Pocket Watch Database

Richards & Rutishauser Catalogue No. 40 (1891)

Courtesy of Rick Hufnagel
Digitized August 2020

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date August 06, 2020



tr -I |I J EWELERFIS.. WAT?EG'cEMEESSQ, nds , Iewelry, c ocks, SILVEERR,TWrA.BRDE.. 1891.. lo lo E ll hards & Ruli$hau$e SUCCESSORS TO « E m : CGATALOGUE No.. 40o-. 19891.. _ Richards & Rutishauser, , EE. WII[. BTHIHEHIIHRTII WX, E I]. WHOLESSAALLEE | ' I_ I“II I IE Irm No. 78 STATE“ STREET', CcHtIcCAGoO.. To THE TRADE. Should you desire to keep posted on new goods or changes in prices, send us your name and postoflice address, and our lists will be sent to you as often as issued. TERMS AND CASH DISCOUNTS. Cash with Order. ‐ Goods sent C. O. D., Accounts paid within nodays, - - - - 6 per cent. 6 “ - 6 “ - - - 30 DAYS, TlllE LIMIT, llET. Parties with whom we have had no previous business transactions will please send‘us, with their first order, reliablecity references, or' refer us to parties of whom they have bought goods on time, as it will assist usin filling their orders promptly. Goods sent collect on delivery to any point reached by express companies. Parties ordering goods C. O. D., must inclose with their orders 1m per cent. of the amount to insure express charges. This sum will be deducted from the bill. All goods shipped subject to examination, and if not found to be as represented they may be returned. OLD GOLD AND SILVER received and estimated on; if amount allowed does not give satisfaction, notify at once and will return in same condition as received. Goods sent by mail only at customer’s risk. When goods are ordered to be sent by mail, the cost of postage should be included. Prices subject to market changes without notice. As regards our responsibility, we refer you to the MetrOpolitan National Bank of Chicago. ‘_ Thanking our customers for past favors and soliciting a continuance of the same, we are, very respectfully, RICHARDS a. RUTISHAUSER, Successors to E. W. BURCHGD 5 C: No. 7 8State Street. C H I C A G O . $ry:;#3q y4Gi1tr\ ._@;&_‐ THI{E BEST AM}IERICAN WATCH Ever Mllardle for thec M}Ionoey. “was?” AN HONEST 78, 80 and 82 State Street, 620 45 CHICAGO. ’ MWHOLESALE -\A/I{OL-E=AI-E- ANDJEWELRY. WATCHESSniJEWELRY. (( (DUB DD)ADDEB !N@, 3'*t “QUE LEADERNoeif” Genuine Dueboer 3‐-oz. Silverline COa&se, fifitted with the Celebrated 7? Jeweled Fulll PFlate., Quick Train,, New Model “"Sstandard”" Movemenntt.. The cheapeslt and Quick PRnrIcCE,CcoOuM,PLETE,,STEEMWIrNNDD,,- - $9'.5O0.. best American 7 Jeweled Movement made.. ELrvi:e1ry M|l6oovrermrerntt is tholr'oug)hrly inspected andil adjustetdl beforre leaving the Factory, anrdl W\Tarratnrtterdl to be atr goocdl Time-KIieeper or Mllootrneyy refunded,. W\\ ec recommend these Wa&tchlies to youlr'ffavorable notice, and call attentiion to the fact that the ftactory, at all timecs, holds itself repro.rnsibllce for anity defect in material, workmanshiip or construc‐ _ tiion., should any such be discovered. ‘ HONEST AMERICAN WATCHII. HAND ENGRAVED SILVERINE CASES. OUR. LEADER No. 2. 3“OZ! OPEN FACE SILVERINE CASES‐ 3 DESIGN ”A." oz. Open Face Hand Engraved Case......................................................$300 Fittedwith Standmd Stem-Wind NickelJeweled Movement............................... Watch Complete................................................................$10.50 NEW YORK STANDARD MOVEMENTS. . MADE IN DAMESKEENED NICKEL. 7 Jeweled, 18Size. F u l l Plate HUN'HNG or OPEN FACE. $7.50 THE CHEAPEST American 7 J weled Movement Manufactured EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. DESIGN “B.” 700 AUERICAN WALTHAM WATCH CO.'S UOYXUENTS. WALTEAM, MASs. PNICD OE MOVDIW.ENTS ONLY. P..S..Bar,rttllettt.. 18 Size. 0 OPDNiFAGI OR HUITIING. 3 " M 11 . GENTS' 18 SIZD, EULL PI,ATE, EKey Wind.. . Brrooaadwdawy.ay. 7 ..................,..$700 ? Jewelse, Gildeidl . ? 00 Stem Wind. 7 Jewels,. Giltdled.......................1 0 Stteerlrinlign.g. 7Jewels,Gilded,Comp..BaIl............1100 No. 3.. 11 Jewells,, in Settings, Gilded.. . . .. .. . . . 12 50 N0o. 1. 7 0 11 No. 3. 1 ......... 1 'Wm. Wm. Elllerryy.. 1 , 1Jewels, inSettings, Nickell . . 1Jewels, inSettings, Gilded . 14 00 11 No.155.. 15Jeweles,inSettiings,,Pat'.Regg.,,Gilded,, 1?700 No.156.. 15Jewels,inuSettings,,Pat..Regg.,,Nickel,l,1800 No.255.. 15Jewels,inSettttiings,,Pat.RIieg., Adj.. Nickell . . S. D 36 00 0 S. D. 40 00 . 00 ............................ 2440 0 No.355.. 15Jewels,inSettings,Pat.Reg.,Adj.. ' D. .S P. S. Bartlett. 15 Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg. Gilded, 19 00 P. S. Bartlett. 15 Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg., Nickel, 20 00 Wal.'Watch Co. 15 Jewels, in Settings, Pat Reg', Adj. iaIl,, Nickell................... 3 ......................... 3 0 Nickel l . Appleton, Tracy & Co.. 15Jewells,, in Settings,, Patt..Reg.. 30 00 D. .S 30 00 ial, Giillt..................................300 S. D. Appleton,,Trraccyy & Co.. 15 Jewels, in Settings,, Pat.. Regg. . ial, Nickell...................4 0 Crescent Street. 15 Jewels, in Settiings,, Pat,. Regg.,, D.' S'. D. .S Dial, Nickel................... ...5 0 .WALTTHEAAMII NON‐-MIIAGNETIC MUOYVEUMENTS OPEN FEACE OBR. HtrUNTINING.. Glentts’'178ESitzpe.,Fwull,lPla,ate,t.e. SsttemWwiand. No. 1.. 7?Jeewwelse,lGe,ildGeidld..e..t.l.................S. $1200 0 P. S. Bartlett. 15'Jewels, idsettings, Pat. Reg.,Gilded, 22 00 No.355.. 15Jewels,inSettings,Pa,t.Reg',Adj,. 42 ............................ 4 . . Adj., Niicckkeel .l................. Crescent Street. 15 Jewells,, in Settings,, Pa*t. Reg..,, Adj. 0 Appllettonn, , Tracy & Co. 15Jewels, in Settings,, Patt.. Regg.,, Nickell Adj., Gilidltelde.tl................... 00 Appllettonn, , Tracy & Co. 15Jewelrs,, in Settiings,, Patt.. Regg.,, Appleton,, Tracy &86Co'. 1i8 Size.. SETE IHOMAS, 18-SrZE, 3-4 PLATE MOYDMENT. Stem.-WCinmdiL, GQild,ed,.. Qui,ck Trailm, Safe@ Pi,mtom Mpomctam Bal'anne. Ilunting Open-Face Movement. Movemetrt. No.344 No.33-‐ 7TJewels,plainreg., StemWintdl,,...$E10 00 00 Nickel l ............................660 0 “ 566 “ 55-‐11Jewelsls,,micrometterrreg..,,Stem "" “ 71 “ 7?O0 ‐-Fulll Jewelled,, micrometterr reg., Stem "" Win'indd.. . ...-..1300 Wintdl .. .....1600 " 101-‐tFr'ulll Jeweled, micrometer reg., Adj.. " 1lO022 " “- 1!7'717 " “20O2Z“"201‐-Fu1ll1Jeweled,,micrometerregulattorr', Nickel,, Adjusted, Stem Wind, 24 00 .....2.12200 “" 17?0‐-4FFuulll Jeweled, micrometerr regulattorr,, StteemmW'iWnd'.in..cl. Nickell. Stem Wind............... 188000 1l “ 7?-‐Jewelled', KeyYWWinidn.t.l.'............ 7 0 "" 00 0 ......... 133500 . . . . ; . .. 0 . . 00 . 3660 10 00 50 00 0 00 ... 4660 40 60 0 0 20 0 0 ' SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. PRICE OF MOVEMENTS ONLY. GENTS’ 18 SIZE, F U L L PLATE. Key Stem Wind. Wind. I. W. Co., 7Jewels......... 3 7 00 $10 00 No. 6.11Jewels, Gilded............'..... 100 ..... No. 2.11Jewels, Gilded...................... 12.50 ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY’S MOVEMENTS. _ I. W. Co.‐7 Jewels. 18 Size. Jewels, Nickel 15Jewels,Gilded,Pat.Reg.Adj... 1900 2500 . 11 Jewels. 18 Size. 15 Jewels. 