Pocket Watch Database

Catalogue of Otto Young & Co. (1885)

Selected excerpts of watch material, movements, and cases from the full 1885 edition of the Otto Young & Co. catalog. Contains movements produced by Elgin, Waltham, E. Howard, Illinois, and Hampden.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $60.25

Acquisition Date: November 12, 2019

Digitized Date June 25, 2020

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.=J2Z‘”O_2.‐0<‐P-5U¢.04H.Z40J.‐.<;EH. S. ., :Z dfi J2Nm58kamfl5-5wamQmW54a4Nm85m8N8N1W.a5m-o”=W3P1.-.-. »4. 4 3o : 5 . S :-H.z-:-H-.4.24£4o54-. n . . .. . .8 a“un-E-.-.e-.-n-m.wfl3H. : a.-E.m.o1.n.-m.H.m-.-.-<-.-.-.-,-8-. .- . - -.- -.- .- -&.-4- 854 4M484a48454Sa4.0am438m4S4m.4.4.. t.- : :2 .- - 5. .4:4. 3 - 4 4 4 c45u4u4as4m4:8 am: I- fizorm -4 -4- E H UaMzeE 4:4.L.-: H-LHL:H:mww8n8m4ms4z-4o48m45-:,- . . E 4 fi AteWa l“: “H:uzm: .“H.-4a4.45.454145&4. -- m ..4..8..4 3S - .-:-:-:-:Hu:-Hx.-HVa48 m Iu 4o14 m8H:.-a 484 H 3.31u-.-u|.m. vwv-wM|nu.:u:.u-.un 5:3 ” z.6- m Hue-ESQ ... . . . gouoz . 84 . 4£824 = . 4 _ 4 4 4 3850 H::HaJm8HSHmoa«ma-8a:-:-m:-m-nc8amo:8m8a-g.-i -.-.-.. £ 5 2.cHwS. 484 5..o . 4. .84-. M 4 3 . .- -4 4-44 £ 4 :. 3 - -.- -.- - . . . . n 4 4 - - T s 84. 4 8 - 4. :H 5 3 . -.-8- H u“ZEudunuau .” |ve-.|l.G-.r.u.|-.-.-.-.|.-.|.-|.|-|.| 3”Hzilux.culnlvlaflvOfiEWml|.|.|lM|l|l|l|.|.|a|fil|l|x|lr|l|l|l|l|l|l 4845.4 “ -4- u-n-.u.|.u|-f.-.:.:.-.|1.:1.|. 84.8m4a3- -4 . ‐umu . AOvfivon‐flw | uou - - mu a8A454 4. 56. 484 s4-484 5345.- 4 8 4:48. : 4 2 4 :.84 .4 § s : 3 e8.SH .. . u B25B0 z : 4 4§_-4£- - - - . . u . .4. 284 4845454.4.44. 5 4 . : . : a: , wbm 4 o PendanttSs uanre. Third Series. Setting Bar. SEVENTEEN SIZE. FIRST SERIES. Minute Wheel. FrictionR 11 Friction R n 56 SECOND SERIES. iiti? nae-e =il 1"r '‘i ‘ 5 7 5 8 4 7 4 9 5 0 5 4 5 9 86 0 AhVIN ’ PFOUR-THB GBJegninus. v 42 in10“ Pivotfor BevelPinion. 43 First Series. Flrst Series. 44 65 66 82 S e r i e s . inion S::‘S.§°‘i‘é‘é‘é.. . Settii Leve. Em"?wi‘ee' n 1. _ SB e e t t t i t n i n g S S fl p p r r i i n n g g g g . . Click g r i n . Main heoe Screw. V V i i b b r r a a t i t n i hn g g A A l r r m m . . Main Wheel. . Bevel inion. WheeliRIin1:g5. CannonPinion Inter-win ngWheel. SettingSpring.long. PFOoIu-Ilr’th sSoerileesfi. Vibmr attini ngg1A r m S p r i n g . Click Sprriinngg. Main Screw. OTTO YOUNG & C0O0.’'Ss T R A D E P R I C E L I S T . E L G I N ST E M -W INDING P A R T S . Directions for Ordering. Find the number of the piece by comparison with the following cuts; send us that number and the name or number of the movement. There can then be no mistake. EIGHTEEN SIZE. FIRST SERIES. figfl)fi“(fiDlm'In-a‐h- .3.9 O O O O kt ' ’ b b - - l I c c / / THmIRD Saemams. 39 Ratchet Wheel. HourWheel. Hour Wheel. Minute Wheel. S e c o n d Cam Setting. Settin S r li n , short. Lever-inpn gg’ Leveripi g? ' smmugfiS5prming}, Thll’d ser'e’. Pfiniloetsr:$g‘g1fin?n“lggeWIWhee1. our 47 C a mllS e tting . Click. S Se ettt t l l n n L L e e v v e e r r . . "F ’r 61 Q ‐ - - G - "11" 1 A- 737274 69 70 717567 68 #fi'?efifi#ii. C C l l i i c c k k . . C C e e n n t t e e r r P P i i n n i i o o n n, h h o o l l l l o o w w . . M M a a i i n n W W h h e e e e l l . . SettingLever. 1 _ l . . . CenterrPinion.,solid. lInter-windin Wheel. Pendant Squarre.. ' Click Spring. . Inter-setting heel. Bevell Pinion. Main Screw. Ratchet. Cannon Pinion. Vibrating A r m . J Main Spring. “fig‘bawmfi‘“g“zm ain Wheel. Setting Weeh V V i i b b r r a a t i t n i gn eg A A r r m m . . MainWheel. Washer to M a i n Screw. M 80 81. Click. 82. Ratchet Clamp. 83..8Setting Lever. 84.94Beve1l Pinion. 85. PendantSqumaree. 86. SettingPin. 87. Ratchet. 90. LeverW“ggr‘irnin?lg 91. Main ee Stud. 92. SettingSshiipper. 0938.8Main Wheel. 94. RatchetWheel. 95. SettingWheel and Arbor. 96.SSeettttingBar. 97.CamkSeting. 98. gClic01111 Le 99. SettingLevetr. Wheel. heel. 6 a n d 315 13°31”? 333.15... a Q2 8 Q 2 O 0 E 2 E 2 2 Q 1 E 2 E £ E § Q £ £ E = E 2 Q 2 Q 2 E 2 ARTICLES. Center Pinions, Hollow 5 IN 107 108 104"; 99 “ Clicks______________________ 244133311711 67100 Chck Springs.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._.3331000 833 ., “ ______________________ 47 1 83 1 17 83 ___ Solid_ . . _ Clutches.............. ._.2510 00900 _ .- _- -_ -_ _- _ _ - Friction Rings -_ 31 67 ' 607 i. _- _- _‐ .__._._._._._._._._._. 1 671 6771 677 Hour Wheels.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 2 0001 6077 .- _ - - _ _ _ _ _ “‘ _______________ * 1 00 83____ __ _-_____ ___. _ _ _, _ _ _ _ ____ ____ “ “ _______________ 62 . . . . . . . . . . 50 __- _ _- -_-- _-_ OTTO YOUNG a& CO0.’S TRADE PRICE LIST. ELGIN STEM WINDING PARTS. SIXTEEN AND FOURTEEN SIZE. I mnnccmmr mo mnmn . ‘ “fl yQ?a)ar!5l |l |1.--15-E‐' 81 91 ‘ifiioqmfl _ _ -_- _______________ 40 2 00 1 60 7 1 33 3__ __ _ 88. Settin Spring. .|89. Click p r i n g . EIGHT AND SIX SIZE. ‘ FIXBRSSTTSSEIBJIBS. » q 04“ it a 110 111 ‘’11009 5 I“ ¢ fl Ola-q-o"r“?P‐ ‐ ‐ - 9 96 98 100.BevelPinion. 101. Canon Pinion. 102. Pendent Squware. 103 97 105 103.ClickSprrining. 104. Settin Spring. 105. Main crew. 101 1IC0E2 1m0o0 ‘‐ STEM WINDING AND SETTING PARTS. » . 18'Size, F u l l Plate. 1881“, Full Plate. . Size 17. Size 17- 1 1 4 4 a a n n d d 1 1 6 6 S S i i z z e e . . Interch’‘geable, 06 a a n n d d 8 8 S S i i z z e e . . Ladiees‘. 1 1 4 4 81 52 1 1 6 6 S S i i z z e e StemWind _ _ _ ___- _. _. _- -. -_- _ _ - - -- -- _. _ _- _ -. -. ._ -- -. - -. . -_ - - - - - _--_ -. _. . - - - -. -- _. - - 8 00 Intermediate Setting Wheels-. 59 4 00 3 3832 00l| 792000 ........... 1104 003 00 4 003 00 2 00 Winding _3388 400 33320078200 ........... 109400300400267234 Claosnsa4l comprises the folilowimn :.‐-C‐Cnnlvlveerr, gTaylor,Wheeler, Laflin,RByereson,Ferry,O0 gden, Farg0o,Chief,Age,Advaonce, anndNoslW5.588, 9,1100p,12'3,1W3,15855, 6506,6016,1,6”63,3686n85n1178 ’ ’ ' " " g d ' " g ’ 5' ’ I. 106.VibratiingArm-m..' 107. MainWheel. 108. Ratchet Wheel. 'PRICES PER DOZEN. a oa'-~ 25°, 25525 jg irf; g32 iff “g3, “Eg. 23- "gg 2.533 g2,“‐. a=i e Ea o 3.o4o"‘ o .. ....................... . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . __ - _ -_ ._ -_ _- ..-- .-- ._- - - - - - - -__- 8 001 6 -- - - _ .-. - _ _ _- _- - _ _ _____. ____ ____ ____ ___,_ _- - _ aA _- so' a o' §z°§0427§5355§§ 628; E°e°z§"§.5vs§1 dz-é .b.4P 3a."-5’z5a .u5 o'“0!.". 5.35 $3 54555 Z... a .Z.~a£«=. =§5.§§=es=sega.es£g.. sgsgso‘agzsfscsszsg-fie; . .... ..1,..... BevelWimndimng PinionPivots- 2991331177.............8.4._._._._._._._._._._._.__._._._._._._._._._.__._._._._._._._._. “ Pinions ______ 27 800 700__- 70600 1000700100800700700600600‐. “ “ “ ______ 49 8 00, 7 005 00 __ ____ _ _____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ Cannon Pinions.............281200010000|]--- 71700 600400 101700600 800060005000 _____________ 50120010 00600 ; ' _ ____ __ _____ . _ _ _ ___ ____ ___- ____. ____ ____ _ __'_'______ 1009. IntermediateWindin 110. IntermediateSetting 111. Setting Wheel.l 72 ..0.0._._._._._._._.__._._._._._._._.__._._._._._._._._.__._._._._._._. . ._ . _._._._._._._.735 00....................._.. . 1"167133 98117100133100100 74679200100103100831000677 677 _ ___. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________________ . . _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___-___- ___ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ . - ---- _ __ _ _ _ ____ ____ -. _ _ _. _‐ _ _ _ «a3s - . .. _ . _ _ _ -_.£~'-'_- Ring Setting W eel Setting Bars " Ca‘ms. “ 8 Size £1?“pers , Springs-i u WheelClamp .. Vlibrsietfiing Arrns . 206 79 eel 76 6156 ‘ Bar etmtlng... C C l l u u tt c ch h. . . . . . . Click .. Cliasmp. Raw et LF ea v v oe r r S S e e t t t t i i n n g g . . S S p p r r i l n n g g . . C0 l l i i c c k k Sh!" " S Se ettt ti in n g . . ShiDp1p3e3 “ Vilbrsatiln Arm. Wling‘gclilngs un . . . . . ARTICLES. SCREWS-FOR DESscCfRuIpP’TrmIONN, S T E M W I N D I N G A N D S E T T I N G PARTS‐. 0 . . ..... . 2 . .. l . . . . . . . ... .., ~ . G G r r o o s s s s ., . Assorted. . .l g .. . .. . } .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . AOOTTTO Y O U N G & CO.’S T R A D E PRICE L I S T . ELGIN STEM wWImNDo MATERIAL. PRICES PER DOZEN. l s s l z e , F u l l P l a t e . 1 7 5 m . iggggffigfig' 6“fl§d§ess{ze' B B e e v v e e l l Head. F F l l a a t t , Head. B B e e v v e e l l H e a d ., . K . l ma t : Head. B B e e v v e e l l Head. F F l l a a t t Head. 18SIZE. 17SIZE. F F l l a a t t Head. 14AND16sSiIzZeE. 6A NmD) 83 s5xz1m” 5001 50'. ‘ ' S S a a m m e e a a s s N N o o . . 1 1 8 8 , , e e x x c c e e p p t t fi fi n n i i s s h h e e d d o o t t h h e e r r s s i i d d e e u u p p . . 1+ S S t t a a t t e e i i f t f f o o r r 1 1 6 6 o o r r 1 1 4 4 S S i i z z e e . . t ¢ S S t t a a t t e e i i f t f f o o r r 8 8 o o r r 6 6 s s i i z z e e . . Class8conesismtsofthefololowinin%::‐Ra 0ond,CulverandTaylor. Nos.61,62,689,70,7980, quick tranin. Class 4 consists of the follow n%:‐ aylor,Wheeler, Laflin, Ryerson. Ferry, Ogden, ffiargo, Chief., Age, Advance, and Nos.5,8.,9,10,12,18,55,60,68,68and . : 11 52.831)“ Brlid geeCCa pa.p............. 27 . . . ... . . 233 PRICES P E R DOZEN. -A. ~ I $ 2 3 3 , .. .~per . DESCRIPTION. ' Baladnce. Goldl ?ds8. . Or at 18 smxzmn. PRICES PER DOZEN.. 1 1 0 0 S S I I Z Z E E . . 05 A A N N D D 85 SB I i Zl l E“ . . 1 1 1 1 - - 1 9 ) AM r Mr b ! o “ Banking. Golldds": ’“ Lani;um Hna|r sill-liié'siud Jewel'ifl'a'ie::: if. Assorted. S .W. $2.33 per Gross ll(Joe and Foot. P a l l e t°gfiage::' Ratch'ét'Cali'.l.. Steel Barrels 5 Barrel Arbors, with Ratchet.etc.. complete,. 1 Maimn Wheels Center Third Fourth Escape Center Pinions......................... 1200 Third Pallet Arbors ...................... “ ...................... Stop Work Bridges................‘..... Third Jewels........................... Fourth “ ......................... Escape “ .......................... .............. jJeeweelsls....................... Pallets Pallet Stones Balances.............................,. 4800 Balance Stafiff's........................ 1200 “ Regulnators Studs 900 C Bevel Head. Flat Head. Flat Head. Flat Head. Bevel Head. Flatt. Head. Bevel Head. Flat Head. E. HOWARD &. CO.’S MATERIAL‐ Per Dozen. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $ 9 90 0 0 0t t o o 1 1 5 50 0 0 0 “" .......................... 6000 “ .......................... 600 “" ..................... , 3(C00 ........................... 400 ............................ “" .......................... " .......................... 1200 Hour \WVheels ........................ 600 ........................... 300 400 "“ ........................ 900 Minute Second Dials Main Springs Male Stop Works Female “ ......................... 900 Fourth Escape “" ......................... 900 ........................... 400 ........................... 900 ................................ 1800 400 300 400 400 400 400 400 600 350 200 400 .......................... 600 Tempered Hair Springs Hair Spring Collets .................... Upper and Lower jewels Barrreel AlArbrobroCrCaappss................... ....... 0 0 Rollers ................................ Barrel Arbors Winding Stems $12 ......................... 900 Setting Wheels, No. 6000 400 400 250 300 “ Stem Setting Bridges Bridges ........................ ................. 600 300 ...................... . ..'........................... . ........................... Regulator Springs....................... 5 5 .......................... ....................... 900 .................... 400 .......................... 900 Bevel Wheels Main Winding Wheels..........$900to1500 “ Clicks......................... 0 $12 00 Center Arbors Per Dozen. ......................... $300 1 6 6 0 0 Minute "“ ......................... ........................... 5 0 0 0 Cups Click Springs Cannon Pinions 0 900 1200 nd End Stones 0 0 0 Hour Hands 200.' " .......................... 200 " ........................... l150 SS............................... 300 F. RollerJeweelsl.s.‘........................ a STEM WINDING PARTS; P e r Dozen. P e r D ozen. ' 4 4.00 “ 40 00/ Intermediate Winding Wheels..........x. Setting Clutches........................ 400 SetItingWheels, No..31.......‘..........$33'00to 600 ~, ,-~Screws, assorted........‘L........per gross, 2................... $400 ......................... Setting Shippers Shipper Springs......................... WindingStemSleeves................... 00 Spring Levers Click Springs 1l2501 3 00 ' Gold Balance Screws .................. .................... 104 oOTnTOe YOUNG a&; Cco0.’Ss TRADE PRICE LIST. ‐M~‐ ‐ - ‐ ‐ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ‐ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . _ _ AMERICAN A A R R T T I I C C L L E E S S . . ‐_.‐_‐_‐_-_‐_‐_._‐__ _.__ ________ _ s w 3 mg: 2.5 .3 5,5}! "‘ "55 56 BarrelAr1bors. .. " . A r h o r t e Ca ap s _ Barells,g illtn..... 3 1311. ............................... 1 a t .. p“ gcolleted.... $29 1 67 1 “ “" g21l1l1t. with Arborsfitted............ "“110111611e91l,.with Arbors lfi‘ltttedtl... B B a a l l a a n n c c e e s s 1, . n1 1i c c k k l e e l l “" stee l . . ..... “ n l l ec e e " gold.. '‘ “ Forksand Arbor 1 . ”I2 00 16 0C0 16 00 54 833 11 00 13 00 16 00 20 67 20 67 58 33 4674383 ........b..0.0................. Plnlons., cCenter k ............... “ exganslon ' ‘ B B a a l l a a n n c c e e S S t t xa a g8 s. S8, Ss . : . 0 0 7 7. .. S.U B a n k i n g Studs............... ‘cCaseSprlings.,2 to 6 ounce. C]! " ‘o0e .......r........ Click SpringS. circul 50 50 k “dS ilong a r t rc ........ ....... 117 san 7...p“ P0111” ”1.53 . ............................... ugs. Di1 Ti.........(i... .167 7 1033 0gig .137187 l87 as an secou s pHk ....... 1400 ----- 0° 100 l100 l 00 100 I 00 100 1 00 37.7 “ {23 H? H?“ l 67 l 67 n 2 33 2 a83s 2 s; 2 83 2 88 2 33 . “" S pring Studs S.0.. 300383400..... 400 4 " “"“ S “ " "“ Indexes, sllver............. Jewells.GGa1a-runett; andAqu Ma .0 ............... ....................... ....................... 2oo “:: Cannoonn..........p.. s 38 3 33 8338 . . . . . 438 4 33 .......... 267 43838 4 33 .. ..... . “ . .. e u . u............. Ro1ll1ers.cOlaldssSerUr1ie'es,wi6t1h1"H11u. 300 8383 233 267 .100 m‐ ~- “ ‘ f 2 3 3 217 217 233 Pa ......... 