Model........................ Description SCREWS‐BRIDGE, TRAIN 16 O.F. 1890Model 16 H t g . 1890 Model 16 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model.. 12 O. S. and Standard Model 12 Extremely Thin Model Pr Dozen Pr Gross 6.. 3/0 3/0 5/0 8/0 11/0 16 12 12 3/0and5/0 8/0 18 18 18 18 16 '18 16 16 16 12 12 0. S. 3%Plate Bridge Model SCREWS‐BRIDGE, RATCI-IET Old Style............................. New Style SCREWS‐BRIDGE, WINDING Front..... O.F.,1890Model3/4 Plate Htg.. 1890 Model 3/4 Plate 12 3/0 and5/0 3/0 8/0 18 16 16 16 12 12 6 3/0 3/0 3/0 3 /0 Extremely Thin Model Exposed Wind N o t Exposed Wind O.F. 3APlateand1890Model Htg. 34Plateand1890Model 3/4 Plate, and Bridge 1902 Model 3/4 Plate, Bridge and Standard Model Extremely Thin Model 3APlate 7 Jewel 3/4 Plate 17 Jewel and 15 Jewel Bridge Model, 7 Jewel Bridge Model, 15 and 17 Jewel Exposed Wind, 7 Jewel 480 am am am ow L% i% L% L@ I% Bridge Models, and 3/4 Plate 1902 Models‘ 3/4 Plate, Bridge and Standard Model . . . . Extremely Thin Model 6. 3/0 and5/0 3/0and5/0 Exposed Wind, 15 and 17 Jewel SCREWS For Dacription of Model No. see page 2 Model No. lst8:2nd ‐‐ Flat _‐ P . rice per Gross 3 Bevel .‐ Price 1‐ Dozelie PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. ‘ PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. iceper iceper $0.40 .40 Catfilogue 0' 2598 S i z e D e s c r i p t i o n Price per Dozen 6598 12598 9598 10598 15598 12 6 ............................................................ Extremely Thin Model. .. .................... 3/4 Plate and Bridge Mode . . 11598 11/0 ...................................................... SCREWS‐DIAL FOOT Without Head............................................................ 1604 1611 18 1612 18 1613 18 1615 2615 6615 6615 6615 9621 11615 1615 1615 2615 6617 6615 6618 12618 6617 6618 15618 11618 1617 2615 4619 4.20 Old Style Micrometer Base. 4.20 1615 18 2615 16 5617 16 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model................................................. Patent Barrel, Exposed Wind.............................................. SCREWS‐JEWEL, CENTER LOWER 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model................................................. Bridge Model and Extremely Thin Model................................... ........................................................................ 3.60 .30 .20 3.60 .30 4.20 2615 16 12 6615 3/0 6615 and 18 16 4.20 4.20 4.20 12 6 3A 12 3/Oand 5/0 8/0 11/0 ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 4.20 4.20 12 12 12 12 New Style ........................................................... ............................................................ 6 3/0 8/0 11/0 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. SCREWS‐Continued SCREWS‐COCK. PALLET 16 ........................................................................ Price per Gross ..... and 12 3/9 3/0 8/0 Exposed Wind ... . 1600 18 1601 18 ........................................................................ .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 18 With Head ............................................................... 1602 2600 16 ........................................................................ 6600 12 12600 12 ................................................. .................................................... 8600 6 ........................................................................ 9600 3/0 3/4PlateandBridgeModel................................................. 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Extremely Thin Model and5/0 Exposed Wind (without Head) 10600 3/0 10600 8/0 (Without Head) 11600 1/0 ........................................................................ New Style Star and Spring 4.20 12.00 .. .............................................. ........................................................... 18 16........................................................................ SCREWS‐DUST BAND SCREWS‐INDEX 4‘80 4.80 40 40 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 35 35 ................................................. Extremely Thin Model.................................................... 4.20 ........................................................................ 4.20 and Plate and Bridge Model SCREWS‐JEWEL, BALANCE UPPER 18 ................................................................ 3.60 18 16 ........................................................................ 3.60 Old Style ............................................................... 3.60 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 3/4 Plate Model Bridge Model 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 18 .20 16 .20 16 .20 PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Flat Bevel Price per Gross $4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 42.0 .35 42.0 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 42.0 .35 .... ... 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 4 . 2 0 .35 4.20 Price per Dozen $0.35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 1.00 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 4.20 .30 4.20 .30 ..., .30 .. .30 .35 .35 .35 27 __________‐______‐_‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Catfilogue 0 2615 6615 6615 9621 6617 9621 11615 2615 2615 6615 Size 18 D e s c r i p t i o n SCREWS‐JEWEL'CENTER UPPER 16........................................................................ Price p e r Gross Price p e r Dozen 3035 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 11615 8/0 11/0 1617 1615 2615 6617 6615 9621 6617 9621 3/0 Old S t y l e ............................................................... 16 ......................................................................... .40 .40 ,40 .40 11615 8/0 11/0 8:11/0 ......................................................................... 1615 2615 6615 1615 6615 6615 9615 SCREWS‐JEWEL PALLET UPPER 1617 £215 Old Style. .............................................................. .60 .30 5 6617 NewStyle. ......................................................................... .60 .30 6615 9621 6617 9621 11615 1626 Extremely Thln Model. 6 ............................................................... .60 .30 1627 5527 7627 7627 6627 12 LockPendantSet 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 11527 ...................................................... 4.20 1626 3628 3628 7627 9628 % 8 ......................................... ................................................ .