18 Size. 11Jewels,Nickel,Pat.Reg“...... 1150 1550 No. 99. No. 101. No. 65. No. 60. N0. 61. No. 5. No. 140. No. 141. No; 143. No. 149. No. 142. No. 144. No. 146. No. 130. No. 131. No. 133. No.134. 15Jewels,inSettings,Nickel...............2700 No. 136. 16Jewels, inSettings. Nickel.............. 600 No. 132. 11Jewels, Nickel........................ 150 11 ......................' Jewels, Nickel 14.00 .................. 300 15 Jewels, Nickel, A d j 15Jewels, Gilded, Pat.Reg........ 150 1700 ...................... 1800 LADIES’6SIZE, 7Jewels, Gilded.......................... 11Jewels, G i l d e d......................... 1450‐ 15Jewels, inSettings, Gilded............... 2400‐ 7Jewels, Nickel......................... 1350 11Jewels, N i c k e l .................... ; . ... 15.0 15Jewels, inSettings, Nickel .............. 27O“‐ 16Jewels, inSettings, Nickel............. 60(w LADIES’ 4 SIZE. 15 F o r P r i c e s o f Cases t o fit“ Movements, See Case I l l u s t r a t i o n s . 18Size Movements are made for Hunting or Open Face Cm State which is wanted when ordering. A“ Stem Wind. Jewels, Gilded.........................$12 00 7 11Jewels, Gilded........................... 1450 15Jewels, inSettings, Gilded............... 2400 Stem Wind. $12 004 Dueber. 15 Jewels, 18 Size. CANTON, OHIO. 5 GENTS’ 18 SIZE, FULL PLATE. ' FOB. OPEN FACE GASES. 7 Stem-Wind. Jewels, Gilded ...........................$10.00 No. 51. No. 66. No. 65. No.‘64. No. 63. N 0 . 46. No.45. 11Jewelsin Settings,Pat.Reg,Nickel......15.00 No. 44. 15Jewels in Settings, Pat. Reg, Nickel......18.00 No. 43. 15Jewels in Settings, Pat. Reg, Adj“ Nickel. 24.00 GENTS’ 18 SIZE FULL PLATE. FOR HUNTING- OR OPEN FACE CASES. The Dueber Watch Co., 11 Jewels in Settings, Gilded, $13.50 The Dueber Watch Co., 11 Jewels in Settings, Nickel, “Jun. 0. Dueber," 15 JeWels in Settings, Pat. Reg, Adj., Nickel ....................................24.00 “Railway Special,” 15Jewels in 14k. Settings, Pat. R e g . , A d j . , N 1 c k e l70.00 LADIES’ 6‘SIZE,% PLATE. No.200. 7Jewels, Gilded..........................$12.00 No.206. 11Jewelsin Settings,Nickel................ 17.00 No211. 15Jewels inSettings, Nickel...............27.00 11 GENTS’ is SIZE FULL.PLATE. .FOB HUNTING CASES. 13.50 Jewels, Gilded 11Jewels, Nickel Pat. Reg..................15.00 15Jewels in Settings, Pat. Reg, Nickel......18.00 15Jewels in Settings, Pet. Reg, Nickel......24.00 .......................... 11 Jewels in Settings, Gilded. . . .. ....... . . $18.50 “vs." ' 5° . 7 KeyWind. 7Jewels. Gilded.........................$700 Jewe15_ . 1 8 Size. Stem Wind. 7Jewels,Gilded.................. ...$10 00 GM' W"heeler. 18 s' , ................................ 3500 ................................ 400 GENTS’ 16 SIZE. 91PLATE. FOR OPEN FACE CASES. B.W.Raymond. 18S' W ......................... we . B. W. Raymond. 15Jewels, in Settings, Nickel, Pat. No.73. Jewels, Gilded Stem Wind No.74. 11 $10 N o . N o . 80. 70. Jewels, Gilded 11Jewels, Half Nickel....................1400 15Jewels,inSettings,Pat.Reg,Gilded.... 1700 15Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg, Nickel... . 18 00 15Jewels, in Settings,Pat.Reg,NickelAdj.. 30 00 15Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg, Gilded Adj.. 25 00 15Jewels, in Settings, Pat.Reg., Gilded Adj. ial GENTS’ 18 SIZE, FULL PLATE. FOR OPEN FACE CASES. 7 00 11 ..................... 1400 Jewels, Gilded ........................... ........................... 1250 N0.43. No. 75. No. 44. No. 27. No.76. 15Jewels,in Settings,Pat.Reg.,GildedAdj.. 2500 No. 97. N o . 96. No. 10. No. 102. N o . 82. No. 103. No. 33. Jewels, Half Nickel 15Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg., Gilded..... 17 00 15Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg, Nickel..... 18 00 15Jewels, in Settings, Pat. Reg., Nickel Adi. 40 00 GENTS’ 18 SIZE, FULL PLATE. FOR. HUNTING CASES. 11 .......................... 1250 ............................. 500 GENTS’ 18 SIZE, F U L L PLATE. FORHUNTING OR OPEN FACE CASES. Stem Wind. G.M.Wheeler,15Jewels,inSettings,Nickel,Pat.Reg. 1800 H.H.Taylor,15Jew.,in Settings,Gilded,Pat.Reg.,Adj. 2500 H.H.Taylor,15Jew.,in Settings,Nickel,Pat.Reg,Adj. 3000 B. W. Raymond, 15Jewels, in Settings, Gilded, Pat. No. 104. No. 105. Stem Wind. No. No. No. , No. ‘ No. 106. 107. 108. 50. 86. Jewels, Gilded 13Jewels, in Settings, Pat. R e g . Gilded 17 00 15Jewels,in Settings,PatReg,GildedAdj.. 2500 15Jewels,in Settings,Pat.Reg,NickelAdj.. 30 00 15Jewels,in Settings,Pat.Reg..NickelAdj.. 4000 15Jewels,in Settings,Pat.Reg.,NickelAdj.. 40 00 GENTS’ 16 SIZE, % PLATE. FOR HUNTING CASES. Reg., Reg, DS. D s. . 11 $10 ....................... 1250 11 50 D ial Dial 7Jewels, Gilded 00 . ........................ No. 92. No. 2.13Jewels, inSettings, Gilded............... 1700 Jewels, Gilded $12 Settings, Gilded Adj...........2500 No. 3.15Jewels, in No. 4. 15Jewels,inSettings,NickelAdj........... 3000 Stem Wind. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO’S MOVEMENTS. LADIES’ 6 AND 0 SIZE, NAMELESS, STEM-WIND, & PLATE. PRICE OF MOVEMENT ONLY. , 7 Compensation Balance, 7 Jewels. Compensat’nBalence, 15Jewds (4prs. Settings). $12 00No. 67. Nickel, 6Size................$27 00 No. 111. Nickel, 0Size................. 2700 N o , 95. Gilt, 6-Size ..................... Compensat’n Balance, 13Jewels (3 prs. Settings). No. 101. Nickel, 6-Size $15 50 N0. 45. Nickel, 6-Size $20 00 No. 110. Nickel, O-Size Compensation Balance, 11 Jewels. ................ ................. 150 No. 115. Nickel, O-Size ................. 200 ................. Compensation Balance, 11 Jewels. Compensation Balance, 17Fine Ruby Jewels (5 - . . - pairs raised Gold Settings), Breg. h. spring .\0. 94. Gilt, 6-Slze...................$14 50 . . ’ No. 113. Gilt, 0-Size...............,... 1450No. 71. Nickel, 6-Size.................$40 00 F o r Prices of Cases to fit Movements, see Case Rlustmatim. finely filmedand “ m a d th‘°“gh°“t' No. 112. Nickel, O-Size................. 4700 l t» SOLID COIN SILVER CASES. REGULAR STYLES. .ManufacturedbyFahys,Keystone,American WatchCo.,DaeberandKenosha. 2 or ................................................$ 3 8 or 4 or 14.00 5 ................................................. ............................................... ...18.00 6 or oz. Key Stem-Wind Cases 9.00 .................................................. 12.00 8.50 11.50 13.50 17.50 21.00 850 oz. Key Stem-Wind Cases oz. Key Stem-Wind Cases orStem-Wind Cases oz. Key REGULAR ALBATA CAP, GOLD JOINTS. 18‐SIZE, P L A I N . Hunting. ................................................. 21.50 ELGIN, 18 SIZE, PLAIN. 2 o z , A C . , S . J.................................................................900 fi-Size Hunting, Gold Joints and Albata Cap.....................................7.00 Extra for engraving; 1 cover on Open Face Cases, 600.; 2 coverson Hunting Cases. $1.00. WALTHAMSILVERSCREW BEZEL. 3 PIONEER. oz. Key Stem-Wind Cases. oz. Open Face Stem-Wind........................................v....................$11.00 3oz. Open Face Stem-Wind, Gilded Reflector............................................. 15.00 4 302. OpenFace................... 