Pocket Watch Database

Springfield Illinois Watch Company Catalog (1884)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $88.90

Acquisition Date: July 15, 2024

Digitized Date August 03, 2024

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RINGIS L LI N OI S S MOVEMENTS. ESTABLISHED, 1870: Huysalely WARDBLON 124BarronStroet, (Saton Ohio 1 8 Jan. 1112 July 1814151612,1819 18|1415|16|171819 2 0 21 2 2 20 21 2228 24 25 26 F e b , 27 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 A n g . 2 7 2 8 2 9 30 3 1 84 1011121314 1516 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 8 1 4 1 5 16 1 71 81 92 02 12 22 0 17|18|1920212228 24/25 26 27 28|29 2 425262125120지 war. Sep. 284 9181112131410 1 6 1 7 1 8 | 1 9 20 2 1 2 2 2324 2526272829 3031 Apr. 8 Oct. 910112 1814 15|16 17 18 19| 2 0 21 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 26 2728 203 0 NOV. May 4 910 11 12|18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 2 4 252627282980 81 910|1112|1814 1 5 1 6 1 7 18 1 9 2 0 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 4 15 16 17 1 8 19 2 0 21 2 2 23 24 2 52621 262000e 6 9 10 1 1 2 1 8 1 4 16 16 1 7 1 8 19202122282425 262128298081 010118131415 16 12 18 19 20 2122 282425265758|59 Dee. 34 9 1 0 1112|18 14010101 1012 2 1 22 28 2 4 2 5 5 6 | 4 1 28 29 8031|....... 11884 Sunday Monday eel Friday Saturd. 1884 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes. Friday 하에S atur | SPRIINGFIIELDILLINOISWATCH COMPANY.. TOTHE TRADE AND PUBLICIC.. eetieece‐ We eat pleasur We take gr e in placin take great pleasure i n placing before the trade and pub- g b e f o r e the t r a d e a n d p u b ‐ Hl i i e e o o u u r r I i l l l l u u s s t t r r a a t t e e d d d d e e s s e c r r i i p p t t i i v v e e c c a a t t a a l l o o g g u u e e o o f f a a l l l l m m o o v v e e m m e e n n t t s s m m a a n n - ‐ ufactured by us.. ‘ During yearswe havegreatlyincreasedourfa‐ Duringthe past two the past two years we have greatly increased our fa- ceillliittiies for producingthefinesttiime-keepers on the American market. * ’ F Our premises havebeen greattlly enlargedand wee have now one of thebest equippedwatch factories in thecountry. Ourskilledworkmenarethebest,andare men ofgenius in Our skilled workmen are the best,and are menof genius in ttheiir proftesstion.. ” ¢ g Wehave,duringlastyear,madeseveralImportant im- We have, during last year, made several important im‐ provements provements in o u r wa in our watches, among which, are the following; tches, among which, are the following; v v i i z z. . N N e ew w a a n n d d i i m m p p r r o o v v e e d d s s t t y y l l e e o o f f e e n n g g r r a a v v i i n n g g o o n n p p l l a a t t e e s s , , i i m m p p r r o o v v .‐ edsttrrong stemwindingbridge,andimprovedmethod off seecurr-‐ ing t h e yoke cap, t h u s making a simple, sure, and enduring ing the yoke cap, thus m a k i n g a simple, sure, and enduring sttemwind, andsmoothstemset,theliability tobreakagebe‐- i n g reduced t o a m i n i m u m . New keywindiing eclick andd eclick-‐ sptriing,, improveddletttiingdown lever,,improveddustring.,which ensuressecurriitty fromdust,andiiseasiilly removedor appliedby sscreewwsstfrroomt th e outsiiddee..IImproveddiialls witthhfull figured ssunks e c o n d s o n a l l g r i d e s , a n d f u s t e n e d b y s c r e w s i n s t e a d o f u n k seconds on all grades, and fastened by screws instead of pins.. All adjusted grades are timed in positions, thereby ob-‐ viatingthepossibili variationsof time,whencarryingthe viating ty of thepossibility ofvariationsoftime,whencarryingthe w w a a t t c e h n i i n n t t h h e e p p o o cr k k e e t r . “ é Other improvementtssare under way, it beingour intenttiioonn to make no goods but the est, and such a Watch to m a k e no g o o d b s s but the best, and suc h asWatchmakersand makers and Jewelleerrss, ecan safely reccomend,, and we invite dealers to in-‐ spect them for quallity of work,, finish,, and time-keeping. We warrant alll ourr movements,.each watch now undergoes a special anddlast critical inspection,by competentandexperr-‐ ljenced,,responsibleWatchmakers,, beforreelleavviingthefacttoorryy,, andshoulldanymovementtnottgivethedesiredresullts,, weewill