Pocket Watch Database

The Rockford Watch Company Net Price List of Materials (1907)

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Acquisition Price: $525.00

Acquisition Date: May 06, 2019

Digitized Date May 10, 2019

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NET PRICE LIST of MATERIALS W The Rockford Watch Company (Lido Rockford. Illinois. U. S. A. Net Price List Materials Manufactured by The RockfordWatch Company (Ltd.) Main Oflice and Factory Rockford, Illinois, U. S. A. Branch Offices Silversmith Building, Chicago 9-11 Maiden Lane, NewYork Since issuing our Material List in 1894 we have placed several new styles and grades of movements on the market, thereby making it necessary to issue a new list, which we now take pleasure in presenting you. We have thoroughly revised the old one and added all the new material in use up to date. Prices have been made as low as possible consistent with good material and workmanship. Avoid using imitation material (although it may cost a trifle less) because it is n o t perfectly gauged or tempered. It will not fit as readily, nor will it give the same satis‐ faction as the genuine. In order that our material may be sold at a uniform price we have added a Piece Price and all orders for less than one-fourth dozen of any particular article will be charged at piece price. Watchmakers will avoid a great deal of annoyance and delay if, when ordering material from their jobber they will send the broken parts to be duplicated in addition to giving the grade number and size of movement. Commencing on page 51 will be found the numbers of all movements manufactured by us, to date, and by referring to same no mistake can occur as to material required. Respectfully yours, THE ROCKFORD WATCH CO., LTD. January, 1907 L The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS ‘18 Size, 1st Model Full Plate 18 Size, 2d Model Full Plate Hunting, Key W'inding and Setting 18 Size, 3d Model Full Plate 1 Hunting, Lever Setting 18 Size, 4th Model Full Plate Hunting, Lever Setting 18 Size, 5th Model ‘ Three-Quarter Plate Open Face, Lever Setting 18 size, 6th Model ' Full Plate Hunting, Lever Setting l_______ ,,W 7 , ,”aim,_,_e,__u Hunting, Lever Setting, Exposed Escapement The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS‐Continued 18 Size, 7th Model Full Plate 18 Size, 8 t h Model Full Plate Open Face, Lever Setting 18 Size, 9 t h Model Full Plate Hunting, Lever Setting 18 Size, 10th Model Full Plate Open Face, Lever Setting 16 Size, 1st Model Three-Quarter Plate Hunting, Lever Setting 16 Size, 2d Model Three-Quarter Plate Hunting, Lever Setting Open Face, Pendant and Lever Setting . 16 Size, 5th Model Three-Quarter Plate, Bridge 8 Size, 1st Model Three-Quarter Plate 6 Size, 1st Model Three-Quarter Plate Open Face, Pendant and Lever Setting 6 Size, 2d Model Three-Quarter Plate Hunting, Lever Setting 0 Size, 1st Model Three-Quarter Plate, B r i d g e Hunting, Lever Setting Hunting, Lever Setting Hunting, Pendant Setting 1OpenFace, Pendant Setting The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. MODELS OF MOVEMENTS‐Continued 16 Size, 3d Model Three-Quarter P l a t e 16 Size, 4th Model Three-Quarter Plate, B r i d g e Hunting, Pendant and Lever Setting Hunting, Pendant and Lever Setting 1 ‘Three-Quarter Plate, B r i d g e 0 Size, 2d Model TheRockford Watch Company, Ltd. ARBORS, BARREL Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description Grzade Giéade Grlade Gr2ade Giéade Size‘ of Movement Model No. 102 No. 105 No. 743 ”4A? 1,75 175 .25 .20. .20 0 No. 820 No. 473 aw of)? ln ordering material give Catalogue number and grade. Orders for less than } dozen will be charged at single piece price. 7 7 _25 , No. 113 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th . lst ' lst,2nd No. 114 O,F. and Htg. ' Htg. No. 1002 . axe“ O,F. andHtg.1 Hts. _ _ l 0.F. andHtg. No. 111 /,i . O.F. . O.F. and Htg. Htg. No. 115 No. 116 x/ Iflg. A Htg. ARBORS, WINDING Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece 7 _ O.F. and Htg. Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade . 1&2 3 4 1&2 3 4 8126 Model .40 16 %Pl. lst 6.00 1.75 4100 6 , 0 0 1.75 3,50 .90 .25 .60 .20 .60 “ .20 “ .35 6 “ 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 2ndto 5th No. 1003 f‐ 18 “ No. 104 1st 2nd, 3rd, 6th 5th 4th 7th, 8th 9th, 10th lst 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 151: 2nd l s t , 2nd K. W. S. W. ARBORS, PALLET Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Size i 123123 Model lst,2nd,3rd 4th 7th, 8th 66h 9th, 10th sit}; x? a 4&0 O.F. O.F. and Htg. No. 472 No. 1001 18 JF.Pl. .. ., " “ “ 2Pl. .“ st 0. F. and Htg. F. and Htg. U O.F. and Htg, N0. 1004 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece l Description of Movement No. 123 Price Per Dozen Per Piece Nickel Gilt Nickel Gilt .25 2f5'0 125 ARBORS, SWITCH 0. F. and Htg. BALANCES Grade‐ Grade ‘Grade‘ Grade Grade Grade Grade Size Model 23412.34 O. F. and. Htg. BANDS, DUST Price Description of Movement Nos.239, 257, 258, 259, 821, 1005 Orders for less thani dozenwillbe charged at singlepieceprice. In ordering material give catalogue number and grade Price Price Description of Movement Per Per . Dozen P1ece Slze .1ol18 VF.Pl.I PendantSet 18 Fiand g P 1 . “ F.“Pl. l s t t o 6 t h 9th, 10th 7th, 8th l s t 2nd to 5th Model KP]. lstto3rd,5th,6th Keyandfi.W.Htg. :: 4th 7th to 10th 5}P1. 2nd to 5th lstand2nd S.WI‘O. F. S.W. 0. If:and Htg. 0. F. andHtg. 1.131. . andHtg. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. BARS, LOCKING Price Per Dozen BARRELS Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade? Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 1 2 y 3 4 Size | Model 5thGilt 5thNickel lst to 3rd, 6th Gilt 6th Nickel 4th Gilt 4th Nickel 7th, 8th Nickel 9th, 10th Nickel 1st Nickel lst Gilt 2nd to 5th Nickel 1st Nickel l s t Gilt 2nd Nickel 2nd Gilt 1st, 2nd Nickel 3 .00 7. 3. 7. 3. 7. 3A 3, 7. 3. 7. 7. 3. 7. 3. 4. . 18 2Pl. ... “ “ .'.';~¢~-'1--~.;~.'.‘n‘l .....‐ ‘l""‘|lllnl|' O.F. and Htg. No. 138 O.F. and Htg. No. 137 l "P1? Htg. 1 . Htg, No. 1006 In ordering material give catalogue number and grade. Orders for less than one fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. . i . Price Price Description of Movement Per Per ‐ ‐ - - ‐ ‐ ~ ‐ ‐ Dozen Piece Size Model 18 F.Pl.lPendantSet; ‘ No. 134 *Price includes endstone set in cap. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. CAMS, SETTING Price Price Description of Movement l Per Per‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐-‐ Dozen 1Piece Size llOO‘ .1ol 8 CAPS, BARREL ARBOR Model gm; lst Model O.F. and Htg. CAPS, CROWN CAPS, PALLET ARBOR In ordering material give catalogue number and grade. Orders for less than one fourth dozen will be charged at single piece price. O.F. andHtg, Price Per e Dozen Piece Size .45 18 F.PI.|7th-t01051 : Price .20 Description of Movement 6 l%P. Price Price Description of Movement , Per Per ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - ‐ ‘ Dozen Piece Size Model .60 16 i‘Pl. 1 5th The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . CAPS, RATCHETS Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade . 1 2 3 1 2 3 Slze Model 1i00....... 18F.Pl.lstto3rd,5th O.F. and Htg. CAPS, YOKE O. F. and Htg. CLICKS 1.00 . . “ “ “ “ 16 2Pl. 4th, 6th to 8th 7th to 10th 1st and Interwind No. 482 O.F. and Htg. Price Price Description of Movement Per Per hfi Dozen Piece Size Model .10 18 F.Pl.| 4th Price Per Piece Description of Movement Price Per Dozen Grade Grade ‘ Grgde Grzde Grlade Gigide Gr3ade Gr4ade Size Model 1.0’ 0 153 F.Pl. lsttofith . 1'08‘ . " " “ 6&8 m ..‘ L5 7th,8t,h 9th,10th 151: 2nd to 5th .4 .40 . . . i 16 fPl. " “ 475 1 0 0 1.00 Iififi iii? .1 1.00 1.00 . No. 607 O.F. andHtg. 0.F. rmdHtg. O.F. andHtg, ClickandSpring 0.F. andHtg. No. 513 No. 516 No. 1011 C" r o. Click and Spring Htg. O. F. and Htg, 512, 513 * Click and Spring. In ordering material give catalogue number and grade. Orders for less than one fourth dozen will be charged at single piece p r l c e . . . . u 0 No. 811 d 1st, 2nd No. 162 The Rockford Watch Company, ‘Ltd. CLUTCHES, SETTING No. 479 @ Htg. Htg. CLUTCHES, WINDING AND SETTING Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement No. 475 fig 0. F. andHtg. COLLETS, HAIR SPRING Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece No. 1012 M0 0. F'.andHtg. Description of Movement 1 Price Price Description of Movement Per Per “W Dozen Piece Size Model _Grade | Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade ‐.