4 .........................................$11.00 17.00 Yacht,Sulky,Jockey,SawMill,Bear,Horse,Dog,OwlandSteer ....................13.00 FAHYS’ PATENTSCREWBEZEL AND BACK SILVER CASES. oz. Open Face Stem-Wind, Gilded Reflector 3 oz. Open Face Stem-Wind, Gold Inlaid with Steamboat, Steam Fire Engine, Locomotive, ............................................ oz. Open Face Gold Inlaid Decorations Locomotive, Stag, Dog, Stallion, Sulky, Bull, E t c , extra........... 2.00 ........................................................................ 13.50 “ORE” METAL CASES. Warranted to Wear Equal to Solid Silver. KEYSTONE“SILVEROID” CASES. 18 SIZE, P L A I N . Key-Wind. Stem-Wind. 3 Engraved Cases, 40 cents extra. 16-Size.......................................................................... 1.50 WALTHAM WATCHCO.’S NICKEL CASES. 3 18 SIZE, SCREW BEZEL, OPEN FACE. Stem-Wind. oz, Open Face..................................................................... $2.00 3 JOS. F A BY ’S O R E SILVER CASES. Key-Wind. Stem-Wind. oz. Open Face..............................................................$1.50 81.50 DUEBER’S SILVERINJ". CASES. 16 A N D 18 SIZE. Key-Wind. Stem-Wind. 30z. OpenFace, Plain Polished...................................................$1.50 $1.50 oz. Hunting, PlainPolished G‐Size Hunting, Plain Polished................................................... ... 2.70 A perfect fac-simile of the celebrated Dueber Coin Silver Watch Case. Color, Finish and Durability superior to all others. oz. Open Face 3oz. Hunting..............................''"................................2.70 2.70 3 ................................................... 2.70 2.70 .................................................................. Open Face. $1.50 1.50 73 FAHYS’ PATENT SCREW BEZEL and BACK SILVER CASES. 9 3 - No. 190. Case only. OZ- OpenFace.GoldInlaid.............$13.00 402. OpenFace,GoldInlaid............15.50 No. 191. Case only. No. 192. Case only. No. 193. Case only. 3oz. OpenFace,GoldInlaid... ......$13.00 ............. 15.50 01. OpenFace,GoldInlaid.............$13.00 34 4 oz. Open Face. Gold Inlaid.............15.50 F o r P r i c e o f M o v e m e n t : see P a g e s 3 , 4 , 5 a n d 6 . 3oz.OpenFace,GoldInlaid...........413.00 4oz, OpenF808,GoldInlaid,,, _,,,,..15.50 oz. Open Face, Gold Inlaid “Boss” 10 Kt. Gold Filled Stem W'iind Cases. WARRANTED TO WEAR FOR 1 5 Y E A R S . 15 YEARS. 'oBoss" 10 Cases, 1 9 EIO S 10 Price of Carses onlly,. HIlandsomelyly Chased 166aqnd 188Siizee Opeun Face........ ......177000 No. 196. Case only 16 and 18 Size, Iluntinc . .822 00, No.119956.. Case onlyly.. lfiandlSSize,Hunting.....,....... ....$19 00 16lnd188ize,OnenFace.....,......... 1700 No.197. and Engravedd.. .Warranted Warranted by Manu-‐ facturers.. No. 194.. 0C&a8so only. 16aund18Size,HEunttiningg.....m u m - $.1$10900 wand18Size,Hunting ...............$220(i» For Prii,ces of Movements, see Pptatges 3, 4, 5 a n d 6. 16.00, of Mouements, eee A, 4, S ancl, 6. , No. 196. Case only. ' Louis X I V Style. Louis XIV Style. No. 19?. ISSize,HunLing....... .................$18.003 ISSize, Open Face...... S18.00' 16.00' L 1 ’ No.1988..Caseonlly,. 6and18-.Size,Hunttinig..................s.2255000 a“ '326, "Ming---------- $2400‘ 1 16 and 18-Size, Euntins. .s24 00 6 “BOSS” 14-Ktr. GOLD FILLED STEM-WIND CASES.; '6B0SS" WARRANTED TO WEAR TWENTY YEARS,. PRICE OF CASES ONLY.. TIBhheesea,rretbhee Orig{i:nra,Il Giol1d.Fillelde-d Ca,ses.. ’ 11_ 6and 18-.Size, Open IFlaaccee.................$22 000 16and 1&8le Open Face --------- 6 1 ~~ 220°: 1 16 and 18-Size, Open Face oo 0Ol No.200..Caseonly. No.2011..Caseonly. 1rG6and18-Size,,Hunting............. ....$27 00 16 and 18-Size. Open Facee........... ........ 23 00 16and18'Size,Hunting........ 16 and 1l88--Sizize,, O0pen Face.. . . .,.. .s26 00, oo For?Pri,icesofMtrIovaemeantsq,seePaoges3,4,5ad,nd6. No. 190. Case only. 16 d18S“ N];199- Case01115" . . . .. 00 “BOSS” 14-K. GOLD FILLED STEM-WIND CASES. WARRANTED T0 WEAR TWENTY YEARS. 12 PRICE OF CASES ONLY. 16 No. 202. Case only. 00 16 No. 203 Gas only. and 18-Size, Hunting.................$27 and 18-Size, H u n t i n g 16and 18Size, Open Face ............... 2300 16and 18-Size, Open Face. ............. 2300 \~ ' No.204. Caseonly. 0016 No.205. Caseonly. 0C ‘16 and 18-Size, Hunting.................$ 3 3 and 18-Size, Hunting................$33 F o r P r i c e s of Movements, see P a g e s 3, 4, 5 a n d 6. Gents’ “Crescent” 14 Kt. Gold Filled Cases. GUARANTEED TO WEAR FOR 20 YEARS. PRICES ARE FOR CASES ONLY. I 13 18 No. 206. Case only. Size Hunting $26.00 18Size Open Face, Screw B.and B..... 19.00 18 No. 207. Case only. .$24.00 ....................... ...................... 18Size Open Face, Screw B.and B...... 18.00 18 No. 208. Case only. 18 No. 209. Case only. Size Huntin ........................$27.00 Size Hunting.....................$27.00 18 Size, Open Face, Screw B. and B. . . . . 20.00 18 Size, Open ace, Screw B. and B ..... . 20.00 ForPricesof MovementsseePages3, 4, 5 and6. Size Hunting Gents’ “Monarch” 14 K t . Gold Filled Cases. GUARANTEED TO WEAR FOR 2! YEARS. 14 PRICES A R E FOR GASES ONLY. 18 No. 210. Case only. Size Hunting........................$24.00 18 No. 211. Case only. Size Hunting.......................$24.00 18Size Open Face, Screw B. and B. . . .... 18.00 18 No.212. Caseonly. Slze Open Face, Screw F o r Prices of Movements see Pages 3, 4, 5 a n d 6. Size Hunting $26.00 19.00 18 No.213. Caseonly. Size Huntin ..................... ..326.00 8 B. B...... 18 B. ........................ and Size, Open Esace, Screw and ..... 19.00 . 1 9S i z e . M o n t a u k . H u n t i n g $19 00 1900 18-Size,Montauk.O.F., crewB. 65B 1300 No.214. Case only. No. 215. Case only 18-Size, Montauk, Hunting... .............$18 00 / e , Montauk, Hunting ............. 16 15SizeWIonmuk,OpenFace.SorewB&B. 1200 16Size,Montauk,OpenFaceScrewB.&;B. 1200 16-Size, Montauk,Huntin. 16-Size.Montauk,0. F.,ScrewB dcB. 1300 No 216 l‘ase only. 18-Size, Montauk, Box Hunting. . . .. . . . . .32100 16-Size, Montauk, Box Hunting . . . . . .. . 21 00 18Size,Montauk,BoxOF.ScrewB&B. 1600 16Size,Montauk,BoxO.F. ScrewB&B 1600 No 217. Case only 18-Size, Montauk, Box Huntingy.........$22 00 16,-Size, Montauk, Box Hunting......... 2200 18Size,Montauk,130110.F.,ScrewB.&B. 1700 16Size,Montauk,Box0.F.,ScrewB.&B. 1700 16 E L G I N 100Kt. G O L D F I L L E D C A S E S . GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. PRICE OF CASES ONLY. The price under each Case is forCaseonty. Thefollowing movements fit these Cases, and by adding the price of case a n dof movement together, you have the cost of the watch complete. No. 218. 18Size Hunting, $18.00 7Jewels, Gilded, StemWind............$10.00 15Jewels, Gilded.Pat.Reg.,Adj., St. W..$25.00 11 “ “ “ 15 “ Nickel. “ “ Gilt. Raymond “ “ 30.00‐ No. 220. 18Size Hunting, Box, $21.00 No. 221. 18Size Hunting, Box, $22.00 , 18Size Hunting, $19.00 ‘ 18 SIZE MOVEMENTS. ........... 12.50 “ ............ 14.00 11 “ 15“ Gilded, Pat. Reg, Stem Wind. 17.00 15“ Nickel, 15 “ Nickel, “ “ " 15“ 85.00 18.00 15 “ Nickel, ............... “ ............... 40.00 Crescent Street ................ 