Pocket Watch Database

South Bend Watches and Cases: Catalog "A" (1909)

Courtesy of Michael P. McNamee
Digitized May 2019

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date May 03, 2019



a. VA %r , . . f \y\v \.1.q.5,;.. ,P1if47.. 75.00 “ J ”NAT(jH f,(l x:' a» SOUTH BEND WATCH C0. SOUTHBEND,INDIANA L, VCATALO G A ' SOUTH BEND WATCHES gm CASES (Copyright 1909'by the South Bend Watch Company S o u t h Bend; I n d . l CA full line of watch move‐ ments and cases having been made necessary by an ever-increasing demand, we issue this book for the con‐ _____ venience of our customers the Legitimate Retail Jewelry Trade. Owing to the convenience of its size e and tie accessible manner in which we 3»haye arranged the different grades of 7vi? tch movements and the diflerent lines . d sizes of w a s you will see the {importance of keeping this catalog in a placethat will at all times be convenient for ready reference. Knowing that instances will arise ,, when you vsfll w a n t to show this catalog 2.“ to a prospective watch buyer. we have on ' the descriptive page; said nothing regard‐ ing o u r prices. Prices of all grades of movements and prices for complete watches. together with o u r fixed minimum selling prices. will be found on pages 56 and 57. Prices of cases will be found on pages 58. so and 60. For convenience in ordering by tele‐ graph. we have arranged a system of cipher. using a word to represent each different grade of watch movement, com‐ plete watch and style case, together with words to represent the different phrases that are used often in connection with our business. SOUTH BEND WATER COMPA } Code words for these phrases _,"2, as instructions for using s a m "7 found on page 55. Code w watch movements and cases will 7 I f . on price l i s t pages, 56 to 60 inclusgiii; This catalog is intended for, é'fld be sent to Legitimate Retail lefig only, it being o u r policy to product and to sell only to the L e g , Trade. This policy places us in ; position that we always have a?” x control over o u r product, and thus _ enabled to say who shall and{who ‘ not‘ sell South Bend Watch M\¢Q/eK and Cases and insures the reliable absolute protection against unfair c ‘m tition. As to the quality of o u r product, 0 idea has always been that “good enough" will n o t do for our customers, so we are constantly striving to produce a better watch. Our watch of ‘to-day will always be better than o u r watch of yesterday and the watch We make to‐morrow will always i be better than the watch we make to-day: , SOUTH BEND WATCH COMPANY ii SOUTH BEND, IND., U. S. A. -, fl -‘0 SIZE. BRIDGE MODEL HUNTING. PENDANT S E T m ‘ jewels‐17rubyandq fi e“findsinsettings. Olive hole balance jewels. t " Plates‐Nickel. H a n d - fl y (hmaskeened. Gilt let‐ ' ' tering. Highly polish] and damaskeened visible windingwheels. Dual-ml. Balance‐Chamfered“ h i g h l ypolishedcompensating balance. Meantime s a c - s . Breguet hair spring. Very closely timed. D i a l ‐ S i n g l e sunk. plain o r fancy, glass enamel, ground edge dial. Gold round a r m center wheel. A very nicely finished watch in every particular. One that can be depended upon to give accurate time‐ keeping service. ' l 15 JEWELS NO. 110, HUNTING DESCRIPTION f jewels‐15rubyandsapphirejewels111settings.Oliv:‘ hole balance jewels. l} Plats‐Nickel. Finely damaskeened. Polished and 2 damaskeened visible winding Wheels. Dust band. B u m - H i g h l y polished compensating balance. l a z t ' m e screws. Bregnet hair spring. Casely timed. l i d ‐ S m g ’ c sunk. plain o r fancy, glass enamel, ground _ cflgefinl A “E M carefully constructed movement. t h a n k sa.we? sen-fixable ladies‘ watch. SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMEN ff 0 SIZE. BRIDGE MODEL HUNTING. PENDANT SET ,.y. . SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS I Z E . THREE-QUARTER PLATE ‘ HUNTING. PENDANT SET 7 JEWELS '0 NO. 100, HUNTING DESCRIPTION ' ' Jewels‐7 jewels. Olive hole balance jewels. : Plates‐Nickel. Nicely damaskeened. Ray visible ' windingwheels. “Dustband. Balance‐Polished compensating balance. Meantime screws. Breguet hair spring. Dial‐Single sunk. plain, glass enamel, ground edge dial. A well constructed and serviceable ladies‘ watch. w SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENT 0 SIZE OPEN FACE. PENDANT SET 17 JEWELS NO. 121, OPEN FACE Same movement identically asgradeN0.120except furnished without second hand. 15 JEWELS 1| NO.111.OPENFACE l Samemovement identicallyasgrade No.110except l finished without second hand. §r ’ n “l1 N0. fl. OPEN PAGE “ in m: t i identically as grade N o . 