Pocket Watch Database

Selling Prices: Illinois Watches: July 1st, 1926

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date October 05, 2019

SELLING PRICES [ L uNJOIS? ‘ WA PLANT OF ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS U.S.A. July lst, 1926 H. O. HURLBURT_& SONS, 813 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 12 Size, Extra Thin Model, Complete Open Face Only 1 L] I L - 1 N I 8 ADJUSTMENTS 21 Jewels 21 extra quality ruby and sapphire iewels; special tempered compen‐ sating center arm balance; adiusted to five positions, heat, cold and isoch‐ ronism; Breguethairspnng; double roller escapement; hardened and polished steel escape whee1;paient lllanIS superior jeweled motor barrel, patent recoil click; concaved and polished wmdmg wheels; perfect pendant setting mechanism of exceptional simplicity entirely in movement. Fitted in the following cases: 14K Green Gold Plain Directoire, Queen case, ‐ - 14K Green Gold Engraved Directoire, Queen case, ‐ 14K Green Gold Plain Empire with inside cap, ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ , $150.00 $160.00 $155.00 $165.00 $165.00 $180.00 1 $200.00 14K Green Gold Engraved Empire with inside cap, 14K White Gold extra heavy full chased case with inside cap. Sterling silver inlaid enamel or etched dia , r r 14K White Gold extra heavy full chased case with inside cap. 18K applied gold figured dial, ‐ r 18K White Gold Engraved e x t r a heavy inside c a p case, Silver Dial with Applied 18K Figures, ‐ r ‐ - ‐ Supphed in Morroco Leather Covered'Gift Boxes - - 12 Size, Extra“ Thin Model, Complete 7 OpenFaceOnly At LENGQLN 8 ADJUSTMENTS 19 Jewels 19 ruby and sapphire iewels, raised settings; adiusted to temperature, five positions and isochronism; special quality hardenedand tempered center arm compensating balance; double roller escapement; sapphire roller and pallet jewels; beveled steel escape wheel; conical pivots; gold center wheel; patent micrometric screw regulator; best quality Breguet hairspring; recoil click; Illinois Superior Jeweled Motor Barrel; concaved and polished winding wheels; perfect pendant setting device entirely in movement; damaskeened in bright striped pattern; black enamel lettering. Fitted in the following cases: 14K filled Bassine, Green Gold, Acorn Model, inside c a p case, a 14K filled Bassine, White Gold, Acorn Model, inside c a p case, ‐ 14K filled Green Gold, Chased Pioneer Model, inside cap case, ‐ l4K filled White Gold, Chased Pioneer Model. inside c a p case, ‐ 14KGreenGold,ChasedBarristerModel,insidecapcase, , $l00.00 14K White Gold, Chased Barrister Model, inside c a p case, - 14K Greenor WhiteGold, Advocate, extra heavy,insidecapcase, 14K Green or White Gold, Advocate, full chased cap case, lined or Butler back. Sterling silver dial with 18K applied gold figures, $100.00 $110.00 $1 10.00 Supplied in Attractive Gift Boxes $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 12 Size, Extra Thin Model, Complete Open Face Only THE MARQUHSEAUTOGRAT The Aristocrat of Watches 6 ADJUSTMENTS 17 JEWELS 17 Jewels, raised settings; adjusted to three positions, heat, cold and isochronism; special quality tempered and hardened center arm compensating balance; double roller escapement; steel escape wheel; gold center wheel; Breguet hairspring; p a t e n t micrometric screw regulator; concaved and polished winding wheels; Illinors Superior Motor Barrel; recoil safety click; perfect pendant setting device entirely in movement. Fitted in the following cases: 14K Filled, Eton Model, green or white full chased ween case, etched, lined or Butler finish back. Embossed Raised Figure Etchedor Silver Center Engraved Dial, lnlaid Enamel Figures, 14K Gold. Cambridge Model, green or white full chased meen case, Special Etched Lined or Butler back. Sterling Silver Center