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 10628 11628 1626 7627 12625 10625 15627 8/0 15628 8/0 ................. .............. ' .. h' and 12 % ................................................. ................................................... 33.60 3.60 $4.20 4.20 12 12 6 3/Oand 5/0 11/0 18 16 12 Plate and Budge Model Standard Model.......................................................... ExtremelyThln Model 3 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 4 3/08 Setting, Setting Standard Model H t g . 4.20 .35. 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 420 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 12 % ............................ 42'0 '‘' 4.20 '32 12 12 Plate and Bridge Standard Model................................ 3 /0 11/o 16 : Settlngu . 5 12 12 3/0 Settmg Clutch Lever .................................................. ....................................... ' ''' jj Setting, B 1 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. SCREWS‐‐Cont1nued SCREWS‐JEWEL, ESCAPE UPPER ................................................................ 3 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 18 18 16 ........................................................................ O l d S t y l e ............................................................... 1617 1615 2615 6617 6615 9621 6617 9621 3/Oand5/0 ........................................................................ .60 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 12 % 12 12 Plate and Brldge Standard Model.......................................................... 4 New Style ...................................................... .................................................... ........................................................................ 3 3.60 3.60 3.60 .20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 Extremely Thln Model 6 ........................................................................ .60 8: 18 SCREWS‐~JEWEL, FOURTH UPPER 13 ................................................................ 12 12 12 ................................................................. New Style 3.60 3.60 3,60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 .20 .20 .20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 42.0 :40 3/4 Plate Bridge and Standard Model ............................................... 40 .................................................... Extremely Thln Model 6 ......................................................................... 4 ......................................................................... SCREWS‐JEWEL, PALLET LOWER 18 ......................................................................... 16 ......................................................................... 12 ......................................................................... & .20 .40 420 '40 4.20 .40 4‘20 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 35 4.20 :35 35 .20 I35 18 ....................................................................... 16 ....................................................................... Brldge 3.60 3.60 12 12 %_P1ate ................................................................. 3 3.60 & ................................................. ............................................................... .60 Standard Model SCREWS‐JEWEL. THIRD UPPER 18 1% &Br.Pend. Set ............................................... Lock. Lock, Standard Mod. H t g . Pendant Set 3 4.20 4 % 8 1 Pl. : r. 902 Model : 8 ................................................... _3 3/0&5/0 ................................................................ 11/0 818/0 ......................................................................... .60 .30 3.60 .30 3.60 .30 3.60 .30 4.20 .35 4_20 .35 4.20 .35 4.20 .35 4.30 .35 18 SCREWS‐LEVER 18 IntermediatePendantSet................................................. . 16 % ........................................................ .‘' .'' .'’ I'' 12 Lock, Pl. ..................................... ........................................................ 4.20 3/0 11/0 18 16 12 12 3/o P1. Bridge Pendant Set ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' '' jj % & ......................................... Lock,PendantSet Lock,PendentSet Setting, Pendant Set .35 .20 .35 ........................................................ 4 8O: F........................................ ................................................................ Settrrlg, Ex. Wind ........................................................ Pl. B r. Model Clutch, Standard Model Clutch Lever, Extremely Thm Model ClutchLever. .35 4.20 .35 ClutchLever Setting Lever ............................................................ 42.0 .35 ............................................................ 42.0 ............................................................. PRICE PER PIECE IS [/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 4.20 .20 4.20 Flat Bevel Price p e r Dozen 30.30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 .35 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 .35 .30 .30 .30 .30 3 .,,. _.‘_ 3.60 .30 Price p e r Gross .60 .20 4.20 4.20 3.20 4.20 Cafilogue . 0- 16 & 12 12 3 0 & 5 / 8/0 /0 16 12 16 15 8:12 12 Description SCREWS‐RATCI-IET WHEEL 123 and StandardModel Extremely Thin Model. ExposedWind. Exposed Wind _ . SCREWS‐REGULATOR SPRING Adlustmg, % Plate Adjusting Extremely Thin Model O. S. % Plate 16s Bridge, 12s % Plateand Bridge Standard Model. . .. Flat Bevel Chamfer THE DUEBER‐HAMPDEN WATCH CO. SCREWS‐Continued Extremely Thin Model Hold-down screw 3/0825/0 15and17Jewel SCREWS‐SKIPPER SPRING % Plate Model % Plate & Bridge Model SCREWS‐SPRING, CLICK % Plate 8: Bridge Model Standard Model.. O. F. 34 Pl. 8: Bridge Model Htg. M P]. 8: Bridge Model Htg. or PendantSet SCREWS‐S'I‘OP 1890 % Plate Model Extremely Thin Model 12‐% Plate and Standard M o d SCREWS‐SPRING YOKE Htg.