100 except “n e t - dband. - 7 JEWELS "SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS THREE-QUARTER P L A T E UNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET 21 JEWELS NO. 294. HUNTING. NO. 295, OPEN FACE DESCRIPTION Jewels‐21 ruby and sapphire jewels. Olive hole balance jewels. Plates‐Nickel. Richly dar'naskeened. under dial and on under side of plates. Extra highly polished, cupped and beveled visible winding wheels. Recoiling click. D u s t band. V'Balance‐Chamfered and extra highly polished c o m - ’ pensating balance with gold balance screws. Mean‐ time screws. Breguet hair spring. New stationary hair spring stud. Patent regulator. Escapement‐Double roller escapement, cone pivoted a n d cap jeweled. Exposed sapphire pallets. Sapphire jewel pin. Steel escape whee, highly finished and beveled with all acting surfaces ground and polished. Tested on half time without hair spring. Adjustments‐Adjusted to temperature, five positions and isochronism. Most accurately rated. Dial‐Double sunk or fancy, glass enamel, ground edge Finish‐Bevel head screws throughout. Highly pol‐ ished round a r m gold center wheel and train. A m o s t highly finished and accurately constructed movemenL A movement that meets the most exacting requirements of railroad service. Certificate of rating furnished upon application. Shipped in nickel, glass front and back. skeleton display case. 11 Gold settings. Pearl finish Gilt lettering. SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS 16 SIZE. THREE-QUARTER P L A T E HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET 19 JEWELS NO. 292, HUNTING. NO. 293, OPEN FACE DESCRIPTION Jewels‐19 ruby and sapphire jewels. Gold settings. Olive hole balance jewels. » Plates‐Nickel.Handsomelydamaskeened. Pearlfinish ------dial and on under side of plates. Gilt lettering. polished and damaskeened cupped and beveled ' winding wheels. Recoiling click. D u s t band. Bunce‐Chamferedand extra highly polished com‐ zalance with gold balance Screws. Mean‐ Breguet hair spring New stationary “'. d . Patent regulator. Emmmt‐Drublerollerescapernent. Exposedsap‐ ' 7 ,-' .é4 i eanphire jewel p i n Steel escape Wheel, It'h. all acting surfaces ground and -..Wei9: half timewithouthairspring. to temperature, five positions j: accurately rated. fancy. glass enamel, ground ‘ stews. Gold round arm center ‘-j-z‐ . r: andarm.goldtraineffect. ZE. THREE-QUARTER PLATE HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET 17 JEWELS NO. 298. HUNTING. NO. 299, OPEN FACE DESCRIPTION ewes‐17 ruby and sapphire jewels. Composition settings. Olive hole balance jewels. Plates‐Nickel.Handsomelydamaskeened. Gilt letter‐ ing. Highly polished. cupped and beveled visible winding wheels. Recoiling click. Dust band. I“ Balance‐Chamfered and polished compensating bal‐ ance. Meantime screws Breguet hair spring. New stationary hairspring stud. Patent regulator. g ! Escapement‐Double roller esmpement. Steel escape Wheel. Tested on half time Without hair spring. Adjustments‐Adjusted to temperature and three positions Accurately rated. Dial‐Double sunk or fancy, glass enamel, ground edge dial. Finish‐Bevelhead jewel, plate and case screws. Gold round a r m center Wheel; train Wheels Swaged round arm, with gold effect. A high grade movement that will give exceptionally accu‐ rate service under all conditions. Shipped in nickel,glass front and back, skeleton display case. 13 4 m ’ *fi T s w d on half time without hair spring. very doseiy timed. ' ' sunk or fancy, glass enamel. ground ' l ‐ da t :centerwheel. SOUTH BEND W A T C H MOVEMENTS 16,_ SIZE. THREE-QUARTER P HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET 3‘ riff; as; AM f? N II I)“ “fix {I 15 JEWELS NO. 280. HUNTING. NO. 281. OPEN F A C E . DESCRIi’TION Jewels‐15 jewels in settings. Olive hole balance ; 7 jewels. - ' Plates‐Nickel. Nicely damaskeened. Polished and ' damalmened visible winding wheels. Recoiling click.I D25:band. X Blue‐Polished compensating balance. Meantime s u e - s Breguet hair spring. Patent regulator. o A-“ligififi-xctizcverypanicularthathas ‐H fl h a fi s hamong15-jewelmovements. '‘ UNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET 1mm SO.nflm manACE . Jewels‐7jewels G i a n a - m e gjewels. Plates-4Nickel; Nitzly “ m u t e d . Ray visible windingwheels. Reafingdhk. Dustband. ~B=Jance‐Cut expaxsim u m . Meantime screws. , ' Breguet hair spring. Testedonhalft i mvithonthairspring. Closely timed. Dial‐Single sunk, glass enamel, ground edge dial. A reliable T‐jewel watch; SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS 18 SIZE. FULL PLATE HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET 21 JEWELS NO. 328. HUNTING. NO. 329, OPEN FACE _ ,ei mama/z... Jewels‐21extra fine ruby and sapphire jewels. Gold settings. Olive hole balance jewels. Plates‐Richly damaskeened in a handsome pattern. Pearl finish under dial and on under side of plates. Gilt lettering. Stem winding work all highly polished and finished. Recoiling click. Dust band. Setting‐Lever. Self-locking setting device. Balance‐Chamfered and extra highly polished com‐ pensating balance with gold balance screws. Meantime screws. Breguet hair spring. New stationary hair spring stud. “Precision" n u t and screw regulator. Escapement‐Double roller escapement, cone pivoted and cap jeweled. Sapphire pallets and jewel pin. Steel escape wheel, highly finished and beveled with all acting surfaces ground and polished. Tested on half time without hair spring. Adjustments‐Adjusted to temperature, five positions and isochronism. Most accurately rated. Dial‐Special, high-grade glass enamel, ground edge dial. Finish‐All visible steel work, plate and case screws, highly polished and cornered. A very highlyfinishedandaccuratelyconstructedmovement. Specially designed for close timekeeping and railroad service. Certificate of r a t i n g furnished u p o n application. Shippedin nickel,glassfrontandback,skeleton displaycase. 