Pocket Watch Database

Cross & Beguelin Watchmakers & Jewelers Supplies: New York Standard (c.1911)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $134.69

Acquisition Date: January 18, 2019

Digitized Date December 30, 2020

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na _%b.rz; m _s‐.~ m 7 , “M? figg 53‐ 3a ”fifia 33 u: ,.,. wasp .‐ w 4 firm-n my :‘ 7 ....;§";§_ I 5.3: fifimfig i1t ,M4”? an.“‐ a.~n 723'4‘4" fi “min 432 cRoss & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N; Y. ( N E WYORKSTANDARDLWATCHmm NO- 18 SIZE HUNTING. DOZ- No. 18 SIZE HUNTING. Per Don. Net $100 “ 522 ‘‘ End Stones, Cock .. “ Foot . ... 561 Upper “ .... and stall, Cock........ . 4 is SIZE; A " ' EQEHJSIG. Pillar Plate ..... .. 539lRolier .... 540 Roller, with Pins Set 541 Ratchet C a p . 542 Setting Lever 543 Setting Lever g Dial (3p1eet) H a i r Springs . . . , . . Hands, H. & M. (Pairs). . . .. 553 555 Stat! 556 Wheels, Center Seconds Jewels, Cock '. . . . “Foot Center, with Pinion Third “ with Pinion 562 .563, “ 523 “ 524“Roller.. .. Pallet 525 Main Springs . Fourth 527 Pallets, 529 Pallets, 530 Pallet 531 533 535 “ 536 “ 537 “ 538Regulator.. .... 564 565 with Pinion 566 Crown Winding 567 - Hour 568 Intersetting 569 Interwinding 570 Minute 571 Ratchet 572Winding Bridge 573 Yoke 574“ Forks and a n d Arbors. . . Forks Arbors Arbors, 532 Pinions, Bevel or Windi g. Stone . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. Cannon Third Fourth Escape . . . . Colleted Studs . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . Fitted . . 544 545 546 547 548 .. 549 .. 550 .. 551 .. 552 “Washer. . 611.1111574 . . ....558 “ . . . . 560 Screws, Balance Cock ... Case ... D i a l Foot” Hair Spring Stud Pillar Ratchet Cap Winding Bridge Yoke Assorted (per gross). . so1pmu’plep 302 Upper 8035alance ” . . . . 804 “ Stat! .. 805 “ 806 “ 807 Barrel .$ 841Roller, with Pins Set.............. 250 842Rlltchet Cap ....-................ .“ ............ with Arbor, Fitted 150 3 50 848 ....... . . _, ‐ . .. . \ s \ 808 809 “ 810 Click 811 “ Spring 847 (3 ...... . 500 .............. / CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 433 NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH MATERIAL.” 18\SIZE. 7 “ f f ' HUNTING. No.60. / ,; ,, IHH'I..m: ' i“ ‘HHI‘A Mr _____‐ No. 311and877 18 SIZE HUNTING. Per I Doz.lNo. Net] 840‘Roller : Dot. ‘ Net . and Sta . ..... ...... . 3 00 845 Screws, Balance ......... Cock . ....... . “ . . . . . 1 25 853 “ .. 25 854 “ Arbor 846 Cock Case Dial Foot Hair Spring Stud Pallet Bridge ............ - 50 .. .. 25 851 “ 812 Dial 814 Hair Springs Collated 816 “ “ Studs 852 Pillar Ratchet Cap ..... Winding Bridge feet) ..... (Pairs). H.a:M. . 35 817 Hands. 818 “ Seconds ............ 819 Jewels, Cock . 855 10 356 “ ................ 830 Pallet 831“ 832 Pillars Arbors Bridges. .... ‘ 50 with Pinion ...... Interseiting ..... Fitted ..... . 1 50 843Setting Lever . “ “ ..... .60 “ \ 838Pinions, Bevel or Winding..... . 884 “ Cannon 886 “ Third .. 887 “ Fourth 838 “ Escape 839Regulator Interwinding Minute Ratchet ...................... .. ....... 820 821 “ End Stones, Cock .. 822.“ “ “ Foot... 823 “ Pallet . 1 00 864 ““ Foot 859W'heels, Center 824 825 Main lprings 827 Pallets. Forks and Arbors ............ ........ A125 Fourth ““ ............... Roller 5829 Pallets, Forks and Arbors, Stones Fitted. 