& OpenFace % Plateand Bridge Model 3/0 5%Plate, H t g . Lever Set 3/0 Bridge Model, H t g . Lever Set 6 11/0 Htg. Shipper Set 11/0 Pendant Set . . .35 PRICE PER PIECE IS 1‐10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER $4DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. \ Place p e r ross P r i c e p e r P r i c e p e r P r i c e p e r P r i c e p e r P r i c e p e r Catalogue No. Price Gross Price Dozen 1583 9641 9647 1635 2635 2635 8635 1627 11635 1634 11/0 12 3N 12 12 3/O / 3/0 8: 5/0 3/0 & 5/0 3/0 11/0 11/0 18 188:16 16 8: 16 16 12 12 12 8: 6 3/0 3/0 8: 5/0 8/0 CANTON, OHIO,7U. S. A. SCREWS‐Continued Description SCREWS‐SPRING. LEVER Intermediate Lock, Bridge Model Clutch, Ex. Wind Setting‐Bridge Model Setting Exposed Wind. . . Setting, Standard Model . Clutch. Standard Model Lock, Standard Model . Clutch, Exposed Wind. Setging, Exposed Wind. Setting, Pend. Set . . . Lock, Pend. Set... . Setting, Pend. Set SCREWS‐WINDING HUBS ExposedWind Exposed Wind, Standard Model Extremely Thin Model 12‐% Plate and Bridge Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Exposed Wind Exposed Wind Exposed Wind SCREWS‐YOKE, PIN SET ‘ Chamfer 16-12‐3/0 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model lg Exposed Wind Shipper Stud PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN, ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. ‐‐‐‐‐___‐_____________ SLIDES Description of Movement Locking, Exposed Wind, Hunting Locking, Exposed Wind, Open Face Push Pin. 3/4 Pl. and Br. Model Locking, Standard Model Locking, Standard Model Setting, Pin Set; Exposed Wind, Hunting Exposed Wind, Open Face Old Style, 3/4 P1. and Br. Model N e w S t y l e , 3/4 P1. a n d B r . M o d e l Old Style SPRINGS, CLICK Description of Movement Price p e r PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FORA SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. - Priceper K m d Dozen Htg. $1.50 0. F. or Htg. 1.50 CatNal0o.gue 1670 2670 6670 7670 12670 8670 9670 15670 11670 Catalo ue Nag 1672 1673 1674 2672 2672 2673 2673 6673 7673 12673 8672 8673 9673 15673 11673 Catalogue NO- 1675 1676 1677 1679 1681 1683 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 6683 7683 12683 8677 8683 9677 9678 9683 15683 11683 Strength 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 Strength 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 l to 6 1to6 1 to 6 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 Strength 1 t o 6 1 to 6 1 to 6 1 to 6 1 to 6 1 to 6 1to6 1 to 6 lto6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to6 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 1to3 S'ue 18 16 12 12 12' 6 3/0 8/0 ‘ Slze 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 6 6 3/0 8/0 11/0 Size 1 8 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 6 6 3/0 8/0 3/0 8/0 11/0 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. SPRINGS, HAIR Descri1t)ionof Movemeat ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 31 Kl’nd PDficoezepner OF..orHtg $1.50 11/0 0.F.or ...................................................... StandardModel................................................................ Extremely Thin Model .......................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... Htg. 1.50 3APlate and Bridge Model OF..or Stud Style Collet Cap Breguet Description Kind D Round D Round D Round Round D D Round Round D D D D D Round D Round Round D Breguet Flat Flat Breguet Breguet Flat Flat Flat Flat Breguet Breguet Breguet Breguet Breguet Breguet Breguet Flat Breguet Flat Flat Breguet Large Stafi............................................ O.F.orHtg. LargeStaff. O.F.orHtg. Large Staff. 0.F.orHtg. Large Staff. 0.F.orHtg. SmallStat?. O.F.orHtg. Small Staff. 0. F. or Htg. D Breguet D Breguet SPRINGS, HAIR, COLLETED '' ' Damptlonof Movement K m d Pfl‘le per Dozen $2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2 5. 0 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2. 50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Pnce per Dozen $6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Style Collet Flat Breguet Breguet Flat Breg'uet Flat Breg‘uet Breguet Breguget Breguet Flat Breguet Breguet Breguet Breguet SPRINGS, HAIR, COLLETED AND STUDDED Large Staff ....................................................... ... Large Stat? ....................................................... ... Small Staff ....................................................... ...................................................... .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. 3/4 P l . a n . B r . M o d e l Standard Model ................................................... Extremely Thin Model .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .......... .. .. PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER $4 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 0.F.or Htg. 1.50 OF..or O F. . 1.50 Htg 1.50 Htg. 1.50 O F. . o r O. 1.50 Htg 1.50 Htg 1.50 CatIaIEJgue 1686 1687 3686 3687 5692 5693 5689 3686 3687 7687 7688 7690 7691 7689 Size 18 18 Setting 16 Lock SPRINGS, LEVER AND CLUTCH Descriptionof Movement 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 126901 12 9686 3/0 Lock Lever, Exposed Wind Pendant, Exposed Wind % Pl.andBr.Model % P1.andBr.Model Standard Model,OldStyle StandardModel,OldStyle Standard Model Standard Model Standard Model,NewSty Extremely Thin Model 9687 10692 10689 15690 11686 1 1689 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Setting Clutch Clutch Setting Lock Setting Setting Setting Clutch Clutch Setting Clutch 3/0 Setting PendantSet. 3/0 Clutch Pendant, Exposed Wind 3/0 Setting Pendant ExposedWind. 8/0 Clutch Exposed Wind 11/0 Lock 11/0 Setting SPRINGS, MAIN Force Description}! Movement 2, 3, 4 4 1890 Model . 31/2to7 3/4 P1. and Br. 1902 Models (3rd 81 th Model) 6 Patent Parrel(Hook on side) 31/2to7 Exposed Wind (’1‘ Brace) 5 to 7 Pat. Barrel (Exposed W i n d ) 5to71/2 3/4 PI. and Br. and Standard Model 51/2to7 Extremely Thin Model 6. 71/2 6‘/2,871/z 9 STRENGTH OF MAIN SPRINGS USED IN HAMPDEN MOVEMENTS 18 SIZE Strength AllSize7-Jewelto 17jewels 2 All Size,above17-Jewel. 3 A l l 1890 Model Champion 7-Jewel, 1902 Model No. 109, 15-Jewel, 1962 Model Gen. Stark, 17Jewel, 1902 Model No. 107andWm. McKinley 17-JewelModel.. Railway, 19-JewelModel N o s . 1 0 4 , 105 a n d W m . M c K i n l e y , 21-Jewel M o d e l 51/2 6 » .. 5 .. 51/2, 6, 61/2, .. p 5 51/2,6 7-Jeweland 11-Jewel 12 SIZE % PLATE AND BRIDGE MODEL (THICK) . .............................................................................................. 5 Nos. 300 and 302 Dueber Grand and Gen. Stark, 15and l7-Jewel. J ohn Hancock, 21-Jewe1 Noa.300and302$tandardMode1.... Nos. 304,306,308, 310,312 and 314 Standard Model 125m,ExtremelyThinModel 12 SIZE, EXPOSED WIND .............. . 1 5 - 1 e r ........................................................................................................ 7 The 400, 17Jewel.....................................................................................1‘-......... 6 PRICE PER PIECE IS 1‐10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. 8 /0 SIZE Josephine, 7-Jewel............................................................................................... Mary]ane,15-Jewel 15-1erand 17-Jewel ................................... .................................................... 