The dials illustrated in this folder may be obtained with various styles of figures asfollows:
Regular 12 size other than luminous or raised figure dials, figures numbers 250, 252, _,162 163, and 164.
Autocrat, figures numbers 250, 252, and 163.
16size dials excepting those for Sangamo and Bunn Special move‐ m e n t s are supplied with t w o styles of figures, viz.,numbers 250 and 252, and 12 size thin model dials are furnished only as illustrated unless otherwise specified.
White enamel and plain metal, either silver, gold or green gold finish,are regularly furnished without extra charge,onall 12and 16 size movements, unless otherwise specified. 18 size m o v e ‐
ments are supplied with white enamel dials only.
Owing to the frequent changes in styles of metal dials, we cannot accept the return of such dials for exchange or credit.
. Catalogue number.
. Style of figure. '
. Size of movement for which dial is desired. . Serialnumberofmovement (ifpossible).
. Grade of movement (by number or name).
For prices see attacfiea’ list
No. 37
Sterling Silver,
For thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
No. 38 No. 39
Sterling Silver, Sterling Silver,
For thin Illini, A. Lincoln and For thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
Marquis-Autocrat. Marquis-Autocrat.
Silver or Green Gold, Wood Bright Cut, Engine Turned, Finish, Lined, Silver Finish.
Applied rS-Kt. Green Gold or Applied rS-Kt. Green Gold or Steel Figures. Steel Raised Figures.
No. 40
Sterling Silver,
For thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
Silver Satin Finish,
Applied Raised Steel Figures.
Silver Butler Finish, Applied 1 8 - K t . Green
Raised Figures.
No. 41
No.42 ' No.43
Sterling Silver, Sterling Silver,
For Regular 12 Size Move- For Thin A. Lincoln and
mentsandAutocratWatches. Marquis-Autocrat.
Silver M a t Finish, Silver M a t Finish,
Hand Engraved Green Gold Black Inlaid Enamel Center
Center, ' and Figures. Green Gold Raised Figures.
No. 44
Sterling Silver,
For Thin A. Lincoln and
Silver M a t Finish,
Black Inlaid Enamel Center
and Figures.
Sterling Silver,
For Regular 12 Size Move-
ments Only.
Applied 18-Kt. Green Gold Raised Figures.
Silver M a t Finish Border, Bright Cut, Lined Engine Turned Center or Butler
No. 41-A
All Over Silver Butler Finish or Bright Cut Engine Turned Lined Finish.
Sterling Silver,
For Thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
Silver M a t Finish,
Bright Cut Engraved Center, Black Inlaid Enamel Figures.
No.47 No.48'
Sterling Silver,
For Autocrat Model Only.
. Bright Cut Sun-Ray Pattern,
Raised Black Enamel Figures.
Sterling Silver,
For Thin A. Lincoln and
Silver Finish, with Butler Center,
Black Inlaid Enamel, Figures Nos. 250 or 252.
Sterling Silver,
For Thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
Silver Mat or Delicate Butler Finish.
Black Inlaid Enamel, Figures Nos. 250 or 252.
No.49 No.50
Sterling Silver,
For Thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
Sterling Silver,
For thin Illini, A. Lincoln and
Silver M a t Finish,
Bright Cut Engraved Wreath, Black Inlaid Enamel Figures.
Etched Dial, White Silver
Background, Black Figures.
For Solid Gold Thin A. Lincoln Only.
Etched Dial,
White Sparkle Finish Back‐
Gray Center, Silver Numerals
or Green Center, Green Gold Numerals.
For Regular 12 Size, Autocrat and Thin Illini, A. Lincoln and Marquis-Autocrat.
Silver M a t Finish,
Raised Gold Finished Figures,
_No. 58
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver M a t Finish,
Raised Gold Finished Figures, Inlaid Enamel Name and
Seconds Bit.
No. 58-A
Sterling Silver,
Same as above, with Silver
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 250.
No. 60
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fanzy Moire Center, Figure No. 162.
Inlaid Enamel Name Seconds Bit.
