Pocket Watch Database

c.1915 Hampden Watch Company Material Catalog

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date April 15, 2019



NOTICE To avoid mistakes the following directions should be carefully observed: ‘ ‘ Destroy all previous catalogues. In ordering material, give cataloguenumber and grade of each part wanted. ' Giving number, name and gradeof movement and the number of jewels will aid in filling orders. If in doubt as to material required, samples should accompany orders. When samples are sent, attach them securely to order to avoid lossordelay. Samplesmustbeproperlypackedtoavoidbeingcrushed by cancelling machine. ’ Order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, ‘material m a y look similar, the measurements being different. In ordering material such as screws, jeWels, etc., for Uppers or Lowers: Upper denotes the bridge side or back of ‘a watch, and Lower, ' the dial side or pillar plate. » To determine Model, refer to bridges, pages 8 to 17. Imitation Material Rejected‐If a sample is rejected by us asnot being genuine Hampden material, send movement for examination. Observe instructions at bottom of pages for the respective parts. Prompt shipment will be made upon receipt of orders. - Do not cut or deface this catalogue. ’Yours respectfully, THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. INDEX Pages. Arbors, Barrel ...................... and 106 Rollers 'Arbors, Pallet ...................4,5and106 Screws 70 to76 Arbors, Winding .......................... 6 Shippers r 7 7 Balances ........................... a n d 106 Slides Bands, Dust .............................. 26 Springs, Click 78 Barrels .....'.....................6,7and106 Springs, Cam 78 Barrels, Bridges, Bridges, and 108 Springs, H a i r .......................... s, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 t o 1 7a n d 1 1 0 6 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,19 Bridges and Cocks, Pallet , , , , , ,20, 21and 106 ______________________ 2 2 , 2 3 , 2 4 V Bridges, Bridges, Bridges, Bridges, Clutches, Wind. and Setting ________ and 103 Studs, Hair S p Clicks ...'......................... and 106 Cams , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and 106 Dials ................................34to45 Wheels Hour 97 Hands, H01“, Minute and Second,__ _46 and 106 Wheels, Idler Hubs .............................47and 108 WheeIS, Minute 98 and ..................................47Wheels, Ratchet 98 . Pallets ‘and FIorks ...........57to60and 108‘ Wheels, Winding .................."........ Pillars ................................... 61 Wheels, Winding, Intermediate Indexes Jewels 99 and ..............................48to55Wheels, Setting Levers, Clutch, Locking and Setting ._...... 56 Wheels,‘Third .................,.7.....100, 'Pinions Regulators .......63to6‘7 and 108 ............................... 68 Yokes, Winding'........ ..........g...104 ................................ 61~ Yokes........,..............,..:...103 and Pins Pins, Setting ................. 62 Yokes, Setting and 108‘ Springs, Lever Springs,Main Springs, Center Pinion .................... Springs, Regulator .................... 25 Springs, Shipper and Yoke . . . . . . . . . 8 4 and 108 __________________ and 106 Staffs, Balance ............................ 27 Staffs, Center 8 5 #Collars,CenterStaff ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'27 Studs,WindingPinion , 8 6 a n d n g Collets,HairSpring,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Cocks, Balance and Potances. .29, 30, 31and 106 Caps, Hair Spring Stud _____________ and 106 Washers,Shipper Wheels, Center --------------88to91and Wheels, Crown 92 Wheels, Escape 9 3 Wheels, Fourth 9 5 and , 94and , 9 6 and and Old Style 18, and Size Material..106 109 17 16 to 99 r i and lCata- » 0ue 1V0. 1001 1002 2001 2002' 2003 3001 4001 6001 7001 8001 9001 Size Price Dozen 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.75 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 we a. O.F Htg. 7001 8001 Piece ' .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .37 .35 .35 .35 .35 .45 6 3/0 Jewel, Pat. Barrel .............................................. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. 9001 *0" Htg.or O.I". ' Htg.or O.F. . Htg.or 0. F. Htg, 11001 'e- Htg. Description of Movement ' No. Size Pivot Roller Price Cata‐ logue Dozen Piece 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 k1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 2013 2014 Single Single Single Single Single toShoulder, New S t y l e O l d S t y l e ...................... ............................... .............................,. 18 Straight 18 Straight 18 Straight 18 Straight 18 Straight 18 Straight Single Tapered, Old Style. .................................. “Threaded toShoulder, Old Style ......................’ 2011 16 2012 16 3011 16 3012 16 6011 12 Straight 9/4 P1. and B r . 1902 Models ................. 6012 12 7011 12 7012 12 6011 6 8013 6 9011 3/0 P1. and Bridge Models 11011 11/0 Straight Straight Conical Straight Conical Conical Straight Conical Straight Straight Straight 94 .................... ........................... .............................. ................................. ................................ .................... .............................. THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. ARBORS, BARREL Deseription of Movement .‐ 18Full Plate ‘............................................................. 18 F u l l P l a t e ............................................................. 1694Plate, Raised Center, 1890 Model .......,............................... 16 V4P l a t e , 1 8 9 0 M o d e l ................................................... 16 94 ................_................................... 16 16 12 12 Plate, 1890 Model 97/4 Plate and Bridge, 1902 Models ........................................ E Htg. 4001 4,- Htg. , 6001 19 23 ......................... and Bridge, 1902 Model, 9.1 Plate and Bridge Models 1910 Model .......'...................................................... .................................................................. ....................................................................... ..........................,............................................ 11001 11/0 1001 1002 2001 2002 2003 _. 7 , ARBORS, PALLET Tapered. Old Style. .................................. 1.00 .10 1.00 .10 1.50 .15 1.50 .15 1.50 .15 1.50 .15 4.00 . .40 1.50 .15 1.50 .15 4.00 .40 1.50 .15 4.00 .40 1.50 .15 3.00 .30 1.50 .15 3.00 .30 1.50 .15 3.00 .30 1.50 .15 3.00 .30 1.50 .15 1.50 1.50 .15 3.00 .30 Threaded Threaded. Threaded, New Style Threaded, New Style ......................... .......................................... .......................................... .,'........................................ Threaded, 94. Plate, 1890 Model ...................... 16 i Conical ..... Threaded, 9.1 Plate, 1890 Model ...................... Tapered, ‘54 Plate, 1890 Model ....................... 'Tapered. 9’4. Plate, 1890 Model ................P....... 18 Conical 18 Straight 18 Straight 18 Conical 16 Straight Single Double Double, Double Threaded Threaded Threaded ..... . . ..... ..... a ..... ..... ..... . ..... ..... ..... ' Tapered. Tapered, Tapered, Tapered, Tapered, Tapered, Tapered, New Style Threaded, Old Style Tapered, 9%; P1. and B r i d g e Models~ Tapered, Bridge Model ................. 554 P1. and B r i d g e Models .................... 554 P1. and B r . 1902 Models 1910 Models 1910 Models .15 ' BALANCES Description of Balance 1021 1022 1023 1024 2021 2022 2023 2024 6021 6022 18 Compensating, with Gold Screws ............7............... 24.00 18 Compensating, w i t h Screws ..............'................. 15.00 18* Expansion, w i t h Screws f o r 17Jewel Grade ............... 11.00 18 Expansion, with Screws for 7 and 15 Jewel Grade ........ 6:75 16 Compensating, with Gold Screws ........................... 24.00 . 6023 6024 8023 CANTON, OHIO, U; S.A. ARBORS, PALLET 1013 a... o. F. - logue - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ _ . . ‐ _ _ _ ‐ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Price Cata- a No. , Size Dozen Piece 2.40 1.50 1.10 .70 2.40 1.50 1.10 .70 2.40 1.50 1.10 .707 Htg. or 0. F. 16 16 Expansion, w i t h Screws f o r 17Jewel Grade ............... 16 Expansion, with Screws for 7 and 15 Jewel Grade ........ 12 Compensating, with Gold Screws ........................... 24.00 12 Compensating, w i t h Screws f o r 17 Jewel Grade ........... 15.00 12 Expansion, with Screws for 15Jewel Grade ............... 11.00 12 Expansion, w i t h Screws f o r 7Jewel Grade ................ 6.75 Compensating, with Screws ............................... 15.00 11.00 6.75 6 Expansion, with Screws .................................. 6.75 3/0 Compensating, with Gold Screws ........................... 24.00 3/0 Compensating, with Screws for 17 Jewel Grade ........... 15.00 3/0 Expansion, with Screws for 15Jewel Grade ............... 11.00 3/0 Expansion, with Screws for 7Jewel Grade ................ 6.75 1021 . 2021 . 6021 8023 9021 Htg.or O.F. Htg.or O.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg. Htg.MO.17'. .70 . =2.40 1.50 1.10 .70 3.00 1.75 1.20 9021 9022 9023 9024 11021 11023 11024 . 11021 » 11/0 Compensating, with Gold Screws ........................... 30.00 11/0 Expansion, with Screws for 15Jewel Grade ............... 17.50 11/0 Expansion, with Screws for 7Jewel Grade ................ 12.00 To determine grade of movement, give number of same. Meantime screws are fitted on all recent sizes and grades of balances. Orders for less than 1A; dozen will be charged ‘at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEPAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Htg. . Gaita- logue No. 4051 4052 4053 Description of Movement 7 Price 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 10.63 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 18 15or17 18 15or17 18 15or17 1 8 1 5o r1 7 1 8 1 5o r1 7 1 8 1 5o r1 7 18 11 18 11 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 17 Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Gilded Nickel Nickel Gilded Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel .50 .55 .50 .55 .50 .55 .50 .55 .50 .55 .65 .50 .55 .65 .55 .65 .55 .65 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .65 .55 .65 .55 .65 .55 .65 .65 .65 .65 . Size Teeth Dozen 4.00 4.00 8.00 . Piece .40 .40 .80 Size Jewel Dust Band Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Solid R i n g Old Style Old Style Solid R i n g Old Style SolidRing Old Style SolidRing Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style Old Style SolidRing Old Style SolidRing J‘Zvlvtelis ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ............................................ ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ............................................ ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ............................................. ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... . flaggfit ’ 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 ........................................... . 11 17 17 18‘ 18 18 11 18 17 18 21 18 21 18 17 and _17 SolidRing and Old Style Solid R i n g Solid R i n g Solid R i n g Solid R i n g Old Style THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. BARRELS, PATENT 16 85 16 .. Nickel Main Wheel, Bridge Model ................................. 16 85 Nickel Spring Box, Bridge Model ....................... Nickel Main Wheel and Arbor, Bridge Model 4051 4052 4053 Htg.or0.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. BRIDGES, BARREL 10ue .. Cata- Ng0_ Descriptionof‘Movement Price PerPiece Old Style 17 ________._‘____‐___.___._‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐,‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ .55 DO NOT GUT OR DEPAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ‐____‐__________‐_____‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐-‐-‐‐‐ In ordering bridges, send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. ................................. o. F. Htg. o. F. 4082-83-84 CANTON, OHIO. U. S.A. ' 13 BRIDGES, BARREL‐Continued 4057 , 4058-59-60 IHtg. o.F. 4087-88 ‘ ‘ 1.4 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Cata- BRIDGES, BARREL‐Continued Descriptionof Movement ~ PricePerPiece Lever Lever Pend. Lever Pin Lever Lever Lever Dueber Grand .............................. Dueber Grand .............................. . . . '. .55 1.50 .65 1.50 .65 In ordering bridges, send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. For old style or key wind material refer to pages 106 to 109. Destroy all previous catalogues. \ .55 .............................. .... .55 Dueber Grand Dueber Grand .............................. John Hancock ............................. John Hancock ............................. John Hancock ............................. John Hancock ............................. .... .55 1.75 .65 1.75 .65 .... .55 .... .55 Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being difierent. With Jewels Without Jewels .65 .65 .65 . 65 .65 .55 .55 v .... . _ Size Jewel . , ' / 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 15 15 15 . 15 Nickel 17 3/0 17 . Nickel Nickel 3/0 , 17 11/0" 7 11/0 “158517 THE HAMPDEN WATCH co. BRIDGES, BARREL‐Continued Description of Movement Price Per Piece' With ..Without Jewels 7068‐69 _. 7070-71 DO NOT CUT OB DEPAOE'THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 0. F. 7066-67 CANTON. OHIO, U. S.A. BRIDGES, BARREL‐/Gontinued 8056-57-58 9056-57 9058-59 9060 $9065 9 0 6 6 9069 11056-57 In ordering bridges, Send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. Compare number of movement with previous number above, and if the number of the movement is previous to the number stated, order by corresponding catalogue number. ‘ DO NOT OUT 03 DEPAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ‐_‐‐_‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐-‐‐__ f 18 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Cata- “£3? . BRIDGES, CENTER , Descriptionof Movement PricePerPiece. .sm: ' Jewel Sgtgng . ~ .1221. 1.10‘ ‘ 1.10 1.75 1.75 2.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 1.10 V1.10 1.10 V3222]? .55 -) 5 5 .55 .55 1 ‘ .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 , .55; .55 W V16, ‘ ‘16 _ 16 16 16 16 _.15 15 17 Pend.orLever Lever 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 16 23 6116'.12 15 6117 12 '15 6118 ' 12 15 6119 12 ,17 6120 12 17 6121 12 17 6122 12 21 6123 1 2 21 9116 _3/0 7 9117 3/0 7 Lever 9118 “3/0. 15 . Pend. 9119 3/0 15 Lever 9120 3/0 17 Pend. '9121 3/0 17 Lever 19 16 21 16 21 16 23 Lever Lever Lever Lever Lever Pend. Lever Lever Pend. Lever Lever Lever Lever Pend. Pend.or Lever 17 Lever 17and21 ' Lever 11.116 11/0 15 _ Lever 11117 11/0 17 Lever1. 7 In ordering bridges, send movement to insure correct uprighting a n d endshake. 4123 . mm; Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being difl'erent. ' 1.75 .55 1.75 1.75 2.25 2.25 .55 .55 .... .55 1.25 .55 1.25' . 5 5 1.90 .55 1.90 .55 1.75 .65 2.25 .65 i 4124 i 1 .55 .55 , .55 .55 CANTON. OHIO, ‘U.~ s. A. . BRIDGES,- CENTER‐Continued 6116-17 » ’ ‘ 6119-20 11116-17 ' 20 T H E HAMPDEN WATCH co. BRIDGES AND echs, PALLET Descriptionof Movement SW“ 6131 12 7 . ... Nickel, ’51; P1. and Br. Mod. 6132 12 7 .Nickel, % P1. and Br. Mod. 6133 12 158517 easel Nickel, 9,1 P1. and Br. Mod. PricePerPiece . . JZVvi‘els 2131 2132 2 1 3 4 2136 2137 3131 3132 3134 16 218523 Ruby Nickel, 1902‘Model ......... 4131 16 158517 Garnet Nickel, Bridge Model ...... 4132 16 178519 Ruby Nickel, Bridge Model ...... 4133 16 218523 Ruby Nickel, Bridge Model ...... Conical 1. Cata- logue NO- ‐‐ 16 78511 16 11, 158517 Garnet Nickel, 1890 1 6 2 18 5 2 3 R u b y N i c k e l , 1 8 9 0 16 7 . ... Gilded, 1890 16 158157 Garnet Nickel, 1890 16 7 . ... Nickel, 1902 . ... Gilded, 1890 Model Model Model Model Model Model ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... . .... Straight Conical . .... Straight . .... Straight Conical Straight Straight . 1. . 1. . Conical 1. Garnet Garnet 21 Ruby Nickel, 1910 Model ......... Conical 1. 21 Ruby Nickel, 1910 Model ......... Conical 1. . 16 158157 Garnet Nickel, 1902 Model 6135 12 6137 12 6139 12 7131 ~12 7132 12 7133 12 7135 12 7137 12 7139 12 8131 6 8132 6 7 . ... Nickel 8133 6 15 8517 Garnet Nickel 8135 6 7 . Gilded 8136 6 7 . ... Nickel 8137 6 158517 Garnet Nickel . 9131 3/0 7 . ... Nickel 9132 3/0 15 8517 9134 3/0 7 9135 3/0 158:17 11131 11/0 15&17 2131 Htg. or O. F. 3131 ' Garnet “eagle; Ruby 2132 Nickel Nickel Nickel Nickel 158517 Garnet 21 Ruby 21 Ruby 7 . Conical 1. e1 Nickel, 1910 Model .........‘ . .... ‐ 7 158517 158517 ”.1. Nickel, 1910 Model ......... Nickel, 1910 Model. ......... Straight NiCkel, 1910 Model ......... Straight . Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0.F. 7 Gilded Nickel, W4P1. and Br. Mod. Nickel, 374 P1. and Br. Mod. Nickel, 1’71 P1. and Br. Mod. . .... Siie'igii; Straight In ordering bridges send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material maylook similar, the measurements being difierent. P i v o t CANTON, OHIO, U. s, A. BRIDGES AND COCKS, PALLET‐Continued 6132 In ordering bridges send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being difierent. Cata- logue N0. 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152' 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 4146 4147 ' 4148 4149 4150 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 BRIDGES, TRAIN Descriptionof Movement , .50 .......................... 