Pocket Watch Database

Otto Young & Co. Tool & Material Catalog: New York Standard (c.1908)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date December 30, 2020

gm H, ‘l! m n N0~ 18 sxza HUNTING. .$ 539Roller ........................................$100 is srzm HUNTING. NEW YORK STANDARD, FIFTH 18 SIZE HUNTING. MODEL. Per 501 Pillar Plate .. .. ......... ............ 175 100 50 10 15 1 5 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 502 Upper 503 Balance 504 “ 505 “ 506 “ Cock .. 507Barrel. ... 150545 “ “ ............. 150556 ““ 50 225 50 .... Stai‘! and Stair Fitted 150542 Setting Lever .......... 508 “ 509 “ 510 Click 511 “ Spring 512Dial (3 feet) .... 514 Hair Springs Colleted 518 Studs ... 517 Bands, H. & M. (Pairs). 518 Seconds ........ 519 Jewels, Cock ...... 1 50 546 3 50 547 50548 25 549 5 00 550 Arbor with Arbor, Fit ......... Foot End Stones, 150 520 521 522 “ 523 “ 524“Roller 60563 with Stair and Pinio .............. “ “ Pallet 560 1 75 50 525 Main Springs 527 Pallets. Forks and Arbors 529 Pallets, Forks and Arbors, 125 ............. 530 Pallet Arbors 50 80 50 5 0 60 .............. .................... 564 2 00 565 400566 Escape “ w i t h Pinion 1 75 100 531 Pillars 532 Piniuns, Bevel or Winding“ 567 533 Cannon “ 10 0 “ 535 536 “ 537 “ Escape 538 Regulator 571 1 00 572 Winding Bridge 100573 Yoke ............ 100 ......... ........ .............. .............. 50 Third Fourth Ratchet 511and 574 510 P e r 552 NEW YORK ii‐ an 572 582 STANDARD, FIFTH EODEL. ..... .100 1 00 561 Third “ with Pinion Dom N0. Net Net 540 Roller, with Pins Set 250541 Ratchet Cap 4 50 543 300544 Setting Lever Washer... Screws, Balance ......... “ Cock , “ Case . “ Dial Foot “ Hair Spring Stud " Pillar “ Ratchet Cap .. 1 25 551 “ Winding Bridge 25552 35 553 10555 “ Yoke .............. “ Assorted (per gross) Start, Center, with Pinion Wheels, Center ..................... 1 50 150 . 100562 Fourth ............ “ with Pinion 1 75 50 558 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Crown Winding ......... “ Hour ....... ............... lntersetting Interwinding Minute ' 7 5570 “ 50 1 00 569 “ .... ... ........ ..... .......... 568 1 00 ................. 25 If Materialfor Open Face Movementis Wanted, Pleas. so Specify. 655 50 “ 574 Spring D o : 920 Foot 959 Wheels, Center 921 “ “ Third 922 923 “ Pallet ............. 963 with Pinion .......... ...175 50 175 9393egulator I“ ..................................... 50977 “ S p r i n g “ .. 100 .. l 00964 “ “ “ ......................... ... 50 18 SIZE. OPEN FACE. No.61. No. _ 18 ~SIZE OPEN FACE. , Net 18 8 1 2 ] OPEN FACE. Don. Net 901 Pillar Plate . 902 Upper “ 903 Balance ......... 904 “ Stafl ............ 905 “ and Stem Fitted. 906 “ Cock . 907 Barrel .................. 908 " Arbor ............... 90 " ‘ with Arbor, Fitted .. l..S . ........................................$100 ........................... .. 50 910 Click 91 “ 912 Dial 914Hair Springs, Colleted . 915 “ “ Studs ........ “ .. 25 951 “ Pallet Bridge ... _15 ... 15\ Spring . (3feet) ........... . . 949 Hair Spring Stud. . . H.& M.' i. 35 10 956 15 ... 1 50 917 Hands, 918 “ Second .... 919 Jewels, Cock . ............... .............. End Stones, Cbck .. l 50 1 00 961 .......................... ... 50 with Stair and Pinion.. .. . 2 25 “ 929 Pallets, Forks and Arbors, Stones Fitted. . 930 Pallet Arbors 931 “ Bridges .. 60 “ ““ “ Escape “ “ 924 925 Main ‘Springs 927 Pallets, Forks and Arbors................. 