Pocket Watch Database

1910 Cross & Beguelin: Rockford Parts Material Catalog

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date April 18, 2019


Haws mgt vi 1 442 CR‘OSS‘ & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY REVISED PRICES Referring to MlterI-I Illustrated and Described on Following Panel Arbors, barrel Arbors, pallet . Arbors, pallet. Arbors, Arbors, winding. Balances with " Balances Balances . Bands, dus , . Bands. dust. Cli Barrels,gilt.. Barrels, nickel Caps. ratchet . Clicks Clicks, expose . Clutches, winding . Collets. hairspring Cups, barrel arbor . Dials. ground secom Dials, sunk second. g . .. . Dials, sunk second, ground cenu Dials, double sunk. it s enninel.. Dlnls, double sunk. g s enamel \l Dials, Indicator .. Dials, fancy Dials, gilt . Forks,forsinglerollere. .p . Forks, for double roller escapemen Hands, steel spade. H. a n d M ,. Hands, steel. heavy spade. H. . n Hands, steel, extra heavy. H. and . Hands, steel. Moon. F. de L.. etc., I'I. . Hands, steel, purple H. and M. . Hands, Louis XIV, II. and M. Hands, steel seconds Hands, steel seconds, oval Hands, steel. purple seconds. Hands. Louis XIV. seconds Hands, indicator . Hubs. winding and ratchet.... . 18-16-12-6-0 Jewels, balance hole, olive hole. 18-16-12‐6-0 Jewels, end stoneS. composition Jewels, end stones. geld setting. Jewels, center, upper. unset . Jewels, center. upper comp. s g. Jewels, center, upper, gold settings. Jewels, center, upper, gold raised set Jewels, center, lower. unset Jewels, center, lower. in settings..... Jewels. barrelarbor. upper. gold settings. Jewels, pallet, R. and L.. garnet Jewels, pallet, It. and L. sapphire Jewels, roller,garnet . Jewels, roller, sapphire Jewels, train, r u b y unset Jewels, train, ruby upper in comp. settings Jewels, train, ruby upper in gold settings. .. 18-16-12 12 Jewels, train, ruby upperin gold raisedsettings. 18-15-12-0-0 15 Levers, clutch. No. 748 Jewels, train. r u b y lower in settln . 16-12- Levers, clutch, style of No. 818. Levers, lever setting ... Levers, lever setting . Levers, locking . . Pallets, with garnet jewels . . . . Pallets, w i t h sapphire Jewels 18-16-12-6-0 Pallets and forks, with garnet deweis, S. R. 0 Pallets and forks, with garnet fewels, D. R. 18-15-12 Pallets and forks, with sapphire jewels. D. R. . 18-16-12-6-0 P. F, s; A. complete with garnet Jewels. S.R 0 P. F. & A. complete with garnet jewels. D. R. .. 18-16-12 P. F. S: A. complete w i t h garnet jewels. S. R. con. 18-16-12 P.F.S: A. complete with sapphire jewels, D. R. . 18-1642 P. F. & A, complete with sapphire jewels. D. R 18-16-12-5-0 Pinions, bevel or winding“ ..... 18-16-12-0 Plnlons, cannon . .. . . 8-8 Pinions, cannon 18-16 Pinions. cannon, Nos. 232 and 619 18-16-12-6-0 Pinions, center ....... . . 18-6 16-12-0 Pinions, Plnions, Pinions, Plnlons, Pinions, Pinions, Pinions, third .. escape escape, can fourth . . . . . . fourth ......... fourth .......... Gl‘utlc ‘ ( h fl l l l ‘ . 1irade E ’t PriccPchuz. Sizes Grade Grade Grade lR-iG-liz-u-O 111-12 lG-l‘. 15 iG-I2 0 - 18‐16-61 . fourth and third. m n l gilt is 16-612 6 6 16-0 16-12-0 OM. Fiat. damaskeened ............. it‘s ms O. "M 165 O. \[ 16-0 16-12 0 16-12 1642-0 16-12<0 16-12 Rayed bevel teeth Damaskeened, bevel teeth . . Damaskeened bevel teeth a n d gilded .. 6 0 \Vheels. m i n u t e ......................... CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY REVISED PRICES Relerrlnn to Material Illustrated a n d Demrlbed on Followlnn P a g e : Pinions, thiril P111ions, tiurd, conical p i v o t . Rr-gulato short ........ Regulate short bevcled . ltt‘k'ulzito l o n g . . Itnllt' [trillf' 111et_1e\u 48 P r i c e P e r Doz. moi 11111 pphire J(\\els Ituile I, . ‘ 11113 , 1-:1l:111x e and n1t None. [5014] ,. luxulciug (‘.i>4' II.1t l1| .. 1l \ t l Imvei 111-111 1 1 1 (31-111111ftrc11h 11]I t " II.tt 110111! 111111- bevel head I '111|fnrml h r ‘ yoke. 0. .\I liluIluiIlPtv‘t‘ 1111111 star-l . 'lwcl, \\'I1uel. Wheels, ovul gold, with stuff flI1t gilt,\\'ltl1 staff and pinion oval g i l t w i t h staff 11nd pinion. oral gold with staff and pinion.. gilt steel lint steel m-r1l gilt with pln gilt with pinion ,. gilt with pinion. 1pe, steel flat, with pinion. (1170, steel oval with pinion 0prinr:, s h o r t . hzlirspring, long , 44“'H((T , 1,...""“ .. .. 1 " .25 15 F1Pl. 151to3rd.5111,6th Keyands.w.mg. .,. " " " .. ' 125 " " 4:11 S.W.‘0.F. 2.-'0... “" “ ‘ 1.60 .. - 7thto 10111 16 HP]. 2nd to 5th 0 " lstand2nd s. w. o. r; andHtg. ' 0.F.andHtg. 821, 1005 . Cab- nio‘gue ho. 431................................. i Price Price lll'bl‘rlpliun ni Movmm nl 0.F. andHtg. CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd: BARS, LOCKING 5 15 . 5 15 . . . 70 ' 70 ‘ no 75 ‘ .'.u “ “ and x” 3m \ . . ; i: . u; .\v s “ 1.1_\“»L.»1 m O.F. and Htg. No. 137 Htg. "nu...‐ 0.1”. and Htg. No. 138 No. 476 Htg. No. 477 litg. No. 1006 O.F. and I n ; In ordering material give catalogue number and grade, Ordeas for less than one fourth dozen will be charged at. single piece price. No‘ 431 BARRELS 0 Price Per Dozen ah -‐AJ‐,,[ Price Per v i m ulogue Grudc Gmde Grude Grade Grudn Grudei (‘ it"Gru(l1" i 1 i N0. ..... l 2 3 4 ‘ l 2 ‘ l G w i .. 300 7so ... ... 300 7,50 300 301"~~Phi-r . Per l’rr ~ ~‐‐ , Dozen l’iccn mm NM| Lag! 15i is ( F . mV1i5m a n ! ,, , i lit-sniplmn ..4 mm...m ‘ 4 lfix/n-‘ ‘ MnM .. 1x 111. .i “ i -' 1 30 .75 .30 .75\l w~.-- m.mm 75\ i i0‘ 30 . , i .. " ‘l’.1’]. ..(l.nm .zmxmm 1.4 min MMw.. ‘ 7 50 300 300 2so 750 300 7 00 7 50 300 .. 30 . "i“ lq(:|]| w 7.50 .75 i ir,1"i mmmm w 300....30 l““'Qwimixw 4 . > iMmgwlMid ‘ “ " m. _\u)~.r‘ " " Tm,\(h\mmi ‘ " a " l umum.mm so .noi 2.3 i 75‘ i 11‘- jl‘i. “MAM 30x i " " Mmu m FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442 AND 443 1 l m i 1' ul‐ u,,,w,e Much Per Dozen zm. u.L. ‘ (lrxldc i Price Per Piece_I Description of Movement Grinde Grime.GmdolrSize Model CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. CAPS, RATCHETS Price Per Duzcn Price Per Piece Description of Movement ‘ m “mm- 1. i ‘ l 50 . 141 - _l“ “Ill lit): CAPS, YOKE I00 1 00 l 00 .. .l 0 1.8 F.PIlis!(03rd,ml: “ 4th. 01h to 8111 n " 7thtololl.) 16 . 1M. ‘ nndlnlerwind ‘ No. 432 0. F. and Htg. CLICKS 0.1”. and ”lg. Grzmlc Grilulc Grlodc Grzildc Grade Grade Size Model 0. F, and Illg, O.F. and Big. 0. F. and Hts. ClickandSpring 0. F. andHtg. Htg. No. 516 No. 1011 c“ Q No. 513 Click lnd Swill! 512,513‘ ClickindSpring. In ordering material give cataloguu numbar and grade. Orders { o r I a n thou one fourth dozen will be charged at ninzle piece price. 0.F. and Hts. i . .., .i0 , .25 .. 4,. .55 Z30 .10 .55 i' fiov No. 512 . . . iio is F.PI. inlo611: FOR REVISED PRICEs SEE PAGES “2 AND 443 Price Price Description of Movement PM PM ~_‐‐‐ Julen 1 Piece Slze Model Joel .10 18 F.Pl.| 4m " " " “ 16 3Pl. " 0t8 l 7 t h , 51h 9thilt01h 2nd to 5th 1 .1 18 .15 “ @" .10 .. .. 