865 With Pinion ............ .... ................. 200 " “ “ .................i.......... “ .100870 “ ... .. . .1.................... . 889 .. 871 Hour 4 50 844Setting Lever Washer.... . 150 “ “ “ ... ,_ 849 “ 1 50 858 Staff, Center, with Pinion....... 150 100863 “ Third 867 . 4 00 868 Escape Crown Windin 866 “ 1 00 872 “ 75 873 “ 00 874 “ 50 875 Winding Bridge . 00 ........ \ 876 Yoke 50 877 “ Spring . 18 SIZE HUNTING. Yoke Assorted (per gross) .......... 1 00 861 “ “ with Stair and Pinio \ 1 1141 1178 114i! Per Box. Net 5 1 Net l ~ x ~ 11011111111- Plate s 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107Barrel ............ 1108 “ 1109 “ 111OCiick 1111 “ Spring .. .. 1112 Dial 11141111‘11' Springs, ( ‘ o l ht e d . .. 1116 Studs ....... 1117Hands, H. & M. (Pairs).. 1118 “ Second .... . 1119Jewels, Cock ........ 1120 “ Foot ............ 1121 “ End Stones, Cock ........ Foot 114ORoller with Pins Set $ 1 7 _ .. ‘ 1 f \' 1142Setting‘ Lever . 1. 1145 Cock . _ .1> " h . i V"‘ ,\ . “ 1153 “ Assorted (per gross) .......... 1155Stair Center. with Pinion............. 1156 Wheels, Center ..................... 1158 “ with Staff and Pinion , . .. 1 50 . 1 50 .1-. ‐ 1133 1135 1136 Third ...... “ 1172 Winding Bridge 1188 1108 1106 1156 1168 1158 1167 we 1m '1137 1138Regnlator 1139Roller . 1173 Y o k e ...... 501174 “ “ . Cock....... ........... . . 1146 “ Case “ . 60 “ “ “ “ “ “ ... 50 (3 .......... . 18 SIZE. ‐ H U N T I NG . No.80. ‐ i‐ “ 0 8 No. 1; ' Arbor . feet) Winding Bridge ““ ......... “ “ “ ....... withPinion.. .... 1 75 50 1122 1123 “ Pallet 1162 1163 Fourth .............. -- - .. 1141Ratchet Cap ......... 1147 “ Dial Foot ....... 1148 “ Hair Spring Stud ... 1149 “ Pillar ...... 1150 “ Ratchet Cap ........ . . and Staff, Fitted ...... Cannon ..... 751170 . . ....... .. .. .. .. .......... 50 ... .. .. ........... 100 .............. .. . .. . ..... 10 0 Fourth ..................... 100 ....... . .. 100 Minute . ........... 1161 “ “ with Pinion . 50 . 225 . 50 .... 175 ...... 50 .... 1 75 ... . 1 00 1124 1125Main Springs 1129 Pallets, Forks and Arbors, Stones Fitted. 1130Pallet Amors ...................... 1131Pillars ........................... .. 501168 “ 1132Pinions, Bevel or Winding .......... . .. 1.001169 “ lnterwinding . .. .. Roller 1164 . 1 25 1165 . 4 00 1166 501167 Escape 1001171 Ratchet 1163 1165 1129 use 1166 1161. 14111o “An-“13m: 1111and 1174 1110 1148 1152 1172 1135 1136 1137 1104 Per I ‘ 18 SIZE HUNTING. 18 S I Z I HUNTlNG. ........ 1143 Setting Lever Washer . . 1144Screws, Balance ....... 1151 ... "1152 “ Yoke ........................ . 1160 “ Third Escape ‐‐‐‐-‐‐‐_‐_.._‐_‐_______‐__._.___‐___, .. . . '100 Spring 25 Hour with Pinion ... “ “ “ Crown Winding ........ " Intersetting . . ..60 ... . ....... 50 60. ...... ....... 18 SIZE. LEVER SET HUNTING No. 64‐ 1401Pillar Plates 1402Top Plates . 1408 Balances, Cut 1404 Balance Staffs .............. 1405 Balance with Staff Fitted 1406Balance Cocks 1407 Barrels 1408 Barrel Arbors 1409 Barrels with Arbor Fitted 1410Bridges, Click ........ “ Pallet. Fourth Winding w i t h Pins Set. Levers “ Collcts Balance Springs Collated and 1478 1415 a n d 1474 NAMES OF PIECES. . Expansion Plate ... u n u u u u u u u n u u u u u u ...... u u u Cock . Winding n .. 