11/0 SIZE .. CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. ________________‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ SPRINGS, PINION CENTER Description of Spring SPRINGS, REGULATOR Descriptionof Movement 'Micrometer, 3/4 Plate 1890 Model ( l l t Model) Microrneter, 3/4 Plate Models (2nd 8: 3rd Models) Bridge 1902 Model (4th Model) Brid e 1902 Model 3/4 P ate Model 8/4 Plate Model Size Description of,Movement SPRINGS, YOKE Description of Movement Price p e r Dozen S1 . 1. l. 1. 1 1. 1 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 11/0 11/0 WindingYoke, PinSet SettingYoke.PinSet Pendant Setting 2 Eyes.in Spring 1EyeinSpring O. F. O. F. H t g . 0. F. . F. or Htg. ... Htg. ... Htg. ... O.F. 0. F. 0. F. . F. or Htg. .F. orHtg. Bridge Model................ Bridge Model Standard Model Standard Model Extremely Thin Model Micrometer 3/4 Plate Model 3/4 Plate Model. . . Bridge Model Bridge Model SPRINGS, SHIPPER _____‐_______‐_________‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐-‐‐ 1890 Model Exposed Wind Exposed Wind 3/4 Plate Model Bridge Model 18 16 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 3/0 . Htg. 3APlate and Bridge Models. 3APlate and Br. Models 3APlate and Br. Models, Winding Yok 3%Plate and Br. Models, Setting Yoke 3/4 Plate and Br. Models, Lever Set. . 3/4 P l a t e _ a n d B r . M o d e l s , N e w M o d e . 3/4 Plate and Br. Models, Pendant Set. . .F.orHtg. . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . . F. or Htg. PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MIMIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FORA SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. .34 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH C0. ‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐__‐‐___‐__‐ Catlallggue ' Fofrfiefiefiirfiion o o o. Prioee p e r Dozen Grade 2 1720 1721 1722 2720 3720 6720 7720 12720 8720 9720 10721 11720 11721 15720 11/0 8/0 Cafiggue Size Description of lMovement of Model No. V Kind O F . H t g . O. F. H t g . 0. F. Htg. O. F. Htg. 0. F. or Htg. 0. F. or Htg. 0. F. or Htg. O. F. or H t g . Htg. O. F. or H t g . O. F. or H t g . OF 0. F. 'orIItg. 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 2733 2734 2735 3735 6735 7735 8735 9735 10735 15735 11735 Catalo ue No.g 1740 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1744 1744 2741 2744 10744 3/0 15744 8 0 11744 1 0 Coarse Train Coarse Train Coarse Train. . Coarse Train. . FineTrain.... ' 12744 8741 8744 3744 30 9741 3/0 . / . Size 18 16 18 18 and 16 18 STUDS, HAIR SPRING 18 16 12 16 16 12 . . . 34PlateMode.. . 3/4Plate1890M e1.. Extremely Thin Model . . - 6 6 STAFFS, BALANCE Description of Movement Old Style, Large Collet Shoulder New Style, Small Collet Shoulder Double Roller, Small Collet Shoulder 3APlate 1890 Model 3/4 Plateand Bridge Models... 3/4 Plate and Bridge Models. . Standard Model NOTE‐12720 and 15720 balance stafls are removable, being held by friction when driven into the table roller, which is staked on the balance arm. Staking stumps madeespecially for this purpose will be sent free on application. catfiggue 1725 1726 1727 1729 2727 2728 2729 3729 6729 7729 12735 8729 ' STAFFS, CENTER Description of Movement For Description of Model No. Price per Dozen . Grade Price per Dozen ' Grade 1 Grade 2 $7.00 .. Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Staff Spring Spring Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded . . .. .. 3/4 Plate and Bridge Models Standard Model - . . Descriptionof Movement Kind . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . ‘ . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . . F. or H t g . .F.orHtg. 'F.orHtg. 0. F. mg 0.F.orHtg. O.F.orHtg. O.F.orHtg. O.F.orHtg. O. F. O.F.orHtg. STAFFS, CENTER AND PINION HEAD For Description Small Staff 1890 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Models 5%Plate and Bridge Models Standard Models . . ... PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. see page 2 ‘ Model No. Catfiggue 1746 1746 CatlaIlogue 0. 5749 7749 12749 10749 15749 Catalogue Size is 16 Descriptionof Movement WASHERS, CROWN WHEELS Descriptionof Movement N0 . ' , ‘ Grade 1 $‐ Grade 2 1750 1751 2751 2752 4751 4752 6751 6752 7751 7752 12751 12752 7751 9751 11751 15751 _____‐‐‐ ..... . ........ Cats-138W 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 2759 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 3764 3765 4764 4765 6764 6765 7764 7765 ' Teeth Finish Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Description SpringStaff Spring Stafi Threaded Staff Threaded 51:33 Threaded Staff Threaded Staff Raised Center 1890 Raised Center 1890 Model Thick Stafi 1890 Model Thick Staff 1890 Model Small Staff 1890 Model .. Small Staff 1890 Model.................... 3/4 Plate 1902 Model 3/4 Plate 1902 Model Bridge Model Bridge Model 3%Plate and Bridge Models /4PlateandBridgeModels..... .... Standard Model Standard Model Extremdy Thin Model iFor Description of ModelNo. see page2 1 ‐ Price p e r Dozen 12773 12774 8764 - 3/4 Plate Models 3/4 Plate Models Bridge Model Bridge Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model. . . 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model . . . ,Standard Model Standard Model ExtremelyThin Model Extremely Thin Model Exposed Wind Exposed Wind Extremely Thin Model Exposed Wind 64 64 64 64 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 . _ , . - Finish WASHERS, SHIPPER Description of Movement WHEELS, CENTER ' . Descriptlonof Movement For Description r of Model No. seepage2 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐- ~ Price per Dozen CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. STUDS, WINDING PINION WHEELS, CENTER AND STAFF Extremely Thin Model . . . _____________‐‐‐__‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER 54 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ModelNo. Flange Thickness Priceper Dozen $1.50 . . Grade 1 ._.. Grade 2 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 11/0 1l /0 Pinion Loaves Teeth Cannon Leaves - - m e h Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gold Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Description Spring Stafi Spring Stafi . ‐ Grade 1 Glade2 .... 816.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 .... 16.50 .... 16.50 .... 16.50 .... 16.50 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. WHEELS, CENTER WITH STAFF AND PINION HEAD FITTED Spring Staff. Spring Stafi‘. Threaded Stafi Threaded Staff Threaded Stafi. Threaded Stafi. . Raised Center 1890 Mod Raised Center 1890 Model. Thick Staff 1890 Model.......... Thick Stafi 1890 Model Small Staff 1890 Model Small Stafi 1890 Model.......... 