50.00 ELGIN 14Kt. GOLD FILLED CASES. GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. P R I C E OF GASESONLY. 17 No. 222. 18Size Hunting, $26.00 No.223. 18Size Hunting. $26.00 21“ Nickel, “ ............ 14.00 15“ Gilt, Raymond... 35.00 g; u“ 1? Nickel, "‘ 15“ 18.00 15 “ CrescentStreet................ 50.00 Gilded,Pat.Reg,StemWind. 17.00 Nickel, 40.00 { ”7/71 m“ c Q MMAN J‘s." 17/ YUM/l] a1 A The price under each case isforcaseonly. Thefollow‐ ingmovementsfit thesecases and by adding the price of Case and Movement to‐ gether, y o u have the cost of the watch complete. 18SIZE-3 MOVEMENTS. 7 Jewels, Gilded, Stem Wind... . . .. .. . . $10.00 15 Jewels, Gilded, Pat. R e g ” A d j . , St. W. $25.00 21“ " “ ...........12.50 15“ Nickel, “ “ “ “ 30.00 “ ................ 1 18 Size O. F., Screw B. antl B. . . . . 2i.00 and 8' Fahy’'s Monarch 14 Karat Gold Filled Cases. 14 Karat Gotd Fi1led cases. 188 PRICE OF CASES ONLY. 18 Sqize Hunting“ 1.J^8 . 1 GCUARANTEED TWENTY-ONE YEARS. TWENTY.ONE YEARS. No.226. FancyTopandBottom. * No.227 BorderandFancyEngraved. ffi ,,ff::{ l:: ::. Til:-*,, ?2I- Border and Fancy Engraved. Size Hunting $30.00 $32.00 18Size0. F,ScrewBandB. ."...g2a5:lb.0O0 H sT,? IE Size Hunting lE Size O. F , Sbrew B and B.'.'.'.'.'.'-fi:Oii ................... . .............. -Za.O 18Size0O..F.,ScrewB. andB.....24.00 S6rew B. and n.. .. . O 18 SIrZE MUOVEUMENTTSS.. \‘ Lu PR,ICE O? CASES ONLY. The price under each case is for Case onl,ly.. The followiing movements fit these Cases, and by adding the p r i c e of the price of Ccatse andd, Mouvement together, together, youhavethecost-ofthewatch compllette.. cost of tbe watch 7t Jteiweled,, Stem Wind.............. Wlntl.. $10.00 $r0.00 11l" “... ..12.50 .' 19.50 1,l1 “ Nickel,l, “ 14.00 I :: Bes', s' w, 11.00 g 15 “ Gilded,Pat.Reg.,S.W., 1700 1 5 " N$ilcl'k#e:lP,a“t" “ 15.00 15 “ Gillded,i “ “ adj.,“ 2500 li " " "acrj.," 15 “ Nickel. “ “ “ “ 3.).00 ', 1lq5 “ Nickel. ......... ' 15 “" 19 Gilr, Raymond.. ... .... 1.lc5 “" Nickel, Raymond....... 4000 Raymond. .. " Gilt. Raymond 8S i z e 0 . F . , S c r e w B . a n d B . . . . . 2 5 . 0 0 1 8S i z e 0 . F . , S c r e w B B....... 25.00 each case is for movements flt these CrescennttSttreett.......... .... 50.00 Border and Diagonal. SizeHun'tirngg..................$32.00 SizeHunting................$32.00 1 No.2228.. Border and Landscape. and Landscape. 18No. 18 Size Irtun 8 ......$32.00 No. 229, 00 18 Size O. F 00 Fahys’ Monarch 14 Karat Gold Filled Cases. GUARANTEED TWENTY-ONE YEARS. No. 230. Top and Bottom. 15S.,ze Screw, Open Face. . . . . $18.00 No. 231. Border and Fancy Engraved. 18Size, Screw, Open Face.. ..1$19.00 ......... 19.00 15 16 ' Size, Screw, Open Face... ...... 18.00 No. 232 Vermicelli Border, Center for Monograms. 1'- Size, Screw, Open Face.........$191.00 16Size, Screw, Open Face......... 19.00 NO. 233. Border. Subjects: Stag,Locomot1ve,HorseJockey PRICE OF CASES ONLY. . 19 OPEN FACE, SCREW BACK AND BEZEL. 16and 18Size. New Dome, Screw Bezel and Back. _ thickness. ForPrices of Movements,seePages3, 4, 5 and6. Size, Screw, Open Face 18Size, Screw, Open F a c e “ . $ 2 000 16Size, Screw, Open Face... 20.00 n 16.Size, Ilintinu. 16 Size, Open Face. 20 DUEBEE l4-f,. FIL'LIrED STEl-WIND CASES. SIDI-WINI) CASDS. WTFaarrranted to Wear TweDn.ty Yearas. PBRIOCE OF OGASES O!NTLY. No..2234.. 18 Size, HuntinE..... 18-Size, Open Face. . 16-Size, Elirntine.. . . ., 16-Size, Open Flce.. Case only No..23b5. 18.Size, EluntinE .. . . Case olnlvly. No.236. 18 Eize, Huntinq.. . . .. 18 Size, Oper, Face.. 16-Size, Huntins. ., . 16 Size, Open F'ace. ., $30 00 26 00 23 50 No.237. l8-Size,HuntinE.... 18-Size, Open Facc. . 16.Size, HuntinE.. . . Case only $ui) ()0 'r,i (,r I 2,1;rll !4 iltl $25 00 22 00 23 50 20 50 18 Size, Open FIce. $2r 0o 22 uO 23 5r, 2{) 50. 24 50 fr'or Prices of Moaements, see pa,ges B, 4, 6 and 6. 16 Size, Open Face.. . . .. Size, Open F-ace.. . . A. DUEBER IO-K. FILLED “GLADIATOR” CASES. WARRANTED TO WEAR TWENTY Y.EARS 7 STEM-WIND. Price of Cases only. ' 21 No 238. Case only. No.241. caseonly. F o r Prices of Movements, see Pages 3, 4, 5 a n d 6. No.240. Caseonly. 15S- ize Hunting, T. &B.Engraved... ”$20 00 18-Size Hunting, Full Engraved. 18Size, Open Face, T. & B . Engraved... 18 00 $.2 5 00 GENTS’ GOLD 22 FAHPS AMERICA. N.o 242. HuntingEngraved Case. Movement ...................................... Watch complete FAHY’S MONTAUK. Warranted to wear 15years. No. 243. 10.0. ”4g e w e l e d E l g l n M o v e m e n t . S t e r n W i n d a n d P e n d a n t t Price complete.. ELG/N 10 KARAT GOLD F I L IED GUARANTEED TWENTY YEARS. CASES. No. 246. 6 Size Hunting. $14.00 ,, " Price of Cases only. These Cases are guaranteed by the manufacturer, and are ele‐ gantly made. The following movements fit these Cases, and by adding the priceof Caseandof Move‐ ment together, you have the cost of the watch complete. > _‐ 6 S|ZE ELGIN WATCH co. MOVEMENTS, ELGIN,ILL. 3 - 4 Plate, Stem Wind. No. 95. Gilt, 7Jewels......$12.00 94. Gilt, 11Jewels..... 14.50 101. Nickel, 11Jewels.. 15.50 45. Nickel, 13Jewels, (3 pairs in ........... 20.00 27.00 set) 67. Nickel, 15Jewels... 71. Nickel, 17 Fine Ru‐ by Jewels (5 pairs in Raised Gold Settings), Breguet Hair Spring, finely adjusted and fin‐ ished throughout.....60.00 6 SIZE ILLINOIS WATCH 0°. MOVEMENTS, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. 8-4 PlateStem Wind N Movements. 120. Gilt, 7 Jewels......$12.00 141. Gilt, 11Jewels......14.50 142. Nickel, 11 Jewels... 18.50 143. Gilt, 15 JeWels (4 pairs in settings). . . _ . . 24.00 144. Nickel, 15 Jewels (4 pairs in settings)...... 27.00 146. Nickel, 16 Jewels (4 pairs in settings), Ad‐ justed, Double Sunk D i a l.................. 60.00 - No. 251. 6 Size Hunting Box, $18.00 FAHYS’ GOLD FILLED STEM-WIND CASES. Manufacturers Certificate accompanying each Case, Guaranteeing Case to Wear 24 Fifteen Years. No 252. Case only. G-Size. Montauk, $14 00. No 253. Case only. 6-Size, Montauk, $15 00. No 254. Case only. 6-Size, Montauk, $15 00. No 255. Case only. G-Size. Montauk Box, $17 00. No. 256. Case only. 6vSize, Montauk Box, $18 00. No 257. Case only. 6-Size, Montauk Box, $18 00 F b r P r i c e s of Movements, see P a g e s 4, 5 a n d 7. ‘ Ladies'’ 6 Size 14k and 10k Complete Watches __- .$15.00 . -'. . ..... . . 6 MONTAAUK.. i-ll.-rk Fillledd. W'arrantedto wear 15yoears.. lOk Complete'Watches BOSS.S. 25 101k:Fiilliedd., Warrantedto weoear 15years. No.22558. . a:s..e., Stem W'iindil and Sett.........:...... No. 259. . i::.-e=.FancyVYermicelliiBorderrEngraavved Ladieiess’'6siize,,Celebrated“"Boss,”"Gold $15..00 Filled Fancy Engraved Case. : ztzed: with 7 Jewelled Springffileldld or Elgiin Fitted with 7? Jeweled Expansion Balance,, r: 12.00 .t.........:....."..........L.. Pi:.i.c=aW$atchirccoommpleptele.t.e...............T2i.7o.0o0 PriceWaatcthccbo-mcpolemtep..l.e.t.e..............T2,O7 Mov;emeennt Springffiielld Sttejm Wind Movmt. 12.00 .0O0 14k Fiillledd.. Wa'arrranted to we&arr20yearas.. 1fZ2.O.0O0 Elgin BOSSg. DUEBBER.. 14k Filled.. Warranted to wearr20years.. No. 260. La:-diiess’ 6 size,, Celebrated “Boss,” Glold No.261' Ladiees'’ 6 Size, 14k];Filled,,EngravedCase, $16.00 "Boss," F:illedFancyEnEgraveddCase.. . ... . . .. .