Pocket Watch Database

Rockford Watch Catalog c.1907

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $525.00

Acquisition Date: May 06, 2019

Digitized Date April 20, 2019

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The m o s t scientific methotfl of watch construction are applied in producing the UNQUESTIONABLY ( A C C U R A T E ROCKFORD WATCH e” Every part is as perfect as mew chanical master minds, aided by modern appliances, can produce. WE GUARANTEE EVERY WATCH BEARING OUR TRADE MARK We solicit comparison, grade for grade, with othermakes, as it is under the most exacting expert criticismthat the superi‐ ority ofthe kafardWatch be‐ comes conspicuously apparent. With full knowledge of all the rigid requirements of railroad time service, we constructed for the special use of railroad men, Ruby Jeweled Lever Set Watches. They w i l l maintain strict acturacy under theman trying condition}. a Rockford Watch (20.,Rockford,Illinois 16 Size £3: £8? S‘sxilgace éBridge $100. 00 . Nickel, 21 high colored m b y jewels, gold set‐ tings. accurately adjusted to temperature, all p o ‐ sitions and isochronism. Closely rated in pocket position. Compensating balance with gold screws, gold beveled polished train, double roller escapement, sapphire jewel pin, steel escape wheel ground and highly polished onall frictional surfaces. Red ruby pallets, patent. micrometric regulator. positive action. Breguet hair spring of best, quality. Safety pinion. Beveled and ra ed winding wheels, all steel work elegantly polis ed and cornered. First quality mainspring, double sunk glass enamel dial, bronzed hands, gold lettering and artistically damaskeened. A watch made especially for comparison in general finish and time-keeping qualities. Cer‐ tificate of r a t i n g furnished u p o n application. 2 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinois l6 Size No.510 Huntin No.515OpenFace} Bridge$60-00 Nickel, 21 high colored ruby jewels, gold set‐ tings. accurately adjusted to temperature, five positions and isochronism. Compensating b a l ‐ ance, with gold screws. Gold beveled polished train. double roller escapement. sapphire pallets. Steel escape wheel ground and highly polished on all acting surfaces. Patent micrometric regulator. Breguet hair spring of best quality. Safety pinion. Beveled and rayed winding wheels. all steel work highly polished and cor‐ nered. First quality mainspring. double sunk lass enamel dial. gold lettering and richly amaskeened. A most highly finished watch, up‐tO‘dai/c in a l l modern requirements, and an unexcelled timekeeper. Certificate of rating furnished upon applicalion. 3 ‐ Rockford‘WatchCo.,_Rbokfotd‘,Illinois 16 Size No. 5'20 Hunting; ‘ N o . 525~Open Face g Bridge $50-00 Nickel. 2 1 r u b y j e w e l s , g o l d s e t t i n g s , a c c u r a t e l y adjusted to temperature. five positions and; isochronism. Compensating balance with gold screws, red beveled train. Double roller es‐ capement. sap hire jewel pin, sapphire pallets,, steel escape w eel ground and polished on all, acting surfaces. Patent micrometric regulator. Breguet hair s ring of best quality. Safet ,inion. Beveled1winding wheels‘ all steel wor ighly polished a'nd cornered, double sunk glass enamel dial. gold lettering and attractively damaskeened. A hi h-grade watch to meet most stringent railrpa service dernarrds. Certificate oi rating iurmshed upon-apphcation. 4‐ Rockford Watch 00.,Rockford,Illinois 16 Size No. 530 Hunting 3 No. 535 Open Facel 1 Plate $45-00 Nickel, 21 ruby jewels in settings, accurately adjusted to temperature, five positions, and isochronism. Compensating balance, red beveled train. sapphire pallets. steel escape wheel ground and polished on all acting surfaces. Patent micrometric regulator. Breguet hair spring of best quality. Safety pinion. Beveled winding Wheels, double sunk glass enameled dial. gold lettering, and handsomely damaskeened. A. high-grade_ watch. for railway aervice. Certificate of r a t m g furmshed u p o n application. 