0. F. and Htg. O. F. and Htg. CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK; N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. CLUTCHES, SETTING I., I Prxcc Prme I Dcicnption of Mownwnt ‘ Per Ifer iM bio. 481 Q S\ Htg, Ht}; CLUTCHES, WINDING AND SETTING 1 Price Per Dozen . I‘rivt' I’er l’lt‘m' ‘ 1 ) ! “ Grade ‘Grade 0".er Grail-firm” ( m u n Sum 12'12.‘ 3. 4 4 COLLETS, HAIR SPRING PricePerDozen ’ PricePerPiece “ m i d '35 No. 622 0‘ A Steel Buse Order by Catalogue Number and send sample. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442 AND 443 D o z e n PICCE Size \ Model 4.0040mr,{P}. 14 40040uv,“ 3m Grade Grade Grade Gnu‐lo Grade Grndv . ‘ 1 2 1 o 3 ‘. Mullcl .80...‘ ..-‘ ,l>((udlh .SO.. . ‘Tyh,MI: 35 , , . I ‘91h.1me .80... . . ‘ ..l~( 50 . . 10 “ 2ndto51h a 0. F.11nd Hm: ~ Lion of Mow-”mu Price Per ‐ ~ ‐ ‐ ~ v Piece Size Model Glh lat,2nd 5d: 1 Description of Muvcnmnt ‐ ‐ F. PI. No. 146 .i.2\xv 26 .~’c.¢...f-1_ua / O E115 -’V%.j $6" CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS 4/ S lzes 12.3 as 13 C1; ' $10" $4492”; 142 ;_ O 450 CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch configany, Ltd. ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS‐Continued 16 Slze 18, 18 and 0 Sizes 18, 16 and 0 Sizes Nos. 829 and Rio-Assorted Designs FOR REVISED PRICES SEE, PAGES 442-443. i | The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. CUPS, CENTER i x i m.- l‘rirv 1 . l'rr I’rr lil’iltll' Description i ‘ { < L'ndcr illustrations of Dials the various sizes are given in which that particular style is furnished. Illustrations are intended to give an idea of the general style of hours only and not the size of Dial. Dials 425 426‘ 427. 425. 429 have no feet, but are fitted into bezels and snap on the movement. (They are not furnimlicd separate. In ordering Dials always give size in addition to catalogue number. DoubleSunk Dials are only furnished in 18and l l } sizes. On page 15 illustrations show exact location the dial l'cet occupy as relate the twelfth hour in all o u r variou sizes and models. ‘829 and 830 assorted designs. " in 7 7 . Price Per Dozen ( N ! A (MJ “ CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 451 llu/i'ii int-w . ‘, ,, ,, , , l Sunk Sr-cuiul- ' Glass linanicl " ” ‘ IhnililiSunk l ' l .. ‘ " i .. . i. Roman lled Mar inal Figures, " l'lcav . ed Marginal Figures. ‘ No. 143 6 l ‘ 0.1". and lit): i Arabic Ilcdhi'argiaalFigures. Roman " " “ " Heavy. Red Marginal Figures. Arabic .. .. u .. " Red Marginal Figures. .... .. “" In» . In) i.......u - UH (in UH " 011 " " .. ( N I l,“ “ Sunk Seconds i “ l UuublnSunk , “ “ " 24Hours. " 24 “ “ 24 “ ““2-1“ UU (ll) (it)1l"|" ““ Roman “ "“ “" '(it) ‘ HunkSeconds, “U ‘‘ m .. .. “ " Snap Bezel. ........ “U UO‘ U0‘ (10 . (it) ‘ “0 00‘ 00 ‘ ‘ 00 , 00 l “ Minute Circle. Marginal Figures, Snap Bezel. Romiiii “ “ Price 5Description of Movement Per . ‐ ‐ _ _ _ ‐ ‐ ‐ _ _ Piece l Size Model i2.00».20|18a?“5m Arabic" " " “ " “ Arabic Red Marginal Figures. R o m a n landon_Chan_ter. , Arabic H e a v y With Minute Circle. Roman“ “ " " “ "without"‘" Arabic Decorated Minute Circle. Roman “ “ " “ Marginal Figures. 452 CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. ' , 0. F. and Htg. Single Roller . . O.F. and Htg. Double Roller ExposedEscapement No. 185 («L O.F', and H g . 0.17.and lllg No. 486 . Cal.‐ alo ue 0. Description of Movement Size Model 18 150 7thto loll] “ 2nd toufith HANDS, HOUR AND MINUTE Description of Hands Open Mor Closed Spade. Cresce Moon“ Spade. Closed Morni g Open “ $3va‐ ( ‘ n l u r 15m; Blue Composition Color .. u “ 5 7th to 10th l s t t o fird in 4th. 5th 7th to 10th 4th and 51h lsb and 2nd The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . ‘ Grade 1 Grude 2 Grade 3 Grzule‘ 1 .:')0 50 .50 ( l r m l e l Grmle . , l 4' S i z e l ‘F.Pl.‘ M o d e l l>t to 3rd 4th Gill th Tll\.Ml1 l~l l-t L'wl d i m llig FORKS Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Compgsition One‐half of the dozen price will be charged. for either Hour or Minute Hands when ordered separately. FOR REVISED PRICES S E E PAGES 442-443. | Orders for less than one fourth dozen will be charged at. pair price. f 0.F.andng, Price Pier Piece .10 I’13luel urp a Blue .. I I 1 iv‘.5 ,. ' ml . Ninth-h No. 1017 ~ 10Size, 1m nml fill) Mulch ‘ No. 675 r1 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ c \ o ‐ @ No.186 ‐ - ‐ o is Sim, 1st Nutlvl No. 159 h six“, 2x1 1,” Villiiflmlf'l i _ No.577 ‐~‐‐o 18 Size, 71h tr) lfllh Model . No. 578 ‘ 1\Size. lw‘i'ih mmunh Monlql No.187 ‐‐>‐o 18 Size. M to 61h Model No. 206 15Size. i s t to lid_:\lodel No. 772 No. 216 ‐‐‐0 6and8Sizes. 151 Model No. 831 ‐ - G \ O - O No.188 ‐=-‐o 18 Size. 2d to 6th Model No. 207 16Size. i s t to 3dM o d e l No. 773 ‐1+6 Si‐ze,o ‘ithand5thModels No. 217 a© ~>-‐o 6 Size, 2d Model No. 1045 ‐ « o o ‘ is Sizn 16 Size 0 Size No. 1105 ‐oo‐ CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 453 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. HANDS, HOUR AND MINUTE No. 208 1 No‘ 209 d» l‘ I 1 1 24‐3‐01‐‐‐‐‐0 H ~in;kS m ;o lrm(5.1.\imin-l_ ~M»Si‐ze.o ‘77mm15.1Mmlvl i No. 775 »‐0‐0 1 ‐0‐0 No. 774 j ‘ «16 S‐ize.o 71111and51h Mmlois ‐‐9@ ‐‐‐8‐© e 0Size. ISL and 2d Models Nos. 776 and 777 No. 218 ‐‐°‐0 ‐0‐0 ‐-o< ‘ is Size. 16Size. 0Si .' m uml 111 Mmlols ‘ 7m t o ] h Mndh] 4th and 5111 Models HANDS, SECOND 77777 i No. 676 ‐-oo~ ‐47o‐ 18 Size 16 Size HUBS, RATCHET AND WINDING PricePerDozen PricePerPiece Grade Grade Grade Gmde Grade Grade Dacrlpllouof Movement (tnl- ‐‐ i l v e 1u21511 1 2 3 1 2 3 Size 16 0 Model. 2nd lo lb 2ndto_ m 1.5: v No. 832 No. 1013 N0. 1016 0. i 0. F. and Hts. 454 CROSS & BEGUELIN,.NEW YORK, N. Y. n 1or __7..7.“ ll 0. Grade Gmde Gmde Gmdc Grade Grade 1. 2 3 1 2 3 Size Style 0 . 1 ‘ and 111g.. 0. F. and His. Htg O.F.I_1;nd Hts. .E 0. F. andHtg. Model 151. (05421, 6111 NO. 190 ”..E No. 191 No. 192 . 194 i No. 197 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. INDEXES, PLAIN AND MICROMETER __. 0 “ . l 0_e 0.1". ng. PlninHunting PlainOpen Faceism...1...11.11.11...‘.1 1: .....1 111.7 ‘197‐Wben ordering this piece always state if for Open Face or Hunting. JEWELS, BALANCE ENDSTONES‐LOWER 0. Price Per Dozen i Price Per l’iccc i l)1>>1-1 111111111 111 \1..\-1-1111-111 b- .7 ,_ " 1 a} fi-: W M w figs,1i”ir do 0 . 0 Grade Grade Grade [1Grade Grade Grudi, $1 Sizv 1.50 ...‘ 15 1.50 .15 1.50 1.50 1.50 .15 .15 1 P.1>1,'(1.1-.1..1111. , 1.1 11,111, ..-1. 1.50 .. .15 1,50 1.50 .15 .15 PI. 1 111;' 1‘.l’1.10. - 1141 HIV i .‘1111 1 7111141111111 .... .15 1 " “ (1. F and 111g.1 6&8 " 1111' ‘ 1~1 1 . 5 0 1 5 1 . 5 0 1 5 1.50 “ F. “Us. . O. F. 11111111111, 511 1 711111110111 Isl 1.50 4.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 .15 .. 6&8 15 ... 6 20| .15 0 111g. Isl " 2nd .15 11 1‘. 3 L‘ 1 77 _ __E) No. 193 1 11111, “ _ 41] ' . Price Price limeriplinn ol’ Movcmt-nt For 11.11.111111m Slzv 1 11mm 1 .. 1 1x . " 15 “ , . 