$S19 00 Ftr'itteddwith11JeweledExrpansioionnBalanccee., Elgin or Spriingfifield,Stem Wiinndd. Movee. Ff i::n:edwrcith 11TJewe-ledExpanssioionnBalaunece, :^gin Elgin orrSpringffiielld Steimn WindMovmt:. 14.50 P::r.i:cee Watch commpleptele.t.e................-.93-53-.50 14.50 .t......,..........................1.4.50 For HEigherr Glrad,e Mowveemeemntts see Pqa,ges 4, 56 a'ndil 7,. o or r meennt Price of W'atch compleletete..... . . ..-m'50 “m. .. . . . . . Dueber L4 Karat Filled Stem W'ind Cases. WARRANTED TO WEAR No.262. 6 Size llunting,g16.00 TWENTY YEARS.. Pyrtice of Cases omnll,gy. ' Add Prices of Case and Move-‐ ment togetherr and you have cost of Watch compllette.. 6 SrIZE .WATOE EIL,GIIN W A T C H CO.. MOV]rEMENTIS,, EIL,GIN,, ILL.. 3 - 4 Pla,te, Stem--Wi,inndd,.. -4 No. N9635.. GilIt, 7JJewells.......$.1$212.0.00 944.. GiIlt, 11Jeweelsls......1414.5.50 1011 Nickel, 11 Jewelsls.... 15.50 455..Nickel,13Jewels(3 pairs inset)t.)......... 20.00 677..Nickel,15Jewels(4 pairs insett)).......... 27.00 71..Nickel,15FineRu-‐ by Jewelsls (5 pairs in Raised Goldtl Settings)),, Breguett HEalaiirr Spriing,, fifinely adjusted and fifin-‐ ished throughoutt....... . 60.00 6 SIZE IIL.IL,TINOIS'W'ATGCE 0CO0.,, MuoOvVEuMEENTsS [OrF, SPRINeGtFr,IELD, ILL.. 3-4PlateStemWinndd. Moavermnetnttts.. No.. No. 263. No.264. 6 Size .Euntiug, S20.00 No. 266. 6 Size Hunting, 920.00 ‐ No. 266.. 6 Sizeo Hunting, $g20.00 pairs in settings), Ad‐ in settings), Ad- justed, justed, Doublele“ Sunk No. 267. 6 Dial... .......60.00 6 No. 267. 1400..Gilt,7?Jewels.....$12.00 . 1411..Gilt,11Jeweelsl.s......14.50 14.b0 71422.. Nickel,, 11Jewels . . 18.b50 1433.. Giilltt,, 15 Jewelsls (4 pairs in setttininggs)s.)..... 24.00 24.00 144.. Nickel,, 15Jewels (4 pairs in settiingss))....... 27.00 .. 2?.00 17466..Nickell,,16Jewells(4-3*‐ Dial.................. 60.00 Size Hunting, $20.00 . . .. .$12.00 No.263. 6 Size Hunting,$16.00 Size Hunting,g16.00 6 Size Hunting, $20.00 Sc a r e -1~. Lotusg m , 6SizeHunting,$2400 Dial..................60.00 No.273. 6SizeHunting,$24.00 Boss 14 Karat Filled Stem WindCases. WARRANTED FOR TWENTY YEARS. Price,of Cases only. Add Price of Case and Movement logether and you have cost of Watch complete. . 6SIZE _‘ No.268. ELGIN WATCH 00. : zaze Hunting, $19.00 MOVEMENTS, No 269. 6 Size Hunting, $19.00 ''~ ELGIN,ILL. ,.. 3-4 PlateStem Wind. ' 153750 o‘ 6SizeHunting,$1600 N63. G i l t , 7 Jewels ......$12.00 94. Gilt, 11 Jewels ..... 14.50 101. Nickel, 11Jewels... 15.50 45. Nickel,13Jewels(3 pairs inset)...........20.00 67. Nickel, 15 Jewels (4 pairs inset)........... 27.00 71. Nickel, 17 Fine Ru‐ by Jewels (5 pairs in Raised Gold Settings), Breguet Hair Spring, finely adjusted and fin‐ ished throughout ...... 60.00 “ ' 6 SIZE ILLINOIS WATCH GO. MOVEMENTS, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. 3-4 PlateStem Wind Movements. No. 140. G i l t , 7Jewels ......$12.00 141. Gilt, 11Jewels..... 14.50 142. Nickel, 11Jewels... 18.50 143. Gilt, 15 Jewels (4 pairsin settings)......2400 144. Nickel, 15 Jewels (4 pairsin settings)......27.00 146 Nickel, 16 Jewels, (41) pairs in settings), Adjusted,DoubleSunk No 271 _ ._. 681“Hfln'mg.$19.00 1} ' 101. Nickel, 11Jewels... 15.50 45. Nickel, 13Jewels (3 N o . 274. 6 Size. 14k , $39.70 PRICEOFCASES O N L17. HUNTING. STEM WIND. Add Prices of Case and Move‐ m e n t together and y o u have cost of Watch complete. 6 SIZE ELGIN WATCH 00. MOVEMENTS, E L G I N , I L L . 3-4 Plate Stem Wind. No. 95. Gilt, 7 Jewels......$12.00 94. Gilt, 11Jewels.....14.50 BAISED MONOGRAM, “1890.” No. 278. 6Size, 14k., $60.25 No. 279 Size, 14k, $44.00 in ........... 20.00 pairs 67. Nickel, 15Jewels (4 set) pairs inset)...........27.00 71. Nickel, 17Fine Ru‐ by Jewels (5 pairs in Raised Gold Settings), Breguet Hair Spring, finely adjusted and fin‐ ished throughout... . . . 60.00 ILLINOIS WATCH 00. MOVEMENTS, SPRINGFIELD, I L L . 3-4 Plate Stem Wind Movements. No. 140. Gilt, 7Jewels......$12.00 141. Gilt, 11Jewels.. . 14.50 142. Nickel, 11Jewels... 18.50 143. Gilt, 15 Jewels, (4 pairs in settings)..... 24.00 144. Nickel,15Jewels(4 pairs in settings)......27.00 146. Nickel, 16Jewels(41 pairs in settings), Ad‐ Dial...................60.00 .6 1 s , » , . \ .280. __0 ‘al. Raised Colored 170.231. 6 Size, 14k., Oval. Raised Colored S t a r a Dn i d a Fm l o o nw d e r 1 s 5 6. 1 w 5 i 0t h o n e " ' LATEST PATTERNS IN FANCY HAND» ENGRAVED AND DIAMOND ' - l o w e r s . $ 5 5 7 0 , i 6re.14k. Oval RaisedColored ,,1,v.i . . ;>_: my With1Diamondin ~ GSme, 14k., En with Dismon N0283 ' ' Handflled ed e centre, $61.03 a. ' , 51mm“er- $6200- __ i raved Star in No.284. ‘4k.. Oval. Raised Colored 3s andStarwithone Diamond, $66.50. N o . 285. 6 Size, 14k., Bassine, Raised Colored Ornamentation w i t h o n e Diamond in centre, $72.80. DECORATED CASES. Price of Cases only. Add Prices of Case and Move‐ ment together and you have cost of complete Watch. ELGIN WATCH co. M O V E M E N T S , ELGIN,ILL. 3-4 Plate Stem-Wind No. 95. Gilt. 7 Jewels ......$12.00 94. Gilt. 11Jewels... . . . 14.50 101. Nickel, 11 Jewels. . 15.50 45. Nickel, 13Jewels, (3 A in ........... 20.00 pairs 67. Nickel, 15Jewels (4 set) Nickel, 17 Fine Ru‐ ished throughout...... 60.00 MOVEMENTS, Movements. No. 140. 141. Gilt, 11Jewels...... 14.50 142 Nickel, 11 Jewels.. . 18.50 143. Gilt, 15 Jewels, (4 pairsin settings)......24.00 144. Nickel, 15 Jewels (4 pairs in settings)...... 27.06 146. Nickel, 16Jewels (411; 60.00 Gilt, 7Jewels...$12.00 6 SIfZE, 14‘KARAT GOLb CASES‐Guaranteed. 14 KARAT GOLD CASES._Guaranteed. pB6. No 286. No. 287. A No. 288. No.2289 O0 Size, 14k., $gB3S8.60 No. 290. No. 291. 0 Size, 14k., $39.60 No. 292. 6 Size, 14k., $49.80 o siz.,No.29B. iifil,'CIar.oo PRBICEOFCASESONLY. HUNTING, STEM WIND. CASDS ONLY. EUNTTNG, ETEIII. WTND. No. 28?. 6Size,14k.,$49.00 6Size,14k,$42.50 6SizeN,o1.4k.$47.00 949.00 6 Size, 14k, S4g.b0 288. 6 Size, 14k.. g4?.00 No. 290. 0 Size, 14k., $41.25 _ No.29t. U Size, 14k., S89.60 0 Size, 14k., 941.25 e sr,.I?fltsr.so of Moaernq.,ts to fi,t abooe Cases, see pd,ges 4r S and, Z. For Pritces of Movements to fit above Cases, LAlDIIES'’, SOLID GOLD CASES..‐-‐QqUALITY GUABRANTEEID).. O.-STIZE,STDEMTI-WINDHEUNTIING..PBR,ICBEOF?CASESONLLYY.. 311 3ll‐E1-r1-2r3,1, 1 No. 295.. Case only. .$36 78 No.2977.. Caseonly. 1+=Ki:riarat,t,144dwt.t.................... No.2988..Caseonly. No. Case ouly. l1*‘X.‐e"‘r.a‘att,, 1 4 dwt $43 10 I1l4l--Karatt,, 15 $46 906 e No..229966.. Case only. 133dwt. .......................$s35 28 le4t--Karat, 13dwtt, ....................... $48 'Weight ......s$44 20 14-Karat, 14dwt 14 dwt. ........ ....$4555 14Noc299..Caseonly.. 10 No.300..Caseonily. , VTa':r:ria:itoionnss in Weight addetdl or deducted at Curreunt Rattes.. Our Stock of Gold Cases is very complete. Cases is very complete. FIoorr Prdi caes of Movaemnents, see Pa,ge 7. CASBS 28 13 ........................ 78 . . .. . .......... .. . . ..046 65 Case dwtt........................ 90 ’; "2 Ii m LADIES’ WALTHAM COMPLETE l-SIZE WATCHES. 32 Price of Watches Complete. 14-Kwrat Gold Stem-Wind. WTHE INITIALS DESIGNATE THE DIFFERENT GRADE MOVEMENTS. 