1.50 .50 156a 17 .......................... .... 16 11 16 15 16 17 16 21 16 23 16 7 16 11 16 15&17 16 21&23 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 ....... Model Model Model ............'.............. 1.60 .55‐ 16 15&17 16 15&17 16 15&17 Garnet .55 .50 .55 N12 7 12 15 12 15 12 17 12 17 12 21 12 21 %Plate Model ....................... ;.;. 2146 2147 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. , 16 7 .. .. Gilded. 1890 .,1 . With Without . Size Stone Jewel 16 11 ~ Jewels Jewels 16 16 21s2;3 16 7 .. .. Garnet Gilded, 1890 G a r n e t Nickel, 71890 Raised Center Model ,............ .... .50 Raised Center Model ............. 1.50 .50 Raised Center Model ............. 1.60 .55 Raised Center Model ............. 2.50 .55 R u b y Nickel, 1890 Gilded, 1890 Gilded, 1890 Nickel. 1890 Nickel, 1890 Nickel, 1890 Nickel, 1890 Gilded, 1890 Gilded, 1890 .Nickel, 1890 Nickel, 1890 Gilded, 1902 Nickel, 1902 Model Gilded, 1902 Model Nickel, 1902 Model Nickel, 1902 Model Nickel, 1902 Model Nickel, Bridge Model ..................'....... 1.45 .55 Nickel, Bridge Model, ......'.........._......... 1.90 .55 Nickel, Bridge Model ......................... 2.25 .55 Garnet Garnet Garnet R u b y R u b y ....... Garnet Garnet R u b y .......................... 1 Garnet Garnet New Model New Model New Model Model .50 16 17&19 16 21&23 16 15&17 16 21&23 12 7 ....... Nickel, 37!; Plate Model ....................... .... .55 Ruby ....... Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet R u b y R u b y ......................... 1.45 .55 Ruby Garnet R u b y Nickel, Bridge Model Nickel, B r i d g e Model ......................... 2 .60 .55 .......................... 2.50 .55 .......................... 2.5O .55 Model Model Model New Model ...............,...... .... Nickel, Nickel, :54 Plate Model ....................... Nickel,.$4Plate Model ....................... Nickel, ii Plate Model ....................... .55 .Nickel. i6, Plate Model ....................... Nickel, 34Plate Model ....................... Nickel, ~71 Plate Model ....................... In ordering bridges, send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material m a y look similar, the 'measurements being different. 7 ‐‐ W, ..................... 1.50 ..................... 1.60 .55 ..................... 2.50 .............. .50 .......................... .... .......................... .... .......................... .... .......................... 1.60 .55 .......................... 1.60 .55 PricePerPiece .25 .55 .55 1. 6 0 . 5 5 1.60 .55 1.60 .55 2.50 .55 2.50 .55 1 .60 .50 ’ .55 TI-IE HAMPDENWATCH CO. BRIDGES, TRAIN‐Continued Descriptionof Movement Bridge Model Bridge Model Bridge Model Bridge Model 1910 Price PerPiece With _Without Jewels Jewels .45 .55 . 1910 1910 .45 1910 .45 1910 .45 1910 .45 1910 .90 .90 Gilded, iii Plate Mod. Nickel, ‘54 Plate Mod. Gilded, 971 Plate Mod. Nickel, ‘54 Plate Mod. Nickel, Diadem, 4’74 Plate Mod. NickeL-Diadem, ‘31; Plate Mod. Nickel, The Four Hundred, $4 Plate Mod. . Nickel, Molly Stark, Bridge Mod. Nickel, M o l l y Stark. Bridge Mod. ....... Nickel, Diadem or Four Hundred, Bridge Nickel, Diadem or Four Hundred, Bridge Mod Nickel, Bridge Mod. 6156 In ordering bridges, send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. i Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, thematerial may look similar, the measurements being different. .90 .45 .90 . ' Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DONOT GUT ORDEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER I Cata- 9148-49 BRIDGES, TRAIN‐Continued 9152 Cata- logue_ _ _ _ . _ . ‐ _ . _ _ _ No; Size 1161 18 Old Style, Nickel or Gilded 1162 18 New Style, Nickel or Gilded 1163 18- New Style, Nickel or Gilded 1166 18 ' 1167 18 1168 18 1169 18 2166 16 2167 16 Htg.orO.F. , 1161 I BRIDGES, WINDING Description of Movement , Nickelor Nickel or Nickel or W . , , Nickel or Nickel or Nickel or 1168 . .' . 7 . . . Htg. CANTON. oHIO, U. s. A. O. F. BRIDGES, RATGHET Description of Movement 0. F. « . Cata- logue No. - 27 Price Per Piece .‐_____ 1l23123 7177 ,1 Cata- logue No. Size 7179 12 Size ‘1 Grade Description of Movement Price Per Dozen Grade i CANTON, OHIO, U. S.A. BRIDGES, IDLER 12,1910 Model ........................... 1.00 .75 .10 7177 Ht-g. or O. F. CLUTCHES, WINDING AND SETTING Description of Movement 1910 Model, 14 Ratchet Teeth,- 12 Setting Teeth ... .10 i i 335 l ’ Htg.orO.F. ‘ E COLLAR_S, STAFF, CENTER Description of Movement Cata- logue ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ~ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ Price ~ ‐ 7179 No. Size ‘ -1 .‘ 1180 3 Dozen I Piece 18For Spring Staff N0. 1355 ........................................1.75 1.10 1180 l I ©J Htg.or O.F. 1 Orders for JESS than 1/3 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ______ 9186-87 9188-89 9195 9196 7190-91 9190-91 , ’. CANTON, OHIO, U. S.A. . COCKS, BALANCE‐Continued ./94 xx, / 3| 9197 9198 9199 11186 In orderingbalance cocks send movement to insure correct uprighting, endshake and fitting. DO NOT OUT OF. DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ‘ CANTON, OHIO, U. s. A. 33 CAMS 0 Description of Movement ata- \ _ Price Per Piece logue Grade No.Size ‐-,“‐ Grade ‐‐‐‐‐‐ 123123 7231 12 Locking 1910 Model ............... 2.00 .... 1.75 .20 ... 17 7232 12 Locking 1910 Model ............... 2.00 .... 1.75 .20 ... .17 6 .................................. ........................... .75 100 15 60I .10 .10 10 8231 9231 3/0 Setting 1.25 7231 7232 8231 i 9231 O.F. Htg. Htg. Htg. In ordering material, give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. ‐ If in doubt regarding material required, send sample w i t h order, and if possible give name, num‐ ber, size of movement and number of jewels. When samples are sent attach them securely to the order to avoid loss or delay. Samples must be properly packed to avoid being crushed by stamp cancelling machine. Order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being different. To determine model refer to bridges, pages 8 to 17. Imitation Material Rejected‐In case a sample is rejected by us as not being genuine Hampden material, send movement for examination. Prompt shipment will be made upon receipt of your orders. DO NOT GUT OR DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Price Per Dozen C ata- logue No. Size Descriptionof Dial Price Per Dozen PricePer Piece ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ - ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Grade Grade ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐~ 123123 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 Roman Htg., Roman 24-hr. 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 Light Arabic Htg., Light Arabic ....................... .00 1.00 12.50 1.25 12.50 1.25 10.00 1.00 18 18 18 O ....................................... 1.250 18 18 O ...................... ....................................... 1.250 1.25 18 18 0. 18 18 O ...................... ............................................. 1.00 1.00 18 18 0. 18 18 O 2 .... .... O. 18 1 8 O E. , . 50 1.25 18 18 O ' ....................................... 1.00 1.00 18 18 O F . , 24-hr. 1.25 ....................................... 1.250 1.25 . ...................... ., Roman 24-hr. Htg., Roman 24‐hr. F Red Marg. Figures Red Marg. Figures 15.00 1.50 . 15.00 1.50 .............._........................ 1.25O 1.25 ., Arabic 24-hr. H t g . , Arabic 24-hr. F ...................... THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. F., Arabic 24-hr. Red Marg. Figures Htg., Arabic 24-hr. Red Marg. Figures 15.00 1.50 F . 15.00 1.50 ............................................. 1.00 1.00 ., Roman Htg., Roman ....................... ....................... 1 F., Med., Roman Red Marg. Figures Htg., Med., Roman Red Marg. Figures 12.50 1.25 . ...................... 1 ., Heavy Roman Red Marg. Figures Htg., Heavy Roman Red Marg. Figures 2 18 18 0.E, 50 10.00 18 18 O ....................... ....................................... Htg., F . 50 .25 Light Arabic Red Marg. Figures Htg., Light Arabic Red Marg. Figures F ., Heavy Arabic . . Htg., Med. Arabic Red Marg. Figures ........................ ........................ 1.250.... .... F ............... ............... 12.50 1.25 F Heavy Arabic ., Med. Arabic Red Marg. Figures . 24.00 ..... ....2 1.25 .... .... 18 1236.37 1238-39 24.00 ..... ....2 ., Roman Double Sunk, Marg. Figures Htg., Roman Double Sunk, Marg. Figures .00 Montgomery numerical dials are carried in stock. When ordering dials for 18 size old models, state Whether they are to be held on the movement by pins or screws. Open Face and Hunting 18 size dials are not interchangeable. When in doubt as to dial wanted, give number of movement. Orders for less than 1A; dozen will be charged‘at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ...................... 1 ..... 1 ........................................ ........................................ 1.00 1 2 .... .. . 1 . .25 .00 CANTON, OHIO. U. s. A. DIALS‐lcontinued 1242-43 1244-45 DO NOT OUT OR DEPAOB THIS‘OATALOGUE; ORDER BY.NUMBER 36 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. 1264 1265 18 Htg., Roman, Double Sunk, Marg. Figures .......... 30.00 DIALS‐GOntinued C t Descriptionof Dial Price PerDozen Price PerPiece 3a.- ‐‐-‐_‐‐ logue Grade No.Size. . 12 1260 18 O. F., Roman, Double Sunk, 24-hr. Marg. Figures . . . ..... 24.00 1261 18 Htg., Roman, Double Sunk, 24-hr. Marg. Figures . . . ..... 24.00 1262 18 O.F.,Roman,DoubleSunk,Marg.Figures..........30.00 1263 18 Htg., Roman, Double Sunk, Marg. Figures .......... 30.00 ..... 18 0. .......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... F., Roman, Double Sunk, Marg. Figures O. F., Arabic, Med. Double Sunk, Marg. Figures . . . . 30.00 1266 18 1267 18 1268 18 1269 18 1270 18 1271 18 1272 18 1273 18 1274 18 1275 18 1276 1277 18 Htg., Arabic, Heavy, Fancy Decorations ..................... 1278 18 O.F., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 15.00 1279 18 Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 15.00 1280 18 0. F.', Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Gold Min., Tinted. . 24.00 ..... 1281 18 Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Gold Min., Tinted. . 24.00 ..... 1282 18 O.F., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 15.00 1283 18 Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 15.00 18 O . Htg., Arabic, Med. Double Sunk, Marg. Figures . . . . O. F., Arabic, Heavy, Double Sunk, Marg. Figures . . Htg., Arabic, Heavy, Double Sunk, Marg. Figures .. O. F., Arabic, Med. Double Sunk, Large Marg. Figs. . Htg., Arabic, Med. Double Sunk, Large Marg. Figs.. 0. F., Arabic, Double Sunk, 24-hr. Marg. Figures . . . Htg., Arabic, Double Sunk, 24-hr. Marg. Figures . . . O. F. , Arabic, Double Sunk, Montgomery Numerical . . Htg., Arabic, Double Sunk, Montgomery Numerical . . 33.00 27.00 F ., Arabic, Heavy, Fancy Decorations ..................... Fancy dials are tinted in pink, blue, lavender, green and gray, and if required with gold hour numerals add 50 cents to the regular price. ' When ordering dials for 18 size old models, state whether they are held on the movement by pins or screws. Open Face 18 size and 3/0 size dials cannot be used on Hunting movements. When in doubt as to dial wanted, give number of movement. Montgomery numerical dials are carried in stock. Orders for less than 1%; dozen will be charged at piece price. Double sunk dials furnished in 18, 16 and 12 size only. DO NOT GUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ..... 30.00 ..... 30.00 ..... 30.0 ..... 33.00 27.00 \ 38 Cata‐ logue No. Size 1284 18 1285 18 1286 18 1287 18 2236 16 2237 16 2238 16 2239 16 2240 16 2241 16 2242 16 2243 16 2244 16 2245 16 2246 16 2247 16 2248 16 2249 16 2250 16 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. DIALS‐Gontinued \ , Fancy Decorations, Tinted, Gold Min. ....... 24.00 .......... Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................. ..... 15.00 ..... ' , Fancy Decorations, Tinted, Gold Min. ....... 24.00 .......... Arabic, Fancy Decorations ........................ . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 \ Description of Dial Price Per Dozen Grade Price Per Piece Grade 0.F., Roman, Fancy Decorations ................... .......... 12.50 Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations ................... .......... 12.50 0. F., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Gold Min., Tinted.. ) 4 . 0 0 .......... Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Gold Min., Tinted... 04.00 ..... 3..... 1.25 .... 1.25 2.00 .... .... 1.00 2.25 .... 2.25 ... 2.25 .... ... 2.50 2.00 ... .... .... 1.25 .... 1.50 ... 2.00 .... ... .... 1.50 ... 2.00 .... ... .... 1.25 165 3/4 PLATE MODEL Arabic, Black Marginal Figures .................... , Heavy .......... 10.00 .......... 12.50 .......... 10.00 .......... 12.50 .......... 10.00 27.00 .......... 27.00 .......... 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 Arabic, Light, Double Sunk Red Marginal Figures Arabic, Heavy, Double Sunk Red Marginal Figures Roman, Light, Double Sunk Red Marginal Figures .. 27.00 .......... Arabic, Montgomery Numerical ..................... 30.00 24.00 ..... Roman, Fancy Decorations .......... 12.50 Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................. . . . . . 1 5 . 0 0 ..... Htg. or O. F. 16 size % Plate and 16 size Bridge Model Dials are not interchangeable. When in doubt as to dial wanted, give number of movement. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 123123 2.00 CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. DIALS‐Gontinued Htg.or O.F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or O.F. 16 size 9/4 Plate and 16 size Bridge Model Dials are not interchangeable. When in doubt as to dial wanted, give number of movement. , Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER _______________________.‐_‐__‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 40 Cata- logue | NO' Size THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. DIALS‐Contlnued 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 16 4243 13 4244 16 4245 16 4246 16 Roman, Black Marginal Figures .......................... .......................... 1 .. 4247 4248 16 Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted, Gold Min. ....... 24.00 .......... 1.50 2.00 .... 4249 4250 16 Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted, Gold Min. ....... 24.00 .......... .50 6235 6237 Roman, Light Roman, Block, Red Marginal Figures .......................... 12.50.... ....: 16 16 16 16 16 16 .............................. 1.250 .. 1.25 ............................... 1.250 .. 1.25 16 Arabic, Montgomery Numerical ....... . . . . 30.00 24.00 ..... 16 ...................... 125 % PLATE AND BRIDGE MODEL 15.00 ..... ....1 2.00 ... 12 12' ............................................. 10.00 .... .... 1.00 Description of Dial Price Per Dozen Grade Price Per Piece ade §‐‐‐‐ 165 BRIDGE MODEL Roman, Red Marginal Figures Roman, Block, Red Marginal Figures Arabic, Block, Red Marginal Figures 2 .. 1 Arabic, Black Marginal Figures. ......................... ......... . .25 1.25 1.25 Arabic, Heavy, Red Marginal Flgures 16 size Bridge Model and 16 size 374 Plate Dials a r e not interchangeable. When in doubt asto dial wanted, give number of rnovement. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at plece prlce. .............................. ‘... .... .... 2.25 1.75 .. 2.25 1.75 2.25 1.75 2.25 1.75 2.50 2.00 50 12.50 12.50 Roman, Block, Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures .. . 27.00 21.00 ..... Roman, Light, Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures . . 27.00 21.00 ..... Arabic, Block, Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures .. . 27.00 21.00 ..... Arabic, Heavy, Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures . . 27.00 21.00 ..... ......................» .... DO NOT GUT OR DEPACE T H I S CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 123123 15.00 ..... 12.50 1.25 G r 1.25 CANTON, OHIO, U. S.A. DIALS‐Gontinued Htg. or O.F. Htg. or O.F. DO NOT CUT 0R DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER m__ Htg. or O. F. 4247‐48 CANTON. OHIO, U. S.A. DIALS‐Gontinued 43 /f/r ,S\ \1~ W10 . 15W 96 ",\ DONOT CUT ORDEPACE THIS CA‘fALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Htg. or 0. F. 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 9.236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 I 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 11236 11237 12 12 Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................. 15.00 2.25 1.75 ... 1.50 ... C t aa - logue No. Size Description of Dial 12s 1910 MODEL Roman, Double Sunk, Red Marginal Figures ....... Price Per Dozen ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Grade Price Per Piece . Grade 6 3/0 0. F 1.25 ... 1.25 VTHE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. DIALS‐Gontinued 12 12 Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Gold Min., Tinted 12 Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................. ... .... 1 . .... ... .. 1.50.... Arabic, Fancy Decorations ............ .25 21.00 ............................. . . . 00 12 Arabic, Montgomery Numerical ..................... 2400 12 Roman, Fancy Decorations 15. ............................. ... .... 