‐ 1 2 3 1 2 3 Size .0 .30 ¢ 16 4 5 0 4.00 3.50 45 .40 .35 “ 4.50 4.00 3.50 .45 40 .35 o u m,2nd Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade . 1 2 3 1i2I3 Size Model 2nd to 5th 6&8 “ lst,2nd , 1 0 0 " l s t , 2nd No. 1013 C“) 0 O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. O.F, andHtg. 0, F. andHtg, CUPS, BARREL ARBOR Price Price Description of Movement Per Per ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Steel Base Order by Catalogue Number and send sample. .40 16 %Pl. lst .40 6 “ 2nd 18 F. Pl. . . . “ “ .10 “ “ 1st to 6th 7 t h , 8011 90h,10th ... 16 fiPl. lsb Dozen Piece Size Model .10 u .. F. Pl. “ 6th l s t , 2nd .15 18 , 1 5 “ .10 “ “ 5th No. 146 Model £171. fi lst 2nd to saw i 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2'. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. Sunk Seconds “ “ Double Sunk “ Sunk Seconds Double Sunk Sunk fieconds Double Sunk “ Sunk seconds Description Roman Red Marginal Figures. ’ “ Heavy, Red Marginal Figures. Arabic Red Marginal Figures. Roman“ “ “ “ Heavy, Red Marginal Figures. Arabic .. u u u “ Red Marginal Figures. Arabic “ “ Minute Circle, Marginal Figures, Snap Bezel. Roman “ “ ‐ “ “ “ Marginal Figures. Arabic Red Marginal Figures. Roman London Chapter. Arabic Heavy with Minute Circle. Roman u u u . u without‘ n . u Arabic Decorated Minute Cir‘cle. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. CUPS, CENTER 0. F. and Htg. Hard Enamel “ Glass Enamel “ Under illustrations of Dials the various sizes are given in which that particular style is furnished. Illustrations are intendedto give an idea of the general style of hours only and not the size of Dial. Dials 425, 426,427, 428, 429 have no feet, but are fitted into bezels and snap on the movement. They are not furnished separate. In ordering Dials always give size in addition to catalogue number. DoubleSunk Dials are only furnished in 18 and 16sizes. On page 15 illustrations show exact locationthe dial feet occupy asrelate the twelfth hour in all our various sizes and models. *829 and 830 assorted designs. Price Price Description of Movement Per Fer . Dozen Piece Size 72.001 20; 18 iPi. 18 Size Nos. 828 and 855 18 Size 855~Roman, Sunk Seconds 16 and 6 Sizes The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . 13 ‘ ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS No. 666 18 Size 18 Size No. 826 Nos. 827 and 823 /\/*'~ \\ ~, ”:°°’102WW‘K- 1422 15 16 Size 16 Size \\,_ 18, 16 and 0 Sizes 18. 16 and 0 Sizes The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. ILLUSTRATIONS OF DIALS‐Continued 16 Size No. 466 Nos. 829 and 830‐Assorted Designs 18 Size, 1st to 10th Models 16 Size, 2d to 5 t h Models 16 Size, 1st Model 12 18 Size, 1st Model No Feet Attached with Snap Bezel 6 Size, 2d Model No Feet Attached with Snap Bezel O.F. andHtg. Single Roller Description of Movement O.F. andHtg. Double Roller 0_F. andHtg. 0_F. andHtg. “ u “ “ & 8 alglgoue Size 18 16 (1 4th, 5th “ Crescent " Spade, Heavy. .................................... Size 18 “ Model 1st 7th to 10th HANDS, HOUR AND MINUTE Description of Hands Closed Morning Glory 2nd to 6th The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . “ uupenuu “ “ “ 7th to 10th let, to 3rd . " Fleur-de‐Lis Spade, Heavy Spade Fleur-de‐Lis Open Morning Glory 16 “ “ “ (1 u Closed u u 1st ClosedMorningGlory 2nd atN 1st, 2nd 7th to 10th 4th and 5th l s t and 2nd . . P . . , “ “ Composition FORKS Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade | Grade Grade‐ Grade‘ Grade Grade 1 2 3 1 | 2 3 Size Model .50I . F.Pl. 151:to3rd .5o .. “ 4th ,50 ... :4<'> ... %P1. 6.. ._‘u 0.. .._u 18 .. . . . Composition 106 Orders for less than one fourth dozen will be charged at pair price. Onahalf of the dozen price will be charged for either Hour or Minute Hands when ordered separately. “ I . i Z, . “ ‐ ExposedEscapement O. F. and Htg. ‘ . . and Htg. No. 185 No. 486 . P Color Blue Purple Blue “ 6th i P]. 