N0. 57-A
Sterling Silver,
Same as above, with Silver
Butler Center.
Butler Center.
For Autocrat Watches Only.
Silver Butler Finish,
Fancy Etched Center,
F i g u r e N o . 2 5 0 , AlsomadewithFigureNo.252.
For Autocrat Watches Only.
Silver Butler Finish,
Fancy Etched Center,
F i g u r e N o . 25 0 , AlsomadewithFigureNo.252.
For Regular 12 Size, Autocrat and 16 Size.
For Regular 12Size or 16 Size, S i l v e r M a t o r B u t l e r F i n i s h , Luminous Figures.
No. 56-A
For Autocrat,
Silver Butler Finish, Luminous Figures.
N0. 51-A
Same as Above.
Gray Center, Silver Figures
or Green Center, Green Figures.
No. 61
For Regular" 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 252.
No. 62
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Finish, Engraved Center, Figure No. 250.
F o r Regular 12 Size Autocrat Watches.
F o r Regular 12 Size and Autocrat Watches.
Green Gold Engraved Center,
Figure No. 250.
For Regular 12 and 16 Size
No. 66
For Regular 12 and 16 Size Movements.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 164.
No. 67
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Single Sunk White Enamel, Figure No. 162.
For Regular 12, Autocrat and 16 Size.
Single Sunk Vihite Enamel, Figure No. 250.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 163.
For Regular 12 and 16 Size Movements.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 162.
For Regular 12 Size and Thin Illini, A. Lincoln and Mar‐ quis-Autocrat.
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 162.
For Regular 12 Size Move ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 163.
Silver Dial,
Silver Butler Finish,
Green Gold Engraved Wreath, Bright Lined Center,
Figure No. 252.
No.70 No.72
Octagon Butler Center with Grecian Border.
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 252.
. No. 74
For Regular 12 Size, Autocrat and 16 Size.
Bright Cut, Circle Lined, Engine Turned Center, Figure No. 163.
No. 75
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 163.
No. 76
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Butler Finish, Fancy Moire Center, Figure No. 164.
No. 77
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Finish,
All Over Bright Lined, Engine Turned Pattern, Figure No. 162.
No. 78
For Regular 12 and 16 Size Movements.
Silver Finish,
Engine Turned Center, Figure No. 250.
No. 79
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Finish,
All Over Fancy Lined Engine
Turned Pattern, Figure No. 164.
No. 80
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Silver Finish,
Fancy All Over Delicate En‐
gine Turned Pattern, Figure No. 163.
No. 81
For Regular 12 Size, Autocrat and 16 Size.
No. 8.2
For Regular 12, Autocrat and 16 Size.
Silver Butler Finish, Figure No. 163.
For Regular 1 2 , Autocrat and 16 Size.
Made in Silver, Gilt or Green Gold Finish,
Figure N o . 252.
For Regular 12 Size Move‐ ments Only.
Single Sunk White Enamel, Figure No. 164.
i; ié?
No. 85 N o . 8 6 18/0Size‐‐ _ 18/0Size‐
N o . 8 7 18/0Size‐
FancyEtchedWhite Silvered Dial,
Gilt or Black Finish Figures.
18/0Size‐‐ FancyEtchedWhite
Silvered Dial,‘ Gilt'~or Black Finish
N o . 8 9 18/0Size‐
Silver Butler Finish Dial,
Black Figures. No. 89-A
N o . 9 0 18/0Size‐
Silver Butler Finish Dial,
Black Figures. No. 90-A
s i
No. 103
o. 104
No. 105
Silver Butler Finish, 94 Opening,
For Hunting St yle, Winding at Figure 3, with Second Bit at Figure 9.
N o. 105-A Same asabove, without
Second Bit.
FancyEtchedWhite Silvered Dial,
Gilt or Black Finish Figures.
No. 91
FancyEtchedWhite Silvered Dial,
Gilt or Black Finish Figures.
Size Movements, Silver Butler Finish, Luminous Figures.
For 6/0 Size Open Face,
and 3/0 Size Hunting and Open Face.