1 6 ......................................... ........................................ .50 . . . .... 6O . .00 . . . 1 . 0 0 6O . ..................... ......................................... ... ... 1.00 Big" Arabm ... 1 F ., Arabic .00 ., Arabic, Red Marginal Figures 6 Htg., Arabic, Red Marginal Figures..............._. . . . . . 6 6 6 6 Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ........... 15.00 6 Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ........... 15.00 Htg., Roman Htg., Roman, Red Marginal Figures ... ... 1.25 ..................... ........................ ... Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations ........................ 1.25 1.50 ... 1.50 .... ........................................ ......................................... 3/0 0.F.,* Arabic, Red Marginal Figures ..................... 3/0 Htg., Arabic, Red Marginal Figures ..................... 3/0 0.F., Roman ........................................ 3/0 H t g . , Roman '......................................... 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.25 F., 'Arabic ' 3/0 Htg., Arabic 3/0 0.F., Roman, Red Marginal Figures 3/0 ..Htg., Roman, Red Marginal Figures . ' . 3/0 0.F., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 3/0 Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 3/0 0.F., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 3/0 Htg., Roman, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 3/0 0.F., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 3/0 Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ..........,. . . . . . 3/0 0.F., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 3/0 Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations, Tinted ................ 11/0 Htg., Arabic, Fancy Decorations ........................ . 1.50 . 1.75 1.50 11/0 0. ........................ F., Arabic, Fancy Decorations 7245 ‘ 7246 I 7247 ..................... . . 1.25 .................... 1.50 . 1.50 . 1.50 223 2 .25 1.5 0 1.50 1.50 . 1.50 CANTON, OHIO. U. s. A. DIALS‐Gontinued In ordering bridges, send movement to insure correct uprighting and endshake. Do not cut or deface this catalogue, order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being difi'erent. 3/0 3/0 11/0 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. FORKS See Page 52‐Pallets and Forks. HANDS, HOUR, MINUTE AND SECOND Description of Hands Spade, Ex. Broad Hour. W h i p Minute Spade, Broad Hour, W h i p Minute Spade, Broad Hour and Minute Spade, Narrow Hour and Minute Morning Glory, Hour and Minute Crescent, Hour and 'Minute Fleur de Lis, Hour and Minute Moon, Hour and Minute Spade, Ex. Broad Hour, Whip Minute Spade, Broad Hour, Whip Minute Spade, Medium Hour, Whip Minute Spade, Narrow Hour and Minute Crescent, Hour and Minute Spade, Hour and Minute Crescent, Hour and Minute Morning Glory, Hour and Minute Moon, Hour and Minute Spade, Hour and Minute Moon, Hour and Minute Spade, Hour and Minute Spade, Hour and Minute Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand Second Hand Gilded Pair Doz.Pr. Pair Doz.Pr. ' _____'_________‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐’‐’‐‐___ 1294 ' ~10 .10 .10 .10 .10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 ' -10 -10 .70 .10 .60 .60 .10 .50 .70 .10 .60 .60 .10 .50 .70 .10 .60 .70 .10 .60 .70 .10 .60 .70 .10 .60 .70 .10 :60 .60 .10 .50 .60 .10 .50 .60 .10 .50 .70 .10 .60 .60' .10 .50 .70 .10 .60 .70 .10 ‘.60 .70 .10 .60 .60 .10 .50 .70 .10 .60 .60 .10 .50 .60 .10 .50 Dozen Piece Dozen .35 .10 .25 .35 .10 .25 .35 .10 .25 .35 .10 .25 .35 .10 .25 .35 .10 .25 Blued C t 3 :a- logue No. 1306 3306 6306 7306 8306 9306 9307 9308 11306 Description of Movement Price Per Dozen - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ _ ‐‐ 9306 11306 1317 3311 16and12 Index, Star Wheel, Complete Star Wheel and Pinion .00 3.00 2.00 Crown Wind. 3/0 Wind. 3/0 Wind. 3/0 Wind. 2.00 1.75 6 11/0 Old Style Bevel Shoulder 2 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.75 CANTON, OHIO, U. S.A. HUBS, WINDING AND GROWN WHEEL 47 Price Per Piece Grade Size 18and16 Wind. 16s Pendant Set ................. Grade 123123 .20 '.15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20.15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20.15 .20 .15 8306 1’ logue Grade Grade No. Size _ 16 12and6 12 ........................ 128 Old Style, 68New Style ....... .... Wind. Wind. Lever Set 1910 Model 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.75 .... W. Wind. 3306 @ ...................... ........................ .... 1.75.... at. 6306 ' <33 9308 INDEXES 9307 ©@ ................... ........................ ........................ .00 .... Lever Set Pend. Set .................................. .... 1.75.... Descriptionof Index Price PerDozen PricePerPiece C t 3a‘ __‐‐-‐.‐‘‐_‐ 1311 1312 1313 1314 18 1315 18 1316 18 ’ 18 Index ..................................... 1.50 1.00 .15 .10 18 Index Patent Micrometer ................... 10.00 6.00 5.00 1.00 .60 .50 18 ..................... 2.501.501. N u t Patent Micrometer Collar Patent Micrometel‘ ........I........... 1.50 1.00 1.00 .15 .10 .10 Upright Patent Micrometer, Large Hole ..... 1.50 1.00 1.00 .15 .10 .10 Upright Patent Micrometer, Small Hole ..... 1.50 1.00 1.00 .15 .10 .10 18 1311 1312 ................ 6 4.5O.... .60.50.. .30 .20 v9 1 1316 1317 at)“ Patent Micrometer: First quality, gold; second and third quality, steel. . Hour/or minute hands ordered separately will be charged at the rate of one-half of the p r l c e per dozen pair. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at pair price. 1315 i+ DO N0'.l.I GUT OR DIE-PACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 1313 1314 0 2.00 1.75 .... 2 2.00 1.75 7306 .00 .... l 3311 Setting Size D i a m . 18 .108 16 .108 12 .0792 12 . .0792 Cata- , logue i Setting Size Diam. 18 .108 16 .108 16 .108 1 2 .086 12 ,.086 JEWELS, GAP, PINION, ESCAPE ~LOWER ‘ Description of Movement Ruby Ruby Ruby, 97.1 Plate and Bridge Model Ruby, 1910 Model ' , Descriptionof Movement PricePerDozen Gold 00mp‐ PricePerPiece THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. JEWELS, GAP, ARBOR, PALLET ‘ LOWER Description of Movement Ruby, % Plate and Bridge Model Ruby, 1910 Model JEWELS, GAP, ARBOR, PALLET UPPER Descriptionof Movement Ruby Ruby, 554 Plate and Bridge Model Ruby, 1910 Model v PricePerDozen PricePerPiece JEWELS, GAP, PINION, ESCAPE UPPER Ruby, Raised Setting Ruby, 974 Plate and Ruby, .1910 Model INSTRUCTIONS FOR BEGINNERS All Jewels for pillar plates or dial side of watch are called LOWer Jewels and all Jewels for the bridge side or back of watch are called upper jewels. Should a Jewel get lost or broken, so that the hole cannot be gauged, send old setting and pinion. For making any change in Jeweling, send movement. ~ UNSE'I' JEWELS When ordering unset Jewels not listed uSe number for Set Jewel and state unset. Ruby Bars Garnet Bars ~ Balance or Escape and Pallet Conicals Balance Olive Hele Endstones or Cap Jewels O ' unset, per doz. unset, per doz. unset, per doz. unset, per doz. unset, per doz. Orders for less than 1A) dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEPAOE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ' Gold Comp. Gold Comp. . 1.75 .35 .20 . .... .35 . . . . . .35 . .... .35 Cata‐ logue Setting Size Cata‐ logue ’ No. 1333 1334 18 4333 16 4334 16 Cata- logue No. Size 1336 18 1337 18 2336 16 3336 16 2337 16 Ruby, Breg. or Flat Ruby, Breg. Raised Set . Ruby, Old Style Ruby, Nickel Dome Ruby, 1910 Model Ruby Ruby, Dome JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, BARREL LOWER Description of Movement Setting Size Setting Size Diam. 18 .20 Sapphire .. . .28 .. . Setting Diam. .192 .. . . .18 .18 .. . . Sapphire, Unset Sapphire, Pat. Bbl. 1902 Modelr Sapphire, Unset JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, BARREL UPPER Description of Movement Sapphire Sapphire, Unset Sapphire, 9;; Plate, 1890 Model . Sapphire, % Plate and Br., 1902 Model Sapphire, Unset ‐ CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. JEWELS, GAP, STAFF, BALANCE LOWER. Description of Movement 3’ Ruby,5%; PlateandBridge Ruby, 1910 Model JEWELS, GAP,STAFF, BALANCE UPPER Description of Movement , Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DOnor our 0R DEFAcE r m s cA'rAL'OGuE; ORDER BY NUMBER . UNSET JEWELS When ordering unset Jewels not listed, use number for set Jewel and state unset. Ruby Bars Garnet Bars Balance or Escape and Pallet Conicals Balance Olive Hole Endstones or Cap Jewels Piece 50 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. lCata- _ ogue No. 1 3 3 9 1340 1341 1342 1343 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 6339 6340 6341 7339 7340 8339 8340 9339 9340 , Description of Movement ' Dozen Brass Piece Brass Size - Sfifiglf 0792 0792 ................................. 0.F............................ ' 2.25 .20 11339' Ruby Cata Description of Movement o- Price Per Dozen lNgolfe Size Sfiitgfnlg Gold Comp Brass _________.______‐_.__ 18 18 Ruby, Conical .................. .... .... .... 2.50 Ruby, Straight .................. .... 6.00 ... .... ... 25i .60 .. .60 .. . .... ... .30 .... JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, PALLET LOWER R u b y , Conical Ruby, Straight Ruby, Straight Htg. 3.00 3.00 .3O .30 Garnet, Straight Garnet, Straight Htg. .25 .20 Ruby, Conical Ruby,Straight Ruby, Straight Htg. Ruby, Straight Unset Garnet, Straight Garnet, Straight H t g . .......................... . 2 .20 1347 1348 1349 18 .126 Ruby, Straight, Old Style ......... .... 6.00 ... 1350 1351 2347 2348 2349 6347 6348 6349 7347 7349 8347 8348 9347 11347 Cata- logue N o . 18 .108 18 .126 Garnet, Straight ................. .... .... 2.85 Garnet, Straight, Old Style ....... .... .... 2.85 .... .30 .... 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 6354 6355 6356 7354 7355 8354 8355 9354 9355 .108 .108 .108 .108 .108 .108 .108 .108 .108 .1‘08 .0792 .086 .086 .0792 .086 .086 Ruby .086 Garnet .086 Garnet, 0.F....................................... 30. 0 ' 11/0 Ruby, Straight Unset . . . . . 2.25 .20 6 ... .25 ... Piece 6 3/0 .. ....... JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, ESCAPE IAJVVIHR Descriptionof Movement - S i z e 86:31:? 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 B r a s s Ruby, Conical ............................................ 2.50 .25 6 Garnet, Straight Ruby, Conical 1910 Model Garnet, Straight 1910 Model................................ .25 2.25 .20 6 3/0 3/0 ................................................... 2.50 .................................................. 2.25 .25 .086 Garnet, 11354 11/0 .064 Ruby O.F. ............................................ H t g . ..................,.......................... 2 .108 .108 ............................ 0.F..........................'. 2.50 .25 .. ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OF. ............................ 2 2. 5 0 . 2 5 3.00 .30 % B.r..................... . 2 ............................ .... 3 .... .25 .30 .... .......................... 2 .00 .... .25 0.F........................... .. . 225 ... 7 .20 Pl. and Ruby, Straight, 3!; P1. and Br. . .. . 3.00 .30 Garnet, Straight 9:4 P1. and Br. . 2 .25 .20 Ruby, Conical .50 .25 Ruby, Conical 1910 Model Garnet, Straight, 1910 Model ................... . 2 .20 Price Per Piece Ruby Garnet Garnet Garnet, Htg. .20 1 16 .... Ruby, Straight Unset .......~...... 3.00 . .... .... .30 16 .... Garnet, Straight Unset ........... 1.50 ... .15 12 .076 Ruby, Conical ............'....... .... .... .... 2.50 .... 12 .... Ruby, Straight Unset ............ 2.25 .... .... ... .25 12 .... 12 .0766 12 .... Garnet, Straight Unset .....,......1.50 .... .... .... .15 Ruby, Conical, 1910-Model ........ .... .... .... 2.50 .... Garnet,StraightUnset,1910 Mod.. 1.50 .... . . .... .15 Ruby,StraightUnset......-4.....2.25 . . .20 Garnet, Straight Unset ........... 1.50 . . .15 Garnet, S t r a i g h t Unset ........... 1.50- . .15 . .25 . ... . _... .0792 Ruby, Conical ................... .... .... .... 2.50 .... . ...................... . 2.50 ........................................ . ........................................ . 2 .25 (LF................................... . .................................. . . ...................................... . .25 2.25 .20 2.25 .20 2.50 3.25 I JEWELS, HOLE, ARBOR, PALLET UPPER B r a s s Ruby, Straight ...................................... 3.00 .30 Ruby, Straight H t g . .30 Garnet, Straight Garnet, Straight Htg. 2.25 .20 2.25 .20 2.50 .25 3.00 .30 Ruby, Conical Ruby, Straight Ruby, Straight Htg. Ruby, Conical .......................................... 0.F..................................... ..................................... ............................................ 0.F....................................... ....................................... 0.F...................................... 30. 0 2.25 2.25 .20 2.50 .30 3.00 .30 2.25 .20 ..................................... ............................................ Ruby, Straight ........................................... .30 20 Garnet, Straight Garnet, Straight Htg. ................................. 25. 0 DO NOT CUT OR DEPAOE T H I S CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER .25 .20 ................. 2.50 .25 .25 .25 2.50 .25 Gold Comp. B r a s Dozen .20 2.25 .20 .25 . ... . .... . Garnet, Htg. 2.25 .20 ....................................... . . . . . 2.25 .20 Cata 10133? 1360' 1361 1362 1363 1364 2360 16 .108 2361 16 .108 2362 1 6 .108 2363 16 .108 3361 16 .108 3362 16 .108 Description of Movement ' Dozen Gold Comp. Brass Piece Comp. Brass 3363 6360 6361 6362 6363 7360 ‘ 7361 8360 6 t 8361 6 , 8362 6 1902M0d .................. 2.85 Ruby, Conical ................ .... .... 2.50 I 8363 6 9360 3/0 Ruby, Friction Setting ..... . . . 6.00 .... Garnet ..................'..... . 2.85 Garnet,FrictionSetting.'...... 2.85 .... .60 .... .... .... .30 .... .... .30 .... .... .130. .... .... .30 Size 86:31:? Gold 18 .... .... .... .30 .... . CANTON. OHIO. U.S.A. 5] 18 .108 18 .108 18 .126 Ruby, Conical ................ .... .... 2.50 .... .... .60 .25 .108 1 8 .126 2.85 2.85 .... .30 16 ‘ .108 12 .086 12 .086 12 .086 12 .086 12 .086 1902 Raised Set ........... 6.50 .... .... Garnet, Straight 34 P1. and Br. 12 2 . 8 5 .... .... 2.50 .... .... 2.85 .... .... .30 Size Slgitdllig Brass 0.F.............................................. 3.00 .30 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 12 12 12 .086 Brass 6371 7370 7371 7372 7373 8370 8371 6 .086 9370 3/0 .086 9371 3/0 .086 ’ 6 Ruby, 0.F. ................................. ................................. .108 .108 .108 .108 .108 108 Ruby, Ruby, Htg. Garnet, OF. ............................................ 2.25 .20 3.00 .30 2.25 .20 3.00 .30 3.00 .30 2.25 .20 108 Garnet, H t g . ............................................ Ruby .............'.....................................'. Garnet ................................................. 108 .086 .086 .086 .086 .086 .086 3.00 .30 Garnet . . . . . . . . .,........................................ 2.25 .20 Garnet, O.F. ..................... ..... 2.25 .20 JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, ESCAPE UPPER Ruby, Straight ............... 6.00 Ruby, Straight, Old Style ..... 6.00 Garnet, S t r a i g h t .............. .... Garnet, Straight, Old Style .. .. .... Ruby, Conical ................ .... .... 2.50 .60 7 .... Ruby, Straight 3;; P1. 1890 Mod.. Ruby, Straight 3!. P1. 1890 Model Raised Set ................ 6.00 6.50 .... 2.85 .... 6.00 .... .... .25 .60 .65 .... .30 .60 ' .65 , .30 .... ....'- .25 Garnet, Straight W4P1. 1890 Mod.. Ruby, Straight 97.1 P ] . and Br. .................. 1902 Mod Ruby, Straight % P1. and Br. Ruby, Straight 97.1 Plate .... . Garnet, Straight Bridge Model. Garnet, Straight =34 Plate .. . .. Ruby, Conical 1910 Model .. . .. Garnet, Straight 1910 Model. .. Ruby ......................... 6.00 . . .... .60 .086 .086 .108 .086 .108 .08 Garnet, Bridge Model ......... 2.85 9361 3/0 .08 Garnet, 5%; Plate .............. 2.85 9362 3/0 .086 11360 11/0 .064 Catai lolég-e 1370 1371 1372 1373 2370 . . 2371 2372 2373 6370 Garnet, Friction Setting . . . . . . . 2.85 .... .... . JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, FOURTH LOWER Delcription of Movement .30 .... l Ruby ......................... 3 .... Piece .............................................. 3.00 .30 0.F.............................................. Ruby, Ruby, Htg. Garnet, OF. ....................................'......... 2.25 .20 .............................................. 3.00 .30 1910 Model Ruby, Htg. 1910 Model ................................ Garnet, Htg. 1910 Model ................................ 2.25 .20 G a r n e t , O F. . 1910 Model R u b y ................................................... Garnet, H t g . ............................................ Ruby . DO N'O'J.I GUT 0R DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 3~‐ 2.25 .20, 11370 11/0 .064 ................................................... 3 .30 Should a Jewel get lost or broken, so that the hole cannot be gauged, send old setting and pinion. For making any change in Jeweling, send movement. Orders for less than 1A; dozen will be charged at piece price. .... .... .... .... 6.00 .... .... 2.85 . . . . .... .30 .90 .40 Dozen .60 .... .30 .... .25 3.00 .30 .00 3 , Cata- lo ue - Description of Movement , Dozen Comp. Brass Gold Piece Comp. Ngo. Size Sfifiggg B r m Ruby, Old Style ............................ 6.00 .... .... .60 .... .... 