Pocket Watch Database

United States Watch Co. Marion Watches Price List of Movements (1872)

Courtesy of the Harvard University Library (William Bond & Son Archive)

In 1872, the United States Watch Company (Marion) distributed this price list to the trade, detailing the impressive products offered by the company, including their innovative “pendant winders.” At the time, the company was eagerly positioning as a high-end watch manufacturing operation, fueled by the ambitions of Giles, Wales & Co. The premier grade offered was the “United States Watch Co.,” priced at $450 for the stem-winding 16-Size “No. 17.” This publication is significant for researchers, as it contains one of the most comprehensive lists of grade descriptions known for the United States Watch Company.

Original Source

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date August 20, 2020

No. 17. _ M" 13° N0. o'Z. " l “ “rid”, FOR THE TRADE ONLY. . _ . _ _ - - . _ . - a...A . . - _ , - _ _ _ . ea“9 _._....-__ @@@@ MANUFACTURERS OP l 1“ rrxl"flio L. (“a Pendant Winders a I‘-“I[0 ‘1f,,‐.-,‘ . fl -.a Baal/oL100?Movmcetfss ___-_e .,-_-_ Frosted,ENAMELED,Gold Index Plate,Gold Jewel Settings throughout, Gilded Steel ‐_ {‐ ft ey Winders, W o r k . Best quality. Lever Movement,St. L i n e Escapement, Exposedrubypallets, 19 line ruby jewels. 3 pairs conicalpivots. cap jeweled. with fine rubies, Breguet hair 3Ring. hardenedand tempered, Compensation Balance. accurate y adjusted to heat andcoldlsochronismandpositionJ’almwlReversible Barrel and P o t e n t D o nble Ill-lll'.l‘- Regulator, Named “ United States Vl'atch Co.” Marion, N.j............................... $420 00$450 00 n""“i;{l't"3"“r LNlCKEL, 14and 18size, same quality asabove, P a t e n t . “ “9 l Reversible Barrel and PatentDoubleIndoor Regulat- m . 0000 tor. Named“UnitedStates “latch Co.,” Marion, N.J......... 3‘0 ”U 4 Full Plato,......NICKEL, 18size. Same quality asabove................... 330 00360 00 Full Plate,,,,,,,N|CKEL,18size. Same as19,except plainDamaskeenand bluedsteelwork............................................ 270 00300 00 and Bridge, “ A . H. -WALLIS.” [imposedfia/{etjl’IUQ/S, ll pair extra jewels. and “2pair extra com‘ml ‐ pivots. cqucfweled111goldsettings, Sprungover Expansion Bal- . ance. adjusted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named “ A . ’ and Bridge, Plate, ReversibleBarrelandPatentDoubleInflow Regulator 11000 1250“ ifadjusted topositions............. 5000 500‐ E x t r a on 52, 5-25, or 5355 ifenameled and frosted on cock o n l y 2 50 . 2 50 Extra on52, 521/2, or 53,54 Extra on52,5254, or531/2 ifenameled and frosted........... ‘ 1250- 1250 Sewmmen 2, 1879. “ HENRY RANDEL.” 'Fnll Plate,......NlCKEL, 18size, Lever Movement, St. Line Escapement,‘ Ex aa‘edfirzlletje'wcls, 4 pair extrajewels, Sprung over Expansmn N0.54onQuarterPlatej,NlCKEL, 10(Ladies)and10size,samegradeas51. Patent and Bridge, ReversibleBarrelandI‘uteutDoubleImlemRegulator NO- 55.14. Three-Quarter i,N1CKEL,14and 13size,same radeas51. PatentRevers‐ l’law, ible Barrel and Patent D o u1le Index- Regulutor..... No. 54. N0. 