3014 Rliaverside Movement........ N o. 302. Pgfil‘sme Movement-------‐ . " F “ G ” .. '''''''' «r ______ _ u,, ~ “ G ” " ... .. .. ,._ ,No.303. Rlverside4p11}, nickel, adjusted Mv’t. $74 00 “ F ” 9Jewels, nickel Movement,........ ‘B" pairs, mckelMovement 1 - S I Z E ' WATCHES A R E P E N D A N T S E T . 3 00 9 “ ... No 304. Riverside Movement.................. 00 No. 305. Riverside Movement.................. $68 “ B ” “ .................. 5500 " B ” “ .................. “ F ” " ................. “ G " “ .......... “ .................. 500 “F” “ G ” “ ................... 4900 $61 “G” Jewels, Gilt SOLID GOLD “WHEAT ’=’ SHEAF CASES. HideoftwoplatesofGold,i4LK.outsideand8-K.inside. ThisCasewillassay10-K_ Nonegenuineunlessstampedwith“Sheafof WheatandB. 17.0. 00.” P R I C E O F GASES ONLY. HUNTING, STEM-WIND. ‘ SEND us YOUR WATCH RAPAIRING AND JOB WORK. 3 3 Case only. ............................ 4700 16-Size..................._............... 7on N o ; 307. .................................$4940 18-Size... . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 9 4 o No. 308. Case only. No. 309. Case only. F o r Prices of Movements, see Pages 3, 4, 5 and 6. 7 iséze. LouisXIV...................0.857 50 18-Size,LouisXI_V............ $5760 - 1.4) , SOILTIIDL14K. GOLD GASES. PriaceofCa,sesOnly. Onl,g. GOLD GASES. STEMII WIND,. No. 310.. 18Size, 14k., $g7?1.50 No. 311 No..33112.. 18 Size, 14k , $103.00 , $103.00 No. 313. 14 B. GIUTTAARFJAAN}\TTEEED.‐ Ff9olr Price of Complete Watch, add to price of case lllq",St Complete Watch, add to lricc of ca8e tlthre grade movement wanted. movement waDted. .7Jewels, Geiillded, Stem Wind. . Stem Vfind. .... .. .... .....g$10..00 1lt1““ “.. ..1250 .7 ., 11 “ Niclckekl,er, “ ............... it " '; :::::..::.. .:. lt33 15 " Gilded,Ppat..Reg.,StemWind“.. 17.00 19 ll 9it4"Q, Reg., std- wl'",i. .. ii.oo 1.l5l “" Niickel,l. “ “ "., 1.8.00 3' " '. .... 1,l.OO 15 “ Gilded, “ “,,adj,“., ...2500 15_ Gilled, " adi, . .. i; od 15 “ Niickeel,t, “,, “,, H “ 30.00 lp " so0o 15 “ qGilrt,.[Riaymond..........,..... . 31.00 !! :: Nicri.et.Raymond................ B,oo 15 “ Nickel, Raymond. . 40 00 l!'3 1l55 " .... 4,r00 CreBccnrStreet..,.......,........ S.0O " Crescent Street ................... OpenFaceMadeto Order. Open, Face Mad,e to Order. HEIU'NTINING.. 14.00 No. 311 18Size, 14k, $79.20. 18 Size, 14k., S79.20. No.313. 18 Size, 14k,, $94.70 18 Bize, 14k., 994.?0 \: .:_-: -- l.:.:.etedwiththecelebratedHampdenMove- No 315.‐ G e nts’ 10 . Gold Filled Louis XIV : - ' ‘ ‘‘mrplelette.. With 7 Jeweled MDolovevmeefnot.e.n..t........... 31. With ......$31.q)t ' ....Teweled Movement........ . ........S$31..000 -Gents' 10 K. Gold Filled Louis XIY No315.-Gents'10K. Gold Filled Louis XIY thecelebrated Eampden Move- -.reneledMovement. Case, Fitted with Hampden MovemeDt, coDs\Dleto ,, (. “ 1717 “'. “ ........ ..--.,-.. 385.50 1-'. " " .............. 35.50 “" 15 “ “ ........-.,. 38.00 :: ” 1:r3 “"Niickkele“l "15 "Nickel" .. ,.^45.00 ‘1 5"“ ..... .. 38.00 .. .. “ 15 "Nickel“ .............« 45.00 ,i 5 EE .tE6 Hs t Ef;g HES EgE :€f, etsr s hE o6! Efi# E*e E 9t E5H or, . EEE EE g f; gs H l: 3::1-t61 ‐ G e n t s ’ 10K. Gold Fillled Case,, Ftr'itted No3.31177..-‐Gentts'’ 10 K . Gold F i l l e d Case, Fitted K. Gold Fil]ed Caee, Fitted -Gents' ' HIlearmnpdenM.!Iovemennt,t,comnplelette. withHampdenMovement,éomplete. Movement, iomplete. T TJewielletdl.Movemennt.t............. .' Withl’l’ Jeweled Movement...............S 21” “ ..........^. “ 1 “ “ ............... 1: -‘ ” 5 " Nickkeel l “ 3350 “15“ “ G@ED lO K., Gold Ftllefi, Gentrs $\"/ .....45.00 ............... 45.00 . $30.00 " $ $gg'g8 With 7 Jeweled Movement............... ...... ...... .. .......37.00 "15 .. 37.00 III..II........ 44.00 . . 175 “ N i c k e l “ " " Nickel " Case,FittedwithHampdenMovement,com lete:1 11 'No.318.‐Gents’ 14 Karat Gold Filled Case fitted w i t h Stem Wind, American Expansion Balance Movement. With17 Jeweled Mov‘ement, complete. . . . $35.00 i' C‘ 5 K‘ 37.50 u15 u u a '“42.00' No.319.‐Gents' auu Filled Case. No 320.‐Gents’ 14 Karat Gold Filled, Louis XIV. Case, fitted with Stem Wind, American Expansion Balance Movement. With 7 Jeweled Movement, complete. . . 8 46.00 .‘11 '( (t A‘ .‘C‘48.50 No.321.-‐Gents’ 14 Karat Gold Filled, Smelt” With 7 Jeweled Movement, complete. . . . G4000 n11u u u'.4250 “ 15 “ “ 53.00 “ 15 “ N u 47.00 fru -r : GENTS'’ 14 KABRAT GOLD FILLED WATCHIIES.. “ s . 5-1Lk-:}r- 1r=4carat Gold fitJllle'fdJIH!1u|n'.t'"isn,g Cases. Warranted to wear 20 yveaarsr.s' Pendant bows', - ,. . $35.50 .87.50 " 11 thumb pieces a,tnTd3c;r"o*wYnJs#a3re1isi?oluidt3G"oIuldl."r € 3,3": ;::-3-. Gentl.s’' 14 Carat GolId Filled, Case, 1: : 5 : fi-- n--:. Stem Wiindd,, Amerriicann Expansioionn No.3823.. Gents’' 14 Caratt Gold Filled, Fancy Engraved Case, fifltted with Stem Wind, Ameri‐' can Expansion Balance Movemennt.t. h:u 1 M- oiIvresement.. 7=7 ; .J-eweledMovement,comPplete...$ ‘... i 1‘ u z: i. A H 42.00 42.70 " 75 " .... 47?.,00 --: 3244. Gentts’' 14 Carat Gold Filled Case, ;itlihr Stem Wind, American Expansion No. 3255 Gentts’' 14 Carratt Gold Filled Case, 3.-r:t.J-~loMvoevmemeenntt.. ri-.:.'.. TI Jeweled Movement,t, compllette.... .$§3$4.'%40 fifltted with Stem W'![ind, Amerriicann Expansion . [W \. 1l " ,.,. 87.00 " 17 .. 37.00 . ..41.50 Wiithl' 42.00H15(A u fl Jewelled Movement, cormnplete. .. $.$40.020 ... u ....37.50 H n u u .... ”5 -11(t M &(-...h (I {t (l (t - .. .' 155 “ “ “ ,.. . 41.50 “" 155 “ " " ? Balance Movement.t. Wiitth17’;Jeweled Movement,t, compllette.. . . $.$3-41.40 Gold Filled Gents’ Stem Winding Watches.‐(0pen Face Only.) CHEAPEST GENUINE GOLD FILLED WATCH MADE. Made of two plates of Solid Gold Covering com tificate to wear 15 years. Every case is dust proo , havingMbut one joint. with Columbus, Elgin, Waltham, Springfield. or Hampden No.326.‐Gents’ Gold Filled Case fitted with No‘327.‐Gents’ Gold Filled Case. fitted w i t h m Wind, American Expansion Balance Stem Wind, American Expansion Balance ovement. ‘ Movement. With 7 Jeweled Movement, complete. - - $22.50 With 7 Jeweled Movement, complete... 322m ,. 11 U -- '- 25.00 " 11 " fl “ 25.00. " 15 “ " “ 29.50 “ 15 -' " “ . 29.50 No.328.‐‐Gente' Gold Filled Case, fitted with Stem W i n d , American Expansion Balance Movement. No.329.‐Gents’ Gold Filled Engraved Case, With 13Jeweled Movement, complete. . . $22.50 American Expansion H H u '.'_ (I (l l‘ 13 (t15If t( fitted w i t h Stern Wind, Balance Movement. With 1'; Jeweled Movement, complete. . . $22.50 25.00 [K 4: 29'50u15u u u 25.00 29‘50 ‘.‘. . "5 ”a?‐10K.GoldFilledOpenFaceCase, i‐z £911 to wear for 15 yeam, fitted with 324minrd 7 JewelMovement,Stem Wind. 3‐ ~-; g: zplete, $19.00. 1:2». -ELGIN Im\ \ No.331‐10Karat.GoldFilledHuntingCase, ‐ Guaranteedto wear 15years, fitted with N.‘Y. Standard7 JewelMovement,Stem Wind. Price complete $25.00. G OLD FILLED CO MPLETE WA TC’HES. NJ. 332.‐Elgin Watch Case Co.’s Gold Filled OpenFaceCase. Handsomeassortedengrav- ::;s. Warranted by Special Certificate from ings, Warranted by Special Certificate from Msz‘dfacturertowear20 Years. Fittedwith Manufacturertowear20 Years. Fittedwith H g i n Style, Expansion Balance Mooe- ‘nent,StemWind. Pricecomplete,$19.00. _\'7. 