Pocket Watch Database
No. 17.
M" 13°
N0. o'Z.
" l “ “rid”,
FOR THE TRADE ONLY. . _ . _ _ - - . _ . - a...A . . - _ , - _ _ _ .
ea“9 _._....-__ @@@@ MANUFACTURERS OP
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rrxl"flio L.
Pendant Winders a
I‘-“I[0 ‘1f,,‐.-,‘ . fl -.a Baal/oL100?Movmcetfss
___-_e .,-_-_
Frosted,ENAMELED,Gold Index Plate,Gold
Jewel Settings throughout, Gilded Steel
ey Winders,
W o r k . Best quality. Lever Movement,St. L i n e Escapement, Exposedrubypallets, 19 line ruby jewels. 3 pairs conicalpivots.
cap jeweled. with fine rubies, Breguet hair 3Ring. hardenedand
tempered, Compensation Balance. accurate y adjusted to heat andcoldlsochronismandpositionJ’almwlReversible Barrel
and P o t e n t D o nble Ill-lll'.l‘- Regulator, Named “ United
States Vl'atch Co.” Marion, N.j............................... $420 00$450 00
n""“i;{l't"3"“r LNlCKEL, 14and 18size, same quality asabove, P a t e n t .
“ “9 l Reversible Barrel and PatentDoubleIndoor Regulat- m . 0000
tor. Named“UnitedStates “latch Co.,” Marion, N.J......... 3‘0 ”U 4
Full Plato,......NICKEL, 18size. Same quality asabove................... 330 00360 00
Full Plate,,,,,,,N|CKEL,18size. Same as19,except plainDamaskeenand bluedsteelwork............................................ 270 00300 00
and Bridge,
“ A . H. -WALLIS.”
[imposedfia/{etjl’IUQ/S, ll pair extra jewels. and “2pair extra com‘ml ‐ pivots. cqucfweled111goldsettings, Sprungover Expansion Bal- . ance. adjusted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named “ A . ’
and Bridge,
Plate, ReversibleBarrelandPatentDoubleInflow Regulator 11000 1250“
ifadjusted topositions............. 5000 500‐ E x t r a on 52, 5-25, or 5355 ifenameled and frosted on cock o n l y 2 50 . 2 50
Extra on52, 521/2, or
Extra on52,5254, or531/2 ifenameled and frosted........... ‘ 1250- 1250
Sewmmen 2, 1879.
'Fnll Plate,......NlCKEL, 18size, Lever Movement, St. Line Escapement,‘ Ex aa‘edfirzlletje'wcls, 4 pair extrajewels, Sprung over Expansmn
N0.54onQuarterPlatej,NlCKEL, 10(Ladies)and10size,samegradeas51. Patent and Bridge, ReversibleBarrelandI‘uteutDoubleImlemRegulator
NO- 55.14. Three-Quarter i,N1CKEL,14and 13size,same radeas51. PatentRevers‐ l’law, ible Barrel and Patent D o u1le Index- Regulutor.....
No. 54.
N0. 50.
Extraon54,5455,or551/2,if adjustedtopositions... ....... . Extra on51541/2, or5514, if enameled and frosted........... E x t r a on 51,51%,, or 55%, if enameled and frosted on cock onlv
Full Plate,......NICKEL, 18size, Lever Movement, St. Line Escapement. Exposedfial/etjmuels, 4 pair extrajewels, Sprungover Expansmn Balance.Sunk Seconds. Named“ W m . Alexander,” Mar1on,N.J.
N00 58,15. Quarter Plate and Bridge,
NO- 59%- Three-Quarter l’late,
No. 60.
E x t r a on 58, 585.43 or 5054, if adjusted to heat and cold ........ Extra on58, 581/2 orSill/2, ifadjusted topositions.............
000 42 50 000
4-3 30 55 00
9 00 42 50 9 00
57 50 70 00
Ba ance, adjusted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named '
“Henry Randel,” Marion,
87 50 190 00
95 00
42 50 12 30 2 30
102 50 135 00
110 00
42 50 12 50 2 50
N0.56%.Quarter Plate } NlCKEL,10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas50. Patent and B r i d g e , R c - l ' e r s l b l e B u r - r e l a n d P o t e n t D o u b l e . I n d e x R e g u l a t o r
N0. 571/2. Three-Quarter } NICKEL, 14and18size. Samegrade as50. PatentHere-rs‐
N0. I'h‘.