18 .108 18 .126 18 .108 Ruby ..................................... 6.00 Garnet .................................... 2 . 8 5 1375 1376 1377 1378 3375 3376 16 2375 16 .108 2376 16 .108 .60 18 16 .......................... .... Ruby, 37"; P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. ............. 6.00 .... .... .60 .... .. .... 16 \ 34P1. 1890 Mod. .................... .... Garnet, 37!; PI. and Br. 1902 Mod. ............ .... 2.85 .... .... .30 .... Ruby, Bridge Mod. .......................... 6.00 .... .... .60 .... L.. Ruby, 34Plate ............................. 6.00 .... .... .60 .... .... 2377 3377 16 .108 6375 12 .086 6376 12 .086 2.85 .30 12 ....................... .... 2 2 .... .30 6377 6378 12 .086 7375 12 .086 7376 12 .086 8375 6 .086 8376 6 .108 .20 6 11375 11/0 .064 Ruby, Friction Setting Garnet 8377 8378 6 .108 9375 3/0 .08 9376 3/0 .08 8377 3/0 .086 logue ‐ NO- Size 85%;? Brass Brass , 0.F............................................... 3. 1381 1382 1383 18 1384 18 .............................................. 3. 0.F............................................. 3. 2381 2382 2383 16 2384 16 ........................................... F................-.............................. .3. 6381 6382 6383 y 12 6384 12 .086 Ruby. 0.‘ .086 Ruby, Htg. .086 Garnet, 0. F. .086 Garnet, Htg. .086 Ruby, Htg. .086 Garnet, Htg. .086 Garnet, Htg. .......................... 3. 18 18_ 108 Rub .108 Ruby, Htg. .108 Garnet, 0. F. 2. .108 Garnet, Htg. 2. 16 16 .108 Ruby, .108 Ruby, Htg. .108 Garnet, o. F. .108 Garnet, Htg. ' 2‐ 12 12 3. 2‐ 12 12 oro.F. , 2‐ .086 2.85.... ...._.30 .... 2.85 .... .... .30 .... 2.85 .... .... .30 .... 7381 7382 8381 9381 3/0 .086 Garnet, 9382 3/0 .086 Garnet, Htg. or0.F. .......................... 2. 6 11381 1910 Model ............................................. 2. THE HAMPDEN WATCH co. ¥ » ' JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, FOURTH UPPER Garnet, Old Style .... .... .126 .108 .108 Ruby, ‘54 P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. Raised Set.... 6.50 .... .... .65 .... .... .108 Garnet, .... .... .... .086 .85 2 . 8 5 .... .... . 3 0 .... ' Ruby, 97.1 P1. 1890 Mod. ...................... 6.00 .... .... .60 .... .... Ruby, ‘2’; P1. 1890 Mod. Raised Set ........... 6.50 .... .... .65 .... .... Garnet, Bridge Model Garnet, 97!; Plate ............................ .... Ruby, 1910 Mod. ........................... 6.00 .... .... .60 .... .... Garnet, 1910 Mod. ...-...................... .... 2.85 .... .... .30 ... R u b y ..................................... 6.00 .60 . . 6.00 .... .... .60 c... .... 2.85 .30 ....................... .................................... Garnet, Friction Setting ..................... Garnet, B r i d g e Mod. ........................ Garnet, 34Plate .....,....................... ..................... R u b y .....................‘................ .... 2.85 .... .... .30 .... Garnet, Friction Setting 4 . 0 0 JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, THIRD LOWER . 4 0 Description of Movemen't ' ‐‐._‐__‐__‐._‐_‐_‐‐_‐‐__ .............................................. 3. 2. 1910 Model 0.F............................................. 2. ............................................. 2. .............................................. 3. ,All Jewels for pillar plates or dial side of watch are called 'Lower Jewels. All Jewels for the bridge side or back of watch are called Uppers. Should a Jewel get lost or broken so that hole cannot be gauged, send old setting and pinion. For making any change in Jeweling send movement. Orders for less than % dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEPAGE T H I S CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Gold 2.85 .25 .Dozen Piece . 3 0 .30 \ 7386 7387 8386 8387 8388 8389 9386 9387 9388 11386 ‘12 . 6 .086 Ruby, 1910 Model .086 Garnet, 1910 Model 6.00 .... .... .60 .... 16 16 16 16 12 12 12 ........... .... _12 12 .......................... ........................ .... .......................‘.............. 6.00 .... 2.85 . 3 0 .... .30 6 6 6 Ruby, Friction Setting Garnet Garnet, Friction Setting .... 2.85 .85 2.85 2.85 2.85 4.00 .... .... .... .... .30 3/0 3/0 3/0 11/0 ...................... ........................... .... .... .... .... .... .... .40 DWI 'Piece B r a s s B r a s s 2.50 .25 3.00 .30 2.50 .25 3.00 .30 2.50 .25 2.50 25 .108 Ruby .126 Ruby, Old Style .108 Garnet .126 Garnet, Old Style ....................... ..... .108 Ruby, 94P1. and Br. 1902 MOd. ............. 6.00 2.85 .... .... .30 .... oat...w logue'' ' “ '6 3/0 .0792 Ruby .0792 Ruby, 1910 Mod. .0792 11391 11/0 .064 18 ‘ ................................. to 2 25 1395 '18 .09 Ruby, Breg. .................................. 11- to .50 2. 18_ .108 15- 3. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1396 1397 16 .09 2395 16 .09 2396 .09 6395 12 .0792 6396 12 .0792 7395 12 .0792 8395 6 .0792 11- 15- .0792 Ruby R u b y R u b y .25 2.50 .25 2.50 .25 CANTON, OHIO, U. s. A. JEWELS, HOLE, PINION, THIRD UPPER Description of Movement Dozen 1386 1387 1388 1389 3386 3'387 .2386 2387 3388 2388 ’6386 6387 6388 6389 Piece Comp. Brass N0. Size Diam. ‘ Gold Comp. ‐.‐_‐______‐____‐____‐__‐‐-___ 1 Brass G o l d ............................-........ 6.00 18 18 18 18 16 16 .108 Ruby ‘34 P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. Raised Set. 6.50 .... ........................... .................................... .... .... .... .... . .108 Ruby, 9.1 P1. and Br. 1890 MOd. .108 Ruby, 3%, P1. and Br. 1890 Mod. Raised Set. 6.50 .... .108 Garnet, ‘54 P1. and B r . 1902 Mod. ............ .... 2. 8 5 .108 Garnet, 9!; P l . 1 8 9 0 Model .........._........ .... 2. 8 5 .086 Ruby .108 .086 .108 .08 .08 .086 .064 ...................... .................................... .... Garnet, Bridge Model .30 .30 .30 Garnet, k 1391 18 .108 Ruby .................. H o l e N o . S i z e 8155:3111? 1392 2391 2392 6391 7391 3391 9391 18 16 16 12 12 .108 Ruby, Olive Hole ’ ' 94 ..................... .... Plate Garnet, Friction Setting R u b y ......................... ............................ .... .... 2.85 .... .... .'... .... .... ..I. .60 .... .... .60 .... .... .30 .086 Ruby, Bridge Mod. .086 Ruby, 9’4 Plate .086 Garnet, Bridge Mod. .086 Garnet, ‘33, Plate .......‘..................... .... 2.85 6.00 ........................ .... .60 6.00 .................'. . . . . 2 .30 ...................................... . .... JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, BALANCE LOWER ....................................... .09 Ruby .09 Ruby, Olive Hole - ........................................_ ....................................... ............... ....................................... 2.50 JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, BALANCE UPPER Description of Movement Dozen Piece Ruby, Flat ....................... to Ruby, _.Breg orFlat .......................... 10- to15- Ruby, Olive Hole ............................. 10- to14- Ruby, ‘54 P1. and 7J.Bride Mod. .............. 10- to13- Ruby, 1517and 21J.Bridge Mod. ........... 10- to13- Ruby, Breg'. Olive Hole 11- 14- Ruby, 1910 Model Ruby 10-to 13- 10-to 13- Unset Jewels, see pages 48 and 49. Orders for less than 1A dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 6.00 2.85 .... .... 6.00 .60 .... .65 .... 6.00 .60 .... .60, .... .65 .... .... .30 .... .... .30 5 1 B ‘ All Jewels for pillar plates or dial side of watch are called Lower Jewels. All Jewels for the bridge side or back of watch are called Upper Jewels. Should 3. Jewel get lost or broken so that hole cannot be gauged, send old setting and pinion. F o r making a n y change in Jeweling, send movement. Orders for less than 1,4 dozen will be charged at piece price. 108‘ta- tt’ No, Size 3mg? Descrlptlon of Movement ogue S ‘ 9402 11400 lgata' 3/0 .086 11/0 .... 8.00 . Descrlptlon of Movement Dozen 18 .... 16 .... Brass ‐ _ ‐ _ ____._______ 16 16 ............................. .... .60 .. 12 .10 12 6 6 .... .................. Sapphire, Unset ............................... . .... Sapphire, Unset O.F................................ .... JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, CENTER ..'. Plece Comp. 75 ... .40 75 ... 75 6402 7401 8401 8400 9400 9401 3/0 .086 Sapphire, or 3/0 .... ............................... . .... .60 .... .80 .80 i .... 16 .108 16 .108 16 .... 12 .10 12 .10 12 .... 12 .10 6 .086 1.00 .75 . . . | . 9406 3/0 .086 4 ate ............................ 7.50 .75 9407 3/0 11404 11/0 11407 11/0 115*. Ruby. 5%. Plate, Friction Setting ............. 7.50 .75 Ruby, Unset ................................... 4.20 Ruby .....................';............... 7.50 .75 , .40 r‘ .108 .108 ........................ 8 .... .... .10 .09 Sapphire Sapphire 8.00 .". JEWELS, HOLE, STAFF, CENTER LOWER Sapphire, H t g . 8.00 .60 ... Sapphire, Unset Sapphire, Unset Sapphire, 374 Plate‘ Sapphire, B r i d g e Model Plece Brass ............................... . .... .60 .... .80 .80 Ruby, Unset ........................ .... .60 .... ............................... '. .... 1400 2400 2401 4401 6400 12 .... 6401 12 .10 Sapphire or Ruby, 37!; Plate Mod. , 8.00 ....' .80 1 .00 Sapphire 0rRuby, Bridge Mod. ..........-....... 8.00 .... .80 Sapphire or Ruby, 1910 Mod. ..................................... .... 8.00 .80 .. .80 ................................ .... Sapphire, Unset ............................... . .... .60 .... .... ’ gue- , No. Size S5113? , , Gold Comp. ,. Gold _‐‐‐_‐‐‐'-h‐'_‐__‐‐‐‐_‐__‐.____-‐ 1404 1407 1 1406 3404 3405 1' 2404 2405 2407 6404 6405 6407 7405 8404 Ruby orSapphire ......................... 10.00 7.75 .... 1.00 13 .‘108 18 .... 18 .126 16 .108 16 .108 Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby or 4.20 .... 1.00 Sapphire, Unset ........................ .... orSapphire, Friction Settlng .......... 10.00 7.75.... 1.00 or Sapphire, V4 P1. and Br. 1902 Model. 10.00 7.75 or Sapphire, 54 P1. and Br. 1902 Model Raised Set .............................. 10.50 .... 1.00 .... ... 1 Ruby or Sapphire, ‘34 P1, 1890 Model ....._.. . 10.00 7.75 RubyorSapphire,94P1.1890Mod.,RaisedSet10.50.... ....1.00.... ... .40 or Sapphire, Unset ........................ .... .... .... Ruby Ruby orSapphire, Bridge Model ............ 10.007.75.... 1.00 .75 ... Ruby orSapphire, 91; Plate ................. 10.007.75.-... 1.00 .75 ... or ........................ .... ....' .... Sapphire, Unset 4.20 .40 Ruby Ruby or Sapphire, Raised Set 1910 Model.. ... 10.50 8.00 .... 1.00 .80 ... Ruby orSapphire ......................... 10.007.75 1.00 .75 8406 6 .108 Ruby orSapphire, Friction Setting .......... 10.00 7.75 .... 1.00 .75 .... 8407 6 .... Ruby r S a p phire, Unset ........................ .... 4.20 .... .... .40 3:85 3&8 .832 gugy,(1311114113 Model ........................ 7.50 .... .... .75 .... .... .068 .... Ruby, Unset ................................... .... 4.20 .... .... .40 5 __‘__‐_‐_‐‐‐_‐__‐‘~ - DO NOT GUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Dozen 8.00 4.20 l 12 Pendant Pendant Pendant Pendant Pendant W 0. F. THE HAMPDE-N WATCH CO. LEVERS,.ULUTGH Descriptionof Movement 1910 Model PricePerDozen PricePerPiece LEVERS, LOCKING Description of Movement Set.’' Set., :54 P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. ........ Set., 37; ‘PI. and Br. Mod. Set., 1910 Model Set. Price Per Dozen Grade Price Per Piece Grade 2 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 3429 LEVERS, SETTING _,, Description of Movement Intermediate, Pend. Set. ....................... Pendant Set. Pendant Set. Pendant Set., 1’74 P1. and Bridge Mod. Pendant Set., 1910 Mod., New Style Pendant Set., 1910 Mod., Old Style Pendant Set. 1432 10‐ O. F.‘ Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ~9 a Htg.or0.F. O.F. D0 NOT’CUT OR DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ' Htg. or 0. F. No. 1436 1437 2436 8436 Cata- logue 1440 1441- 1442 2440 8440 Size - 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 2446 8446 Old Style ................................................... 1.5’0 15 16 6 1436 Htg.or O.F. 97.1 Plate 1890 Model ....................................... 1440_ Htg.or 0. F. Htg. Price Dozen 18 Garnet 18 Garnet 18 Sapphire 16 Garnet Old Style ........................ 8.00 6.50.... :80 .65 New Style ....................... 8.006.50.... .80 .65 New Style .....'.................. 15.50 .... .... 1.50.... 37.1 Plate 1890 Model............... 8.00 6.50 .... .80 .65 6 Garnet Old Style ........ 8.00 6.50 2440 Htg.or 0. F. .80 .65 8440 CANTON. OHIO. U. S.A. 7 57 PALLETS ’ Cata- Description of Movement logue‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ _ ‘ _ ‐ ‐ ' Dozen I Piece 18' Old Style ........t.......................................... 18 NewStyle................................................. 2.00 .20 2.00 .20 ................................................... 2.00 .20 Old Style PALLETS, WITH STONES FITTED Descriptionof Movement No. Size Stone " ; Price Per Dozen Grade ‐‐‐‐%‐‐‐ 1437 '2436 Htg.or O.F. Htg.orO.F. ‘ 8436 Htg, Price Per Piece Grad ‐‐‐‐e‐‐‐ 1441 Htg.or 0. F. 18 18 Old Style .................................................. 1.50 15 18 New Style, Single Roller ..... .-............................ 1.50 15 18 New Style, Single Roller .................................. 1.50 15 18 New Style, Double Roller .................................. 5.00 50 18 New Style, Double Roller .................................. 5.00 .50 16 % ....................................... ................................................. 2.00 .20 1447 1448 1449 6 1446 Plate 1890 Model 2.00 .20 Old Style Description of Movement Cata- logue ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ No. Slze Plece FORKS OF Htg. OF Htg 1450 ' 1451 2446 8446 O.F. . Htg. Htg.or 0. F. Htg. To deterfnine model refer to pages 8 to 1'7. In ordering pallets, forks and stones send escape wheel with order for correct matching. Orders f o r less than V2 dozen w i l l be charged at piece price. DO NOT OUT OR DEPACB THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 123123 Price 2.00 .20 , 60 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Cata- PALLETS, FORKS AND ARBORS WITH STONES FITTED ... Descriptionof Movement _ PricePerDozen Price PerPiece _‐___________‐‐‐_‐_‐_ , Grade Grade logue No. Size Stone Pivot ‘ _ 1 ‐ " 2 ‐ ‐ 3 ‐fi ‘ ? ' 7 _‐.___._________._‐.__________.___.‐______ 1471 18 1472 18 1473 18 1474 18 1475 18 1476 18 1477 18 1478 18 Sapphire Old Style .................. 12.0010.00..... 1.201.00.... 16 6476 1 2’ B r , Mod,, Double Roller .... 50.......... 2 .... ....7 1.00 .. . .... .... .... .... .... .... 6477 6478 12 7475 12 7477 12 7478 12 1910 Mod., Double Roller .... 18.00 1910 Mod., Double Roller .... 22.00 12 . 16.00 15.00 18.00 .......... .......... 10.00 ..... .......... .......... 1.50 1.80 1.20 1.00 .... 1.80.... .... 2.20 .... .... Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Sapphire Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight .................. .................. .................. 16.00.......... 1.60 .... .... 12.00 10.00'..... 1.20 1.00 .... 16.00.-......... 1.60 .... .... 12.00 10.00 ..... 1.20 1.00.... 16.00 .......... 1.60 .... .... 19.00 .......... 1.90 .... .... 22.50 .......... 2.25 .... .... 12.0010.00 ..... 1.20 1.00 .... 16.00 .......... 1.60 .... .... 1479 18 1480 18 1481 18 1482 18 1483 18 1484 18 Sapphire 1485 18 Sapphire 1486 18 Sapphire 2471 16 Garnet Straight Single Single Single Single Single Single Roller ............... Double Roller ............... 16 Garnet 1 6 Garnet 1 6 Garnet 16 Garnet 16 Garnet Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical Straight Conical 1890 Mod. 1890 Mod. 1890 Mod. 1902 Mod. .......... 16.00 .......... 12.00 .........5 16.00 .......... 1 2 . 0 0 2472 2475 2476 3475 . 3476 4475 4476 4477 4478 4483 4484 6475 12&6 Garnet Straight ' 1 6 Garnet Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Garnet Sapphire Sapphire 1’74 P1. 1902 Mod. .......... 16.00 Br.Mod,SingleRoller..‘ . 12.00 Garnet Sapphire 16 Sapphire 16 Sapphire Br. Mod., Single Roller ..... 16‘ “16 16.00 Br. Mod., Single Roller ..... 19.00 .... .... 6 9475 3/0 Garnet Straight 8471 .00 13.00 ..........._................ 14.00 10.00 Garnet Garnet Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire 19.00 .......... 22.50.......... 23. 0 0 .......... 1.90 .... .... 2.25 .... .... 2.3O.... .... 2.65 .... .... 2.30 . 2.65 .... .... 1.20 1.00 .... 1.60 .... .... 1.20 1.00 .... 1.60 .... .... 1.20 1.00 .... 1.60 .... .... 1.20 1.00 .... 1.60.... .... Garnet . .................. 12 ..... 11.00 ..... .......... .... .... Conical .Double Roller............... 26.50.......... Roller ............'... 23. 0 0 .......... Roller......5........ 26.50 .......... Straight Conical Deuble Double =54 P1. ‘54 P1. 94P1. 6;Pl. 35/; P1. 1890 Mod. .......... 12.00 10.00 ..... .......... 10.00 ..... .......... 10.00 ..... .......... 10.00 ..... .......... .......... 1 Conical Straight Conical Straight Straight Conical Straight ‘74 P1. and Br. Mod. ........ =54 P1. and B r . Mod. ........ =54 P1. and Br.Mod. ........ 1910 Mod., Slngle Roller .. . . 12.00 .65 .......... 1.60 11475 11/0 Garnet Straight ‐‐-‐‐‘‐‐ ‐ O l d O l d O l d Single Roller ............... Single Roller ...........-... S t y l e S t y l e S t y l e Roller ............... Roller ................ Roller ............... Roller ............... Roller ............... .90 B r . Mod., Single Roller ..... 22.50.......... 2. 2 5 .... .... B r . Mod., Double Roller .... 23.00.......... 2.30.... .... 26. 