Pocket Watch Database

Hampden Watch Co. Material Catalog Price List (1883)

Courtesy of the Harvard University Library (William Bond & Son Archive)

Original Source

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date September 09, 2020

Price List of Material MANUFACTURED BY THE WWW“ Wx www, WMPANK A ‐ b - .._..__ . _ ‐ _ _ , __________ GENERAL OFFICE AND FACTORIES: SPRINGFIELD; MASS. =* J U N E 1, 1883. ' SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: PRESS OF SPRINGFIELD PRINTING COMPANY. 1883. .:3 3" 3II 3II33333 |3| 333333333 I I |33| 31333333333“. .' .,':‘.~§ - I,|- 353 .3|'333'3'333 3233.1 33'3’:.,., : 313333 333 33 33 33 3 3333”33”333333 '1133‘3:I3‘ 333. 33 _. 333 3333 1.1‘..'.;.'.“.333 "I3. 3333.33 33333313 3 ‘u 3 . 3333333 1.3.3'3'3333'33 3.1 3.3.3. 3‘. .; 1‘ .' , I , 3333313 ,?’ II3II33I n .,,-3 3'5333 3333 .. 31.333 33333 33 3 ‘. III! I'I..' -- 3 3-3.“ 33 3” I [33 3II3I.3 33 .3‘3< at. 3 3l|3 .' 1 3 I 3‐ ' I, 3333333333333 I 1 I9I, :III3 .~ .I,‘‘,:1-.33 ‘ . r3:‐ 1-n“ '.'I-]3 'II“II 3 I3“ II:=.':.'IuI.'', I I, uI 3.. 3 '”I:I-I'I3-3- II33. “I 3 3"33 3 3. A 33 L 313: J" '." 33" 3 3 ‘3 l ' 3 3. 33 ." 33 33 3 3 33 \ ~3‘ 33333 "u:l- 3 '4~"'''-4I.-., 3 '.-'r3l'3.''3'3.3. "333'3 |33:3I 33I."33: I,II.‘.I,‘....7,.IaI. IIII]I ., Ix:‐ .' I ‘‘'r ., ‘ ‘JI‘ItI'I-QIII i335“: ' 3.33.91431.3|5"3; 3|I 13333333 "' 33333333333 ' I .,s 3 3.333“' . .33333.33 I 3333333333 . . . . 33.333.“ "33:17. _.I, 3 .' 3 53:3 . ~“ 333.3313 “J ' I '. I a?"hr -3.3f'. ' I I I . '. . II- 3III' l I I $3. III 33-..3-. 5.. ~ 3 II,I f u'v ' - , ,. --,.\-..-~03; up.,- I. ‘313:n.. Is. IIn, I,II3I. II. I 3;j‘3 I..333 “.3 IIII III I'III‘.' 3 3 : 2 : - , " I u ' . , , 3 : 0 I I . 13 -4"- “333 I .‘ ‘1'3‘,‘.'qlfll‘.'3 J"-. l'l'! b 3 ..3'3'I.‘ I'. 3. 3 , . I ~333EflIi I§2I33I.3III .,. I 333 333 33330. ';.3'333 3333 .- II, “1M“.. .-“. ~I" ti. 3 31. 33333 33 “,~II‘ II. 333 .: IIZI |3' E3 3 3 3 3 3“ , 3 3 3 , 3 3 ' 33 ' I‘ "33-3 L! 333 3', '--II u. 3' 3 1 3 " 3 . " l ' " 3 33.3 . 333.3 , '.3 . , .,,. . II. - 4, . . . , . 1' .. 1, 3'3T3333.33.3;_3...33-- .|.l4'33.I13I '3333.33. '..'''I33' - 3! 13533‘ ‘5. I.3,, 3. chi-”it , ' ; .' . “3 “ 3" 33:1?4 |-lI'._. lII.I> ' In'3".~ I N 3333333333 II| .- I. r. I‐ i! . . , I .. I 3,IIIII "" ‘ 33 I“ .. .~I. .'T|3‘ . ._~,_" II 3 '\w3‘ ‘ I.I‘lI‘33! 3.3 1.I '3:I.3lv'.I IIIII 33. ,33'1,- W II . I. ' . I. , I 3 , 3. I . ‘ll ‘3‘3'3F 3 I33333“ ~ I t3.-.I' 3 " v .. II 3 3 33 , 3 3' ‘IIf.I33 14:13 ink)" ." ~ 0.--..! 333', ' 3.3 . I 0 II,I 33‘:'.