No. 91-A
For 6/0 Size and 3/0 Size 0. F. Hunting Style, Winding at Figure 3, without Sec‐ ond Bit.
6/ 0 Size‐‐
Silver Butler Finish, Luminous Figures.
6/ 0 Size‐
Silver Butler Finish, Luminous Figures.
‘No. 94‐A
Same as above, without Second Bit.
Silver Butler Finish, Luminous Figures, with
Second B i t Only.
6/0Size‐ 6/0Size‐ 6/0Size‐‐ 6/0Size‐‐ 6/0Size‐
Silver Butler Finish, Luminous Figures, with
Second B i t Only.
Made in Silver or Green Gold M a t Finish,
Fancy Moire Center and Border.
For Hunting St y l e, Winding at Figure 3, without Second Bit.
Same asabove, without Wreath, with Second Bit Only.
For Hunting St y le, Winding at Figure 3, with Second B i t at Figure 9.
Silver Butler Finish, 34 Opening,
For Hunting S t y l e , Winding at Figure 3.
No. 104-A
Same as above, Green Gold M a t Finish.
Silver Finish, Raised Gilt Figures,
Silver Finish, Raised Gilt Figures,
Silver Butler Finish, Blue or Black Figures.
Engine Turned Center, withSecondBitOnly.
N o. 102-A Same as above Green
Finished Engraved Center.
Gold Finish.
6/0Size‐‐ 6/0Size‐ 6/0Size‐
No. 106
For 3/0 Size Hunting Movements Only, Silver Butler Finish,
Luminous Figures.
For 3/0 Size Hunting Movements Only, Silver Butler Finish,
Luminous Figures.
‘ N o. 110 %
For 6/0 Size and 3/0 Size Movements, ' Silver Butler Finish,_for
For 3/0 Size Hunting Movements Only, Silver Butler Finish,
Luminous Figures.
6/0 Size Only, as Illustrated.
No. 106-A
For 3/0 Size, with Sec‐ ond B i t at 6, or with‐ out Second Bit.
Figure No. 152.
No.113 § ForBunnSpecialandSangamo ForBunnSpecialandSangamo
For Bunn Special,
S i l v e r M a t F i n i s h B o r d e r , w i t h
Butler Center, '
Extra Heavy Arabic Figures.
No. 113-A _
For Sangamo Special,
Made with Heavy Gothic
Arabic Figures. .
For Bunn Special,
Double S u n k W h i t e E n a m e l , Extra Heavy Arabic Figures.
For Bunn Special, . D o u b l e S u n k W h i t e E n a m e l Montgomery Style,
Heavy Arabic Figures.
No. 115-A
For Sangamo Special,
Made with Gothic Arabic
No. 114-A
For Sangamo Special, Made with Heavy
Covering Dial Circular No. 102, May 1927. ‘
It willbenotedthatpricesofdialsarequJtedbothasmaterialand when fitted to movements.
Price Extra Price as Fitted to
Material Movement
No.37, 38, 39, 40 - - ’- - $10.50 No.41,41A - - -. - - 6.50 No.42 - - 4.00 No. 45,49,50,51,51A,52,53,85,86,87,88 4.00 No.46 - - - - 3.50 No.43,44,47,48 - - - 3.00 No. 56, 56A, 57A, 58A, 91,91A }
- $7.50 - 5.50 - 2.75 ‐
- 2.50 ‐
92, 93 93A, 94, 94A, 95, 96, 3.00 - 2.00
96A,97,98,107,108, 109,110
No.57,58- ---2.50-1.50
- 1.25
N o a m » 1 6size
No.54,55,62,63,64 - - - 2.25 No. 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71,
72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79} 1.50 80, 99, 100, 101, 102, 102A
No. 81, 82, 83, 89, 90, 103, 104, 104A, } 1 00 105, 105A, 106, 106A, 113, 113A '
' _ No. 67, 68, 84
- - - - 1.25 - 2.00
- No. 115,115A, “
No. 111,112
No. 114,114A, For railroad grades only 2.50