5th F.“Pl. 7thh8th +0 18 Size, 2d to 6th Model +0 16 Size, lst to 3d Model 16 Size, 4th and 5th Models - 16 Size, 4th and 5th Models 18 Size No. 676 ‐ - W 18 Size 16 Size 0. F. andHtg. *715 Ratchet Hub. No. 1016 O O.F. andHtg. . F. andHtg. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. HANDS, HOUR AND MINUTE No. 577 No. 187 _._‐.‐@‐.-‐‐‐@‐-__@ ‐~‐o‐~‐‐o‐-~o~=>~o 18 Size, lst Model No. 189 ‐=r‐@ ‐~‐‐@ ‐«‐@ H 18 Size, 7th to 10th Model +0 13 Size, 7th to 10th Model 18 Size, 2d to 6th Model 18 Size, 2d to 6th Model ‐%<‐O 16 Size. lst to 3d Model No. 578 , No. 206 1 No. 207 _ No. 208 -‐-‘=>'‐@‐-°0~‐‐‐@‐.‐@‐~(~‐‐© No. 209 -~‐o-<‐o‐-«‐o 16 Size. lst to 3d Model No. 774 ‐‐o‐‐‐©‐.‐‐©‐°"°‐‐@‐¢»‐‐© 16 Size. lst to 3d Model 16 Size, 4th and 5th Models 6 and 8 Sizes, l s t Model 6 Size, 2d Model No. 1017 x ‐i-G\Q‐@ ‐I'@\O-° ‐-0~°0° ' Qe. ge a»<9 No. 775 No. 216 NO. 217 No. 675 No. 831 No. 1045 0 Size. 1st and 2d Models Nos. 776 and 777 ‐o-o ‐‐o‐o ‐o‐o ._._. 18 Size, 16 Size. 7th to 10th Model 4th and 5th Models HANDS, SECOND | 0 Size, lst and 2d Models No. 772 No. 773 No. 218 N0. 1018 0 Size No. 1105 ‐oov~ Price PerDozen Price Per Piece Guide Grgde Grgde Grgde Grade Grgde Size 1.50 .15‐ A15 16 1.25 . .15 .15 .1o 16 1,25 . .2o .15 .15 0 ._.N>. 16 Size HUBS, RATCHET AND WINDING 16 Size, 4th and 5th Models Descriptionof Movement Model 2ndto 5th 2nd to_5th Ist The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . INDEXES, PLAIN AND MICROMETER Plain Hunting Plain Open Face Short for Bal.Cock 0. F. a n d H t g . *197‐‐When orderingthis piece always state if for Open Face or Hunting. JEWELS, BALANCE ENDSTONES‐LOWER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade? Grade 1 2 3 1 2 g3 Size Style 1, 1,5 1. 1. 1. 1.5 l. 1. .P1.o.F.and mg.‐ l s t to 4th, 6th ifi5'0 115 1.50 .15 1.25 .15 P1. Htg. .Pl. 0. F. andHtg. P1. Htg. 5th 7thto 10th~ lst 2nd 1to 5th lst,2nd JEWELS, BALANCE ENDSTONES‐UPPER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade‐ Grade Grade Grade 123123SizeStyle Model .50 ,30 .15 .50 .30 .15 150 .40 fiié 115 50 .15 00 140 .40 .3'0 .50 30 is .15 50 .30 .15 00 .40 .20 Iii; 18 F.Pl. O.RandHtg. lstto4th,6th JEWELS, BALANCE HOLE‐LOWER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 123123 Model 300 130 2100 Tao Prices of Jewels are for finished settings. In ordering Indexes state whether for Open Face or Hunting. O.F. andHtg. Htg O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. hthtlothth 2nd1to5th 1st 2nd 1st,2nd Price iPrice Description of Movement Per Per Dozen Piece Size 1? "R.“‐ Model 4th lst, 2nd, 6th lstv 2nd, 6th 4th 391. H tg. 0. F andHtg. Hg. 0. F. and Htg. ‘ O.F. andHtg. Htg. u 0. F. andHtg. er RH]. 0. F. andHtg. 5th 7thto 10th l s t 2ndto5th lst. 2nd 0.FandHtg.. lstto431,6th Htg 5 767............... 9 . 5 0 9.50 9.50 0“ JEWELS, CENTER‐UPPER 0 Price Per Dozen at- - Price Per Piece 3 , 5 0 2.50 2 . 5 0 3 . 0 0 2.50 3 .00 250 2.50 2.00 3,00 .35 .25 .25 .30 .30 .25 .30 .30 .25 .25 .20 .20 18F.P]. OF..andHtg. lstto4th,6th §Pl. Htg 5th “ 0 F.angd H t g . 7th to10th The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . JEWELS, BALANCE, HOLE‐UPPER C t Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement a-__. alogue No. 279............ 248............. 591............. .' Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 1 2 3 Size Style Model alogue Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade No. 1‘ 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Style Model C Price Per Piece Description of Movement 792....12.00 12.00 793.... 10.00 8.00 O.F.andHtg. .85 .70 “ “ “ 7th to 10th “ 3 .00 .. .. 2 .00 .30 .20 Htg. lst “ “ O.F. andHtg. 2ndto 5th JEWELS, BARREL, ARBOR‐UPPER“ ______v______‐_‐__._.__‐‐‐_‐‐‐-‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Cat- alogue N0. Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement 646 ................... 24.00 760 ................... 24.00 2.00 18.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 18F.P]. OF..andHtg. 