8 ‘2’6’7‘ 333 83338 1001 1467 83 4 00 1288‘35 0803 {36373 tent “ 8a40i',.74tth“a‘3n."df7Esca.pe.. S, 2 8 00 U. U. .2 r r o o u u un d . 0 0 00 Esc'a eand Pallelet,tupper Jewels,Cd,,4tlh1Escape and Pallet.lower.. 0 00 “ . . "“ “ “ " 3" "“ “" “ " 3 8 d d “ . l ’ s z s E ' c s ' a c a p p ' é e 5 a . n 1 d 1 1 P 1 , a 1 1 l 1 l e . 3 1 t , ; wt o we e e r r . . ? . . . " R u b y ., opened, vliz.: 3d,. 4th E cl 67 67 117 117 83 83 "1.03.3......... anger” . .. 38d.u4Phl1ErEssccaepea Cc e e n n t t e e “ r r ( . . fi 0 n n e n e e d d . . . . . 0 9 9 k a n _ F F o o o o t t . , t g u u r t n e d d o w n . s . 0 . . . EndStoneslin Brass,tumrneadkdown:. gEnfideSstroltoneslInSteel forbt;o c k Pallet. Roller.. or n“ fiflifirtebdfi.rOgRl'PfiS'erlrle“és. N Pallet Arbors. '‘“a?llei tes.......... ' " and Fork Ma1ln"s r r1l o . 1 .167 167 ..........I...6..7....l...6..7 800 s800 s300 4 67 ........ " PlnlonHeads.Patent... .. Pillars....“............ Ratchettss.......... RatchetGCaps.... Regullators. S. 0 588 467 4 Starw ........ . . 400 4000 6000 6000 NewSerliges,withouttH am n n d ‘ l eJ e e w w e e l l s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .. .. WATCH 0 0 3 8 MATERIAL. PRICES PER DOZEN. I:a).=---.-vV'UD‘5 ~ ~=-''f v0 ........ 2 ............ 2 C 1 h 1 1 r - y y s s o o l l l l t t e e . , o o p p e e n n e e d d , . v v l l z z . . : : 8 3 d . 4 4 t t h h E1 7 s 7 6 c 3 a 7 1 p 3 e 7 a 6 n d P a l l e t , uggfr... .. , 6; 5:1. 3: g ’ 3: v16 3: 3 Ek- gg’ 4-1 m a 56..- g. «if: 3; o“ rd:J“ m mo‘flc'E.«5.1”as ....... w . . . , 5 . .78 .32 " E ; 5 5 : B B A a - - 1 5 : N 1 4 , 5 2 3 a 3 n 5 d m m m m m1 , 5 g S é ‐ a g “ d . } ‐ 5515 - - 30- £6 -‐ go‘ 22 we .3 =s~ ~a a __ ... =o 0 , w == e 0‘ J“ “0:3 as. '=o°8 45" e c: = 5.5 a .5. - ' ‘ . flm '== =5 6: "ti .3. da- 9’” . a“? 1 2 6 ° 2 " , 0 , - . 5 5 : “ 2 9 5 = 5 3 5 ; 2 a ms “ e t o m “ 3 m 3 i . " ‐ 6 6 ..................... ................................ . ‐ 20 0 2 00 2 2 3 2 0 .- ‐ = . a . -' . . . . . . . ...................... 6 50 .. 50 5 o- zas‘sé 5a8s ...-a aH;g 72; 55325 5as5 £552:51; a32“; Qq)_‐' Oo‐'- ,"' . 5. vHa ”.w..m=E¢E -.=u‘! as“” mtn”” 9.9“ a1: 05 <4 £m4 <1“'‘ <7 . .=- =. . o' ....x ‐ 2 167 167 IMIGOO .. 00 00 2 00 8 83 4 00 6 00 6 7 67 07) 2 00 ‐ 0.. 15.6 . n u p" gs.’ -- NewSerleiess..No.2.. o . 2 . 1.67 167 ..... 2 00 67 . ........... LettliungDowunrArbors. 2 00 67 4 00 9 33 2 00 4 00 2 67 6 00 8 00 2 363 0 8l 100000100000 41 383 37 10 00 67 .677 0 1 00 l 00 a11833........ 6002400 83 883 1 00 .................................... 2530 1 33 1 as I 150 ......, l 83 11 " " " 200 00 8 0 0 'I‘*Orders should state if for Steel 6o1r- Exphansion Balance, and for Sprung Over (S. 0O.) or Sprung I.Under (S. U.) ‘ In all orders, state whether for old or new model. 1600 00 0088 4267 O 5 1 5 1 1 . 3 3 1 ‐ 3 2 5 2 » 5 : a ” 3 s 5 . 3 8 4 00 4 00 4 67 6 7 5 0 1333 6 71 ‐ 5 3L _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ +' _ _ _ . g‘é fiféqssita.~3 Sf£3?5’“fS'.3s‘ win 3$1-94510» mas sg g0; wgas m .- _AMERICAN . A A R R T T I I C C L L E E S S . . Star Wheels............. SettingArbors... .. W A T C H CO.’S ’l MATERIAL‐Continued. PRICES PER DOZEN. 105 “ ArborCup.G “ “ Cup Stee “ " Cups‘wlth ei old.with Steels. Stop Works. per dozen Pieces........... " " " “ Wheels.................... " " and Arbors Screws. Expansion Baliance “ “" “" Meantime “" “ P i l l a r Potrance., 386d B r i d e, Index. . ..... . ..... “ e L o n g Case ........................... .. . "“ HBairSfr Wiun‘dilng Arpbor (Clu'ps,Gilt.... “ “ " w w i i t t h h S t u u uGold “ “ "Gold . ....... 4 4 0 0 . . 2. > 667 667 -‘' " Cup Steels Wheels. Center............ 167 1 - 1l 67 1l - 2 67 2 ~ 2 00 2 7 33 1 1 2 ' 2 . 2 00 ... . 2 00 2 67 233 2383 23883 2383 2267 233 2383 238 2383 2133 3 33 38 33 3 33“‘ 83 338 380 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 ln ".u.. 3dasud4th.. ..... “.. Escape.,HRubbed. Crown Wheels. “ Wheel Sstuds......... “ " Stud Washers. LarfieWinding Wheels..... Sma 1 u .. -, " ~~ CllutchSprings.. ............ .. . . . SETTING . ........ 5as 800 1788 .1067 1667 1667 . . Ou tside B earriinnggss .. . Inside "“ Y Y o o k k e e s s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yoke Springs. Setting Sliidess....... “" Levers.. S i l v e r Crowns. Ww K e y PiIpes........ . . . . Winding Wheels.... Intermediate W i n d i “" Setting Wheels. Setting Wheells............ Friction Setting Wheells....... ,". " Wheel Springs Duplex Setting Wheels........ _.“. "“ WheeIlStudas.. Minute Wheel Bridges.... Winding Wheel Caps ................. 9 33 10 67 1 67 1 67 800 933 938 .... . “" Pinions ~‘ Arbors. ... " and.SettilngCgilnutc es . .. . 2 00 67 3 67 18 33 .800800 933 . 9 88 10 67 10 6.7 .1067 1200 1200 . . . WINDING . . . . . . .. . ...... . i n Stud.Short ase...... r “ Plate ewe . Cock a n d Foot Jewel " RoundHeadJewel. PalletBridge...... “ Click.Click Spring.Windin Cup. " Dial. Letting-Down Arborr ap..... “ Letting-Down Arbor Stop....... “ RegulatorCam.R . . Hourr........_._. “" and Pinions,Center..... x , :3 "“ Patent.. u u.. 8ad and 4th .. .“. Escape-. Minute. R ulator Cap " DustRing.Ratchet ap,Click'andSprin e .. . S T E M AND r r .. SCREWS. g. .. . . . ........ .. = :' '= s“ 6 def)!v 0:3:0 vi fig ii g g £§* : 223 fig gera: “3‘E3 34.5a 57) ma iawfe., g 1is54"3. ass cc 3°- 3- to fig B: 55 $3 a 5 5 - 5 3 E 5 “ c 5 g " i s . “ a fi n g . J 3 “6 “16153 We“, l-q‐N- fig N E “ ; ”a m5 3 m 5 c h a 8 c 5 a 3 5 n F . ‐ : sea‘ g mi : g? is i ”, s2w°"- m u ' 5 ' . a" J ?fi “ o o ’ of “ ‐ ' ‐ wm ‐ a -- ‐ ________________‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐'‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‘ WhenaPalletiswantedforaparticularmovement.togetitwell matched,sendtheEscapeWheel;if anEscapeWheel is wantedsendthe Pallet. ‘ STEM WINDING A ND SETTING MATERIAL. PRICES PER. DOZEN. Screws. S e t t i n g L1;ever. SetttiingSslide., Click and S pp ":: [Yonkge-'SEgr1inm}.YTogkvelsdlp.(oluststsidfie‘nBeaetalxr'lilng;h..‘é...w...id.~".... “ Inside ear “nF'Windina'anmdSettinug Ciu hSprings.. “" MinuteWheeefBbriduge.. indingWheelCapa....p...p....g.. " “ " " 9Y 1 p p l l a a t t e e . . 1 1 8 8 s s i i z z e e m m a a t t e e r r i i a a l l . , s s a a m m e e p p r r i i c c e e a a s s 1 1 8 8 s s i i z z e e t f u u l l l { fl d u a t t e e o o i f ' t t h h e e s s a a m m e e g g r r a a d d e . A . N . B . ‐ ' 1 ‘ o a v o i d any d o u b t a s t o w h a t k i n d o r m a t e r i a l m a y h e w a n t e d . p l e a s e u s e t h e d e s c r i t i v e t e r m s o r t h i s l i s t , a n d state.-whennecessary. 1 forsprungover(S.0.)or sprungunder(8.(L).for steel or expansionb nee,andforstem-winding o r k e y - w i n d i n g movement. _ GC r r o o w w n n W W h h e e e e l l S S t t u u d d . . L L e e t t t t i i n n g g D D o o w w n n A A r e b r o . r . . . . . . . . . Case Spring,.Pendant............. .......................................... .. Watch Co. 20 size 5x ‘ plate. same price as A mn. WatchC00o. 6 size 9xKplate. $6140.16 a n d 20 s i z e x p l a t e . a n d A m n . i i n . n g 81 67 81.67 p e r gross. assorted. , 5s°w” S6E 8 ........ 10 00 ........12 00 ........ 2 - ”. é5 ‐1 a2"5 2E1fi5s “E3~- £53346; 3e“‘“ a5“a. 3w5"1:; 5“?“ B32fi a U03S 55: ga “35: fig fig age: 595 eggs; gm as 5: s?? i- go Bn n . . Ec " m . J0 e 5m ‘ - . < . . hi n =‐ a0mt: 2s5a°:rei- G:2r"im i“Snnt-am“ <3. ‐ - = “ j" =- _< 5 if fi1<°° '” < ,, . 8S 10 67 10 67 67 21 83 14 67 14 67 21 383 48 00 5 Si 5 33 67 8 00 6 67 v6667 8 00 42 67 4 67 5 67 2 00 2 00 2 00 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 2 67 6 00 6 83 6 33 00 9 338 8S 00 8 00 9 338 46 67 c° ias?“ “ e 5 533 ?M ..o. waned; 3B <5- 39“: w2ge a5 fi3x-5 ,f~~885§ 2 r .g " w .. e d" 25 e F.“a; v o8“ ' A94 .--‐ 5’s: -' . as. Bag 8; 5méE.fef-”w5ag: ~- w an as «E5: 5m 3-: ,= “53 0' ‘1-6 a 5...._5a 2:5 5” . "=‘ asE: 3$‘23 {.5.6 a="5 3is h éehra 59";59.88553 f i t . “ a9-1. a amn E Em; . .xs ‐ I m 0 onno 0a-4. <1 <1 .. . er ross.assort d. 2.00 per gross, not assorted. 2.00gargross,not “gonad. . 2 00 67 2 67 12 00 2 00 67 8 67 13 88 ” 55 3; :7 5 . 10 67 1 67 106 ILLINOIS "SPRINGFIELD” .. Bar‘r'els,Gllt.... “ S T E M P i n i o n s W i n d mgpPl111on . Intermediate Whe Compound Wheels Setting Wheels. .. Windin3Wheels Ratchet Wheels. Yokes.......... Yoke Caps. C l l c k s Click Springs" u ..sI.‐ Yoke and Click .. 1”481284”"42421.7121_3”12121m131262714247w 117100100 100 "" n"6“n5631612W2124”2341<271"1_.2421323ml25318l412.58H= .707-fl1~4I~.~O.0IJ0. says1PycsysRPuRJ1PuDRcP»BABcnBcru.B Springs .. Setting Levers. .“15 1 u Screws f0hvolfl.v.m.n.“.m01mhm1ns0"rdlu1.n nIas.h.“dp6e.onrt.i,n1.3.P4g4ltk0.P.n.aTdlh.w ;¥lates... mi n g g o o r ncSmeusmLs,csmL.su.a&muamg 5 63w3.6:013603.360.u ”03“737373703730370730.3713.70707.7370.3071737371 Tmmrmnm .hkwt.n. AnL_ me.e.e." Or noun.nM. oednrfindh.u. t3muh mwHnm.m.u.w.m.kukmcrc &mE.M lnmw 1012814”“2“_2.24241521681215351l9_“ t l n mo'lel Waltlnm or pprreesseenntts"'vle of (Elzl M“0 mwmesma m ..“G 63M3W“6%W0B”6%3MG32_303M5016436 ek.wkuoe‘m.s.nmdnm.eotneknw.w..rmw WW.3703.d37.703I35nouu112121. .e1.aqc. .n .703.703 S . tem Wind‐ fi”nw.Mwwm_nw“ ."7“70731730303737037030737.370373707037.707073730 .1h.run.in.u.ndn.n“W".‐fi“waMn.h 4ud . 3 . fl “ 124”n72mnan1pn-7. w 037.0m3a.0703,7g07.73o307.3037037030 ‐M t W“605G02G02B-G5W ( SettinZl Gilt. with Arbor Barrel Arhnrs. . .. WINDING AND 9.12a51W434.62501$21;4.21“23W326182124173150M 1 U..n. 303703703.73.70371730.7.703037.1 l in s . o n " o p e n face " h1lx1uao Leverslrrl ngs. 6" "6"? "s" "61‘ .1l .71m.l07.73.1.Du. _ .n06.“0k63W05.30630303‐h02“03.~201030=0520o63065 me1i.”s :a dSe.nSaPGaHGPDmhl.emds CawLuB."mMBInuJlA G-m.u&.s En HS 0‐ .717 |_ “MJ H0un ,G "nM. a “037.712.‐373.737070.7037037037 _u"56u”631621212M1424"4“248142~1m.”213213m215182460m flw n70o707.7“73.r34I1. .1. e u r 1?s1 .Stem Winding Parts, 3 m D“ E . . u . m1 l m m. n " n a . “ t n . . p e r g r o s s . a s s o r t ‐ amit.rnrm"cukem1.“n“"“" aKnw A5num1 m1Hms.m.m"3 1 .1am m?1 u fim wm . m “ l kl1u Drao“s.1P).“. . . .yun“.t(i. .nu.“.4n“. .h“. .t”.itxe a“w!u1mfi1 .l w n.n.ie“.un.i id. ARTICLES. .co“” .L“"b. ”121”1421"242“4_1721321m102714247w 824263.821 .y3773n.7303n7fl71737“730 . “mALP.“wu“1m.np1npmn.1.1k.m., 1 .N_W.375w“"612i-87H57wn0w37.0o7 824263821 EEG: 1 1.1 1 1.11. .N._1N5 PM. Dealersareurenqtueesstetedntoousein theirordersfor . .sn m“.w. m. w . na.a.-I.-. . .P.n.nu.n. SETTING. NnLeGuu . OTTO YOUNG & C03.’S8 TRADE PRICE L I S T. Balances Expansion... Balancesagas. Plain l. Center Stairs atId Wheels............ CenterStaif, WheelandPin.fitted. Center S. Pin W &0 Pin fitted. Clicks... ._===m ts048.30 .7IO08.3 Dust Bands .. 24 00 2000 20 00 20 00 Forks........ 83 83 HairSprings......... 109100 267 267 200l .. .. Collated. I 133l Studs.. 2 200 , H . «it M . P a i r 2 Second. “13106 030 I 8 2 . 0 7.1.=96"3M76M Mm. .(1. w.02w050bm18m50y8063686 nfiafimMB 7.737l “13145 "1214 I )\. W063_6M36M6M“606MW606050n30Na“30u80Mo303n65378386758063231 I ”u6 ] , 63 e d 6I M6_6063“0M“036m30“30mflM3”wm 6”0 6 . . “n73.lla7.l.l. u I 1 8 5 2 " 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 6 1 6 1 3 ” 4 3 8 1 . 2 4 2 “ " 4 2 4 2 1 1 7 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 1 w1 5 1 1 2 7 1 2 4 4 2 7 m 3.5303 “303 . .3.7030m73037_0730730.303070 “~8242848251225 1 "3.3 "1321117 117" “0&0830 ” 0 36.o3017.0307350 1 :.s1-\- _m|imemmmmM7 112m“24721.123u12"1531214714272wEnema 0.10.730.0k373717 "1214. _ 842848a21ha: ”1214. “12l132131“34172614812m21347“S0E-zo ”1213“241.12n28u412641“12326281 37.073010270703073080717 12124”"2421421.231232518 “Ma”0fi3”3a05s63a60s23e61s6w 803.0836360”3506863062626160 1212”.124121.4124123.32581 3"03730~60l70737037.0 W A T C H OO.’S MATERIAL. 'S MATERIAL. ARTICLES. l Arbor Cups(Barrel) Click 8nimé '"50 Coilets. . 33 ”61m6”4158a14n. 70.3707037 .1 874214581 638v543s8.343. Dials.Sunk Second. 1 10001000 54W 5 .n3:5.5 ’Scape and Palle'truh'se't: ""2"'6"7""2“6"'i £55553 els, 311and'i'th", unset. . set Pallet Ston M a i n S p r i n g H o o k e d . . T" 1r t 7 7 “7W783080303 59O4mM1nO470vMu‘flN_ ..1 n set.. Cock and Foot , n d Stones.. Jewel Pins dEm~hbz4z0sm636M6W50 .Pallet Arbors Pallets... P a l l e t s a n d F o r k s . . . . . . . . . Pallets. Forks ami Arbors“ Pinion8.Center. Solid.. _ " “373 31354.554. .. ilollow. patén‘féti: Cumon.......... 3dand4th 1Scope . ..1. ..ll1 3”212“1n12“462612841842531591 .1. ..1 53. . Ratchets. Key R e g u l a t o r s . Balance“ liltnkin ilArboresp". Dial Foo}Ids F. Jewel.PlateJewel. Pul‐ Screws, let Br".lire Stud, P Pillar and Cock Settlx| Arlmrs...,...... “737805060362.B306513603030“085 n1.21.1 “35063065“03032062301.030.1302065050 .060“03n¢6n.030.160860236”023061308532560636 ”1”2412712s121w3152.~7124.470 ”06040U6"01368.02063236.0180~52“W0i706063037067367.r37573080373037.3703073070 What. Center. .. 3d and 4th. d4”212423.n42472102.4~19242431216715 “1315 xofiouoflmy7.7m70fi7 M.%n“0¢6am6m.w04“0%0sm10s80s32%fi32”6m10u036“u78,flue20m0m“635m65_4 SPRINGFIELD ILLINOIS STEM WINDING82“4203621MATERIAL. pe 3dand Pinion.” 4th and Plntonfif .. ’Scape a n d Pinion. .3.3787(3N0703707.37.3 “3“30360.w3.3.U0u30682326163flmw .1. .0c~0uo13“30.o730370.0708303030.k7 2“06030u83.6u8.30o.06a360o3s0sh0yefis Gold 50 Go 0fi.6 _ 484314602 “23"42_2182n2426160.12.81253519"-. Perdozen.2.5cents ; pergross,assorted.$1.67. “303603103 1215656“20142“124.2432.681 13-30”307370.7370737. “370.“03037030_3730703.0730307073070 “0707037073030l-707.730103~0l37w .7o).73n7... mummmmw 25.2- and in orderilngm”m,.4_mo._wm.am “8124891 16 m : “ .1.l. . am 5 .31,3m m310m1m1w6m .n u mm“1“3m1,313m3.1?3m ”u17.7.73.3)307037.03707307803037.73073 "661": "666 "5""3"3 "55:4 "53's; "466 "7466 "74013 5 s131? “0.0 1.0H703073070.73703.3073053073070 . _ r wantedforKeyWindingorStemWindiingMovements. vements. "P (Mien-2 “n0 31. .3.303703.3073.07.0,730173030.73.3 l a 30637807.03730703070.70303,730 i n t h e i r o r d e r a f o r m m as t t e e r r I i al l l t t h h e e s s a a m e d e s c r l p t l o 5sn1ewen.m.w.“mttiln3g Ma.terial nth _07073 .,tostatewhv-ther wantedt{aov"-oldm0'lelW”n6Tm.18m2“1428141w38”"4242,41a Stairf and Cannon Pinilo I'I us should inudiiceates whether wanted f o r K e y W! R .482“1621613w263“241*1.u123141261041"327.323134. it . \ “"56”36.163m065 .wr0h “153161, 0o.A0:0F1n.cnh,s w u0m _ .