5 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinois 16 Size No. 540 Hunting No. 545 Open Face i BI‘ldgC $45-00 Nickel,21 ruby jewels, in settings. accurately adjusted to temperature. five positions, and isochronism. Compensating balance, red beveled train, double roller escapement, sapphire pallets. steel escape wheel ground and polished on all acting surfaces. Patent micrometic regulator. Breguet hair 5 ring of best quality. Safety pinion. Bevel winding wheels. double sunk glass enamel dial, gold lettering. and handsomely amaskeened. A A high-grade watch for rallway service. Certificate of rating furnished upon application. 6 ‐ Rockford Watch 00.,Rockford,Illinois WINNEBAGO 15 Size Hunting } Bridge $37.50 Open Face Nickel, 17 R u b y jewels in settings, accurately adjusted to temperature, isochronism and five positions. Compensating balance with gold screws. Red beveled train, double roller es‐ capement, sapphire pallets, steel escape wheel, ground and polished on all acting surfaces, patent micrometri‘cre ula'tor. Bre uethairsiring,bev‐ eledwindingw ls, polishe steelwor .. Safety pinion. Double sunk glass enamel dial, gold lettering, attractively damaskeened. A 17 jewel watch elegantly finished and equipped with all modern improvements. Certificate of Rating furnishedon application. 7 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,111inois 16 Size No. 550 Hunting } Bridge $33.00 No. 555 Open Face Nickel. 17 'ewels, in settings, adjusted to, tem‐ p e r a t u r e and three positions, closely timed. Compensating balance. bevel train, steel escape wheel, Breguet hair spring of best quality. Safety pinion. Patent micrometric regulator, double s u n k lass enamel dial. watch and a urable timekeeper. A well finished 8 RockfordWatch (20.,Rockford,Illinois 16 Size Pendant Set No. 561 Hunting ‐ No. 566 Open Face} Brldge $23°50 Nickel, 17 iewels, in settings. adjusted to temperature. closely timed. Compensating bal‐ ance. beveled center wheel, beveled and rayed winding wheels. Breguet hair spring, atent. micrometric regulator. Safety pinion. ouble sunk glass enamel dial, bridge model. endant set. The finest finished and most relia le time keeper on the market for the money. 9 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinois ‐‐-‐___.___________________ 16 Size No. 560 Huntin ‘ * No. 565 Open Fgce Sif Plate $21-00 Nickel, 17 jewels, in settings, adjusted to term gerature, closely timed. Com ensating balance} eveled center wheel, Breguet an- spnng. Safety pinion. Patent micrometric regulator, sunk second glass enamel dial. A well finished, reliable timekeeper. 10 RockfordWatch C0,,Rockford,minois ___._._..______‐_‐‐‐‐‐ 16 Size Pendant Set No. 572 Hunting } Bridge $19.00 No. 573 Open Face Nickel, 17 jewels in settings, compensating balance. beveled and rayed winding wheels. Breguet hair spring. Safety pinion. Micro‐ metric regulator, double sunk glass enamel dial Closely timed and m a y be relied on. 11 Rockford Watch Co.,Rockford,Illinois K) Size N.570H t' ‐ N3. 575 0;:nl%§0e% ii Plate $18-00 Nickel, 17 jewels in settings, compensating balance. Breguet hair spring. Safety pinion. Mictometric regulator, sunk second glass enamel dial. A watch trustworthy and durable. 12 Roc‘k’fordWatch C0,.Rockforflfminuis 16 Size Pendant Set No. 584 Hunting z 2%Plate $15.00 No. 585 Open Face Nickel, 15 jewels, in sthing's, compengaging balance, Breguet hair sprlng. Safiety pmlon. Mlcrometric regulator, sunk second dial. l3 RackfordWatch Co.,Rockford,IIIinois 16 Size Pendant Set 53:: £82 3323‘“ m? 2 Plate $11.90 Nickel, 11 jewels in settings, compensating bazlance. Breguet halt s ring. Safety pinion. Mmrometrlc regulator, sun second dial. I4 RockfordWatch (20.,Rockford,Illinois 18 Size No. 800 Hunting No. 900 Open Face % $60.00 24 extra fine r u b y andsap hire jewels in gold settings, sapphire jewel p m , oulgle roller escape‐ ment, steel escape wheel, sapphire exposed pal‐ lets, compensating balance in recess, adjusted to temperature,_ isochromsm and five positions. Breguethairspring,patentmicrometricre ulator. Safety pinion. Handsomely damaskeene nickel plates, gold lettering, champfered steel parts, double sunk glass enamel dial with red marginal figures Roman qr Arabic, elegantly finished throughput. Certificate of r a t i n g furnished u p o n application. 15 RockfordWatch.