12$ ‘34 P1.andBr.Mod.... 12.00 1000 .....120 Old Style ........................... 1.20 1.00 1.30 1.10 1.40 .... .... 1471-72 1473-74 1475‘76-77-78 1479-80-81-82 1483-84 O.F. 4475-76-77-78 H t g . o r 0 . F. 7477-78 Htg.orO.F. O.F. _ 1485-36 H t g . 4483-84 Htg.or0.F. . Htg. 0. F. Htg. _1 ‘iI“..m - .. x . H t g . o r O . F. 6475-76 Htg.orO.F. 8471 Htg. H t g . o r O . F. 6477-78 Htg.orO F 9475 Htg. or O.F. H t g . o r O . F. 7475 Htg.orO.F. 11475 Htg. 2471-72 2475-76 iIiI . In ordering pallets, forks and stones, send escape wheel with order for correct matching. Order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being different. . _ Orders for lees than 1A; dozen will be charged at p1ece pnce. 3475-76 1Canal.- ogue No. 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 PILLARS . Descriptionof Pillar . PricePerDozen Price PerPiece ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ .‐ - ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐- ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ l o g u e 1501 9501 11501 1502 6502 11502 1503 1504 S l ' z e v K ' m d Regulator Regulator Regulator Guard G u a r d P Pe r r i 1c 0e 0 1489 1491 1492 1493 1494 Size Jewel Nickel . Gilded Nickel Gilded 1.50 .15 .15 1.50 .15 .15 1.50 .15 .15 1.50 .15 .15 .20 .20 18915and17Long 1815and17Short ..................... 1.50 ..................... , 1 . 5 0 ..................... 1 . 5 0 ..................... 1.50 15and17 Long ‘18 18 18 18 18 18 18 11 Long 18 11 Short 18. 7 Long 18 7 Short 1490 15and 17 Short 17,21and 23 Long 17,21and 23 Short 17,21and 23 Long 17,21and 23 Short ..................... 1 ...................... 1.75 ..................... 1.75 1 CANTON, OHIO. U. S.A. , 6] E§§Ei§*§ 0. F. ‘ Htg. Htg. 18, 16, 12, 6 3/0 .............................................. .............................................. .20 .............................................. ........................,.,.................... .20 .............................................. .20 .............................................. .20 1/10 ....................................... .20 .............................................-. .20 18, 12, .20 - 11/0 18, 16, Guard Steady Collet and Stud 16 6 3, / 0 .......... 6 1501 ' 9501 . 11501 1502 I A l l Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEPAOE T H I S CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER _ ‐‐‐‐' ¢ I., .75 .75 .20 .20 ..................... 1 ..................... 1.50 ........... ......... 1.50 ................,..... 1.00 1.00 .10 .10 ..................... 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 .10 .10 .75 1.75 .20 1.75 .20 1.75 .20 .20 1.50 ! .15 .15 1.50 i .15 .15 .20 Cata‐ logue‐ - ‐ - ‐ ~ s ‐ ‐ ‐,»‐.‐ ‐-‐ ‐~- » - ~ . ~ ‐ 1506 ,g~- Plate and Bridge 1902 Model 374 Plate and Bridge Model ............................. 1910 Model .................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. . . . . . . . . . . No. Size -7 -, .............................. ..... ........... Piece .75 .10 .60 .10 .60 .10 1.50 .15 . 6 0 .10 3506 6506 7506 9 5 0 6 16 94 18 Full Plate ................................. 12 12 3 / 0 Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. MPDEN WATCH CO. When in doubt as to material required, send sample if possible and give number and name of movement. Where samples are sent attach them securely to order to avoid loss or delay. Samples must be properly packed to avoid being crushed by stamp cancelling machine. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Imitation Material Rejected‐If a sample is rejected by us as not being genuine Hampden material send movement. 5 . Old style and key Wind material, pages 106 to 109. ' Orders for less than 1%,) dozen will be chargedat piece price. DO NOT 0131' OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Dozen ~‐~-~,, ____ 0 PINIONS, CENTER, HEADS Descriptionof Movement ' PricePerDozen ata- __‐____. PricePerPiece logue _ No. Slze Leaves 1511 18 10 1512 18 10 1513 18 10 2511 16 12 2512 16 12 3511 16 13 6511 12 .12 7511 12 12 8511 6' 13 E £15 Htg. or 0. F. 3511 it Htg. or O. F. Grade CANTON, OHIO, U. s. A. PINIONS, CANNON Description of Movement 34P1. 1890 Mod.,Large Staff Small Staff Short, Old Style %P1. and Br. ................... Long, New Style %P1. and Br. ................... 1910 Model For Spring Staff, Coarse Train Threaded, Coarse Train Threaded: Fine Train $1 P1.189O Mod., Raised Center $4. P1.,Htg.1890 Model 9/4 P1.andBr.1902Model . % P1. a n d B r . M o d e l 1910 Model To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of leaves in pinions with list above. . Orders for less than 1A) dozen Will be charged at piece price. DO N071| CUT OR DEFACE T H I S CATALOGUE;‘ ORDER BYrNUMBER" Cata- logue L Leaves Descriptionof Movement Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade 123123 No. ' Size ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐‐ ‐ .00 2.25 1.75 .30 .00 2.25 1.75 .30 .00 2.25 1.75 .30 .00 2.25 1.75 .30 1525 1526 1527 1528 2525 2526 2527 3525 3526 6525 6526 7525' 7526 8526 18 8 Coarse Train ............................ 18 8 Coarse Train ............................ 18 10 Fine Train .............................. 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 25 .20 25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 .25 .20 3/0 9526 3/0 11525 11/0. 11526 11/0 8 8 8 8” ......................................... .......................................... ......................................... ......................................... 1526 1527 W W 9525 1525 18 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 12 10 Fine Train .............................. {’74 P1. 1890 Mod., Raised Center .......... 974 P1. 1890 Mod., New Model ............ 9.1 P1. 1890 Model %P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. ................. %P1. and B r . 1902 Mod. ................. {34 PI. and Br. Model .................fl.... .00 2.25 .00 2.25 .00 2.25 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 1528 1.75 .30 1.75 .30 1.75 .30 CANTON, OHIO. U. s. A. PINIONS, FOURTH ....................... 12&6 10 ‘11 P1. and Br. Model ................H.... 3.00 2.25 3.00 2.25 1.75 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .60 .60 2525 12 10 12 10 1910 Model ............................. 25 .25 .20 .25 .20 ............................. .20 1910 Model 6 10 ......................................... =54 ‐=§- =E‐ ‐=§ ~=§‐ O.F. Htg. O.F. Htg. O.F. 2526 O.F 6526 l l 2527 ' Htg ' 7525 3525 3526 O.F. Htg "7526 8526 - 6525 O.F 9525 _=§, -=§- _=§. E a Htg. O.F. Htg. 0.F, ’ O.F. ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ .‐ _ ‐ fi ‐ ‐ __ 9526 11525 ‘ 11526 "GE hea- ~a. Htg. Htg. O.F. To determine model refer to pages 8to 1'7. Compare number of leaves in pinions with list above. It will aid us in filling orders if grade and number of jewels are given. Orders f o r less than 1A) dozen‘ w i l l be charged at piece price. DONOT CUT OR'DEI‘AGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER -‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐ Grade 1.75 .00 2.25 1.75 .00 2.25 1.75 .00 2.25 1.75 .00 2.25 1.75 3.00 2.25 1.75 25 .20 25 .20 Cata- logue 1531 18 1532 1533 18 1534 18 2531 16 2532 16 2533 16 3531 16 3532 16 6531 12 6532 12856 7531 12 7532 12 9531 3/0 9532 3/0 11531 11/0 g To determine' model refer to pages 8 to 17. THE HAMPDEN WATCH co. PINIONS, THIRD Description of Movement Coarse Train Coarse Train Fine Train Fine Train % P1. 1890 Mod. Raised Center '34 P1. 1890 New Model 34PL1390llodel % P1.andBridge,Model V4P1. and Bridge Model ‘54 P1. and Bridge Model % P1 and Bridge Model. 1910 Model 1910 Liodel Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ,, Do ForOur on‘D‘nrAcn 'rnrs CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER - Compare number of leaves in pinions with list above. It will aid usinfilling orders-if grade and number ofjewels are given. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at pieceprice. V 1/0 1537 .Htg.or O.F. 3 5 3 7 8 5 3 8 0. F. 1539 Htg.or 0. F. 6 5 8 7 2538 Htg.or 0. F. 7537 Htg;or O.F. 11537 Htg.or 0. F. 8587 Htg.or 0. F. 9537 Size Leaves 6 6 3/0 10 Lever Set. .................................... .. 11 .................................................. 4.50 .45 CANTON. OHIO, U. s. A. ' 67 PINIONS, WINDING Description of Movement Price Dozen Piece 18 15 18 15 18 15 16 17 16 12 16 11 16 11 13 13 37!; PI. and Br. Model, Pend. Set. .................. 2.00 .20 15 14Ratchet Teeth, 1910 Model ..............'....... 3.00 .30 13 Internal Square ..........‘....................... 2.00 .20 13 External Square .................................. 2.00 .20 2.25 .25 3/0 10 PendantSet...................................»... 2.25 .25 12 12 _ 12 Lever Set. 3%Plate 1890 Model ............................... 2.00 %Plate 1890 Model .............‘........-........ 2.00 374 Pl. and Br. 1902 Model, Lever Set. ............. 2.00 WP41. and Br. 1902 Model, Pend. Set. ............. 2.00 974 PI. and Br. Model, Lever Set. .................. 2.00 . .20 Old Style Pendant Set. 2.00 2.00 2.00 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 ........................................ ..................................... ....................................... T 2537 Htg.or 0. F. 6 5 3 8 O.F. 9538 Htg. Htg. Htg. 0. F. Htg. 8538 flfiééé To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of leaves in pinions with list above. _ It will aid us in filling orders if grade and number of Jewels are given. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 68 Cata‐ logue No. THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. REGUL ATORS 1541 1542 1543 Breguet Breguet ... 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 _ 18 18 18 Breguet Old Style ........................ 1544 1545 1546 1547 2543 2544 2546 2547 3546 4547 6546 6547 8543 8546 9543 9544 9546 9547 11546 Flat Flat Old Style ........................ .25 .20 0 F 1546 Htg 15'47 Htg orO.F. 3546 HtgorO.F ‘ 2543 0 F 4547- 0.F. . 2544 Htg. Htg 2546 Htg.orO.F. 2547 6546 O.F. 6547 8543 Size Grade 6 ‘ F l a t Breguet Flat - .00 .................................. 2.00 .20 6 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 4Flat Breguet Breguet Breguet Old Style ........................ 2.00 Old Style ........................ 2.00 .... .... 11/0 , Descriptionof Movement , Hair Spring PricePerPiece Grade . 123123 18 18 18 Flat Old Style ...............V......... 3.50 Old Style ........................ 3.50 Old. Style, ChampiOn .............. 1.50 .35 . .35 .15 .... .. .25 .20 . 18 Breguet .20 .40 .30 .25 .20 16 16 Flat 16 Breguet ......................... 1’74 Plate ......................... 2.50 2.00 %Plate . _ . 3.00 16 16 Breguet 16 Breguet 12 Breguet 12 Breguet ......................... 97.1 Plate and Bridge 1902 Models.. 2.50 2.00 .20 .... ... .20 . . . .30 Flat ’54. Plate 2.50 2.00 Breguet 9;; Plate Bridge Model, Patent ............ 4 .... N e w Style, Champion ............. 1.75 .... New Style, Patent ................ 4.00 3.00 .... . .25 .30 .30 .25 .40 Patent ................................._.2.00 .20 .20 .20 .20 .30 .40 .................................. .... 300 .40 .30 ........................... 4 New Style ........................ 2.00 3.00 4.00' .. . ........................... .................................. Patent 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 Htg. Htg.orO.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0.F. Htg.orO.F. Htg. 18546 9543 9544 9546 Htg. 0. F. Htg. Htg.or O.F. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if pOSSible. Old style and key Wind material, pages 106 to 109. ' Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. 9547 11546 DO NOT GUT OR DEPAGE T m s CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER PricePer'Dozen 3.00 3 .00 2.00 .20 .00 Htg.or 0. F. Htg 16 Bridge Model 12 1910 Model Size L Roller ROLLERS, TABLE ; Description of Movement Old Style, 16s Bridge Model New Style, 163 Bridge Model 18 and 16 18and16 18and16 , Double 12and6 12 3/0 11/0 Single Double Single Single 18and16 Sapphire 18and16 Sapphire ROLLERS, TABLE WITH JEWEL PINS FITTED Description of Roller Roller Old Style, 168 Bridge Mod.~.. . New Style, 16s Bridge Mod. .. ‘12 and6 12 3/ 0 11/0 Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet 1560 Single Double CAbHKNW.OPHO,LLShA. ROLLERS, SAFETY Description of Movement Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. . DO NOT GUT OR DIE-PAGE T H I S CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. SCREWS, BALANCE, MEANTIME Gold Head, Gilded Head Thread T1538 PricePerGross PricePerDozen L’gth Diam. L’gth Diam. D‘am- Inch Gold Gilded Gold Gilded .. .030 .046 .030 . . .030 .036 .033 . . 6 .021.- . .. .. .. .. .021 . . .016 . . 5‐‐ 220 15.00 2.50 1.50 .25 12 220 15.00 2.50 220 15.00 2.50 220 15.00 2.50 300 1'.00 2.50 1.50 .25 1.50 .25 1.50 .25 . . 15025 PricePer Dozen Gold Gilded 11564 110 W / ,- » ._O SCREWS, BALANCE, REGULAR S' Gold Head Gilded Head Thread lze ‐‐ Tlgds er Price Per Gross 18and16 Old Style.. , 18and 16 New .Style. .0455 . 0 4 1 .0376 .0352 Size - 18and 16 12 6 11/0 In full and quarter length Heads . . . . ._ In fullandquarterlengthHeads.... ‘. In fullandquarterlengthHeads.... In fullandquarterlengthHeads.... . In fullandquarterlengthHeads.... . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . ' PricePerDozen Gold Gilded . .20 . .20 . .20 . .20 . .20, ' ' L’gth Diam. L’gth Diam. . Gold Gilded We furnish extra thread screws for all screws listed (excepting the balance screws). In case the thread in a hole is worn it requires an extra thread screw. < ‐ Order such screws by the regular screw number and state extra thread. Meantime screws are fitted on all sizes and grades of balances of'recent make. DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER I CANTON, OHIO, U. s. A. 71. SCREWS, BANKING Cata- Description of Movement . Thr’ds Price logue ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐Length Diam. Per ‐ ‐ No. Size Inch Gross Doz. 18,12and 6 18 183 Old Style, Single Roller ........... New Style Single Roller .............. Short Pin, Double Roller . ............ 37.1 Plate, 1890 Mod., Single Roller . . . . 3.1P1.andBr.1902Mod.,S.or D. Roll. V .30 30 1573 1574 1575 2573 3575 9573 3/0 ...................................... .041 .0472 .047 .055 .047 .055 .050 .0422 .047 .0472 .032 ‘ .0472 .030 .0376 140 3.00 140 3.00 140 3.00 140 3.00 140 3.00 140 3.00 .30 140 350 .35 18 16 16 .30 .30 30 11573 . 11/0 ...................................... We furnish extra thread screws for allscrews listed, excepting the balance screws. In case the thread in a hole is w o r n it requires an extra thread screw. Order such screws by the regular screw number and state extra thread. We also furnish taps for all screws listed. In ordering taps use regular screw number and state tap. An extra charge of $1.00 per dozen, or 100 each, will be made for taps. When in doubt as to material required, send sample if possible. Where samples are sent attach them to order to avoid loss or delay. In ordering screws, etc., for upper or lower, upper denotes the bridge side or back of watch. Lower denotes pillar plate or dial side of watch. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Destroy all previous catalogues. Old Style and key wind material, pages 106 to 109. DO NOT OUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER - ,' § 3 . . ’- i g ; , a ,. . .............................. 711/0 ................................ 16 11593 1600 1601 1602 2600 6600 8600 9600 11600 1604 1606 1607 1608 6607 6608 7609 9607 9603 g 11607 ................................ ..................... 11/0- 18. ..... .055 .0368 .040 .0238 .040 .0288 .0448 .0288 r .................... 18 16 .023 .023 .178 .0544' 100 . . ' 0.S............. 12 Hub, Winding, 1910 Mod., Left Hand ......... 12 .023. B r i d g e , B a r r e l .............................. 1581 Bridge, Ratchet, Old Style ................... 1583 Bridge, Ratchet, New Style .................. 1584 Bridge, Winding, Front ...................... 1585 Bridge, Winding, Back ...................... 2581 Bridge, Bbl., o.F., 92. P1. 1390 Mod. .......... 2532 Bridge, Bbl., Htg., 34P1. 1390 Mod. .......... 2581 Bridge, Train, 0.F., 34P1. 1390 Mod. ........ 2532 Bridge, Train, Htg., 34P1. 1390 Mod. ........ 3531 Bridge, Bbl., 94 P1. and Bridge 1902 Med. ...... 3581 Bridge, Train, =74 P1. and Bridge 1902 Mod. 1535 Bridge, Winding, 34P1. 1390 Mod. ........... 13 18 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 12 ............... .................... ..................... 9531 Bridge, Bbl. and Train, 9!. Plate Mod. ......... 9532 Bridge, Bbl. and Train, Bridge Mod. .......... 6581 Bridge, Bbl., Center, and Train 7586 Bridge, Idler, 1910 Model 8581 Bridge, Barrel and Train 6 . 3/0 3/0 . . . .063 .060 .0443 .040 .055 .020 .127 .020 .092 .030 .127 .020 .110 .016 .088 .016 .092 .040 120 .040 120 .0328 140 .0472 120 .0472 120 .0472 120 .0472 120 .040 120 .040 120 1611 1612 1613 Hub, Winding, Pendant Set Hub, Winding, Lever Set Cock, Balance Cock, Pallet Cock, Pallet Cock, Pallet Cock, Pallet Dial Foot, without Head Dial Foot, without Head Dial Foot, with Head Dial Foot THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. SCREWS, USE AND NUMBER K i n d and Description of Movement Head , Thread ................ 11/0 ...................................... 18 11581 Bridge, Bbl., Center and Train 1588 Case 2588 Case, 2589 Case, Htg., =54 Plate 1890 Mod. ............... 16 0. .............. 16 F., 9!. Plate 1890 Mod. , 3538 Case, =54 Pl. and Br. 1902 Mod. ............... 16 ‘’ , ‘ , . 