=°uM0.-~.054=353k< 8 . . msm S_wsm?m vie o i ( E l g lI1I1) Case. 0Orde.rs f o r Center H7 s as 37.73707013.6l-3 1 7 6 . ; . 1s 1? 1m1m13 n me descrlptlons asgliven above. 6151n1. 1wm1m”?1m1m 131E316310m1“m31 “ m 531m31m . I.1.i1[1tII ”12124“24124_1n“.2123121.0"31717326213470 3.0.37030737303573037370.073707 al In.Iu”lI . (7.a.0.0.07037373.730757037370.073707 0»l..0.7070307030”707fl.3013070373503n~1h307.0 “nowMq3u63w63a30BMfiWfl3080821 dc-sm M.mmmwa.mu . 21681“13121”4142.“324147_12“1231231615“212731247w av1.6ai.5.363”n16%3-E%,“06.e3%0”3Em50"3H6303PM60M3h_2636E3M64160S36m836M6M26w5w 30.3130703.37073.30 n3_m121.v 40 0730737 ..68.5.1814121M812635u36“2n1.142fi“.24n24b3162w32 s i lu 1 1 s 7.7.07070 1 : WM% 5 : 60 _6 60836u0u * __‐ _ _______ __‐_‐_‐ _ ‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐_‐_‐_‐__‐___’ __ _______. _ ‐ HAMPJBENWATCH c60o.x4s’8MNIAT'IE'ERRIAIALI‐.,‐(.(s..8PPRR-I-NIN_GFIEI.D, MASS.) DESOCRIPTION oOrF cCLuAsSsSeEsS‐. 16 1............................94 18 . .................. . .---_ _ "- _9%4 P P l l a a t t e e K K e e y y , , a a n n d d s s a a m m e e i n 1 8 SIZE, CLASS Plate Stem. ..................... ...--...Sttate Street Stem. “ “ 2 ““ 2 n Size. 8 “ “ “ “ 8 3 i SIZE, CLASS “ “ 5........................... egy “ “" 6............................ and Stem. “ “ 7............................ “ “ 8. 15 u i u “ “ 9............................ 11 “ “ H( “ “ Setting .............. ....................................... ....................... Barrels, Gilt . . . . . . . . “ .............. H “ “U l______________‘ 1 |......................... s. W__ Pallet ............... “ “ “ “ “ “ Pallet_ . 240 240240240 “ Pallets “ “ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . Rollers_ 240240i''24022022020020011660160140 400400i;l400380360340340300300280 6 00 7 60 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 52 5 20 5 20 ‘’ 90 -_8806406406406406600660006600 9 ‘ 0 966 ) _____ . _ “ “ 3 20 2 2 8 2 . Nickel Nickel‘ “ " *.‐ _'__ .............. Cups, Wind Arbor, Gilt “ “" “ Balances,Exp., Gold Screws. u at Comp. u ________ Clicks, KW. . Comp. See cuts............ .............100 “ Collets, Hair Spring Dials, Double Sunk “ “ l(‘l lu‘ ‘N( Steel (5! “ Seconds_ Broad Spade.-.-.‐. “ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 1 1 1 1 . . - _ - _ - . - . - - - . . - _- - - ‘ ' . . Nos and 29. ______________‐‐‐‐ Arbors, Barrel, K .W_ .......... - “ Nickel Base _-_-_‐ _,_ -- - _ “ "' “ “ “ “ “ “ ‐ _ -.-..--..._--.- .--_- ___________________________________________ . ......................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o'r'ro YOUNG &a co.’s TRADE PRICE L I S T. ‘ 107 . 4............................ Perry .. - . “ “ “ “ “ “ 12...........................Springfield ey NET PRICES PER DOZEN. _____ ..................Ha Ke ........................... ...... ______ .. “ ....................... . _ . . . . . . Indexes Jewels, Center Upper,set in Gold_-_ '- “ “ “ do Comp. set-_ l| -.................... dodoin .................... 560400560............... Ruby, 3d, 4th and Scaope, ---.. - -- ; - _ .- - . Garnet 'Ruby,Lower,set__________ 4 0 0 4 0 0 4004004004000400 _ . . . _ _ .. .. Garnet Plate, unset................. . _.._ RubyCockkandFoot.__._._._._._. “ RollerorJewelPins_ ForksandArbors- - . “ w i t h P i n s.................. Pinions,Cannon,K.W............. 4 8 0 ..... 480+13 6 0 - -. -. . . . -. . -. _. . 1601601601601601601601160160160 2 4 0 240 24024024024024011660011660..160 1001 000100100100100100100100100 . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . ........ _ _ EndStones,inGolld_--. _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ “ .. _ - .- .. _ .. _ .. _. . . _- -. _ _ _ _ _ _ “"“ “ Centersolid ______________ _ _ S . W_ _ _ _ _ . _ BHeads only_ _ . _ . _ . _ _ “ G i l t - - - _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ ._ _ . _ 120 l1201201 l120 12 120_._._._._. _ . 3 28028424 600 _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Railwa KeyandStem. Nos. 33, 3 , 35, ........................HampdenWatch Company, 4 36and Woolworth Key and Stem. 18 Size. 4, Lafayette Key and Stem. HampdenWatch Company, Jewels, Key and Stem. .. Nickel................. Gilt, Arbors Fitted ........ . _. \ _....... 12,40 ........-.‐.----.‐ .. .. ... .. .. ... .. 27 ward and Stem. and Stermn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Arbor Sunk Seconds .....,......... ' 192019 .............. 60 .....................280..........|......................... .............................................. “ DustBands Forks._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 960480480360320320280280240240200 *Huands,H. &M.,finespade_._._._._._._. 2019 2019 ................................ 280280280280280280280280 “ lEa.D..L...... Morning Glorryy_-_‐ Medium Spade-.. _ _ _ _ . 2400240240 3 6 0 3 6 0 3 6 0 2800280028002 8 0 280028002800 1200112200120960960840840 7200720640 1680168015601280124011801180 960960880 ' 212021201,|1l9 6016801600144014801340134012140 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pinion Collars_______________ ______‐‐‐‐‐_‐‐_‐‐‐‐‐_"._______________‐- ______..__‐‐ * In ordering Hands, state whether K. W. or S. W. are wanted. 1f -Gilt Settings. “" " _ . - . - . _.-_.__-__._._- -_-_-..-.._---...-__--... 280 02 0.__._._._. Jewels, Key and Stem. 0 8 Class. 2019 2016 80 2019 8016 0 2 40 4 . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ 108 0mTmTO YOUNG ae co.’s TRADE PRICE LIST. HAMPDEN W A T C H NET PRICES PER DOZEN. 0 0 3 8 MATERIAL‐(SPRINGFIELD, C O N T I N U E D . MASS‐. 11 1212 Pinions, Center Staff, Head and Collar............................ ““ “‘ . 240 2400.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. . Staffs, Center, K.W, orSW . . - . - “ _____ . “ u‘u uPinion ’ a a n n d d W W h h e e e e l l . _- - _ - _- 10 1W Il |l and Collar............................. 3 Staffs, Center, Wheel, Pinion and Cannon Piniion_.-._.-_._._._._... - S S t t e e m m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . 4 . 0. - . - . - . - - . . Bevel Wheel ................ ,41200 . ..................................'................ .._- 40 80 . __ 8010 40 0 . . _ . . . . 16 Size. Close. 1.18 Size. Class. 7 8s 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 lI 6 \ 8012 4010 8010 80010080960960960.__._._._. Pinions, 3d, 4th and Escape--.- 7 20 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 40 4 40 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 20 Regulators .................. 9 6 0 9660 7 2 0 9600 7 2 0 4 8 0 4 8 0 4 8 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 12 | Raitchets, K.W., small................. 10 l100100100............... 60 60_____ . __ “" “ “ l l a a r r g g e e . . _ . .... - . -- . . . - . . . - . - . - ..................... 80 80 80.......... 60 . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..1 8 _ . - . - . . Springs, Main, fitted......... 400360'3 60360320320320320280280280280 S S t t u u d d s s, , H H a a i r i r s s r r i i n n g g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopworks, ale.-._... ......... Female .......... 3 3 6 6 0 0 3 3 2 0 3 2 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 6 0 0 1 1 6 6 0 0 1 1 6 6 0 0 1 1 6 6 0 0 _ __ _ _ - “ Hair _______________ 2 4 0 2 0 0 2 200160160160160160160160160 “" “Colleted_______ 360320320 320240240240240240240240240 360..... 240240 3 600 0 .............. 7200680680680600600600600 _ _ . - . _ . - - . - .. . . . .. - . _ . _ . -- . .. . . - . - . . . - . - . - . . . - . - .-.............. 1 '_--_- ' Il . . _ . _ . . _ 15 01 2013 2012 40012240012240 _ .-.--.._..J..... 25520022200020040:20 4002004001996019 6018 4014 400 Staffs,Ballae.nce............... 1200960960 960720720600600600600600320 Wheells,,Center.............. 320320320 2800280280240240240224022402200 . _ . . _ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Scaepe, “ “ .-_ 14401080960 920 840840840884077660776600,,7606680 “ Hour,K.W.orS.W. 320240'24024‘402402'-40200-200200 2000200200 ‘HAMPDEN WATCH COO.’S8 STEM WIND MATERIAL. . _ . . .--.-.-.-. YokeCap ...................1.320-----------------------------------------------------‐ . 'Windingor RatchettWheell_-_-_- Hub Stop Screw ............. HubScrew.-.-..~............... Settin LeverS'pring.__._._._._._._._._. Intenrg. Winding Wheel .--.-.-.-.-.-. CrownWheel -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Winding Pinion-f.---‘......... u ; _ _______________________ WindPinionStud-.-.----_--.- o k e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YokeSring_________________ Settin heel________________‘ . . , - -_ . . . . -. - - -. - - - _ - - - . - -_ _ - - - _ _ 8 00 7 20 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 28 60 28 28 28 28 28 00 28 60 600 60 60 60 - - --- . . - . -- . . .. - . - . - . - . . - . - . - . . . - . - . . - . - . . . . . . - . . . - . - . ._ . - . . . - . ‐ . i1430..........................-.-.--.-. Winding Sleeve........... Setting-Lever.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 9601960..... 960 960 840 840084008400840084007200 6 60 01 14 48 32013 T hb i i r r d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 8 8 0 0 2 2 8 8 0 0 2 2 8 8 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 F F o o u u r r t t h h _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 2 0 2 2 8 8 0 0 2 2 8 8 0 2 2 8 8 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 Scape,hubbed_- ..... 720400400 4000360360320320320280280280 Third,witithhPPininioion-n_-_-. 1080 840 840 800 7660 760 7607660 680 6806880 600 Fourth,“ "“ _ - 1080840840 80076076076 760680680680680 N E T PRICES PER DOZEN. 16 Size. Class. 18 Size. Class. l1 2 1is3 4 5 6e 7 8’' 9 10 11 12 _ _ _ _ Clicks,S.W _.._._._._._._._._._._._._.______ 120 ..... 1201001001001001001100 1100 80 Click Srings, S.W......... 320 80 . . 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Inside gearimng................... ---- 480...........-............................. Outside “ .--.--.-.--.--.-.--.--.-.--.--.-.--.--.-.--.--. . 6. 0. 0.--.-.--.--.--.-.--.--.--.-.--._.-.-.................. 01 - .- . . _ 920 920 920 840 840 840*8 8 .--.-.-.-. - ..--.-.-.-. 1 20 120012001200120012001200 400400400400,, 4 00400320 600 600 6006000600600 480 8 40 840 840 840 84007840 720 6006006006006006600 4480 1 40 140 1 401440 140 1 40120 7 2 0 7 7 2 2 0 0 7 7 2 2 0 0 7 7 2 2 0 0 7 7 2 2 0 0 77 2 2 0 0 55 6 6 0 0 120120120120120120120 1120120 9 60 4 80 ..... 4 80 2 00 200 200 2004,200 200 200160 4 0 0 1 2 0 _____ _ _ _ Per doz .......................$150 ....................... 500 Barrel Arbors___________________________ 7 50 Barrels, Gilt____________________________ 12 00 5‘ “ Nickel _________________________ 24 00 “ with Arbors, fitted, Gilt_________ 21 00 I6‘ N {K ' “ “ “ Nickel_______ 36 00 Balances, Chronometer__________________ 24 00 “ Expansion____________________ 33 00 Balance Stafis__________________________ 6 00 Cannon Pinions_________________________ 6 00 “ “ SplitforStem“finders_-___ 900 Center Arbors, &{ Plate .................. 450 Per doz. Jewels, Cap, in Brass____________________ $ 2 75 “ Ruby, 3d, 4th and Escape, upper__ 6. 00 c:c , u un 5u: 1 lOowWeEr_l‘_--_- 4 50 Arbor Cups, Gilt Steel “ “ Cup Steels, 4! Plate_______________ “ “ i{ “ for StemWinders Click Springs, long______________________ 4 00 6 00 l1 25 “ Conical Pivots______________ 12 00 Pallets.--___________________-__-_._-. ._ 9 0 0 Pinions,Center____‘__._.__-_.-__’_ ______ 7 0 0 “ “ Hollow, &4 Plate__________ 12 00 “ 3d, 4th, and Escape______________ 5 00 Ratchets ............................... 1 25 Regulators _____________________________ 4 50 “ Patent....................... 6000 Rollers............................,___- 200 “ and JewelP1115................... 325 ClickandSpringCombined,newstyle,pat. 250 Clicks__________________________________ l 25 Collet __________________________________ 75 Dials,plainseconds_____________________ 1800 ‘( “ sunk _____________________________ 21 00 Screws, long Case_______________________ “ Banking_________________________ “ Pillar, Potance________________ “ 3d Bridge, Index______________ 25 25 $2 00 per gross. “ double sunk, White, each__________ Forks __________________________________ Hair Spring Studs_______________________ “ 56 “ “ g Plate________________ 6 50 3 00 3 00 1 50 “ Hair Spring Stud, Short Case_-__ “ Plate Jewel____________________ “ Round Head Jewel_____________ “ Expansion Balance............... Hair Springs, tempered.................. 250 50 Stop Works, per dozen pieces............ 300 U“ “ Breguet _________ 27 00 Wheels, Gilt Center _____________________ 300 Hands, Steel “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Indexes, Silver .......................... 300 ............................ 150 “ Fleur deLis________________ 2 25 Second __________________________ 25 “ 3d and 4th_________________ 300 “ Escape_____________________ 450 “ Hour _____________________ 375 “ Minute_____________________ 375 £6 “ Gold___________________________ Jewels, Chrysolite, opened, viz.:,3dd, 4th, and Escape upper___________________ Jewels, Chrysolite, opened, viz.: 3d, 4th and Escape, lower___________________ Jewels, kCoatakand Foot Holes, turned down, 9 00 4 00 3 00 4 50 2 75 and Pinions, Center_____________ 12 00 3d and4th_________ 9 00 “ “ ;..End Stones, in Brass, turned down, A;Aqua,Mariine, opened, viz. :,3dd, 4th “ “ “ '‘ Intermediate,StemWind. .1 25 Bevel, Stem Winder_____ 4 50 Setter, “ _____ 1 25 andEscape“upper.---_.._-............ 300 andEscape.Upper , __ Yokes, Stem Winder____________ 12 00 Jewels, Aqua Marine, opened, viz. : 3d, 4 t h and Escape, lower................... 250 Per doz. ...................................$17 AND SETTING MATERIAL. Pei-dob Wheel, Inter-wind.......................$4 00 Ratchet......................... 400 “ Hour............................ 2 00 Click Clutch Lever, Setting Pinion, Bevell_.-v......................... 900 ................................. 1200 ........................... 750 “ Minute.......................... 