1 111 Ql‘l.1 lll' 1 1 50 1.25 1.25 15 1.757 15 o” 7 “ 1111. "11.11111; ‘7 1.1. "1111 1.50 150....15 G'“ '121111 JEWELS, BALANCE ENDSTONES‐UPPER Price Per Dozen Price Pcr Piece 110.111.1111... ..r “...-11.10.11 1 ‐~ ~7, . 123123Size 513111. 110.11 nt- ‐‐‐‐ alo ue Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade -.- 18 17.111. 0. 1131.11111g. 1.1 m 1111, 011. 1 “ JI’I . .5 .15 .. .. .15 . . 16 QPI. 111g. 40 .30 “ " O. F 11111111111. .._ _.15...... .. 0.17.mi 111g. JEWELS, BALANCE HOLE‐LOWER 151.7'41111‘" PricePerDozen PricePerPiece Description of Movement P r i m of Jewell m In ordering Indexes mm whether for Open Face or Hunting. for finished settings. .25 ... . .35 .30 ... .25 .30 .30 ... 18 F.ll)’ll. ...u. .30 “ F.PI. ... 16 3Pl. .30"" i. thlh FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. .1 2nd 1105th 21nd 1st,2nd 141311 11111 1.1 1 7 7“ __‘TVII1 .. .. 111, 211.1, 11111 151. “.‘1111, ("1111 -l|11 41111 ‘ ‘ 1~1 J|11l 1.1 1111 2111110 5111 7111 1.05 1 .‘ Price Par Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement C 012 3101110 ' Price Per Dozen . _ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐_ Grade | Grmlc Grnde Price Per Piece Ducription of Movement ‐ _ _ 1 [_ . ' 7 1 0 .70 0 so 1 (1 511 1 0 50 1 ‘J50 J 9 50 l 1 . , s) 50 i 1. CROSS 8: BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 455 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. jEWELS, BALANCE, HOLE‐UPPER Grade Grade‘ Grade 1 2 3 l 2 3 Size Style Model 250 25 18 F.Pl. OHandHt. mammoth ’ 2so .25..9Pl.Ht‘5:1. 1 00 3 00 .35 30 30 “ F. P]. 0. F. nnclHts. 7th to 10!!! '333 .700.‘J'u I£3I101"6”L" o.1:1an“det. 2ndmtol. 250... 25 0&8" H!8 msh L;50 .. 25 6 " “g 2nd '002(X) 20|.2 200 ‘ O.F.nndHtg. m2nd JEWELS, BARREL, ARBOR‐UPPER l l’rir-n I‘nr llnu-n l Price Per Piece Description of Movement G o l d ‘ O r v i l l ve S i z e S t y l e M o d e l g s Grmln (Lrnrlc 1 J: ‘.’ 3 i Style F PLO.F. andHtg. Model m. to 101.1; 2nd to 511: Isl,2nd Senin i i i n ) 2 00 l 50 18 5&1‘0F.1detg. 91.11.10th Ruined _'I (10 2 00 l 50 16 JEWELS, CENTER‐LOWER Islto 51h Description of Movement Prion Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade Grade I J.- 2 3 4 Size so l .so .30 18 so .80 .So 16 .80 .80 .80 0 ‘ululmn- K(lrmlri L‘ 1.7;(1m'1c Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade N' 1 1 . . ( 1 | - S t y l e ‘ M o d e l JEWELS, CENTER‐UPPER 50 l .. 0 100.1..0’ 0I S i z e 18 F. P1. 0.F.andHts. 7111161011; JEWELS, ESCAPE‐LOWER ___________.‐_‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Cab aloooo Grlndc Grénde 00 2.50 22571200 400... 6.00 ~00 5-17. . . 3.00 00 417.....y00 787. .. 3.00 .00 796... 3,00 00 320. so " 266 133 Gritde ‐ Grime Grlnde 1:20 1: .40 .25 .40 00 .40 10 .30 -40 .10 .550 0 .Jo .25 r; e 12: e Size . Model m to 411-1, 011: 5; 70. 1g 1011: Hts. om 0.F.03dng. -nd$95“: 1133. m 0.1mm!1113. 1 m m _ ' -. Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece G d C d G d- Description of Movement FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. 70 0.F.a‘ndmg. “ " "0 19 131. 1; ‘ 211419 5:1: .1 is F.PI. 1; (PI. 1~._}>1. O.F.xmdl:lt¢. 1g. S t y l e g .\ . JEWELS, . . ESCAPE AND . PALLET .. 1‘s Description of a n c m o n ! Style Model 13.1131.().I<‘v:uivlhg_w1~ilo~nihi3vrhi - “Us. an. CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. JEWELS, ESCAPE‐UPPER Price Per Dozen | Price Per Pic-co Grlade Gréide Gigide Gilda Grlndef (néuie (xrnde‘ (xrqnde ( 7 . Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade 1Grade Grfgdc Sizci Description ( i f Mon-inch! -»~ Slylc \ “ m m ‐ ‘Smnnp G?“G”;e r; e if e 1 2 4,00 A40 4 . 3 4 Size 2 l’ r,1710i0.Finding m inmm ‘ (inlti ,"""‘(lrmdt‘ ‘am, “ 2ndmmh‘ (jnid i" “ "‘Ort’ltii‘ JEWELS, FOURTH‐LOWER Price Per Dozen d‘G d G d Gmde'GmdeGrade Grudgi - Price Per Piece | D’oscription of Movement | Style ! Model 6166 3.00 2.50 .60 . . . 13.15? O.F.nmlng, 71h10101h 3.00 . 3.00 ..i . .30 . ... ..“ o ' ' “ Isl 2nd1m5m 1 l s t , 2 n d Price quoted on Jewels includes finished settings. order- for lap: than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single piec, price. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. O-F-“W1”U:‘ 71h(v- Myth 10 HI. 11m. ‘ 1‘, n F'H 15<-i.. ,. . .. .. 0‘1"-"}“”hfl. 21141!” “uh 0.i-s " ; Hm io.. .. 0 " i0.1? andH“: ENDSTONES7 L O W E R PricePerDozen PricePerPiccn Grime1Grade Grade iG' ‘Q0 Stvlu MW“ 1011m uriundnm um! um. 1m» JEWELS, ESCAPE AND PALLET ENDSTONES~UPPER Drwnpiim...i’Him-mm” ‐ ‐ 18 F4Pl. 0.F.andHtgi‘AlMm4:11.00; " am. ‘llg. 5m " 1s | 1 1 ‘rl111l‘1-rll11/un I lr11-1- l’crl’i11--1 1 llwcriplion of Movement 4 1111 1..1 :111 .;1 1nu 1.111. 1: 1111 a 1111 11, l1111 l.1 11111'm .~ 11 1 J 11: J 111 171 7' (11) Cut‐ 111001113 ‘ 1 | 1 2 £5 1 Al Size Style Model 60 ‘ 30 . 1.. 18 F. Pl. 0. F.1m11Htg. m 10«11,611: .130. ...“lP]. Illg. 51h .60 30 25 , . . " F. P]. 0. F.1mdng. 7thto 10th CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. ‘ 459” The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. JEWELS, FOURTH‐ UPPER 1. 1; 1 Pru-e Per 11112111. | Price Per Piece 1 Description of Movement u. _. . uluguc 1710 1111111 1mm- Cradc‘ Liruilc Grude 11m11c‘ 7\11 .1 2 3 11 11213 4 1911 11;no11111111 11101 ‘J:).I .. Style Model an 11111 4113 1; on 4 on 1 130 1 7(NJ 400 1501)1 1 701 1 on O. F nlnd mg L, 7 t h to 1011: l . 3 110 1 3 111) 1 70 .. g. lst J 3 4 1 : 311 WM too - 3111] 7 7 1 0 1 1 131) 1 ' 111 £0 1 77 011-211111] lltg. lsl.to 4th.61h ng. 51h O.F.andllig. 7111to10111 " “ lltg. lst 0.11‘1u111ll-ltg. 2nd to 51h lltu. " , 2nd O.F.nn1llllg.1 151.and2nd 111 1001150. | .. " 0. F. and Htg. 2nd to 5th Hm. lst 11111111111121111 1:11.11. i 1“ Style Model JEWELS, PALLET ARBOR‐UPPER l’rin-0 l’1-r D U I ” ) l’rue l’er Piece Description of Movement (111- 1 ~ ‐‐ :11- 11 IN‘Lfil 11Gr;11111(if;1111 Grade Grade Gmtle Grmlc . .. 140 .. .. 16am Htg. lst, 200 200 .30 1 25 20 .20 “ “ 0.F.andfits. 2ndto5th 1.... ... 1 .30 .. . 6&S “ Hts. Isl, 1 . .3o1.16""2nd 12 00 . 30 1 25 . .'.>0 JEWELS. THIRD ‐ 0 LOWER “ o. F. andmg. in.2nd Description of Movement Style Model Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grinde C.rfi’nde C1igsde (ir‘‘udc' Grlude (1‘ ng G131de Cr: 11e Size ‘ 59050 . .2 ... ... 18 F.PI. 0.F.andHtg. law.to41h,Gth . ”105 1,.._Pl.Hlg. " F. Pl. 0. F. andHtg. 5111 7thto 10m lst 2nd to am lsc 2nd 1st and 2nd ... .H .. “ “ Htg. 0. F. and Hts. H 0. F. and Hug. .30 .30 .. . .20 .20 . . 1 . 1. Price quoted on Jewels includs finished Settings. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. 1111.oFandflu;1111051111,an; .. O. F, and Hm. 2nd l e t and 2nd 458 ‘ CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. JEWELS, THIRD f UPPER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade Grade Grad; Grade Gmdo Grade Grad; 1 2 8 4 1 2 3 4 Size Description of Movement 6 . 0 0 6166 7.00 i366 éfbé .GO 13 “ 11 511113 1114.10 1 111111111- 1P1 1 P “P‘- 10 JEWELS, ROLLER OR JEWEL PIN When ordering Pallet Stones State whether Right.or Lefti.s wanted. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged 111 single piece price. 