cheerrffullly replacethe same,free of charge. ‘ ‘We gladly furnish tto the trade on application,ecuts of move-‐ ments for advertising pur mentsforadyertising pu poses, and IllinolsWatch Company rposes, and Illinois Watch Company ‘signs. ‘ n J ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY.. 2 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WatTcu ComPANY. SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COXPANY. "NO 105, ADJUSTED". Fall nickel movement, damaskeened finish in elegant pat- Fullnickel movement,damaskeened finish in elegant pat‐ ternsonupperandlowerplates,engraved “IllinoisWatch Co.” terns on upper and lower plates, engraved "Illinols Watch Co." with gold letteringinn Old_Englliish.. Faulll jJewelled in golld set.‐ tings,quick train, expansion balance, with goldscrews, finely tings, quick train, expansion balance, with gold screws, finely adjustedtotemperatureandsochronism, Bregueshairspring. adjusted to temperature and isochronism, Breguet hairspring. Highly Afiniisshed traiin and steeell parts. HSolllid gold bankings and arborcup,patentregulatorwith latestImp and arborcup, patent regulator with latest improvementts,, glassenamel doublesunk fancydial, newandimproveddust‐ glassenameldoublesunkfaneydial,new andimproveddust. ringandstemwind|bearing, accurately timed in positionsand ring and stemwind bearing, necurately timed in positions and fullly warrantted., The most elegant full plate watch on the T h e most elegant full plate watch o n the markett.. Manufactured in stemwind o n l y. Manufnctured In stemwind only. SPRINGFIELDILLINnOoIiSs WATCH COMPASNY.. 3 "STUART, ADJUSTED". “STUART, ADJUSTED.” U Gilt movemen', 15 Jewels (4 pairs in settings,) expansion bal- ance, sprung over with finely tempered hairspring, gold bal- ance screws, adjusted to temperature and isochronism. F.nely finishedtrain,doublesunk faney dial,patent regulator. Manufactured in stemwind only. "NO 108, ADJUSTED." “ND 108, ADJUSTED.” S S a a m m e e m m o o v v e e m m e e n n t t a a s s S S t t u u a a r r t t , , fi fi n n i i s s h h e e d d w w i i t t h h b b r r i i g g h h t t p p o o l l i is s h h e e d d screwsandeng ed nois Watch Co.” screws a n d e n g r a v “ I l l i raved "Illinols Watch Co." re 4 SPRIINGFIIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COo MPPANXyY.. . "“BUNN.”" gun, Gilt movement, quick train, 15jewels (4pairs in screw set‐ Gilt movement, quick train, lo jewels 4( pairs in senew set- tings,).expansionbalance,,ssprrungb®verwitth hardenedand temperedhairspring,goldbalancescrews,adjustedtoheatand “ tempered hairspring, gold balance screws, adjusted to heat and ‘ cold,double sunk dial,patentregulator, finelyfinishedthrough‐ cold, doublesunk dial, patent regulator, finely finished through- out. Patentpinion,polished bright arboreup. Patent pinion, polished bright arboreup. /3‘ t» SPRININGFIRIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COXMPAANY.. 5 "NO 106, ADJUSTED." rmotielin ~ Nickell movementt,, quiieckk traiin,, 155Jjewels (44pairs iin scrrew s‘setttiings,) expansion balance,, sprung over with hardened and ~ temperedha , gold s, finely adjustedto tempered h irspring, gold meantime serews, finely adjusted t o airspring meantime screw temperature. PPaattent regulattorr,,doublesunk dial, well ifinished train, plate t r a i n , p s elegantly damaskeened, p lates elegantly dama skeened,patent pinion,br atent pinion, bright pol• ightpol‐ Iished arborecup,, polished bri ght scerews. ~ J 6 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY. SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COxPaNY. "MILLER, ADJUSTED." jeller Gilt movement, quick train, 15jewels (4pairs in screw set‐ Gilt movement, quick train, 1ô Jewels (4 pairs in serew set- tings,)expansionbalancesprungoverwithhardened andtem- tings,) expansion balancesprung over with hardened a n d tem‐ pered hairspring, adjusted to temperature, sank seconddial peredhairspring,adjustedtotemperature,sanksecond dial withinsidecirele, raisedsilverIndex,wellfinished train pat‐ with inside eirele, raised silver index, well finished train pat- ent pinion, polished steel