50. Extraon54,5455,or551/2,if adjustedtopositions... ....... . Extra on51541/2, or5514, if enameled and frosted........... E x t r a on 51,51%,, or 55%, if enameled and frosted on cock onlv “ WM. ALEXANDER.” Full Plate,......NICKEL, 18size, Lever Movement, St. Line Escapement. Exposedfial/etjmuels, 4 pair extrajewels, Sprungover Expansmn Balance.Sunk Seconds. Named“ W m . Alexander,” Mar1on,N.J. N00 58,15. Quarter Plate and Bridge, NO- 59%- Three-Quarter l’late, No. 60. E x t r a on 58, 585.43 or 5054, if adjusted to heat and cold ........ Extra on58, 581/2 orSill/2, ifadjusted topositions............. 000 42 50 000 4-3 30 55 00 9 00 42 50 9 00 57 50 70 00 Ba ance, adjusted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named ' “Henry Randel,” Marion, N.J............................... 87 50 190 00 95 00 42 50 12 30 2 30 102 50 135 00 110 00 42 50 12 50 2 50 N0.56%.Quarter Plate } NlCKEL,10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas50. Patent and B r i d g e , R c - l ' e r s l b l e B u r - r e l a n d P o t e n t D o u b l e . I n d e x R e g u l a t o r N0. 571/2. Three-Quarter } NICKEL, 14and18size. Samegrade as50. PatentHere-rs‐ N0. I'h‘. Full Plate,......NlCKEL, 18size, Lever Movement,Sf. Line Escapcment, ExyMsmlfiu/Ict jewels, 4 pair extra jewels, Sprun over_Expan‐ sion Balance. Sunk Seconds. N a m e d " S . M. Beard, ’ Marlon,N.J. } NlCKEL,10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas58. Patent Reversible B a r r e l and P u t e u t D o u b l e Iurleaz R e g u l a t o r l N|CKEL,14and18size. Samegradeas58. PatentReeers‐ ible Bu rreland Putent Double Ire-flea: Regulator...... ........... l ’ l a t e , i b l e B a r r e l - a n d l ’ u t e u t D o u b l e I n d e x : R e g u l a t o r ...... 99 g00 42 50 000 0 00 42 50 0 00 Extraon50,5654,or571.43. ifadjustedtoheatandcold........ Extra on 56, 5054, or 5703, if acjusted to positions... .. . . . . . . Extra on50, 565,33. or if enameled and frosted .......... Extra on58, 5855 or itenameled and frosted 575.0, “S.M.BEARD. 5030, “JOHN W. LEWIS.” Full Plate.......N|cKEL, 18size, Lever Movement, St. Line Escapement, ‘ Ex/basedfia/[etjezm-Vs,Sprung over Expansion Balance, 15jewels. Sunk Seconds. Named "John W. Lewis,” Marion, NJ ........ NO-60%-QuarterPlate}NICKEL, 10(Ladies)and10size.Samegradeas00.Patent and Bridge, ReversibleBarrelandPatentDoublelulled!Regulator NO- ("35° Three-Quarter '.N|CKEL, 14and18size. Samegradeas00. PuteutRevers‐ Plfll-Gg 1ible.Barrel andPotent DoubleIurlemRegulutor...... N0. 23. 4s00- 0300 E x t r a on 60, (SDI/5, or ( j l l/é, ifad‘justed to heat and cold....... 0 00 30 00 0 00 340 00 300 00 200 00 13 00 15 00 115 00 0 00 30 00 0 00 -.1~0 00 330 00 200 00 1s 00 00 00 130 00 E x t r a o n0 0 , 0 0 5 . 4 3 , Extra on00, 0054, or0184, itenameled and frosted.......... No. 23}6- Quarter Plate ' 10(Ladies) and 10size. Same grade as23. P a t e n t Reversible andBridge, Barreland Patent Double.Index Regulator ........ N0. 