Pocket Watch Database

Illinois Bates Production Charts

Note: Production dates are estimations but should be accurate within +/- 3 years.


Illinois Watch Co. Bates Production Map Relative to Company Lifespan

Start of Production
End of Production

Grade Production Runs Lowest Highest Start End Profile Code/Image
Bates 6,000 7 37,001 45,100 1875 1877
5,700 4 37,001 45,100 1875 1877 18s-M1-7j-AGK-U-
1,000 37,001 38,000 1875
4,500 40,001 44,500 1875 1876
100 44,801 44,900 1877
100 45,001 45,100 1877
300 3 44,501 45,000 1877 1877 18s-M2-7j-HGL-U-
100 44,501 44,600 1877
100 44,701 44,800 1877
100 44,901 45,000 1877