16 SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS 18 SIZE. FULL PLATE OPEN FACE ONLY. LEVER SET 7 JEWELS NO. 323. OPEN FACE «m1 Jewels‐17 extra fine ruby and sapphire jewels. Gold settings. Olive hole balance jewels. Plates‐Richly damaskeened in a handsome pattern. Pearl finish under dial and on under side of plates. Gilt lettering. Stern winding work all highly polished and finished. Recoiling click. Dust band. Setting‐Lever. Self-locking setting device. Balance‐Chamfered and extra highly polished com‐ pensatingbalancewithgoldbalancescrews. Meantime screws. Breguet hair spring. New stationary hair spring stud. “Precision” n u t and screw regulator. Escapement‐Double roller escapement. Sapphire pallets and jewel pin. Steel escape “heel, highly finished and beveled with all acting surfaces ground and polished. Tested on half time without hair spring. Adjustments‐Adjusted to temperature, five positions and isochronism. Most accurately rated. Dial‐Special. high~grade glass enamel, ground edge dial. Finish‐‐‐All visible steel work, plate and case screws, highly polished and cornered. A 1e r } highl} finished andaccuratelyconstructedmovement. Speciallydesigned for close timekeeping and railroad service Certificate of ratingfurnisheduponapplication. Shipped in nickel.glass front and back, skeleton display case. 17 18 SIZE. FULL PLATE HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER S. 17 JEWELS _NO. 344. HUNTING. NO. 345, OPEN FACE DESCRIPTION Jewels‐17 ruby and sapphire jewels. Composition settings. Olive hole balance jewels. . Plates‐Nickel. Handsomely damaskeened. Gilt let‐ tering. Recoiling click. Dust band. Setting‐Lever. Self-locking setting device. Balance‐Chamfered and highly polishedcompensating balance. Meantime screws. Breguet hair spring. New stationary hair spring stud. “ Precision" n u t and screw regulator. Escapement‐Double roller escapement. Steel escape whee . Tested on half time without hair spring. Adjustments‐Adjusted to temperature and three posi‐ tions. Accurately rated. Dial‐Double sunk or fancy, glass enamel, ground edge dial. Finish‐Bevel head plate and jewel screws. Visible steel work nicely polished. A well finished movement throughout. One that w i l l be f o u n d to be an exceptionally a c c u r a t e timekeeper. Shipped in nickel, glass front and back, skeleton display case. 18 SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS 18 SIZE. FULL PLATE HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER SET Em _ \ O . fl m “1.33.0?“FACE ‘nmnrnox Jewels‐17 7531:- mi figflpki'e jewels Composition settings. Oiire t o ] : " J i mjewels Plates‐Nickel A ::-:s:g r a t i s - e pattern of damas‐ keening. Recoiltg 5 : t h Dz‘st'aand. Setting‐Lever. x i - g c k i z g setting device. Balance‐Chszferei r a d polished compensating bal< ance. Me e mi Breguet hair spring. New stati 7712575:31 "Precision”nut and screw Tt‘gl'“ . , . . Escapemmt‐Dozble roller escapement. Steel escape wheel. Tested 0: half time without hair spring. Adjustments‐Adjusted to temperature. Very closely timec. Dial‐Single sunk. glass enamel, ground edge dial. Finish‐Bevel head plate and jewel screws. A l lvisible steel work polished. A well finished movement throughout. Shipped in nickel, glass front and back, skeleton display case. 19 SOUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS 18 SIZE. FULL PLATE HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. LEVER 53’‐ r 17 JEWELS NO. 346, HUNTING. NO. 347, OPEN FACE DEéCRIPTION Jewels‐17, ruby and sapphire jewels. Composition settings. Olive hole balance jewels. Plates‐Nickel. A most attractive pattern of damas‐ keening. Recoiling click. D u s t band. Setting‐Lever. Self-locking setting device. Balance‐Chamfered and polished compensating bal‐ ance. Meantime screws. Breguet hair spring. New stationary hair spring stud. “Precision" nut and screw regulator. Escapement‐Steel escape wheel. Tested on half time without h a i r spring. Very closely timed. Dial‐Single sunk, glass enamel, ground edge dial. Finish‐Bevel head plate and jewel screws. A l l visible steel work polished. A well finished movement throughout. Shipped in nickel, glass front and back, skeleton display case. ..4m‘ “jUTH BEND WATCH MOVEMENTS s 18 SIZE. FULL PLATE é, lUNTING OROPEN FACE. LEVER SET 15 JEWELS N 0 . 32. HUNTING. NO. 333. OPEN FACE ‘ DESCRIPTION Jewels‐15 jewels in settings. Olive hole balance jewels. Plates‐Nickel. Nicely damaskeened. Recoiling click. Dust band. Setting‐Lever. Self-locking setting device. Balance‐Polished compensating balance. Meantime screws. Breguet hair spring. N e w stationary hair spring stud. “ Precision" n u t and screw regulator. Tested on half time without hair spring. Very closely timed. Dial‐Single sunk, glass enamel, ground edge dial. A serviceable, well-finished movement throughout. Shipped in nickel. glass front and back, skeleton display case. ' W». ~. 