Pocket Watch Database

Robbins & Appleton Price List: February 1, 1886

Early in 1886, this small price list catalog was distributed by Robbins & Appleton to advertise products from the American Waltham Watch Company and the Crescent Watch Case Company. In addition to the standard Waltham product line, the catalog introduced new grades to dealers including the No. 5, No. 15, No. 25, and No. 35. Private label movements were offered with a lead time of one month, engraved free of charge (except 7-Jewel grades), and private label dials could be added for fifty cents.

Copyright Status: Public Domain (+95 Years)

Digitized Date May 06, 2020

\\ Wfifi \ \ \\j\ \\ \ \7 N '’ {a \ \\\> \\\§\ \\ \ \ ‘\§§R\ R\\\§“ FOR THE TRADE ONLY NET PRICE LIST AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY WVALTHADI, LLASS. ROBBINS & APPLETON, GENERM; AGENTBS, BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO, LONDON, SYDNEY. FEBRUARY 1513. 1886. “llllllllllllllllllhlillllllllIIIlI[IlllIIIl|II1|IlllIllIIIlIllIIINI|IIll||I|I|I1|I|||mllllllllll||l1llll|ll|IlllIIIlllllIIIIIIIlIIIHIIIHIE AlK NOTICE. 0 @>‐‐‐fie>3§a~~‐§L~ E desire to call your attention to VV our14and18karat18SizeGold5 Cases, which are sold on the Net Weight system, charge being made only for th actual gold contained in t h e case, a n d no for steel springs and base metal at th price of gold. Our 10 karat gold cases are mad under Letters Patent, owned by us, and 2 consist of two plates of gold, rolled to gether,theouter or wearingsurfaceof 1 _ karat, andtheinneror unexposedsurface E of 8karat,the two plateswhen melted assaying 10 karat. Dealers desiring t h e greatest Aintrinsi value for their money will do well to g examine our system of selling aswell a = the quality andfinish of our 18sizegol cases. ROBBINS & APPLETON, General Agents, Amer/can Walt/7am Watch Company, WALTHAM, MASS JuliIll‘illlllllllllllllllIlllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIVllIllll'lll[IlllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllfllljllll 3 “HUNTING OR OPEN FAOE‘. S.W. K.W’. citsc'ent Street 3 4 pairs ruby jewels in gold settings, Com- 5 pensation Balance, adjusted to heat, cold " a n d position ; ”Patent Regulator, Hardened , Breg‘uet Hair Spring; Doublesunk dial.... Appleton, Tracy '&Co.............. .“ N i e l g e l , , ,4 p a i r s jewels in settings, Compensation Balance, adjusted to heat, cold and posi‐ tion; Patent Regulator, Hardened Breguet Hair Spring Double sunk dial..... . 4 Appleton, Tracy &Cot. . .. ( S a m ea s a b o v e ) . ..Gilded ‘ walthamWatch Co................ ' 4 pairs jewels; Compensation Balance; 7 Hardened Breguet Hair Spring......,....‘J‘3.3500 Adjustedto heatandcold: PatentRegulation. .' , Waltham Watch 0 0 ” - - { G i l d e d ,. (Sameasabove)............................. 1265 s.Bartlett...‘... .....................g a i n e d 4 pairs jewels; Compensation Balance; Hardened Breguet Hair Spring; Patent Regulator” E.Robbins................... . G l l d e d 3 pairs jewels, in settings; Compensation L. Balance; Patent Regulator................ “Wm.Ellery“ .~.11;‘.flded 2 pairs jewels, in settings: Compensation Balance 7jewels; Compensation Balance". G i l d e ( l tramway 7jewels; Compensation Balance1:11de ' Special attention is called to the fact that our Breguet‘fl a i r Springs are tempered and hardened in farm and not flat springs bent into form. The gieat advantage of this method will be ap parent to all watch-makers. We are now prepared to furnish all Open Face 18 size movements with patent Pendant hand setting. _4 51I|IIIII|I|IIIIIHIIllllllll’lllllllillllI iilmllllIIIlIllJlllJIlI1IllllilmlllilllflllllllmllllllllltlllllililllmIllmlilllllll ...v3 Nickel Notice of lmportanca