Pocket Watch Database

Illinois Springfield Watches Catalog (1875)

Courtesy of Michael P. McNamee
Digitized May 2019

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date May 13, 2019

NAMED As FOLLOWS: “ STUART." u BUNN u “n‘l‘LLER." “ 0 m m :3." “ HUYT ' Ind uses.‐ CALENDAR FOR 1875. “s, 25, ,_;:g”;-f§'§‘ll -é-P’ggl'g‘s ===3=~¢ EOE‘E': iéesaifi 22935-12153 ..‘...112$1. 12s :' an56713591‐45,61,8910 w 101111211214115165 3 11112131141541s|17 ., 17l1e19,20121 22 2811 3 184920121 2 2 2 3 2 ; 2425 26272s29‘809 25262723|29 ao'zn ...i1‘2‘s4sleuh12fs4jsl7 D 7 8 9101112118 3 8191011121214 0 14l15165171s 19:20 ‘ < 1516 1718 192021 I l - 21222324252621 22232425262728 2 s . . . . ......; 293031... c..1;2345,e‘“....l..1234 a, 718 91101112113; 0. 5, e 7 s 910.11 E 1415121718192) 0 1 ,1s 1415|1611|18 . 2122 23242526211 «1 1 2021221232425 232930‘31.1.... 2621232930 ... ‐'-~-~~~123. ': 4567821258456189 Q 111213941512111 9 1011 1218121215 < 13192021 222322 0 171319202122,” 252627222230.if g 252627|2s29|ao Q284'5678i-“128i456 «s 91011‘12131415 3 7 8 910111218 E 161113111202122 2 {1415 I6 1713 1920 2324252; 2723 291 2 212223 84252627 30311..1..,....‘ 282980........ 6~~~1112345:-'-~--12 4 c 6 7 3 9110111." 016 a 7 8,910111 3 131415111111319; 0112131415121713 5 202122231212526‘ a 192112122232425 27zs2smog.,l..‘..‘1 262121293031“ .....l..12 THE [ILLINOIS] iSpringfield Watch Company, l Manufacturers 01 Valeh Movements. b Na Watt/its Retailer! by Ike Company. O f‘ A l l ‘Vntches madeby this Company arepro‐ vided with a CHII’fT-Pardon, the most simple, perfect and efl‘ective yet adopted, to protect the train when the main-spring is broken; have exposed Pallets; Expansion Balances‐ are sprung over with hardened and tempered Hair-Springs; have conical Balance Pivots, an unequaled Eecapement, and very s u p e r i o r Main‐Springs; and alsothe most perfect and close-fitting Dust-bandor Excluder. Three grades are accurately adjusted to heat and cold, and fully tested in the factory before shipment. A special guarantee w i l l be given with any movsment made by the Company, when de‐ au-e . If y o u want it Watch, b u y a ‘SPRINGFIELD' them y o u r Jeweler. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, AND No. 11MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. ._0__ V _ l ? * < 1 1 ‘ i Zi&£;2ngfiqffiégx?¥“ /&2’th ‘M/JLcw ‘.5&4 Wu “” ,, dgfiéLajkuflflfi* 3267v® '/yufh2 7/14” f/x-«iéfj/Qd' .t"M bf" art, 093.010, eff/V4“ /6.0"‘U emf/“ff “ . a gm (I! ume 1fzyA/ eating [as' b1 111 .;o 7$“° new idiuswd lo Tammralms and Isuchmnism. 5 15 J u w d s . Expansion Balance STUART‐ADJUSTED. Hus exposed pallets. Expansion balance‐ Sprung over with hardened and tempered hair spring. Is accurately at] mated to temperature and isochronism, an has the w o r d ‘ ‘ADJusrim’ ’ engraved on the balance‐ bridge. asshown in the cut. h i s nkillfully made, splendidly finished. the best full-plate watch in the market, and une unledasatime-keeper. {Kg-We specially recommend it to O n ‐ RATORB or“ RMLuOAus. EXPRESSMEN, and all othersneedingcmslc lime. 6/ a 1L) 3 0va MEMORANDA. l ANJ‐xl 70 ZZTffu-i; I'll“ Planes‐Pu American Gases. 7 1.5 Jewels. Expansion Balance. BUNN. Has exposed pallets. Expansion balance. Sprung over with hardened and tempered hair-spring. fi-TheBUNN is nearly equal to the 81mm‐ in finish, and has given splendid satisfaction as n time-kevper. _.0_ A L L 18SIZE. ___‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8 MEMORANDA. 15Juwels. Expansion Balance BUNN‐ADJUSTED. [5 almost without an equal in time-keeping qualities and finish. It is finely adjusted to heat and cold. Wax‐ ranted to keep close time, and to give satis‐ faction in all respects, The word ‘‘Amusnm” isengraved onthe balance-bx'idge,smneas(in:STUAHT. (Seecut.) [0 MEMORAND A . All Olll BfilflIlCfl PlVUlS are 000108]. N 15Jewrls Expansion Balance. MILLER. Has exposed pallets. Expansion balance. Sprung over with hardened and tempered hair spring. fi‘l‘heMILLER,is a full jeweled watch, very durable,anda.fine time-keeper,at a very low price Takes the load in its grade, andis fastmakingfavorwithRAILROAD1m‐ PLOYEES and EXPRESSMEN’. ‐-‐0 SOLD BY A L L WHOLESALE JEWELERS. MEMORANDA. Adjusted to Heal and cm. . 13 15Jewels. Expansion Balanm. MILLER‐ADJUSTED. Hasthe same number of jewels asthe BUNK, and cannot be excelled for its price. L i k e all our movements that are adjusted to Heat and cold. will havethe. word “ADJUSTED" engravedon thebalance-bridge. Has already a good reputation with H u i , ‐ u o u ) mm,andan increasing sale. 14 MEMORANDA. wuuvm1mwmma H ll Jewels. Expansion Balance. GURRIER. The CURRIER comes within the limits or an ordinary price, and purchasers will have no cause to r e g r e t a t r i a l of i t s good qualities. [9 made with exposed pallets Expansion balance. Sprung over w i t h hardened and tempered hair spring. and has four extra jewels in the upper plate. Is well finished, reliable for time, and is gaining favor ever day. The upper (or top) plate bein fu l jeweled, the Watch has an appearance 9,most equal to the higher grades. E fl t is also largely used by RAILROAD andExpnzss MEN. 16 M EMORANDA. 9 Jewels. Expansion Balance. HOYT. This movement is a great favorite with the trade and highly recommended. e are constantly receiving letters from dealers speaking of i t s good ualltles. Isa Well made watc with two extrajewels in the 11per plate. Very popular. ls now our leading watch In the number sold, and with its time-keeping qualities is the cheap‐ est watch in the market. fi-Likeall our other grades the HOY‘I‘has our patent centre- iinion and dust-band, or excluder, and is fu ly warranted by the Com‐ pany to be well made In every particular, MEMORANDA. -‐ Watches are not Brianna DYInc Company. 19 fa‐ ‘lJewels. IIulf~Cut Balance MASON. Althoughthis is our lowest priced watch will warrant every one to be Well made and of the best materials, to W e a r nearly as well, and to need as few repairs as any of our watches. gig-The MASON“ carries its own recommen‐ dation. I t s good qualities have been tested for nearly three years past, which, With its general appearance and finish accounts for its regular a n d increasing sale. our Cnmrn Pinion is [he must nerlncl and snmnln one yet adopted. 20 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA. 21 22 MEMORANDA. MEMORANDA: >2i>m~0~mIF5>24m;0. C5‐uf‐La: $a82.n2z9