4“ SOUTH BEND COMPLETE WATCHES 16 SIZE COMPLETE WATCH. OPEN FACE. SOLID ‘fi JOINTED CASE YNE muuwmnmmMM ‘ir i. MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE N0.35295 Plainpolishsolidgoldthincase . $75.00 No. 35395 Engine turned solid gold thin case . 75.00 No.35495 Romanfinishsolidgoldthincase . 75.00 Made up with a very high grade 21-jewel open face movement.ruby jewels with gold settings,gilt lettering, handsomely damaskeened plates with gold train, all steel work polished, high grade compensating balance with gold screws, double roller escapement, steel escape wheel, sapphire pallets and jewel pin, adjusted to tem‐ perature, five positions and isochronism. A very high grade watch throughout. Cased at factory in a South Bend open face jointed thin case. This is the thinnest 16size case on the m a r ‐ ket at the present time which will take any standard American made movement. The guarantee which accompanies this watch is the m o s t comprehensive of any guarantee ever given on any watch, inasmuch as you are authorized upon presentation of the card which accompanies the watch to keep same in order wz'tfwuf any c/mrge to tlze owner, provided the necessity for repairs is caused by defective material or poor workmanship, and send the bill for repairing togetherwith the card to our general oficeswhen it will bepromptlyhonoredandthecard together with a check for the repairs returned to you. The complete watch is put up in a very nicely finished. specially designed wooden box with silk and velvet lining. This is truly a watch for your most discriminating and fastidious trade. V-UTH BEND COMPLETE WATCHES 16 SIZE 'TEWATCH. OPENFACE.JOINTEDCASE ' IMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE Plain polish case, warranted to wear -anent1y . . . . . . . $50.00 > 15 Engine turned case, warranted to lear permanently . . . . . 50.00 21895 Roman finish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . -. 50.00 Made up with a very high grade 21-jewel open face vement, ruby jewelswith gold settings, gilt letter‐ ;1. handsomely damaskeened plates with gold train, 1 steel work polished, high-grade compensating bal‐ nce with gold screws, double roller escapement, steel cape wheel, sapphire pallets and jewel pin, adjusted a temperature and five positions. A very high grade 1.tch throughout. Cased at factory in a South Bend en face. jointed case. P u t up in a very nicely fin‐ “ ue d , s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d w o o d e n b o x w i t h v e l v e t l i n i n g . 19" antee bond with case number and movement num‐ 4 will be found inserted in the cover of box. 119 MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE 0.21693 Plainpolishcase,warrantedtowear 4 perinanently . . . . 0.21793 Engine turned case, warranted to wear permanently J0.21893 Roman finish case; warranted to wear permanently . . . . . $40.00 40.00 40.00 Made up with a high grade 19-jewel open face movement. r u b y jewels with gold settings, gilt letter‐ ing, handsomely damaskeeued, gold center wheel, polished steel wort unda- dial. gold balance screws, double roller eeeapanqn, steel m p e wheel, sapphire pallets and jewel pin. adjmted to temperature and five positions. Cased at My in a South Bend open face, jointed m e . Put up in a very nicely finished, spe‐ cially designed wooden box with s'lk and velvet lining. Guaranteebondwithcasenumberandmovement num‐ ber will be found inserted in the cover of box. MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE No.11299 Plainpol'mhmse.warrantedtowear 20years. . . . . . . .$30.00 No. 11399 Engine turned case, warranted to wear 20years . . . . . . 30.00 No. 11499 Roman finish mse, warranted to wear 20 years . . . . . . 30.00 No. 21699 Plain polish case, warranted to wear 0 permanently. . . . . . . 35.00 ' . No. 21799 Engine turned u s e , warranted to wear permanently . . g . . 35.00 No.21899 Roman finish case, warranted to m 1 -permanently . . . 35.00 Made up with a high grade 17-jewel open face movement, with highly finished train, ruby jewels, double roller escapement, steel escape wheel. adjusted to temperature and three positions. Cased at factory in a South Bend open face, jointed case. P u t up in a very nicely finished, specially designed wooden box with silk and velvet lining. Guarantee bond with case number and movement number will be found inserted in the cover of box. H .~""~ SOUTH BEND COMPLETE WATCHf; 16 SIZE COMPLETE WATCH. OPEN FACE. S. B. AND MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PR 5. No. 2595 Hand engraved case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . No. 2695 Plain polish case. warranted to wear . permanently. . . . . . . 51 N0. 2795 Engine turned case, warranted to v 50. r 2 50.