200967 Fourth with Pinion Roller .............. 965 ............................ 50 100970 “ “ Hour .......... . . 100 . 80 . 50 .................... 50 1 00| 972 “ “ lnterwinding “ Minute ..... “ Ratchet 932 Pillars 933 Pinions, Bevel or Winding. 934 “ Cannon . 936 “ Third 937 “ Fourth 938 " Escape .. 100976 Yoke , .......... 125 4 00 968 ............... with Pinion 940 Roller 941Roller, with Pins Set. ,.. 1 75 ... 100 ... 50 r . . 10 ......... 150943Setting Lever .......... 250942 Ratchet C a p 4 50 944 Setting Lever Washer 3 00 945 Screws, Balance ...... 150946 Cock ... 150947 “ Case ..... . 15 ........ 15 . ... 20 ... 15 .. 350948 “ Dial Foot ........ 500952 “ -Pillar ..-........ .. 1 25 953 “ Ratchet Cap .. 25954 “ Winding Bridge . 15 . 15 “ 1 50 958 Stair, Center. with Pinion...... .. . 1 50 955 Yoke Assorted (per gross) 966 50 175 969 Crown Winding 971 Intersetting 1 00 975 Winding Bridge 75 973 100974 ... 50 ... 60 ... 50 100 ... 100 ................................. 25 WHEN OliDERING ALWAYS G|VE NUMBER OF PIECE If Materialfor Hunting Movement in Wanted, PleaseaoSpecify. 656 15 N} ~ll NEWYORK s ' r m mWA'rcnc o n fi r m sm u m 18 SIZE. 'HUNTING. No.80. 1109 %00++++i 1169 11581161 1165 1129 11801155 No. 18 I I Z E HUNTING. 1141 A A n 1 m" 5 ” g m 1178 11'1and 1174 1110 1148 1152 1172 ' Peri 1 Per 18 SIZE HUNTING. _______‐_‐‐_________‐ I Doz. Net 1p 15 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 Net I 1101Pillar Plate .............................. ..$ 1140 Roller with Pins Set 1102 Upper “ .. 1103 Balance - 1104 “ Stat! 1105 “ and Shut. Fitted . 1100 “ C001! - 1107 Barrel 1108 “ A r b o r . 1109 “ with Arbor. Fitted .. .. 1141Ratchet Cap .......... 2501142 S e t t i n g L e v e r ............................ 1501143 Setting Lever Washer ..................... 4 501144Screws Balance ‘ ........... 1110 Click ...... 3001145 Cock .......... 1111 25 “ Pillar .......................... “ 1149 1112Dial (3 . .................... 35 1155 Staff, Center, with Pinion” 1 50 Spring 1150 5001151 “ Winding Bridge ................. feet) 1114Hair Springs, Coll ed 1215152 “ 10 1156 Wheels, Center 1116 Studs .. 1117 Hands, H. & M. (Pui Yoke 25 1153 “ Assorted (per gross) . 1 50 1118 1119 Jewels. 1120 1121 “ 1122 “ Second Cock ..... Foot End Stones, Cock . . .. 1 501160 50 “2 25 .... 50 “ ................................. “ ' 11”Pallets, Forks and Arbors Stones Fitted.......4 001166 50 1 75 ' 1123 “ Pallet “ “ 1130 Pallet Arbors 60 ............ 50 1 75 1124 1125 Main Roller Springs 1164 1 25 1165 Escape ........................... .... 50 “ “ withPinion.. “ Crown Winding ..... 1 00 60 ........................ .. .... 50 .. ..50 1131Pillars 1132Piniona, Revel (r Winding . 1 001169 133 “ 1135 “ 1136 “ 1168 “ 1139 Roller (‘annon Third 1 001171 Fourth 1 001172Winding Bridge ..... 1 00 1137 ‘1138 Regulator “ ............................... 75 “ “Ratchet ....... 1170 .. .. .. .. 1001173 Yoke ........ .. .. .. .. 60 .................................. 25 Escape -....... .. . .. .. 50 ................ 1 1111681110 1135 1138 1137 1104 “ 1501147 “ ................................... 3501148 “ Hair Spring Stud ..................... 150 1 50 1158 “ Third “ “ withPinion “ Fourth ............ “ “ withPinion 50 1 75 1 00 1161 1001162 1 001163 1146 Case D i a l F o o t ............................. 1167 H o u r .............. Intersetting 1174 00] WHEN ORbERING ALWAYS GIVE NUMBER'OF PIECE I! Materialfor Open Face Movements aro‘Wlnted. Plans.80590°"!