|3 333. 313“ '3 1 3 3' 3 3 3 | I o I. I.I III.I.3. .3I3.‘v I,-..I ‘3' E.“ .‘ I I - I ‘ , I I’ -I-I ...$3 -‘.' I~I l . g/ if? e// /3/01 Vflw flea/m _ M Dear Sir.‐ We oeg to Aland you o u r new Catalogue of material, wit/c cuts andprices, w/zic/z we trust will add greatly to t/ze ease and convenience of ordering same. Onpages 14 and 15 are t/ze cuts of some of our move‐ ments. Wezoillfurnzs/z electrotypes of t/zesefor advertising purposes,free of c/iarge. S/zould a n y Goods purc/zased from us oefound defective in Finis/z, Material, Manufacture or 'Duraoility, wewill c/zeeifully replaced/lee same FREE OF CHARGE, or refund z/ze money wit/tin Ten Days after receiving notice andgoods. Yours very respectfully, HAMPDEN WATCH CO. Per CHAS. D. ROOD, Treas. Springfield, Mass., 7une 1, 1883. Discount on Material, 25per cent. .\ 10; Hayward Key and Stem. Springfield Key and Stem. DESCRIPTION OF CLASSES. 16 SIZE, CLAss 1 %Plate Stem. “ “ "2. State Street Stem. “ “ 3. QPlateKey,andsamein 18Size. 18 SIZE, CLASS 4 “ “ 5. “ “ 6. “ “ 7. “ “ 8. “ “ S). “ “ 10. “ “ 11. “ “ 12. Railway Key and Stem. Perry Key and Stem. No. 33, 34, 35. 36 and Woolwonth Key and Stem. Lafayette Key and Stem. Hampden lVatcll Co. 15Jewels, Key and Stem. Hampden Watch Co. 11 Jewels, Key and Stem. Nos. 27 and 29. Pam-1. Forks;Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hands‐Hour, Minute, Second; Pallet; Pallet and Forks; Pallet Furks and Arbors‐Barrel, Pallet, Setting; Barrels; Balance; Click, Cups‐Winding Arbor, Setting Arbor; Collets‐I‐Iair Spring; Dials ; Dust Bands; Arbor, . . . . . . . . . . Jewels; Roller; Roller and Jewel, . . . . . . . . .'6 Pinions‐Cannon, Center, Third, Fourth, Escape, . . . .7 Regulator; Ratchet; Main Spring; Hair Spring; Hair Spring Stud Stops‐‐ Male,Female . . . . . . 8 Staffs‐Center, Balance; Wheels‐Center, Hour, Minute, . Wheels‐Third, Third and Pinion, Fourth, Fourth and Pinion, Escape, Escape and 9 Pinion, . Shipper Spring; Wheels‐Setting, Winding; Winding Stem; Winding Sleeve; Winding Hub; Winding Stem Stud; Yoke; Yoke Spring; Intermediate Wheel, . . . 11 Winding Bridge,front and back; Stems‐Click, Click Spring, Ratchet; Shipper; Shippe1 Stud; Screws‐Hlib, Hub Stop, Shipper, Shipper Spring, . . 12 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 Click Spring; Yoke Cap; Bevel Wheel; Case Stem, . Illustrationsof Movements, . . . . . . Illustrationsof Movements, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screws, .