Full Plate,......NlCKEL, 18size, Lever Movement,Sf. Line Escapcment, ExyMsmlfiu/Ict jewels, 4 pair extra jewels, Sprun over_Expan‐
sion Balance. Sunk Seconds. N a m e d " S . M. Beard, ’ Marlon,N.J.
} NlCKEL,10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas58. Patent Reversible B a r r e l and P u t e u t D o u b l e Iurleaz R e g u l a t o r
l N|CKEL,14and18size. Samegradeas58. PatentReeers‐ ible Bu rreland Putent Double Ire-flea: Regulator......
l ’ l a t e ,
i b l e B a r r e l - a n d l ’ u t e u t D o u b l e I n d e x : R e g u l a t o r ......
g00 42 50 000
0 00 42 50 0 00
Extraon50,5654,or571.43. ifadjustedtoheatandcold........ Extra on 56, 5054, or 5703, if acjusted to positions... .. . . . . . .
Extra on50, 565,33.
if enameled and frosted ..........
Extra on58, 5855
itenameled and frosted
Full Plate.......N|cKEL, 18size, Lever Movement, St. Line Escapement, ‘ Ex/basedfia/[etjezm-Vs,Sprung over Expansion Balance, 15jewels.
Sunk Seconds. Named "John W. Lewis,” Marion, NJ ........
NO-60%-QuarterPlate}NICKEL, 10(Ladies)and10size.Samegradeas00.Patent and Bridge, ReversibleBarrelandPatentDoublelulled!Regulator
NO- ("35° Three-Quarter '.N|CKEL, 14and18size. Samegradeas00. PuteutRevers‐ Plfll-Gg 1ible.Barrel andPotent DoubleIurlemRegulutor......
N0. 23.
4s00- 0300
E x t r a on 60, (SDI/5, or ( j l l/é, ifad‘justed to heat and cold.......
0 00 30 00 0 00
340 00
300 00
200 00 13 00
15 00
115 00
0 00 30 00 0 00
-.1~0 00
330 00
200 00 1s 00
00 00
130 00
E x t r a o n0 0 , 0 0 5 . 4 3 ,
Extra on00, 0054, or0184, itenameled and frosted..........
No. 23}6- Quarter Plate ' 10(Ladies) and 10size. Same grade as23. P a t e n t Reversible andBridge, Barreland Patent Double.Index Regulator ........
N0. 2413? Tllrcofllmrter 14and 18size._ Same grade as“23. P a t e n t Reversible Bar-rel
I" No. 27.
Plate, l and I’uteut Double Irulem Regulutor.................... Extraon 23,235.5 or 241/2,if Dumas/{wenfinial;........
Full Plate,....
“ FREDERIL A'lHLRl‘ON 0500.”
L e v e r M o v e m e n t , F r o s t e d , 1 8s i z e , S t . L i n e E s c a p e m e n t , E x p o s e d fialletje'zyels,0p a i r extra'ewels,and2pairextracam‘mlpivots,mp
jeweled,logo/dsettings, prungover ExpansionBalance,adjusted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named “ Frederic Atherton 8:Co.,” Marion, N.J................. ........................
N0. ..7}{,. Quarter Plate l 10(Ladies) and 10size. Same grade as27.1’uteut Reimrsible and Bridge, B a r r e l and P a t e n t D o u b l e I n d e x R e g u l u t o r...........
No. 285... Three-Quarter L 14and 18. size. Same grade as"27. P a t e n t ReversibleBur-rel ’‘ Plate, , and P a t e n t D o u b l e Iurlea: R e g u l a t o r....................
E x t r a on27, “273.5. or2813, if adjusted topositions ............ Extra on 27, 27,15, or 2&4, if Damaskeen finish
-50 9750
50 00 50 00 13 50 13 50
or0114, it. atjusted topositions ..........
“ UNI'lED s T MLS WATCH 00.”
Full Plate,......Best quality Frosted Movement, 18size, St. Lure Escapement, amused ruby pallets, 10tine ruby jewels, 3pairs conical pivots,
capjeweled, With h n e rubies mgo/dsettmgs. Breguet hair spring, hardened and tempered, Compensation Balance, accurately ad'usted to heat and cold, lsochronism and position. Named “ mted States “fatch Co.,” Marion, N.j.....................
03 00
8750 ,10250
70 00 1 35 00
55 00
7000 . 8500
0000‘ 7500
rs 00
70 00
66 l l ‘ 3’ ' " k _ _ "‐i‐’“'-.'l-‐X'I MARION “ A71CH LO' 1“Wsrliitasr‘ii'isuirns.