to all Watch Dealers. Wsnrmn, Mass"February.1st.1886. Weaddtoour listto-dayfour newand desirable watch move‐ ments. Wecallyourattention tothemforyour advantageandour own. They will be known by the following descriptions. “No.5.” Gildedmovement- thirteenjewels insettings; expansion balance; patent regulator. Eighteensize; Stem Winding; Huntingor OpenFace. L i s t Price, - - - - $7.50. “ No. 15.” Gildedmovement'fifteenjewels insettings; expansion balance; patent regulator; patent Breguet hair spring. hardened and tempered in form. Eighteen size.Stem Winding. Huntingor Open Face. List Price, - - - - $8.50. “No.26.” Nickelmovement,adjusted; fifteenjewels in settings; expansion balance; patent regulator; patent Breguet hair spring, hardened and tempered in form; adjusted to heat and cold and in three positions, viz.: pendant, cock and dial. Eighteen size, Stem Winding. Huntingor Open Face. List Price. ° - - - $12.00. “No.35." Nickelmovement,adjusted:fifteenrubyjewels in gold settings; expansion balance; patent regulator; patent Bre‐ gnet hair spring. hardenedand tempered in f o r m ; double sunk dial; adjustedto heatand coldand in allsixpositions. Eighteen size, Stem Winding, Huntingor OpenFace. List Price, - - - - $18.00. All Open Face movements are made Pendant Setting. These goods are regular full plate eighteen size, fitting any standard make of eighteen size cases. are of the newest models and haveallthelatest improvements,numbers15.25and86 havingthe celebrated Logan Bregnet hair spring hardened and tempered in fox-m, whichismadeonlyatfialthamandisnot to befound uponwatchesof any other makers in thewoth Theypossessallthequalifiesof highgrademovementsand are offered at the usual price of grades known to be much lower in quality. They beat the name American Waltham Watch 00. only.andcanbesoldupontheirmerits,which,webelieve will be more evident and acceptable to dealers and to the iublicthan the fictitious value often claimed f o r goods of less esta lished repute than Waltham. Webelievethemarketoffersnothingof anyothermaketo at All comparewith these goods in such s t a r e combination of quality and price. finsmcsn wsnmssu memes (3m, 0s wsnmnau, nAss. 5_ it:lll‘i'llflVIilllllllllil'lIIIIllillltlilllilllIltllllllillllllIlllmlmlllillliltllflllllllfllI'llllllilllIlll!IilmlIlilllilmlllllig ‘JIHIAIIIINIIHIlliIIIiIllllllllillllllliIllllllllillllIIIIIIIiIIIiIillllliI|I[IIIllllilllllllllilmllllIlllIiliIIIilililllillmllililililili' 18 SIZE SILVER CASES. HUNTING OR OPEN FACE. 2 oz. Silver Joint Albata. Cap 254“ u u u n 3(t u u u u 3“Gold “ “ “ 3“““Silver“... .575610 4 “ Silver “ Albata. “ 4“Gold“Albata." 4““ “Silver“ 5“ “ " Albata,“ 5““ “Silver“ 6““ “Albata“ 6““ “Silver“ 575 610 600 635 700 735 725 775 850 900 900 950 10 25 10 75 PATENT DUST-PROOF CASES. 3 oz. Hunting Gold Joint and. Gold trimmed.... 4uuuuuuu Open Face Screw Bezel Album Cup.... . . .. .. 625 ... '750 4 85 7 35 8 60 9 85 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ " “ “ “ “ “ . . .. (Reglflar Weight).. (Extra. Weight)............. .. Gold Inleid Decoration........ ExtmforEngmvingonebackonO.F.Cases.................... 30 " “ “ twobacksonHtg. “ ...... 50 OpenFaceCasesaremadePendant Set,butwilltakealllever set American movements, made with female winding pinions. “GILES" ANTI-MAGNETIC SHIELD GASES. 4uuuu 5" “ “ “ .................................. 900 IilllillI!IIIiIIIlIIIIIIIiIIIII|III|I|I|IIII||ll||l|l||Illl|lllllllllllllllllllllillllllliIllilillllIIII||I1IIlllllllllllIlilIIIIIIiIIIIIINF 7 K-W. S.W. . $ 3 5 0 $385 400 435 450 485 475 510 fillilllllllllilllilllili|illiill|wlllilliIllili‘lllil.“ ililillllltl . HII lilllllllilllImllllllIlllIIHIIIIIH|Ii|l|llll|llll|lll" ‘ CHRONOGRAPHS. 