1 FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. P r i c e Per Per ‐ 111‘ .\I11v1\1111-111 ‐ ~ » ~ ‐ 1 6 " 13& s “ l g . 1 1.1 7c0 ! 11111111 11.11 1114111 11111 5111 71111010111 am. ‘ 1 “ 0.111:in Mini 211111115111 P r i c e Dozen Piece Size? Modul 2. 2 3 5 1. 1. 1 G. 1 l. 1 18 1F.Pl. 1>11114111(5111 D e s c r i p t i o n ‐ ~ * “ ‘i‘P]. 51h 711111110111 1l 21111111 51h "1111 1>t. 21111 “ F. 1 ’ l . * 1’1, , Price Price Descripfion of Movement Per‐‐‐‐‐‐~ ‐ Piece .10 .10 10 ,1 1 Model F. Pl. Int (0 41h, 61h .] .] 1] Isl 1 I 2nd 151.2111] . “ ’ i ‘ Garnet " " 3 Pl. F. P l , “ 511) 711110 10111 ” 111 F. 11111111111. 1 Sapphire ‘ lst Gurnvl 2nd l?51}! “ 5.111111 1 “ (1.11'1111 ( K w r i l l l l g u r .7) ” T i p " Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Gnulc- Grade Grudo Grade Grade Grade 1 ‘ 0 3 4 1 2 3 Ducription of Movement Grade Size Model mu] ”m; | , 15 10 10 0.17.andIn»; LEVERS, SETTING o “ leangnd N0. 1034 J 0.F.andHts . ‘ Crude r ‘ :5no 30 .20 ... ., . ... 18 F. Pl. 2nd,3rd,51h “ " 61h " " 4th " " 7th. 8th CROSS. &fi__BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. LEVERS, CLUTCH 459 __\__._ 300‘ 3on 2so 2no 30 .30 .2f ,2 z00 1.)08 1so‘1so 20 .2043 12 ‘f’'”3L 2nd5?5th .r. ...15 6“ Description of Movement \ 1 ’ ' 4 l 2 3 4 Size Model zen Price Per Piece ‘ mule Crude Grade Gmdc Grade Grade .xor)‘ 3020 ,.\uno 30.20 300 30 .20 v‘xno A..30.15 .4. 2:30 . 25 rls H ,,\1350w 200 .25 25 .20 .20 “ " 2ndto5th .;...} 308“m Htg. Htg. 0. F4 No. 746 O.F. and Hts. 0. F. and Htg. Htg. 0. F‘ and Htg. No. 490 ' t ‘sl ‘ve cat-lo nonumber and grade l‘or_whiehpuma 11required. o ‘ l c f e ' g ' f z ‘ l z s ' fl n g x l x k f o u r t h fi c z e n w i l l b ec h a r g e d a t fi n a l s p i e c e y n c e . FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. " “ 9th.101h 18 iPl. ls! 460 ' CROSS_&BEGUELIN.NEW YORK, N,y_ The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd»: LEVERS, LOCKING Price Per Dnzen I Price Per Piece 1 D0>Cripli0n of Muvmucm _l , Grade Gmxle q u d r Gradv‘l Gmdo Grade“ Grade 23 13‘3|4smModel '0 ' , ‐ I . 2nd[051h ‘0 . , . 1>(. L’xui 0.F. and n g . NUTS, MICROMETER No. 1036 Q 0. F. and Htg. PALLETS, W I T H STONES FITTED Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade ' Grade Grade Grndc' Grade 1 2 3 l 2 3 Size , 5 .75 . Description of Movement Model lst,2nd,3rd Right Angle ' 61h- “ ‐ FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. 0.F. and His. Prire Per Duzcn ’ P100! 150] 1:3. l)(>.~urp(um mf M u n w" 7,‐ ‐ 51h 4th 71h, Slh 7th to 10111 Isl lsl, 2nd Straight Line ' Right Anglv ] Straight Lme “ cf" Htg. O.F. No. 214 (f I' - \Inx].‘. (‘ 1 18 - alqguc 1x11. ‘ I 1' Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement ‐_ cnoss & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. ' '461 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. PALLETS AND FORKS, WITH STONES FITTED Grade i Grade , 1.9.00 Grade Grade Grade Grade 190 '1sFF]7: Grade 1 2 | 3 4 1 z 3 4 Size Model Grade 100 100 .. 1 2 5 1 . 2 5 00 l 00 .80 Nos. 601,763 1 1’S\J”3”" I .., 7_ _;_ _“ 71|0 7107700 .1. 0 “ No. 1037 151, 2nd . . . . . . 1 800 .1. 1.00 1 Nos. 597, 598, 751, 762 1 ‘ (1 1-- mm! 1111: o. F. and mg. 0.11”. and mg 1 .'1\‘ GQI.71;2 01141 74?! Sapphire ’ 1101. Stones. 111. A, PH:0 P1r Duznn Price Per Piece . Description of Movement Model F.PI. lstto3rd 4111 “11000 1000 12 00 12 00 , 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 " "" “210th " In ~‐ 10 .2 " i " " d ” 5'h 0.00 12011200 ..1251251. "" -‐ g 00 ., .. 1.00 1 0 0 PALLETS, FORKS AND ARBORS, WITH STONES FITTED \117‘_‘ 41 -1 111111 111 1(.r;l»11l1 “111A.- ( . r1110 ,’ Grade Grlndo Gr211de Grade Grade Size Htg. 0. F. .50 1. . 1 i . 1 .1., i50 05 150 05 1750 .95 " Gth "1PI.5th .!)5 501.$00.. 951801.1" ‘ i. 001.1 1fig95....1."‘I.7th,8th ».;l.. , 1 .1 1. 1. 1 ‘1 l. 1 120 | 1 l 25 1.,.1125...“""" 1, 1'100.. | . 10.75 1.00 16JPl. lst " " 2nd to 5111 " " -‐ “ “ “ DoubleRollu [25 1 . 0 0 1... .1. “ " " 01111010111 1‐ “ DoubleRoller DoubleRoller . 1.00 00. . ,. 125 1.20 1I 00 . 1.45 .. . 1100-'fl,.-‐ | 00 .. 1,20 8 " 130 100 1120 6“" \ 1135 1.20 1.00 No. 237 CW Htg. 0 " lst. 2nd No. 256 No. 409 %%Q 01 4 Htg. 0. F. and Hts. 00 751 0 : .. 1 1.80l201.4.."“ 2nd No. 677 ‘ No. 678 i Nos. 679. 680 N05. 681, 682 No. 268 ggg/ . o.1-‘. and Htg. 0.10 and Hts; E 0.17. and mg. Nos. 754, 836 Nos. 837, 833 No. 247 No. 255 o.F. andHtg. o.F. andmg. ng. mg. ‘680, 682, 836 and 838 Sapphire Puller. Stone‘s 0&4 G F- and Hts. Hts‐ [FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. . .,.._4 .. . “ 7thto10th No. 265 mg. No. 1038 (11>.andmg. 462‐ CROSS 8: BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. Cab- 010 0 The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . PINIONS, BEVEL OR WINDING ~ Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ‘ Description of Movement ‐ ‐ i ‘ Imnvos “‐ No. 226 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grnde Grade Gradc‘ o. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3l41Size“ Model i i _ fa‐i .15 .. 18 1‘.Pl. 2nd, 3rd, 5m 15 ; 20, .“" “ -'1 20 ~~ on. --i 15 . .. " ' m. u . 250200 No 221 <5? o. F. andHtg. 0. F. andHtg. No. 492 No. 744 .. 25 .. . 10 am. m g 1\ 302520 10" 1x17.gm77‘." Cat- Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade | Hts. “No, 740 O.F. and Htg. N o . 233 if“ .' 0. 0.F. and Htg. O.F. and Htg. O.F. and His. N o . 496 N o . 1040 1.50 200 2.00 1.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 4.00 3 00 3 00 .40 40 30 30 ‘ " " 211111115“) . 1.2 ; 3.00 .. 30 .. 0&8 " m . '~ . 300H..,30...(0-'2m1m‘ .25 . “ " 71h,am 1 17 75 .... .2s 20 20 “ " “ z “ No.222 (220 ng. No.223 Q a 0. F. No.224 a!) 0,13. and mg ’ No. 494 i No.55: . x», i Q? (11>. .\1\(1 Hm. ; -- ' '‘*i Nofwm Qs.2/ 37?‘ M Htg. 1 Htg, 0.17. and Hm. i O.F. and ng. Price Per Dozen .. W, 1 2 3 4 l 2 3 4 Size 1 Mmlnl ‘ 1.50 1.75 3.00 .15 20 ... .. 30 .40.3025 “" 91h “ .4O3025 “" 10111 “ .,.30... Ia! “‘ 3.75 3.00 3.753.002.25 “ “ 701.8111 12 3,00 2.00 2.00 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 1.75 1.75 .20 .20 .15 .15.. .. .15.. .20 .20 15 No. 232 2ndto51h “ ‘ 15! “w 2nd “ ISL,End 10 No. 620 . . .. . . 18 F.1’]..‘ In 11 .., " “ 21111In (“1111 “ PINIONS, CANNON Price Per Piece DescripLinn of a n m m n t Lun'w3. (T‘V'.l"w 0. F. andHtg. t h - Htg. O.F. and Htg, In ordering material give analogue number and grade or number of movement. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. , L______ 1 .r k ' F and . 1‐10 1 29 .. ..“PI.5th .. " 1-.PI. in toeth “ .4 " " 6th " .. “ " 4th " .. ‘ ‘ " 7th. 81h 12 15 " " 91h,10th ' .v 16in.let ' 1515“"2ndto5th" 64k8" lst “ 6 " 2nd " 150"1st.2nd" .11 1 1u, U r: 1 50 11H ‘ 1l75 211 11. i,1‘| _1‘|1 I a: Jih 1200 w“, mm :1no ’ No. 240 1 L:00 2 51) ”In. ' No, 24’s 7' 0.1”. and Hm. 4 .i 00 1 1 75 2 99 'l 1:1 z 00 7,0 1 1 50 CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y, ( ‘ m Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement jnlngue Grade 1Grade Gmdc Grade Grade Grade Crude Grade 1.