2413? Tllrcofllmrter 14and 18size._ Same grade as“23. P a t e n t Reversible Bar-rel I" No. 27. Plate, l and I’uteut Double Irulem Regulutor.................... Extraon 23,235.5 or 241/2,if Dumas/{wenfinial;........ Full Plate,.... x11r1x “ FREDERIL A'lHLRl‘ON 0500.” L e v e r M o v e m e n t , F r o s t e d , 1 8s i z e , S t . L i n e E s c a p e m e n t , E x p o s e d fialletje'zyels,0p a i r extra'ewels,and2pairextracam‘mlpivots,mp jeweled,logo/dsettings, prungover ExpansionBalance,adjusted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named “ Frederic Atherton 8:Co.,” Marion, N.J................. ........................ N0. ..7}{,. Quarter Plate l 10(Ladies) and 10size. Same grade as27.1’uteut Reimrsible and Bridge, B a r r e l and P a t e n t D o u b l e I n d e x R e g u l u t o r........... No. 285... Three-Quarter L 14and 18. size. Same grade as"27. P a t e n t ReversibleBur-rel ’‘ Plate, , and P a t e n t D o u b l e Iurlea: R e g u l a t o r.................... E x t r a on27, “273.5. or2813, if adjusted topositions ............ Extra on 27, 27,15, or 2&4, if Damaskeen finish -50 9750 50 00 50 00 13 50 13 50 or0114, it. atjusted topositions .......... 1111 “ UNI'lED s T MLS WATCH 00.” Full Plate,......Best quality Frosted Movement, 18size, St. Lure Escapement, amused ruby pallets, 10tine ruby jewels, 3pairs conical pivots, capjeweled, With h n e rubies mgo/dsettmgs. Breguet hair spring, hardened and tempered, Compensation Balance, accurately ad'usted to heat and cold, lsochronism and position. Named “ mted States “fatch Co.,” Marion, N.j..................... 03 00 8750 ,10250 70 00 1 35 00 55 00 7000 . 8500 0000‘ 7500 rs 00 70 00 66 l l ‘ 3’ ' " k _ _ "‐i‐’“'-.'l-‐X'I MARION “ A71CH LO' 1“Wsrliitasr‘ii'isuirns. Full Plate..... .LeverMovement,14‘rosted,1SSize,.S‘t.Lz‘rzeEscapement.Exposed5, pallet/equals,4p a i r extra jewels, Sprung over ExpansionBalance, ‐ No. 29. NO- 29%- Quarter Plate i 10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas29. PatentReversible! ‘ ad usted to heat and cold. Sunk Seconds. Named “ Marion atch Co.” Marion.N.J........................................| 6300E7800 andBridge, Barreland PatentDoubleIndexRegulator ...' NO. 30%. Three-Quarter g 14and 18size. Same grade as29. P a t e n t Reversible B a r r e l ‘ Plate, andParent- DoubleIndexRegulator Extra on29, 29,34 Extra on29, 29,345 _“ I. H. WRIGHT.” No. 33,14. Full Plate.... ..LeverMovement,Frosted, 18size.St.LineEscapement.Eafased offer mm.4 pair extra jewels. Sprung over Expansion Balance 3 : , N0, 37,15, Full P1319,,,,,,,NICKEL Top Plate, Barrel Bridge and (L'oelr, Lever Movement, 18 size, St. Lz'lle' Escapement, [infused pallezjimuels, 4 pair extra jewels, Sprung over Expansuon Balance. Sunk Seconds. Named “ (Jeorge Chanmng." Marion, N. J....... N0. 37%. Quarter Plate L10(Ladies)andllisize. Same grade as-‘iiqu. P a t e n t R e v e r s i b l e andBridge, j Barreland Patent DoubleInflux: Regulator. .......... .................... 1-700 8500 or3014. ifadjusted topositions............. l 4250, 4250 or30'4. it'Damaskeen finish............... 1-2 50. 