‐ 42’ 657 Ratchet Cap “ “ “ Interwinding .. .. .. .. $0 1170 Minute ................ .. .. .. .. 100 Spring i" 1108 an HIV 1519 Hands, 10 .....1501561 “ “ 18 mm ' PEFDANT SET OPEN FACE No. 65 i' 1513 NAMES OF PIECES. 1501Pillar Plates ..........l.......................$ |1540Push Pins .. 1502 T o p Plates .................. 1503 Balances, Cut Expansion . . . 1504 Balance Stalls .............. 1505 Balances w i t h Stair Fitted 1506 Balance Cocks ..... 1541Regulators 5 00 1542 Rollers ...... ......... 1501543 “ 7 00 1544 Screws, Balance . . ..... 1507 Barrels 1508 Barrel 1509 Barrels 1510 Bridges. 1511 “ Pallet ...... 1546 ' 1512 “ Winding 1513 Bushings, Plate ....... “ “ “ “ “ Winding Bridge .. .. 15 15 .. 15 .. .. 20 “ (Pairs) ........ “ 1 50 1560 Shipping Yoke Assorted 150 “ 1532 Pallet Arbors 1 5 3 3 P i l l a r s 1534 Pinions, 1564 1001505“ Escape “ 50 ...................... .... 50 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannon . . . . . . 1571 5 01 5 7 2 75 1573 Hour M i n u t e . . . . . . . . . . 1535 1536 “ 1537 “ 1538 “ 1539 “ Winding 1001576 Yokes 1 00 1577 Yoke 100 ............ Springs ... ..................... 150 “ “ “ “ .... ... .... 15 Click 1549 Dial Foot Hair Spring Stud ......... .. .. 15 Pallet Bridge ...... .... .. .. 15 ......... Springs ........ 50 25 1554 Pillar Shipping Lever ...... . . .1514 Clicks 1515 “ 1516 Dials 1517Hair Springs Colleted an 1552 H.&M. 1556 .. 15 15 Second Balance, Cock 1558 1520 1521 Jewels, 1522 “ “ Foot ... . . . 1559 Levers ( p e r grass) ............ 1 00 ... . . 50 1523 “ 1524 “ 1525 “ 1526“ Pallet .. . ......... ..... 1001562 Wheels, ..... 1 001563 “ . B r i d g e Potence Plate End Stone End Ston Center “ . ................ . .. 50 2 25 Roller ................................. 125 Third “ Center Escape T h i r d Fourth 1574 1 001575 ............. 150 . ............ 350 . ........ .. .. 15 ................. .. .. 15 Arbors with Arbor Fitted. 1547 Click Bridge . .... ......... . 500 . 1501557 . ... 200 “ 50 175 1527 1528JewelCaps. 1529 Main Springs 1530 Pallet Forks with Arbor 1531 “ “ “ “ and Stones ......... 4001570 “ Crown Winding .. . . . . . . 150 intersetting Interwinding Ratchet ..................... 200 “ ““ ................................. 50 ............ .. 60 . . . 6 0 02. 3 00 1545 “ Balance Cock Banking Case .......... ......... .. . 20‐ 25 ............. 35 “ .............. 60 “ ................ ... . .... ...175 1548 100 1 001550 “ 1 001551 “ 1553 Shipping Lever Spring Timing Lock ........ . 1566 251567 " WHEfORDERlNQ ALWAYS GIVE NUMBER OF PIECE If Materialfor HuntingMovementsareWanted,PleasesoSpecify. 858 1508 Fourth w i t h Pinions 1569 “ “ “ “ “ . .. .. .. 175 . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ................ .... 50 .. . . ' ' ‘ 74x‐ m m Y O R K ,STANDARDWATGHCOMPANY'S MATERIAL. 6 _. HUNTmG. 141 1:2 no 769 m 175 m 13 we no 181 A 1 A M 0 mi -.‐ 740 757 778 No. ' 6 SIZE HUNTING. Pillar Plate NEW YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. p e r | NEW YORK STANDARD, FIRST MODEL. Net Doz.IND. 0 SIZE HUNTING. Per Net| _ D05. 70! 702 703 704 705 705 707 708 Barrel 709 “ 710 “ with Arbor, Fitted 711Click ..... .. . . . .. 50 752 “ Pallet Bridge .. Upper Balance 743 Roller, with Pins Set “ ... .................. 250 ........................ 175 .................................. 100 . 712“Spring.. .........25753 “ “ “ and Staff. Fitted.. 500 ................................ 50 Cut Expansion Stafl ............. 