\0. ‘l 2 3 4 1 2 3 Size Model‐ 1115; "Nd.éffiif’-_"‘No.493 No. 7392 /, 4 z» @> a at 1"711117115‐7; OJ"and111: Htg. O.F.andHts. ‘ "_'No.'49§ No.1039 1Q'a I - 341i .mn] 212 with Hook. Htg. 0. F. and Htg. PINIONS, ESCAPE 1 1Cm- 1 nloguq ( i n - d c N0. 1 Price Per Dozen ‐ - Price Per Piece Description of Movement Leaves Pivot: Straight "" " " 8 “ " Cope " Straight “‘0190 " Straight " " 1" No. 620 Grade Grade} 2 1 3 1 4 Grade l ‐- Grade Grade Grade Grade 2 3 4 Size .20 18 20 ..1 .., “ Model Pl, 5th .Pl. lstto3rd.6th 17.- 1. .. 17 ‘ .. .1v,., 175‘...A..30.20 z00 J 00 ; _’00- 150 _ >0 0 J00‘.. ..‘4 1204.. 2 2 5 t l 7 5 . . . . I .35 2 5 .2o No. 251 No. 252 2 25 .. .20 145 .45 .35 . . . . 2 0 . 1 1 . v 30 “ 4th " 7th,8th “ 9th. 10th . 20 i.. 35 ' 20 .20 " iPl. lst " 2nd to 5th " l s t " 2nd " i n . 2nd I//g 18 Pl. lstto3rd.5th 10 No. 253 0. F. and Hkg. o.F.andmg. I 464 CROSS 8:BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. Cnt- alogue Description 01’ Movement, i ' FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. Grade Grade Gmde Grade Gmde1 Grudct Grade Grade i The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. PINIONS, FOURTH Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ‘ _ _ , _ , 1 ‐- f‐ ‘ Loan“: ‘ - No. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Model . i PINIONS, THIRD ! Price Per Dozen Price For Piece Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grudc Grudu‘ 2 3 4 l 2 3 Size Mode] 1 20 1S ‘1511PL 1.-v,|..3m‘m, 1 R ‘ 20. ..1“H‘W.41h,(Ni1" O.F. and Mtg. No.498 /, Htg. . "1" 7111.51]: ‘ (U "‘" ‘th,1011.1"i 16‘l’l, Isl 1 30 " " 21111tofith ‘ 30 .. .. .. ..I}&R“ Is! (3‘“ 2m] 0|~ No. 609 0. F, and Hm. No.1042 N0, 1095 .i ‘ Ut'scrlphnnufMln'oulr'ni 1 --‐‐»~ Imvm 1. 1 1 2. 3250 3525‘‘"91h.10(h“ 20 ,. .20 . 20 .. 19 JP1. 51h ‘ s ' “ 1“, PI. 14 in 3rd, (Rh 1 " “ i “ 1 41h 1 “ 20. 1‘“ 71h.81h 10 .20 ,. 35 £25 35 25 20., 6&8“ Ist “ ._ ., 3.. 2 50 3. 2.50 2. 2. 2. 1,75 2175i..i1352520...““ 2nd .. ,. .20 . , 6 " "2nd .35 25 20 0 “ 151 i “ 1 " 1 “1 01F1 No. 733 No. 734 No. 274 No. 497 p o.F. mg. Htg. In ordering material give catalogue number and grade. ‘ _ . Ordersfor lessthan one-fourth dozen will becharged at Single piece price. Htg. Htg. 9” Nos (527' 275 a/ 0. F1and fl u ; 16 JP]. “ 1M. “ 21161105“) “ “ " “ " No. 1043 i No. 1097 0 . F . a n d H i s . No. 284 H t s . No. 285 No. 286 . The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. REGUL ATORS Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Kittid 0 Hair Spring Gmdc‘ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Gmdc 1 l .'. '. Al 1 2 a 4 Size 30 .. 18 RP], 30 ... ... " " 30 . ... “ " 15 ... ... " 3 Model lut.2nd 61h All: 3rd, 4lhzlfith,7th O‐ p‐ 0_" 0.F. and His. 0‐‐ 0.F. No. 500 No. 288 Htg. No. 289 0. F. ’ No. 613 25 20 " " 9th.IOth " 15..16iP].m" 15 .... .. .. .15 "" " Fm. .as5 25 20 " x 2nd1.o.5111 Br“ct 258"latm [256...... 25 _' .. .. 2nd .. 25..__,“" " Brzguet 25 .'.’0 .. . 0 " 1st, 2nd ' No. 282 No. 283 OF . . 2 Q - _ ' No. 504 0.F. and Hts. O.F. and Hts. 0. F. and Htg. Hts. No. 750 C ’ 1 No. 755 0. F. "and H t g . No. 759 0. F. a n d H t g . No. 295 NO. 488 H t g . H t g . ROLLERS, SAFETY N0. 1049 at,‐ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade' Grade CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. ROLLERS PricePerDozen PricePerPiece Descriptionof Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 l 2 3 «1Size Model ] 151,2nd. 5106111‘ 2 2 2. 2 2. .. 2 2. 1 PricePerDozen PricePerPiece Descriptionof Moxumem at- ~ 15 ROLLERS, WITH J'EWEL PINS FITTED ILLEWI 5 g 1E l alo e Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Gmde Grade Grade o. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size ' Mode] 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 4.50 3.00 . . . . 4.50 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 .30 .30 .30 .35 F and 18 31’1. 151find51h6111I ~~ 2 i ‘‐ ... .... 2 5 0 2 . 5 0 . 2.00 No. 293 45 .30 . . .45 .50 .30 .30 25 " " .. .. .25 No. 294 " “ .. 6&8 " 1st ,.6“ 21111 0 “ 14. 2nd No. 586 No. 589 ‘ . 2 5 .20 2 5 " “ 2 n d 10) 5 t h go 20 .20 . 25 18 -' " " 3.11, 4111 7111, x11. 0m, 1011. m 21111105111 1~| . .. " " Unnhir- 1 [111111111 Impnlw Nos. 575. 757 20 go .. .. m . 15 .15 " 20 . ...(3&S eo..0211.1 .15 10 0 “ r111.114} E 2 P. '- "11,8111: . " “ 9th 10th " " “ .. m m. 1mm .. ‘ Dwuhlv J4:71 1 l 0. F. a n d H t s . Description of Movement 1 2 3 1 2 3 Size Model 10 o 0 o a 0. F. and Htg. O.F. and Htg. ! O.F. and Htg. l O.F. and IItg. l o. F. and ”mi Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece 0 I] e O.F. and Hts. O.F. and H t g . O.F. and Hts. ‘Noe. 5&2 and 759 used only in double Roller Esmpement. 2.50 4.00] 4.00 3.00 2.50 . . 2 50 .25 18 F.P]. 9th.102b 40 40 . 16 {P}. 2ndto5211 No. 590 a a) c No. 758 FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. 25 .25 " No 1047 152. 2nd. Rand 1111. 11 m. “ " 1 I I l 1 151, 2nd 150,10 4th 6111 51h 70.11 1010111 150. 1.50 1.50 1 . 5 0 1 . 5 0 1 . 5 0 1 .50 Cat- I aloguc Kind . 1 0.0. 107 Balance 107 " 633 " 1111K" 17m" 1“ ........ " .. 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 1 .50 1.50 1 .50 2.00 180 1.50 2nd to 50.11 2.00 150. 1 50 2nd 1.50 " " " Meanumo, 1“" " “ " “ " “ 711-110 10111 1 . (111 1:11“(ax 1111/11111r11h1. | . AllScrewsnreBrihl.unless 01h e r “we on cred. AllScrewsareBlue. 18 size, 150. to 6011 models. 16 " lst 6 & 8 “ 150 1, 1111111111771<11r1 6 “ 2nd 1 C111» 1 1111111110‘ My. Description of Movement Price Per Gross Price Per Dozen mg‘m. l111ll1ulllnglil. 1 1 18 size, 701110 10011 models. lfi “ 2nd(051h 1 435 llur.Lork1ng... 1 153 1 ‘ Setting 1 177 1Bridge Barrel". .. .. .. .. 6‐101“ ‘; 17S " ' 2ndo10 51h 9nd 150 2nd 61h 3. 5 0 0 4. 3. 7.00 2, 797 179 1008 154 805 155 155 156 804 157 “ “ 157 1052 158 888 " 2nd 1 5 0 1 2. “ n d 2nd,to 50h "11d 151. 2nd 159 1062 " Train :: . \-~ ,. 111111111 K i n d Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Model 123123 Pendant Set 4. 150. 3. 150. 0.0 4th, 6th 7th1010111 7.50 3. CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. 467 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. SCREWS PrleePerOwn Buss PricaPerDonn Gold Brass . .15 .15 1.25 .20 .15 1 .50 .20 .... .16 .1.5 15 .15 .15 20 .15 .20 .15 .15 .15 15 16 15 .15 15 15 15 Description of Movemcn0. | Size | Model Gold 18 F.Pl.1stto 41h, 81h ..... 2. " “inurewheel” 116 1Pl. 2ndto5011 2.50 2. “ E111.11_ " ' " " ."" 1112:30.25 1111, 1111m 1 0" “1111. 1‘00. 101“ .-.21111 s00300- ‘ 1s 1 " 11'. 1111 h, 11‘. 1‘1 11-11 " 21111111-1111.01111o 10111 5111 . . 1 . . 2 50 21111111 13111 11-1 1 1'1. 211111114111,711111110111 s 00 " 1 1 1s " 1111 5111 2,50 .. .25 , 250 .. .25 200 .20 . .25 .20 .25 1, .20 .25 .20 011s " 1.11 0 " 1.11,21111 11 ‘11‘ 11 111101111 -- -- 5111 '- .. .. . 8 00 2 .-'10 200 250 2 00 2 00 . . 250 s 00 2 00 1 50 ... ... 250 2 50 2.50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 m." . 1121111 2.50 1\,-~11rt. lllglll No. Grade Grade Grade Z . . , , . 