3/4 Plate 1902 Model 3/4 Plate 1902 Model Bridge 1902 Model.. . Bridge 1902 Model . 3/4 Plateand Bridge Models 3/4 Plate and Bridge Models Standard Model Standard Model WHEELS, CENTER WITH STAFF, PINION HEAD AND CANNON PINION FITTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Description ofModelNo. see page 2 Pd“W Dm“ . . V . 18.00 ‘.. 17.00 . 17.00 ... 17.00 ‘. 17.00 .. 17.00 Raised Center 1890 Model 3.. 20.00 Thick Staff 1890 Model. :. 17.00 Thick Staff 1890 Model. 1. 20.00 Small Staff 1890 Model. E. 17.00 Small Stafi 1890 Model. 20.00 3/4 Plate 1902 Model. . . . 17.00 3/4 Plate 1902 Model. . 20.00 Bridge 1902 Model.. . . 17.00 Bridge 1902 Model........... 23.00 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model. . . 17.00 34 Plate and Bridge Model 23.00 Standard Model 3 17.00 16.50 .... 16.50 ...............y ExtremelyThin Model.........‘ Extremely T h i n Model ......... .... Stande Model PRICE PER PIECE IS [/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESSTHAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER 34 DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. . . $18.00 Grade 1 $14.00 14.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.50 12.50 Grade 2 Price p e r Dozen 1792 1793 2792 4793 6792 6793 7792 7793 12792 12793 6792 9792 10793 15792 11792 / / Gilded 19‐21‐23 17ligadj. l7 Adj. 19‐21‐23 17 U171adj. l5 17 A d j . 19‐21‐23 17 Unadj. 7 7 15 17 Adi. 21 17 Unadj. 7 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. WHEELS, CROWN OR MAIN Descriptionof Movement Used on watches from 3224001 to 3227001 Standard Model Standard Model Standard Model Stande Model Standard Model.. . Stande Model. Standard Model. Standard Model . Standard Model . Standard Model . . . . Extremely Thin Model Extremely Thin Model . Extremely Thin Model . . ”Josephine" “Mary Jane" STATE WHETHER RAYED OR CUPPED WHEELS, ESCAPE Description of Movement Gold Hub, B dge Model.. Flat, 3/‘ Plate and Bridge Model Gold Hub, 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model F l a t , Standard Model Gold H u b , Standard Model Extremely Thin Model Gold H u b , Exrtemely Thin Model Concaved Concaved Ezyeg Finish Gilded Gilded Steel Gilded Steel Gilded Steel Gilded Steel Gilded Steel Gilded Gilded Steel ' Price 139' Dozen Gilded PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN, ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER % DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ye Coneaved Concaved fiyeg ye Rayed Concaved Concaved .38 Catalogue No. THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. WHEELS, ESCAPE AND PINION 1800 1801 1804 1805 2800 2801 2802 2803 3800 3801 4804 4805 6800 6801 6804 9338 7801 7804 7805 12800 12801 125% 9800 10801 15800 11800 Catalogue No. 1811 2811 231% 4812 4813 4814 6811 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 12 15 12 15 12 15 1% l? 12 15 1 2 1 5 12 15 1 2 1 5 12 15 1% 12 Gilded Gilded Steel Steel Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Steel Steel NewModel... O.F.orHtg. NewModel. 0.F.orHtg. 9 . 5 0 9.50 10.50 12.50 14.00 9.50 10.50 9.50 10.50 9. 50 10.50 12.50 14.00 9.50 10.50 12.50 13.% 10.50 12.50 14.00 . . . . ........................................... ..........................;.............................. g . Size Pivot S t r a i g h t Straight Straight Straight Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight 8 8 8 8 8 g 7 7 7 6 Teeth 3/0 15 3/0 15 8/0 15 traig Straight Straight Straight Straight g. ...... O.F.orHtg. ........ O. F. or H t g . ~ 9.50 12.50 9.50 9.50 11/0 15 . . . . . . . .......... WHEELS, FOURTH Descriptionof Movement ........ O. F. 0-F.orH t g ‘ Size ModelN°~ ................................................................... Kind orOF.. 84.00 l Teeth Leaves I Fofrfiefiifiion ooeo. . K m d Price p e r Dozen 18 15 7 Gilded Hubbed Wheel................................... HubbedWheel.................... .. Htg. H u b b e d W h e e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F. . HubbedWheel... .. . Htg. 9.50 1796 1797 18 15 7 Gilded OF. . . 1798 18 15 1799 18 15 8 Gilded 8 Gilded $ 9 . 5 0 95. 0 . 18 80 16 80 1g 33 Priceper Dozen 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Gilded 8 Gilded 8 Steel New Model. NewModel... Raised Center Raised Center 3/4Plate... 3/4Plate... 3/4 Plateand Bridge 3/4PlateandBridge 1902 Bridge Model.. 1902BridgeModel.. 4th 0.F.orHtg. 3/4 Plate and Bridge Mode ............. OF. .orH t g . 3/4PlateandBridgeModel. .. ... O.F.orHtg. 3/4PlateandBridgeModel. 0.F.orHtg. . . . . .. . ... . ... . ... . . . 16 80 Gold 16 80 Gilded 41:11 41:11 ............................................ 7.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 7. 00 3.00 4.00 4. 00 4. 00 4.00 P329235 7.50 7 .5 0 7.30 12.00 7.50 16 80 12 80 Gilded 12 80 field O. F H t g Kind O. F. Htg. 7.50 r 7812 12812 12 80 Gilded 6811 6 80 Gilded 9811 3/0 80 Gilded 11811 11/0 80 Gilded 15811 8/0 70 Gilded Catfilggue S i z e T e e t h WHEELS, FOURTH AND PINION 1817 18 80 Gilded 1818 18 80 Gilded 37.50 1819 1821 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 3821 3822 3823 3824 4821 4822 4823 4824 6821 6823 7821 7822 7823 7824 12821 8823 9821 9822 9823 15823 11823 11824 11825 18 80 18 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 80 16 8O 16 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 Gilded mined Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Gilded Gold G(.‘Liltcl 7 O. F. Htg. O. F. O. F. 0.F. 0.F. 6 80 i e Gilded (1)1117. ......................................................... OF. ; .g 70 3/0 70 3/0 7o 3/0 7.50 (1)1117. :92?) 8/0 11/0 11/0 11/0 60 Gilded ..... ......................................... Gilded ......................................................... OF. 70 60 60 Exposed Wind. Skylight .............................................. OF.. Finish . Description see p a g e 2 §31i3%eso“?t .3t.”aPn362531?03e1.“..“.W..e . ‘ Standard Model. Standard Model. Standard Model. Extremely Thin Model Gold Hub Extremely Thin Mode Gold Hub Extremely Thin Model. 8'.E‘.”or rSig. 0. F. or H t g . 0. F. or H t g . 0. F. or H t g . .' ' ... . . . 8. 50 .... Gilded Steel Steel Gilt Steel €13:ch traig Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straigg‘t 0. F. 0. F- TILE 9.50 16.00 13.28 13.23 ‐ 8.50 10.50 8.50 8.50 ie Gilded t ............................ ... . ... Steel Gilded Gilded Finish Gilded G i l d e d (EG'.lildd 1e 1'18e 0 Bridge 1902 Model.) Bridge1902 Model.. Bridge 1902 Model.. Gold 3 / 4 P l a t e M o d e l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3: r d Htg. H t g . o r O F. . HtgborFO.F. Z.