6588 Case ...................................... 12 ...................................... 6 8588 9588 11588 1591 7593 9593 11593 1595 2595 2532 3581 6531 3595 9531 9595 9582 9596 11531 2598 6598 9593 Case Case Case Cap, Hair Spring Stud 3/0 .016 .092 .040 120 ...................................... 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 / 0 ~ .0323 140 ...................... 18 . 0 1 4 .063 .013 .045 .0105 .079 .010 .069 .030 .0336 .040 .110 .033 .038 .033 .110 .045 .085 .030 .063 .025 .0792 .060 .063 .042 .063 .060 .0448 .042 .0448 .040 .055 .021 .063 .0368 140 16 ...................................... 11/0 and .......................... 12 .0283 140 .0472 120 .0328 140 .026 200 .0472 120 .0472 120 .0472 120 .0472 120 .040 120 .040 120 .040 120 .040 120 .040 120 .040 120 .0328 140 Click, 1910 Model Click ...................-........a........... 73/0 .............................. 13 Click Cock, Balance Cock, Balance, Cook, Balance, Cock, Balance, Cock, Balance Cock, Balance Cook, Balance, Cock, Balance, Cock, Balance, Cock, Balance, 15 and 17 J. Brigde Mod. . . . . . 3/0 0. F., 9!. P1. 1390 Mod. Htg., 92. P1. 1390 Mod. ‘54 P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. ...... .............................. .............................. 6 7J.94 ........ ............ a3/0 , Plate Mod. 15 and 17 J., 3%Pl. Mod ........ 3/0 7J.B r i d g e Mod. .............. 3/0 ................................ 12 and6 ..'.............................. 3/0 .020 .017 .015 .124 .124 .031 .015 .015 .016 .015 .014 .043 .0368 140 .044 .0328 140 .040 .0368 140 ..... .026 200 ..................... 18 ....................... 18 .................................1' 16 .................................. 12 - .................................. 6 .0304 2 0 0 140 140 140 140 140 140 Dial Foot Dial Foot Dial Foot Dial Foot Dust Band Hub, Winding, Old Style Hub, Winding, Lever Set Hub, Winding. Pendant Set Hub, Winding, Lever and Pin Set .................................. .................................. ................................. 3/0 11/0 .038 , Hub, Winding, Pendant Set, Hub, Winding, Lever and Pin Set ........ ..................... 18 .0288 .036 .0288 .................. 13 16 .173 .0544 100 .0792 .0544 100 .0792 .0544 100 .101 -.0472 120 .081 .0552 100 .031 .0552 100 .0368 .0472 120 .0448 .0288 140 .0592 .0328 140 .052 .0356 180 We furnish extra screws for all screws listed, excepting the balance screws. In case the thread in a-hole is worn it requires an extra thread screw. Order such screws by the regular screw number and state extra thread. We also furnish taps for all screws listed. In ordering taps use regular screw number and state tap. An extra charge of $1.00 per dozen, or 10¢ each, will be made for taps. DO NOT CUT OB DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER __‐_‐____‐_______‐.‐-‐‐‐‐_‐‐-‐‐-‐‐‐‐_-‐‐ .024 .015 ............. 3/0 .016 .................. 3/0 .016 .................... 11/0 .018 Index, Old Style and Micrometer Base ......,- . . 18 .016 Index, New Style, Star and Spring ............ 18 .018 .060 .................... 18 ‐_______________‐____._‐._._‐_‐__‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐. Index, Patent Micrometer i 16 16 16 12, 183nd16‘ .012 .063 .0368 140 .173 .0544 100 and ............ 12a n d 6 .024 and I . 74 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. 13:3: No. SCREWS, USE AND NUMBER‐Continued K i n d and Description of Movement Head Thread Size Length I Diam. Diam. PerIn. 1626 Lever, Intermediate ......................... 18 .011 .0892 . .0404 120 1 2 0 120 140 140 140 120 140 140 140 140 140 120 220 1627 1627 6627 7627 6627 1626 3628 3628 7628 7627 7627 9628 1630 1581 PIIIar .010 16 .010 .0752 12 .011 .058 .0404 .0404 .0368 .0368 7631 2633 1634 1635 2635 2635 8635 1627 11635 1615 1615 2637 6637 7637 8637 9637 9638 11638 1640 1627 3641 3641 9641 6598 3643 3643 6598 7643 9643 2644 6644 1615 1645 1645 6645 9645 1645 2646 6645 9638 9645 9646 '9641 11646 1583 9641 9647 1648 1615 1649 Ratchet Wheel, 1910 Mod. Regulator, Micrometer, 9’4 Pl. Mod. Lever, Lock, 1910 ................................ , 18 Lever, Lock Lever, Lock,.% P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. ........ i Lever, Lock, 34P1. and Br. Mod. ............. Mod., H t g . ................ ................................ 12 .0105 .075 3/0 .011 .058 .0368 Lever, Lock Lever, Setting, Pendant Set Lever, Setting, 9.1 P1. and Br. 1902 Mod. . .. . . . . 16 Lever, Setting, 9!; P]. and Br. Mod. Lever, Setting, 1910 Mod., Htg., 0. S. Lever, Setting, 1910 Mod., Lever, Setting, 1910 Mod., H t g . , N. 12 P01381108 .................. 18 .011 .0892 .0404 .016 .081 .0368 .016 .081 .0368 .0105 .075 ‘ .0368 .0105 .075 .0368 .0105 .075 .0368 .010 .0752 .0404 .015 .044 .020 .024 .110 .0472 120 .012 .091 .0368 140 .0472 .038 .0203 220 _030 .110 .0472 120 _012 .066 .0368 140 _012 .081 .0368 140 _012 _031 .0368 140 Spring, Click, 1910 Model Spring, Click .............................__ 6 Spring, 011ck, O.F.......................... 3/0 Spr1ng, Click, H t g . ........................,_ 3/0 Spr1ng, Click .............................._ 11/0- Spring, Lever, Intermediate .................. 13 Spring, Lever, Lock .......................,_ 13 Spring, Lever, Lock, 1902 Models ...........__ 16 Spring, Lever, Lock, 9!; P1. and Br. Mod. ...._, 12 Spring, Lever, Lock ....,..................,_ 3/0 Spring, Lever, Clutch, 1910 Mod. Spring, Lever, Setting, 1902 Models Spring, Lever, Setting, 94. Pi. and Br. Mod Spring, Lever, Setting, 1910 Mod., 0. S. Spring, Lever, Setting, 1910 Mod., N. s. . ........... 12 ........ 0.F. ............. 12 ........ .................. 3/0 ........................... , 18 ...................................... i 18. Lever, Setting, Pendant Set Pellet, Old Style .................... ; 12 ............ 16 .........................'. . . . . . . . . ,. 18 Sh1pper ..................................._ 18 Shipper .................................._, 16 Sh1pper, 374 P1. and Br. Mod. ..............,_ 12 Sh1pper, Stud .............................,, 6 Sh1pper .................................._, 3/0 Shipper ...................'..............._. 11/0 Sl_1de, W4PI. and Br. Mod. ................... _ 12 .....................................,, 3/0 .058 _010 _010 .012 .012 .022 .022 .012 _012 .010 .016 .020 _012 _010 .010 . 5 .0368 140 _0404 120 .0328 140 .026 200 .026 200 .0368 140 .0368 1 4 0 S. 12 ............................... 16 Slide Spring, Click Spring, Click, ‘54. P1. and Br. Mod. ............ 12 .................... 12' . - ............. 12 ..... ....... ....... ....................... Spring, Lever, Setting Spring, RegulatOr, 94. Plate Mods. Spring, Regulator .........................__ 12 _012 ....._....z...................,_ 11/0 Spring, Yoke, Setting, Pln Set ............... 12 Spring, Yoke, Winding, Pin Set_ .............. 12 _011 120 200 140 140 140 140 140 140 200 200 200 200 200 220 220 200 Spr1ng, Y .010 _050 .0368 .0448 .0288 _0592 _0323 Spring, Yoke, Wind. and Set., Pin Set ......._, 3/0 Stop, H u b ........_......*................... 18 _012 .057 .012 .012 .010 ..... .0448 .026 .036 .026 .0448 .026 .0448 .026 ' . Stop, Lever, Setting Stop, Spring, Index, Stop, Spring, Regulator, Br. Mod. 1650 Stud, Hair-Spring 2650 Stud, Hair-Spring, 1890 Mod. 3650 Stud, Hair-Spring, 1902 Mods. .018 .018 .011 .012 .012 .045 .039 .0368 .020 220 .0368 .020 220 .0368 .020 220 .0368 .020 220 .030 .018 220 .081 .0368 140 .0752 .0404 120 ........... 16 ............ 16 ........................... .............................~ 18 .018 Spring, Regulator Spring, Shipper Spring, Shipper, Spring, Shipper, 34 P1. and Br. Mod. .......... 12 Spring, Shipper ...........................,_ 3/0 Spring, Yoke, O.F.Pend. Set. ............... 13 Spring, Yoke ,............................,; 16 Spring, Yoke, Lever Set. ..................... 12 Spring, Yoke, Htg., 374 Pl. Lever Set ......... '3/0 Spring, Yoke, Htg., Br. Mod. Lever Set ......__ 3/0 Spring, Yoke, 0.F., Pendant Set ............. 3/0 Spring, Yoke ..............................,, 6 )ke % ............ 16 PI. 1890 Mod. ......................... 12 , .026 N.S. .............. 18 ............. 16 Star 4649 Stop, Spring, Regulator ...............;...... 12 g .010 4649 9621 Stop, Spring, Regulator ...................... 3/ . ........................... 18 I ................. _16 ' ................ 16 ........................... 12 .009 .0328 .020 6650 Stud, Hair-Spring 6650 Stud, Hair-Spring» 3650 Stud, Hair-Spring ........................... 3/0 .011 ........................... 6 11650 Stud, Hair-Spring ........................... 2635 Yoke, Setting, 0.F., Pin Setting .............. 1627 Yoke, Setting, 0. F., Pin Setting ......._....... 11/0 .011 12 .012 3/0 .010 DO NOT CUT OR DEFAGI‘.’ THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ' _010 _011 .020 .020 12 .020 12 .020 12 .010 3/0 .0752 __,,, .0752 .060 _0443 _0443 .063 .063 .058' .0368 140 .0443 .0233 140 .0448 .0288 140 .0492 _0404 120 .055 .0328 140 .058 .0368 140 _0752 _0404 120 .050 .0368 140 _050 .0368 140 _0443 .0288 140 .048 .0368 140 .058 .0368 140 .058 .0368 140 .048 .0368 140» .048 .0368 140 3/0 .011 .048 .0328 140 .044 .026 200 .044 .026 200 _011), .0448 .026 «200 .020 _063 .0368 140 .020 .063 .0368» 140 .015 .050 .0288 140 _012 _045 .026 _020 .063 .0368 .020 .063 .0368 .015 _050 .0288 .016 _0492 .0404 .012 _045 .026 .012 .050 .0328 .011 .0448 .0288 .014 _055 .0328 200 ,1, 140 140 140 .020 .026 Cata‐ logue No. 1581 1583 1584 1585 1588 1595 1600 1601 1602 1604 1606 1607 1608 1611 1612 1613 1615 1617 1626 . 1627 1630 1634 1635 1640 1645 1648 1649 1650 2581 2582 2588 2589 2595 2598 2600 2615 ,2633 2635 2637* 2644 2646 2650 3581 3588 3628 3641 3643 3650 4619 4649 6581 6588 6598 Doz. Gross .20 .00 .25 .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .25» .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .35 .50 .35 .50 .35 .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .75 .50 .20_ .00 .20 .00 .25 .50 .25 .50 .20» .00 .20 .00 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .25 .50 .25 .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .75 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .20 .00 .25 .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .20 .00 .25 .50 .20 .00 Doz. Gross. Doz. 2.50 .30 3.00 .35 F .30 3.00 .35 .50 .30 .00 A‐Steel Bright, Flat Head. B‐Steel Bright, Bevel Head. C‐Steel Gilded. Flat Head. D‐Steel Gilded, Bevel Head. E‐Steel Blued, Flat Head. F‐Steel Blued, Bevel Head. CANTON, OHIO, U. S.A. PRICE OF SCREWS 75 2.50 2.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .00 .00 .50 2.50 2:50 2.50 3.00 .50 .50 .00 'I30 .00 '125 .50 .25 .50 .85 .50 .30 .00 'I35 .30 .30 .50 :30 Old style and key wind material, pages 106 to 109. DO» NOT‘GUT OR DEPACE'THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Gross Doz. Gross Doz. Gross '35 .50 .40 2.50 .00 .50 .50 .00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .00 .00 ”.35 .30 .00. .35 .50 .50 .50 .50 .00 .50 .30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .35 .50 .35 .50 .30 .00 T30. 3.00 .30 3.00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .35 .50 .35 .50 .30 .00 .30 .00 T30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .30 .00 .35 .50 'I30 .00 '230 .00 .30 .00 .35 .50 .30 .00 I35 .35 .35 .35 .40 .40 .35 '335 .35 .35 .40 '35 .135 .35 .40 .50 .50 .50 .00. .00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .30 2:50 .30 3.00 .30 3200 A‐Steel Bright, Flat Head. B ‐ S t e e l Bright, Bevel Head. C‐Steel Gilded, Flat Head. D‐Steel Gilded, Bevel Head. E‐Steel Blued, Flat Head. F‐Steel Blued, Bevel Head. THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. PRICE OF SCREWS‐Continued Old style and key Wind material, pages 106 to 109. DO NOT GUT ORJDEI‘AGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ‘ CANTON, OHIO, U. s. A. 2%: E 0. F. SHIPPERS Description of Movement " Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade 22 Old Style . New Style Old Style, with Pin, 1890 Mod New Style, without Pin, 1902 Mods. New Style, without Pin, 1902 Mods. Old Style, 94P1. and Br. Mod. ................. 2. New Style, % P1. and Br. Mod Old Style New Style _ For 10 size Case 1st Model, to operate Cam 2nd Model 3rd Model SLIDES Description of Movement Push Pin, 1’74 P1. and Br. Mod. Locking, 1910 Model Locking, 1910 Model Setting, Pin Set ' Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. Htg. or O. F. 8656 _ When in doubt as to material wanted, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of ‘ movement. , Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT OUT OR DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER' . 1.50 .50 .50 .50 . .50 .00 .00 .50 .00 .00 Cata- logue S“ No. lze Descriptionof Movement Price PerDozen Price PerPiece Grade Grade 2 3 1 2 3 1664 18 ......................................... . ... ... .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 2664 ' 3664 6664 7664 7665 8664 ,9664 9665 9666 11664 16 1890 Model ............................. . ... ... _16 6.1 Plate and Bridge 1902 Models ...‘ ... . ... ... ... ... ” 1664 2664 3664 /V) f‐O /\<> /‘\0 U 3/0 3/0 11/0 .............................. NeWStyle .....’ ‘ THE HAMPDEN WATCH co, SPRINGS, CLICK 12 3%Plate and Bridge Model ._............ . ... ... 12 12 1910 Model ..................'............ . ............................. . ... ... ... ... 1910 Model 6 ......................................... . . . ... ... . . 3/0 ........................................ .50 Old Style .............,............................ .10 .10 .10 Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or O.F. Htg.or O.F. ' Htg.or 0. F. O.F. 7665 I 8664 9664 9665 , 9666 11664 O? A ho 1* n m Htg. Htg. Htg. 0. F. 0. F. SPRINGS, C A M Cata- Description of Movement logue W No Slze Htg. Price Dozen Piece 6 ........................................................... 50 .10 .10 8667 9667 3/0 ............................................................ 60 8667 9667 4 / " D \\\~‐-”,/ Htg Htg.or0.F . . ‐ To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Give number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. When broken springs are sent-as samples, send all of the pieces and state size of watch for which they are intended. , Old Style and key Wind material, pages 106 to 109. Orders for leSS than 1A: dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR 'DBFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER I _;____________________.__._________________________________________~______________________________________ 6664 7664 Cata- logue No. - 1670 2670 6670 7670 8670 9670 11670 1670 Htg. or O.F. SPRINGS, HAIR Description of Movement Cata- | logue No. 1672 1673 1674 2672 2672 2673. 2673 6673 7673 8672 8673 9673 11673 Description of Movement Style Collet ' 7 Price ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Strength Size 1to 6 18 1to 6 16 1 t o 6 1to 6 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 12 12 Plate and Bridge Model Strength H t g . or 0. F. H t g . or 0. F. SPRINGS, HAIR,‘COLLETED Size 1to 6 1to 6 1to6‘ 18 Dozen 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Piece 18 18 Flat Breguet Breguet Large Staff Large Stafl" - Small Stafl’ 1to 6 1to 6 1to 6 1t0 6 1to6 12 Breguet 1 to 6 12 . Breguet 1t03 6 Flat 1 to 3 6 Breguet 1to3 3/0 Breguet 1to3 11/0 Breguet 16 16 16 16 .. Htg. 1.50 CANTON, OHIO, U. s. A. 9/4 1910 Model . Flat 'Breguet Flat Breguet 1673 H t g . or O.F. H t g . 1 3f; P1. and Br. Mod. ................. .50 1910 Model 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 When sending a balance for vibrating a new hair-spring, send stud or state style of stud. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Htg. or‘ O.F. 11673 82 ' THE HAMPDEN WATCH co. Cata- logue No 1696 2696 3696- 4697 6696 7696 8696 9696 11696 SPRINGS, MAIN Description of Movement Width Price Dozen Piece 1696 6696 Htg.or o. F. 7 Htg.or o. F. ' Size 18 16 4 20 16 16 12 12 31/2 to7 6 18 18 Patent Barrel ........................ -6 3/0 11/0 71/2 71/2 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 4697 ‘ Htg.or 0. F. 9696 11696 _ 6%, 71/2, 9 7696 3 2696 61/2 6, Force 2,3,4 20 ...................................... 1.75 1890 Model .................. . . . . . . . 1.75 94P1. and Br. 1902 Models .......... 1.75 20 .20 .20 .25 .20 5to6 2.25 9 64P1. and Br. Mod. .................. 1.75 to 1910 Model ......................... ..................................... 20 .20 .20 .20‘ 9 9 ...................................... 5 ..................................... 3696 18 SIZE Strength A l l 18Size, 7-Jewel to17Jewels ....................................... 2 18 .................................'............ 3 Size, above 17-Jewel , 16SIZE , 8696 _Em Htg.or0.F. Htg.orO.F. th. Htg.orO.F. Htg. STRENGTH OF M A I N SPRINGS USED IN HAMPDEN MOVEMENTS Width 20 20 All A111890 Model .............. ......'............... 4 Nos. 300 and 302 12 SIZE, 3APLATE AND BRIDGE MODEL ...................................................... 5 Dueber Grand and Gen. Stark, 15 ........................... " Nos. 300 and 302 Nos. 304, 306, 308, 310, 312 and 314 ..................................... 6 7‐Jewel and 11-Jewel 6 SIZE ................................................... 6 .......................................... ........................................... Champion 7‐Jewcl, 1902 Model No. 109, 15-Jewel, 1902 Model Gen. Stark, 17-Jewel, 1902 Model ........................................ 4,4%, 5 No. 107 and Wm. McKinley, 17Jewel Model ............................. 4,41%,5 ................................................ 