1 1 111111711-111112. J111h 1111 1111 11111. s1-11111g . 111111111111 1\' 1 P]. 2.111, 3111 -- 12 1111 1““ 1 P1. 5111 .25 .25 .25 .25 25 ' -‘» “ Y-1 ' ~ 1.~1.21111 5111 2111lto-11l1 750 . . 200 3 00 300 300 .1. 3,00 .. “ ‘ 21111 1.11. 21111 .3111 111 2111] 6111 111 101I1 131, -~" ~ ~ 21111 " ~'- “ 21111 111 5111 1 . 7.50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 250 .25 11111-11111 1 11; -~ 111'“ 21111 . 0 " 1x " " l‘ P]. " “ 7111111mm 1. .. 011- .x 1111 111 711111110111 1~1 ..2501. 3 ASSORTED SCREWS 1. Flat c h t l Bright, Corncrml Edges. Grade 2, Bevel Grade 3, Flat “ a n Bright. In assorted screws. the most prominent o n u are finished accoydinz to the grade under which the rice is quoted.Thereare,however,severalotherstylesoifinishmeludodmthelucrtment.A:l.rulenearlyll term used under the d i n ] are flat bands. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-448. 2 50 ... .25 .25 125 250 .25 250 .25 250 .25 250 .25 2so .25 Dacription of Movement 123 Model Price Per Gross In to4th.6th 51h 7th to 10th In 2nd to 5th 6 2nd 1.50 0 1st. 2nd 1.8 2.00 " 2.00 16 2.00 " 6&8 m. 470 CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N\. Y. ' . No. 432 _‐ 0. F. and Htg. In ordering mater-in] always give catalogue number and grade, cm. ale e 0, 730 ..... Description of Movement 1 2 3 l 2 3 Size Model ‘ 0.F. andHtg. 0.F. andHtg. SLEEVES, WINDING, ARBOR The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. SHELLS, CLUTCH ‐i ‘ l’rivu l’ricc ! Deacripliun m Movomt'nl 1 ,l’er perfw. ,7..7. i Dozen I‘leco ‘ h m ‘ Mmlv! i 350 35i 10 31>]. i U SHELLS AND STEMS Dozen ' Piece 1 0 “ u p . 757 10 1 i1flilifimuiwuw 10017/10 - ~- w ‘7 7 Cut- alozue NO. 430 ........................................... Cab- alo‘gue ho. 434 432 C “ - a!no . l’rice i Price Dwenphun m” \1u1l'lui”1 Per . Per ‘ No. 434 & www Shells Pendant Pvndmt Stems SHELLS, WINDING _ ................... 250 2.00 i 1 | Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade FOR REVISED PRICES S E E PAGES 442-443. I’ncc l’rice PerFor- . A , 7 , ‘ ‘ ’ , 711i (M H u h 1.50 .25 .20 .15 16i P l . 2nd105th 1.50 .25 20 15 0 “ lst,2m] No. 1069 CW O.F. and Htg. I):--r-nmmn nr Mun-mull ‘llrlll'l , W , _ ,, -‘ m 7m, m. No. 511 ,CR,OSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 471 li 1I7__ l 11 pl l » 0 SPRINGS, CAM SPRINGS, CLICK Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece (inule‘ Grude‘ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1l2i3 4 1 2 3 4 Model o i . Z' L iio F.Pl. 41h.62htoSit: " 7th to lOth Price Price Description of Movement Per Per Dozen Piece Size Model . . . l q 2 5 l ' 18 F. Pl. 4th 100.l6&81Pl. In No. 313 Q oif iii"2nd so 60 .10 “ let. 2nd Q) O.F.and”lg. Hts 0.F.andHtg. No. 513 No. 1072 .F. and H! . Lever Set g 0.F. and His. o.F. and Hts. Pemhnz 0. F. and Big. ‘511 Clutch Spring. Orders for leu'tlmn i dozen will be charged at tingle piece price. Nos. 5". 557 No. 512 No. 717 (N. C"\ flkN ”71g; 'Click nml Spring. 0.F. and His. SPRINGS, CLUTCH AND CLUTCH LEVER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Gmde Grade Grade Grade Grade I 2 3 I 2 3 Size Model 1.50 2 0 0 1.50 "Q6 .15 .50 JO 'Iso i i i ) 19 No. 514 b\ 6 0 m. 2nd $950: 2nd h t . 2nd No. 1073 S 0.F. and Hts. FOR‘REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. End 1Pl. latto3rd,51h .. 1Pl. 19 " 1Pl. lat “ 2ndto52h 131, ‘ 472 CROSS 8: BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 0.F. andHtg. N @o . 7 5 4 O. F. and 1-111; , i O.F. and111g. No. 325' ' fig) .F.andHi: No. 1076 0.F. andHtg. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. SPRINGS, HAIR, COLLETED Price Price Price of Spring Per For and ~ Description of Movement h » ‐ Moxlol ..,,,,H‘74, I“. and 2 PL l > l [D Gih , Quick Lu 1“. Pl. 151 to 3rd. Uth " Iinuucz Dozen Vibrating ‘ Tmin Price Per Dozen Grade Grade Grade Grade} Grade Gmdel l 2 3 1 Z I I Size ;\l()(l0l ‘ “fulfil ‘'lllH'k ‘: 18 ‘m to3rd.5m,mh aw, " 4lli 20 “ 7th, Slli “ 7th to 10111 Orders for less than 5 dozen will be charged at single piece price. _..___ SPRINGS, MAIN \ 0. F. and Htg. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. ‐ ‐ , , - , Price Per Piece i Dacripliun of anvmom i j " 71h,Slh 1" l'I‘l " i 9th. 1001 7th 2nd (0 51h Donniwnk Li-ngm‘ (imuw u,‘.,_,I“,7, Inuhr-s l ‘ 16 151. .“ 2nd {0 51h 8 ISO. 6 .. " 2nd 0 lst. 2nd Nos. 555. 584 U‘o O.F. and Htg. No. 339 7; Crit‐ 101111910 N11, 817 F7!) . ‘ 1112-1 SPRINGS, LOCKING LEVER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Decription of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Crude 1 2 3 1 2 3 Size Model m .1; 11.- '11\ -'.111 - M11. 7.11 311. 11171 7111115 No. 195 ......1,_ 100 .. . .. 1100 , .. 40 40 1s r.1>1. " 191. " F, P1. mm3rd 5111 4111. 7111 | Htg. 1 -510 used with No. 107 Index. ”I O.F. 11nd Htg. Htg. SPRINGS, SETTING LEVER Hts. ) i i 1 No. 317 1’ No.195 No. 507 No. 503 No. 510 No. 595 o. F. No. 10911 0. F. CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 473 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. l 00 l 00 .75 .10 .10 .l0 16 iPl. 2ndto5th 100l00 75 ,10.10.10" " " 1 00 75 .50 10 .10 No. 079 .10 0 " No. 1074 lat.2nd '_ Q Q r»,1‘.find”lg. o.r. and111g. 0.F.andHtg. SPRINGS, MICROMETER {l'ricn Per Dozen Price Per Piece 61101 Grade Grade _Grndc] Grade Crude \123123 "‘ 07v) \\ FOR REVISED PRICES S E E PAGES 442-448‐ Price Per Dozen 110.305 110.550 ex 0. F. and Htg. Price Per Piece . 1 0 110 . .10 .1o Description of Movement . 7 5 .50 50 Size 18 13.1," -" .PI. " " 1s m. ' Model 2 n d t o 5111 ethtosth 9th. 1001; 21111011501: .50 .10 1100100 .10 .10 .10 40 1 4 00 .1 -l00.. ...40.."" 61h,81h ...l |500 .. . 50 .. " " 7th.8th 000110040000.1040"" 7111.9:1: 1000 1400 -100 00 10 .10 " " 8111.1011: 1 |4.U() .~I0 H. 16 iPl. ls! 1000 ‘400 4.00 00 .10 .40 " " 20dto5111 1 . 4.00 .10 . . 0 " 2nd 175 150 125 20 .15 .15 o " m ’75 1.501,2520.15.15“" 20d .+¢ ‐ Q. ' |(j \,~Cfis 1 o. F. 111g. 0. F. ForIndex197 1 1 ’ No. 506 No. 751 No. 509 110.1071 Description “ M o v e m e n t Size Model ‘ The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. i SPRINGS, SWITCH alfig'ue 0. 1075 slogue No. Price Price Description of Movemrnt C 0- a Price Per Piece Drwrriplinn oi .\1u\'<~1:1lvnl _ d , .. , slgfue o. Grade Grade1 Grade Grade" Grndo Grade Htg. No. 585 0.F. No. 519 . Htg. Htg. 0.F.andng. O.F.andHtg. O.F.andHtg. N o , 520 No. 739 No. 729 No. 345 NO. 521 No. 1078 Htg. O.F. and Htg. CROSS 8: BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. Nos. 720. 1075 O 0. F. and Hgg, SPRINGS, YOKE 1 00 1 10 No. 302 O.F. STAFFS, BALANCE 0 & x17 1 111,74 No. 314 Hug, P e r P e r Dozen Piece Size Model 151.2110 1 2ndt051h 110 10 50 10 0 16 l P L “ 1 Price 1 Dewnptirvn ml \l Per l’cr Dozen ‘ Piece 9110 1 510.1111 .10 50.10 1“.‘ 50 ' 10 " 1‐ Price Per Dozen 1. 40 ... .1 “ 19.171. 7th, 8111 . .45 1“ “ 1888Thin .50.40.1’““9111,10111 .50 40 .40 .30 “ " 7tlit0101h 1 Grade 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Sili‘ 4.50 45 . . . 