1-5 SECONDS‐START,STOP AND FLY-BACK. 16 SIZE, 3-4_PLATE. I8 KARAT. Gilded Movement, 3 } ; pairs Extra Jewels in Settings; Exposed Pal‐ lets; Compensation Balance Adjusted Nickel Movement, 3% pairs E x t r a Jewels in Settings; Exposed Pallets; Patent Regula‐ tor: Compensation Balance, Ad‐ justed to Temperature ; Hardened Breguet Hair Spring Best Quality, Nickel Movement, 4x Extra Jewels in Gold Set‐ tings; Exposed Pallets. Patent Regulator; Compensation Bal‐ ance, Adjusted to Temperature: HardenedBreguet Hair Spring... Best Quality, Nickel Movement, withSplit Seconds Best Quality, Nickel Movement, with Split Seconds and Split Min‐ I4 KARAT. 175 GILDED MOVEMENT 176 NICKEL MOVEMENT 177 BEST QUALITY, NICKEL MOVEMENT. IO KARAT. 178 G u a m ) MOVEMENT.. 179 NICKEL MOVEMENT.. suvzg. 180 Gilded Movement, 3,14 pairs Extra Jewels in Settings; Compensation Balance.....,................... 181 Nickel Movement. 3 } ; pairs Extra. Jewels in Settings; Patent Regu‐ lator; CompensationBalance.... CRESCENT GOLD FILLED. 182 GILDED MOVEMENT... . . 183 NICKEL MOVEMENT . HUNTING. OPEN FACE Dwts Price. Dwts Price. Nos. 180 and 181Gold Trimmed, $1.50 Extra. With Gold Inlaid “Jockey” or “Sulky” $5.00 Extra. Variations from the weights quoted above will‘be added or deducted at the rate of $1.00 per dwt. for 18 Karat; 80 cents for 14 Karat; and 60cents for 10Karat Gold. These prices do not include Engraving, Decorationor Box Joints, which will be charged extra. 50 $ 95 00 40 $90 00 50 00 42 00 47 00 I8 KT. GOLD. No. 101 American Watch Co. F i r s t Quality, Nickel Movement, 5 pairs Extra FineRubyJewelsin GoldSettings, ExposedRubyPallets; Patent Reg‐ u l a t o r ; Compensation Balance, Accurately Adjusted to Tempera‐ ture, Isochronism and Position; Hardened Breguet H a i r Spring.. . . HUNTING. Muletowindit Figurei n ] . Dwts Price. Dwts Price. 102 Amn. Watch 00. Fine Nickel Move‐ ment, 4 } ; pairs Extra Fine Ruby Jewels in Gold Settings; Exposed Pallets; Patent Regulator; Com‐ pensation Balance, Adjusted to Temperature, Isochronism a n d Position; Hardened Breguet Hair S p r i n g5010000 103 Am. Watch Co. Fine Nickel Move‐ ment, 4 pairs Extra. Ruby Jewels; Exposed Pallets;Patent Regulator; ~Compensation Balance, Adjusted to Temperature; Hardened Bre‐ guet Hair Spring. . .. 50 8500 125 00 90 00 7500 45 8500 45 7500 OPEN FACE $89 25 54 25 39 25 I4 KT. GOLD. 119 American Watch 00................ 50 121 A m as101) ...... ..... (SameasNo.102) (Same 120 Amn Watch C.o............ 50 50 Watch 00.............. (Same asNo103) ................ SILVER. No. Oz. 160 American Watch C.o.......... 161 Amn Watch 00 m 2 } ; $ 9 0 5 0 4 0 5 0 Am Co..................I. 102 Regular Open Face Cases. per dwt. for 14 K. Gold. ket rates. Cases. Watch 50 $135 00 45 $135 00 Hunting or 0 F. I8 KARAT, NO- . 104 Am. Watch (‘0. Fine Nickel Move- ment, 4 pairs Extra Ruby Jewels; Exposed Pallets; Patent Regula~ tor; Compensation Balance, Ad- justed to Temperature, Hardened HUNTING. (1113215,fifigi2 Figure XII. E Dwzs Price. Dwts Price. 5 , 5 o Breguet Hair Spring. 105 Riverside Nickel Movement, 3pairs Extra Jewels in settings; Ex- posed Pallets; Patent Regulator; Compensation Balance, Adjusted to Temperature, Hardened Bre- guet Hair Spring................. 106 Hillside, Gilded Movement, 3 pairs Extra Jewels in Settings;‘ Ex- posed Pallets; CompensationBal- $80 00g I4 KT.GOLD. 122 Am. Watch Co. 4 pairs, NICKEL.... 37. 123 Riverside, 3 pairs, NICKEL..... ., 37 124 Hillside, 3 pairs, GILDED.. 37 125 Hillside, 7 Jewels, GILDED........ 37 toKT.com. 140 Riverside, 3 pairs, NICKEL.. . 141 Hillside, 3 pairs, GILDED.. 142 Hillside, 7 Jewels, GILDED....'. ... 83 ' 28‘75 “Hunting 010,12 SH'VER' Gold Joints. g 30 6325E 30 5000E-'- 30 38 75 “5' 30 3675E . g ND- - '...Oz." 2 $39252 26 00 g 14 75g 12 75 5 151 Am. Watch 00. 