9th,10th Raised 16 i‘Pl. “ l s t t 0 5 t h Gold - Oreide Gold Oreide Size Style - Model Settings 18.00 JEWELS, CENTER‐LOWER 0 Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement at- ‐ ‐ alogue No. Grade 1&2 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 3 4 1&2 3 4 Size Style Model 790............... 791............... 9.50 9.50 9.50 .80 .80 .80 9.50 9.50 .80 .80 .80 18FPl. 0.F.andHtg. lstto10th 16 ‘ Pl. ” 2nd to5th lst, 2nd Description of Movement ‐~‐‐ 9.50 .80 .80 .80 16 if}; 6&8“ Htg. lst 6 “ “ 2nd. 0 ‘ O.F. andHtg. 1st,2nd F.Pl. 1.00 1.00 16 iPl. “ 2ndto 5th 545 6.00 .50 18 546.... 4.00 .40 “ “ “ JEWELS, ESCAPE‐LOWER Price Per Dozen at-‘-‐‐ alo ue Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 0. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Style Model 163.. 4.00 268.. 4.00 469.. 6.00 547.. 3.00 417.. 1024.... 3.00 2.00 2.00 .40 .60 .30 2Pl. tg. t 787.. 300 796.. 300 329.. 418....2.50 .40 .30 .30 .30 .25 6&8“ Htg. lst .256““2nd .20 .20 ... 0 " 0.F.andHtg. lst,2nd 2.50 4.00 3.00 3,00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 .40 .25 18 F.Pl. 0.F.andHtg. lstto4th,6th 3.00 2.50 .30 . . 30 .30 .30 .40 .30 .30 .30 “ F.Pl. 0.F.andHtg. “ 7thto10th “ lst 2ndto 5th " “ 16 fPl. Htg. “ “ 0. F. andHtg. “ “ “ 20 ; The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . JEWELS, ESCAPE‐UPPER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grlade Grzade Gigde Glade Grlade Gigde Gxéade Glide Size Style Model ‘ i JEWELS, ESCAPE AND PALLET ENDSTONES‐LOWER 0 alglgcpe at‐ . Cat- alfiine Price Per Dozen ‐‐ Price Per Piece - ‐ Description of Movement S t y l e ‘ Model Setting 1 1 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 7.00 4.00 .60 .30 .60 .. .60 .40 .70 .40 .30 .40 .70 .70 .60 18 RF] 0.F.aridHtg. 151:to4th,6th . “ i‘Pl. Htg. 5th ‘ . . “ F. Pl. 0. F. andHtg. 7tht010th .“““" 16 §Pl Htg. 1517 ... “ “ O.F.andHtg. 2ndto5th .30""““ 164.. 269.. 439. 584. 419. 785. 786. 337. 355..2.50 .. 4.00 7.00 7.00 3.00 1.50 6.00 .... 3.00 3.00 .30 .256““2nd 2.50 1023. 8.00 4.00 2.00 1.50 .75 .25 .40 .20 .15 0 “ 0. F. andHtg. Grime Grade , ‐-r Grlade Gr2ade Size 813 ................... 1.50 1.50 .15 .15 16 3Pl. 10.F.and H t g . . 2nd to5th ;,,,.| |‘ Brass ‘ i JEWELS, ESCAPE AND PALLET ENDSTONES~UPPER Description of Movement S t y l e Mo d e ] Cat- alogone Griade ‐ -‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ - Grgde Grlade Grzade Size ‘ Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece 1 Settings 1 ' 440 ................... 4.00 441 ................... .... 1.50 ... .15 “ " | " " Oreide 794 ................... 4,00 .... .40 ... 16 i131. " 2ndto5th Gold .40 795 ................... 1.50 ... .15 “ “ JEWELS, FOURTH‐LOWER C Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece at- ‐___________ Gold alfigoue Grlade Grzade Gigide Grime Grlade ‘Gxgde Gigde Grime Size , 4.00 2.50 2.50 6.00 4.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 .... .... .40 165 275. 583. 437. 788. 346. 356.2.50 3 .00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 .60 .30 .30 1026. 3.00 2.00 6&8“ Htg. lst lst,2nd 18 F.PI. Io.F.and H t g . 1st to10th " “ Oreide Description of Movement Style Model 1 25 ... ... 18 F.Pl. 0.F.andHtg. lstto4th,6th .25 “ iPl. Htg. h .40 .30 .25 “ F. Pl. 0. F. andHtg. 7thto 10th .2516iPl.“lst .30 .20 .20 ‘ " “ 2ndto5th .256&8""lst .256“"2nd 20 .20 0 " " lst,2nd ‘ Price quoted on Jewels includes finished settings. !‘ Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be chargedat single piec- price. 6.00 6.00 7.00 0.F.andHtg. 151;to4th,6th Htg. th The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. JEWELS, FOURTH‐UPPER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Description of Movement Style Model . . 3.00 . .. . 3.00 3.00 . . . .0 “ “ O.F.andHtg. 2ndto5th Htg. lst . 6 2nd 2.00 1.50 . . . . 0. F. andHtg. lstandw2nd JEWELS, PALLET ARBOR‐LOWER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade‘ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 12341234 Style Model 4.00 . '6f00 300 4": $300 Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade _ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Style Model .. .. .40 . . ... ... 2.50 .60 . , . . O.F.andHtg. 7thto10th . . . . Htg. 1st . .20 “ O.F.andHtg. 