1416 Dials 1417 H a i r 1419 Hands, H. & M. (Pairs) 1420 1421Jewels, Balance, Cock “ Bridge End Stone .. “ Potence End Stone . “ Plate . . “ Pallet “ Roller. Jewel Caps 1430 Pallet Forks w‘l‘th uuuu u u Foot 1429 Main Springs “with Pinions Balanee Banking Case Click Bridge Dial Foot Ilair Spring Stud . Pallet Bridge Pillar A Setting Lever .. Winding Bridge .. Yoke . Assorted ( p e r gross) d h “ Crown Winding Hour Minute lutersetting .. lnterwinding Ratchet w i t h Pinions a - N E W 301111“ - \ 18 SIZE. MATERmL‘l ” r- O P E N F A C E \ 1311 fig,‘ 1399 g 1316 a n d 1400 1391 1315 1353 1378 1313 1349 ' 1358 1388 ‐-__._. No.I 1300 Pillar 1301 To Plates . . 130288ances NAMES OF PIECES. . . . ......... Doz. " C u t 1804 Balance Starts Expansion 501352 “ “ “ Stats PawlSprings . Stop Pawls ..... Pawi Washers .. 1330 “ 1831 “ Bridge Endstone ..... Potence Endstone 1332 1333 “ “ Plate Pallet ............... 1351 1389 1318 1353 Price per No 1360 1319 1352 1310 NAMES OF PIECES. Plates 1350Potences 1351Ratchet ...... . . 1305 Balances, Expansion, with stair Fitted.. . 13058- “ with Stat Fitted 00 1355 Regulators 50 1356 Rollers 1308 Balance Cock . 1307 Barrels . . . . . . 1308 Barrel Arbors 1309Barrels with Arbor Fitted . 1310 Bridges, 1311 “ Center Levers 131501icks 1816 Click Springs Banking Case Center Bridge ............. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 50 1380 Wheels. “ “ “ “, “ “ “ " « ........... 1317Dials 1318 F l y Back 1319 “ " 1320 1321 1322 Friction 1323Hair Springs, Colleted and Studded. Levers Click Bridge Dial Foot ... F l y Back Lever Sprin Hair Spring Stud...... Pallet Bridge . Pillar Setting Lever . . . . . . . ........ ....... Washers ......... .“ ......... 1324 “ “ 1325 Hands, H. & M. (Pairs) :: Second‐ ........ Sweep Second .. “ . . .l 1329 “ “ Foot .. Winding Yoke Bridge 1325 1323 Jewels, Balance, Cock . 1 Center d ........... 1336Maili Springs .......... . 1337 Pallet Forks with Aer.............. . “ Starting ~~~~~~ ‐ with Stat! ‐ ““““ , and Stones.... . .......................... 100 Sweep Second w i t h Stat! and Heart Cam 5 00 1338 1339 Pallet Arbors . 1340Piiiars 1341Pinions 1342 . 1343 1344 1345 1340 “ “ .... Hour ............- Minute Intersetting .. ... Interwinding, .. Ratchet Winding‘.... 100 60 60 50 50 50 50 1 0 0 25 1847 " Third 1348 “ Fourth Steel Complete 001397 75 1398 Winding Pinion Push Pins 001399Yokes ..... “ Winding N K 1398 Q3 1» I ..... . ....... . .. Balance Cock ....... 50 1350 Starting 001361Starting Lever Bushings .......... 001362Sliding Clicks 001363Stop Pins .. . 001364Screws. Balance ........... .. “ “ “ Crown Winding CHRONOGRAPH FIRST MODEL an} <1|v 1778 7 1704 1762 No. 1733 1772 1777 1775 1776 . ? 1739 \ 1723 1724 1725 1720 1727 1728 Foot “ “ Foot . 1 001766 “ “ . .. 2 25 50 “ ......... ............... 1501763 Wheels, Center ............... 1 501764 “ with Plnlons .. 1729 Looking Levers 70 1771 CROSS. & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y.‘ ,. NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH MATERIAL 437 l] . a 7 1738 1769 1768 1764 1730 1711 PIECES. 1 7 6 41,1130. a (Mum! 1730 1740 1737 1700pm,“- Plates 1701Top Plates 1702 False Plates 1703 Balances, Cut 1704Balance Stats ............. 1705 Balances with Stairs Fitted. 1706Balance Cocks Hunting ... 1741Pinions, Winding 1707 “ “ Open Face 1708Barrels 1709Barrel Arbors . 1710Barrels with Arbors Fitted..... 