200 “ Cannon _________________________ 12 00 “ First Setting ____________________ “ Second Setting___________________ 5 00 5 00 Ring, Friction.......................... 100 Spring, Setting ......................... 125 SECOND SERIlES. Tilting Bar Wheel______________________$ 4 00 (6 ' “ Click ___________________________ Screw, Main______________.______________ Wheel Main.-.-.-.--.-..,_ 1 00 3 50 18 00 . _ Lever Setting___________________________ Spring Setting__________________________ Spring Setting 9 00 1 25 (5 . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ Ruby End Stones, Balance_________ “ Roller Pins_______________________ Main Springs_______________________ '. __- Pallet Arbors Pallet Arbors___________________________ 4 50 1 00 2 25 4 00 Escape ____________ 10 50 WindingArbors, StemWinder___________ 50 56 “ “ "‘ “ “ “ “ Wheels, Contrite, Stem Winder-._ 4 50 " v ansion_. _._._._. ........... .__._._._._._._._. 255 Per 255 Gross., 110 LANCASTER WATCH CO. MATERIAL. P P e e rr d d o o : : ...................... 5 , P P e e r r d d o o z z . . Pinion,Common, KeWind...............$400 Arbors,’ Barrel, Key “ “ Stem ._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.5 500 “ Pallet ___________________________ 4' 00 “ Setting .......................... 100 “ 3d, 4thand pee_________________ 4 50 *Pallet, S. L.____________________________ 00 Barrels, Gilt.............................600 “ and Forks, SL. “ Nickel ._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.12 00 “ Giilltt, with Arbors, fitted__________ 12 50 “ N i c k e l , “ ..........22 50 * * B B a a l l a a n n c c e e s s , , E E x x p p " , G G o o l l d d S S c c r r e e w w s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 5 5 0 0 “ “ Oreide v“ _____________21 00 “ “ Brasss’ "‘“ _____________18 00 Clicks (Key)_----. - ................ 1 00 Collets _.._.._.._.._.._. ___________ 75 ,- “ Forks and Arbor, bL Regulator _______________________________ Ratchet -_ ._ -_ -_ -- -- ._ -- -_ -_ _ _ _ ____________________ Roller __________________________________ S S p p r r i i n n g g s s , , M M a a mi n , , 0O S S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ _- _-_.___________________ “ Hair____________________________ “ “ Colleted ____________________ “ Click (Key)______________________ 8S1t.1u16d. Hair Spriin‘, Brass_- -_‐ Stop Works, ma e________________________ female ______________________ Stafi, Center, Key________________________ Stem ______________________ Cup, Arbor;,1Gg1it1-Ht_t_.- “ Large Base_-__ ........ 1 00 Cups, Center............................. 225 Dials, Sunk Seconds_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.13 50 Plain * “ “ .............................. 900 .............................. 100 2 “ Cock and Foot.................... 3 00 . _ 5 “ Seca ___________________________ 3 50 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ Pallet Stone...................... 200 “ Hour and Minute_________________ 225 “ and Pinion, 3d and 4th___________ 6 00 “ Scape _______________ 700 ‘ ARTICLES. Arbor Cups............. “ pGorolld with Steel 7Jto 15-7 15J Adj. 19nd:151! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ........................... 300 to 75 Pinion Center “ andStaffif, solid or hollow-_L__._._._._._._._.6 00 ScrreWwSs, Key Wind_________________350a. “ Stem Wind________________35Cc. to 60 7.1mtom15.1 15.1.1“ Adj., 193¢415g“ . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .2 Wheels, cCenter, 3dand 4th_-___-__-_-_____-___ 2 75 “ Dust Bands Forks,Strai httLimne.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.3 000 Hands, 8%apeand Moon................. 75' * “ “ 1Wheel, Center Pin., Nutand 00 0 \A “ eur deLis.....................112 Can. Pin________________2400 “ MorningGlory...................100 “ “ Wheel,CenterPin.,Nut,Can. “ Seconds ......................... 0401- Jewels,3Sdp4thScapeandPallet...........450 Pinand Sett Arbor_______2050 Staff,Balance,Pivoted___________________ 600 0 “ Roller ___________________________ 75 Nut for Center Pinion....................150 and Wheel * “ “ WheelCenterPinionandNut,15 500,‐ 755$100 ________________ $300$400 $600 00 5 00 6 00 ................................ $900 _._._._._._._._._._._._._. 300 900 900 bases Barrels .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 600 7500 900 _________________ 2000 2500 300/’ Barrel Arbors.__._._._._._._._._._. 2 500 3 000 4 000 Ratchet Caps___________ 3 000 3 000 4 000 75 50 255 1 00 Dials, SunkCenter.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 366000 HourandMinute______ 2000 2255 2500 24 00 Ratchets _____________ 900 Screws,Base and Balance- 755 “ Bankin _________ 1 25 “ all others_._._._._._._._. Click Springs ........-._.. 1000 1000 1 255 Wheels, Center, 8d, 4th, Balances, Ex Balance St Collletts_- Clicks ___________ - 18 00 400 755 21 00 600 755 1 00 50 1 25 100 “ Seoconndds_s-_n_- 18 00 3S3fis5B1m25f’f3z?zz?z?z:z::::::z: 333 Hair Springs............ 150 Collllettedd_--._.-. 2 25 HairSpringStuds.__._._._._._. 2 00 Hands, H. and M., pairs. 1 25 “ Second.......... 35 150 200 Wheels, Main___________ 900 100 1200 1 00 24 00 ______ Wheels, Escape .__._._._._._._._. 3 50 4 50 6 00 4383 13128 amm WmImNDING PARTS‐ 2 25 2 50 1 50 3 00 “"‘ Intermediate 3 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 250 300 400 1 50 1 50 1 50 40 Indexes ................ 250 300 400 Pendant Squares________ Extra f o r Jewels in Sett’g Jewel Pins______________ Pallet Stones____________ 50 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 3 00 Screws _______________ 50 Per ‘ ‘ 3 00 1 75 40 “ Ratchet ________ CannonPinionNut_._._._._._. Main Screws____________ Jewels,8TThiird and Fourth '’ 3 00-“ 3 00 5 00 Setting Lever___________ “ ’Sca eand Pallet- 2 00 2 00 3 50 Yokes __________________ 6 00 '‘ 8 00 12 00 “ C00o0c and Foott--“- 3 00 3 00 3 00 Yoke Spring____________ 4 00 6 00 “ End Stones______ 200 200 200 All other Sgtetem Winding 8 00 Dozen 2 50 “ with wheel 5 00 5 50 7 00 “ LongScrew__________ 6 00 6 00 2 50 3 00 3 00 6 00 Complete ______________________ 24 00 Micrometer Nut________________ 3 00 24 00 3 00 Main Springs, braced-_--.- Pallet Arbors.__._._._._._._._._._. 3 00 Pallets -__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 6 000 7 500 9 000 “ Circle_______________ 5000 5000 Pinions, Center__________ 3 00 4 00 4 50 “ Regulator ___________ 9 00 9 00 - _. - 4 00 1 25 2 00 3 50 5 00 1 50 3 00 4 00 MICROME'TI‘ER OR P A T. REGULATOR. 2 50 > o'r'ro YOUNG &a co.’s TRADE PraRrIeCrE: L I S T. SWISS STEM WINDING MATERIAL. 111 Nov. 4.. Ea. No. 1. ................. each, $035 A. B. Click and Spring__________ “ 2. -._............... “ 15 . ACGEINTENNIAL MATERIAL. N o . 1.. N o . 2.. , 25 N o . 38.. Setting Spring___________ “ 3. Click Sprming________________ ' “ 4. Click_______________________ ‐~ E a c h . D D o z . Barrel,withArbor.......4040 $400 HairSprl E a c h . . D D o o z z . . E E a a c c h h , , D D o o sz . . Balance, Composition “ Expansion “" Staffifs ..... 2 50 1000 23 50 BHands., S8t “ Compositio “ Seconds .. 4 4 0 0 40 15 1 00 R 0 l e e r r . , w w i i t t h h J J e e w w e e l l . . . . Screws, Assorted ........per gross. 2 2 5 5 0 0 1 25 Canon Pinion..._. Center Square. Dial, White...... 25 10 10 i100Main Spriinggss ......... 125Wheels, Honur..............$so015$150 “ “ For i1 ................ 25 250 “ “ In ordering please state whether for 16., 18or z2e0Ligne Movements. “ Black “ “ “ “ Third. F F o o u u r r t t h h , , Scape, ._ ._ .. .- L L u u m m i i n n o o u u s s ............ . , E. Fr.. 0C.Wheel, winding . G. Balance and Cylinder, fitted_._._._._._._._.each, $0 50 Click Spriingg_._.._-__.-.._.-._.-__-.‘;.__________ “ 15 Click ______________________________ “ 15 Crowns _____________________ “ 25 Dials, Plain________________________ “ 35 Pinions, Setting____________________each, $0 50 “ Winding __________________ “ 50 Setting Spring_____________________ “ 25 “ Hands _________________________per doz., 60 “ Pinions, Common___________________e , 15 “ .................... “ 15 with Seconds_________________ WATERBURY W A T C H Minute Main______________________ “ 50 Ratchet___________________ “ 35 Balance Staffifs__________________ per doz., $3 00 MATERIAL. Hour Wheels_._._._._._._._._._._._._.,. ,-- - .-._ per doz., $1 50 Center Wheels-__-'________________ Clicks and Springs______________ Crowns ________________________ Escape Whe“els and Pini“ons______ “ 3d . “ “ ______ Clicks and Sprin _________________ “ Dials, White, wit Seconds _________ “ Forks ___________________________ :_ “ Hands__________________________perdoz., P P i i n n i i o o n n s s , , W W i i n n d d i i n n g g _. _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - . _- . - ' ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e e a a c c h h , , Ratchets, Large, Stem Winding_____ “ Wheels, Center and Pinions, complete “ Tips for Main Springs.__._._._._._._._._._.per doz., 320500 500 2d 1 10 0 Crown and Stem___________________each, $0 35 “ Winding Pinions with Arbors _____ “ 25 l . Jewels. Cap Set .....- 29 5 5 ______ _ . _ li 00 . ..................... 25 250 “ Each. Doz. 25 250 _ _ . ‘ D. “ “ . “ intermediate_._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ 25 F. Winding Pinion‐Longines______ “ 30 A. Wheel-Crown __________________ i . “ “ “ _._._._._._. “ 30 B. “ intermediate____________ “ 20 H.Wheel, transmission............. “ 35 “ Click Springs, Levers, etc., on the card. The continually increasing variety of Swiss Stem Winding Watches in the country makes an assortment of material like the above as necessary to a watch-maker asanassortmentofjewelsorscrews. TheuseoftwoorthreepiecesfromacardwWiillpayaprofitonthe whole, besides saving the delay and trouble of sending to have the piece made. LADY RAGININEI MATERIAL. Assorted Stem Winding Material, K K ‘ ‘ H( t ‘ ‘ G( ( “ I i { t 6 GS K‘ 1 1 0 “ 0 ) on 50 ........................$300 pieces 5H‘--------------------- ,_,4500 “ The above cards come with either all Wheels on the card,- or with an assortment of Wheels., Clicks, Cards, containing about “ ' “ Wheels and Pinions _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ 150 Clicks and Springs ___._____ perdozen, 2000 “ “ “ “ “ “ -~ 100 200 75 Hands,pairs_____________________ “ HairS ringswithColletsandStuds, “ Main prings.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ Main Spring Collets______________ “ 100‘ 200 2 00 P a lll e e t t andPinionFittedCenter, “ 40 “ “ LONGINES WATCH GOO.’S MATERIALS. Regulator 2 2‘250 5 Regulators _ . 00 75 15 50 20 125 3 3 0 0 “ “ “ “ ‘ “ ‘ “ Setting, “ _--_' 25 20 20 35 3 3 5 5 2155 3255 5 355 2 1 ...... l Ma t a e r r C C e e n n t t e e r r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . s $ o 0 1 1 0 0 $ $ 1 1 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . ’ . . . . _. . _ . . 40 400 60 6 00 “ and Fork and Steafim.. 1 00 1000 “ “ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 “ “ S S t t a a fifl _. -. . . . . . . _. ._ . . - - . . . . 2 2 5 5 2 2 5 5 0 0 “ “ “" 50 500 35 3 50 38 5 5 a3 5 5 0 0 85 350 . . . . . . . . . _ 0 .. _ - . _ Yoke Springs _ _ 5 . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ I I n n t t e e r r m m e e d d i i a a t t e e , , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _. _. $0100$11000Re . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . Screws, Assorted_______________pergross, 100 Wheels, Hour______________________each, 15 . _ . . . . . . . . . Wheels, 3d, Pinions complete_______each, $0 25 4th, “ Minute“ Hour, “ Winding, for StemWinder-_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ _______ “ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ “ _______ “ “ _._._._._._._. “ _ _ _ “ 1 5 112 OTTo YOUNG & co.’s TRADE PRICE LIST. N 3 . MinuteWheeell .. HandSet.. . . - - . . 11. Click, Old Style... ......_....-_. -. t‘ 4.Winding Piniion... “ " “ 13. “ Spring, New Style... h 5, Transmission Whee ... u 6. MinuteWheelBridge... New l 105 1l 500 u7. a.8 “ New »“ “ “ ......... 2 " 22. u 23. 25 250 Yoke, Old Style............. “ Crown and Stem(laidStyle 0 50 18. Minute Wheel 52 “ 26. " New . “ ....... .............. 19. WindingPiinuiion...... “ 20. Transnmuission Wheel . “ 21. MinuteWheel Bridge. 0“ . . . . “ 2 2 CENTENNIAL S T E M CENTENNIAL I WIND'MATERIAL. Each. Dozen 1.Large Windin Wheel ..............$025 $250 ~ Each. Dozen. 9.Yoke Spring-.......................$015 $150 No. “ 2. Intermediate indingWheel-. No. “ 10. HandSet...... --.. ................. 16 25“ 25 0 Wheel... Each. Dozen. $025 $250 Each. Dozen. Sp .......................$015 $150 Each. Dozen. . No31 Large Winding Wheel .............$025 $250 E3a0c1h1. Dozen. No. 39. Yoke Spring .....$..0................$015 $150 ., 32. Intermediate .. Intermediate Transmission Wheell... Minute Wheel Bridge-_.-. Yoke, Old Style ......... 50 500 50 50s0 40. 13111111Set, 0111Style................ 25 ?50 41. “ “ New .u. 25 2 50 “ 33. Minute Wheel__________ “ 34. WindingPiniioonn. _ 25 2 50 u 40. HandSet,OldStyle.. 25 250 “ 35. “ 36. 0 25 2 50 “ . 10 1 00 “H 44. “ 87. u 33, 43.3 25 250 ‘“145. . “ Sprin . . . Hand Set Spprriing.- Crown and Stem, New Style. 25 250 u New u New 25 2 50 t. 25 250 1 u 25 2 50 25 250 _. 25 250 25 250 ._ 50 500 25 2 50 Yoke Spring-... 215 250 21 5 21 50 255 2500 25 2 50 10 100 25 250 12. Click,Old Style... 1 15 0 50 N0.16. Large Windin “ 17. Intermediate inding Yoke, O l d S t y l e ....... M New u _____._ New ....... * {fi}#£3atM2 Ill 32 31 n 36 5250 50500 25 250 rin “ 25. HandSetp,t,N0edwSttyylle... 2150 250 . 25 250 _ . . . . 2 5 2 50 . 28. “ Sprin . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 1l 50 25 2 50 25 250 25 2 50 “ “ 29. CrownandStem,NewStylle... “ 30. “ “ “ 10 100 5 15, 0 New 25 25 2 50 0(E5NTENNIAL 20 L1l1‘3uNEtOeFr‘flHl’ 25 255 2 w-- o “u ....................... 100 . . Did In ordering, state if for 16, 1'8 or 20 Ligue Movements. __________________ _______, 46. ______ .. . . “ 27. Click..... _ . . 100 A” ! Q 42. (110k 100 15 1 50 15 150 “ 01 “ ........... New ‘ “ Srping, New Style... “ 14. CrownandStem,OldStyle ... 215 21 50 No. 24. Yoke S pr . . .. . . . . . . . . . 52 0 5 ? " 2 16xx00V}/1 8 o'r'ro YOUNG a co.'s TRADE PRICE msr. AMERIOAN HANDS. 