Engraved lnlaid Enameled Figure or Etched dial, ‐ $50.00 $75.00 14K Gold, Cambridge Model, green or white full chased, extra heavy case, Soecial Etched Lined or Butler back. Sterling SilverlnlaidFigureEtchedCenterdial. lnsidecap case, , $85.00 Suppliedin Attractive Gift Boxes 12 Size, Special Model, Complete Watches Open Face Only THE AUTOCRAT 17 Jewels Adjusted to Temperature 17 iewels; adiusted to temperature; hardened compensating balance timing screws; double roller e s c a p e m e n t ; steel escape wheel; gold center wheel; Breguet hairspring; patent micromen'ic screw regulator; safety screw center pinion; concaved and polished winding wheels; recoil safety click; rayed pattern damaskeening; gilt lettering. Fittedin the following cases: 14K filled Green or White Gold, Chased center, Butler back Queen case, Silvered Butler Center, Engine Turned or Plain Butlerdial, ‐ ‐ , ‐ - . f . . $40.00 14K filled Green or White Gold, Full Chased Queen case, Lined Etched or Butler back. Silvered Luminous, Raised Figure, Etched Center or Engraved dial, , , ‐ . . $43.50 with Supplied in Attractive Gift Boxes 16 Size, Sgecial Railroad Grade, Lever Setting Complete Watch Open Face Only SANGAMJQ SPEGIJAL THE 5 POSHTHON 5@ HOUR WATCH 9 Adjustments 23 Jewels 14K. filled Green, White or Yellow Gold, with hinged front, back and inside cap, extra weight and quality case, , ‐ ‐ ‐ - $90‘00 14K. extra weight Solid Green, White or Yellow gold cases, with inside cap, hinged throughout, ‐ ‐ $150.00 23 e x t r a quality ruby and sapphire iewels; gold settings; adjusted to SIX positions, heat, cold and isochronism; spring tempered compensating balancewithgoldscrews includingtimingscrews: doublerollerescapement; steel escape wheel; gold train wheesl: oatent micrometric screw regulator; safety screw center p 1 m o n ; Illinois 60 Hour Superior Jeweled Motor Barrel: concavecl and polished winding wheels: safety recoiling click; choice of Railroad Arabic, Montgomery Numerical double sunk enamel or Butler finished silver dial with railroad figures. I-1'-~.|t-- . t Thesemovements arentieo. rerateo anc1 timec 1ntheir spectally designed cases at the factory. THESEWATCHES APE DELIVERED lN ATTRACTlVE ALUMlNUM CIGARETTE BOXESt 16 Size, Special Model, Complete Watch FOR RAILROAD SERVICE Open Face Only Lever Setting THE so HOUR 6 Posiflom BUNN SPECEIJAL 9 Adjustments 21 Jewels $65.00 The Complete Bunn Special here illustrated may be had in Green or White 14K Gold Filled Wadsworth cases of Special Design. The movements are FlTTED, TlMED and RE RATED in their cases at the factory. 21 ruby and sapphire iewels; gold settings; adiusted to SlX positions, heat, gold and isochrcnism; compensating balance; gold screws including timing screws; double roller; steel escape wheel; gold train wheels; Breguet hairspring: patent micrometric screw regulator; safety screw center pinion; Illinois 60 hour superior m o t o r barrel; beautifully damaskeened with black enamel lettering; choice of Railroad Arabic or M o n t g o m e r y Numerical, double sunk enamel dials or silver dial with Butler finished c e n t e r and heavy Railroad Arabic figures. THESE WATCHES ARE DELIVEEED lN ATTRACTIVE ALUMlNUM CIGARETTE BOXES. v 5} 1£amel lettering; choice of Railroad Arabic or M o n t g o m e r y Numerical, 'uble sunk zit-angel dials or silver dial wuh Butler finished c e n t e r and heavy ' 21 ruby and sapphire iewels; gold settings; adiusted to SlX positions, A heat, cold and isochronism; compensating balance; gold screws including timing screws; double roller; steel escape wheel; gold train wheels; Breguet hairspring; p a t e n t micrometric screw regulator; safety screw center pinion; Illinois 60 hour superior motor barrel; beautifully damaskeened with black 16 Size, Special Model, Complete Watch FOR RAILROAD SERVICE Open Face Only Lever Setting THE SQ HOUR 6 PQSMTIIQN QUINN SPEGHAL 9 Adjustments 21 Jewels $60.00 > The Complete Bunn Special here illustrated may behad in 10K Yellow Gold Filled Wadsworth cases of Special Design. Themovementsare FlTTED,TlMEDandRERATH)in their cases at the factory. Railroad-{ya IC; glfea. THESEWAT-QHESARE DELIVEQED lN AT'HACTlVE ALUMlNUM ClGARETTE BOXES. 