Pocket Watch Database

Rockford Grade 835 Production Charts

Note: Production dates are estimations but should be accurate within +/- 3 years.


Rockford Watch Co. Grade 835 Production Map Relative to Company Lifespan

Start of Production
End of Production

Grade Production Runs Lowest Highest Start End Profile Code/Image
835 20,038 36 500,801 848,000 1897 1910
100 500,801 500,900 1897
800 501,101 501,900 1897
300 503,701 504,000 1897
1,050 504,101 505,150 1897
100 505,201 505,300 1897
10 505,351 505,360 1897
28 505,371 505,398 1897
300 505,401 505,700 1897
600 507,901 508,500 1897
300 511,301 511,600 1898
100 513,401 513,500 1898
300 513,601 513,900 1898
350 514,151 514,500 1898
200 514,901 515,100 1898
300 519,701 520,000 1898
1,000 530,801 531,800 1899
50 532,451 532,500 1899
500 541,501 542,000 1899
500 543,501 544,000 1899
1,000 561,001 562,000 1900
500 574,501 575,000 1901
1,150 578,001 579,150 1901
100 585,901 586,000 1902
2,000 588,001 590,000 1902
1,000 592,001 593,000 1902
100 593,601 593,700 1902
600 630,001 630,600 1904
1,000 673,001 674,000 1906
400 711,101 711,500 1907
400 711,601 712,000 1907
800 740,201 741,000 1908
500 770,501 771,000 1908
1,000 780,001 781,000 1908
600 826,401 827,000 1910
1,000 831,001 832,000 1910
1,000 847,001 848,000 1910