113 113 Moon, Heavy_______________________________________ “ Fine, No. 4__________________________________ Morning Glory, Solid, No. 5_________________________ “ Open, N o . 6_________________________ Fleurde Lis, Heavy_________________________________ Fine,No.7____________________________ 38 .............................. 45 85 .................. 50 ............ 75 $0 80 60 ............ 60 .............................. 90 ............ . 80 .......... 40.............................. ‘- “ Fine. No. 8__-________ ___-______ ............................. 62 75 36 uu “ “ Oval “ “ SECONDS. 20 20 25,25 30 ............ 35 ............ 20 30 30 35 30 30 35 35 Steel Ball, Flat Finish, Solid Sockets---. _ . ' . ................. “ aFinish, “ ___, I _________________ uu‐ “ Spade,Flat “ “ ______________________ 8.. HOUR AND MINUTE, ASSORTED. 18Size. 16& 14Size. 10Size. 6 & SSize. Steel Spade, Blue, Heavy, N o . 1___________________________ $020 .............................. 6‘ “ Medium............................................................. “ 1: “ “ “ “ Fine, No. 2____________________________ 45 $0 45 $0 45 .......... Bright ______________________________________ 50 .............................. Fine, No 3______________________________________________________ 55 .......... “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Assorted, Medium, N o . 8 ____________________________ Steel, Skylight, Hour and Minute Moon.......................................................$075 AMER'CAN MAlNSPRlNGS‐ ‘ Stoygyle Endo0Pilece. 2 ' Per "0° "\ " o ' 2 ' 1) Sizizes(1b,1y3 ‐ v No.3. " 0 14 ‐ suowmc lNSIDE 3G5au.1ge9..“ 21x1l5;618Size, New Model Waltham_._._...._.-.,................................ $167 2 17Xx2V}/ 18“ u Crescent St., NS altham 300 300 1 67 1 67 167 250 200 2 00‐ 300 1 67 300 200 300 2 14x0% 18“ W c U ' r s Open Face, Stem Wind Waltham.................. O. 1 19x3 18“ Old “ ____ ................................ 2 19x3 3 202x13 1 20x3 2 2081x13254; 2 201x1254 2 141x1256 4 18x3}5y 2 131x133}é}; 2 121x12 1 14Xx3 2 141x13 4 141x16 2 101x12 4 10x6 3 102x16 2 21x135; 18 “ New Model Waltham.. . ...................... .......... 2 191x13 18 ‘“‘ New Style “ ______________________________ 18 “ 18 “ 16 “ 16 “ 14 ‘“‘ Hampden Watch 00.............................................. Illinois Watch 00 _________________________________________________ Waltham ________________________________________________________ E l gin ____________________________________________________________ Waltham Key Wind.............................................. i‘ old I‘ 18 “ Rockford ________________________________________________________ 18“ NewStyleElgin-___-__..'......................................... 6‘ 18 “ Old “ __________________________________________________ OF s p m u c . Dozen‐ 167 K5 l‘ StemI5 14 “ “ Stem “ ______________________________________________ 3 00. l‘ iI 10 “ “ O.S................................................... 300 ‘f 5i 10 “ “ N. S___________________________________________________ 200 10“ Elgin............................................................ 234 8 ‘“ ‘ Waltham ________________________________________________________ 300 8 “ Elgin O S________________________________________________________ 200 8 “ “ V _______________________________________________________ 200 3 2 I 114 O01T1T3O0 YOUNG a CcoO.’Ss TRADE PRIICE LIST. \ -l IMITATION WALTHAM AND ELGIN MATERIAL. \-.‐‐4v2 v3v' Each. Dozen. Gross. Arbor Cups, Steel ...................................................... 30 Bala . 60 ________ Pall --.-_.'-- ........................................................... 25 275 “nce Staffifs ........................................................ 15 $125l Wheels, Expansion, Best_ _ uu “ “ Steell __________________________________________________ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Elgin ________________________ g Click Springs, Elgin_________________ Waltham, N e wStyle _ _ _ Barrel Arbors__________________________________________________________ Dials, Plain Second_____________________________________________________ “ Sunk Second_____________________________________________________ Forks__________________________________________________________________ Hair Spriin ___________________________________________________________ els, C00o0o andFoot “ Cap, Set i ........................................................ 138 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '.............................................._.-_ I Barrels, G i l t ___________ Clicks, Circular_________________________________________________________ “ New Style_______________________________________________________ _ _ _ in ................................................... 1 Jew“ “ End Stones orrCap, Set inBrass......................'.................... 100 ________ Steel "‘° Plate, Best Garnet or Chrysolite, unset___________________________________ “ Roller Pins_____________________________________________________________ n Main Springs, Wwaltham, Best Paradis, New Style, N o . 2___________________ ____15__ 1 25 35 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 ________ “ u “ u “ Oldl ' d ““ No.1___________________ ___-15__ “ “ Ladies’, 10Size, Pareadis, New Style No..2-.-- ____15__ u u 8 NO.2"- ____15__ ““8 No. ________ $3 75 ________ ........ ________ ........ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elgimn,Best,Para-dis,NewStyle,No.3,18Sizee4}_____________ ____15__ 125 ________ 0O1ld “ No,,1,188 “ .............. ___.15-- “ “ “ Ladies’ 6 and18 Size, Paradis,Style No.3_____15__ 1 25 ........ fl u ‘u( (ut Nu‘u(6,8“u6u‘ (itCNOo.4: 1 25 ________ 125 -------‐ “ “ 1 25 ________ ........................................... 100........ 15__ o“ r “ “ 16Size, Stylle,0, Nos. 3 and 4________________15__ Waltheam Common Pinions, Cannon..................................an;-;----------- 20 175 “ Case or Movement, Long‐- 20 1 60 H6‘ shrt Elgin PalletArborsrs---.-__--..---..-------.-- --------------------------------- or “ets........'--------------------------------------------------------- 35 ................ Center “ “ T h i r de .................................................... 20 150 “ FourthWheel......._-.-........................................ _20 150 ________ 66 H ’Sca.p Ratchets, Waltham............................................................. 25 ________ ________ . Regulators, SO. Elgin .......................................... 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheel _ ................................................... 20 150 ................................................................ 25. . . . . . . . Wheel ________ ........ ( U . ( s p m n g under)......................................... 20 ________________ sprung over) . Screws, Assosrtreted.................................................................. 90 fl “ Short ................ 15 150 ..................................................................... .................................................................... ‘“ ““ “ “ ““ “ “ Wheels, Gilt, Center 6s f6 Third hird Fourth ’Sca,pe____________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ ................................................................... Hour Minute ................................................................... The above material is imitation material for genuine American movements, not for imitation move‐ ments. Crowns Clicks ___________________________ “ Click Springs____________________ “ CannonPimnions__________ ‐ Minute Wheels........... ..................................................................... It is made to correspond with the genuine material in size and style. EUREKA WATCH 0C0O. MATERIAL. erdoz. 150 , ' ‘ .......................... YokesS___________________________ l‘ 3?) 2 00 1 50 “ _____‐.‐‐‐‐‐ ..- “ -.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,« pPerudo_z. $11500' Stems ........,...................per‘fldoz.$3075 1 50 “ 240 2 40 _ _ _ _ ________________ I ~ I __- ________________ 138 ........ ________ Balance Staffs, English H SWw1ISsSs, Tempered Balances, Composition “ “ w w i i t t h h _S cS r e w s Barrel Arbors, Plain, N o . 1 55 with Ratchet, No..2 OTTO YOUNG a& CO.’S TRADE PRICE LIST. Barrels, English ‘( Bushings, Nos. 1 to 9 Wire, Assorted Case Springs. Seear Case Maqtemrial, Page Cement, for Lathe., Bottoms “ for Engravers Center Cups “ Squares est Chain Wire, Steel?in roll , -Chains,EnglishFuzee,Nos.6to 9__________,____________________________ Chalk, Prepared “ 10 to 14 2:1ng +(‘l14mg 5 6 10 11 121183 - Clicks, No. 3, Selt‘Acting “ “ 4‘ 6‘ ‘S l‘ , “ “ 13, English “ “ 14,Roskopff Click Springs, N0o.4p, Straight “ 6,SwissgCiircular, V94plate “ 7, English C 9! 0CL|IC0KS A ; cOBuI-cIClPgIQg9 SPRIING-IS. A 71 l l 7 ? Gross. Greoesns. CLICKS AND CLICK SPRINGS.-‐wContlnuod. Each. Dozen. Gross. ,_____.._‐___.__._‐..____ __ Dial Enamel_____________________________________________________per box $0 20 .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ Washers _____________________________________________________ “ 20 ________________ “ Wheel Studs_____________________________________‘________________ $0 35 .__._._._._._._. Diamond Dust or Powder, in Xx carat packages____________________per carat 83 00 ................ Diamantine, Best______________________________________________per bottle 25 ______________________________________ ................ 40 ........ Duplex Roller__________________________________________________________ 25 2 00 ........ DovetailJeweled Slips- Each. Dozen. Forks,English,No.4._._._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. $00255$2 00 “ Swwa1s, “ 3. . _ .'._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._‘_______ _ Gross. 200 1 50 . . . 30 ............ 400................ “ “ “ “ 75 20 10 10 ________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . “ “ Straiight Line, Nos..1orr2____________________________________ Fuzee , English, Nos. 6t t0o 9._._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. Hair S , Bottnum’s ________________ 75 ........ 30 . . . . . . . . 15 ________ 25 ________ Chains prings p . _ __ ,_ . 14______________________________________ . gsEnglish_______________ gp, ._._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. Swiss_____________________________________________________________ “ Best Tempered_______________________________________________ “ ' “ Extrra. Fine _____________________________________ . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 110 “ _ 50 _ . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Verge_____________________________________________________________ HairSpriing Collets______________________________________________________________ Studs._._._._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 0t il R R o o s s x x o o m n r . . S S u u mn s : V V l n a m s i n c . . M M o o o o n n V V a e n n u e s s . . 8 S 1 m m c m m V V a n n n e e n s . . F F . . mo n e L L V V a a n n “ . . D D u v p r n m n x x . . D D U U P P L L E E X X Snooxims. D o uD oaw_n s_T _u m_HrA.ND_DS_. _ _ _‘ _ _ _A_ss_om_‘n_n Pa_ATn_TnEnRsNSs HAuNmDeS. ______________________ le Hands, Steel, Lepine, Moon, Spade or rSpear, Hour and Minute.__._._._._._._._._._._._._. AllMinute.__._._._._._._._./___________ $00133 $11255 13 1 25 ._ - - . “ “ “ “ ' "“ ’ H“ .- “ “ “ u 6: u “ “ “ “ ‘-~ “ “ “ “ Fine, Moon or Spade, Hour and Minute______________ 35»- 3 50 60 ............ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Extra Fine, Moon orMpade, Hour and Minute________ “~‘ F. .D . L H, Hou r and ute.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 355 ........ 20 2 00 “ CommonFancy Assorted, Hour and Minute__________ “ “ M M e e d d i i u u m m “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 0 0 60i............ uH FancyAssorted, fine, Hour and MinIHuIbte............... 4 000 ____________ .__._._._._._._._._._._. “ Assorted Steel and Gilt, Medium.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 500 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a Fine________________________ Fine________________________ 75 75 7 50 7 50 Chatelaine Assorted, fine, Hour and Minute . Double Time, Hour and Minute._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 50 500 116 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEAR M o o n . SPuAnsn. F. . DozenPair. | Gross Pair. “ “ “ “ “““ “““ ““‘“ “ “ “ “ ““" “““ Gross, ..................................................... 35 u(C “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “" “ “ “ “ “ nU “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ u‘K aK‘ “ “ Best_________________________________________ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Medium__________________________________________________ 835 Moon adoc ......................................... 88 l 8SW|ISS AND ENGLISHMATERIAL. Hands,Steel,Duplex,HourandMinute_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. $00500 .__._._._._._._._._._._. “ Verge, Moon, Hour and Minute............................ . 13 $125 133 1255 50 _._._._._._._._._._._._. “ “ Spade “ “ _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.______ “ English, fine, Moon, Hour and Minute....................... u nu u S a81d1e8, (n5 u _______________________ 35 ____________ “ “ F.D. , Hour and Minute....................... 60 45 13 13 “ ' for Pioneer and Centennial Watches.__._._._._.,.................... Hands, Composition, Lepine, Moon, Spade or Spear, Hour and Minute______ ____________ “ “ “ “ “ All Minute____________ “ “ F..D. .L., Hour and Minute.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ Roskopf ____________________________________________ Gold, EngliSsh, Moon orrS ade, Hour and Minute.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ “ F.. D..L., flour and Minute.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. _._._._._._._._._._._._. 1 25 1 25 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Lepine, “ .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 1500 ____________ “ “ “ “ “ “ S .