4 pairs, NICKEL . 152 Riverside, 4'pairs, NICKEL. 153 Hillside, 3 pairs, G a v a n “ ; 154 Hillside, 7 Jewels, GmDnD extra. 2 ”$38.25 ............ 45 25 36 é 2 5 g‐ 6075E g 5 § , ..,45‘ 5575 35 49502 107 Hillside Gilded Movement; 7 g Jewels; Exposed Pallets; Com- , g pensation Balance . ............... 45 53753547505 25 00 GoldTrimmed,inHuntingandregularOpenFaceCases,$1.50extra.5 fi 45 6700 35 5 g g g 65 00 51 75 4050 38 50 .. 33 .. 33 ._30, 75 27 2975g 42 00 2 2 1375 2 11 75 $74 ' g 27 41 00 E 27 '27 75 2 OPEN PAGE 5'‐ Screw Bezel. g 1 N o . l8 KTv GOLD. HUNTING. Dwtl Price. 111Amn Watch 00. FineNickelMove‐ ment, 454 pairs Extra Fine Ruby Jewels in Gold Settings; Exposed Pallets; Compensation Balance, Adjusted to Temperature. Patent BreguetHairSpringhardenedand ‐ tempered inform................ 20$63 50 16 $61 50 E g 112 Am. Watch 00. Fine Nickel Move‐ 5 ment,4pairs ExtraRubyJewels; g Exposed Pallets; Compensation 2 Balance, Adjusted to Temperature 2 Patent Breguet Hair Spring har‐ g dened a n d tempered in f o r m...... E 113 Royal, Nickel Movement, 3 pairs 2 Extra Ruby Jewels ; ExposedPal‐ lets; Compensation Balance 20 20 20 20 20 56 75 40 75 36 25 32 50 29 50 54 75 38 75 34 25 3050 2750 55 75 49 00 33 00 28 50 24 75 21 75 29 25 24 ‘75 21 00 18 00 1% 2200 1% 17so 13/4 13 75 1% 1075 _E_ E 114 Royal, Gilded Movement. 3 pairs _‘=_ § E 2 E E LE- Extra.Ruby Jewels; Exposed Pal‐ lets; CompensationBalance...... 115 Ellery, Gilded Movement; 2 pairs Extra.Jewelsin Settings; Exposed Pallets; Compensation Balance.'.. 116 Seaside,GildedMovement; 7Jewels; Exposed Pallets; Expansion Bal. I4 KT. GOLD. 131 Amn. Watch 00. Nickel. 132 Am. Watch 00. Nickel 183 Royal, Nickel 134 Royal, Gilded. E E E E E 135 Ellery, Gilded... 136 Seaside, Gilded 53 00 51 25 35 25 30 75 g . ................... 18 18 18 18 18 2700 18 2400 5 noKT. com. 5145 Royal, Nickel...................... 2 146 Royal, Gilded... E 147 Ellery, Gilded .. E 148 Seaside, Gilded.... 1s307512 1s 2625 12 16 2250 12 16 1950 12 g SILVER. Oz. Oz. 5155 Royal, Nickel g 156 Royal, Gilded. g 157 Ellery, Gilded... . g 158 Seaside. Gilded . . A 13 filllllllllllllIillIII‘IIIiIlliIlliIIIiIllilllllillliMllmlllil‘Illilllil ...... ...................... 1x 2200 .. 13/1 1750 13/4 1375 1% 10 75 I8 S I Z E S T E M AND KEY WINDING. Hunting. Open Face No. ................ $10 00 10 50 12 50 4725 4575 3400 3250 2275 2125 2075 1925 500 Patent Screw Back and Bezel 565 Patent Screw Bezel and jointed back, with ............................ GlassCap...... 580 Regular Plain Polished or Engine Turned, $14 00 I4 S I Z E CRESCENT CASES, WITH WALTHAM MOVEMENTS. No. 503 Am. Watch Co.......................N i c k e l 504 Riverside .. . Nickel 505 Hillside, 13Jewels.. .. Gilded 506 Hillside, 7 ..................G i l d e d jewels 507 Bond St., 7jewels, Jointed Back and Screw Bezel...... ...................... 508 Bond St., 7 jewels, Screw Back and Screw 6 S I Z E CRESCENT CASES, WITH WALTHAM MOVEMENTS. 43 25 27 25 21 75 515 Ellery.......... 1800 516 Seaside............ 1500 150 Bezel 15 00 Screw Back. Extra. charge f o r Engraving. EI1I1||I1IIIII|I1I1|1I1|1III1III1I1|1I1I1I'I1|1I1I1I1|1|'I1I1I1|I|1IIIIIIIll1|1|1I1I1I1I1I1II|IIII1I1IEII1I111I1I1I1I'I1I1|1I1I1I1IEIII1I1I1I1 NOTE. UZ' WRDERE will he accepted fer Special Named ll/altham mavemeate in a l l all plate grades and Will require ahcut ane meath fer delivery. A charge cf 40 cents each Will he made fer naming all seven jewel mavemeuts, and rders far less than five at these grades wz'l net be accepted, Uther grades at" mavemeuts flamed free cf charge, and crders accepted far any quan 1’ty. Speo/e/ named Die/sfi f t y cents list extra. W