745 Setting Lever Lever “ 713 Dial (3 feet) 715 H a i r Springs, 717 “ Plate. in Settings “ End Stones, Cock “““ Cock 1 50749 “ 150750 “ Dial Foot .............. .. 15 718Hands, H.8;WI. (Pairs) 719 “ Second ...... 720 iewels, Cock . 721 Foot .......... 10 758 “ 150760Staff, Center, with Pinion 15 1 50 Colleted Studs .. “ “ “ “ Ratchet Cap Setting Lever Winding Bridge Yoke ............. Assorted (per gross; 722 723 724 725 726 727 729 Pallets, Forks and Arbors 731Pallets. forks and Arbors, Stones Fitted..... 4 00 771 with Pinion ............ with Pinion 225 50 175 50 784 Pillars 735 Pinions, ..................................... 50 “ “ “ Interwinding ........................ 50 “ 100766 “ “ Pallet “ Roller Main Sprin s 100 “ “ “ “ Esvape ““ “ Crown Winding ........ Bevel Cannon Third Fourth Escape 775 Minute Ratchet Bridge or .................... 100 .............................. 80 ............................. 50 .............................. 100 ........................................ 100 736. 738 739 740 741Regulator 50 “ “ “ 100 ................... 200 ............. with Pinion . .. 175 . .. 100 770 Winding “ ......._......................... 50 H o u r ............. .... .. .. 60 .,.. ..... 50 732 Pallet Arbors 733 “ Bridges ... 1 00 773 “ Intersetting .. 100 Screws .............................. 15 WHEN ORDERING ALWAYS GIVE NUMBER OF PIECE .‘ 059 u, w. s 742 Roller ................................’$100 767 60 768 1 25769 Fourth 175 50 75 100 744 Ratchet Cap 150 450747 Screws, 300748 ......................... 10 Balance ......... 15 Cock .... . ......... 15 746 Setting Washer 761 Wheels, Centre 772 774 776 777 Winding 778 Vole 779 Banking Case .. ......... 20 3 50 751 ‘5 Hair Spring Stud . .. 15 15 15 15 15 15 .. 5 00 754 . 1 25 755 25 756 . 35757 “ Pillar ...... ................... 2 00 763 “ with Stat! 150 50 150 100765 “ Third ............ BSIZE. é? QQo 1681 i‘‘i i HUNTING. and OPEM FACE 1607 Barrels 1 Balance 1608 “ 50|1649 Screws, 1614 Clicks 25 .. . ...... ‘ 15 1615 1616 Dials, Springs Hunting 500 Locking Lever Spring Pallet Bridge .15 .... 15 15 15 15 “ 1623 “ Open Face M.(Pairs) .................... 351662 “ .............. 1624 1625 1626 “ - . 2 001&8 1636 Pillars ............ “ ............. ....................... 25 1655 “ Hair Spring Stud .. .. “ 1620Hands. 11.6; .......................... ..500 ...... “ “ . i . - 10 0 601670 “ “ “ .................... with Pinions ....... ' 50 1 75 Nos.M4 and 145 PendantSet $th 1688 No. . 1642 1m 1640 1610 1611 Price per No. Box. ................................... 5001645Push Pins .. 1601Pillar 1602 T o p Plates ....... 1603Balances Cut 1604 Balance S t a t s 1605 Balances w i t h 1606 Balance Cocks 1501646 Regulators 1627 1628 1630 Looking Levers 100 Escape ~“ 1635F‘allet Arbors “ ““ ............... . 50 Plates Wilding Stair .......... 1647 Rollers 3 00 16-18 “ ........................... Balance Cock . Arbors 1309 “ with Arbor Fitted 1501650 3501651 “ 1001652 “ 1 001653 “ 1001654 “ Dial Foot .......... .. ' 1610 Bridges, Click ‘.. 1611 “ Pallet 1312 “ Winding 1613 Bushings, Plate ...... Banking Case ............. .. Click Bridge ................. 50 “ “ “ “ ........ Locking Lever ....... .. ........ 1630 1614 1631 1668 1612 1682 1665 NAMES OF PIECES. 1615 a n d 1683 .. ........... Fitted ----------- . .. ..S 1643 Pinions. 1644 Potences 1617 1618 Hair Springs Coileted and Studded, Breguet.... 1 50 1660 “ Pillar .'. Shipping Lever . Winding Bridge Seconds ............ .. .. .... 10 1621 1622 Jewels, Balance, Cock . . 