18 Size, Open Face Only, Lever Setting UUNN SPECHAL 9 Adjustments 21 Jewels $45.00 SUGGESTED PRlCES: Complete in a n y plain s c r e w ‐ I O K Filled Case, $55.00 14K Filled Case, $65.00 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. 21 ruby and sapphire iewels; gold settings; ndiusted to SlX positions, heat, cold and isochronism; compensating balance; gold screws including t i m i n g screws: double roller; steel escape wheel; Brequet halrspnng: p a t e n t micrometric screw regulator: safety screw center pinion; beautifullydamn, keened with black enamel lettering; double sunk dial. Ne, 89 17 Jewels, Adjusted to Temperature $22.50 SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete in a n y plain s c r e w ‐ XOK Filled Case, $32.50 14K Filled Case. $40.00 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. 17 iewels: polished settings; adiusted to temperature: compensating balance With ttmtnw screws: Breguet humming: p a t e n t regulator: safety screw center pinion; polished steel work; damsskeened in attractive pattern; double sunk dial. 16 Size, Railroad Grades, Lever Setting THE; SO HOUR 6 PQSLTION B U N N J 5 P E Gl A , L 23 Jewels, $58.00 -:‐ 21 Jewels, $50.00 9 ADJUSTMENTS SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete 1 0 K Filled Case, $65.00 10K FilledGCase, $57.50 Special or Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. R u b y and sapphire iewels; raised gold settings; adiusted to SIX positions, heat, cold and isochronism; spring tempered compensating balance wuh gold screws includingtiming screws; double roller; steel escape wheel; gold train whals; safety screw center pin_ion; Illinoissuperior motor barrel; patent micrometric screw regulator; recoding satety click; concaved and polished winding wheels; double sunk dial. 23J., 211., in a n y plain s c r e w cases: 14K Filled Case, $72.50 The 23 jewel grade contains the Illinois Superior Jeweled MotorBarrelandtwojewelsin whichbarrelstaffpivotsoperate. THE 59 HQU‘R BUNN 8 Adjustments 19 Jewels $43.50 SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete in a n y plain s c r e w ‐ 10K Filled Case, $50.00 14K Filled Case, $57.50 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. 19 ruby and sapphire jewels; raised gold settings; adiusted to five positions, heat, cold and isochronism; special quality hardened and tempered c o m p e n s a t i n g balance with gold screws, including mean time screws; gold t r a i n wheels; double roller escapement; steel escape wheel; Breguet hair, s p r i n g ; safety screw center pinion: Illinois superior mainspring: p a t e n t microa m e t r i c screw regulator; recoiling click; Illinois superior jeweled m o t o r barrel; concaved and polished winding wheels; double sunk dial. 14K Filled Case, $65.00 ‘ l S P E Q LA L 6 Adjustments 19 Jewels Lever or Pendant Setting $32.50 SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete in any screw‐ 1 0 K Filled Case, $40.00 14K Filled Case, $45.00 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. 