|' wear permanently. No. 2895 Roman finish wear permanently . . . . . case, warranted to . . . . . Made up with a very high grade 21-jewel open f ~ movement, ruby jewels with gold settings, gilt l e t t ing, handsomely damaskeened plates with gold tra,’ a l l steel w o r k polished, hi h grade compensat'u_ balance with gold screws, doub e roller escapement, st . escape wheel, sapphire pallets and jewel pin, a d j u s t to temperature, five positionsandisochronism. A ver high grade watch throughout. Cased at factory in » South Bend open face, screw bezel and back case. Pu up in a very nicely finished, specially designed w o o d e box with Silk and velvet lining. Guarantee bond wit‐ case number and movement number will be found inserted in the cover of box, MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE N0. 2593 Hand engraved case, warranted to wear permanently ._ . . . . No. 2693 Plain polish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . . . No. 2793 Engine turned case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . $40.00 40.00 40.00 No. 2893 Roman finish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . 40.00 Made up with a high grade 19-jewel open face movement, ruby jewels with gold settings, gilt letter‐ ing, handsomely damaskeened, gold center wheel. polished steel work under dial, gold balance screws, double roller escapement, steel escape wheel, sapphire pallets and jewel pin, adjusted to temperature and five positions. Cased at factory in a South Bend open face, screw bezel and back case. Put up in a very nicely finished, specially designed wooden box with silk and velvet lining. Guarantee bond with case number a n d niovement number will befound inserted in the cover 0 box. 2-I H BEND COMPLETE WATCHES 16 SIZE COMPLETE WATCH‐Cox'rlxusn _ INIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE 9 H a n d engraved case, warranted to ‘wear20 years . . . 1.1299 Plain polishcase, warranted to wear , 20years . . . . . . . . 1399 Engine turned case, warranted to wear 20years . . . . . . , . 1499 Roman finish case, warranted to wear 20 years . . . . . . ' . 2599 Hand engraved case, warranted to -wear permanently . . . . 2699 Plain polish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . . 1.2799 Engine turned case, warranted to $30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ' 35.00 35.00 35.00 wear permanently . 2899 Roman finish . wear permanently . . case, warranted . . . to 35.00 Made up with a high grade 17-jewel open face Jovement w i t h h i g h l y fi n i s h e d t r a i n , r u b y j e w e l s , d o u b l e uller escapement, steel escape wheel, adjusted to tem‐ r a t u r e and three positions. Cased at factory in a «a th Bend open face, screw bezel and back case. P u t -p in a very nicely finished, specially designed wooden 1 0 x with silk and velvet lining. Guarantee bond with se number and movement number will be found nserted in the cover of box. 18 SIZE OPEN FACE. COMPLETE WATCH MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE No. 2529 H a n d engraved case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . No. 2629 Plain polish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . No. 2729 Engine turned case, warranted to $50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 wear permanently No. 2829 Roman finish wear permanently . case, warranted to . . . . . Made up with a very high grade 21-jewel "Stude‐ baker" South Bend movement, ruby jewels and gold settings, polished and cornered stem winding work, top steel work, and screws. Full damaskeened and finished throughout, gilt lettering, gold balance screws. double roller escapement, steel escape wheel, sapphire pallets and jewel pin, adjusted to temperature and five positions. As good a 21-jewel watch as it is possible to make. Cased at factory in a South Bend open face. screw bezel and back case. P u t up in a very nicely finished.specially designed wooden box with silk and velvet lining. Guarantee bond with case number and movement number will be found inserted in the cover of box. SOUTH BEND COMPLETE WAT - i 18 SIZE COMPLETE WATCH‐CONTINUED MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRI .2523 H a n d engraved case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . . 2623 Plain polish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . . .2723 Engine turned case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . 2823 Roman finish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . Made up with a very high grade 17-jewe1 “ S t u d baker” South Bend movement, ruby jewels and go settings, polished and cornered stem winding work, steel work, and screws. Fulldamaskeenedandfinish throughout. gilt lettering, gold balance screws,d o u b t ; roller escapement, steel escape wheel. sapphire pallet andjewel pin,adjustedtotemperatureandfiveposition As good a 17-jewel watch as it is possible to m a k Cased at factory in a South Bend open face, screw bezs‘ and back case. P u t up in a very nicely finished specially designed wooden box with silk and velve lining. Guarantee bond with case number and move‐ ment number will befound in the cover of box. MINIMUM RETAIL SELLING PRICE .2545 H a n d engraved case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . . 2645 Plain polish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . . . .2745 Engine turned case. warranted to wear permanently . . . . . .2845 Roman finish case, warranted to wear permanently . . . . . $35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 Made up with a 17-jewel South Bend movement, ruby jewels, composition settings, plates handsomely damaskeened with gilt lettering; double roller escape‐ ment, steel escape wheel, beveled head plate and jewel screws, steel work polished. adjusted to temperature and three positions. Cased at factory in a South Bend openface,screwbezelandbackcase. Putupinavery nicely finished, specially designed wooden box with silk and velvet lining. Guarantee bond with case number and movement number will be found inserted in the cover of box. OLD filled cases must con‐ stantly bechanged in design to make them attractive and to insure their selling quickly Our designs are _ ; _ _ al“aysbeingimprovedupon i we illustrate onl\ a few of the many ,:nified, artistic and gracefully hand‐ graved patterns which we have in stock. ' The wearing quality of gold filled « e s is dependent upon the amount of old used in their manufacture and its nperdistribution.“hile) o u can judge its beaut\ in design shape and the ,-. ity of the finish youcan't see beneath ‘ surface Upon the amount of gold d in the manufacture of a gold filled : e, on which depends its durability, you ustrelyuponthereputationofthemaker. In manufacturing South Bend \\'atch ompany Cases. the maxim “ honest value ever fails of success" has played an im‐ portant part and has made the guarantee which is stamped in every case stand for all that it implies. - ‘ 7 South Bend Watch Company Cases are sold under the same policy as are 1 South Bend Watches‐sold only to the i Legitimate Retail Jeweler, direct from the South Bend Watch Company. In summing up, we want you to take into consideration these all-important points. South Bend Watch Company Cases a r e cases of unequaled merit and the broad range of the lines places at your disposal the most complete line of gold filled cases ever offered to the Retail jeweler under a selling policy which insures you absolute protection against unfair competition. l amUTHBENDWATCHCOMPANY SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES WARRANTED TO WEAR PERMANENTL‘Y 0 SIZE 4 } SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES WARRANTED TO WEAR PERMANENTLY E; I. 16 SIZE Solid goid joints. HUNTING Solid gold French bow. pendant. One-piece Supplied in plain polish, Roman, plain and fancy engine turned or hand engraved. 31 uI. 7 . L" ., 10 “501waBEND WATCH CASES WA'RRANTED TO WEAR PERMANENTLY 4 1k "' 16 SIZE OPENv FACE . SCREW BEZEL AND BACK g 5 F E : " "y WA Hie-piece pendant. Dust‐ ' ’- . T r : _::‘ 6527‐31. with:u: extraCharge. -_ ‘_ _.'..=.': _t- '.'-': R SOUTH i 0 7» BEND W A T C H CQ‘SES t WARRANTED TO W E A R PERmNBNTLY .. "If 16SIZE ~ fi 0 OPEN FACE ( Z I P . SCREW BEZEL, SOLID BACK WITH SWING RING Dust-proof pendant. Supplied i: plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 33 SOUTH BEND WATCH affix“ CASES WARRANTED TO WEAR PERMANENTLY 18 SIZE HUNTING _, 5d French bow. Solid gold joints. One-piece pendant. if) p< fll511. Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES WARRANTED TO WEAR PERMANENTLY OPEN FACE SCREW BEZEL AND BACK Solid goid bow. One-piece pendant. Dust-proof pen‐ ‘ d a m if desired, Without extra charge. Supplied in piain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved.“ 35 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES WARRANTED TO WEAR PERMANENTLY 18 SIZE OPEN FACE CUP, SCREW BEZEL, SOLID BACK WITH SWING RING Dust-proof pendant. Supplied in plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 36 mm“ SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES WARRANTED T0 WEAR 25 YEARS 0 SIZE HUNTING Solidgoldfoints. Solidgoldbow,eitherFrenchorloop. One-piece pendant. Szpplied in plain polish, Roman, plain engine tulned or hand engraved in Bascine shape, and fancy engine turned in flat back. 37 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES: GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 25 YEARS ' 0 SIZE "R OPEN FACE N0 CAP. SNAP BEZEL Solid gold joint. Solid gold French bow. Swivel pendant. Suppliedin plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 25 YEARS 0 SIZE OPEN FACE‐REGULAR WITH CAP Solid gold joints. Solid gold French bow. Swivel pendant. Supplied in plain polish. Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 39 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED TO WEAR 25 YEARS 16 SIZE HUNTING Solid gold joints. Solid gold French bow. One-piece pendant. Supplied in plain polish,‘ Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved in Bascine shape, and fancy engine turned in flat back. 40 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 25 YEARS 16 SIZE OPEN FACE SCREW BEZEL AND BACK S o l d gold French bow. One-piece pendant. Dust‐ proof pendant if desired, without extra charge. Supplied in plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 41 ' , SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES CL'P. SCREW BEZEL OPEN FACE SOLID BACK. WITH SWING R l N G GUARANTEED TO WEAR 25 YEARS 16 SIZE D" 5 ’-Droof pendant. fiwwu. 53}? 