2ndto5th 2.00 2.00 200W W W ,W W ,_.,QJW=MW__IM JEWELS, PALLET ARBOR‐UPPER JEWELS. THIRD ‐ LOWER Price Per Dozen ' Price Per Piece Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 12341234 Description of Movement Style Model . . O.F.andHtg. lstto4th,6th . Htg. 5th H‘tg. l s t .5 6 2nd Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement 6.00 .60 600 2.50 .60 300 2.00 2,00 .30 3'00 2.00 .30 . . . . . . . .25 18 . . O.F.andHtg. lstto4th.6th “ . Htg. 5th “ . . O.F.andHtg. 7thto10th 0.F.andHtg. 7thto10th 16 . Htg. 1st .20 .20 “ O.F.andHtg. 2ndto5th 6&8 Htg. 1st 6 “ 2nd .20 0 0.F.andHtg. lst,2nd 4.00 .40 . . 6100 2.50 ... .60 . . $00 2.00 2.00 .30 . {£00 200 .... .30 . . O.F.andHtg. lstand2nd Price quoted on Jewels includes finished settings. .25 . . .Htg.lst O. F. and H t g . 2nd to 5th . ... . . O.F.andHtg. 7thto10th Htg. Ist .25 6 " 2nd Htg. lst 1 . . 0.F.andHtg. lstto4th.6th . Htg. 5th 22 Cat- alogue No. The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . l 1027....‘ 8.00 Cat- alogue N o . 4.00 .15 0 “ O.F. and Htg. lst, 2nd ‐‐ alogue N0. Per .............................................. Dozen .60 Per Piece Size Model 172. 236. 628. 629. 299. 834. 835. 307. ..............................................' .10 “ F. 4th, 6th Garnet 365. 1033. .............................................. .............................................. .10 .10 6” 0“ 1st 2nd 1st, 2nd JEWELS, THIRD ‐ UPPER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece »‐ Description of Movement ‐‐ Style Model -‐ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size .60 .30 18 F.Pl. 0.F.andHtg. lstto4th,6th .30 " l2131. Htg. t 170.... 6.00 3,00 234.... 3,00 674.... 6.00 4.00 636.... 7,00 4.00 3.00 3G7.... 4.00 .40 16 iPl. Htg. lst 833.... 7.00 6.00 306. 2.50 319.... 2.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 1.50 .70 .60 .30 .25 .25 .80 .40 .25 .30 “ “ O.F. andHtg. 2ndto 5th 6&8 “ Htg. lst 6 “ “ I 2nd .60 .40 “ F. Pl. 0. F. and Htg. 7th to 10th .70 .40 .30 “ “ ~ “ “ JEWELS, PALLET STONES‐RIGHT OR LEFT Price Price Description of Movement .............................................. 18F. to ............................................. “4} t “ 171. .............................................. 2.00 .20 Pl. l s t 4th, 6th Garnet 235. 2.00 .20 “ F. to “ Sapphire 668. 630. 3,00 .30 Pl. 7th 10th .............................................. 5.00 “ " “ Per Dozen Per Piece Size | Model JEWELS, ROLLER OR JEWEL PIN Price Price Description of Movement .............................................. .10“ Pl. 1st “ .............................................. .60 to “ .............................................. 1 P]. 7th “““ 10th .60 When ordering Pallet Stones state whether Right or Left iswanted. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at smgle piece price. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. 1 16 i‘ .50 .60 .60 Pl. ““' to Sapphire Garnet ” Sapphire Garnet " “ .50 .60 .60 .60 2nd “““ 5th .50 .15 .15 .15 .60 .15 6&8 Garnet 2nd to 5th " “ “ 16 2 P1. “ l s t “ P]. 1.50 1.50 1.50 6 .00 1.50 l.50156" 2nd “ “ y “ " . ‘ “ lst, 2nd “ .10 .15 .10 .10 .15 .106&8 “ “ “ “ lst Sapphire Garnet 18F. to Pl. 5th l s t O.F. and Htg. kg 4 O.‘F. and Htg. . O.F. and H t g LEVERS, SETTING Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grezzde‐ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 3 4 1 2 l 3 4 S' ‘ Model l l O.F. and Htg. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. LEVERS, CLUTCH Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ‘ Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 2 3 4 1 2, 3 4 Size Model 2ndto5th_ “ 2. 2.00 , . 1. 1.50 . . .... ... .25 .20 16 3 P1. .15 .15 fl “ 0. F. No. 746 . O.F. zmd Htg, No. 490 Htg‘. Htg. O.F. and Htg. No. 204 In ordering material give catalogue num_ber and grade for_which .same i? required. Orders for less than one-fourth dozen Will be charged at Single piece price. 6 " 2nd iii) if. 0 “ lst.2nd No. 1034 _‘.. 18 i F. Pl. 2nd, 3rd, 5th‐ “ .. em No. 210 {A (V7 0. F. and Htg. (r “i, O.F. and Htg. The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. LEVERS, LOCKING Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Gzadr_ Grade Grade Grade Grade 123.41234 Model 2.00 1.50 . 