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 88 ._._._._._._._._._._._._. Seconds, Steel, ommon e ium _________________________________________ Fine______________________________________________ Extrra.Fine_______________________________________ ExtraFine,withLongSocket______________________ Blue and Gilt .................................... Gilt __________________________________________ lnde endent, Exttrra. Fine___________________________ Dup ex _____________,_____________________ _A, _, u_ 10 15 20 25 300 15 2 50 50 75 1 00 1 50 2 50 .__._._._._._._._._._. 1 50 ____________ ____________ ?90®0®®“ ‘ v ‘v [w ,\ (a ??99099 Jewels, Best Garnet, by Sizes, set of 2 gross, with Case and Gauge____________________ per box $11 00 “ “ “ " __________________________________________________ _per dozen 50 The above b o x contains 1 g r o s s t h wheel and balance jewels, gauged accordingjo the size of the holes. Eachbottle thereforecontainsjewelsof assorteddiameters,butthesamesizeof hole,thusfacilitastngselection. Wealso keep alarge stockof jewelsbysizessothatawatch-makercanorderfromusbydozensthesizes oif’jewelsthatheisoutof,thus getting only such sizes as he needs and saving waste. Each. Dozen. Jewels, Swiss, Cap, Common ___________________________________________________________ Gross. $0 20 50 1 00 _,_____. _~; ,___ 200 3 25 4 00 600 400 7 50 7 50 10 50 25 2 00 _________ _________ Faceted _____________________________________ set in Nickel______________________________________ $0 20 “ “ Hole, Common__._-___-____-__.._-_-__.-_._._._______________-_.-_._________-_._. ___- _____' _. Fine, Garnet ___________ ,_, ________________________ “ “ 3:1 and 4th, Largoe____________________ “ “ Balance ______________________________ “ Extra Fine, Chrysolite ______________________ “ “ “ Ruby, Scape and Pallet _ _ ____._._._._._. “ “ “ “ Balance __________________ $0 15 45 15 65 15 45 15 75 15 75 20 1 25 Roller Pins, Common_________________________-.'_.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ “ Ruby, Oval _________________________________________ English, Cock and Foot, set in Brass ______________________ _ 15 “ Cap, set in Steel_____________________N____ -_,_ _ _ 15 25 1 00 1 2-5 Dozen. 1 Gross. 3 300 3 3 2 255 ____________ ____________ 1 755 ____________ 65 1 255, Jewels, English, Fusee, seet t1innSteel Each. $0 30 20 Doznen. I Gross. $3 25 2 00 omneo YOUNG a co.’s TRADE pPnRxICc E m ’‘ '‘ 1}\‘ ,. SWISS AND ENGLIlSH MATERIlAL.‐‐OcOomMed. ' Logl MainSpring Barrels, English Oil, Nye’s, Chronometer 66 “ Clock 6‘ U , a “ u u 11 ‘K t‘ “ unset Plate, unset “ “ s s e e t 1t i n1 1 B B r r a a s s s s Roller Pins, Common “ “ “ “ “ DovetailJewel Slip Pallet Stones, Swiss “ Ruby, Round Duplex Rollers _._._._._._._._._._._._. . ._,. O i l S t o n e D u s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p e r b o x Pellets, English H Pendant Bows. See Case Material, page 122 Pinions, English, Cannon, 10Leaf, Best Polished 12 i( Push Pins and Tops. Ratechets, English, Brass Steel ‘N6 u (6 12 ' 12 Center, 10 “ t6‘‘ 12 l(‘5 6 Leaf, Best Polished 7 lK‘‘ 6‘ g8 n(f 10 (£l6 c(6‘ (6K See Case Material, pages 123 and 124. “ S‘wiss, Steel_l > TRADE MARK. s. LAURENT. Otto Young & Go. . / é/ 0&4; Qim. @%¢W7ZZ fi [4 4. Dozen. \ Groan. \ ‘ LHb h’ _________________________________ _________________________________ ________ ,_____________ ,____________ ________________________________ _________________________________ .m...e.n..t.-...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.-.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:._.. ' “ .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 1 25 ( 60 5 ‘“‘ “‘‘ “/ ’ “‘ ‘ English, Finished_____________________________-»._, “‘,‘ Unfinished_____________________________ Swiss, with Centers_____________________________ “ without Centers_______________ , __________ 3 00 2 50' 1 50 1 00 ............ ____________ ____________ ____________ “ Regulator, “ Staffs, Engish .......................................................... ‘‘ .......................................................... ......................................................... “ Sto Work, “ “ Sw“1rss, Tempered Swiss, . l u 64 U“ u 70 u U 75 U u 80 N “ Ancre Esscacpeampenet “ Cylinder “ “ Duplex . “ “ English “ “ Ver e “ “ Engish, Hour “ ' “ _ 20 20 10 10 2 00 ____________ 2 00 ____________ “ “ Swiss, Hour “ Minute _____________________________________ u n (i “ NHH(( 1 (t N ‘K K‘ 1 (l U £¢ I (5 1 uun‘u 1 1 2 60 75 ____________ Wiure, Brass, “ “ 1to 20__________________________ 2,1 to 30__________________________ ( “ “ “ “ 6‘ UN 5H H u" _ _ _ _ _ _ V V i i e e n n n n a a . L L i mi m e e Wax., for Lathes ._.-.-.-._.-.-.-.-._.-.-..-_.._.-._...-._.-.-_.._._._..-.-_..'_ . _ . _ .. .- . - . - - .. - . - . - . - . -_ . - . - . - .. .. . _ . - . -. . -- . -, . _ . . _ . _ . - . - . - . - . -- _ _ _ _ _ . Wheuels, 2536TeNeth, Poli“shed_________'_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 60 ____________ 60 ____________ 60 ____________ 60 ____________ 60 ____________ 60 ____________ ‘S ‘ “ 150 1 50 ____________ 3 75 ____________ l 00 ____________ ____________ ____________ OTTO YOUNG ditc CO.’S TRADE PRICE LIST. SWISS AND ENGLISH .MATERIAL. Ratchets,Swiss, SteelLarge______-__-_.___._-_.._.__-_._,_-____._-__--____._._;_______ “ “ R R o o s s k k o o p p f f - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _- _- _ _ . _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - _ _ _ _ _ ; _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. . Ratchet Caps or Bridges, Steel______________________________ Regulator __‘._._._._._.7.__________________________________________ Regulators, Duplex____________________________________.___ Rollers, English, Crank_____________________________________________________________ “ “ Table _____________________________________ 2 00 ‘“‘ Swiss, “ _____________________________________ 1 50 (-Screws, English, Assorted, Finished_________________________________________________ ____________ ____________ $1 00 50 60 25 “ SBridgeorPillar,Finished., _.__ _____________ 75 ‘“‘ “ “‘‘ “ “ ‘“‘ Click, inishedd-__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 75 ‘“‘ “ Swiss, “ ‘“‘ ‘“‘ Unfinished____________________________________.___ Finished_________________________________________________ Unfinished _________________________________________ ring, Unfinished_ . . 25 Case S Dial, Long, Finished . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ i “ Minute____________________________________ “ Fuzee _____________________________________ 200' . __ . _ .- _ . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ ................................................ Best_____-__> ___________________________________ “ Pallet, Swiss _______ Stop Works, Duplex____________________ ‘"° Sw1iss, Finished “ “ Unfinished ________________________________________ _ n t‘ ‘I ‘( ‘‘ ‘ Verges, English, BEeSst_ “ . “ ................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ Pin, Assorted in Bundlless_-_._-_________________________________ Stee’l Hooking_____________'_______iZ_________________________________ “ Click _______________________________________________________ “ Pinion _____________________________________________________ IronBinding in Spoois, Nos. 12, 16, 18, 20, 24 and30___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u 5: “‘ “ Short “ -..___---..-_-.--_---__-__-_-.»_________________________ ‘J . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short u _______________________________________________________ 1 00 “J “ Movementtor Case, Finiisheedd..-..-._.-__.__--__-_.-_-_-.____._-_-__---_- “ Pendant Bow, Unfinished_______________________________________ ‘“‘ Ratchet, Unfinished_______________________________________________________ “‘“‘‘ “ Fini“shed.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. ewe]l, Finished_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._.._____________ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _- _ _ _ -. _- _. _. _ .- 1 25 35 25 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._;_,_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 75 ____________ 75 ____________ Bush’s Pivot Wire “ Ewc‘h. .............................................. 10 100 Steel Rivet for Fusee Chains POLISHING POWDERS. "Rouge, “ “fl “ . . . . . . . . .....per bottle, 255 u n “ “ “ Hard “ 10 mery...._..-._..... ........ Diamond Powder, in 54K t . papers .....per apex, 75 “ “ u u “ ............per 1b., 7 . G G l l u u ee . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . .. . . pe rt 5 25 ................................. Crocus, Best........................... . . pper box., Tripoli. Best..-............ . _ . . . . Vienna Lime....................... ..._....‘‘..--. - . . . . _ .... in hballs, Soft .. ....per ball, 70 u Hard __ u 25 0 S o f t __________________ u 70 ‘ 70 ....perobxobx, 20 pergape 75 oOTnTOe aYOtUoNmG da'a c00o..7’8s rTRuAmDE: PRHICE LmIsS'Tr. fill-YER CLEANING POWDER AND SOLUTION. Silverine---_-per doz. $0 88 | Silverine-.-_-per box $0 10 | Jouvin’s Electric Polish....per doz. $2 00 BUSH’'S PIVOT WIRE. ........._....................-.-._._..‘......... $010 Per dozzA. $100 mmnmnmmmmMs =- - "IIn ltnwwuummnmm&x runnifiu Snaphlrilne Diamanfinee...-............................. “ 5 Oil Stone Dust..-._....-._....._.._......_ " 200 per bBottle, $04302 Rotten Stone.............................“.p.per box, $015 $0 15 2 2 00 “ 15 ...- “ 155 . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ottle, 2 “ Sandersonn’5 4........................................... “ 5 , No.1 t , t OTTO YOUNG £&5 CO0N3S5 TRADE PRICE LIST. WATCH CASE MATERIAL. Bezels,Silver_________'_______________________________;_;~_-_'___~__e:eaach$0 830+;perdozen$3 00“ BUOKLAND'Ss PATENT CASE SPRING. SANDERSON’'S CASE SPARHING. Case Springs, Buckland’sPatent....................................................per dozen $075 “ German Silver “ Gold, made to order_____________________________________________ “" 1?- $1 50to 6 00 “ 3 7 o 4 7 o 1I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 l a : 2 2 a a 3 3 a a CLARK'S PATENT. PAT. GROOVED. P A T E N T CASE SPRINGS. Case Springs, Lifting, Clark’s Patent, for Swiss Cases, Sizes 1 to 5 Catch, " Lifting, “ “ 1 to 5 for American “ “ 1a.to 38a.___________________ “ Catach,t c h , ““ “ Lifting, Patent Grooved, Sizes 1 to4._._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. " “ Harwood’’sPatent, Sizes “ Blauer “B80o9ss5S8.wW.." “Fahys.” “Dueber.” “Fahys” Catch. No. I5B.‘-. No. I[ 6‐. No. I7. __________ ,. 15; 1 00 “ “ 1aatoo3a_a__________________ 1 to4................................ Case Springs, Liffttini ngg, ,““ Boss,,”” for 8,10 orr188Size Cases, Key orrStem Wind.__._._._._._._._._.per dozen $300 “ “FFaahys,” for 2,3 4,or5ounce Cases......................... “ Caatcht c h , ““ “ 2,3, 4,or5 "“ “ ......................... “ “ Lifting, “Dueber,” ‘“ 2,,3,,4.o0r1-5 “ “ _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__._._._.._. “ a “ catch u u 21324701. 5 u 6‘ _________________________ u C a t c h , “ “ 2 3,4 or5 “ “ _________________________ “ L i f t i n g No. 15, long. heavy Butts..................................... “ Cattch, No. 16, American Catch, 18 Size, with broad Lip____________ “ “ No. 177 “ “" 8and 100Size, with broad Lip_._._._._._._._._._. “ “ “ F o r Eaglle Cases .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ H “ 5 122 OTTO YOUNG a co.’s TRADE PRICE LIST. ”WATCH CASE MATERIAL. s8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ._ 1 o0 SOLID CASE SPRINGS. 00 000 Case Springs, Solid. Swiss, four holes, set back, Slotted Shank, Nos. 000 too5.__._._._._._._._._._._.per doz.,, $00755 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Catch Springs, “ “ “ Plain Shank, not set backc,k ,““ ____________ “ “ 21t:0o 6oz. (Nos. 6to 8).-__.-. “ settback, Slotted Shhanak,n k , “ __ ___- “ Swiss, left hand, assorted sizes____________________________________ “ 1 00 1 00 1 00 _ 1 00 1 00 American “ “ “ ' American “ “‘f “ ____________________________________ “ “ _________________________.._._._._._._._._._._._. JOlNT WlRE Joint Wire, Brass, assorted sizes_ ‘ “ “ erman Silver, assorted sizes_._._._._.__._._._._._.' “ “ Silver, assorted sizes “ “ Rolled Gold Plate, assorted sizes . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.......................... ............................................. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .‘ “ “ Gold, 14K.,assorted sizes_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._........ “ “ Gold Filled, Nos. 1 2._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ " “ u u . un “ Nos. 24-} and3________________________________________ ._.. “ (1c5 N0o 4_____________ll_____________________________________ i1‘c 5 50 “ “ “ u‘G u uU “ Sizes Nos. 1and 1 ...................................... “ (565 350 5 50 G O L D Pendant Bows, Gold, 10K., Holilow Wire 10K., Solid “ “ “ “ 14K., Hollow “ “ “ “ 14K., Solid, “, B Oo Ww sS . per dwt., $0 75 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S I L V E R PENDANT B o w s . Pendant Bows, Silver,Swiss, assortied sizes, Nos. 1to3...............................per doz., $25 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ with Guards _ .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ 300 American, Small, for 2 oz. Cases, No.4._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ 200 Medium, for 3 and 4 oz. Cases, No.5._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ 250 “ Large, for 5and 6oz. Cases, No.6.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. “ 400 Pendant BOoWwsS, Rolled Plate, Swiss, assorted sizes .................................... “ 300 3 000 3500 4 00 “ “ "“ ( x t r a qualliittyy_.. “ “ American, Sizes Nos. 3,,4 and 5-. .......... ’~' “ ROLLED PLATE PENDANT BOWS per doz., $175 and 4 PENDANT _ _ _ } u56 uf‘ 5 and 6______________________________________ PENDANT BUSHINGS. Pendant Bushings, Silver__----.,__-.--.--_--_______-_...____.-_-______------..-..;..................per doz., $0 50 _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Per doz. $0 25 15 Per groass. $2 50 1 50 “ “ " 75 1 00 1 00 ‐«3~ o'r'ro. YOUNG a co.’s TRADE PRICE LIST. ' 123 wWuA'rccll-l cAsz MATERIIAL.); I 2 4 5 8 9 I0 lIlI SILVER T O P AND BRASS PUSH PINS. PushfIP’hinis, No. 1, Silver Top «5 NO. ‘3, “ N0.3, NO. 5, No. 5’ “ “ “ ,_ “ “ “ No.8, No. 9, N0o. 10, No. 10, Brass, Plain______________________________________________________ N0. 