‘COq Rockford,Illinois No.805 Humin Not 905 Open Face} $50.00 21 extra fine ruby jewels in gold settings, sapphire jewel p i n . double roller escapement, steel escape wheel, sapphlre exposed pallets. m‘icrontetrlc regulator. compensatmg balance in recess, adiusted to temperatqre. isochronism, five positions, Breguet hair sprmg. Safet pin‐ ion. Dust band, ste‘el parts champfered. ouble sunk glass epameled dial with red marginal figures, beautifully nickel damaskeened plates, gold lettering. . A perfectly fimshed watch throughout. Cer‐ tificate of rating furnished upon application. 16 Rockford W a t c h Co;Y RoCkford,«IIlinoi’S 18 Size No. 918 Open Face Only $40.00 21 fine r u b y jewels, in settings double roller escapement’, steel escape wheel. sapphire p a l ‐ leos, sapphire Jewel pin” micrometric regulator. compensating balance~ in recess. adjusted to temperature. fiye posutions‘ and isqclrronism. Breiuet hair sprini, safety p i n i o n , pqlishegi steel w o t x double sun. glass enamel dial With red marginal figures, nickel damaskeened plates with gold letter“: .7finely finished throughout. Fin‐ ished and mated to meet the most exacting Rail Road requiremenys. Certificate of rating furnished u p o n application. 17 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinols 18 Size No. 810 Hunting No. 910 Open Face} $37-00 .21jewels in settingshelegantly damaskeened mckel plates, gold lettering. adJusted to temper‐ ature and five posmons, Breguet hair spring, steel escape wheel, exposed pallets, micrometnc regnlator,compensatingbalancein recess. Safety pinion. _ Dust band, _doub1e sunk glass enameled dial, Wlth red marginal figures, finely finished thronghgut. Certlficate of r a t i n g furnished u p o n application. 18 Rockford Watch Co., Rockford,Illinois WINNEBAGO 18 Size Hunting E. $33.00 Open Face 17 r u b y jewels in settin . Double‘Troller eSa capement, ea phire expose pallets, steel escape wheel.groan andpolishedonallactingsurfaces, pompensatmg balance, adjusted to temperature, [sochronism and five positions. Breguet hair spring. p a t e n t micrometric regulator. Safety pmion. Handsomely damaskeened nlckel plates. gold lettering, (polished steel parts, double sunk lass enamel ial, with red marginal figures, oman or Arabic. A 17 ‘ewel watch. elegantly finished and equipped wit all modem improve‐ ments. Certificate of Rating furnished on ap‐ pllcation. 19 RockfordWatch Cm.Rockford,minois 18 Size No. 820 Hunting No. 920 Open Face} $24-00 17 jewels in settings, nickel, handsomely dam‐ askeened, adjusted to temperature and position, steel escape wheel, Breguet hair spring, patent micrometric regulator, compensatin balance in recess. Safety pinion. Dust ban , glass en‐ ameled double sunk dial with red marginal figures. 20 Rockford W a t c h Co., Rockford,Illinois 18 Size No. 825 Hunting $ $20,00 No. 925 Open Face 17 jewels in settin s nickel gilt damaskeened adjusted to heat an cold, Breguet hair spring. micrometric regqlqtor, compensating balance in recess. Safety p m l o n . , Dust band, double sunk dial. with red marginal figures. 21 RockfordWatchCo.,Rockford,Illinois ____‐‐ 18 Size No. 830 Hunting ' No. 930 Open Face} $16-80 l7 jeWels in settings“ nickel damnskeened, adjusted tp heat and cold, Breguet hair spr1ng, micrometric regulator, compensating balance In rgcess._ Safety pinion. Dust band, sunk second dial w1th red marginal figures. 22 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinois 18 Size No‘ 835 Hunting No. 935 Open Face} $13-00 17 iewels_ in septings, nickel damaskeened, Breguet hair compensating balance in recess. Safet pinion. Dust band, sunk second dial, marginal sures. s p r i n g , micrometric regulator, 23 RoekfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinois No. 140 $37.00 D Size Pendant Set Hunting. Nickel, 17 ruby jewels adjusted to temperature and position. gold round center wheel, steel escape wheel double roller escap‐ ment, compensating ba ance, Breguet ‘hair spring, micrometric regulator, gold lettering, handsomely damaskeened sunk second glass enamel dial. 24 RenkfordWatch (10.,Rockford,illinois -‐_' No. 150 $25.00 0 Size Pendant Set Hunting, Nickel, 17 ruby jewels. gold round arm center wheel, steel escape wheel, double