arborenp, iy ‘ : ent pinion, polished steel arboreup. MILLER, 24 HOUR DIAL. MILLER, 2 4 HOUR DIAL. 25,24 M a d e a l s o a s 2 4h o u r w a t c h , w i t h a b o v e d i a l , t h e h o u r h a n d Made also as 21 hour watch, with above dial, the hour hand m a k i n g one revolution in 24hours. making one rerolution in 21 hours. A SPRIINGFIIELDILLINXOISWATCHCOMPANY.. . | 7 "NO102." Nickelmovement,,quick train,,13jJeewells(3pairsinnscrrew s s e e t t t t i i n n g g s s , , ) ) e e x x p p a a n n s s i i o o n n b b a a l l a a n n c c e e , , h h a a r r d d e e n n e e d d a a n n d d t t e e m m p p e e r r e e d d h h a a i i r r ‐- spring, sunk second dial, brightpolished“eoebdraised index spring, sunk second dial, bright polished screws, raised index andrayedsteelarborceup. 8 | ~ SPRINGFIELDILLINOISWATCHCoMPANY. | SPRINGPIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COXPaNY. "CURRIER." G i l t m o v e m e n t , q u i c k t r a i n , 1 3j e w e l s ( 3 p a i r s i n s c r e w s e t ‐ Gilt movement, quick train, 13 Jewels (3 pairs in serew set- tings,) expansionbalance, hardenedand tempered hairspring, tings,) expansionbalance,hardenedandtemperedhairspring, sunk second dial,patent pinion,raisedsilver index,rayedsteel sunk second d i a l patent pinion, raised silver Index, rayed steel arboreup. arboreup. ; ae SPRIINGYFIIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY.. as + Bi vy “"NOO 101.."” Nickel movementt in keyy and stemwind,, quick train,, 11 _ Jjewellss,,patenttpinion,,expansion balancesprung overrwith hardenedandtemperred hailrtsperiangg,.Sunksecondddial,dam-‐ aske e ned finiish.. + SPRIINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COXMPaANNYY,. : "NO.4 , Railroader." S WATOM G G i i l l t t m m o o v v e e m m e e n n t t , , q q u u i i c c k k t t r r a a i i n n , , s s t t e e m m w w i i n n d d e e r r o o n n l l y y . . I 1 1l J J e e w w e e l l s s i i n n settings, expansion balance sprung overr with hardened andd temperredhaiirspring.IImprroved haiirspriing stud, patentt pin-‐ ion, patent regulator, sunk second 24hour dial, indicating at » once,eitherrtheoldornewwayoffreckoning.time. Welllfinish-‐ e e d d t t r r a a i i n n , , p p o o l l i i s s h h e e d d b b r r i i g g h h t t s s ce r r e e w w s s , , r r a a y y e e d d a a r r b b o o r r ec u u p p , , r r e e g g u u l l a a t t e e d d d d o o w w n n fine, speciially for the railroad trade. 24 Hour Dial. SPRIINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COXMPANyY.. "aNeO. 3.." Giltdamaskeenedmovement,,quick traitiit,,11jJewels,, expan-‐ sionbalance sprung over w ith hardened an d tempered haiirr-‐ springg.. Patentpinion,,raisedsiilver index,,sunk second diall withinsideecirrcelele..Rayedsteelbasearborceup,,fine hands.. Fiinishedwiththenewandexpensiivveeprocessof combined frostinganddamaskeening.. P s G G i i l l t t m m o o v v e e m m e e n n t t , , q q u u i i c c k k t t r r a a i i n n , , 1 1 1 1 Jj e e w w e e l l s s , , e e x x p p a a n n s s l i o o n n b b a a l l a a n n c c e e sprungover withhardenedandtemperedhairspring. P P a a tt e e n n t t p p i i n n i i o o n n , , s s u u n n k k s se ec co on nd d d d i i a a l l ,, r r a a i i s s e e d d p p o o l l i i s s h h e e d d i i n n d d e e x x .. a oe 12 SPRIINGFIIELD ILLIINOIIS WATCH COXMPaANNYY.. "NO1." - SPENORIRUST Giltmovement,quick train, 7jewels, expansionbalance G i l t movement, quick t r a i n , 7 Jewels, expansion balance sprrungover withhardenedandtempered hairspring. Sunk seconddial, improved dustband. \ “NO 2» "NO 2." SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY. 24 sai95.Sol) ph 2} ic SARL S P E ah "“NO 115566.".” Ladies 8 size 3⁄834plate,full nickelmovementt,, stemwiinder,. damaskeened in elegantt patterns onboth pllatteess.. FuulljJewelllleed ‘iinsolidgold settings,,expansionbalancceewiitthhgolldscrews s‘ sp pr r u u n n g g o o v v e e r r w w i i t t h h fi fi n n e e s s t t q q u u a a l l i i t t y y h h a a i i r r s s p p r r i i n n g g , , p p r r e e c c i i s s e e l l y y a a d d j j u u s s t t e e d d ttotemperatureand isochroniism.. Pattentpinion,.highlyfin‐- Iishedtraiinandsteel parts,glassenamel fancey doinael, polished w w h h e e e e l l s s , , a a c c c c u u r r a a t t e e l l y y t t i i m m e e d d i i n n p p o o s s i i t t i oi o n n s s . , i , ono 154.” "NO 154." Ladiaes8dsizei3Z4ijeplattsee,sollidnickel movement,stemwinder, | _165Jjewels insettings,expansionbalancesprungoverwith hard‐- ened and tempered hairspring. Patent pinion, sunk second dial,finely finishedery eneda n dtemperedhairspring. Patentpinion,s u n ksecond elegantly damaskeened, accurately dial, finely Anished train, elegantly damaskeened, accurately timed. . 