200 2,00 150 . . . .15 106 %‘I"L No. 1035 2ndto 5th lst, 2nd i 0.F. andHtg. ‘X O.F. andHtg. NUTS, MICROMETER No. 1036 ID 0. F. and Htg. PALLETS, WITH STONES FITTED Price DescriptionofMovement Price Per Dozen ‘ Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade; Grade 1 2 3 1I213 Size Model .75 4 ‘ . . i 18 F. P1. lst,2nd,3rd RightuAngle . ““6th 41 u u u 16 Straight Line Right Angle Straigl‘i‘t Line Ifer Piece Size .15, 0 Model §Pl.| 1st,2nd Nos. 597, 598, 761, 762 Grade Grade Grade‐ Grade 234I ’ Nos. 601,763 0. F. and Htg. Nos. 764, 836 O.F. and Htg. Nos. 837, 838 No. 247 No. 255 Nos. 681, 682 §=« O.F. and Htg. NO. 265 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. PALLETS AND FORKS, WITH STONES FITTED Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement, Model FAPI. 7th to 10th lgl- 2nd t‘p 5th “ 1st. 2nd No. 1037 34 E” T o. F. andHtg. o. F. and Htg. ‘ o. F. and Htg. *598, 601, 762 and 763 Sapphire Pallet Stones. PALLETS, FORKS AND ARBORS, WITH STONES FITTED Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade 134 Model ‐ Double Roller , Double‘Roller Double,Roller .50 . ...... ,50. F. Pl. 1st to 3rd ” 4th 6th 5th 7th,8th 7th tt‘)‘ 10th 9thto‘10th “ . lst 2 n d t‘o 5 t h .50 4 . .80 1:00 fiff: ' ' ' A ' AA1 Iiif .ii, 1 . 0 0 4 . 11 I111 “ 15m 2nd Nos. 679. 680 ie O.F. and Htg. lst, 2nd No. 409 O.F. and Htg. N o . 266 No. 1038 eigeflefieue e 0. F. and Htg. 0. F. and Htg. Htg. O.F. and Htg. *680, 682, 836 and 838 Sapphire Pallet Stones. O.F. andHtg.| 0.F. andHtg. No. 492 @ No. 744 ;‐ in? O.F. and Htg. Price Per Dozen No. 494 5&6 No. 1044 g? 0. F. and Htg. No. 230 V Htg. No. 740 2:25 2.25 1.75 £75 No. 231 xv? O.F. and Htg. No. 233 O.F. and Htg. 3 O. F. and Htg. No. 496 The Rockford Watch Company, L t d . PINIONS, BEVEL OR WINDING Price Per Dozen Grade Grade 23 Price Per Piece Description of Movement 6th 4th 7th,“8th lst 2nd to 5th lst 2nd lst. 2nd 0.F. andHtg. 0.F. andHtg. PINIONS, CANNON Price Per Piece Description of Movement ‐ Leaves Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grad‐e 1 2 3 4 l 2 3 4 Size Model lst 2nd to 6th 7th, 8th 9 t h 10th lst 2nd to 5th lst 2nd lstv 2nd No. 620 O.F. and Htg. No. 1040 "3 ? "I O.F. and Htg. Htg. 0. F. and Htg. In ordering material give catalogue number and grade or number of movement. alogue No. *240...... 241...... *242...... 243...... 244 ...... 245 ...... 654 ...... 49...... 732 ...... 246 ...... 495 ...... 1039...... Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Gradei 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Model 3.00 No. 240 .| 6 " 0 “ No. 243 2nd 1st, 2nd No. 244 Cat‐ alogue Grade 0. 1 250.. 251.. 3.00 1.75 252. 3.00 1.75 253.. 2,00 626.. 3.50 2,00 253.. 2.00 737.. 4.50 4.50 254. 2.00 499.. 2.00 Grade Grade 1 Grade! Grade 2 [ 3 3.00 1.50 .30 .15 .30 “ " “ “ 7th,8th 9th,10th lst 2nd to5th 12 ' “ “ " “ “ _ ' Price Per Dozen - Grade 2 Price Per Piece - Grade Description of Movement Leaves Pivots 7 Straight 1041.. 3.50 2.25 1.75 No. 250 .35 .25 .20 _(;___1_silnd____7~__‘_ No. 252 No. 253 No. 626 1.75 .20 .30 .20 .30 .20 .20 .35 .20 .20 .45 .45 .20 .20 18 “ %Pl. F. P1. 5th l s t to 3rd, 6th The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. 27] PINIONS, CENTER Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece ! Description of Movement Cat- ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‘ Leaves 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 .1,75 2.00 1.75 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 1.50 No. 241 .15 .20 .15 .20 .20 .20 .20 .15 .20 .15 .15 .20 .20 .25 .15 No. 242 F. and 18 .iPl. lstt03rd,5th 10 G r a d e } 3 i 4 4 Size 2 , 0 0 3.50 2.25 . . .. .20 .35 . . . “ “ ” “ 4th “ “ “ " 7th,8th 8 “ 1.50 16 iPl. “ “ e% e% %@ Htg. Htg. 0.F. andHtg. Htg. 0.F. No. 245 No. 654 No. 493 No. 732 No. 246 e, e @ am a, O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. Htg. O.F. andHtg. Htg. No. 495 No. 1039 *240 and 242 with Hook. e {a Htg. O.F. and Htg. PINIONS, ESCAPE No. 251 / fi/ / / ii Htg. No. 737 Htg. O.F. , O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. ‘ i No. 499 i No. 1041 Q \ No. 254 '\\ “X X I4, “0“ F 0. F. and Htg. Htg. Htg. O.F. and Htg. “ fPl. 5th “ “ F.Pl. lsttofith “ “ “ 6th “ ..