roller escapement,compensating balance.Breguet hair spring,micrometric'regulator,gold lettering handsomely damaskeened. sunk second glass enamel dial. 25 No. 160 $20.00 RockfordWatch Co.,Rockford,Illinois ~¢ 0 Size Pendant Set Hunting, 15 ruby jewels, round arm center wheel, red train, steel escape wheel, double roller escapement, compensating balance,Breguet hair spring, micrometric regulator, handsomely da~ maskeened, sunk second glass enamel dial. RockfordWatch Co., Rockford,Illinois In thin model 1903, 16 size, the Open Face and Hunting material is interchangeable, with the exception of the third and fourth wheels. In ordering wheels, specify whether Open Face or Hunting. The same dials fit both watches. A l l material is manufactured asclose to regu~ lar standard size as human skill can produce, thus rendering the replacing of broken or worn parts an easy task for the watchmaker. “MAIN SPRINGS" The main springs used in our watches are the best that can be manufactured. We taking special care to put them on the market made from the finest of steel and sotempered that the very best results will be obtained. uJEWELS "' “ BALANCE STAFFS" A n d all such staple materials essential to the repairer are given special attention, as to their quality and regularity of size. 27 Rockford W a t c h Co., Rockford, Illinois The feature of preeminence in a watch of high grade is its time keeping qualities. The final adjustment to Temperature, Iso‐ chronism and Position of the ADJUSTED ROCKFORD W A T C H Is attained at great expense by the most ex‐ pert and skilled mechanics, men who have made this a special study arid are considered peers of their profession. T h e i r system of producing watches, the time keeping qual‐ ities of which cannot possibly be excelled, is the nearest to p e t‘ection. A strict inspection is placed upon all oper‐ ations on plates, material, and also .in assembling, thus preventing the annoyance of a l ilnaccuracies from reaching the dealer andwearer The Stem \Vind mechanism15 interchangeable1nour 16size0. F. and Htg. and also1nour 18size 0. F and Htg The Yoke, Yoke Hub and IntermediategStuds, are one solid piece, being hardened, and can neither come loose n o r wear by the ordinary use for which they are constructed. It 15o u r intention to continue as we have started o u t , to so manufacture o u r individual parts, as‐ semble our movements, adjust and rate our watches, and thereby earn an enviable repu‐ tation as “Time Keepers” in fact, and not in name only. 28 RockfordWatch C0,,Rockford,Illinois 0 Size Bridge Model 1906 This watch_is manufactured in three grades. 15 Jewel, l7 Jewel and 17 Jewel adjusted “ A l l of which are made with ‘Steel Escape Wheel."’ All Grades being equipped with Double Roller Escapement. The jewels1' n these movements are all of the very best, and are made from ”Ruby and Sapphire’ only._ thus reducing breakage to a minimum and insuring the life of the jewel against “Wear” to an unlimited degree. The Pendant Set is designed with aview to simplicity and durability, being composed of four parts only, two levers and two wire springs. This will be found easy to case, especially care having been taken in its design to meet a n y ordinary variation that occur in the m a n y makes of cases. The patent Micrometric Regulatoirs made111 two parts, thus affording an opportunity for lightness and delicacy of design harmonizing with the beauty and grace of curves carried out in,the plates and bridges of this 1906 0 size model. Should the spring portion of the regulator become lost or break at a n y time, same can be replaced without any chan e in the rate of the watch this being a decide ad‐ vantage in this two piece micrometrie regulator. The train and escapement have been so care‐ fully and correctly designed that the power required to give to the balance its proper motion is imparted by the weakest of main springs of which is used nothing but the very best quality. Elegance of design, accuracy of train and “Double Roller with Steel Wheel Escapement” all parts finely finished, make the ROCKFORD MODEL 0 size the best ladies watch on the market and a “Time Keeper.” 29‐ WRITE FOR OUR NEW Material Catalogue