1663 . 1 50 1664 “ Yoke Assorted (per gross) “ “ . 100 ....... ............ . 10 . 50 2 25 “ Foot Bridge End Stone Stone .. ,. .... .. 50 ................................. “ ....................... “ ............... with Pinions .... Poteuce E n d 1666Timing Locks 100 1667 Wheels, Center Plate Pallet Roller 1669 “ “ Springs .............. .. .... .,125|1673 “ with Pinions ......................... . 50 1631 1632Main Springs 1633Pallet Forks with Arbor .. 2 001674 “ “ 1664 “ 4001675 “ “ “ “ Hour 1637 Pinions, Cannon “ Minute ..... 1333 “ Center “ Intersetting .. 1639 “ Escane . “ Interwinding 1640 1541 1342 Third Open Face ...................... 100 Ratchet ................. Springs .. “ “ Fourth Hunting “ ..................... 100 ................................. “ ...... ................................. 700 .................................... with Pins Set 680 1656 1657 ............... 1658 1659 “ . 1 50 1665 Shipping Levers 1071 Third ............. . 175 1672 1682 Yokes 1683 Yoke NAMES OF PIECES. . Price per Doz. Fourth Crown Winding ................. 1 50 . 50 with Pininns. Huntinv ....... 1 75 Open Face ......175 1 0 0 60 1m 4,[|£i 1704 1742 1736 WWgWymuWp, J} 1716 ' .. 1707 “ 1708 Barrels 1709 Barrel 1710 Barrels 1711Bridges, Click Open Face ' 00 1748 “ 1720 Hands, .. Foot .... ( b c k “ Assorted (per gross) “ ................................ 10 ..._., ., with Pinions ... .. ......................... 1 50 50 1721 1722 Jewels, 1723 “ 1724 “ 1725 “ “ 150 1 501764 ................ with Pinions .. ................ 50 .. 2 25 " 1765 1 001766 in.” Oi , NW“ 1720 1713 1760 1714 1711 Price Price “ "“ 1751 ...................... 15 ,, 15 1712 1713 1714 “ Winding 1715 Bushing. Plate .................... 00 NAMES OF PIECES. ..................................s No. ________.‐____._‐__ per , ......... ............ ... 1742Push Pins 1700 Pillar Plates 1701Top Plates 1702 Falls Plates 1703 Balances, Cut Expansion . . . 00 1744 Rollers . . . . . . ............. .. .. .. 50 ........................................ 50 “ “ “ “ “ “ ................................ 50 Banking .. Case .......... Click Bridge Dial Foot ..... False Plate Hair Spring Stud Locking Lever ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Locking Lever Spring . . 15 “ “ “ Yoke ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 Arbors with Arbors Fitted 1750 Pallet, Hunting Open Face 1753 -- .- ...... .. 25 501757 “ “ Pillar .......... 15 1710 Clicks 1717 CliCk 1718 Dials 1719 Hair Springs Colleted and Studded. Bregunr. .. 1756 Lillet Bridge .................... .. 15 ....................... 15 ..................... 50 ..................... 00 ....................... 00 ..- -- ~- ......................................... 25 15 313111183 1758 Shipping Lever Winding Bridge ,,,,,,,,,, 5 01780 l‘l. & M. (Pairs) 85 1761 Second Balance, Cock 1702 Shipping Levers Center “ Escape “ “ Endstone, 1763 Wheels, 1720 1727 " Pallet 1728 “ Roller 1729Locking Levers 1730 Locking Lever Springs . 200 Third “ “ 50 1 75 Plate 1767 1 001768 601769 ..... OpenFace 1 75 1731Main Springs 1732 Pallet Forks with Arbor 200 “ “ “ “ Intersetting “ Interwinding “ Ratchet 1733 1734 Pallet 1735Pillars 1736 Pinions, 1787 “ 1738 “ 1789' “ 1740 “ 1774 ““ 400 ............................... .............. . . . . . .. ................ Arbors Cannon Center Escape Third Fourth Idler 1001779Yokes ............ .. .................. 50 Fourth with Pinions ................. 175 and Stones. ....................... . . 