18 17.1’1 4.50 45 .. . " " 4.50 45 " " Glh 1 450 .45 “m.5101 4.00 4.50 .. . . 4.00 4.00 4 00 3.00 4.50 450 ... 4.00400300.501404030" "12nd(0511: 400r... .. 50 40 .. “ " . “ 4.50 . ' .45 6&8 “ 1511, 4,5oi .1.45.1|0“2nd 300 2.00 . 40. 301720 .-9. “ 151.2110! 1 ,’~ , ~ %- .é’ ..d '0 grin ( l r m l o .. .45 . 116 .‘PI. 15! 45 “ " I (1111Thin . 342 No. 343 No. 341 No. 522 No. 880 e g: .l / i-; K. ..4{a < 7 ‘= i . I 0. Htg. Htg, O.F. and Htg.| 0. F. and lltg. ” l g . _'Hv.g. 0. F. and l-ltg. ‘880 and 720 for Double Roller. In orderfizg material always give catalogue number and grade. Orders for 1 a ; than & dozen will be charged at single piece Price. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PA'GES 442-443. ,\lmlr| 1>| ( 0 3 r d ‘ 4111 00 NE. 330 H. t . g . No. 335 ' 7 x)N 1/ Q F» undifitg. H t g . STUDS, HAIR SPRING I’nrr- Per D u n n Price Per Piece £7“ H t g . 0.1“. and Hts. Description of Movement CROSS& BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. I 475 ........__‐-_‘ The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. STAFFS, CENTER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Gmdc (irnile Grade Grade Grade Gmde Gmd l234l234 Model 350 35 3 09 110 2m ., ... .. 25 3 00 . .. , . 00 1150 1100 3 00 AS 45 300 ..30 m.m ‐ i i (11111it>i'( 11] Grad:- (lrlndc Grade Grade Grade‘ Grad 1 1 2 1 2 00 i 75 1 1 2 , 2 0 .10 3 4 Size 18 " “ Model 111. 2nd. 0111 3rd, 4111, 01.11 1 00 i ‘ 1 25 .10 " P1. 7111.8th 1 00 1 00 : 2 50; 2 00 . 30 25 " 1111. 2nd No. 351 No.352 No. 621 ./g . % 01 \ 4 50 11 00 :1 00 ..15 45 " 2nd to 51.11 11 50 ,.300,. so " 1 00 300...30 “21nd aif 0.F, and111g, Hm.K.W. i 0.F. andHtg. 0.F. andHts. No. 810 No. 354 No. 513 No. 1079 1,“ [1 . \ 1005.... 75 1 .10 ""“ 1125 ... 1 00 i 1 00 00 00 .10 .15 ,. .. " " .10 .10 10 " " .1o .,.6&8 " 21111106111 m ~ . 1 0 " P l . 50h .15u'1.1. 1 00 .‘lOO.1010inm 1 .10 " " 9111. 10:11 ”1 .7:‘i .75 .10 0"2nd .1o.. --;; “ sol 00 10 .1o .10 . . o lst.2nd No. 331 No. 332 No. 333 No. 334 " a [I ,fi H t g . H t g . H t g . 0 . F . a n d H t s . Nos. 823. 752 No. 1030 . 100.. ,.. O 0 o‐ 0.F. AndBig. ............................ 0.F. andHtg. O.F. andI-Itg. SWITCHES . Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Ducription of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade G l i d e Grad 1 2 3 l 2 3 Sin Model 1.76 1.50 1.25 .20 l P l . I h t . 2nd Q' 0. F. and 1-H . 13 QPL 511 “ F. P1. 15: to 41.11.0111 " " “ 1s 7th. sch 7th to 10th i 0.F. andHtg. ng. ‘719 Grade 1. Gold Wheel. O.F. andHtEfi . o. F? and mg. No. 718 0. F. nnd-Htg. No. 353 F. and Hip: No. 523 ' O.F. and Htg. No. 719 i Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece llo=rription of Movement Grade Grade Grade Gmde Grnde" Grnde Gram-l Grade 12341E234Sun .\imlf'l . . 7 ..mP” : CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK. N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. WHEELS, CENTER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece i Dvsr‘ription of Movement i Grade‘ Grade Grade Grade' Grade‘ Grmle‘ c.mfii}7(;mde‘ 1 2 3 4 1 2 Zi 4 i Mmlnl m (t)'1lll,l\l|li 31h 7m Mh 71h In Huh lfl ‘Jml in 341, . l~l i Jnrl I4 ..'l“i No. 658 mu uw 0 ®. F . a n d I - I t g . 7“718 Grade 1. Gold Round Arms. WHEELS, CENTER, WITH STAFF FITTED 5 5. 5. 5 .16q.l>l‘ 9. 5 5 4 .SO " 2nd 10 51h .. 6&S 151 .....G‘ 2nd When ordering material always give catalogue number mid send old parts as sample. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. \ i .35 .. 0 No. 643 0. F. and Htg. No. 904 ng. igthml No. 902 , .. " } Pl, 4 51h " 13.17].1 7111m lOlli 19.1’1 ‘ m I“.P].|m m41h,mhf | 11 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. WHEELS, ESCAPE Price Per Dozen l Price Per Piece Description of Movement ! ‘ em. alum“: 1 Finish Teeth Brass 15 " " Steel “ Brass .. l ' m no1:001 175 1 1 1 (111 lya ,101m,1m"“ 20 “ " 2nd105111 ~ " "" “ Steel" (S1\'S “ lst Brass “ ‘ 7 375 1 - H a g , N01 723 G 1.1 2nd .. 1‐ l0 ~ 111.2nd " " Price Per Damn Grmle Grzule \1"31 Teeth in in_ 1‘. 17 1111112111- ‘ 1 311 ‐ ‘ G r m l c ‘ Grade Grmle Gmde Grade1Grudc‘ Wheel No. 730 No. 910 CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. , 477 ir 1dc ( m u l e Gr‘ Ie L-rude1Grnvie1 Grade Grade' Grade x11. 1 .1 2'3 Size Model ,e 1, l 11 1111111 _ 1 e 7 _ 1 _ 70 1 75 " um ~ 1. .. 71h,81h 71111010111 1. , ' 1 ‘ 15011.25 I 15 . ‘ 11 18 11111151108111 No. 377 l l.’1l 1 ) l " . 1 : 1 ' 1 “ l g . ‘ No 378 111g. 0 . F . 111111 H t g . | No. 526 111 1I WHEELS, ESCAPE, AND PINION 1.. .A. a140 .,. , JO 1s 1‘.Pl.mm3111.5111 15 7 " 4111 " " “ iPI. 5th. " " " 1‘.Pl. 71111010111 " s 1 No. 659 No. 727 0 1 1 3 . a n d H t s . No. 1093 01F. andHtg. 0 . 1 7 1 a n d n g . Htg. Price Per Piece l Description of Movement -1 Leaves Pinion ‘ 10 Size Model ,. " " " " " ,.4:3..161Pl.lst ““ 500l25l25.50 0“ " 2ndto5th " N ,145 6&8“1st"“ . 45 ,. ,, 6 “ 2nd " " |115’5040 0"Isl,2nd"7 O.F. andHtg‘. ‘1084 Gmde 1 Steel Escape Wheel. When ordering material always give mtnlogue number and grade, send cld part: as sample. Htg. Htg. 0.F. andHtg. N o . 907 Htg. I N05. 855. 847 o. F. and 1111; No. 911 N o . 909 mg. ‘ No. 1084 FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442‐443. 478 CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. r__..______ C 1 The Rockford Watch Coimparly, Ltd. WHEELS, FOURTH Q7) 3 ' alqgue 1. Cat- 310 ue Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Gmde Grade Grndc‘ -7 Grade‘ 1094. 7.00 4 75 3.75 No. 912 0.17.andHtg. " Grade Grade Grade Grade Whom l ‘ m u m 55 40 .. \ 18 F.P1. 1.1to3rd.ml.‘ 70 1 .~ Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece - Grade‘ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grude‘ Grade Description of Movement I l ' 1c m ; TH Mr ‘ ‘No. 1l234123\4Size1nude] ‘ b . 1.50 . I iv .]5 i ‘ ‘F1”)th IS ‘ il‘l ‘ 1~t|umir 1.50 . . 125 100 150 .. 200 200 150 1 ’ .20 20 ' 150 ,15 ., 6&8" I~( 3 1.50... .,15__G“Jud‘ . 200 150 .. 30 Nos. 375.518 O.F. andng. No. 525 10 20 15. No. 722 O.F. andHig. No. 1085 10\H’I. by “ 1 " w‘.’m[m5th. ..4.50 ._.45 6“2nd"“ .40 0“ Isl. ““ .40““2nd“ No. 650 . .. 7.00 4.75 3.75 .70 .50 70 .50 No. 914 . , , .15 . .15‘ .]5 , V3. ® \ Htg‘ O. F. andHug.77777 7 7 7 ‘722 Grade 1, Guld Round Arms. WHEELS, FOURTH AND PINION ‘ Tm-ih I,u.\'w~ ,1. m Duscription of “ ( w o r m - “ l 2 3 4 1 2 3\4‘sze Model 400 4.00 4.00 . 4.50 . 4.50.. 7.00 . 7.00 - 4.50 45 .50 ,40 . “ 3m. .55 AO ... . " F.1’l. 5m .. ‘ “ 7.) ‘ ‘ S0 " " “ “ 55 .45 .40 .. “ " 55.45....16iPl 1st 2 00 .70 200 .70 .60 50 " " .60 50 " “ ., 0&8 " 2nd (0 51h " Isl Htg. O.F O.F.andng. No. 725 No. 726 No. 917 0.F. Htg. Htg. No. 1086 No. 1094 ‘725 and 726 Gold Wheel. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. J " 117.P1. 7111,M]. " 1 ” \Tlhlu1Wh n . “ 77“,m1 ‘ No. 375 ‘lrh 7thto 101)! J! ”17“:”7 x/ 1 No. 320 1 .