%)/ 1:84’dPhtiglsdggilsdel.................................... lst,2413118:3rd F i n i s h Description of Movement Model N0 Gilt ' t Gilt .................................... ......................................................... g. . Raised Center 1890 Model. . . Raised Center 1890 Model.. 1890 Model................................. 1890 Model................................. 3/4 Plate 1890 Model......................... l s t l s t 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 4th 4th _‐"‘‐‐ Model No. Grade 1 Grade 2 0. F. or Htg. ... O.F.orHtg. l s t O. F. l s t O. F. 2nd 0.F.orHtg. 2nd 0.F.orHtg. 3rd& 4th 0. F. or Htg. 3rd8:4th 0.F.orHtg. 4th 0. F. or H t g . 12.00 ‘Htg. 7.50 Htg. 12.00 0.F. 7.50 0.F. 12.00 Htg. 7.50 Htg. 12.00 0.F. 7.50 0.F. 12.00 H t g . 7.50 Bridge 1902 Model........................... 4th H t g . 12.00 3/4 Plate 1890 Model......................... 55/; Plate 1902 Model......................... 3/4 Plate 1902 Model......................... 3/4 Plate 1902 Model......................... 3/4 Plate 1902 Model......................... ........................... Bridge 1902 Model........................... Bridge 1902 Model........................... Bridge 1902 Model 5% .................................. OF.. Plate and Bridge Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model 7.50 Htg. 7.50 Gilt Short Pivot 7.50 ............................................... OF. 75. O PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. .................................. ........................................... OF.. ........................................... OF.. Standard Model Standard Model Standard Model Standard Model........................................... Extremely Thin Model..................................... 7.50 12.00 Htg. 7.50 Htg. 12.00 1st, 2nd 4.00 .. . 7.50 Htg. 7.50 CANTON,.OHIO, U. S. A. 39 WHEELS, THIRD Catalogue . .. .. No Size Teeth Finish Descriptionof Movement ‘. ozen 18 60 Gilded ................................................................... OF.. 83.00 3.00 3.00 3 0. 0 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3 0. 0 3:00 3.00 3 .00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1856 1857 1858 1859 2856 2857 2858 16 75 Gilded 2859 16 75 Gold 4856 16 75 Gilded 4857 16 75 Gold 4858 16 75 Gilded 4859 16 75 Gold ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... 3/4 Plate Models..................................................... 3/4 Plate Models..................................................... 3/4 Plate Models..................................................... 3/4 Plate Models..................................................... Bridge 1902 Model................................................... Bridge 1902 Model................................................... Bridge 1902 Model.. ............................................... Bridge 1902 Model. . ............................................... ................................................................... Standard Model..................................................... ................................................................... Extremely Thin Model ............................................... Standard Model..................................................... 18 60 18 75 18 75 16 75 16 75 Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Htg. OF. . Htg. O F. . 12 75 O.F. O.F. Htg. Htg. O F. . O.F.‘ Htg. 0.F. Htg. Htg. O.F. Htg. O. F. O. F. or H t g . 6856 7857 12 75 Gold 12 75 Gilded 6858 12857 12 75 Gilded 7859 12 75 Gold 6858 6 75 Gilded 9856 3/0 60 Gilded 9858 3/0 60 Gilded 15858 8/0 60 Gilded 11858 11/0 60 Gilded C3332” Size Teeth Leaves 1866 18 60 8 1867 18 60 8 1868 18 75 10 1869 18 75 10 2868 16 75 10 2869 16 75 10 2870 16 75 10 2871 16 75 10 2872 16 75 10 3869 16 75 10 3870 16 75 10' 3871 16 75 10 3872 16 75 10 4869 16 75 10 4870 16 75 10 4871 16 75 10 4872 16 75 10 6869 12 75 10 6871 12 75 10 7869 12 75 10 7870 12 75 10 7871 12 75 10 7872 12 75 10 12871 12 75 10 8871 6 75 10 9869 3/0 60 9 9871 3/0 60 9 Catfilggue SIZE Teeth 1876 18 30 1876 16 30 3876 16 31 6876 12 34 8876 6 30 Finish ML Model N o . K i n d 15871 8/0 60 8 11871 11/0 60 8 ................................ 8.00 7.00 ................................ 8.00 7.00 WHEELS, WINDING Description of Movement Klnd P322313 9876 11876 11877 Catalogue NO- 3/0 30 11/0 24 11/0 24 Size Teeth O. F. or H t g 3.00 O.F orHtg 3.00 O.F orHtg 3.00 Kind Priceper Dozen OF. . ....................................................................... 0.F.or 1880 1881 1881 3881 6853 8881 9880 3/0 $2.00 Htg. 2.00 9881 11851 Old Style New Style Also Setting Wheel Htg. 2.00 20 3/0 18 11/0 16 ..................................................................... OF..or Gilded WHEELS, THIRD AND PINION F8;figgcggltgon Price p e r Dozen Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded 1st 88.00 8.00 157.00 7.00 Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 12.00 Htg. 8.00 Htg. 12.00 0.F. 8.00 0.F. 12.00 Htg. 8.00 . 11.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 10100 7.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 3/4 Plate 1890 Model.............. 3/4 Plate 1890 Model.............. 3/Plate 1890 Model.............. 34Plate 1890 Model.............. 3/4 Plate 1902 Model.............. 3/4 Plate 1902 Model.............. 3/4 Plate 1902 Model.............. 3/4 Plate 1902 Model.............. Bridge 1902 Model.............................. Bridge 1902 Model.............................. Bridge 1902Mode1...... .......... Bridge 1902Model......... 3/4 Plate an Bridge Model.. 3/4Platean BridgeModel.. .. ................. Standard Model.................. Standard Model.................. Standard Model.................. Extremely Thin Model ............ ................................ Standard Model. .............. O.F. .............. H t g . .............. 0.F. 8.00 7.00 .............. H t g . 0. F. 0.F. 0.F. 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 80. 0 7.00 ................................ 8.00 7.00 ................................ 8.00 7.00 .............................................................................. OF..orH t g 83.00 :3] Plate 1890 Model (2nd Model)................................................. OF..orH t g 3.00 2Plate and Bridge 1902 Model (3rd 8:4th Model) ................................. 3/4 Plate and Bridge Models ...................................................... WHEELS, WINDING, INTERMEDIATE OF. .or Descriptionof Movement .............................................................................. 18 15 18 19 16 19 3/ 16 19 34Plate and Bridge 1902 Models (3rd 12 27 -"/‘ Plate and Bridge Models, also Setting Wheel Hunting Plate 1890 Model (2nd Model) ................................................ OF..or &4th Model) .................................... OF..or ...................................................................... .............................................................. OF..or 6 30 .............................................................................. Htg. 2.00 Htg. 2.00 Htg. 2.00 PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. ................................ OF. H t g O. O.F 12.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 12.00 O . ~ Kind P366per - F. Htg. Htg. . Grade 1 Grade 2 8.00 Htg 3.00 O.F.or Htg. 3.00 Htg 3.00 Htg. 2.00 .or Htg. 2.00 Htg. 2.00 Size 18 16 12 12 12 6 3/0 3/0 3/0 8/0 11/0 11/0 3/4 Plate and Bridge Models Standard Model THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. WHEELS, HOUR Descriptionof Movement For Thick Staff, 1890 Model F o r Small Stafi,_ 1890 Model 3/. Plate and Bridge 1902 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model Standard Model Exposed Wind Standard Model Extremely Thin Model Exposed Wind 3/4 Plate Model Exposed Wind WHEELS, IDLER Description of Movement WHEELS, MINUTE Descriptionof Movement Kind PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER M DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Catalogue No. Size Teeth WHEELS, RATCHET Description of Movement Kind Price p e r Dozen 1841 2841 2842 3841 3842 4843 4844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 7845 7846 7847 7848 .12 & Htg. $2.00 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 6841 12851 12852 12853 12854 OF..or 10845 10846 10847 15841 15842 11841 11842 3 0 56 3/0 56 3/0 56 80 50 8/0 50 11/0 11/0 7 Jewel Exposed W i n d 15 Jewel Exposed Wind.. 17 Jewel Exposed Wind. . . . 7Jewel " T h e Josephine" ......................................................... 15 Jewel " T h e M a r y Jane" OF.. 0. F. Cataloue ' - Kind ..*. . No g Size Teeth 1851 1852 1852 3852 6851 6853 8852 9851 11851 11852 18 ,19 18 19 16 19 1 6 1 9 12 23 12 27 ............................................................... . ............................................................. . 16 38 16 44 16 38 16 44 16 38 16 44 16 58 16 58 ........................................... OF.. Htg. 2.00 ................................................ ...‘............................................ Unadjst 16 58 Htg. 6.00 16 60 7 Htg. 12.00 16 60 15 ....................................................................... Htg. 9.00 16 60 17J .................................................................... Htg. 4.50 16 60 .................................................................. ................................................................... Htg. 6.00 16 60 17J OF..or 16 60 J ........................................................... ............................................................. Htg. 12.00 12 56 7J Unadjst Htg. 9.00 12 56 15 ......................................................... ......................................................... OF..or 12 56 17 OF..or 56 21 23Jewel Standard Model OF..or and 12 56 17JewelUnadjust OF..or 12 58 17 Htg. 9.00 12 58 15 ....................................................................... Htg. 6.00 12 58 17 .................................................................. ....................................................................... Htg. 6.00 12 5821 Htg. 9.00 12 581 Htg. 12.00 12 56 12 .. 12 .. 12 l. 12 .. .................................................. Htg. 12.00 6 35 30 36 ............................................... .............................................................................. 8841 9841 9842 30 34 3/4 Plate 1893 Model........ 34 Plate and Bridge Model Htg. 0.F.orHtg. 0.F.orHtg 0.F.orHtg O.F.orHtg 6 16 Plate and Bridge Models 3APlate Pin Set. also Interm. Wind. Wheel ....................... ............................................................. ............................................................. 3/0 11/0 11/0 15 16 14 ......................................... . ..................................................... 32 33 ...................................................................... ................................................................... WHEELS, SETTING ‘- Descrlptlon of Movement OF..or Patent Barrel Patent Barrel. ........................................................... 4.50 Htg. 4.50 Jewel OF..or 19-23 Patent Barrel Htg. 12.00 Jewel 0.F.or Adjust 19-21-23 Jewel Htg. 9.00 Jewel OF..or Jewel OF..or CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. 41 18 45 .............................................................................. OF..or 3/4 Plate 1890 Model (lot 3/4 Plate 1890 Model (2nd Model) 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model (3rd 8: 4th Model) 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model (3rd 8: 4th Model) 0. F. 2.00 Htg. 2.00 7 15Jewel Exposed Wind 0.F.or 4 5. 0 Jewel Exposed Wind 16 58 17J Htg. 16 58 17 OF..or Jewel A d j 192123 OF..or Standard Model Htg. 6.00 Jewel Standard Model Htg. 6.00 2nd Model) ............................................... 2.00 .......................................................... ................................................................... J..................................................................... 0.F.or ................................................................... ........................................................................ Htg. 9.00 ................................................. .......................................................-. . . . . . . ....................................................................... Jewel Standard Model Htg. 6,00 ‘“ Jewel Adjst OF..or 7 ....................................................... r Jewel 0.F.o J 0.F.or 0.F. OF.. OF.. OF.. ewel Unadjust 3/4 Plate and Bridge Model . ............................................ ................................................. H tg. 9.00 Extremely Thin Model. Extremely Thin Model, Extremely Thin Model, Extremely Thin Model, Jewel. 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 Htg. 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 4.50 6.00 2.00 2.00 Price per Dozen $2.00 2 0. 0 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Lever Set Pendant Set Steel G i l d e d Gilded G i l d e d Steel Steel Gilded Steel Steel Steel OF..or 15 Htg. 6.00 17 Jewel 17Jewel A d j 19Jewel A d j ............................................... 8; ......................... 