35.5.? ,.,, 35.5: ?0 "sh. R0 an. plain engine t:l m e C or hand engraved. a wawmfinmv SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 25 YEARS 18 SIZE HUNTING Solid gold joints. Solid gold French bow. One‐ piece pendant. Supplied in plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 43 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED TO WEAR 25 YEARS 18 SIZE . <‘ uumh'> v 1‘ w OPEN FACE SCREW BEZEL AND BACK S o l d gold 1‐032" pendant if desired. without extra charge. French bow. One-piece pendant. Dust‐ i t p f e i L“: phi: pohisb Roman, plain engine turned 0: hand engraved. SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED TO WEAR 25 YEARS 18 SIZE OPEN FACE CL'P. SCREW BEZEL,4SOLID BACK WITH SWING RING Dust-proof pendant. " fi e i: plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 45 SOUTH BEND “WATCH CASES GUARANTEED TO WEAR 20 YEARS 0 SIZE HUNTING Sc-lc gold joins. Antique bow. One-piece pendant. $‘:_.1_:Lit=i 2 phin polish Roman. plain engine turned at " 3 : 5 ezgtzvai i: Baxine shape. and fancy 53435 2.11515 i: 713: back. ")SbUTH BEND W A T C H CASES GUARANTEED TO WEAR 20 YEARS 0 SIZE OPEN FACE N0 CAP. SNAP BEZEL Solid g r i d joizt. Antique bow. Swivel pendant. Szggli l :: pLai: polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 4T SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES ’"‐ GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 20 YEARS 0 SIZE OPEN FACE‐REGULAR WITH CAP i I i i gzr; fai::5._ Antique bow. Swivel pendant. . i:-;-i :: _:'_:-.i: jf-ZiAz‘; Roman, plain engine turned a: T: "i ezgraved. Qiai . C. ) _ HUNTING v Solid gold joints. Antique bow. Onewpiece pendant. Supplied in plain polish, Roman, hplain engine turned or hand engraved in Bascine shape, and fancy engine turned in flat back. r“'- 1 1 .‘4'9 . SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 20 YEARS 16 SIZE Flax Back 3518 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED TO WEAR 20 YEARS 16 SIZE OPEN FACE SCREW BEZEL AND BACK 31:12:32 "3-37. Onapiece pendant. Dust-proof pen‐ i_=:_: if desired. without extra charge. ' ' _"fish. Roman. plain engine turned o.- zazd engraved. f OPEN FACE CL'P, SCREW REEL. SOLID BACK WITH SWING RING Dust-proof pendant. Supplied in plain polish. Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 51 SOUTH BEND WATCH CASES _ GUARANTEED T0 WEAR m YEARS 18 SIZE v HUNTING ' ' Solid gold joints. Antique bow. One-piece pendant. S:pp1ied it: plain polish, Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. 5:2, I t GiJARANTEED TO WEAR 20 YEARS 18 SIZE 5 _.‐; .1 Haw-SOUTH‘f‘fEND W A T C H CASES OPEN FACE SCREW BEZEL AND BACK Antique bow. One-piece pendant. Dust-prdof pen‐ dant if desired, without extra charge. Supplied in plain polish, Roman, plain-engine turned or hand engraved. 53 SOUTH 'BEND WATCH CASES GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 20 YEARS 18 SIZE OPEN FACE CL'P. SCREW BEZEL, SOLID BACK WITH SWING RING Dust-proof pendant. ,,_‐-'.“._,-' 4 972.6: polish. Roman, plain engine turned or hand engraved. ' inig demand for South Bend ,ere'is at times such an urgent de‐ watches that telegraphic orders necessary, so we have arranged of cipher a n d code to facilitate orders. ; we give code words to represent a ofphrmsthatoccurfrequentlyin our ges will be found a code word f o r every , ;$ademovement and also every style case. ' l ' Should four 16 size, open face, zr-jewel Vi: ‘smlplywireus “ Yacht four Dagger." Should ' , zr-jewel movements, ' ent, open face, screw ‘cases, to be shipped , s_',bedesired,wire us , ~I'aggerZenith Obeyant.” ~‐ "using these code words special care mustbe taken to see that the right word is and that it is spelled correctly. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Ship by Adams Express . . Ship by American Express . . Ship by Great Northern Express Yacht Yank Yankee Yard Yarrow Yearn Yeast Yeoman Yippo Yodil Ship by National Express Ship by Pacific Express Ship by registered mail . . . . . ; , Ship by Southern Express . . Ship by United States Express . Ship by Wells-Fargo Express . Ship by Western Express . . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Addto our orderof . Duplicate o u r order of . Duplicate o u r last order To be fitted in . . Referring to our letter of Referring to your letter of . . . . ' .- . . . . . - . . Zaffe Zealot Zebra Zenith Zephyr Zigzag 55 "AH COMPANY Grade No. Jewels Htg. Htg. Htg. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. $21.50 17.00 12.00 21.50 17.00 12.00 18 SIZE * A n extra charge of 40cents net will be made for double gunk or fancy dials on these grades. NOTE‐Double sunk dials cannot be furnished on 0 Size. 56 35. H 26.00 26.00 20.00 20.00 11.00 11.00 6.50 6.50 Dan - Darnél Dauphin Dearly Decagon Declaim Decorum Eaglet Earldom Earshot Earwig Eclipse Eclogue Edible Edifice Edilet Effig EffluZnt (1 Gra e Jewels Case . . List Price Minimum Retail Selling (, d ‘0 e No. \\'ords 35295 35395 35495 21695 21795 21995 21693 21793 21393 21699 21799 21899 11299 11399 11499 2595 2695 2795 2895 2593 Price 16 SIZE‐SOLID GOLD CASE 21 Adj. 0. F. $100.00 $75.00 21Adj. 0. F. ' 100.00 75.00 21Adj. 0. F. 100.00 75.00 16 SIZE‐JOINTED CASE 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 35.00 35.00 35 00 30.00 30.00 30.00 if 2693 19Adj. 0. F. 2793 19Adj. 0. F. 2893 19Adj. 0. F. 2599 17Adj. 0. F. 2699 17Adj. 0. F. 2799 17Adj. 0. F. 2899 17Adj. 0. F. 1199 17Adj. 0. F. 1299 17Adj. 0. F. $50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 2529 2629 2729 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. $50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Entrepot Envenom Epaulet Epeira Epicure , Epilogue Episode Eplicate Equinox , 2829 2523 2623 2723 2823 2545‘ 2645 17Adj. 2745 17Adj. 2845 17Adj. 52.76 52.76 52.76 42.76 40.00 40.00 40 00 35.00 35.00 Erudite 35.00 Esculent. 