334.‐Samecase.fittedwiththeGenuine7 ‘eweled Springfield Movement, Stem Wind. Phi-i complete, $23.00. E l g i n Style Expansion Balance Move‐ ment,StemWind. Pricecomplete,$24.30. No.335,‐-Semecase,fittedwiththeCelebrated 7Jeweled, FullPlate,QuickTrain, NewModel. “ S t a n d a r d , ” StemWind. Pricecomplete. 25. No. 333.‐Elgin Watch Case Co.’s Gold Filled Hunting Case Handsome assorted engrav‐ SILVERINE AND NICKEL WATCHES. No 336.‐Gents’ 3 oz. Silverine Open Face KeyWind,withGenuineSpringfieldMovement, Warranted. Price, $8.50. No.337.‐‐Gents’3oz. Silverine Open Face Stem Wind, with Genuine American Movement, E1 ' , Waltham, S r i n field or Columbus. Pugs; $12 00. p g . No. 338.‐Gents’ 3 oz. HuntingSilveroid Stem Wind Case, fitted with N. Y. Standard 7Jew- ggedOMovement. Price,completeStemWind, HandandJointedBack. Pricecomplete,$4.00. .‘ . No. 339. -‐ Nickel, Open Face, Stem Wind, Nickelized Movement, Enamel Dial, Second h r : :-::._r~’lete. Key Wind, $5.00. . OUR LEADERS. ‘S ‐ T h i s case weighs 3 ounces, and is No. 34l.‐Above illustration represents our ' me Liverlne, which looks and wears equal Genuine Dueber 3 oz. Silverine Open Face Case, a 5r; erCase, andhasaFullJeweledImita- fittedWithElginStyleExpansionBalanceMove‐ rican Gilded or Nickel Movement. ment. Price, complete, Key Wind, $5.50. ~t' Eel‐OurGenuineDueber3oz. Silverine v3 With the Celebrated “New Haven” F19~ 11 Jeweled Expansion Balance, sion Balance, Gilded or Nickel Movement. 1;Movement Price, complete, Key Price, complete, StemWind, $8.75. No.344.‐0urGenuineDueber3oz. Silverine Case, fitted with Full Plate Elgin Style Expan‐ Gold Ornamented Complete Watches. Ornamented Complete SILYABINE. STILTVBEBRTNINE.. No.. 344.-‐Ourr Genuine Dueber 3 oz. Silverine Glenuine Dueber B oz. Silverine No.345.‐GenuineDueber3oz. SilverineCase‘ ^ CUasee,.fiftttedwithFX.ullPpllateElgm Style EXpan- 34L-A."nuine fitted with with the DCuelbeebrr.aBteodz.7SJilevwereinledCFasuel.l N i c k e l Movement, Stem Wind. Price,,compllette,, $9-50- Plate, Quick Train, New Model, “ Standard” sio.n Balance, Gilded or 'WirFda.lanee, Gilded or Nickelafoveinent, $tem Jr l $9.i0.- SILLTVEENROOBR,BE,. Sfl #'ff :$.1, 'I'he cheapest and best American n "J9ve,mgn-t, ° ° m p “ e : S10.‐J0 Elsin Stvle Exoan- --f9. -,il,l' #j,llf, No. 346.-‐Faehy'’s Silverore Screw Bezel, Open _ Silverore Screw Bezel, Open No. 31?.-Fahy's Silverore Screw Bezel. Facee._. Omamented Case, fitted with Genuine 7 Face, Ornamented Case, fitted with GenOuoineea‐ Ornamenti:d Case, nrtea witp- c;;qir';t f".J, .W,atehes. Fili8 Movement, The cheapest and best Aimiieirti,cTanil 7’ ?. Jeweled Léqgegxaent made, Stem Wind. Price. complete,Movement made, Stem'W'ind, price, - -Wioa. urnqn-re.-nted. Crse, f tted with Geuu:ine Jeweled Springfie’d Movement, Stem Wind. Elgin or Waltham 7 Jeweled Movement, Stem. {eweledSpringfle'dMb'vYeemmenetn,t'sStte.*mwind' oriryaltham7 price, Jeweled Movement, Price, comprletel, $12.50. Wind. Price, complete, $1250. Sten 6tz.oo. '-ligit rrice, coEplete, gl2.b0, SILVERORE'. STLVENONE. FAH YS No. 347.‐Fahy’s Silverore Screw Bezel, Open Gents’ Solid Silver Complete Watches. F: 31-5.‐18SizeOpenFaceScrewBezelCase, i‘zni“withGenuine'?JeweledAmericanMove m z . Stem Wind. Price, complete, $21.00. No.349-- 8Size Hunting. Engraved, Gold Joints, Stem Wind Cane, fitted With the Cele‐ brated Girard 15 Jeweled Movement. Pnoe, complete, $18.50‐ .\’o. 350.-‐Gents’ 402. SolidSilver, Open Face, No. 351. 18Size Hunting, Engraved Border. StemWindCase, fitted with Standard 7 Jew‐ Ste: Wind Case, with American Exmmsxon BL‘ance Movements, w i t h eled Movement complete. Price, $18.00. 3Jeweled Movement. 11 ................... -. “ “ Pat.Reg $23.50 26.00 ............ 30.50 ................ SWISS AMERICAN MOVEMENTS. ' WILL FIT I8 AND 6 SIZE AMERICAN CASES PERFECTLY. WALMGFOfiD. ' . No.352.‐Ke~ Wind. FullPlate Ke ingMovement,ElginStyle, Expansion Price, $3.50. Wind- alance. ., s No.353‐18Size FullPlate.Key Wind,Move‐ ment,ElginStyle,11Jewels.ExpansionBalance, Thls movement will r u n well. Price, $4.00. No. 354.‐6 Size Ladies’ Imported American gigovgment,Jeweled,ExpansionBalance. Price, .5 . NEWHAVEN. GIRARD. N o t 3 5 5 . ‐ 1 8 Sizer, M a c h i n e M a d e , K e y W i n d , 11 Jewels, Gilt'of'Damaskeen Nickel Finish, Double Roller Escapement. Dust Band, $5.00. N o . 3 5 6 ‐ 4 8 S i z e , F u l l P ‘ a t e . S t e m W i n d a n d Set Movement, Jewels in Settings, Expansion Balance This is a.showy as well as a reliable movement. Price, $7.00. GENTS’ METAL WATCHES.‐New Styles. PRICE, COMPLETE. (til‐Gentry Hunting,KeyWind,Silver Case, With 11Jeweled Best Quality Imi- " 4 1 , 1 : American Movement. Price, $6.00. ' No.358.‐Gents’GoldPlatedHuntingCased Key Winder with the best Grade Imitation American Movement, “New HavenWatch Co.,” 11 Jewels, we guarantee this movement in every respect as the best Imitation Key Movement made. Price, $6.80. No.361.‐18SizeGoldCase,Beauti‐ fru,llfy Ef3n'g;;rJa?ve.tdl'.e Gortr cs.e' Beauti- Jewel Springfield, No. 362‐18 Size Gold Case, Vyer-‐ _19.,903.-te Size Gottl Crse, mliceilll'i E.t:ngsreaYved.. Fitted w i t h 7 _I'itred-vith. ? Jewel Springfeld, Elgiin or Waltham Movemrejnnt-t. Fitted with 7 Jewel Springfield, E,,1ii5T5?:!,Xor Waltham Movement. Wa'atctchhcomppletetete., $29.50. $2g.SO. #lllo J-'fiNf l,,lgt.*r",u' No.364.~18 Size Gold Case. B o x Jointl, Hand No. 365‐18 Size, Box Joint, Raised Decora‐ Size, Box Joint, Raised Decora. SOLIID GOLDvCASES. GOLD CASES. Gloril case, 3ox roiutr, Eand s,"oimlheiuly6E;;n1g.r3a"vtelfde. Fittedwith’iJewelSpringfield,EIginorWaltham tious. M,*o:,v,eiXm#en]tr.o t rewel Springfleld, Etgin or w.auham t.NFoit.t.e3d65w.-i1t8h 7Jewel Springfield or Waltham Fitted with Springfield, Elgin, Spningfteld, Elgin, or Waltham Movements. Movements. PNRICE,, COMPLETE. COWPIIETD, _» No. 363.-‐‐6 Size Gold Oval Case. Wwatch complete, $g2l7.O.0o0, "c'o#E3pl,e&te,.lo*:l$::t F,liftfte;fdfiwit;hfFine Swiss Movement. 'W&tch or wattham Watchcompllette,,$37.00. aWrIait,cThiclo#m,,plete,$40.00. S3i).00. WBtch coinplete, 840.00. wattch comupletle.. $33.50. $Bg.5O. Movement, z Jewet sprrngfietd BOYS’WATCH. . , BOYS’WATCH. SWISS WATCHES COMPLETE. 1:11:01or EACH. 47 Wind..............$950 Stem Wind..........$700 Hunting11423 5: 424 6Size,Go]1HuntingCase,FancyEngravings,assorted,Fittedcompletewithour 1 4 .h1m Silver ::em-Wind, , , , , , , , , Stem-Wind.......... Q ..................................................$ 7Jewels, E l g i n orSpringfield Movement................. 3900 bwiss American Movement. Price. 3:1425. Same Case Fittedwith ALUMINUM. ALUMINUM WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THESE GOODS. No. 1422 Silveruq Open- Face Solid Silver Open-Face LADIES’ OPEN-FACE CHATELAINE. LADIES’ OPEN-FACE CHATELAINE. No. 1430 Silverus, Stem~Wind.........$6 50 No. 1432 Nickel. Fancy Dial, Siem~Wind.$6 80‘ No. 1431 Solid Silver, “ ........ 875 NO- 1433 SOlid Silver, “ .' .” .' - 925 6-SIZE MOVEMENT. No. 1434. Ladies' 6-size Swiss Imitation American Movement, 7 Jewels, Expansion Balance. W i l l fit- any G-Size American Case. BIJOU. Price. ..........................................