3/4 Plate, 1890 Model ( l s t 2nd Model) 3 4 P l a t e a n d B r i d g e 1902 M o d e l ( 3 r d a n d 4 t h M o d e l ) /4 ..................................... Also Interm. Wind Wheel Pendant Setting PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 OF THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS FOR A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER X DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. OF.. OF..or OF..or 0.F.or OF..or OF..or Htg. Htg. . Catfilggue Size YOKES, SETTING Descriptionof Movement YOKES, WINDING Descriptionof Movement Price per Dozen Grade 1 Grade 2 $2.50 $2.00 6891 12 9891 3/0 ‘ ' . . 0.. 2.50 THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. YOKES OR VIBRATING ARMS Description of Movement Price per Dozen Send sample) LeverSet Sendaample§ Lever Set Send sample Lever Set (Send sample) Pendant Set PRICE PER PIECE IS 1/10 01“ THE DOZEN PRICE; ON ITEMS LESS THAN $10 PER DOZEN ADD 5 CENTS PER PIECE. MIMIMUM CHARGE IS 15CENTS F O R A SINGLE PIECE. PRICE PER 54DOZEN OR MORE AT THE DOZEN PRICE. ORDER BY NUMBER. Grade 1 Grade 2 Price p e r Dozen Grade 1 Grade 2 $2.50 32.00 2.50 .... CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. FOR INDEX SEE P A G E S 4 4 and 4 5 M THE DUEBER-HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Description of Material Models‐Numbers and Descriptions o.f............................................................ 2 Arbors, Barrel Arbors, Pallet Arbors, Winding Balances Bands, Dust .................................................................................... 5 Barrels ......................................................................................... Bridges, Idler Bridges, Ratchet Bridges, Winding Clutches, Winding Collars, Center Staff Collets, Hair Spring Caps, Hair Spring, Stud Clicks Cams Dials Domes ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................. 3 ........................................................................................ 4 -I on 4-5 .............................................................. 5 See Note Bridges, BarrellBarrel Bridges, Center Bridges, Train or Pallet Bridges, and Balance Cocks. ordering ................................................................................... 5 Forks Hands, Hour, Minute and Second Hubs, Winding and Crown Wheel ................................................................................. 5 ................................................................................ 5 & ...................................................................... 5 .............................................................................. 6 Setting ............................................................................. 6 .......................................................................... 6 .......................................................................................... 6 .......................................................................................... 6 ........................................................................................... Indexes 7-8 ...................................................................................... 6 .......................................................................................... 19 .................................................................. 9 ................................................................. 10 ......................................................................................... 10 .......................................................................................... 11to17 .................................................................................. 18 Jewels Keys, Winding Levers, Clutch, Locking and Setting ................................................................ 18 ................................................................................ ........................................................................ 20 .......................................................................................... 20 18-19 ..................................................................................... 20 Pallets and Forks Pallets‐Forks and Arbors Pillars Pins, Taper Pins, Setting .................................................................................... 20 Pinions Regulators Rollers Screws Shippers ......................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 23 ......................................................................................... 23 21-22 ......................................................................................... 24to29 ........................................................................................ 30 .......................................................................................... 30 Slides Springs, Click Springs, Cam Springs Hair Springs, Lever and Clutch Springs, Main Springs, Center Pinion Springs, Regulator Springs, Shipper and Yoke Studs, Winding Pinion Washers, Crown Wheel Washers, Shipper Wheels, Center ........................................................................... 35 ................................................................................ 35 ................................................................................... 30 .................................................................................... 3O .................................................................................... 31 ........................................................................ 32 ................................................................................... 32 ............................................................................ 33 ............................................................................... 33 ........................................................................ 33 .................................................................................. 34 ................................................................................... 34 Staffs, Balance Staffs, Center Stafls, Center and Pinion Head Studs, Hair Spring ............................................................................... 34 .................................................................... 34 ........................................................................... 35 .................................................................................. 35-36 Page Number CANTON, OHIO, U. ‐_____‐_‐‐_‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐ Description of Material Wheels, Crown or Main Wheels, Escape Wheels, Fourth Wheels, Hour Wheels, Idler Wheels, Minute Wheels, Ratchet Wheels, Setting Wheels, Third Wheels, Winding Wheels, Winding, Intermediate Yokes, Setting Yokes, Winding Page Number INDEX‐Continued