““4th “ 6&8 “ lst Model “ “ 9th, 10th “ Cone 16 %Pl. lst “ Straight ‘ “ 2nd to 5th “ Cone 6&8 “ lst “ Straight 6“ 2nd “ “ The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. PINIONS, FOURTH Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Dacription of Movement Size Model Price Per Dozen Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 12341234 Size Model 5th 151; to 3rd,6th 4th 7th,8th 9th,100h fso 1.75; . No. 270 No. 271 Htg. No. 733 0. F. Htg. . . No. 274 ‘ No. 1043 0. F. and Htg. No. 1097 . . 2.50 . . . 2 . 5 0 2.50 , . 4 “ 2ndt‘o5th . lstv 4' 2nd ...A[ 1.75‘ . . . . . lst 2nd Nos. 627, 273 O.F. and Htg. PINIONS, THIRD Price Per Piece O.F. and Htg. No. 1042 “ea; Grade 4 Leaves . .. .ISL 9/sf »/ / ‘Q“ . Htg. ; Htg‘. In ordering material give catalogue number and grade. Orders for less than one-fouth dozen will be charged at single piece price. 18 F3Pl.lstto3rd.5th “ F.P]. 4116t lst 2nd is? 5th 1st 2nd lst 2nd 3:50 , No. 280 “ I s t , 2nd No. 283 Q‐ Breguet “ o.__ 0. F. and Htg. No. 284 C)... O.F. andHtg‘. No. 288 O.__ 0. F. and Htg. No. 287 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. REGUL ATORS Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Gradel Grade Grade Grade 1234l23'4Size Model Spring p‐ Htg. No. 289 C, No. 502 O:‐ No. 750 O.F. and Htg. No. 1046 6\ 0. F. and Htg. Q Orders for less than one-fourth dozen will be charged at single pieceprice. O.F. andHtg. No. 503 o\ Htg. 1? lst. 2nd Fll‘at 6th 4th 3rd, 4thh6th, 7th Breguet Flat 11 Breguet Flgt Htg. 2nd to 5th 1‘s} Flgt Breguet 2nd “ No. 500 230! . No. 292 O.F. and Htg. .25 . . _ lst, 2nd No. 294 No. 589 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. ROLLERS Price Per Dozen 2.60 i356 i250 Price Per Piece Description of Movement Model i106 ffifif ROLLERS, WITH JEWEL PINS FITTED Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Description of Movement Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Size Model lst, 2nd, 5th, 6th 3rd, 4th 7th. 8th 9th, 10th “ “ 1st 2ndt05th “ “ ... .35 .45 am .45 5.00 .50 if if Impulse Double Large Double Large Impulse Impulse Nos.576,757 . . ”H, lst .00 .. 2nd 115" oO.a O.F. and Htg. O.F. and Htg. O.F. and Htg. O.F. and Htg. i 0. F. and Htg. No. 759 No. 295 No. 488 eo9 0. F. and Htg. . . ROLLERS, SAFETY 18 " F.and QP ] . F. Pl. No. 1049 G’ O.F. and Htg. Description of Movement 1 2 3 1 2 3 Size Model Price Per Dozen Price Per Piece Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade' Grade 18 F.Pl. ’ 16 QPI. 0 “ No 1047 0.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. O.F. andHtg. : 9th. 10th 2nd to 5th lst,2nd 4.00 2.50 2.50 .25 .40 . 4 0 ' . No. 590 9o0 *Nos. 589 and 759 used only in double Roller Escapement. No. 758 .30. 7.25| .25 .d i Pl. F. Pl. lst, 2nd, 5th, 6th 3rd0 4th Cornered Edges. Grade 1, Flat Head Bright. Grade2 BevelHeadBright. Grade 3, Flat Head Bright. 2nd to 5th 1st 2nd 1st, 2nd lst to 4th, 6th 5th 7th to 10th 1st 2nd to 5th 1st 2nd 1st, 2nd lst, to 4th 6th DESCRIPTION OF SCREWS All Screws are Bri htv unless otherwwe or ered. 18 size, 7th to 10th models 16 “ 2ndto 5th All Screws are Blue. 18 size, 1st to 6th models. 1 6 1 5 1 ; “ 66&811“ éstd “ The RockfordWatch Company, Ltd. SCREWS Description of Movement Price Per Gross Price Per Dozen Gold 1125 1250 Model . lstto4th,6th 5th . 7th to 10th 16 lst Size “ 18 “ “ 0 “ l s t and 2nd “ For Gilded Screws an extra charge of $1.50 per gross or 15 cents per dozen is made. Kind - Bar, Locking “ Setting Bridge Barrel “ Escape Minute Wheel Winding Cam Setting Description of Movement Price Per Gross Price Per Dozen _ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Size Model 123123 5,Cap Barrel Arbor ‘ “ Locking Lever Spring “ Pallet Arbor“ . , .‘ 1 18 6&8 18 . . . . PendantSet 00 . 1st . 151; to 4th, 6th 7th tothth 2 n d2t:od5th 1st, 2nd Gth . 2nd to 5th 5th 6th lst 2nd to 5th 151; 2nd lst, 2nd lst 2nd to 5th 2n lst, 2nd 2nd to 6th lst 7th 2nd to 5th 2nd to 5th lst to 10th 151: to 4th, 6th Sth 7th tlot10th 2nd1to 5 t h 1st A2nd n 11 The Rockford Watch Company, Ltd. SCREWS ‐ Continued Descriptio