1711Bridges, Click ..........., v 3 001747 3001748 “ 1 501749 “ 1 501750 “ “ ““ , 3 501751 “ .......................... 1712 1713” 1714 1715 Bushing, Plate 100 “ ace ...---------- 100 .................. 15 ..... Springs . 1756 501757 Pallet Bridge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' ‘.“’"' WWW“ ‘ 1717 a n d 1780 NAMES ' ‘ Price l 1716 v 1713 1729 NAMES OF PIECES. 1760 1714 Expansion 1744 Rollers . 1 501745Rollerswith PinsSet“,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pallet, Hunting 1753 Winding 1755 15 l .............. . .. 15 Open 1754 Locking Lever Locking Lever Spring F ~-~~ 1752 ..' 1716 Clicks 1717 Click 1718 D i a l s 1719Hair Springs Colleted and. Studded, Breguet... 1 1720Hands, H. 8: M. (Palrs)................. . Pillar 251758 “ Shipping Lever .. .. .. .... 15 ' . . . 5 001759 501760 “ Winding Bridge .. .. ... 15 . 15 . . 1 5 0 . 50 . 50 1721 1722 Jewels, Balance, Cock 10 Second 1762 Shipping Levers ‘ ‘ “ " Endstone, Cbck 100 “ ............ with Pinions . . “0“ 1 75 50 “ . .......... 100 1769 Third ““““ ,.. Crown Winding 175 1730 Locking Lever Springs .... 1731Main Springs 1732 Pallet Forks with Arbor ... 17 1733“' 1734 Pallet 1735 Pillars 1736 Pinions, Cannon 4 1 501778 “ , . . 1787 “ “ ,..____.__.._‐ 1 ................................. .. 1738 Center Escape Third 001779Yokes 1 001780Yoke Springs ...--.......V...................... 100 A 1739 “ 1740 “ Fourth . . ............... 2 “ “ “ with Pinions Hunting... 1712 . ,500 ............. ................ . . . . . ...... ....... B a n k i n g ............... .. Case Clicb Bridge .... Dial Foot ...... . . .. ....................... 25 ., Plate ................105 “ .............. Pallet 1768 .,. Open Face. ............,............ 1 50 "‘ Roller . .......... 60 Fourth “f “ with Pinions . .. ................. 75_ .............12 “ andSt116 Arbors ..... 00 1774 “ 50 1775 “ 50 1776 “ 75 1777 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 50 175 10 0 gel; N 0 . O. OF $ . ............................. ....... . .......................... 1742Push Pins . 1743 Regulators . . 700 ...................... Balance Cock ... .. 100 “ “ “, “ “ False Plate Hair Spring Stud 1746Screws Balance 100 “ 15 ...................... 15 ......................... 15 “ Yoke ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 351761 “ Assorted (per gross) 1765 001767 Escape 72 ....n 2 001773 “ . ...... ...... A 60 80 50 50 50 50 100 25 ...... .. - - -. . Hour .. Minute Idler Intersetting Interwinding Ratchet ...... 17 E Ew Y6KK”STANDARDWATCH1MATERIAL ‘18SIZE - ' OPENFACE. CHRONOGRAPH . 1903 1875and1879 1818 1882 12119 NAMES OF PIECES. ‐‐‐-‐‐___‐__._ _‐ __ NAMES OF PIECES with Pins Set ' . Pillar Plates Top Plates ......... gflfnczéat“ '' ~-~- Balance SEES" Balances with Starts Fitted Balance Cocks . . . . . . ........ Case Center B r i d g e ~~~~~~~~~~~ -- 15 .. 15 , _. , _ " " D131 F001 .......... ------------ Barrels Barrel Arbors Barrels with Arbors Fitted Click Bridge Hair-spring Studs Hands, H. & M. (Pairs). " ......... 1on 25 Pallet Arbors Pillars . Pins, Banking _“ “ " Fourth " with Pinions l 75' 100 Stop " Center .......... .............. 50 “ " Third.. Crown Winding . 1 00 H o u r ............. . 60 Escape " “ Intermediate Fourth " Intersetting ... .. 50 . “ Interwln‘ding ...... 50 “ Winding Potences .............. Ratchet Staffs . Regulators ... ,50 . 