Pocket Watch Database

Rockford Grade 935 Production Charts

Note: Production dates are estimations but should be accurate within +/- 3 years.


Rockford Watch Co. Grade 935 Production Map Relative to Company Lifespan

Start of Production
End of Production

Grade Production Runs Lowest Highest Start End Profile Code/Image
935 43,131 61 500,055 912,000 1897 1913
1 500,055 500,055 1897
100 500,301 500,400 1897
8 502,482 502,489 1897
1 502,593 502,593 1897
500 502,701 503,200 1897
800 506,001 506,800 1897
900 511,601 512,500 1898
100 514,001 514,100 1898
300 514,601 514,900 1898
300 515,101 515,400 1898
400 515,601 516,000 1898
100 516,301 516,400 1898
1,000 520,001 521,000 1898
200 524,801 525,000 1898
300 525,101 525,400 1898
1,000 526,901 527,900 1898
1,000 528,801 529,800 1898
600 533,401 534,000 1899
2,000 537,401 539,400 1899
1,000 540,401 541,400 1899
1 554,974 554,974 1900
1,000 562,001 563,000 1900
200 566,601 566,800 1900
170 579,201 579,370 1901
500 585,001 585,500 1902
1,000 600,001 601,000 1902
2,050 605,951 608,000 1902
1,000 621,001 622,000 1903
1,000 629,001 630,000 1903
1,000 635,001 636,000 1904
200 669,101 669,300 1906
500 694,001 694,500 1907
500 694,501 695,000 1907
300 704,001 704,300 1907
100 704,401 704,500 1907
400 704,601 705,000 1907
500 710,101 710,600 1907
300 710,701 711,000 1907
1,000 723,001 724,000 1907
900 725,101 726,000 1907
1,000 736,001 737,000 1908
1,000 737,001 738,000 1908
1,000 743,001 744,000 1908
1,000 744,001 745,000 1908
1,000 747,001 748,000 1908
1,000 756,001 757,000 1908
1,000 768,001 769,000 1908
500 779,501 780,000 1908
1,000 786,001 787,000 1908
1,000 793,001 794,000 1910
1,000 794,001 795,000 1910
1,000 795,001 796,000 1910
400 826,001 826,400 1910
1,000 827,001 828,000 1910
1,000 834,001 835,000 1910
1,000 840,001 841,000 1910
1,000 843,001 844,000 1910
1,000 863,001 864,000 1911
1,000 872,001 873,000 1911
1,000 878,001 879,000 1912
1,000 911,001 912,000 1913