19 iewels; adiusted to three positions, heat, cold and isochronism; spring tempered mmpensatmg balance with timing screws; double roller escape» mem; sapphire wallets and roller iewel; steel escape wheel; rounded arm train wheels; gold c e n t e r wheel; Breguet hairspring; p a t e n t regulator; recoil click; double s u n k dial. _ No,706 7 Adjustments 17 Jewels Lever Setting Only $27.50 SUGGESTED PRlCES: Complete in any s c r e w ‐ 10K Filled Case, $35.00 14K Filled Case, $40.00 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. Double roller escapemem; sapphire pallets and roller iewel; steel escape wheel: gold center wheel; Breguet hairspnng; safety screw center p i n i o n . No.305 17 Jewels, Adjusted to Temperature Pendant Setting O n l y $25.00 SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete in any s c r e w ; 1 0 K Filled Case. $32.50 14K Filled Case, $37.50 Fancy Cases and Fancy DlalS Proportionarely More. Double roller escapement; steel escape wheel; gold center wheel; Bre‐ g u e t hauspring; p a t e n t regulator: recoil click; double sunk dial. l l / 16 Size, Hunting or Open Face 12 Size,HuntingorOpenFace,PendantSetting N9,4“) 9fAdjustments 23 Jewels $60.00 SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete in any screw‐ I O K Filled Case, $65.00 14K Filled Case, $70.00 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. 21 e x t r a quality ruby and sapphire iewels, gold settings; adiusted to SlX positions, heat, cold and isochronism; spring tempered compensating balance; gold screws including timing screws; steel escape wheel; double roller; gold train wheels; Breguet hairspring; patent regulator; safety screw center pinion; safety recoil click; Illinois Superior Jeweled Motor Barrel; double sunk dial: is accurately constructed and highly finished in e v e r y detail. At Ll N GO LM 8 Adjustments 21 Jewels $47.50 SUGGESTED PRlCES: Complete in any screw‐ I O K Filled Case, $53.50 14K Filled Case, 560.00 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. 21 extra quality ruby and sapphire iewels, gold settings; adjusted to five positions, heat, cold and isochronism; spring tempered compensating balance: gold screws including timing screws: steel escape wheel: double roller: gold train wheels: Breguet hairspring: p a t e n t regulator: safety screw center pinion: safety recoil click: double sunk dial. 12 Size,Hunting01OpenFace,PendantSetting No,405 17 Jewels, Adjusted to Temperature $26.00 SUGGESTED PRICES: Complete in any s c r e w ‐ 10K Gold Filled Case, $32.50 14K Gold Filled C356, $37.50 Fancy Cases and Fancy Dials Proportionately More. I7 iewels; polished oreide settings; adiusted to temperature; compen‐ sating balance; double roller; sapphire pallets and iewel pin; steel escape wheel: gold center wheel; Breguet hairspring; patent regulator; safety screw center pinion; concaved and polished Winding wheels; safety recoil click. SPEC HA L 6 Adjustments 19 Jewels $33.50 See 16 size SPECIAL for illustration DUGGESTED FENCES: C‘fis'eze in any S a c h a ? 10K Gold FilledCase, $40.00 14K GoldFilled Case, 545.00 ( " v Cases and Fat/e: E 15> Proportcrtale y Mire. 19 iewels; adjusted to three positions, heat, cold and isochronism; compensating balance; double roller escapement; sapphire pallets and roller iewel; steel escape wheel; gold c e n t e r wheel; Breguet hairspring; patent regulator; safety screw center pinion; safety recoil click; concaved and polished winding wheels. 18‐0 Size Complete Watches THE. MARY TODD 16 JEWELS 16 Ruby and sapphire jewels; double roller escapement; safety recoiling click; tempered and hardened compensating balance; steel escape wheel; concaved and polished winding wheels. The Mary Todd is regularly supplied only in solid 18K white gold, hand engraved or inlaid enamel cases. The Mary Todd is one of the smallest watches made in America and is made throughout of the finest material. lt is a watch that any jeweler can conscientiously rec‐ ommend. Furnished in an attractive velvet‐lined jewel case. $80.00 ‘93 EVERY ILLINOISEPRTNGFEELD W A T C H 15 FULLV GUARANTEED, BY THE MAKERS,TO BE FREE FROM TMFERFEC' T E N S AND TO BE A SATISFACTORY TIMEPIECE 6 - 0 S I Z E OR? EiLEjV'EjNJ LIJGJNE Only delivered fitted in cases supplied by Jobbers Illustrations simply indicate some ofthe different styles of cases, made by various watch case manufacturers, for these movements. No.907, 19 Jewels No.903, 15 Jewels $35.00 Movements O n l y $26.50 19 and I5 ruby and sapphire iewels; compensating balance with timing screws; double roller e s c a p e m e n t ; Breguet hairspring; steel escape wheel; polished winding wheels; recoil click; silvered or gilt metal dials; full or three‐quarter open. ' ‘83 3 AN lLLlNQlS \\ A CH ls CZVEN TH : ”APE AND CONSIDER‐ ATION Tl‐MT A. LOSS ‘,‘.'