6 Railway, 19-Jewel Model Nos. 104, 105 and Wm. McKinley, 21-Jewe1 Model........................ 6,61/2 and 17-Jewel John Hancock, 21-Jewel ................................................. 6 51/; ....................................................... 5 , 12 SIZE, 1910 MODEL ............................................................... 7 3/0SIZE , . 15-Jewe1 M o l l y S t a r k . . . . . . . . . ,................................................. The 400, 17-Jewel 11/0 SIZE 15-Jewel and 17-Jewel .................................................. 9 __‐____‐_________‐____‐_____‐.___‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Orders for less than 1A) dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT 0R DEPAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ‐_______‐_‐‐____‐‐.‐‐‐‐‐_‐-‐‐'‐‐‐‐‐‘‐‐_ f 61/3 ..........................................‘. . . . . . . . . . . . 61/2 31/2 4,41/2, 5 51/2, , 6 1/2 ‘ 84 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Cata- logue No. ' 1706 2706 6706 6707 9706 . SPRINGS, SKIPPER Description of Movement Price 1706 Bridge Model 2706 6706 6707 9706 Size Dozen Piece 18 ............................................................ .75 .10 16 1890 Model ...........................'...................... .50 .10 12 ‘11 Plate Model ..................................‘........... .75 12 3/0 .10 ............................................... .75 .10 ............................................................ .75 .10 Htg.or0.F. Htg.or0.F. Htg. Hts. Htg. SPRINGS, YOKE C . Descriptionof Movement . P r i c m 7 t . _____._‐‐__.‐‐‐‐____ 10:36 Ne. Size 18 6712“ 12 6713 12 ' 34Plate and Br. Models, Lever Set ..............3 .75 6714 12 9!; Plate and Br. Models, New Model ............g .-75 ................................................. =54 Plate and Bridge Models ...................... .75 .... 7, I . 1711 2711 16 6711 12 64Plate and Br. Models ......................... .50 .... 6711 12 9.1 Plate and Br. Models, Winding Yoke .......... .50 .... .10 .10 .10 .10 .... .10 .10 .... 6716 6711 9713 3/0 9714 3/0 9715 3/0 9711 3/0 9712 3/0 9716 3/0 ....................................... 4th Model ....................................... Winding Yoke, P i n Set ........................... .... .... .10 .... .10 .... .10 .... .10 .... .10 11711 I 11/0 I .10 12 % ............ .... 37/1 Plate and Br. Models, Setting Yoke ........... 1.00 .75 .... .10 .... .10 Plate and Br. Models, Pendant Set 6 ................................................. 1st and 2nd Models .............................. .75 .50 .75 .75 .75 .50 .50 .50 .75 .10 .10 .10 3rd Model Setting Yoke, Pin Set ............ 1711 2711 6711 6712 6713 6714 ‘ 6716 ............... Pendant Setting ................................. .................................................. I‐Itg.or 0. F, Htg.or O.F. Htg.or 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. Htg. 0F l 9713 9714 9715 7 9711 9712 9716 ‘ °\/’M<'\/’<50-‐(\m Htg. Htg. Htg. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. Htg. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. When broken springs are sent as samples, send all of the pieces and state size of watch for which material is intended. ' Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER «,7 . Grade Grade ‐-‐-‐‐‐‐~‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 1212 .75 .... 11711 ‘ Htg.or O.F. Htg.or 0. F. , Htg. Htg.or O.F. STAFFS, CENTER Description of Movement Price Per-Dozen Cata-‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ ~ ‐ ‐ ‐‐-‐-‐-‐‐» Htg, Price Per Piece Grade 1725 1726 1727 1729 2727 16 2728 16 2729 16 25 .25 7729 8729 o. F. 2728 Threaded Threaded ' 2729 Htg.orO.F. ‘ 2.75 2 . 7 5 2.25 .30 2 . 2 5 .30 Htg. , 7729 Htg.orO.F. .25 1725 1726 Htg. 1727 o. F. 1729 2727 o. r. 8729 Htg. Htg.or0.F. 16 18 Spring 18 .Spring 18 Threaded 123123 .......................... 2.50 7 .......................... 2.50 .......................... 3 . 0 0 2.50 .30 .18 .......................... Raised Center 1890 Mod. 2.75 2.25 .30. Thick Staff 1890 Model .... 2.75 2.25 .30 Small Staff 1890 :Mgdel . . . . 2.75 2.25 .30 5%. Plate and Br. 1902 Mods. 2.75 2.25 .30 .... .25 12 6 1 9 1 0 Model .............. ......................... .... . .... ..... .25 ' 3729 . Htg.orO.F. 6729 Htg.orO.F. Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded 3.00 2.50 .30 .... .... .25 .... .25 .... .25 .... .25 .... .25 CAbHIHl,OPHO,LLSHA. 85 l STAFFS,BALANGE Descriptionof Movement Price Per Dozen Cata- ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ Price Per Piece . logue - ’ Grade . N o Size ' » » ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ ‐ 1720 1721 1722 2720 3720 6720 7720 8720 9'120 11720 18 Old Style, Large Collet Shoulder .......... 3.00 200 100 .35 25 15 18 New Style, Small Collet Shoulder ......... 3.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .25 .15 18 Double Roller, Small Collet Shoulder ....... 3.00 2.00 k m ) .35 .25 .3 16 9!; Plate 1890 Model .................... 3.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .25 .15 W4. Plate and Bridge 1902 Models ........ 3.00 2.00 1.00 35 .25 15 12 %Plate and Bridge Models ............. 3.00 .. 1.50 .35 ... 20 12 1910 Model ............................ 3.00 200 1.50 35 25 20 6 ....................................... 3/0 ....................................... 11/0 ....................................... 3 00 ; . 1 . 5 0 2 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 . 3 5 .. 20 25 35 _ “a. ‘E" -fi-' -E- ' 4‐ Htg.or 0. F. Htg.or 0. F. Htg. or O.F. Htg.or O.F. Htg.or O.F. 6720 7720 8720 9720 11720 +-II-4-++ 1720 1721 1722 2720 3720 Iogue No. Size Staff Grade ‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐ » 3729 16 6729 12 Threaded 9!; Plate and Bridge Mods.. 2.75 .... 2.25 .30 , T o determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and n a m e , of movement. “'5‘ - ‘ ~ Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT 0R DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER Grade 123123 .25‘ / Size 23 Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded Coarse Train‐ .75 .45 Coarse Train .75 .45 Coarse Train .75 .45 Coarse Train .75 .45 Fine Train .75 .45 Fine Train .75 .45 Raised Center 1890 Mod. .50 .45 Thick Staff 1890 Mod. .50 .45 Small Staff 1890 Mod. .50 .45 %P1.andBr.1902 Mods. ... .50 .45 9/4 P1. and Br. Mods. ......... .50 .45 1910 Models .50 .45 .50 .45 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. STAFFS, CENTER AND PINION HEAD To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Descriptionof Movement Price Per Dozen Grade Price Per Piece Compare number of leaves in pinions in duplicating same. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DONOT GUT ORDEFAOE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 16 Cap ................................ 100 10 1890 Model ..................... 100 10 ................................ 75 10 ................................ .75 .10 1740 1741 18 Round 1742 18 Round 1743 18D 1744 18D 1744 16D 1744 12D 2741 16 Round 2744 16D 8741 6 Round 8744 6D 8744 3/0 D 9741 .3/0 Round ................................ ................................ 1%P1. and Br. 1902 Models....... ................................ {’74 Plate Model ................. % Plate 1890 Model ............ ' 1.00 .10 11744 11/0 D ................................ ' ................................ ................................ 1.00 .10 .75 .10 1 . 5 0 1740 1741 '_ 1742 1743 1744 CANTON, OHIO, US.A. 87 STUDS, HAIR SPRING Cata- ‐‐‐_‐_‐‐‐D‐eis_cr‐il;ionofMovement Price logue‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ " ‘ ‐ ‐ _ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ - ‐ No. Size Stud 1740 18 Cap Hair Spring Breguet Breguet Flat Breguet Flat Breguet Breguet Breguet Flat Breguet Dozen Piece .75 .10 Flat ................................ .75 .10 Breguet Breguet Flat Breguet ................................ 1.‘00 .10 oI~0I! 09 'J '5 Htg.oro.F. Htg.oro.F. Htg.oro.F. Htg.oro.F. mg.or0.F. 2741 2744. 8741 8744 9741 11744 o9 -B o,l -u ol .a H1525.or O. F. Htg‘.or 0. F. Htg. Htg.or O. F. Htg.or O. F. Htg. STUDS, WINDING PINION Cata- ' Description of Movement Price To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Old style and key wind material, pages 106 to 109. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEPAGE THIS CAT-AIDGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 1.00 .10 1.00 10 1.00 10 1.00 .10 .15 d '88 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO.’ Cata- logue No. 9748 Cata- WASHERS, SHIPPER ‐ Description of Movement Dozen ................................................... .60 .10 1750 175.1 2751 2752 4751 4752 6751 6752 7751 7752 7751 9751 11751 Gilded Gilded Gilded 4752 Htg.or 6 F. 6751 Human 9751 Hts.or0.F. Htg.or O.F. 6752 ‘ 5 Htg.or O F 7751 Human EgMQE I Hmmon 11751 Htg'. - ‐ Size ‐ 374 Plate Price Piece 3/0 ' logue No Size Teeth Finish Grade ' ‐ 1 - 2 _ 3 ‐ 1 2 3 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 1%P1. and Br. Model ..... .... 1.50 1.00 .... 15 10 6 80 3/0 72 11/0 64 ................ 2751 4.50 2752 ‐ 18 64 18 80 16 80 16 80 Gold 16 80 Gilded 16 80 .Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold" Gilded Gilded Gilded ............................ .... 1 . 5 0 1 . 0 0 .... . 1 5 . 1 0 ............................ .... 1.50 1 . 0 0 , .... .15 .10 W4: Plate Models ........... .... 1.50 1.00 .... 15 10 974 Plate Models ........... 4.00 .... .... .40 9748 © Htg WHEELS, CENTER Description of Movement Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade 7752 Htg'.orO.F. 4' Bridge Model ............. .... 1501.00 15 10 Bridge Model ............. 4.50300 .. 45 30 % P1. and Br. Model 4.50 .45 .... .45 To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in Wheels with list above. ' Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OB. DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ~ ................ .... 1910 Model 1910 Model ........................,... ............................ ............................ 1.50 1.00 300 ... 150100 2.50 250 .15 .10 30.... 15 .10 25 . 25 4751 Size 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 - 16 16 16 '16 16 16 16 16 16 '12 12 12 12 6 Teeth 64 64 64 64 80 80 80 V80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded 1756 Htg. 2759-61 Spring Spring Threaded Stafl“ Threaded Staff Threaded Staff Threaded Staif Raised Center 1890 Mod... Raised Center 1890 Mod... Thick Staff 1890 Mod. Thick Staff 1890 Mod. Small Staff 1890 Mod. Small Stafl’ 1890 Mod. 9/4 Plate 1902 Model 3/4 Plate 1902 Model Bridge Model Bridge Model {’74 P1.andBr.Models 3/1 P1. and Br. Models 1910 Model 1910 Model 0. F. 4764-65 6764-65 .1 Htg. or O. F. Htg. or O. F. 8 7 6 4 mi... Htg'. CANTON, OHIO. U. s. A. WHEELS, CENTER AND STAFF Description of Movement Finish Price Per Dozen 2762-63 Htg. 7764-65 .1... 3764-65 To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels with list above. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. Old style and key wind material, see pages 106 to 109. ‘ Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT OUT 03 DEFAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 8773 6 80 9773 3/0 72 11773 11/0 64 1767 Htg. 4773-74 Htg. or O. F. 7773-74 Htg.or O.F. 9773 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. WHEELS, CENTER WITH STAFF ANDPINION HEAD FITTED Cata- Description of Movement logue No Size Teeth Leaves Finish ._______________._‐_ 1767 18 64 10 1768 18 64 10 1769 18 64 10 1770186410GildedThreadedStaff- ...... 1771 18 1772 18 2769 16 2770 16 2771 16 2772 16 2773 16 2774 16 3773 16 3774 16 4773 16 4774 16 6773 12 6774 12 7773 12 7774128012Gold1910Model .. . , Gilded Gilded Gilded Spring Stair Spring Staff Threaded Stafl’ . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . 12 Gilded 10 Gilded , I ' .I..: 11Gilded . . 1768 - Hts...._... 80 10 80 10 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 12 80 ,12 80 12 80 13 80 13 80 13 Gilded Bridge 1902 Mod. ..... ». . . . 80 13 Gold Bridge 1902 Mod. ..... . . .... . .. .. .. . .. .... .... .. » . .... .. 2 7 6 9 - 7 0 O.F. 2771-72 . 2 7 7 3 - 7 4 ’ 3773-74 Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Threaded Stafl" . Threaded Staff . Raised Center 1890 Mod. . Raised Center 1890 Mod. . Thick Staff 1890 Mod... . Thick Stalf 1890 Mod... . Small Staff 1890 Mod... . Small Staif 1890 Mod.. . 924 Plate 1902 Mod. . 974 Plate 1902 Mod. . .. .. . Gold .. . .. .... . .. . 80 12 Gilded 974 P1. and Br. Mods... . 80 12 Gold 1%P1, and Br. Mods... . 80 12 Gilded 1910Model , . . . . .... . .... .... , 6773-74 AAaAT To determine model refer to pages 8to 17. Compare number of leaves in pinions and number of teeth in wheels with list above. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and g l v e number and name of movement. Old style and key wind material, see pages 106 to 109. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. , DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ' Price Per Dozen, Price Per Piece . . .... . . . ‘ - ' * 17‐Jewel 21-Jewel WHEELS, CROWN Description of Movement 1910 Model 1910 Model 1910 Model 1910 Model Htg. or O. F. THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. Where samples a r e sent attach them to order to avoid loss 01 delay. Samples must be properly packed to avoid being crushed by cancelling machine. Order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being different. Where S. R. or D. R are used, they denote Single Roller or Double Roller. In ordering material such as screws, jewels et-.,c for Uppers or Lowers. Upper denotes the bridge side or back of watch, Lower denotes the dial side or pillar plate. Orders for less than 1/1 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT 0R DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ‘ORDER BY NUMBER Gilded Gilded 1792 CANTON. OHIO, U. s. A. WHEELS, ESCAPE Description of Movement Price Per Piece Price Per Dozen Gold Hub, Br. Model Flat,3%; P1.andBr.Mod Gold Hub, W4P1. and Br. Mod Flat, 1910 Mod. ............... Gold Hub, 1910 Mod. .'........ 7.00 e $ To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels with list above. ’ When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. If samples are sent attach them to order to avoid loss or delay. Samples must be properly packed to avoid being crushed by cancelling machine. Order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being different. ' Where S. R. or D. R. are used they denote: Single Roller or Double Roller._ In ordering screws, jewels, etc., for Uppers or Lowers: Upper denotes the bridge side or back of watch; Lower denotes the dial side or pillar plate. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE . .... 7.00 .... _ . 94 7 THE HAMPDEN WATCH co. WHEELS, ESCAPE AND PINION . I C | ata- Description of Movement ‘ - ‐ Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece -‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ logue No. Size Teeth Leaves Finish Pivot Grade Grade 1796 18 15 7 Gilded Straight Hubbed Wheel ...... 5.00 4.50 4.25 .50 .45 .40 1797 18 15 7 Gilded Straight Hubbed Wheel ...... 5.00 4.50 4.25 .50 .45 .40 1798 18 15 8 Gilded Straight Hubbed Wheel ...... 5.00 4.50 4.25 .50 .45 .40 1799 18 15 8 Gilded Straight Hubbed Wheel ...... 5.00 4.50 4.25 .50 .45 .40 1800 18 15 8 Gilded Straight 1801 18 15 8 Gilded Conical 1804 18 15 8 Steel Straight 1805 18 15 8 Steel Conical 2800 16 15 8 Gilded Straight New Model ......... 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 .45 .40 New Model ......... 8.50 .85 .. .. New Model ......... 10.00 .... .... 1.00 New Model ......... 13.50 . . 1.35 . . Raised Cen. 1890 Mod. 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 .45 .40 Raised Cen. 1890 Mod. 8.50 .... .... .85 .... .... 7804 12 15 8 Steel Straight 1910 Model ......... 10.00 .... .... 1.00 .... .... 1910 Model ......... 13.50 . . 1.35 . . 7805 6800 .9800 15 8 15 7 Steel Conical Gilded Straight Gilded Straight .................... .................... .................... .. .. 2800-01 4L. O.F. .. .. 2802-03 _l_ Htg.or O.F. 11800 H t g . 3/0 11800 11/0 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 .45 .40 1796 4. -O.F. 3800-01 H t g . o r O .F . 1797 . 4 . Htg. 4804.05 H t g . o r O .F . Gilded 1798 _.1_ O.F. 6800-01 H t g . o r O .F . Straight 1799 .91 Htg. 6804-05 H t g . o r O .F . 1800-01 .19.... ‘ Htg.or O.F. 7800-01 H t g . o r 0 . F . 1804-05 7 + . 12 6 15 8 15 6 6.00 10.00 .60 1.00 8 Gilded Conical 2801 16 15 2802 16 15 2803 16 15 3800 16 15 3801 16 15 4804 16 15 4805 16 15 6800 12 15 6801 12 15 6804 12 15 6805 12 15 7800 12 15 7801 12 15 8 Gilded Conical 1910 Model ......... 8.50 ....p.... .85 .... .... 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' Gilded Straight Gilded Conical Gilded Straight Gilded Conical ‘54 Pl.& Br.1902 Mod. 8.50 ... . .85 . .... Steel Straight Steel Straight 1902 Br. Mod. ...... 10.00 .. . . .. . . 1.00 Steel Conical Gilded Straight Gilded Conical 1902 Br. Mod. ...... 13.50 . . 1.35 ... .... Steel Conical Gilded Straight 8.50 .. . . 10.00 . ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ 123123 974, Plate 1890 Mod. . . 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 .45 .40 % Plate 1890 Mod... 8.50 .... . .85 . . 37!; Pl. & Br. 1902 Mod. 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 .45 .40 ‘54 P1.andBr.Mod... 5%Pl. and Br. Mod. . . 139’ Pl. and Br. Mod. . . 3%; P1.andBr.Mod... 13.50 ... . 1.35 .45 .40 . . 1910 Model .