10, “ ,E xExt trra Large__________________________________________ N0o. 11, “ Drilled _______________________________________________ it No. 2, u H No.2, u a N0.4, “ No.4 u “ 1; “ “1 25 u “ N0. 6, No. 6’ u u1 25 ‘6 “ No. 7, No. 7: £5 u1 75 $0 75 75 75 u “1 25 u “ 60 “ 60 “ » 20 GOLD PLATED PUSH PINS. PushPins, GoldPlated,§1o15s0.5%”?,2and3 ‘PUSH PIN AND KEY COMBINED. . PUSH PlN AND KEY COMBINED‐ .Push Pin and Key Combined, for 18size Movements inDueber Cassese.s..-................per dOozZ. $420 N"o. Iles.l N“o-. I7.1 No. Il8s. N"0o.! I9:. NOo.201. No0.2!lI‐ STEM WIND PUSH PINS AND COROWNS. Push Pinand. CroWwn, Key Wind, Interchangeable, Silver, No. 16, for 2 to 5oz. Cases -.._ .- .- PerDoz.EEaacc1h1 “ “ u un u u StemWind, “ ,'v_ “u u“ u (a1 Nickel, No. 16, “ -.. -._- $2 00 175 2 00 $0 25 20 25 “ “ _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. 3 500' Centennial, Nosl.l.200and 21, ........................... 250 355 25 25 “ “ Roskopf, No. 19, Crown, Chatelaine, Sillver,r,No. .22’........................................... “ nN o o ; : 2 2 2 2 . . N N o o . . 2 2 5 5 . . N N o o . . 2 2 6 6 . . N N o o . . 2 2 7 7 . . N N o o . . 2 2 8 8 . . N N o o . . 2 2 9 9 . . N N o o . . 3 3 0 0 . . R R o o o- k k o o p p rf . . C C e e n n t t e e n n n n i i a a l l . . Silver,Nos.17:o01r'18 “ “ Nickel,l “u “ GoldPlated,‘ ‘u( u - 1 75 4 00 20 35 GOLD STEM WIND PUSH PIN CROWNS. P P u u s s h h P P i i n n C C r r o o w w n n s s , , f f o o r r C C h h a a t t e e l l a a i i n n e e W W a a t t c c h h , , G G o o l l d d , , N N o o . . 2 2 2 2 , , a a s s s s o o r r t t e e d d s s i i z z e e s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e a c h , $ 06 0 “ “ “" “ “ Gold,.14Kt Nos.25or26,for8and10sizeCases_______________________ “ Nos. 27 or 28, for 14 and 16 size Cases “ 85 “ “ Nos. 29 or 30, for 18 size Cases “ 1 00 _ . _ - - _ __ _ - _ - _ - _ -__ ___ “ 15 “ 20 “ 20 ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY’S MOVEMENTS, When desired, will engrave dealer’s name on any Elgin Movement, excepting the following: Nos. 92, 938, 94, 6 and -.7,-,-aand the 10» size K. W. Movements, without extra. charge. Orders for s s p p e e c c i i a a l l n n a a / m m e e d d m m o o v v e e m m e e n n t t ' s s w w i i l l l l b b e e d d e e l l i vi ve er er ed di i n n f f r r o o m m f f o o u u r r t t o o s s i i x x w w e e e e k k s s . . A l l Elgin Movements, with the exception of Nos. 6 and 7, and 10size Key Wind Movements, have Quick Trains and Straight Line Escapements. 18 Size, F u l l Plate Key and Stem Winders:; K K nm ! aW mn n . . “ B-.Ww.- RAuYmMoOmNfiDim-”{vEg‘Psgfive’égae‘esmseisefiettéeasfg'fipfilzuepis’alefi‘zfiesifig‘l‘mfiifii$i$4z 50 “ H- H- TAYLOR” i{EXxpPz:;ia§z3i§z.,e?fi¥z:€zgsgzgs$33335,3535135.1..f2f.‘?ff’?f??.f‘Ef.‘.i’f‘effil’?l’.‘i 24 o00o “GG-M- M.W- HWEHEELLER.-”%imiEl‘fémi‘ésR§’i‘:g:z‘ifi€ifir1fi.f2fiem3fm..‘."-1if.fi".‘.i‘i:‘.fi°.f.t‘.ifi"..f‘fi‘titf.f‘tf§fr‘i?e'.:i’s:i 15 so ' NAMELESS. E E n n g g r r a a v v e e d d , , E E l l g g i i n n N N a a t t i i o o n n a a l l W W a a t t c c h h 0 0 0 0 ° . . . Km m a a n n . . NO- 70- ' '- i- '- {-{mS’fimfi§'fim' fiflg'Kfigflm‘i‘fifl’i‘Ji‘iftf‘flffffl‘f‘ol‘fl‘fiili - - $ NO- 69- - - - .'- {smfiaiifizni3fme‘fliiguui‘fii’itifi?fi’f.’fzfi.f.fi'i‘.f‘fif‘fi’ff‘fi‘.i - 42 50° ' N 0- 80--- - - - i-“{mSafimafitaéfén’nfmtflmgugafilf”t?zii-‘if:.'’f?’1."f‘*.i‘’.3._Y.Y‘_‘_'f’‘f.’3‘ff‘‘:i - - NOo- 79-' - - - - i”wmainsim.sli$fe.g$fi:i¥am}?ff?zfi.5.§€?§z'.fi‘fe’fffi’f}i _- 24 0o0o -“i{sa“m§lg.?agfnt"tenk£egg‘mulwefl"ffiff'.‘ffi’.fflffl‘.fYf’f?'f‘?f‘f?’fii '- {iSsmamf’ai‘iea’ni‘sfRmefimiaé‘fiaiaff'éffif’f’ffiffiff'‘flffi‘}‘;i {-iE’xpfirn’fifl3’3ée’v1‘Bées‘fiff‘'ffl‘3‘fl_’°ffifzii - - - S S u u m m W W I mN Dn . . $55 0o0o 30 oo z: oo S S u T m “ W W m m » ) , . $55 00 30 00 21 00 '‘1I3 50 10 00 16 00 N 0- 82- - N 0- 81L- N 0-- 1 0- -'' NO0- 13- ' ' ' ' {E’‘pffi“°‘s}°i‘“e’v§‘?a'fif?‘fl.°‘ifi’1ffi}i -~ - - - mlo 60 NO- 6- - ~- - - {-imExi"n?f"éJ°i’év§’l’ivff'tfif‘’ff?’f‘’f:} - - - - N0.. 50°- (NiCkell))' ‘'2 ' ' . ' . 55 00 ' 55 00 - - ' - - ' - - '- - - - - - .f»' 15 5so0 N0o- 7- - - - - {E‘xppmi'éié‘ivfi’vé'zSifi‘fiflf'i’‘ffzi - - - - 7 00 “‘No. 88. (Nickel) - -i{Ex‘Pvgf“f°§}g}ggeeRlga§ff{?ff?f§?}) - NOo- 87~- (NiCckeDl)- '- {Em‘piffi'ii‘gfxfi‘ée’tiEai‘fif‘f'fffz}i -. -. .- -. 1m2 00 The B. W. Raymond, B. H. Taylor S. W. 70, 69and No. 80have Breguet Hair Springs. - INTEROCHANGEABLE. ‘ Perm1ittingthe Stem to beplaced at either XleIIor I I Iin the same movement. N N A A M M E E L L E E S 8 S8 - . Engraved, ElginNationalWatch 00. Compensation Balance, adjusttedtoheat, cold. isochronism and position, No.72.(Nicklel)- ‐ 17 R’ubay nJewe1sls1.inu’ reaiseddGooldldSSett'tings, BreegguenttSprriing,Patentt}$$1I 70 00 O 72 10 e) 3 mMiicrolmZetei-reRvlgeegguulaiutor_ .i..n...}. .l.)..g..'..:.-.._.. 70 00 No.49.-----i NO.49' ' ° ' ' ‘t - - - 4500 ' ' ' 45 00 - - - - 2800 - - - 28 00 16 Size, 3-4 Plate, Stem Winders. . {Expansion Balancev. Adjusthead, 15Jewel1s:> xp(4anpgafiinrs' in Sleicteti-ntfigesll)g,sP).ia¥t:tentReguulfalavtvogrs.é . _ Expansion Balance, Adjusted. 15 Jewe1ls} _ (4?1p3a111ir31s15in Sneet'itgiinenggs),{Pfasttent Regulateo)r;.:’ ' _ _ _ Expansion Balance, _ _ _ _ NO-.93-' ' ' ' ' '{Ei xp'f1ffi13J3ewee1lsB.s..ff.?.'.ffi.} - - - - Expansion Balance, 18Jewels (3 pairs in 2, No.48. - - - ‘ - i fi N0'48° ' ' ' impgSgetft'i'négs ) .f.’.i.‘.f.‘.f.f.’.i.’.f.f.‘.fi..l.f.f.’.f.f.’.f.’.i.i.f.fi . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . °- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - -° -' 17 00 FOR WATCH CASES, SEE PAGES 252 to 269. 270 . _ . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ILLUSTRATIONS ‐O___. ZEATCH HZOVEMENTS, MANUFACTURED BBBBB . ELEIN NATIDNAL WATEH EDl]. 1885. 18 SIZE, F U L L PL ATE, STEM-WIND MOVEMENTS. MANUFACTURED ALSO As5 KEY-WmanmEmns. B. W. RAYMOND. H. H. TAYLOR G. M. WHEELER. No. 8 0 . 1 6 SIZE, 3 4PLAT E , STEM-WIND MOVEMENTS. No. 92. Interchangeable, 16 Size, % Plate. Permitting the Stem to be placed at either X I I or I I I , in the same Movement. BRIDGE INTERCHANGEABLE, 16SIZE, % PLATE, STEM-WIND MOVEMENTS. Permi|lting the Stem to be placed at either X I I or I I I , in the same Movement. N o . 8 6 . N o .. 8 5 . ‐, L A D I E S ’ 8 SIZE, 3 / P L ATE, STEM-W1IND MOVEMENTS. N o . 6 7 . N oO. .666&. N o . 6 5 . N o . 9 4 . ‘-‘ ELGIlN"" NATIONAL WATGCH. COMPANY’S MOVEMENTS. |I6 Size, Bridged, Stem Winders. INTEROHANGEABLE. Permitting the Sstem to be placed at either X I I or I I I in theiea-me movement. N N A A M M E E Ll . E E 8S 8S . . Engraved,; ElginNationalWatch Co. \ 9; , Compensation Balance, Adjusted to heat, cold, lsochronismand position; ' 0 N N o0 . . 9 x( i 8 - N0o-. 66. -' NOo-. 65-. - NO- 94-. - -' -° -' -' - - ilExwpié’x‘lil‘géé’t’'té’iiiffiéé’é‘fiéefifif‘fif’f.f{ffTf.(i’.i‘.i‘.f’f‘fffll '- '-- '- l“Eweilsl"u5e5if5g1s3a3fl,s“5fe3s:1s333315172355119???l -' A, -' -' - - -° 3200 -° 27 00 22 00 - 16 s5o0 (Nlckel). 17Ruby Jewels i crometer Regulator 0 ................................................. 0 ' (N10Cke1))°' ansion Balance, Adjusted, 15Jewels (4 _ _ ._ ppailrsin Settings).,PatentRfiegulator lt’ . . 0 64- 00 “ G A I L BORDEN..”” {E‘Ppf3?‘飒e3fie“’fi_a‘_i‘f?'ffj} - “ DEXTER STREET.” {Em‘W'finfvéfix’léfllflflgff’ffifj}l -' - - .4 - - - - I13 oo 1n1 80 a 1 7 n I8 0 0 tt ing s) eg ulat or 1“ ' ' i nraised Gold Settings, Brceguet Spring, Patent Mi- $ Ex l% N N A A M M EB L L E E S S S S . . Engraved, E l g i n National Watch 0C0o. E E { “$323,1232((4451.3,3233‘in$S1e2i‘é5i,é9s1)0-.-}i - - - No.- 2.. - - - lE“ax‘fSsEs‘fifigé’ni‘nmg‘é‘etfiia‘é‘Mtfif".1I’ffi5'ffi?ff’ - - -. - 2z0oooo NO0-92- ' ‘' i{mpff??§£?e3?3§fe_l‘’§ff‘f1°_.fl§.l ' '- '- '- '- -' 13 SsoO NO-.86 ' NO-. 85.‘ ' ' -' . . NO- 4((N1ickel)l-) ' ' ens'ion Bal]ance, Ad'u‘ sted,,15Jewe1ls44 -' ' '' - , {Emxpmpaélre’inin sefilfié m - 54- 0 , Pelamtenfit R l'fi..(f-} 0 0 Se I6 size, 94 Plate, sSttem Winderrss.‐; il B B al l , , A A d d ' 1t e :d d , , 1 1 5 5 40 00 E ' Beal , Ad ted, 15 No. 3. - - l “3233ng“1,332?“silken} - - ' ' 31 00 NO- 3- ' ' l “3253; (“3321-1Sellligige)-..l - - ' - 31 00 NOo-. 71 (Ni0ickk0e1)l-) NOo-.67(NiCckel)- 8 Slize, 94 Plate, Stem VWllinders. NAMELESS. Engraved,. Elglin National Watch 00. n '131 ,17RbJ 15 ll iedGldStt' , ' {lBx“£”fi2¥2§3§;i'é£1?,2$3i3f§, “:eil§lkl-§$fi3f5§2ft,§12i°2$ sEéifiiihix'él'é‘fliimfiuggfiofiufitfif.fTfiE‘f‘“fi).}l -' 650 00 liEmxinpnmé‘efi‘i’ilfgéli‘i.‘fz:}iifiifiifl’i‘fif.‘f’.‘§i?’f?_f‘ff?il -' -° - n 1 1m , { E”miiifvu‘?é.e°£ne..m:‘.’.3..°_f-fi..} - - - - I I 0 0 Ss l l z z e e , , 9 9 4 4 P P l l a a t t e e , , K K e e y y W W l i n n d d e e r r es . . “LADY-ELGIN.” “LAnvaucmn’ {me-33mm - '- - - - 1530 m fi 0 {mfg-33331035} .' . '. . . . 15 30 The movements named below have been discontinued,andwewill close out stock onhand at follow‐ i n g greatly reduced prices: N0. 81. Same asGM. heeler, K. ................................................ size .lain Regulator ..........................‘' _ .. $18 _--;. 1350 SW. P W. ,~,GM. W.heeler, 18 ’ 50 W., Plain Regulator . _ . . - . _ - . . . ‘ . No. 82. - “ “ , “ S. W., “ “ ____________________________________ 1s8 50 No. 84. Nilckel, 16 size, S. W. sweep seconds; for Hunting or Open Face . . .- - . . -. -__-_-; ___________ 86 00 N0.89. Gilt, (HI ‘“6 HU UH (uC (‘lI “(C Mfl _______________A.-.-.-.-.-.-.24 00 For Watch Cases, eee Pages 252 to 269. -° - - - .. . $1 WSpecialnamesengravedonall138sizeKeyandHuntingsSttemWinding Movements,exceptingBroadwaysandSter‐ liinggs.sfre.e of charge. 5& Q ‘ Ss le 1 ialnamesengravedonBroadwaysandSterli‘ngs imnquantitiesofnotlessthanfive,at700permovement. Q‘Lgavoevements with special names delivered“1' none lEmlnof’onmth from receiptof order. ' 18 Size,FullPlate,KeyandStemWindMovementtss.‐; A l l 18 size Stem Wind Movements made to wind at either figures X I I orr!-III I tfonr Bllnuntinzg or Open Face Cases. oc “ W . ELLERY,” ....................................i 19 oo 13 50 I3 50 “W. ELLERY,” - - ‐ “W- ELLERY,”- - - -i G ‘ ”hBianlawnce'if.ff.’.ff..{.e..f.f°.:.’.°.:.ff.’_..‘fi..‘.".e..'.ff.‘;.‘f.‘.2.‘.‘i r - - 10 60 -«Nowt made - 1I44. o00o {Gilt 2pairs extra Jewels,Compensation:> _ _ I 0 60 7Jewels, Com ensation “ A. W. Co., STERLING,” {m‘fi3,iiiw..‘5e2"f?_f‘_f_f_‘;_‘f_‘_._‘f’fi} - - - K E Y. ' STEM. figegmi‘figerature,aLreguetHair Spring,Patent N“otmade $62 00 A|'NWkktacli,lD. S80C. DialA,4patirsexltsgrra'alfllfinneeJeJweXdeaselsjls1i'30123g1e?t“‐ APPLETON, APPLET’I‘ON, TRACY & Co. {W’m’m’L’i‘Q’fi‘fEhhmmmm-wcke’l MmM‘} - - $-$40 00 48 oo TRACY & C o0 . r “ WALTHAM WATCH Co.,” ,, “it P. S. . BARTLETT,,” “ P. S. BARTLETT,” “ P. S. BARTLETT,” Retogular .................................. 30 0oo0 3 3 3 30 28 00 ngs, nmpensa t on a ance , A u11s to egnator . . GOiult, 4 pairs Jewels, Compensation Ba'ance, Adjusted, Bregnet Hair Spring, Patent }A e . . - . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . _ .. . . . . . . . - . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Nickel, 4 pairs oextn-a Jewels in Settings, Com- } pensation Balance, Patent Regullaatotor.r.-..... N o t made _ imass4tipairs extra Jewellsm1' nSettin s.Compen‐ onon Balance, Patent Regulatgor......If... %A 22 40 om, J1ism,c ‐ iMistaifi)fi'fix'ofifflfifgmfieffiff'.fi-ff..--.3f‘f1’..-1f’3.?3‘?fflA.i I9 70 25 3° {iNiackheul, m2 pairs extra Jewells, Compensation;> Balance 100 oo “ A . W.. Co., BROADWAY,” {7”°J§e'g:,5‘:;‘g,°fi°gmpemfl“°m“} - - - - 7 oo Notmade For Watch eCases,. see pages 252 to 269.;‘ COMPLETEWALTIH'IAM LADIES’' WATCHES. IN 8 S I Z E SILVER CASES. Stem Winders andk-Stem Setters, in 194 oz. Hunting aG.. J. Cases. 7n7 . Nichkeol Movement, 38 airs extra Rub 14 ‘ RO0YAL}, ' ' ' ' ' {A ance, inCase-.P?................f3 uc 1n7 Gilded Movementt. 2 airs extra Rub ‘ ROYAL), ' ' '’ ' ' iA CompensattiionBaance,in Case.._-..yn._.._..._...7.'...................,z}’ 35 00 Jewels u 1717 Gilded Movement, 7 Jewels,. Exposed Pallets, Compensation Bal‐ Case ELLERY)’ '‘ ' ' ' ' {A ancein - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . Jewels, Com ensation Bal-l il .:. ’ . . .uHp..g............{$44 00 . . _ Exposed Pallets, iE ...................................................}A 27 50 l| WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY. ' | I 1 G6 S S I I Z Z E E Oc H H R R q Q ' ' u N o O c G R R A A p P l H- l S s . . 1-5SECONDS. START,STOP AND FLY-BACK. For Sporting, Scientific and Mechanical Purposes. in Gold, Silver, and “Ccrescenntt"” Filled Cases. Silver CGases,Gold Trimmed, $3.00 Extra. Any deviatticiomn in weight of Gold Cases will be added or deducted at the rate of 382.00 for 18K, $1.60 for 14K, $1.20 for 10K per dwt. HUNTING. OPEN muons. l" I| 8 K G A S E S ' d w t . |[_Price. E_dytvt_‐ -~Price. Gilded Movement} . ............................................ 50$190 00 ‘400 Nickel Movementt.............................................. 50 200 00 40 190 00 Best quality,. Nickel Movement, with Split Seconds and Minutes. 60 600 00 50 590 00 mIN I4KCASES. ~ ] 500 250 000 400 240 000 Best quality, Nickel Movementt, with Split Seconds.................. 60 450 00 50 440 00 Best quality, Nickel Movemeennt.t-.-.-..1.............. . . . . - . . . - ... .-..... . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _7 4 5 5 _ ‐ $5 1 1 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 _v §3 5 5 _* $ $ 1 1 5 5 0 0 00 Gilded Movement NickelMovement.---._.. .. ._ -- -. . . . . - - - .- -. - -. - - -. ..-..--.-..--.._- :1 170 220 0 0 0 0 160 Best quality., Nickel Movveemmenetn.__t._._._._._._. _._._._-_._._._._-_. 4 5 4 5 3 5 3 5 0 0 210 00_‐_‐ IN IIOK GCASES. .1 . . .- .. .. _. __ _- _. _. _ -. . - - . . . _- . _. _. Gilded Movement ........................................... 40 $140 00 30‐ $130 00 Nickel Movement _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. ... 400 150 000 300 140 000 “m Z“ m suvszn CcASsEssS. -4 Oz. ‘' Oz. 21} $60 000 2 $600 000 21,; 7000, 2 7 0 00 “I 1 ]'_ Gilded Movement................................... . ....... NickelMovemeenntt..