1250 ! Sunk econds. Named“I.H.Wright,” Marion,N.J...........' 4500. 6000 No. 345/52. Quarter Plate s,10(Ladies)and10size. Samegrade£18335. PatentReversible. andBridge, Barreland PatentDoubleInflow Regulator ........... 6000 7500 N0. 3424. Three-Quarter %14 and 18 size. Same grade as 33,14. P a t e n t Reversible Plate, Barreland Patent Double.Inflem Regulator............ 5250 Extra on 3&4. 341.5 or 34951, it'ad'usted to heat and cold....... Extra on 333.3",3415 or 3495, if a justed to positions........... E x t r a on333.5, 34ng or34-35, ifDamaskeen finish ............ “ GEORGE CHANNING.” 0750 9 00 42 50 5000 6500 N0. 38K. Three-Quarter l 14and 18size. Samegrade$1537.14. P a t e n t Reversible B a r r e l Plate. 3a'ndPatent DoubleIndexRegulator..... ............ 4‘2 50-5?50 N0. 43_ ' Extra on 371.1, 3711 or 3814 if adjusted to heat and cold....... (i 00 . 0 00 “ EDWIN ROLLO.” FullPlate...,_..LeverMovement.Frosted.18size.SK.LineEscapement,15.1750st ' fia/letjewels, Sprungover Expansion Balance. ls'ijewels. Named “Edwin Rollo,"Marion,N.j.......... .. .. .. .............. 22550' 4050 Extra,ifwithSunkSecondDial............................ 100‘ 100 No. 48}.{. Quarter Plate 10(Ladiesiand 10size. Samegrade as43, Sunk Seconds. P a r e n t | andBridge, ReversibleBarrelandPatentDoubleIndex.Regulator 38501 5350 N0. 4334. Three-Quarter i. lland 18size. Same grade as43. Sunk Seconds. P a t e n t R e ‐ Plate, r e r e l b l e B a r r e l and P a t e n t D o u b l e I n d e x R e g u l a t o r “ Extraon43.43k;or4311,if adjustedto heatandcold........ Extraon43,431.1or43551,if Damaskeeafim's/t ............ “1 39 “ ASA FULLER. N0. 43,14. Full Plate,......N I C K E L Barrel Bridge. Lever Movement, 18 size. St. L i n e Escapement, Exposed pallet jewels. Sprung over Ex >ansion No. 445.Quarter Plate 10(Ladies)and10size. Samegradeas4314but15jewels. Patent 3 1 5 0f 4 05 0 (i00! (i00 It) 00, 10CO Balance, ”jewels. Named “ A s a Fuller,” Marion,N. . . 1!) 50 3150 andBridge, i ReversibleBar-relandPatent-])oa.ble.I JuleanRegulator ' 3150' 4550 N0. 44K. Three-Quarter i 14and 18size. Same grade as4:3}6- P a t e n t Reversible Ba-r- 1 Plate, rd and Patent-D o able I "flea: Regulator......... .. I 2550: 3750 4 Extra oneither ofabove, ifwith Sunk Second Dial.......... Extra on either orabove, if adjusted to heat and cold....... Extra on either of above, if Damaskecn/an's/z........... .. . “ J. W. BEACON.” No. 45,143. Quarter Plate . 10(Ladies)size. Samegradeas43,but15jewels. PatentRe‐ andBridge, rersibleBarrelandParent DoubleImleatRegulator.. 100' 0 00 8 00 100 (i 00 s 011 No. 45. Full Plate, .,___LeverMovement,Frosted,1Ssize.St.LineEscapementh‘x-posedI pal/e: jcwels. Sprung over Chronometer Balance, 11 jewels. Named “ J . W'. Deacon,” Marion. N.J......................... lo50 200 2650 3750 No.45'.{.Three-Quarteri 14and18size.Samegradeas45,”jewels. PatentReversible Plate, f B a r r e l ...................................................... ! 