$9 No 1435. Silver Open Face Stem Winder angi Setter, finely finished Bijou Move- ment with Jewels in Settings, Second Hand Extra Heavy. Fine Silver Cases w i t h handsome Decorations of latest de‐ signs, the most desirable Chatelaine Watch inthe market. Price..........$15 00 Ladies’ Open-Face Chatelaine. ..' Solid N l e e l , Stem-W1nd............. .....$7 00‘ WE GUARANTEE OUR SWISS MADE WATCHES EQUAL TO ANY ON THE MARKET. GENTS’ FINE SOLID GOLD CHAINS. PRICEOF EACH. 10mm." JWMMMfl/«u - h J Jud JJJJJJJJJJJJ No. 3022‐10 kt., 20dwt., $30.00 No. 3023.44 ktv, 20dwt,, $42.70 143GOLDFILLEDCHAINS. WARE-ANTEDTOWEAR20YEARS. No. 3024‘ 14k Gold Filled, has appearance of 25 dwt. Solid Gold Chain, $7.50 Nn. 3029. 14k Gold Filled, has appearance of 28 dwt.. Solid Gold Chain. $10.25 _.‐\\\_~\\_,.\\,‐\\ _\\ ;«\\_« Tf";,.w,L3 \__\_:. -?~3'-\!\?T\L"«! { i t a l ‐ 11/11/1/1, ,,,.,“1 ( u p , r I “ _ \ ' \ ‐ ' ‐‘ ' - u‐ “ ” 3 _ ' _ A‘ w‘ \~ _ " _ ' _ ‐ _ - _ ‐ ‐ ‘ . ' _ g‐‐‘ "i/ll/xzf/m-7,4,, ROLLED PLATE VEST CHAINS. l a :¢.Lli:y.‐GoldTips. Fulllength,withDropforCharm. Thebestlollingcurbinthemarket. u””’// “ ~ \~.) \‘ r: xv‘hxma's»x,»\T%‘{‘\\Th\ f; Na\‘\‘\;.;\:.~\.sx\‘,‘ \‘.\\\.\\ \ » \ \.\~\-~}~.\ \-.\'> . ~ ~ » ..\\‐_..cAA“1.\-~-\\‘\.\;\.‘~u "'"/44’/,',z’/z/a,,,z/a/,///J.@ '/~;.‘ '". ,.-,.71 5,’A’,-(-,/.’_”f’.’-’~’f,",'.’.4' f . ’ / / z / / f r / z / r / ,y . ., lyr‘.’ ,. z l/l/If/fj,l‘./r/A///r.i‘llf'f/ r tljz'l 4 Double strand, rolled plate curb Vest Chain; gold tips and slide. Each, $6.00. “a “OK-EPQEEE No. 11. Rolled plate, gold tips. Each, $4.00. Vfi/ffi/Ké‘fi/‘fififi/A,‐Ar”~¢f,, ,r:/ f L ‘ ,,/~, f.‐' ,z, w a y 1'4J// /'/y¢y’yf/f/CyQyZ/mjzflyfl-flfyg. /‐ No.12. Rolledplate,goldtips,withdropfor charm. /,.z / ,//,//://’ A {5,066{fa/”74,40.” No 13. Rolled plate. Gold tips. Extra quality. Each,$3.00. Each, $3.50. No. 14. Rolled plate. Gold tips and hand engraved slide. Extra quality. Each, $6.00. No. 15. Rolled late. Gold tips and hand en‐ gravedslide. xtra quality. Each, $5.00. Gents’ Extra Quality Rolled Plate Chains. WITH BAR AND CHARM ATTACHMENTS. FULL LENGTH. PRICE OF EACH. .KK J V K K K K K K K/flKf/KK‘ r 75/2/991/1//9///9// / / / J f IV> ' 199/C__9/9/f/99/999999/////’ ‘ 9, / f“//,K/KK/KKKKK f/f/ff/h‐~ r/ f K/ K KKK/KKKKK/u’ ' //9f/’/999/99//9////////////, g, //’./,f//9///,////////9////99////////A ///J/////// /,,~'., CGGOOQCZ’WLCC/II’ f ./.‐,ff/,»~A //'//////KKK/z////r/, ‘//'// “1/1a ) ;‘/‘//‘//,‘/2/1’y4 /’71//////,//‘/x),y/u/z'j/ , ~/A////,-,.///,_,,//,/, /////4////,/// / /1////3/////,////{/, ,.,‘ J u( f z m/ 9 fi / / / / / / ” / / ( / / f / / / / K / / ” / , / , / / / / / / ' ~ , , / , < / , / / , f , / , ’ , ' , / ‐ ' , , ; - , _ , / / / / U , / U , / / / fl / , / / , / / / / , , , , , / , / _ , ~ f ‐ / , - , . , , , , , / , » - / ‐ > ‐ » ’ , - , - f / / , p f f / / / / / / / / / , / / / / / / / / / / 1 / 4 / / / / / / / / / / , L515 , ‘ K Kf ‐¢_,.,,,/, ,.r,,A, 4-411{1/4/////<<4»4Ale1‘J/, f , , , , , , / / ; - » ; , ; , ' ; ; ’ , - ’ , " , , ' , ’ K K ’ K K / K K / K / K / K K K / / / / / / / / /////////////////9///////9 Kl ,KK/KK/K/K/KKKKKK/flK K Ke, ‘ A ‐ K ‐ K . ' , , . K K . ‐K K K K K K ’ : .” 2 9 / 9 / 9 2 5 7 ” ;///7/99//////’ ‘. , ///////_///y))/.0//J//_}///4 Oy/9/@/////////f/// Kff’ KK‐‘KKIK/K/ /’//f/1 / j ,j / ,A / A ‘ ///// / W f / % / / / / / / i I; f- _./_/,../‘//~y £fi9Jf Jf ‐ , , , ' , / / , , , ' w " - h . . , _,, , , / , ,f ” , , / - , fl / / /,, No. 3042. Ball Slide, $6.75 :. J Qj///////j \ ‘”K/KK/K/r////////fl//K///ffff/9 ,///////////////A//,///KJ/( 994/9/9///9// / / 9 / 4 / 7 / 4 1 ,/ / / _ , / / / / / / / / / / / , / / / / / ,,,,,/;,”,‐ ~,/ , , _ , , / 4 . , , , _ / , , , , _ , , 1 4 / / / / ; / , / . / 4 4 , 4 , / / J M u / J / J GESTS’ EXTRA FINE ROLLED GOLD VEST CHAINS. PRICE OF EACH. N0. 3043. Each. $4.00. No. 3047. Each, $3.50. THEABOVECHAINSARE14K. PLATE.LINKSSOLDEBEDWITH10K.GOLD. Gents’ Extra Quality Rolled Plate Chains. WITH BAR AND CHARM ATTACHMENTS. PRICE OF EACH. FULL LENGTH. ‘mi, \ w E[I; k N0. 3055. ’ ,_I 7, ?‘fiv?il? “,rv‘\-«\‘i-di‘v i e s \/' Fancy Links, $4.50 ,,,p"«fifil,‐,~‐~'.,‐‐4‐I",,','-'~r ‘_'___;‘” 5 . _ f,‐f:4;__"’if u r s ,‐ rh" -¢A "7.7“"' fir 'f ' _,p ,-,-,q>gfif-gfim~fi gré‐r‘ggggu‐‘i-s .=, avg‐fi,/.Qr; No. 3062. Square Trace Links, $6.00 Gents’ Extra Quality Rolled Plate Chains. WITH BAR AND CHARM ATTACHMENTS. FULL LENGTH. N o , 3071. California Connecting Links, $6.50 Gents’ Extra Quality Rolled Plate Chains. WITH BAR AND CHARM ATTACHMENTS. FULL LENGTH. PRICE OF EACH. Repairing, Gold and Silver Ptating. Eta, Done at Short Notice. m STYLESINFIREGILTVESTCHAINS. BEST0.UALITY. PRICE OF EACH. \3”l No. 3089. Each $1.50. TEES}:VESTCHAINSAREFULLLENGTH.WITHDROPLINKSFOB(SHARK. (gm-m ‘ nt'l' zmmmm' BEST QUALITY FIRE GILT VEST CHAINS. , PRICE OF EACH. No.3094. Each$3.00. (hudlu ”mam”. uuuu rt//44/K ax mmmgmumwmy“unamzumwrumummms No. 3099. Each $3.00. E L I RIBBONS AND GUARDS. GENTS’ HAIR VEST CHAINS. ROLLED GOLD MOUNTINGB. No. 3103. Braided Silk Vest Guard, 2 Strands. Each, $2.00 FINE WHITE METAL VEST CHAINS. FullLength,withVest Hookand Swivel. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘ \ ~\ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ ’ \ \ \ \ \\\‘\\\\\\\\\\\_\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ No. 3106. Each, 60c.; per dozen, $4.00 \\\‘\\\\\'\\\\\~ \ \ \ \ \ \'\'\\\‘*‘f“7 \\\\\\\\\\\\\x>wa\\\\\\\\\“ \ \\\\\\\ No.3107. Each,70c.;perdozen,$4.50. ' SOLIDGOLD,AND ROLLEDPLATEHAIRCHAINMOUNTINGS. Per Set,$2.00. PerSet.$3.00. No.8111. Solid Gold, per Set.$3.50. ,, , No 3113. SolidPeGroslge Essgé‘sved. ,1‘ N 0 . 3112. S o l i d G o l d , C h a s e d , Set. $10.00. .\': 3116.‐‐10Karat,$15.00 No.3117.‐14Karat,$18.50 LADIES’ SOLID GOLD VICTORIA CHAINS .FwiA;A.,-,-v,‘.,_:_.A.A_:,k.,‘¢_ \\\»\-‐ No. 3134.‐10 Karat, $17.00 No. 3135.‐14 Karat, $22.00 No. 3138.‐10 Karat, Diamond Set, $15.25 N0. 3139‐14 Karat, Diamond Set, $17.25 m 4.1‘..’-nx ‘3. " LADIES’ ROLLED PLATE CHAINS. FINESTQUALITY. PRICEOF EACH. X0. 3145. Two Strand Bead Chain, Gold Front Slide. $4.00 MW"~-\v-<.' (1Front Slides, N o. 3151. Extension, $4.50 Ladies’ Rolled Plate Adjustable Chains. FINEST QUALITY. PRICE OF EACH. ' No. 3155. No. 3157. Gold Front Slide, Garnet Set, $6.00 No. 3158. Woven Wire Chain, Gold Front, Slide, $6.00 Ladies? Rolled Plate Victoria Chains. FINEST QUALITY “ x x N“ -\~‘n“‘\\n°‘“\w ~\\~~‐““> \.‘m‘ 1~ s§‘r§\£(@‘3@\\§v“\q\x No. 3061. Basket Charm, $2.25 Ladies’ Rolled Plate Victoria Chains. FINESTQUALITY; PRICE OF EACH it, , §.r._/ , >a\ Ladies’ Rolled Plate Victoria Chains. FINEST QUALITY. PRICEOFEACH Extra Quality Rolled Plate Bead Necksfi No. 3174. Roman or Polished. $2.25 No. 3175.-‐‐Size Larger, $2.50 No. 3176.‐Solid Silver, same size asillustration, $4.50 R No. 3577: oman'ozrjsohshed, N0. 3173_ Fancy Beads, 33-00 No. 3179 Fancy Beadsh $3.75 _2‘ N0. 3180. Child’s Neck Blue Enameled Pendant, $10.20 N 3 10k......$9.00 14k......11.00 SOLID GOLD NECK CHAINS. PRICE OF EACH. GOLD FRONT AND BACK NECK CHAINS. P1310”? OF E4011 No. 3 1 . No. 8185. Solid Gold Front, $3.00 Solid Gold Front, $3.50 No. 3186. No. 3187. Garnet Center, $3.00 Garnet Center. $3.50 441m 4“