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. 16 II?"In orderingMaterial. use thesame nameas designated in this Catalogue, also givetheClassorgrade required,stating whetherthe materialistobeusedfor K e y or Stem-wind Movements. In orderinganypartof theTrain,Balance,Stafl‘or Escapement,it wouldbewell togivethenumberof theMovementaswellasthegrade. 2 . . . . .‘ 3 . 5 . .. 10 A. 3.fiwSxN-.E» [3 _uII |Ii3Jt0I!|C| i l i i b _, __ _ w ~ I:.fl _ 7 . M0.00.0“0. 0 _ .._ _ _ nm h _.0 _ _ 00.“0q0.m3H0?u0 5a&n2. fi.mm afi3fimwfidumfiflummodw 88:8_8.8.8:. ®o.v (y +£5.44, m:fi 09m cocaon“dV;vd“ 9éN-w .Nawmam‐ .mm++-r4,a»+ 0 ee.nmo.m.dnv ‐_‐7v.-8-_.-‐-h‐ 0 eoned _, . 8 ‘Q. or: __ 8 en..wds TOR." eon R. Ilmlll.w -‘.. ,_ a;,$_.:9r-_;:&-- _,.,_,_._.. ¢ * ~ “ 0 ¢ ¢ ; w ¢ , at. f, 1" f. . t ‐ for; 9 +3»??- fi ; *,-$.-..'t--t-::*-,~¥ 7.03.4“ 0 l..-,~, . JL. ‘ -.‘»‘4~..-~a-\~-- . -- » ,. g. ""lwgmr. 'l' fiififlflflll . .'" 1 -.<..L’"I L.‘UW t ‘ 1 |.iq'"I II -f-“in; l' ” ll J ||m| whim”. I ‘,.rfl" F _ 44... '' . || .| fillt‘lut UV ‘ l "lit-um” | . ' a ‘a.'-a . _ f v’--“ .’r W, | ' .___ . , - . . . - . - , . \ _ _ v , - . . , , . . . , _ . - , - , . _ . ' . :-,J_". , < _ , . ‘ . _ . . . . ' _ - \ - . 1 ' . \ - . . . . , . g _ , ' - : , . . . _ . " - - , ’ ~* ’ -*~*‐ *‐ .-~* fie 4» sf .* t»-.'r°?;;-s>>:--;=9=::<:@.-t- *$*‐¢i*¢b¢€*4${'".§ f GlLDbD. GILUED. £65 15Jewels, in Settings. 15Jewels, in Settings. 11-7 . , GILDED. 11 Jewels. 18 SIZE. . NICKEL. 11 Jewels. 18SIZE. .£ 3 T ., ,'. ,~ ". $& it? 531 rs; .* r“; GILDED. GILDED. ‘4 "0... 11 Jewels. 11 Jewels. if } N o $92 for‐ I -v -.. -:.f-\.’- rxs‐.--J ‐ if. f,59J‘, f“ IlI'l'lvl'| “.Umfio oooooo monmflqm>f o t o an... 1.! ‘IO1!I m $E585m 8me mm m o w .n -u o o t SEd9Hm,E2‐4afl:5 o z o fi o fi venomssoxfiRd0089 -p‘q.rossessoaflmd 09-33 I.ln.‘c.l.hv. aH . . . . . . la4b:iasl. a-m?u I.fi,.t_“ flJU.aVtna-fHf») a\ u. 1.r e. . rt .; 1vn.l|;«.I|flI| A . .‐ Hr. ‐ m...a vq.r . I 747i)"I:":. w. hL1 f." v1. T ' ._ -1| ;-|‘_ l: 7A.:"-“li"|'h . ‘ ’ I‘l- "JV-i." -~ . min-n- ~~ w- -a. ..| ,_ ,‘ ,“if my '- Jflfliu “ff ."""¢‘-' m. -' Nissan-4,3 .._--_-; . r Li .. ., 43; \'_,'-' ,, _-_"_' r, '. Hflwafl‘l’flfifiljg'uthfit‘ffil ' ll‘. “it ' 5, . 17.85:,_.__a”.‘ . 1.1 '- ‘~- ..,'. 5,1" ' ‘Mj'ff. seescésuiwmssf a re?‐ _‘._:'..-_. |.7' if - ;_ ", ‘' 1' N " . ‘ .m.,,._.4'1g34...flpfi14,“‘ _ . v“, Hr, h', ‘-l"u:y"' .'I -»" ‘1.‘ I' ' ‐ . M H.. - -.‘ ‘.- . ' _ _' ..-,‘'.‘-.‘4,J,'1'v 35_1'. "1,1. ' '“{3.111,3“.%‘_ at ..J . I