Full Plate..... .LeverMovement,14‘rosted,1SSize,.S‘t.Lz‘rzeEscapement.Exposed5, pallet/equals,4p a i r extra jewels, Sprung over ExpansionBalance, ‐
No. 29.
NO- 29%- Quarter Plate i 10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas29. PatentReversible! ‘
ad usted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named “ Marion
atch Co.” Marion.N.J........................................| 6300E7800
andBridge, Barreland PatentDoubleIndexRegulator ...'
NO. 30%. Three-Quarter g 14and 18size. Same grade as29. P a t e n t Reversible B a r r e l ‘
Plate, andParent- DoubleIndexRegulator
Extra on29, 29,34 Extra on29, 29,345
_“ I. H. WRIGHT.”
No. 33,14. Full Plate.... ..LeverMovement,Frosted, 18size.St.LineEscapement.Eafased offer mm.4 pair extra jewels. Sprung over Expansion Balance 3
N0, 37,15, Full P1319,,,,,,,NICKEL Top Plate, Barrel Bridge and (L'oelr, Lever Movement, 18 size, St. Lz'lle' Escapement, [infused pallezjimuels,
4 pair extra jewels, Sprung over Expansuon Balance. Sunk Seconds. Named “ (Jeorge Chanmng." Marion, N. J.......
N0. 37%. Quarter Plate L10(Ladies)andllisize. Same grade as-‘iiqu. P a t e n t R e v e r s i b l e andBridge, j Barreland Patent DoubleInflux: Regulator. ..........
.................... 1-700 8500 or3014. ifadjusted topositions............. l 4250, 4250
or30'4. it'Damaskeen finish...............
50. 1250
Sunk econds. Named“I.H.Wright,” Marion,N.J...........' 4500. 6000
No. 345/52. Quarter Plate s,10(Ladies)and10size. Samegrade£18335. PatentReversible.
andBridge, Barreland PatentDoubleInflow Regulator ........... 6000 7500
N0. 3424. Three-Quarter %14 and 18 size. Same grade as 33,14. P a t e n t Reversible
Plate, Barreland Patent Double.Inflem Regulator............ 5250
Extra on 3&4. 341.5 or 34951, it'ad'usted to heat and cold....... Extra on 333.3",3415 or 3495, if a justed to positions........... E x t r a on333.5, 34ng or34-35, ifDamaskeen finish ............
9 00 42 50
5000 6500
N0. 38K. Three-Quarter l 14and 18size. Samegrade$1537.14. P a t e n t Reversible B a r r e l
Plate. 3a'ndPatent DoubleIndexRegulator..... ............ 4‘2 50-5?50
N0. 43_
Extra on 371.1, 3711 or 3814 if adjusted to heat and cold....... (i 00 . 0 00
FullPlate...,_..LeverMovement.Frosted.18size.SK.LineEscapement,15.1750st ' fia/letjewels, Sprungover Expansion Balance. ls'ijewels. Named
“Edwin Rollo,"Marion,N.j.......... .. .. .. .............. 22550' 4050 Extra,ifwithSunkSecondDial............................ 100‘ 100
No. 48}.{. Quarter Plate 10(Ladiesiand 10size. Samegrade as43, Sunk Seconds. P a r e n t | andBridge, ReversibleBarrelandPatentDoubleIndex.Regulator 38501 5350
N0. 4334. Three-Quarter i. lland 18size. Same grade as43. Sunk Seconds. P a t e n t R e ‐ Plate, r e r e l b l e B a r r e l and P a t e n t D o u b l e I n d e x R e g u l a t o r “
Extraon43.43k;or4311,if adjustedto heatandcold........ Extraon43,431.1or43551,if Damaskeeafim's/t ............
“1 39 “ ASA FULLER.
N0. 43,14. Full Plate,......N I C K E L Barrel Bridge. Lever Movement, 18 size. St. L i n e Escapement, Exposed pallet jewels. Sprung over Ex >ansion
No. 445.Quarter Plate 10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas4314but15jewels. Patent
3 1 5 0f 4 05 0
(i00! (i00 It) 00, 10CO
Balance, ”jewels. Named “ A s a Fuller,” Marion,N. . .
1!) 50 3150 andBridge, i ReversibleBar-relandPatent-])oa.ble.I JuleanRegulator ' 3150' 4550
N0. 44K. Three-Quarter i 14and 18size. Same grade as4:3}6- P a t e n t Reversible Ba-r- 1 Plate, rd and Patent-D o able I "flea: Regulator......... ..