-\fCfi 7 VFPENDABLE Tlf\lEKE;PF'~1 FOK A L. ES [T WE'LL BE A A. ‘J LONGER. TELEGRAPH CODE 18 SIZE BunnSpecial 21Jewels,.. No. 89 _ 16 SIZE Bunn Special, 23 Jewels, . . . . . Bunn Special, 21 Jewels, ,. Bunn, 19Jewels, Special, 19Jewels, No. 706, 17 Jewels, ,, No.305, 17Jewels, 12 SIZE No. 410. 23 Jewels, A. Lincoln, 21 Jewels, , Special, 19Jewels,..,. No.405. 17Jewels, 16 SIZE The 60 Hour B U N N SPECIAL Complete 14K Filled White Gold Special Designed Case,.,,. . ___.,...__,Dent 14K Filled Green Gold Special Designed Case,. _ an IOK Filled Regular Gold Special Designed Case,....__....__._.,.._.....Dull 16 SIZE SANGAMO SPECIAL 14K. filled green, white or yellow gold, with hinged front, back and ................ inside cap, extra weight and quality case, , , , , , , , , , , , , 14K. extra weight, Solid green, white or yellow gold inside cap, hinged throughout,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 12SIZE ILLINI 14K Green Gold Plain Directoire, no c a p case, , ,, 14K Green Gold Engraved Directorie, no c a p case, 14KGreenGold Plain Empire, inside cap case,, , , , , , 14K Green Gold Engraved Empire, inside c a p case, 14K White Gold extra heavy full chased case, with i ........... p. Sterling sllver, inlaid enamel or etched dial,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,House 14K White 1old extra heavy full chased case, with inside cap. 18K applied gold figured dial... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Honor 18K White Gold Engraved e x t r a he case, Silver Dial with Applied 18K Figures,.,...,,,,.,....,.,,,,.....,,,,__._ 12SIZE A. LINCOLN 14K filled Bassine, Green Gold, Acorn Model, inside c a p case, 14K filled Bassine, White Gold, Acorn Model, inside c a p case, 14K filled Green Gold, chased Pioneer Model, inside c a p case, 14K filled White Gold, Chased Pioneer Model, inside c a p case, , 14K Green Gold, Chased Barrister Model, Queen casewu 14K White Gold, Chased Barrister Model, Queen case,,, ,. 14K Green Gold, Barrister Model, extra heavy, inside c a p case, 14K White Gold, Barrister Model, extra heavy, inside cap case,, 14K Green Gold, Advocate Model, full chased c a p case with lined , lndian or Butler back. Sterling silver dial with 18K applied gold figures,..lndite 14K White Gold, Advocate Model, full chased c a p case with lined or Butler back. Sterling silver dial with 18K applied gold figures,.,lndue 12 SlZE MARQUIS-AUTOCRAT 14K Filled White Gold, Chased, no cap case, 14K Green Gold, Chased, no cap case, 14KWhite Gold, Chased, no cap case, ,, 14K Green Gold, Chased, inside c a p case, 14K White Gold, Chased, inside c a p case, 12SIZE The AUTOCRAT 14KFilledGreenGold Empirecase,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 14K Filled Green Gold, Chased Center, Queen case, , 14K Filled White Gold, Chased Center, Queen case, _ 14K Filled Chased Green Gold case, Special Radium Luminous dial Raised Figure dial or Engraved Silvered or Gilt dial, 14K Filled Chased White Gold case, Special Radium Luminous dial, Raised Figure dial or Engraved Silvered or Gilt dial,,.. .,,,_.4,,___Join 18-0 SIZE The MARY TODD 18K Solid White Gold, hand engraved case,.,,,,,.,,,, ..,,Mary 18K Solid White Gold, inlaid enamel case, “M. . , , , , Gate ,,,..Jade aw ___Jingo l __ .,,,...Jean