501902 Winding Stems ........ . . . 150 .............................. 1853 Rollers “ -----------~ ‘ __ ' . Starting Lever Colleted and S t u d d e d . . . Y°k° Sliding 01101“ Spring Pawls ........ ...... .............. F l y Back Lever Spring. “ Hairspring Stud ........ .~ 15 .. 15 .................. “ “ False Plate 15 Bridges. Center “ Click ‘ . . ......... 3 $21,117.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 " Pallet Bridge ............ 15 . 15 n Bushings. Ton Plate ( 3 r d 4th and Escape) " " “ Sliding Click Spring 15 15 False Plate (3rd, 4 t h a n d Escape) ;: Fly Back Lever ... Pillar .......... - - 1 5 """ ~15 1 00 Second " Sweep Second _ Jewels. Balance. Cock .. Lower , “ Endstone. Cock .. “ " Lower .................... Springs, Click .. ........ “ F l y Back Lever .. “ Sliding Click .... “ Starting Lever . 1 50 1 00 50 " “ P a l l e t .............................. " Roller,,,,,, “ Yoke Plate (3rd, 4th and Escape) F r i c u o n ........ Wheels, Center . . . .. Levers, F l y Back ..... ,,, “ Pendant Set .. " Mainsprings “ " “ " Escape " .............. Starting Pallet Forks with Arbors . l 75 50 ......... ............... ....................... “ with Pinions 325 5 0 ................... “ a n d Stones......... .............................. ............................. with Pinions ........... ......... .................................. Ratchet " (Guard, Stud and Regulator) ..................... 1 0 0 Sweep Second, with Staffs and Heart Cams 500 60 “ Pinions, Cannon " " “ “ Starting ...... --------- .. 1877 18461847 1845 8 0 4 1 8 0 1872 1813 1849 Q 2 a»Safe‐j? (g)u (w 1891 1892 1878 1873 1810 per ........ e “ SpringPawi. .. .. 10 ............ I Balance Cock ......... 15 Screws, Balance. 15 .. 20 “ .................... Pendant Set Lever “ Spring Pawl ... " Starting Lever Spring Starting Wheel Winding Br‘dge ~ ~ ...... ........... WaShers, Fly Back L e v 25 10 10 1 a I) 1854 1848 1817 1816 ......... ..................... .. 12 .. 15 15 r ........................ .. 50 Third " with Pinions 1751 50‘ ...................... " “ withStaffs....... 250 . “ Ratchet W i n d i n g 501903 Yokes .,,..... ..... 1 00 N0. 6 SIZE HUNTING. . , .. . . . 701Pillar 702 Upper 703 Balance 704 “ 705 “ 705 “ Plate m Til Fir-3; i 0 I” CattrExpansion . Stuff and Staff, 707 “ Cock................. 708 Barrel 709 “ 7 “ 711Click 712 “ 713Dial (3 feet) 715 um Springs, 717 “ 718Hands, H. 8; M. 719 “ Second 720 Jewels, Cock . 7 6 ] Wheels, Centre 721 722 “ 723 “ 724 (l “ “ 727 Main Foot . Plate, in End Stones, J; 06 Pallet Roller Springs was; 's&£ér"éi121"bi£1i¢;fi""" ' ' i“ withrArbor, Fitted. Spring Colleted Studs . . . . . 729 Pallets, Forks and Arbors............ 731Pallets, Forks and Arbors, Stones Fitt 732 Pallet Arbors ., 738 “ Bridges 734Pillars 735 Pinions. Bevel or Winding 736 “ Cannon ..... 738 “ Third .A 739 “ Fourth . 740 “ Escape . 741Regulator with Crown Winding m\ 712 161 N E W 745 Setting 747 Screws, FIRST 779 Banking Hour Screws .......~-.....--.....---...... YORK STANDARD, SIZE HUNTING. Lever Balance Cock Case Dial Pallet Bridge Pillar Setting Lever Yoke MODEL. w i t h Pinion.. Pinion . .. 