2550: 3750
4 Extra oneither ofabove, ifwith Sunk Second Dial.......... Extra on either orabove, if adjusted to heat and cold.......
Extra on either of above, if Damaskecn/an's/z........... .. .
“ J. W. BEACON.”
No. 45,143. Quarter Plate . 10(Ladies)size. Samegradeas43,but15jewels. PatentRe‐ andBridge, rersibleBarrelandParent DoubleImleatRegulator..
100' 0 00 8 00
100 (i 00 s 011
No. 45.
Full Plate, .,___LeverMovement,Frosted,1Ssize.St.LineEscapementh‘x-posedI pal/e: jcwels. Sprung over Chronometer Balance, 11 jewels.
Named “ J . W'. Deacon,” Marion. N.J.........................
lo50 200 2650 3750
No.45'.{.Three-Quarteri 14and18size.Samegradeas45,”jewels. PatentReversible
Plate, f B a r r e l ...................................................... ! 2150' 3100
Extra,on either ofabove, it with Sunk Second Dial... . j 1 00 1 00
........Q9500 .11000
9 00 42 50
50i 1250
_ _
NO- 47-
No. 46.
“d Bridge, ment. Ex asedpalletjewels. Chronometer Balance 15 ewels.
Patent “vermildeBarrel. SunkSeconds. Name “A.J.
Vi'ood,” Marion, N.J....................... 200 3150
“ G. A. READ.” . .
Full Plate,, , , , , ,LeverMovementFrosted18size,.§‘t.LmeEscapementExposed: 1116szjewels, Sprung over Chronometer Balance 7 jewels.
W1__.vnens. W_1_____xpsns. N0. 45V. Threle-Qtuarter } 14size. Lever Movement St. Line Escapement. Eyosedpallet- |
"M 0, Jewels, Chronometer Balance,1” jewels. “ P a t e n t i (mew-811116 m, B a rr e l . Named “ Young America.” Marion, N. J....... . . 11 to
e 1975
N0.45%.ThroI(;-2;1(:1’rter fSameas4596.butwith11jewels. PatentReversibleBarrel' 1325 2125
Extra on either of above, ifwith Sunk Second Dial.. .. . i
“ A . J. WOOD”
Quarter P13“ ;,10(Ladies) size, Lever Movement Frosted. St. Line Escape-f
1 00 ;
1 00
_ a m e dG.A.Read” Marion, N.J...........................
1‘0- “Wee Threefifiltzrtel‘ f 18size. Same grade as46..................................... i 1175' 1975
’ Extra oneither ofthe above, ifSunk Second Dial...........' 100 100 +-- _ ..____.
Plain Dials Plain Seconds” .....................................................................$2(‘0 PlainDials:Sunk Seconds..............................................................................300 Double Sunk Dials....................................................................................650 Masonic and Presentation Dials ofany design toorder................................................$3to50
-....__ ”A *_ _ _.___.
A l l the above Movements have the Hardware! a n d Tempered H a i r Springs. A l l Quarter Plate and Bridge and Three-Quarter Plates have P A T E"T R EV E R S lB LE B A RR E L, unequaled for sim‐ plicityandperfection.forpreventingdamagetotrainincaseofbreakingofmainspring. AllFullandThree‐
Quarter Plates have PATENT DUST BANDS, all Quarter Plate and Bridge and Three-Quarter Plates, except Nos. 45}.{, 45345 and 45:54 have PATENT DOUBLE INDEX REGULATOR, without extra charge, the same being included in the list price of movements.
Full PlateMovementfurnishedwithPatentReversibleBarrelforextra$3.00.
“ “ " " “ DoubleInflow Regulatorforextra$6.00.
A l l except the “ G. A. Read ” are warranted by special certificate.
Every variety of Gold and Silver Diamond Set and Magic Cases constantly on hand and made to order. Also Stem-Winding Minute Repeaters. 1-4, 1-5 Split and Fly-back Seconds, for Timing Horses, Artillery‐
men, &c.
GILES,WALES<0C().,13 Ala-menLane,NewYork. “ e” " m ” i GILES, 131m. <1; ca,384 Wabash,A m , Chicago, Ill‐
SI.'' .:
_‐f_‐;_'_C.W'R19ur a t }
cases. was-ms. a co... .
253 feetfront..IronandGlass. MARION,(JerseyCity.)N.J. ~
LP.fl .
w- ‘
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