14 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOISWATCH CoMPANY. "NO 152." Gillttmovementt,,stemwinderr,,ILlIJjewels iIn screw settings,exe- pansion balance sprung over with hardened and tempered pansion balance sprung over with hardened and tempered hairspring. Patentpinion,sunkseconddial,selectedmaterial hairspring. Patent pinion, sunk second dial, selected material anddaccurattelly timed. "“NO 151."” Gilt movement, stemwinder, 7 jewels, expansion balance, Giltmovement,stemwinder,7 Jewels,expansionbalance, p p a a t t e e n n t t p p i i n n i i o o n n , , s s u u n n k k s s e e c c o o n n d d d d i i aa l .l . A A c c c c u u r r a a t t e e l l y y t t i i m m e e d d . . 中 SPRINGYIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY. SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH CoMPANY. 16 15 WEe: invite attention to the move-‐ ments, No. 4and No. 152. ments, No.4andNo.152. No. 4 h a v i n g heen expressly modelled and manufactutunredd No. 4 having been forrailroad purposes,wherea naccuratebut medium priced for railroad purposes, where an accurate but medium priced watchisindemand.Thefinishofthematerial inthismove- watchisindemand. The finish of the material in this move‐ ment is fine.. The patent regulator facilitates the regulatingto ment is fine The patent regulator facilitates the regulating to a finepoint and the new‘dialis now indispensible to those a linepointandthenewdialisnowindispensible to those ‘who are engaged in railroading, haying a l l the advantages of whoareengagedin railroading, havingalltheadvantages of a 2%hour watch, without the inconvenience of having to tax a21hourwitch,without the inconvenienceofhavingto tax themindwithcalculation every timethehouriswanted after the mindwith calculation everytimethehouriswantedafter 1 138o o ' ' c c l l o o c c k k . . : No.152,the newladiesmovement,iscaleulatedtoprovethe No. 150, t h e new ladies movement, is calculated to prove the ‘most popular 8°size watch on the market, being finished m o s t p o p u l a r 8 ' s i z e w a t c h o n t h e m a r k e t , b e i n g finished throughout in fine style.» The Jewels are in screw settings, throughouti nfinestyle.TheJewelsarei nscrew settings, which, while assuring t h e finest accutacy in jewelling, gives which, while assuring the finest accuraey i n Jewelling, gives to themovementa handsomeappearanceandfinish. tothemovementa handsomeappearanceandfinish. e Allourwatches arequick trainandhavedustbands,allpin‐ All our watches are quick train and have dustbands, all pin- tons are underturned,all dials have sunk seconds and all Ionsareunderturned, alldialshave sunk secondsandall gradesbut No. 1 have patent pinion. Our gilding is double grades but No. I have patent pinion. Our gilding is double brushedin and conseqnently willwearthebest. Ourstockis brushed i n and consequently will wear the best. Our stock is thefinestthatcanbepurchased. Allbalancestaffshavecon‐ the finest that can b e purchased. All balance stafts have con- tiecall p ivotts. # * 16° SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS WATCH COXPANY. 2 4HOURDIAL. Twenty-fourhourdials,liketheabovecutt,,canbe hadfor allll SPRIINGFIIELD IL LINOIS WATCHES. . I I nn o o r r d d e e r r i i n n g g , , b b e e s s u u r r e e t t o o s s t t a a t t e e w w h h e e t t h heer r f f o o r r h h u u n n t t i i n n g g , , o o r r , , o o p p e e n n facceemovement. 4 FACTORY OF ILLINO,S WATCH COMPANY, YPRINGEELD. Employing one thousand two hundred hands, who turn out five hundredwatchesperday. Over seven hundred thousand Springfield Illinois watches now in use.