(m- 11111195110 1M1, The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. WHEELS, HOUR 1 111) CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 479 Price Per Dozen 7x. Price Per Piece 1 Description of Movement Teeth ' (lrmlm (irndc Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 3 1 4 112 3 4Size Model 1 11 1i F.11r1d1 wt ,_____1.1no .,. . 10‘ 1s”1.119:1061h 48 1 . 1100 . ..1101. "F.Pl.17111.3111 40 l00‘i00 l00 10 .10 .10 _, “ " _7tht0101h " 1(141 . 1.101 1 116 §P1.1 lat " ]01)‘lU)1l1)”1l00 10 10.10110‘“.“12nd(051h"1 112.1 1 151 .l .. runs" 1 1.41, " 1 13.111 '151.101“2nd“ 1 m 111111 7710 AU, 7104__> L9 1 lst.2nd 32 No. 381 1 No. 663 1 No. 527 i‘ 11 I.. 1Oa1Q@ 1 .. l1 1 .,..1 111: (1.F. andPkg. 1 o. F. andng. o. F. andHtg. 1 1 No 741 No.382 1 No.528 No.1087 i. (1F.rim!“lg 1 0.F.andIIlg. O.F.andHtg. O.F.andHtg. C m ‐ Mogul: Nu - Teeth .75 .10 13 F.P1. 75 ...10.."“7th.8th14 Htg. 1 em 15 WHEELS, IDLER Price Per Dozen 1 Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grnde‘ Grade Grade Grude' Crude Grade ' 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 Slze Model 1l25l001.00 .15 .10 .10 " " 7tht010th 25 .‘ .75 ,,. .10 , 16 {PL lst " . .75, ,.10 ‘6“ 2nd 16 ..11 00 75 75 ND. 402 0. F. and Htg. No. 542 10 .10 .10 0 " No. 617 O.F. and Htg. No. 1093 131,2nd No. 537 13 . if c Htg, 0.F. andHtg. When ordering material give catalogue number and grade. Orders for less than K dozen will be charged at single piece price. ' __-‐‐‐ FOR REVISED PRICES S E E PAGES 442-443. C at‐ 010 ue o. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. WHEELS, INTER-SETTING 1 Price Per Dozen 1 Price Per Piece 1 IJexcription 01 3101101130131 f ~‐‐ 0. F. a n d H t g . No. 662 g} 0.111and Htg. 1 n g . 21l 1 1111; 1111 111g. 1 Q 1: N01 406 Qua: 1114. CROSS 8: BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. (31111101 Grade Gmde| Grlndc Gmde Grade 1 1 1 2 | 1 Size 110.11] 1 .. , 10 “13111 ... ,, ..1. 10 10 1 ,,. ' 1 _.1 H t g . 151 101 '-.1’11 111. 75 101 101 10 ' " 1 7111111lUt11 1 No. 407 it} Q‘ Htg. N01 405 (31 o “Price Per D e l l11 Price Per P1111 Cat- '‐-71A-‐ ‐ Dru-1111111111111“11111111-111 310 we . Grladc Grade Gmdc (111111 (1r1111‐ 0.F. andHtg. No. 533 0.F.andHtg. 0.F. andHtg. {<5} 1 Htg. No. 535 ‘533 Gill. Damask Finish. Order! for less than K dozen will be charged at single piece price. . 1 1 . 1 11 3.0 1 1S ‘ g u <1/.1- 1 17.1’1. “ 1 " 16 j 11’]. .\111111-| 21111, 111111 51111. 13111 71111N11 711111110111 1.71 .. 1lr 1‘1. 1 711.111. 1-1111 m . 1.251 1s 1111 1.1 ._.‘10 G11-6'‘ “ 125 11‘.1-'1 “ WHEELS, INTER-WINDING FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. 1'1’I, 1211113111 ."1111,C1111 111 1111 5111 ' The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. WHEELS, MAIN, WINDING (OR CROWN) \ i Cut- ulnguc Dozen ' ' - 'w - - No. 390 l u g . No. 539 z} | ‘ Price I ’ v r Price Per Piece Description: of Movement Tgeth in ‘iq CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK,N. Y. 481 Price Per Dozen ' Price Per Piece | Description of Movement T th ‘ C .at- ca inlogue ‘ Au. 390 391 su.’ 303 . mu) 530 71’s mi an aN 1 m . i Grlnd(eiru‘lde‘ Gmdc Crude Grlude GmdcGl3rade GTde S' ' “ dl ioe \ 7 50 .60 ..\6J:8 " 4 118 ____1 2nd. 3rd. 51}: 40 51h. 611: 31 ... 30 \...25 1.35 ‘200.as35 . , 35 0 00 l 20 90 . 40 “ I “F.Pl.41h " ... AD 18 " Fandi i PI. i i . 45i .. a " 2nd 40 ‘ 35_........ ‘ e 0 0 1 4 0 0 No. 39! No. 539 {9 9 0 l 7 5 I } ; No. 392 @ 4 0 o 4 , N05. 393. EGO it} 0.15. and Htg. No. 1092 l i n . 2nd ' 3 8 : 2 7 NO. 536 5:23 Hts. No. 403 WHEELS, MINUTE Grzide‘ Grildl' Grade Grmlv ( i r m l e ‘ Crude Sn. l‘2 3 4 l12 00 . 00 .. ... 10 .. 75 ,75 ... 10 .10 .10 00i .. JO .,16lPl. 1M. " “ 50 l00 75 15 .15 .10 .10 " " 2ndto511: " " 25 .156&8lst"" 25.. ..'.15. 6 2nd"“ 00l00..l0IO.lO..0“ Isl.2nd308 No. 742 0.F. andI‐Itg. O.F. and1-113. 0.F. andHtg. Hts. 0. F. and Hts. ‘31 , FOR REVISED PmcEs sea PAqu «2443.1 .1 .lO lstto6th 34 I2 " " " " 7th. Sth 7th to 10th 131. 2nd to 511: In 33 " 30 48 x 24 35 10 1 Pl. " “ {O} 0. F. and Htg. . Size Model ‘ IS Pil’l " Pl. 7th.81h 3B 10 " “ 7111lo 10!!! " " Lepvs Wheel Pinion O.F. and Htg, O.F. and Htg. No. 714 0.F. andHtg. No. 541 CROSS & BEGUELIN, N E W YORK, N. Y. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. WHEELS, RATCHET Price Per Dozen 1 Price Per Piou‐ l Dczcripl ion of.\lm'omen1 ' Grade l Grmlc Grade Grade: Grudc' Grmlc ( e r l q 2 I 4 1‘" 3 4.Sine Modvl 7 When ordering material give catalogue number and grnde or number of movement. Orders for less than 34 dozen will be charged at. single piece price. j fiéo 18 F. P]. F uml. FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. Or F. a n d 1111.7. _ Htg. N0. 1089 O.F. and Htg. l l ' l . I 21nl,1lr<|.5tll 41h_ 1qu m). 71h. Ml. 7vhnv1mh . Hl l . .. Elwin v'!. w» Jlul ( ‘111- u l u g u e .'1._ | Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ‘ Description of Movement Tegth m m ! i Grade 1 z 1 11 ‘ 4 1 1 .‘ ‘ z ‘ 3 ,15 -| Size Model 18Esprit] 151,toat]: -- . Pi. 7111, an: 75 FLF 111111 1111: No. 721 ‘ No. 374 No. 608 0.11‘, and 111g, ELF.and Htg. No. 524 I No. 1090 1. 1? 511111111; H t g . V, B i g . 0. F. a n d H t g . lGnuh‘ Gradc‘ 1 l Gmdc‘ Grade Grade‘ Wheel ‘ ’ . . . 15 . . Grudc 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Grade Grnde 1 7 Model 919....475 - 920. 475J. 921 ... 3; w.45033 9..4 1p].m.... 7 19506ML5 7 1950c505 9 4 00 925 4 00 1091.1 4 7100 4.75 3 109611.” 7.00 4 75 J No.919 Hts. No. 923 Hts. +N o . 9 3 5 0.F. " 2nd to 511: " : "-'" n “1st“ "2nd" 2 "lat.“ v."2nd" " ‘ .i No.«9 Hts. O.F. and Htg. No. 724 No. 924 E ii-\ H . Hts. I CROSS &B'EGUELIN,NEW YORK, N.Y. The Rockford Watch~Company, Ltd. WHEELS, THIRD l’rirn Per Dozen ‘ | Price Per'Piece Description of Movement T (h _ _ __.___e, 0111.11: | ( i m d c 1Grade . Grndc (imdel Grudc‘ Grade 483 v ‐ 511 '. 1 1515.1o ""71111010111" 1 l . 15 .. 16 1Pl. m " 11so 1no1 20 20 1 " “ 2ndw5th “ ; 15 .. 01c3 " m -‐ 1|.‘15., s'-2nd-- 1 w12015 o"lat.2nd-' . ® Q3 ‘35 18F.PL111!to3rd,8th 60 8 v“ " 41h “ " 3PI. 51h " " F1P1. 7th 1010!!! 75 lo Legvu Pinion . o. 1 a 2 No. Nickel Gilt Nickel Gilt 00 .30 .30 18 00 430 ,30 “ CROSS & BEGUEleN, NEW YORK_ N. Y_ : The Rockford Watch Comgiari;r, Ltd; YOKES if 1 i i r Price Per Don-n Cnt- _‐.‐‐ I] no Grude urmlc Price Per Pin-41“ ;,,_7_,7,<,,, \ i i 175 lL‘G 2 01) 350 300 ""5 l75 ,.. l50 NO< 422 x 41 J‘ PARTS OF PLATESfiBRIDGES, MINUTE WHEEL , \ l‘ru.» l'nu ‘, 1'.-r 1am ‘Sun' uhm BRIDGES, WINDING Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ~ Sim Model 2nd, 3rd, 51h 01h 4th i ‘ .00 30 .30 " " No. 565 FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. i i livn-ripn-m ”I. Xlnwuu-m ,\l(..ln-l ! Iii-um I‘m.‐ i P]. F4l’l. Lunsc l’iniun ‘ Sulid l’miun CROSS & BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 485 THE ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY, LTD. 12 SIZE MATERIAL FOR'REVIsE'tTPmcss S E E PAGES 442-443. 486 CROSS & BEGUELIN. N E W YORK. N. Y. THE ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY, LTD. J a w s MATERLAL FOR REVISED PRICES S E E PAGES 442-443. CROSS &‘BEGUELIN, NEW YORK, N. Y. 487 FOR REVISED PRICES SEE PAGES 442-443. I