35.00 Esdras 21Adj. 21Adj. 21Adj. 21Adj. 19 A d j . 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. $68.30 68.30 68.30 68 30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52,30 45.80 35.00 45.80 35.00 45.80 35.00 45.80 35.00 37.70 30.00 Dormant 37.70 30.00 Dotage “21 Adj. 21Adj. 21Adj 21Adj. 17Adj. 0. F. 17Adj. 0. F. $68.76 68.76 68.76 68.76 52.76 40.00 17Adj. 17Adj. 17Adj. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. 0. F. 42.76 0. F. 42.76 0. F. 42.76 PRICE LIST COMPLETE WATCHES Doddart Doddy Dodge Doctor Dogma Dohl Dokamok Dolt Dolus Domify Donna Doob Dote Dout Dove Docile Dockage Dogged Doge Doily Doleful Dolphin Dollar Domain Domicile Donkey Donjon 1399 17Adj. 0. F. 37.70 30.00 Doughty 1499 17Adj. 0. F. 37.70 30.00 Doulia 21Adj. 0. 21Adj. 0. 21Adj. 0. 19Adj. 0. 19Adj. 0. 19Adj. 0. F. 54.10 17Adj. 0. F. 46.26 17Adj. 0. F. 46.26 17Adj. 0. F. 46.26 17Adj. 0. F. 40.80 17Adj. 0. F. 40.80 17Ad]. o. F. 40.80 F. 70.10 35000 F. 70.10 F. 70.10 F. 54.10 F. 54.10 16 SIZE‐S. B. & B. CASE 18 SIZE AstTH BEJ~ ~-. . WARRANTED. T0 w“ Style Case '. Humid" ”ointed . g , ] .- Hunting,jointed . 0 n face, screw ezel and back . Openfacecup, screw bezel, sol‐ id back . . Hunting,jointed . 11 face. screw zelandback . Openfacecup, screw bezel, sol‐ $11.70 Lacerate :d b a c k . . 1: face. screw 1andback . 1.70 Lsidder $17.10 $17.10 Oakum Oarsman Oasis $18.96 $18.96 $18.90 ‘ Obdurqye Obelisk Obesity ' , 16 SIZE $15.76 Occiput 18 SIZE $18.00 Pacific $18.00 Paddock $18.00 Pagan $14.40 $14.40 $14.40 $11.70 Laconic .‘‘ - $1'.-,, Painter $15.76 Pajamas Palatial Palaquin Palaver $16.20 $16.20 $16.20 $17.56 Palmetto Palpitate Pancake Panoply SILVALOY CASES 16 SIZE $1.00 Ozone Open face cup, scre- bezel, sol‐ thnckm. $2.24 h m by v i t a usecode word shown under price of case and. $17.10 ‘ .a 7 .. ing,jointed . Ogen face, screw ezelandback . Open face cup. screw bezel, sol‐ id back . . . . Hunting, jointed . 0 en face, screw ezel and back . Open face cu . _screw bezel. so ‐ 1d back . . $14.40 0 i n $9.46 Oliote $11.70 Omega $14.40 Ointment 39:45 Ollxgat $11.70 Omitible $14.40 Oleander $9.46 Ollapod $11.70 Omnibus $14.86 Picnic $ 0 0 Pilaster $12.16 Pimento $15.80 Oligarchy $10.36 Olluman $12.60 Omptey $15.76 Piebald $10.80 P i l g r i m $18.06 Pmafore $14.86 Piazza .90 Pletism $12.16 Pillion $14.86 Pickerel $9.90 Pigeon $12.16 Pilose 18 SIZE ll‘trifling by wire use code word shown under price of usetilted. m Engraved $10.36 Libretto . 30 $8.10 Ligament Limpid . ' §9.46 a n t Litharge Littoral Style Case \ l l Hunting jointed . ' Open face, no cap, snapbezel. . Plain Roman ' $8.56 Loathe $6.76 Open face, regu‐ Location Lofter ar,jointed . . Hunting, jointed. Owlface, screw el and back Open face cu sc r e w b e z e solid b a c k . .I 08.10 Lgtepry L o v e r $11.70 $11.70 Opaque Opossum Oppung Op Open face, skele‐ t o n glass front andback . . . , $550 $6.30 Ordinal ' $9,.90 Oscillate Hunting,jointed . Omaha, screw and back Bee cu, screw beze , sohdbarx . . . 0 p m hoe. skele‐ ton. glass from undo-ck . . . $12.16 $13.06 PRICE LIST 7 $6.30 Oratory $9.90 Orotund $6.80 Orchid $9.90 Ortolan $76 $7 O r g . $10.80 Ostrich $12.16 $12.16 Poetry Polarity Polemic Politic $8.02 $02 $8.02 $8.92 Pollard Polyglot Pomatnm Pompous $10.86 $10.36 10.86 $11.25 Pontifi' Pontoon ophn Porridge $5.50 Portico Ottoman 18 SIZE I n“ fl i n g b yt i r e use code word shown under price o f as mixed. $11.70 ’ l‘ $1 n PAGE 29‐54 f. °Size38§5$i22fi : : : : : 23 v, . Description . . . . . 31-33 'as iPriceList. . . . . . 58 . 18S“ Description . . . . i PriceList. . . . . GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 5 YEARS . 34-36 . 58 WARRANTED T0 WEAR PERMANENTLY . 05“ iPriceList. . . . . . 59 Description . . .e . . 37‐39 . ( Description . 16S‘”1PriceList . . .- 6Description . 1.8 Size ‘QPriceList . . . 40‐42 . ‘59 GUARANTEED T0 WEAR 20 YEARS i‘ 0 'ption . . . . .46‐48 "_,‘»ceList.....60 . Description 16Size { PriceList . . Description 1 8 S i z e 1 3P r i c e L i s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPLETE WATCHES . . MOVEMENT AND CASE COMPLETE WITH BOX “ SILVALOY " 16Size- PriceList . . . 18Size‐Price List . . . . . . . . . 49‐51 60 52‐54 6 0 5s 58 16Size -3Sfii‘é‘ifi’fii’“. 18 Size-2 Bfii‘éfifi’i‘éfi“. MOVEMENTS . . : : : : . . : : : : . . : ”E? : 25'3‘7‘ . 7‐21 0Size 35312323“. : : : : : “$8 16Size %Sfiiirt’iii’“. : : : : : “$2 18Size 353123328“. : : : : .1 “fié 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . 22‐26 . 43‐45 <‐