50 .. .. .. 1772 own Winding Ber NO- NAMES OI" PIECES. oz. 1704 Balance Stalls 1705 Balances with Stan's Fitted .. .. 001746 Screws, Balance .......................... 1706Balance Cocks Hunting 001747 Balance Cock 00 100 “ “ “ “ “ “ ““ 50 l 75 100 with Pinions, Hunting ........................ .. 50 125 .. .. 1743 Regulators 1741Pinions, Winding 1745 Rollers with Plns Set 1749 1752 1754 00 1755 “ 1759 1770 1771 “c ...................... 100 ................................. 60 1773 Hour Minute 1775 50 1776 75 1777 . .i11881780Yoke Springs 1 501778 WHEN ORDERING ALWAYS GIVE NUMBER OF PIECE i 661 1321 “ “ Friction “ Washers Washers ...... F l y Back Lever Spring. . H a i r Spring Stud......... Pallet Bridge newY O R K STANDARDWATCHCOMPANY’SMATERIAL OPEN FACE. ms 713: 4389 N o . NAMES 1300 Pillar Plates 1818 PIECES. 41353 Price p e r D o z 8 ' 11m 1319 1301 Top Plates 1350Poteuces .......... 13023alances ........ 2 501352 “ Pawl Springs 5 00 1353 " Stop Pawls .---............. 1303 Cut Expansion . . H... 13058- 1306 Balance 1307 Barrels . ....... 450 1501358 letting Levers .............. 1311 “ 1312 ” 1313 “ 1314 Bushings, 1315 Clicks . . . ... 1316 Click Springs are 1341 Pinions, ......... . Cannon . Center meane , , , , , , , Intermediate Brass . Wndn ...................... 1W 1343 1344 132: z: ........g........ ............... .. . .. 9° 00 u " .. . , ,. 501396 “ 1 00|1397 “ 50 50 gg m ll ' " .. ma . 1348 “ Fourth 1349 " Winding Steel Sweep Second 150 .............. “ with Pinions 1327 1323 Jewels, Balance, Cock 1380 Wheels, Center 1329 1330 “ Foot .. Bridge Endstone . .. 1 501381 1 00 1382 “ Escape ““ “ 132855111“ Arbors .. .... ............ 100 with Stat Fitted 1356 Rollers Cock 1310Bridges, Center ........... Plate . .. . . . 25 1365 50 1366 “ 25 1367 “ Cock 1317 Dials 1318 F l y Back Levers 1319 " Lever Springs , 1320 “ “ “ Bushings. “ 1 50 1369 “ .......... 150 ........ ........ 500 1501370 v“ Dial Foot .......... Potence Endstone P l a t e . 1331 1 3 3 2 " 1333 “ Pallet 1334 “ Roller 1335Tewel Caps 1336“sin Springs 1337 Pallet Forks with Arboix 1338 “ and Stones. .. 1383 2 0 01 3 8 4 ... ... 3 50 1360 Starting Levers ........ 1 001361Starting Lever Bushings . Click Pallet Winding . .. 1 00 1362 Sliding Clicks . 1001363StopPlus ... 1 00 1364 Screws, Balance Balance Banking .. Case ....... Center Bridge Click Bridge OF No. NAMES OF PIECES ..................... 150 25 50 00 75 50 1° 1 50 50 1304 Balance Stan’s 1305 Balances, Expansion With Stat! Fitted.. -- 7 001355 fegnlators ............ . .. . . . 601386 “ F o u r t h ............... ........... .. .. ............. 251387 “ “ with Pinions .. 1 251388 “ Ratchet ............. ..................... 23133; :: Sweep SecolndiwithStat and Heart Cam 538 . . . . . . . . . ................ .. “ 1001385 ” “ with Pinions ....... 1351 Ratchet Stairs ...... . . . . . . 1354 PBWI Washers ................ 3 00 1357 Rollers, with Pins Set . . 1359 Setting Lever Collets 1368 50 1371 “ 101372 “ 10 1373 “ 501374 “ Pillar ......... ‘251375 “ 351377 " letting Lever .. Winding Bridge ... 101378 “ 751379 “ Yoke .............. . Assorted ( p e r gross) 200 4 001390 “ with Stair S t a r t i n g ............................. 100 1389 751393 “. z501394 " 1 00 1395 .. Crown H o u r Minute Intersetting .. Interwindlng - Ratchet Winding ..... "" .. ~ 250 i3833333££“€‘.’.“T1‘3'?E“f’?‘..‘7‘“’ 1 00l1400 Yoke Springs 1 00! WHEN ORDERING ALWAYS GIVE NUMBER OF PIECE 662 T h i r d CH RONOGRAPH