439 NAMES OF PIECES, Pillar Plates, H u n t i n g Open Face Top Plates, Hunting” " " OpenFace. False Plates. Hunting.... Price per " “ OpenFace. Balances Balance Staffs Balances with Stai‘i’s Fitted Balance Cocks, Hunting (Model A ) . (Model 13) " “ OpenFace Barrels Barrel Arbors Barrels with Arbors Fitted Bridges, Pallet with Pins Set. Winding Bushings (3rd, 4th and E s c a p e ) . .. Clicks, Hunting .. False Plate Hairspring Stud Pallet Bridge . Pillar Open Face .. Dials, Hunting 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 “ 2171 -‘»‘ 2172u " Open Face Hairsprings, Colleted and Studded.. Hairspring Studs Hands, H. & M. (Pairs). “ Second Jewels, Balance, Cock. Lower “ Endstone, Cock u .. " Pallet “ Roller Mainsprings . . Pallet Forks with Arbors . . . A ... ... Wheels, Center “ Pallet Arbors Minute with Pinion Intersetting Interwinding Ratchet, Hunting Pillars . . . . , Pins (Guar . Stud and Regulator).... “ Push ... Pinions, Cannon Center Escape .. “ Open Face a n d Stones 2178 “ 2179 “ 2180 “ 2181 “ 2182 “ 2183 Yokes, Hunting 2184 “ Open Face .. “ Yoke Shipping Levers Springs, Back Action 2118 2116 ' 2115 . NAMES OF PIECES. 2143 Pinions, Third 2144 Fourth 2145 " “ Open Face (without seconds) 2146 “ Winding 2147 Regulators 2148 Rollers 2149 " 2150 Screws, 2151 “ 2152 “ 2153 “ 2154 “ 2155 ,“ 2156 “ 2157 " 2158 " 2159 " 2160 “ Shipping Lever Spring 2173 “ 2174 “ 2175 “ 177 2176 “ 2u WHEN ORDERING'ALWAYS GIVE NUMBER OF PIECE .. .. Dial Foot Shipping Lever “ Winding Bridge Click " Shipping Lever “ HUNTING . and OPEN FACE 2177 No. 2001 N0. NAMES OF PIECES. 2003 2004 Balances 2005 Balance 2006Balances with Staffs Fitted.... Open Face 2017 a n d 2018 2013 a n d 2014 2077 NAMES OF PIECES. Hunting Open Face.. Hunting“ 2023 Starts Bala‘nce Coc‘ks, Hunting Balance Cock Domes, w i t h Endstones. . . . Barrels Barrel Arbors Barrels with Arbors Fltted.. Bridges, Barrel, Hunting 2055 2056 w i t h 2057 Balance 2058 Balance 09.0“ 2059 2060 Banking 2061 Case .. 2062 Click 2063 Dial Foot 2064 False Plate 2065 Hairspring Stud . 2066 Intersetting Wheel Cap 2067 Locking Lever and. Winding Stem 2068 Pallet Bridge . 2069 Pillar 2070 Ratchet Wheel 2071 Shipping Lever 2072 Shipping Lever Spring 2073 Winding Bridge 2074 Winding Wheel 2075 Shipping Levers, Hunting . . 2076 “ “ Open Face 2077 Shipping Lever Springs 2078 Wh‘eels, Cen‘ter 2079 2080 Escape 2081 “. with Pinions 2082 Third 2083 2084 “ " “ Pallet ’Open Face..... “ “ “ Lower (3rd, 4th and Escape).. Ca‘ps, Intersuetting Wheel, H u n t i n g . 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Jewels. Balance, Clicks (Model A) “ (Model B) Train Winding, Hunting Open Face Bushings, Plate (8rd. 4th and Escape). .. Click Springs Clutches . Dials, Roman or Arabic Hairsprings, Colleted and Studded. Halrspring Studs Hands, H. 8: M. (Pairs). Second “"Lower. " Endstone, Cock “ “ “ Plate 2033 2034 2035 2038 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 Mainsprings 2042 Pallet Forks w‘i'th Arubor 2043 “ with Pinions, Hunting “‘ " “ Open Face “ Pallet 2085 2086 2087 2088 Hour 2089 Minute, with 2090 Intersetting 2091 Ratchet " Roller Looking Levers, Hunting with Pinions Crown 2044 Pallet Arbors 2045 Pillars 2046 Pins (Guard, Stud and Regulator) 2047 Pinions, Cannon 2092 2093 Winding 2094 Stems, Open Face Open Face Pinions. Winding Hunting. . . ‘ Open Face ++ 2083 2086 2067 2048 2051 2025 2021 2022 2052 2048 Pinions, Center 2049 2050 2051 2052 Fourth 2053 Winding 2054 Regulators Escape .. Third, Hunting Jewels Set HUNTING and OPEN FACE ®$F$o 2080 2088 2089 2090