-.. v . _ . _ - , - _ - _ _ _ - - _ - - . - _ _ - . . . . . - ... _ __.. mIN “CRESCENrI"' ” cGOoLmD FILLED CASES. .............................-...................“f..1.t.1.}.0 Gilded Movement Nickel Movement ____ s$84s040 ...............................................‘ Above prices do not include Engraving, Decoration, or Box Joints, which will be charged extra. AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY’S LADIES’ WATCHES. Ww HUNTING. OPEN FACE. HUNTING. |I OPEN FACE. lI" IB8K GOLD OCASES.' d(l_w_wtt. PrP‐_ricicee. . dwt. Price. "I"I “K GOLD GCASEES"' dwt. _Prir_ice_.e. dwt. P‘Prrilce. Amn.WaetchColNiicickkool,l4,41§}pr 23‐0$1l33 0 16 $123 00 Amn.Wat.ctchhCCoo.N.lilcikeehl,l4,4iipr. 20 t$i1l1l!9) 00 13 $111 40 Amn.Watech0C0o.Ilicekhel,l,4pr. 23 11955 16 10950 Amn.Watch0C0o.RNichk]e,4l,4pprr. 20 10550 13 9840 I I N N I I O O K K G G O O L L D D GC A A S S E E S S . . Royal, Nickel____________ 17$62 50|' Royal, Gilt______________ I I N N C C R R E E S S C C E E N N T T Ellery, Gilt_._._._._._._._._._._._._._'1746 4500 Ellery, Gilt ....................... .................... - .. 23 875016 7750Royal, Nickel............ 20 735 13 6640 Royal, Nickel- Royal, Gilt.............. 23 78300160 6800Royal, Gilllt:.......... -_20 645013 5690 _ _- _ - _- -. Ellery, Gilt.............. 231 710016 6100Ellery. Gilt.......... . - 20 570013 4940 H H U U N N T T I I N N G G . . sS xK vY uL I o G n H ' Tr . . q@E ‐ F r wW‐ e ' Wm _ , “ , , , , , .. . _ ' ‐ F F I I L L L L E E D D C C A A S S E E S S . . t i Hn Uv mN T mI N oG O O N N L L Y Y . . 17 5350|0 - _- .- Royal, Gilt 5050 4650 3900 1 7 .- - 5 0 ................ . .. . . . . . . . . .. - - - - - - . $59 50Royal, Nickel ,_ .- ._ _ ,. $56 00 0 0 001. Above prices do not include Engraving or Box Joints, which will beextra. _ .. . _ . 273 0 $ _f 00’i _ 90 100 114 00 0 00 ______ $180 00 , . 9 40 4 Nickel Nu u tu‘ 180 00 L"’EI‘fL’HOoWwAmHnD WATCHH» CcoOMmPpAiNuYi'’sS MOVEMENTS. I lGEENTS’ STEM WINDERS AMNDillSTEM SETTERS. 1 1 8 8 s s i i z z e e M M o o v v e e m m e e n n t t s s m m a a d d e e t t o o W W i i n n d d a a t t F F i i g g u u r r e e s s X X I I I I o o r r I I I I I I , , ~- f f o0 r r H H u u n n t t i i n n g g o o r r O O p p e e n n F F a a c c e e C C a a s s e e s s . . ‘ ‘ DUST PROOF. Gilded, Chronometer Balance Movement, Plain Regulator....................................S$800 “ “ “ “ “ Patent ‘"~ .................................... 8666 -_ -_ _ _. “ “ “ “ “ adjusted to heat and cold .- _- . Hu (ul tu‘ Il. Hu N 106 A No. 106. ADJUSTED. .- lI n3i5sm,5a:nadirPleosist o?ne. tzPsaeteanet Remeuzlargtosrz'"113? O' ' DJUSTED' j Nzcfieéwelzasilgvimagmgsif1g1g‘getiikuessefadjusitezlltlcozjf’l'leezrmanple11r1?‐ i( ature.bDl)ug.Dhiioal.l PEaten?ntIR’legulaltor-P........ll.e.... NOtmade. N o. 4. RAILROADER. NO- 4- RAILROADER- ; ” i “ ,E‘ Bfflffi NO- 102- NO. 101. ‐-‐ NO- 3- ‐-‐ ' NO. 2. NO. 1. ‐- NO“- 156-' ,NO-. 154 NOC- 152. , NO0. 101-. ‐ ‐-- ‐ ' fi‘f“?__l_"_“_{__1_‘_j’f‘f_e_'?j__1_°;“_‘_°j'_‘_‘__‘??f‘_ Not made i Mikaela?finfifulfifflf....i?vff.?i...ft.efffffiNotmade i) ‘Wc'i’ifi‘ele‘gfilgdigcfiegv‘5fl1s.5’f.1?3i’fl‘.i’sffff.fii.'fif.fs3f1ffl.f3ffl1E15ff.".flI]f?‘l’W$3316 4-8 {%Nickel,11Jewels,Ex Bael. PlainRegulator.........IfNotmade. i Gumtnkgfég‘ili‘ffifé‘fi‘r‘ffiflfi.TflEllfL'..?’.’...1‘l.?Lf.fi‘Ifl3f’1.v.'vf:f.3x_lfi'..lxf'flf1.x_.f’'.fl.fl."?flilt‘?.‘l 11 80 i3, Gilt, 11Jewels., Ex. Bal. Plain Regullattorr...,. NO- 1033- "_ N0. 103-. "_ 4_IVi'cckkrl Ad'luisted, Double Sunk l1Diaial, 15Jewels, Ex. ‐ ‐~ 4 ‐- ‐- ‐ ‐ il’ 10 62 {%Giltl, 7Jewels, Ex.Bal. PlainRegulator............}l 9 46 ADJUSTED“' ~I “ “_ _ _‐ ‐ _‘ _ ‐ i ‘:lNickel, 15Jewels, E x . Bal., 4pairs inSettings....................... 31 00 I 23Gilt, 11Jewels, E x . B a l................................................ 20 50 ‘(4Gilt, 7Jewels, Ex. Bal................................................ 18 50 ‐ ‐ _ ...... 106 66 “ “ “ cold and position.-.-.. 146 66 We keep consttanttlyly"in stock in 14K and 18K, Engine Turned and Top and BottomEngraved Cases, tofit above movements; any other styles illustratedordesired wecan make toorder atshort notice. LADIES’' 6 SIZE STEM WIND MANID STEM SET MOVEMENTS. DUST PROOF. Gilded, Chronometer Balance Movementt, Patent Regulalatotor-r.--.-....-.-.-.--._..-._.._.._._.-.1..............$ 8668 N i c k e l , “ ............................. Gold Cases to fit above Movements made to orderrim'n any style desired. ILLINOIS WATCH COUMPANY. (Springfield, Ill.) A l l Illinois Watch 00. Movemnients have Quick Trains. GENTS’' I8 SIZE KEY AND STEM WIHNDEHRS. A l l Stem Wind Movements made to Wind at Figures X I I or I I I , for Open Face or Hunting Cases. No. 105. ADJUSTED. NO' 105' ADJUbTED' I Ggolgd Sefittilngs.t,iEx. £B1a1l,T, 8BreguettHairiIrSSpprgring, 1a. a‘uste o emperaure socro‐ ( Fulll Nickel, Damaskeen Finiish. 15Jewels, 4 pairs in Stem Wind. ?NlmOt made. $100 00 I NicIerl Mlovgmeiit,ingaskeendl';nitsh tExll‘Bal' 15 LAIDIES“' 8 SIZE STEM IWNINDEBRS AMNID SETTERIIS. Full Nickel, Damaskeen Finish, 15Jewels, 4 air Iin Settlin s5 Ex. ' li Bal., adjusted to Temperature,lIsoechr’onislinand Positliofi.’..... $60 00 The Movements named below have been discontinued, and we w i l l sell what we have of them at the following low prices: Key Wind. StemWiind.‘ 1‘l 1 32 “,11,1 183] Siuze,Sttem W i n d onn .__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._L__._._. 333 000 ‐ l-‘.M‘V’”c’é’é‘fezfez’e?lf’fl_‘f‘’.fi’lf’?.f?‘fi:‘"f.fl3ai.fi“f:f.‘f.f.‘J...‘L‘i"?.“Yf’.?1f?§‘.:.f’;f‘z:.?f’f*ff‘.‘.zJf‘f.’ $23 00 28 00 ........ . ? ....--.- 11334 K e y Wind. 40 00 23 00 23 00 20 00 16 00 15 50 13 50 12 50 HAMPDEN WATCH COMPANY. (Springfield, Mass.) GENTS’ I8 SIZE. KEY AMNID STEM WIND MOVEMENT-S. No charge for special names on movements in Roman or Script letters. For Old English, two cents per letter. Special names on dials, $1.00. Ordersforspecialnamedmovementswillbefilledin fromfourto sixweeks. Railway, {gNickel, 15RubyJewels, CompensationBalance,finely adjustted K e y Wind. StemWind. $67 00 45 32 00 28 00 2370 23 00 15 50 1350 11 00 2 8 0 0 0 0 Perry, . Perry, - “{NVicekwel, 15Jewels, Expansion Balance WOooOllwWoOrtI‘hthfg,{ Gilt, 15Jewels, Compensation Balance, adjusted Lafayette, {inAfllleoluwia,11Jewels,ExpansionBalance W W Oo Oo l l Ww Oo I r ’ I t J h h , , G G i i l l t l , , 1 1 5 5 J J e e w w e e l l s s , , C C o o m m p p e e n n s s a a t t i i o o n n B B a a l l a a n n c c e e \ ‘ Hayward, Gilt, 11 Jewels, Expansion Balance Springfiegld, 0Gmill, 11]Jewels, Expansion Balance Lafayette, NO. 35, N0, 40, No., 33, No. 30, 0G mi l t . , 1 1 5 5 J J e e w w e e l sl s , f ’ C C o o m m p p . . B B a a l l . . , . a a d d j j u u s s t t e e d d , , e e n n g g r r a a v v e e d d H H a a m m p p d d e e n n W W a a t t c c h h 0 0 0 0 . , I } » Nickel, 165Jewels, Expansion Balance 0Gmilt,. 15Jewels, Compensation Balance 1‘(Gmilt, 15Jewels., Expansion Balance, adjusted {lNeickweh,15Jewels, Expansion Balance Gilt, 15Jewels. Expansion Balance { Gilt, 15Jewels, Expansion Balance {Nickel, 11 Jewels, Expansion Balance F o r Watch Cases for above, see pages 252 to 269. {Nickel, 15Jewels, Expansion Balance, adjusted {Ni/0M, 15Jewels, Expansion Balance, adjusted Sstem Winders and sSttem Setters. In Fancy Watch Boxes. f' M14 Key Winders. 178‐14K.Hunting,FullEn‐ graved, Enameled. Gold ap, Real NiOckEeIl, Fi1n16e In Fancy Watch Boxes. I 1 S8 L1 - ‐ 1 1 4 4 K K . . H H u u n n t t i i n n g g , , E E n n g g r r a a v v ‐ ‐ ed, Gold Cap, Fine Lever Lever Movementt-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-$$62 00 179‐14K-.Huntingt,EDnfiglr‘aVv‐' e e d d , , G G o o l l d d C C a a p p , , R R e e a a l l N N i i c c k k e e l l ., Movement................$44 00 Movement ................$44 00 ~ LeverMovement .........5700 180‐10K.Hunting,Engrav‐ e r M o v e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 erMovement ............. 4000 ed,PlatedCap,RealNick‐ el,LeverMovement......4500 183‐Goeld Hunting, En‐ géraved, Lever Movement, ment .. Ladlees’ Ccolin SillverWatches, Key and Stem Wilndeors. 1 8 7 ‐ H u n t i n g Case, Real Nickel Lever Movement, Stem Winder Colin Ssilver Cylinder Watches. l1S8B9‐Ladies’Huntin Case, E.W Co.Movement,Key inder ...... 19g08~£Gége§n§ts§‘leHfiufini‘tfiinig C3:a2s2e?. iEii-W Co.Movement,KeyWinder-‐ Co.Movement,KeyWinder.. and Setter........................$17 00 and Setter------------------------$17 00 I1s8a8‐‐Hunting Case, Plated Cap, LeverMovement,KeyWinder... 1300 or in ................... 800 ................................................ 800 193‐Boys‘ 1 9 4 ‐ G e n t s ’ C y l i n d e r Movement (Swiss Watch Co.), in H u n t i n g Case Assorted Engravings. Prices Each. For Centennial Watches see page 277. Gents’' Coin Ssiilver Watches. Key and Stem Winders. l1S8l5S‐Hunting Case, Lever Move‐ ment,Stem Winder and Setter ..$1lT7 00 l1S8G6‐Hunting Case,. Plated Cap, LeverMovement,Key Winderr.... 1300 F o r Chatelaine Watcheds, seepage 279. OREIDE AND SILVER PL ATED SWISS WATCHES. Ladies'’ Cylinder Movement (Swiss Watch Co.), H u n t i n g Case W W h e n ordering, please state whether Oreide or Silver Plated is wanted. l1991l ‐ ‐ G G e e n n t t s s ’ ’ G G o o o o d d C C y y l l i i n n d d e e r r M M o o v v e e m m e e n n t t . . H H u u n n t t i i n n g g C C a a s s e e , , S S t t e e m m W W i i n n d d e e r r a a n n d d S S e e t t t t e e r r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 192‐Gents’‘ImitationAmerican.,Ex.BalanceLeverMovement,in HuntingorOpenFaceCases. 800 276 ‐~ 182‐1411.Hunting.Engrav‐ 182‐14K.Huntin ,Engrav‐ ed, Plated Cap, Fine Lev- . ed. Plated Cap, ine Lev‐ I1S8A4‐Gold Hunting, En‐ graved, Cylinder Move‐ .......... 1600 THE CELEBRATED “CENTENNIAL"”WATCH. A perfect Time Keeper, Stem Winder and Stem Setter. in Solid Nickel Cases, best Lever Movement, and warranted to bethe best watch for the money in the market. Centennial Chronograph. l 1 9 9 5 5 ‐ ‐ E E x x t t r r a a F F i i n n e e M M o o v v e e m m e e n n t t , , i i n n 00 CGut Represents {I‘8 Liinee,1,~}§ Hunting. l 1 e9 1e 3 ‐ ‐ 1 1 1 38 L L i i n n e e , . } 3 §4 , H H u u n n t t i i n n g g . , W W h h i i t t e e D 1...........................$13 00 Solid Silver Case $40 ............. cout Represents 20 Lline,.Open Face. Out Represents 18 Line. ‐ 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 ” L I ‘ L ? ‘ e “ ' 0 0 1 9 3 ? ? “ “ F F Wfi ‘ f “ ’ e ' mg y m ? D D E i a “ l : ; 1 " : " 1 " " " ; 2 5 1 3 3 g 205‐250 “ “ “ LuminousDieal. _.. 1450r- 206‐20 “ 1K,4 Hunting.,White Diall ........' 1300 T T h h e e S S i i m m p p l l e e s s t t a a n n d d B B e e s s t t mF i n u i t a a h t e e d d S S w w i n i e n W W a a t t c c h h madeat thepmreiceet. . Prices Each. w‘fw Refuse a l l those n o t hearing this mark. COut Represents 16 Line, Open Face. 200‐1‐16 Line, Open Faece,White 13 a 5 150 " 277‐, GOLD. SILVER AND NICKEL SWISS WATCHES. Stem Winders and Stem setters. 15 Line, 5$64 Hunting, White Dial, Cylinder Watches. 207‐NICKEL, “Lady Racine," Best Movement............... 100 208‐NICKEL,"Little Daisy,” Fine Movement............... zos‐NICKEL.NamelessWateh, Good Movemenntt..... . . . 15 Line. Open Face., White Dial. Cylinder Watches. Nickel Horse Timer. "'°"°'" m 9 "m"- 1-5 Second,vlheas stop and fly-back . - ‘ Nickel Calender Watch. sSezco‐gGoodCylindenrMovemeint"..i..n..........s9s5o0 “iii‐StemWinder,Sweep Second,Beats showing dateand time of ............... 1 . .. . z2 l 1 z z ‐ ‐ S S I I L L V V E E R R , , “ " L L a a d d y y R R a a c c i i n n e e , , " " Best Movement, Engraved . . . . .. . . . . .......................... 14 . _ For Gold and Silver Hunting Swiss Watches see page 277. For the Celebrated “Centennial” Watches see page 276. For Chatelaine Chains see page 304. Morocco Boxes, Satin Lined, f o r Chatelaine Watches., $2.00 each. Prices Each. 13 Line, Chatelaine Cylinder Watches. 2 2 1 1 3 3 ‐ ‐ F F ‘ nu l l l l 1 1 0 0 K K . . , P P l l a a i i n n C C a a s s e e , , F F i i n n e e Movement.in Fancy Box _..-...$‘26 00 214‐SILVER., “ Lady Racine," Best Movement, Plain or En‐ graved 2 55~‐SILVER,.NamelessWatch., $16 00 AllWatcheswherethenamesaregiven,arestamped withsame; noneothersgenuine. ........ ..............-......-... 1500 Good Movement .............. 1300 216‐NICKEL, “Lady Racine," Best Movement ............... 11 217‐NICKEL, “Liittttlle Daisy,.“” .‘.»............. 1050 Good Movement .............. 900 Fine Movemen 218‐NICKEL,NamelessWatch, 2lO‐NICKEL,“Lady Racine,” /.’ Pest Movement............... 100 z2l1ll‐‐NICKEL. "“ Little Daisy," FineMovement............... 925 Cases 221‐“Continentai," Best Lever Movement, zisizwfnfii't‘mhtigfiséraiv‘ff._.?.vf’f’f’.’.t314 day 2 2 2 ‐ “ Continental,” Best Lever Movement, (showing day of week.date andtime of day), 1650 (showingdayof week,dateandtime of day), 1650 No ' 0vement, A 19 Line, good Lever" Movement, 19 L i n e , good Lever: Movement, N “The Centaur.” "“ /. 222. _20 Line, Fine Lever Mo The “Railroad Regulator.” The “Railroad negu‘lator." Whlibte Dlial_ _ 0 .--. . . . . . . . . _ . _ No. 224. No. 224. _ _ _ _ \ NICKEL swrss WATCHES: NlCKEL SWISS WATCHES. Stem Winders and Stem Setters. .PR.ICES EACH. For the celebrated Centennial Watches, see ‘ page 278. _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ The“AIine.” 19 Line, goodeylinder Movement, . ' 19Lmine, “n0oname, Cylminder Movement. No. 226. White Dial__________e______ $7 00 $6 00 N N o o n n e e o o t t h h e e r r s s g g e e n n u u i i n n e e . . /r No. 227. 19 Line, no name, Hunting, good Cylinder ‘'Movement______'‘.'_"‘ $8 50 _ $11 0 White, 24-Hour Dial White, 24-Hour Dia.1.,;-, $10 . \ w ‘ No. 228. No. 228. , ., 0 4“> - ' ' " $10 00 00 19Line, no name, Black Dial, Lover Movement_._._._._._._._._._._._._._.$99500 The Eureka.”" 19 Line Best 0Cfllinder Movement, No. 225. White, 24-»Hooun_r Disa. _ .$7 70 _ v A A l l l l W W a a t t c c h h e e s s , , Ww h h e e r r e e t t h h e e n n a a m m e e s s a a r r e e g g i i v v e e n n , , a a r r e e g s t t ma mn p p e e g d l w w i i t t h h s s a a m m e e . . . 271 . . _ . . . _ ‘ <1, _ _ . No. 2223.3C.: '