2150' 3100 Extra,on either ofabove, it with Sunk Second Dial... . j 1 00 1 00 ........Q9500 .11000 9 00 42 50 1-3 50i 1250 _ _ NO- 47- No. 46. “d Bridge, ment. Ex asedpalletjewels. Chronometer Balance 15 ewels. Patent “vermildeBarrel. SunkSeconds. Name “A.J. Vi'ood,” Marion, N.J....................... 200 3150 “ G. A. READ.” . . Full Plate,, , , , , ,LeverMovementFrosted18size,.§‘t.LmeEscapementExposed: 1116szjewels, Sprung over Chronometer Balance 7 jewels. “YOUNG AMERICA.” Kw www“ W1__.vnens. W_1_____xpsns. N0. 45V. Threle-Qtuarter } 14size. Lever Movement St. Line Escapement. Eyosedpallet- | (BOY‘S WATCH.) "M 0, Jewels, Chronometer Balance,1” jewels. “ P a t e n t i (mew-811116 m, B a rr e l . Named “ Young America.” Marion, N. J....... . . 11 to i e 1975 N0.45%.ThroI(;-2;1(:1’rter fSameas4596.butwith11jewels. PatentReversibleBarrel' 1325 2125 Extra on either of above, ifwith Sunk Second Dial.. .. . i “ A . J. WOOD” Quarter P13“ ;,10(Ladies) size, Lever Movement Frosted. St. Line Escape-f 1 00 ; 1 00 _ a m e dG.A.Read” Marion, N.J........................... 1‘0- “Wee Threefifiltzrtel‘ f 18size. Same grade as46..................................... i 1175' 1975 ’ Extra oneither ofthe above, ifSunk Second Dial...........' 100 100 +-- _ ..____. Plain Dials Plain Seconds” .....................................................................$2(‘0 PlainDials:Sunk Seconds..............................................................................300 Double Sunk Dials....................................................................................650 Masonic and Presentation Dials ofany design toorder................................................$3to50 -....__ ”A *_ _ _.___. A l l the above Movements have the Hardware! a n d Tempered H a i r Springs. A l l Quarter Plate and Bridge and Three-Quarter Plates have P A T E"T R EV E R S lB LE B A RR E L, unequaled for sim‐ plicityandperfection.forpreventingdamagetotrainincaseofbreakingofmainspring. AllFullandThree‐ Quarter Plates have PATENT DUST BANDS, all Quarter Plate and Bridge and Three-Quarter Plates, except Nos. 45}.{, 45345 and 45:54 have PATENT DOUBLE INDEX REGULATOR, without extra charge, the same being included in the list price of movements. Full PlateMovementfurnishedwithPatentReversibleBarrelforextra$3.00. “ “ " " “ DoubleInflow Regulatorforextra$6.00. A l l except the “ G. A. Read ” are warranted by special certificate. Every variety of Gold and Silver Diamond Set and Magic Cases constantly on hand and made to order. Also Stem-Winding Minute Repeaters. 1-4, 1-5 Split and Fly-back Seconds, for Timing Horses, Artillery‐ men, &c. GILES,WALES<0C().,13 Ala-menLane,NewYork. “ e” " m ” i GILES, 131m. <1; ca,384 Wabash,A m , Chicago, Ill‐ _.‐ SI.'' .: _‐f_‐;_'_C.W'R19ur a t } W O R K S OF THEUNTTED STATESWATCH 00 cases. was-ms. a co... . 253 feetfront..IronandGlass. MARION,(JerseyCity.)N.J. ~ ‘vf-‘F7‘ LP.fl . w- ‘ éw.“ t’fi"“ M D“0.5 7‘s“ . , rr_w __'$_W_A1(~:L _HLUliIN“. ‐ll: 1» Ig' ;GtQ w k “ : 1 m m ]” ( M E S H t a n n i n' _“ . _. _ _ ' - " LUi‘Li'iLtLL'Etj | V a : A’QW jl: ' m l7, " ii é‘fiIH " " l;l'_t.‘1_lzl:m|liul1-11;|au1a|uuyu-H if . : ul.llllllllltllltl "‐““’ _qur“mm\ l' ‘ ; 105031850