- To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels and number of leaves in pinions with list above. When in doubt as to material wanted, ’send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. Samples must be properly packed to avoid being crushed by cancelling machine. Order by number, as several numbers apply on some of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being difl’erent. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE ' , ' ........ . . 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 .45 .40 4.75 4.50 4.00 .50 . .85 . 1.00 Htg.or 0.F. v.1 7804-05 9800 H t g . o r O . F . H t g . o r O .F . ‘96 ' THE. HAMPDEN WATCH CO. WHEELS, FOURTH AND PINION Description of Movement Price Per Dozen Cata-‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ~ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ logue Price Per Piece Grade . 123123 No. Size Teeth Leaves Finish ' Grade 18 80 8 ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 550450 45 40 554540 554540 18 8 550450 .55 1817 1818 1819 1821 2819 16 80 10 Gllded Gllded Gilded Gllded Gllded Raised Center 1890 Mod. ......... 3.75 '80 18 80 10 550 5.50 4.50 3.75 5.50 4.50 3.75 18 80 10 3.75 16 80 10 16 80 10 16 80 10 16 80 10 16 80 10 16 80 10 16 80 10 Raised Cente: 1890 Mod. ......... . .... .... .... 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 3821 3822 3823 16 80 10 Gold Gllded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded ................ 2nd 1890 Model ................ 8.00 5.50 4.50 3.75 .80 .55 .45 .40 3824 16 80 10 10 10 10 8.00 5.50 4.50 3.75 8.00 .. 5.25 4.50 3.75 8.50 8.00 .... 5.50 4.50 3.75 8.50 8.00 .... 5.25. 4.50 3.75 5.25 4.50 3.75 .55 5.25 4.50 3.75 .55 8.00 7.50 .... .80 .55 .80 .55 .55 .55 .90 .90 .. .45 .40 .80 .... .45 .40 .80 .... .45 .40 .45 .40 .45 .40 .75 .... .45 .40 .75 .... .45 40 4821 16 80 ‘4822 16 80 4823 16 80 4824 16 80 .80 .55 .85 .55 .85 .55 6821 12 80 6823 12 80 10 Gilded % Pl. and Br. Model ........... 7821 12 80 7822 12 80 7823 12 80 10 Gilded 1910 Model ..................... 10 Gold . 1910 Model ...................... 10 -Gilded 1910 Model ........1............. 5.25 4.50 3.75 8.00 7.50 .... 5.25. 4.50 3.75 7824 8823 9821 9823 11823 11824 12 80 10 Gold 10 Gilded 1910 Model ....‘................. ...............p................. ................................ ................................ ................................ OF. ............................ 1819 1821 6 3/0 3/0 11/0 11/0 80 ‘70 70 8 60 8 60 8 2nd 1890. Model .... .... .... .... .45 .40 .... .... .45 .40 .... .... $4 ............. 8.00 5.50 4.50 3.75 .80 .55 .80 .55 .80 .55 .45 .40 Plate 1890 Model :51; Plate 1890 Model ............. 10 Gilded ‘54 P1. and Br. Model .........,. .... .... ............. ‘33. Plate 1902 Model ............. 97/; Plate 1902 Model ............. 3%; Plate 1902 Model ............. Bridge 1902 Model ............... Gold Bridge 1902 Model ............... Gilded Bridge 1902 Model ............... 10 Gold Bridge 1902 Model ............,_.. 8.00 5.50 4.50 3.75 ‘54 Plate 1902 Model .... .... 8 Gilded Gilded Gilded 1818 0. F. 2823-24 3821-22 3323.24 4821-22 4823‐24 6821 1817 2821-22 Htg. Htg. O.F. 6823 7821-22 Htg. O. F. O.F. Htg. 0. F. 9823 11823-24 Htg‘. Htg, Gilded 5.50 5.50 9.00 9.00 2819-20 7823-24 Htg. 8823 Htg. 9821 0. F. 0. F. Htg. 0. F. Htg. 0. F. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels and number of leaves in pinions with list above. Order by number, asseveral numbers apply onsome of the cuts, the material may look similar, the measurements being diiferent. Orders for less than 174,» dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT OUT OB ’D‘EI‘AGE T H I S CATALOGUE 4.50 3.75 .55 .45 .40 .55 .45 .40 .... .... .... .... .. .... .... 3831 6831 7831 8831 9830 9831 1.1831 16 48 12 32 12 32 974 Plate and Bridge 1902 Model 37.1 Plate and Bridge Model ............... 1910 Model .............................. . .... .10 . ~ Size Teeth CANTON, OHIO,»U. s. A. 3 97 I WHEELS, HOUR.. Descriptionof Movement C t loZ'uae No. 1831 2830 16 48 For Thick Staff, 1890 Model .............. 2831 16 48 For Small Staff, 1890 Model .............. PricePerDozen PricePerPiece Grade Grade 12 18 48 .......................................... .'. .10 .10 . .... .10 .... . .... .10 .... . . .10 .10 6 40 .......................................... 3/0 32 ...................................... . 3/0 48 .......................................... 11/0 28 .......................................... . .... . .... 1831 6831 Htg.or 0. F. 7831 Htg.or O.F. 8831 9831 Htg. O.F. Htg. WHEELS, IDLER Htg.or O.F. 11831 Htg.or O.F. Description OTMo‐vement Cata- logue ‐‐‐‐‐ No. Size Teeth Price Dozen Piece 7836' 9836 3/0 1910 Model Plate Model 1.50 .15 12 24 14 % ......................................... ..................................... 1.50 .15 7836 9836 Htg.orO.F. Htg. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels with list above. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. If samples are sent attach them to order to avoid danger of loss or delay. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. ' DO NOT CUT OR DEPAGE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER . .... .10 .10 .15 .15 .20 . .... Cata- lo ue h h PricePerDozen PrieePerPiece ‐‐‐_‐__._ 1856 1857 1858 1859 2856 2857 2858 2859 4856 4857 4858 4859 6856 7857 6858 7859 6858 9856 9858 11858 Gilded. Gilded Gilded 2.00 2.00 2.00 .... 1.50 .20 1.50 .20 1.50 .20 1.50 .20 1.50 .20 .... . 0 Size ................................ ................................ ................................ '3/0 3/0 11/0 1856 2857 O F. . 4858 Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded I . .. .. ' Teet Finis Grade Grade ‐‐ 1 2 3 1 2 3 18‘ 60- 18a 60 18 75 18 75 Gilded 16 75 Gilded .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 16 75 16 75 16 75 16 75 16 75 16 75 16 75 12 75 12 75 12 75 12 75 Gold Gilded =54 Plate Models 2.00 4.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 .20 .20 .15 4.50 .45 2.00 1.50 .20 .15 5.00 4.50 .... .50 .45 .... 2.00, 1.75 1.50 .20 .20 .15 5.00 4.50 .50 .45 ' ‘ 6 75 Gilded Gold 1910 Model 60 60 60 WHEELS.9 THIRD Descriptionof Movement a ‐‐ . Gilded Gold 1910 Model .... 2858 H t g . 4859 2859 H t g . 6856 4856 4857' O F. . 6858 ‘54 Plate Models .... 154 Plate Models Gold 3;; Plate Models Gilded Bridge 1902 Model Gold Bridge 1902 Model Gilded Bridge 1902 Model Gold B r i d g e 1902 Model .............. 3 .15 .................. .................. .................. .................. .... .... .... .45 .... .... ............,........._........... 2 .... .45 .40 ...................... ................................ .00 .... 1.50 .20 ...................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 4.50 4.00 2.00 1.75 1.50 .20 .20 .15 4.50 4.00 .45 .40 2.00 1.75 1.50 .20 .20 .15 2.00 .... .... .20 .... .... 2.00 .20 2.50 .... .... .25 1859 2856 1857 1858 2®®1®®® Htg. Htg. O.F. O.F. Htg. 7859 9856 ' 9858 .11858 .. i» Htg. o. F. Htg. Htg. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels with list above. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. . When in doubt as to material required, send sample, 1f possible, and give number and name of movement. If samples are sent attach them to order to avoid 1088 or delay. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT CUT OR DEFACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER ' i . __________________ /, Htg. O.F. Htg. O.F. ....... 2.00 .............. 0 . F . 7857 » _ 9869 9871 11871 3/0 7 3/0 11/0 ' 1866 Gilded 1910 Model Gold 1910 Model Gilded Gilded Gilded Gilded CANTON, OHIO, U. S. A. WHEELS, THIRD AND PINION Description of Movement ‘ Size Teeth Leaves Finish Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gold Gilded Gilded Gilded Gold ‘54 Plate 1890 Mod. ‘54 Plate 1890 Mod. 974 Plate 1890 Mod. ‘54 Plate 1890 Mod. ‘34 Plate 1902 Mod. 5&4 Plate 1902 Mod. ‘54 P1ate\1902 M o d . ‘1’; Plate 1902 Mod. Bridge 1902 Mod. Bridge 1902 Mod. Bridge 1902 Mod. Bridge 1902 Mod. 974 P1. and Br. Mod. ‘54 P1; and Br. Mod. 1910 Model 1910 Model ........ Orders for less than 1%; dozen will be charged at piece price. DO NOT GUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER VL___._______‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-‐-‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐'‐'_‐V‐-‐‐‐‐‐‘‐_‐'_‐ 3871-72 7869-70 0. F. 4869-70 _L 0. F. 7871-72 -+‐ 1 102 THE HAMPDEN WATCH CO._ WHEELS, WINDING 1Cata- V Description of Movement Price ogue ________.___ No. 1876 1876. 3876 6876 8876 9876 11876 A 1876 Size Teeth Dozen Piece No ' 1880 1881 1881 3881 6853 . 8881 9880 E 9881 11851 1880 Slze Teeth 18 15 ..................-.................................. Dozen Price; 7 Piece 18 30 .................................................... 16 30 ~34 Plate 1890 Model ................................ 16 31 %Plate and Bridge 1902 Model ..................... 12 34 34Plate and Bridge Models ......................... 1.50 .15 6 30 .................................................... 1.50 .15 1.50 .15~ 1.50 .15 11876 . an: 3/0 11/0 30' .................................................... 24 ................................................._.. 3876 6876 8876 9876 i} {I} V in . Htg.orO.F. Htg.or0.F. Htg.or0.F. Htg. Htg.or0.F. j Htg, .4g WHEELS, WINDING, INTERMEDIATE Cata- Description of Movement logue‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‐ _ _ E 10 10 10 10 . 10 10 10 10 10 11851 I 18 19 ,.......................................... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16 19 34 16 19 12 27 Plate 1890 Model 3/4 Plate and Bridge 1902 Models {’74. P1. and Br. M0ds., also Setting Wheel ............ 1.00 6 3/0 3/0 11/0 30 .................................................... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 20 .......................................... Hunting ................................ .................... Old Style 18 New Style ..........‘............................... 16 Also Setting Wheel ................................. [l 1881 3881 6853 8881 9880 T 9881 #6 it ' fi an: # an: an: i ‘ O.F. Htg.or O.F. Htg.or O.F. Htg.or O.F. Htg. Htg. t Htg.or O.F. I Htg. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Compare number of teeth in wheels with list above. Order by number, as several numbers are represented by some 0f the cuts. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible. If samples are sent attach them to order to avoid loss or delay. For old style and key Wind material, see pages 106 to 109. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen will be charged at piece price. VDO NOT GUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 1.50 '.15 1.50 .15 1.50 .15 _ CANTON. OHIO, U. S.A. f. - . 5:: 8. YOKES . Descriptionof Movement Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece "’1 1886 1889 2885 3889 6886 6889 8885 9885 9886 3.00 2.00 .30 f7. :3- 16 16 12 12 12 Lever Set ..................-..................... 3.00 3.25 2.00 2.00 20 25 15 15 15 10 , 3:;- J 6885 ..................................... .............................. ............................. 1; .-‘ Pendant Set Old Style Lever Set New Style Lever Set Lever Set ....................................... 3.00 2.00 .30 20 18 Lever Set ..'.................................. 18 Pendant S e t ..... 3.00 20 2.00 .30 20 2.00 .30 2.25 .35 1.50 .20 1.50 .20 1.50 .20 1.00 .15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . 2.00 1.50 3/0 1st Model Lever Set ........ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,50 Pendant Set 6 .............................,.................... . .15 .15 3/0 2nd Model Lever Set 3rd Model Lever Set ............................. ............................. 1,50 ,.,. To determine model refer to pages 8 to 17. Give catalogue number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, (and give number and name of movement. If samples are sent attach them to order to avoid loss or delay. For old style and key Wind material, see pages 106 to 109, Orders for less than 1A; dozen Will be charged at piece price. DO NOT OUT OR DEFACE T H I S CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER 5 6891 9 8 9 1 12 Pin Set 3/0 P i n Set ..............I.................... 1.50 1.00 .15 .10 ' .... I THE HAMPDEN WATCH co. YOKES, SETTING Descriptionof MoVement Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Cata‐ _‐_‐._‐_‐_‐.‐‐__‐‐‐_.‐_‐ . . . . . . . . ._................................ YOKES, WINDING Descriptionof Movement . - 1.50 .. .15 ......................................... ......................................... ”W‐*‐_ Give catalogue. number and grade of each part wanted. When in doubt as to material required, send sample, if possible, and give number and name of movement. If samples are sent attach them to order to avoid loss or delay. For old style and key wind material, see pages 106 to 109. Orders for less than 1/2 dozen Will be charged at piece price. __ DO NOT CUT OR DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER‘BY NUMBER I PricePerDozen PricePerPiece 1.50 1.00 NO- A-51 A-52 A-53 ‘A-54. A-55 A-56 A-57 A - 5 8 A-59 A-60 A61 A-62 A-63 A-64 A-65 A-66 A-67 A-68 A-69 Size ....................................... lstGrade 2ndGrade 8.00 6.50 1.50 1.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 A 18 18 18 Regulators Regulators Springs, Fly Back Lift Springs, Old Shipper, Long - .................‘................... ................................. .....................-....................... Springs, Yoke ....................-......................... '7 0 A7-1 18 A-72 A-73 18 ............................................. A9-8 17 40 ..................................... A-99 A 1- 0 0 ,A-101 A4102 A-103 A-104 ,A-105 A-106 ,A-107 18 Wheels, Center, 64teeth, and Hollow Stafl’ 10leaves ........ 17 ' Wheels, Center, 80t':eeth and Hollow Staff 12leaves ........ 18 Wheels,-Fourth, 63teeth, and Pinion 8leaves ................ 18 Wheels, Fourth, F l y Back, 63 teeth, and Pinion 8 teeth ...... .75 .75 . . 4.00 4.00 4.00 18 18 Pinions, Cannon, Countersunk, 13 18 .................... n o t Countersunk 13leaves ................. Pinions, Cannon,.13 leaves .;.v.............................. , 17 18 17 17 18 17 18 Pinions, Cannon, 18v ’Pinions, Cannon, Pinions, Cannon, Pinions, Escape Pinions, Winding Pinions, Winding Pinions: Winding Pin, Setting Push 13 18 18 Springs, Click Springs, Click .....;....................................... ............................................. ............. Pinions, Cannon, Key Wind, 12 17 Regulators. See ........................‘.......... 17 Springs, Yoke .... .50 ..... 17 12 ................................. m“ _. l08 ' THE HAMPDENWATCH CO. 18, 17AND 16SIZE OLD STYLE MATERIAL Cata- Description of Movement ' Price Per Dozen logue‐‐ ‐‐‐~_ 18 18 18 18 Pinions, Cannon, Key Wind, 12leaves ............‘........ Pallets, with Stones Forks, for No. A-51 Pallet ................................. Forks. See page 57 ....................... ...................... » f o r other styles A-76 A-77 A-78 17 Springs,Click A-79 18 Springs, Clutch, l s t Model ......'....'......*....-............ 2.50 .... 3.00 2.25 1.50 . 3.00 A-80 18 Staffs, Center, Extra Long A‐81 18 Stems, Winding, for Pinion No. 1499 ......,................. A8-2 18 Stems, Winding, Pend. Sett,, 1st Mod. ...................... A8-3 18* Studs, Hair Spring, Large Shoulder ......................... A-84 18 ‘Shippers, Pendant Setting .................................. 18 Winding Sleeves .......................»..................... ........................’................... .... 2.00 1.75 A-85 A8-6 17 A-87 18 Wheels,Bevel Clutch......................e ---------------- Winding Hubs A8-8 17‘ Wheels, Setting .. 18 Wheels, Ratchet, 20 leaves leaves leaves ................................. leaves .....................................,...... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... .75 1.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.50 .50 .50 .......................... page 68f o r other styles ................... ................................................ 18 Arbors, Setting, for Hollow Centel A-74, A-75 18 Springs, Click -..................,........................... Springs, Yoke 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 ................................. ...........................'................. 2.00 3.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .... ‘ .................................. 18 Wheels, Pendant Setting, 26teeth ........................... teeth 17 Wheels, Intermediate, 28teeth ............................. A-89 A-90 A‐91 A-92 A-93 A-94 A-95 A-96 A-97 18 Wheels, Hour, Plain Stem, 42teeth ......................... 1.00 _ .. .... 18 Wheels, Pendant Setting, 30teeth .......................... .... ', 18 , 18 ......................... ................ Wheels, Ratchet Wheels, Crown, Pendant Setting ..........................._.. 7.50 9.00 1.75 18 18 Wheels, Hour, Shoulder onStem, 42teeth ................. 1.00 Wheels, Escape,for State Street ............................. ... , .75 .75 .75 Wheels, Hour, 18 Wheels, Minute, 48teeth, Pinion 14leaves ................. 1.00 teeth ' 1 8 Wheels, Minute: 48teeth: Pinion 14leaves .................' 1.00 ............... 17 Yokes, State Street ......'............................... 6.50 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 2 5. 0 _ 17 Wheels, Fourth, 80teeth, and Pinion 10 17 Yokes leaves ........................_............................. 2 DO NOT GUT OB DEPACE THIS CATALOGUE; ORDER BY NUMBER .75 2.00 1.00 2.50 00 2.00 D“ . ~CANTON. OHIO, U. s. A. 18, 17.AND .16 SIZE OLD STYLE MATERIAL ‐._ A-52 A-53 A¥54 ‘ A-55 A‐56 A-57